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Writing C1 Advanced: Report

El report es uno de los Writing de C1 más sencillos, en mi opinión. ¿Por qué? Porque
desde mi punto de vista es de los que menos creatividad necesitan y, por lo general, esto lo
suele hacer más fácil y nos da más lugar a centrarnos en nuestro inglés escrito.

Un report no es más que un informe, es decir, un escrito en el que analizamos algo que ya
ha ocurrido o que ya existe. Por ejemplo, pueden pedirte que escribas un report sobre una
visita, un programa de intercambio, una empresa, la situación de algo en tu país, etc.

En el caso que tenemos a continuación se trata de escribir un report sobre la influencia que
tienen los programas de televisión en inglés sobre tu país. Lee la tarea con detenimiento:

Como ves, se trata de una tarea de Writing que requiere un tono muy formal, ya que va
dirigido a una compañía internacional y se trata de un análisis a fondo de la situación. Más
tarde veremos un ejemplo de respuesta de report.

En esta sección tienes un ejemplo de report para el CAE. Al igual que antes, se trata de la
respuesta a la tarea de Writing presentada en la sección anterior sobre el impacto de la
televisión de habla inglesa sobre mi país.

Como habrás apreciado inmediatamente a simple vista, la estructura de un report es muy

especial. Y es que, aparte del título, cada párrafo o idea es en realidad un subapartado
introducido por un subtítulo. Además, el registro debe ser bastante formal, como podrás leer
a continuación:

English-language TV Programmes in Spain


The aim of this report is to analyse the introduction of English-language TV programmes to

Spanish television. In doing so, this document will focus on the popularity of such
programmes, the effect they have on local culture and how they could be improved by
making some minor changes.


According to the latest research, English-language TV programmes have increased in

popularity in Spain during the last decade as a result of new television features like TV on
demand. The main issue seems to be that most viewers are watching a dubbed version of
these shows. However, as English language fluency increases within the country, more and
more viewers tend to choose the original version of these shows with the intention of
boosting their fluency even more.

Effects on local culture

While the impact on Spanish culture is not as great as on other cultures, due to relatively
scarce differences between American or English societies, some changes have been
registered. Firstly, national TV productions are struggling to compete with American
programmes, which have a more generous budget. Secondly, according to sociologists,
language learners are benefiting not only from language input, but also from a broader
cultural awareness.


In order for English-language shows to have a more positive impact on our society, I would
recommend not dubbing them. Consequently, viewers would be somewhat obliged to watch
these programmes in English, hence improving their English language skills. Furthermore,
as a teacher, I would suggest Spanish TV channels provide viewers with online educational
resources and support so that they would be able to make the most of watching shows in the
original version.
Writing C1 Advanced: Proposal
Ahora vamos a ver las instrucciones de un proposal para C1 Advanced, un tipo de Writing
nuevo que se introduce específicamente en este nivel. El propósito de este tipo de Writing
es hacer una propuesta para algún tema sobre el que nos preguntan. Un tema muy típico es
ser estudiante o trabajador de una facultad que ha recibido una especie de beca económica,
por lo que te piden que hagas una propuesta sobre cómo invertir dicho dinero.

Aunque nada tiene que ver ese tema con el que vamos a ver en las siguientes
instrucciones de proposal:

El formato del texto, como veremos más adelante, es muy parecido al del report, pero
mientras que un report se centra en algo ya pasado (para hacer propuestas de mejora), un
proposal se centra en algo para el futuro.

La estructura de un proposal, como puedes observar, es (o puede ser) exactamente igual

que la de un report. No es obligatorio que sea así, pero sí recomendable.

En el ejercicio de proposal de Writing de C1 que vimos anteriormente, me pedían que

propusiera a una persona para homenajear en mi ciudad, que es Granada. Así que aquí
tienes el ejemplo de proposal con mi nominación a un supuesto José Pérez:
Granada’s Most Committed Teacher


The aim of this proposal is to suggest honouring a local figure who I believe is worthy of the
city’s respect and admiration. The person I have chosen is José Pérez, a renowned
educator, who sadly passed away last year, at the age of 73.


Born and raised in Granada, Mr Pérez is famous in this city for his work as educator. In his
early years, he started working in a secondary school in an extremely run-down area, thus
dealing with extremely troublesome students and families. However, instead of giving in to
difficulties, he managed to increase dramatically the number of high school graduates.
Furthermore, seeing how uneducated families in this area were, he set out to found a local
charity which teaches youngsters and adults alike. These are the main reasons why I believe
Mr Pérez should be honoured by the local council.


The best way in which Mr Pérez should be honoured is by renaming the school where he
used to work after him. I believe he would have been deeply grateful for this. However, I
would also like to propose paying him homage by holding a local holiday on 10th March,
coinciding with his birthday. On this day, schools would be expected organise especial
events in his memory.


On the whole, I believe that I am not alone when I say that Mr Pérez’s work has had an
impact on the city which no other person has achieved in the last 100 years. For this reason,
I truly hope you consider this proposal, as it would make many people happy.
Uses of mobile phones in educational institutions.

- Effects of mobile phone’s usage at school (negative / positive)

- Restrictions and regulations

- further ways of introducing technological devices in the classroom
- in-depth study/research on cyberbullying (due to the growing employment of
mobile phones at school, cyberbullying is a crucial concern to be considered)

developmental change
educational system
technological improvements
virtual schools
positive/negative effects (advantages/disadvantages - pros and cons - beneficial -

The usage of electronic devices in schools is a persistent concern occasioned by the

advancement of technologies in this growing globalized world. The case presented in this
report focuses on Santa Ana’s School,

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