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Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

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Maternal and paternal ages at conception of index child and risk of T

childhood acute leukaemia: A multicentre case-control study in Greater
Mexico City
Elva Jiménez-Hernándeza,d, David Aldebarán Duarte-Rodríguezb, Juan Carlos Núñez-Enriquezb,
Janet Flores-Lujanob, Jorge Alfonso Martín-Trejoc, Laura Eugenia Espinoza-Hernándezd,
José Arellano-Galindoe, Aurora Medina-Sansone, Xochiketzalli García-Jiménezc,
Rogelio Paredes-Aguileraf, Luz Victoria Flores-Villegasg, José Gabriel Peñaloza-Gonzálezh,
José Refugio Torres-Navai, Rosa Martha Espinosa-Elizondoj, Raquel Amador-Sánchezk,
Juan José Dosta-Herreral, Javier Anastacio Mondragón-Garcíam, Heriberto Valdés-Guzmánn,
Laura Mejía-Pérezñ, Gilberto Espinoza-Anrubioo, María Minerva Paz-Bribiescap,
Perla Salcedo-Lozadaq, Rodolfo Ángel Landa-Garcíar, Rosario Ramírez-Colorados,
Luis Hernández-Morat, María Luisa Pérez-Saldivarb, Marlene Santamaría-Ascenciou,
Anselmo López-Loyolav, Arturo Hermilo Godoy-Esquivelw, Luis Ramiro García-Lópezx,
Alison Ireri Anguiano-Ávalosy, Karina Mora-Ricoz, Alejandro Castañeda-Echevarríaaa,
Roberto Rodríguez-Jiménezab, José Alberto Cibrian-Cruzac, Rocío Cárdenas-Cardosad,
Martha Beatriz Altamirano-Garcíao, Martin Sánchez-Ruizq, Roberto Rivera-Lunaad,
Luis Rodolfo Rodríguez-Villalobosx, Francisco Hernández-Pérezy, Jaime Ángel Olvera-Duránz,
Luis Rey García-Cortésae, Minerva Mata-Rochaaf, Omar Alejandro Sepúlveda-Roblesaf,
Vilma Carolina Bekker-Méndezag, Silvia Jiménez-Moralesah, Haydee Rosas-Vargasai,**,
Juan Manuel Mejía-Aranguréa,b,af,*
Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, CMN "Siglo XXI", IMSS. Av. Cuauhtemoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico
Unidad de Investigación Médica en Epidemiología Clínica, Unidad Médica de AltaEspecialidad (UMAE) Hospital de Pediatría, Centro Médico Nacional (CMN) "Siglo

Corresponding author at: Coordinación de Investigación en Salud, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), Torre Academia Nacional de Medicina 4to piso,

Av. Cuauhtémoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico.

Corresponding author at: Unidad de Investigación Médica en Genética Humana, UMAE, Hospital de Pediatría, CMN "Siglo XXI", IMSS. Av. Cuauhtemoc 330,
Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico.
E-mail addresses: (E. Jiménez-Hernández), (D.A. Duarte-Rodríguez), (J.C. Núñez-Enriquez), (J. Flores-Lujano), (J.A. Martín-Trejo), (L.E. Espinoza-Hernández), (J. Arellano-Galindo), (A. Medina-Sanson), (X. García-Jiménez), (R. Paredes-Aguilera), (L.V. Flores-Villegas), (J.G. Peñaloza-González), (J.R. Torres-Nava), (R.M. Espinosa-Elizondo), (R. Amador-Sánchez), (J.J. Dosta-Herrera), (J.A. Mondragón-García), (H. Valdés-Guzmán), (L. Mejía-Pérez), (G. Espinoza-Anrubio), (M.M. Paz-Bribiesca), (P. Salcedo-Lozada), (R.Á. Landa-García), (R. Ramírez-Colorado), (L. Hernández-Mora), (M.L. Pérez-Saldivar), (M. Santamaría-Ascencio), (A. López-Loyola), (A.H. Godoy-Esquivel), (L.R. García-López), (A.I. Anguiano-Ávalos), (K. Mora-Rico), (A. Castañeda-Echevarría), (R. Rodríguez-Jiménez), (J.A. Cibrian-Cruz), (R. Cárdenas-Cardos), (M.B. Altamirano-García), (M. Sánchez-Ruiz), (R. Rivera-Luna), (L.R. Rodríguez-Villalobos), (F. Hernández-Pérez), (J.Á. Olvera-Durán), (L.R. García-Cortés), (M. Mata-Rocha), (O.A. Sepúlveda-Robles), (V.C. Bekker-Méndez), (S. Jiménez-Morales), (H. Rosas-Vargas),, (J.M. Mejía-Aranguré).

1877-7821/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

XXI", Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS). Av. Cuauhtemoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico
Servicio de Hematología, UMAE Hospital de Pediatría, CMN “Siglo XXI”, IMSS.Av. Cuauhtemoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico
Servicio de Hematología Pediátrica, Hospital General “Gaudencio González Garza”, CMN “La Raza”, IMSS. Calzada Vallejo y Jacarandas S/N Col. La Raza, Delegación
Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, 02990, Mexico
Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Secretaria de Salud (SS). Calle Doctor Márquez 162, Col. Doctores, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico
Servicio de Hematología, Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (INP), SS. Insurgentes Sur 3700, Letra C, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, Mexico City, 04530,
Servicio de Hematología Pediátrica, CMN “20 de Noviembre”, Instituto de Seguridad Social al Servicio de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). Félix Cuevas 540, Col.
Del Valle, Delegación Benito Juárez, Mexico City, 03229, Mexico
Servicio de Onco-Pediatría, Hospital Juárez de México, SS. Av. Instituto Politécnico Nacional 5160, Col. Magdalena de las Salinas, Delegación Gustavo A. Madero,
Mexico City, 07760, Mexico
Servicio de Oncología, Hospital Pediátrico "Moctezuma", Secretaría de Salud de la Ciudad de México (SSCDMX). Oriente 158-189, Col. Moctezuma 2a Sección,
Delegación Venustiano Carranza, Mexico City, 15530, Mexico
Servicio de Hematología Pediátrica, Hospital General de México, SSa. Eje 2A Sur (Dr. Balmis) 148, Col. Doctores, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06726, Mexico
Servicio de Hematología Pediátrica, Hospital General Regional (HGR), No. 1 "Dr. Carlos Mac Gregor Sánchez Navarro" IMSS. Av. Gabriel Mancera No. 222, Col. Del
Valle, Mexico City, 03100, Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital General “Gaudencio González Garza”, CMN “La Raza”, IMSS. Calzada Vallejo y Jacarandas S/N Col. La Raza, Delegación
Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, 02990, Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, HGR No. 1 "Dr. Carlos Mac Gregor Sánchez Navarro" IMSS. Av. Gabriel Mancera No. 222, Col. Del Valle, Mexico City, 03100, Mexico
Hospital Pediátrico de Iztacalco, SSCDMX. Av. Coyuya y Terraplén de Rio Frio S/N, Col. La Cruz. Iztacalco, Mexico City, 08310 Mexico
Hospital Pediátrico de Iztapalapa, SSCDMX. Av. Ermita Iztapalapa 780, Col. Granjas San Antonio. Delegación Iztapalapa, Mexico City, 09070. Mexico
Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital General Zona (HGZ) No. 8 “Dr. Gilberto Flores Izquierdo”IMSS. Av. Rio Magdalena 289 Ciudad De México, Col.Tizapan San Angel,
Delegación Álvaro Obregón, Mexico City, 1090, Mexico
Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital Juárez del Centro, SS. Jesus María 13, Col Centro, Delegación Cuahtemoc, Mexico City, 06000, Mexico
Hospital General de Ecatepec "Las Américas”, Instituto de Salud del Estado de México (ISEM). Av. Simón Bolivar 1, Fraccionamiento Las Américas, Municipio Ecatepec de
Morelos. State of Mexico, 55076. Mexico
Hospital General "Dr. Manuel Gea González" SS. Calz. de Tlalpan 4800, Tlalpan Centro I, Belisario Domínguez Secc 16, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City,14080, Mexico
Hospital Pediátrico "La Villa", SSCDMX. Av. Cantera, Esq. Av. Hidalgo S/n, Col. Estanzuela. Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, Mexico City, 07050, Mexico
Hospital Pediátrico "San Juan de Aragón", SSCDMX. Av. 506, S/N San Juan de Aragón 1A. Delegación Gustavo A. Madero, 07969, Mexico
Servicio de Pediatría, HGR No. 72 "Lic. Vicente Santos Guajardo", IMSS. Calle Filiberto Gómez; S/N, Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mexico, CP54030. México
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, HGZ No. 32, IMSS. Clzd. del Hueso S/N, Col. EX-Ex Hacienda Coapa, Delegación Coyoacán, Mexico City, 14310, Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital Pediátrico de Moctezuma, SSCDMX. Oriente 158-189, Col. Moctezuma 2a Sección, Delegación Venustiano Carranza, Mexico
City, 15530, Mexico
Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital Pediátrico de Tacubaya, SSCDMX. Carlos Lazo 25, Col. Tacubaya, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo, México City, 11870, Mexico
Urgencias Pediátricas, HGZ No. 47, IMSS. Av. Campaña de Ébano S/N Col. Unidad Vicente Guerrero, Dlegación Iztapalapa, México City, 09200. Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, Hospital Regional "1° Octubre", ISSSTE. Av Instituto Politécnico Nacional 1669, Revolución IMSS, Delegación Gustavo A Madero, 07300
Servicio de Pediatría, HGR No. 25 IMSS.Clzd. Ignacio Zaragoza 1840, Col. Juan Escutia, Delegación Iztapalapa, Mexico City, 09100 Mexico
Servicio de Pediatría, Hospital General de Zona con Medicina Familiar (HGZMF) No. 29, IMSS. AV. 510, S/N, Col. Unidad San Juan de Aragón. Delegación Gustavo A.
Madero, Mexico City, 07950, Mexico
Servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica, HGZ No. 27, IMSS. AV. Lázaro Cárdenas, S/N Tlaltelolco, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, México City, 06900 Mexico
Servicio de Oncología, INP, SSa. Insurgentes Sur 3700, Letra C, Col. Insurgentes Cuicuilco, Delegación Coyoacán, Mexico City, 04530, Mexico
Delegación Regional Estado de México Oriente, IMSS. Calle 4 25, Fracc. Industrial Alce Blanco, Municipio de Naucalpan de Juárez, State of Mexico, 53370, Mexico
Laboratorio de Biología Molecular de las Leucemias, Unidad de Investigación en Genética Humana, UMAE, Hospital de Pediatría, CMN "Siglo XXI", IMSS. Av.
Cuauhtemoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City, 06720, Mexico
Unidad de Investigación Médica en Inmunología e Infectología, Hospital de Infectología “Dr.Daniel Méndez Hernández”, CMN “La Raza”, IMSS. Address. Av. Río
Consulado, Col La Raza S/N. Delegación Azcapotzalco, Mexico City, 02990 Mexico
Laboratorio de Genómica del Cáncer, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica, Periférico Sur No. 4809, Col. Arenal Tepepan, Delegación Tlalpan, Mexico City,14610
Unidad de Investigación Médica en Genética Humana, UMAE, Hospital de Pediatría, CMN "Siglo XXI", IMSS. Av. Cuauhtemoc 330, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Mexico
City, 06720, Mexico


Keywords: Background: The parental age at conception has been reported to be a risk factor for childhood acute leukaemia
Parental age (AL); however, the relationship is controversial. The aim of the present study was to investigate the association
Leukemia between parental age at conception and the risk of AL in Mexican children, a population with a high incidence of
Children the disease and a high prevalence of pregnancies in adolescents and young adults.
Methods: A multicentre case-control study was conducted. Incident AL cases younger than 17 years of age di-
Risk factors
agnosed between 2010 and 2015 were included. Controls were matched with cases according to age, sex, and
health institution. Using logistic regression analysis, adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95 % confidence intervals
(95 % CI) were calculated for each maternal stratum after adjusting for paternal age at conception of index child.
The maternal age between 25 and 29.99 years was selected as the reference category.
Results: In most strata where maternal and paternal ages were assessed, no association was found with the risk of
developing acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in their offspring. An
increased risk for AML was observed when the mother was between 20 and 24.99 years of age and the father
aged 25−29.99 years (aOR, 1.94; 95 % CI, 1.03–3.67). In addition, there was a positive association for ALL
when the mother´s age was between 20 and 24.99 years and the father was < 20 years of age, however, a very
wide confidence interval was noted (aOR, 12.26; 95 % CI, 1.41−106.83).
Conclusion: In the present study, maternal and paternal ages assessed in different strata showed little association
with risk of developing ALL and AML in children. Positive associations between risk of both types of childhood
AL were observed with younger paternal and maternal ages.

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

1. Introduction and immunophenotyping.

Acute leukaemia (AL) is the most common cancer in paediatric 2.2. Controls
population under 15 years of age. Incidence varies across populations,
with the highest reported in Hispanics [1]. Mexico City has a high in- The controls were selected from the same second level hospitals
cidence of childhood AL, mainly the acute lymphoblastic leukaemia where the cases of AL were attended before being referred to tertiary
(ALL) subtype [2]. In recent decades, great advances have been institutions for confirmation of diagnosis. One control per case was
achieved in the understanding of the biology of leukaemia; however, selected. Control selection was done by frequency matching according
little is known about its causes. Differences in incidence indicate that to age, sex, and health institution. However, if after three visits to the
genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors may be involved in the same hospital, no sex-matched control was found, a control with an age
development of this disease in children [3–5]. Down syndrome is one of similar to the case ( ± 18 months) was selected. Controls were selected
the few established risk factors for both types of childhood AL [6]. In from among children without leukaemia treated at various depart-
addition, one of the most important risk factors for Down syndrome is ments, such as: ambulatory surgery clinic, paediatric outpatient clinic,
an advanced maternal age at conception; hence, there is a possibility of orthopaedic clinic, and emergency room. Children with the following
an association between advanced maternal age and the risk of child- diagnoses at hospital admission were not invited to participate in
hood leukaemia. The relationship between maternal age and the risk of control selection: any neoplasms, haematological diseases, allergic
leukaemia has been studied since the last 50 years [7]; nevertheless, diseases, acute infections, and congenital malformations/birth defects
until date, the findings are inconclusive [8–10]. (visible or previously diagnosed).The frequency distribution of diag-
Several studies have found positive association between an ad- noses of controls included in the present study were the following:
vanced maternal age at birth and a high risk of childhood AL in their surgical cases: tonsillectomy (4.3 %), appendectomy (15.8 %), cir-
offspring [11–15], while others did not [9,15,16]. Reports on the as- cumcision (7.2 %), orchidopexy (6.5 %), hernioplasty (10.5 %), frac-
sociation between a younger maternal age and the risk of childhood AL tures (12.0 %), other surgical diseases (12.4 %), and other non-surgical
are particularly controversial [16,17]. Moreover, it is not clear if there diseases (31.3 %), such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, epilepsy,
is any association of the disease with paternal age [15,18]. Some studies head trauma, intoxications, migraine, closed fractures, sprain, myopia,
have reported that the association between paternal age and the risk of astigmatism, and burns.
childhood AL disappears after adjusting for maternal age and birth A written informed consent was obtained from the parents to allow
order [8,12,18]. Notably, the association of an advanced age in both their children to participate in the study. In addition, assent was ob-
parents at child birth and risk of childhood AL may reflect many years tained from all children over nine years of age. The participation rate in
of exposure to unfavourable environmental factors and is possibly re- controls was 81.3 % (1789/1455), decreasing the possibility of selec-
lated to a greater risk of acquiring genetic lesions in germ cells, which tion bias in the present study. The Ethics and National Committee of
may be associated with a genetic susceptibility for developing leu- Scientific Research approved this study (R-2008−785-063).
kaemia in the offspring. Additionally, we obtained approval from the ethics committees of all
In recent years, it has been noted that significant parental lifestyle participating health institutions to conduct the study.
related factors, including high alcohol consumption and smoking, are
associated with an increased risk of childhood AL. It would be inter- 2.3. Collection of data
esting to explore if the combination of maternal age and paternal age at
the time of conception leading to birth of index child is related to the Information was collected by using a questionnaire adapted from
high incidence of this type of cancer in Mexico City, a population with the questionnaire module of the National Cancer Institute; it has been
one of the highest incidences of AL reported worldwide and also where used in several studies conducted by our research group [20]. The
a high rate of pregnancies at younger parental ages have been reported personnel who carried out the interviews were previously trained and
[2,19]. standardized. Both biological parents of study participants were inter-
viewed, except in the following situations in which only one of the
2. Materials and methods parents was interviewed: a) death of one parent and b) divorced or
separated parents. These situations occurred in less than 5% of cases.
This was a multicentre case-control study conducted by the Mexican The following demographic data regarding the study participants
Inter-Institutional Group for the Identification of the Causes of were obtained: child´s sex, birth weight (in grams), birth order (first-
Childhood Leukemia (MIGICCL) in public hospitals of Greater Mexico born, non-firstborn), breastfed (yes/no), age in years (at diagnosis for
City. All cases diagnosed with either subtype of AL [ALL or acute cases, and at interview for controls), overcrowding in household (yes/
myeloid leukaemia (AML)] who were younger than 17 years of age no), family history of cancer (yes/no), health institution, maternal in-
were included in the study. An equal number of controls were selected fections before and during pregnancy (yes/no), maternal diabetes (yes/
during the study period among children without AL who were fre- no), maternal and paternal education level (< /≥12 years of study),
quency-matched with cases according to age, sex, and health institu- maternal and paternal age at conception of index child (in years), active
tion. Diagnosis and recruitment of cases with childhood leukaemia were cigarette smoking by the parents before and during pregnancy (yes/no),
conducted from 2010 to 2015. Children with Down syndrome were alcohol consumption by the mother before and during pregnancy (yes/
excluded from the study. During the study period, a total of 1455 cases no), and by the father before pregnancy (yes/no).
and 1455 controls were identified and subsequently analysed. The parents were interviewed within the first two months of the
diagnosis of AL, and the clinical data were obtained directly from the
2.1. Cases hospital records.
Age of the parents expressed in years was stratified into the fol-
In Greater Mexico City, childhood leukaemia is treated in both lowing categories: < 20, 20–24.99, 25–29.99, 30–34.99, 35–39.99, and
private and public hospitals; approximately 95 % of childhood leu- ≥40 respectively as in similar previous studies [15,18]. Parental
kaemia cases are treated in public hospitals, and the remaining (5%) are age < 20 years was considered as adolescence and young for age of
treated at private institutions. The participation rate of cases in the 20–24.99 years; reproductive age between 25 and 29.99 years was se-
study was 83.2 % (1455 among 1748). All public hospitals in the city lected as the reference category, whereas parental age between 35 and
participated in the present study. Diagnosis of leukaemia was done by 39.99 years and ≥40 years was considered as advanced parental age.
clinical examination, bone marrow aspiration cytology, cytochemistry, Overcrowding was estimated according to the number of people per

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

Table 1
Demographic data regarding the study participants registered by the Mexican Interinstitutional Group for the Identification of the Causes of Childhood Leukemia.
Variables Controls ALL AML

1455 1253 202

n (%) n (%) OR1 95 % CI n (%) OR1 95 % CI

Child´s sex
Female 618 (42.5) 585 (46.7) — ——— 92 (45.5) — ———
Male 837 (57.5) 668 (53.3) 0.82* 0.70−0.96 110 (54.5) 0.89* 0.66−1.20

Birth weight in grams

< 2500 211 (14.5) 96 (7.7) 0.51 0.39−0.66 18 (8.9) 0.62 0.37−1.05
2500−3999 1162 (79.9) 1073 (85.6) — ——— 169 (83.7) — ———
≥4000 82 (5.6) 84 (6.7) 1.09 0.91−1.29 15 (7.4) 1.2 0.86−1.68

Birth order
Non-firstborn 785 (54.0) 745 (59.5) — ——— 118 (58.4) — ———
Firstborn 670 (46.0) 508 (40.5) 0.8 0.68−0.93 84 (41.6) 0.86 0.64−1.16

No 183 (12.6) 101 (8.1) — ——— 24 (11.9) — ———
Yes 1272 (87.4) 1152 (91.9) 1.61 1.25−2.09 178 (88.1) 1 0.63−1.59

Child´s age (in years)

<1 108 (7.4) 43 (3.4) — ——— 11 (5.4) ———— ————
1−4.99 536 (36.8) 471 (37.6) 2.25** 1.55−3.29 43 (21.3) 0.79** 0.39−1.58
5−9.99 439 (30.2) 355 (28.3) 2.07** 1.14−3.03 53 (26.3) 1.19** 0.60−2.35
10 a 14.99 320 (22.0) 293 (23.4) 2.35** 1.59−3.47 76 (37.6) 2.34** 1.20−4.57
≥15 52 (3.6) 91 (7.3) 4.52** 2.76−7.39 19 (9.4) 3.57** 1.58−8.06

Overcrowding in household
No 591 (40.6) 508 (40.5) — ——— 87 (43.1) — ———
Yes 864 (59.4) 745 (59.5) 1.02 0.87−1.19 115 (56.9) 1 0.73−1.36

Family history of cancer

No 908 (62.4) 705 (56.3) — ——— 115 (56.9) — ———
Yes 547 (37.6) 548 (43.7) 1.28 1.10−1.50 87 (43.1) 1.25 0.92−1.69

Health Institution
IMSS 607 (41.7) 506 (40.4) — ——— 82 (40.6) — ———
Other 848 (58.3) 747 (59.6) 1.05*** 0.90−1.23 120 (59.4) 1.04*** 0.76−1.41

Maternal infections before the pregnancy

No 494 (34.0) 601 48.0) — ——— 106 (52.5) — ———
Yes 961 (66.0) 652 (52.0) 0.57 0.48−0.67 96 (47.5) 0.49 0.36−0.67

Maternal infections during the pregnancy

No 443 (30.4) 537 (42.8) — ——— 79 (39.1) — ———
Yes 1012 (69.6) 716 (57.2) 0.6 0.51−0.71 123 (60.9) 0.79 0.58−1.08

Maternal diabetes
No 1401 (96.3) 1209 (96.5) — ——— 191 (94.6) — ———
Yes 54 (3.7) 44 (3.5) 0.85 0.56−1.28 11 (5.4) 1.15 0.58−2.28

Maternal education level

< 12 944 (64.9) 805 (64.2) — ——— 137(67.8) — ———
≥12 511 (35.1) 448 (35.8) 1.06 0.90−1.25 65 (32.2) 0.93 0.67−1.28

Paternal education level

< 12 946 (65.0) 817 (65.2) — ——— 129 (63.9) — ———
≥12 509 (35.0) 436 (34.8) 1.03 0.88−1.22 73 (36.1) 1.14 0.83−1.57

Maternal age at conception of index child (in years)

< 20 310 (21.3) 207 (16.5) 0.79 0.62−0.99 46 (22.8) 1.16 0.72−1.80
20−24.99 420 (28.9) 421 (33.6) 1.16 0.95−1.42 60 (29.7) 1.1 0.73−1.66
25−29.99 375 (25.8) 317 (25.3) — ——— 49 (24.3) — ———
30−34.99 217 (14.9) 195 (15.6) 1.06 0.83−1.36 34 (16.8) 1.27 0.78−2.04
35−39.99 107 (7.3) 100 (8.0) 1.1 0.81−1.51 9 (4.4) 0.64 0.30−1.36
≥40 26 (1.8) 13 (1.0) 0.62 0.31−1.23 4 (2.0) 1.48 0.48−4.49

Maternal age at conception of index child (in years)

≥20 1145 (78.7) 1046 (83.5) — ——— 156 (77.2) — ———
< 20 310 (21.3) 207 (16.5) 0.98 0.75−1.30 46 (22.8) 0.77 0.43−1.41

Maternal age at conception of index child (in years)

< 35 1322 (90.8) 1140 (91.0) — ——— 189 (93.6) — ———
(continued on next page)

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

Table 1 (continued)

Variables Controls ALL AML

1455 1253 202

n (%) n (%) OR1 95 % CI n (%) OR1 95 % CI

≥35 133 (9.2) 113 (9.0) 0.99 0.76−1.30 13 (6.4) 0.7 0.38−1.27

Paternal age at conception of index child (in years)

< 20 172 (11.8) 108 (8.6) 0.77 0.58−1.02 18 (8.9) 0.62 0.35−1.09
20−24.99 411 (28.3) 342 (27.3) 1.01 0.82−1.24 47 (23.3) 0.63 0.42−0.95
25−29.99 385 (26.5) 316 (25.2) — ——— 66 (32.7) — ———
30−34.99 252 (17.3) 254 (20.3) 1.23 0.98−1.55 34 (16.8) 0.8 0.51−1.27
35−39.99 140 (9.6) 136 (10.9) 1.17 0.88−1.55 22 (10.9) 0.89 0.52−1.51
≥40 95 (6.5) 97 (7.7) 1.28 0.92−1.77 15 (7.4) 0.98 0.53−1.81

Paternal age at conception of index child (in years)

≥20 1283 (88.2) 1145 (91.4) — ——— 184 (91.1) — ———
< 20 172 (11.8) 108 (8.6) 0.72 0.55−0.92 18 (8.9) 0.71 0.42−1.20

Paternal age at conception of index child (in years)

< 35 1220 (83.9) 1020 (81.4) — ——— 165 (81.7) — ———
≥35 235 (16.1) 233 (18.6) 1.19 0.98−1.46 37 (18.3) 1.18 0.80−1.75

Active cigarette smoking by the mother before pregnancy

No 1083 (74.4) 993 (79.2) — ——— 156 (77.2) — ———
Yes 372 (25.6) 260 (20.8) 0.77 0.64−0.92 46 (22.8) 0.92 0.65−1.32

Active cigarette smoking by the mother during pregnancy

No 1410 (96.9) 1223 (97.6) — ——— 190 (94.1) — ———
Yes 45 (3.1) 30 (2.4) 0.79 0.49−1.27 12 (5.9) 2.15 1.10−4.19

Alcohol consumption by the mother before pregnancy

No 631 (43.4) 616 (49.2) — ——— 95 (47.0) — ———
Yes 824 (56.6) 637 (50.8) 0.81 0.69−0.95 107 (53.0) 0.95 0.70−1.29

Alcohol consumption by mother during pregnancy

No 1383 (95.1) 1210 (96.6) — ——— 194 (96.0) — ———
Yes 72 (4.9) 43 (3.4) 0.78 0.51−1.12 8 (4.0) 0.98 0.46−2.11

Active cigarette smoking by the father before pregnancy

No 719 (49.4) 650 (51.9) — ——— 117 (57.9) — ———
Yes 734 (50.5) 590 (47.1) 0.88 0.76−1.03 83 (41.1) 0.7 0.52−0.95
Missing 2 (0.1) 13 (1.0) — ——— 2 (1.0) — ———

Active cigarette smoking by the father during pregnancy

No 819 (56.3) 769 (61.4) — ——— 129 (63.9) — ———
Yes 634 (43.6) 471 (37.6) 0.78 0.67−0.92 71 (35.1) 0.7 0.51−0.96
Missing 2 (0.1) 13 (1.0) — ——— 2 (1.0) — ———

Alcohol consumption by the father before pregnancy

No 316 (21.7) 245 (19.5) — ——— 42 (20.8) — ———
Yes 1137 (78.1) 992 (79.2) 1.15 0.95−1.39 158 (78.2) 1.07 0.74−1.55
Missing 2 (0.1) 16 (1.3) — ——— 2 (1.0) — ———

room in a household and classified according to the criteria of were used in a previous study conducted in Mexico City which in-
Bronfman et al. as follows: not crowded, up to 1.5 people per room; and vestigated factors associated with the development of childhood AL
crowded, ≥1.6 people per room [20,21]. [22].
Regarding smoking exposure in parents, data were obtained from The age of cases and controls at diagnosis expressed in years was
the interviews and exposure during four periods was assessed: 1) pre- stratified into the following groups: < 1, 1–4.99, 5–9.99, 10–14.99, and
conception, 2) during pregnancy, 3) during lactation, and 4) the last ≥15.
year before the development of the disease or the interview in cases and
controls, respectively. The approximate number of cigarettes smoked 2.4. Statistical analysis
during each exposure period was recorded. Exposure to smoking in
parents was classified into the following groups: 1) the reference ca- Analyses were performed using SPSS version 21 (IBM Statistical
tegory included lifelong non-smokers and ex-smokers, who stopped Package for the Social Sciences, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Descriptive
smoking more than 1 year before the birth of the index child, 2) the analyses were conducted. Odds ratio (OR) and 95 % confidence inter-
exposure category, included those parents who smoked at least one vals (95 % CI) were estimated by unconditional logistic regression. We
cigarette a day. Alcohol consumption by parents before pregnancy was did not identify any interaction between study variables and maternal
considered as positive when they ingested at least one glass of any al- age at conception of index child. In analysis of association between
coholic beverage at least once per month during the year prior to maternal age, leukaemia risk and covariates to identify potential con-
pregnancy leading to the birth of the index child. These operational founding variables, the ORs prior to (crude OR) and after adjusting for
definitions for parental smoking exposure and alcohol consumption each study variable (aOR) were calculated and the differences were

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

Adjusting variables: child´s sex and age, health institution, active smoking status of father during pregnancy, birth order, and infections in mother during pregnancy. Abbreviations: Ca/Co = Cases/Controls; Ref.=
computed. Variables associated with a difference between the two ORs


by 10 % or more were the following: birth order, active smoking by the

95 %CI
father during pregnancy, infections in the mother during pregnancy,

and the maternal education level. These variables were included in the
logistic regression model along with the matching variables which were


OR sex and age of study participants and the health institution where the
n = 191


participants were registered for the study [-2 log likelihood ratio

(LR) = 3602.983, 15 degrees of freedom (df)]. Subsequently, the in-
dividual effect of each of the confounding variables on the model was

explored. Thus, several comparisons were made between models with
95 %CI

one of the confounding variables excluded. The LRs and the differences

between the models were the following: a) model without the variable


of study participant’s birth order (LR = 3608.499, 14 df; p = 0.018843)


b) model without the variable of active smoking status of father during

n = 271



pregnancy (LR = 3632.289, 14 df; p < 0.00001) c) model without the



variable of infections in mother during pregnancy (LR = 3643.003, 14

df; p < 0.00001), and d) model excluding the variable of maternal


education level (LR = 3603.657, 14 df; p = 0.41166).

95 %CI

To select the most parsimonious model, since the models after ex-

cluding and after including the variable of maternal education level did
not differ from each other and considering that in correlation matrix


analysis a correlation ≥15 % was observed between maternal educa-



tion level and health institution (a matching variable), it was decided to





eliminate the variable of maternal education level from the model. As a


result, the most parsimonious model included: child´s sex and age,


health institution, active smoking status of father during pregnancy,

95 %CI

birth order, and infections in mother during pregnancy. The association


between maternal age at conception leading to birth of index child after

adjustment for these variables was stratified by paternal age categories.


reference category; NC: not calculated due to insufficient sample size; aOR = adjusted Odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.

3. Results




This study included 1455 childhood AL cases and 1455 controls. Of

the cases, 1253 (86.2 %) were ALL and 202 (13.8 %) were AML pa-
Maternal age at conception of index child and risk of developing childhood ALL stratified by paternal age.



tients. The most common age of presentation of ALL was between 1–4.9
95 %CI

years (37.6 %) and for AML during the adolescence (47 %). General

characteristics of cases and controls were similar (Table 1).

Paternal age at conception of index child (in years)

The median age of mother at conception was 24.9 years (13–45.8)




and of father 27.1 (13–66 years). The most frequent maternal age at


conception in AL cases (33.6 % in ALL and 29.7 % in AML cases) was




between 20−24.99 years. Children with mothers aged less than 20


years represented 16.5 % of ALL cases and 22.8 % of AML cases.


Whereas, children with mothers older than 35 years accounted for 9.0

% of ALL and 6.4 % of AML cases, respectively. Children with fa-

95 %CI

thers < 20 years of age at conception represented 8.6 % of ALL and 8.9

% of AML cases, and children with fathers above 35 years of age ac-
counted for 18.6 % of ALL and 18.3 % of AML cases.


Interestingly, bivariate analysis revealed a positive or negative as-


sociation of a few study variables with the risk of developing ALL or



< 20

AML, however, when they were stratified by the maternal age at con-

ception (< or ≥35 years), and in another analysis with the paternal age
at conception (< or ≥35 years), none of the study variables showed
Maternal age at conception of index child (in years)

any precise association with the risk of developing either of AL subtypes

(data not shown).
Advanced maternal age (≥35 years) did not exhibit an increased
risk of childhood ALL (OR, 0.99; 95 % CI, 0.76−1.30) and AML (OR,
0.70; 95 % CI, 0.38−1.27) in the offspring. Nonetheless, an advanced
paternal age (≥35 years) was associated with a slightly increased risk
of ALL (OR, 1.19; 95 % CI, 0.98−1.46) and AML (OR, 1.18; 95 % CI,
0.80−1.75), however, confidence intervals were imprecise (Table 1).
When additional parental age strata were used considering an age
between 25−29.99 years as the reference category, a positive asso-
ciation for ALL risk was found with a maternal age of 20−24.99 years

(aOR, 1.25; 95 % CI, 1.02–1.55), however, no positive association for

Table 2

< 20

AML was found (Supplementary Table 1). Likewise, no positive asso-


ciations were found regarding the age of the fathers and leukaemia risk,

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

Adjusting variables: child´s sex and age, health institution, active smoking status of father during pregnancy, birth order, and infections in mother during pregnancy.Abbreviations: Ca/Co = Cases/Controls; Ref.=
albeit, there was a slight increase in risk for ALL when the father was


30−34.99 years old (aOR, 1.17; 95 % CI, 0.93–1.48) or ≥40 years old

95 %CI
(aOR, 1.16; 95 % CI, 0.84–1.62) (Supplementary Table 1). Afterwards,

the associations between different parental age combinations and risk
of childhood leukaemia were explored. Unadjusted risk estimations are


displayed in Supplementary Tables 2 and 3.

n = 110


3.1. Risk of childhood ALL


A higher risk of ALL was observed with the following parental age


combinations: a) maternal age between 20−24.99 years and paternal

95 %CI
age < 20 years (aOR, 12.26; 95 % CI, 1.41−106.83), b) both parents

aged between 20−24.99 years (aOR, 1.61; 95 % CI, 1.01−2.58), and c)
maternal age between 20−24.99 years and paternal age between



25−29.99 years (aOR, 1.82; 95 % CI, 1.28−2.60). Additionally, a re-

n = 162
duced risk of ALL was noted with age of both parents between




30−34.99 years (aOR, 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.41−0.98), and with age of both
parents ≥40 years of age (aOR, 0.18; 95 % CI, 0.05−0.61). Another

interesting finding was the observation of a high risk of developing ALL


when both parents were aged less than 20 years; however, an im-

95 %CI
precision in the risk estimation was noted (Table 2).


3.2. Risk of childhood AML




Regarding risk of childhood AML, the strongest association was


evidenced with maternal age between 20−24.99 years and paternal
age between 25−29.99 years (aOR, 1.94; 95 % CI, 1.03–3.67).


However, two inverse associations were obtained: a) maternal age be-

95 %CI
tween 30−34.99 and paternal age greater than 40 years (aOR, 0.07; 95


reference category; NC: not calculated due to insufficient sample size; aOR = adjusted Odds ratio; CI: confidence interval.
% CI, 0.01−0.98); and b) age of both parents between 35−39.99 years
(aOR, 0.18; 95 % CI, 0.03−0.95) (Table 3).



n = 449

4. Discussion


Maternal age at conception of index child and risk of developing childhood AML stratified by paternal age.

In the present study, in most strata where maternal and paternal age

were assessed no associations were found with the risk of their offspring
95 %CI

developing ALL and AML.

Paternal age at conception of index child (in years)


The combinations of maternal age at conception of 20−24.99 years

and a paternal age < 20 years and between 25−29.99 were positively

associated with an increased risk of childhood ALL. Regarding the as-



sociation of parental age with ALL, the confidence intervals were very


wide suggesting the possibility that some confounding variables and


sample size may be influencing the results.

The association between advanced parental age in comparison to a

95 %CI

younger parental age with an increased risk of childhood ALL has been

more frequently reported [8,12]. Specifically, advanced maternal age at

pregnancy has exhibited a greater consistency in this association than



an advanced paternal age [18]. However, in a recent pooled analysis of

16 studies, among which 11 were case-control (CC) and 5 were nested

< 20

case-control (NCC) studies, conducted by the Childhood Leukemia In-


ternational Consortium (CLIC), it was reported that an advanced pa-

ternal age at child birth (> 35 years) was associated with a high risk of
Maternal age at conception of index child (in years)

ALL (ORCC, 1.05; 95 % CI, 1.00–1.11; ORNCC, 1.04; 95 % CI, 1.04–1.07).

In the same study, advanced maternal age (> 35 years) was reported to
be positively associated with ALL, but it was in the NCC studies alone
(ORNCC, 1.05; 95 % CI, 1.01–1.08; ORCC, 0.95; 95 % CI, 0.91–1.07)
Furthermore, in other reports, an elevated ALL risk has been de-
scribed for a younger paternal age at child´s birth. For instance, in the
meta-analysis conducted by Sergentanis et al., in which 77 studies were
analysed, the authors observed a slight increase in the risk of ALL
[pooled relative risk (RR), 1.09; 95 % CI, 1.0–1.20] when the paternal
age was < 20 years, in comparison with paternal age between 25 and

34.99 years [13]. However, the authors recognized that their results
Table 3

< 20

should be interpreted with caution because they were obtained from CC


studies of intermediate quality with unadjusted risk estimations.

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

Likewise, the study by Ross et al. reported an elevated risk of On the other hand, ages greater than 30 years in both parents were
childhood AL when fathers were younger than 20 years of age (OR, 2.7; associated with an inverse association for both leukaemia subtypes. A
95 % CI, 1.4–5.3) and the risk of the development of ALL was parti- possible explanation for this observation could be based on the im-
cularly higher (OR, 4.4; 95 % CI, 1.9–10.0) [24]. In another in- proved socioeconomic and lifestyle conditions at these ages than in
vestigation conducted by Marcotte et al., the authors reported an in- others and, consequently, on parents at this age having a lower rate of
creased risk of developing infant ALL when paternal age was younger exposure to hazardous environmental factors. Furthermore, it has been
than 20 years (OR, 3.69; 95 % CI, 1.62–8.41) [25]. Interestingly, in the proposed that the mother`s age and the risk of developing cancer in her
present study, when both parents were aged < 20 years at conception offspring are inversely proportional because hormonal levels in early
of the index child, an increased risk of childhood ALL was observed; phases of the menopause can favourably modify the expression of some
however, the CI reflected imprecision. This finding may be explained by genes involved in cell cycle and DNA repairing. Additionally, an earlier
the increased frequency of mutations detected in germ cells during age of onset of menopause has been reported in Latino women
adolescence, being highest in adolescent fathers (6.7 times, 95 % CI, [18,31,32].
3.5–8.9), compared to adolescent mothers [26].
Another relevant finding of the current study was the increased risk 5. Conclusions
of ALL when both parents were between 20−24.99 years of age (aOR,
1.61; 95 % CI, 1.01−2.58) and when maternal age was between 20 and In the present study, maternal and paternal ages assessed in dif-
24.99 years and paternal age between 25 and 29.99 years (aOR, 1.82; ferent strata showed little association with the risk of developing ALL
95 % CI, 1.28−2.60). To the best of our knowledge, these parental age and AML in their offspring. Nonetheless, positive associations between
combinations have not been previously reported to be associated with risk of childhood ALL and AML were observed with younger parental
an increased risk of childhood AL. In the study by Petridou et al., in ages.
which the authors analysed maternal age < 25 years (younger age ca- Although previous epidemiological studies have focused on in-
tegory) and paternal age between 25–34 years (intermediate category), vestigating parental age above 35 years as a risk factor for this disease,
no association with risk of ALL was identified (OR, 0.96; 95 % CI, current data and those previously reported by other authors suggest
0.82–1.12) [23]. Moreover, in the study by Contreras et al., maternal that a younger parental age may be associated with an elevated risk of
age below 25 years (younger age category) did not increase the risk of leukaemia in children.
ALL (aOR, 0.87; 95 % CI, 0.76–1.01) compared to maternal age at child In order to elucidate the etiological basis of the disease, further
birth between 25–29 years [27]. epidemiological and molecular research studies should be conducted in
Another interesting result of the present study that has not been future, to explore if an interaction between specific de novo mutations
previously reported, is the increased risk of developing AML when in younger parents and the exposure to carcinogenic substances or
mother was between 20−24.99 years and father between 25−29.99 other lifestyle factors could be playing an important role in develop-
years of age (aOR, 1.94; 95 % CI, 1.03–3.67). Recently, the meta-ana- ment of childhood leukaemia and formulating effective preventive
lysis by Panagopoulou et al. reported an association between advanced measures for the disease.
maternal age (> 40 years) and an increased risk of AML (OR, 6.87; 95
% CI, 2.12–22.25). Specifically, this association was identified in in- Authorship contribution
fants alone and the authors did not find any association between risk of
leukaemia and other parental age groups [28]. EJH, DADR, JCNE, and JMMA made substantial contributions to
conception and design, and acquisition of data, analysis and inter-
4.1. Study strengths and limitations pretation of data; EJH, DADR, JCNE, JFL, JAMT, LEEH, JAG, AMS,
The present research represents a population-based study conducted GEA, MMPB, PSL, RALG, RRC, LHM, MLPS, MSA, ALL, AHGE, LRGL,
in nine public hospitals of Greater Mexico City. These hospitals cover AIAA, KMR, ACE, RRJ, JACC, RCC, MBAG, MSR, RRL, LRRV, FHP,
around 95 % of all leukaemia cases that occur in Mexico City. The JAOD, LRGC, MMR, OASR, VCBM, SJM, HRV and JMMA were involved
controls represent the population base in which the cases appeared, in the acquisition of data, analysis, interpretation of data, agreed to be
since controls were recruited from second level hospitals where the accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions re-
cases had been referred to tertiary level institutions for diagnosis con- lated to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appro-
firmation and treatment. If any of the controls developed AL, the sub- priately investigated and resolved. They also were involved in drafting
ject would have been referred to one of the nine tertiary-level hospitals the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual con-
that were included in the study for case registration, thus decreasing the tent. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to
likelihood of selection bias in the present study. This is confirmed by take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. All
the fact that the cases and controls had practically the same frequency authors read and approved the final manuscript. JMMA had full access
of confounding variables recorded in the study. This is also supported to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of
by the fact that the age of the parents at the time of diagnosis is an the data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
easily obtainable variable, and we could corroborate it by comparing
the age of the parents obtained at the time of interview. Declaration of Competing Interest
In the present study, variables such as parental smoking status and
alcohol consumption were analysed as covariates; thus, the results in- The authors declare no conflict of interests.
dicate that the relationship observed between parental age and the risk
of childhood leukaemia was independent of these significant lifestyle Acknowledgements
One of the limitations of present study was the sample size analysed, We thank to the collaborators of the following participating hospi-
which was small for assessing the association between parental age and tals and Institutions:
the risk of leukaemia by strata such as immunophenotype or molecular 1) Secretaria de Salud (Instituto Nacional de Pediatría, Hospital
subtypes of the disease. In addition, we could not evaluate the impact of Infantil de México, Hospital General de México y Hospital Juárez de
other lifestyle factors such as consumption of coffee, tea, and aerated México); Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (UMAE Hospital General
beverages, which have been reported to be associated with a higher risk Centro Médico Nacional “La Raza” “Dr. Gaudencio González Garza”,
of development of leukaemia [29,30]. UMAE Hospital de Pediatría Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI “Dr.

E. Jiménez-Hernández, et al. Cancer Epidemiology 67 (2020) 101731

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PRIO/11/017, FIS/IMSS/PROT/G12/1134, FIS/IMSS/PROT/PRIO/14/ Gonzalez, R. Paredes-Aguilera, F.J. Alvarez-Rodriguez, V. Bolea-Murga, J. de Diego
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Appendix A. Supplementary data Rodríguez-Zepeda, J.E. González-Ulivarri, N. López-Santiago, S.I. Martínez-Silva,
R. Paredes-Aguilera, M.M. Velázquez-Aviña, J. Flores-Lujano, E. Jiménez-
Hernández, J.C. Núñez-Enríquez, V.C. Bekker-Méndez, J.M. Mejía-Aranguré,
Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the MIGICCL, Parental exposure to workplace carcinogens and the risk of development
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