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Por: Ivan Rueda

Carrera: Derecho
Unidad 1.- Artículos
1.1 Artículos Indefinido.
En inglés, los artículos indefinidos son a y an. Como todos los artículos en inglés, son invariables.
Elegimos cuál utilizar en función de la primera letra de la palabra que sigue al artículo, para facilitar la


1. A horse – Un Caballo
2. A home – Una Casa
3. A hole – Un Agujero
4. An Apple – Una Manzana
5. An Owl – Un Búho
6. An Illusion – Una ilusión

1.2 Articulo Definido.

The es el artículo definido en inglés, que se utiliza junto a un sustantivo singular o plural cuando se lo
conoce y se lo quiere mencionar. Significa “el”, “la”, “los”, “las”. 


1. The Dog – El perro

2. The Sugar – El Azucar
3. The House – La casa
4. The end – El fin

1.3 Articulo Nulo

El Articulo nulo es la ausencia de articulo determinado o indeterminado, es decir, cuando el sustantivo

no necesita ir acompañado de “A” “An” o “The”, se utiliza para hablar de algo en general


1. He Loves the cats – El Ama los gatos

2. I Like go to the cinema – Me gusta ir al cine
3. She likes the whiskey – A ella le gusta el Whiskey
4. They play soccer – Ellos juegan soccer
5. She write – Ella escribe.

1.4 El Articulo con sustantivos contables, incontable y abstractos

Sustantivo contable

Son sustantivos que se pueden contabilizar y que tienen pular y singular, pueden ir precedidos de
cuantificadores, son siempre concretos, es decir, elementos materiales tangibles, por ejemplo: Mesa,
Zapato, Flores, Manzanas, etc.

1. I have five cats– Yo tengo cinco gatos

2. She wants a car – Ella quiere un auto
3. He has a big house – El tiene una casa grande
4. They need a mother – Ellos necesitan una madre
5. I have osteoporosis - Yo tengo osteoporosis

Sustantivo incontable

Los sustantivos incontables no se pueden contabilizar, Algunos terminan con “S” pero no requiere decir
que se trata de varios.


1. The Wather is very cold – El ague esta muy fría

2. The Sun is very hot – El Sol esta muy caliente
3. The wind is so cold – El viento es muy helado
4. The Flour is a powder – La harina es un polvo
5. The tea is very hot – El té esta muy caliente

Sustantivo Abstracto

Son Aquellas palabras que se usan para darle un nombre a un objeto de tipo intangible, objeto de tipo
intangible, objetos que no se pueden ver ni tocar, tan solo se trata de ideas, sentimientos, conceptos
que van mas haya de lo que podemos percibir.

1. I love my mother – Yo amo a mi madre

2. She loves the whiskey – Ella ama el whiskey
3. I Feel alone – Me siento solo
4. I hate the Mondays – Yo odio los lunes
5. I’m Sad – Estoy triste

1.5 Cohesion y coherencia en textos escritos.

La coherencia es la propiedad textual por lo que los en los enunciados que forman un texto tienen
sentido en si mismos y en relación al resto.

La Cohesión es la propiedad por la cual los enunciados de un texto se relacionan correctamente desde
un punto de vista léxico.


Cohecivo: Im a a teacher. The teacher was late for class. Class Rhymes with grass. The Grass is always
greener on the other side of the fence. But it wasn’t - Soy un maestro. El profesor llegó tarde a clase.
Clase Rima con hierba. La hierba siempre es más verde al otro lado de la valla. pero no fue.

Coherente: A: The phone is ringin – El telefono esta sonando

B: I’m in the bath – Estoy en el baño
A: Ok – Okay
Unidad 3.- Lexico

3.1 Verbos compuestos

Los phrasal verbs son estructuras verbales compuestas por dos partículas: verbo + adjetivo, adverbio o
preposición que sirven para definir acciones o estados específicos.


1. Ask Along – Invitar

2. Answer Back – Contestar mal a alguien
3. Be about to – Estar a punto de algo
4. Be Back – Volver
5. Be Over – Terminarse

3.2 Colocaciones verbo + Adjetivo

Los adverbios no suelen colocarse entre el verbo y el objeto directo. El adverbio se coloca detrás del
objeto directo o delante del verbo.


1. I bought it quickly – Lo compre rápidamente

2. She carefully lit her cigarrete – Ella encendio su cigarrillo cuidadosamente

3.3 Colocaciones adjetivo + proposición

1. He had a beautiful smile.

2. She bought a loaf of white bread.

3. Six new episodes will be filmed.

4. There was no clear evidence.

3.4 Expresiones idiomaticas

Cada idioma tiene sus propias expresiones que no pueden traducirse literalmente porque no tendrían
sentido: se trata de las expresiones idiomáticas o “modismos”.


1. A bitter pill – Algo duro de tragar en el sentido figurado

2. Achilles’ heel – Un talo de Aquiles, una debilidad
3. From A to Z – De la A a la Z, completo
4. Proud as a peacock – Vanidoso como un pavo real
5. Putt he cart before the horse – Poner el carro delante de los bueyes
3.5 polisemia (Gapped)

En inglés, como en español, existen palabras polisémicas, es decir, palabras que tienen varios



1. Park
2. Tip
3. Bank
4. Make up
5. Save

Unidad 4.- EL Adjetivo

4.1 Adjetivos simples.

1. Adjetivos Calificativos o Cualitativos: good, bad, thin,fat, blonde, caring, stubborn, smart

2. Adjetivos Cuantitativos o de cantidad:none, some, any, many,little, few, much, enough

3. Adjetivos Demostrativos: this, that, these  y  those

4. Adjetivos Distributivos: each, every, either, neither

5. Adjetivos Interrogativos: whose, what, which, where, why, how

6. Adjetivos Numéricos o numerales: one, two, three, fourth, firs, second, third, a half, double

7. Adjetivos posesivos: my, this, their, your, our

4.2 Adjetivos Extremos

Los adjetivos extremos son un tipo de adjetivo que extreman la cualidad de una persona o un objeto. 


1. Tiny (Diminuto) = Very small

2. Enormous / Huge (Enorme) = Very big
3. Delicious (Delicioso) = Very tasty
4. Furious (Furioso) = Very angry
5. Terrified (Aterrado) = Very scared
Pronombres posesivos.

1. You let me walk, and half of this is yours.

2. Not yet, it's all yours in time for the 11:00.
3. Call and see which one of the lots will be yours.
4. If this video is yours, you can check its status.
5. The flat is about three times the size of yours.
6. The child is no longer yours, vanish from our lives.
7. The book is yours once you have made your purchase.
8. The power to make that decision was entirely yours, my lady.
9. It could mean a particular reward that's rightfully yours.
10. I want a house that will be only mine and hers.
11. My eyes are glued with hers in the mirror.
12. A man must go his way and a woman hers
13. And the world's a better place because you saved hers
14. You think that my life is worse than hers?
15. But I know that my destiny is joined with hers.
16. If you marry her, it's as much yours as hers.
17. Believe me, your feelings are just as important as hers.
18. There are two identities in a case such as hers.
19. Michael and his people have been working against my team.
20. The apostle uses some of these prophecies in his argument.
21. This book is a tribute to his life and character.
22. These programs were the creation of Anu and his scientists.
23. In 1997, Thuram celebrated the birth of his son Marcus.
24. The influence of this woman was his curse and ruin.
25. And my dad lives in New York with his boyfriend.
26. Yes, and the threat to his mission is very real.
27. With the help of his two daughters, Ming and Aoki.
28. A friend of mine picked up the children from school.
29. This is a very good friend of mine, Audrey Horne.
30. What is the purpose of getting this life of mine?
31. If you find a bandage in your sandwich it wasn't mine.
32. Legally, no one has a right to what is mine.
33. He was mine, but Deb needs this more than me.
34. That's mine, and the rest goes up in the morning.
35. Thanks for the show-and-tell, but none of this is mine.
36. Both the choice to be happy or unhappy is mine.
37. Dylan, can you tell me if she's in one of ours?
38. Roots in this land of ours, which nurture the congregational sap
39. That crown that could be ours passing to others.
40. This economy of ours is growing okay; it can be better.
41. But they think they put the food on ours.
42. If this mission were ours alone, it would be impossible.
43. After that, the universe will be ours for the taking.
44. Heaven is ours, as if our sin had never occurred.
45. You took what's ours today, and we're very upset.
46. Soon my body will lie in a grave like theirs.
47. His own nature, like theirs, overflowed with such kindly feelings
48. Don't look at your mistakes and shortcomings, for theirs are greater.
49. Their perception cannot be understood because it is theirs not yours.
50. Some water professionals would prefer to believe that it is not theirs.


Do you love me?

Yes I do

Do you eat Chinese food?

Yes, I do

Do they work during the weekend?

No, they don't

Do they walk together every day?

Yes, It does

Do we usually take that plane?

No, they don't

Do you know how to cook spaghetti?

Yes, i do

Do you sing in the shower?

Yes, i do

Do they know us?

No, they don't

Do you know German?

Yes, i do

Do you often think about me?

Yes, i do

Do you always sing together?

No, we don't

Do your friends live near here?

No, they don't

Do you and your friends often get together?

Yes, we do

Do your parents live in Madrid?

Yes, they do

Do you like strong coffee?

Yes, i do

Do you speak English?

Yes, i do

Do your school friends live near your home?

Yes, they do

Do you like pizza?

Yes, I do

Do you play tennis?

No, i don't

Do they swim?

Yes, they do

Do your brothers go to school?

Yes, they do

Do you want to play?

No, I don't

Do we have any money?

No, we don't

Do you believe in ghosts?

Yes, i do

Does she sing opera?

Yes, she does

Does he always walk so quickly?

No, he doesn't

Does this cat eat a lot?

Yes, It does

Does she work for your father?

Yes, she does

Does he like your new car?

Yes, he does

Does Wendy dance salsa?

No, she doesn't

Does Peter teach literature?

Yes, he does

Does the cat like to be up the tree?

Yes, he does

Does Theodore play tennis?

No, he doesn't

Does Evelyn usually go out on weekends?

Yes, she does

Does your friend like pop music?

Yes, it does

Does the class work hard?

No, it doesn't

Does Mark train every morning?

Yes, he does

Does Paul want to come?

Yes, he does

Does she live in Japan?

No, she doesn't

Does your sister like chocolate?

Yes, she does

Does she talk to strangers?

Yes, she does

Does Wendy like pizza?

No, she doesn't

Does Monday begin with an M?

Yes, It does

Does this look nice on me?

Yes, It does

Does your sister have a pink T-shirt?

Yes, she does

Does she want to stay for long?

Yes, she does

Does Jen like Barcelona?

No, he doesn't

Does she rent apartments near the beach?

Yes, she does

Does she go running every morning?

No, she doesn't

Does she like to play musical instruments?

Yes, she does

Was I a good student?

Yes, i was

Was he a student?

No, he wasn't

Was the pencil on the desk?

Yes, he was
Was she absent from class yesterday?

Yes, she was

Was the sky clear?

Yes, the sky was clear

Was the child in the garden?

No, he wasn't

Was it a pleasant day?

No, It wasn't

Was she sick yesterday?

Yes, she was

Was he a businessman?

No, he wasn't

Was he a lawyer?

Yes, he was

Was yesterday Monday?

Yes, It was

Was the man on the corner waiting the bus?

No, he wasn't

Was he in Europe?

No, he wasn't

Was he tired last night?

Yes, he was

Was the tax high?

Yes, It was

Was the workout easy to do?

No, It wasn't

Was she angry?

Yes, she was

Was the window closed?

No, It wasn't

Was he in the same class as Peter last year?

Yes, he was

Was she a good football player?

Yes, she was

Was she hungry after workout?

Yes, she was

Was he a happy child?

No, he wasn't

Was she a stranger to him?

No, she wasn't

Was he at the beach this morning?

Yes, she was

Was she a pretty woman?

Yes, she was

Were we old friends?

Yes, we was

Were he and Mary good students?

No, they wasn't

Were you very serious?

Yes, we were

Were we members of the club?

No, we weren't

Were they good friends for many years?

Yes, they were

Were we busy yesterday?

Yes, we were

Were we married?
Yes, we were

Were they sick yesterday?

No, they weren't

Were they old friends of my family?

Yes, they were

Were you tired after a long walk?

Yes, we were

Were you happy to see me?

Yes, we were

Were they here yesterday?

No, they weren't

Weren’t we there when the bar opened for the last time?

Yes, we were

Were Scott and his cousin the ones who robbed the bank?

Yes, they were

Weren’t they going to go by bus?

No, they weren't

Were your friends going to invite Jenny to the prom?

Yes, they were

When were you going to tell George the truth?

No, we weren't

were Mr. and Mrs Raynolds the only adults that asist to the meeting?

Yes, they were

were your brother and friends the kid on the block long time a go?

Yes, we were

were susy and angie friends during elementary school?

Yes, they were

Weren’t they happy after the news?

Yes, they were

Were the people nice?

No, they weren't

Weren’t they afraid?

Yes, they were

Were they at the concert yesteday?

Yes, they were

Was there a park there?

Yes, there were

I am 20 years old.

I am an assistant all day long at work.

I am ready to get back to work

I am so happy you found your way here.

I am not proud of everything i've done

I am not satisfied with your interrogation procedures.

I am sure you will find this letter.

I am making a new server.

I am responsible, but not in the way you think.

I am sitting on the edge of a volcano right now.

I am one step closer to proving that.

I am conservative when it comes to this business...

I am famous and rich today.

I am, crying in a corner.

I am doing this to protect us.

I am here to check on your father.

I am not having that on my grave either.

I am much more powerful than you

I am afraid of what 

I am seeing here.
I am not getting the sound

I am playing the piano.

I am no longer normal.

I am conservative when it comes to this business...

I am gonna say this once and once only.

you are not the ex-husband of my best friend.

you are my only family.

If you are satisfied with your message

you are more than welcome to bring a guest.
you are in Abu Dhabi.
you are a small piece of Wood
you are generous with others?
you are forced to format the partition.
you are the only thing that works in my life.
you are in the middle of a catastrophe.
If you are in your second or third trimester of pregnancy.
he are certainly glad that you came.
he are both very kind.
You and he are nothing alike.
He are not different.
he are talking in sign language here.
he are receiving such terrible punishment because of his greed.
he are looking seriously into a clinic,
she are going to wash a car.
she are prepared to deal with them.
She are committed to help protect our children
they are primarily men.
they are more commonly available as a popular snack.
they are the best protection for workers.
they are popular throughout the world.

it is a family.
it is very important.  
it is not a secret.
it is from there that enters our tutorial today.
it is hunted for its feathers.
it is wonderful with pasta.
it is very useful and essential meditation.
it is a natural process of life.
it is a leisure area with cafés and restaurants.
it is a good decoration to embellish your home.
it is a chance to save Fen, the baby.
it is very comfortable on the skin.
it is the elementary principle of all things.
it is important that expectations are realistic.
it is almost close to zero.
now it is happening again.

in the case of religion it is totally different.

Traditionally, it is also regarded as a signal of popularity.

After all, it is even more important than the image.
it is the love for art of cinematography.

that it is situated in beautiful city of Lviv.

Since then, it is a symbol of beauty and femininity.

it is very unlikely that other options will appear.
it is very clearly demonstrates the dangers of alcohol.
it is also a time of disguises and trickery.
it is very legible in the water with good precision.

It’s twelve o’clock / son las doce en punto

It’s twelve twenty-one / son las doce y veintiuno

it’s six to one / faltan seis para la una

it’s one past ten / pasan diez minutos de la una

It’s one thirty-two / es la una y treinta y dos

It’s thirteen to two / faltan trece para las 2

It’s nine past two / pasan nueve minutos de las 2

It’s two twenty-two / son las dos y veintidos

It’s two forty-four / son las dos y cuarenta y cuatro

It’s twelve past three / pasan doce minutos de las 3

It’s three thirty-eight / son las tres treinta y ocho

It’s four past four / pasan cuatro minutos de las cuatro

It’s eighteen past four / pasan dieciocho minutos de las cuatro

It’s twenty to five / faltan veinte para las cinco

It’s seven to five / faltan siete para las cinco

It’s five thirty-three / son las cinco y treinta y tres

It’s five past six / pasan cinco de las seis

It’s half past six / son las seis y media

It’s twenty past seven / pasan veinte de las siete

It’s five to eight / faltan cinco para las ocho

It’s quarter past eight / son las ocho y cuarto

It’s eight forty three / son las ocho y cuarenta y tres

It’s seven to nine / faltan siete para las nueve

It’s nine twenty-four / son las nueve y veinticuatro

It’s nine forty / son las nueve y cuarenta

It’s four to ten / faltan cuatro para las diez

It’s sixteen past ten / pasan dieciséis minutos de las diez

It’s ten thirty-six / son las diez y treinta y seis

It’s quarter to eleven / faltan cuarto para las once

It’s seven past eleven / pasan siete minutos de las once

It’s half past eleven / son las once y media

It’s quarter to twelve / faltan cuarto para las doce

It’s quarter to four / faltan cuarto para las cuatro

It’s twelve past four / pasan doce minutos de las cuatro

It’s four forty six / son las cuatro y cuarenta y seis

It’s five twenty-five / son las cinco y veinticinco

It’s ten to six / faltan diez para las seis

It’s six thirty-one / son las seis y treinta y uno

It’s seven nineteen / son las siete y diecinueve

It’s four to eight / faltan cuatro minutos para las ocho

It’s fourteen to nine / faltan catorce para las nueve

It’s sixteen past eight / pasan dieciséis minutos de las ocho

It’s ten past nine / pasan diez minutos de las nueve

It’s nine thirty-nine / son las nueve y treinta y nueve

It’s one past ten / pasa un minutos de las diez

It’s twenty to eleven / faltan veinte para las once

It’s fourteen past eleven / pasan catorce minutos de las once

It’s eleven twenty-five / son las once y veinticinco

It’s eleven thirty-nine / son las once y treinta y nueve

It’s ten to twelve / faltan diez para las doce

Biografía (Español).
Mi nombre es Ivan Rueda, Tengo 20 años, naci en ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, el nombre de mi papa es
Ramon y el nombre de mi mama es Brenda, cuando 11 meses de nacido mi mama se separo de mi papa
debido a problemas, asi que mi mama vino a la ciudad de Camargo, de donde ella es originaria y aquí
vivo desde ese entonces, estudie en la escuela Benito Juarez, ahí conoci gente que ahora mismo ni si
quiera recuerdo, vivi varias cosas, como mi primera balacera o mi primer partido del mundial de futbol,
tenia un mejor amigo en ese entonces, pensé que siempre íbamos a hablar, pero cuando lo vi de nuevo
recientemente, ya era adicto a las sustancias, volviendo a la primaria, nunca fui de tener amigos, sufri
bullying, por ende, siempre me la pasaba solo, cuando Sali de la primaria, fui a vivir con mi abuela, y ahí
estuve en la secundaria Estatal 3063, ahí conoci a un nuevo amigo que si seguiría conmigo hasta la
fecha, la depresión, nunca eh sido la persona mas atractiva, de hecho, ni si quiera yo mismo me
considero asi, y en la secundaria fue una fecha bastante superficial, entonces al igual que en la primaria,
solo tuve unos cuantos amigos, el que destaca de ahí, es mi amigo Ramon Soto, puesto a que el si a
estado hasta la fecha conmigo, vivimos muchísimas aventuras juntos, en las noches después de la
escuela, salíamos a pasear, platicábamos muchísimo y hacíamos cosas como jugar cartas o basketball,
Fueron muy bonitas épocas, pero también encontré algo que aun me afecta muchísimo hasta ahora, las
decepciones amorosas, tuve una novia en la secundaria, pero me engaño por alguien mas “atractivo”,
decubri que debía concentrarme mas en los estudios que en cosas personales, puesto a que nunca eh
sido un muy buen estudiante, Sali de la secundaria y no hable mas con algunas personas de la
secundaria, después entre a la preparatoria, en el CBTis 143, donde hice algunos amigos, entre ellos
Jesus Villezcas, que es quien a estado conmigo en las buenas y en las malas, en ese entonces
practicábamos parkour, fuimos al gimnasio juntos, y bebimos juntos, por cierto, en la preparatoria
encontré el alcohol, un amargo compañero de aventuras, en 4to semestre de la preparatoria reprobé,
asi que tuve que salir de la preparatoria, entre a trabajar en un supermercado y encontré el valor en el
dinero que se gana, entre a la preparatoria de nuevo y conocí a nueva gente, todos amigos que atesoro,
puesto que por primera vez, me sentía parte de algo, de un grupo, termine la preparatoria y no pude
graduarme como tal, por culpa del covid-19, Entre a la universidad, en la carrera de derecho, siempre
me gustaron las leyes y poder ayudar a la gente con ellas, es un sueño, mi inspiración para ello fue el
superhéroe de Marvel, DareDevil y su identidad secreta, Matt Murdock, amo que el aun siendo ciego,
pudo superarse y terminar la carrera de leyes, en la universidad estuve en un grupo donde había gente
que no me agradaba, gente superficial y pretenciosa, eso me desanimo mucho y deje de entrar a clases,
por ende, reprobé por faltas en segundo cuatrimestre, asi que volvi a trabajar en una tienda comercial
llamada “Alsuper”, ahí estuve algunos meses y junte dinero para poder entrar de nuevo a la
universidad , entre de nuevo y sigo aquí, encontré nuevos y mejores compañeros de carrera, con
altibajos, pero si nos llevamos muy bien, mi comida favorita es la comida china, me gusta mucho jugar
videojuegos, soy jugador semi-profesional de un juego llamado League of Legends, jugué en una liga
estatal, tengo un hermano menor llamado Luke, tiene 5 años y tiene autismo, por eso lo cuido y protejo
demasiado, me gusta beber whiskey a veces, sin llegar a abusar de el, y eso seria todo lo relevante sobre
Bibliografía en ingles.

My name is Ivan Rueda, I am 20 years old, I was born in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, my father's name is
Ramon and my mother's name is Brenda, when I was 11 months old my mother separated from my
father due to problems, so my mother came to the city of Camargo, where she is originally from and I
have lived here since then, I studied at the Benito Juarez school, there I met people that I don't even
remember right now, I experienced several things, like my first shooting or my First game of the World
Cup, I had a best friend back then, I thought we would always talk, but when I saw him again recently,
he was already addicted to substances, going back to elementary school, I never had friends, I suffered
bullying Therefore, I always spent it alone, when I left elementary school, I went to live with my
grandmother, and there I was at State High School 3063, there I met a new friend who would continue
with me to date, depression, never I have been the most attractive person, in fact, not even I my I
consider myself that way, and in high school it was a fairly superficial date, so just like in elementary
school, I only had a few friends, the one who stands out from there is my friend Ramon Soto, since he
has been there until the date with me, we lived many adventures together, at night after school, we
went for walks, we talked a lot and we did things like play cards or basketball, They were very nice
times, but I also found something that still affects me a lot until now, the disappointments loving, I had a
girlfriend in high school, but she cheated on me for someone more "attractive", I discovered that I
should concentrate more on studies than on personal things, since I have never been a very good
student, I left secundary and didn't talk to some people from secundary anymore, then I entered high
school, at CBTis 143, where I made some friends, including Jesus Villezcas, who has been with me
through thick and thin, at that time we practiced parkour, we went to the gym together, and we drank
together, by the way, in high school I found alcohol, a bitter adventure partner, in the 4th semester of
high school I failed, so I had to leave high school, I entered work in a supermarket and found the value in
the money that is earned, I entered high school again and met new people, all friends that I treasure,
since for the first time, I felt part of something, of a group, I finished the high school and I couldn't
graduate as such, because of the covid-19, I went to university, in law school, I always liked laws and
being able to help people with them, it's a dream, my inspiration for it was the Marvel superhero
DareDevi He and his secret identity, Matt Murdock, I love that even though he was blind, he was able to
improve himself and finish his law degree. In college I was in a group where there were people I didn't
like, superficial and pretentious people, that discouraged me a lot and I quit. before entering classes,
therefore, I failed for faults in the second semester, so I went back to work in a commercial store called
"Alsuper", I was there for a few months and raised money to be able to enter the university again, I
entered again and I continue Here, I found new and better running partners, with ups and downs, but
we do get along very well, my favorite food is Chinese food, I really like to play video games, I am a semi-
professional player of a game called League of Legends, I played in a state league, I have a younger
brother named Luke, he is 5 years old and has autism, so I take care of him and protect him too much, I
like to drink whiskey sometimes, without abusing him, and that would be all that is relevant about me.

Stay out of the light

Or the photograph that I gave you
You can say a prayer if you need to
Or just get in line and I'll grieve you
Can I meet you, alone
Another night and I'll see you
Another night and I'll be you
Some other way to continue
To hide my face

Another knife in my hands

A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty babe
The kind of dirty where the water never cleans off the clothes
I keep a book of the names and those

Only go so far 'til you bury them

So deep and down we go

Touched by angels, though I fall out of grace

I did it all so maybe I'd live this every day

Another knife in my hands

A stain that never comes off the sheets
Clean me off
I'm so dirty babe
It ain't the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame
It's for the bodies I claim and lose

Only go so far 'til you bury them

So deep and down we go


And down we go
And down we go
And down we go
And we all fall down

I tried
I tried

And we'll all dance alone to the tune of your death

We'll love again, we'll laugh again
And it's better off this way
And never again, and never again
They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now

Well never again, and never again

They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now

Well I tried
One more night
One more night
Well I'm laughin' out, cryin' out, laughin' out loud
I tried, well I tried, well I tried
'Cause I tried, but I lied
I lied

I tried
I tried
I tried, well

And we'll love again, we'll laugh again

We'll cry again and we'll dance again
And it's better off this way
So much better off this way
I can't clean the blood off the sheets in my bed

And never again, and never again

They gave us two shots to the back of the head
And we're all dead now


Cancion (Español)

Mantente fuera de la luz

O la fotografía que te di
Puedes decir una oración si es necesario
O simplemente ponte en línea y te lloraré

¿Puedo verte a solas?

Otra noche y te veré
Otra noche y seré tú
Alguna otra forma de continuar
Para esconder mi rostro

Otro cuchillo en mis manos

Una mancha que nunca sale de las sábanas
Soy tan sucio, nena

El tipo de suciedad donde el agua nunca limpia la ropa

Llevo un libro de los nombres y esos
Solo ve tan lejos hasta que los entierres
Tan profundo y profundo vamos

Tocado por ángeles, aunque caigo en desgracia

Lo hice todo, así que tal vez viviría esto todos los días

Otro cuchillo en mis manos

Una mancha que nunca sale de las sábanas
Soy tan sucia, nena

No es el dinero y seguro que no es solo por la Fama

Es por los cuerpos que reclamo y esos
Solo ve tan lejos hasta que los entierres
Tan profundo y profundo bajamos

Y bajamos
Y bajamos
Y bajamos
Y todos caemos

Lo intenté
Lo intenté
Y todos bailaremos al son de tu muerte
Nos amaremos de nuevo, nos reiremos de nuevo
Y es mejor de esta manera

Y nunca más, y nunca más

Nos dieron dos tiros en la nuca
Y estamos todos muertos ahora

Bueno, nunca más, y nunca más

Nos dieron dos tiros en la nuca
Y estamos todos muertos ahora

Bueno, yo traté
Una Noche Más, una Noche Más
Bueno, me estoy riendo, llorando, riendo a carcajadas
Lo intenté, bueno, lo intenté, bueno, lo intenté
Porque lo intenté, pero mentí

Lo intenté
Lo intenté
Lo intenté
Bueno yo

Y amaremos de nuevo, reiremos de nuevo

Lloraremos de nuevo y bailaremos de nuevo
Y es mejor de esta manera
Mucho mejor de esta manera
No puedo limpiar la sangre de las sábanas de mi cama

Bueno, nunca más, y nunca más

Nos dieron dos tiros en la nuca
Y estamos todos muertos ahora
Árbol genealógico

1. Hortencia is Guerrero’s Wife

2. Fernando is Luke’s Cousin
3. Guerrero is Brenda’s Father
4. Hortencia is Norma’s mother
5. Ivan is Guerrero’s Grandchild
6. Brenda is Guadalupe’s aunt
7. Estefania is Ivan’s adoptive sister
8. Luke is Guerrero’s Grandfather
9. Guadalupe is Ivan’s Cousin
10. Ivan is Raul’s Nephew

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