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Cómo escribir una crítica

1. En una review se expresa una opinión acerca de un libro, película, obra de teatro, concierto,
hotel, restaurante, website, etc.

2. El tono es relajado y el lenguaje relativamente informal. Por tanto, se pueden utilizar
contracciones: I've, it doesn't...

3. Admite variantes en cuanto a la estructura, pero mi recomendación es que utilices la del resto de
escritos, es decir, introducción, cuerpo y conclusión, ya que te ayudará a  presentar la información
de forma lógica y ordenada.
• En la introducción se podría presentar el objeto de la crítica.
• El cuerpo se puede organizar de la siguiente forma: En un primer párrafo, una breve
descripción de la website, o resumen del libro, película,obra, etc. En dos o tres párrafos más,
tu opinión: Qué es lo que te gusta o no te gusta y por qué. 
• En la conclusión podrías incluir tu recomendación personal. 

4. Como siempre antes de planificar tu crítica, lee atentamente las instrucciones del ejercicio.

5. Como en los artículos, utiliza recursos lingüísticos para captar la atención del lector o lectora.

Useful language


The book / film / programme  concerns …                                   a study of

                                               deals with …                          a survey of
                                               shows …                                            a history of
                                               describes …
                                               tells the story of …

It contains      a chapter on
It includes      a section on

Pros and cons

really              extraordinary             quite   interesting                 really              boring

                        fascinating                            amusing                                            unimaginative
absolutely      amazing                     fairly   entertaining              completely     humourless
                        beautiful                                exciting                                              hopeless
                        stunning                                informative                                        amateurish
                        superb                                    attractive                                            over the top
                        brilliant                                   successful                                         predictable


All in all          In the last analysis               In conclusion                        To sum up          On balance
Example of a film review.

Crazy Plumber – Plaza Cinema

If you have seen the advance publicity, you might imagine that this was a funny film. Wrong. It’s a film which
tries very hard to be funny and fails consistently. The story concerns a plumber who isn’t very good at his job.
When his customers desert, and he can’t pay his bills, he decides to turn to crime. He tries a little shoplifting
(he isn’t very good at it, of course) but then he gets involved in bigger things.
            Wayne Gibson, who plays the hero, has one or two good lines but most of the time he’s struggling
with a terrible script. There are a few good moments – the car chase sequence is memorable – but the
storyline is very slight and the director seems to have run out of ideas very quickly. As the film progresses,
the level of violence increases. Despite the publicity, this is not a film for young children.
            A great deal of money went into the making of Crazy Plumber but in the end spectacular effects are
no substitute for real humour.

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