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Jess Cura un Ciego

Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Un da, cuando Jess sali del templo, vio por el camino a un hombre que haba nacido ciego. One day, as Jesus left the temple, He saw a man who had been blind since he was born.

Los discpulos le preguntaron a Jess: Maestro, por qu naci ciego este hombre? Por el pecado de sus padres, o por su propio pecado? Jess les respondi: Ni l ni sus padres tienen la culpa. Naci as para que ustedes vean cmo el poder de Dios lo sana. Jesus' disciples asked, Master, why was this man born blind? Was it because he or his parents sinned? No, it wasn't! Jesus answered. But because of his blindness, you will see God work a miracle for him.

Enseguida Jess escupi en el suelo, hizo un poco de lodo, y se lo puso al ciego en los ojos.

Jesus then spat on the gruond and made some mud. He put the mud on the blind mans eyes.

Entonces le dijo: Ve a la piscina de Silo, y lvate los ojos.

Then Jesus said, Go, wash off the mud in the pool of Siloam

El ciego fue y se lav, y cuando abri los ojos, ya poda ver! The man went and washed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes again, he could see!

Y adivina qu? Los milagros que hizo Jess cuando estuvo en la Tierra todava nos ocurren hoy si le pedimos que nos ayude cuando lo necesitamos. Es estupendo que an hoy Jess nos ayude y sea nuestro amigo! And guess what? The miracles that Jesus did when He was on earth can still happen today for us if we will just ask Him for help when we need it. How wonderful it is to have Jesus as our helper and friend!

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Dramatized from John 9 / dramatizada de Juan 9 Illustrations Zondervan

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