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La empresa Americana de Petróleos Co.

, compra petróleo crudo pesado a un costo de USD45 el barril, petróleo cr

producen por barril jet fuel, keroseno y gasolina.
Para producir un barril de jet fuel, se requiere 42% de crudo pesado, 31% de crudo mediano y 27% de crudo ligero
producir un barril de gasolina, se requiere 25% de crudo pesado, 32% de crudo mediano y 43% de crudo ligero. L
barriles de gasolina.
La gerencia financiera de Americana de Petróleos Co., requiere optimizar los costos percibidos por barril de petró

Primal Dual Funcion O

𝑍_𝑚𝑖𝑛=𝐶𝑋 𝑍_𝑚𝑎𝑥=𝐵𝑌 Min Z= 45X1
Sujeto a: Sujeto a:
AX >=B AY <=C Restric
X >=0 X >=0 Jet Fuel 0,42X1 + 0,31X2 + 0
Keroseno 0,33X1 + 0,35X2 + 0
Gasolina 0,25X1 + 0,32X2 + 0
X1 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Pesado Se multiplica por (-1) amb
X2 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Mediano
X3 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Ligero Restricciones de
Z Costos de produccion X1, X2, X
SD45 el barril, petróleo crudo mediano a un costo de USD48 el barril y petróleo crudo ligero a un costo de USD50 el barril. De cada tipo de

ano y 27% de crudo ligero. Para producir un barril de keroseno, se requiere 33% de crudo pesado, 35% de crudo mediano y 32 % de crudo
y 43% de crudo ligero. La refinería tiene un contrato para entregar como mínimo 6.000.000 barriles de jet fuel, 5.300.000 barriles de keros

cibidos por barril de petróleo y pide a la gerencia de producción, evaluar la cantidad óptima de cada clase de petróleo crudo a comprar para

Funcion Objetivo Funcion Objetivo se iguala a cero

45X1 + 48X2 + 50X3 Z - 45X1 - 48X2 - 50X3 = 0

Restricciones Restricciones
0,42X1 + 0,31X2 + 0,27X3 >= 6.000.000 -0,42X1 - 0,31X2 - 0,27X3 + h1 = -6.000.0
0,33X1 + 0,35X2 + 0,32X3 >= 5.300.000 -0,33X1 - 0,35X2 - 0,32X3 + h2 = -5.300.0
0,25X1 + 0,32X2 + 0,43X3 >= 5.000.000 -0,25X1 - 0,32X2 - 0,43X3 + h3 = -5.000.0

multiplica por (-1) ambos lados de la desigualdad

Restricciones de no negatividad
X1, X2, X3 >= 0
USD50 el barril. De cada tipo de petróleo se

crudo mediano y 32 % de crudo ligero. Para

fuel, 5.300.000 barriles de keroseno y 5.000.000 de

e petróleo crudo a comprar para satisfacer la

on Objetivo se iguala a cero

45X1 - 48X2 - 50X3 = 0

0,31X2 - 0,27X3 + h1 = -6.000.000
0,35X2 - 0,32X3 + h2 = -5.300.000
0,32X2 - 0,43X3 + h3 = -5.000.000
Variables No Basicas
Variables BaZ X1 X2 X3 h1
Z 1 -45 -48 -50 0
F.Pivote h1 0 -0.42 -0.31 -0.27 1
h2 0 -0.33 -0.35 -0.32 0
h3 0 -0.25 -0.32 -0.43 0
Razon 107.142857 154.83871 185.185185

IT 1 C.Pivote
Variables No Basicas
Variables BaZ h1 X2 X3 h1
Z 1 0 -14.7857143 -21.0714286 -107.142857
X1 0 1 0.73809524 0.64285714 -2.38095238
h2 0 0 -0.10642857 -0.10785714 -0.78571429
F.Pivote h3 0 0 -0.13547619 -0.26928571 -0.5952381
Razon #DIV/0! 109.13884 78.2493369

IT 2 C.Pivote
Variables No Basicas
Variables BaZ h1 X2 h3 h1
Z 1 0 -4.18479222 0 -60.5658709
X1 0 1 0.41467728 0 -3.80194518
F.Pivote h2 0 0 -0.05216622 0 -0.54730327
X3 0 0 0.50309461 1 2.21043324
Razon #DIV/0! 80.220339 #DIV/0!

IT 2
Variables No Basicas
Variables BaZ h1 h2 h3 h1
Z 1 0 0 0 -16.6610169
X1 0 1 0 0 -8.15254237
X2 0 0 1 0 10.4915254
X3 0 0 0 1 -3.06779661

X1 10,767,796.6 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Pesado
X2 259,322.034 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Mediano
X3 5,174,576.27 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Ligero
Z 755,727,119 Costos de Producción
h2 h3 Solucion
0 0 0
0 0 -6,000,000
1 0 -5,300,000
0 1 -5,000,000

h2 h3 Solucion
0 0 642857143
0 0 14285714.3
1 0 -585714.286
0 1 -1428571.43

h2 h3 Solucion
0 -78.2493369 754641910
0 2.3872679 10875331.6
1 -0.4005305 -13527.8515
0 -3.71352785 5305039.79

h2 h3 Solucion
-80.220339 -46.1186441 755727119
7.94915254 -0.79661017 10767796.6
-19.1694915 7.6779661 259322.034
9.6440678 -7.57627119 5174576.27

Enter the values in the shaded area. Then go to the DATA Tab on the ribbon, click on Solver in the Dat
Dualidad SOLVE.
If SOLVER is not on the Data Tab then please see the Help file (Solver) for instructions.
To use Integer variables, define them in the Solver model as a constraint.
Linear, Integer and Mixed Integer Programming

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
X1 X2 X3 LHS
Minimizar 45 48 50 sign RHS 755727119
Restriccion 1 0.42 0.31 0.27 > 6000000 6000000
Restriccion 2 0.33 0.35 0.32 > 5300000 5300000
Restriccion 3 0.25 0.32 0.43 > 5000000 5000000

Variables 10767796.6 259322.034 5174576.27
Objective 755727119
he ribbon, click on Solver in the Data Analysis Group and then click

ver) for instructions.


Problem setup area

< constraints > constraints
0 0 0 6000000 6000000
0 0 0 5300000 5300000
0 0 0 5000000 5000000
Microsoft Excel 16.0 Informe de sensibilidad
Hoja de cálculo: [Libro2.xlsx]Hoja3
Informe creado: 8/11/2021 6:29:58 p. m.

Celdas de variables
Final Reducido Objetivo
Celda Nombre Valor Coste Coeficiente
$B$18 Variables X 1 10767796.6101695 0 45
$C$18 Variables X 2 259322.033898307 0 48
$D$18 Variables X 3 5174576.27118644 0 50

Final Sombra Restricción
Celda Nombre Valor Precio Lado derecho
$K$13 > < constraints 0 0 0
$K$14 > < constraints 0 0 0
$K$15 > < constraints 0 0 0
$M$13 > > constraints 6000000 16.6610169491525 6000000
$M$14 > > constraints 5300000 80.220338983051 5300000
$M$15 > > constraints 5000000 46.1186440677965 5000000
Permisible Permisible Nuevo Coeficiente
Aumentar Reducir MIN MAX Menor a Min
10.091684434968 2.04365904365903 X1 42.956341 55.0916844 42
1.58804523424878 4.18479221927497 X2 43.8152078 49.5880452 43
8.31810193321615 5.43093922651928 X3 44.5690608 58.3181019 44

Permisible Permisible
Aumentar Reducir
1E+030 0
1E+030 0 Restriccion
1E+030 0 MIN MAX Mayor a Max
24717.2859450728 1320790.02079002 a 4679209.98 6024717.29 6,025,000
536555.360281193 13527.851458886 b 5286472.15 5836555.36 5,840,000
33774.8344370862 682997.762863533 c 4317002.24 5033774.83
Nuevo Coeficiente
Menor a Min

Mayor a Max
Cambio de Coeficiente Enter the values in the shaded area. Then go to the DATA Tab on the ribbon, click on Solver in the Dat
If SOLVER is not on the Data Tab then please see the Help file (Solver) for instructions.
To use Integer variables, define them in the Solver model as a constraint.
Linear, Integer and Mixed Integer Programming

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
X1 X2 X3 LHS
Objective 42 43 44 sign RHS 691079661
Constraint 1 0.42 0.31 0.27 > 6000000 6000000
Constraint 2 0.33 0.35 0.32 > 5300000 5300000
Constraint 3 0.25 0.32 0.43 > 5000000 5000000

Variables 10767796.6 259322.034 5174576.27
Objective 691079661

Nueva Funcion Objetivo:

MINIMIZAR Z = 42X1 + 43X2 + 44X3
Sujeto a: 0,42X1 + 0,31X2 + 0,27X3 >= 6,000,000
0,33X1 + 0,35X2 + 0,32X3 >= 5,300,000
0,25X1 + 0,32X2 + 0,43X3 >= 5,000,000
X1,X2,X3 ≥0
he ribbon, click on Solver in the Data Analysis Group and then click SOLVE.
ver) for instructions.

Problem setup area

< constraints > constraints
0 0 0 6000000 6000000
0 0 0 5300000 5300000
0 0 0 5000000 5000000

X1 10767796.61017 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Pesado
X2 259322.0338983 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Mediano
X3 5174576.271186 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Ligero
Z $ 691,079,661 Costos de Producción
Cambio del Lado Derecho Enter the values in the shaded area. Then go to the DATA Tab on the ribbon, click on Solver in the Dat
If SOLVER is not on the Data Tab then please see the Help file (Solver) for instructions.
To use Integer variables, define them in the Solver model as a constraint.
Linear, Integer and Mixed Integer Programming

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
X1 X2 X3 LHS
Objective 45 48 50 sign RHS 801878983
Constraint 1 0.42 0.31 0.27 > 6025000 6025000
Constraint 2 0.33 0.35 0.32 > 5850000 5850000
Constraint 3 0.25 0.32 0.43 > 5035000 5035000

Variables 6627457.63 10271525.4 212203.39
Objective 801878983

Nueva Funcion Objetivo:

MINIMIZAR Z = 45X1 + 48X2 + 50X3
Sujeto a: 0,42X1 + 0,31X2 + 0,27X3 >= 6,025,000
0,33X1 + 0,35X2 + 0,32X3 >= 5,850,000
0,25X1 + 0,32X2 + 0,43X3 >= 5,035,000
X1,X2,X3 ≥0
he ribbon, click on Solver in the Data Analysis Group and then click SOLVE.
ver) for instructions.

Problem setup area

< constraints > constraints
0 0 0 6025000 6025000
0 0 0 5850000 5850000
0 0 0 5035000 5035000

X1 6627457.627119 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Pesado
X2 10271525.42373 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Mediano
X3 212203.3898305 Cantidad de Petroleo Crudo Ligero
Z $ 801,878,983 Costos de Producción
Adicion Actividades Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button. Alternatively, or to
view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013,
2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003, 2011).
Linear Programming

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

X1 X2 X3 X4
Minimize 45 48 50 49 sign RHS
Restriccion 1 0.32 0.21 0.27 0.2 > 6000000
Restriccion 2 0.29 0.26 0.24 0.21 > 5300000
Restriccion 3 0.25 0.24 0.27 0.24 > 5000000

Variables 20000000 0 0 0
Objective 900000000

Nueva Actividad X4 Cantidad de Petroleo Semipesado

lver button. Alternatively, or to
(Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, Funcion Objetivo
Min Z= 45X1 + 48X2 + 50X3 + 49X4

0,32X1 + 0,21X2 + 0,27X3 + 0,20X4 >= 6.000.000
0,29X1 + 0,26X2 + 0,24X3 + 0,21X4>= 5.300.000
0,25X1 + 0,24X2 + 0,27X3 + 0,24X4>= 5.000.000

Results Problem setup area

LHS Slack/Surplus
900000000 < constraints > constraints
6400000 -400000 Restriccion 1 0 0 6400000 6000000
5800000 -500000 Restriccion 2 0 0 5800000 5300000
5000000 0 Restriccion 3 0 0 5000000 5000000
8X2 + 50X3 + 49X4

+ 0,20X4 >= 6.000.000
3 + 0,21X4>= 5.300.000
3 + 0,24X4>= 5.000.000
Adicion Restriccion Enter the values in the shaded area then use the Run Excel's Solver button. Alternatively, or to
view the sensitivity results, open Solver by going to the Data Tab (Excel 2007, 2010, 2013,
2016) or the Tools menu (Excel 2003, 2011).
Linear Programming

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data Results
X1 X2 X3 LHS
Minimize 45 48 50 sign RHS 755727119
Constraint 1 0.42 0.31 0.27 > 6000000 6000000
Constraint 2 0.33 0.35 0.32 > 5300000 5300000
Constraint 3 0.25 0.32 0.43 > 5000000 5000000
Constraint 4 0.38 0.27 0.35 > 5100000 5972881.36

Variables 10767796.6 259322.034 5174576.27 0
Objective 755727119

Nueva Restriccion 0,38X1 + 0,27X2 + 0,35X3 >= 5.100.000 Aceite

lver button. Alternatively, or to
(Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, Funcion Objetivo
Min Z= 45X1 + 48X2 + 50X3

0,42X1 + 0,31X2 + 0,27X3 >= 6.000.000
0,33X1 + 0,35X2 + 0,32X3 >= 5.300.000
0,25X1 + 0,32X2 + 0,43X3 >= 5.000.000
0,38X1 + 0,27X2 + 0,35X3 >= 5.100.000
Problem setup area
< constraints > constraints
0 Constraint 1 0 0 6000000 6000000
0 Constraint 2 0 0 5300000 5300000
0 Constraint 3 0 0 5000000 5000000
-872881.356 Constraint 4 0 0 5972881.36 5100000
+ 48X2 + 50X3

27X3 >= 6.000.000
32X3 >= 5.300.000
43X3 >= 5.000.000
35X3 >= 5.100.000

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