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Bioquímica Cabras

Matriz de datos

Grupos Tiempo Leuc Eri Hb Ht VCM HCM CMHb Plaq

1 A T11 13,8 18,13 12,2 37 20,4081633 6,72917816 32,972973 1578
2 A T11 12,8 12,74 8,3 26 20,4081633 6,51491366 31,9230769 1605
3 A T11 10,8 13,72 7,6 28 20,4081633 5,5393586 27,1428571 855
4 A T11 12,6 10,78 8,3 22 20,4081633 7,69944341 37,7272727 626
5 A T11 14 14,21 9,7 29 20,4081633 6,82617875 33,4482759 1185
6 A T11 13,1 16,17 11,5 33 20,4081633 7,11193568 34,8484848 292
7 A T11 14,6 16,17 12,1 33 20,4081633 7,4829932 36,6666667 1210
8 A T11 17,9 12,25 9,4 25 20,4081633 7,67346939 37,6 1238
9 A T11 17,4 14,21 10,4 29 20,4081633 7,31878958 35,862069 437
10 A T11 9,4 15,19 9,6 31 20,4081633 6,31994733 30,9677419 1002
11 B T12 10,5 15,19 9,1 31 20,4081633 5,99078341 29,3548387 1028
12 B T12 10 16,66 11,2 34 20,4081633 6,72268908 32,9411765 546
13 B T12 10,1 14,7 9,9 30 20,4081633 6,73469388 33 1343
14 B T12 8 19,1 12,4 39 20,4188482 6,4921466 31,7948718 1180
15 B T12 9,6 15,68 10,3 32 20,4081633 6,56887755 32,1875 729
16 B T12 23,3 14,7 10,3 30 20,4081633 7,00680272 34,3333333 300
17 B T12 16,2 13,72 9,4 28 20,4081633 6,85131195 33,5714286 245
18 B T12 14,9 14,21 10,2 29 20,4081633 7,17804363 35,1724138 942
19 B T12 10,5 12,74 10,2 26 20,4081633 8,00627943 39,2307692 1479

Grupo A: Control
Grupo B: Tratados
T11: basal control
T12: Basal tratados
T22: Tiempo 2 de extracción grupo tratado
T32: Tiempo 3 de extracción grupo tratado
T42: Tiempo 4 de extracción grupo tratado
T52: Tiempo 2 de extracción grupo tratado

Modelo de Análisis

Yi j = μ + Trat i + ε j (i)

Planteo de Hipótesis

H0: μT11 μT12 = μT22 =μT32 = μT32= μT42= μT52

Prueba F Leucocitos vs tiempo
Univariate Tests of Significance for Leuc (Spreadsheet3) Sigma-restricted parameterization
Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 8853,682 1 8853,682 723,2007 0,000000
Tiempo 57,701 5 11,540 0,9427 0,461261
Error 648,845 53 12,242

De acuerdo con este test de significancia observamos que no existen diferencias

significativas entre la cantidad de leucocitos a lo largo del tratamiento


T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h te d M e a n s
C u rre n t e ffe c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= ,9 4 2 6 5 , p = ,4 6 1 2 6
E ffe c tiv e h y p o th e sis d e c o m p o sitio n
V e rti c a l b a rs d e n o te 0 ,9 5 c o n fi d e n c e i n te rv a ls



Leucocitos miles/ul





T11 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52
T ie m p o

Grupos Homogéneos Test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable Leuc (Spreadsheet3) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = 12,242, df = 53,000
Tiempo Leuc 1
5 T42 10,58000 ****
4 T32 11,60000 ****
3 T22 12,19000 ****
2 T12 12,56667 ****
6 T52 12,98000 ****
1 T11 13,64000 ****

Test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable Leuc (Spreadsheet3) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests
Error: Between MS = 12,242, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,984780 0,937899 0,781732 0,381206 0,998266
2 T12 0,984780 0,999907 0,990553 0,817372 0,999852
3 T22 0,937899 0,999907 0,998995 0,906138 0,995843
4 T32 0,781732 0,990553 0,998995 0,986357 0,949262
5 T42 0,381206 0,817372 0,906138 0,986357 0,644533
6 T52 0,998266 0,999852 0,995843 0,949262 0,644533

No hay diferencias significativas en la cantidad de leucocitos en los distintas extraciones

Prueba F para eritrocitos

Univariate Tests of Significance for Eri (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization

Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 12123,63 1 12123,63 3870,014 0,000000
Tiempo 52,76 5 10,55 3,369 0,010253
Error 166,03 53 3,13

No se observan diferencias significativas en la cantidad de eritrocitos antes, durante y

después de tratamiento

Test de Tukey para eritrocitos

T11 0,908217 0,712650 0,999877 1,000000 0,207653
T12 0,908217 0,999175 0,802936 0,908217 0,021988
T22 0,712650 0,999175 0,556312 0,712650 0,005914
T32 0,999877 0,802936 0,556312 0,999877 0,321493
T42 1,000000 0,908217 0,712650 0,999877 0,207653
T52 0,207653 0,021988 0,005914 0,321493 0,207653

De acuerdo con este test se puede observar que existen diferencias significativas entre el
tiempo 1 y 2 del grupo b con respecto al tiempo 5 también del grupo B.

Grupos homogéneos según test de Tukey

T52 12,52700 ****
T32 14,16100 **** ****
T42 14,35700 **** ****
T11 14,35700 **** ****
T12 15,18889 ****
T22 15,48400 ****

Gráfico eritrocitos vs tiempo

T i e m p o ; U n w e ig h te d M e a n s
C u r r e n t e ffe c t: F ( 5 , 5 3 ) = 3 ,3 6 8 6 , p = ,0 1 0 2 5
E ffe c tive h yp o th e s is d e c o m p o s itio n
V e r ti c a l b a r s d e n o te 0 ,9 5 c o n f id e n c e i n te r v a l s








T 11 T12 T 22 T32 T42 T 52
T ie m p o

Test de significancia Cálulo de F para Hemoblobina

Univariate Tests of Significance for Hb (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization

Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 5828,891 1 5828,891 4466,325 0,000000
Tiempo 9,233 5 1,847 1,415 0,233988
Error 69,169 53 1,305

Test de Tukey para eritrocitos

Tukey HSD test; variable Hb (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests Error:
Between MS = 1,3051, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,965141 0,982923 0,965872 0,972484 0,872782
2 T12 0,965141 0,999993 1,000000 0,634541 0,418121
3 T22 0,982923 0,999993 0,999997 0,697710 0,474130
4 T32 0,965872 1,000000 0,999997 0,624109 0,402879
5 T42 0,972484 0,634541 0,697710 0,624109 0,999297
6 T52 0,872782 0,418121 0,474130 0,402879 0,999297

Test de Tukey Grupos Homogéneos

Tukey HSD test; variable Hb (Bioquímica II) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = 1,3051, df = 53,000
Tiempo Hb 1
6 T52 9,34000 ****
5 T42 9,52000 ****
1 T11 9,91000 ****
3 T22 10,26000 ****
4 T32 10,32000 ****
2 T12 10,33333 ****

Gráfico Hb vs Tiempo

T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h t e d M e a n s
C u rre n t e f f e c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= 1 ,4 1 5 0 , p = ,2 3 3 9 9
E f f e c t iv e h y p o t h e s is d e c o m p o s it io n
V e r t ic a l b a r s d e n o t e 0 , 9 5 c o n f id e n c e in t e r v a ls
1 1 ,5

1 1 ,0

1 0 ,5

1 0 ,0

9 ,5

9 ,0

8 ,5

8 ,0
T11 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52

T ie m p o

Test de Significancia. Prueba F. Variable Ht

Univariate Tests of Significance for Ht (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization Effective

hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 50515,35 1 50515,35 3869,509 0,000000
Tiempo 217,29 5 43,46 3,329 0,010929
Error 691,90 53 13,05

Test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable Ht (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests Error:
Between MS = 13,055, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,907842 0,712886 0,999877 1,000000 0,216494
2 T12 0,907842 0,999191 0,802406 0,907842 0,023234
3 T22 0,712886 0,999191 0,556608 0,712886 0,006332
4 T32 0,999877 0,802406 0,556608 0,999877 0,333145
5 T42 1,000000 0,907842 0,712886 0,999877 0,216494
6 T52 0,216494 0,023234 0,006332 0,333145 0,216494
Gráfico Ht vs Tiempo

T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h te d M e a n s
C u rre n t e ffe c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= 3 ,3 2 8 9 , p = ,0 1 0 9 3
E ffe c tiv e h y p o th e sis d e c o m p o sitio n
V e rti c a l b a rs d e n o te 0 ,9 5 c o n fi d e n c e i n te rv a l s







T 11 T 12 T 22 T 32 T 42 T 52
T ie m p o

Test de significancia Prueba F para la variabe VCM

Univariate Tests of Significance for VCM (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization

Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 24546,82 1 24546,82 102292860 0,000000
Tiempo 0,01 5 0,00 5 0,000546
Error 0,01 53 0,00

Grupos Homogéneos según test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable VCM (Bioquímica II) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = ,00024, df = 53,000
Tiempo VCM 1 2
5 T42 20,40816 ****
3 T22 20,40816 ****
4 T32 20,40816 ****
1 T11 20,40816 ****
2 T12 20,40935 ****
6 T52 20,43590 ****

Test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable VCM (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests
Error: Between MS = ,00024, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,999983 1,000000 1,000000 1,000000 0,002665
2 T12 0,999983 0,999983 0,999983 0,999983 0,006024
3 T22 1,000000 0,999983 1,000000 1,000000 0,002665
4 T32 1,000000 0,999983 1,000000 1,000000 0,002665
5 T42 1,000000 0,999983 1,000000 1,000000 0,002665
6 T52 0,002665 0,006024 0,002665 0,002665 0,002665

Gráfico VCM vs tiempo

T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h t e d M e a n s
C u rre n t e f f e c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= 5 ,2 5 0 8 , p = ,0 0 0 5 5
E f f e c t iv e h y p o t h e s is d e c o m p o s it io n
V e r t ic a l b a r s d e n o t e 0 , 9 5 c o n f id e n c e in t e r v a ls
2 0 ,4 6

2 0 ,4 5

2 0 ,4 4

2 0 ,4 3

2 0 ,4 2

2 0 ,4 1

2 0 ,4 0

2 0 ,3 9
T11 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52
T ie m p o

Test de Significancia. Prueba F. Variable HCM

Univariate Tests of Significance for HCM (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization
Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 2863,921 1 2863,921 12032,51 0,000000
Tiempo 6,045 5 1,209 5,08 0,000707
Error 12,615 53 0,238

Test de Tukey
Tukey HSD test; variable HCM (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests
Error: Between MS = ,23802, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,999114 0,807866 0,452343 0,779856 0,141631
2 T12 0,999114 0,955894 0,275957 0,943835 0,072331
3 T22 0,807866 0,955894 0,035665 1,000000 0,005535
4 T32 0,452343 0,275957 0,035665 0,031096 0,984785
5 T42 0,779856 0,943835 1,000000 0,031096 0,004736
6 T52 0,141631 0,072331 0,005535 0,984785 0,004736

Grupos Homogéneos según test de Tukey para la variable HCM

Tukey HSD test; variable HCM (Bioquímica II) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = ,23802, df = 53,000
Tiempo HCM 1 2
5 T42 6,636425 ****
3 T22 6,647927 ****
2 T12 6,839070 **** ****
1 T11 6,921621 **** ****
4 T32 7,322189 ****
6 T52 7,467847 ****

Gráfico HCM vs Tiempo

T i e m p o ; U n w e ig h te d M e a n s
C u r r e n t e ffe c t: F ( 5 , 5 3 ) = 5 ,0 7 9 7 , p = ,0 0 0 7 1
E ffe c tive h yp o th e s is d e c o m p o s itio n
V e r ti c a l b a r s d e n o te 0 ,9 5 c o n f id e n c e i n te r v a l s
8 ,0

7 ,8

7 ,6

7 ,4

7 ,2

7 ,0

6 ,8

6 ,6

6 ,4

6 ,2

6 ,0
T11 T 12 T22 T32 T 42 T52
T ie m p o

Test de significancia para la variable CMHb

Univariate Tests of Significance for CMHb (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization

Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 68728,13 1 68728,13 12029,41 0,000000
Tiempo 142,79 5 28,56 5,00 0,000800
Error 302,81 53 5,71

Test de Tukey
Tukey HSD test; variable CMHb (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests
Error: Between MS = 5,7133, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,999094 0,807787 0,452205 0,779768 0,155837
2 T12 0,999094 0,956235 0,275028 0,944233 0,080043
3 T22 0,807787 0,956235 0,035631 1,000000 0,006356
4 T32 0,452205 0,275028 0,035631 0,031065 0,989043
5 T42 0,779768 0,944233 1,000000 0,031065 0,005427
6 T52 0,155837 0,080043 0,006356 0,989043 0,005427

Grupos Homogéneos según test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable CMHb (Bioquímica II) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = 5,7133, df = 53,000
Tiempo CMHb 1 2
5 T42 32,51848 ****
3 T22 32,57484 ****
2 T12 33,50959 **** ****
1 T11 33,91594 **** ****
4 T32 35,87873 ****
6 T52 36,54271 ****

Gráfico CMHb
T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h t e d M e a n s
C u rre n t e f f e c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= 4 ,9 9 8 3 , p = ,0 0 0 8 0
E f f e c t iv e h y p o t h e s is d e c o m p o s it io n
V e r t ic a l b a r s d e n o t e 0 , 9 5 c o n f id e n c e in t e r v a ls









T11 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52

T ie m p o

Test de significancia para la variable Plaquetas

Univariate Tests of Significance for Plaq (Bioquímica II) Sigma-restricted parameterization
Effective hypothesis decomposition
SS Degr. of MS F p
Intercept 32887614 1 32887614 288,4508 0,000000
Tiempo 1656249 5 331250 2,9053 0,021659
Error 6042775 53 114015
Test de Tukey
Tukey HSD test; variable Plaq (Bioquímica II) Approximate Probabilities for Post Hoc Tests
Error: Between MS = 1140E2, df = 53,000
Tiempo {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}
1 T11 0,948961 0,031274 0,889488 0,152428 0,124031
2 T12 0,948961 0,267114 0,999985 0,653817 0,592949
3 T22 0,031274 0,267114 0,320196 0,984245 0,992319
4 T32 0,889488 0,999985 0,320196 0,730422 0,670811
5 T42 0,152428 0,653817 0,984245 0,730422 0,999999
6 T52 0,124031 0,592949 0,992319 0,670811 0,999999

Grupos homogéneos según test de Tukey

Tukey HSD test; variable Plaq (Bioquímica II) Homogenous Groups, alpha = ,05000 Error:
Between MS = 1140E2, df = 53,000
Tiempo Plaq 1 2
3 T22 528,500 ****
6 T52 615,300 **** ****
5 T42 630,100 **** ****
4 T32 840,600 **** ****
2 T12 865,778 **** ****
1 T11 1002,800 ****

Gráfico Plaquetas vs Tiempo

T ie m p o ; U n w e ig h t e d M e a n s
C u rre n t e f f e c t: F (5 , 5 3 )= 2 ,9 0 5 3 , p = ,0 2 1 6 6
E f f e c t iv e h y p o t h e s is d e c o m p o s it io n
V e r t ic a l b a r s d e n o t e 0 , 9 5 c o n f id e n c e in t e r v a ls

T11 T12 T22 T32 T42 T52

T ie m p o

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