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Guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales
SUBJECT CODE Week 13 Simple and
2 weeks
- Present continuous continuous
English I 13 and 14 present.
Week 14
-Simple present vs present Verb to wear
continuous Verb to have got

Name: Angge Katherinne Ortiz Zambrano

Teacher: Geidy Yohana León Lozada


1) Identificar y usar las formas del tiempo presente continuo.

2) Diferenciar, usar y practicar las estructuras del presente simple y continuo.
3) Familiarizarse con el vocabulario relacionado con prendas de vestir.
4) Describir lo que la gente usa o está usando de acuerdo con diferentes situaciones comunicativas o

Apreciado estudiante en esta guía encontrará actividades comunicativas que lo llevarán a comprender
cuándo y cómo debe usar el presente continuo en sus formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.
Además, podrá diferenciar el uso del presente simple o el presente continuo según el propósito
comunicativo que desee alcanzar: Dar información general, hablar sobre rutinas, describir una acción
o evento que se está realizando, etc. The important thing is that each exercise and suggested resource
can orient you to comprehend the simple present and continuous present forms, meaning and use. If
you have any doubt, don’t hesitate to contact me. In the same way, you are going to review and to
learn some new words and forms to describe people’s clothing.
La guía se desarrolla en tres unidades principales. Espero que sea de su agrado.
Para iniciar le sugiero describir en inglés algunas de sus actividades diarias usando oraciones simples
(sujeto + verbo + complemento)
For example: I take a shower every day
1. I do homework in the afternoons
2. I get up at 8am
3. I have lunch every day
4. I put on makeup after bathing
5. I watch tv at night

Ahora describa lo que usted y su familia se encuentra haciendo en este momento, use la estructura:
sujeto + to be (am/is/are)+ ving + complement.

For example: My dad is watching a movie

1. Jonathan is washing the dishes
2. Martha is talking to the neighbor
3. My cousin is cooking dinner
4. My grandfather is eating soup
5. I am doing my English homework
Analicemos los dos ejemplos anteriores: I take a shower every day and My dad is watching a movie
En el primer ejemplo “I take a shower” hace referencia a una acción diaria – a daily action
Mientras que la segunda oración “My dad is watching a movie now” describe lo que la persona (my
dad) está haciendo en el momento – viendo televisión, es decir, ahora (NOW).
Now (ahora) será tu palabra clave (keyword) para comprender que la acción se está ejecutando.

Every day

Garfield eats every day. Garfield is eating lasagne

What is Garfield doing (now)? He is eating lasagna (Present continuous)
What does Garfield do every day? He eats every day. He loves food. (Simple present)

Lesson 1
Present Continuous Tense
Como podemos observar en los ejemplos anteriores el presente continuo o presente progresivo hace
referencia a una acción que ocurre en el momento en que se está describiendo o hablando sobre ella
“actions happening at the time of speaking”.

Luisa is singing Colombian music (Luisa está cantando música colombiana)

La oración en presente continuo está compuesta por dos verbos : To Be (estar) y el verbo que
describe la acción y al cual le pondremos ING al final para indicar que la acción se está ejecutando
(terminación ando-endo en espanol) como sucede en la oración: Singing- cantando.
Veamos a continuación la conjugación del presente continuo en su forma afirmativa :

Taken from :

Es clave conjugar el verbo To be de acuerdo con la persona del pronombre al que hace referencia
(am, is, are) y agregar la terminación ING al verbo que se refiere a la acción específica que se está
ejecutando: work – working (trabajando)

My father is working at home ( My padre está trabajando en casa)

Ahora bien, para agregar ING al verbo debemos tener en cuenta algunas reglas para su escritura.

Now, let’s practice

De acuerdo con la terminación de los verbos y con las reglas de escritura, agrega ING a los siguientes
verbos. Además, escribe su significado y crea una oración en presente continuo.
Make Making Haciendo Margot is making a salad
See seeing Viendo My cat is seeing at a butterfly.
Pay paying Pagando I am paying for a cake.
Untie Untying Desatando I am untying my shoelaces.
Swim Swimming Nadando Luisa is swimming in the pool.
Leave Leaving Saliendo Mauricio is leaving the hospital.
Try Trying Intentando Maria is trying to open a jar.
Sit Sitting Sentando Emma was sitting on a stool.
Buy Buying Comprando Paula is buying a dress.
Come Coming viniendo Jorge is coming here.
Ski Skiing Esquiando Arley is skiing down the
Smoke Smoking fumando They are smoking cigars.
Push pushing Empujando Carlos is pushing the door.
Cut Cutting cortando Marlon is cutting paper.

Para las formas negativa e interrogativa del presente continuo, el verbo To be , que es un verbo
auxiliar recibirá la negación (en la oración negativa) o cambiará de posición para hacer la pregunta
(en la forma interrogativa), como se observa a continuación.

Make informative, negative and interrogative sentences as in the examples:

The cooker is making

The cooker isn’t making

Is the cooker making

I am helping

I am not helping
Am I helping

We are doing
We aren’t doing
Are we doing

She is studying
She isn’t studying
Is she studying
Moreactivities at:

Lesson 2
When do we use the present simple or the present continuous?

A continuación, conocerá los usos más comunes del presente simple y presente continuo. Además,
realizará ejercicios de práctica que le permitirán afianzar sus conocimientos.


1.  For facts or things that are always true or 1. An action happening right now at the
generally true moment of speaking.

The weather is hot in summer Marina is talking at the phone

The water boils faster if you put the cover to the pot Luisa is working in the computer
You can find oysters at the beach My father is reading a book
The baby is sleeping right now
2. For regular habits or repeated actions 2. To talk about and action in progress that
hasn’t been finished yet (probably it is not
For example: being developed at that exact moment)

I brush my teeth after each meal My mom is mending my pants

The teacher is planning the lesson
My dad eats soup for lunch
The architect is designing the project
The students go to school on weekdays
You are learning English
We get up early on Mondays

Important Note: Ciertos verbos en inglés son usados comúnmente sólo en el presente simple
The following verbs are usually only used in Simple Present (not in the progressive form).
▪ state: be, cost, fit, mean, suit
Example: We are on holiday.

▪ possession: belong, have
Example: Sam has a cat.

▪ senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch

Example: He feels the cold.

▪ feelings: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish

Example: Jane loves pizza.

▪ brain work: believe, know, think, understand

Example: I believe you.

▪ Introductory clauses for direct speech: answer, ask, reply, say

Example: “I am watching TV,“ he says

This information was taken from and can be complemented at

Otra de las diferencias de los tiempos presente simple y continuo son las expresiones de tiempo que
usamos en cada uno de los tiempos. Estudia las de uso más frecuente basado en el siguiente cuadro.


Always, often, generally, normally, usually, Now
sometimes, never … Right now
Every day, every week, every year… At the moment
Once a day, twice a week, three times a Still
month… At present
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the Today
evening, at night Tonight
on Mondays, on Fridays… This morning/afternoon/evening
This week/month/year

A) Now is your turn to identify simple present or present continuous sentences . Write S.P (simple
present or P.C ( present continuous) in front of each sentence.

For example: Sara is cutting some potatoes for the soup (P.C)
1. Sussi is not playing the piano today (P.C)
2. Leonard has a very fast car (S.P)
3. It sometimes rains at night (S.P)
4. Do you stay at home on weekends? (S.P)
5. Are the students training basketball right now ? (P.C)
6. The pens are not on the table, they are in the pencil case(P.C)
7. Is your dad at home this afternoon?(S.P)
8. Does Richard get home early?(S.P)
9. we are eating salad for lunch (P.C)
10. Dani does not have blue eyes (S.P)

B) Read this short text and complete the chart with Brian`s information :

Brian is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at 6.00 o’clock. Today he is late, it is
6.30 and he is still in bed. He usually goes to work by train but today he is driving to work. He arrives
at work at 6.30 every morning but it is 7.30 now and he is still driving. It’s 12.00 o’clock now. He
always has his lunch at 12.00 but today he isn’t having lunch at 12.00, he is looking after his sick
patients. It is half past seven now, Brian is watching TV. He usually watches TV at half past seven
because his favorite program starts at half past seven. Brian has his dinner at 8.30 every day and he is
having dinner now. It is 24.00 now Brian is going to bed. He always goes to bed at 24.00.

Brian usually … But today…

He usually gets up at 6 o´clock It is 6:30 and he is sleeping
He usually goes to work by train but today he is driving to work.
He usually watches TV at half past seven he isn’t having lunch at 12.00
He always goes to bed at 24.00. he is looking after his sick patients.
He arrives at work at 6.30 every morning Brian is watching TV
He always has his lunch at 12.00 It is 24.00 now Brian is going to bed
Brian has his dinner at 8.30 every day he is having dinner now.
it is 7.30 now and he is still driving.
C) Read the comic and compare what Samantha does every day and what she is doing in her holiday
and answer the questions.

What time does Samantha get up on Monday? What time is Samantha getting up on Monday?

Samantha gets up at 7:20 on Monday. On Monday Samantha is getting up at 7:30 am.

Where does she usually go on Monday Where is she going on Monday morning?
On Monday morning she usually drives to the Monday morning Samantha is traveling on a plane.
What is Samantha doing at 1pm this Monday?
What does Samantha do at 25 past 11? At 1 o'clock, Samantha is going to the pool with her
Samantha takes her classes at the university.
What time is Samantha having dinner?
What time does Samantha usually have lunch?
Samantha is having dinner with her family at 7
Samantha usually has lunch at 1:10 pm. o'clock.

Where does she go on Monday afternoon? Where is she going on Monday afternoon?
Monday afternoon Samantha goes grocery
shopping. On Monday at 1:30 pm, Samantha is sailing on a
yacht with her friend.
What time does she go to bed? What time is she going to bed?
Samantha is going to bed at 12:05 am.
Samantha goes to bed at 11:40 pm.

What are you wearing?
Iniciaremos con un repaso sobre vocabulario relacionado con la ropa y los accesorios.
Click on this link to review the vocabulary about clothing , repeat and take notes of the new words:


FIRST: Para describir lo que una persona está usando vamos a usar el verbo TO WEAR (Llevar puesto).
Si vamos a describir lo que una persona lleva puesto , usaremos el presente continuo ( subject + to be
+ wearing + clothing). For example:

Ana is wearing sunglasses

Ana is wearing hoop earrings

Ana is wearing a black dress

Ana is wearing a watch

Ana is wearing stockings

Ana is wearing a bracelet

Ana is wearing black boots

Now, it’s your turn to describe what this man is wearing!

He is wearing sunglasses.

He is wearing a white shirt.

He is wearing a clock.

He is wearing brown belt.

He is wearing blue pants.

He is wearing brown shoes.

SECOND: Si el énfasis está en hacer referencia al estilo de vestir de una persona o a una prenda en
general que alguien usualmente viste usamos presente simple.

For example :

I usually wear jackets and jeans at the University

My sister wears sweaters of different colors

My mother does not wear skirts

Do you wear sandals?

Does he wear leather jackets?

THIRD: Remember

Si deseas mencionar en la oración una característica de la ropa: short, tight, beautiful, blue, colorful,
expensive, etc…

Debes poner primero la cualidad y luego mencionar la prenda. Así:

Diego is wearing blue jeans

Adjetivo sustantivo

and nice shoes

People wear wool sweaters in Tunja
Adriana doesn't wear high heels
I don't wear dark makeup He wears comfortable sport suits at
Camilo is wearing a nice cheap black T-shirt
We are wearing silver bracelets
Nelly and Joseph are not wearing good masks
T-shirt Hat High-heeled Coat Tie Pyjamas

Dress Glasses Skirt Watch

Jacket Swimsuit

Slippers Blouse

Mittens Scarf

Shirt Sunglasses

Socks Sandals Belt Waistcoat Suit Jeans

Shoes Bots Trainers Shorts Gloves Trousers

Para evidenciar sus conocimientos deberá :
1. Escoger un lugar y hacer un collage (a computador o a mano) donde se observe a 15
personas desarrollando actividades diversas : gente cantando, saltando, hablando,
2. Asignar nombres a las personas que aparecen en las imágenes .
3. Elaborar una composición escrita, usando el presente simple y continuo para
describir el lugar, los personajes del collage y las actividades que se encuentran
realizando, use adverbios de tiempo. Además, describa la forma de vestir de algunos
4. El collage y la producción final se deben socializar con el profesor y compañeros
durante la clase ( si no tiene la posibilidad de participar en la sesión sincrónica
presente la excusa para poder enviar un video expositivo a través de la

Fecha de entrega :


Evidencia apropiación del vocabulario y estructuras
gramaticales vistas en la unidad.
El uso de material visual apoya la exposición del reporte
La pronunciación y entonación es adecuada.
La información presentada es coherente y pertinente a
lo estudiado en la guía
For further explanation

Online activities

Woodward, J. Vocabulary Activities.

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