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For garlicky mash potatoes, one large starchy Russet potato

per person. Peel that up, cut the potatoes in equal shapes and
sizes, cover the potatoes with cold water, bring the water up to
a full boil before you salt. When you’re cooking with potatoes,
they’re full of starch, of course, so I put the lid on just to bring
them up to a boil because we start with cold water, of course
and the you gotta be mindful and take the lid off immediately or
that starch will cause this to overflow. In with the potatoes I
have lots of cloves of crushed garlic. We’re going to warm
some milk to put into our mash potatoes and of course we’re
going to use a little butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg. I like white
pepper in my garlic mash. So our potatoes are coming up to a
boil. Now for the mash potatoes, i put them through the ricer or
the food mill and we process them. You can just mash them
with a hand masher too, that’s fine. We’re going to add in our
hot milk now. I’m going to season with a little white pepper, salt
and nutmeg. And for these potatoes, I use Taleggio, which is
an Italian soft cheese. You can also use ripe brie or
Camembert. And with soft cheeses, you just cube them up.
Chillt hem down, cube them up. You could also use a soft,
young Fontina. That’d be delicious. And stir it in slowly until all
the cheese melts.

Para el puré de papas con ajo, necesitamos una papa grande

por persona. Primero pelamos y cortamos las patatas en
formas y tamaños iguales, una vez peladas, las cubrimos con
agua fría, ponemos el agua a hervir y cuando esté hirviendo le
añadimos la sal. Cuando cocinas con papas, están llenas de
almidón, así que pongo la tapa para que hiervan porque
empezamos con agua fría, por supuesto y tienes que estar
atento y quitar la tapa inmediatamente o ese almidón causará
que esto se desborde. Mientras las patatas se hacen,
machacamos unos dientes de ajo. En otra olla vamos a
calentar un poco de leche para ponerla en el puré de papas.
Así que nuestras patatas están llegando a un punto de
ebullición. Ahora para el puré de papas, las paso por el molino
de alimentos y las procesamos. Ahora vamos a añadir la leche
caliente, la mantequilla y sazonamos con un poco de pimienta
blanca, sal y nuez moscada. Y para estas papas usaremos un
queso suave Brie o Camembert. Como los quesos son
blandos, sólo hay que cortarlos en cubos y añadirlos al puré.
Una vez están todos los ingredientes solo tenemos que
removerlo lentamente hasta que todo el queso se derrita. Y ya
está listo! Ahora podemos acompañarlo de alguna carne y
estará delicioso.

I have chosen the recipe to make the Cheesy Mashed Potatoes

For this recipe we need:

4 Russet potatoes, peeled and quartered


6 ounces of a soft Brie or Camembert cheese

1 cup milk, warmed

White pepper

grated nutmeg, to taste, about ⅛ teaspoon

For garlic mashed potatoes, we need one large potato per

person. First we peel and cut the potatoes into equal shapes

and sizes, once peeled we put them in a large pot and cover

them with cold water, bring the water to a boil and when it is

boiling add the salt. When you cook with potatoes, they are full

of starch, so we put the lid on to make them boil because we

start with cold water, of course, but you have to be careful and

remove the lid immediately when they are boiling, or that starch

will make them overflow. While the potatoes are being made,

we crush some garlic cloves. In another pot we are going to

heat some milk to to put it in the mashed potatoes. When the

potatoes are reaching a boiling point, they are ready to be

mashed, we pass them through the food mill and process them.
Now we add the hot milk, the butter and season with a little

white pepper, salt and nutmeg. And for these potatoes we will

use a soft Brie or Camembert cheese. As the cheeses are soft,

just cut them into cubes and add them to the mash. Once all

the ingredients are there, we just have to stir it slowly until all

the cheese melts. And it's ready! Now we can accompany the

puree with some meat and it will be delicious.

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