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Workshop: Getting started as a translator

Melissa Paola Zabala Valdés
Jhonatan Andrés Londoño Gíl

Brillyd Lorena Galindo Navarro

Servicio nacional de aprendizaje Sena

Centro de industria y la construcción

Logística empresarial

Fecha de entrega

Ibagué, Colombia
A. Evaluating translations

Read the following translations and identify the possible problems in the Spanish
Translation. Please, correct the translation for each case.

English Spanish Translation Your correction

Logistics is one of the Logísticas es una de las La logística es una de
las esferas que aún tiene
spheres, which still have esferas, que todavía tienen potencial en cuanto se
potential as far as improving potencial en cuanto a mejorar refiere al mejoramiento
performance is concerned. el rendimiento se refiere. del rendimiento.
The global logistics market El global mercado de El mercado mundial de
la logística ha crecido
has grown radically over the logísticas han crecido radical mente a lo largo
years. radicalmente sobre los años. de los años.
The main customer groups Los principales grupos
de clientes atendidos por
served by the logistics industry Los principales grupos de la industria logística son
are parcel and documents clientes servidos por la los servicios de entrega,
express delivery services, industria logística son los almacenaje y
warehousing and distribution, servicios de entrega urgente de distribución de paquetes
etc. paquetería y documentos, y documentos exprés,
almacenamiento y distribución, etc.
Efficient logistics and Logística eficientes y el La logística eficiente y el
transporte son
transportation system are sistema de transporte son prerrequisitos
important prerequisites of the importantes previos requisitos importantes para el
development of any economy. del desarrollo de ninguna desarrollo de cualquier
economía. economía.
The art and science of El arte y la ciencia de la El arte y la ciencia de
entregar mercancías con
delivering goods with speed entrega de buenos con rapidez y velocidad y precisión
and precision can help precisión pueden ayudar pueden ayudar a las
businesses operate more negocios a operar más eficiente, empresas a operar de
efficiently, lower costs and reducir costos y ganancia manera más eficiente,
gain new customers. nuevos clientes. bajando costos y
ganando nuevos clientes.
Logistics has evolved Las logísticas ha La logística ha
evolucionado a lo largo
throughout centuries to become evolucionado a lo largo y ancho de los siglos para
an integral part of every de las centurias para convertirse convertirse en parte
business. en una parte integral de cada integral de cada negocio.

B. Critical Thinking

Answer the following questions.

1.According to your experience, which steps did you follow to complete the
different translations?

R// first to support me in a technical trasnlator, then to verify the words, the
coherence and the meaning of the translated sentence

2.According to your experience, do you consider that translation is a

complex activity? Explain.

R// translation is not a complex activity, requires attention and detail, but
with the right tolos to do it is time but not dificult.

3.What do you think is necessary to do a correct translation?

R// yes, completely. If is not done correctly, you can lose the sense of prayer, or
the right meaning , which is what allows us to understand what we trasnlate

4. According to your experience, what is the most difficult aspect about


R// the most complex part, or more detail, is to locate the propermeaning
of each Word, and then consistently organize the sentences.

C.Oral Production

Write the script for the dialogue you will present in the video.


My name is Jhonatan Londoño

Today i’m going to talk about the Justo & Bueno.

In Justo & Bueno merchandise we work to be a hard discount store with human
quality. We always seek to stay close to our clients, offering them the experience to
market with pleasure, variety of produucts fair prices.
Thank you.

My name is Melissa Zabala

Well we must determine the level of satisfection of costumers who make their
purchases in Justo & Bueno, thus identifying what they are looking for when
Analyzing which are the most common failures with the service provided by Justo
& Bueno employees at their different locations to customers, to make known what
percentage of users have been affected, thus causing them to have a bad concept
of service and therefore low level of satisfaction.
In order to identify which is the common factor of preference in the 100
respondents to know the most common deficiency in the services provided in the
different stores.

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