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James Daniel Castillo Castellanos

Cundinamarca University

Business Administration




James Daniel Castillo Castellanos

Teacher´s name: Fredy Quevedo

Cundinamarca University

Business Administration




1. Self-Biography……...…………………………………………………………………1

2. Life Project…………………………..………………………………………………..2

3. My Hometown…………………………...……………………………………………3

4. C.V……………………………………………………………………………………..4

5. Workshops……………………………...……………………………………………..6

5.1 Owning a Dog………………………………...…………………………………..6

5.2 From the carrots to renovations………………………………...………………6

5.3 The effects of stress……………………………………………………………....6

5.4 The most amazing structure……………………………………………………..7

5.5 Boost your brainpower…………………………………………………………..7

5.6 Secrets of a Happy Brain……………………………………………….………..7

5.7 Memory Magic………………………………………………………..………….8

5.8 Put to the Test…………………………………….……………………………...8

5.9 The Death Car……………………………………………….…………………..8

6. Glossary…………………………………………………………...…………………..9

7. References………………………………………………………...………………….12

8. Annexes…………………………………………………………...………………….14

8.1 Bogotá Post…………………………………………………………...…………14

8.2 Screenshots…………………………………………………………...………….18

8.3 The history of English in ten minutes ………………………………………....28

8.4 WH Questions...……………………………………………………………...….29


En este documento se encontrarán los contenidos temáticos del área de inglés en su

tercer nivel de la Universidad de Cundinamarca, realizados durante el tercer semestre

actualmente cursado, donde se realizaron actividades en la plataforma “Agenda Web”, con el

fin de conseguir un mejor manejo del inglés y sus formas, se realizaron actividades de

Reading Comprehension, Listening, Análisis de lecturas, Conversaciones etc.

Se encuentran evidencias de la actividad, mediante scrent-shot’s, se realizó el

diligenciamiento del Curriculum Viate.

Dentro de las actividades más relevantes se encuentran la realización de una Autobiografía,

un pequeño resumen de mi Proyecto de vida, y una breve descripción de la ciudad en la que

nací, con el fin de mostrar su belleza y su historia.

Además de esto se encontrara un pequeño glosario de palabras técnicas que se usan

comúnmente por los Administradores de empresas, que es la carrera que llevo en curso.

Para finalizar hay un resumen de la historia del inglés, sacada de un video que se encuentra en

la plataforma “Youtube”, que lleva como nombre “The History of English in ten minutes”.


The present document shows the thematics contents of the third level of english

class of the Cundinamarca University, made during the third semester currently studying,

among the course, we did activities at the “Agenda Web” platform, looking for getting a

better way of learn english and its forms, it consist about Reading comprehension, listening,

readings analysis, conversations exercises and others.

All the activities are evidenced by screenshots, and the cirriculum vitae construction is

showed in the portfolio too.

Within the most relevant activities are the construction of our autobiography, an abstract of

our life Project, and a short description of the city we were born in order to describe its beauty

and history.

Also it contains an small glossary with the technical terms that are used by the business

managers, the profession that i am preparing for.

Finally we can fin dan abstract of the history of english, taken from a Youtube video, named

“The history of English in ten minutes”

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My name is James Daniel Castillo Castellanos; I was born in Fusagasugá, on 13th

of November in 1999. I am the oldest son of four.

During my childhood, I lived whit my mother and my brother, it was really quiet. I went to

the kindergarten names “Mis Angelitos”. When I was six years old, my mother met my

stepfather, and got two more child whit him. I have lived whit them since then.

I studied my primary school in the “Escuela Genaral Santander” school, where whit it stood

out by my good behavior and great grades, I got some honorable mentions several times, and

in 5th grade, I won the running for class president.

I did high school in the “Instituto Tecnico Industrial” school, I had very important memories

from there, like get my best friends, my first girlfriend, and I graduated in 2017.

Soccer is one of my biggest passions, I have been practicing in some championship’s I was 9

year old.

In this year I was the best goal-scorer in the championship, and I was dedicated two goal for

mi brother, and five goals for mi mother.

Now I studied in University of Cundinamarca, in the career of Business Administration, I’m

in third semester, and I have so high expectations of my career, I hope to be an excellent

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I hope to end my career of a business administration and study an specialization

in business and e-commerce.

Then I was to move to Medellin architecture; after this, I was to get married and grew a

family whit my wife, move to Spain and make my own construction business.

The first design and construction project that I want to do is my own house, just like I have

always dreamer it.

I want to build a house for my parents too, and take them to Spain to live next to me.

I want to travel with my wife and know some countries like, France, Italy, Africa, Egypt,

Morocco, Greece, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Sweden and Switzerland.

And I observe a little bit of each one of those cultures and what those countries have to offer.

I want to have two children and adopt a third one, support them him every dream that they

have and take them to the stadium to watch the classic soccer games in Spain.
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In Fusagasuá we find mythical places where there the history of the city and the

country was forged.

The beautiful claymore, where there Spaniards once lived, are a large part of our history, they

are places full of magic and pre-Columbian art.

They are definitely place that you have to know and enjoy country.

We are also known for our flora, for this reason they know us as the “Ciudad Jardín de


We have a variety of orchids and flowers, worthy of admiration, even gift giving.

We also have places like the tree of the “Arbol de las ventanas”, “La laguna”, and the “Pozo

del diablo”, which are places full of meadows and loss of fresh air to breathe.

With beautiful landscapes and the best sunsets that you can see.
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ame James Daniel Castillo Castellanos
Addres Cll 20 E #20-83 Pablo Bello, Fusagasugá, Colombia.
s 3177713514
one castillojames011
E- 13, November, 1999



Date of


• Dates (from – to) (if appropriate)
• Name and address of employer
• Type of business or sector
• Occupation or position held
• Main activities and

 Dates (from –

• Name and type of

organization providing
education and training
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
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January, 2017 – November 2017

None experience
School Institute Triangle

High school graduates


Dates (from – to) February, 2019- In progress

Name and type of organization University of Cundinamarca

providing education and training
Principal subjects/occupational Professionals
skills covered
Title of qualification awarded Business Administration
Level in national classification
(if appropriate) Third semester

Page 1 - Curriculum vitae of

James Daniel Castillo Castellanos

PERSONAL SKILLS I am a person with a high sense of responsibility,

AND COMPETENCES with great skills in teamwork, trained to exercise
and carry out mi position, with an excellent interpersonal
relationship and willing to listen to suggestions that
help me grow as person.



SOCIAL SKILLS I am an empathic person, always already to help

AND COMPETENCES others, to learn new things.
socializing with people is easier for me, understanding
and listening to them too.

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS I´m a responsible and meticulous person, orderly

AND COMPETENCES teachable, organized person, I accept suggestions
and criticism that help me improve, I carry out the
activities assigned fully and in the stipulated time.
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Page 2 - Curriculum vitae of

James Daniel Castillo Castellanos
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 PRODUCTION: The activity of the company in pursuit of profit from a service or


 ORGANIZATION: Consist of a set of coordinated activities, and cooperation, only exist

when there are people able to communicate and are willing to act together.

 PLANNING: Is the development or implementation of plans to achieve purposes and


 COACHING: Is an interactive and transparent process, where the most efficient way to

achieve objectives is sought.

 BUDGET: Is the relation whit the proposed expenses for projects and works.

 CONTROL: Process in which the activities follow a previously decided plan and the plan

adjust to the activities of the organization.

 ACTIONS: Is divided in to equal parts of the share capital that a company or company


 RISK: Refers to the possibility of loss, the degree of probability of loss.

 MANAGEMENT: Executive authority, fields of administration.

 ASSETS: Any tangible object that own, or a property right, that represents value for


 LIABILITIES: Obligation, amount owed, pay in money or in products or services.

 BPR (Business Process Reingeneering) : Rethinking of business business processes, new

strategies and decision-making, as well as the insertion of new technologies.

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 BENCHMARKING: Process that measures and compares the internal operations and

processes of an organization, with those of the best representative of its class, either inside

or outside the industry.

 BRAINSTORMING: Gathering or brainstorming new ideas, focused on solving a

problem or situation.

 CEO: Executive director of the company.

 CLUSTER: Conglomerate, names a group of companies oriented to a specific sector.

 DUMPING: Trade in imported assets to a country at lower prices than the real ones in

their country of origin.

 HOLDING: Organization scheme in which a parent company owns the shares of stock its


 LEVERADGE: External debt of a company or organization.

 OUTDOOR TRAINING: Learning process through experience, which fosters the integral

development of a person: body, mind and spirit; where the four basic elements of learning

intervene: think, observe, act and feel.

 FACILITATE: To facilitate means to make things easier and help them run more

smoothly. A facilitator is the person whose job is to facilitate.

 COORDINATE: The verb to coordinate means to arrange for two or more parties (people

or groups) to work together. The person who coordinates tasks or activities is known as a


 PRIORITIZE: To prioritize means to deal with things in their order of importance or

urgency. Things that are more important are given a higher priority so they get done

before the less important things.

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 PROCESS: The verb to process means to put something through a series of actions to

achieve a certain result. The noun processing describes the series of actions and steps

needed to produce a certain result.

 DOCUMENT: You might already know that the noun document refers to a paper or

computer file. The noun documentation refers to the creation of records or files.

 COMMUNICATE: You’ve probably heard of the verb to communicate, which means to

pass on information to someone. The noun communication refers to the act of expressing

or exchanging information.

 RECRUIT: To recruit means to find suitable people to work for your company.

 MERCHANDISE: The noun merchandise simply refers to the products or goods that are

bought and sold by your company.

 DISTRIBUTION: The noun distribution refers to the delivery of products or merchandise

to your store or business.

 COLLABORATE: To collaborate means to work together with another person or group

to achieve a common goal.

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 https://agenda/


















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There is something that we are concerned about and it is enviroment becouse pollution is killin

our planet. In Bogotá they are planning some new strategies to solve these kind of problems, they

are important improving the transportation system with alternatives like regiotram can electric

train, bicycles paths and fallow the use of apps that offer transportation services.

It is a good moment for people interested in take care of the earth, because they are promoting

healty ways of transportation since o while, because they can help to reclute the negative impact

to the enviroment.
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The news talk about the world problematic across in the actually, because the article mentions

the problematic actually referring to Covid19 and how this situation needs solutions for all us,

and how, we can be part of this, so the invitation is to be united and make and proposes solutions

for confront this emergency and like they said “#cadadíacuenta”

Is part of all this campaign, and doesn’t matter the profession or the kind of people that we be, all

us can contribute with many solutions

And this initiative is support by many different society’s and enterprises interested and make that

a reality.
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The video relates in a different way, the history of english. Ir begins with some facts about

romans and the tribes Angle and Saxons. It talks about how the vikings and Shakespeare fed the

language with a lot of new words and phrases.

In 1611 a group of scribes made a translation of the bible, named the King James’s translation.

Then as a really important part of the history of English, we have that in 1857 the Oxford English

Dictionary appeared, with more new words and meanings. The video tells how the language has

been in constant changing as the human being and culture has. The internet, the spreading, and

the growing of people speaking english around the world are the kind of facts that make this

language one of the global languages.

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 What is your name?

My name is James Castillo.

 What is your phone number?

My phone numbre is 3177713514.

 What is your email address?

My email address is

 What is tour address?

My address is Calle 3 a #20-82.

 What is this?

This is a computer.

 What is it?

It is a book.

 What is this for?

This for write.

 What are you doing?

I listening to rap music.

 What are you doing tomorrow?

Tomorrow I will do a little exercise.

 What are you doing tonight?

Tonight I´m going to play with my family.

 What are you doing next week?

Next week I will finish my work and go runing in the mornings.

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 What is going on?

We are all in home because of the pandemic

 What is up?

Everything's fine, thank you.

 What time is it?

It's time to eat, no matter when you read it, it's always time to eat.

 What do you want?

I want the pandemic to end and see my friends again.

 What do you need?

I need a Hamburguer.

 What do you think?

I think it's time for humanity to change.

 What should we do?

We should be more environmentally friendly.

 What do you do?

I am a student of business administration.

 What do you like?

I like to play sports, listen to music and eat.

 What is he like?

He's tall, attentive and honest.

 What is your favorite color?

My favorite color is green.

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 What would you like for dinner?

For dinner I'd like to eat pizza.

 What time will you be home?

I can't really leave the house.

 What do you want to do later?

Later I want to go to sleep.

 What do you want to do tomorrow?

Tomorrow I want to go jogging.

 What happened?

A virus appeared and we all have to take care of ourselves.

 What´s worng?

We're in the middle of a virus.

 What is taking so long?

Because it's been hard to avoid more contagion.

 What are you taking aboout?

I'm talking about Covid-19.

 When do you arrive?

I arrive next week.

 When did you get here?

I got here three months ago.

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