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NEGATrVE STATEMENT: He wasn 't rich. SÍ / No PREGUNTA: ¿Era de una familia numerosa?
1 YEs/No QuESTlON: Was he from a large family? WH- PREGUNTA: ¿Dónde nació?
SHORT ANSWER: Yes, be was. PREGUNTA NEGATIVA: ¿Por qué no estaba en la
WH- QuESTION: Where was he born?
NEGATIVE Wu- QUBSTION: Why wasn't he in school?

The Simple Past of Regular Verbs

AFFJRMATIVE STATEMENT: Andrée wanted ro go to the North Pole. DECLARACIÓN AFIRMATIVA: Andrée
quería ir al Polo Norte.
NEGATIVE STATEMENT: He didn't want to go over land. DECLARACIÓN NEGATIVA: No quería ir
por tierra.
YES/No QUESTION: Did he wa nt to go by balloon? Pregunta de sí o no: ¿Quería ir en globo?
SHORT ANSWER: Yes, he did. RESPUESTA CORTA:Sí lo hizo.
WH- QUESTTON: ¿Por qué quería ir al
WH- QUESTTON: Why did he wa nt ro go to the rorth Pole?Polo Norte?
1 NEGATIVE W~r- QUESTJON: Why didn't he want to go over land?
quería ir por tierra?

The Simple Past of Irregular Verbs

AFPIRMATIVE STATEMENT: Dawson felt happy. Dawson se sintió feliz.
NEGATIVE STATEME~T: He dldn1t feel lonely.
No se siente solo.
YES!No QUESTION: Did he feel good when he learned to read? Pregunta de sí o no:¿Se sintió bien
cuando aprendió a leer?
SHORT ANSWER: Yes, he did. RESPUESTA CORTA:Sí lo hizo.
Wff- Q UESTION: How clid he feel about his life? Wff- PREGUNTA:¿Qué tan clid él siente
sobre su vida?
NEGATlVE WH- QUESTION: Why didn't he feeJ ionely? NEGATlVE WH- PREGUNTA:
¿Por qué no se sentía solo?

APFIRMATIVE STATEMBNT: Black child ren u sed to attend separate schools in sorne places.
NBGATJVE STATEMENT: They didn't use to attend schools with white children.
YES/No QUBSTION: Did baseball teams use to have black players?
1 SHORT ANSWER: No, they didn't.
1 WH- QuESTION: Why did schools use to segregate students?
L·------------------------~------------- ----------------~
DECLARACIÓN AFIRMATIVA: El niño negro debe asistir a escuelas separadas en algunos lugares.
DECLARACIÓN NEGATIVA: No solían asistir a escuelas con niños blancos.
SÍ / No PREGUNTA: ¿Los equipos de béisbol solían tener jugadores negros?
RESPUESTA CORTA: No, no lo hicieron.
WH- PREGUNTA: ¿Por qué las escuelas solían segregar a los estudiantes?

&8 Lason 3
Fill in the blanks to complete the conversation. Use the words given and context clues to help you. Use
contractions wherever possible. Complete los espacios en blanco para completar la conversación. Usa las palabras dadas y las claves de contexto para
ayudarte. Use contracciones siempre que sea posible

A: There _ _ _.:..:
w..-: S::....__ _ a good program on TV last night.
a:.:: D . c,~ you see it?
l. be 2. you / see
Había un buen programa en la televisión anoche
¿Lo viste?
No, I - WAS
- -- -SEE WAS _ _ _ about?
- --. What _ __ __
3. 4. be

A: It was about successful people who _ _ _ FAILED

_ _ _ _ _ at first.
5. fall

8: WAS TALK - - - about?

Who - ----.,..---.,..---
6. they / tal k

One success was Bill Gates. Gates _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a company with a friend when he
7. start

- - -- - - -- 17 years old.
8. be

8: THEY- -- - -
What kind of company - -------,-- ?
9. they 1start

A: They - - - - -- - - software to help regulate traffic. They _ _ _TRIED

BUILDING _ ____ to sell it
JO. bu lld 11. try

NOT_ ____ successful.

to the city, but they _ __
12. not / be

8: vVhy - -THEY
- - - -- -- - - successful?
13. they/ not / be
A: The software -TO
- DO
- - - - -- well in the lab, but it - - -- - - - - well when they
14. do 15. not / do

showed it to the city. Then Gates _ __GOT

_ _ _ _ _ ro college but he -do
-- finish
16. go 17. not / finish
He - - - - - - - - before graduation.
18. leave
don't know tho he leave
8: 1 - - - - - -- - - - that. Why - -- -- - - - - - - college?
19. not / know 20. he / leave

A: He was
----,....---- - very interested in computers, and he - -starting
- - - -- - Microsoft
~. ~ nrun
with his frien d. become
They _ __ _ ____ successful. The program also talked abom Thomas
23. become

Edison. He _ _ makes
_ __ ___ many things. He _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 1,000 attempts
24. lnvent 25. make

before he _succeeded
_ _ __ _ \'Vith the light bulb. A reporter _asking
_ _ _ __ him
26. succeed 27. ask
feeling replied
how it - - -- - - -- to fail so many times. Edison - -- -----
28. feel 29. reply

"1 -do-
- - - -- 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps:'
30. notl fa ll
8: --- - - - -- - -- - - that successful people succeeded right away.
3 1 use to / think

Don't usually think

~ ---::-::---:---"'7"':""--:----- of failure as a pan of success.
32. not / use to / thonk

The Simple Past, The Habitual Past with Used To 89

PART 1 Editing Advice
l. Use was/ werewith born.
Dawson born in the South.

2. Don't use was or were with die.

He wa5 died in 2001.

3. Don't use a pasr form after to.
Nyad decided to swam from Cuba to Florída.

4. Don't use was or were ro form the simple past.

She was aecomplish her goal.
5. Use a form of be befare an adjective. Remember, sorne -ed words are adjectives.
Dawson excited about going to school.

6. Don't use did with an adjective. Use was or were.

\' ~
Andrée and his men EfteA!t successful.
7. Form the past question correctly.
d1dn t you
Why yett didn!t read the article?
d1d wr·te
Why Dawson Wfffie a book?

8. Use the base form after didn't.

He dídn't learned to read when he was a child.

9. Don't forget the d in used to in affirmari\·e statements.

He use to live in the South.
10. Don't add the verb be befare used lo for habitual pasr.

Nyad ~ used to be a sportscaster.

11. U e the correct past form.

Nyad 5Wifflmed from Cuba to Florida.

PART 2 Editing Practice

Sorne of the shaded words and phrases have mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. lf the shaded
words are correct, write C.
e wa~
1 recently read an article about Jackie Robinson. He were the ñrst African American ro play
l. z.
on a major !cague baseball team, the Brooklyn Dodgers. Ylajor league basebaU teams use to

have only white players. Blacks were used to have their own teams.

90 Lesson 3
>binson born in 1919 in the South. His family was very poor. When he was justa baby,
5. 6.

her leaved the family and his mother decided ro moved tbe family to California. When he
7. 8. 9.

n high school and college, he interested in severa) differem sports. After junior college, he
o the Universiry of California, where he was won awards in baseball, basketball, football,
:lck. He didn't finished college. He taked ajobas atbletic director of a youth organization.
14. 15.

1e enter the army in 1942. After he left tbe army in 1944, he accepted an offer to be the
IL 1~

e director ata college in Texas. In l945, the Kansas City Monarchs, an African American

tll team, sended him an offer to play professional baseball. ln 1947, the Brooklyn Oodgers
1 him a contract. The manager of the tea m knowed that Robinson would face racial

nination. He didn't wanted Robinson to fight back. Sorne people in the crowds yelled
2 1. 22.

wsults to him. Even sorne of his teammates objected to having an African American
ir team. Robinson didn't surprised. He knew this would happen. Sorne other teams
24. 25.

med not ro pla}• against the Oodgers. How the manager of the team reacted?

anager, Leo Durocher, supported Robinson. He sayed tbat he would rather keep Robinson
28. 29.
lme of them. In one game, when people yeUed racial insults at Robinson, the team

1 come over and puued his arm around Robinson to show his support.
30. 3 1.

1binson succeeded in hreaking the racial barrier. He become the highest pald playcr in
32. 33.

rs hisrory. But more importandy, he opened the door for otber African American athletes

bsional sports. He retired from baseball in 1957. He was died in 1972.

35. 36.

l Write About lt
bout an ordinary person who did something extraordinary {like George Dawson). lt can be
ne you read about or someone you know.
bout a time when you failed at something. What did you learn from your failure?

J Edit Your Writing

? Summary of Lesson 3 and the editing advice. Edit your writing from Part 3.

The Simple Past, The Habitual Past with Used To 91

{0 1
Read the followlng article. Pay special attent ion to the words in bold.

Many young couples consider their wedding to During the ceremony, the bride and groom cake
be one of the mosr important days of their lives. They vows.3 They promise to love and respecr each other for
often spend ayear planning for it: finding a place, the rest of rheir lives. The groom's best man holds the
selecting a menu, buying a wedding dress, ordering rings for them until they are ready to place them on
invitations and sending them ro friends and relatives, each other's fingers. At the end of the ceremony, the
selecting musicians, and more. groom lifts the bride's veil and kisses her.
The bride chooses her bridesmaids 1 and maid There is a dinner and dance after the ceremony.
of honor2, and the groom chooses his groomsmen The bride and groom usually dance the first dance
and best man. The bride and groom want to make alone. Then guests join them.
this day special for themselves and for their guests.
Befare the bride and groom leave the party, the
Sometimes the bride and groom use a professional
bride throws her bouquet over her head, and the
wedding planner so rhey don't have todo everything
single women try to catch it. It is believed that the
by themselves.
woman who catches it will be the next one to get
When the day arrives, the groom doesn'r usually see manied.
the bride befare the wedding. lt is considered bad luck
The newlyweds 4 usually take a trip, called a
for him ro see her ahead of time. When the wedding
honeymoon, immediarely after the wedding.
begins, the groom and groomsmen emer first. Next, the
maid of honor and bridesmaids enter. When the bride
finally enters in her whlte dress, everyone turns around 1 bridesmaid: one of a group of women (a good frlend or close
relative of tbc bride) who is part of the wedding ceremony
to look at her. Often the bride's father or both of her 2 maid ofhonor: one special woman (a good friend or close relarive
pa:rent:. walk her clown the aisle to the groom. of d1e bride) who helps the bride during the wedding ceremony
3 1.1ow: a promise
4 newlywed: a recently married pcrson

94 ~4
IOMPREHENSION CHECK Based on the reading, tell if the staternent is true (T) or false (F).

l. Sorne pcople use a wedding planoer to belp plan for the wedding.

2. The bride usually emers with the groom.

3. All the wornen try to catch the bouquet.

Overview of Possessive Forms and Pronouns

Examples ; Explanation
Your wedding was beautiful. A possessive adjective shows ownership or
Her mother looks happy. 1 relationship.
1You attended my wedding, and 1 attended yours. pro~ also shows ownership or
1 A possessive
- - - --- --- - - -------~------------. - - -- - - - - - - -- - ---- --- --1
lThe bride's dress is wh ite. - - - - --- A noun has a possessive forrn.

They sent mean in_v_it_a ti_o_n.___ -- - - -----ti

- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - -
An object pronoun follows the verb_. -
- - -

Tbey want to make the wedding special for themselves j Sorne pronouns are reflexive.
and their guests.
'--- - --- - - ---- ---- - - - - - - --=-- - --- - - - -- - - --- - - - ----'
----- ---~----- -~-----

XERCISE 1 This is a conversation between a bride-to-be and a professional wedding planner. Fill in
e blanks with the words you hear.

A: My friend gave _ _.:..:m..:.:e~

o~u!.!.r_ _ comact information. She said she used _ __ _ _ _ _
l. 2.

services when she got married last year. My fiancé and - - - - - - - - - are planning

- - - - - - - - wedding now, and we want to know how - - - - - - - - - can help

4. 5.

7. 8.

often not so good. So I'rn glad you comacted - - - - - -- - -· 1 can help ----=-----
~ 1~

plan thc perfect wedding. Planning a wedding by _ _ _ _ _ _ __ is tressful. lt's


- -- - - -- - special day, and 1 want - - - -- - - - to enjoy - - - - - - -- -

12. 13. 14.

There are a lot of little details in planning a wedding. and it's my job to take ca re of
____________ fur ___ ___ ___ _
15. 16.


Possessive Forms. Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questions 95

A: My - - - -- - - mother helped _ __ _ _ _ _ plan _ _ _ __ __
17. 18. 19.

wedding, but sbe was so busy that she didn't enjoy _ _ _ __ _ _ _ very much. My cousin

told - - - -- -- - that _ _ __ _ ___ wedding day was stressfuJ for _ _ _ _ _

21. 22. 23.
and - - - - - -- - fiancé. I need help, but - -- -- - -- budget is limited. How
24. 25.

much is this going ro cost _ _ __ __ __ ?


8: That depends. Uyou want _ __ _ __ __ services for every step, it will be about $3,500.

If yo u make _ _ _ __ _ _ _ own arrangements and \Vant _ _ __ _ __ _ services for

28. 29.
the rwo weeks befare the wedding and on the wedding day, _ _ __ _ _ _ _ fee is about

$1,000. I made a list of all the things J do for a wedding. Please look at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and

give - - - - - - - - a caJI if _ __ ~---- have any questions.

~ n

4.2 Possessive Forms of Nouns

No un 1 Rule 1 Examples
Singular nouns: Add apostrophe + s. The bride's dress is wh ite.
bride The groom's tuxedo is black.
groom J
Plural nouns ending in -s: Add apostrophe only. She got married in her parents' house.
parents The guests' coats are in the coat room.
Irregular plural nouns: Add apostrophe + s. The men's suits are black.
men The women's dresses are beautiful.
Names that end in -s: Add apostrophe + s. Do you know Charles's wife?
lnanimate objects:
the church
Use "the
. ofthe New Hope is the na me of the church.
The front of the dress has pearls.
the dress
Time words: Add apostrophe + s Today's weddings are very expensive.
this month 1

Language Note:
Sometimes you will see only an apostrophe when a name ends in -s.
Do you know Charles' wife?

96 lesson 4
EXERCISE 2 Fill in the blanks to make the possessive form of the noun given.

l. The _ _ _ _...~::b:..! grandfather looks very handsome.


2. The -----,--- -...,.------ dresses are blue.


3. They invited many guests to the wedding. Did they invite the - -- - ------- - --- children?
4 . The ______ _ __ _ __ dresses are very elegant.

5. - -- ------- -- - - - sister is a bridesmaid.


6. - - - -------- -- - --- newspaper has the ------------ - - - - - photo.

Today newlyweds

7. Do you know the - - -- - - -- - -- - - - names?


EXERCISE 3 Fill in the blanks with the two nouns given. Put them in the correct order. Use the
possessive form of one of the nouns, except with lnanimate objects.

1. _ _T._.h_....t-"-"'
e_ _ is Lisa.
name/ the brlde

- - - - - - --,--,----,--,----,------ - ---is open.

- - - -- -...,....-...,.......,...,.......,--.....,...- -,------- ----carne to the wedding from London.

--------..,..,..--..,...,..--...,....--- - - - -- is June l.

--------- - - - -- - ------------iscrying.

- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - are black.

-----------,---,------,--,------------ is white.

-------------,----...,.......~~---------- are prett y.


10. Whar is --------,-.,....----,-----~---- ?

wedding / the cost

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questlons 97

4.3 Possessive Adjectives
Examples Explanation
1 love my wife. Compare subject pronouns and possessive adjectives.
Where did you bu y your gift? Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives
He chose hls brother to be his best man. 1 my
She's wearing her sister's dress. yo u your
It's a big restaurant with its own reception hall. he his
We planned our wedding for over ayear. she her
They bought their rings ata jewelry store. lt its
we our
they their
A possessive adjective refers to the noun befare it. Be
My slster loves her husband. careful not to confuse his and her.
-. :-;oT: My sister loves flis husband.
My brother loves his wife. ~OT: My uncle loves herwife.
The bride's mother's dress is blue. We can use two possessive nouns together.
My brother's wife didn't anend the wedding. We can use a possessive adjective (my) before a
possessive noun (brother's).
Language Notes:
1. Don't confuse your and you're. You're =you are.
2. Don't confuse their and they're. They're = they are.
3. Don't confuse its and it's. lt's =it is.

EXERCISE 4 Fill in the blanks with a possessive adjective.

l. 1 love my parents.

2. 1 have one sister. ______________ sister got married fi ve years ago.

3. Sheloves - ------------- husband very much.

4. He's an accountant. He has _ _____________ own bu i ncss.

5. They have one child. _ _____________ son's name is Jasen.

6. My sisrer and I visir -------------- parems once a month. They live two hours away from us.

7. My slster said, "My car isn't working this week. Let's visir them in --------------- car."

98 lesson 4
EXERCISE S Fill in the blanks with a possessive adjective.

A: My síster, Nicole, is getting married next month.

8: WiJJ your parenrs have the wedding at _ ___."t.....h"-"e'""i'-

r ___ home?

A: Oh, no. They live in an apartment. - -- -- -- - apartment is too sroall. My sisrer


invíted more than 200 guests. The wedding is going to be at a church. Afterwards, there's going

to be a reception nearby. The church has _ _ _ __ _ __ own reception hall.


8: Did she aJready bu y _ _ _ _ __ _ _ dress?

A: Dresses are so expensive. We wear the same size, so m y sisrer's goíng ro wear - - -- - - -
dress. Nicole and - - ---,-- - - - fiancé, Kevin, want ro save money for - - -- - - -
L ~

honeymoon. They're going ro Paris.

8: Wow! Paris is beautiful- and e>.rpensive.

A: Yes, it is. But Kevin 's awlt Uves there. They' re going to stay at -----~-- apartiDen t.

8: Isn' t she going to be at her aparrrnent?

A: No. - -- -- - - - aunt is coming he re for _ _ _ _ _ _ __ wedding. She's going to

9. 10.

stay here an extra week to give Kevin and icole _ _ _ __ __ _ apartment.


4.4 Possessive Pronouns

We use a possessive pronoun to avoid repetition of a noun. Compare possessive
adjectives and possessive pronouns.

We had our wedd ing in a church. They had theirs Possessive Adjectives
in a garden. (theirs =r.heir wedding) my
Her dress is white. Mine is blue. (mine = my dress) your yours
Their wedding was big. Ours was small. (ours = our his his
wedding) her hers
our o urs
their theirs
The groom's parems look bappy. The bride's do too. After a possessive noun, we can omit the noun to
(bride's = bride's parenrs) avoid repetition.

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questions 99

EXERCISE 6 Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.

A: 1 heard your brother got married lasr month. How was the wedding? Was ir anything like your

wedding? I remember (your~ very weU.


8: (My/ Mine) weddlng was very different from my (brotlter/ brother's). (His/ Hers) was a very
~ L ~

formal weddjng in a church. (My/ Mine) was very informal, in a garden.


A: 1 enjoyed (your/ yours) wedrung. 1 prefer informal weddmgs. At most weddings, 1 have to get
dressed up in a suit and tie. At (your/ yours), 1 wore comfortabl e clothes. vVhere rud your
brother and his wife go for (their/ theirs) honeymoon?
8: They hada very dilferem honeymoon from (our/ ours). (Our/ Ours) honeymoon was a two-day
9. 10.

rrip to Chicago. (Their/ Theirs) was a rwo-week rrip to Hawall.


A: 1 remember your wife made (her/ hers) own dress. You saved a lot of money.
8: Yes. But my sister-in-law, Gina, bought (hers/ his). Sarah made her dress for under $100. But

(Gina/ Gina's) cost over $1,000.


A: The cost of a wedding isn't the mosr important thing. The most imponant thing is the

happlness that follows. My (u ncle's/ uncle) wedding cost over $30,000, but his marriage !asted

only eight months.

EXERCISE 7 Discuss the answers to these questions wlth a partner.

l. What klnd of clothes do a bride and groom wear in your native culrure?

2. What kind of clorhes do guests wear?

3. Do people use professional wedrung planners in your country? Why or why not?

100 lesson 4
4.5 Questions with Whose
Whose + a noun asks a question about ownership or relationship.

Wbose dress
Wbose flowers are those? They're the bride's flowers.
Wbose lasr name will the bride use? She' ll use her husband's Jast name.

language Note:
Don't confuse whose with who's. Who's =who is.
Who's that? That's the wedding planner.
Whose mother is that? That's the bride's mother.

EXERCISE 8 Wrfte a question with whose. The answer is given.

1. Whose flowers are these'?

Tbey're the bride's flowers.

2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
That's my father's car.

3. --------------------------------------------------------------------
Those are the newlyweds' glfts.

4. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
She's wearing her sister's necklace.

5. --------------------------------------------------------------------
They followed the wedding planner's advice.

6. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
They used their frlend's house.

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexi ve Pronouns, Questions 101

(0 1
Read the following article. Pay special attention to the words in bold.

The average cost of a wedding in the United States is $27,000. In the past, the
bride's parents usually paid for the wedding. Bur since today's brides and grooms are
older, they often pay for it themselves.
Here are sorne tips5 from recently married people on how to economize on a weddlng.
• "1 always pictured mysetr in a beautiful white dress on my wedding day. But most dresses
are over $1,000. 1 couldn't afford any of them. l found a grear secondhand dress for $200.
When my sister got married, she made her dress h erself and spem only S lOO. When the
guests saw her walk down the aisle, they sald she looked beautiful.
• "We wanted professional invirations, but we decided to make them ourselves.
We designed them on the computer:'
• "1 always wamed live music at my wedding, but professional musicians are expensive.
My cousin plays piano, so 1 asked him ro play for u . \Ve used a DJ6 for the dancing
afterwards. We had to remind ourselves that the m usic wasn' t the focus of the day-
our marriage was:·
• "Most couples want to get married in thc summer. You can cut cosrs by having a wedding
at a less popular time. A wedding in January is cheaper than a wedding in August.
Ask yourself how imponanr a summer wedding is."

s típ: advke o r usefu l lnformarlon

6 DI (disk jockey): a pcrson who plays rec:orded music:

102 Lesson 4
lt is not good ro economize on some things:

• "Don't try to save money by e-mailing invitations or thank-you cards. Guests are offended. You should
send them by postal mail."
• "1 asked a friend to take pictures at my wedding. When he showed m e the pictures
afterwards, 1 was very disappointed. Hire a professional photographer. You want to
look at yourselves and guests for years to come:•
The best way to economize is to invite only your closest relatives and friends.

COMPREHENSION CHECK Based on the reading, tell if the statement is true (T) or false (F).

l. Guests are offended if yo u make your own invitations.

2. The cost of a wedding is the same all through the year.

3. Guests expect to get a thank-you card by postal m ail.

4.6 Object Pronouns

The object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them.

Examples · Exp/anation
We made the invitations. We're going to send them out We use object pronouns after a verb.
1lave the bride's dress. She borrowed it from her sister.
We paid for the limousine service. We paídfor it in An object pronoun can follow a preposition (at,
advance. with, ot about, to, from, in, etc.).
Did you see the photos? Are you happy wíth them?
He invited my wife and meto the wedding. Be careful with subjects and objects connected
My wife and 1 went to the wedding. with and. After a verb, we use an object pronoun.
Befare a verb, we use a subject pronoun.

Language Notes:
1. An object can be direct or indirect.
She invited meto the wedding. (A direct object receives the action of the verb.)
He showed m e the pictures. (An indirect object answers to whom or for whom.)
2. We can use them for plural people and things.
The flowers are beautiful. Do you like them?
The bridesmaids are beautiful. Let's take a picture of them .
3. Compare subject pronouns and object pronouns:
Su bject Pronoun Verb Object Prono un
Yo u lave me.
I lave yo u.
She laves him.
He lo ves her.
We love it.
They love us.
We lo ve them.

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questions 103

EXERCISE 9 Fill in the blanks with an object pronoun that corresponds to the underlined words.

l. In a traditional wedding, the bride doesn't arrive at the ceremony with the groom. He arrives

befare her

2. The bride wears a veil. The groom lifts - - - - - - -- to kiss - - - - -- --

3. The groom promises to lave the bride, and the bride promises to lave _ _ __ _ __ _

4. Sometimes the bride and groom get hotel rooms for their guests. Do they pay for _ _ __ _ _ __ ?

5. We sent a check to the bride and groom. They sent a note to thank _ __ __ __ _

6. Did you receive the invitarían? We want _ _ ______ to attend our wedding.

7. Yes. 1 received the invitation. I put _ __ _ __ __ on my refrigerator.

8. You don't know the groom's brothers. Let me introduce you to - - - -- - - -

9. !'m going to the wedding. The bride sent _ _ _ _____ an invitation.

EXERCISE 10 Fill in the blanks with the correct subject pronoun, object pronoun,
or possessive adjective.

A: How was your cousin Lisa's wedding last Saturday?

B: ---~lt~_ __ was great.


A: How many guests were there?

8: About 200. 1 couldn't count _ _ __ _ __ _


A: Wow! That's a lot. It sounds like an expensive wedding. How did they pay for - - - - - - - -?

8: Lisa and Ron worked after _ _ _ __ ___ graduated from college and saved money.

- -- - - - -- parents helped - - - - - - - - too.

s. 6.

A: Did Lisa wear a rraditional white dress?

8: Yes. In fact, _ __ __ ___ wore - -- - - - - - mother's wedding dress.

7. 8.

She looked beautiful in


A: Where did _ _ ______ go on their honeymoon?


8: They went to Hawaü.

A: 1 hope _ _ _ _____ '11 be happy. The wedding and honeymoon are important, but the

marriage that follows is what reaJly counts.

104 Lesson 4
8: 1 agree with - - -- - -- · But l' m sure they'll be happy. She !oves-- - -- --
~~ 11

and - - - - - -- - loves _ _ _ _ __ __ very much.

14. 15.

A: Did you rake pictures at the wedding?

8: Yes. Do you want rosee _ _ _ __ _ __ ? I have sorne on - - - - - - - - cell phone.

1~ ·~
Here's a picrure of Lisa and - - - -- - - -

A: Who's that older woman berween the two of yo u?

8: That's - - -- - - - - grandmother. We were so happy she could come w the wedding.


She lives in another state.

A: - - - - - - - - grandmother looks so proud.


EXERCISE 11 Circle the correct words to complete each sentence.

l. fl)'/'m) have a wonderful fiancé, Katya .

2. 1 love (her/ hers) very much and she loYes (me/ my) too.
a. b.

3. (lll'm) so happy because (we/ we're) going to get marríed.

~ ~

4. (Our/ We're) wedding will be In March.

5. My brother's wedding was small. (Our/ Ours) is going to be big.
6. We invited all (our/ ours) friends and relatives.
7. Sorne of (them/ rhey) are coming from out of tov•n.
8. (They're/ Their) going ro stay with relatives orina hotel.
9. Katya has two sisters. (Hers/ Her) sisters are golng to be bridesmaids.
10. (Their/ They're) dresses are blue.
11. There's one problem: Katya's father. (II l'm) don't like (his/ her) father very much.
a. b.

12. I think (he/ he's) doesn't like (my/ me) either. (He's/ His) very bossy.
~ b. ~

13. But 1 like Katya's mother. (Hers/ Her) mother is nice.

14. Tbe wedding will be in a church. The church has (it's/its) own reception hall. {lts/ lt 's) going to be a
a. ~

beautiful wedding.

15. Katya and (me/ /) a re going ro have our boneymoon in Hawaü. My parents gave Karya and (me/ !)
~ ~

money for the honeymoon.

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questions 1 OS

4.7 Retlexive Pronouns
We use a reflexíve pronoun when the object refers to the subject of the sentence.

Examples 1 Explanation
She pictured herself in a beautiful whüe dress. A reflexive pronoun can be:
We tell ourselves that a wedding is very imporrant. a direct object
They like to look at them selves in their wedding phoros. an indirect object
the object of a preposition
She made the dress all by herself. We add (al/) by before a reflexive pronoun to
They made the invitations a ll by themselves. mean "alone," "without help."
We enjoyed ourselves at rhe wedding. We use reflexive pronouns in a few idiomatic
Help yourself to more cake. expressions.
Make yourseJf at home. J

Subject 1 Verb 1 Reflexive Pronoun

J see 1 myself. 1

You see 1 yourself.

He sees himself.
She se es herself.
It se es itself.
We see ourselves.
Yo u se e yourselves.
Tbey se e tbemselves.

EXERCISE 12 Frank and Sylvia, a married couple, have problems balancing their relationship and
other areas of their lives. Read each one's story and fill in the blanks with a reflexive pronoun.

Syluia's Story:

Now that I'm married, 1 don'r ha ve time for ---'m"-'-J.y-s""e"'-

"' l ,f___ _ anymore. We used to

spend time with each other. Now that we have kids, we never have time for - - - -- - -

We both work, but Frank doesn't help me with housework or with the kids. I have ro do

everything all by ---~----· My husband thinks only of _ _ _ _ _ __ _

3. 4.

When he wants somethiog, like a new cell phone or new software, he buys it. He never buys

me flowers or presents aoymore. 1 rell _ _ __ _ __ _ that he stillloves me, but


sometí mes I'm not so su re. Somerimes I thin k the problem is his fault, but sometí m es l blame


1 06 les:son 4
Frank's Story:

Sylvia never has time forme anymore. We used ro do rhjngs together. Now 1 have todo

everything by-- - - - -- - · If 1 want to go toa movie, she say that she's too busy or

~oo ti redor that the kid are sick. 1 rarely go to the movies, and if Ido, 1 go by - - - - - -

Ir seems like a JI 1 do is work and pay bilis. Other married people seem to enjoy

- - - - - - - - - - - more than we do. She says she wants meto help her wilh the

housework, but she really prefers todo everything - - -- - - -- beca use she doesn' t

like thc way 1 do things. She wanrs us to see a marriage counselor, but I don't like ro tell olher

people aboul my problems. llike ro salve my problems - - - - - - - -


EXERCISE 13 Fill in the blanks with the correct pronoun or possessive form.

Frank and Sylvia u edro do a lot of things together. _ _ _ Tuh..:Je~y,____ went to movies,

went out ro re tauranr , and took vacarions rogether. But now _ _______ are always

too busy for each other. - - - -- - - - have rwo children a nd spend most of

- - - - - - - time taking care of _ _ _ __ _ _ . Frank and Sylvia bought a

hou e recently and spend - - - - - - - - free time taking ca re of _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. 7.

lt's an old house a nd needs a lot of work.

When Frank and Sylvia have a problem, ~------- try to solve - - - - - - -


by - - -- - - - -· But sometimes Sylvia goes to - - -- - - - - mother for advice.

10. 11.

Frank nevcr goes to ------~- motber. He doesn't want to bother

________ with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ problems. Frank often complains that Sylvia
l:l. 14.

cares more about the kids and the house than about - - - - - - - - · Sylvia wants to go

toa marriage counselor, but Frank doesn't want to go witb - - - - - - - - · He always


says ro Sylvia, "We don't need a marriage counselor. We can salv e - - - - - - - -


problems by - - - - - - - - · You just need to pay more auenrion to ---~----


lf you want to see a counselor, you can go by--- - - -- - · l'm not going." Sylvia fee ls

very frust rated. She thinks that the marriage isn't going to get better by - - - - : - - - --

Possessive Forms, Object Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Questions 107

New Wedding rends
Q Read the following article. Pay special attention to the words in bold.
IR 24

Wedding traditions are changing. More and

more young couples are choosing to create a unique
wedding experience for themselves and for their
guests. In traditional weddings, a clergyperson 7 faces
the bride and groom and reads them their vows.
The bride and groom simply say, "I do" in response
to this question. But more and more couples today
are writing their own vows and saying them to each
other in their own words.
Churches, synagogues, and temples are still
the most popular places for a wedding. But
sorne couples are choosing to have a destination
wedding-about one in four. They get married on
the beach, on a moumaintop, or other unusual
places. The bride and groom send their friends and
relatives an invitation, but they know many won't
attend beca use of the expense of traveling. They tell
their guests the date at least three to four months
in advance. Often they send them "save-the-date"
cards so that their guests can make plans.
Another new trend in weddings is ro creare a
wedding based on the couple's ethnic background.
For example, in an African American wedding, sorne
couples wanr to show respect to their ancestors8 by
jumping over a broom, a tradition from the time of
slavery. The jumping of the broom symbolizes a new
beginning by sweeping away the old and welcoming
the new. Sorne African Americans use colorful
clothing inspired by African costumes, rather than
a white dress for the bride and a suit or tuxedo for
the groom.
One thing stays the same. The newlyweds send
the guests thank-you cards by mail to thank them
for attending the wedding and for the gifts they gave.

7 ctergyperso11: a minister, rabbi, or other religious leader

8 nncestor: a grandparcnt, grcat-grandparenr, great-great-
grandparent, etc.

108 Lesson 4

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