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NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE: ___Davids Estrella Obregon___ GRUPO: _9-6_


1. Realice su presentación personal en inglés, utilice los adjetivos

Hello, I’m davids and I’m 14 years old. Although I was born in Milan I have
lived in Cali since I was a boy. I like to sing and swimming in my free time.
What I like most is playing soccer and when I grow up I want to be a soccer
player. I really hate broccoli.
2. Explique
a. Estructuras presentes- respuestas, afirmativas y negativas ”short and
complete answer.
 Have you got a girlfriend?
 Yes, I have.
 Is she nice?
 Yes, she is.
 Do you see each other very often?
 No, we don’t.
 Does she live in the same town as you?
 No, she doesn’t.
 Can I meet her one day?
 Yes, you can.

b. Formulas gramaticales
Los adjetivos siempre se colocan antes del sustantivo. Debes mecanizar
esto si quieres expresarte con propiedad. Se trata de una estructura
básica de la lengua inglesa, de manera que no hay excusa para no
aplicar esta estructura.

Beautiful day.
Crazy day.

Artículo ‘a’ cuando hablamos de unidades:

Si hablamos de una unidad de alguna cosa no debemos olvidar usar el
artículo ‘a/an’. Es una de las estructuras gramaticales en inglés básicas
que no se aplican en castellano, pero que en inglés es básica.


I have a car.
I am a teacher.
This is a disaster.

Estructura general de una oración afirmativa completa:

Este es el resumen de una oración con los elementos que la pueden
contener de manera resumida en una estructura afirmativa. Si al usar
esta estructura no quieres poner una de las piezas después de las
obligatorias (que son sujeto y el verbo) no lo hagas.

Sujeto + verbo + complemento directo + complemento indirecto + lugar +

manera + tiempo


I am eating a burger.
I am eating a delicious burger.
Recuerda que en inglés siempre debemos especificar el sujeto de la oración porque el
verbo no facilita la información de quién realiza la acción. La única excepción es el
modo imperativo. En las oraciones donde se dan órdenes no se indica cuál es el sujeto.


 Sit down, please.

 Don’t disturb.
 Be quiet, please.

Genitivo sajón

Manera en la que expresamos la posesión de una persona o ser animado a través de ‘’s’.

Ejemplo: The teacher’s book.

Si el poseedor es un ser animado y acaba por la letra ‘s’ simplemente pondremos el

apóstrofe (‘).


 Our teachers’ books.

 My dad’s keys.
 Kelly’s bedroom.
 ‘Want somebody to do something.’

Esta estructura es de las estructuras gramaticales en inglés más útiles en la vida cotidiana al
utilizar la lengua inglesa. Es diferente a la estructura en castellano, por lo que recordarla y
mecanizar su uso es muy importante para hablar o escribir correctamente.

Al usarla, indicamos que queremos, necesitamos, deseamos o requerimos que alguien haga
algo’, dependiendo del verbo que utilicemos en la oración.


 I need you to call your mum and talk to her this evening.
 I want you to sit down now.
 I would like you to pay attention to me, please.

Verbos tipo like/dislike verbs + verb-ing

Los verbos que muestran lo que te gusta o no te gusta en todos los grados deben ir seguido
del verbo acabado en -ing en inglés británico.

 I enjoy skating on ice.

 I love swimming.
 I detest driving.

c. Ejemplos en inglés. Verbal times: present tense – present progresive

3. Que nombre reciben los adjetivos en inglés, ¿Por qué?
4. Consulte 20 adjetivos en ingles con su respectivo significado(debido a que
los colores hacen parte de los adjetivos, realice su listado en ingles
R/ 1. Small: pequeño, pequeña, pequeños, pequeñas
I like small computers / Me gustan las computadoras pequeñas

2. Big: grande, grandes

I think your car is too big / Pienso que tu auto es demasiado grande

3. Intelligent: inteligente, inteligentes

People who study and work at the same time are quite intelligent / La gente
que estudia y trabaja al mismo tiempo es bastante inteligente

4. Heavy: pesado, pesada, pesadas, pesados

Please, take those heavy boxes to my office / Por favor, lleva esas cajas
pesadas a mi oficina

5. Light: ligero, ligera, ligeros, ligeras

Sending light parcels is free / Enviar paquetes ligeros es gratis
6. Mean: malo, mala malos, malas
Don’t be mean to your brother / No seas malo con tu hermano

7. Lovely: bonito, bonita, bonitos, bonitas

The pictures you took yesterday are lovely / Las fotografías que tomaste
ayer son bonitas

8. Free: gratis
People love getting free stuff / A la gente le encanta obtener cosas gratis

9. Cheap: barato, barata, baratos, baratas

When I go abroad, I usually stay at cheap hotels / Cuando voy al extranjero,
usualmente me hospedo en hoteles baratos

10. Expensive: caro, cara, caros, caras

The sofa she bought was expensive / El sofá que ella compró fue caro

11. Safe: seguro, segura, seguros, seguras

Our new model is fast, reliable and safe / Nuestro nuevo modelo es rápido,
fiable y seguro

12. Wet: mojado, mojada, mojados, mojadas

The towel is still wet please take it outside / La toalla está aún mojada por
favor llévala afuera.

13. Dry: seco, seca, secos, secas

Remember you should put all the dry dishes in the cabinet / Recuerda que
debes poner todos los platos secos en el gabinete

14. Strong: fuerte, fuertes

Most of the times man are not as strong as women / La mayoría de las
veces los hombres no son tan fuertes como las mujeres

15. Ugly: feo, fea, feos, feas

I don’t like where I live now because it is small and ugly / No me gusta
donde vivo ahora porque es pequeño y feo

16. Sad: triste, tristes

Most people do not like sad movies but I do / A la mayoría de la gente no les
gustan las películas tristes pero a mi sí

17. Clean: limpio, limpia, limpios, limpias

The plumber checked all the pipes; they are clean. El fontanero revisó todas
las tuberías; están limpias

18. Dirty: sucio, sucia, sucios, sucias

Ryan, your bedroom is dirty; clean it or you won’t go to the concert / Ryan,
tu dormitorio está sucio; límpialo o no irás al concierto

19. Lucky: afortunado, afortunada, afortunados, afortunadas

My cousin Annie won the lottery; she is so lucky / Mi prima Annie ganó la
lotería; ella es muy afortunada

20. Empty: vacío, vacía, vacíos, vacías

The classroom is empty; I don’t know where the students are / El salón está
vacío; no sé dónde están los estudiantes
5. Answer the following question in completeform:
a. What is your name?
b. What is you last name?
Estrella obregon
c. Where are you from?
Italia, Milan
d. Where do you live?
e. How are you?
i´m fine thank you
f. How old are you?
14 years old
g. What is your phone number?
h. What is your address?
i dont know
i. How many students are there in your group?
thirty students
j. When do you get up?

6. Clasifique en ingles
a. Months of year
b. Days of the week
c. Seasons climates
d. Parts of the human
e. Ten ordinal numbers
1st first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eight
9th ninth
10th tenth
f. The cardinal numbers : 0 a 1000
1 one 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 31 thirty-one
2 two 12 twelve 22 twenty-two 40 forty
3 three 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 50 fifty
4 four 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 60 sixty
5 five 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 70 seventy
6 six 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six 80 eighty
7 seven 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 90 ninety
8 eight 18 eighteen 28 twenty-eight 100 a/one hundred
9 nine 19 nineteen 29 twenty-nine 1,000 a/one thousand
10 ten 20 twenty 30 thirty
g. Twenty animals
prawn = langostino

crab = cangrejo

dolphin = delfín

shark = tiburón

eel = anguila

whale = ballena

killer whale = orca

jellyfish = medusa

lobster = langosta

manta ray = mantarraya

octopus = pulpo

oyster = ostra

seal = foca

sea turtle = tortuga marina

sea lion = león marino

squid = calamar

seahorse = caballito de mar

starfish = estrella de mar

gilt-head bream = dorada

h. Fifteen fruits
Black sapote
Buddha's hand (fingered citron)
Cactus pear
Crab apple
Cherimoya (Custard Apple)
Chico fruit
Dragonfruit (or Pitaya)
Goji berry
Grewia asiatica (phalsa or falsa)
Plumcot (or Pluot)
Purple mangosteen
i. Ten vegetables
Chili pepper
Easter eggplant
Fiddlehead fern
7. Mate a story about the coronivirus epydem
The coronavirus crisis erupted in China on December 31, and since then it
has experienced an upward and continuous spread, with Europe being one
of the continents most affected by Covid-19. Since then, more than 130,000
infections have been known worldwide and the number of deaths has
crossed the 3,000 barrier.

The coronavirus, which is scientifically known as Orthocoronavirinae, is not

new. Its ancestors date back to the 9th century B.C. and there have been
several outbreaks that have emerged throughout history.

It was in the 1990s that the first common relatives of the coronavirus were
identified. In the year 3,300 B.C. Betacoronavirus existed; in 3,000 B.C.
Deltacoronavirus; In 2,800 BC, researchers discovered that the
Gammacoronavirus spread; and in 2,400 B.C. Alphacoronavirus emerged.

The coronavirus in the 19th and 20th centuries

However, it is not necessary to go so far in time to find direct relatives of this
virus. In the 18th century, bovine coronavirus was linked to humans, and
researchers agree that it was between 1890 and 1899 when the birth that
affected people occurred, but they do not know if it was due to a separation
from bovine or by a mutation.

Despite this timeline, the closest common relative dates back to the 1950s.
It is OC43 and is closely related to several species of bats, according to the
latest studies.

In humans it was first detected in the 1960s, specifically in the nasal cavities
and since then six new members of this family have been identified, the last
being the 2019-nCoV or coronavirus.
8. Mate five adds: publicity
1. “How Many Licks?” (Tootsie Pop)

2. “What Are You Doing?” (Jack in the Box)

3. “A New Teacher’s First Day of School” (Kleenex)

4. “I Don’t Know How Welch’s Does It” (Jugo de uva

5. “Yuck” (Nuggets de pollo Tyson)

9. Consulte 20 ejercicios en inglés tipo pre-icfes de selección múltiple

estos avisos? En la pregunta 1, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas. Ejemplo: A. in a
school B. iin a clothes shop C. in a toy store 0. A. on a rug B. on a test C. on a bookcase 1.
Respuesta: 0. A B C Draw a line to complete the snake and color it Please, put the books
on the correct desk Examen 1 6 Respuesta: 0. A B C D E F G H PARTE 2 RESPONDA LAS
PREGUNTAS 2 A 6 DE ACUERDO CON EL EJEMPLO Lea las descripciones de la columna de la
izquierda (2 - 6). ¿Cuál palabra de la columna de la derecha (A - H) concuerda con cada
descripción? Una opción (A - H) se usa para el ejemplo. Sobran dos opciones más. En las
preguntas 2 - 6, marque la letra correcta A - H en su hoja de respuestas. Ejemplo: 0. When
you wear this, people can’t see your hair very well. 2. A woman carries her things in one of
these. A. pajamas B. glasses C. handbags D. hat E. scarf F. skirt G. socks H. watch 3. Many
girls wear this when they don't want to wear trousers. 4. With this, your neck won't be
cold. 5. When people can't see well, they need them. 6. These are for your feet. Clothes
and accesories 7 Prueba de Inglés PARTE 3 RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 7 Y 8 DE ACUERDO
CON EL EJEMPLO Complete las cinco conversaciones. En las preguntas 7 - 8, marque A, B o
C en su hoja de respuestas. Ejemplo: 7. Grandma, shall I hold those bags for you? A. I'm
not afraid! B. What's the matter? C. That's fine. 8. How much is that umbrella? A. Anything
else? B. 50 dollars. C. Cash only! Can I use your printer? A. Just a minute. B. Do it this way.
C. Think about it. Respuesta: 0. A B C 8 PARTE 4 RESPONDA LAS PREGUNTAS 9 A 16 DE
ACUERDO CON EL SIGUIENTE TEXTO Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada
espacio. En las preguntas 9 - 16, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas. 0. A. Over B. By
C. Across A. much B. more C. most A. during B. until C. since A. when B. which C. who A.
among B. about C. along A. describe B. described C. describes A. drink B. drinking C. drunk
A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. wouldn’t A. while B. if C. because Respuesta: 0. A B C Ejemplo:
Coffee is popular around the word. (0)_____ the past centuries, few subjets have been as
carefully studied as coffee. Its (9)_____ important component is caffeine and it has lots of
benefits. Coffee has been well-known (10)_____ the beginning of the 14 th century,
(11)_____ Sufi Yemenis started using coffee to stay alert during special activities. It
became a popular medicine (12)_____ Europeans in the 1600s. Caffeine was first
(13)_____ in the 1800s by Ferdinand Runge, a doctor that found out some effects that
coffee has on people. Some people say (14)_____ coffee isn’t good, but doctors say you
(15)_____ believe this. Thanks to caffeine you don’t get hungry. Coffee can also reduce
headaches and blood problems. (16)_____ many people believe coffee is bad, studies
show it is good for your heart. COFFEE 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 9 Prueba de Inglés
el texto y responda las preguntas. En las preguntas 17 - 23, marque A, B o C en su hoja de
respuestas. JAMES SALTER’S DAYS IN FILM James Salter was a pilot in the United States Air
Force. He abandoned the military profession in 1957 after the publication of his first novel,
The Hunters. He is best known as a novelist, but during the sixties and seventies, he
worked in film making. Salter made documentaries, wrote texts for films, and even was
the director of a film called Three, starring Charlotte Rampling and Sam Waterston. In
Passionate Falsehoods, which was adapted from Salter’s book Burning the Days, published
in The New Yorker in 1997, Salter tells the story of his life in film. Salter’s time in the film
world is both good and bad. In Rome, he met directors and stars. In New York, he explored
the city with Robert Redford and enjoyed being famous. Deborah Treisman and Michael
Agger have talked about Salter. Nick Paumgarten in The Last Book, describes Salter’s
opinion about his film career: “Of sixteen texts for movies, only four were popular. There
was money, attractive women, and entrance into rooms where there were stories more
for the dinner table than for the page.” Salter thought he was wasting his time. Perhaps he
wasted his time in a larger artistic way, but it still makes for attractive reading. The Last
Book is available to everyone in online stores. 10 Respuesta: 0. A B C Ejemplo: 0. James
Salter is famous for A. his books. B. his movies. C. his plays. 17. James Salter played an
important part in the making of movies from A. 1960 to 1979. B. 1960 to 1970. C. 1960 to
1985. 18. Passionate Falsehoods is A. a newspaper. B. a play. C. a movie. 19. Salter had
nice and difficult times in his A. acting years. B. big screen work. C. visit to one city. 20. The
Last Book was written by A. James Salter. B. Deborah Treisman. C. Nick Paumgarten. 21.
James Salter thinks that his work in the cinema business was A. not useful. B. not hard. C.
not usual. 22. Reading about James Salter's years in the cinema could be A. clever enough.
B. just fair. C. quite interesting. 23. The Last Book can be found A. in museums. B. at a café.
C. on the web.
10. Escriba 10 elementos químicos en ingles

 H  Hydrogen  Si  Silicon

 Li  Lithium  Ge  Germanium

 Na  Sodium  Sn  Tin

 K  Potassium  Pb  Lead

 Rb  Rubidium  N  Nitrogen

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