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o Algunas de las preguntas tienen como base el mismo texto, pero las consignas son diferentes OJO
o Tipos de preguntas:
▪ Verdadero falso
▪ Opción simple
▪ Multiple opción
▪ Lecto compresión
o Algunas preguntas están INCOMPLETAS porque es lo que pasaron. Intenté responder algunas otras las
o Algunas están repetidas a propósito.
o tiempos verbales TODOS
▪ en especial presente perfecto, pasado perfecto, etc.. (Como que se focalizaron en molestarnos
con los tiempos verbales mas complicados, piolas)
o Verbos irregulares:
▪ No usa toda la tabla de verbos, asi que focalizándote en los mas importantes safás. Algunos de
los verbos mas usados son:
● Go, give, think, have, drink, feel, tell, do, write, see, take, grow, said, get, forgot, drove,
come, read, buy, make, meet, hear, speak, run (todos irreglulares) buscate una tabla o
escribilos memorízatelos, you can do it!
o Cuando usar Tell/say; will/ going to ; may/could
o Condicionales 0, 1, 2 y 3 (if I ….), estos son complicados porque tenes que saber todos los tiempos
verbales para aplicarlos correctamente y encima la tercera columna de los verbos.
o El vocabulario utilizado es muy extenso, al final del preguntero estan las palabras que mas me
complican, pero tienen que ir leyendo y agregando sus palabras.
RESPUESTA: Are Jimmy and Fred brothers.

RESPUESTA: To stay- not to take

1.1.1Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: What are you doing? ; B:__________ dinner.”

a- Am cooking
b- Are cooking
c- I cooking
d- I´m cooking
e- Cook

1.1.1Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: What and the man woman eating. B___________ rice”

a- Are eating
b- Is eating
c- They´re eating
d- They eat
e- She´s eating

1.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank. “______ Men are running”
a- This
b- One
c- The
d- A
e- He

Choose the right option for the blank: “the woman is eating______ apple”

a- Two
b- An
c- A
d- ---
e- and
1.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “_______men are running”
a- One
b- This
c- A
d- He
e- The

1.1.1 Which of the following words in plural is correct?

a- Them
b- Men
c- Womans
d- Shes

Is your presentation this Friday morning

1.1.2 Which option is incorrect? “The ______________ are drinking orange juice”

a- Girls
b- Men
c- Boys
d- Woman
e- People
1.1.2 Which word does not belong in the group?
a- Seven
b- Two
c- One
d- Six
e- Tree

1.19.2 in the sentence “he´s playing with his sisters´ toys”, we understand that he has one sister.
● Verdadero
● Falso (tiene dos hermanas)

1.2.1 I feel lightheaded. I think im about to____________:

● Shiver
● Sweat
● Faint
● Fall
1.2.2 Which of the following articles of clothing is more appropriate for woman?

a- Suit
b- Swimming shorts
c- Handbag
d- Football boots

1.2.1Choose the correct option for the blank “Look over there! _______ is the biggest pumpkin I´ve ever seen”

a- That´s
b- This
c- Those
d- These

1.1.2 Which of the flowing options is an example of food?

a- Brad
b- Coffee
c- Milk
d- Water
e- Cat

1.1.2 wich of the following sentences is POSSIBLE in English?

● I feels a headache
● I am a stomachache
● My ear hurt
● I have high blood pressure
● I can´t stop sneeze
1.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “hello. My name is Isabella. And this is may brother. ______name is Enzo.”

a- Her
b- Your
c- His
d- My
e- Their

1.2.2 What´s the answer to this equation? “28+32”

a- Six under zero

b- Six oh
c- Six times zero
d- Sixty
e- Sixteen

1.2.2 Look at the picture. Which option has false information?

a- The boy is helping the mother

b- The father is turning on the over
c- The girl is beating eggs
d- The mother is hugging the boy

The family is cooking together

1-3-1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: why are you washing your hands? B: They ____________ bad”

a. Smell
b. Are smell
c. Are smelling
d. Smells
e. Smelling

1.3.1 Choose the correct option to answer the question. Who is you teacher?

a- In the classroom
b- Not very well
c- Fine thank you
d- Mr. Jameson
e- Where are you?

1.3.1Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: Do you speak Russian B:________”

a- Yes, I am
b- Yes I speak
c- Yes I’m speaking Russian
d- No. I don´t
e- No I not speak

1.3.2 Choose the correct option to describe the picture

a- Her toes are in the water

b- Their toes are outside the water
c- Her fingers are the water
d- His fingers are outside the water
e- Their foot is on the water

1.3.3 Read the conversation. Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: Hello, I need a new ladder. B: We sell a metal
ladder and a wooden ladder. ___________ A: The metal ladder. It´s lighter. B: and it´s less expensive. A: How much does
it cost? B: thirty-five Euros. A: OK I’ll take the metal ladder”

a- What do you like to do?

b- What do you need a ladder for?
c- Why do you need a new ladder?
d- Which one do you like more
e- Do you want to pay with cash?
1.3.3 Choose the correct option to complete the blanks “_____mother ______ Chinnese”

a- His/don´t speak
b- His/ isn´t speak
c- Her/ no speak
d- Her/ doesn´t speak
e- His/doesn´t speak

1.4.2 Look at the picture. How is the man paying?

a- With cash
b- With a debit card
c- With a check
d- With coins
e- With a credit cards

1.4.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “_____________ are made of plastic”

a- One chair
b- Some of the chairs
c- None of the chairs
d- All of the chairs
e- No chair

1.4.2 Choose the option that best described the picture.

a- The shoes are too big for him

b- His feet are small enough for his shoes
c- His shoes don´t fit him. They´re too small
d- His feet are too big for those shoes
e- His feet are the same size as his shoes

1.4.3 Where are the people having this conversation? “A: my bicycle is broken. I need a tool repair it. B: is this what you
need? A: yes. How much is it? B: it costs fourteen dollars. How do you want to pay? A: Cash”

a- At a bookstore
b- At a jewelry store
c- at a hardware store
d- At a pharmacy
e- At a grocery store
1.5.1 choose the True option. Meet me! I´m jack Jones. I am a professional runner. I like jazz, Italian food, and good
friends. I don’t like rock, I prefer jazz. I´m looking for a new house in the suburbs now. Write PO Box 321, Sydney 5003,
● Jack enjoy being alone
● Jack love fast food
● Jack lives in new york
● Jack likes healthy lifestyle
● Jack enjoy living in an apartment

1.7.1 Fill in the blank with the correct option. A: ______________? B: no, there isn´t, i´m sorry.
● There are tourist information office in the town?
● Any tourist information office in the town?
● There is a tourist information office in the town?
● Is there a tourist information office in the town?
● Are there a tourist information office in the town?
1.13 the question “when he is travelling to rome? Is in the correct order

f. 2.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “a: What time________________?b: It´s delayed. It depart at
about one fifteen”
a- Is you train depart
b- You train departs
c- Departs you train
d- Does you train depart
e- Departs your train

Xxxx Ver 1.10.1 A. are you two taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel?
● We are
● I am
● We ´re (no estoy seguro)
● They are
● I´m
2.18 Read an choose the best title. Alem Breed invented a “sensor of safety system” to protect passagers from the
impact of an accident. They were called Airbags. They were introduced in 1971, the Ford car company build an
experimental air bag fleet. General Motors tested airbags on the 1973 models Chevrolet automobile that was only sold
for government use. 1973, Oldsmobile Tornado was the first car with a passenger airbag installed for sale to the public.
● Tornado the first car with airbags
● Airbags, accident protection
● Alen Breed and His great invention
● Airbags, Breed´s great invention
● General Motors first to test airbags

2.1.2 Which of the following mean of transport can a person take if they are interested in travelling fast across the city,
without the interruption of traffic jams and traffic lights ?

a- Car
b- Motorbike
c- Bus
d- Underground train
e- Fire engine

2.1.3 choose the right order. A- we need a map B. three dollars. Do you want to pay with cash? C. do they sell at the
back store? D. yes, I think they do. E. hello. How much does this map cost? F. yes, I do. Thanks you.
● A-C-D-E-B-F
● B-E-A-C-F-D
● E-B-F-A-C-D-
● A-E-B-F-C-D-

2.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “She_____________ her car last Friday. Today she´s taking the bus”

a- Is selling
b- Sold
c- Is doing to sell
d- Sell
e- Is about to sell

2.2.1 A: did you buy the book? B. yes, I ___________. A. did you write your paper for school? B. no, I ___________ it on
the weekend
● Did –wrote
● Did buy it- am writing
● Bought it – am going to write
● Buy it – am going to write
● Bought – am writing

2.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “The boy is sick._____ mother is giving____ medicine”

a- His/Him
b- Her/him
c- You/A
d- Her/The
e- His/the

2.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: Did your husband give______? B: when_______ it? B: I bught it when I
was living in Germany?”

a- This/did you buy

b- You this/you did buy
c- This to you/did you buy
d- This to you/you bought
e- This you/ you bought
2.1.1 Which is the right preposition to complete the blank in the following sentence? “The man is sitting________ the
table. He´s ready to have lunch now”

a- Under
b- In
c- Being
d- At
e- On

2.2.1 what sport is this person describing? Words cannot describe the rush of adrenalin I experienced while I was free-
● Snow boarding
● Skydiving
● Formula one
● Rock climbing
● Scuba diving

2.1.1 He has been ___________ for years.

● Loving this country
● Liking videogames
● Studying English
● Having a car
● Being tall

2.1.2 What is the weather like?

a- It´s warm but cloudy

b- It´s raining
c- It´s hot and humid
d- It´s sunny
e- It´s snowing

2.1.3 Look at the picture. Which option has false information?

a- The dog is on the man´s right

b- Three people are looking at the lake
c- The baby is in front of this mother
d- The couple is behind the bench
e- The little girl is beside the bench

2.2.2 Which is a school for children?

a- High school
b- Nursery
c- Child care
d- Elementary school
e- College

2.2.2 When are Katy and Jenny going to play tennis? It´s Wednesday, jenny invited me to play tennis so we are going

a- On Friday
b- On Saturday
c- Today
d- On Thursday
On Tuesday

2.2.2 Choose the correct option to complete the blank in the following sentence “the park is far_______ the museum”

a- from
b- in
c- at
d- of
e- off

2.3.1 The underlined word in the following sentence is incorrect. Which of the following options can be used to correct
it? “When they were in school, they studying history”

a- study
b- studier
c- studied
d- has studied
e- did studied

2.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blanks “you_______ go outside wearing a t-shirt. It´s really cold. You_____ wear
a coat or sweater”

a- Are/are
b- Can´t/have to
c- Have to/can
d- Don´t/can´t

2.3.2 What´s the date today? (February 14-Foto-)

a- It´s the fourteen of February

b- It´s fourteenth February
c- It´s February the fourteen
d- It´s February fourteen
e- It´s February fourteenth

2.3.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: how much is it? B: it´s _______dollars”

a- Four hundred three thousand twenty

b- Four three two zero
c- Four point hundred and twenty
d- Four thousand three hundred twenty
e- Fourty- three hundred twenty

2.3.3 Read the invitation. What will they serve in Kristie´s party?

a- Drinks
b- Finger food
c- Dinner
d- Drinks and dinner
e- Chinese food

2.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “I want______ dress?

a- These
b- That
c- There
d- This
e- Those

2.4.1 ______________________ salt do you want in your salad Jenny? I know you are on a strict diet.
● Some
● No
● Any
● How many
● How much
2.4.2 What is the woman doing?

a- She is planning to go sailing

b- She´s skiing in the snowy mountains
c- She´s renting skis for the day
d- She´s returning a car at the rental
e- She´s buying a bicycle

2.5.1 how many vegetables are mentioned? “my favorite dish is called paella. It´s from spain. It has rice, chicken, fish,
● Six
● Five
● One
● Two
● Three

3.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “The two brothers______________”

a- Are looking at the swimming

b- Look like each other
c- Likes to sit outside in the garden
d- Look at each other
e- Looks like each other

3.1.1 she dances beautifully! One day i´ll dances as well as she _________-
● Performs
● Dance
● Is
● Does
● Do

3.1.2 Which of the following items typical parts of the living room? Choose the best answer.

a- Couch
b- Blanket
c- Sink
d- Bed
e- Towels

3.1.2 Chooser the option that best describes the picture

a- The house is behind the swimming pool
b- The swimming pool is behind the fence
c- There is a garden beside the lake
d- There are flowers beside the fence
e- There is a fence beside the garden

3.1.3 Choose the correct option for the blank “You should take the bus; _________________________”

a- it´s difficult
b- it´s a good place to go
c- it´s dirty inside
d- sometimes, I exercise
e- it´s a faster

3.11.1 Choose the four similar group.

● Tip
● Ice-cream
● Vegetables
● French fires
● Steaks

3.2.1 Career Paths: ideally, everyone would know their true calling early in life and find happiness in their work, but it
often doesn’t work that way. One survey (of NY professionals) found that they expected to change careers three times Comentario [1]: ENCUESTA
in their lifetimes; lifelong careers may not be the norm any more. We know there are better ways to choose a career Comentario [2]: Norma/pauta/modelo
than just following your parents´ footsteps or choosing randomly. We have to think about What Excites and Energizes
You, What you are good at and see What opportunities are coming. The word “calling” in the text means ________-
● Power
● Vocation
● Preference
● Attraction
● Excitement

3.2.1 what do we call the spread of cities into the countryside?

● Urban sprawl
● Urban planning
● Population growth
● Change of scenery
● Shrinking population

3.2.3Where are the people who having the conversation?”A: You have my condolences. B: thank you for coming. I feel
really sad”

a- across the bridge

b- at a wedding
c- at the bank
d- at a funeral
e- in the woods

3.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank? “A: Would you like a sandwich?; B: No, thank you. I_________”

a- Have already had lunch today

b- Still haven´t had lunch
c- Should have one after lunch
d- Haven´t had lunch yet
e- Have lunch today

3.1.2 which of the following items can you usually find in a bedroom?
● Tv
● Dishwasher
● Refrigerator
● Shower
● Stove (estufa)
3.2.2 which option is connected to the types of climate regions.
● West
● Apple tree
● Continents
● Rain forest
● Country
You shouldn’t punish small children too severely if they ______. Learning to ___________ is an important part of
growing up and, later in life, ______ an honest person
● Tell a lie- tell the truth – become
● Tell the truth – become – say a lie
● Say a lie – become – tell the truth
● Tell the lie – say a truth – be
● Say a lie – say a truth – transform

3.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: I think is going to snow soon. B: ________________, we are going to
stay home”

a- It if snows
b- When you wear the right coat
c- My backpack is empty
d- Although it is going to snow
e- Because it is snowing

3.3.1 Look at the sentence and choose the best option the complete the gap. “She began teaching Spanish five years
ago. She __________ Spanish for five years”

f- Taught
g- Has taught
h- Has have
i- Teached
j- Have teched

3.1.1 Choose the option that best describes the picture

a- He´s thrown the ball

b- He won´t thrown the ball
c- He´s going to throw the ball
d- He threw the ball
e- He´s throwing ball

3.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “I gave my old computer to Nancy and Daniel. It´s _____ computer now”

a- His
b- Our
c- Her
d- My
e- Their

3.2.1 Choose the correct option to complete the conversation “A: How long________ here? B: For four month A:
And_______ your family soon? B:I´m going home next weekend”

a- Have you studied/are you visit

b- You study/ate you visiting
c- Did you study/ will you visit
d- Have you been studying / are you going to visit
e- Do you study/ are you going to visit

3.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: what´s the matter? B:____________ A: What happened?

a- I´m sick/ I have a bandage on my arm

b- It´s hot outside/we should go to the beach
c- I hurt my back/ I should take his medicine
d- I´m taking my medicine with milk /it´s good
e- My back hurts/ I fell when I was skiing
3.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “we don´t know when_______________”

a- Is his flight depart

b- Does his flight departs
c- His flight depart
d- Does his flight depart
e- His flight departs

3.2.3 Look at the picture. What information is false about it?

a- There are some cookies and coffee on the table

b- They are happy because they´re having fun
c- There are three women and one man sitting down
d- Four people are in living room playing cards
e- There is nothing behind the people

3.3.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “she´s cut one______ of the pie”

a- Eighth
b- Half
c- Third
d- Whole
e- Quarter

3.3.2 Looks at the options and choose the best alternatives the gaps in the following sentence: “how_______ coffee do
you want…? I want_____”

a- Much/two
b- Many/lot
c- Much/a little
d- Many/a little
e- Some/little

3.3.2 Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: oh no!! There isn´t enough room in my bag to carry this box. Do you
have any extra space in yours? B: I think so. Let me see. Yes, it________!”
a- Carries
b- Goes
c- Fits
d- Has
e- Is room

3.2.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “The Atlantic ocean is________ Europe and America”

a- Over
b- In
c- Between
d- From
e- West of

3.2.2 What option refers to an animal that lives in the ocean?

a- Duck
b- Sheep
c- Shark
d- Frog
e- Snake

3.4.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: I think that man is going away on vacation. B:I
disagree_____________________ He is travelling on business”

a- He is speaking with two soldiers

b- He forgot his ATM card
c- He is not ready to go on vacation
d- He is warning a suit and carrying a suitcase
e- He has not worn a suit for ten years

3.2.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: Excuse me, is this suitcase_________. B: yes thank you. It´s mine.”

a- From you
b- Ours
c- Your
d- Yours
e- Our

3.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank. “Social rules differ from one country to another. For example, in
Myanmar. It´s not appropriate________________ hands in public”

a- If you hold
b- Hold
c- To hold
d- To holding
e- When old

3.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: I think it is going to snow soon. B: __________, we´re going to stay

a- If it snows
b- Although it is going to snow
c- Because it is snowing
d- My backpack is empty
e- When you wear the right coat

3.4.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “Mary repaired her television last week; Today is doesn´t work. She´ll have
to repair it__________”

a- despite
b- since
c- anyway
d- again
e- also

3.4.1 Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: ___________ have your parents been married? B: For twenty-one

a- How long
b- Why
c- How many
d- How much
e- When

3.4.2 What nationality is the flag that contains the colors red, white and blue? Choose the correct answer.

a- American
b- Argentinean
c- Italian
d- Indian
e- Brazilian

3.4.4 Read the following. “What is happening? Hello, everybody! We did it! I´m so honored to be your new governor. And
it´s all because of you ¿The staff and all of our enthusiastic voluntaries, who made is possible. Today, we saw a record
turnout ¿nearly 95% and that is a wonderful thing?”

a- She is honored to meet governor

b- She´s celebrating because she´s won the game
c- She is frustrated because she didn´t sign to a new album
d- She is fine with the idea of running for governor
e- She is happy because she´s just won the election to governor

4.4.1 Look at the gap in the following sentence and choose the best option to complete it: “ I went to the new movie
theater last Sunday; I really loved the movie an I________ there before. It´s very nice”

a- Had rever been

b- Have never beed
c- Has never went
d- Have never went
e- Has never gone

4.1.1 Which option is incorrect when we order sometime at a restaurant?

a- Why don´t you bring some more ice, please?

b- Can we have a couple of beers, please?
c- We like to drink some coke, please
d- Could you bring some napkins, please?
e- We´d like to eat a hamburger, please

4.1.1 A: your bother looks really excited today! B: yes, he __________ a promotion at P&G!. A: really? Let´s celebrate!.
● ´s just gotten
● ´ve just got
● Hasn´t gotten yet
● ´s already gotten
Got already

4.1.1 choose the the option in CAPITALS that is incorrect. “she HAS EAT seafood MANY times. SHE LOVES IT”
● IT

4.1.1 Choose the best alternative to answer the following question: “Would you like to come cross-country skiing with
me tomorrow?”

a- my sister would like to go hiking too

b- are you coming home early tomorrow
c- are you going to ice-skate in the mountain
d- I’ll use my rowboat later
e- I’d love to but. I´m planning to go sledding with my sister

4.1.1 A: ____________ this software application, jerry? B: no, never. What about you? A: just once!.
● You never did use
● You have ever used
● Have you ever used
● Has you ever used
● Have you use

4.1.2 Choose the option that best describes the picture

a- The cook has to prepare a lot of orders

b- The chef loves the food
c- The food doesn´t taste good
d- The restaurant bill is too high
e- Dinner is ready and delicious

4.1.2 Choose the best option for the blank “right now all the tourist are______________”

a- Visiting a mosque
b- Looking at the buildings
c- climbing a hill
d- Fishing in the river
e- Watching the sights

4.1.2 Choose the correct for the blank “this________ says you will find koalas in the
next 4 kilometers “

a- Sign
b- Cartel
c- Guidebook
d- Signal
e- Brochure

4.1.3 Read about Bertrand. What information is FALSE about him? “My name is Bernard and I´ve in new york doe ten
years. I love this city because ther´s a lot to do. On Sunday mornings. I go to my favorite café. I order coffee and read the
newspaper. This Thursday I’m going to go to the museum with my girlfriend. There are many eighteenth-century
paintings and sculptures that we like to see. I play guitar in a band with four of my friends and on Fridays, we play at a
big restaurant. People order food while they listen to our music. Our music is loud, but everyone likes it. I travel to other
cities sometimes, but there´s no place like home”

a- He says that there is a lot to do in new York

b- He plays guitar in a band with four others friends
c- In Fridays , his band plays at a big restaurant
d- On Sunday, he goes to his favorite café
e- He likes seventeenth-century architecture
4.1.3 what does the “d” stand for in the following sentences? You´d better not be late because the bus leaves exactly at
● Did
● Should
● Had
● Would
● could

4.2.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “if they win the game________ they will play I the championship”

a- When
b- Instead
c- Then
d- But
e- So

4.2.1 Jomo lost everything when his oil company ________ in the late 1990s.
f- Squandered
g- Struck it rich
h- Went personal
i- Went broke

j- Was successful

4.22.1 A: do you have any idea __________ we can ________ your parents for their anniversary? B: they ´re easy to
shop for, hey love antiques!.
● Those – bring
● What – give
● Whose – take
● That – offer
● Which – order

4.2.1 wich of the following options indicate responsible behavior in relation to money?
● Throw money around
● Lose money at the casino
● Save money
● Waste money
● Squander money

4.2.1 what does the words in CAPITALS means? He SQUANDERED his money on vacation and nightclubbing:
● Deposited
● Wasted
● Earned
● Sent
● Borrowed
4.4.2 Read part of conversation. What has just happened? “Dave: Bless you! Lara: thank you”

a- Lara´s getting married

b- Dave´s zipped Lara’s dress
c- Lara has just sneezed
d- Lara has a cough
e- Lara is either sick or sad

4.2.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “We hiked_______ and it was really hot!”

a- To the coral reef

b- Over the river
c- Into the canyon
d- From the delivery van
e- On the escalator

RESPUESTA: depends on

RESPUESTA: exploring caves

4.3.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “A: How long did the plumber work yesterday? B:

a- for months
b- at 8:00 am
c- not anymore
d- until 9:00 pm
e- since last year

4.3.2 Choose the correct option for the blank? “Last night we locked__________ the keys everywhere, but couldn´t find

f- Out
g- Around
h- At
i- Into
j- For

4.3.2 Read the following text. Why the sculpture is called “broken family”?

“The sculpture is by British artist Anthony Haywood. It´s called “broken family” it´s a life-sized elephant made from about
80 television and computers screens. The artist said he was inspired to make the pachyderm while he was watching a
television documentary about the killing of the elephant for ivory. He wanted to use the medium that informed him of it:
television themselves. “I want the idea that this lady elephant has lost her man elephant because he was shot for his

a- It is made of recycled electronic devices like TVs and computers

b- It reflects the consequences of human action on elephant life
c- It was inspired by some news from a TV documentary
d- The piece is made of familiar elements we find in a home
e- Its shows that modern society is greatly influenced by television

4.3.2 Choose the best option for the blank “The cars are ________ the tunnel”

a- Passing through
b- Driving toward
c- Exiting
d- Leaving
e- Crossing

4.3.2 Which if the following professionals is in charge of dealing with the problem in the following sentence? “A: the
pipe is leaking ¿who can we call? B: Let´s call_____”
a- an electrician
b- a gardener
c- a plumber
d- a carpenter
e- a mechanic

4.4.3 Read the dialog. What information is NOT implicit in the conversation? “JOHN: Do you prefer the gray shirt of the
black shirt? EMl: I prefer the black shirt to the gray one, but did you iron it? JOHN: No. I ironed neither the black nor the
gray shirt. I'll wear the red one instead. EMl: I just washed my blue dress. Do you think I should wear it? JOHN: I think you
should wear either the blue dress or the brown silk one. EMI: The brown one is at the dry cleaners. Fl wear the one JOHN:
Are you going to wear the earrings I gave you? EMI: Yes, those gold earrings are my favorite! I'm also going to wear the
silver necklace and mo silver rings JOHN Have you seen the new leather wallet I bought Yes. It's by the bed. JOHN: I'm
going shave perfume and then l' be ready”

a- John and Emi are couple

b- John has sight problems
c- John has traveled to Europe
d- Emi never leaves without makeup
e- John and Emi are going out

4.4.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “Her hair___________ black, but now it´s red because she´s dyed it”

a- Had been
b- Has been
c- Would be
d- Used to be
e- Were to be

4.1.1 When we order something at a restaurant? revisar

● Could you bring some napkins, please? Comentario [3]: revisar esta
● We´d like to eat a hamburger, please.
● Why don´t you bring some more ice, please?
● Can we have a couple of beers, please?
● We like to drink some coke, please.

4.1.1 Choose the option in CAPITALS that is incorrect. The tour GUIDE SHOWN THEM the PAINTING YESTERDAY”

a- Guide
b- Them
c- Shown
d- Yesterday
e- Painting

4.16.1 the film _________- It _______ twenty minutes ago. What a pity!.
● ´s started yet begun
● Still started begun
● ´s already started began
● Already started begins
4.3.1 A: the pipe is leaking B: i´m going to call the plumber A: no, _______ the plumber. I can repair it B: what about the
electrician? Should I call him? A: yes, ________ the electrician. I don’t know how to repair the wire.
● Call /don’t call
● Not call / do call
● No call /should call
● Don’t call / call
● Not calling / calling
4.1.2 ________________? Yes, i´ll have the seafood with sauce please
● Are you ready for the bill
● Would you like some dessert
● Follow me
● Are you ready to order?
● Do you want a table for two?

4.1.1 choose the best way to accept the apology. A: i´m really sorry about crashing the car. B: _____________
● How could you?
● Apology accepted
● How am I going to pay for the repair?
● It was a mistake
● I´m sorry. It was an accident.
4.2.1 Choose the right option for the blank. He squandered his money on _______________-
● Parties and fancy clothes
● His children´s education
● His health insurance
● His own company and savings
● A retirement account and education

4.3.2 which of the followings items can you typically find in the living room?
● Cooker
● Refrigerator
● Bath
● Fireplace
● Night table

The movie directors wanted ___________- to win _____________- to receive recognition for their work
● Not – and
● Either – or
● Neither – or
● Both – and
● Both – but

5.1.1 Choose the right option for the blank. “I would like to know when____________. Do you know?

a- opens the library

b- the library opens
c- is the library opens
d- the library are open
e- does the library open

5.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “we all study English except for Miguel, __________Portuguese”

a- Is study
b- Who study
c- Which studies
d- Which study

Who studies

5.1.1 Look at the underlined section in the following sentence and choose the function of the subordinate clause.
“Because of the heavy rain last week, the streets have been full of water ever since”

a- Contrast
b- Effect
c- Purpose
d- Consequence
e- Reason

5.1.1 Which option does not belong in the group?

a- Bulldozer
b- Elevator
c- Crane
d- Forklift
e- Tractor

5.1.1 Choose the right option for the blank. “ The company decided to decrease the _____ of steel it________”

a- amount/grows
b- amount/does
c- number/produce
d- amount/ manufactures
e- numbers/raises

5.1.1 Choose the right option for the blank. “ She recommended________ that new movie”

a- Me that I see
b- To me seeing
c- That I see
d- I saw
e- Me see

5.1.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “The______ of money in the cash register has increased since the

a- Amount
b- Number
c- Bill
d- Size
e- Degree

5.1.1 Choose the right option for the blank “She recommended_________ the new movie”

a- Me see
b- I saw
c- That I see
d- Me that I see
e- To me seeing

5.1.1 The company decided to decrease the ______ of steel it _______-

● Amount / does
● Amount / manufactures
● Number /produces
● Amount /grows
● Number /raises

5.1.2 Which of the following word belongs to the area of “mining”. Choose the best option

a- Dothing
b- Lumber
c- Gold
d- Perfume
e- Hammer

5.1.2 What is the man doing?

a- Burning coal
b- Cutting coal
c- Loading wood
d- Cutting lumber
e- Digging holes

5.1.2 Complete the blank with the best option “In large warehouses where big boxes are stored, most of the time
employees have to use the _______ to move boxes from one place to the other”
a- Crane
b- Shovel
c- Forklift
d- Garbage collector
e- Bulldozer

5.1.2 Choose the right option for the blank “There was a lot of water during the_____, so many houses were damaged”

a- Lumber
b- Harvest
c- Drought
d- Weather
e- Flood

5.1.2 “Choose the right option for the blank “there was a lot if water during the______, so many houses were damaged”

a- Lumber
b- Harvest
c- Drought
d- Flood
e- Weather

5.1.2 Choose the right option for the blank “The______ lifted the steel into the bulling”

a- Crane
b- Ship
c- Shovel
d- Forklift
e- Bulldozer

5.1.3 As soon as the patient woke up, he said that he __________ hungry, so they brought him dinner.
● May be
● Is
● Werw
● Should be
● Was
1.3.1 the doctor usually works ____ the hospital
● Above
● On
● Below
● Under
● At

5.3.2 Read the text. Decide whether the sentence at the end is TRUE or FALSE according the text. TO TELL THE TRUTH
Lying is part of every life, say psychologist Bella de Paulo who carried out a study in which the asked 147 peoples keep a
diary of the lies they told over the course of a week. Here is what their diaries reveled: there wasn´t a day when the
participants did´t tell at least one lie. Over the week they decided about 30 percent of the people they ……. The most
commun lies that people tell are those in which they pretend to like something or avoid hurting others or those in which
they make up excuses to get out of trouble. The truth is we all tell lies occasionally, one of the participants in d…. Paulo´s
study insisted that he or she could be entirely truthful for three or four weeks. None of them over succeeded.
According to the text, most people lie because they secretly enjoy it.
● Falso
● Verdadero

5.1.2 Choose the correct option for the blank “the men are_______ the truck”

a- Climbing on
b- Taking the couch onto
c- Sitting on the couch
d- Throwing the couch onto
e- Jumping off

5.2.1 Choose the right option for the blanks. “A:Are you going to Susie´s birthday
party? B: I_________. I´m not sure. You know have money for a present. A: don´t worry. I´ll lend you some. Hey! Listen,
Mandy, Jane and I_______ to a disco after the party. Would you like come?”

a- Might go/ are going

b- ´ll go/are going
c- Go/are going
d- Am going/ will go
e- ´ll go/ am going

5.2.1 what does the word in CAPITALS mean? After we left the town, the engine started making an ODD noise, and
suddenly, it stopped working.
● Strange
● Excited
● Friendly
● Very pleased
● Far away

5.2.2 Choose the best option to complete the blank “A person that acts dishonestly may ________ other in many ways
and situations”

a- Swindler
b- Cheat
c- Fraud
d- Violate
e- Escape

5.2.2 Although I didn’t do well on the exam, ___________ I didn’t cheat Comentario [4]: a pesar de que…
● Unless
● Instead
● Since
● Despite
● At least

5.2.2 What are these people doing?

a- Watering fruit
b- Harvesting fruit
c- Eating fruit
d- Planting fruit
e- Growing fruit

5.2.2 If im photographer, im in the _________ industry.

● Picture
● Film
● Cinema
● Movie
● Photography
5.2.3 “Florence worked at Princeton university”. _______--
● Her mother concluded that Florence will work at Princeton university
● Her mother explained that Florence had worked at Princeton University Comentario [5]: pasado participio
● Her mother said that Florence worked at Princeton
● Her mother wanted to know if Florence works at Princeton university
● Her mother would like Florence to work at Princeton university
5.4.1 we´ve always explained to our son that it´s important to tell __________ the truth, however, the other day he told
a lie _______-
● To us – his father
● To us – to his father
● Us – his father
● We – to his father
● Us – to his father

5.3.1 Choose the option that best expresses the same idea in different words “We can´t eat at this restaurant unless we
have reservations”

a- We won´t eat at this restaurant when have reservations

b- If we don´t have reservations, we won´t be able to eat this restaurant
c- We could eat at this restaurant although we don´t have reservations
d- We should have eaten at this restaurant but we didn´t have reservations
e- We might eat at this restaurant despite not having reservations

5.3.1 is my job to save people ________ emergencies while they´re skilling

● Which they have
● Who have
● Who has
● Which have
● Who they have

Although – a pesar de que
Unless – a no ser de que
Instead – en lugar
Since – ya que /desde
Despite - a pesar de
At least – al menos
Stove – estufa
Tell – contar (tell a lie/truth)
Say – decir (say hello, yes, no)

5.3.1 which step is immediately logical after someone has had an accident in the street and ask you for help?
● Call the ambulance
● The person is transported to the emergency room
● The patient goes home
● The doctor prescribe some pills
● The doctor checks the x ray for broken bones

5.3.2 Choose the best option to described the picture

a- Breath
b- Choke
c- Scream
d- Injure
e- Bleed

5.3.3 I had been a hot day, however, in the afternoon it began to rain. Soon it was windy. At 11:35 pm last night, a
tornado destroyed five houses near my house. I was worried that the tornado would destroy my house, but didn’t.
Firefighters come from department to put out a small fire that had started in the park. An ambulance also came and the
paramedics transported two people to the hospital. The man had a serious injury. The x-ray showed that he had who
broken legs, but the woman only had a minor injury. She had stiches in her hand. It´s too bad that these people were Comentario [6]: puntadas
hurt, but it could have been worse. Today there were volunteers who wanted to help. Many of them donated their
times and money to help the people who had lost their houses in the tornado.
● Before the rain began, it was a cold day
● The woman had a serious injury
● two homes were destroyed in the fire
● The firefighters drove two people to the hospital
● The tornado happened at night

5.4.2Choose the right option for the blank “A: Are you going out tonight? B: ________It´s awfully cold!”

a- Of course not
b- Sure I can
c- Of course
d- Probably
e- No, unless it rain

5.4.2 Choose the best option to complete the blank “I’m a very sociable person, but to tell you truth I don´t __________
more than 3o 4 hours at a party. I have to be sincere; I get bored when I have to talk to the same people over and again”

a- Make
b- Waste
c- Use
d- Do
e- Spend

5.4.1 Choose the correct option for the blank “his flight arrived two hour ago, but his suitcases_________”

a- Still have arrived

b- Still not arrived
c- Not arrived yet
d- Haven´t arrived anymore
e- Haven´t arrived yet

5.4.3 Choose the best option to complete the idea “it was a mistake to put____________________________”

a- him jumping on their bed

b- as much time with her as possible
c- too much soap in the wising machine
d- a lot of time watching television
e- electricity from coal and other materials

5.4.3 Read the text below and answers the question ¿WHAT INFORMATION IS NOT PROVIDED IN THE TEXT?

a- Disadvantages of city life

b- The narrator´s working conditions
c- Entertainment
d- The narrator´s preferences
e- Advantages of city life

6.1.3 the new product_____________ using

the most rigorous standards
● Has being tested
● Has been tested
● Tested
● Be tested
● Had tested

6.2.1 there are only about 700 mountain gorillas _______________

● Remaining
● Extinct
● Illegal
● Setting up
● Mascot
6.3 Flexibility in love relationships without constraints and change without stability are damaging. At the present, the
wet dram of all lovers; having whatever you want, whenever you want, whenever you want it. However, a closer look
indicates that something is rotten in the state of romance. According to the text, constraints mean
● Restrictions (restriccion)
● Borderless (sin boerdes)
● Stability
● Openness
● Tolerance

PREGUNTAS SEMANA 23-7-18(importante estudiar bien esto no saltear) atte alex el rey de duolingo
1- 4.1.1 A: ____________ this software application, jerry? B: no, never. What about you? A: just once!.
● You never did use
● You have ever used
● Have you ever used
● Has you ever used
● Have you use

2. A: this house is on sale for $400.000 B: that’s _______ of money

● Much
● A lot
● Any
● Little
● Many

XXX (VER) 3- ho! If I ______________ you wanted to quit your job, I __________ this vacation for next moth!.
● Had – known
● ?
● Had – pregunta esta mal formulada

4- True or False. Aomori Nebuta is held from agust 2nd to 7th every year in Aommori, japan. Over 20 lanters floats,
máximum 5 m tall, parade through the town with chanting festive music played on japanese flautes and dums. They are
designed after mythological warrior or historical figures. A float is accompanied by 500 to 2000 dancers. This dynamic,
lively festival attracts more tan 3 millons people a year. According to the text, Aomori nebuta is one of the most
important religius festivals in japan.
● Verdadero
● Falso (Aomori Nebuta es un defile publico en honor a figuras históricas y guerreros mitológicos de japon. No es
un festejo religioso).

5. How many vegetables are mentioned? My favorite dish is called paella. It´s from spain. It has rice, chicken, fish,
onions, tomatoes and a spice called saffron. It´s delicious!
● Six
● Five
● One
● Two
● Three

6- I have a _______ for running a red light

● Fine
● Judge
● Arrest
● Parking ticket
● Prison

7- select the 4 words that are related to the theatre

● Foreigner (extranjero)
● ?
● ?
● ?

8- 1.10.1 A. are you two taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel?
● We are (esta repuesta es mas complete deberia ser la correcta)
● I am
● We ´re ( supuestamente puso esta y esta bien)
● They are
● I´m

9- A_________________. B: I don’t really fell like it. How about Italian?

● Chinese food?
10- Choose the correct. Wealthy suburban counties are waking up to the fact that homelessness is increasing in their
secluded neighborhood. The word secluded in the text means ________-
● Obscure
● Abandoned
● Populated
● Buried
● Sheltered (Refugio)

11 - When people travel on vacation, they want to _______ at a nice, confortable hotel
● Stay

12- We _________ the paper to your door every morning for only $20 a month.
● Buy
● Deliver
● Save
● Order
● Pay

13- Im not running today. _____ Weather is too cold

● The

14 - Ho dear! Look at kids! They ______ computer games for three hours. They must stop darling!
● Have been playing

15 Choose the right option for the blank, “i want _____________- dress. It´s beautiful!.
● That´s
● That
● These
● This
● Those

16- Mike is going away ____ business next week.

● On
● For
● In
● From
● At

17 my father __________ when the accident _______. My mom was. He had a broken arm at that moment.
● Wasn’t damage ?
● Wasn’t there, happened (armado)

18- chose the 2 ideas that express permission.

● I´m sorry but you can’t smoke in here
● If you don’t feel well, you may leave earlier today
● Let´s cancel the party as it may rain today

19 I had a terrible night! I heard noise on the roof got terrified! B. it ________ two cats fighting on the roof. You´re
probabily right but I couldn’t sleep after that!
● Must have been?

20 my recommendation is that when you travel by plane, you _____ the most imporatant items for your trip (passport,
plane tickets, credit cards, keys, etc.) in your carry on-bag. That way, you always keep them with you.
● Should?

21- 3.13.1 A. Do you have plans for the weekend? B. yes. Saturday afternoon im going to the hairdresser´s, but I don’t
know what I _________ in the evening. Shall we meet? A. Good idea!
● Will do (noes un plan fijo ya sino que todavía no se ha decidido que hará)
● ´m going to do

22- Fill in the blank the correct option. A. _________? Yes, it is.

23- Read this headline (titular) and choose the option that is correct. Can middle-class candidate defeat millionaires in
Illinois? The word defeat in the headline mean_______________-
● Win candidature (inventado)

24- fast casual chain eateries inspired by the dirty dozen

From flower child to sweet green, trendy restaurants are committing to selling only organic versions of foods. The foods
that made 2017´s list are hot peppers, potatoes, sweets bells peppers, tomatoes, celery grapes, cherries, pears, peaches,
apples, nectarines, spinach and strawberries. Fast Casual Chain Eateries are ________-
● Pellarants????

25- choose the four (4) options that are SYNONYMS. “School reports ´not tough enough” school reports are often not
honest enough and give parents the wrong impression of their children´s skills according to study published in the
journal Education today. The authors of the study say teachers sometimes do not know how to write reports; they
usually don’t understand the aim of the report. School reports should help pupil improve their work but many teachers
do not give a clear view of the pupil´s strengths and weaknesses. “Many reports are too positive and pupils often think
their grades are better than they really are”. There is a problem at both primary and secondary school where teachers
need more support with how to write reports. Teachers discuss children’s marks with parents but it is difficult to be
honest face-to-face. Some children not only fail to do well on test but also have discipline problems.
● Fail / pass???

26- dirty dozen

27 – A: hello, emergency services. Can I help you? B: there´s been an accident. A woman is _______. We need an
ambulance urgently! It´s on Madision 258. This old lady _____ the street and a car was speeding towards her and ran
over her. Send an ambulance right away, plase!
● Not – has crossing
● Hurt - Was crossing (inventado)

28 – A: do you have any idea __________ we can ________ your parents for their anniversary? B: they ´re easy to shop
for, hey love antiques!.
● Those – bring
● What – give
● Whose – take
● That – offer
● Which – order

29 A: what are you doing? B: I _________ dinner.

● Im cooking

Xxx (ver) 30. 1.19.2 in the sentence “he´s playing with his sisters´ toys”, we understand that he has one sister.
● Verdadero
● Falso
31- select 4 ideas that are true about Cathy and Elena. Dear lisa, hello from rome. I´m here with elena. Right now, we´re
relaxing in a great little café near the colosseum. This summer, we´re traveling around Europe. We´re visiting lots of
interesting cities likes paris and berlin. And, of course, we´re shopping for clothes. We´re no spending very much. What
about you? Are you working hard? See you! Chaty.
● ?

XXXX (VER) 32- Choose the three correct options. Rice eaten by most people in people. The writer was satisfied with his
performance. The mail brought her by the assistant. I was surprised at his behavior. The road is being repaired.
● I was surprised at his behavior (comportamiento)
● The mail brought her by the assistant
● The writer was satisfied with his performance
● The road is being repaired
● Rice eaten by most people in people

33- Choose the two corrects options. Do you hate the thought of buying a new car because of the struggle you have to
go through negotiating? There are some aspects to consider that you will help you to make the process easy,
comfortable and financially rewarding. If you use the resources and approaches outlined below, you can turn buying
that car into the pleasurable experience that it should be! Here´s what you must focus:
Planning the negotiation for your new car – starting the negotiation from home – negotiating at the dealership-
financing – selling your used car – how to negotiate if you are leasing according to the text, the process will be financially
rewarding means.
● Advantageous
● Unstable
● Hard
● Vulnerable
● Profitable

35- Choose the best tittle for this thext.

Hawaiian poke bowls hit the mainland in a huge way this past year, helping to revolutionize the way that people view a
balance meal. Before that, we were dazzled by breakfast-time abundance bowls, lunchtime buddha bowls and how
tasty, healthy and photographic acai bowls are. We predict this year will bringa n onslaught of new and differnet
creative one-bowl meal offerings that you can costumize with your favorite healthy foods. One of the best things about
the bowl trend is that you can also easily whip up your own versions at home. If you are rady to get creative with
superfoods like teff, salom, and flaxseed, check out our guide on how to build a balanced protein blowl for any meal.
Another way to simplify your meal, is to try a meal kit delivery service such as home chef.

36- Flexibility in love relationships without constraints and change without stability are damaging. At the present, the
wet dram of all lovers; having whatever you want, whenever you want, whenever you want it. However, a closer look
indicates that something is rotten in the state of romance. According to the text, current romance ___________-

37- A. excuse me. Can I talk to the hotel _____. Please? B. yes, I am A. Is….. (incomplete)

38- true or false. What create conflict in the workplace? Opposing positions, competitive tensions, power struggles, ego,
pride, jealousy, performance, discrepancies, compensation issues, just someone having a bad day, etc. while the answer
to the previous question would appear to lead to the conclusion that just about anything and everything create conflict,
the really is that the root of most conflicts is either born out of poor communication or the inability to control one´s
emotions. According to this text: good communication and emotional intelligence among employees are essential to
avoid conflict.
● Verdadero
● Falso

39- read this text and choose the who (2) option that are correct for the blank.
Domestic service Zest Cleaning offers a choise of cleaning services for homes and offices, using our products or yours,
with either a team of 2 or an individual cleaner.
We provide regular cleans, one-off cleans & end of tenacy cleans. You can book our service for any frequency: monthly,
weekly, forrtnightly, several times a week – whatever suits you! You can pone Zest cleaning company if
_________________- marcar opción multiple
● You want people to clean your office
● You want to clean your suits x
● You need helping people on a regular basis
● You want to be in he domestic service área x
● You want to work in teams x


1) c Choose the right option for the blank. Her doctor recommends eliminating sodium from her diet. For example, it
may be better to make her own ______________ bread or boy bread with minimum added salt or baking powder.
● Light
● Fat- free
● Sugar – free
● Salt – free
● Light

4) (1.10.1) Choose the right option for the blank. A: are you taking a taxi from the airport to the hotel?

5- Choose the right option for the blank. I´d like the chicken and a salad as a __________, please.
● Dessert
● Side dish
● Drink
● Menu
● Napkin

6) Choose the right option for the blank, “i want _____________- dress. It´s beautiful!.
● That´s
● That
● These
● This
● Those

7) Choose the right option for the blank. Pychologists recomend tat children express their fellings. For exambple, it is
okay for them to get ________ whem they feel frustrated or disappointed and need to cry or scream, parents should
help them and support them in these situations.

8) (6.19.1) Choose the right option for the blank. Ho! If i ____________ you wanted to quit your job, i ____________-
this vacation for next mounth!.

9) (6.3) Read the text and choose the CORRECT option. Flexibility in love relationships without constraints and change
without stabil…… are damaging. Accoding to the text, constraints means___________-

10. Choose the right option for the blank. A: this house i son sale for $400.000 B: wow! That´s _____ of money!

12. Choose the right option for the blank. A: where __________ you laste week? B: i ______ away on business.

14- choose the CORRECT option for the blank. Bernstein and Woodward, nicknamed “Woodstein”, are two reporters
thath will forever be credited with breaking the most infamous political scandal toe ver hit the United States: The
Watergate Scandal. Eoy are largely credited with leading to new era of reponsability and transparency for elected
officials. The story however did not come easily

● The situation with Watergate wasn´t complex to annuce and solve

● There reporters were elected offcals later on
● Watergate was he most disreputable political event in usa
● By now the two reports have been forgotten by people in the States
● Woodstein is the name of one of the journalist involved in the case

15- Choose the right option for the blank. “i have a _________ for running a red light.
● Fine
● Judge
● Arrest
● Parking ticket
● Prison

16. Chose the right option for the blank.

● A: hey, marian. I called you last night. Where were you?
● B: I___________ that show “lonely harts”. I ghess i didn´t hear the phone
o Watched
o Was watching
o Watch
o Watching
o Must watch

17. (2.19.2) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank.

A: I need to talk to the manager, please
B: He is busy now, but he _______ see you in an hour, sir.
● Would
● Can

18. Choose the CORRECT option for the blank.

● A: how old is your daughter?
● ……………………

20. Choose the right option for the blank. The Young boy ____________- home when he hear a strange sound.

21- Choose the CORRECT option for the blanks. A: you like sushi, ___________? B: i love it! It´s my favorite meal!

22- (6.17.1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blanks. A: is bob buying a new house? B: he thinks so. A: what´s ….. with
his apartment? B: he´ll ________ rent it________ sell it.
● Or – also
● Either – or

23 (3.17) read the text and choose the two corrects options for the blanks. Whats happends to me! I was ______ mom…
feelling good or at least not feeling __________ then suddenly and without prior notices my mood changed completely.
Did that … you?
25 (1.3) read the text. What does kim do for a living? Hi my name is kim. I live with my family in korea. Im an actor i…
healthy food.

26. Choose the CORRECT option for the blanks. Ted is the only man _____________-

27. Choose the CORRECT option for the blanks. A. i have a terrible backache, i don´t know what to do!. B. you________
be feeling like this! You __________________- visit a doctor and follow his recommendations until you get better.

28. (2.3) Read the text. Select the 4 ideas that are TRUe about the department stores in twon. SHOPPING GUIDE metro
Departament…. Store Prices: $$$ Service: +++++ Metro departemnt store is very modern. It´s a great place for
electronics. There are a lot of cool …. Cameras, and even computers. You can buy many things for your house. The
clothes are great, but the prices are crazy! Everthing … expensive, but the clerks are very frendly and helpul. Gancy´s
departamento store prices: $ Service: ++ Grancy´s departament store have nice clothes for your parents, but there
aren´t many things for Young people. The prce are quie low. Don´t shop for electronics…. Are jus a few cameras, and
there aren´t any tvs and computers. The forniture departament is great. They have moderns pieces at…… prices.

29- Choose the best tittle for this thext.

Hawaiian poke bowls hit the mainland in a huge way this past year, helping to revolutionize the way that people view a
balance meal. Before that, we were dazzled by breakfast-time abundance bowls, lunchtime buddha bowls and how
tasty, healthy and photographic acai bowls are. We predict this year will bringa n onslaught of new and differnet
creative one-bowl meal offerings that you can costumize with your favorite healthy foods. One of the best things about
the bowl trend is that you can also easily whip up your own versions at home. If you are rady to get creative with
superfoods like teff, salom, and flaxseed, check out our guide on how to build a balanced protein blowl for any meal.
Another way to simplify your meal, is to try a meal kit delivery service such as home chef.

31) read this text and choose the who (2) option that are correct for the blank.
Domestic service Zest Cleaning offers a choise of cleaning services for homes and offices, using our products or yours,
with either a team of 2 or an individual cleaner.
We provide regular cleans, one-off cleans & end of tenacy cleans. You can book our service for any frequency: monthly,
weekly, forrtnightly, several times a week – whatever suits you! You can pone Zest cleaning company if
_________________- marcar opción multiple
● You want people to clean your office
● You want to clean your suits x
● You need helping people on a regular basis
● You want to be in he domestic service área x
● You want to work in teams x

32) chose the four (4) option that are corrects for the blank. Fasta Casual Chain Eateries Inspierd by the Dirty Dozen.
From Flower Child to Sweetgreen, tendy restaurants are committing to selling only organic versions of foods. In this text
the expressions are committing means are _________________-

33. Choose the right option for the blank. Look! Jane and Alex are walking ________ new dog. They seem so happy!
● Your
● Their
● Her
● Theirs
● Hers

34. read the text and choose the best title for it. Why it matters: having tos ay bye-bye to mommy or daddy is often the
most challenging part of starting preschool. The image of your kid clinging, crying, and refusing to enter the classroom
may be among your worrst first-day fears too. Get preppared: if you´re a working parent, your child has already
adjusted to spending some time apart from you . if not, arrange to have hum stay with a babysitter or another family
member whule you go out for a couple of hours. These short preparations enforce the message that you ´ll always come
back at the end of the day, say Dr. Berman.

35 – (6.13.1) Choose the correct option for the blank. A. i wonder why meg and her boyfirend have not come to the
pa……. Email inviting them yesterday. B. She_______________ it. A. That´s true. I´ll call them right now i not listened
have might should …….

36 – (1.6) read the text. Where are the people in the conversation? POLICE OFFICER: is your name Candace Adams?
Wh…… POLICE OFFICER: do you recognize the man? WOMAN: yes, that´s the thief! POLICE OFFICER: is he the man who
pushed you in the subway? WOMAN: yes, i´m sure he is the one, POLICE OFFICER: is this your wallet? WOMAN: yes!
That´s my wallet! Thank you!.
● At the police station

37- Read this text and choose the CORRECT option for the blanck. The blue Zones Project, a community well-being
improvement focusing on enviroment, pollicim and social changes, demostrates the restaurants can playa n important
role in the health and well being of residents. One of the core tenents of a Blue Zone certified restaurant menú is to de-
convenience unhealthy choices. Insted automatically offering Frenchs fries with every sándwich, it will come with a
salad. Costumers can still request fies. But time and again when the healthy option is the easy option, people will eat it.
Costumers can still order fies. But time and again when the _____________ is the easy option, people will eat it. (ASI
● Salad appetizer
● Delicious meal
● Vegetable meal
● Healthy option
● Cheap choise

38- read the text and choose the four (4) ptions that are corrects. Complaining about problems … s


14 (4.9) True or False. Aomori Nebuta is held from agust 2nd to 7th every year in Aommori, japan. Over 20 lanters floats,
máximum 5 m tall, parade through the town with chanting festive music played on japanese flautes and dums. They are
designed after mythological warrior or historical figures. A float is accompanied by 500 to 2000 dancers. This dynamic,
lively festival attracts more tan 3 millons people a year. According to the text, Aomori nebuta is one of the most
important religius festivals in japan.
● Verdadero
● Falso (Aomori Nebuta es un defile publico en honor a figuras históricas y guerreros mitológicos de japon. No es
un festejo religioso).

15- come to mindy´s clothes store! We are having a big sale! We are selling all our clothes at half Price! Our shirts, pants
and shoes are 50% _________! Don´t miss it!
● Low Price
● Their common prices
● For sale
● For free
● Off the regular price

18 (3.13.3) when the famous football player ran into the field all the people in the stadium shouted_________ for about
three minutes. He was really moved!.
● Excited
● Excitedly

21. my brother ______ to cook very well. He is a chef in a french restaurant.

● Can
● Is able

28 (2.15) choose the three (3) option that are true. The restaurant industry is worried with sales results declining. The
national restauran association reports daily restaurant industry sales approaching $2.34 billon across one millón
restaurant locations in usa. The industry is not entering a recession. As lifestules changes and new generetiones become
consumer, how we buy and consume food away from home will continue to change.
● The restaurant bussiness is changing all the time
● Amercan resturant make more tan 2 billon a day
● Recessions is obviusly affecting the restauran business
● Peoople that go to restarants are consumers

Xxx ver 30 (5.6) choose the correct chronological order. A) ar first, he was Little afraid. B) he hurts his knee. C) when he
realized the rest of the climbers were far away form the rest. D) he become too afraid to jump onto a huge rock. E) this
was joe´s firt rock climbing trip.
● A-b-c-d-e
● e-b-a-c-d

Choose the option is related to TRAVELLING ABROAD.

● Check the leaks –
● inspect the roof –
● get stuck in the highway –
● look for some replacement –
● go through costumes.

Choose the right option for the blank. A: ______________? B: yes, they are.
● Jimmy are brothers with fred
● Are jimmy and fred brothers
● Jimmy and fred brothers are
● Brothers are jimmy and fred
Jimmy and fred are brothers
Xxx ver 3.7.2 The workers really needed to talk to the manager but his assistant suggested _____________ back later.
He was having a meeting with the board of director.
● Came
● X To come (creo que es esta pero no estoy seguro si es come solo)
● X Come
● X Coming
● Will come

Xxxx VER @3.1.2 After _________ the novel, “the Tunnel, a book by Sabato”, the director wanted to make the film by all
● Reads
● To read
● Reading (correcta)
● Read
● Was read

Workers at the steel ______________ have to wear protective clothing

● Office
● Desk
● Factory
● Fabric
● Job

We _________ the paper to your door every morning for only $20 a month.
● Buy
● Deliver
● Save
● Order
● Pay

Everything is ready for the trip. We __________ to spend any time packing.
● Don’t have
● Mustn’t
● Doesn’t have
● Can´t
● Are not able

A: How old is your daughter?. B: ___________ five years old.

● Its
● She
● He´s
● She´s
● Is

XXX Ver The best thing about my job is __________ with a lot of people I like!.
● The work
● Work
● To working
● I working
● Working

3.23.1 in the sentence. “It´s hot and humid in Miami today”, the impersonal “it” is used as an empty subject.
● Falso
● Verdadero

Read the text and choose the two (2) option that are correct. The city university of new york (CUNY) is home to over
9,000 international students in F and I immigration status representing more than 100 countries. CUNY values its
diversified student population and is committed to helping international students to adjust to new cultural and
academic practices in a supportive environment.
● A lot of foreign students attend CUNY
● There are 100 students from France and Jamaica
● 9,000 homes in new york host foreign students
● Diversity is one of this university ´s priority
● CUNY is the place where students live.

Remember what the flight attendant said Tommy! All passengers ________ stay in their seat without unfastening their
seat belts! She also said: “please, you __________ use cellphones.
● Should don’t have to
● Have to to have to
● Can doesn’t have to
● Must mustn’t
● May have to

Select the 3 ideas that are expressed in the text about good doctors. “As a doctor, I think the most important thing for a
good doctor is being a good listener. You have to understand people and their problems. A good doctor likes to solve
problems and always want to help his or her patients. And can´t be impulsive – you should always be careful. Sometimes
the firs answers you think of isn’t the right answer.
● They always follow their impulses
● They have to be helpful and caring
● They have to think creatively
● They need to be good at listening
● They should understand people
GUEST: excuse me. Is there a café near here? HOTEL CLERK: yes, there is. You wanna cross the bridge until you pass the
park on your left. The café is ______ the school.

● To the right of
● Inside
● Opposite
● Between
● Next to

Choose the best title. Phillip Smith and Heather Klingele smith of shoreline, share nearly every aspect of 10 month-old
Trevelen´s care. Phillip get hum dressed, prepares his bottles and takes him to daycare each morning on his way to his
job in software sales; after Heather arrives homes from her job, she starts dinner and prepares Trevelen´s baby food.
They split hosework and alternate waking up to feed Trevelen at night. “I was raised by parents who shared work
equally, and I looked for that in a partner”, Shay heather. “But we´re one of the only couples I know sharing parenting
pretty much equally, all the way”.
● Fathers work at home now
● Mother and fathers together
● Equally shared parenting
● Sharing jobs
● Raising children together
Choose the correct. Wealthy suburban counties are waking up to the fact thath homelessness is increasing in their
secluded neighborhood. The word secluded in the text means ________- Comentario [7]: Los condados
suburbanos ricos están despertando al
● Obscure hecho de que la falta de vivienda está
● Abandoned aumentando en su vecindario aislado
● Populated
● Buried
● Sheltered Comentario [8]: Refugio

Choose the right option for the blank. My mother´s brother is my __________-
Brother in-law
● Cousin
● Aunt
● Parent
● Uncle

A: this house is on sale for $400.000 B: that’s _______ of money

● Much
● A lot
● Any
● Little
● Many

Mike is going away ____ business next week.

● On
● For
● In
● From
● At
The young boy ___________________ home when he heard a strange sound.
● Walks
● Is walking
● Walked
● Were walking
● Was walking

A: can you assemble the parts? B: I guess so. The instructions are easy __________.
● Understanding
● That I understand
● To understand
● To understanding
● Understand

In the past, parents home was the ______________´s home and they stayed until they got married or even sometimes
parents´ home was the family home where all __________ together; children moving out in their teenage as changed
the family patterns and the concept of family a lot.
● Neighbors´ lived
● Friends´ shared
● Relatives´ moved
● Children´s lived
● Grandparents’ moved

Describe the action on the picture:

● The baby boy is walking in the park

● Three peoples are looking at the lake
● The man is sitting next to the dog
● The woman is looking at the man
● A little girl is talking to a friend

Choose the two corrects options. Martha, Norway-

This is AMAZING and thank you SOOOOOO much to all those involved in sending my order home! Thank you thank you
thank you!!! You have me as costumer for a VERY long time and I´ll spread the word to all my frustrated friends over
here. According to the text, Martha _____________-
● Is a costumer form Norway
● Is angry with the people in charge of the service
● Feels really upset about her friend´s recommendation
● Is happily surprised about the delivery
● Will never be a costumer anymore!.

Chose the four CORRECT. Fast Casual Chain Eateries Inspired by the Drity Dozen. From Flower Child to Sweetgreen,
trendy restaurants are committing to selling only organic version of foods. In this text the expression are committing
means are ________________-
● Giving loyalty to
● Abstracting
● Supporting
● Backing up
● Promising

A: where´s Joe? B: he´s cleaning his room A: how did you get him _______ to do it? B: I told him ______ it, of course.
And he obeyed! I couldn´t believe my eyes!
● Cleaning- doing
● To clean – to do
● Cleaning – to do
● Not no clean – not doing
● Clean – do

IKEA´s, _________________ sells really high-quality products.

● Where I bought my living-room furniture set,.
● That I bought my living room furniture set.
● Where I shop my living room furniture set,.
● which I shopped my living room furniture set.
● Where I bought, my living room furniture set.

XXXX VER 3.13.2 A: sue, what ________ for dinner this evening? B: are you hungry Gilles? It´s early. It´s four! But let´s Comentario [9]: tarde
see. Would you like to eat meat pie? B: no, don’t worry, i´m going to the supermarket after the work and I
____________ a delicious dinner for the two of us!
● Will we have - will make Comentario [10]: no se bien cual es
la respuesta
● Are we having - ´m making (esta no porque está con gerundio)
● We will have - going to make (esta no va porque el sujeto we, esta al principio)
● Do we have- will make
● Are we have - ´m going to make

A: tell me about the training course, Annie. Are you tired and hungry now? B: not really. We ________ two coffee
● Gave by them
● Was given
● Given by them
● Were given
● Were to give

Choose the two corrects options. Do you hate the thought of buying a new car because of the struggle you have to go
through negotiating? There are some aspects to consider that you will help you to make the process easy, comfortable
and financially rewarding. If you use the resources and approaches outlined below, you can turn buying that car into the
pleasurable experience that it should be! Here´s what you must focus:
Planning the negotiation for your new car – starting the negotiation from home – negotiating at the dealership-
financing – selling your used car – how to negotiate if you are leasing according to the text, the process will be financially
rewarding means.
● Advantageous
● Unstable
● Hard
● Vulnerable
● Profitable

Choose the four corrects options. Can´t get that girl or guy out of your head? Daydreaming about the person when you
should be working? Imagining your futures together? There dizzying thoughts may be sings of love. In fact, scientists Comentario [11]: vertiginosos
have pinned down exactly what it means to “fall in love”. Researchers have found that an in-love brain look different
form one experiencing mere lust. According to the text when you´re in love ____________-
● You mainly have a strong sexual desire for your partner
● You can´t stop thinking about the person all the time
● You can be daydreaming instead of working
● You image your future life together
● Your brain´s appearance is different

Choose the three correct options. Rice eaten by most people in people. The writer was satisfied with his performance.
The mail brought her by the assistant. I was surprised at his behavior. The road is being repaired.
● I was surprised at his behavior (comportamiento)
● The mail brought her by the assistant
● The writer was satisfied with his performance
● The road is being repaired
● Rice eaten by most people in people

Choose the four correct options. Complaining about problems so often involves interacting with other people. However,
if you are unable to solve your problems or find someone else to fix it for you, it is tempting to bury the problem under a
mass of hardcore denial. Denying the existence of the problem all together can be a problem in itself as the problem
often consequently resurfaces in an even more powerful state than when you initially buried it. According to the text
____, ___, ____, or ______ are NOT real solution.
● Keeping the secret to yourself
● Not accepting that you are having a problem
● Accepting you are having a problem
● Talking about problem showing dissatisfaction
● Asking somebody to solve your problems
Although I _________ this book, i´m going to return it to the library _________. It´s doe.
● Haven´t read /still
● Haven’t finished reading /anyway
● Don’t read /already
● Haven’t finished reading /instead
● Didn’t finish reading /until


Choose the correct sequence for the story

1- I didn´t want to more away, however, there was no way out

2- My father use to have a great job some years ago
3- But an economic crisis began and unemployment increased
4- Luckily, my father found a new job in another place
a- 1-4-3-2
b- 3-1-4-2
c- 2-3-1-4
d- 2-1-3-4
e- 4-3-2-1


Which option is incorrect in the example?

“Last week there was a serious car accident in the highway to Boston. In which many cars were involved. I was there
fortunately. I wasn´t injured. If I hadn´t been wearing my seat belt, I could have suffer serious”

a- Were involved
b- Wasn´t injured
c- Could have suffer (Seria correcta si fuera could suffered)
d- Hadn´t been warning
e- In which
Where is this family sitting?

a- In front of the house

b- On the deck
c- In the house
d- Behind the bench
e- Beside the car

Choose the option the best described the picture

a- She had a minor injury, so her father treated in with a bandage

b- If she been warning tennis shoes, she wouldn´t have hurt herself
c- The girl had an accident and had to be taken to hospital
d- It´s unfortunate that their windshield broke during the accident
e- The paramedic are treating a girl with a serious injury

Look at the picture. Which false about it?

a- A coffee table is between the two sofas

b- There are two grey sofas facing each other
c- There is a reading lamp on the sofas
d- These are green pillows on the sofas
e- There are two pictures hanging on the wall

Choose the right option for the blank “The________ is pushing dirt to make May for the new road”

a- Forklift
b- Crane
c- Shovel
d- Truck
e- Bulldozer

What color is the man´s hair?

a- Gray
b- Brown
c- Red
d- Blond
e- Black

Choose the correct option for the blank. “There´s too much traffic. She____________ for work earlier today”

a- Should have left

b- Can´t have left
c- Is planning to leave
d- Is going to leave
e- Will leave

Look at the picture. Which idea is right?

a- These clothes are the same size but different colors

b- These are inexpensive men´s clothes
c- All the options are offered with jewelry accessories
d- The first outfit has more colors that third
e- None of these clothes are casual

(Tato: E)

Choose the correct option for the blank “A: ___________________; B: Yes. First, measure 2 ½ cups of flour and 2 coups
of sugar. Next, add one cup of milk and 2 eggs. Then, add 1 cup of butter and 1 teaspoon of salt. Finally, bake the cake in
the over for one hour.”

a- Can you teach me how to make a cake?

b- Is the cake baking in the over?
c- When was this cake made?
d- Have you had enough cake or would you like some more?
e- What are we celebrating?

Which option is incorrect? “You can´t__________ in any important museum of the world”

a- Use the lockers (Fotos finales)

b- Shout
c- Eat or drink
d- Take photos
e- Carry backpacks
(Tato E)

What´s the matter with Paula?

a- Her face is red. She´s burnt herself

b- She´s warning a bandage on her arm
c- She hurt her knee when she was riding her bike
d- Her stomach hurts. She ate too much dessert
e- Her temperature is too high. She has a fever

Where is the family standing?

a- In the yard
b- On the street
c- At the gate
d- In the driveway
e- At the back door

Read the description. How many forms of transportation did the tourist use?

“Our flight departed from Colombia on Friday night and arrived in Italy the next day. Then we look a train to France,
where we stayed for two days. Then we drove east to Belgium. And finally, we went to Germany by bus”

a- 5
b- 3
c- 2
d- 4
e- 6

Choose the right option for the blank. “mmmm that looks delicious. I________ order some but since I´m allergic to
seafood. I______”

a- might/ may
b- could /don´t
c- would/ can´t
d- can/ will
e- may/didn´t

Choose the correct option for the blank. “A: ______________; B: They are hers”

a- Where are these dogs form?

b- Who´s dogs are these?
c- Who are these dogs of?
d- Whose dogs are those?
e- Who are those dogs?

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