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Learning activity 4 / Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Presentation / Presentación

1. Present perfect / Presente perfecto

A. Function / Función

We use the present perfect to talk about an indefinite time in the past. We use
the simple past to talk about a definite time in the past. / Usamos el presente
perfecto para hablar de un tiempo indefinido en el pasado. Usamos el
pasado simple para hablar de un tiempo definido en el pasado

Examples / Ejemplos:

 He has gone to Cartagena twice. (Indefinite time: we don’t know when).

Present Perfect. / Él ha ido a Cartagena dos veces. (Tiempo indefinido:
no sabemos cuándo). Presente perfecto.
 He went to Cartagena last week. (Definite time: we know when). Simple
Past. / Él fue a Cartagena la semana pasada. (Tiempo definido: sabemos
cuándo). Pasado simple.

B. Structure / Estructura

Affirmative form / Forma afirmativa

Subject verb (Have, Complement
She has Traveled a lot.

Note: remember that when the subject is he - she - it, you have to use has. /
Nota: recuerde que para los pronombres personales he - she - it, usted debe
usar el auxiliar has.

Negative form / Forma negativa

Subject Auxiliary Past Complement
verb participle
They haven’t Been to Italy.
Note: remember that when the subject is he - she - it, you have to use has. /
Nota: recuerde que para los pronombres personales he - she - it, usted debe
usar el auxiliar has.

C. Yet, already, just / Aún, Ya, Reciéntemente

Some adverbs of time such as yet, already, and just are commonly used with
the present perfect. / Algunos adverbios de tiempo como aún, ya, y
reciéntemente son usados comúnmente con el presente perfecto.

a. Yet

Yet is commonly used in negative statements to show an action has lasted

longer than expected. Pay attention to its position in the sentence. / Yet es
comúnmente usada en oraciones negativas para mostrar que una acción ha
tomado mayor tiempo de lo esperado. Preste atención a su posición en la

Examples / Ejemplos:

 You haven’t finished yet. / Aún no has terminado.

 He hasn’t returned the book yet. / El aún no ha devuelto el libro.

We also use yet in questions. / También usamos yet en preguntas.

 Has she left yet? / ¿Ella ya se fue?

Note: remember that, in Spanish yet means ya in questions and aún in

negative statements. / Nota: recuerde que yet significa ya en preguntas y aún
en oraciones negativas.

b. Already

Already is used in affirmative statements and questions to show an action has

happened earlier than expected. Pay attention to its position in affirmative and
interrogative statements respectively. / Already se usa en oraciones
afirmativas y preguntas para mostrar que una acción ha sucedido antes de lo
esperado. Preste atención a su posición en enunciados afirmativos e
interrogativos, respectivamente.

Examples / Ejemplos:

 Laura has already left. / Laura ya se fue.

 Has Laura already left? /¿Ya se fue Laura?
 He has already returned the book. / Él ya devolvió el libro.
 Has he already returned the book? /¿Él ya devolvió el libro?
c. Just

Just is used in the present perfect to show that an action has finished only a
short time before now. / Just se usa en el presente perfecto para mostrar que
una acción ha sido finalizada hace poco tiempo del momento presente.

Examples / Ejemplos:

 Becky has just left. / Becky se acabó de ir.

 I have just finished. / Acabó de terminar.
 They have just arrived. / Acaban de llegar.

2. Indefinite pronouns / Pronombres indefinidos

A. Function / Función

We use indefinite pronouns to refer to a person, place, thing or idea that is

not specific. / Usamos los pronombres indefinidos para referirnos a una
persona, lugar, cosa o idea que no es específica.

Look at the chart below: / Observe el recuadro a continuación:

People Things Places

Some- Something Somewhere
Any- Anything Anywhere
No one,
No- Nothing Nowhere
Every- Everything Everywhere

Examples / Ejemplos:

 Someone is knocking on the door.

 Can someone help me?
 You left something on the table.
 There is nothing you can do about it.
 Everywhere you go, you can meet cool people.

B. Points to ponder about usage / Cosas para considerar en cuanto

al uso

When we use any in a negative sentence the meaning is totally negative.

Look at the example: / Cuando usamos any en una oración negativa el
significado es totalmente negativo. Mire el ejemplo:

Example / Ejemplo:

She doesn’t know anybody in here. / Ella no conoce a nadie aquí.


Anybody can use a computer. / Cualquier persona puede usar un computador.

3. Quantifiers / Cuantificadores

A quantifier is a word we use before a noun to indicate the amount or

quantity. / Un cuantificador es una palabra que usamos para indicar

Quantifiers can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Take a
look at the following examples: / Los cuantificadores se pueden usar tanto con
sustantivos contables como con sustantivos no contables. Observe los
siguientes ejemplos:

 There is too much pollution in this city. (Uncountable noun). / Hay

demasiada polución en esta ciudad. (Sustantivo no contable).

 We have too many taxes. (Countable noun). / Tenemos demasiados

impuestos. (Sustantivo

 contable).

 She doesn’t have enough money. (Uncountable noun). / Ella no tiene

suficiente dinero. (Sustantivo no contable).

 We have enough apples for the pie. (Countable noun). / Tenemos

suficientes manzanas para la tarta. (Sustantivo contable).

 They need a little sugar for the recipe. (Uncountable noun). / Necesitan
un poco de azúcar para la receta. (Sustantivo no contable).

 He has a few friends. (Countable noun). / Él tiene pocos amigos.

(Sustantivo contable).

Some quantifiers can also be used with adjectives. Take a look the following
examples: / Algunos cuantificadores pueden ser usados con adjetivos. Mire
los siguientes ejemplos:

 These boxes are too heavy. / Estas cajas están demasiado pesadas.
 She is not fast enough. / Ella no es lo suficiéntemente rápida.
 They are a little irresponsible. / Ellos son un poco irresponsables.

Note: when you use enough with an adjective, place enough after it. / Nota:
cuando use enough con un adjetivo, use enough después de éste.

Practice / Práctica

A. Organize the words to write affirmative or interrogative statements. Use

the present perfect tense. / Organice las palabras para crear enunciados
afirmativos o interrogativos. Use el presente perfecto.

1. In Chicago / go sightseeing / yet / you / ?


2. Nepalese food / already/ try / they/


3. John and Margie / Colpatria tower / just / go to the top of /


4. ? / Tokyo / yet / our parents / visit /


5. Feijoada / already / Tanya / eat


B. Complete the following conversations with either the present perfect tense
or the simple present tense. Use the information in the parenthesis. /
Complete las siguientes conversaciones con el presente perfecto o el
pasado simple. Use la información entre paréntesis.

1. a. ______________________ (you / wear) a tuxedo?

b. Yes, I __________.

a. When ______________ (you / wear) it?

b. I ______________ it to a wedding last Saturday.

a. _______________ (you / borrow) clothes from your dad?

b. Yes, I _______________.

a. What _______________ (you / borrow)?

b. A suit. I ___________ (need) one for a job interview.

a. I ________________ (never / be / San Andres Island). What about

b. Yes, I ___________. I ____________ (be) there twice.

a. When ______________ (be) the last time?

b. I ____________ (be) there one year ago.

C. Choose the best option. / Escoja la mejor opción.

I (1) knew / have known Joss for many years. We (2) met / have met at the
same school when we (3) were / have been ten years old. We (4) went / have
been to the same university. We (5) traveled / have traveled together many
times. We (6) went / have gone to Paris one year ago. We (7) shared / have
shared many experiences. She (8) had / has had a baby last week. I (9)
didn’t have/ haven’t had any children yet. I (10) think / have thought I don’t
want to have that responsibility.

D. Complete the following statements using the words from the box. More
than one option might be possible. / Complete los siguientes enunciados
usando las palabras en el cuadro. Más de una opción podría ser posible.

Somedody / Something / Somewhere / Anybody / Anything / Anywhere /

Nobody / Nothing / Nowhere / Everybody / Everything / Everywhere
1. Last night we didn’t have ___________ for dinner because we don’t
know how to cook.

2. Jim is an excellent cook. ______________was delicious.

3. ______________ loves Susan. She is super friendly.

4. ____________ told me I had to wear a tie. Can I borrow one?

5. Don’t worry. They must be ___________ near here.

6. You are hiding ___________. Tell me what it is.

7. Don’t talk to ______________ there. You can’t trust them.

E. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the statements. / Escoja el

pronombre correcto para completar los enunciados.

1. There is ___________ I can’t tell you. It’s a personal secret.

2. She helped almost __________ in the neighborhood. She is very


3. They didn’t say ____________ useful. Their ideas don’t have practical

4. My cellphone was on the table. ____________ has taken it.

5. ___________ the doctors did to save her worked. She died.

6. I would go to Istanbul if I could go __________ in the world.

7. He didn’t want to speak. He said ___________ at all.

F. Complete the following sentences using too, enough, too many, or too
much. / Complete las siguientes oraciones usando too, enough, too many,
o too much.

1. They didn’t buy the house because it was ___________ expensive.

2. Laura couldn’t sleep last night because she drank ____________


3. I don’t have __________ time to finish all I need to do.

4. You need to study hard __________ if you want to pass the test.
5. The traffic downtown is terrible. I think there are _____________ cars.

6. You cannot fish in that river. It is ___________ polluted.

7. Mrs. Smith assigns ___________ homework. I spent six hours doing

just the first part.

G. Rewrite the following sentences so that they keep the same meaning. Use
too or enough respectively. / Reescriba las siguientes oraciones de
manera que tengan el mismo significado. Use too o enough

Example / Ejemplo:

He is too short to be part of the basketball team.

He isn’t tall enough to be part of the basketball team.

1. Andrea is too young to vote.


2. I cannot drink this coffee. It is too hot.


3. Those pants are not cheap enough for me to buy them.


4. It is not warm enough today to go swimming.


5. Calculus is too difficult for me to understand.


H. Read the following definitions. According to them complete the education

crossword. / Lea las siguientes definiciones. De acuerdo con ellas
complete el crucigrama de educación.


2. A school where you have to pay since it is non-government.

4. A school for old children. It usually takes from 11 to 17 years
9. A college in which people study to obtain a professional
10. A university teacher.
11. A person who teaches in a school or college.
12. The head of a school.


1. A person who has already obtained a University degree.

3. A school for young children. It usually takes students from 6 to 10 years
5. A school for infant and toddlers.
6. A person that studies at a school, college or university.
7. A school where students have free education since it is paid by the
8. A person who works in a library.

Fuente: SENA

Production / Producción
A. Write a list of things you have achieved and things you haven’t accomplished
yet but want to do it in the next five years. Use the present perfect. Write at
least ten sentences. / Escriba una lista de cosas que ha conseguido y cosas
que aún no ha conseguido pero quiere hacerlo en los próximos cinco años.
Escriba al menos diez oraciones.


B. Write a composition about something you have done, made, created, or

materialized. Use indefinite pronouns to tell the story. / Escriba una
composición sobre algo que usted haya hecho, construido, creado o
materializado. Use pronombres indefinidos para contar la historia.


C. Imagine you are a personal trainer. Describe some bad habits people have
and provide some advice. Use quantifiers. / Imagine que usted es un
entrenador personal. Describa algunos malos hábitos que las personas
tienen y dé algún consejo. Use los cuantificadores.


Document control / Control del documento

Name Position Dependence Date

Dirección de
Theme expert formación
Kelly Johanna Asesor English Dot profesional. September
Vera Diettes Works - Programa Dirección General 2014
de bilingüismo

Authors Theme expert Dirección de

Asesor English Dot formación
Nicole Bruskewitz Works - Programa profesional.
de bilingüismo Dirección General

Rachman Copy editor – Línea October
Adaptation Bustillo Martínez de producción 2014
Regional Quindío

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