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Máster En Ingeniería Mecánica Industrial (MSc)

Free University of Bozen - Bolzano

El objetivo de este programa de dos años es proporcionar a los estudiantes sólidos

conocimientos de ingeniería mecánica (diseño mecánico, producción y mantenimiento
de la planta, logística y planificación de la producción, etc.) y sus campos relacionados.
Con este fin, el curso pretende formar un ingeniero mecánico moderno, capaz de
integrar campos especializados tradicionalmente separados, como el diseño mecánico,
mecatrónica, automatización, gestión y logística. La carrera se divide en dos ramas
diferentes en las que los estudiantes pueden especializarse: "Mecánica y
Automatización" y "Logística y Producción" .

Breve descripción del Programa de Estudios

El Máster se estableció en la Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad Libre
de Bolzano (Unibz). El Máster se ofrece singularmente de la Universidad Libre de
Bolzano y tiene un carácter internacional. El camino "Logística y producción" se ofrece
en colaboración con la Universidad Otto-von Guericke de Magdeburg (OvGU) y
permite obtener un "doble título".

Oportunidades de empleo
Los graduados pueden esperar trabajar en los sectores industriales en las siguientes
funciones de la empresa: investigación y desarrollo, diseño, adquisición, producción,
gestión operativa, logística interna y externa y aseguramiento de la calidad. Además de
buscar carreras independientes como consultores, el curso proporciona a los estudiantes
las herramientas para trabajar en empresas de las industrias de fabricación, mecánica y
mecatrónica, producción y conversión de energía, automatización y robótica, o en la
administración pública.

Las actividades de los graduados se destinarán al diseño y la producción de

instrumentos, motores, máquinas y otros equipos mecánicos y / o la adquisición de
materiales de gestión, gestión de operaciones y logístic

MEng SpaceTech – Master of Engineering in Space

Systems and Business Engineering
Graz University of Technology (TU Graz)

The aerospace sector is a fast-growing market. Multinational corporations are

conducting research on cutting-edge technology to successfully develop new products
and services. Some examples include satellite services in the communication,
navigation and remote sensing fields, aerospace transportation, space tourism or the
future mining of extraterrestrial materials. Through the university program
"SpaceTech", participants are trained by experts in the fields of Space Systems and
Business Engineering and prepared to take on key roles and management
responsibilities in the international environment of the space industry.

Quick Facts
 Duration: 3 semesters (18 months)
 Final degree: Master of Engineering (MEng) in Space Systems and Business
 ECTS credits: 90
 Language of instruction: English
 Participation fee (VAT-free) for applications received before:
o 30 Sep 2017: € 31,500 (Earliest Bird)
o 30 Nov 2017: € 32,500 (Early Bird)
o 15 Jan 2018: € 34,000 (Regular)
o Self-payers: please contact us to evaluate the availability of
o The participation fee does not cover costs for travel, accommodation, and
 Number of participants: limited to 20
 Course location: European Space Centers:
o TU Graz, Austria (Apr 2018)
o CNES Toulouse, France (Jul 2018)
o ESA ECSAT Harwell, Great Britain (Oct 2018)
o DLR GSOC Munich, Germany (Jan 2019)
o ESA ESRIN Frascati, Italy (Apr 2019)
o ESA ESTEC Noordwijk, the Netherlands (Jun 2019)
o TU Graz, Austria (Sep 2019)

You gain comprehensive knowledge on the current state of international research in the
following fields:

 Applied Project Management for Space Systems

 Business Engineering
 Space Mission Analysis and Design
 Telecommunications
 Earth Observation
 Systems Engineering
 Navigation
 Human Space Flight

In addition, you acquire leadership and social skills, perform case studies (Central Case
Project – CCP) and complete a Master’s thesis. The course content is taught by
internationally recognized experts from the respective fields.

Target Groups
This postgraduate university program is appropriate for

 Experts with several years of experience working in the aerospace sector and
 International mid-career professionals seeking top-level expertise in space systems
and business engineering.

Admission Requirements
 Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (BSc or MSc)in a technical or scientific field
 At least 5 years of professional experience working in the aerospace sector
 Good command of the English language

 Preparatory online course
 Followed by 6 sessions with mandatory attendance, each lasting two weeks and
located at the 6 European Space Centers
 Central Case Project (CCP) conducted in a team
 Completion of the Master’s thesis
 Final session with mandatory attendance, which includes the exam and award of the
degree (MEng SpaceTech)

By combining online lessons with lessons taught on-site, the course has been optimally
designed to the needs of working students. "Specialists from the aerospace industry can
both expand their technological knowledge, but also prepare to take on leadership
positions and become familiar with modern business practices in an international
environment by taking this training course". Otto Koudelka, program director

Career Options and Qualifications

Graduates have a comprehensive knowledge of aerospace applications and mechanical
engineering, have acquired expertise that can be applied in their professional life and
have gained experience working in responsible and multicultural teamwork collected.
The potential occupations include diverse management positions in the aerospace
industry– in either corporations or various aerospace agencies.

Next program will begin March 2018 Application deadline: 15 January 2018 -
Early Bird Discounts are available for earlier applications, see above!
Required documents:

 Completed and signed application form

 Curriculum vitae including a portrait photo
 Copies of relevant certificates

Send an inquiry if you are interested in filling out the form on the right. You can also
send application forms by e-mail or mail to directly:

 TU Graz Life Long Learning

 c/o Dipl.-Ing. Peter SCHROTTER

 Rechbauerstraße 12

o 8010 Graz, Austria

 Please mention that you have read about the program on

The program director will decide which applications will be accepted after examining
the application documents and interviewing the applicants.

Master in Engineering and Management of

Manufacturing Systems
Atlântica University

The 2nd cycle in Technology Management and Innovation aims to provide, through a
scientific approach, an advanced, consistent and up to date training to create highly
qualified professionals able to both solve problems related to practical applications in
industrial environment and eventually follow a research career in this scientific field.

Students should gain skills that will enable them to further use the knowledge learned
autonomously, thus becoming valuable assets in the corporate and industrial
organizations in their field.

The MSc program also seeks to attract students from different academic backgrounds
from other universities, Management and Engineering and working professionals in the
aeronautics, automotive and construction fields, between others, who look forward to
specializing in this field and further advance their careers.

Those who meet the following conditions may apply to the cycle of studies that leads to
the master degree:

 Holders of the Bachelor degree or legal equivalent;

 Holders of a foreign academic degree conferred following the 1st cycle of
studies organized according to the principles of the Bologna Process by a State
that has subscribed this Process;
 Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae that is
recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the
Scientific Council of the course.

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