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Evidencia 10: Selection criteria in distribution channels; Ceramicol Company

Usted y su equipo de trabajo han sido contratados por la empresa Ceramicol para
que realicen un estudio de mercado que contengan los siguientes puntos:

 Escoger y gestionar los canales de distribución más adecuados de

acuerdo la naturaleza del producto en este caso serían las vajillas.

 Definir las características del comprador y las características del

mercado (USA).

 Elaborar un informe sobre la forma más exitosa de entrar al mercado


 Elaborar un pendón publicitario, para promocionar el ingreso de esta

nueva vajilla al mercado internacional.

 Esta evidencia debe ser presentada en inglés usando las

preposiciones de Material de formación ‘English prepositions’.

Para realizar este informe consultar previamente el Material de formación

denominado: English Word distribution channels.

 Distribution channels
 Case study Ceramicol.
 English prepositions.

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The distribution centers have gained importance, the enterprises know that
transactions within the distribution area are a source of competitive opportunities
and advantages.

A distribution center has a fundamental impact on the overall success of the

logistics chain, and it define the most important factors (cost and quality service). Is
important to make a description of the operations to of the distribution Center to
achieve the goals of the organization

The distribution center is responsible for product delivery in the correct place, with
the required quantities and at the right time and if the distribution center fails, can
result in serious problems that are reflected in dissatisfied customers and financial
losses for the company.

The objetive to identify and initially describe the fundamental operations carried out
in the Company's distribution center Ceramicol such as storage of merchandise,
order preparation, the loading of containers, etc. in order to make the process of
distributing and everything involved to get the dishes to customers.

Identifies and analyzes the indicators belonging to the range to help keep track and
monitor all activities carried out within this area. The purpose of analyzing the
indicators in the area of distribution is to find critical points and provide solutions to
problems that prevent proper operation of the range, this analysis is done monthly
and after analysis and search for causes, proceed with the decision making and
corrective actions to continuously improve and prevent errors continue committing

The distribution process dishes We Ceramicol Company is complex as higher

volumes handled and has a wide variety of clients such as Avon, Success,
Carrefour, among others that are around the world.
To ensure the availability of products should be controlled inventory in gathering
center of each branch offices, through a single information system, through this
program allocation, programming and is performed billing orders.

Logistics operators:
Logistics operators offer their services consisting be a specialist in controlling the
distribution and transport through systems that integrate the flow of products and
information Ceramicol Company Which means that specializes in the management
of supply, storage, transport and final distribution to the customer. Ceramicol
Company has several companies that facilitate the performance of logistics
operations and among them are:

 Logistics and Transport: The process of physical distribution, that is

to say, handling inventory and contracting with the carriers is in
charge of logistics operator Logistics & Transport, this company is
responsible for managing all distribution centers companies
Organization (outsourced). On the other hand, it is the part of the
programming of the offices, which is composed of people who work
directly for Ceramicol Company. In short, the distribution is a shared
and integrated by two companies of the organization work: Ceramicol
Company and L & T.
 Selective Transportation: Provider of Logistics Services operations
Ceramicol Company subsidiary called Crown corporation Hotel ware
supporting the management and administration of the DY gathering
center located in New Jersey.

USA It is not a homogeneous market, because considering its size and the varied
ethnic and religious composition of its population have resulted in the existence of
many different sub markets or markets, which would argue that there will always be
a niche in which venture.

USA market is highly competitive market, a new exporter must develop marketing
strategies that allow, in addition to highlighting the attributes of your product apart
from the competition.

 The consumers: The average American citizen can be qualified as a

person with high level of consumption and always open to trying new
products and experiment. This leads to be demanding, be informed and be
aware of what you consume, even with environmental care. In legal terms it
is well aware of their rights as consumers and makes use of the laws that
protect it. In the case of being harmed, will no doubt bring a lawsuit against
damage caused by poor quality products, and will have institutions that
support it. It is true that the price is a relevant variable in deciding
purchases, but factors such as quality, warranty and after sales service are
equally or more important.

The North American market present high demands of quality and price of products
imported from any country in the world. Because, entry to this market requires
compliance with international quality standards and an aggressive pricing strategy.

For the small business first attempt to enter the US market as indirect exporters, it
is highly recommended to explore the market first of suppliers, with the aim to
know the market better and gain experience in the different export processes. In
the sector there are two main options for suppliers:

The US market is highly demanding in terms of quality of products imported from

any country in the world. For this reason, entry to this market requires compliance
with international quality standards.

To enter the US market as indirect exporters, it is highly recommended to explore

the market first of suppliers, with the aim to know the market better and gain
experience in the different export processes.

There is no "one" best way to access a market. The best way depends on the
competitive environment, legal environment, degree of urgency, among others. It
has been found that precisely the successful international companies are able to
access different markets in a variety of ways. For example, start from scratch
provides the opportunity to choose all in line with our corporate culture, develop our
own people, but offers very high risks because they have no previous experience
in the market. In contrast, strategic alliances offer great advantages in terms of
market experience, but they have great problems in terms of cultural, commercial
or other integration.


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