Inglés para Niños

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Ingls para nios: What do you do after school? / What do you do before school?

Grammar - Gramtica
before - antes
after - despus
What do you do after school? What do you do before school?
What does he / she do after school? What does he / she do before school?

Vocabulary - Vocabulario
clean your teeth - lavar / cepillarse los dientes
watch - ver
comb your hair - peinarse
do homework . hacer los deberes
have breakfast - desayunar
get dressed - vestirse

At 4 oclock Anna watches television. At ten past five Anna does her homework.
A las cuatro Anna ve la televisin. A las cinco y diez Anna hace los deberes.

Pregunta 1
What does Anna do before doing her homework?
Qu hace Anna antes de hacer los deberes?

Respuesta 1
Anna watches television before doing her homework.
Anna ve la televisin antes de hacer los deberes.

Pregunta 2
What does Anna do after watching television?
Qu hace Anna despus de ver la televisin?

Respuesta 2
Anna does her homework after watching television.
Anna hace los deberes despus de ver la televisin.

At quarter past eight David has breakfast. At half past eight he cleans his teeth.

Practicar escribir en ingls. Escribe la frases abajo en tu cuaderno de ingls.

Rellena los huecos con after o before.

Pregunta 3
What does David do __________ cleaning his teeth?
Qu hace David _____ lavar los dientes?

Respuesta 3
David has breakfast _________ cleaning his teeth.
David desayuna ______ lavar los dientes.

Pregunta 4
What does David do ______ having breakfast?
Qu hace David _______ desayunar?

Respuesta 4
David cleans his teeth _____ having breakfast.
David lava los dientes ______ desayunar.
Tim gets dressed at quarter to seven. At twenty five to eight he combs his hair.

Pregunta 5
What does Tim do _______ getting dressed?

Respuesta 5
Tim combs his hair _______ getting dressed.

Pregunta 6
What does Tim do ________ combing his hair?

Respuesta 6
David gets dressed _______ combing his hair.
Para las horas:
at 3 oclock = a las 3

Ive got an appointment with the dentist at 4.30. - Tengo una cita con el dentista a las 4:30.

Para fiestas:
at Christmas = en navidad

We are going to see our parents at Christmas. - Vamos a ver nuestros padres en Navidad.

Para momentos puntuales del da:

At night = por la noche
At noon / at midday = al medioda
At midnight - a la medianoche
at the weekend = el fin de semana
at the moment = ahora, en este momento
at present = actualmente
at the end of = al final de

Para los das de la semana:
on Monday = el lunes
on Friday morning / afternoon / evening = el viernes por la maana / tarde / tarde noche

They are coming on Sunday. - Vienen el domingo.

Para fechas:
On 10th June = el 10 de junio

His birthday is on 12th May. - Su cumpleaos es el 12 de mayo.

in May = en mayo

Im going to Paris in June. - Voy a Paris en Junio.

in 2005 = en 2,005

Cervantes died in 1616. - Cervantes muri en 1616.

estaciones del ao:

in Spring = en Primavera;
in Summer = en Verano;
in Autumn (UK) in The Fall (USA) = en Otoo;
in Winter = en Invierno
I like walking in the countryside in Spring. - Me gusta caminar por el campo en Primavera.

dcedas y siglos:
in the 1980s = en los aos ochenta
in the 20th Century = en el siglo XX

Penicillin was discovered in the 20th Century. - La penicilina se descubri en el siglo XX.

los partes del da:

in the morning = por la maana
in the afternoon = por la tarde
in the evening = por la tarde noche

I'm picking up the papers in the afternoon. - Voy a recoger los papeles por la tarde.

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