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Los adjetivos participios se forman mediante el uso de verbos en participio, ya sea con

terminacin "ed" o "ing"(segn sea caracterstica del momento o permanente).

That woman is a very interesting writer.

Esa mujer es una escritora muy interesante.
Many people are interested in her novels.
Muchas personas estn interesadas en sus novelas.
We saw a very boring film last night.
Vimos una pelcula muy aburrida (que haca aburrir) anoche.
We were so bored that we fell asleep.
Estbamos tan aburridos que nos quedamos dormidos.

Tabla comparativa

Adjetivos ED (ejemplos) Adjetivos ING (ejemplos)

alarmed (alrmd) alarmado alarming (alrming) - alarmante

annoyed (anid) irritado annoying (aning) - irritante

bored (bord) aburrido boring (boring) - aburridor

confused (confist) confundido confusing (confising) - confuso

depressed (diprst) deprimido depressing (diprsing) -


excited (exsitid) excitado/ emocionado exciting (exsiting) - excitante

frustrated (frstritid) frustrado frustrating (frostriting) -


interested (ntrestid) interesado interesting (ntresting) -


surprised (sorprist) sorprendido surprising (sorprising)

tired (tierd) cansado tiring (tiring) - cansador

worried (wrrid) preocupado worrying (wrring) -


Ejemplos con Adjetivos ING

A growing population An embarrassing situation

Una poblacin creciente Una situacin bochornosa
A crying baby A disgusting dictator
Un beb que llora Un dictador asqueroso
A smiling girl A disappointing book
Una nia sonriente Un libro decepcionante
The following days An exciting job
Los das siguientes Un trabajo excitante
The employees belonging to the An amusing story
union Una historia divertida
Los empleados pertenecientes al sindicato An astonishing scene
A terrifying experience Una escena asombrosa
Una experiencia terrorfica A passing plane
Un avin que pasa
Ejemplos con Adjetivos ED

The frightened soldier stayed in his trench during the bombardment.

El asustado soldado se qued en su trinchera durante el bombardeo.
The children were fascinated by the animals at the circus.
Los chicos estaban fascinados por los animales del circo.
He seemed very embarrased about having made that mistake.
El pareca muy abochornado por haber cometido ese error.
She felt very frustrated for having failed the exam.
Ella se senta muy frustrada por no haber aprobado el examen.
The students were pleased with their progress in school.
Los estudiantes estaban complacidos con su progreso en la escuela.
I was astonished by how much she had learned in such a short time
Yo estaba asombrado por todo lo que ella haba aprendido en tan corto tiempo.
They were shocked when they learned that their house had been destroyed.
Ellos estaban conmocionados cuando se enteraron de que su casa haba sido destruda

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