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Cuento infantil sobre la perseverancia

Caramba, todo me sale mal! se

lamenta constantemente Uga, la
tortuga. Y es que no es para menos:
siempre llega tarde, es la ltima en
acabar sus tareas, casi nunca
consigue premios a la rapidez y,
para colmo es una dormilona.
Esto tiene que cambiar! se propuso un buen
da, harta de que sus compaeros del bosque le recriminaran por su poco esfuerzo al
realizar sus tareas.
Y es que haba optado por no intentar siquiera realizar actividades tan
sencillas como amontonar hojitas secas cadas de los rboles en otoo, o
quitar piedrecitas de camino hacia la charca donde chapoteaban los
calurosos das de verano.
-Para qu preocuparme en hacer un trabajo que luego acaban haciendo
mis compaeros? Mejor es dedicarme a jugar y a descansar.
- No es una gran idea, dijo una hormiguita. Lo que verdaderamente
cuenta no es hacer el trabajo en un tiempo rcord; lo importante es
acabarlo realizndolo lo mejor que sabes, pues siempre te quedar la
recompensa de haberlo conseguido.
No todos los trabajos necesitan de obreros rpidos. Hay labores que
requieren tiempo y esfuerzo. Si no lo intentas nunca sabrs lo que eres
capaz de hacer, y siempre te quedars con la duda de si lo hubieras
logrados alguna vez.
Por ello, es mejor intentarlo y no conseguirlo que no probar y vivir con la
duda. La constancia y la perseverancia son buenas aliadas para
conseguir lo que nos proponemos; por ello yo te aconsejo que lo
intentes. Hasta te puede sorprender de lo que eres capaz.
- Caramba, hormiguita, me has tocado las fibras! Esto es lo que yo
necesitaba: alguien que me ayudara a comprender el valor del esfuerzo;
te prometo que lo intentar.
Pasaron unos das y Uga, la tortuga, se esforzaba en sus quehaceres.
Se senta feliz consigo misma pues cada da consegua lo poquito que se
propona porque era consciente de que haba hecho todo lo posible por
- He encontrado mi felicidad: lo que importa no es marcarse grandes e
imposibles metas, sino acabar todas las pequeas tareas que
contribuyen a lograr grandes fines.
children's story about perseverance

Gosh, everything goes wrong! Uga constantly laments the turtle. And it is no
wonder: is always late, is the last to finish their tasks, rarely get awards quickly
and, even worse is a sleepyhead.
This has to change! I set a good day, sick of his fellow forest recriminaran him
for his little effort to perform their tasks.
And it had chosen not even try to make as simple as heaping dry leaves falling
from trees in autumn, or remove small stones on the way to the pond where
splashing hot summer days activities.
'Why worry about making a job then just doing my teammates? It is better to
devote to play and to rest.
- Not a great idea, said an ant. What really counts is not doing the job in record
time; the important thing is to finish performing it the best you know, it always
will be the reward of having succeeded.
Not all jobs require quick workers. There are activities that require time and
effort. If you never try to know what you are able to do, and always will stay
with the question of whether you had ever achieved.
Therefore, it is better to try and not get not try and live with doubt. Constancy
and perseverance are good allies to achieve what we set out; therefore I advise
you to try. Until you may be surprised what you're capable of.
- Gosh, ant, you touched me the fibers! This is what I needed: someone who
will help me understand the value of effort; I promise I'll try.
A few days passed and Uga, turtle, struggled to his duties.
happy with herself He felt as each day getting the little that was proposed
because it was aware that he had done everything possible to achieve it.
- I found my happiness: what matters is not marked large and impossible goals,
but finish all the small tasks that contribute to great ends.
Cuento sobre los berrinches de los nios
Haba un nio que tena muy, pero que muy mal carcter. Un da, su
padre le dio una bolsa con clavos y le dijo que cada vez que
perdiera la calma, que l clavase un clavo en la cerca de
detrs de la casa.
primer da, el nio clav 37 clavos en la cerca. Al da siguiente,
menos, y as con los das posteriores. l nio se iba dando
cuenta que era ms fcil controlar su genio y su mal carcter,
clavar los clavos en la cerca.
Finalmente lleg el da en que el nio no perdi la calma ni una
sola vez y se lo dijo a su padre que no tena que clavar ni un
clavo en la cerca. l haba conseguido, por fin, controlar su mal
Su padre, muy contento y satisfecho, sugiri entonces a su hijo que por cada
da que controlase su carcter, que sacase un clavo de la cerca.
Los das se pasaron y el nio pudo finalmente decir a su padre que ya haba
sacado todos los clavos de la cerca. Entonces el padre llev a su hijo, de la
mano, hasta la cerca de detrs de la casa y le dijo:
- Mira, hijo, has trabajo duro para clavar y quitar los clavos de esta cerca, pero
fjate en todos los agujeros que quedaron en la cerca. Jams ser la misma.

Lo que quiero decir es que cuando dices o haces cosas con mal genio, enfado y
mal carcter, dejas una cicatriz, como estos agujeros en la cerca. Ya no importa
tanto que pidas perdn. La herida estar siempre all. Y una herida fsica es
igual que una herida verbal.
Los amigos, as como los padres y toda la familia, son verdaderas joyas a
quienes hay que valorar. Ellos te sonren y te animan a mejorar. Te escuchan,
comparten una palabra de aliento y siempre tienen su corazn abierto para
Las palabras de su padre, as como la experiencia vivida con los clavos,
hicieron con que el nio reflexionase sobre las consecuencias de su carcter. Y
colorn colorado, este cuento se ha acabado.
Story about children's tantrums
There was a boy who was very, very bad temper. One day, his father gave him
a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he nailed a nail
in the fence behind the house.
The first day the boy drove 37 nails into the fence. The next day less, and so
the following days. The boy was realizing that it was easier to control his
temper and his bad temper, which drive nails into the fence.
Finally came the day when the child remained calm even once and told his
father that he had to nail or a nail in the fence. He had managed to finally
control his temper.
His father, very happy and satisfied, then suggested to his son that for every
day that would control their character that sacase a nail from the fence.
The days passed and the boy was finally able to tell his father that had already
taken all nails from the fence. Then the father took his son by the hand, to the
fence behind the house and said:
- Look, son, you work hard to nail and remove the nails is close, but look at all
the holes left in the fence. It will never be the same.
What I mean is that when you say or do things with temper, anger and bad
temper, you leave a scar, as these holes in the fence. It no longer matters so
much to apologize. The wound will always be there. And physical injury is like a
verbal wound.
Friends, as well as parents and the whole family are real gems to be valued.
They smile and encourage you to improve. Golly, they share a word of
encouragement and always have your heart open to receive you.
The words of his father, as well as the experience with nails, made with the
child layeth about the consequences of his character. And red bunting, this
story is over.
Cuento sobre la amabilidad para nios

Daniel juega muy contento en su

habitacin, monta y desmonta
palabras sin cesar.
Hay veces que las letras se unen
solas para formar palabras
fantsticas, imaginarias, y es que
Daniel es mgico, es un mago de las
Lleva unos das preparando un regalo muy especial para aquellos que ms
Es muy divertido ver la cara de mam cuando descubre por la maana
un buenos das, preciosa debajo de la almohada; o cuando pap encuentra en
su coche un te quiero de color azul.
Sus palabras son amables y bonitas, cortas, largas, que suenan bien y hacen
sentir bien:gracias, te quiero, buenos das, por favor, lo siento, me gustas.
Daniel sabe que las palabras son poderosas y a l le gusta jugar con ellas y ver
la cara de felicidad de la gente cuando las oye.
Sabe bien que las palabras amables son mgicas, son como llaves que te abren
la puerta de los dems.
Porque si t eres amable, todo es amable contigo. Y Daniel te pregunta:
quieres intentarlo t y ser un mago de las palabras amables?
Story about kindness to children
Daniel and the magic words. Stories for children
Daniel plays very happy in his room, mounts and dismounts words endlessly.
Sometimes the letters are joined to form alone fantastic, imaginary words, is
that Daniel is magical, is a magician of words.
It takes a few days preparing a very special for those who most want gifts.
It is very funny to see Mom's face when he discovers morning a good morning,
beautiful under the pillow; or when dad is in his car one I love blue.
His words are friendly and nice, short, long, that sound good and feel good:
thank you, I love you, good morning, please, sorry, I like you.
Daniel knows that words are powerful and he likes to play with them and see
the happy faces of people when you hear them.
Knows that kind words are magical, they are like keys that will open the door to
Because if you are friendly, everything is kind to you. Daniel asks: you want to
try and be a magician of kind words?

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