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Chase Jarvis

Chase Jarvis es un fotgrafo americano profesional, director, artista y empresario.
Naci en Seattle , Washington , el 18 de julio de 1971. Asisti a la Universidad
Diego ,
una licenciatura en Filosofa .
Inicialmente, Jarvis planeaba asistir a la escuela de medicina despus de la
universidad. Unas semanas antes de graduarse, el abuelo de Jarvis muri y dej
todo su equipo fotogrfico a su nieto. Jarvis fue posteriormente en un viaje previo a
la universidad a travs de Europa y descubri su pasin por la fotografa.
Se caracteriza por ser un fotgrafo autodidacta y aprendi fotografa a travs de la
experimentacin y el estudio independiente.
Chase Jarvis es un fotgrafo con dos rasgos personales muy diferentes que lo
definen bien. Por un lado, es una persona accesible y con los pies en la tierra y por
otro lado es un innovador, con la mente puesta en proyectos a veces imposibles, es
un artista visionario, provocador, inconfundible y anti-hroe. Y es justamente la
mezcla de estos dos rasgos los que definen su personalidad.
Son innumerables los premios de prestigio que ha ganado con sus fotografas.
Adems de crear campaas de xito para sus clientes, ha trabajado para revista,
radio, televisin y la web por todo el mundo.
Chase est continuamente preso de un ritmo frentico que le lleva a viajar por
muchos rincones del mundo, trabajando para sus clientes, que son las principales
marcas a nivel mundial. Sin embargo es capaz de encontrar el sosiego para
enfrentarse a los numerosos proyectos personales que tiene pendientes, as como
vivir la vida con los que le rodean.
Se destaca por ser un fotgrafo publicitario, deportivo, estilo de vida y cultura
popular. Sus imgenes irradian frescura, y sus tcnicas son muchas veces
conceptuales, autnticas u osadas.

Su carrera comenz en 1994, Jarvis se mud a Steamboat Springs , Colorado , con

su novia, donde comenz a sacar fotos de snowboarders y esquiadores .
Jarvis vende la primera imagen por $50. Al darse cuenta de que la fotografa era
ms lucrativo, Jarvis continu con fotografa mientras estudiaba Filosofa y Arte en
la Universidad de Washington programa de maestra / doctorado.
Antes de terminar su maestra, Jarvis vende un lote de sus fotos de REI que le
permiti abandonar la academia y abri su propio estudio, Chase Jarvis Fotografa.

Desde la apertura de su propio estudio, que actualmente cuenta con 8 empleados,

Volvo, Nike, Apple,
Microsoft, Columbia
Sportswear , REI , Honda , Subaru , Polaroid , Lady Gaga , y Red Bull .
l es conocido por su estilo cintico y el nfasis en el estilo de vida , los deportes y
Fotografas de paisajes. Sus fotografas se venden desde $ 50 a $ 50.000.
Jarvis es tambin orador, y ha pronunciado una serie de discursos en conferencias
como PDN Photo Plus Expo, Photokina , y el Festival de Cine de Sundance .
En 2010, Jarvis public su segundo libro, Seattle 100, que es una coleccin de
retratos y biografas de personas que definen la cultura de Seattle blanco y
negro. Los ingresos del libro fueron donados a la caridad. Tambin en 2010, Jarvis
lanz creative LIVE, que ofrece clases gratis en lnea en la fotografa, programacin,
edicin de imgenes, diseo y bellas artes.
En 2009, Jarvis public una fotografa de edicin de iPhone aplicacin llamada
mejor cmara. Con la mejor cmara, los usuarios pueden aplicar 14 filtros
diferentes a las imgenes tomadas con su iPhone y luego compartir las imgenes
directamente a Facebook ,Twitter , y
La mejor aplicacin de la cmara fue nombrado para Wired 's Top 20 aplicaciones
de iPhone de 2009, Macworld "Mejor aplicacin de fotos s, y una de Philip W.
Schiller 's-un ejecutivo de Apple- aplicaciones favoritas. Adems, Jarvis public un
libro que la acompaa, llamado La mejor cmara es la que est contigo, que cuenta
con fotografas tomadas con su iPhone
Jarvis es la persona ms joven en ser nombrado Maestro Hasselblad , Nikon
Maestro y ASMP Maestro. En 2008, Kung Fu serie HD de Jarvis recibi el primer
lugar en el Special Effects categora en los Premios Internacionales de
Fotografa. La mejor aplicacin de la cmara Tambin gan el Adorama Premio de
Fotografa en los Premios appos.
Entrevistas a Chase Jarvis: (esto no iba en el reporte, pero quiz les pueda servir)
Q: If I want to pursue a career in location action and lifestyle photography, how
should I start out?
A: Good question. The competition for up-and-comers is fierce, so youll have to be
innovative and love your job more than most other things in your life. That said, here
are some very general directions:
-Call yourself a photographer.
-Get a professional SLR digital camera- it will speed your learning curve.

-Shoot more film than you can afford to shoot.

-Get good equipment as soon as you can.
-When you start out, only work another job as much as you need to survive. All your
other time should be spent pursuing your passion.
-Be very critical of your work and compare it to what you see in the magazines.
Promote only your very best workquality over quantity.
-Put yourself around the professionals in the industry. Assist, intern, meet other
photos, athletes, and models. Learn the ropes.
-Get the book ASMP Professional Business Practices in Photography and read every
page. Twice. If you want to be taken seriously, youd better have the business to
back up your photography like a pro.

Chase Jarvis is well known as a visionary photographer, director, and fine artist with
a consistent ambition to break down the barriers between new- and traditional
media, fine- and commercial art.
As a photographic master, Chase has won numerous awards from Prix de la
Photographie de Paris, The Advertising Photographers of America, The International
Photography Awards, and numerous photographic trade magazine throughout the
world. Photo District News (PDN) Magazine called Chase one of the top 30 most
influential photographers of the past decade.
Early in his career, Chase dabbled in filmmaking, directing and producing short films
(winning recognition at select film festivals across the country), but this passion was
resurrected in 2008 when Chase launched the worlds first HDdSLR for Nikon. As
literally the first artist in the world with access to this technology, Chase was
propelled into the limelight as a new indie directorial figurehead armed with these
new cameras and others like it, as well as the creative chops that have helped
defined a new era of filmmaking. As such, his career as a Director and Producer of
commercials, short films and music videos has exploded in the last 2 years. Whether
working on commercial or personal projects, the opportunity to work with some of the
best brands of our timeApple, Starbucks, Nike and otherswith multi-platinum
artists like Sarah Mclachlan and members of Pearl JamChase has defined an
aesthetic thats all his own.
In the Fine Art world, Chase has begun work with curators, museums, and
foundations, as well as galleries in the USA, Europe and Middle East in and around
work in mobile photography, instant and live worlds of creativity, and the
interrelation of accessible art and popular culture. His most recent installation at the
Ace Hotel NYC during an artist in residency drew international acclaim, as well as
attention of curators from MOMA and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. In the
lineage of Warhol, Basquiat, and Shepard Fairey, Jarvis has worked to elevate the

nature of instant art, community collaboration and sharing of art while simultaneously
democratizing its processes.
Chase is also the creator of 3 books. Seattle 100, Portrait of a City which is the
culmination of a 3 year project photographing cultural leaders in Seattle and
combining those images with an ethnography of the city he calls home. Another book
launched in 2007 titled simply Stevens Passthe first book of its kind celebrating a
single ski area. And last years hit bookpart of an ecosystem combined with an
online site and iPhone appcalled The Best Camera Is The One Thats With You was
released in the Fall 2009 to widespread media acclaim, and was featured on ABC,
NBC, CBS, the Discover Channel, Fox, CBC Canada, as well as in The New York
Times, Washington Post, LA Times and numerous other media channels in
broadcast, print, and online. His iPhone app Best Camera completely re-shaped
the photo app paradigm as the first app that allowed users to share images via social
channels from within the interface of the app a feature that is now considered
requisite. Wired Magazine and Macworld both called Best Camera a Top 20 app of
the year out of more than 300,000 apps online by, and was also highlighted by
Apple CMO Phil Schiller in a New York Times feature article, calling it a must have
app along with Facebook, ESPN, and CNN.
In addition to his creative pursuits, Chase has many interests. He is a widely sought
after presenter and has been a Keynote speaker on 5 continents. His invites include
those ranging from Fortune 500 companies, to top universities, to the prestigious
TEDx conferences held worldwide. He is an accidental social media maven with
millions of subscribers, fans, and followers. He is also an entrepreneurhaving
recently started one of the worlds fastest growing online education companies,, in March 2010and is a gifted leader, volunteer, husband and
I havent swashbuckled with pirates, nor have I swam the English Channel. I havent
even been to Antarctica. But I have travelled to many far away places, created a lot
of still and moving pictures for myself and others. And Ive made it my lifes goal to
be as creative as possible towards everything I endeavor.
On a deserted island, Id go insane without photography, film, music, my wife Kate
and our family pets. Storytelling, creative innovation, and visual voodoo no matter
the medium make my heart go thump thump; and sharing all this online with the
world, plus as much of my professional experience I can muster, makes my soul
sing. Im fond of crows, and love that theyll fly toward anything shiny. I can find
humor in anything.
I have won a boatload of awards for my work, and Im grateful for every single one of
them, but Ive always been unsure of whether I earned them or whether the jury was
rigged. I was transparent long before it was hip to be so, and I believe deeply in
teamwork, community, and collaboration. Lets be friends. Better yet, lets swim the
English Channel.

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