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Cdigos de error secadora GE (mod.

DBVH512, DCVH515, DHDVH52)

E00Sin errores
E01Faa ee!ron
E02En"rada de "ermis"or en cor"o
E0#Saida de "ermis"or en cor"o
E0$En"rada de "ermis"or a%ier"o
E05Saida de "ermis"or a%ier"o
E&0'n"err(!"or de !(er"a
E&1E "a%ero de con"ro reci%e C) de *nea demasiado a"a o +2 , - conec"ados
incorrec"amen"e ("ir os mismos)
E/00odeo de !aca de con"ro de a in"er1ase no .aido
E/1E "a%ero de aimen"acin no .aido
Des!(2s de so(cionar e !ro%ema o de1ec"o, necesi"ara de a memoria e
cdigo de 1aa de a sig(ien"e 1orma3
En"rar en e modo 4es"eo , .era "01, !ara cam%iar e !ar5me"ro de "es" 6(e se desea
.eri1icar, o girar e 7no8 (!eria) 9as"a o%"ener e modo deseado, (ego
!resionar e %o"n S"ar:!a(se
;ara cancear e modo "es" !resionar !o8er
En"re en a sec(encia de modo "es" 9aciendo o sig(ien"e.
1...Desconec"e !o8er !or #0<
2...=econec"e !o8er d(ran"e #0< , !resione a sig(ien"e sec(encia de %o"ones
Dea, S"ar
Dea, S"ar
-o"a3 En ag(nas secadoras, sacando e "a%ero de con"ro, s(ee encon"rarse a is"a de
cdigos de error , 1aas con m5s da"os "ecnicos
Es"o es (na reco!iacin , "rad(ccin de inges, encon"rados en a 8e%
ENTER TEST MODE SEQUENCE by doing the following . 1.Disconnect the power for !
".Reconnect the power #nd within ! seconds press the se$%ence of b%ttons listed below.
.&ress the 'S()N*+'b%tton.
,.&ress the 'DE+*- ST*RT'b%tton.
..&ress the 'S()N*+'b%tton.
/.&ress the 'DE+*- ST*RT'b%tton.
Now #fter yo% h#0e fi1ed the re0eresed wiring proble2 yo% will need to re2o0e the f#%lt code
fro2t he 2e2ory otherwise the 2#chine will not wor3. To re2o0e the f#%lt code do the following
SEQUENCE 4cont.5
-o% will notice 't!1'. To choose the test 2ode th#t yo% w#nt to0erify6 t%rn the 3nob to the desired
test 2ode setting.
&%sh the st#rt7p#%se b%tton.To c#ncel the test 2ode6 press on 'power'.
-o% will be #ble to choose #nother test 2ode #nd #g#in press on 'st#rt7p#%se'.
The displ#y error codes test #llows the ser0ice technici#n to e1#2ine #nd cle#r the f#%lt log.
The displ#y error codes test #llows the ser0ice technici#n to e1#2ine #nd cle#r the f#%lt log.
The control sh#ll displ#y the 2ost recent error in the f#%lt log%pon entry into the displ#y error
codes test. (f there #re no errors in the f#%lt log6 the no error code 'E!!'sh#ll be displ#yed on
the 89seg2ent displ#y.
The control sh#ll cle#r the displ#yed error fro2 the f#%lt log if the st#rt 3ey is pressed d%ring the
displ#y error codes test. *fter cle#ring thedispl#yed error fro2 the f#%lt log6 the #ppli#nce sh#ll
displ#y the ne1t 2ost recent error fro2 the f#%lt log.
*fter cle#ring #ll errors fro2 the f#%lt log6 the control sh#ll displ#y the no error 'E!!'code on the
89seg2ent displ#y.
The control sh#ll log the l#st : error codes in the non90ol#tile 2e2ory stored in # circ%l#r list.
The control sh#ll #0oid logging 2%ltiple inst#nces of the s#2e error code. now %npl%g the
#ppli#nce for #bo%t ! seconds #nd repl%g #nd e0erything sho%ld be fine.
( tried to help yo%. &le#se help 2e #nd R#te7;ote on 2y response. <e t#3e the ti2e to #nswer
yo%r $%estion=s. t#3e the ti2e to r#te %s.Th#n3s #nd good l%c3

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