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Dos Ranas

Dos ranas se cayeron en un tarro, sin querer. En el tarro haba crema fra, ay, qu van a hacer?

Two frogs fell into a can of cream, Or so I heard it told. The sides of the can were shiny and steep, The cream was deep and cold.

Estoy perdida, una deca, no hay solucin! Adis!, deca, mientras se hunda hasta que se ahog.

Oh, whats the use? Croaked number one, Were lost, no helps around! Goodbye, my friend, this is the end! And sinking in he drowned.

La otra, en vez, pens al revs, yo no me voy a ahogar. Sac la cara encremada y comenz a nadar.

But number two, who wasnt through, Refused to compromise. He jutted out his creamy chin, And dried his creamy eyes

Pues, donde hay vida hay esperanza!, audaz ella exclam. Al mundo no le hara bien que me muriera yo!

Ill keep on swimming! Where theres life, theres always hope! he said. It really wouldnt help the world If one more frog were dead.

Nad, nad, no se rindi y, ay, qu maravilla! salt del tarro, pues convirti la crema en mantequilla.

For many an hour he kicked and splashed, At last he stopped to sputter, Why, look at that! I can hop right out! I whipped the cream to butter!

Si algunas vez en los te ves y no hallas solucin, recuerda aquella rana que del tarro se escap.

So if sometimes your problems make you feel you want to scream, Remember how the froggie churned the butter out of cream!

No te des por vencido as noms, no te hundas amigo, tienes que nadar.

Dont give up when youre sinking, And feeling down. Dont give up when youre sinking, You dont have to drown!

Can tarro Frog rana Cream crema Cold fra Drown ahog Swimming nadar Life vida Hope esperanza Problems los

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Aurora Productions. Used with permission.

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