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ACLARACION.- Lograr hablar un idioma ya aprendido, y ampliar los recursos para ir
mejorando la expression son conceptos separados. Para lograr hablar un idioma no
es necesario alcanzar niveles de conocimiento amplios, sino simplemente ganar tal
habilidad solo usando los pocos o muchos recursos aprendidos priorizadamente. La
manera natural en que todos lograron hablar su idioma nativo suficientemente,
alrededor de los tres aos de edad, ocurri as dentro del mbito ms elemental y
genrico del lenguaje; y DESPUES de haber ganado tal habilidad todos empezaron a
ampliar para mejorarlo, en un trabajo y esfuerzo que tomar el resto de la vida
considerando que un idioma es todo un universo de comunicacin, siendo esta
segunda parte opcional. NO es razonable tener que esperar hasta lograr completo
conocimiento del idioma para recin darse una oportunidad de intentar hablarlo en un
afan perfeccionista que no se llega a dar en la prctica.
Para mayores detalles, descuelga los siguientes ficheros: Compendio de la Tesis
Talking Nonstop emitida por primera vez el ao 2006, La Clave del Ingls
Automtico, sin Esfuerzo, y sin Olvido Tratado de pronunciacin sin jeroglficos
para Hispano Hablantes. Autor: Profesor Hernn Guerra Latorre,,
Grupos, Foro de Ingls, seccin Documentos,
Para lograr hablar Ingls suficiente y vlido hay que tomar una decisin firme y
aplicar un programa compacto de ejecucin rpida, PERO despus de haberlo
estudiado programticamente por lo menos hasta el nivel intermedio, mejor en un
centro que ofrezca un programa corto (12 meses) para aprenderlo compacto, sin
distraerse ni confundirse con materias de redaccin todava. Al avanzar o terminar los
estudios TODOS toman un curso de prctica oral, pero ese tipo de cursos
generalmente NO aporta NADA determinante, porque el procedimiento
conversacional-casual que siempre ha sido aplicado en todas partes ESTA MAL

ORIENTADO, al ser apropiado para idiomas sistemticos como el Espaol, PERO

siendo el Ingls un idioma abstracto, ese procedimiento NO puede funcionar con
l . Nuestro programa consiste en aplicar la correcta manera de posibilitar la prctica
y masterado oral con el Ingls usando el procedimiento modelista, que es nuestro
descubrimiento, y que SI funciona muy rpidamente. Previa complementacin
cognoscitiva estratgica y breve, y paralelamente a la prctica oral, nuestro
procedimiento consiste en transferir los conocimientos cerebrales a la memoria
corporal. Por tanto, la prctica oral en la primera fase tiene que ser en soledad
aplicando nuestro programa que tomar de quince das a un mes adicionalmente,
porque un interlocutor, en esta fase, solo ser un obstculo. Con el Ingls, el
interlocutor es bienvenido cuando el practicante ya est en condiciones de hablar sin
dificultad, por tanto es muy opcional. En esta primera fase, el practicante lograr
hablar mecnica y fluidamente an con imperfecciones, lo cual NO debe preocuparle
porque el proceso tiene que seguir un orden. Recordar que el nico propsito de esta
fase es la de LOGRAR hablar sin dificultad, y NO todava hablar impecablemente, lo
cual ser atendido en la segunda y ltima fase que tiene que ver con los pequeos
detalles de la correccin expresiva e intercambio con los dems que se dar ya en el
campo de accin de manera automtica y natural, SIN tener que seguir ningn curso
adicional. El tiempo promedio total, de complementacin y prctica oral de nuestro
curso que es A DISTANCIA, es de UN MES. La habilidad conversacional es producto
automtico de otras tres habilidades, que con el Ingls deben ser practicadas
separadamente: Saber Ingls acadmico programtico al menos de nivel
intermedio; poder hablar al menos por 20 minutos sin parar; poder preguntar con
toda facilidad. La habilidad conversacional es el resultado automtico de estos tres
aspectos. Ganar la habilidad oral-conversacional de manera global y casual con el
Ingls toma muchos aos, es costoso, e incierto. Para ir ganando tiempo le estamos
enviando con el presente totalmente gratis y SIN compromiso la tercera parte del
programa que consiste en un archivo adjunto que trata de complementacin
cognoscitiva en LENGUAJE CON SIGNIFICADO FIGURADO Esta obra tiene 40
pginas, est organizada alfabticamente a manera de diccionario frasal, y le servir
para que Ud pueda expresarse en Ingls con suficiencia y seguridad. Le
recomendamos que lo haga imprimir para llevarlo a todas partes. La primera vez lea
toda la obra en un solo acto, sin dejar pginas para despus. Toda la lectura le tomar
dos horas. Luego lea toda la obra tres veces adicionales o ms siempre HABLANDO
EN VOZ ALTA para que la memoria corporal opere memorizando lo que Ud diga an
cuando no lo sienta as por el momento. Llegada la ocasin, Ud notar que su
expresin fluye mecnicamente expresando palabras que Ud cree que an NO
conoce. NO es muy necesario memorizar los contenidos cerebralmente, SINO solo
ejecutarlos hablando en voz alta. Para preguntar por alguna palabra o frase
equivalente al Espaol en esta obra, solo use EDICION, BUSCAR en la barra superior
de la pantalla de la PC, escriba de preferencia una sola palabra. Por ejemplo:
"calentar comida", solo escriba "calentar", o sino "comida" y busque en las
alternativas. ADEMAS, le estamos enviando nuestro tratado de PRONUNCIACION y
ACENTUACION en Ingls para hispano-hablantes. Recuerde que actualmente hay
muchos que saben Ingls muy bien, PERO NO lo pueden hablar porque NO saben
como realizar la prctica oral con efectividad. Lo que le estamos enviando es
complementacin cognoscitiva, que ser de ayuda para que Ud haga la practica oral
en si. Si esta primera parte (LENGUAJE CON SIGNIFICADO FIGURADO) ha sido para
su agrado, solicite la segunda parte (PARA MECANIZAR-AUTOMATIZAR EL INGLES
DOLARES USA ($50.00) , , En caso de que Ud NO haya recibido el archivo adjunto, por

favor pdalo nuevamente.
Ejemplos: ability (abledi), digital (ddyedal), supermarket (subermrguet), attentive
(adndiv), Titanic (t'aidnec), hot (jat), hat (jet), hut (jot), run (ran), ran (ren), hello
(jelu), correspondent (gor'esbndent), graduate (ajd: grduat verb: grdueit),
preposition (brebas-shn), proposition (brabos-shn), propousal (brabusal), Oliver
(lever), information (enformi-shn), plastered (blsderet), compactor (k'ambgdor),
propaganda (brabaguenda), command (k'amend), after (fda), afternoon (afdann),
uncle (ngl), angle (engl), total (t'udal), dirty (drdi), university (iunevrsedi),
degenerate (adj: dedynerat verb: dedynereit), documentary (daguiumndari),
practical (brgdigal), gentle (dyndl), expectation (egsbegdi-shn), exactly (egsgdli),
duty (ddi), little (ld'l), Peter (p'der), Eugene (eudyn), Beatriz (bdres), Milton
(mldon), catastrophe (gadsdrofi), correct (gorgt)
Le enviamos con el presente nuestro diccionario de PRONUNCIACION,
ACENTUACION, ENLACE y ENTONACION; y sus respectivas reglas de aplicacin. A
diferencia del Espaol que tiene la pronunciacin rgida y exacta para cada una de
sus palabras en todo medio hispano-hablante; respecto de la pronunciacin de
algunas palabras Inglesas NO hay acuerdo internacional, de modo que los mismos
nativos las pronuncian de manera un tanto diferente unos de otros, y tratan de
corregir a los estudiantes de acuerdo a su modo personalizado de pronunciarlas, lo
cual se evidencia cuando son preguntados respecto de tal pronunciacin, ellos se
detienen unos instantes para calcular la mejor manera de pronunciarlas, y muchas
veces la deciden en ese momento. No alarmarse por ello y mejor ceirse a la
pronunciacin sugerida en esta obra, muy a pesar de las pequeas divergencias que
algunas personas muestren, porque el autor ha decidido colocar sus conclusiones de
la manera ms neutral posible. Ya no modificar la pronunciacin aprendida en esta
obra, para no perjudicarse. Esta obra ofrece por sobretodo una pronunciacin
agradable y segura de ser entendida por cualquier nativo Ingls-hablante.


Organized in Alphabetical Fashion Very common words are not included
The pronunciation suggested in this dictionary is American
Instructor -Trainer: Hernn Guerra Latorre. Cusco - Peru, July 2006

A beneficio de.- That concert is for the benefit of the poor people (P: bnefit)
A cargo, estar.- Be in charge of (Im the guide in charge of them) (P: encherch)
A cambio de.- In exchange for this favor, Ill give you a prize (P: enegschnch)
A condicin de.- Ill go provided / on condition that you walk me there
A diferencia de.- Different from the past days, today is sunny
A dnde quiere Ud. llamar?.- Where do you want to call to?
A stas alturas.- We cant go back at this point (Pronunciation: adsbint)
A ste paso.- At this rate, well get to the town tomorrow (Pronun: adsrit)
A gran escala.- They moved away on a grand scale (P: an egrandsguil)
A la fuerza.- They got in by force - He took her away by force (P: bayfrs)
A la izquierda, a la derecha; est.- Its on the right / on the left (P: anderit / left)
A la larga, en el futuro.- Hell hold a good position in the long run (P: endelonrn)

A la ligera, sin el debido cuidado.- He did his work without due care (P: duka)
A la mano.- Youll get everything near at hand there (P: niaradjend)
A lo ms, a lo mucho (en tiempo).- Wait for one hour the longest (de lnguest)
A lo ms, a lo mucho (en cantidad).- I can pay ten grand the most (P: demust)
A lo menos, al menos (en tiempo).- Wait for ten minutes the shortest
A lo menos, al menos (en cantidad).- He has to get ten dollars at least (P: adlst)
A ms tardar.- Youll get it next week the latest (Pronunciation: dalidest)
A medio camino.- Theres a lodging place in midway (P: enmidwy)
A menos que / a no ser que.- We cant go out unless it stops raining (P: anls)
A mi parecer.- In my opinion, MAPI is amazing (P: enmayabnion)
A mitad de.- I left in the middle of the show (Pronunciation: endemdlaf)
A oscuras.- We were walking in the dark Its dark in here (P: endedrk)
A pesar de, a despecho de.- Well go out despite the rain (P: desbit)
A pesar de todo, de todos modos.- I went away, all the same (P: ldeseim)
A primera / a simple vista.- It was love at first-sight - It seemed easy at first-sight
A primera hora de la maana.- Ill visit him first-thing tomorrow (P: ferstzn)
A principios de.- He lived around the beginning of the 16th century (P: bigunen)
A propsito, lo hizo.- He did it on purpose of hitting me - It was done on purpose
A propsito de eso.- Apropos of that, we have to leave rigth now (P: abrubosaf)
A punto de, estar.- be about to (My contract is about to expire - Hes about to cry)
A qu edad? A los cuntos aos?.- At what age did he graduate?
A quin.- Whom did you see there? To whom it may concern (P: jum kansrn)
A quin le importa eso?.- Who cares about it? (P: j kers abudet)
A su debido tiempo.- Youre going to be informed in due time (P: endutim)
A tiempo.- We got to the station in time to catch the train
A toda velocidad.- They were going at full speed (P: atfolsbd)
A todo lo largo del camino / calle.- There were people all along the way / street
A travs de.- We have to go through that crowd - I learned it through Internet (P: zru)
A tu gusto, como veas por conveniente.- Just do it at your will - Proceed at will
A veces.- from time to time occasionally now and then (P: ogui-shonali)
Abajo, all.- There is a road down there (P: daunda)
Abandonar a alguien.- Dont leave me / Dont desert me (P: desrt)
Abandonar un intento.- give up a try (Give it up, on your own good Dont give it up)
Abierto de par en par.- That store is wide-open at this time (P: waiduben)
Abismo.- A bus fell into the abyss (Pronunciation: ebs fellentudibes)
Abordar un barco o bote.- Now, you can aboard (P: abrd) - Get on the boat
Abra, el abra, el paso.- That is the summit of the pass (P: desmit afdapes)
Abran camino, por favor.- Make way, please. Make way for them to pass
Abran espacio, por favor.- Make room, please. Make room for her to sit down
Abrelatas.- Get me a can opener, please (Pronunciation: kan ubener)
Abrigarse.- You have to dress warmly to go there (P: dreswrmli)
Abrir el cao de agua.- Run the faucet, please. Run the water (Pronunciation: fsit)
Abundante.- They have plenty of / quite a bit of supplies (P: blndiaf sublis)
Aburrido, estar.- be bored (My uncle was bored at the party) (P: bred)
Aburrido, ser.- be boring (The opening ceremony was boring) (P: bren)
Aburrirse.- Youre going to get bored in that place Hes getting bored
Abuso, mal uso.- It will get broken in case of missuse (P: msis)
Acampar.- Were going to camp near the river Were did you camp?
Accidente.- We had an accident There was a car accident (P: gsedent)
Accidente, sufrir uno.- You may have an accident He suffered from an accident
Acelerar, apurar.- We have to speed / quicken the work (P: sbd kuguen dawrk)

Aceptacin.- You have to get the students acceptance (P: asbdans)

Aceptar, asimilar agravios.- I wont take those insults any longer
Aceptar propuestas.- I accept your proposal (P: agsbbt - brabusal)
Acercarse.- You have to get close to it Dont get close to that machine
Acrquense a mi.- Get close to me, please (P: guet glus)
Acrquense el uno al otro.- Get close to each other, please (P: tu ichder)
Acrquense ms.- Get closer, please. Closer (P: get glusa)
Acrquense ms, pguense.- Close up, please (P: clousp)
Acompaar a pie.- Do I walk her home? Let me walk you out Walk her to the bus
Acondicionamiento fsico, programa de.- Do you have a fitness program?(P: ftnes)
Aconsejable, recomendable.- It is advisable that you dress warmly (P: advisabl)
Aconsejar.- advise - give advice (Let me give you a piece of advice) (P: advis)
Acordar una actividad a realizar.- Were going to set a meeting to talk about
Acostar a los nios.- put to bed (Please, put the children to bed)
Acostarse en la noche.- I go to bed at eleven every night
Acostarse tarde.- I sleep late on Saturdays I slept late last night
Acostumbraba.- Be used to (I used to get up early everyday)
Acostumbrado a, estar.- be used to (Im used to studying this hard)
Acostumbrar hacer algo.- Be used to (Theyre used to getting up early)
Acostumbrarse a.- get uset to (Youll get used to studying that hard)
Acreedor.- I have to pay may creditor (Pronunciation: grdedor)
Actividad exigente, fatigosa.- That is a tough activity (P: taf agdvedi)
Actual, del momento.- current (He is my current secretary) (Pronun: krent)
Actualidad, en la.- It is not in use at present time / nowadays (P: nuedeis)
Actualizado.- Its an up-dated book We use updated techniques (abdidt degnks)
Actualizarse.- I have to catch up in that matters (Pronunciation: katchp)
Actuar en pblico.- I used to perform in front of people (P: berfrm)
Actuar, protagonizar un papel.- Im gonna role-play an angel / a demon
Acuario.- Theres a fish-tank / aquarium in that place (P: fishtnk - agiriom)
Acuerdo con, de.- According to this book, we come from evolution (P: agrdn)
Acuerdo, ests de?.- Do you agree? Sure, I agree (Pronunciation: agr)
Acuerdo, NO ests de?.- Do you disagree? Uh huh, I disagree (P: desagr)
Acuerdo, tener un.- We have a deal Is that a deal? No, no deal (P: dil)
Acumular, amontonar.- We have to pile up information first. (P: pailp)
Adefecio maysculo.- Its nonsense - Its bull-shit (P: bolsht)
Adelantarse.- You, take the lead. Please Kevin took the lead (P: tikdalid)
Adems.- Its late, besides its raining Im tired, besides its late (P: besids)
Adinerado.- He comes from a rich / well off family (P: rech welf - fmeli)
Adivina qu.- Guess what (Pronunciation: gus ut)
Administrador.- manager (P: menedyer) Let me check it with the manager
Administrar.- conduct (I conduct my own company) (P: kandgt kmbani)
Admirar.- I admire Bill Gates / I look up to Bill Gates (P: admya lugbtu)
Adobe.- They are adobe houses (Pronunciation: adbi)
Adorar, amar mucho a una persona o cosa.- I adore Karen He adores math
Adorar dioses o idolos.- Did Inkas worship their gods in here? (P: wrshep)
Adoratorio.- This was a worshiping place (P: wrshebin)
Adornar.- Lets decorate the room (Pronunciation: dgoret)
Adornos.- Theyre valuable decoration-pieces (P: degori-shn pses)
Adquirir, comprar.- I want to buy a house (Pronunciation: bay)
Adultos.- They all are grown-ups. Theyre adult people (P: grounp - adlt)
Advertencia.- It is a warning signal Ive got a warning not to go there

Advertir.- I warn you not to interfere with me (P: warn enderfa wezm)
Afectar, chocar.- Did the height affect you? (Pronunciation: jit - afgt)
Aficin, afecto, antojo; sentir.- be fond of (Hes fond of English / Im fond of Liz)
Aficionado.- Hes just an amateur chef (Pronunciation: macher)
Afortunado, sortudo eres.- lucky you (Pronunciation: lgui yu)
Afortunado yo, dichoso yo.- Lucky me (Pronunciation: lgui m)
Afrontar.- Did you face any trouble? Im facing a situation (P: fisn sediui-shn)
Afuera, estar.- be outside (The gasoline is outside) (P: audsid) (NO out)
Agacharse.- Please, bend down a little to see it (P: bendun aldl)
Agarrarse, asirse.- My shoes dont take hold on this surface (P: srfas)
Agil.- Jackie Chan is an agile guy (Pronunciation: dyel)
Agilizar.- Lets quicken our pace You have to quicken the work (P: kguen)
Agotado, estar.- be out (The gasoline is out Hes tired out Hes drunk out)
Agotarse algo.- run out (P: ranut) (My time ran out Our money is running out)

Agradecer.- Did you thank him for it? - I came to thank Liz for
helping us Thank her, then
Agrario.- Its a farming community Theyre farming businesses
Agrega dos nombres ms a la lista.- Add two more names to the list
Agricultor.- My uncle is farmer - Today is the Farmers-Day (P: frmer)
Agricultura.- Those people live on agriculture business (P: agriglcher - bsnes)
Agua cruda.- Its cold water (Pronunciation: koldwder)
Agua envasada.- Better, take some bottled-water with you (P: bodledwder)
Agua dulce.- Its fresh water (Pronunciation: freshwder)
Agua gasificada.- Sparkling water (Pronunciation: sbrglin)
Agua hervida.- Can you get me some boiled-water? (P: boiledwder)
Agua mineral.- May I have a bottle of mineral water? (P: mnarol)
Agua potable.- Its drinkable water (Pronunciation: drngabl wder)
Agua pura.- Its clean water (Pronunciation: clinwder)
Agua salada.- Its salty water (Pronunciation: sldiwader)
Agua sin gas.- Can I have a bottle of still water, please? (Pronun: sdil)
Aguantarse de orinar.- hold the pee (I was hardly holding the pee) (P: joldap)
Aguntate, por favor.- Hold it, please Hold it hard, please (P: jldet)
Aguas termales.- Its a hot-spring bath place(Pronunciation: jatsbrng)
Ahnco, empeo; con.- She does the cleaning diligently (P: dildyendli)
Ahogarse.- You may drown if getting into that big river (P: drun)
Ahora me lo explico.- Now, I explain myself (P: no aiegsblin maislf)
Aire acondicionado, sistema de.- Is the air-conditioner system working fine?
Aire puro.- clean air (The air is clean in this area) (P: clina)
Ahi tiene Ud su mercanca.- There your are your stuff (P: sdof)
Ajeno.- I live in somebody elses house (Pronunciation: sambadilses)
Aji molido.- Lets put some spicy sauce on the rice (P: sbisi sos)
Al azar.- Just choose one at random Were called at random (P: at rndom)
Al comienzo, al principio.- Its kind of difficult at first / at the beginning (P: bigunen)
Al fin, por fin, finalmente.- They showed up at last They finally showed up
Al final de, a fines de.- Well take a rest at the end of this way
Al fondo, horizontalmente.- They are sitting at the back of the bus
Al fondo, verticalmente.- I found it at the bottom of the pool (P: bdom)
Al instante.- We got it instantly / as quick as a wink (P: askuk asewnk)
Al llegar la noche.- Well reach that town at nightfall (P: adnaitfl)
Al menos, por lo menos.- Tell me your name at least (P: adlst)
Al mismo tiempo.- They visited us at the same time (P: addaseimtim)

Al rato.- They called up after awhile (Pronunciation: fda euil)

Al revs, patas arriba.- That picture is set upside down (P: apsaiddun)
Al revs, sello y cara.- Youve put your sweater inside out (P: ensaidut)
Alambrado, cableado.- The wiring goes that way (P: wirng)
Alambre.- Get me a piece of wire (Pronunciation: guedm abisawya)
Alardear, presumir.- He likes to show off his strength (P: shouf)
Alarmar.- Dont panic the passengers, please (Pronunciation: penec)
Albedro, a libre.- Just do that work however you like / at your free will
Alcalde.- Its Mr. Mayor in person (Pronunciation: msdermya)
Alcanzar con la mano.- Lets hand her her book (P: letsjendjer jerbk)
Alcanzar un lugar o fecha.- First, reach the corner - I reach my birthday in April
Alcanzarles en el camino.- We have to catch up with them on the way (P: kadyp)
Aldaba, seguro de la puerta / asegurar la puerta.- Do I latch the door? (P: lach)
Alegorizar, representar.- The dove symbolizes liberty (P: smbolais)
Alegrar.- cheer up (Did the news cheer you up?) (P: char)
Alentar, hacer barra al equipo favorito.- cheer up (Lets cheer up our team)
Alentar, animar, encoraginar.- Encourage her to study English (P: engrech)
Alerta, estar.- Keep alert just in case, please (Pronunciation: alrt dyasdenguis)
Algo result mal.- Something went wrong (Pronunciation: smzn)
Algo as como, es / est.- Is she sick? Uh huh, sort of (P: sordf)
Algo as como cansado, estar.- He was sort of tired (P: srda tirt))
Algo as como flores, son.- Theyre a sort of flowers (P: esrda fluers)
Algo ms?.- Anything else? (Pronunciation: nizn els?)
Algo se ha perdido?.- Anything missing?
Algodn.- This T-shirt is made of cotton Wearing a cotton T-shirt is advisable
Alguien.- I need someone to help me - I want to be someone in life (P: smuan)
Alguien falta?/ Alguien no est?.- Anyone missing?
Alguna duda Alguna pregunta?.- Any doubt? - Any question?
Alguna noticia? No hay noticias hasta el momento.- Any news? - No news so far
Alguna sugerencia?.- Any suggestions? (P: sogdys-shns)
Alguna vez has .......?.- Have you ever been to Italy? (P: va - dali)
Alguna vez vas a nadar?.- Do you ever go swimming?
Alimentacin, la.- What about the food? Whos in charge of the food? (P: fod)
Alimentar.- I have to feed my baby - Its the ink feeder
Alimentarse.- The cows feed on this pasture - The condor feeds on dead-animals
Alistar.- Lets ready the equipment Did you ready Kevin? (P: rdi - egubment)
Alistarse, disponerse a.- Lets get ready to go away now
Aliviar la carga.- Let me ease off your load - Let me easy off your work (P: isf)
All abajo.- Theres a house down there (Pronunciation: daunda)
All arriba.- Therere strong winds up there (Pronunciation: abda)
All dentro.- Its scary in there Whats in there?(Pronunciation: enda)
Almacenar.- We have to store this information in the computer (P: sda)
Almorzar.- I have lunch at 1:00PM What do you have for lunch? (P: javlnch)
Alojamiento.- Were looking for accommodation (P: agamodi-shn)
Alojar huspedes.- We have to accommodate those guests (P: agmodeit)
Alojarse en un hotel.- Were going to stay in a hotel (P: sdi enaodl)
Alquilar.- Lets rent a car I will rent a house Rent your house to me
Altitud.- How high is Cusco? Its 3,200 meters high Whats the altitude?
Altura, mal de.- I need some altitude-sickness pills (P: ldedud sgnes)
Aludir.- touch (They touched us by saying that Hes touching me) (P: tach)
Alumno.- student (Theyre my students) (Pronunciation: sddent)

Ama de casa.- My mom is homemaker / house-wife (P: jomiguer jauswif)

Amabilidad.- Thanks for your kindness (Pronunciation: kindnes)
Amable.- nice, kind (Be nice / Be kind to the tourists) (P: nis kind)
Amanecerse festejando.- We partied overnight (P: prdiet ovarnit)
Amante.- Hes got a mistress - Hes got a lover (P: msdres - lver)
Amar a alguien.- I care for Lucy - I love Lucy (Pronunciation: kafor)
Amarrar.- Fasten it to that pole - Tie it to that pole (P: fsdn ti)
Ambicioso, con aspiraciones buenas.- Im an ambitious guy (Pron: amb-shas)
Ambicioso, mezquino, voraz.- Im not that greedy (P: grdi) (NO ambitious)
Ambicioso, con aspiraciones altas.- I am an ambitious guy (P: amb-shas)
Ambiente en un lugar.- What is the atmosphere like in that bar? (P: admosfa)
Amenazan con ir a la huelga.- They threaten me to go on strike (P: zrdn)
Amiga.- A girlfriend will call me up - A lady-friend will call me up
Amigo ntimo.- Hes my close-friend (Pronunciation: clousfrnd)
Amonestar.- My boss warned me very badly - Why did your boss warn you?
Amontonado.- The fire-wood is piled up out there
Amontonar, acumular.- I have to pile up / run up information first (P: pailp)
Analfabeto.- They are illiterate guys (Pronunciation: ilderat)
Analgsico.- Give him a pain-killing drug (Pronunciation: painklin drog)
Anchar, ampliar.- I have to widen the entrance (P: widn dindrans)
Ancho, amplio.- Those are wide avenues (Pronunciation: wid - venius)
Ancianidad, la.- The elderly people / age (Pronunciation: lderly people)
Anciano / Anciana.- Elderly man / Elderly lady (NO guy in this case)
Anda por ac / all.- Go this way Go that way
Andas del santo.- The carrier of the saint (Pronunciation: krier sint)
Andenes.- There are some terraces all around the building (P: derses)
Andino.- Andean (P: ndian) That is the Andean Mountain-Chain
Anfitrin / anfitriona o animador.- Hes the host / Shes the hostess (P: jost)
Angosto, estrecho.- Thats a narrow street (Pronunciation: nrou)
Animador, animadora de eventos.- He is our host / hostess (P: jost, jsdes)
Animar.- encourage (P:engrech) (Encourage her to come along)
Animarse.- Did you get encouraged to go there? (P: guedengrecht tu)
Anmate, amigo. Reacciona.- Come on, friend (P: kamn frend)
Animo, amigo.- Courage, friend (P: krech, frend) Come on, friend
Aniquilado / destruido ser.- Some revolutionary movements were wiped out
Aniquilar.- They are going to terminate all the vagabond dogs (P: trmeneit)
Anotar, apuntar.- Lets write down her address not to forget it (P: raidun)
Ansiar.- Im looking forward to seeing her again (P: lguin frwerd)
Ansioso, impaciente; estar.- Im itching / dying to get on the plane (P: etchn)
Antes de ayer.- I saw her the day before yesterday
Antes de irse a dormir.- Read this book before going to bed
Antes de tiempo.- I got to the office before time (P: ajdaf)
Antibioticos.- The Dr. prescribed me some antibiotics (P: andibaydegs)
Anticipacin, con.- You have to save a room a week in advance (P: enadvens)
Anticipado, por.- I have to pay for it in advance / beforehand (P: biforjend)
Antigripal.- Have you taken an anti-flu pill for it? (Pron: andifl)
Antiguo.- There are lots of antique buildings in Cusco.- (P: andk)
Apagar el fuego.- put out (Put the fire out - Put your cigarette out) (P: pudut)
Apagar un artefacto.- Turn off (Can you turn the TV off, please?) (P: tern dativif)
Apagarse un artefacto.- The TV doesnt go off The TV went off suddenly
Aparato, dispositivo, mecanismo.- This device heats up meals (P: devis)

Aparearse, emparejarse, copular.- Albert and Alice want to mate (P: mit)
Aparentar, hacerse pasar por.- She posed as his wife. What a cheek!
Apariencia.- Tell me about his appearance (Pronunciation: aperens)
Apartarse del camino.- I think they got off the track (P: got fdetrak)
Aparte de eso.- apart from that / aside from that (P: abrt / asid fromdt)
Apenar, entristecer alguien a alguien.- Dont let her blue / Dont make her sad
Apenar, entristecer algo a alguien.- His abscense grieves me a lot (P: griv)
Apenas, difcilmente.- It hardly rains in Cusco in the winter (P: jrdli)
Apestar, oler mal.- It stinks / It smells bad (P: stnks smls bad)
Apestoso, mal oliente.- Its a stinking place (Pronunciation: sdnguin)
Aplicar un ungento.- Apply some ointment on her arm (P: ably - endment)
Aportar.- Can you contribute to our movement? Thanks for contributing
Aporte.- This is a contribution from my American friends (P: kandrebi-shn)
Apostador, jugador, timbero.- That guy is a dirty gambler (P: gmbler)
Apostar, puedes. Estate seguro.- You bet Theyll come over, you bet.
Apoyar, respaldar.- back up (P: bagp) (Back us up / Support us, please)
Apoyar, respaldar.- second = back up (Ill second you on your proposal)
Apoyarse.- rest on something (P: rest ansmzn) (May I rest on you?)
Apoyo, respaldo.- Do you need any back up / support? (P: subrt)
Apresurarse.- Hurry, please (P: jri), speed up (Pronunciation: sbdap)
Apretado, ajustado.- The girl in tight jeans My shoes are too tight (P: tit)
Aprobar un examen, pasarlo.- I passed the test (P: iurga aipest datst)
Aprobar una actitud.- They approve your proposal unanimously (P: abrv)
Apropiado.- Choose the appropriate word to express it (P: brobriat)
Apropiarse.- They want to appropriate our TV (Pronunciation: abrobriit)
Aprovechar algo.- You should make use of your beauty (P: mik uisaf)
Aprovechar una oportunidad.- take a chance (Just take this chance to travel)
Aprovecharse de mala fe.- They exploit / take advantage of their friends
Apto, adecuado.- fit (P: fet) (He is fit for the army It fits Are you a fit father?)
Apurado.- Are you hurried? Sure, Im a little hurried (P: jrid)
Apuren, dense prisa; por favor.- Hurry on, please (P: jrian, plis)
Apuro.- We were in a hurry / We were in a rush in the morning (P: jri rash)
Aqui tiene Ud su vuelto.- Here your are your change
Arar en el desierto.- Lets dont labor in vain (P: libor envin)
Archivos, expedientes.- Put away these files, please (P: fils)
Ardiendo, quemndose est.- be on fire / be burning (The house is on fire)
Aretes.- See those earrings overthere? (Pronunciation: arens)
Armado hasta los dientes.- They were armend to the teeth
Armar un alboroto.- They caused a commotion there (P: kamu-shn)
Armar un mecanismo.- put the pieces of the radio together (P: pt dapses)
Armarse.- The people got armed to go to war Alarm! Get armed at once!
Arqueolgico, sitio.- archeologic-site (Pronunciation: arguioldyec sit)
Arrancar el carro.- The car doesnt start (Pronunciation: sdrt)
Arrastrar.- draw (We have to draw that box toward here)
Arrebatar, arranchar.- Lets take her pen off her He took my pen off me
Arreglrselas.- I can manage / get along to get the money (P: menech)
Arrepentirse de algo bueno hecho, lamentar.- I regret helping him (P: regrt)
Arrepentirse de algo malo hecho.- Dont you repent killing your cat? (P: ribnt)
Arrestado, estar.- be arrested (I was arrested for about two hours) (P: arsdt)
Arriba.- They are up there There are strong winds up there
Arriesgar la vida.- We risk our lives traveling on that river (P: resk auerlives)


Arrojar, desechar.- throw away (Just, throw those cans away)

Artefacto electrodomstico.- Buy some appliances for our home (P: ablyans)
Artefactos electrodomsticos.- I need some gadgetry, like TV & radio (gdyedri)
Artefactos electrodomsticos.- Lets buy some appliances for our home.
Artesana.- They make crafts - Thats a crafts-market - Thats a Crafts-fair
Artesano.- Hes a craftsman Theyre craftsmen (P: krftsman krftsmen)
Artculos, bienes.- I need some items / goods for my travel
Asada, carne.- Roasted meat (P: rusdet mit) (roasted is adjective)
Asado.- Bring me the roast, please (Pronunciation: rust) (roast is noun)
Asaltado.- They were assaulted / attacked last night (P: asldt)
Asaltante.- Be careful of the assailants (Pronunciation: asilant)
Asar al fuego.- I have to roast this meat (P: rust)
Ascenso en el trabajo, lograr.- I got a promotion at work (P: bromu-shn)
Asegurar, aseverar.- I assure I know that terrain very well (P: asha derin)
Asegurar, poner el seguro, la aldaba.- Lets latch the door (P: lach deder)
Asegurarse.- Just make sure youre at the station in time (P: meig-sha)
Asentamiento humano.- There is a human settlement around there
Asesinar, matar.- mourder, kill (A ganster mourdered him) (P: mrder kil)
Asesino.- assasin, killer, mourderer (P: assn - kler - mrderer)
Asesor, consejero.- adviser (Hes our legal adviser) (P: advisa)
Asesorar.- Give advise to me, please (P: guiv advis) - Let me advise you
Aseverar, asegurar haber hecho algo.- I assure I closed the door (P: asha)
As.- Just do it like this Why do you act like that? (P: laigds - laigdt)
As es, efectivamente.- So it is Exactly (P: soeds - egsgdli)
As lo creo.- I think so (Pronunciation: i zinks)
As que de all.- So, youre from there
As sea, amn.- So be it (P: so bi et); Amen (Pronunciation: imen)
Asi sucesivamente.- One here, another there, and so on (P: son)
Asignar, designar.- Did you assign the money for the expense? (P: egsbns)
Asignar, designar.- My boss assigned me to get in charge of the children
Asimilar, aceptar agresiones.- Im not going to take more insults from him
Asistente, ayudante, auxiliar.- He is my aunts help / aid
Asistir a clase.- come to class go to class attend to class
Asomarse por la ventana.- Stick out of the window to see them (P: sdk)
Aspirante, con ganas de superacin.- Hes ambitious (P: amb-shas)
Asunto, ocupacin .- Its my business - No your business - Whats your business?
Asustado, estar.- scared / frightened (P: sguaret - fridenet) (Shes scared badly)
Asustar.- scare / frighten (P: sgua fridn) (Dont scare / frighten the baby)
Asustarse mortalmente.- I got scared to death (P: gat sguert tudz)
Atajo, camino ms corto.- This is a short-cut to that place (P: shortkt)
Atar, amarrar.- Lets tie this sign to that pole - We have to tie it fast (P: ty)
Atascada, caera.- The piping is blocked up (P: blguedap)
Atascado, estar alguien.- be stuck (Are you stuck? My foot is stuck) (P: stk)
Atascarse.- You may get stuck (P: guet stk) Are you stuck?
Atencin, concentrar la.- Just focus on your study - Hes focusing hard (fgues)
Atender al cliente.- help the customer (P: ksdomer) I had to help my customer
Atender nios, ancianos.- I have to care for / help my little boy
Atento en el estudio.- Hes an attentive student (Pronun: adndiv)
Atento, servicial en el trabajo.- The waiters are helpful in here (P: jlfol)
Atorado / atascado algo slido.- My foot is stuck (Pronunciation: stk)
Atorado / atascado, est el zumidero.- The drainage is backed


Atracciones tursticas.- Are there any tourist-attractions around here?

Atractiva, persona.- Do you see that good looking girl?
Atrae turistas, eso.- It attracts tourists (Pronunciation: adrgts trests)
Atraer miradas.- She gets the eye of people of all ages
Atrasado una hora, estoy.- be late (Im one hour late Youre late today)
Atrasado en el trabajo.- Im working behind the schedule
Atrasarse.- I dont want to fall behind in my work (P: fol bejind)
Atravesar.- go through (P: gouzr) (A bullet went through the door)
Atreverse.- Dont dare to use force against us (Pronunciation: da)
Auditorio.- The Institute has a roomy auditorium (P: adedriom)
Aumentar una cantidad.- These books increase our chances to learn it (P: engrs)
Aumentar volmen, velocidad, temperatura de un artefacto.- Turn the TV up
Aumento de sueldo, recibir.- Ive got a rise (Pronunciation: ris)
An asi.- They came even so it was raining Ill come over even so it rains
An, hasta para.- Computers are necessary even for little children
An, todava.- Is he still up? Sure, hes still up (Pronunciation: sdl)
Ausente est.- Hes absent Hes away
Autorizacin para un solo evento.- Show me your clearance (P: glerans)
Autorizacin permanente, estable.- Show me your permit / license (P: bermt)
Autorizado, est nuestro viaje.- be cleared (Our travel is cleared) (P: glaret)
Autorizar.- Did your boss authorize / clear your travel? (Pronunciation: zorais)
Autoservicio, hacerse.- Help yourself / Help yourselves to the lunch, please.
Auxilio.- My camcorder is missing, help!
Avancen, por favor.- Go ahead, please (Pronunciation: gouajd)
Avanzar.- We have to go ahead with this work (Pronunciation:goajd wez)
Aventura amorosa, tener.- Hes having an affair (Pronunciation: afr)
Aventurero.- Im a kind of adventurer (P: advnchorer)
Avergonzar.- make ashamed (Dont make me ashamed in front of people)
Averiguar.- Find out her address first - I already found it out (P: faindut)
Avistar, divisar.- Try to sight her - I see her I already sighted her (P: sit)
Avistado.- The car is sighted Car sighted! (P: sidet)
Avivato.- smart guy (He plays smart) (Pronunciation: smardgy)
Aydale a entrar.- Help him in
Aydame a salir.- Help me out (P: jlpmiaut)
Ayudante, auxiliar, asistente.- help (Hes my help)
Azucarero / salero.- Pass me the sugar-pot / salt-pot, please (P: pat)
Bachiller.- I am a bachelor engineer (Pronunciation: bchelor)
Bailamos?.- Shall we dance? Do you reggae? Do you Tango?
Bajada.- Its a down-hill way (P: dunjil wey)
Bajada.- Its a slopped way / Its a slopped street (P: slbt wey / sdrt)
Bajar.- go down (Pronunciation: goudun) (He went down the stairs)
Bajar desde el Internet.- Just download it from Internet (P: daunlud - endernt)
Bajar algo estando el sujeto arriba.- let down (Let that box down)
Bajar algo estando el sujeto abajo.- take down (Take that box down)
Bajar el volmen, temperatura, o velocidad de un aparato.- Turn it down a little
Bajar gradas / pisos.- Lets go down the stairs (Pronunciation: daundasdars)
Baje por esa calle.- Go down that street (Pronunciation: gou dun)
Bajen del auto.- Get out of the car (Pronunciation: guet udadecar)
Bajen del bus.- Get off the bus, please (Pronunciation: get afdebs)
Bajo control.- be under control (Everything is under control) (P: kantrl)
Balancearse.- The boat was swinging dangerously (Pronunciation: sung)


Balde, cubeta de agua.- Get me a bucket, please (Pronunciation: bguet)

Banca para sentarse.- See those guys sitting on a bench? (P: bench)
Bao pblico.- Is there any restroom / toilet around?
Bao, tomar un.- I want to take a bath in the sea (P: tik ebz)
Baos de sol, tomar.- You can take a sun-bath there (P: sanbz)
Baratillo, mercado de cosas usadas.- It is a flea-market (P: fli mrguet)
Barco crucero.- Ill travel by a cruise-ship (Pronunciation: crus-shp)
Barra de chocolate.- May I have a chocolate-bar, please? (P: chclet bar)
Barra, hacer. Alentar a alguien.- Lets go to cheer our favorite team (P: cha)
Barredor de calles.- A sanitation-worker is at work (P: sanedi-shn wrguer)
Barrio.- district (P: dsdregt) Santa Mnica District San Blass District
Barrio residencial.- It is a housing-state (Pronunciation: jasn sdit)
Barrista.- Im fanatic (fan) of Cienciano (Pronunciation: fandec)
Barro.- We had to walk in the mud all day (Pronunciation: mod)
Basta.- Thats enough / stop it (P: datsinf sdbet)
Bastantes.- There are several doctors in a hospital (P: several dgdors)
Basura.- Throw this garbage / this trash away, please (P: grbech, trash)
Basura, recojo de.- The garbage-collection service is not good (P: golg-shn)
Batida policial.- There was a police intervention (P: bols endervn-shn)
Bautizar, poner nombre.- Lets name him Dave - My mom named me Nitta
Bebidas alcoholicas.- alcoholic drinks or hard-drinks (P: algojlec)
Bebidas no alcoholicas.- soft-drinks
Beca.- I got a scholarship to study English (Pronunciation: sglar-shep)
Bendiga, que el Seor te.- May God bless you
Beneficiarse, beneficio.- Youll benefit from this course (P: bnefit)
Bibidi.- You must wear and undershirt to warm you up (P: andershrt)
Bicicleta, montar.- Can you ride a bike? (P: rid ebik) Lets go biking
Bien dotado, talentoso.- Shes a well-gifted girl (P: welgufdt)
Bien hecho.- Well done, my friend Its a well-done building (P: wldon)
Bist con arroz.- Ill have beefsteak and rice (Pronunciation: bifsdik)
Blanquear.- Salt whitens the ground (Pronunciation: wuiden)
Bloqueador de sol (crema).- Apply sun-block cream on your face
Bocaditos.- Would you care for some snacks / sandwiches? (NO any)
Boletera.- Where is the ticket-window? / Where is the ticket-office?
Boletero.- Who is the ticket-collector? (P: tguet golgdor)
Boleto de avin.- I need a plane-ticket (Pronunciation: blin tguet)
Boleto de ida.- Do you want a one-way ticket? (P: unwey tguet)
Boleto de ida y vuelta.- Do you want a round-way ticket? (P: rundwey)
Boleto para el festival.- I got a ticket to the festival (P: tguet fsdeval)
Bolsa plstica.- Get me a plastic-bag, please (P: blsdeg bag)
Borde.- Dont walk on the edge (Pronunciation: edch)
Bombear aire / agua.- We have to pump air / water into it. (P: pamp)
Borrachn, bebedor.- Hes a drinking-man (Pronunciation: drnguinmean)
Borracho, ebrio.- I saw a drunk guy on the street (Pronunciation: dronkgy)
Bosque.- forest (large), wood (small) (Pronunciation: forest wod)
Botadero, basural.- It is a dumping-place (Pronunciation: dmbin bleis)
Bote de goma.- Well travel by a rubber-boat (Pronunciation: rberbout)
Botella.- There are some bottles in there - See that bottle of shampoo? (P: bdl)
Botiqun.- We need a first-aid kit (Pronunciation: fersdid ket)
Brindemos por ti........- Lets toast to you, to me, to the institute (P: tust)
Brindis, hacer el.- Who will make the toast? (P: mik datust)


Bromear.- Play a joke on (Dont play jokes on me) (P: dont pleydyuks anm)
Broncearse.- I want to get a sun-tan (Pronunciation: santn)
Bruja.- Its said that that madam is a witch / sorcerer (P: witch / srserer)
Brujera, hechizo.- There is a kind of spell in this place (Pronunciation: sbl)
Brujo / bruja.- Wizards make their spells in this place (P: wsards)
Buen intento / buen tiro / buen trabajo.- nice try / nice shot / nice work, friends
Buen mago eres.- Fine magician you are (P: mady-shan)
Buena compra.- I think it was a nice buying (Pronunciation: naisbyin)
Bueno en natacin, soy.- be good at (Im good at swimming) (P: amgudt)
Buenos das con todos.- Good morning, everybody (Pronunciation: vribadi)
Burlarse de alguien.- Dont make fun of him (P: dontmik fnafjim)
Bus / combi urbano/a.- Its a commuting bus / Its a commuting van (kamidin)
Bus, llevar en.- bus (Well bus you all to that very place) (Pronunciation: bas)
Bscame en mi oficina, en una hora.- Meet me in my office in one hour
Buscando.- What are you looking for? Are you looking for me?
Buscar ayuda.- We have to seek help (P: sik) We have to look for help
Buscar sabiendo dnde encontrar a la persona.- Meet her in her office
Buscar sin saber dnde encontrar a la persona.- We have to look for Dave
Bsqueda, ir de.- We have to go in search of them (P: gou insrchaf)
Cable, cuerda, soga.- line, rope, cable (lin - rup) (Lets throw him a line)
Cable de energa.- The energy line goes that way (P: nerdyi)
Cada cunto tiempo sucede eso?.- How often does it happen?
Cada uno de ellos.- Give a booklet to each of them (P: ichafdm)
Cada vez menos.- less and less (singular) / fewer and fewer (plural)
Cadver est por all, el.- The corps is over there (P: korps)
Cadena de montaas, cordillera.- mountain-chain (P: mundenchen)
Caer al abismo.- It may fall down into the abyss (P: foldun entudbes)
Caer al suelo.- The house may fall down flat (P: fldaun flt)
Caer enfermo.- You may fall ill if eating it He fell ill last month (P: fol il)
Cajero automtico.- Lets go to a cash-machine (P: kash ma-shn)
Cajetilla.- May I have a pack of smokes / of crackers? (P: epagasmuks)
Calcular.- Can you estimate that height? (P: sdemeit datjit)
Clculo.- If my estimation/calculation is correct (P: esdemi-shn - kalguiuli-shn)
Clculos renales, hepticos.- He has stones in the kindneys / liver (P: sduns)
Caldo de gallina.- chicken broth / chicken soup (P: chguenbroz sup)
Calefaccin, sistema de.- Is the central heating working fine? (P: sndral jdn)
Calentar comida.- Lets heat up the soup (P: jidp dasp)
Calentar personas.- warm up (P: warmp) (This jacket warms me up well)
Calentarse.- get hot / grow hot (The day grew / got hot at noon) (P: gru gru)
Calidad alta.- Theyre high-quality products (P: jaiguledi brdogts)
Caliente, est.- Its hot this year (Pronunciation: jat)
Calificaciones/notas, lograr.- Make high/low grades (I make high-grades)
Clmense, por favor.- Calm down, please (Pronunciation: calmdun)
Calor, la.- The heat is unbearable there (Pronunciation: dajt - anbrabl)
Camarote.- There are some bunks over there (Pronunciation: bonk)
Cambiar de idea.- She wont change her mind I changed my mind (chnch)
Cambiar, transformar, reemplazar.- I have to change this radio
Camilla.- Can you get me a stretcher, please? (Pronunciation: sdrcher)
Camino, en el.- They are on the way Visit him on the way (P: andewy)
Camino, estar en.- be on ones way (The help is on its way Carlos is on his way)
Camino escabroso, difcil.- The way is steep / The way is tough (P: sdp taf)


Camino fcil.- gentle way (The way is gentle from here and forth) (P: dyndl)
Camino intransitable.- The way is in a terrible shape (P: trebl ship)
Camioneta.- My dad has a pick-up truck (Pronunciation: pigp-trok)
Campamento.- The camp-site is already set (Pronunciation: kambsit)
Campeonato.- We played in a soccer championship (P: chembionshep)
Campesina, comunidad.- Thats a country community (P: kntri kaminedi)
Campesino, persona.- Some peasants / country guys are waiting outside
Campo de accin de una disciplina cognoscitiva.- Its Chemistry field (P: fild)
Campo delimitado para cultivar o hacer deporte.- growing-field / sport-field
Campos delimitados.- fields (P: filds) See those sport-fields ?/ growing fields?
Campo deportivo.- Lets go to the basket-ball field (P: basguetbolfld)
Campo de soccer.- Lets go to see the soccer field (P: sguerfild)
Cancelar, suspender.- I had to call off / cancel the pizza (P: kolf kensl)
Cancelar, terminar de pagar.- pay off (Did you pay your debt off?)
Candado.- Get me a pad-lock to lock the door (P: padlk tulk)
Candado, cerrar con candado.- Lets pad-lock the class (P: padlk)
Canjear, permutar, truequear, intercambiar cosas.- Lets trade our books (P: trid)
Canotaje, ir de.- Lets go river-rafting on weekend (P: rivarfdn)
Cantera.- There is a quorry two kilometers far from that place (P: kuri)
Cantidades y cantidades.- I saw lots and lots of tourists there (P: lots anlts)
Canto rodado, piedra oval.- oval-shaped stone (P: uvalshibt sdun)
Caera, tubo.- Get me a piece of pipe, please (Pronunciation: pip)
Caera, sistema de.- The piping is blocked up (Pronunciation: pibn)
Cao de agua, abrir el.- Run the faucett / the water (P: rn defsit) (NO open)
Cao de agua, cerrar el.- Shut the faucet (P: sht defsit) (NO close)
Cao de agua, dejar abierto el.- Leave the water running (NO open)
Capacitado.- Hes qualified to give first aid Im qualified to do it (P: gulefait)
Capacitar.- We qualify our students to speak easily (P: gulefai)
Capacitarse.- Did you get qualified on speaking English/on fixing TVs? (P: gulefait)
Capaz.- Hercules is the only guy capable to lift it (P: kibabl)
Capturar.- get (Did the police get the offenders?) (Pronunciation: afnders)
Caractersticas.- Let me tell you about this model features (P: fchers)
Cardico, es.- Hes got a heart-condition (Pronunciation: jart kand-shn)
Cardico, infarto.- Hes got a heart-attack (Pronunciation: jart adk)
Carecer de algo.- I lack the expertise to do that work - My office lacks a phone
Cargar a alguien en la espalda.- I had to carry him Carry the baby (P: keri)
Cargar un programa en la computadora.- upload a program in the(P: aplud)
Cario.- I feel affection for them Give my affection to Kevin (P: afg-shn)
Carioso.- Hes affectionate to us Hes an affectionate guy (P: afg-shonat)
Carne cocida, frita, asada, a la parrilla.- cooked / fried / roasted / grilled meat
Carne muerta, para comida.- meat (I want some meat too cook the lunch)
Carne viva de personas y animales.- flesh (I am a man of flesh and blood)
Carnet de identidad.- Are you carrying your Identity Card / ID? (P: aidndedi)
Carnicera, emporio.- Where is a butcher-shop around? (P: bcher-shap)
Carpa.- Lets put up the tent right here (Pronunciation: tent)
Carpintera.- Is there any capenter-shop in this area? (P: grbender)
Carrera de taxi.- How much is a taxi-trip? A taxi trip is two soles (P: tgsitrep)
Carretera de tierra.- Were going to enter a dusty road (P: dsdiroud)
Carrito de golocinas.- There is a candy-kart on the corner (Pron: kendi)
Carrito salchipapero.- Therere fast-food karts all around here (P: fstfud kart)
Cartilla, cuadro, tabla.- Have a look on the chart (Pronunciation: chart)


Casa con habitantes.- Is she at home? Sure, shes home alone (P: jum)
Casa de adobe.- Do you see that adobe-house over there? (P: adbijaus)
Casa de concreto.- I want to build a concrete-house (P: kngritjaus)
Casa sin considerar los habitantes, ni mobiliario.- Lets go to see that house
Casco.- Better, put a hard-hat / a helmet on (Pronunciation: jardjet - jlmet)
Casi.- Nearly, almost (I nearly won the lottery Theyre nearly ten) (P: narli)
Casi la hora, es.- Its about time, so lets go (Pronunciation: abau tim)
Casquete, consola.- The monitor housing is broken, but it is still working fine
Castigar.- punish (P: pnesh) (My boss punished me) (P: Pne-sht)
Castigo.- I got a penalty for my fault My boss gave me a penalty (P: pnaldi)
Catstrofe.- A catatrophe took place last night (Pronunciation: gadsdrofi)
Categorizar / categorizacin.- Rank the singers - Show me your ranking
Caudaloso, ro.- Its a big river / a gigantic river (P: dyaigndec rva)
Causa.- Whats this unbalance cause? - The cause is this cold (P: kos)
Causar.- It may cause / bring about a big disaster (P: kos - bringabut)
Cavar, excavar.- We have to dig right here Hes not digging (P: dig)
Cazador, pescador y recolector.- hunter, fisher and gatherer
Celos, dar.- Shes doing it just to make me jealous (P: migmi dylas)
Cementerio / campo santo.- cemetery / grave yard (P: smederi - greivyrd)
Cena especial.- We had a big-dinner last night (Pronunciation: bigdna)
Centro laboral.- It is my work-place (Pronunciation: werk blis)
Cermica, textilera, tallado, pintura.- pottery, weaving, carving, painting
Cerca de mi, mantnganse.- Keep close to me, please (P: kipglus tum)
Cerca, para cosas mviles.- Albert is close to the hotel The train is closing
Cerca para cosas inmviles.- That hotel is near the main-square (P: odl)
Cercanas, en las.- Are there any stores nearby / around? (P: niarbi - erund)
Cerrado con llave.- The class is closed and locked (Pronunciation: lguet)
Cerrar con candado.- Lets better padlock the door (P: padlk deder)
Cerrar con llave.- Lets lock this money Did you lock the office? (P: lk)
Cerrar el cao de agua.- Shut up the faucet. Shut it up now (P: shadp - fsit)
Certificado de nacimiento.- You have to provide us with your birth-certificate
Csped.- I have a nice grass in my patio They play in the grass (P: pedio)
Chaleco salvavidas.- Put your life-preserver vests on (P: lifbreserver vest)
Chapa de la puerta.- The lock is malfunctioning I have to fix the lock (P: lak)
Cheque, efectivizar un.- I want to cash this check (P: kash shek)
Chicle.- Would you care for some chewing gum? (P: chen gam) (NO any)
Chifa.- Is there any chinese-restaurant around (P: chains rsdorant)
Chiste.- Let me tell you a funny-story (Pronunciation: fni sduri)
Chistoso.- My doggy is funny looking (P: fonilguin) What a funny guy
Chocar carros o aviones.- A car crashed into a pole (P: crasht entuapl)
Chocar entre personas.- bump (P: bamp) (He bumped me) (P: bambt)
Chocar personas contra cosas.- You may walk into a wall in the dark
Chompa o polera.- Put a sweater on, its cold (P: put aswedarn)
Cintifico, persona.- He is a famous scientist (P: syendist)
Cientfico, trabajo.- They do scientific research (P: sayendfec rserch or risrch)
Cierto, muy cierto.- Yeah, indeed - Certainly (P: indd srdenli)
Cima, la.- the top (We have to get to the top of the mountain) (P: detp fda)
Cita de placer, en pareja.- I have a date in the evening - Jane is my date
Cita de trabajo.- I have an appointment with the Dr. (P: abindment)
Cita, hacer una.- I have to make an appointment with my Dr (P: abindment)
Ciudadela.- MAPI is a wonderful citadel located in Peru high-lands (P: sdadel)


Claro que si, dime.- Sure, tell me (P: sha tlmi) Certainly, tell me (P: srdenli)
Claro que no.- Of course not (Pronunciation: afgrs nat)
Clase, dictar.- I have to teach class in the afternoon I am teaching class now
Claxon.- Dont sound the horn downtown, please
Cliente.- Were customers in this restaurant (P: ksdomers)
Clnica, internar en.- We got him into a private-hospital / clinic (P: brivet jsbedal)
Cobrar en efectivo, recibir dinero.- How much did you collect? (P: golgt)
Coche de tren.- Get on the wagon, please Dont get off the wagon (P: wgon)
Coco.- I am in the mood for some coconut (Pronunciation: kgonot)
Cohetes, cohetones.- They were blowing rockets (P: blen rkets)
Coimear, sobornar.- He traied to bribe the cops (Pronunciation: brib)
Coger el bus, el avin, el tren.- Lets catch a bus / a plane / a train
Coger el bus.- Where do you catch your bus in the morning? (P: katch)
Coger, pescar con la mano.- Did you catch him? I cought him (P: ktch kot)
Coger un taxi.- Lets take a taxi - Taxi them to the station right now, please
Cola, formen una.- Make a line in front of the window, please (P: lainp)
Cola, la gente est en.- Some people are lined They are lined (P: lined)
Colaborador.- My acknowledgment to the contributors (P: kandrebidors)
Colaborar.- Would you contribute to our movement? (P: kndrebiut)
Colapsar.- The adobe-houses got wet and collapsed (P: golbst)
Colecta, hacer una.- Lets make a fund-rising to benefit those orphan children
Colega, compaero de trabajo.- co-worker / colleague (P: kouwrguer - klig)
Colegio diurno.- She goes to a day-time school (P: deytim sgol)
Colegio nocturno.- He goes to a night-time school (P: naitim sgol)
Colegio de varones / mujeres / mixto.- Its a boys / girls / boys & girls school
Colgar algo.- hang up (Pronunciation: jangp) (I want to hang this coat up)
Collar.- See that necklace over there? (Pronunciation: negls)
Colocar.- Lets place this pole into that hole (Pronunciation: blis jol)
Colono.- Lots of settlers inhabited those lands (Pronunciation: sdler)
Combi, camioneta cerrada.- Lets take a van What van-line goes there?
Combinar.- Just permute / combine the words (P: bermit kombin)
Combustible.- Is there any fuel left yet? - The fuel is running out (P: fiel)
Comentar.- Can you comment the ceremony, please? (P: kamnt)
Comentario.- Thanks for your remark / for your comment (P: remrk-kment)
Comerciante.- My aunt is trader - Therere lots of traders there (P: trida)
Comes en casa, o comes afuera?.- Do you eat in, or do you eat out?
Comestible sustantivo.- Its good food. Lets go shopping for food.
Comestibleadjetivo.- That fruit is eatable That fruit is edible (P: dabl debl)
Cometer un error.- make a mistake (I made a big mistake doing it) (P: msdik)
Comfortable.- Its a comfortable bus (Pronunciation: kamfdebl bas)
Comfortable, mueble.- Sit down on that couch / sofa / armchair (P: kuch)
Comida malograda.- Dont eat it. Its bad food - The food is off (P: dont det)
Cmo as?.- How did he come to speak that good English?
Como cul discoteca, por ejemplo?.- Like what discotheque, for example?
Como efectivamente lo es.- I work as a chef - As Im a chef (P: aiwrk asashf)
Como es Cusco? / Cmo es Liz?.- Whats Cusco like? / Liz like? (P: gsgo)
Cmo es que ...?.- How come he didnt come over? - How come hes in the US?
Como est Cusco?.- How is Cusco?
Cmo le fue a Carlos en Brasil?.- How did Carlos do in Brazil?
Como mximo, a lo ms.- I can get ten grand at most (P: admust)
Como mnimo, a lo menos.- I can get five grand at least (P: adlst)


Como prefieras.- Just do it as you wish - Just do it at your will (P: asyuwsh)
Cmo qu? Como si fuera qu?.- Like what music for example? (P: laigut)
Cmo quiere su bist, Sr?.- What do you want your beef-steak like, Sir?
Como si lo fuera.- She sings like Madonna Im like my father I think like you
Cmo te est yendo?.- Hi, how are you doing? (P: ji jarden)
Cmo te ganas la vida?.- What do you do for a living?
Como te va? Bien, gracias.- Hi, how are you doing? Great, thanks
Como todos los dems.- We have to work as everyone else (P: as vriuanels)
Cmo te diviertes?.- What do you do for fun on Sundays?
Como Ud. diga, Seor.- As you say, Sir / As you wish, Sir
Como va eso? Bien, gracias.- How is it going? (P: just goen?) - Great
Cmodamente, con comodidad.- For you to work comfortably (P: kamfdebli)
Compactador de basura.- A trash-compactor is comming over (P: kambgdor)
Compadecerse, sentir pena por.- I pity those homeless people
Compadcete.- Show some mercy, please He wont show any mercy
Compadre/padrino de personas.- Good morning, godfather (P: gadfda)
Compaero de trabajo.- He is my co-worker / colleague (P: kalig)
Compaa.- Are you looking for companion? (P: kambnion)
Comparado con.- My PC is slow compared to / next to yours (P: kambaret)
Compartido.- I live in a shared apartment (P: shart abrdment))
Compartir, participar.- I want to share my house - Can I share your conversation?
Compatriota, paisano.- He is my country-fellow (P: kntri flou)
Complacer.- OK. Ill please you on that Thanks for pleasing me (P: plis)
Complacido, ests?.- Are you pleased? Are you satisfied? (P: sadsfit)
Completado, todo un.- He is quite a man (Pronunciation: kuidemean)
Completamente, totalmente.- The car is fully / completely functional (P: fli)
Completamente, exclusivamente.- Our intention is wholly deffensive (P: jli)
Compliques, no te.- Dont complicate your means (P: kmblegueit)
Comprador.- Whos the happy buyer? - Im the buyer (P: byer)
Cmprame una chompa.- Buy a sweater to me = Buy me a sweater
Cmprame helados, t para l.- Buy some icecream from me for him
Compramos carne?.- Do we buy any meat?
Comprar al contado.- I like to buy in cash We sell just in cash
Comprar al crdito.- I dont like to buy crdit Lets buy it in shares (P: grdet)
Comprar, lo / los.- OK. Ill take it / Ill take them (P: il tiguet)
Comprar, no lo.- I wont take it. Thanks all the same (P: aiwnt tiguet)
Comprarse algo para s mismo.- buy oneself (Ill buy myself that sweater)
Compras, ir de.- Lets go shopping / I have to shop for food
Cmprate esa chompa.- Buy yourself that sweater (Pronunciation: swda)
Comprensivo.- My dad is understanding (Pronunciation: andersdendin)
Comprometerse a algo eventual.- I commit to come early tomorrow (P: kamt)
Comprometerse establemente.- Ill engage to marry her (P: enguich)
Comprometido establemente.- Im an engaged guy / Im a taken guy (P: tign)
Comprometido eventualmente.- Im committed to my co-workers (P: kamdt)
Compromiso estable.- I have an engagement to marry her (P: enguichment)
Compromiso eventual.- I have a commitment to my friends in the evening
Comprueba y vuelve a comprobarlo.- Check and double check it, please
Comn acuerdo, de.- We stopped the work by mutual agreement (P: midual)
Comn y corriente, nada extraordinario.- Hes just a regular guy (P: rguiular)
Comunicar algo.- If I need anything, Ill let you know right away (P: letiunu)
Comunidad agraria.- It is a nice farming-community (P: kaminedi)


Comunidad campesina.- Well visit a country-community (P: kntri)

Con el propsito de, para.- He has to get a passport in order to travel
Con firmeza, con decisin.- I strongly recommend that you read it (P: sdrngli)
Con firmeza, con fuerza.- Push the door hard to open it
Con firmeza, sin trastabillar.- Hold it steady. Steady, please (P: sddi)
Con gusto.- Ill do it with pleasure / Ill do it gladly (P: wezblsha gldli)
Con razn, ella estaba llorando.- She was crying, with reason
Con toda confianza.- Feel free to ask me any question (P: filfr)
Conceder, otorgar.- Would you grant me that big favor? (P: grndmi)
Concentrar la atencin.- Just focus at your work at hand (P: fgues)
Concienzudamente.- I studied conscienciously (P: kan-shn-shasli)
Conciudadano.- Hes my fellow-citizen - Let me address my fellow-citizens
Conclusin, en.- As a conclusion, Im going to take that service (P: kangls-shn)
Concurrir, ir.- I have to go to that meeting - Twenty people went to the meeting
Concurso.- It was a beauty contest (P: biudi kndest) Lets make a contest
Concursante.- This is our favorite contestant (Pronunciation: Kandsdant)
Condimentar.- Lets season the meat before cooking it (Pronunciation: sson)
Condimento.- Its a seasoning product (Pronunciation: ssonin brdogt)
Condolencias.- Let me give you my condolence / sympathy. (P: kndolens)
Conductor de carro.- Where is the driver?
Conductor de grupos humanos.- Where is the leader? (Pronun: lda)
Confiado.- Dont be too trustful when doing that work (Pronunciation: trsfol)
Confiar.- Do you trust me? Sure, I trust you. But I dont trust Dave (P: trost)
Confiarse demasiado.- Dont grow confident when climbing that mountain
Confidencial.- It is confidential information Hes my confidential friend
Confes, no te.- grow trustful (Dont grow too trusful (P: trsfol)
Conformar.- make up (Pronunciation: meigp) Lets make up a club
Conformado por, estar.- be made up of (The USA is made up of 50 states)
Conforme pasen los das.- As the days pass-by (P: pesbay)
Conforme pase el tiempo.- As the time passes by (P: pasesbay)
Confortable, mueble.- Sit down on the couch (Pronunciation: kuch)
Confrontar resultados.- check against (Lets check the names against the list)
Confundir con.- mistake for (I mistook David for Carlos) (P: msdik msdk)
Confundirse.- For you not to get confused He was confused (P: kanfist)
Congraciarse, ganarse la voluntad.- You have to win the favor of the people
Conjestin vehicular.- I was caught in a traffic jam (P: kat enetrfegdyam)
Conjunto habitacional / urbanizacin.- Its a housing-state (P: jusn sdit)
Conocer alguien, solo de vista.- Know by sight (I know him just by sight)
Conocer lugares.- know places (Did you know Honolulu?) (P: nou plises)
Conocer personas.- meet people (Did you meet anyone there?) (P: midbbl)
Conocerse el uno al otro, por primera vez.- We met for the first time at work
Consejera.- Are you lucking for any kind of advise?
Conservar, preservar.- Water preserves plants (P: bresrv - blents)
Conservar, retener, quedarse con algo.- Keep one of those books, as a present
Conservarse saludable.- Sport is good to keep in good health (P: engudjlz)
Considerando todo.- We have two gallons left, all considered (P: kansderet)
Consgueme un lapicero / una frazada.- Get me a pen / a blanket, please
Consola.- housing (The TV-housing is broken)
Consternar, conmover.- That tragedy touched me seriously (trdyedi - tcht)
Construccin civil.- I work on construction business (P: kansdrg-shn bsnes)
Construccin, una.- There is a new building in that area (P: blden)


Constructora.- Construction-Company (P: Kansdrg-shn kmbani)

Construir.- They build houses / They put up buildings (P: bld pudp)
Consulta.- I need to have a consultation with the Dr (P: kansoldi-shn)
Consultar con.- check with (Let me check it with the owner) (P: chekwz)
Consultar con el mdico.- I need to have a consultation with the Dr.
Consultorio mdico.- Doctors office (Pronunciation: dgdors fes)
Consumirse.- The soap is going to give up in the water (P: guivp)
Contacto, entrar en.- We have to get into touch with them (P: tach)
Contacto, mantngase en.- Keep in touch, please You have to keep in touch
Contacto, perder.- Try not to lose touch with them I lost touch with her
Contactos, influencias.- I have to get some connections (P: gong-shns)
Contagiar.- pass on (Pronunciation: peasn) (He passed his cold on me)
Contagio.- He got an infection from those ill guys (P: enfg-shn)
Contagioso.- Happiness is contagious (Pronunciation: kandidyas)
Contal de que, siempre y cuando.- Ill be OK as long as I keep my job
Contaminador.- Dont be a polluter, please (Pronunciation: bolder)
Contar con alguien, para algo.- I count on you / Im counting on her for that travel
Contar con alguien o algo para algo.- I count you in / I count your stereo in
Contar hasta, en nmeros.- Lets count to three. Count the students, please
Contener.- Those boxes content medicines (Pronunciation: kandnt)
Contine, no se detenga.- Go on, please (P: goun) - Play on - Keep talking
Contra, en.- Were walking against the wind (Pronunciation: agunst)
Contradecir, discutir.- Dont argue her What is he arguing? (P: argui)
Contrarrestar.- Lets have a drink to counteract the cold (P: kaundergt)
Contratar personal.- I have to hire / take on some personnel (P: bersonl)
Contrato.- I got an important contract from that company (P: kndragt)
Contrato de trabajo.- Did you sign a hiring slipt? (P: jireng slept)
Convencer.- Try to convince me I have to convnce him (P: kanvns)
Convencerse.- Did you get convinced? - Finally, I got convinced (P: knvst)
Conveniente.- good (It is good for you, sure enough - It isnt good for me)
Convenio.- deal, treaty (We have a deal / a treaty with that agency) (P: dil - trdi)
Conversacin, asunto de negocios.- Theyre having a business-talk
Conversador.- Shes a talkative girl (Pronunciation: tgadiv)
Convertir a.- turn into (Only a magician can turn a dog into a cat)
Conviene.- It isnt good for me Is it good for you? It was good enough
Convivientes.- Theyre a non-married couple (P: nonmrid kbl)
Convocar una reunin.- I have to call a meeting right away (P: kol amdn)
Cordillera.- Its the Andean mountain-chain (P: ndean mundenchen)
Cordn de energa.- The energy-cord goes that way (P:nerdyi kord)
Correspondiente.- Youll get your correspondent handouts (P: goresbndent)
Crtalo por la mitad.- Cut it in half (Pronunciation: kdet enjlf)
Cortar.- Cut (Cut the cloth into two pieces) (Pronunciation: kat)
Cortar hasta separar, cercenar.- cut off (Cut a piece of cloth off) (P: kadf)
Corte de pelo, hacerse un.- I want to get a hair-cut (P: guet ajeakt)
Cosas as / cosas por el estilo.- Pens, pencils, and things like that
Cosas de mujeres.- Leave us alone. Its girl-talk, sorry
Cosas de varones.- Leave us alone. Its guy-talk, sorry
Cosecha, la.- The crops are on the fields waiting for transportation
Cosecha, tiempo de.- Its harvest-time in the open country
Cosechar.- They are going to harvest their product soon (P: jrvest)
Costa, la.- The coast is the area located next to the sea (P: da kust)


Costero, costanero, costeo.- Its a coastal area / city - Hes a coastal-guy

Creer en alguien.- I believe he can make a good pilot - I dont believe you
Creer en cosas simples.- I think its going to rain I think its Anns book
Criar hijos / ganado.- They raise their children / They raise cattle (P: ris)
Cruzar una calle / avenida / ro.- We have to go across that avenue / river
Cual (for more than 20 alternatives).- What is your number?
Cual de ellos (for fewer than 20 alternatives).- Which is your book?
Cualquiera.- Anyone could do it Just take any bus You can visit anytime
Cualquier hora, cualquier da.- You can visit any time, and any day
Cuan lejos? Qu distancia?.- How far from Cusco is MAPI?
Cuando l lo diga lo har.- When he says so, Ill do it.
Cuanto ms estudie, ms ganar.- The more I study, the more money Ill make
Cuanto ms pequeo, ms barato.- The smaller it is, the cheapper it is
Cunto tiempo?.- How long did he live here? - How long does getting there take?
Cunto vale ese cuadro?.- How much is that painting worth? (P: wrz)
Cuartelero en hotel.- Call the housekeeper, please (P: jausguba)
Cuarto en hotel, limpieza de.- Who does the house-keeping in this hotel?
Cubierta, casquete, consola.- This TV has a resistant housing
Cuestin de, es.- be a matter of (It is a matter of calling there)
Cuidado, tenga.- Be careful with the baby, please (P: bi kafol)
Cuidado, el.- due care (You have to treat the equipment with due care) (P: duka)
Cuidado, hacer algo con.- Do it carefully (P: Det kafoli)
Cuidado, quieren robarle o atacarle.- Watch out, my friend (P: wuachut)
Cuidado con golpearse la cabeza.- Watch your head (P: wachyorjd)
Cuidar de.- Take care of the baby - Care for the baby - Look after the baby
Cuidar nios.- I had to baby-sit my little niece in the morning (P: beibist)
Cuidarse.- Take care, please (Pronunciation: teika)
Cidese mucho.- Take care, my friend (P: tika)
Cidese, quieren robarle. Seor.- Watch out, Sir
Cuenta, pasar la cuenta.- The bill Bill me, please Dont forget billing them
Cuestin de, es.- Its a matter of asking for it (P: ets emederaf)
Culpa, falta, infraccin.- It isnt your fault Its my fault, sorry (Pronun: folt)
Culpar.- Did they blame you for that accident? (Pronunciation: blim)
Cultivar, hacer crecer.- I grow corn in my lands Hes growing his hair
Cultivo, campos de.- growing-fields (Pronunciation: gren filds)
Culto, persona que sabe mucho.- My uncle is a learned guy (P: lrnt)
Culturizarse.- Learn, get learned (I learn a lot at work She got learned there)
Cumplir aos.- I reach my birthday in June Shes reaching fifteen age today
Cumplir con la palabra / promesa.- Will you keep your word / your promise?
Cumplir con normas y reglamentos.- Just comply with the rules (P: gambly)
Cumplir con una meta impuesta.- Did he accomplish his task? (P: agmblesh)
Cumplir con una sentencia penal.- Did he serve his sentence yet? (sndens)
Cuado.- Hes my brother in law (Pronunciation: bradaenl)
Cuota.- share (P: sha) (Who will collect the shares? - Give me your shares)
Curado, est.- Hes cured Hes OK, now (Pronunciation: kirt)
Curar una enfermedad.- I can cure you My Dr. cured me (P: kur)
Curar una herida.- I can treat your wound (Pronunciation: trityorwnd)
Curriculum vitae.- This is my personal file / rsum (P: brsonal fil - resomi)
Cuy al horno.- roasted guinea-pig (Pronunciation: rusdt guniapig)
Da lo mismo, eso.- Its all the same (P: ets oldesim) It makes no difference
Dale algo as como regalos, o flores.- Give her something like presents, or flowers


Daado.- The engine is damaged seriously (P: ndying - dmechet - sriasli)

Daar / dao.- Dont damage the trees Its a serious damage (P: dmech)
Dar buen trato a.- You have to give good treatment to the visitors (P: trdment)
Dar de baja, o dicriminar.- When did he push that model aside? (P: pushasid)
Dar detalles.- You have to give detail when telling a story (P: ddeil)
Dar ejemplo.- Lets set an example on how to study hard
Dar, entregar, donar.- Let me give this book to that school
Dar examen.- Ill take a test on grammar next week Is he fit to take the test?
Dar la media vuelta.- turn around (I just turned around and went away) (P: tern)
Dar la palabra.- Ill come back tomorrow, I give you my word I gave my word
Dar participacin.- Lets give him a share in our activity (P: sha agdvedi)
Dar por descontado.- take for granted (You can take my help for granted)
Dar primeros auxilios.- Lets give first-aid to him (P: guiv fersdid)
Dar un parecer, una opinin.- Give an opinion on this book (P: guiv anabnion)
Dar un parecer antes de realizar un trabajo.- It seems to me easy to do
Dar un parecer despus de realizar un trabajo.- I found (find) it easy to do
Dar una leccin, escarmiento.- Ill teach him a lesson (P: tchjim alson)
Dar una mano, ayudar.- Lend me a hand with this, please (P: lndmi ajend)
Dar una mirada a.- Can you take a look at our luggage? (P: tik alugt lguech)
Dar una paliza.- Ill kick your/his/their ass We kicked their ass along the match
Darle final a algo.- I had to put an end to that conversation (P: pudannd)
Darme, puede?.- May / can / could I have that pen?
Darse cuenta.- realize / figure out (P: fgaraut) (I realized it I figured it out)
Datos personales.- Fill in this form with your personal data (P: brsonal dda)
De acuerdo con, segun a.- According this book, humans come from evolution
De aqu para all.- Keep it moving back and forth (P: baganfrz)
De arriba para abajo.- Lets check the list from top to bottom
De buena fe / De mala fe.- It was done in good faith / in bad faith (P: fiz)
De cabeza, de nariz.- He fell down head first / He fell down nose first (P: jedfrst)
De confianza (medico).- Hes our trusted doctor (P: trsdt dgdor)
De da / de noche.- I work at day-time / The accident took place at night-time
De dnde es Usted?.- Where are you from, Sir / Madam?
De hoy en adelante.- He has to come earlier from now on / from now forth
De la gente, del pueblo.- The folk - Its a folkloric custom (P: folglrec ksdom)
De lo contrario.- Pull it hard, otherwise it wont close (P: derwais)
De memoria.- I know the procedure by heart (Pronunciation: bayjrt)
De modo que.- Get up at once, so that you start work early (P: sodt)
De ninguna manera.- By no means / In no way, my boss will let me go there
De ninguna manera.- In no way hell accept that proposal (P: ennowy)
De otro modo, de lo contrario.- Dress warmly, otherwise youll get sick
De paso, de pasada.- Dont forget buying a pen on the way / on your way
De qu hablas? De quin hablas?.- What / Who are you talking about?
De qu material est hecho?.- Whats it made of? (P: medf)
De qu parte de ....?.- Where in Brazil is he from? - Where in Peru do you live?
De que res?.- Whats funny? (P: wts fni?) What are you laughing at?
De quin?.- Whose book is this? Whose car did you come by?
De quin compraste ese carro?.- Who did you buy that car from?
De quin res?.- Who are you laughing at?
De sobra, ms que suficiente.- I had more than enough - Its more than enough
De todos modos, de todas formas.- In any event / All the same, Ill call you up
De tu parte / de su parte.- It was intelligent of you - It was stupid of him


De una sola va.- Its a one-way road

De una vez por todas.- Lets do that work at once for all (P: atuns forl)
De vez en cuando.- It happens from time to time (P: fromtim tutim)
De vez en cuando.- It happens now and then (nauandn) / from time to time
Debatir, deliberar.- Let me discuss it with my partners (P: dsgs prners)
Debatir, deliberar.- discuss = talk over (Let me talk it over with my parents)
Debe ser difcil, eso.- It must be tough to do (Pronunciation: dmastbi tftudu)
Deber algo, tener una deuda.- I owe her ten dollars Do I owe you? (P: u)
Debera haber / existir.- There should be a TV in here (P: der-shudb)
Debera haber hecho algo.- He shoudda (should have) done something
Debido a.- There was a car-accident because of / due to the fog (P: bigsa / dut)
Debil / debilitar.- Hes weak. That disease weakened him (P: wik wguent)
Decano.- Mr. Dean in person will receive you Mr. Deacon (P: din - dgon)
Decepcionar.- The national soccer-team disappointed us (Pronun: desabindt)
Decir hola / adis con la mano, con el pauelo.- Wave him hello / good bye
Decir la verdad, ser sincero.- Just be honest to Kevin (P: jnest)
Decir la pura verdad.- I am telling you the truth (Pronunciation: trz)
Decisin difcil.- Its a tough decision That decision isnt any easy (P: taf)
Decisin, tomar una.- Make a decision by tomorrow, please
Declararse, declarar el amor.- Just talk to her about your feelings
Declarar solemnemente.- I pronounce you husband and wife (P: bronuns)
Declaracin de la Independencia.- The Independence Pronouncement
Dedicado, empeoso.- He is devoted to study. Hes a devoted student
Dedicar tiempo.- I devote my time to study - I devoted a day to do it (P: devut)
Dedicar un trabajo o esfuerzo.- I dedicate this work to Kevin (P: ddegueit)
Defecar.- He wants to rest the guts. He needs a bathroom (P: rest degts)
Defecto.- defect, flaw (P: dfegt - flo) (What is its defect? / What is the flaw?)
Defectuoso.- That stuff reached us faulty This TV came faulty (P: fldy)
Defraudar, fallar.- Dont fail me I wont fail you, I promise (P: fil)
Deja de hablar y deja de jugar.- Stop talking, and stop playing (P: stp)
Dejar bajar.- Let her down / let them down / let Mary down / let it down
Dejar entrar.- Let her in / let Davids friends in / let us in / let it in
Dejar ir, soltar liberar.- Let Carlos go / let us go / I wont let you go
Dejar salir.- Let me out / let Peter out / let us out / let it out
Dejar subir.- Let your friends on / let Carlos on / let the dog on / let it on
Djame entrar / Djame salir.- Let me in / Let me out (P: ltmien Ltmiaut)
Djame mostrarte algunas.- Let me show you some
Djamelo, es asunto mo.- Leave that to me. Its my business (P: livdt tum)
Dejar claro.- I want to make clear, that I disagree on that travel (P: meigla)
Dejar constancia.- I want to put on record that I waited for them to come
Dejar de lado.- push aside (P: pushasid) (Why did he push his study aside?)
Dejar el cao abierto.- Leave the water running Who left the water running?
Dejar en algn sitio.- drop off (Drop me off at the bank / on the corner, please)
Dejar en paz.- leave alone (Leave me alone Leave that TV alone)
Dejar mala impresin.- I don t want to make a bad impression on them
Dejarse llevar.- Just get carried away by the rythm (P: rzem)
Dej el cigarro.- I finally quit smoking (Pronunciation: gt)
Delgado de apariencia.- She is a thin girl (Pronunciation: zin)
Delicadamente, suavemente.- Cut it open gently, please (P: dyndli)
Delincuente.- He was a dangerous criminal (Pronunciation: grminal)
Delito, crimen.- Robbery is a serious crime / offense (P: krim afns)


Demoler.- Did the Spaniards tear-down lots of Inka buildings? (P: tardaun)
Demorar.- It will take long It wont take long It will take me long (P: teigln)
Demoraron.- Inkas took about ten years to build Machu Picchu
Demorarse.- Will you take long? No, I wont take long
Demostracin, dar una.- Let me give you a demonstration / a demo
Demostrar.- Show me that you speak English
Departamento, geogrfico.- I live in Cusco department (P: debrdment)
Depender de.- be up to depend on (That work is up to / depends on my dad)
Deporte exigente.- Soccer is a tough-sport (Pronunciation: tafsbrt)
Deporte, practicar.- Do you play any sports? What sport do you play?
Deporte suave, poco exigente.- Aerobics is a gentle-sport (P: dyndl sbort)
Deportista.- My uncle is a sports-man (Pronunciation: sbordsmen)
Deprimido.- Hes a little depressed (Pronunciation: aldl debrst)
Derecho, leyes; estudiar.- I want to major in law (P: midyar enl)
Derechos humanos.- Theyre human rights - Im within my right in asking for that
Derramar, salpicar un lquido.- Dont spill coffee on that book (P: sbil)
Derrotar.- beat (Pronunciation: bit) (Cienciano beat River, and Boca)
Derrumbarse.- The road may slide down in this area (Pronun: slaidun)
Derrumbarse una cueva.- The tunnel may cave in (Pronun: kiv in)
Derrumbe.- There was a land-slide on the road ahead It prevents land-slides
Desabrigarse.- Dont dress light in the winter, please (Pronun: dreslit)
Desagradable.- Cheese is awful for me It was an awful experience (P: fol)
Desage de calle.- The swers are smelling bad (Pronunciation: swers)
Desage de lavadero.- The drainage is stuffed (Pronunciation: drinech sdft)
Desafortunadamente.- Unfortunately, I had to vacate the room (P: anfrchonadli)
Desalentado.-Why is he discouraged / half hearted? (P: dsgrecht jalfjrdt)
Desalentar.- I told her that I love her, but she let me down. Pity (P: ltmidun)
Desalojar a alguien.- evict (P: evgt) (He evicted us) (Pronunciation: evgdt)
Desalojo.- The eviction was inevitable (P: evg-shn envedabl)
Desanimado.- Why is he that discouraged? (Pronunciation: dsgrecht)
Desanimarse.- Dont loose heart, please (P: lusjrt) Dont get discouraged
Desaparecer.- A magician can make a rabbit disappear (P: desaba)
Desaprobar una actitud.- vote down (The people voted the new taxes down)
Desaprobar un examen.- fail (I failed the test last week) (Pronunciation: fil)
Desarmar un mecanismo.- Put the pieces apart (Put the pieces of the TV apart)
Desarmado, sin armas.- Those people were unarmed (P: anrmt)
Desarrollar.- Inkas Empire developed high technologies (P: develbt tegnlodyi)
Desatar.- We have to untie / unfasten that rope (P: anti anfsdn)
Desayunar.- I have breakfast at seven sharp
Descanse, Ud.- Take a rest, Sir (Pronunciation: tikarest, Sr)
Descarado, que.- She posed as his wife. What a cheek ! (P: udachik)
Descargada, la batera est.- The battery is dead (P: debederi esdd)
Descargar/bajar un programa/archivo de Internet.- download a program / file from
Descarrilarse el tren.- The train jumped the track / derailed (dymbt detrk)
Descartable, envase.- Its a disposable container (P: dsbusabl kandina)
Descifrar un misterio.- Did you crack the mystery? (P: krak damsderi)
Descolgar, bajar algo.- take down (Let me take my luggage down, please)
Desconectar.- unplug (P: unplg) (Could you unplug the TV, please?)
Desconocido, extrao (persona).- I saw an strange guy / a stranger (P: sdrnch)
Desconocido, lugar o cosa.- That place was unknown until last year (P: annun)
Descontento (adj).- Hes dissatisfied (Pronunciation: dssdsfait)


Descontento (noun).- The dis-satifaction / discontent is big (P: dsgondnt)

Desconsiderados, son.- Theyre very inconsiderate to us (P: engonsderat)
Descorts, torpe.- Dont be rude to the tourists, please (P: rud)
Descubridor.- Are you the cold-water discoverer? (P: dsgverer)
Descubrimiento.- It was an important discovery (P: dsgveri)
Descubrir.- I hope to discover its cause soon (Pronunciation: dsgver)
Descuento, deme un.- Give me a discount, please (P: dsgunt)
Descuidar.- Dont neglect reading this book the soonest you can (P: neglgt)
Descuido.- The lack of care / The negligence caused that accident (P: ngledyens)
Desde cuando?.- Since when do they live in the USA? (Pronun: sinswn)
Desde dnde viene ese clable?.- From where does that line come?
Desfilar por un lugar.- The troops march past the square atrio on Independence day
Desfile.- Lets go to see the military parade / dancing parade (P: bard)
Deshechar, arrojar.- Discard / throw away all those bottles (P: discrd, zrouawi)
Desembocar.- Amazon River gives its water to the Atlantic Ocean
Desempear alto cargo.- Youll hold a good position in the long run (P: pas-shn)
Desenchufar.- Could you unplug the TV, please? (P: amblg)
Desenfrenadamente, a rienda suelta.- He was dancing without restrain (P: rsdrin)
Desenterrar.- They dig up buried treasures They dug up some samples
Deseo recuperar mi dinero.- I want my money back
Deseos.- Tell me your deepest wishes / desires (P: wshes / disyrs)
Desesperado.- Why is she so desperate? (Pronunciation: dsberat)
Desesperar.- drive to dispair (Dont drive the children to dispair, please) (P: dsba)
Desesperarse.- Dont dispair, please (Pronunciation: dsba)
Desertar.- leave an institution (Some students leave the U) (P: ensded-shn)
Desfilar.- School students march past the atrio on July 4Th (P: idrio)
Desfile.- Lets see the dancing parade (Pronunciation: densn bard)
Desfogar la ira.- rest the anger on someone (Dont rest your anger on me)
Desgracia, infortunio.- It was a big misfortune (P: msfrchen)
Deshacer.- We had to undo everything (Pronunciation: and)
Deshidratado.- Hes dehydrated (Pronunciation: dejaidridet)
Desilusin.- It was a big disappoint for us (Pronunciation: desabint)
Desilucionado, decepcionado.- The children were badly disappointed
Desilusionar.- I dont want to disappoint you (Pronunciation: desabint)
Desilusionarse.- Dont get disappointed, its just the beginning (P: bigunen)
Desistir, retractarse.- I had to desist / take back of my decisin to go there
Desleal, sucio.- Those are dirty guys. Dont deal with them. They play dirty (P: drdi)
Desmayarse.- faint (I almost fainted at the sight of it - He fainted in the morning)
Desmoronarse, caer a pedazos.- That wall may fall to pieces (P: fol tupses)
Desnutricin.- He suffers from malnutrition (P: Malnudr-shn)
Desobedecer.- Why did you disobey your boss? (Pron: desoby)
Desocupar un lugar.- We have to vacate the place (P: veguit)
Desodorante.- Apply some deodorant on it (P: dedorant)
Desorden, caos.- That office is quite a mess (P: kuaidams)
Desordenado, catico.- It is a messy office (P: mesifes)
Despedir del trabajo.- fire (P: fya) (My boss fired me unfairly) (P: firt anfali)
Despedirse.- At least, let me say good bye / wave good bye
Despegar el avin.- take off (P: teigf) (The plane is about to take-off)
Despejarse.- clear up (The sky is / The fog is clearing up) (P: gliarp gliarenp)
Desperdiciar.- I dont have any time to waste. (Pronunciation: wist)
Desperdicio.- Lets throw this waste away


Despierto, estar.- be up (I was up all that night Is Liz still up? Is she up yet?)
Despreciable.- Criminals are despicable people (P: desbigabl)
Despreciar.- Why do people despice / look down on the farmers?
Desprecio.- Why is despice the only payment the farmers get? (P: desbis)
Despus de todo transcurrido.- We had a big dinner afterwards (P: afderwrds)
Despus de todo.- After all, we got there in time to meet them (P: afdarl)
Desvanecerse, desaparecer.- She vanished from my life (P: venesht)
Desvinculado.- Were out of touch Ive lost touch with them (P: udatach)
Detente ahora, no lo hagas ms.- Stop it, please (P: sdbet, plis)
Detente ahora, no camines ms.- Stop walking, please
Deudas.- I have debts to pay I want to pay for my debts (P: debts py)
Deudor.- He is my debtor (Pronunciation: dbdor)
Devolver.- give back (Give her pen back to her Give my pen back to me)
Da de pago.- When is payday in this company? (P: peydy)
Da festivo, feriado.- Its holiday here today (Pronunciation: jledey)
Da patronal.- We reach our anniversary in June (P: anevrsary)
Da tras da.- Were waiting for them day after day (P: dey fdadey)
Da y noche.- Im working day and night / around the clock (P: deyan-nit)
Diarrea.- You may get a diarrehea if eatind it / suffer from diarrhea (P: dayara)
Dibujo.- Let me show you my drawing (Pronunciation: dren)
Dibujos animados.- I watch cartoon-series in the mornings (P: kardn sris)
Dieta, hacer.- I have to diet - Shes dieting strictly (P: dyet dyedin sdrgdli)
Difcil.- tough (P: taf) (Popular word); difficult (P: dfigolt) (Academic word)
Difcilmente.- It hardly ever rains in here (Pronunciation: jrdlieva)
Dificultar.- Dont toughen the work, please (Pronunciation: tfen)
Dinero, gastar.- Dont spend too much money You can spend this money away
Dinero en efectivo.- cash (I had to pay for it in cash I like to buy in cash)
Dinero en monedas.- I have some change / coins / loose cash (P: lusksh)
Dinero, no me alcanzar el.- My money wont last till pay-day (P: tilpeydy)
Dios mo.- Oh, my God (Pronunciation: maygd)
Dirigir un grupo de personas.- I lead them / I conduct them (P: lid - kandgt)
Dirigir una empresa.- I conduct my own company
Dirigirse a personas.- You have to address Mr. Director in writing (P: adrs)
Dirigirse a un lugar.- head to (Hes heading to the coliseum) (P: golesom)
Dirigirse a una persona.- I have to address Mr. Director in writing (P: dergdor)
Discriminar.- push aside (P: pushasid) (Dont push them aside, please)
Discursar / discurso.- Let me give a speech Nice speech, friend (P: sbch)
Discusin fuerte.- They had a bad argument No arguments (P: arguiment)
Discutir, contradecir.- Dont argue her, please (Pronunciation: argi)
Disear.- I have to design a new model of this program (P: desin)
Diseo.- Its design looks nice Its a modern design (Pronunciation: desin)
Disimular.- mask (We have to mask the damage) (Pronunciation: mask dmech)
Disminuir.- decrease (P: degrs) (The rain decreases our chances to get there)
Disponible.- That model is not available right now (Pronunciation: avilabl)
Dispuesto a, estar.- be willing to (Im willing to help them, If they ask me to)
Distancia, es una gran.- Its a big distance / Its far away to go (P: dsdans)
Distraer.- Dont distract your partners (Pronunciation: disdrgt)
Distraerse.- Dont allow your attention to wander (P: adn-shn wunder)
Distrado.- He is a little absent minded today (P: absendmindt)
Distribuidor.- He is my material-dealer Whos your dealer? (P: dla)
Distribuir, repartir.- Well deliver the stuff to your home later (P: delva)


Distrito, o barrio.- Wanchaq district is nice I live in Ttio District (P: dsdregt)
Divertido, es.- be fun (Cusco is fun - Carlos is lots of fun) (P: lotsafn)
Divertirse.- Lets have fun We had a good time / We had a great time there
Dividir.- Lets divide it into ten parts (Pronunciation: devidet entutenprts)
Doblar en partes.- Lets bend this pipe into two parts (P: bend entutuprts)
Doble sentido, hablar en.- Its double-talk. Hes making double-talk (P: dabltk)
Dolares, dos mil / cinco mil / diez mil.- two grand / five grand / ten grand
Doler.- hurt (Pronunciation: jert) (My head hurts - It will hurt a bit - It hurts badly)
Dolor.- pain (Pronun: pin) (It is a bad pain The pain went away) (P: wendawy)
Donante.- My aknowledgement to the happy giver (Pronunciation: jabeguva)
Donar, regalar.- give for free (Ill give it to them for free)
Dnde has estado ultimamente?.- Where have you been lately? (P: lidli)
Donde sea que ests, llmame.- Wherever you are, call me up (P: werva)
Dones, talentos, habilidades.- He has lots of gifts. Hes well gifted (P: guefts)
Dormido, quedarse.- The driver may fall asleep while driving (P: folaslp wuaildrivn)
Dormir hasta tarde.- I sleep in on Sundays (Pronunciation: slibn ansndeys)
Dormirse.- He may fall asleep The driver fell asleep on the road (P: folaslp)
Dos veces al mes, hago camino Inka.- I do Inka-Trail twice a month (P: tuisemanz)
Drogarse.- dope / do drugs (P: dup dudrgs) (He was doping / doing drugs)
Drogo, drogado.- Theyre junky guys. Theyre junked up (P: dyngui dyongdp)
Ducharse.- You can take a shower in cold water / hot water (P: tiga-shwer)
Dueo / duea de casa, cuando alquila.- Mr. Lee is my landlord / My landlady
Duda / Dudar.- Any doubts? Do you doubt me? I doubt those guys (P: dut)
Dudoso.- Hes doubtful about coming along with us (P: dudfol)
Duracin.- What is this battery lasting-time?
Durante.- He helped people during his life (Pronunciation: dren)
Durar un evento.- last, take long (The opening ceremony lasted / took all day)
Ebrio, est hasta no poder.- Hes drunk-out / drunk-dead (P: dronk - drongut)
Edad, le falta.- be underage (Hes underage to get a license) (P: anderich)
Edificacin.- There is an impressive facility/building there (P: fasledi / blden)
Edificio alto.- high-rise building / sky-scraper (P: jirais bldn - sgai sgriba)
Edificio de diez pisos.- Its a ten floors-high building (Pronunciation: bldn)
Edificio de oficinas.- Its an office-building (Pronunciation: fesbildn)
Edificio rascacielos.- Its a high-rise building / a sky-scraper (P: sgi sgriba)
Edificio residencial.- Its a department-building (Pronunciation: debrdment)
Educado, cortez.- Lets be polite to the tourists (Pronunciation: bolit)
Efectivizar un cheque.- I want to cash this check (P: kash shk)
Egosta.- He is a selfish guy Dont be selfish to your friends (P: slfesh)
Egresado.- Mike is undergraduate from the law school (P: andergrduat)
Ejecutar, hacer tocar un disco.- play the CD
Ejecutar, llevar a cabo.- I hope we can carry-out our plans (P: keri ut)
Ejercitar.- We work-out at a gym (P: wergut) / We exercise at a gym
Ejercitar severamente.- You have to exercise hard to get in shape
Ejercitar suavemente.- You have to exercise just gently (P: dyndli)
El deber.- duty (P: ddi) (Just accomplish your duty - Its heavy duty)
El encargado de.- Hes the one in charge of this office (P: cherch)
El lado negativo de las cosas.- Dont look at the dark-side of things (P: dargsid)
El lado positivo de las cosas.- Lets look at the bright-side of it (P: braidsid)
El otro da.- I talked to him the other day (Pronunciation: di derdey)
El que sabe, es el que manda.- The one that knows is the one that commands
El tiempo se acab.- The time is up, so give me your works (P: detaims ap)


Eleva el letrero un poco.- Heighten the sign a bit (P: jiden desin abt)
Eliminar.- Lets eliminate all that remaining material (P: elmeneit)
Embarazada, est.- Shes pregnant (P: brgnant) - Shes with a baby - Shes waiting
Embolsar.- Lets bag all this money Bag all that fruit, please
Embriagarse.- He got drunk-dead that night Theyre getting drunk there
Embrujada, casa.- Its a hunted place (Pronunciation: jndt blis)
E-mail enviar.- Just e-mail me when being ready I have to e-mail him
Emocionado.- Was he excited after his graduation? (P: egsidet)
Emocionante.- Visiting MAPI is an exciting experience (P: vsedin egsidn)
Emocionarse.- The tourists get excited when sighting MAPI for the first time
Empeado.- Hes wrapped up in unloading music from Internet (P: rabdp)
Empearse en.- He insists on learning Japanese (P: ji enssts anlrnng)
Empeorar.- I dont want to worsen the situation (P: wrsen sediui-shn)
Empezar, iniciar.- You can begin now / You can start now (P: bigun / sdrt)
Empiezo, inicio.- It is only the beginning (Pronunciation: bigunen)
Empleada domstica.- Shes maid in my aunts house (Pronunciation: mid)
Empleado.- I am an employee in that company (P: embloy - kmbani)
Empleado de officina.- Im a white-collar worker / Im a clerck (P: wuitkler)
Empleador, patrn.- Mr. Andersen is my employer (P: msder emblyer)
Emprendedor.- My dad is an enterpriser guy (Pronunciation: enderbrisa)
Empresa econmica.- It is a big company (Pronunciation: kmbani)
Empresa, esfuerzo, proyecto.- I had to takle that enterprise soon (P: nderbrais)
Empresario.- That guy is an important businessman (P: bisnesmen)
Emporio, carnicera.- Is there any butcher-shop around? (P: bchershap)
Empuja para abrirlo / cerrarlo.- push it open / close (P: pshet uben / clus)
Empujar con fuerza.- Push hard, please - Push it hard, please (P: pshet jrd)
Empujar hacia atrs.- Push backward now (Pronunciation: bagwrd)
Empujar hacia delante.- Now, push forward, please (Pronunciation: forwrd)
En adelante.- From here and on - From 1.00PM, and on / and forth
En camino, la ayuda viene.- The help is on its way (P: dajlps anetswy)
En caso de.- Call me up in case of need (Pronunciation: enguis afnd)
En conclusin, en definitiva.- In conclusion, Ill take his service (P: gangl-shn)
En conjunto.- This suit is to be sold as a whole (Pronunciation: asejl)
En contra de mis deseos.- Im asking you this against my wishes (P: agunst)
En cualquier lugar, menos ah.- You can get it anyplace, but there
En cualquier momento.- You can visit Cusco anytime round the year
En cualquier momento a partir de ahora.- Theyll show up anytime now
En cuanto a, con relacin a.- Regarding / As to our project, forget it (P: regrdn)
En este momento.- We have to go there right now (Pronunciation: raitno)
En forma atltica, ponerse.- I want to get in shape
En forma atltica, mantenerse.- I want to keep in shape
En la calle, al costado.- Theres a tailor-shop on that street
En la calle, en plena calle.- Theres a guy lying in the street
En lo ms mnimo.- Hes not interested in traveling in the least (P: endalst)
En mi/tu/su lugar.- Can you go there in my/your/his/her instead? (P: ensdd)
En orden de llegada.- Ill help you first come, first served (P: ferstkm)
En persona.- It was Santa Claus in person (P: seandaglus enbrson)
En pblico.- She sings in front of people / in public (P: enfrnt abbl - pblec)
En qu colegio ests?.- What school do you go?
En qu parte de.......?.- Where in Brazil are you from? Where in Peru do you live?
En qu parte del centro?.- Where downtown? Where on Sol Avenue?


En qu te ocupas?.- What do you do? I am a university student

En qu trabajas?.- What do you do in your country? / What is your job?
En realidad.- Actually, Im Mexican (P: gchueli mgsegan)
En riesgo, en juego estar.- Be at stack (The institution reputation is at stack)
En seguida.- Do your work at once, please (P: aduns)
En serio? .- Really? (Pronunciation: rli)
En su totalidad.- I bought all the building / the building in toto (P: entudo)
En tal caso.- In such case, leave the place right away (P: enschkeis)
En todas direcciones.- They went away right and left (P: rit anlft)
En todo sentido.- Its an adavantage all in all (P: advendech olenl)
En tu, su, nuestro lugar.- What would you do in your/his/her/their instead?
En un instante.- Ill get you the clearance in no time (P: en notim)
En una semana ms.- Its going to be ready in one more week
En vano, sin resultados.- We tried to get in touch with him in vain (P: envin)
En venta.- That house is on sale (Pronunciation: ansil)
En vista de.- The flight was canceled in view of the storm (P: enviuafdasdrm)
En vivo, presentacin.- Theyll give a living-show
Enamorada.- Shes my girlfriend / Shes my sweetheart (P: switjrt)
Enamorado estar.- be in love with (Kevin is in love with Karen Theyre in love)
Enamorados.- Theyre boyfriend and girlfriend (There is no single word)
Enamorarse.- fall in love with (Kevin fell in love with Karen)
Encajar, quedar exacto.- It fits (Pronunciation: etfts) My suit doesnt fit (me)
Encantado, lo har.- Ill do it gladly. Ill do it with pleasure
Encantador / Encantadora.- Shes a charming girl (Pronunciation: chrmn)
Encantar.- I love working on computers / I loved Cusco / He loves apples (P: bls)
Encargado, el.- Whos the one in charge of this office? (Pronun: encherch)
Encargar en especie.- What was your order, Sir? - I ordered a cake in this shop
Encargar en palabras.- leave a message (Just leave her a message)
Encargo en especie.- Did you get my order? - Bring me my order, please
Encargo en palabras.- I left him a message (Pronunciation: msech)
Encendedor de cigarro.- Here you are a smoke-lighter (P: smouglida)
Encender un aparato.- turn on / switch on (Switch the TV on, please) (P: ternn)
Encenderse, comenzar a arder.- That gasoline may catch fire The car caught fire
Encenderse un aparato.- The TV doesnt come on Did the stereo come on?
Enchufar un artefacto.- plug in (P: plagun) (Plug the TV in, please)
Enchufe o tapn / taponar.- Wheres the plug? Lets plug that hole (P: plag)
Enciende la luz, por favor.- Turn the light on, please (P: trn delaidn)
Encindelo, por favor.- Turn it on, please (Pronunciation: trnedan)
Encima.- Sprinkle some salt on top (Pronunciation: sbrngl antp)
Encima de.- Do you see that cross on top of that hill? (Pronun: an tbaf)
Encogerse.- It will shrink as it gets dyhidrated (P: shrnk dejaidridt)
Encontrarte conmigo, quieres?.- Do you want to meet? (P: mit)
Enderezar.- Lets straighten this wire (P: sdriden)
Endulzar, azucarar.- Lets sweeten the cooffee (Pronunciation: suden kfi)
Energa, con / fuerza, con.- Push hard Pull hard Kick hard Think hard
Energicamente.- I strongly protest the army intervention (P: sdrngli endervn-shn)
Enfermar.- You may get sick / fall ill / take ill if eating it (P: guedsk efident)
Enfermar de neumona.- You may come down with pneumonia (P: niumunia)
Enfermedad.- He suffers from a serious sickness / illness / disease (P: diss)
Enfrentar.- Just face your difficulties now (Pronunciation: fis - dfigoldis)
Enfriar comida o persona.- cool down (P: kuldun) (Lets cool this tea down)


Enfriarse.- get cold, or grow cold (The day grew cold badly / got cold badly)
Engaar, hacer el tonto.- Dont let them fool you / cheat you / trick you
Engordar.- I have to fatten my pigs the quicker the better
Engrer, mimar.- Dont spoil your boy My wife is spoiling me (P: sbil)
Enjuiciar, demandar.- Ill sue them for this (P: ailsdem fords)
Enlatada, carne / fruta / gaseosa / sopa.- Canned meat / fruit / soda / soup
Enlatados, alimentos.- Well need lots of canned-food (P: kanned fod)
Enlozado, piso.- tiled floor The tiling looks dirty (P: tiled - tiln)
Enojado, furioso.- be angry at (Shes angry at me) (P: ngri atm)
Enojar disgustar, hacer.- make angry (I dont want to make her angry)
Enojarse.- get angry (She got angry at me Did you get angry at Kevin?)
Enrollar.- Lets wind up this rope (Pronunciation: windp)
Ensuciar.- Dont dirty the street, please - Youre dirtying your jacket (P: drdi)
Ensuciarse.- Dont get dirty The children are getting dirty (P: guet drdi)
Entender.- I understand youre a novice (P: andersdend - novis)
Entend, si.- I understood it / I got it (P: andersddet gdet)
Entendiendo, estoy.- Im taking / understanding hes going to provide the boat
Entendimiento.- They spoke too fast for my undestanding
Entendiste?.- Did you understand? / Have you got it? / got it? (P: gdet?)
Enterarse.- Ive learned / got to know Jim is in Cusco
Entiendo.- I understand the message / I roger it / I get the message
Entrada a un lugar.- Is this the way in? - This is the way into that place
Entrada libre.- The admittance is free (Pronunciation: di admdans)
Entrada para el festival.- Ive got a ticket to the festival (P: fsdeval)
Entrar a un lugar.- get into a place - get in, please May I get in? (P: guedn)
Entrar al trabajo.- I start work at 8.00 AM (Pronunciation: sdartwurk)
Entrar, ingresar.- I entered the university in 1999 He just entered that store
Entre ella y yo.- There was nothing between her and me (P: bidun)
Entre tanto. En tanto.- You can take some pictures in the mean-time
Entregar.- give away (Give this letter away, please)
Entregar un trabajo al superior.- hand in (I have to hand this report in) (P: rebrt)
Entren ah.- Get into that room, please (P: guet entudtrum)
Entren aqu.- Come in, please (Pronunciation: kamn)
Entrenado.- I was trained in the army. I am a trained guy (P: trint)
Entrenador.- Hes my trainer (Pronunciation: trina)
Entrenamiento.- Where can I get good training in English?
Entretenerse.- Lets kill the time seeing the soccer-match (P: kildetim)
Entrevistar, o pasar entrevista.- Ill interview for a job Who will interview her?
Entristecer a alguien.- Dont let me blue Dont let her blue (Pronun: ledbl)
Entristecernos algo.- What grieves me the most is that misfortune (P: grivs)
Entristecerse uno mismo.- I get sad when I remember it
Entrometerse.- Dont interfere with him - Why do you interfere with me? (P: enderfa)
Entusiasta es, pero est deprimido.- Hes enthusiast, but hes depressed now
Envarado.- My lawyer is well connected (Pronunciation: kangdt)
Envasada, agua.- Take some bottled-water with you (Pronunciation: bdlet)
Envase.- In what container does that food come? (Pronunciation: kandina)
Enviar.- Send away (Send this message away, please) (Pronun: sendawy)
Equilibrar.- I have to balance / call out the duty and the pleasure (P: bealns)
Equilibrio.- It upsets the natural equilibrium / balance (P: egilbriom)
Equilibrio, perder el.- You may get off balance and fall down into the water
Equipado.- Were well equiped to carry out that work (P: egbt)


Equipaje.- Get my luggage in You can carry 10 Kilos as luggage (klous lgech)
Equipo de personas.- Lets do it in a team-work (Pronunciation: letsdut timwrk)
Equipo mecnico o electrnico.- Lets ready the equipment (P: di egbment)
Equitacin.- They go horse-back riding sometimes (P: jorsbak ridn)
Equivocarse.- go wrong (I went all wrong) (Pronunciation: aiwnt olrn)
Eres tu, Carlos? Si, soy yo.- Is that you, Carlos? Sure, its me Ah, its you
Errar.- Did you mistake her address? I mistook her address, sorry (P: msdik)
Error, cometer uno.- She is going to make a mistake She made a mistake
Es cuestion de.- Its a matter of some more days (P: ets emedaraf)
Es difcil saberlo.- Its dfficult to say (Pronunciation: ets dfigolt tusi)
Es que.- It is, I have to go back there right now It is, she needs my help
Es tan grande como una catedral.- Its as big as a cathedral (P: asbg asegazdral)
Es todo por hoy.- Its all for now (Pronunciation: ets lfornao)
Escalar montaas.- We went mountain climbing (P: munden climbn)
Escalones de gradera.- Those stairs have ten steps Its a ten-steps stair
Escndalo, gran.- It was a really big stink (Pronunciation: big sdnk)
Escapar, fugarse.- Dont run away (Pronunciation: ranawy)
Escasear algo.- be scarce / be in shortage (The water is scarce. It is in shortage)
Escenificar, actuar.- role play (Ill role play a cop) (P: rolply)
Escoba.- Get me a broom to sweep this dirt away (Pronunciation: brum)
Escoger.- Choose / pick out / pick one to take away with you (P: chus pigut)
Esconder - esconderse.- I had to hide my camera Lets hide (P: jid)
Esconder algo.- Dont ever hold something back / hide something from me
Escondido.- Keep it under cover (Pronunciation: anderkver)
Escriba su nombre completo.- Print your full name, please (P: brint)
Escuchen, todos.- Listen, everybody (Pronunciation: vribadi)
Esforzarse.- Try hard / make an effort to get what you want (P: traijrd fort)
Esfuerzo.- Our effort was in vain I can make an effort to get it (P: envin fort)
Eso es todo, por tanto.- So, this is it (Pronunciation: so, dss-et)
Espacio.- room (There is room for two more students in here)
Espacio, hacer.- Make room for him to sit down, please (P: meikrm)
Espacioso.- The house is roomy That is a roomy classroom (P: rmi)
Esparcir.- Lets spread some butter on top of the bread (P: sbred)
Esparcirse, espaciarse.- Lets spread up Spread up, please (P: lets sbredp)
Especial, almuerzo/cena.- Were going to have a big-lunch / big-dinner
Especialidad.- My specialty is repairing TVs (Pronunciation: sb-shaldi)
Especie de, es una.- Its a kind of hotel (Pronunciation: ets ekaindaodl)
Esperanza, tener.- I hope the help will reach them soon
Esperanza, sin.- We were hopless yesterday (Pronunciation: jubles)
Esperanzado, estar.- I hope theyre going to come back soon
Esperar.- Hang on for a wile / hold on for a wile / wait for a while
Esperar una hora / Esperar mucho.- Did you wait for an hour / for very long?
Espero que s. Ojal que si.- I hope so (Pronunciation: aijoubs)
Espero que te mejores pronto.- I hope you feel better soon
Espolvorear.- Sprinkle some salt on top of the pizza (Pronunciation: sbrngl)
Esposos.- Theyre husband and wife (There is no single word)
Esquina, a la vuelta de la.- There is a store just turning the corner (P: trnn)
Esquina, precisamente en la.- There is a store right on the corner
Esquivar, evitar.- Lets avoid the middleman Lets avoid trouble (P: avid)
Est a viente Km de distancia desde aqu.- Its 20 Km far from here (P: kelmeders)
Est bien si uso tu plumn?.- Is it OK if I use your marker? (P: mrguer)


Est haciendo calor y est lloviendo.- Its hot, and its raining (P: etsjt etsrinn
Est hecho de cuero.- Its made of leather (Pronunciation: ts medaflda)
Est la revista en Ingls?.- Is the magazine in English? (P: mgasen)
Estaban siendo destruidas.- They were being destroyed (P: ben desdryt)
Establecer un acuerdo.- set (Lets set on what to do on Sunday) (P: sndey)
Establecerse en un lugar.- Finally we settled down in this city (P: sedleddun
Estacionamiento.- Lets look for a parking lot (P: parguinlt)
Estacionarse en la calle.- Pull over right there (P: pulva raida)
Estacionarse en area de parqueo.- Let me park the car first
Estado civil.- Whats your marital status? (P: meredal sddos)
Estn portando sus pasaportes?.- Are you carrying your passports?
Estante, repisa, repisn.- The shelf is full (Pronunciation: dashlf esfl)
Estar a la vista.- be in view / be sighted (The city is already in view) (P: envi)
Estar a punto de.- be about to (Shes about to graduate) (P: graduit)
Estar atrasado.- be behind (Im behind in my work) (P: ambejind enmaywrk)
Estar de regreso.- be back (Theyre already back. Thank God) (P: zeangd)
Estar de servicio.- be on duty (P: ddi) (What doctor is on duty tonight?) (P: ddi)
Estar despierto, levantado.- be up (Im up until eleven PM everynight) (P: amp)
Estar despierto, sin dormir.- be awake (I was awake all night) (P: awik)
Estar dispuesto a .- be willing to (Im willing to help Is he willing to work hard?)
Estar en camino.- The help is on its way Im on my way, Sir (P: amn maywy)
Estar en casa.- Is Mr. Lee in? Sorry, he isnt in What time is he in? (P: jisndn)
Estar en ayunas.- be fasting (My folks are fasting) (Pronunciation: fsdn)
Estar en el mercado, en venta.- The latest model is already on the market (mrguet)
Estar en programacin.- Whats on? A show is on (program) (wadsn ashowesn)
Estar en un apuro.- be in a hurry (We were in a hurry / rush in the morning)
Estar escaso de algo.- Im short of money / short of time / short of material (shrda)
Estar ganando una confrontacin.- be up (Bremen is up in the score so far) (sga)
Estar indispuesto con.- be upset at (Shes upset at me) (P: abst)
Estar listo y en espera.- The equipment is in stand-by (P: diegibment sdeandbi)
Estar loco apasionado por.- be crazy about (Hes crazy about her / about pizza)
Estar loco furioso contra.- Shes mad at you (P: shis madaty)
Estar necesitando ayuda.- We were short-handed in the morning
Estar perdiendo una confrontacin.- Bremen is down in the score so far
Estar programado.- be set (A ceremony is set to take place here)
Estar sin algo.- be out of something (Were out of money) (P: bi uda)
Estara bien a las tres en punto?.- Would it be OK at three sharp?
Ests bromeando?.- Are you kidding? (Pronunciation: kdin)
Estimular.- Lets boost them to study harder (Pronunciation: bust)
Estmulo.- It is a good stimuli for the students (Pron: sdmiuli)
Estoy de acuerdo.- I agree on that travel (Pronunciation: agr)
Estoy en desacuerdo.- I disagree on that travel (Pronunciaton: desagr)
Estoy en lo cierto? Tengo razn?.- Am I right? (P: ami rit)
Estrictamente.- The visitors go past this place strictly under control (P: sdrgdli)
Estropear, hechar a perder, malograr.- Dont spoil / screw up our vacation
Estuche pequeo / grande / maleta.- pen-case / case / suit-case (P: kis)
Estudiante avanzado.- senior student (Pronunciation: snior sddent)
Estudiante principiante.- junior student (Pronunciation: dyinior sddent)
Estudiar una carrera.- major (P: midyar) (Hes majoring in Accountancy)
Etiqueta de precio.- Look at its price-tag (Pronunciation: braistg)
Evidente, obvio.- Its obvious that he doesnt have any idea about it (P: vias)


Evidentemente, obviamente.- Obviously, he doesnt know how to cook

Evitar.- prevent from (P: brevnt) (Lets prevent him from making a mistake)
Evitar algo que an no empez.- Lets avoid / prevent a big trouble
Evitar algo que ya ocurre.- Lets help the pullution (P: bol-shn)
Ex.- He is an old president - Her old boyfriend - My old school - Ex president
Ex-alumno.- Hes an old student from this institute - Hes an ex-student
Exagerado, es el.- He speaks a little over the top (Pronunciation: uver detp)
Exagerado, un poco est.- Its a little over the top
Exagerando est.- Hes speaking a little over the top
Examen de ingreso.- She will take the university entering test
Exmen mdico.- I passed a medical examination / a check up (P: mdegal)
Examenes, pruebas hacer sobre alguien o algo.- Lets run a test on the TV
Examinar.- Lets test the radio - The teacher tested us The teacher will test us
Excavaciones.- Thosere digging-works (Pronunciation: dguinwerks)
Excederse haciendo algo.- Weve over done it - I over cooked the meat, sorry
Excederse, pasarse de la raya.- I think we overstepped the mark
Exhibicin de arte.- Art show / Art exhibition (Pronunciation: egsib-shn)
Exhuberante.- That is a thick jungle (Pronunciation: zik)
Exigencia.- What are your demands? (Pronunciation: demends)
Exigir.- Lets demand for a better treatment - I demand for a TV in here (P: demend)
Exigir un pago.- charge (He is charging me How much is he charging you?)
Existir.- be around, exist (I wasnt around in 1900 yet) (P: bierund egsst)
Existir.- There is a monument / There are some monuments to commemorate it
xito.- success (P: sagss) (I finally got success Are you ready for success?)
xito completo, tener.- We had a boom in 2006 (Pronunciation: bum)
Exito en algo, lograr.- And, did they succeed? (Pronunciation: sagsd)
Exitoso.- Hes a successful guy (Pronunciation: sagssfol)
Experiencia ganada.- I have enough expertise to cook well (P: egsberds)
Experiencia vivida.- It was an awful experience (Pronun: egsbriens)
Expiren, boten el aire por favor.- Breathe out, please (Pronunciation: brizut)
Explicacin, encontrar una.- figure out (I cant figure it out I finally figured it out)
Explcalo.- Explain yourself Explain it to me (P: egsblin yorslf)
Expulsar.- expel, kick-out (P: egsbl) (He was expelled / kicked out from the army)
Exterior, por el.- That house is old just by outside (P: baiaudsid)
Exteriores.- Taxi driver is an outdoors job (Pronunciation: auders)
Extra.- Does anyone have an extra blanket? (Pronunciation: gstra)
Extraer.- They take out lots of material from the mines (P: teigut)
Extranjero (Pas), en el.- She traveled abroad My dad is abroad (P: abrud)
Extranjero (Persona).- Hes foreigner - Were foreigners (P: frina) (NO stranger)
Extraar, hechar de menos.- I miss you - I miss my old school (P: mis)
Extraordinario, fuera de lo comn.- Hes an extraordinary guy (P: egsdrrdenari)
Extraordinario, fuera de lo comn.- I saw nothing unusual (P: anisual)
Exuberante, tupido.- The Amazonia is a thick jungle It is the thickest jungle
Fbrica.- Its a brick-factory (Pronunciation: fgdori)
Fabricante.- manufacturer, maker (Pronunciation: maniufgchorer - miga)
Fabuloso.- She is the fabulous Shakira (P: fbiulas shagura)
Facilitar.- Computers make easier all those works
Facturar.- Envoice me for my buying, please (P: envis)
Falda del cerro.- The hill-side The road goes on the hill-side (P: jilsid)
Falla de mquina.- An engine malfunction caused the accident (P: malfn-shn)
Fallando, el carro est.- The car is malfunctioning (P: malfn-shonin)


Fallar, defraudar.- Dont fail me this time Dont worry, I wont fail you
Falsa alarma.- It was just false alarm (Pronunciation: folsalrm)
Falsificado, pirateado.- fake (This CD is a fake - This coin is a fake) (P: fik)
Falta, me hace.- What do I lack, Doctor? - You lack vitamin C
Falta, hace.- What does your office lack? It lacks a TV
Falta limpieza en sta oficina.- This office needs / calls for cleaning
Falta, me.- I am two exercises to finishing my work He is three to .
Falta, quin?.- Whos missing? (P: josmsn)
Faltan dos das para ...- It is two days for / to the festival (P: fsdeval)
Faltar a clase.- Albert failed coming to class today (Pronunciation: filt)
Faltar el respeto- Dont disrespect her She disrespected me (P: desresbgt)
Fantico, hincha.- Im fanatic of the Beatles - Im fanatic of Cienciano (P: fandec)
Fascinado, quedar.- Americans get amazed at MAPI (P: amist)
Fascinante.- Cusco, is amazing (Pronunciation: gsgo - amisn)
Fascinar.- That girl amaze me Cusco amazed me Hes amazed at her (P: amis)
Fastidiar, atormentar.- bug / torment (P: bog - dormnt) He bugs / torments me
Fatigado, est.- Hes breathing hard (Pronunciation: brdenjard)
Fauna y flora.- Were going to see the fauna and flora here (P: fna andflra)
Felictale.- Congratulate him for his graduation (P: kongrdiuleit)
Felicitaciones.- Congratulations for your graduation (P: kongraduli-shns)
Feliz de poder ayudar, estoy.- Glad to be of assistance (P: glad assdans)
Feo, de mal aspecto.- That is an ugly place Hes an ugly guy (P: gli)
Feo, de sabor.- I find broccoli awful to eat (Pronunciation: fol)
Feo, incmodo, que genera sensacin de rechazo.- That job is awful
Feria de artesana.- Lets go to the crafts-fair (Pronunciation: graftsfa)
Ferretera.- Is there a hard-ware store around? (P: jardwa sda)
Festejar.- party (They partied overnight Why are they partying?) (P: pardi)
Festival, festividades, celebraciones.- The City-Anniversary Festival is in June
Festividad religiosa.- religious festival - holiday (P: reldyas - fsdeval)
Festivo da.- It is a partying-day It is a Holiday
Fiesta casual.- We are going to have a casual party (P: k-shual)
Fiesta de gala.- It will be a black-tie party / a gala party (P: blktai / guila)
Fiesta de promocin.- high school graduation-party (P: gradui-shn)
Fijar una fecha.- Lets set the date for the agency-opening ceremony
Fjate por donde andas.- Watch your steps (P: wachyorsdbs)
Fjate por donde conduces.- Watch the road (P: wachdarud)
Filmadora.- Do you have a camcorder? (Pronunciation: kamgrder)
Filoso.- Watch that knife, its sharp-edged (Pronunciation: sharbddyed)
Final, sin.- It was an endless tragedy (Pronunciation: ndles trdyedi)
Finalizar.- We have to end this work now They ended sleeping on the street
Finalmente, por fin.- I got my passport at last (Pronunciation: pasbort)
Fingir.- I had to pretend being uninterested in her (P: brednt)
Firme el contrato, por favor.- Sign up the contract, please (P: sainp)
Flamante, cero Km.- It is a brand-new car (Pronunciation: brandn)
Flete de envo de remesas.- The shipping-cost is cheap
Flojo.- My shoes are loose (Pronunciation: lus)
Fluorescente.- fluorescent (Pronunciation: fluorsent)
Foco de alumbrado.- The light-bulb is out (Pronunciation: laidblb)
Fogata.- Lets set a bonfire in the middle of the campsite (P: bonfya kampsit)
Folleto.- Save me some booklets / handouts, please (P: bglet jandut)
Fondo del bus.- Go to the back of the bus, please (P: debk afdebs)


Fondo del saln.- Hes sitting at the back of the room (P: adebk afdarm)
Fondo hacia abajo.- Do you see the bottom of the abyss? (P: debdom afdibes)
Fondo hacia atrs.- Go to the back of the bus, please
Formar cola.- We had to stand in line for two hours (P: sdand enlin)
Formar, dar forma.- Exercise and sports shape our body Shape it after a circle
Forma de, tiene la.- Be shaped after (Its shaped after an elephant)
Forma de, tiene la.- It is in the shape of a hot-dog Its round shaped
Formalidad, solo.- Its just formality (Pronunciation: formledi)
Formen cola.- Make a line in front of the window, please
Fortaleza corporal.- Hercules strength was impressive (P: sdrnz embrsev)
Fortaleza, fortificacin.- fortress (Pronunciation: frtres)
Forzudo.- Hercules was a very strong-guy (P: jrguiulis sdrng)
Fotografas, tomar.- take pictures / take photos (P: pgchers - fudous)
Fracasado, perdedor.- I dont want to be a loser (Pronun: lser)
Fracasar, defraudar.- Why did he fail fixing the radio? Dont fail me, please
Fracaso.- Our attempt was quite a failure (Pronun: filier)
Frecuencia, con qu?.- How often do you go swimming? (P: jaufden)
Frenar el carro.- I had to slow-down dead (Pronunciation: slu dun)
Frontera.- Its the border / the boundery of Peru on Chile (P: brder / bunderi)
Fuegos artificiales.- Lets go to see the fire-works (P: fyawerks)
Fuente de agua.- There si a water-source in the middle of that plaza (P: wadersrs)
Fuerza.- Show me your strength (Pronunciation: sdrengz)
Fumar.- Dont smoke in this place, please (Pronunciation: smuk)
Funcin, cumplir con una.- work as a (It works as a syphon in this place)
Funcionar un artefacto.- work (P: wurk) (This TV works fine)
Funcionar/hacer funcionar mquina.- Run the engine, please The engine is running
Funcionar una empresa o artefacto.- Some restaurants run in this area
Funcionar bien, estar en condiciones de.- This computer is in working order
Funcionando bien, estar.- Is the computer working fine?
Funcionar, hacer.- I need a chef to run my restaurant - Run the DVD, please
Galleta dulce.- Have a cookie Do you jave cookies for breakfast? (P: kgui)
Galleta salada.- May I have a pack of crackers? (P: epgagraguers)
Gallinero.- The hen-house is nice (P: jenjus)
Ganadera.- They live on cattle-dealing-business (P: kedl dln bsnes)
Ganadero, es.- He is a dealer in cattle (Pronunciation: kedl)
Ganar dinero extraordinario.- Would you like to win the lottery?
Ganar dinero trabajando.- I have to make some money I make two grand a day
Ganar tiempo.- buy time (It will buy us time It buys you time)
Ganar una confrontacin.- Did Bremen win the match? Sure, it won it (P: et wnet)
Ganas de, estar con.- be in the mood to / for (Im in the mood to dance / for a pizza)
Ganas, tener.- I didnt work because I wasnt in the mood to (P: endemdtu)
Gastar dinero.- You may spend this money away Dont spend too much
Gente pobre.- I like to help poor-people (Pronunciation: pabbl)
Gira artstica.- They went on a show-trip to Brazil (Pronunciation: shoutrp)
Girar, hacer girar.- Spin the wheel, please. Its already spinning (P: sbn sbnen)
Girar recibo.- Acknowledge me a receipt for for my buying, please (P: risbt)
Golpear con el puo.- punch (She punched me on the nose) (P: pnch pncht)
Golpear con un intrumento.- A pole hit him A car hit mine (P: het)
Goma, pegar con.- Just glue the photo to the certificate (P: glu)
Gordo.- Do you see that stout guy? (P: sdut) (fat is offensive)
Gracias, muchas gracias a todos.- Thank you, everybody (P: vribadi)


Gracias a ella / Gracias a Jenny.- Thank her / Thank Jenny I got a ticket
Gracias por venir / llamar.- Thanks for coming / Thanks for calling
Grada, escaln.- We have to get on a stair / step (P: sta)
Gradas, bajar.- We have to go down stairs to get there. Go down those stairs
Gradas, subir.- You have to go up stairs to get there. Just go up those stairs
Gradera.- Do you see that stair-case over there? (P: sdekeis)
Graduado, licenciado.- He is a graduat Engineer (P: grduat endyenr. NO graduit)
Grande de apariencia.- It is a big house
Grande de caractersticas.- I have a large family Its a large country (P: fmeli)
Grocera.- Its a dirty word / Its a filthy word (P: drdi flzi)
Guardar, poner a su sitio.- put away (P: pudawy) (Did you put the CD away?)
Guardar, salvar, conservar.- Lets save these files (Pronunciation: siv)
Guardin.- A guard is standing in front of the door (Pronunciation: gard)
Guardiana, hacer.- We have to guard the entrance (Pronunciation: gard)
Guerrero.- Kawide was a famous Inka warrior (Pronunciation: wriar)
Guitarrista / pianista.- guitarist , pianist (P: gudarest panest)
Gustos y disgustos.- Tell me about your likes and dislikes (P: dsliks)
Haber terminado algo.- be done with something (Im done with that work)
Haba.- There was a traffic light on that corner (P: derws - etrafeglit)
Haban.- There were some cops there in the morning
Habilidad.- What are your abilities? / your knowhows? (P: abledis noujus)
Hablar con alguien.- Can you talk to Alice about our business?
Hablar de negocios.- Lets have a business talk (P: bsnes tk)
Hablar groseras.- They were talking dirty (Pronunciation: tguin drdi)
Hablar idiomas.- What languages do you speak? I speak three languages
Hablar tonteras.- Dont talk nonsense (Pronunciation: tok nnsens)
Hablarlo, deliberarlo.- Let me talk it over with my boss first (P: toguetuva)
Hablo en serio.- Im serious I mean it (Pronunciation: amsrias - aimnet)
Habr.- There will be a concert next week
Hubieron.- There were some internet cafes over there
Hubo.- There was a statue on that place (P: sddiu)
Hace cunto tiempo estuviste en New York?.- How long ago were you to NY?
Hacer barra.- cheer up (P: chiarp) (Lets cheer up our team)
Hacer caso a alguien.- Listen to me Listen to your mom Dont listen to him
Hacer compaa.- Let me accompany you - Accompany me (P: agmbani)
Hacer conversacin.- Lets make conversation with them
Hacer cosas complejas, fabricar, elaborar.- I make cakes Make a list of them
Hacer cosas simples, sencillas.- I do the cleaning here I do my work
Hacer / practicar deporte.- Do you play any sports? Sure, I play soccer
Hacer efecto.- The pill will take effect in two minutes (P: tik efgt)
Hacer ejercicio.- I used to exercise/to work out first thing in the morning (P: wergut)
Hacer el ejercicio nmero uno.- Do exercise number one
Hacer finta, ademn.- Just make as if to going there Make as if to reading it
Hacer funcionar una mquina o empresa.- Lets run the DVD - I want to run my hotel
Hacer honores.- Well do the honors to our heros (P: dudejnars tuaurjrous)
Hacer la paz.- Better make peace with your wife (P: meikps)
Hacer lo.- Shell make trouble on me (P: Shil meiktrblanm)
Hacer lo mejor que podemos.- Ill do my best, Sir. (P: aild maibst)
Hacer quedar mal.- Dont embarrass me in front of them (P: emberas)
Hacer renegar, dar disgustos.- Dont worry mom, and go to school (P: wri)
Hacer tocar un CD o cassette.- Can you play the cassette, please?


Hacer tratativas.- We are having some dealings to get a discount (P: dlens)
Hacerse a la idea.- Set your mind to live abroad (P: sdyoumaind tulevabrud)
Hacerse cargo de algo.- Take charge of / take over of the office, please
Hacerse conocer.- First, you have to make yourself known (P: nun)
Hacerse cortar el pelo.- I want to get a hair-cut (P: guet aja kt)
Hacerse el genio / importante .- Dont play genius/important (P: dynias embrdant)
Hacerse peinar.- She wants to get a hair-style (P: guet ajasdil)
Hacerse realidad algo.- My project will come true someday (Pronun: kamtr)
Hacerse tarde.- Get late (Its getting late It got late, pity)
Hacienda.- Thats a huge farmland / hacienda (P: frmland / jasinda)
Hagmos trato, negociemos.- Lets deal (Pronunciation: dl)
Har lo que dices.- Ill do as you say (P: aild asyusy)
Har lo que digas.- Ill do what you say
Har lo mejor que pueda.- Ill do my best (Pronunciation: aild maybst)
Hartarse.- I am fed up of that food I am fed up of that work (P: am fedabf)
Hasta cierto punto, eso es verdad.- Up to a point, thats true (P: pduapint)
Hasta dnde avanzaron?.- How far did you advance in your book?
Hasta donde yo sepa.- As far as I know, they didnt arrive in here yet
Hasta el momento.- Any news so far? No, nothing so far. Sorry
Hasta, en capacidades.- Every guy carries up to fifty kilos (P: ptu ffdiklous)
Hasta, en espacio.- From the coliseum to the stadium (P: golesom - sdidiom)
Hasta, en situaciones extremas.- Even a little boy could do it easily (P: vn)
Hasta, en tiempo.- Just wait till the day after tomorrow (P: til) (until = til)
Hasta la pgina diez, avanzamos.- We advanced as far as page ten
Hay alguien en casa?.- Hello, anybody home? (P: jelu enibadihum)
Hay que ampliar la entrada.- Its necessary to widen the entrance
Hazle caso.- Listen to him, he knows why (P: lsentojm)
Hazme cualquier pregunta que quieras.- Ask me any question you want
Hazme un favor.- Do me a favor, and go there right now (P: dmiafivor)
Hechar agua sobre / dentro de algo.- Pour water on / into something (P: pa)
Hecharse.- Lie down for a while (Pronunciation: laidun)
Hecho, el.- The fact is that we are out of resources.
Hecho realidad.- This bus-station is a dream come true (P: es adrimkamtr)
Herida, hacerse una.- You may get a wound (Pronunciation: wund)
Herido.- Hes hurt badly There were lots of hurt people Are you hurt? (P: jert)
Hermano mayor.- Hes my big brother / elder brother (P:bigbrda elderbrda)
Hermano menor.- Hes my little / younger brother (P: ledl brda yanguerbrda)
Hermtico.- It is water tight The class is closed tight (Pronunciation: tit)
Hervido.- Its boiled water (Pronunciation: bilt wder)
Hervir, hacer.- Lets boil some potatoes / some water (P: bel - bodidous)
Hijos, nios.- children (Pronunciation: chldrn)
Hinchado.- His arm is swollen (Pronunciation: sulen)
Hinchar / hincharse .- His arm will swell (Pronunciation: sul)
Historia como ciencia.- The History of Cusco City (Pronunciation: jsdori)
Historia particular, o informal.- Let me tell you my family story (Pron: fmeli sduri)
Historiador.- Mr. Angles is an outstanding historian (P: audsdandn jesdrian)
Histrico, muy antiguo.- Its the historical district of San Blas (P: jesdregal)
Homenaje, rendir.- Lets pay homage to our heros (P: peyjmech)
Honorable.- Hes a honorable man (Pronunciation: jnarabl)
Honrar.- Lets honor our heros You honor us by your visit (P: jna)
Hora de almorzar.- Its lunch-time (Pronunciation: lonchtim)


Hora de comer.- Its meal-time (Pronunciation: mil-tim)

Hora del t.- It is tea-time (Pronunciation: titim)
Hora exacta.- Ill wait for you at 8.00 AM sharp-time
Horas punta.- What are the traffic peak-hours / rush hours? (P: piguers)
Hotel, registrarse en el.- First, lets check in a hotel. We checked in Astor Hotel
Hotel, marcharse del.- Did the tourists check out of the hotel? (P: chegut)
Hotelera.- Hotel-business is good money in Cusco (Pronun: odlbisnes)
Huaquero.- Hes a fortune-hunter Hes a buried-treasures hunter (P: jnda)
Huayco, avalancha.- There was a big avalanche (Pronunciation: valansh)
Hubiera, habra.- Ida (I would have) come early (P: ida) Heda called you
Hubieron varios.- There were some stores on that street.
Hubo uno.- There was a nice church in this place.
Huelga, estn en.- be on strike (They are on strike) (Pronunciation: ansdrik)
Huelga, ir a la.- Theyre threatening to go on strike (P: gou ansdrik)
Husped en hotel.- guest (Did the guests vacate the rooms?) (P: guest veguit)
Humedecer.- First, wet the rag Something is wetting the wall (P: wet)
Hmedo, est.- Its humid (Pronunciation: jimed)
Humor, estar de buen / mal.- My boss is in a good / in a bad mood (P: md)
Hundirse.- If you put it in water, it will sink (Pronunciation: pdetenwder sink)
Ida solamente.- Ill buy a one-way ticket (Pronunciation: unwey)
Ida y vuelta.- Better, buy a round-way ticket (Pronunciation: rundwey)
Igualados, empatados estar.- be even on the score (Theyre even on the score)
Igualarse, nivelarse en algn avance.- I have to get even with my work
Igualar, empatar en algn resultado con alguien.- We got even after the match
Iluminado.- It is a bright room (Pronunciation: brit)
Iluminar.- We have to light up the room (Pronunciation: laidp darm)
Imagnense.- I had to wait for four hours. Just imagine (P: dyst emdyen)
Imitacin.- This product is a mimicry of the original (Pronunciation: mmigri)
Imitar.- mimic (P: mmic) (I cant mimic that sound Just mimic what they do)
Impedir algo.- Lets prevent them from eating it (Pronunciation: brevnt ident)
Imponer.- I had to impose a solution to the conflict (P: embus knflegt)
Importar.- My study is the only thing that matters (Pronunciation: meders)
Imposible.- impossible / no way (Pronunciation: empsebl nowy)
Imprenta.- Is there any print-shop around? (P: brindshp)
Imprescindible/indispensable.- A VISA is most important to go there (P: embrdant)
Impresionar.- Peru and Cusco impress the tourists (P: embrs datrests)
Impresionarse.- Tourists get impressed on Machu Picchu (P: guet embrsdt)
Impresion, me.- She made an impression on me (P: embr-shn)
Imprimir.- Let me print the document Do you want me to print it? (P: brint)
Improvisar.- We improvised / threw together a ceremony (P: embrovist)
Inapelable.- That resolution is final My decision is final (P: final)
Inaugurar.- A hotel was open downtown (P: aodl wasubn dantun)
Inauguracin.- Lets go to see the opening ceremony (P: upenin sremoni)
Incluirse.- May I step in your activity? Let her step in our project (P: sdbin)
Inclusive.- We open the store everyday, including Sundays (P: englden)
Incluyendo.- They are ten people, including children (P: englden)
Incomodar.- I didnt mean to annoy / bother / trouble you. (P: any - bder)
Incomodidad.- Im sorry for this discomfort youre suffering from (P: dsgamfrt)
Increible.- Once, I saw something incredible (Pronunciation: engrdebl)
Incrementar, aumentar.- It increases our chances (Pronunciation: engrs chenses)
Incumplir con la palabra / promesa.- Did he break his word / promise? (P: brmes)


Indeciso, dudoso.- Shes doubtful if to travel (Pronunciation: dudfol)

Independizarse.- go on once own (I want to go on my own) (P: anmayun)
Indisponer, afectar.- Something upset my stomach (Pronunciation: abst sdmak)
Indispuesto, molesto, fastidiado.- Are you upset at me? (P: abst)
Inesperadamente, de improviso.- He came in unexpectedly (P: anegsbgdedli)
Infeccin.- You may get an infection if getting a wound (P: enfg-shn wund)
Infeliz, ser.- be / feel miserable (P: mserabl) (I felt miserable in that job)
Infiel a la pareja, ser.- Hes cheating his wife Her husband cheats her (P: chidn)
Infiltrado.- I think we have an inside-man (Pronunciation: ensaidmen)
Inflador.- Get me an air-pump, please (Pronunciation: eapmp)
Inflamable.- It is a flammable liquid. It may catch fire easily (P: flmabl seli)
Inflar.- We have to inflate all those globes (P: enflit glubs)
Influencia.- Watch the friends influence (Pronunciation: nfluens)
Influir.- It will affect / influence her decision (Pronunciation: nfluens)
Ingenirselas.- You have to find a way / use your head to get your customers
Ingniatelas.- Just use your heard (Pronunciation: is yorjd)
Ingresar a la universidad.- be admitted into the U enter the University
Ingreso, examen de.- University entering test (P: iunevrsedi nderin test)
Injusto / injustamente .- Its unfair (P: anfar) - I was fired unfairly
Inmaculada Concepcin.- Immaculate Conception (P: emgiuleit - kansb-shn)
Inmediatamente, en ste instante.- Bring me Carlos right now (P: raidno)
Inmediatamente sea posible.- Bring me Carlos right away (P: raidawy)
Inmvil.- Keep still Dont move an inch/a muscle (P: sdil - muvannch emsgl)
Innegable.- It is an undeniable realitiy (P: andenyabl riledi)
Innegablemente.- Theyre going to be undeniably responsible for this (undenyabli)
Innundado. The river flooded the lands - The lands are flooded (P: fldt)
Innundar.- The river may flood those lands (Pronunciation: flod)
Inolvidable.- It was an unforgetable experience (P: anforgudabl - egsbriens)
Inservible, intil.- This stove is useless Hes a useless guy (P: sduv - isles)
Insistir.- I have to insist on getting that - I have to insist to her (P: ensst)
Insoportable.- The heat is unbearable in the summer (P: dajts anbrabl)
Inspeccionar.- Im going to check up the equipment (P: chegp di egbment)
Instalar.- Lets set the camp-site here (P: kambsit) Set the light right there
Instalarse en un lugar.- You can move into / settle into your tents (P:muv ntu)
Integrantes.- Are all the group-members present? (P: mmbars)
Intemperie, dormir a la.- We slept in the open air that night
Intencionalmente.- I dont think he did it on purpose of bothering us (anbrbas)
Intntalo de nuevo.- Try it again (Pronunciation: tryet agun)
Intercambiar.- Lets interchange our cards (Pronunciation: enerchnch)
Interdiario.- I go to the club every other day (Pronunciation: vry derdey)
Interesado, ser / estar.- be interested in (Im interested in working in the USA)
Interferir.- I dont want to get across you = I dont want to interfere with you
Interior, por el.- It is white by inside Is anyone inside? (P: bai ensid)
Interiores.- Teacher is an indoors job Shes an indoors girl (P: enders)
Internar en hospital.- We have to get him into a hospital (P: jsbedal)
Internarse en la selva.- Were going to get into the very jungle
Internet, anunciar en el.- Do you want to post that adverticement on Internet?
Internet, bajar del.- Lets download that program from Internet (P: daunlud)
Internet, colgar en el.- Im going to upload this video on Internet (P: ap-lud)
Internet, entrar en el.- Lets get on-line
Internet, navegar en.- I am going to surf Internet (P: serf enernt)


Internet, salir del.- Do you want to quit Internet?

Interrumpir a una persona.- I dont want to interfere with him (P: enerfa wez)
Interrumpir un evento.- stop an event (Pronunciation: sdap an ivnt)
Interruptor y tomacorriente de energa.- switch and outlet (P: swich - audlt)
Intratable, hombre.- Hes an impossible man (P: empsebl men)
Introducirse, incluirse en una actividad.- Lets me step in your project (P: sdp)
Inventarse, imaginarse algo.- Did you make up that story? (P: meigp)
Investigar culturalmente.- I devoted ten years to research its history (P: rserch)
Investigar la polica.- Theyll investigate into the accident (P: envsdegueit)
Invitacin, tajeta de.- Show me your invitation-card, please (P: envedi-shn)
Invitado en casa.- Be my guest tonight (Pronunciation: guest)
Invtala a salir / a un restaurant.- Ask her out - Ask her to a restaurant
Invtale a entrar.- Ask him in (Pronunciation: sgjimin)
Invitar a pasar a casa.- Arent you going to ask me in? (P: sgmin)
Invitar a un lugar.- Invite / ask her to a disco. Or, just ask her out (P: envit)
Invitar alguien a casa.- ask over (Ask your boss over)
Inyection, hacerse poner.- I had to get an injection / get a shot (endyg-shn)
Inyection, poner una.- give a shot (Did the Doctor give him a shot?)
Ir a la par con alguien.- I couldnt keep up with those hikers (P: kibp)
Ir por algo.- Carlos, fetch my camera please - Fetch Dina right now (P: fech)
Ir / venir.- She couldnt make it, Sorry Will you be able to make it in time?
Irresponsable.- He is an irresponsible guy (P: eresbnsebl)
Irrumpir.- I had to break into their conversation (P: brik ntu kanversi-shn)
Irse a dormir.- What time do you go to bed? - I go to bed at 11.00PM
Irse al trabajo.- I leave for work at seven sharp (Pronunciation: liv forwrk)
Irse de farra.- We usually go drinking on holidays - He went drinking with
Irse de un hotel, despus de pagar.- Did the guest check out yet? (P: chegut)
Jabn / jaboncillo.- soap / toilet soap (Pronunciation: sop / tiledsop)
Jala para cerrarlo / abrirlo.- pull it close / pull it open (P: plet clus / uben)
Jalar con fuerza.- pull hard (pull it hard) (Pronunciation: plet jrd)
Jalar hacia dentro.- Pull inward, please (Pronunciation: nwerd)
Jalar hacia fuera.- Pull outward now (Pronunciation: udwerd)
Jarabe.- May I have some syrup for a bad cough? (Pronunciation: srop)
Jardn de nios.- My mom put me through kindergarten (P: kinderguerdn)
Jardinero, nio.- kindergarten boy / kindergarten girl
Jornada laboral.- I do an eight-hours lasting work-day - My work-day is heavy
Jubilacin, pensin de.- He lives on a retirement-pension (P: ridirment)
Jubilarse, retirarse.- I want to retire at an early age (P: ridya)
Jbilo.- Cienciano team was received with jubilation (P: dyubeli-shn)
Juego.- The game is over Do you play games on the computer? (P: guim)
Jugar limpio.- He doesnt play fair, he plays dirty (P: blei fa - drdi)
Jugoso.- Orange is a juicy fruit (Pronunciation: dyisi)
Juguetn.- Theyre playful kids (Pronunciation: blyfol)
Junto a.- The switch is next to / The switch is by the window (P: ngstu - bay)
Jurado calificador.- The judges panel Ill judge the beauty contest (P: dydch)
Jurado calificador, ser.- Im going to judge the contest Im going to be a judge
Jurar.- I swear on my life, that Im innocent (P: suaranmaylif dadm nosent)
Justo acabando de hacer algo.- I just saw her going across the street (P: dyst)
Justo, preciso en un lugar.- My office is right across from Astor Hotel (P: odl)
Kiosko.- Is there a stand around? (Pronunciation: sdend)
La dama de rojo.- The lady in read is my teacher (P: dalidi enrd)


La lnea telefnica se fue.- The line went dead (P: delin wendd)
La lnea telefnica volvi.- The line is back (Pronunciation: delinsbak)
La pena, la lstima es.- The pity is that I have to leave you right now (P: pdi)
Ladrn de supermarket.- Hes a shop-lifter (Pronunciation: shap-lfder)
Ladrn en general.- I suspect who the thief is (Pronun: zif)
Ladrn escapero.- A crook took my camera away (Pronun: cruk tugawy)
Lambe, sobn.- Hes just a yes-man (Pronunciation: yesmen)
Lamentar.- I regret studying Accountancy. It wasnt my vocation.
Lana.- Those sweaters are made of wool (P: dusswdars armd afwol)
Lancha.- We travelled by motor-boat (P: wi trvelt baymudor-but)
Largarse, lrgate, mrchate.- Beat it / leave us, please (Pronunciation: bdet)
Lstima qu lstima.- Its a pity What a pity (P: edsapdi udapidi)
Lastimado, herido; ests?.- Are you hurt? (Pronunciation: Aryujert?)
Lastimar.- hurt (Hes hurting her My shoes are hurting) (P: jrt jrdn)
Lastimarse.- You may get hurt / get injured if trying it
Lastimaron, le.- He was hurt (P: jrt) He was injured (P: ndyaret)
Lastim, se.- He got hurt / He got injured (Pronunciation: gat ndyaret)
Lata en plancha, lmina, calamina.- Its a tin door - See those tin roofs? (P: tin)
Latas de enlatado.- See those cans? Lets throw away these cans (P: kans)
Lavandera.- Is there any laundromat around? (Pronunciation: lndromat)
Lavaplatos.- I work as a dish-washer (Pronunciation: dishwsher)
Lavarse.- wash up (Pronunciation: washp) (I want to wash up)
Lavatorio de bao.- Lets clean the wash-basin (Pronunciation: washbisn)
Lavatorio de cocina.- Is there a sink in the kitchen? (Pronunciation: sink)
Le llaman por phono, Seor.- Sir, youre wanted on the phone (P: yur wndt)
Leal, limpio.- He is a fair guy Lets keep the fair-play (P: fa)
Leccin, dar una.- teach a lesson (Ill teach him a lesson)
Lecho, orilla del ro.- The river left its bank (Pronunciation: bank)
Lechn con tamal.- roasted-pork and tamale (P: rusdt pork - tmal)
Lejos de.- Is the main square far from here? (Pronunciation: frfrom)
Lejos, muy.- It is a far away town (Pronunciation: ets efarawy tun)
Lema.- My motto is: help the others no matter what (P: mdou)
Lea.- Lets get some fire-wood - Lets light this fire-wood (P: fya wd)
Letrero.- See that publicity sign that reads bookstore? (P: bablsedi sin)
Levantado, sin dormir estar.- be up (Is he still up? How late were you up?)
Levantar con fuerza.- lift hard (P: lift) (Lift it hard) (Pronunciation: lfdetjard)
Levantar con gata.- We need a jack to jack up the car (Pronunciation: dyk)
Levanten la mano (para asaltar).- Hands up, please (P: jansp)
Levanten la mano (para votar).- Show your hands if you agree
Libera al perro, suelta sus amarras.- cut the dog lose - free de dog
Librar de algo.- rid of (P: rid af) (I want to rid you of a big problem)
Librarse de algo.- When did you get rid of your old car?
Licencia, permiso estable.- This is my tour-guide permit / license (P: bermt)
Licencia, permiso para un solo acto.- Show me your clearance get into here
Licenciado, graduado.- He is a graduate Tour Guide (P: grduat NO graduit)
Lder, conductor de masas.- We need a leader to lead us (Pronunciation: lda)
Liderar, conducir grupos humanos.- Who will lead us? (Pronunciation: lid)
Limpiar algo completamente.- clean up (P: clinp) Clean the yard up, please?
Limpiar con trapo mojado.- Wipe the table, please (Pronunciation: uip)
Limpiarse la nariz.- I want to blow my nose (Pronunciation: blumaynus)
Linea telefnica anulada.- The line is dead (Pronunciation: delainsdd)


Linea telefnica ocupada.- The line is busy (Pronunciation: delainsbsi)

Lnea telefnica, volvi la.- The line is back now
Linterna.- Did you bring a flash-light? (Pronunciation: flashlit)
Lo, problema grande.- Trouble is coming Were in trouble (P: trbl)
Lista de espera.- I have some customers in the waiting list (P: widnlest)
Listo, est todo.- All is set All is ready All is set and ready (P: lsset rdi)
Llaman por telfono, le.- Sir, youre wanted on the phone
Llamar la atencin.- Drunk guys walking on the street catch our eye
Llamar por telfono.- call up (Ill call you up Ill give you a buzz) (P: bus)
Llam mi atencin.- A corps lying on the ground caught my eye (P: kot)
Llanta baja.- flat tire (P: flat tya) (I got a flat tire on the road The tire is flat)
Llave, hechar.- First, I have to lock this money (P: ayjv tulk desmney)
Llave, quitar de un cerrojo.- First, unlock the door to then open it (P: anlk)
Llegar a casa.- I get home at six sharp in the evening (P: iguetjoum)
Llegar a la esquina.- Turn right when reaching the corner (P: rchen dakrna)
Llegar a ser.- Our students become experts in a short time (P: bikm gsbert)
Llegar a un acuerdo.- We have to get into an agreement / to come to terms
Llegar a un lugar (Ir y llegar).- How do I get to the Main Square?
Llegar al final de un viaje (solo llegar).- They arrived in Cusco (P: arivd en)
Llegar ayuda.- reach help (P: rich) (The help will reach them soon)
Llegar tarde.- be late (Dont be late at the bus-station, please) (P: lit)
Llegarnos algo.- When will the help reach them? (Pronunciation: rich)
Llegarnos mercadera.- reach us stuff (That stuff reached us faulty) (P: sdf)
Llenar.- Fill up the tank, please (Pronunciation: filp detnk)
Llenar casilleros en formulario.- You have to fill in this box with your name
Llenar el vaso de alguien.- Pour me more wine, please (Pronunciation: pa)
Llenar un formulario.- Fill out this form, please (Pronunciation: filut)
Llenar un recipiente.- fill up (P: filp) (Please, fill the tank up = fill up the tank)
Lleno.- The shelf is full - The bus was full (Pronunciation: fol)
Lleno de gente.- be packet with people (That place is packed with people)
Lleno de gente.- That place is crowded by this time (Pronunciation: krudt)
Llvanos en tu carro.- Give us a ride, please (Pronunciation: guvas erid)
Llevar a alguien a un lugar.- Take mom to her room, please
Llevar a alguien en carro.- Give Mary a ride (P: guiv mri erid)
Llevar a alguien en la espalda, o cargarle.- Carry the baby (P: keridabibi))
Llevar a la extincin.- The settlers may drive some animal-species to extintion
Llevar el nombre de alguien.- That street is named after a hero (P: jrou)
Llevar en bus.- Lets bus the tourists to the station (P: bas - tudasdi-shn)
Llevar en taxi.- Lets taxi Kevin home Taxi the tourists to the station (P: dgsi)
Llevar la contabilidad o la cuenta.- I have to keep the books on this business
Llevar por llevar, sin destino especfico. Portar.- Are you carrying you ID?
LLevarse a cabo.- The opening-ceremony will take place on Saturday
Llevarse algo consigo.- take something with someone (Take a pen with you)
Llev, el ro se lo.- The river washed away the bridge (P: washdawy)
Llueve fuerte.- It rains badly in the jungle (Pronunciation: dreins bdli)
Lluvioso, nevoso, nublado, soleado; da.- Its a rainy / snowy / cloudy / sunny day
Lo ms, ms caliente.- This oven gets up to 600C, the hottest (P: dejdest)
Lo ms fro.- The temperature goes down to -10C, the coldest (P: dekldest)
Lo ms pronto.- We can get it done by the end of the month the soonest
Lo mximo, lo ms ms.- This computer is the most (P: damust)
Lo que sea / el que sea.- Whatever his name is (Pronunciation: uadva)


Lo que sea que.- Whatever you do, do it well

Local comercial, empresarial.- place (P: bleis) Do you own this place?
Localizado, ubicado.- That place is located up that mountain
Localizar, ubicar.- I have to locate them right now Can you locate that place?
Loco agresivo.- Be careful, hes a mad-man (Pronunciation: medmean)
Loco amigable.- Dont care, he is just a crazy-man (P: krisimean)
Loco apacionado por.- Hes crazy about Mary - Im crazy about pizza
Locomotora.- The locomotive is malfunctioning (P: logamudev)
Locura, es una.- Its insane = Its loco (Pronunciation: ensin - lgou)
Lograr / llamar la atencin.- She likes to get the others attention (P: adn-shn)
Lograr algo.- We wont gain anything by going there (P: guin azn)
Los dems.- Help the others - Lets call the others (Pronunciation: di ders)
Lote de terreno.- I bought a lot in the suburbs (Pron: alt endesberbs)
Luchar por algo.- I had to fight for that job You have to fight to get what you want
Lucir, verse.- You look great in that dress - He looks like a bear
Lucirse, alardear.- He really showed off when speaking in front of people
Lucrativo, rentable.- That busines is really lucrative (P: lugrdev)
Lujo.- I think I can allow my daughter some luxury (P: lg-shori)
Lujoso, muy.- It is a highly-luxurious bus (Hi-Lux) (P: jigli logshrias jailx)
Luna de miel.- Theyre on honeymoon in Miami (P: jnimun)
Luna, noche de.- It was a moonlit night (Pronunciation: mnletnait)
Luna, noche sin.- It was a moonless night (Pronunciation: mnlesnait)
Lustrar el piso.- I have to polish the floor The floor is polished (P: plesh)
Lustrar los zapatos.- I have to shine my shoes (Pronunciation: shin)
Macetero.- Ive got flower-pots all over my house (P: fluer pats)
Madrugada.- We have to set off at the small hours of the morning
Maestra, lograr.- I have to get expertise on fixing locks (P: egsberds)
Mala pasada, hacer una.- He played a dirty trick on me (P: drditrik)
Malcriado, maleducado.- They are spoiled boys (Pronunciation: sbilt)
Malcriar, mimar, consentir demasiado.- Dont spoil your child (P: sbil)
Maleta.- Put your case / suit-case in here (P: kis sutguis)
Malogrado.- The TV is broken / The TV is out of order (P:bruguen)
Malograr, estropear.- It may spoil my plans - The rain spoiled the wall (P: sbil)
Malograr planes.- How did he screw up the party? (P: sgrap)
Malograr un aparato.- Lest I am going to break the TV
Malograrse un plan o actividad.- My vacation may get spoiled
Malograrse un aparato.- The TV may get broken (P: bruguen)
Maltratar a alguien.- Dont mistreat the guests, please (P: mstrt)
Maltratar algo.- Dont missuse the TV (Pronunciation: ms-is)
Malvado.- evil (Pronun: vl) (Hitler was evil Freddy Krueger is evil) (P: jdler)
Mandar hacer algo.- I have to have a cake made Have Liz make the cake
Manejar, manipular.- Cashiers handle the money in companies (P: jendl)
Manejo, manipuleo.- Im in charge of the money handling there
Manera, modo.- Let me do it my way It changed the way computers work
Manifestaciones, protestas.- There were protestations all over the city
Manifestantes.- I saw lots of protesters on Sol Ave (P: brodsders)
Manipular.- Cashiers are the ones that handle the money (P: jendl)
Manos a la obra.- Lets get to work (P: lets gutuwerk) Lets get busy
Mantencin de familia.- I have to send child-support (P: chaildsubrt)
Mantener a la familia.- I have to support my family (P: subrt mayfemeli)
Mantener el mismo paso, ir a la par.- I couldnt keep up with him on the way


Mantenerse, permanecer haciendo algo.- Keep out - keep in - keep working

Mantengan la calma.- Take it easy, please (P: tiguedisi). Easy, easy, please
Mantenganse firmes (soldados).- Keep steady, please. Steady (P: sddi)
Mantenimiento, trabajos de.- Theyre doing maintennace works on the street
Maravilla del mundo.- Sacsayhuaman is a marvel in the world (P: mrvl)
Maravilloso.- Cusco is wonderful / marvelous (P: wnderfol mrvelas)
Marca de fbrica.- What brand is your radio? - Its an imported brand (P: brand)
Marcharse.- Dont let them go away (P: gouawy) - Dont let them leave (P: liv)
Marcharse de un lugar.- Please, leave right now I want to leave I left early
Mareado, con nuseas.- Shes a little sick - Let me get you some sikness pills
Ms adelante en el camino.- Well find a lodging place farther on (P: frderan)
Ms adelante en tiempo.- Well take a rest later - See you later (P: lida)
Ms all de las capacidades.- It goes beyond my capacity (beynd keabsedi)
Mas all del alcance.- That town is located beyond the road
Ms barato, es.- Traveling by bus is cheapper (Pronunciation: chper)
Ms bien.- Rather go by taxi = Go by taxi instead (P: reda ensdd)
Ms lejos.- That archeological-site is a little farther (Pronunciation: frda)
Ms o menos.- Its about the same - Its the same more or less
Ms o menos unos ......- I waited for about three hours I need about ten grand
Ms y ms.- More and more students trust PRINCETON INSTITUTE
Ms y ms alto.- Keep growing up and up (Pronunciation: banap)
Masaje dar.- Let me give you a massage - Its a massage-house (P: massh)
Masterar, dominar una materia.- I finally mastered English (P: msderet)
Matar, asesinar.- Some people were killed on that road (P: klt)
Mate de hierbas.- green-tea, coca-tea, camomile-tea (P: grint, gougat, gamomailt)
Mate de manzanilla, anis, coca.- Camomile/aniseed/coca tea (P: anesd guga)
Matricular, poner a alguien en una institucin educativa.- Put me through an institute
Matricularse en un curso.- Ill register for that course (P: rdyesder)
Matrimonio, ceremonia de.- I went to a wedding ceremony last night
Matrimonio, el contrayente.- The groom is that hansome guy (P: grum)
Matrimonio, la contrayente.- The bride is that beautiful girl (P: brid)
Maylica, pared de.- tiled wall (Lets wash the tiling) (P: tilin)
Mayor de diez aos.- This program is fit for children ten age and up
Mayor de todos, el.- Hes the eldest / the oldest brother in his family
Mayor, hermano.- Hes my big / elder / older brother (P: bigbrda)
Mayormente, generalmente.- The tourists mostly visit Cusco (P: msdli)
Me agrada.- He is for my liking That house is for my liking (P: tumailaguin)
Me alegro de saberlo.- glad to know that (Pronunciation: gladtunoudt)
Me dieron una papeleta de trnsito.- I got a parking ticket (P: prguin tguet)
Me faltan tres para terminar.- Im three from finishing my work (P: fneshin)
Me hice una herida / rasmilln.- I got a wound / I got a scratch on the hand
Me importa un pito, eso.- I dont care a bit about it (P: ka abt)
Me lastimaron, algo me lastim, me hiri.- Im hurt I was hurt badly (P: jert)
Me lastim / me quem la mano.- I got hurt (P: jert) / I got a burn on the hand
Me multaron por eso.- I was fined for that (Pronunciation: fint)
Me parece (antes de experimentarlo).- It seems difficult to me (P: sims)
Me parece (despus de experimentarlo).- I find it easy to do (P: aifinet)
Me pareci, haberles visto.- It seemed to me seeing them
Me quita tiempo, eso.- It takes too much time from my schedule
Mecnica automotriz, taller de.- He works in a repair-garage (P: repa guearsh)
Media vuelta, dar la.- He just turned around and went away (P: trnderaund)


Mediano de estatura.- Hes medium height (Pronunciation: mdiom jit)

Medicin.- The measure shows that we were right all the time (P: m-sha)
Medidas.- The measures show that it is a high mountain
Medido, calculado.- Everything is measured / estimated here
Medio, al.- I see a madam in the middle of the room (P: indemdl)
Medio ambiente geogrfico.- Watch the environment pollution (environment)
Medio camino.- Theres a lodging place in midway (P: lchin - enmidwy)
Medio social, cultural.- I work in a friendly midst (Pronunciation: medst)
Medio tiempo, trabajo de.- I have a part-time job in a restaurant
Medios de comunicacin.- communication-means (P: kamiunegui-shn mins)
Medios de transporte.- transportation-means (P: drnsbordi-shn mins)
Medir.- I have to measure all the room Did you measure the field? (P: msha)
Mejorar.- I have to improve my writing (Pronunciation: embrb)
Menor de diez aos.- This program is fit for children under ten age
Menor de edad, menor de 18 aos.- I have a juvenile son (P: dyvenail)
Menor de todos, el.- Shes the youngest sister in her family (P: ynguest fmli)
Menor, hermano.- He is my little brother / younger brother (P: ldl ynguer)
Menos (plural).- We have left fewer chairs than yesterday (P: fuer)
Menos (singular).- We have left less fuel than yesterday (Pronunciation: les)
Menos / excepto algo.- Everywhere but here Any when but now Anyone but me
Mente.- What do you have in mind? Bear it in mind (P: mind)
Mentir.- Dont lie to me He is lying to you (Pronunciation: li lin)
Mentiroso.- Dont be liar Hes a liar guy (Pronunciation: lya)
Mercadera llegarnos.- That stuff will reach us soon (Pronunciation: sdf)
Mercado de cosas usadas.- Its a kind of flea-market (Pronun: fli mrguet)
Mercado negro.- I can get it in the black market for cheapper (P:blagmrguet)
Merecer.- They deserve a reward for this work (P: desrv - rewrd)
Mes, a finales de.- I get paid at the end of the month
Mes, a mediados de.- Ill visit you in the middle of the month
Mes, a principios de.- Ill go there at the beginning of the month
Mesa, colocar, poner, despejar, limpiar con trapo.- Place, set, clear, wipe the table
Meterse a tratar con alguien.- Dont deal with those guys (P: dndil wez)
Meterse en los.- Dont get into trouble (Pronunciation: guet entutrbl)
Metros sobre el nivel del mar.- Ten meters above sea level high (m.a.s.l.)
Mezclado.- It comes mixed up in other things (P: mgsdap en)
Mezclar.- Lets mix up these greens to make a salad (P: migsp - selad)
Mi gente.- Let me call my folks - Lets call our folks Theyre my folks
Miedo.- Fear is not a good option The fear doesnt let you get it (P: fa)
Miedo, le tengo.- I fear him He frightens me Do you fear it? (P: fa friden)
Miedo, tener.- I fear travelling Do you fear travelling? Dont fear him
Miedoso.- Dont be fearful (Pronunciation: fafol)
Mientras tanto, en tanto.- He went away meanwhile I was sleeping (P: min-uil)
Milagro.- Its a miracle. He healed miraculously (P: mragl mirguiulasli)
Miles de dlares.- It will cost you ten grand (Pronunciation: grand)
Minera.- They work on mining business (Pronunciation: mynin)
Mirador.- There is a view-point up there (Pronun: viupint
Mirar.- Look at those buildings (Pronunciation: lugt dousbldns)
Miren por aqu / Miren por all.- Look over here / Look over there
Mision cumplida.- Mission accomplished, my friend (P: m-shn - agmble-sht)
Mitad a mitad.- Lets pay for it half and a half / fifty-fifty (P: jalf anejlf)
Mochila.- How much is that back-pack? (Pronunciation: bagpk)


Moderno.- They are modern / up to date techniques (P: bdudeit degnks)

Modo, manera.- Let me do it my way Thats the way TVs work (P: wy)
Mojado.- be wet (Be careful, the floor is wet) (P: wet)
Mojar la cuerda.- We have to wet the line (Pronunciation: wet)
Mojarse.- get wet (I got wet in the rain The rain wet me badly (P: wet)
Moler hasta hacer polvo.- I have to grind it to dust (P: grindet tudst)
Molestar.- Dont bother me, please (Pronunciation: bder)
Molestes, no te.- Dont bother going there in person, send someone instead
Molestoso.- Hes a noisy boy Dont be noisy, please (Pronunciation: nisi)
Momento, ha llegado el.- The time has come to pay our bills
Momia.- mummy (P: mmi) (They placed the mummies in those niches)
Montaosa, regin.- Its a mountainous region (P: mundenas rdyon)
Morder.- An insect may bite you - I dog bite me badly yesterday (P: bait)
Morir.- You may die / pass away if drinking it (P: dy) Some people died
Morir de hambre.- starve (P: sdrv) (Im starving We starved badly there)
Morir de sed.- die for a drink (Im dying for a drink) (P: dy / din)
Mortal, que puede matar.- Thats a deadly substance / poison (P: ddli)
Mortal, que puede morir.- Humans are mortal beings (P: mrdal)
Mostrador.- show-case (Lets see the show-cases) (P: shouguis)
Mostrarse, hacerse presente.- Did he show up at the party? (P: shoup)
Motoso.- Lets sharpen the knife its dull The knife is dull (P: denifsdol)
Mover.- We have to move it away no matter what (Pronunciation: muv)
Moverse.- Dont move, please Go over there, move (Pronunciation: muv)
Movilizarse.- I had to get around right away (P: guederund)
Movilizarse al trabajo en bus o tren urbano.- I commute to work everyday
Mucho mejor - Muchsimo mejor.- Much better (P: machbda) - Far better
Mudarse a.- When did he move into a new apartment? (P: muv abrtment)
Mudarse de.- When did they move out of their old house? (P: muvut)
Mudarse, irse.- When did they move away?
Mueble, un.- Do you see that piece of funiture? (P: pis afrneche)
Muecas, hacer.- My teacher is expert making faces at the students
Muerte, la.- Its sad when death calls She got scared to death (P: dz)
Muerto, estar.- That guy is dead - There were hurt and dead people in that accident
Mujeriego.- He is a ladys man Hes a womanizer guy (P: wumanisa)
Multiplicar por.- Multiply it by ten (P: mldeblai - by)
Multitud, muchedumbre.- We have to go through that crowd (P: krud)
Msica, poner.- Lets set some music (P: misec)
Msica, tocar.- Lets play some music
Muy.- very, pretty (Im pretty good at driving) (Pronunciation: brdi)
Muy amable de tu parte.- Its nice of you (Pronunciation: ets nisafyu)
Narrador de cuentos.- He is a good tale-teller (Pronunciation: teiltla)
Narrar una historia.- tell a story (Let me tell you a story) (P: tel asduri)
Nato.- Im a natural businessman English is my natural language (nchoral)
Nauseabundo.- It is sickening there (Pronunciation: sguenin)
Navegar en Internet.- I have to suface Internet to get that information (P: srfas)
Necesariamente.- We have to get a ticket necessarily (P: nessereli)
Necesidad.- There is no need to go there in person
Necesita revisin / reparacin.- It needs checking / fixing
Necesita ser reemplazada.- It needs replacing (Pronunciation: riblisn)
Negarse ha hacer algo.- I refuse to go there (Pronunciation: refis)
Negocio.- He is traveling on money-business


Negrita, letras en.- Do you see those bold faced words? (P: boldfist)
Nevado, monte.- Its a high snow-mountain (Pronunciation: munden)
Ni siquiera.- We have nothing. We have not even a penny (P: nadvn)
Ninguno.- No one / nobody speaks Vietnamese (P: nu un noubdi)
Ninguno de ellos.- None of them came over yesterday (P: nnafdem)
Ninguno de nosotros.- None of us speak French (P: nanavs)
Nio Dios.- God Child (Pronunciation: Gadchild)
Nio pequeo.- little boy, little child (Pronunciation: ldl)
Nivelado, parchado estar.- I am even in my work We are even now
Nivelarse, ponerse al da.- I have to get even with my work (P: guedvn wez)
No aceptar.- He said no - He closed their door to us He declined
No afectarle a uno.- I dont mind if it rains all day (P: aidnmaind)
No antes de.- Theyll come over, no sooner than 11.00 PM (P: nu snardan)
No compremos mayonesa.- Lets dont buy any mayonnaise (P: myoneis)
No cuelgue el fono.- Hold the line / Hang on, please (P: jldelain jangn)
No discutas, sigue la corriente.- No arguments Dont argue (P: arguiments)
No es asunto mo / tuyo.- No my business / No your business (P: bsnes)
No es doctor, es doctora.- It isnt a Dr; its a female Dr.
No es tan fcil.- It isnt that easy
No est dems.- He / It isnt out of place (P: idsnt udableis)
No est en casa / en la oficina, el Dr.- The Dr. isnt in (P: dedgdor sent en)
No est fuera de foco.- He / It is not out of place (P: udableis)
No est nada mal.- It isnt bad at all (P: idsnt badadl)
No est presente aqu.- Hes absent (P: bsent) Hes missing
No estorbes.- Dont get on my way, please - Dont interfere, please
No fui yo, lo aseguro.- It wasnt me, I assure
No fuiste tu, no te preocupes.- That wasnt you, dont worry
No fuiste tu. Fui yo.- That wasnt you. It was me who failed badly (P: filet)
No funciona, el carro.- The car is broken. The car doesnt start (P: bruguen)
No-habido.- The attacker is unknown, so far (Pronunciation: an-nun)
No hables tonteras.- Dont be ridiculous (Pronunciation: redguiulas)
No hablo Francs en absoluto.- I dont speak French at all (P: adl)
No hay alguien en casa.- Theres nobody home at this hour (P: noubadijum)
No hay moros en la costa.- The coast is clear (P: de kusdescla)
No hay trato.- No, no deal. Sorry Theres no deal then (P: ndil)
No importa un pito, eso.- It doesnt matter a bit (P: et dasntmeda abt)
No lo creo.- I dont think so (Pronunciation: ai dnzinso)
No lo saba.- I didnt know it (Pronunciation: ai didn-nuet)
No los pierdas de vista.- Keep an eye on them (P: kbanai andm)
No perdamos la esperanza- Lets dont lose hope (P: lets donlusjup)
No permitan el desaliento.- keep the ball rolling, please (P: kip debol rln)
No por ms tiempo.- I wont take those insults any longer (P: nilonga)
No puede nadar, tampoco yo.- He cant swim, neither can I (P: nada or nda)
No sabemos por dnde ir.- We dont know which way to turn (P: tern)
No se acerquen a eso.- Dont get close to it (P: dntguet glustut)
No se aparten de mi.- Dont get apart with me Keep close to me
No se hablan, ya.- They dont talk anylonger (P: deydontk enilnga)
No se preocupe, es normal.- Dont worry, its normal (P: nrmal) Never mind
No s que hacer.- I dont know what to do (P: don-nou utudu)
No s si darle o no darle.- I dont know if to give it, or not to give it to him
No sea que.- Get up early, lest you be late there (P: lest)


No seas perezoso.- Dont be lazy (Pronunciation: lisi)

No seas tmido.- Dont be shy (Pronunciation: shi)
No te dejes engaar.- Dont let them trick you / cheat you (P: trik chit)
No te fijes en gastos.- Dont mind the expense (P: mind di-egsbnses)
No te he visto por siglos.- I havent seen you for ages (P: iches)
No te metas en los.- Keep away from trouble (Pronunciation: trbl)
No te molestes.- Dont bother, please (Pronunciation: bder)
No tengo idea al respecto.- I dont have any idea about it (P: abudet)
No tiene caso, no tiene sentido.- There is no use in waiting for it any longer
No tiene sentido eso.- It is senseless It is a senseless proposal (P: snsles)
No vale en absoluto.- Its not worth a cent It has no value at all
No vale la pena.- It isnt worth it (P: edsnt wrzet) It isnt worth going there
No vayamos all.- Lets dont go there right now (P: letsdnt gouda raitno)
No viene al caso.- Its beside the point (Pronunciation: besid dabint)
Nombrar, mencionar.- Name two fruits you like the best (P: nim)
Nombre, escribe tu.- print your name in that sheet of paper
Nombre, poner Bautizar.- You have to name your dog I named it Gugu
Normal, es.- This wind is normal. Not to worry
Nos vemos en la tarde.- See you in the afternoon (Pronunciation: afdann)
Nosotros ambos.- Both of us speak English (Pronunciation: bodavs)
Notable, sobresaliente.- Hes an outstanding historian (P: audsdandin)
Notar.- Do you notice anything? Sure, I notice they are gone (P: nudes)
Notar gato encerrado en algo.- I smell a rat in this business (P: sml ert)
Noticiero.- Lets watch the news-program (Pronunciation: nusbrgram)
Notorio.- Its notorious that you lived in the USA (Pronunciation: nodrias)
Novato, novicio.- I am just a novice in this company (P: novis)
Novia en la ceremonia de matrimonio, la contrayente.- the bride (P: brid)
Novia, enamorada.- Shes my girl-friend Shes my sweetheart (P: suitjrt)
Novio en la ceremonia de matrimonio, el contrayente.- the groom (P: grm)
Nulo, el trato es.- The deal is off (Pronunciation: dadl es of)
Numera las maletas.- Number the cases, please (Pronunciation: nmber)
Nmero equivocado.- Wrong number, Sir. Sorry (Pronunciation: ronnmber)
Obedecer.- Just obey my orders (Pronunciation: dysdobey mairders)
Objeciones, peros; poner a.- The authoritiesre raising objections to my travel
Objetar.- Wont they object our travel? (Pronunciation: abdygt)
Obligar.- Dont force him if he doesnt want to dance (Pronunciation: fors)
Obligatorio.- Carrying your ID is enforced / compulsory (enfrst - kamblsori)
Obra, lugar de la.- Lets visit the work-site (Pronunciation: da wergsit)
Obra, obras.- Let me show you my work / my works
Obras de arte.- Theyre valuable works of art (Pronunciation: wrks afrt)
Obrero de construccin.- construction-worker (P: kansdrg-shn wrguer)
Ocaso, el.- The sunset comes at about 5.00 PM (Pronunciation: sanst)
Ocupado (persona).- My boss is busy right now Hes a busy man (P: bsi)
Ocupado establemente (cosa).- That room is taken (P: tiguen)
Ocupado temporalmente (cosa).- The bathroom is busy (P: bsi)
Ocupar el primer lugar en una contienda.- He came first place in the contest
Ocupar habitaciones o lugares.- You can take up your rooms (P: teigp)
Ocupar tiempo, quitar tiempo.- Work takes up most of my time (P: teigsp)
Ocuparse, ponerse a trabajar.- You have to get busy right now (P: guedbsi)
Ocurrir, suceder.- I cant figure out how fights come about / happen
Oferta.- Is your offer still in force? (Pronunciation: es youfer sdlenfors)


Oficinista.- I see some clerks / white-collar workers talking in that office (P: kler)
Ofrecer.- Let me offer you a place to stay What si he offering you?
Ojal que no, espero que no.- I hope dont (Pronunciation: aijup dont)
Ojal que si, espero que si.- I hope so (Pronunciation: aijup so)
Oler.- Do you smell anything? Sure, I smell as if something is burning
Omitir, olvidar, descuidar, ignorar.- Dont leave out the tickets (P: livut)
Operar a un paciente.- The Dr. will operate on the patient (boret - bi-shent)
Opinar.- Can you give your opinion about the travel? Let me give my opinion
Oportunidad.- It is my chance to travel away (Pronunciation: chens)
Optar por.- I have to decide on what country to visit (Pronunciation: desid)
Ordenar las sillas.- Help me straighten the chairs (P: sdriden dachars)
Ordenar un cuarto.- I have to straighten my room (Pronunciation: sdriden)
Ordinario, comn y corriente.- Its just a regular / ordinary hotel (P: rdenari)
Organizacin.- Ill get in charge of the travel setting up (P: sedinp)
Organizar una actividad.- Who will setup that activity? (Pronunciation: sedp)
Organizar una fiesta.- Lets have a party - We have parties at the office
Orientarse.- I cant find my way around (P: faind mayweyerund)
Orn.- pee, piss (Pronunciation: pi) (Its dog pee) (Pronunciation: ets dogp)
Orinar.- I have to go pee A dog is making pee on your back-pack (meigp)
Oscurecerse.- get dark (Its getting dark Its growing dark) (P: gudin dark)
Otra vez, nuevamente.- Say it again (Pronunciation: syedaguen)
Ovacionar, vitorear.- They cheered Shakira a great deal (P: charet)
Padrino de eventos.- Hes the sponsor / the best-man (P: sbnsor - bestmen)
Padrino / compadre de personas.- Hes my sons godfather (P: gadfda)
Pagar.- If you pay me in full, Ill do that work Let me pay you in advance
Pagar cuentas.- I have to pay for my bills
Pagar por adelantado.- We have to pay in advance for a room
Pas desarrollado.- The USA is a developed-country (P: develbt kntri)
Paisaje natural.- I loved Peruvian landscapes (P: landsguips)
Paisano.- They are my country-fellows (Pronunciation: kantriflous)
Palabreador.- He is just a cheat-chatter (Pronunciation: chitcheda)
Palabrear.- cheat-chat (Hes cheat-chatting you) (P: chitchet chitchedin)
Palacio de gobierno.- Government-House (P: gverment-jus)
Palacio de Justicia.- Court-House (Pronunciation: kortjus)
Paliza, le dieron una.- They kicked his ass (Pronunciation: kgt jiss)
Panadera.- There is a bakery-shop right on the corner (P: bigari shap)
Panorama, vista.- You can get a great view from that hill (P: grit vi)
Papas fritas.- French fries / fries (Pronunciation: frenchfryes)
Papel higinico.- Get me some toilet paper, please (TP) (P: tilet biba)
Papel, hoja de.- Get me a piece of paper, please (P: a pis abiba)
Papeleo.- I have to do lots of paper-work (Pronunciation: biba werk)
Paquete.- May I have a pack of crakers? (Pronunciation: epk agrguers)
Para delante y para atrs.- It goes forward and backward / to and fro
Para que baje algo, jalar.- Pull it down now (Pronunciation: plet dun no)
Para que baje algo, soltar.- Let it down slowly (P: ldet dun sloli)
Para que suba algo, empujar.- Push it up, please (Pronunciation: pshedap)
Para que suba algo, jalar.- Pull it up, please (Pronunciation: pledap)
Para ser sincero.- To be honest, Im counting you in our activity
Pare ser sincero / objetivo.- As a matter of fact they hurt our interests
Para servirle, Seor.- Any time, Sir At your disposal At your service, Sir
Parada, hacer una.- We are tired, lets call a halt (Pronunciation: kol ejlt)


Paradero de buses, urbano.- Getting off in the bus-stop !!!!! (P: bastp)
Parar las orejas.- Theyre gonna prick up their ears as soon as hearing it
Parche / parchar.- Get me a patch to patch up this hole (P: patchp)
Parecer dar, antes de hacer algo.- It seems tough to me
Parecer dar, despus de hacer algo.- I find/found that book interesting
Parecer, en mi.- In my opinion, they should start earlier (P: abnion)
Parejas.- There were some couples walking in the beach (P: kbls)
Parientes.- I have some close relatives there (Pronunciation: rladivs)
Parquet, piso de.- I shine / wax / polish the parquet floor (P: pargui fler)
Parte de arriba / Parte de abajo.- Theyre in the upper-part / in the lower-part
Parte trasera, posterior.- A car crashed into the rear end of ours (P: rarend)
Partida, alejamiento.- Her departure hurt me badly (P: debrche jert)
Partido / cotejo deportivo.- Cienciano is up in the score in the match
Participar, compartir.- Lets share the expense (Pronunciation: sha)
Participar en un torneo.- play a tournament (Did he play a tennis tournament?)
Partir / Partirse en dos partes.- The boat may split under that weight (P: sblet)
Pasaje de transporte interprovincial.- Where can I get a bus-ticket to Pisac?
Pasaje de transporte urbano.- How much is the transportation fare? (P: fa)
Pasajero urbano.- commuter (P: kamider) Theyre commuters
Psame el salero, azucarero.- Pass me the salt pot / Pass me the sugar pot
Pasando aqui, que est?.- What is going on here?
Pasar el rato, matar el tiempo.- Lets play cards to kill the time
Pasar hambre.- go hungry (We went hungry last week) (Pronunciation: jngri)
Pasar la noche.- stay overnight (You can stay here overnight) (P: sdey)
Pasar por alto, ignorar.- You better overlook her mistake (P: overlk)
Pasar por un lugar.- She just went past us This bus passes my office
Pasatiempo favorito.- Collecting Music CDs is my hobby (Pronunciation: jbi)
Pasrsenos la mano.- Try not to overdo it (P: overdet) Oh, I overdid it. Sorry
Pase lo que pase, sea lo que sea.- Keep outside, no matter what (P: mader)
Pasear a caballo.- Lets go horse-back riding in the afternoon
Pasear a pie.- Lets take a walk around (Pronunciation: tiguewlk)
Pasear en carro.- Lets go on a ride / Lets go to drive around / out for a drive
Pasillo.- At the end of the corridor (Pronunciation: kridor)
Paso a paso, gradualmente.- Lets do it step by step (P: sdp baisdp)
Paso, abrir.- Make way for them to pass, please (P: meikwy)
Paso toda la maana en la agencia.- I spend all the morning in the agency
Pasos a dar para elaborar algo.- What are the steps to write a book?
Pastillas, pldoras.- May I have some pills for a constipation? (kansdebi-shn)
Patn.- That guy is a peasant (Pronunciation: psant)
Patrullero, carro.- I saw a patrol-car (Pronunciation: pdrol kar)
Pedazo, trozo.- Hand me a bit of cheese I need a bit of everything
Pedi una sopa, y esto no es.- I ordered a soup, but this isn it (P: dis-isnt)
Pedido de un amigo.- Whats your request? (Pronunciation: rigst)
Pedido en calidad de cliente.- Excuse me, Sir. whats your order? (P: rda)
Pedir.- Ask for (Why dont you ask for a TV? Ask me for anything you want)
Pedir lo imposible.- Dont expect the impossible (P: egsbgt empsebl)
Pegar con goma.- Glue that picture on this certificate (P: glu serdfigat)
Peinado, hacerse uno.- Why dont you get a hair style? (P: jar sdil)
Pelar una fruta.- Let me peal that banana for you I have to peal this apple (pil)
Pelarse por quemadura de sol.- His back is going to peal - His back is pealing
Pelear.- Did you fight him? Rocky faught Apolo (P: fit fot)


Peluquera.- Is there any barber-shop around? (P: brbershap)

Pena dar, inspirar.- Those homeless people grieve me a lot (P: griv)
Pena, la.- The pity is we are without any money (Pronunciation: pdi)
Pendiente, cuesta.- Its a slopped street / Its a slopped way (P: slubt)
Pensar en algo.- think of (Think of getting a job Think of your mom)
Pensar mal de alguien.- I dont want to think wrong of Dave
Pensarlo, analizarlo.- Let me think it over (Pronunciation: znguedouva)
Pensarlo bien.- You better use your head before giving an answer to them
Perder algo, para beneficio de otro.- I lost my girlfriend to Kevin
Perder contacto con alguien.- Dont loose touch with them (P: lustch)
Perder de vista.- Ive lost sight of them Theyve got out of sight (P: sit)
Perder el tiempo, no me hagas.- Dont waste my time, please
Perder el tiempo, no quiero hacerte.- I dont want to waste your time
Perder la paciencia.- Dont lose your temper, please (P: lus yortmba)
Perder una confrontacin.- Did Boca Juniors lose the match?
Perder una pertenencia.- I missed my camera Anything missing?
Perderse algo.- Dont miss visiting the Statue of Liberty (P: sddiu alberdi)
Perderse, desorientarse, extraviarse.- I may get lost in that place (P: guedlst)
Perdido, estar.- be lost (I was lost in New York Are you lost? I think Im lost)
Perdonar.- Its my fault. Forgive / pardon me, please (P: forguv / brdon)
Perfeccionar.- I want to perfect my English at once and for all (P: brfegt)
Peridico pasado.- Its a back number newspaper (Pronunciation: baknmber)
Perjudicar.- They hurt our interests (Pronunciation: dyjert auerntrests)
Perjudicar levemente.- I dont want to make a disservice to you (P: disrves)
Perjudicarse.- You may get a disservice (Pronunciation: gueda disrves)
Permanecer.- Keep outside. Keep up, please. Stay at home, please
Permitir entrar / salir.- Let in / let out (Let me in, please Let me out, please)
Perrito.- Look at that nice doggy (Pronunciation: lugt dat naisdgui)
Perro bravo.- Be careful, its a mad-dog (Pronunciation: meadg)
Perro manso, amigable.- Dont worry, its a nice-dog (Pronunciation: naisdg)
Perseguir.- A cop ran after the crook (Pronunciation: ren afdadekrk)
Persona / personas, gente.- person / people. One person. Ten people
Persona muy importante.- Very Important Person - Hes a VIP guest (P: viaip)
Pertenecer a una institucin.- I belong in the army (P: aibeln endirmi)
Pertenecer a una persona.- Those books belong to me (P: belng)
Pesado.- Its a heavy truck (P: jvitrok) Thats heavy work
Pesar.- That truck weighs ten Tons (P: wig) How much do you weigh?
Pesar equipaje.- We have to weigh the luggage
Peso.- Its weight is ten Tons Whats your weight? (Pronunciation: wigt)
Peso corporal, ganar.- gain weight (I gained some weight recently)
Peso corporal, perder.- lose weight (I want to lose some weight)
Pestilencia, mal olor.- The stink / The stench is intense (P: sdnk sdnch)
Picante.- Spicy foods burn my tongue (P: sbaisifods bernmaytng)
Picar.- Cut into pieces (Cut the meat into small pieces)
Piedra, como material.- Where did they get the stone to built it?
Piedra, como bloque, como unidad.- Do you see that piece of stone?
Piedra, edificio de.- Do you see that stony-building (P: sdni bldn)
Piensa en tus padres / en el futuro.- Think of your parents / Think of the future
Pinchar.- Something may sting our inflated boat (Pronunciation: sdng)
Pinturas artsticas.- They are valuable paintings (P: vliuabl pindins)
Pisar el carro.- A car may run on my dog (P: ran anmaydg)


Pisar una persona.- I walked on my CD / I stepped on my CD (P: sdbt)

Pisco con limn.- Would you care for a piscky-sour? (P: bisguisuer)
Pisos altos.- Mr. Lee is upstairs There is a bathroom upstairs (P: apsdars)
Pisos bajos.- Theres a bathroom downstairs (P: daunsdars)
Pista de baile.- Take her to the ball-room - That club has a nice ball-room
Pizzera.- Pizza-Restaurant Italian restaurant (Pronunciation: psa rsdorant)
Planificando, pensando hacer algo; estoy.- Im planning to study Japanese
Playa de estacionamiento.- Is there a parking-lot there? (P: prguin lot)
Plazo, trmino.- The term is about expiring (Pronunciation: term egsbirin)
Pobre, gente.- This activity is to benfit the poor-people (P: pa bbl)
Pobreza.- The Poverty ruins the peoples lives (Pronunciation: pberdy)
Poco, un (singular).- I speak a little English (Pronunciation: fi ldl)
Poco, muy / poqusimo.- Its very few to buy a book
Poco a poco.- I have to advance inch by inch / little by little / step by step
Pocos (plural).- I saw a few people on the street A few stores were open
Podrs venir maana?.- Will you be able to come over tomorrow? (P: ibl)
Podr finalmente comprar un carro.- Finally, Ill be able to buy a car (P: ilbieibl)
Podra ocurrir.- There could be an accident (P: derkudb angsedent)
Podra, pudiera haber hecho algo.- I coudda (could have) come early (P: kda)
Podrirse, descomponerse.- Dead animals rot there A dead animal is rotting
Poltico.- My uncle is an important politician (P: embrdant bolid-shn)
Pollera.- Is there a Fried-Chiken Restaurant around? (P: fraidchguen rsdorant)
Pollo a la brasa.- What about some fried-chicken? (Pronun: fraidchguen)
Polvoriento, sin asfaltar.- Were entering a dusty road (Pronunciation: dsdi)
Pomada.- Let me apply some ointment on your wound (P: intment)
Poncho.- Better, put a poncho on (Pronunciation: pnchou)
Poner a prueba un dispositivo.- Lets try out the equipment (P: trayut)
Poner algo donde estaba.- Please, put that CD down / Put the CD back
Poner, colocar la mesa en un lugar.- Lets place the table right here
Poner la mesa, poner servicios y comidas en ella.- Lets set the table
Poner msica.- set music (Pronunciation: misec) (Lets set some music)
Poner orden en la gente.- I had to call to order at the meeting
Poner una inyeccin.- Give a shot (The Dr. Gave me a shot / an injection)
Ponerse a discutir.- Dont get into an argument with her (P: arguiment)
Ponerse a trabajar.- Get busy, please We have to get busy (P: guedbsi)
Ponerse en camino, partir.- We have to set off / set out early in the morning
Ponerse en el caso de uno.- Think in terms of her / Put yourself in her shoes
Pongan atencin.- Pay attention, please (Pronunciation: pey adn-shn)
Pnganse a trabajar.- Get busy, please (Pronunciation: guedbsi)
Pnme al Instituto Princeton.- Put me through Princeton Institute, daddy
Ponte en mi caso.- Think in terms of me Put yourself in my shoes
Ponte la chompa.- put the sweater on (Pronunciation: put daswdaran)
Por ah, por los alrededores.- I saw some guys around (P: erund)
Por casualidad.- I met him by chance / by accident (baychens-baygsedent)
Por completo.- If you pay me in full, Ill do that work (Pronunciation: enfl)
Por cunto tiempo estuviste trabajando?.- How long were you working?
Por donde vas a casa?.- Which way do you go home?
Por dnde debo ir?.- Which way, please?
Por encima de todo, por sobre todo.- Remember it above all (P: abavl)
Por esa razn.- Cusco is nice, thats why lots of tourists visit it (P: dtsway)
Por eso.- Cusco is nice, thats why it has tourists (Pronunciation: ddsway)


Por escrito.- You have to apply for the job in writing (Pronunciation: enridin)
Por fin.- He decided to study English at last At last. It was time to take the test
Por ms.- For further information, visit our office (Pronunciation: frder)
Por motivo de / a causa de.- I couldnt visit you because of my work
Por otro lado.- Its a taugh work, but on the other hand its exciting (P: egsidn)
Porqu no?.- Why not? (Pronunciation: uaynt)
Por si acaso.- Take a pen with you just in case (Pronunciation: dyst inkis)
Por sobre todas las cosas.- Remember my advice above all (P: abavl)
Por todas partes.- I saw tourists all around MAPI / all over MAPI
Por todo el mundo / nacin.- That news is going all over the world / the nation
Porcentaje.- What percentage of them speak English? (P: bersndech)
Porcin.- Bring me a large order of fries (P: brngmi elrch rda-afryes)
Portar.- carry (Are you carrying your ID / your passport?) (P: kari kering)
Portero.- Just address the doorman (Pronunciation: dormen)
Poseer, tener.- I have a laptop computer / I own a laptop computer (P: un)
Posta Mdica.- Lets take him to a medic-center (P: mdec snda)
Postponer.- I had to put off the meeting - I had to put the meeting off (P: budf)
Postponer.- Why did he post-pone the test? put off = post-pone (P: bousdbun)
Postular.- apply for / to (Im applying for a job Im applying to the University)
Puedes mandarlo hacer.- You can have it made on order at anyplace
Practicar deporte.- Do you play sports? What sports do you play?
Preciosas, piedras.- Theyre precious-stones (P: br-shas sduns)
Precipitar a alguien.- I dont want to rush you, but its important (P: rsh)
Precipitarse.- Dont rush inward, please He rushed outward
Precisamente.- Thats precisely what I was thinking (P: brisisli)
Preferir.- I prefer having lunch at home (Pronunciation: brefr)
Preferira ir al concierto.- I would rather go to the concert (P: reda knsert)
Preguntar por alguien / algo.- Go there, and ask about Carlos (P: asgabut)
Prejuicio/algo en contra tener.- I got a thing against mosquitoes (P: mosgudous)
Premiar.- give a reward / give a prize (P: rewrd) (Give him a reward for this)
Premio.- I got a prize for it I was rewarded for it (Pron: bris rewrdet)
Prenderle fuego a.- set on fire (P: set anfya) (Who set those trees on fire?)
Prenderse, encenderse.- That gasoline may catch fire (Pronunciation: fya)
Prendo la TV?.- Do I turn the TV on? (turn on) (Pronunciation: tern datvi an)
Preocupado.- Im worried about Albert (Pronunciation: wrid)
Preocupar a alguien.- Pollution worries people at present times (P: wris)
Preocuparse por el bienestar de .- I care for my little son (P: kafor)
Preocuparse por un problema.- I worry about my ill child (P: wri)
Preparar.- Prepare yourself for a surprise - Lets prepare the lunch (P: breba)
Prescindir de.- We had to do without them yesterday (P: du wedut)
Presenciar, atestiguar algo.- Did you witness that accident last week?
Presentar personas a otras personas.- Let me introduce Kevin to you
Presentar cosas a las personas.- Let me present my work to you (P: bresnt)
Presentarse uno a los dems.- Let me introduce myself to you (P: endrods)
Presentarse en pblico.- show in front of people / show in public (P: pblec)
Presentarte a mi jefe, permteme.- Let me introduce my boss to to you
Presentimiento.- Ive got a bad-feeling about them / that travel (P: badflen)
Preservar del deterioro.- This will preserve the food from going bad / off
Prestamo, pedir.- Ill ask for a loan from the bank (Pronunciation: ask foralun)
Prestar, dar en prstamo.- Can you lend me your pen? Lend me money, please
Prestar resistencia.- I have to fight that eviction (Pronunciation: fit evg-shn)


Prestarse.- Can I borrow your bike just for an hour? (Pronunciation: brou)
Presten atencin, todos.- Pay attention, everybody (P: pey adn-shn)
Previamente.- Were gonna qualify you previously (P: gulefai brviasli)
Previo.- Youll get previous training (Pronunciation: brvias)
Principal.- It is the main office (P: min) The main square (P: meinsga)
Principalmente.- I mainly care for the children (Pronunciation: minli)
Probablemente.- Theyre probably having a good time (P: brbabli)
Probar.- Lets try Italian food Try this radio Did you try the new TV?
Probarse.- Try on (Try the jacket on with no obligation) (P: ablegui-shn)
Problema, hacer.- Who is troubling you? My wife troubles me (P: trblin)
Problemtico.- Hes a troublesome boy (Pronunciation: trblsom)
Proceda, prosiga Ud.- May I take your pen? Sure, go ahead (P: gouajd)
Proceder.- As everything is OK, lets proceed (Pronunciation: brosd)
Producir, fabricar, elaborar.- We make clothes to export He makes machinery
Profesin.- major (What is your major? My major is economics) (P: midyor)
Profundamente, inspiren.- Breath in deeply, please (P: brzen dbli)
Profundizar.- I decided to deepen my English study (Pronunciation: dben)
Profundo.- Pacific Ocean is deep How deep is that pool? (Pronunciation: dip)
Programado est.- Its on program - Its on - Its set up (P: brgram - sedp)
Programar, establecer.- Lets set that ceremony by Sunday
Programar, poner un dispositivo.- I set the alarm to go off at seven sharp
Progresar en la vida.- I want to advance in life (Pronun: advens)
Prohibir.- I forbid that you meet those boys any longer (P: forbd)
Prohibido, estar.- Its borbidden entering that room / It isnt permitted entering it
Promedio.- Whats the average number of tourists coming to Peru? (P: vrech)
Promedio, trmino medio en habilidades.- Im just and average soccer-player
Promocin de la secundaria.- Hes doing the high-school graduation year
Promocin, viaje de / fiesta de.- High-school graduation year travel / party
Pronto.- I have to make some money soon (Pronunciation: sun)
Propiedad.- That radio is my property (Pronunciation: brberdi)
Propietario de un negocio, maquina.- Mr. Kevin is the owner of that truck
Propietario de un bien inmueble.- Who is the land-lord? Mrs. Lee is the land-lady
Propina a los hijos.- I have to give a wage to my child (Pronunciation: wich)
Propina, deme.- Give me a tip / Tip me, please Americans tip me well
Propio de alguien.- I live in my own house Thats an idea of my own (P: un)
Proponer.- Lets propose them to go to the country (Pronunciation: brabus)
Proporcionar.- Provide us with your personal file, please (P: provid)
Propsito.- My goal / My purpose is graduating this year (P: gul - brbas)
Propsito, cumplir con.- Princeton serves your purpose of speakig fluently
Propuesta.- I have a business proposal for you (Pronunciation: brabusal)
Prosiga, proceda; Ud.- Go ahead / Proceed, Sir / Madam (P: goajd - brosd)
Protagonizar, hacer el papel de.- Arnold will play the role of Conan
Proteger del deterioro.- May God keep us Houses are kept by the owners
Proteger del mal.- I have to protect my workers (P: brodgt wrguers)
Protegida, cosa.- That house is guarded (P: grdet)
Protegido, persona.- Hes my protg / Hes under my wing (P: brodedy)
Protestar.- Theyre protesting the army intervention (P: brodst enervn-shn)
Provecho, Seores.- Bon apetite, Ladies and Gentlemen (P: bon bedit)
Provincia.- Cusco Province is located in Cusco Department (P: brovns)
Provocar a las personas.- Dont provoke her (Pronunciation: brovuk)
Provocar un evento.- It may bring on / bring about an accident (P: brinn)


Prximamente.- Well get a bigger bus in the near future (P: na fiche)
Pruebate esos anteojos.- try on (P: train) (Try those glasses on)
Publicidad.- I have to make some publicity on my company (P: pablsedi)
Publicitar.- Why dont you advertise your store? (P: adverdis)
Pude, finalmente.- I was able to buy a house at last
Pudiste viajar? Were you able to travel away?
Pueblo natal.- My hometown is nice (Pronunciation: joumtun)
Pueblo joven.- I live in a suburbs new-community (P: kaminedi)
Pueblo, villa.- town, village (Its Pisac Town / Its Pisac Village) (P: tun vlech)
Puede traerme una gaseosa?.- May I have a soda? (P: meyi javesuda)
Puede pasarme el salero / azucarero?.- Can you pass me the sugar / the salt?
Puede venderme una gaseosa / chompa?.- May I have a soda / a sweater?
Pueden estar tranquilos.- You may be at ease Not to worry (P: yu meibads)
Pueden preguntar lo que quieran.- You can ask me whatever you want
Puedes repetirlo?.- Can you say it again? / do it again? (siet - det agun)
Pudimos haber llegado ms temprano.- We coudda (could have) gotten here earlier
Puedo ir afuera / al bao?.- May I go out? / May I go to the bathroom?
Puedo pedirte un favor?.- May I ask you a favor? (Pronunciation: fivor)
Puerta de calle.- They left the front door wide open (P: fronder)
Puesto de control.- Wheres the check-point? (Pronunciation: chegbint)
Punto de vista.- Its just a point of view (P: bint avi) Give me your opinion
Punto dbil.- Lets seek his weak spot (P: sik - wigsbt)
Pupilo, practicante.- Hes my trainee / pupil (Pronunciation: trein pibel)
Pura / limpia, agua.- The water maybe not clean there(P: clin)
Puro, aire.- The air is clean in this area (P: di earscln endsria)
Qu anda mal?.- Whats the problem? / Whats the matter? / Whats wrong?
Qu comida sirven ah?.- What meals do they serve there?
Qu crees que eso sea?.- What do you make of that?
Que descance, Ud.- Rest well, Sir (P: resdwl, Ser)
Que Dios nos ampare.- May God help us / May God keep us
Que Dios te bendiga / te ilumine.- May God bless you / May God speed you
Que distancia?.- How far from here do you live? How far is New York?
Que duerma bien, Seora.- Sleep fast, Madam (P: slipfst) (NO well)
Que el Seor te bendiga, deseo que.- May God bless you (P: meigad blesy)
Que empieze de una vez.- Let it start at once and for all (P: ldet sdart)
Qu est en programacin?.- What is on? - Chucky movie is on
Qu est pasando?.- Whats happening? Whats up? Whats going on?
Qu fue de.....?.- What became of Peter? / What became of my pen?
Qu fue mal? Qu anduvo mal?.- What went wrong?
Qu haces aqu / ah?.- Whats your business here / there? (P: bsnes)
Qu hay dentro?.- Whats inside it? (Pronunciation: ensid)
Qu ms?.- What else? (Pronunciation: uadls)
Qu ms necesitas?.- What else do you need?
Que me devuelvan el dinero, quiero.- I want my money back
Que no empieze un.- Dont let it start yet (P: dont ledetsdrt yet)
Que no se te ocurra.- Dont even think of that (P: dont ivnzink afdt)
Que pasa / ocurre?.- Whats up? / Whats happening? / Whats going on?
Que pasa aqu?.- Whats going on here? (P: utsgoen anja?)
Qu pasa contigo?.- Whats wrong with you? (P: uatsrn wezy)
Que planes hay?.- Hi, any plans? (Pronunciation: blens)
Qu quieres decir con........ ?.- What do you mean, too late?


Qu respecto de ti?.- How about you? (Pronunciation: jauabaudy?)

Que se diviertan.- Have fun (P: jafn) Have a nice time Have a good time
Qu se supone que yo haga?.- What am I supposed to do? / expected to do?
Qu se va ha servir, Seor?.- What are you going to have to eat / to drink, Sir?
Que sea ocasin de nadar.- Lets make it a chance to swim (miguedechens)
Que sean dos, en lugar de uno.- Lets make it two, rather than one
Que tal si subimos?.- How about going up there?
Que tal una gaseosa?.- How about a soda? (P: jauabut esuda?)
Que te hace feliz?.- What makes you happy? (P: ut meksyu jabi?)
Que te parece MAPI?.- How do you like MAPI? (P: juduyulaik mbi?)
Que te recuperes pronto, deseo que.- May you recover soon (P: rigver)
Que tengas xito, deseo que.- May you get success (Pronunciation: sagss)
Que tengas un lindo da.- Have a good / nice day (P: javegudy javenaisdy)
Quebrado, sin dinero.- Im broke (Pronunciation: bruk)
Quedar mal con.- I got embarrassed in front of my customers (P: emberast)
Quedar remanente, sobrante.- be left (Theres a lot of gas left - Theres no food left)
Quedarse con algo, retenerlo.- Keep the change Ill keep this CD
Quedarse sin algo, tiempo / dinero.- I may run out of time / run out of money
Quehaceres de la casa.- Who does the house-work here? (P: jauswrk)
Quejarse a.- Ill complain to the authorities (P: kamblin tudiazredis)
Quema, la .- The burning of fields is destroying the atmosphere (P: brnin)
Quemadura de sol, tiene una.- Hes got a sun-burn (P: sanbrn)
Quemadura, sufrir una.- You may get a burn if touching it (P: guet abrn)
Quemar.- Dont burn the fields They burned / burnt lots of fields (P: bern)
Quemarse algo.- burn up, be on fire (A house is burning up / A car is on fire)
Quemarse alguien.- He is going to get a burn - He got a burn on the hand
Quin atiende aqu?.- Hello, who can help me in here?
Quien sabe! Sabe Dios.- Who knows? God knows it (P: junus)
Quien sea que.- Whoever calls up, tell them to wait (P: ju va)
Quin sigue?.- Who follows now? (Pronunciation: flous)
Quieres el grande, o el chico?.- Do you want the big one, or the small one?
Quieres que nos encontremos?.- Do you want to meet? (P: mit)
Quiero el (polo) verde.- I want the green one (P: aiwnt dagrn un)
Quiero que me devuelvan mi dinero.- I want my money back
Quiero que Ud / ella venga temprano.- I want you / her to come over early
Quiero salir en este momento.- I want out right now (P: i uandut)
Qumica.- He majored in Chemistry (Pronunciation: kmesdri)
Qumicos, productos.- Chemicals are polluting the water (P: kmegals)
Quisiera hablar Ingles, yo.- I wish I spoke English
Quisiera que deje de llover.- I wish it stopped raining
Quisiera ser astronauta.- I wish I were astronaut (Pronunciation: sdronat)
Quisieras servirte un caf?.- Would you care for a coffee?
Quitar, arrebatar, arranchar.- take off (Take her book off her) (P: tijerbuk fjer)
Quitarse una prenda.- take off (P: teigf) Take your sweater off, please
Racista.- My aunt is racist (Pronunciation: maynts risest)
Radicar en.- They live in the USA I lived in Brazil for ten years
Rpido, por favor.- Hurry, please. Quickly, please (P: jri kugli)
Rascarse.- I was scratching all day. Dont scratch yourself like that
Rasmillarse, rasparse.- You may get a scratch on your hand (P: sgrch)
Ratero escapero.- A cop ran after the crook (P: ecp ren afdadakrk)
Ratito, un.- Wait for just a little while (P: wit fordyst alidlwuil)


Rato, un.- It will take a while - It will hurt for a while (Pronunciation: ewuil)
Razn.- Give me a good reason not to fire you (Pronun: rsn)
Razonable.- Be reasonable / sensible, please (P: rsonabl / snsebl)
Reaccionar, contragolpear.- I had to react / feed up quickly (P: rigt fidp)
Reaccionar, recuperarse, volver en si.- Come on, friend She already came on
Reacio, ponerse.- Im afraid hes going to get reluctant to come along
Reacio, que no quiere.- be reluctant (Why is he reluctant to do it?) (P: relgdant)
Realizar,llevar a cabo.- Well carry out a ceremony (P: keariut)
Reanudar.- Now, we can resume our travel (P: resm) - I resumed my work
Recargar el telfono, la batera.- Let me re-charge my phone / battery (P: recherch)
Receso, chepi.- break (brik) (Lets take a break) (P: lets tigabrik)
Receta culinaria (de cocina).- It is an Italian recipe (P: idlian rsebi)
Receta mdica.- Show me the Drs. prescription (P: bresgrb-shn)
Rechazar al enemigo.- Lets reject the enemy (Pronun: ridygt)
Rechazar una propuesta.- let down, decline (She let me down / declined)
Recibir dinero.- How much did you collect? I collected five grand (P: golgt)
Recibir, en general.- We receive lots of tourists everyday (P: risv)
Recibir tratamiento mdico.- be treated for (Hes being treated for TBC)
Recibir un mensaje o carta.- I have to get a message / I have to get a letter
Recibir visitas.- I like to have friends over (P: ailik tujv frensduva)
Recibo, girar.- Did you acknlowledge receipt for his buying?
Recin.- I just had my lunch She just got into that house He just graduated
Recin llegados.- Theyre new arrivals (Pronunciation: niu arivals)
Recientemente, ltimamente.- Have you been to Italy, recently? (P: rsendli)
Recinto.- There is a small chamber / room around (P: chmba)
Recoge a los turistas del aeropuerto.- Pick the tourists up from the airport
Recogerla de la estacin, tengo que.- I have to pick her up from the station
Recgeme a la salida del trabajo.- Pick me up at the leaving-work time
Recoger la mesa, lo que hay en ella.- Let me clear up the table (P: gliarp)
Recoger turistas.- I have to pick up some tourists Pick them up (P: pigp)
Recolectar.- Lets gather some fruit from that orchard (P: gder - rchard)
Recomendable, aconsejable.- Taking a taxi is advisable to get to there
Recomendar.- I strongly recommend that you read it (P: sdrngli regomnd)
Reconocer a alguien.- Do you recognize him? (Pronunciation: reggnais)
Reconocer un mrito.- I acknowledge youre brave (P: agnulech)
Reconsiderar.- Think twice over that proposal - I shot without thinking twice
Recorrer un lugar.- Well go along the Sacred Valley (P: goualn - sigret)
Recto por all, siga.- Straight that way, Madam (Pronunciation: sdrit)
Recuerda que el tiempo est corriendo.- Remember the clock is ticking
Recurdame, no me olvides.- Remember me, dont forget me (P: rimmba)
Recurdame comprar material.- Remind me of buying material (P: rimind)
Recuerdo de un lugar o evento.- Its a souvenir from Mexico (P: suvenr)
Recuerdo, el.- That remembrance come to me from time to time
Recuperar algo.- get back (P: guedbk) (Get my pen back, please)
Recuperar el aliento.- Let him catch his breath (Pronunciation: katch jisbrz)
Recuperar la salud.- May you recover soon Hes recovering well (P: rigver)
Recursos.- We have plenty of resources to survive (Pronunciation: risrses)
Rectificar, corregir.- He has to right all the wrong the sooner the better (P: rit)
Recuper, se.- He recovered well, finally. Hes cured (Pronunciation: kirt)
Referirse a.- Do you talk about Kevin? - Who/what are you talking about?
Refrescarse.- You may cool off on that water (P: kulf)


Refresco.- Would you care for some cool drink? (P: kol drink) (NO any)
Refrsquense.- You can cool off now Lets cool off (Pronunciation: kol of)
Regalar.- give as a present / give as a gift (Give it to her as a present)
Regalo, te lo.- Let me give it to you as a present
Regar con agua.- Lets water the plants Theyre watering the fields (P: wder)
Registrarse en un hotel.- We had to check in a hotel - Do you want to check in?
Registros / acta de notas.- grades-record (Show me the records)
Reglamentos, respetar los.- We have to keep the rules (P: kip darls)
Regreso, estar de.- be back (Is she back yet? - Shes already back here)
Reemplazar definitivamente.- I have to replace my TV (P: riblis)
Reemplazar temporalmente.- Cover me for an hour, please (P: kver)
Rehacer.- re-make (Pronuciation: rimik) (I had to re-make that work)
Rehusarse a hacer algo.- Why do you refuse to walk her home? (P: refis)
Relacin con, guardar.- It has to do with the cold - What do I have to do with him?
Relacionarse bien.- Get good connections (kang-shns) Get well connected
Relacionarse con.- Did he get connected to those Americans? (P: kangdt)
Relaciones, contactos, influencias.- I got some connections in New York
Reljate.- Relax, please (Pronunciation: relgs)
Relleno.- Theyre a kind of stuffed toys Im stuffed. I ate too much (P: sdft)
Remitirse a.- For more information, refer to Internet (Pronunciation: refr)
Remojar, hacer remojar.- Just soak it in detergent-water (P: suguet dedrdyent)
Rendimiento.- Time my performance, please (Pronunciation: berfrmans)
Rendir homenaje a.- Lets pay homage to our heros (P: peyjmech - jrous)
Renegn.- My boss is a moody guy (Pronunciation: mdi)
Renovadora, taller de zapatera.- Where is a shoe-repair shop around?
Rentable (es).- Tour-guiding is good money (Pronunciation: mney)
Renunciar.- resign (P: resin) (My boss resigned I decided to resign my job)
Repartidor.- Lets wait for the delivery-man to come over (P: delvarimean)
Repartir a domicilio.- Well deliver the stuff to your home (P: delva)
Repartir al azar.- Well give out some snacks to every one (P: guivut)
Repartir entre miembros contados.- Lets pass out these pamphlets
Reparto a domicilio.- They give delivery service (Pronunciation: delvari)
Representante de ventas.- Hes our sales-rep (Pronunciation: silsrep)
Representar a alguien.- Stand for (P: sdend) Shes here standing for her dad
Reprobar un examen.- I dont want to fail the test (Pronunciation: fil)
Repuestos.- parts (Those are motor-parts stores / engine-parts stores
Reputacin, buena.- Hes got a good name - Cusco is well-known
Requerimiento, pedido.- What is your request? (P: uts youregst)
Requerir, pedir.- Lets ask for a TV (Pronunciation: ltsask foratvi)
Requisitos.- Ive got the requisites to apply for that job (P: rgisits)
Resaltador.- Can you get me a high-lighter? (Pronunciation: jaig lida)
Resbalar, deslizar.- You may slide down walking down that terrain (P: slid)
Reserva.- Dont forget my reservation (Pronunciation: reservi-shn)
Reservar.- save (Save me a room, please Lets save her some snacks)
Resfro, pescar.- You may catch a cold if dressing that light (P: katchecld)
Resistente, hombre duro de matar.- That job is for tough-guys (P: tafgys)
Resistirse.- be reluctant (Why is he reluctant to go there? (P: relgdant)
Resistirse.- I have to fight that eviction (Pronunciation: fit evg-shn)
Resolver.- We have to solve some problems first (Pronunciation: solv)
Respaldar.- I want you to back up / support / second me (P: subrt)
Respetar a las personas.- You have to respect your elders (P: resbgt)


Respetar normas y reglamentos.- We have to keep the rules / to keep the law
Respetos, expresar.- Let me pay my respect to you (P: pey mayresbgt)
Respetuoso.- Theyre respectful people (Pronunciation: resbgdfol bbl)
Respiracin, aliento.- Let me catch my breath (P: katch maybrz)
Respirar.- Breathe hard, please How is he breathing? (P: briz)
Responsabilizar por algo ocurrido.- He will hold me responsible for this
Responsable de hacer algo en el futuro.- Whos accountable for this project?
Responsible por haber hecho algo.- Hes the only responsible for that accident
Restar.- Lets substract it from that sum (Pronunciation: sabsdrgt)
Restaurar.- Did they fix it? - Those are fixing-works on the the statues
Resultados.- Youve got good results / good outcomes (P: reslts autkms)
Resultar bien.- work (The medicine is working - The medicine worked well)
Resultar siendo algo.- turn out (He turned out being my relative)
Resumen.- This a summary of those books (Pronunciation: smeri)
Resumir.- I have to sum up all this book Can you sum up the story, please?
Retirar.- Remove all the faulty stuff (Pronunciation: rimv ol defoldisdf)
Retrasado, estar.- be behind (Im behind in my work Im behind next to them)
Retrasar a alguien o algo.- Dont delay us, please (Pronunciation: dily)
Retrasarse.- Fall behind (P: folbejind) (I fell behind in my work last month)
Retribuir, recompensar.- Let me reward you for your effort (P: rewrd - fort)
Retroceder.- The car will back up a little Lets back up in our book (P: bagp)
Reunin de trabajo.- Hes in a meeting We had meetings on Sundays (mdn)

Reunin social.- Theyre having a gathering. They have gatherings

on weekends (P: gzerin)
Revendedor, intermediario.- Lets avoid the middleman (P: mdlmean)
Reventar cohetes, hacer.- They used to blow-rockets in Christmas-time
Riego.- Its watering time, for farmers My plants need watering (P: wderin)
Riesgo / arriesgar.- It is a big risk I may risk some money (P: resk)
Riesgo, correr un.- Would you run the risk? I could run a little risk
Riesgoso.- Climbing that mountain is risky (P: klimbin - munden - rsgui)
Robadas, cosas.- Those are stolen-goods (Pronunciation: sdulenguds)
Robar en supermarket.- They lift in supermarkets (P: lift subermrguets)
Robaron, te?.- Were you robbed of anything? (Pronunciation: rbt)
Rociar.- Lets spray some water on it (Pronunciation: sbri)
Rocoto.- That hot-pepper will burn your tong (Pronunciation: jadbba)
Rocoto relleno.- stuffed hot-pepper (Pronunciation: sdfet jatbba)
Rodeado por.- They were sourrounded by lots of people
Rogar.- I beg you to come early Dont beg them (Pronunciation: beg)
Rmpelo para abrirlo.- crack it open (Pronunciation: krguet ubn)
Ropas abrigadoras.- You have to take warm-clothes with you (P: warmgluds)
Ropas ligeras.- Better, take light-clothes for the warm season
Rutina diaria.- Tell me about your daily-routine (Pronunciation: dili rudn)
Saber como hacer algo.- I know how to make cakes (Pronunciation: noujutu)
Saber mucho sobre algo.- I know tons about the History of Cusco
Sabes por dnde ir? Conoces los lugares?.- Do you know your way around?
Sabor.- What flavored yogurt do you want? - What does your gum taste of?
Saborear.- Taste my icecream (Pronunciation: tist - aisgrm)
Sabroso, est.- Try it, its tasty (Pronunciation: tryet etstisdi)
Sacar algo.- take out (Pronunciation: teigut) I want to take this garbage out
Sacar la mano por la ventana.- Dont put your hand out of the window
Sacar un pasaporte.- I had to get a passport to travel (P: guet apesbort)


Sacar una fotocopia.- Get a copy / make a copy of this letter, please (P: kpi)
Sala de conferencias.- Lets get into the lecture-room (P: lgche rum)
Sala de emergencias.- They took her to the emergency-room (P: emrdyensirum)
Sala de operaciones.- He was taken to the operation-room (P: abori-shn rum)
Salida de un lugar.- Wheres the way out / the exit? (P: deweiut - digset)
Salida del sol, la.- The sunrise comes at about 6.00 AM (P: sanris)
Salir corriendo.- Did he just rush out without uttering a word? (P: rashut)
Salir de un lugar.- Get out of here, please. (P: guet udaja) May I go out?
Salir de un lugar y marcharse.- Did she leave this late? Are you leaving?
Salir de casa cada da.- I leave home at 7.30AM in the morning
Salir del trabajo cada da.- I leave work at six sharp (P: i livwurk)
Salir el tren / el bus .- The train / The bus leaves at seven AM (P: livs)
Salir en pareja.- date someone (Jim dates Mary Whos your date?)
Salir, resultar mal.- Our plan may go wrong if we dont use our heads
Salir rumbo a ......- I leave for work at 7.00AM The train left for MAPI early
Salirse de una actividad.- Do you want to quit the project? (P: kut debrdyegt)
Saln de baile.- Whats that ball-room like? (Pronun: bolrm)
Saln de grados.- graduation room (Pronunciation: gradui-shn rum)
Salsa cocida, o salsa molida.- Put some sauce on the rice (P: sos)
Saltar / para arriba / para abajo.- jump / jump up / jump down (P: dymp)
Saltearse.- You cant skip school to apply to the university (P: sgup)
Saltn, nervioso.- We were jumpy that day (Pronunciation: dymbi)
Salud, estar con buena.- be in good health (Are you in good health?)
Salud, recuperar la.- recover well (He recovered well at last)
Saludable, estar.- be in good health (He is in good health)
Saludos desde New York.- Greetings from New York (P: grdens)
Sancin.- I got a penalty - My boss applied a penalty on me (P: pnaldi)
Sancionar.- give a penalty (My boss will give me a heavy penalty for this)
Sangrar.- Hes bleeding badly He was bleeding through the nose (P: bldn)
Sano y salvo.- Theyre OK Theyre safe and sound (P: sif andsund)
Saquemos dinero del banco.- Lets get some money from the bank
Sastrera.- Is there any tailor-shop in this area? (Pronunciation: tilor-shap)
Satisfactorio.- Helping people is really rewarding (Pronunciation: rewrdn)
Sazonar, para cocinar.- First, lets season the meat (P: ferst letssson damt)
Se desarroll una cultura.- A culture developed there (P: klcher develbt)
Se malogr la comida.- The food went off / The food went bad
Se me cay la billetera.- I dropped my wallet, I dont know where
Se supone que la llames primero.- Youre supposed to call her first (P: subust)
Sea como sea , de todos modos.- I have to get it by all means (P: baiolmns)
Sebichera.- Is there any sea-food restaurant around? (P: sifd rsdorant)
Secar.- I want to dry-out these clothes (P: aiwnt tudrayut dsgluds)
Secarse.- Your clothes will dry up in shorter than an hour (P: drayp)
Secundaria, terminar la.- When did you graduate from high-school?
Sedentario.- Im a couch-potato (Pronunciation: am ekuch bodidou)
Seguir, ir tras alguien.- Follow your teacher, please (Pronunciation: flow)
Seguir con algo que estamos haciendo.- Just keep up with our work (kibp)
Seguir con algo que estamos haciendo.- Keep working / playing / talking
Segn a lo que dice el manual.- I did it by the book / by the manual (P: mniual)
Segn, de acuerdo con.- According to the rules it proceeds (agrdn - brosds)
Segunda clase.- Its a second-rate / second class hotel (P: sgondreit odl)
Segunda mano, de.- I work selling away second-hand cars (P: sgondjeand)


Seguro, certero.- Spanish is a certain language to speak (P: sbnesh srdn)

Seguro, estable.- I want to get a secure job - Its a secure job (P: seguia)
Seguro, estable.- I want to get a stable job Its a stable relationship (P: sdibl)
Seguro, sin duda.- Are you sure? Sure, Im sure - Im sure enough (P: sha)
Seguro, sin peligro.- Are the children safe? (Pronunciation: sif)
Selva, ceja de.- You can get a view of the rain-forest from here (P: reinfrest)
Selvatico.- Were jungle-born people - Were forest-born people
Sembrar.- Im going to sow corn here - The sowing-time is coming (P: su)
Sencillo, dinero en monedas.- I have some loose-cash / change (P: lusksh)
Sensible.- Be sensitive, please (P: snsediv) (NO sensible)
Sentar bien, combinar.- Black goes with you Black looks great on you
Sentido, tiene / Sentido, no tiene.- It makes sense / Its senseless (P: snsles)
Sentir pena, lstima por.- I grieve for those homeless people (P: griv for)
Sentir pena, lstima por.- I pity those homeless people (Pronunciation: pdi)
Seal.- Give me a signal Its a warning signal (Pronunciation: sgnal)
Seal, letrero.- See that road-sign? Theres a sign on that store (P: sin)
Seal de carreteras.- See that road-sign? (Pronunciation: roudsin)
Seor / dama, honorable.- Who is the land-lord / Who is the land-lady?
Seor / seora, desconocido/a.- Excuse me, Sir / Excuse me, Madam
Seor / seora, conocido/a.- Good morning, Mr. Taylor / Hi, Mrs. Kim
Separado, ser.- be separated (My parents are separated) (P: sebaridt)
Separarse, hacer ruptura una pareja o grupo.- When did they break-up?
Ser avistado.- be sighted (P: sidet) (Theyre already sighted - Did you sight them?)
Ser el principal.- Whos the number one in this company?
Serrana.- Its a hilly-region / hilly-area (P: jli rdyon ria) Its high-land
Serrano.- Were highlanders Theyre high-lander people (P: jaiglnder)
Servicio de habitacin.- Just, call the room-service (P: rum srves)
Servir de algo.- What good would it do? It has to do some good
Servir la comida / Dar servicio.- Let me serve you the lunch / He served me well
Servir de algo, NO te.- It wont do you any good (P: etwntduyu nigud)
Servirse algo de comer/beber.- Ill have a soda / a tamale (P: tmal)
Servirte quieres? Te invito.- Would you care for some coffee?
Severamente.- It rained badly They crashed badly It hurts badly
Severo.- I have a bad-cold It rained badly He is hurt badly A bad-cough
Sexuales, tener relaciones.- Did you make love with her? / sleep with her?
Sexuales, tener relaciones.- Did you have sexual-relations with her?
Si es que ella fuera astronauta.- If she were astronaut (P: sdronat)
Si no hay ejemplos, no hay aprendizaje.- No examples, no learning
Si yo hablara Francs.- If I spoke French (P: sbuk) (* Verb in past-tense)
Siempre y cuando.- Ill go provided / on condition that you walk me there
Sintanse como en casa.- Make yourselves at home, please
Sierra, serrana.- high lands - hilly region (P: jailnds jli rdyon)
Siga Ud, proceda.- May I take your pen? Sure, go ahead (P: gouajd)
Siga las instrucciones.- Just follow the instructions (flou diensdrg-shns)
Sigan cantando / tocando.- Keep singing / keep playing - sing on / play on
Sganme, por favor.- Follow me, please (Pronunciation: flow)
Silencio, por favor.- Quiet, please A church is a quiet place to stay (P: kuyet)
Simbolizar.- This shape symbolizes / stands for the fertility (P: sembolises)
Simplemente.- Just follow the direccion in the map (P: dyst - derg-shn)
Simular.- Just simulate youre working (P: smiuleit) Just do as if working
Sin duda.- He knows it, no doubt (Pronunciation: jinuset nodut)


Sin dudar, sin pestaear.- He lied without batting an eye (P: biden ani)
Sin embargo.- Nevertheles / though / however, I am still willing to help
Sin pensarlo dos veces.- He shot us without thinking twice (P: znguin tuis)
Sin un suministro.- be out of something (Were out of gasoline) (P: wir auda)
Sin una cosa.- We are without a radio (Pronunciation: wedut aririo)
Sin una cualidad.- Hes jobless, homeless, and loveless - Its a lifeless planet
Sincero.- Be honest to me To be honest, I dont know (P: jnest) - Im true
Sino.- It isnt five soles, but five dollars. They arent Peruvians, but Brazilians
Siquiera.- I cant even walk Can you even say your name? (P: ivn)
Srvanse ustedes mismos.- Help yourselves to the lunch, please
Srvase, provecho.- Have your meal, bon appetite (P: mil - bonbedit)
Srvete un sandwich.- Have a sandwich (Pronunciation: jvesanduish)
Sirviente.- I have some servants Am I your servant? (P: srvant)
Sobrecargar.- Dont overload the truck, please (Pronunciation: ouvarlud)
Sobrecargar con trabajo.- My boss overworked me yesterday (ouvarwrguet)
Sobre-poblado, atestado.- Hong Kong is a crowded city (P: krudt)
Sobre tiempo.- I have to work overtime Theres overtime (P: ovuartim)
Sobre todo, por encima de todo.- Be puntual, above all on Mondays (P: avabl)
Sobresaliente.- Hes an outstanding student - See that outstanding rock?
Sobresalir.- He outstands from the rest of the students (P: audsdends)
Sobrevivir.- They survived on their savings (P: sorvivt - sivns)
Sobrevivir a una desgracia.- They managed to get through the war (P: zr)
Sociedad, entre personas.- We have a partnership (P: prnershep)
Sociedad, referido al medio social.- The society votes it down (P: sosyedi)
Solamente, simplemente.- I just walked around We just saw each other
Solamente, nicamente.- Theyre admitting registered members, only (P: unli)
Soldado / soldadesca.- soldier (P: suldia) / military (Pronunciation: mlidari)
Solicitar, postular.- Ill apply for a job (Pronunciation: abli foredyb)
Solicitud.- Heres my application. The application must go in dublicate (ablegui-shn)
Solidarizarse.- give sympathy / show sympathy sympathize, please (P: smbazi)
Solidarizarse.- Theyre making common cause with the retired workers
Solo bromeaba.- Just kidding (Pronunciation: dyastkdn)
Solo por diversin.- I climb mountains just for fun (P: dyst forfn)
Solo porque si.- Lets call her just because (Pronunciation: dyst biks)
Solo si es necessario.- Turn the flash-light on just if necessary (P: nesseri)
Solo, sin apoyo.- After getting on that plane, I realized I was on my own
Solo, sin ayuda.- by oneself (I live by myself She did it by herself)
Solo, sin compaa.- My uncle lives alone / My uncle lives by himslef (P: ngl)
Solo sin compaa, estar.- What are you doing here by yourself / alone?
Solucionar.- I have to solve a big problem. Did you solve the malfunction? (P: solv)
Soltar, liberar.- let go (Let the dog go I wont let the cable go) (P: ledgu)
Soltar para que algo caiga.- Dont drop the glasses, please (Pronun: drop)
Soltar una cosa inmvil, devolverla a su sitio.- Put down that CD, please
Soltarle los perros a uno.- They let the dogs go on me (P: lt dedgs goanm)
Soltarlo, dejarlo ir; ahora puedes.- You can let go now - Let it go, please
Soltarse.- Dont let go / May I let go? / Now, you can let go
Sonar, hacer sonar.- Dont sound the horn downtown - Lets sound the alarm
Soar, aorar.- He dreams about her (Pronunciation: ji drmsabautjer)
Soar con, al dormir.- I sometimes dream of being in the jungle
Soplar.- blow (The wind blows strongly The wind is blowing) (P: blu)


Soplar el fuego hasta apagarlo.- Lets blow the candles out. The
wind blew the fire out
Soportar, no pocer.- I cant stand the noise (P: ay keantsdend
Soportar un sufrimiento.- I can put up with this weigh. Dont worry (P: pudp)
Sorprendente.- Machu Picchu is surprising (Pronunciation: sorbrisn)
Sorprender.- Did Cusco City surprise them? (Pronunciation: sorbris)
Sorprenderse.- Dont get surprised, its normal at this time of the year
Sostener / mantener a la familia.- I have a family to support My mom supports us
Soy yo, no disparen Ah, eres tu.- Its me, dont shoot Ah, its you
Suave, poco exigente, poco severo.- The way is gentle (P: dyndl)
Suavemente, sin exigir mucho.- Exercise gently - Cut it gently, please
Subdesarrollado, pas.- Peru is an underdeveloped country (P: anderdevelbt)
Sub-suelo.- Its underground water (Pronunciation: andergrund wder)
Suba por esa calle.- Go up that street (Pronunciation: goup dadsdrt)
Suban al auto.- Get into the car / climb up into the car (P: guet entudecr)
Suban al bus / tren / avin.- Get on the bus / the train, please (P: guet andebs)
Subida, es una.- Thats an up-hill way / sloped way (P: ap dajil - slbet)
Subidas y bajadas, tiene el camino.- The way goes up and down (P: apandun)
Subir.- Go up that street Go up to the second floor (Pronunciation: goup)
Subir el volmen, velocidad, o temperatura de un aparato.- Turn the radio up a little
Subir gradas / pisos.- We have to go up the stairs (P: sdars)
Suceder, ocurrir.- An accident may happen / take place / come up any time
Sucediendo, ocurriendo.- be going on (What is going on in here?)
Sucio.- Take those dirty clothes off Its a dirty place My cap is dirty (P: drdi)
Sueldo.- Do you make a high or a low salary? (P: seleri)
Suelo, para cultivar.- It is good soil to grow plants (Pronunciation: sel)
Suelo, para pisar.- Put it on the ground (Pronunciation: grund)
Suena interesante, eso.- It sounds interesting (P: sunds - entrsdin)
Sueo, estar de.- be sleepy (The baby is sleepy) (Pronunciation: slbi)
Suerte, desame.- whish me luck (Pronunciation: wshmilok)
Sufrir de.- Did his eyes suffer from an inflammation? (P: sfer enflami-shn)
Sujetar, sostener, contener.- Hold it up, please Hold it tight, please (P: jldet)
Sujetarse en el bus.- Hold on, please (Pronunciation: holdn)
Sujtense, vamos entrar en carretera de tierra.- Hold on, were entering a dusty road
Suma, la .- Is my adding right? Anything wrong with my adding?
Suma / cantidad de dinero.- I gave him a sum of money (P: esm afmney)
Sumar.- add (Pronunciation: ad) (Add three items to the list)
Sumidero, est atorado.- The drainage is backed (P: dadrinech esbguet)
Suministros.- I have to go shopping for supplies (P: shbin forsublis)
Superar una dificultad.- Youll get through this unfortune, baby (P: guet zr)
Superficie.- This rock has a rough surface (P: Dswrk jas erafsrfas)
Superficie, salir a la .- It will surface any time now (Pronunciation: srfas)
Supervisor.- Hes my supervisor (Pronunciation: subervisor)
Suponer.- guess (P: gues) (Theyre Americans, I guess - Yeah, I guess so)
Supongo que si, me imagino.- I suppose so - I guess so (P: ai subous)
Soportar.- I hardly was able to put up with that noise (P: pudpwez)
Suposicin.- It is just an assumption (Pronunciation: asm-shn)
Tabletas.- May I have some tablets for a stomachache? (P: tblets)
Tacao.- Dont be cheap daddy (Pronunciation: chip)


Tachar, eliminar con un aspa.- cross off (Lets cross that tem off) (P: cros)
Tal cosa.- Who told you such a thing? I wouldnt read such a book (P: sach)
Tala de rboles.- The cutting-down of forests affects the ecology (P: kdin)
Talar rboles.- They cut-down big forests - Dont cut-down the trees (P: frests)
Talentos.- What are her gifts? Her gifts are dancing, and singing
Talentoso.- Hes a well-gifted boy They are looking for well-gifted girls
Talla, tamao.- What is your size for clothes / for shoes? (P: sis)
Taller de carpintera.- Is there a carpenter-shop around? (P: krbender shap)
Taller de fabricacin.- Those are jewelry work-shops (P: wuergshp)
Taller de mecnica.- Is there a repair-garage around? (P: riba guear-sh)
Taller de reparacin.- There are some repair-shops in this area (P: ribashap)
Taller.- shop (Tailor / carpenter / print / butcher shop) (P: Tilor shap)
Tamao, calzatura.- Whats your size for shoes? (Pronunciation: sis)
Tan pronto como puedas.- Visit him as soon as you can (P: asn asyukn)
Tan rpido como puedas.- Go there as fast as you can (P: asfst asyukn)
Tanto como dicen o piensan.- He isnt so tall / He isnt that tall
Tardn.- Lets wait for the latecomers (Pronunciation: leitkmer)
Tarifa.- fare (P: fa) (Where can I learn about the fares?)
Tarjeta postal.- I received a post-card from my friends in the USA (P: pust)
Taxi, llevar en.- Ill taxi you to the very place - Taxi them to the bus-station
Te afecta si tomo tu lapiz? Do you mind if I take your pencil? (P: mind)
Te deseo suerte.- I wish you luck (Pronunciation: ai wshyulok)
Te deseo una pronta recuperacin.- May you recover soon (P: rigver sun)
Te dirijes a mi?.- Are you addressing me? Are you talking to me?
Te encontraste con alguien / Carlos?.- Did you meet anyone? / Carlos?
Te lo har saber / Te lo comunicar.- Ill let you know (P: ailetyunu)
Te lo imaginas?.- Do you figure it out? I dont figure it out (P: fgaredaut)
Te robaron algo?.- Were you robbed of anything? Did you miss anything?
Te ves bien con esa chompa.- You look great in that sweater
Te ves bien con ese collar.- That necklace looks great on you
Te ves, luces cansado.- You look tired
Te visito en tu casa? / Te visito en tu oficina?.- Do I come over?
Tcnicas.- Let me show you my techniques (P: tegnks)
Tcnico reparador.- My uncle is a fine repair-man (P: ribamean)
Tecnologa alta.- Its a high-technology (Hi-Tec) device (P: jig degnlodyi)
Tejas / tejado.- That house has a tiled roof - See that tiling? (P: tils - tilin)
Tejer.- They know how to weave clothes and blankets (Pronunciation: Wv)
Telfono, le llaman por.- Sir, you are wanted on the telephone
Telfono, llmame por. Telefoname.- Just phone me any time
Telfono monedero.- Is there any pay-phone around? (P: peyfn)
Telfono, no cuelgue el.- Hold the line, please Dont hang up (P: dont janp)
Telfono, responda el.- Answer the telephone from here
Telenovelas.- My mom sees TV novels (Pronunciation: tvi nuvls)
Televidente.- viewer (What do the viewers think of that program?) (P: vwer)
Tema.- Give me a topic to talk about (P: guivmiatbec tutogabut)
Temer.- be afraid (Im afraid I missed her Whats he afraid of?) (P: afrid)
Temerario, sin miedo.- He is fearless What a fearless guy (P: fales)
Temeroso, estar.- be afraid (Im afraid we wont get there in time) (P: afrid)
Temeroso miedoso.- She is a fearful girl
Temible.- He is a fearsome enemy
Templo de la Luna / del Sol.- The temple of the moon / of the sun (P: tmbl)


Temporada alta / baja.- Its the tourism high season / low season
Temporada de lluvia.- The rainy season goes from December till April
Temporada seca.- The dry season goes from May till November
Temporal, trabajador.- We need temps only - Im just a temp there (P: temps)
Ten la seguridad.- You, bet (P: yubt) Be sure of that (P: bi shafdt)
Ten piedad.- Show some mercy (Pronunciation: show samrsi)
Tendero, que tiene tienda pequea.- My uncle is shopkeeper (P: shabguba)
Tender la cama.- Let me make up the beds first - Did you make up your bed?
Tener algo ms importante que atender.- I had a more important business to attend
Tener algo ms importante que atender.- I have a bigger fish to fry (informal)
Tener cuidado.- Take care when going across that avenue (P: teika)
Tener / Tomar en cuenta.- We have to mind the weather first Mind the cost
Tener en mente.- What do you have in mind? (P: uduyujav enmind)
Tener xito, lograrlo.- Shes going to succeed in her purpose (P: sagsd)
Tener ganas de algo.- be in the mood for (Im in the mood for a pizza)
Tener ganas de hacer algo.- be in the mood to (Hes in the mood to work)
Tener hambre.- be hungry (Im hungry - Are you hungry?) (P: jngri)
Tener la sensacin.- I got a feeling that were close to our destination
Tener lugar un evento.- A ceremony will take place here (P: teigblis)
Tener muy pocos empleados.- That hospital is badly understaffed (andersdf t)
Tener presente, llevar en la mente.- Bear in mind my advise (P: barenmaind)
Tener que ver con.- This cold has to do with the winter (jastud wedawnda)
Tener sed.- be thirsty (Im thirsty - Are you thirsty?) (Pronunciation: zrsdi)
Tener sentido.- It makes sense - It doesnt make sense Does it make any sense?
Tener un tratado.- We have a treaty with other agencies (Pronunciation: trdi)
Tener una aventura amorosa.- Carlos is having an affair (Pronunciation: afr)
Tengo mucho trabajo.- Im overworked Im in work up to my ears
Tengo un encargo (mensaje) para ti.- Ive got a message for you (P: msech)
Tengo un encargo (en especie) para ti.- Ive got an order for you
Terminal terrestre.- How do I get to the bus-station for Lima? (P: basdi-shn)
Terminar de hacer algo.- I have to get done with this work now finish
Terminar en.- Did that marriage end in divorce? We ended sleeping out
Terminar haciendo algo.- Lest we end sleeping on the street
Terminaste? Ya, casi.- Are you done with it? (P: aryudn?) Just about
Termin.- Im done with it (P: amdn wedt) / Im done with my lunch
Termin el juego. Todo termin.- The game is over. Everything is over
Terramoza.- Shes the bus-attendat / land-attendant to help you
Terreno de dominio.- Its our territory Its Peruvian territory (P: tredori)
Terreno delimitado.- field (P: fild) (Those are growing fields) (P: gren filds)
Terreno para desplazarse.- The terrain is in terrible shape (P: terin trebl)
Terreno, grandes extensiones.- Those are huge lands (P: jiuchlnds)
Terreno para cultivar, bueno o malo.- Its a good soil to grow plants (P: sel)
Terreno para pisar, suelo.- The ground is smooth here (P: grund smuz)
Tesoro enterrado.- They dig up buried treasures (P: brid trshars)
Tiempo, invertirlo haciendo algo.- I spend my time working and studying
Tiempo, pasar el.- As the time passes by. A long time passed by
Tiempo libre / disponible.- What is your freetime everyday? (P: fritim)
Tiempo, tomar el.- Lets time his performance (Pronunciation: berfrmans)
Tienda.- store (computer-store) (P: kamabider sda) / clothes-store)
Tienda de abarrotes.- Is there any grocery store around? (P: gruserisda)
Tienda de repuestos.- Theres a parts-store over there (P: parts-sda)


Tienes que tener.- You have to have a permit / a license to work as a guide
Tierra, el planeta.- The Earth (Pronunciation: di rz)
Tierra del macetero.- Lets get some dirt for the flowerpot (P: dert fluerpat)
Tierras delimitadas.- Those are growing fields (P: groenflds)
Tierras, extensiones.- They are extense lands (P: egsdnslands)
Tierra natal.- My homeland is in Wisconsin (P: joumlnd - wesgnsn)
Tocar el timbre.- Lets ring the bell Someone is ringing the bell (P: rngdabel)
Tocar la puerta, para llamar.- Lets knock the door (Pronun: nok)
Tocar, tactear.- Dont touch anything (P: tach) Something touched me
Todava?.- Is he still up? Sure, hes still up Im still willing to help (P: sdil)
Todo, completo, entero.- My whole family is in Cusco (P: jol - gsgo)
Todo el ao.- You can visit Cusco all round the year / the year round
Todo est bien.- Everything is OK (Pronunciation: vrizen)
Todo est listo.- All is set and ready (Pronunciation: lssetanredi)
Todo, todas las cosas.- Everything is here (Pronunciation: vrizen)
Todos los concurrentes lo vieron.- Every attentant saw it (P: vri)
Tolerar, soportar.- I cant stand / I cant put up with that noise any longer
Tomacorriente.- Where is an outlet around, please? (Pronunciation: audlt)
Tomado, ocupado; local, habitacin.- be taken (That room is taken)
Tomar classes.- I have to take driving lessons (P: teigp)
Tomar como pretexto.- He used the rain as an excuse to be late at work
Tomar en cuenta.- Mind the cost / Take account of the cost I never minded it
Tomar exmen.- Who will test you? My teacher tested us on grammar
Tomar participacin, o parte en.- Did they take part in / share your activity?
Tomar por sorpresa.- take by surprise (He may take us by surprise) (P: sorbris)
Tomar tiempo libre.- You should take some time off - Ill take the day off
Tomar un receso.- Lets take a break here I need a break (P: tik abrik)
Tomar una decisin.- I have to make a decision by Sunday the latest
Tomar una ducha.- Let me take a shower in cold water first (P: tigashuer)
Tomar una hora libre, puedo?.- May a take an hour off to visit them?
Tomarlo con calma.- Take it easy, please. Easy, easy, please (P: tiguedisi)
Tomaron el pelo, nos.- They pulled our leg, sorry (P: pled auerlg)
Tomarse tiempo libre.- Ill take some time off to visit you. Ill take a day off
Tomarte el pulso.- Let me feel your pulse (Pronunciation: fel yorpls)
Tmate tu tiempo, no hay apuro.- Take your time, theres no rush
Tomen aire.- Breath in deeply, please (Pronunciation: briz en dbli)
Tmense de las manos.- Take each others hands, please (P: tik ichder)
Tontera.- Who told you such a nonsense? Its nonsense (P: nnsens)
Tormenta de viento, elctrica, de granizo.- Wind / electric / hail storm (P: sdrm)
Torneo, participar en.- I played a volley-ball tournament (P: trnament)
Torneo, hacer uno.- Lets play a soccer tournament (P: sguer trnament)
Trabajador de limpieza pblica.- A sanitation-worker was cleaning the street
Trabajar da y noche.- Im working day and night to ready it (P: deyannit)
Trabajar en mantenimiento de la casa.- I have to work around the house
Trabajar hasta tarde.- I have to work late tonight (Pronunciation: werglit)
Trabajo de casa.- I have lots of house-work to do (Pronunciation: jauswrk)
Tradzcalo al Ingls.- Translate it into Enlgish, please (P: translidet ntu)
Treme a Carlos.- Bring me Carlos right now (P: brngmi kelos)
Tremelo.- Bring him to me, please Bring it to me, please (P: brnguet tum)
Traer.- Bring me Carlos - Did you bring your CDs? - Bring me my wine, please
Traficante, distribuidor.- Hes a dangerous drug-dealer (P: dindyeras drogdla)


Tragaluz.- There is a nice sky-light on the ceiling (Pronunciation: sgailit)

Traje, conjunto.- Put your frogman-suit on (P: frgmansut) Superman-suit
Trmite, procedimiento.- Whats the procedure to get a passport? (P: brosdyer)
Tramite, estar en.- be in processing stage (My ID is in processing stage)
Tramposo.- Hes a tricky guy / Hes a dirty guy (P: trguigay drdigay)
Tranferir.- We had to transfer our guests to another hotel (P: drnsfer odl)
Trnsito intenso.- They are heavy-traffic streets The traffic is heavy here
Transporte, medios de.- There are different means of transportation
Transporte pblico.- Whats the public-transportation to there like?
Transporte urbano.- Commuting means (Pronunciation: kamidin mins)
Trapo.- Can you get me a rag, please? (Pronunciation: rag)
Tratamiento mdico.- Im under medical treatment (P: mdegal trtment)
Tratamiento mdico lograr.- I had to get medical treatment
Trato, bueno o malo; dar.- We have to give good treatment to the tourists
Trato, tratativa, hacer tratos.- Do we have a deal? Let me deal with him (P: dil)
Trayecto, en el.- I saw lots of stores on the way (Pronunciation: andewy)
Treinta cm. de largo, regla de.- A thirty centimeters long ruler (P: snde mder)
Triunfar.- I want you to get success (Pronunciation: sagss)
Tropezar.- come across (I came across a chair in the dark)
Tu modo de cantar, me gusta.- I love the way you sing / your singing ways
Tubo.- I need a piece of pipe (P: pip)
Tubera.- The piping goes that way
Turnarse.- Lets take turns to watch the campsite (P: teiktrns kambsit)
Turno de noche.- I do the nightshift in that hotel (P: naidshft odl)
Turno, es mi.- Its my turn (Pronunciation: ets maytrn)
Tutearse.- We address each other by our first names (P: wiadrs ichder)
Tutorial.- This is the guidance book (Pronunciation: gidans)
Ultimamente, recientemente.- Have you gone swimming lately / recently?
Ultimo, el.- That is the last train to MAPI (P: dats delastrin tumbi)
Ultimo plazo, hora zero.- The dead-line / The zero-hour is tomorrow at 6.00AM
Un poco de sto, quieres?.- Do you want some? (NO, any in this case)
Un poco de eso, puedes darme?.- Can you give me some? (NO, any)
Un poco de todo.- I saw a little of everything in Mexico (P: ldl vrizn)
Una especie de.- Its a kind of brotherhood (P: ekinda bradajod)
Una y otra vez.- Flip the meat over and over / again and again (P: flep)
Una vez.- Once, I saw something incredible Once I get a job, Ill make money
Unico.- Hes my only child Im an only child Its the only thing that matters
Unir esfuerzos.- Lets join our forces to do it (Pronun: dyen auerfrses)
Unirse, integrarse a un grupo.- I want to join that brotherhood (P: dyen)
Unirse unos con otros.- Lets unite each other - You all, unite now (P: iunit)
Uno por uno.- We have to check them one by one (P: un baiun)
Urbano, bus.- Its a commuting-bus (P: kamidin bas)
Urbano, pasajero.- There are some commuters waiting in the busstop
Urgencia, apuro.- We are in a rush to get some money What a rush (P: rsh)
Urgente.- This message is urgent to send away (P: rdyent)
Urgir.- I dont want to rush you Why do you rush me then?
Usar la fuerza.- Dont dare tu use force against us (P: dontda tuysfors)
Usar todo hasta agotar.- Did you use up the glue? (Pronunciation: iusp)
Util.- Paper is a useful material in an office (Pronunciation: isfol)
Vacante.- That room is vacant (Pronun: vigant)
Vacantes, cupos.- Are there still any vacancies?


Vaciar.- Can you empty up this box, please? (Pronunciation: mbdiap)

Vaciarse.- The place may get empty - The bottle is getting empty
Vaco.- empty (P: mbdi) (The room is empty I found myself empty-handed)
Vacunar, hacerse.- I have to get a malaria shot (vaccin) (P: vagsn)
Vagar.- Dont stay around. Get busy, please (P: sdi erund - gedbsi)
Vale la pena, eso?.- Is it worth it? Yeah, I think its worth it (P: est wrzet?)
Vale la pena, eso.- Sure, its worth it That story is worth telling (P: sduri)
Vale mucho para mi.- It is worth a lot to me Those books are worth a lot to me
Valen esos CD?.- Are those CDs worth? Sure, theyre worth ten dollars each
Valenta, valor tener.- I have no courage to talk to her (Pronunciation: grech)
Valer.- be worth (How much is that cam worth? That cam is worth ten dollars)
Vlido, bueno.- Its a nice work That was a nice shot Nice try, my friend
Valiente.- I acknowledge youre a brave girl (Pronunciation: briv)
Valioso.- Those are valuable goods / valuable works of art (P: vliuabl)
Valor.- worth (P: werz) What is its worth? (Pronunciation: uts etswrz)
Valor incalculable.- They are priceless jewels (P: prisles dywels)
Valorizar, poner precio.- Price your house before selling it away (P: pris)
Vamos, amigos.- Come on, friends (Pronunciation: kamn, frends)
Vmonos de aqu.- Lets go away (P: lst gouawy) - Lets leave the place
Variado.- I have assorted models in stock I set assorted music there (P: asrdt)
Variar.- Theyve changed the model (Pronunciation: chncht)
Variedad.- There is a great variety of models (Pronunciation: varyedi)
Variedades.- It is a kind of variety-store / bazaar (P: varyedi - basr)
Varios.- I saw several hotels around There are several options to take (svral)
Vas a poder venir?.- Are you going to be able to come over?
Vaya hasta la esquina y voltee a la derecha.- Go to the corner and turn right
Vaya por aqu / Vaya por all.- This way / That way, please
Vaymos en fila india.- Lets walk in a single file (P: go enasnglfail)
Vecino.- Hes my neighbor / Hes my next door (P: nibor / negsder)
Vegetariano.- Are you vegetarian? (Pronunciation: vedyedrian)
Ven a mi casa.- Come over When can you come over? Marys coming over
Ven conmigo / Vengan conmigo.- Come along, please (P: kmalon)
Vencer.- beat (P: bit) (He beat me yesterday Cienciano beat Alianza)
Vendar.- Let me bandage your arm (Pronunciation: ltmi bendech yorrm)
Vendedor de tienda u oficinista.- clerk Hes a clerk in the municipality (P: klrk)
Vndelo o arrjalo.- Sell it away, or throw it away (P: sledawy zruedawy)
Vndemelo.- Sell it to me, please - Sell your book to me (P: slet tum)
Vndeme tu libro.- Sell your book to me, please / Can you sell your book to me?
Venderme algo, puede? (En la tienda).- May / can / could I have a pack of smokes?
Venenoso, txico.- Its a poisonous substance (P: bisonas - sbsdans)
Vengarse.- He did this to pay-back for something he suffered from (P: peybk)
Venir con cuentos.- Dont give me stories Dont give me youre innocent
Venir hacia aqu.- Some guys are coming over A car is coming over
Venir, no pudo.- She couldnt make it, sorry
Ventaja, es en todo sentido.- Its an advantage, all in all (P: advendech olenl)
Ventajoso.- Speaking English is advantageous all in all (P: advendedyas)
Ver TV.- Lets watch TV (P: lets uachtvi) (watch is just for TV, for others is see)
Ver una pelcula / desfile / partido / juego.- See a movie / parade / match / game
Verbena.- There was an open-air party (Pronunciation: ubnea prdi)
Verdad, la.- Tell me the truth Im telling you the truth, I swear (P: datrz)
Verdadero.- That news is true, I assure (Pronunciation: dadns estr)


Verduras.- He grows greens in his fields (Pronunciation: jigrousgrns enjsflds)

Vergenza, me da.- It makes me ashamed to ask him for money
Verse en problemas.- find oneself in trouble (Did your find yourself in trouble?)
Verse, lucir.- You look fine He looks tired She looks ill It looks cloudy
Vestir elegante / casual.- Dress elegant / casual (P: dres legant / kshual)
Vestirse.- Get dressed at once, please (P: guetdrst aduns)
Va de acceso.- Is this the way in? (Pronunciation: esds deweyn?)
Va de salida.- Wheres the exit? - Is this the exit? - Is this the way out?
Viajar al extranjero.- Hes going to go abroad next month (P: gouabrud)
Viajar dentro de la ciudad.- I commute to work everyday (P: kamit)
Viaje de promocin.- high-school graduation travel (P: jaigsgol gradui-shn)
Vicio.- Smoking may be a bad-habit (Pronunciation: badjbet)
Vida nocturna.- Whats the nightlife like in Cusco? (Pronunciation: naidlif)
Viene un carro.- A car is coming over (Pronunciation: ecrs kamnuva)
Vienen unos hombres.- Some guys are coming over
Virrey.- He was the vice-king for very long in the past (P: vis kin)
Visitando, mi jefe nos est.- My boss is coming over
Visitarnos alguien.- My boss is going to come over on Saturday
Visitarte.- Can I come over tomorrow? (P: kani kamuva tumrou?)
Visitar a alguien.- Im going to visit my aunt - What country are you going to visit?
Visitas, recibir.- Do you like to have friends over? - Who did you have over?
Visito, te?.- Do I come over? (Pronunciation: dui kamuva)
Vitrina, mostrador.- Lets go to look at that showcase (P: shoukis)
Vivienda, dar.- Those buildings house lots of people (Pronunciation: jus)
Vivienda, gastos de.- I pay for the housing-expense (P: jusin egsbns)
Vivir de.- What do they live on? (Pronunciation: ut dudeylivn)
Volar.- fly (P: fli) (The plane is flying away The prices are flying)
Volcar un carro.- turn on its side (A car turned on its side on the road)
Volquete.- I need a dumping-truck to throw away this dirt (P: dmbingtrok)
Voltear la cara y espalda de algo.- Flip the meat not to get it burnt (P: flep)
Voltear la pgina.- Turn the page over, please (Pronunciation: tern dapich)
Volterase patas arriba.- Did the car turn over upside down? (P: tern uva)
Voluntad.- I have no will to study hard (P: aijv nwil tusddijard)
Voluntad, de buena.- Theyre good willed people (P: gudwled bbl)
Voluntario, trabajar de.- I volunteer in an asylum (P: volondren)
Volver all.- go back (P:goubk) (Go back home Go back to your old job)
Volver aqu.- Albert, come back. Please (Pronunciation: kambk)

Volver en s, recuperar la conciencia.- come around (The pacient

already came around)
Volverse, llegar a ser.- You can become expert in a short time (P: gsbert)
Volverse loco, ciego.- He may go mad / blind if working there (P: mad / blind)
Votadero, basural.- Its a dumping-place (P: dmbin blis)
Voy por aqui o voy por all?.- Which way? This way, or that way?
Voz alta, en.- Can you talk aloud, please? (Pronunciation: alud)
Vuelo.- The flight was canceled in view of the storm (P: flit kenseled)
Ya?.- Is he up yet? Did they arrive in yet? Are you ready yet?

Ya.- Hes already up - I already read it (already is for statements;

yet is for questions)
Ya no ms.- I dont work there anymore (Pronunciation: nimoa)
Ya voy. Estoy en camino.- Im on my way / coming, Sir. (P: amn maywy Ser)


Zafarse, escaparse.- That piece may break loose anytime (P: breigls)
Zambullirse.- Lets dive into that pool (Pronunciation: div entudadpol)
Zona.- Therere lots of factories in this area (Pronunciation: fgdoris - ria)
Zona residencial.- I live in a housing-state called Santa Monica




Necesariamente estudiarlo acadmica y presencialmente, porque a diferencia del
Espaol que es idioma sistemtico con el que la va casual es la mejor; el Ingls
es abstracto que NO se lo puede aprender por simple contacto con sus nativo hablantes. Si se trata de masterar Ingls Oral, los programas cortos (8 meses)
son los mejores porque ensean la parte oral de manera compacta sin confundir
al estudiante con materias de redaccin (nivel avanzado)
Adems, complementarse con Lenguaje con Significado Figurado (LSF), que es
toda expresin que NO se rige por las reglas de la gramtica o el diccionario
Transferir los conocimientos cerebrales a la memoria corporal de los odos y la
lengua para mecanizar el lenguaje, y hablarlo sin esfuerzo cerebral, y sin olvido
en el futuro.
Hacer la prctica oral en sus dos fases: La primera que debe ser aplicando el
PROCEDIMIENTO MODELISTA, porque el de conversacin casual NO funciona
rpido con el Ingls. La segunda y ltima fase es para corregir los errores al
hablar y se da automticamente ya en el campo de accin al hablar casualmente
con aglfonos.
Para mayores detalles, solo pedir por e-mail el compendio de la novsima tesis
TALKING NONSTOP emitida por primera vez el ao 2006.
Instructor: Hernn Guerra Latorre. Cusco. Peru. 2006

Ejemplos: ability (abledi), digital (ddyedal), supermarket (subermrguet), attentive (adndiv), Titanic
(t'aidnec), hot (jat), hat (jet), hut (jot), run (ran), ran (ren), hello (jelu), correspondent
(gor'esbndent), graduate (ajd: grduat verb: graduit), preposition (brebas-shn), proposition
(brabos-shn), propousal (brabusal), Oliver (lever), information (enformi-shn), plastered
(blsderet), compactor (k'ambgdor), propaganda (brabaguenda), command (k'amend), after
(fda), afternoon (afdann), uncle (ngl), angle (engl), total (t'udal), dirty (drdi), university
(iunevrsedi), degenerate (adj: dedynerat verb: dedyenerit), documentary (daguiumndari),
practical (brgdigal), gentle (dyndl), expectation (egsbegdi-shn), exactly (egsgdli), duty (ddi),
little (ld'l), Peter (p'der), Eugene (eudyn), Beatriz (bdres), Milton (mldon), catastrophe
(gadsdrofi), correct (gorgt)


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