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Ingls bsico 2
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Editado por: Ediciones Cartuja S.L.
Autor: Ediciones Cartuja S.L.
Granada (Espaa)
Depsito legal: GR-2093/2006
Ingls bsico 3
Ingls bsico 5
Tema 1: El nombre
1. Reglas para el plural
2. Plurales irregulares
3 Los nombres contables e incontables
4. El genitivo sajn
Tema 2: El artculo determinado e indeterminado
1. El artculo determinado
1.1 Usos
1.2 Omisin del artculo determinado
2. El artculo indeterminado
2.1. Usos
Tema 3: El verbo "to be"
1. Usos del verbo to be
2. Conjugacin de to be. presente y pasado
3. Impersonal hay
Ingls bsico
Ingls bsico 6
Tema 4: El verbo to have
1. Usos del verbo to have
2. Conjugacin de to have. presente y pasado
Tema 5. Los adjetivos calificativos
1. Colocacin de los adjetivos
2. Grados de comparacin
3. Formacin del comparativo de superioridad y superlativo
Tema 6: Los adjetivos determinativos
1. Adjetivos demostrativos
2. Adjetivos indefinidos
3. Adjetivos posesivos
4. Adjetivos numerales
5. Adjetivos interrogativos
Tema 7: Los pronombres
1. Pronombres demostrativos
2. Pronombres posesivos
3. Pronombres personales
4. Pronombres reflexivos
5. Pronombres interrogativos
Ingls bsico 7
Tema 8: El verbo. Tiempos presentes
1. El presente simple
1.1 Formacin
1.2. Usos
2. El presente continuo
2.1 Formacin
2.2 Usos
Tema 9: El verbo. Tiempos pasados
1. El pasado simple
1.1. Formacin
1.2 Usos
2. El pasado continuo
2.1. Formacin
2.2. Usos
Tema 10: El verbo. Tiempos futuros
1. El futuro simple
1.1 Formacin
1.2 Usos
2. Going to
2.1 Formacin
2.2 Usos
Ingls bsico 8
Tema 11: El imperativo
1. Formacin
2. Usos
Tema 12: El adverbio
1. Adverbios de modo
2. Adverbios de tiempo
3. Adverbios de lugar
4. Adverbios de grado
5. Adverbios de frecuencia
6. Adverbios interrogativos
Tema 13: La preposicin
1. Preposiciones de lugar
2. Preposiciones de movimiento
3. Preposiciones de medios de transporte
4. Preposiciones de tiempo
Tema 14: Los verbos modales
1. Can
2. Must
3. May
4. Will
5. Shall
Tema 15: Formas no personales del verbo
1. El infinitivo
1.1 El infinitivo sin to
1.2 El infinitivo con to
2. La forma en -ing
2.1 Funciones de la forma en -ing
2.2 Verbos +forma en -ing
Tema 16. Anexo
Tema 17. Glosario
Ingls bsico 9
Tema 1
El nombre
El nombre
El nombre
El nombre
El nombre
El nombre (o sustantivo) es la palabra que designa a una persona, animal,
lugar o cosa, como :
Peter, table, solution, happiness, gold
Peter, mesa, solucin, felicidad, oro
En ingls, el nombre no suele tener variacin genrica, esto es, la misma pala-
bra sirve para masculino y femenino. Por ejemplo, la palabra teacher puede
referirse a un hombre o a una mujer:
This is my teacher Este es mi profesor/a
Pero hay algunos nombres que varan del masculino al femenino, es decir, se
usa una palabra totalmente distinta para cada gnero:
Man hombre woman mujer
Boy chico girl chica
Husband marido wife esposa
King rey queen reina
Algunos femeninos se forman con la terminacin ess:
Actor actor actress actriz
Prince prncipe princess princesa
El gnero de los nombres no afecta ni al artculo ni al adjetivo que los acom-
paan, ya que estos no varan de forma:
The blue book El libro azul
The blue books Los libros azules
Pero en cambio, hay que tener en cuenta el gnero del nombre a la hora de
sustituirlo por un pronombre personal:
The boy is tall. He is tall
The girl is beautiful She is beautiful
The car is new It is new
El nombre slo cambia su forma cuando distingue entre singular y plural.
Ingls bsico 13
El nombre
Vamos a explicar algunas reglas para formar el plural de los nombres:
- La regla general es aadir -s al nombre en singular:
one table una mesa
three tables tres mesas
- Cuando el nombre en singular termina en y, cambiamos la y por i y luego
aadimos -es para formar el plural:
nappy - nappies paal - paales
baby babies beb- bebs
family families familia familias
Pero no cambiamos la y por ies para formar el plural cuando el nombre en
singular termina en y precedida de vocal (a, e, i, o, u):
day - days da - das
toy - toys juguete - juguetes
- Cuando el nombre en singular termina en: -sh, -ch, -s, -ss, -x, -o no forma-
mos su plural aadiendo -s sino -es:
bus - buses autobs autobuses
church-churches iglesia iglesias
box - boxes caja - cajas
potato - potatoes patata - patatas
- Pero no ocurre lo mismo con las formas abreviadas de palabras extranjeras:
Kilo kilos
Piano pianos
Ingls bsico 14
1. Reglas para el plural
El nombre
- Algunos nombres que en singular terminan en -f o -fe forman su plural en
shelf - shelves estantera estanteras
wife wives esposa - esposas
- Otros lo hacen de una forma regular; simplemente aadiendo -s:
Roof roofs tejado tejados
- Algunos de ellos aceptan ambas formas de plural: -ves o -s:
scarf - scarfs / scarves bufanda bufandas
- Hay un grupo de palabras cuyos plurales son irregulares (Nos los tenemos
que aprender de memoria). Los ms comunes son:
Man - men hombre - hombres
Woman - women mujer - mujeres
Mouse - mice ratn - ratones
Child - children nio - nios
Tooth - teeth diente - dientes
Foot - feet pie pies
- Algunos nombres, especialmente nombres de animales, tienen la misma
forma en singular y en plural:
Sheep oveja(s)
Deer ciervo(s)
Fish pez(peces)
- Algunas palabras solo tienen forma plural y llevan el verbo en plural, espe-
cialmente cuando se refieren a prendas de vestir e instrumentos o herramien-
Ingls bsico 15
2. Plurales irregulares
El nombre
Ingls bsico 16
tas que constan de dos partes unidas, indivisibles. Para poder contar estos
objetos se antepone a pair of(un par de/unos/as):
Glasses(a pair of glasses) gafas
Trousers(a pair of trousers) pantalones
- Hay nombres que tienen forma singular pero que son siempre plural:
People gente
Police polica
The police are coming La polica viene
Es necesario entender correctamente la diferencia entre contable e incontable
para poder expresar correctamente las cantidades.
Podemos separar los nombres en dos grupos:
Persons no se utiliza en el ingls hablado, se prefiere people:
Shes a nice person Es una persona amable
They are nice people Son personas amables
( no nice persons)
People siempre va con el verbo en plural:
Some people are very shy Algunas personas son muy tmidas
(no Some people is )
3. Los nombres contables
e incontables
El nombre
- Los contables son aquellos nombres que nosotros podemos contar. Por
ejemplo nosotros podemos decir: one pencil, two pencils, three pencils... (un
lpiz, dos lpices, tres lpices). Entonces decimos que pencil es contable.
Ive got a car Tengo un coche
There are many cars Hay muchos coches
- Incontable es todo aquello que nosotros no podemos contar. Por ejemplo
nosotros no podemos decir: one rice, two rices, three rices...(un arroz, dos
arroces, tres arroces). Entonces decimos que rice es incontable. Incontables
son los nombres de sustancia (sugar, azcar), de materia (wood, madera) y
tambin los nombres que se refieren a cualidades abstractas (freedom, liber-
tad). Las siguientes palabras tambin son incontables:
Information informacin
News noticia
Advice consejo
Furniture mueble
Research investigacin
Travel viaje
Homework deberes
Work trabajo
Money dinero
A veces existe un nombre contable con significado similar, como por ejemplo,
work = a job, travel = a journey, money = a coin or note.
Ive got some money Tengo algo de dinero
- Adems muchos nombres pueden ser contables e incontables a la vez
dependiendo de la funcin que desempeen:
There are two lambs. Hay dos corderos
We like lamb Nos gusta la carne de cordero
Es incontable cuando indica sustancia mientras que es contable cuando se
refiere a las distintas clases de o indica unidad, es decir, una pieza.
- Podemos contar cantidades de cosas incontables usando por ejemplo: glass,
Ingls bsico 17
El nombre
bottle, litre, etc. Los nombres incontables no admiten el paso a plural. Por eso
es necesario el uso del partitivo correspondiente:
a glass of water un vaso de agua
a loaf of bread una barra de pan
En esta tabla puedes ver las principales diferencias entre contables e inconta-
El genitivo sajn es una de las formas de indicar la posesin en ingls; la otra
es con la preposicin of , que se usa normalmente cuando el poseedor no es
una persona:
The door of the house la puerta de la casa
Ingls bsico 18
Contables Incontables
- Tienen plural: house -houses
- Delante de singular contable podemos
usar a o an : an apple
- Podemos usar nmeros delante de un
contable: two houses
- Many se usa para nombres plurales
How many students were there?
(Cuntos estudiantes haba?)
- no tienen plural: milk no puede ser
- no podemos usar a o an : no podemos
decir a milk. Deben ir precedidos, si
quieren individualizarse, de alguna pala-
bra con valor partitivo como a carton of
- no podemos usar nmeros delante de
un incontable: no podemos decir two
- much se usa para nombres singulares
no contables
How much milk is there in the fridge?
(Cunta leche hay en el frigorfico?)
4. El genitivo sajn
El nombre
Cuando el poseedor es una persona, se emplea una forma particular, que se
conoce como genitivo sajn (por su origen). Al nombre del poseedor, se aade
un apstrofo y una s (s) y figura en la frase delante del nombre de la cosa
poseda, a diferencia del espaol que primero nombra la cosa poseda segui-
da de la preposicin de y al final se coloca el nombre del poseedor:
My mothers book el libro de mi madre
1 2 2 1
En la formacin del genitivo tenemos que distinguir dos casos:
- Si el poseedor es uno solo, se coloca primero el poseedor despus el aps-
trofo una s y la cosa poseda sin artculo al final:
The students book el libro del estudiante
- Si los poseedores son varios se coloca primero los poseedores (el plural de
la palabra tiene que terminar en s), luego el apstrofo y finalmente la cosa
poseda sin artculo:
My friends house la casa de mis amigos
Si el nombre es plural, pero no termina en s, es decir que es un plural irregu-
lar, se aplica la regla de un solo poseedor:
The childrens room la habitacin de los nios
Cuando nombramos a distintos poseedores, solamente se aplica el caso
posesivo al ltimo:
That is Mary and Peters house Esa es la casa de Mary y
Pero observa la diferencia:
Mike and Anns cars -------------- Los coches son de ambos
Mikes and Anns cars ------------ Cada uno tiene su propio coche
La cosa poseda se puede omitir cuando se traduce la expresin casa
de,cuando se trata de tiendas y para evitar repetir la cosa poseda en la misma
I was at Johns Yo estuve en la casa de John
I went to the butchers Fui a la carnicera
Ingls bsico 19
El nombre
Ingls bsico 20
This is my jacket and that is my brothers
sta es mi chaqueta y sa la de mi hermano
El nombre
1. Escribir el plural de las siguientes palabras:
Wife ______________
Door ______________
Watch ______________
Window ______________
Teacher ______________
Box ______________
Pen ______________
City ______________
Dress ______________
Pencil ______________
2. Escribir el plural de estas otras palabras:
Key ______________
Potato ______________
Hat ______________
Class ______________
Student ______________
Book ______________
Bus ______________
Boy ______________
Ingls bsico 21
a las siguientes
El nombre
Lady ______________
Cat ______________
3. Escribir el plural irregular de estas palabras:
Man ______________
Child ______________
Tooth ______________
Woman ______________
Fish ______________
Foot ______________
Person ______________
Sheep ______________
Mouse ______________
4. Decidir si los siguientes nombres son contables o incontables:
Juice ______________
Afternoon ______________
Animal ______________
Oil ______________
Sugar ______________
Plate ______________
Rain ______________
Ball ______________
Pen ______________
Dress ______________
Ingls bsico 22
El nombre
5. Decidir si los siguientes nombres son contables, incontables o ambos:
Vegetable ______________
Coffee ______________
Bread ______________
Cake ______________
Petrol ______________
Money ______________
Tomato ______________
Glass ______________
People ______________
biscuit ______________
6. Escribir el genitivo sajn. Ejemplo: Frank-car = Franks car
Ed book ______________
George computer ______________
Bill uncle ______________
My friends bags ______________
Linda pen ______________
Alan girlfriend ______________
My sister house ______________
My brother wife ______________
Ted father ______________
Jane umbrella ______________
Ingls bsico 23
El nombre
7. Corregir estas frases usando el genitivo sajn . Ejemplo: The toys of
the children = The childrens toys.
The book of Paul
The cars of John
The house of Peter
The school of the boys
The car of my father
The boyfriend of Mary
The books of James and Mary
The father of Ann
The clothes of the boy
The camera of Alice
Ingls bsico 24
El nombre
Ingls bsico 25
Wife = wives
Door = doors
Watch = watches
Window = windows
Teacher = teachers
Box = boxes
Pen = pens
City = cities
Dress =dresses
Pencil = pencils
Key = keys
Potato = potatoes
Hat = hats
Class = classes
Student = students
Book = books
Bus = buses
Boy = boys
Lady = ladies
Cat = cats
Man = men
Child = children
Tooth = teeth
Woman = women
Fish = fish
Foot = feet
Person = people
Sheep = sheep
Mouse = mice
Afternoon contable
Animal contable
Oil incontable
Sugar incontable
Plate contable
Rain incontable
Ball contable
Pen contable
Dress contable
Vegetable contable
Coffee ambos
Bread incontable
Cake ambos
Petrol incontable
Money incontable
Tomato contable
Glass ambos
People contable
Biscuit contable
Ed book = Eds book
George computer = Georges
Bill uncle = Bills uncle
My friends bags = My friends bags
Linda pen = Lindas pen
Alan girlfriend = Alans girlfriend
My sister house = My sisters house
My brother wife = My brothers wife
Ted father = Teds father
Jane umbrella = Janes umbrella
El nombre
The book of Paul = Pauls book
The cars of John = Johns cars
The house of Peter = Peters house
The school of the boys = The boys
The car of my father = My fathers car
The boyfriend of Mary = Marys
The books of James and Mary = James
and Marys books
The father of Ann = Anns father
The clothes of the boy = The boys
The camera of Alice = Alices camera
Ingls bsico 26
Tema 2
El artculo determinado
e indeterminado
El artculo determinado
e indeterminado
El artculo determinado
e indeterminado
El artculo determinado
e indeterminado
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
Los artculos determinados ingleses son las palabras que usamos para defi-
nir al nombre (especficamente). En ingls slo tenemos un artculo determi-
nado, estamos hablando de la palabra the, que es invariable en genero y
nmero y se puede traducir por el, la, los, las. El artculo ingls siempre pre-
ceder al nombre al que est determinando:
The dog El perro
Esta nica forma the se usa con toda clase de nombres, singular, plural, con-
tables e incontables.
The hotel El hotel
The money El dinero
1.1 Usos
Generalmente usamos el artculo determinado delante de nombre singular o
plural, contable o incontable que ya ha sido mencionado en la oracin o que
por el contexto queda perfectamente definido:
I like the coffee you make Me gusta el caf que haces
En un caso similar, usamos el artculo determinado cuando hablamos de un
objeto o persona donde es imposible confundirse sobre a cul de ellos nos
estamos refiriendo y se usa con nombres de referencia nica como puede ser
the sun (el sol), the moon (la luna), the sea (el mar) o the earth (la tierra):
It is on the table Est sobre la mesa
The sky is blue El cielo es azul
Usamos el artculo determinado con el nombre de los ocanos, ros, cadenas
montaosas, islas, nombres de algunos pases (que indican plural) o nombres
de objetos que son muy conocidos:
The Atlantic Ocean
The Nile
Ingls bsico 29
1. El artculo determinado
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
The United States
The Mediterranean (Sea)
The Hilton Hotel
Tambin se usa con nombres de nacionalidad, adjetivos nominalizados y en
grupos nominales cuando se usa of:
The poor Los pobres
The rich Los ricos
The Spanish Los espaoles
The University of London La Universidad de Londres
Cuando hablamos de instrumentos musicales, usamos el artculo determina-
do. Tambin para hablar de lugares pblicos si los consideramos edificios,
pero se omite the cuando nos referimos a stos lugares pblicos como una
institucin y estamos interesados en el uso que hacemos de ellos.
Susan plays the piano very well.
Susan toca el piano muy bien
The man was sent to prison
El hombre fue enviado a prisin
The visitors came out of the prison
Los visitantes salieron de la prisin
Tambin usamos el artculo determinado delante de los nmeros ordinales
cuando estn definiendo una persona u objeto en concreto y tambin se usa
delante de adjetivos en grado superlativo:
I live on the second floor
Vivo en el segundo piso
Its the tallest building in the town
Es el edificio ms alto de la ciudad
Ingls bsico 30
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
Ingls bsico 31
1.2 Omisin del artculo determinado
No usamos el artculo determinado delante de nombres en plural o nombres incon-
tables cuando hablamos de ellos de una forma general y no de algo particular :
Cigarettes are bad for you
Los cigarillos son malos para t
Life is short La vida es breve
Nunca usamos un artculo determinado delante de nombres propios, de nom-
bres de calles ni de pases. Cuando hablamos de nombres de deportes o jue-
gos tambin omitimos el artculo determinado:
Peter is twenty Peter tiene veinte aos
I live in Oxford Street Vivo en la calle Oxford
England is a small country Inglaterra es un pas pequeo
I hate football Odio el ftbol
Cuando hablamos de los nombres de sustancias, materiales, colores, comi-
das, festividades, das de la semana o meses del ao no usamos el artculo
Red is my favourite colour El rojo es mi color favorito
Ill see you on Monday Te ver el lunes
Cuando hablamos de las partes del cuerpo y usamos el verbo to have (tener)
tambin omitimos el artculo determinado:
That girl has brown eyes Esa nia tiene los ojos marrones
El artculo indeterminado en ingls, a, an, es invariable en gnero, por eso la
misma forma sirve para el masculino un y el femenino una. Carece de plural,
as que para traducir los artculos unos, unas, se usa el adjetivo indefinido
some ( algunos,as).
2. El artculo indeterminado
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
Usamos a delante de palabras que empiezan por sonido consonntico:
A car Un coche
A table Una mesa
A telephone Un telfono
Por otro lado, usamos an delante de palabras que empiezan por un sonido
An umbrella Un paraguas
An elephant Un elefante
Palabras como European, union, university y useful comienzan con sonido
consonntico /ju:/, por ello, se debe utilizar a.
A used car Un coche usado
En palabras como hour, honest, honour, hourly empiezan con una h muda y
se usa an.
An hour Una hora
2.1 Usos
El artculo indeterminado se usa para referirse a un objeto o una persona de
una manera no especfica, es decir, no especificamos a qu persona u objeto
nos estamos refiriendo exactamente. De esta forma si decimos a boy asked
me to dance (un chico me pidi bailar) no estamos especificando qu chico
me lo pidi, podra haber sido cualquier chico.
Usamos el artculo indeterminado cuando hablamos de trabajos o profesiones.
En espaol nunca usamos el artculo indeterminado en este contexto:
I am a teacher (no I am teacher) Soy professor
She is an actress Ella es actriz
Otro uso muy comn del artculo indeterminado es cuando queremos referir-
nos a toda una categora de personas, cosas o animales y lo hacemos usan-
do slo uno de sus miembros para generalizar el resto de ellos:
A horse is bigger than a pony
Un caballo es ms grande que un poni
Ingls bsico 32
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
Ingls bsico 33
Tambin utilizamos el artculo indeterminado para el llamado uso distributivo:
Three times a week Tres veces a la semana
An apple a day Una manzana al da
Ciertos nmeros en ingls requieren la presencia de un artculo indetermina-
A hundred Cien
A thousand Mil
A million Un milln
Usamos el artculo indeterminado detrs de algunos adjetivos indefinidos o
adverbios de cantidad como such (tal), quite (bastante), rather (bastante), half
(medio), etc. :
Rather a strange woman Una mujer bastante rara
It is quite a big house Es una casa bastante grande
Es normal el uso del artculo indeterminado cuando mencionamos a alguien o
algo por primera vez en nuestra conversacin o texto:
Look! A snake! Mira, una serpiente!
Despus de exclamaciones que empiezan por la palabra what y seguido de un
nombre contable en singular:
What a day! Vaya da!
What a nice dress! Qu bonito vestido!
Tambin utilizamos el artculo indeterminado con nombres propios cuando no
conocemos a la persona de la que estamos hablando o tenemos muy poca
informacin sobre ella , se traduce la idea de un tal:
A Mr Simpson Un tal Sr. Simpson
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
A continuacin vemos unos ejemplos del uso del artculo determinado e inde-
Ingls bsico 34
No se utiliza a delante de nombres en plural. Tampoco se utiliza a delante de nom-
bres incontables, como water, bread, information y milk.(no a rain).
No se utiliza a delante de adjetivos posesivos. (no a my friend)
Nombres contables
A bed
A woman
An apple
Some beds
Some women
Some apples
The bed
The woman
The apple
The beds
The women
The apples
The milk
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
1. Distinguir los nombres en singular y plural. Aadir a, an o some:
_____ book
_____ supermarkets
_____ tomatoes
_____ orange
_____ banana
2. Elegir entre a o an:
-This is my brother. Hes _____ doctor.
-Mr. Kelly is ____ engineer.
-Thats Roy. Hes ___ travel agent.
-Robert de Niro is ___ actor.
-Tom is ____ electrician.
-Mr. Brown is ___ teacher.
-This is Ann. Shes ___ housewife.
-Thats Jack. Hes ___ police officer.
-Im ____ student.
-Penlope Cruz is ____ actress.
Ingls bsico 35
a las siguientes
_____ boys
_____ sport centre
_____ apples
_____ umbrella
_____ cat
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
3. Escribir a o an delante de las siguientes palabras:
_____ Eagle
_____ Arrow
_____ Easy question
_____ University
_____ Umbrella
_____ Uniform
_____ White umbrella
_____ Orange bag
_____ Igloo
_____ Ugly dress
4. Usar a, an, the o nada:
This is ___ easy question.
Please speak ___ little louder.
May I have your ___ phone number?
I have never seen ___ UFO.
May I ask you ___ question?
David is ___ best student in our class.
What is ___ name of the next station?
He has ___ my car today.
I went to ___ sea during my summer vacation.
Is there ___ public telephone near here?
Completar las frases con a, an, o nada:
There were many dogs in the park. One dog was ___ Dalmatian.
Pandas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals.
Ingls bsico 36
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
She is wearing ___ blue dress with red earrings
Hawaii is ___ island in the Pacific Ocean.
Christmas comes once ___ year.
___ ant is __ insect.
The Nile is ___ river.
I went to the shop to get ___ bread.
He broke ___ glass when he was washing dishes.
You should take ___ umbrella.
Ingls bsico 37
El artculo determinado e indeterminado
Ingls bsico 38
a book
some supermarkets
some tomatoes
an orange
a banana
some boys
a sport centre
some apples
an umbrella
a cat
This is my brother. Hes a doctor.
Mr. Kelly is an engineer.
Thats Roy. Hes a travel agent.
Robert de Niro is an actor.
Tom is an electrician.
Mr. Brown is a teacher.
This is Ann. Shes a housewife.
Thats Jack. Hes a police officer.
Im a student.
Penlope Cruz is an actress.
An eagle
An arrow
An easy question
A university
An umbrella
A uniform
A white umbrella
An orange bag
An igloo
An ugly dress
This is an easy question.
Please speak a little louder.
May I have your phone number?
I have never seen a UFO.
May I ask you a question?
David is the best student in our class.
What is the name of the next station?
He has my car today.
I went to the sea during my summer
Is there a public telephone near here?
-There were many dogs in the park.
One dog was a Dalmatian.
-Pandas and tigers are both endan-
gered animals.
-She is wearing a blue dress with red
-Hawaii is an island in the Pacific
-Christmas comes once a year.
-An ant is an insect.
-The Nile is a river.
-I went to the shop to get bread.
-He broke a glass when he was was-
hing dishes.
-You should take an umbrella.
Tema 3
El verbo to be
El verbo to be
El verbo to be
El verbo to be
El verbo to be
El verbo to be tiene una gran importancia en la lengua inglesa. Suele usarse
para preguntar por el nombre de alguien, de dnde proviene, etc. Todo el
mundo ha odo lo del Whats your name? (Cmo te llamas?), Where are you
from? (De dnde eres?), How old are you? (Cuntos aos tienes?), What
time is it? (Qu hora es?). El verbo to be equivale a los verbos ser y estar.
Dependiendo del sentido de la frase deducimos de cual de los dos se trata.
El verbo to be admite los siguientes usos como auxiliar :
- Para formar los tiempos progresivos o continuos acompaando a la forma
en ing del verbo que se conjuga:
I am running Yo estoy corriendo
- Para formar la voz pasiva acompaando al participio pasado del verbo que
se conjuga:
These houses were built fifty years ago
Estas casas se construyeron hace cincuenta aos
Como verbo ordinario sirve para dar informacin sobre el sujeto. Puede ir
acompaado de :
- Un adjetivo:
I am tired Estoy cansada
- Un nombre:
I am a teacher Soy una profesora
- Una preposicin:
I am at home Estoy en casa
Ingls bsico 41
1. Usos del verbo to be
El verbo to be
Ingls bsico 42
La conjugacin de to be tiene las siguientes caractersticas:
El presente y pasado del verbo to be son muy irregulares, pues el presente
tiene tres formas distintas: am, is, are y el pasado tiene dos: was y were.Va
acompaado del sujeto o de los pronombres personales:
I/you/he/she/it/we/you/they. Mientras que en espaol no hace falta el pronom-
bre o sujeto.
He is American Es americano
Los pronombres personales toman el lugar del nombre y como ejemplo vamos
a sustituir los siguientes nombres por pronombres personales:
Mara...she (ella)
Juan.........he (l)
Mara and Juanthey (ellos)
The (ello)
You and I................we (nosotros)
Maria and you you (vosotros)
Se forma la negacin con slo aadir not a la forma afirmativa:
Lydia is not (isnt) from Italy Lidia no es de Italia
Se forma la interrogacin invirtiendo el orden sujeto verbo y se pone un solo
signo de interrogacin al final de la pregunta:
You are at school Ests en el colegio
Are you at school? Ests en el colegio?
Otra particularidad es el empleo de formas contradas, tanto en la afirmacin
como en la negacin:
2. Conjugacin de to be. Presente
y pasado
El verbo to be
Ingls bsico 43
Im not interested (o I am not interested)
No estoy interesada
Estas formas contradas, por ser ms cortas, se utilizan normalmente en la
conversacin o en cartas informales, pero su uso no se considera correcto en
la forma escrita. Lo que hacemos para formar esta contraccin es quitar la pri-
mera letra del verbo y marcar el lugar con un apstrofo. En el presente, las for-
mas afirmativas y negativa se pueden contraer, mientras que en la forma inte-
rrogativa no. En el pasado solamente la forma negativa puede contraerse.
Veamos como quedan todas las formas del verbo to be conjugado en el tiem-
po presente:
Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa
I am (Im) I am not (Im not) Am I?
Yo soy, estoy Yo no soy, no estoy Soy yo? Estoy yo?
You are (Youre) You are not (Youre not) Are you?
T eres, ests T no eres, no ests Eres tu? Ests t?
He/she/it is (Hes) He/she/it is not (Hes not) Is he/she/it?
l, ella, ello es, est l ella, ello no es, no est Es l, ella, ello? Est l?
We are (Were) We are not (Were not) Are we?
Nosotros somos, estamos No somos, no estamos Somos? Estamos?
You are (Youre) You are not (Youre not) Are you?
Vosotros sois, estis Vosotros no sois, no estis Sois? Estis?
They are (Theyre) They are not (Theyre not) Are they?
Ellos son, estn Ellos no son, no estn Son, estn ellos?
Contestacin afirmativa Contestacin negativa
Yes, I am No, Im not
Yes, you are No, you arent
Yes, he/she/it is No, he/she/it isnt
Yes, we are No, we arent
Yes, you are No, you arent
Yes, they are No, they arent
El verbo to be
A continuacin tenemos el pasado del verbo to be :
Ingls bsico 44
Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa
I was I was not (I wasn't) Was I?
Fui, era / estuve, estaba
No fui, no era / no estu-
ve, no estaba
Fui?, era? / estuve?,
You were
You were not (you
Were you?
Fuiste, eras / estuviste,
No fuiste, no eras / no
estuviste, no estabas
Fuiste?, eras? /
estuviste?, estabas?
He was He was not (he wasn't) Was he?
Fue, era / estuvo, estaba
No fue, no era / no estu-
vo, no estaba
Fue?, era? / estu-
vo?. estaba?
We were
We were not (we
Were we?
Fuimos, ramos, / estu-
vimos, estbamos
No fuimos, no ramos, / no
estuvimos, no estbamos
Fuimos?, ramos? /
estuvimos?, estbamos
You were
You were not (you
Were you?
Fuisteis, erais, / estuvis-
teis, estabais
No fuisteis, no erais / no
estuvisteis, no estabais
Fuisteis?, erais?, /
estuvisteis?, estabais?
They were
They were not (they
Were they?
Fueron, eran / estuvie-
ron, estaban
No fueron, no eran / no
estuvieron, no estaban
Fueron?, eran? /
estuvieron?, estaban?
Contestacin afirmativa Contestacin negativa
Yes, I was No, I wasnt
Yes, you were No, you werent
Yes, he/she/it was No, he/she/it wasnt
Yes, we were No, we werent
Yes, you were No, you werent
Yes, they were No, they werent
El verbo to be
Ingls bsico 45
La estructura There + verbo to be corresponde al verbo haber en espaol.
Tiene dos formas una para el singular y otra para el plural. En el presente
pondramos there is cuando va seguida de un nombre en singular y en el
pasado there was.
Para el plural pondramos en el presente there are y en el pasado there were
cuando la estructura va seguida de nombre en plural.
There is a table in the dining room
Hay una mesa en el comedor
There isnt a mirror in the kitchen
No hay un espejo en la cocina
El sujeto debe concordar con el verbo. Esto significa que cuando el sujeto es sin-
gular el verbo tambin debe ser singular, y plural cuando el sujeto es plural:
The cat is pretty (no The cat are pretty) El gato es bonito
Am not no se puede contraer:
I am not ready ( no I amnt ready) No estoy preparada
To be sirve para expresar la edad, en cuyo caso se traduce por tener:
I am 30 years old (no I have 30 years old) Tengo 30 aos
Para expresar sensaciones se emplea el verbo to be y equivale al tenerespaol:
I am hungry (no I have hunger) Tengo hambre
Tambin para hablar sobre el tiempo atmosfrico. En este caso se traduce por
Its windy (no It does wind) Hace viento
3. Impersonal Hay
El verbo to be
There are flowers Hay flores
Are there cars in the garage? Hay coches en el garaje?
A continuacin veamos como queda sta estructura tanto en presente como
en pasado:
Ingls bsico 46
Singular Plural
There is There are
There is not (There isnt) There are not (There arent)
Is there?
Yes, there is
No, there isnt
Are there?
Yes, there are
No, there arent
Singular Plural
There was There were
There was not (There wasnt) There were not (There werent)
Was there?
Yes, there was
No, there wasnt
Were there?
Yes, there were
No, there werent
El verbo to be
1. Sustituir los nombres por pronombres personales.
Sara _____
Pedro _____
Luis and Jose _____
You and I _____
Pepe and you _____
The cat _____
Pars _____
My brother _____
Silvia _____
The house _____
2. Completar las oraciones usando am, is o are
Silvia _____ a doctor.
The dogs _____ big.
My teacher ______ English.
My friends _______ happy.
Rubn _______ my friend.
Enrique and Rubn ______ brothers.
Granada and Mlaga ______ towns.
You ______ intelligent.
Ingls bsico 47
a las siguientes
El verbo to be
Andrea and I ______ here.
I _____ a student.
3. Escribir la forma contrada :
He is ______________
They are ______________
She is not ______________
It is ______________
I am not ______________
You are not ______________
We are not ______________
I am ______________
You are ______________
It is not ______________
4. Formular preguntas:
She/tall? __________________________
They/old? __________________________
It/expensive? __________________________
He/a teacher? __________________________
Windows/open? __________________________
We/late? __________________________
It/cold? __________________________
The bus/late? __________________________
The room/big? __________________________
She/tired? __________________________
Ingls bsico 48
El verbo to be
5. Completar las oraciones usando was o were:
I _____ in Wales last year.
I _____at school yesterday.
My friend _____ at home last Friday.
My friends _____in England last summer.
My family and I ______at home last Sunday morning.
My mum _______ at work yesterday.
My English teacher _______ in America last year.
Steve and Jane _______ in Paris on Tuesday.
Jane _______ in London on Friday.
They ______ angry
6. Cambiar las oraciones del presente al pasado.
Theyre new. __________________________
The banks are open. __________________________
She isnt English. __________________________
Where is he? __________________________
Im not interested. __________________________
Are you very hungry? __________________________
We arent ready. __________________________
Is it difficult? __________________________
The traffic lights are red. __________________________
What day is it? __________________________
7. Cambiar las oraciones del afirmativo al negativo (forma contrada):
I was a teacher. _____________________________
Ingls bsico 49
El verbo to be
She was ill. _____________________________
The weather was very nice. _____________________________
My shoes were dirty. _____________________________
This restaurant was expensive. _____________________________
Your cigarettes were in your bag. _____________________________
The exams were difficult. _____________________________
The flowers were beautiful. _____________________________
George was in bed. _____________________________
He was a famous film star. _____________________________
8. Elegir There is o There are
_________ three pencils in the bag
_________ a car in the garage
_________ books on the chair
_________ a telephone in the living room
_________ two tables in the kitchen
_________ birds in the sky
_________ a book on the desk
_________ five chairs in the bedroom
_________ seven days in a week
_________ a carton of milk in the fridge
Ingls bsico 50
El verbo to be
Ingls bsico 51
Sara = she
Pedro = he
Luis and Jose = they
You and I = we
Pepe and you = you
The cat = it
Paris = it
My brother = he
Silvia = she
The house = it
Silvia is a doctor.
The dogs are big.
My teacher is English.
My friends are happy.
Rubn is my friend.
Enrique and Rubn are brothers.
Granada and Mlaga are towns.
You are intelligent.
Andrea and I are here.
I am a student.
He is = Hes
They are = Theyre
She is not = She isnt
It is = Its
I am not =Im not
You are not =You arent
We are not =We arent
I am = Im
You are = Youre
It is not = It isnt
Is she tall?
Are they old?
Is it expensive?
Is he a teacher?
Are the windows open?
Are we late?
Is it cold?
Is the bus late?
Is the room big?
Is she tired?
I was in Wales last year.
I was at school yesterday.
My friend was at home last Friday.
My friends were in England last sum-
My family and I were at home last
Sunday morning.
My mum was at work yesterday.
My English teacher was in America
last year.
Steve and Jane were in Paris on
Jane was in London on Friday.
They were angry.
They were new.
The banks were open.
She wasnt English
Where was he?
I wasnt interested.
Were you very hungry?
We werent ready.
Was it difficult?
El verbo to be
Ingls bsico 52
The traffic lights were red.
What day was it?
I wasnt a teacher.
She wasnt ill.
The weather wasnt very nice.
My shoes werent dirty
This restaurant wasnt expensive.
Your cigarettes werent in your bag.
The exams werent difficult.
The flowers werent beautiful.
George wasnt in bed.
He wasnt a famous film star.
There are three pencils in the bag
There is a car in the garage
There are books on the chair
There is a telephone in the living room
There are two tables in the kitchen
There are birds in the sky
There is a book on the desk
There are five chairs in the bedroom
There are seven days in a week
There is a carton of milk in the fridge
Tema 4
El verbo to have
El verbo to have
El verbo to have
El verbo to have
El verbo to have
El verbo to have significa haber o tener y puede funcionar como verbo auxi-
liar o como verbo ordinario.
Como verbo auxiliar, to have se utiliza para construir las formas compuestas:
I have worked Yo he trabajado
He had lost his keys El haba perdido sus llaves.
We have watched TV Nosotros hemos visto la televisin
- El verbo to have se puede utilizar como un verbo ordinario y en este caso
tiene el significado de tener:
I have a car Yo tengo un coche
She had a job Ella tuvo un trabajo
- Y tambin se utiliza en algunas expresiones con el sentido de tomar:
I have tea Tomo el t
She has a bath Ella toma un bao
Debemos tener claro que usar solamente have es correcto, pero que el uso de
got no siempre es adecuado acompaando a have. Generalmente, el uso de
got es ms corriente en ingls britnico y menos usual en ingls americano.
Puede usarse have got cuando alguien posee una determinada cosa o cuan-
do estamos mencionando una cualidad o caracterstica que alguien o algo
Ive got a new car Tengo un coche nuevo
Hes got a good memory Tiene buena memoria.
Se usa have, no have got, al escribir o hablar en un contexto formal. La pala-
bra got no aade ningn significado, puede desaparecer en todas sus formas
(afirmativo, negativo e interrogativo), sin que el significado cambie:
Ive got a flat = I have a flat Tengo un piso
Ingls bsico 55
1. Usos del verbo to have
El verbo to have
Ingls bsico 56
Cuando nos referimos al pasado o al futuro no utilizamos nunca got:
I had a big house two years ago
Tuve una gran casa hace dos aos
- Es muy frecuente el uso de modismos con have, especialmente seguido del
artculo a/an y un nombre, para describir ciertas actividades o acciones:
To have a walk Pasear
To have a try Intentar, probar
To have a look Echar un vistazo
To have fun Divertirse
To have a headache Tener dolor de cabeza
La conjugacin de to have tiene las siguientes caractersticas:
- El presente del verbo to have tiene dos formas distintas : have para el plural
y la primera y segunda persona del singular y has que se usa para la tercera
persona del singular. Sin embargo, el pasado slo tiene una forma : had.
I have (got) green eyes Tengo los ojos verdes
I had a terrible journey Tuve un viaje horrible
Cuando have se utiliza como verbo tomar/desayunar/comer, etc. no se puede uti-
lizar have/has got. Por ejemplo se dice: I have dinner ( no I have got dinner)
2. Conjugacin de to have.
Presente y pasado
El verbo to have
Ingls bsico 57
- Se forma la negacin con slo aadir not a la forma afirmativa (lo mismo que
el verbo to be). Adems hay que destacar el empleo de formas contradas,
tanto en la afirmacin como en la negacin:
They havent (got) a telephone No tienen telfono
- Se forma la interrogacin invirtiendo el orden sujeto verbo y se pone un solo
signo de interrogacin al final de la pregunta:
Have you got children? Tienes hijos?
Observemos las formas del verbo to have conjugado en el tiempo presente :
Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa
I have (I've) got I have not (I haven't) got Have I got?
He, tengo No he, no tengo He?, hengo?
You have (you've) got
You have not (you
haven't) got
Have you got?
Has, tienes No has, no tienes Has?, tienes?
He has (he's) got
He has not (he hasn't)
Has he got?
Ha, tiene No ha, no tiene Ha?, tiene?
We have (we've) got
We have not (we haven't)
Have we got?
Hemos, tenemos No hemos, no tenemos Hemos?, tenemos?
You have (you've) got
You have not (you
haven't) got
Have you got?
Habis, tenis No nabis, no tenis Habis?, tenis?
They have (they've) got
They have not (they
haven't) got
Have they got?
Han, tienen No han, no tienen Han?, tienen?
El verbo to have
Y ahora en el tiempo pasado:
Ingls bsico 58
Contestacin afirmativa Contestacin negativa
Yes, I have No, I haven't
Yes, you have No, you haven't
Yes, he/she/it has No, he/she/it hasn't
Yes, we have No, we haven't
Yes, you have No, you haven't
Yes, they have No, they haven't
Forma afirmativa Forma negativa Forma interrogativa
I had I had not (I hadn't) Had I?
Hube, haba / tuve,
No hube, no haba / no tuve,
no tena
Hube?, Haba? /
Huve?, Tena?
You had You had not (you hadn't) Had you?
Hubiste, habas /
tuviste, tenas
No hubiste, no habas / no
tuviste, no tenas
Hubiste?, Habas? /
Tuviste?, Tenas?
He had He had not (he hadn't) Had he?
Hubo, habia / tuvo,
No hubo, no habia / no tuvo,
no tena
Hubo?, Haba? /
Tuvo?, Tena?
We had We had not (we hadn't) Had we?
Hubimos, habamos /
tuvimos, tenamos
No hubimos, no habamos /
no tuvimos, no tenamos
Hubimos?, Habamos?
/ Tuvimos?, Tenamos?
You had You had not (you hadn't) Had you?
Hubisteis, habais /
tuvisteis, tenais
No hubisteis, no habais / no
tuvisteis, no tenais
Hubisteis?, Habais? /
Tuvisteis?, Tenais?
They had They had not (they hadn't) Had they?
Hubieron, haban /
tuvieron, tenan
No hubieron, no haban / no
tuvieron, no tenan
Hubieron?, Haban? /
Tuvieron?, Tenan?
El verbo to have
Ingls bsico 59
- En el Negativo y el Interrogativo se acepta, adems de la forma vista en la
tabla, utilizar los auxiliares dont / doesnt y do / does + base del verbo ,res-
pectivamente, pero sin incluir la partcula got :
Forma afirmativa: I have Yo tengo
Forma negativa: I dont have Yo no tengo
Forma interrogativa: Do I have? Tengo yo?
Has Carmen got a car ? / Does Carmen have a car ?
Tiene Carmen un coche?.
No confundir la contraccin de la tercera persona: Shes/Hes/ Its got, con la con-
traccin del verbo to be, no es is sino has.
La estructura have/has got slo se puede utilizar en el tiempo presente. Para
el pasado y otros tiempos verbales hay que utilizar necesariamente el verbo have.
El verbo to have
1. Completar las frases usando el verbo have got:
____________ Jane got a brother?
Sally ____________ got a new boyfriend.
We ____________ got a house in Jan.
My flat ____________ got a garage.
We ____________ got a garden.
____________ you got a dog or a cat?
Have they got a SEAT? No, they ____________
Has Gary got a Mercedes? Yes, he ____________
My sister ____________ got long hair.
Megan ____________ got blonde hair - shes got brown hair.
2. Escribir las siguientes frases en la forma negativa:
Terry has got a girlfriend. Ej.: Terry hasnt got a girlfriend.
Tom has got an uncle. ____________________________________
Aziz has got green eyes. ____________________________________
Sue is Peters brother. ____________________________________
Lidia has got brown hair. ____________________________________
Im a doctor. ____________________________________
Darren is Megans boyfriend. ____________________________________
Terry has got a date for Saturday. ___________________________________
Ingls bsico 61
a las siguientes
El verbo to have
Shes very pretty. _____________________________
My neighbours have got two daughters. _____________________________
My best friend has got two brothers. _____________________________
3. Escribir have o has:
I ___ blond hair and blue eyes.
Mr. Brown ___ two brother
They ___ two cats and three rabbits.
The man next door ___ a pet.
The new supermarket ___ everything.
___ your father got a nice car?
___ she got many friends?
___ your mother got blue eyes?
___ you got a ticket?
___ they got any children?
4. Elegir la respuesta correcta:
My father have got / has got an old car. __________
They have got / has got an armchair in their room. __________
The man have got / has got very short hair. __________
My sister have got / has got a sofa in her bedroom. __________
We have got / has got a lamp in our room. __________
My window have got / has got a curtain. __________
You have got / has got beautiful eyes. __________
She have got / has got a television . __________
Ingls bsico 62
El verbo to have
Megans father have got / has got a computer in his house. __________
Elena and Maria have got / has got toys in their room. __________
5. Convertir estas oraciones en forma negativa e interrogativa
I have got two cars in the garage
Marta has got a computer in her room
He has got a sister
They have got blue eyes
Your house has got ten windows
6. Contestar a las preguntas con respuestas breves y traducirlas como
en el ejemplo :
Has she got a pen? yes, she has
Tiene ella un boli? S, ella s.
Has she got a book? yes, ............................
Have they got the money? yes, ......................
Has it got a two bathrooms? yes, ..........................
Ingls bsico 63
El verbo to have
Has he got a car? yes, .................................
Have we got the CDs? yes,.......................
Have you got a flat? yes,..............................
Have Joe and Phil got a big house? yes,.....
Has Betty got a dog? Yes,............................
Have you got a pet? yes,................................
Ingls bsico 64
El verbo to have
Ingls bsico 65
Has Jane got a brother?
Sally has got a new boyfriend.
We have got a house in Jan.
My flat has got a garage.
We have got a garden.
Have you got a dog or a cat?
'Have they got a SEAT?' 'No, they
haven't .'
'Has Gary got a Mercedes?' 'No, he
hasn't .'
My sister has got long hair.
Megan hasn't got blonde hair - she's
got brown hair.
Tom hasn't got an uncle.
Aziz hasn't got green eyes.
Sue isn't Peter's brother.
Lidia hasn't got brown hair.
I'm not a doctor.
Darren isn't Megan's boyfriend.
Terry hasn't got a date for Saturday.
She isn't very pretty.
My neighbours haven't got two daugh-
I have blond hair and blue eyes.
Mr. Brown has two brother
They have two cats and three rabbits.
The man next door has a pet.
The new supermarket has everything.
Has your father got a nice car?
Has she got many friends?
Has your mother got blue eyes?
Have you got a ticket?
Have they got any children?
My father has got an old car.
They have got an armchair in their
The man has got very short hair.
My sister has got a sofa in her bedro-
We have got a lamp in our room.
My window has got a curtain.
You have got beautiful eyes.
She has got a television .
Megan's father has got a computer in
his house.
Elena and Maria have got toys in their
I have got two cars in the garage
I haven't got two cars in the garage
Have I got two cars in the garage?
Marta has got a computer in her room
Marta hasn't got a computer in her
Has Marta got a computer in her room?
He has got a sister
He hasn't got a sister
Has he got a sister?
They have got blue eyes
They haven't got blue eyes
Have they got blue eyes?
El verbo to have
Ingls bsico 66
Your house has got ten windows
Your house hasn't got ten windows
Has your house got ten windows?
Has she got a book ? yes, she has.
Tiene ella un libro? S, ella s
Have they got money? yes, they have.
Tienen ellos dinero? S, ellos s.
Has it got a two bathrooms ? yes, it has
Tiene ello dos cuartos de bao? S,
ello s.
Has he got a car ? yes, he has
Tiene l un coche? S, l s
Have we got the CDs ? yes, we have.
Tenemos nosotros los Cds? S, noso-
tros s.
Have you got a flat ? yes, I have
Tienes t un piso? S, you s
Have Joe and Phil got a big house ?
yes, they have
Tienen Joe y Phil una gran casa? S,
ellos s
Has Betty got a dog ? Yes, she has
Tiene Betty un perro? S, ella s
Have you got a pet ? yes, I have
Tienes t una mascota? S, yo s
Tema 5
Los adjetivos calificativos
Los adjetivos calificativos
Los adjetivos calificativos
Los adjetivos
Los adjetivos calificativos
Los adjetivos son las palabras que utilizamos para describir los nombres.
Pueden decirnos cualquier caracterstica del nombre con el que van. Podra
ser sobre su forma, color, tamao, etc. En ingls, los adjetivos son palabras
invariables, es decir, slo tienen una forma nica (singular). A diferencia del
espaol, los adjetivos ingleses no tienen gnero y no cambian del singular al
plural cuando el nombre al que describen cambia su forma:
The happy boy El nio feliz
The happy girl La nia feliz
The happy boys Los nios felices
The happy girls Las nias felices
En ingls se pueden utilizar el gerundio (present participle) y el participio (past
participle) con funcin de adjetivo:
An amusing book Un libro divertido
An amused boy Un nio que se ha divertido
An interesting student Un estudiante interesante
An interested student Un estudiante que est interesado
La diferencia entre el gerundio (-ing) y el participio (-ed) est en que el prime-
ro tiene un sentido activo (es el causante del efecto), mientras que el segun-
do tiene un sentido pasivo (es el receptor del efecto):
Como ya mencionbamos en el tema dedicado a los nombres, en ingls a
veces se utilizan adjetivos con funcin de sustantivos, normalmente haciendo
referencia a colectivos:
The rich Los ricos
The poor Los pobres
The Spanish Los espaoles
Ingls bsico 69
Los adjetivos calificativos
Ingls bsico 70
- El adjetivo en ingls se sita delante del sustantivo:
A big house Una casa grande
An old woman Una mujer mayor
- Pero en las frases atributivas se coloca detrs del verbo (to be):
The house is big La casa es grande
The woman is old La mujer es mayor
- Cuando varios adjetivos van delante de un mismo sustantivo, estos adjeti-
vos se colocan siguiendo un orden determinado, que suele ser:
A big German car Un coche alemn grande
An old, brown, paper parcel Un viejo paquete marrn de papel
1. Colocacin de los adjetivos
Caractersticas, opiniones Beautiful, mysterious
Tamao, peso Small, enormous
Edad Old, young....
Forma Round, narrow..
Color Red, blue....
Procedencia German, Dutch
Material Glass, paper
Nombre Bottle, cheese
Los adjetivos calificativos
Ingls bsico 71
Hemos estudiado que los adjetivos describen a los nombres, pero tambin se
pueden usar para comparar dos nombres diferentes. Este fenmeno es lo que
llamamos comparaciones. La nica vez que vemos cambios en la forma de
los adjetivos es con las comparaciones:
- De igualdad. Los dos nombres que estamos comparando comparten la
caracterstica que el adjetivo est describiendo al mismo nivel. No hay dife-
rencia ente los nombres en ese aspecto comparado. Para esta comparacin
usamos la estructura as + adjetivo + as (tan + adjetivo + como):
He is as tall as she l es tan alto como ella
- Cuando usamos la forma negativa, a veces cambiamos el primer as por
so. so + adjetivo + as (tan + adjetivo + como):
He is not as/so tall as she l no es tan alto como ella
- De superioridad. Un nombre posee la caracterstica comparada en un nivel
ms alto que el otro nombre. Para este tipo de comparaciones usamos la
estructura adjetivo + er + than (ms + adjetivo + que). Si el adjetivo que esta-
mos comparando tiene dos o ms slabas usamos more + adjetivo + than
(ms + adjetivo + que):
He is taller than she l es ms alto que ella
- Inferioridad.Un nombre tiene la caracterstica que el adjetivo describe en un
nivel inferior al del otro nombre. Usamos la estructura less + adjetivo + than
(menos + adjetivo + que):
He is less tall than she l es menos alto que ella
- Adjetivo superlativo. El superlativo denota la cualidad en su ms alto grado.
Usamos la estructura: the + adjetivo + est (el, la, lo, las, los + ms + adjeti-
vo). Si el adjetivo tiene dos o ms slabas entonces utilizamos the most +
adjetivo (el, la, lo, las, los + ms + adjetivo) para expresar el nivel ms alto y
the least + adjetivo (el, la, lo, las, los + menos + adjetivo) para describir el
nivel ms bajo:
He is the tallest in the class
l es el ms alto de la clase
2. Grados de comparacin
Los adjetivos calificativos
Existen dos maneras de formar el comparativo y el superlativo en ingls:
- Aadiendo al adjetivo el sufijo er para el comparativo y est para el super-
lativo. As lo forman los adjetivos monoslabos y los bislabos terminados en
y. Los terminados en y precedida de consonante transforman la y griega en
i latina. Cuando la y va precedida de vocal no cambia :
Long /longer /the longest
Largo / ms largo / el ms largo
Happy/ happier / the happiest
Feliz / ms feliz / el ms feliz
Cuando el adjetivo monoslabo termina en consonante simple pre-
cedida de una sola vocal de sonido breve, se dobla la consonante:
Hot / hotter / the hottest
Caliente / ms caliente / el ms caliente
Los terminados en e aaden slo r y st :
Nice /nicer /the nicest
Agradable / ms agradable / el ms agradable
- Anteponiendo al adjetivo la palabra more (ms) para el comparativo, y the
most (el ms) para el superlativo. Lo forman as todos los adjetivos no inclui-
dos anteriormente, es decir, los bislabos no mencionados y todos los polisla-
Intelligent / more intelligent / the most intelligent
Algunos adjetivos en ingls son irregulares cuando hacen los com-
parativos. Nos los tenemos que aprender de memoria:
Ingls bsico 72
3. Formacin del comparativo de
superioridad y superlativo
Los adjetivos calificativos
Ingls bsico 73
Veamos ahora una tabla que resume las distintas maneras de formar los com-
parativos y superlativos:
Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo
Bad (malo) Worse (peor) The worst (el peor)
Good (bueno) Better (mejor) The best (el mejor)
Little (pequeo) Less (menos) The least (generally: el/lo menos)
Many (mucho) More (ms) The most (el ms)
Much (mucho) More (ms) The most (el ms)
Old (viejo) Older (mayor) The eldest (el mayor)
Formacin Adjetivo Comparativo Superlativo
Una sola slaba Tall Taller The tallest
Terminado en -e Rude Ruder The rudest
Terminado conso-
nante simple
Big Bigger The biggest
Dos slabas
terminado en -y
Easy Easier The easiest
Dos o ms sla-
Expensive More expensive
The most expen-
Usamos siempre than siguiendo el adjetivo cuando estemos comparando dos cosas
o personas: His car is more expensive than my car. ( no His car is more expensive
that my car) Su coche es ms caro que mi coche. La partcula comparativa es than
no that.
Usamos siempre el artculo the delante del adjetivo cuando estemos formando el
superlativo: Mary is the funniest girl in the class ( no Mary is funniest girl in the class)
Mary el la chica ms divertida de la clase.
Los adjetivos calificativos
1. Escribir la forma comparativa de superioridad y del superlativo de los
siguientes adjetivos:
Strong ___________ ___________
Important ___________ ___________
Difficult ___________ ___________
Large ___________ ___________
Pretty ___________ ___________
Heavy ___________ ___________
Good ___________ ___________
Early ___________ ___________
Thin ___________ ___________
Cheap ___________ ___________
2. Completar las siguientes frases con el adjetivo en grado comparativo
de superioridad:
Andorra is ___________ than Spain (small)
Barcelona is __________ than Almera (noisy)
Mount Everest is __________ than Teide (high)
Football is __________ than tennis (popular)
Barcelona is __________ than Liverpool (good)
A Ferrari is ___________ than a Renault (fast)
Spanish is ____________ than English (difficult)
Ingls bsico 75
a las siguientes
Los adjetivos calificativos
A Citroen is _____________ than a BMW (cheap)
Big motorbikes are ___________ than small cars (expensive)
Bicycles are ______________than motorbikes (slow)
3. Completar las siguientes frases con el adjetivo en grado superlativo:
The ____________town in Spain is Madrid (big)
The _____________ TV programmes are reality shows (bad)
Mount Everest is the____________ mountain in the world (high)
London is the ____________ town in Europe (expensive)
You are my_____________ friend (good)
Beyonc is the___________ pop star (pretty)
Japanese is the____________ language in the world (difficult)
Tigers are the ____________animals (brave)
Scuba diving is the _________ sport (dangerous)
Tortoises are the_________ animals (slow)
4. Completar con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito
entre parntesis:
This MP3 is ___________(new) than your MP3.
Peter is ___________(old) than Liz.
Ben is ___________(young) than Jill.
Jack is ______________(young) in the class.
That car is ____________(expensive) than this car.
That mobile phone is _____________(expensive) in the market.
Your car is ______________(fast) than my car.
Your car is _____________(fast) in the street.
Ingls bsico 76
Los adjetivos calificativos
This house is _____________(big) than my house.
This house is ___________ (big) in the town.
5. Escribir oraciones que establezcan una comparacin como en el ejemplo
John / tall (Peter)=
John is tall, but Peter is taller (John es alto pero Peter es ms alto)
Angela/beautiful (Betty)
Granada/nice (Madrid)
George/strong (Jack)
Spain / warm (Greece)
Denmark / small (Andorra)
Paul /young (Tom)
Writing / difficult (speaking)
My room / big (your room)
My house / dirty ( your house)
George Clooney / famous (Brad Pitt)
Ingls bsico 77
Los adjetivos calificativos
6. Escribir comparaciones de superioridad usando los dos trminos de
la comparacin y el adjetivo como en el ejemplo ( My bike / small / your
bike) My bike is smaller than your bike:
My present / cheap / your present
My room / dark / your room
Fruit / healthy / meat
Megan / thin / Kate
Dresses / comfortable / skirts
Oranges / good / sweets
Lions / dangerous / dogs
Alaska / cold / Italy
Ben / young / Tom
Tennis / safe / rugby
Ingls bsico 78
Los adjetivos calificativos
7. Escribir comparaciones de igualdad y luego pasarlas a negativa como
en el ejemplo ( Goya / important / Picasso) Goya is as important as
Picasso Goya is not as /so important as Picasso.
My suitcase / heavy / your suitcase
Paris / beautiful / New York
My ruler / long / your ruler
Jane / thin / Ben
Valencia / warm / Marbella
Sara / friendly / Laura
This street / quiet / that street
My sweater / colourful / your sweater
This photo / funny / that photo
Boots / fashionable / trainers
Ingls bsico 79
Los adjetivos calificativos
Ingls bsico 80
Strong stronger the strongest
Important more important the most
Difficult more difficult the most diffi-
Large larger the largest
Pretty prettier the prettiest
Heavy heavier the heaviest
Good better the best
Early earlier the earliest
Thin thinner the thinnest
Cheap cheaper the cheapest
Andorra is smaller than Spain
Barcelona is noisier than Almera
Mount Everest is higher than Teide
Football is more popular than tennis
Barcelona is better than Liverpool
A Ferrari is faster than a Renault
Spanish is more difficult than English
A Citroen is cheaper than a BMW
Big motorbikes are more expensive
than small cars
Bicycles are slower than motorbikes
The biggest town in Spain is Madrid
The worst TV programmes are reality
shows (bad)
Mount Everest is the highest mountain
in the world (high)
London is the most expensive town in
Europe (expensive)
You are my best friend (good)
Beyonc is the prettiest pop start
Japanese is the most difficult langua-
ge in the world (difficult)
Tigers are the bravest animals (brave)
Scuba diving is the most dangerous
sport (dangerous)
Tortoises are the slowest animals
This MP3 is newer than your MP3.
Peter is older than Liz.
Ben is younger than Jill.
Jack is the youngest in the class.
That car is more expensive than this
That mobile phone is the most expen-
sive in the market.
Your car is faster than my car.
Your car is the fastest in the street.
This house is bigger than my house.
This house is the biggest in the town.
Angela is beautiful , but Betty is more
Granada is nice, but Madrid is nicer
George is strong , but Jack is stronger
Spain is warm, but Greece is warmer
Denmark is small , but Andorra is sma-
Paul is young, but Tom is younger
Writing is difficult, but speaking is more
My room is big , but your room is big-
Los adjetivos calificativos
Ingls bsico 81
My house is dirty, but your house is dir-
George Clooney is famous, but Brad
Pitt is more famous
My present is cheaper than your pre-
My room is darker than your room
Fruit is healthier than meat
Megan is thinner than Kate
Dresses are more comfortable than
Oranges are better than sweets
Lions are more dangerous than dogs
Alaska is colder than Italy
Ben is younger than Tom
Tennis is safer than rugby
My suitcase is as heavy as your suit-
case. My suitcase is not so/as heavy
as your suitcase
Paris is as beautiful as New York.
Paris is not so/as beautiful as New
My ruler is as long as your ruler. My
ruler is not so/as long as your ruler
Jane is as thin as Ben. Jane is not
so/as thin as Ben
Valencia is as warm as Marbella.
Valencia is not so/as warm as
Sara is as friendly as Laura. Sara is
not so/as friendly as Laura
This street is as quiet as that street.
This street is not so/as quiet as that
My sweater is as colourful as your
sweater. My sweater is not so/as
colourful as your sweater
This photo is as funny as that photo.
This photo is not so/as funny as that
Boots are as fashionable as trainers.
Boots are not so/as fashionable as
Tema 6
Los adjetivos determinativos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Los adjetivos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 85
La funcin de los adjetivos determinativos, cmo su nombre indica, es la de
determinar al nombre y siempre lo acompaan. Los adjetivos determinativos
se pueden dividir en : demostrativos, indefinidos, posesivos, numerales e inte-
Los adjetivos demostrativos ingleses son:
This (este, esta) These (estos, estas)
That ( aquel, aquella) Those (aquellos, aquellas)
Los adjetivos demostrativos sirven para sealar la posicin de las cosas.
En espaol encontramos tres distintos grados de proximidad. Esto (para lo
que est ms cerca del sujeto). Eso (situado a media distancia) y Aquello (leja-
En ingls, en cambio, solamente encontramos dos grados de proximidad.
This( este), que se utiliza para designar las cosas o personas relativamente
cercanas y that (ese o aquel), para las ms alejadas. Los adjetivos demos-
trativos son invariables en gnero, pero tienen en cambio plural.
- This se usa para indicar una sola persona o cosa que est cerca del hablan-
Does this bus go to the centre? Va este autobs al centro?
- That se usa para una sola persona o cosa que no est cerca del hablante:
That house is nice Aquella casa es bonita
- These se usa para dos o ms personas o cosas que estn cerca del hablan-
These books are green Estos libros son verdes
- Those se usa para dos o ms personas o cosas que estn lejos del hablan-
Look at those clouds! Mira aquellas nubes !
1. Adjetivos demostrativos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 86
This puede utilizarse tambin para presentarse uno mismo (no personalmen-
te) o para presentar a un tercero.:
Hello. This is Eve.
Hola. Soy Eva (En una conversacin telefnica)
Peter, this is Megan
Peter, sta es Megan
This tambin se emplea coloquialmente para empezar un relato, historietas,
chistes o para indicar grficamente el tamao de algo:
This is the story of Miss Brodie...
Esta es la historia de Miss Brodie...
An elephant this big Un elefante as de grande
This / that / these / those pueden preceder a un sustantivo o ir solos( enton-
ces funciona como pronombre).
What is that? Qu es aquello?
That y those sirve para hablar del pasado mientras que this y these para lo
que est ocurriendo ahora o para referirnos a algo de lo que estamos hablan-
That was a wonderful film Ha sido una pelcula maravillosa.
Listen to this new Cd Escucha este nuevo Cd
El uso de los adjetivos indefinidos guarda una estrecha relacin con los nom-
bres contables y no contables, ya que sirven para determinar la cantidad . Hay
adjetivos que solamente se usan con nombres no contables, otros que slo
pueden usarse con nombres contables y los ltimos que pueden usarse tanto
con nombres contables y no contables. A continuacin veremos una seleccin
de los adjetivos indefinidos ms importantes:
2. Adjetivos indefinidos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 87
- Some (algunos, algunas) refiere una cantidad indefinida (cierto nmero de...)
se usa en las frases afirmativas y las interrogativas cuando se espera una res-
puesta afirmativa, cuando ofrecemos algo o cuando pedimos algo cortsmen-
We need some milk Necesitamos algo de leche
I have some money Tengo algo de dinero
Would you like some coffee? Quires un poco de caf?
Can you lend me some money?
Me puedes prestar algo de dinero?
Some puede ser sustituido por a little, con nombres singulares incontables o
por ) a few, con nombres en plural contables:
I have a little tea Tomo un poco de t
I have a few books on my shelf
Tengo algunos libros en la estantera
- Any, puede usarse en frases interrogativas (cantidad indefinida) o negativas
(en este caso expresa la ausencia de cantidad). En el caso de las frases inte-
rrogativas, a diferencia de some, no se espera una respuesta afirmativa (pode-
mos esperar tanto una respuesta afirmativa como negativa).
There isnt any problem
No hay ningn problema
Are there any policemen in the street?
Hay algunos policies en la calle?
En las frases afirmativas any significa cualquier:
Bring me any book you like
Treme cualquier libro que te guste
De acuerdo con lo dicho podemos resumirlo en la siguiente tabla:
Los adjetivos determinativos
- No tiene valor negativo y exige por lo tanto el uso del verbo en forma afir-
mativa ( en lengua inglesa no se niega dos veces, se evita la doble negacin):
I bought no cheese yesterday
No compr queso ayer
- Much (mucho)se usa con nombres incontables en oraciones negativas e
interrogativas. Para las oraciones afirmativas preferimos a lot of que puede
acompaar tanto a nombres incontables como contables. Much tambin se
usa para formar las siguientes expresiones: so much (tanto), too much (dema-
siado) y how much? (cuanto?).
There isnt much milk in the supermarket
No hay mucha leche en el supermercado
Do you drink much tea? Bebes mucho t?
How much is it? Cunto es esto?
Thank you very much Muchas gracias
Pueden tambin emplearse expresiones como a great deal (of...) y plenty
(of...) con el significado de much
I want a great deal of money Quiero mucho dinero
- Many (muchos). Usamos many con nombres contables en plural en ora-
ciones negativas e interrogativas. En frases afirmativas es ms corriente el
uso de a lot of.
He cant speak many languages
No sabe hablar muchos idiomas
Hes got a lot of money Tiene mucho dinero
Ingls bsico 88
Frases afirmativas There are some pictures in my house
Frases interrogativas(peticiones) May I have some coffee?
Frases negativas There isnt any milk
Frases interrogativas Is there any milk?
Frases afirmativas If you have any doubts...
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 89
- Little (poco) y a little (un poco de) acompaan siempre a nombres inconta-
bles. Little tiene un significado negativo mientras que a little lo tiene ms posi-
We have little time left Nos queda poco tiempo
I have a little time Tengo un poco de tiempo
- Few y a few van seguidos de un nombre contable en plural. Few tiene un
sentido negativo (poco) mientras que a few tiene un sentido ms positivo y
equivale a algunos.
There are few books on the table
Hay pocos libros sobre la mesa
I have read a few books this summer
He ledo algunos libros este verano
Encontraremos generalmente ms usuales las construcciones con many en
forma negativa que con few en su forma positiva. As, la primera frase del
ejemplo anterior quedara:
There arent many books on the table
No hay muchos libros sobre la mesa
- Enough significa bastante, en el sentido de suficiente. Cuando acompaa a
un adjetivo, a un adverbio o a un participio siempre se coloca detrs de los
mismos. En cambio, cuando acompaa a un nombre suele colocarse delante
de ste.
He is strong enough Es bastante fuerte
He has enough money Tiene bastante dinero
A continuacin veamos otros adjetivos indefinidos:
Several Varios, as
Both Ambos, as
All Todo, a, os, as
Every Cada, todos, as
Another Otro, a
Los adjetivos determinativos
Other Otros, as
Each Cada, cada uno
Algunos de estos adjetivos se unen a palabras como thing, body y one para
formar pronombres indefinidos. Llevan siempre el verbo en singular y funcio-
nan de la misma manera en su distribucin en frases afirmativas, negativas e
Something Algo
Anything Algo, nada, cualquier cosa
Nothing Nada
Everything Todo
Somebody/ someone Alguien
Anybody / anyone Alguien, nadie, cualquiera
Nobody / no one Nadie
Everybody / everyone Todos
Los adjetivos posesivos en ingls hacen referencia al poseedor y no a la cosa
poseda y se usan con ms frecuencia en ingls que en espaol. Preceden
normalmente a los nombres que indican partes del cuerpo, parentesco, vesti-
menta y objetos personales, nombres que se usan en espaol con el artculo
He washed his hands Se lav las manos (sus manos)
Los adjetivos posesivos tienen tres formas para la tercera persona singular:
his (su de l), her (su de ella) e its (su de ello, de una cosa, animal o beb).
Por lo dems, son invariables; as our significa nuestro, nuestra, nuestros o
nuestras segn el nombre que le acompae. Los adjetivos en ingls son:
Ingls bsico 90
3. Adjetivos posesivos
Los adjetivos determinativos
Thats my watch Ese es mi reloj
Put on your hat Ponte el / tu sombrero
This is his signature sta es su firma
The bird is in its cage El pjaro est en su jaula
Podemos dividir los adjetivos numerales en Cardinales y Ordinales
Ingls bsico 91
Ingls My Your His Her Its Their Our
Fjate que el tratamiento en ingls no cambia, a diferencia de la distincin en
espaol del t y el su (de usted).
I like your shoes Me gustan tus/ sus zapatos
4. Adjetivos numerales
Los adjetivos determinativos
Los numerales cardinales:
- Podemos expresar el nmero cero de varias formas: nought o naught,
usado de forma genrica y en matemticas. Zero, usado normalmente para
indicar la temperatura. Tambin en matemticas. o (pronunciado: oh), se usa
genricamente y para indicar los nmeros de telfono y nil, usado general-
mente para indicar resultados de algunos eventos deportivos, como el ftbol.
En tenis se dice love por cero.
Ten degrees below zero Diez grados bajo cero
Ingls bsico 92
Nmero Cardinal Ordinal
nought, zero
a/one hundred
a/one thousand
a/one million
a/one hundredth
a/one thousandth
a/one millionth
Los adjetivos determinativos
My telephone number is 01204 (o - one - two - o - four)
Spain beat Great Britain three-nil
Espaa gan a Gran Bretaa tres a cero
- Separamos con un guin las unidades que siguen a las decenas, a partir del
nmero 20
36 = thirty- six 79 = seventy-nine
- Los nmeros entre 100 y 1000 unen las centenas y decenas con and
236 = two hundred and thirty - six
- Los millares no van seguidos de guin ni de and, pero si 1000 va seguido de
un nmero inferior a 100, se usa and. Si los nmeros de cuatro cifras se refie-
ren a fechas se leen en grupos de dos:
1350 = one thousand three hundred and fifty
1050 = one thousand and fifty
1973 = nineteen seventy three (fecha)
Los numerales ordinales:
- Se forman aadiendo el sufijo -th al nmero, a excepcin de los 3 primeros
(first, second, third).
- Se expresan de forma abreviada aadiendo a las cifras las dos ltimas letras
del ordinal.
1 = 1st 2 = 2nd 3 = 3rd 4 = 4th 5 = 5th...
Se usan los ordinales para los das del mes y en los ttulos de reyes:
2nd February 2 de febrero (ledo second of February)
Elizabeth II Isabel II (ledo Elizabeth the Second)
Ingls bsico 93
Los adjetivos determinativos
Los adjetivos interrogativos son:
- What? significa qu?. Utilizamos what cuando preguntamos por informa-
cin que queremos conocer.
What time is it? Qu hora es?
Whats his telephone number?
Cul es su nmero de telfono?
- Which? Significa cul(es)? Usamos which en preguntas en las cuales hay
dos o ms posibles respuestas o alternativas.
Which sport do you like best? Qu deporte te gusta ms?
La diferencia entre what y which es que what tiene un sentido general, mien-
tras que which selecciona o restringe.
- Whose? significa de quin?. Se utiliza generalmente en preguntas para
saber a quin pertenece algo.
Whose umbrella is that? De quin es ese paraguas?
- How much? que significa cunto? En espaol se utiliza con sustantivos no
How much wine can you drink? Cunto vino puedes beber?
- How many? Que es cuntos? En espaol se utiliza con sustantivos conta-
How many bottles of wine can you drink?
Cuntas botellas de vino puedes beber?
Todos ellos son invariables en gnero y nmero
Ingls bsico 94
5. Adjetivos interrogativos
Los adjetivos determinativos
1. Completar las oraciones con el adjetivo posesivo adecuado a cada
Karen forgot ________ pencil.
Susan and Henry talk with _______ mother.
Ann and I were late for _______ school.
Richard is doing _______ homework.
They didnt decorate ________ room.
Where are _______ keys? I cant find them.
This is my father. _______ name is Carlos.
Marta likes that colour. Its ________ favourite colour.
Lisa and I have done ______ projects
You have got a green umbrella. Is this _______ umbrella?
2. Escribir los adjetivos posesivos correspondientes:
I ________
You ________
He ________
She ________
It ________
We ________
They ________
Ingls bsico 95
a las siguientes
Los adjetivos determinativos
3. Escribir el adjetivo posesivo para formar frases correctas:
Weve got a nice daughter. This is ______ daughter.
Theyve got a beautiful cat. That is ______ cat.
Youve got a fantastic TV set. This is ______ TV set.
Carmen has got a red T-shirt. This is _______ T- shirt.
The cat has got a ball. This is ______ ball.
My friend Carlos has got a brother. This is ______ brother.
Ive got an interesting book. This is ______ book.
George likes playing volleyball. Its ________ favourite sport.
Sandra and Sara like playing the violin. These are ________ violins.
4.Completar las siguientes frases con los adjetivos posesivos:
You sell magazines. _________ magazines are expensive.
I make cakes every day. _______ cakes are good.
He sells textbooks. ______ textbooks are cheap.
She teaches English. ______ students are very intelligent.
Tim and Steven are brothers. ______ mother is forty years old
Peter and I like music. _______ favourite singer is Serrat.
Im from Spain. ______ name is Carmen.
He likes watching TV. ________ favourite programme is Documentos TV.
The shop is closed. _____ doors are locked.
My friends like studying. _______ favourite subject is Maths.
5. Elegir entre los adjetivos demostrativos This y These:
This/ these cheese is horrible. ________
This/ these tomatoes are excellent. ________
Ingls bsico 96
Los adjetivos determinativos
How much is this/ these bag? ________
I like this/ these car. ________
I dont understand this/ these word. ________
This/ these songs are very good. ________
What is this/ these animal? ________
This/ these Cds are mine. ________
My father gave me this/ these notebooks. ________
This/ these rubber is pink. ________
6. Elegir entre How much y How many:
_________ brothers have you got?
_________ money have you got?
_________books have you got in your bag?
________ milk have you got in the fridge?
_________ water do you drink?
_________ bottles of water do you drink?
_________ bread do you have ?
_________ chocolate bars do you eat?
_________ chocolate do you eat?
________ hours do you sleep?
7. Elegir entre some o any
I dont drink _______ beer
There arent ______ oranges
There is ________ fruit, but there isnt _______ bread or ham
I have _______ new CDs
Ingls bsico 97
Los adjetivos determinativos
Have you got ______ posters on your bedroom walls?
There are _______people at the front door
She doesnt have ________ brothers or sisters
Do you play ______instruments?
Do you like _______ classical music?
My boyfriend doesnt eat ________ meat
Ingls bsico 98
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 99
Karen forgot her pencil.
Susan and Henry talk with their mot-
Ann and I were late for our school.
Richard is doing his homework.
They didnt decorate their room.
Where are my keys? I cant find them.
This is my father. His name is Carlos.
Marta likes that colour. Its her favouri-
te colour.
Lisa and I have done our projects
You have got a green umbrella. Is this
your umbrella?
I = my
You = your
He = his
She = her
It = its
We = our
They = their
Weve got a nice daughter. This is our
Theyve got a beautiful cat. That is their
Youve got a fantastic TV set. This is
your TV set.
Carmen has got a red T-shirt. This is
her T- shirt.
The cat has got a ball. This is its ball.
My friend Carlos has got a brother. This
is his brother.
Ive got an interesting book. This is my
George likes playing volleyball. Its his
favourite sport.
Sandra and Sara likes playing the vio-
lin. These are their violins
You sell magazines. Your magazines
are expensive.
I make cakes every day. My cakes are
He sells textbooks. His textbooks are
She teaches English. Her students are
very intelligent.
Tim and Steven are brothers. Their
mother is forty years old
Peter and I like music. Our favourite
singer is Serrat.
Im from Spain. My name is Carmen.
He likes watching TV. His favourite
programme is Documentos TV.
The shop is closed. Its doors are loc-
My friends like studying. Their favouri-
te subject is Maths.
This cheese is horrible.
These tomatoes are excellent.
How much is this bag?
I like this car.
I dont understand this word.
These songs are very good.
What is this animal?
These Cds are mine.
My father gave me these notebooks.
Los adjetivos determinativos
Ingls bsico 100
This rubber is pink.
How many brothers have you got?
How much money have you got?
How many books have you got in your
How much milk have you got in the
How much water do you drink?
How many bottles of water do you
How much bread do you have ?
How many chocolate bars do you eat?
How much chocolate do you eat?
How many hours do you sleep?
I dont drink any beer
There arent any oranges
There is some fruit, but there isnt any
bread or ham
I have some new CDs
Have you got any posters on your
bedroom walls?
There are some people at the front
She doesnt have any brothers or sis-
Do you play any instruments?
Do you like any classical music?
My boyfriend doesnt eat any meat
Tema 7
Los pronombres
Los pronombres
Los pronombres
Los pronombres
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 103
Los pronombres en ingls tienen algunas veces la misma forma y significado
que los adjetivos determinativos, distinguindose solamente por la funcin que
realizan: acompaar a un nombre o reemplazarlo que es lo que hacen los pro-
nombres. En este tema vamos a ver los siguientes pronombres: demostrati-
vos, posesivos, personales, reflexivos e interrogativos.
Los pronombres demostrativos se usan para sustituir nombres y, al mismo
tiempo, para indicar si estn cerca o lejos en el espacio o el tiempo, del
hablante en el momento de hablar. THIS (ste, sta, sto) y THAT (se, sa,
eso, aqul, aqulla, aquello) se refieren a nombres en singular. THIS (ste,
sta, sto) muestra una posicin ms cercana del objeto con el hablante y
THAT (se, sa, eso) una posicin ms lejana:
THESE (stos, stas) y THOSE (sos, sas, aqullos, aqullas) se refieren a
nombres en plural. THESE (stos, stas) muestra una posicin ms cercana
del objeto con el hablante y THOSE (sos, sas, aqullos, aqullas) una posi-
cin ms lejana:
This is my book Este es mi libro
That is your car. Ese es tu coche
These are my friends. Estos son mis amigos
Those are their relatives. Esos son sus familiares
A veces, los pronombres demostrativos van reforzados por el pronombre one
en singular o ones en plural:
I want this (one) Quiero ste
I want those (ones) Quiero sos
1. Pronombres demostrativos
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 104
El adjetivo posesivo en ingls tiene las siguientes formas:
Mine (el, la, los. mo), yours (el, la, los... tuyo) his (el, la, los... suyo), hers (el,
la, los... suyo), its (el, la, los... suyo), ours (el, la, los... nuestro), yours (el, la,
los vuestro) y theirs (el, la, los... suyo).
- Se forman aadiendo la letra -s al adjetivo posesivo correspondiente, a
excepcin de la primera persona singular (mine) y la tercera persona singu-
lar (his).
- Usamos los pronombres posesivos cuando queremos sustituir un grupo de
palabras que estn indicando una relacin de posesin:
This is my book ste es mi libro
This is mine / This book is mine
ste es el mo / Este libro es mo
Igual que los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombres conciertan con el poseedor
pero no con la cosa poseda.
These are my books stos son mis libros
These are mine / These books are mine
stos son mos / Estos libros son mos
Los pronombres personales en ingls tienen dos formas, una para la funcin
de sujeto (caso nominativo) y otra cuando funcionan como complemento (caso
- Los pronombres personales sujeto son en singular I / yo, you / t, usted, he
/ l , she / ella, it / ello y en plural we / nosotros, nosotras, you / vosotros
-as, ustedes , they / ellos, ellas.
2. Pronombres posesivos
3. Pronombres personales
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 105
Los pronombres personales complemento tienen las siguientes formas , para
el singular me / me, mi, you / te, ti , him / le, l, her / le, la, ella it / lo, l,
ella, ello, y para el plural us / nos, nosotros, nosotras, you / os, vosotros,
vosotras, them / les, los, las, ellos, ellas.
Los pronombres personales complemento van detrs del verbo ( a diferencia
del espaol que suelen ir delante) y despus de las preposiciones.
I go out with him Salgo con l
Observemos la tabla comparativa para comprender el uso de los pronombres
personales complemento y los pronombres personales sujeto:
El pronombre I siempre se escribe con mayscula.
I am thirty years old Tengo treinta aos
You equivale a los pronombres espaoles t, usted, vosotros, vosotras, ustedes
(debemos determinar a qu forma pertenece por el contexto de la frase).
You are forty years old Tienes / tiene cuarenta aos
Los pronombres personales sujetos no se sobreentienden nunca, (no existen los
sujetos elpticos), es decir, en ingls es necesario emplear siempre el pronombre
sujeto, a diferencia del espaol que generalmente se sobreentiende y no es nece-
sario utilizarlo.
Pronombres personales (sujeto) Pronombres personales (objeto)
I see lvaro Yo veo a lvaro lvaro sees me lvaro me ve (a m)
You see lvaro T ves a lvaro lvaro sees you lvaro te ve (a t)
He sees lvaro l ve a lvaro lvaro sees him lvaro lo ve (a l)
She sees lvaro Ella ve a lvaro lvaro sees her lvaro la ve (a ella)
It sees lvaro Ello ve a lvaro lvaro sees it lvaro lo ve (a ello)
We see lvaro
Nosotros vemos
a lvaro
lvaro sees us
lvaro nos ve (a
You see lvaro
Vosotros veis a
lvaro sees you
lvaro os ve (a
They see lvaro
Ellos ven a lva-
lvaro sees
lvaro los ve (a
Los pronombres
Usamos los pronombres reflexivos para indicar que la persona que realiza la
accin del verbo es la misma persona que recibe la accin Se forman median-
te el agregado de self (mismo) al pronombre posesivo singular y selves (mis-
mos) al plural:
I looked at myself in the mirror
Me mir en el espejo
We looked at ourselves in the mirror
Nos miramos en el espejo
Los pronombres reflexivos son los siguientes:
Oneself Se, a s mismo, uno mismo (impersonal)
Myself Me, a m mismo, yo mismo
Yourself Te, t mismo, a ti mismo, a usted mismo
Himself Se, a s mismo, a l mismo
Herself Se, a s misma, a ella misma
Itself Se, a s mismo, a ello mismo
Ourselves Nos, a nosotros mismos
Yourselves Os, a vosotros mismos, a ustedes mismos
Themselves Se, a s mismos, a ellos mismos
Los pronombres reflexivos se utilizan para enfatizar el sentido de la frase (para
realzar al sujeto que realiza la accin por si mismo) y en este caso se sue-
len colocar detrs del nombre o pronombre al que acompaa, o en posicin
I myself will do it Lo har yo mismo
Conjuntamente con by expresan la idea de que algo se hizo sin ayuda, solo:
I will do it by myself Lo har solo
Ingls bsico 106
4. Pronombres reflexivos
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 107
Slo unos pocos verbos son siempre reflexivos en ingls: (to pride oneself, to
absent oneself, enorgullecerse de, ausentarse de) el resto de los verbos pue-
den ser reflexivos o no dependiendo de su funcin en la oracin.
To wash lavar
To wash oneself lavarse
Pero hay que tener en cuenta que los verbos reflexivos no coinciden necesa-
riamente en castellano y en ingls. Hay ciertas expresiones, sobre todo del
cuerpo humano o prendas de vestir que en espaol usamos verbos reflexivos
y en ingls no:
To get up levantarse
To sit down sentarse
To wake up despertarse
To stand up ponerse de pie
We got up very late Nos levantamos muy tarde
Los pronombres interrogativos son las palabras que colocamos al principio de
las preguntas. Algunos de ellos se refieren slo a personas, como who, whom
y whose y otros se refieren a personas y objetos como what y which . No dis-
tinguen entre singular y plural, as que slo tienen una forma:
WHAT (qu), WHICH (cul, cules), WHO (quin, quines), WHOSE (de
quin, de quines), WHOM ( a quin, quines)
Usamos los pronombres interrogativos al principio de las preguntas:
What do you want? Qu quieres?
Which is your favourite one? Cul es tu favorita?
Who are you? Quin eres?
5. Pronombres interrogativos
Los pronombres
Whose is this book? De quin es este libro?
Whom did you call? A quin llamaste?
- Conviene distinguir entre dos funciones del pronombre interrogativo who.
Puede funcionar como sujeto del verbo y por tanto no se usa auxiliar. Otras
veces who funciona como complemento y debe usar auxiliar:
Who loves Mary? Quin quiere a Mary?
Who does Mary love? A quin quiere Mary?
Ingls bsico 108
Pronombres sujeto
A diferencia del espaol, en ingls el pronombre sujeto debe figurar siempre:
You are sad
Pronombres complemento
El pronombre se coloca detrs del verbo que complementa:
He saw her
She told me something
Usamos las preposiciones to o for cuando hay dos pronombres complemento, uno
en funcin de directo y otro en funcin de indirecto.
I bought it for me
En muchos verbos se coloca una preposicin antes del pronombre de objeto.
They talked to her
Los pronombres posesivos sustituyen la estructura adjetivo posesivo + nombre:
This is my room, it is mine.
Los pronombres reflexivos
Son usados cuando:
1) el sujeto y el complemento del verbo son el mismo:
I saw it for myself.
2) cuando se quiere destacar quin hace la accin:
I have too much work, can you help me? - No, do it yourself
Los pronombres
1. Sustituir la palabra entre parntesis por un pronombre personal:
_________ is reading a magazine. (John)
_________ is yellow. (The sun)
_________ are on the wall. (The pictures)
_________ is running. (The horse)
_________ are watching TV. (My mother and I)
_________ are in the garden. (The flowers)
_________ is driving a car. (Tom)
_________ are dirty. (Henrys shoes)
_________ has got two grandmothers. (Diana)
Has ________ got a hamster? (Claire)
2. Elegir el pronombre personal complemento:
I see ________ (they/them) every day.
He sits near ___________(I/me) in class.
She goes with _________(we/us) to the horse
I like (she/her) very much.
I know (he/him)
I often go with (they/them) to my village.
He often helps (I/me) with my homework.
She writes many postcards to (he/him)
Ingls bsico 109
a las siguientes
Los pronombres
Mr. Brown teaches (we/us) Maths.
He gives many presents to (she/her)
3. Elegir el pronombre personal sujeto o complemento:
They/them are my friends
She/ her is reading a book
What a beautiful dress! I want its/it
Can you help I/me, please?
You/your are my pupil.
Pleased to meet your/you
She/her is talking to him
Thank you for inviting we/us
Carol is telling they/them a joke
David is kissing she/her
4. Sustituir las palabras en negrita por pronombres posesivos:
These pencils are Claires and Johns pencils.
This room is her room
That book is our book
This jacket is your jacket
That horse is my horse
These gloves are his gloves
These magazines are our magazines
That pen is my pen
Those books are Henrys and Annes books
Is this desk your desk?
Ingls bsico 110
Los pronombres
5. Escribir la forma correcta del pronombre posesivo
It belongs to me, its _________.
It belongs to my father, its _________
It belongs to her, its __________
It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, its __________
It belongs to me and my wife, its ____________
It belongs to my mother, its ___________
It belongs to him, its _______________
It belongs to you, its ____________
It belongs to the dog, its ___________
It belongs to them, its ____________
6. Escribir el pronombre reflexivo:
The dog killed ________ when it went across the street
I enjoyed ___________ at the concert
He always looks at _______ in the mirror
The woman hurt ____________ with the knife
The children enjoyed ____________ in the park
You two shouldnt do that. Youll hurt _________
He lives by ________
Some people only think about _________
My friend didnt tell him. I told him _________
We dont like eating by _____________
Ingls bsico 111
Los pronombres
7. Emplear who, whose, what o which:
________ time is it? Its half past five
________ jacket is this? Its mine.
Ive got chocolate or vanilla ice-cream, ________ do you prefer?
______ is that man with your daughter? Its her boss.
______ did you say? I said nothing
______ road should I take?
______ house is that?
______ nationality are you?
______ kind of music do you like?
______ T-shirt are you going to wear, the pink or the white one?
Ingls bsico 112
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 113
He is reading a magazine.
It is yellow.
They are on the wall.
It is running.
We are watching TV.
They are in the garden.
He is driving a car.
They are dirty.
She has got two grandmothers.
Has she got a hamster?
I see them every day.
He sits near me in class.
She goes with us to the beach
I like her very much.
I know him
I often go with them to my village.
He often helps me with my homework.
She writes many postcards to him
Mr. Brown teaches us Maths.
He gives many presents to her
They are my friends
She is reading a book
What a beautiful dress! I want it
Can you help me, please?
You are my pupil.
Pleased to meet you
She is talking to him
Thank you for inviting us
Carol is telling them a joke
David is kissing her
These pencils are theirs.
This room is hers
That book is ours
This jacket is yours
That horse is mine
These gloves are his
These magazines are ours
That pen is mine
Those books are theirs
It belongs to me, its mine.
It belongs to my father, its his
It belongs to her, its hers
It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, its
It belongs to me and my wife, its ours
It belongs to my mother, its hers
It belongs to him, its his
It belongs to you, its yours
It belongs to the dog, its its
It belongs to them, its theirs
The dog killed itself when it went
across the street
I enjoyed myself at the concert
He always looks at himself in the
The woman hurt herself with the knife
The children enjoyed themselves in
the park
You two shouldnt do that. Youll hurt
He lives by himself .
Some people only think about them-
Los pronombres
Ingls bsico 114
My friend didnt tell him. I told him
We dont like eating by ourselves
What time is it? Its half past five
Whose jacket is this? Its mine.
Ive got chocolate or vanilla ice-cream,
which do you prefer?
Who is that man with your daughter?
Its her boss.
What did you say? I said nothing
Which road should I take?
Whose house is that?
What nationality are you?
What kind of music do you like?
Which T-shirt are you going to wear,
the pink or the white one?
Tema 8
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
El verbo:
Tiempos presentes
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Los verbos en ingls como en espaol tienen modo, nmero , persona, tiem-
po y voz. Pero enseguida nos damos cuenta que hay una diferencia funda-
mental: mientras el espaol se vale de distintas terminaciones para las perso-
nas en singular, plural y los tiempos simples, en ingls las terminaciones son
mucho menos numerosas. Por ello en ingls el uso del pronombre sujeto es
obligatorio para poder distinguir las personas y tambin el uso de auxiliares es
necesario en la formacin de determinados tiempos y formas.
Una distincin muy importante en los verbos ingleses es la diferencia entre los
tiempos simples y los progresivos o continuos, segn interese destacar la
accin realizndose en este momento o no.
1.1 Formacin
Para formar el Presente Simple necesitamos coger el verbo tal como lo
encontramos en el diccionario y quitar el to.Esta forma de verbo se usar
para todas las personas menos para he (l), she (ella), it (ello ) a las que
les tenemos que aadir una -s o -es.
I live in Granada Vivo en Granada
She lives in Sevilla Vive en Sevilla
Tenemos que seguir ciertas reglas de ortografa para poder usar -s o -es:
- Si el verbo termina en -ch, -sh, -ss, -x o -o aadiremos -es:
I watch /she watches television
Veo / ve la televisin
I wash/ she washes my /her hair every day
Me lavo /se lava el pelo todos los das
- Normalmente, si el verbo termina en -y precedida de consonante cambiar
por i y luego aadimos -es:
Ingls bsico 117
1. El presente simple
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 118
I study / she studies Spanish
Estudio / estudia espaol
- Se aadir s cuando el verbo termine en consonante y vocal excepto las
consonantes y la vocal mencionadas anteriormente:
He drinks a glass of red wine
l bebe un vaso de vino tinto
She plays the piano very well
Ella toca el piano muy bien
As pues la conjugacin del presente simple quedara as:
I play
You play
He/She/it plays
We play
You play
They play
Yo juego
T juegas
l/ella/ello juega
Nosotros jugamos
Vosotros jugis
Ellos juegan
I do not play
You do not play
He does not play
We do not play
You do not play
They do not play
Yo no juego
T no juegas
l no juega
Nosotros no jugamos
Vosotros no jugis
Ellos no juegan
Do I play?
Do you play?
Does he play?
Do we play?
Do you play?
Do they play?
Juego yo?
Juegas t?
Juega l?
Jugaos nosotros?
Jugis vosotros?
Juegan ellos?
Respuesta breve
Yes, I do
Yes, you do
Yes, he does
Yes, we do
Yes, you do
Yes, they do
No, I don't
No, you don't
No, he doesn't
No, we don't
No, you don't
No, they don't
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 119
- Para la forma negativa necesitamos usar dont = do not (no) delante del
verbo para todas la personas menos para he (l), she (ella), it (ello) que
usamos doesnt = does not (no). Al utilizar does no aparece la s:
You dont work hard T no trabajas duro
She doesnt work hard Ella no trabaja duro
- Para la forma interrogativa necesitamos usar do (no se traduce al espaol)
delante de la persona y para he (l), she (ella), it (ello) usaremos does (no
se traduce al espaol). Merece la pena recordar que cuando aparece el auxi-
liar does no se pone s al verbo principal:
Do you study Spanish? Estudias espaol?
Does she study Spanish? Estudia (ella) espaol?
1.2 Usos
- Usamos el presente simple para expresar verdades y hechos que son vli-
dos para siempre y no slo para el presente:
The sun rises in the East El sol sale por el este
- Tambin usamos el presente simple para hablar de hbitos, rutinas o cos-
tumbres. Cuando una accin se repite en nuestras vidas y forma parte de
nuestro da a da, hablamos sobre ella usando el presente simple. Hablamos
sobre actividades que realizamos peridicamente, es decir, todos los das, una
vez por semana, a veces, frecuentemente, siempre, nunca:
I get up at eight oclock
Me levanto a las ocho en punto
We usually go to bed at twelve oclock
Nos solemos acostar a las doce
Para negar y preguntar en presente se utiliza el verbo auxiliar DO o DOES.
El verbo DO/DOES es un verbo auxiliar (no significa hacer) y, por tanto, NUNCA
debe utilizarse conjuntamente con el verbo to be. Por ejemplo: No se dice: Dont
are. sino You arent..
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 120
- El presente simple se usa tambin para hablar de horarios, por ejemplo de
transportes pblicos, cines y programas de televisin:
The train to Barcelona arrives at 6.30 pm.
El tren para Barcelona llega a las 6.30 de la tarde.
- Con el presente simple es frecuente encontrar adverbios de frecuencia
como: always (siempre), usually (normalmente), often (a menudo), sometimos
(a veces), hardly ever (casi nunca), never (nunca). Estos adverbios siempre
preceden al verbo principal:
They never study at night
Ellos nunca estudian por la noche
She always goes out at the weekends
Ella siempre sale los fines de semana.
El presente continuo equivale en espaol a la forma presente del verbo estar
ms el gerundio del verbo que se conjuga.
2.1 Formacin
- Para formar el presente continuo necesitamos el presente simple del verbo
to be (ser o estar) y otro verbo terminado en -ing que se obtiene aadien-
do la terminacin ing a la base del verbo ( es el infinitivo sin to).
El Simple Present Tense (El Presente) no se utiliza para hablar de lo que est ocu-
rriendo ahora (para ahora, se emplea el Present Continuous). El Simple Present
Tense se utiliza para hablar de actividades que se realizan peridicamente o, para
hablar de verdades generales, o particulares.
2. El presente continuo
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 121
Tom is writing a letter Tom est escribiendo una carta
Im watching TV Estoy viendo la televisin
Algunos verbos tienen ciertos cambios de ortografa cuando aadimos -ing:
- Si el verbo termina en -e, quitaremos la e y luego aadiremos -ing:
I dance at parties Bailo en fiestas
I am dancing in the disco Estoy bailando en la discoteca
- Si el verbo est formado por una sola slaba y las tres ltimas letras son: con-
sonante ms vocal ms consonante, doblaremos la ltima consonante y luego
aadimos -ing:
I swim on Mondays Nado los lunes
He is swimming at the moment
l est nadando en este momento
- Para la forma negativa usamos not (no) detrs del verbo to be (ser o estar)
m el verbo en -ing.
They are not (arent) playing in the garden
No estn jugando en el jardn
Mr. Smith isnt working today
El seor Smith no est trabajando hoy
- Para la forma interrogativa colocamos el verbo to be (ser o estar) delante
del sujeto y luego le sigue el verbo en -ing:
What are you wearing? Qu llevas puesto?
Where are they going? Dnde se van?
Veamos la conjugacin en presente continuo:
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
2.2 Usos
- Utilizamos el presente continuo para hablar de eventos que estn en pro-
greso ahora, en el mismo momento de hablar o escribir:
You are wearing shoes T llevas puestos unos zapatos
They are eating sandwiches Ellos estn comiendo bocadillos
- El presente continuo tambin se utiliza para referirnos a una accin que est
concertada o programada para el futuro, generalmente prximo:
Ingls bsico 122
I am playing
You are playing
He is playing
We are playing
You are playing
They are playing
Yo estoy jugando
T ests jugando
l est jugando
Nosotros estamos jugando
Vosotros estis jugando
Ellos estn jugando
I am not playing
You are not playing
He is not playing
We are not playing
You are not playing
They are not playing
Yo no estoy jugando
T no ests jugando
l no est jugando
Nosotros no estamos jugando
Vosotros no estis jugando
Ellos no estn jugando
Am I playing?
Are you playing?
Is he playing?
Are we playing?
Are you playing?
Are they playing?
Estoy yo jugando?
Ests t jugando?
Est l jugando?
Estamos nosotros jugando?
Estis vosotros jugando?
Estn ellos jugando?
Respuesta breve
Yes, I am
Yes, you are
Yes, he is
Yes, we are
Yes, you are
Yes, they are
No, I'm not
No, you're not
No, he's not
No, we're not
No, you're not
No, they're not
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
They are leaving Madrid tomorrow
Se van de Madrid maana
Alice is meeting Bill on Friday
Alice va a quedar con Bill el viernes
- Con el presente continuo es frecuente encontrar expresiones de tiempo o
adverbios de tiempo como: now (ahora), right now (ahora mismo), at the
moment (en este momento), at present (actualmente):
They are watching a film on television right now.
Estn viendo una pelcula en televisin ahora mismo
He is doing his homework at the moment.
Est haciendo sus deberes en este momento
Ingls bsico 123
En espaol utilizamos el Presente para hablar de algo que ocurre en el momento
en que hablamos, en ingls cometemos el error de utilizar el Presente cuando
deberamos utilizar el Present Continuous. Por ejemplo, decimos: She comes,
cuando deberamos decir: Shes coming.
Es verdad que en ingls hay algunos verbos que no se conjugan en presente con-
tinuo, por ejemplo verbos de percepcin o de sentimiento, to want = querer es uno
de ellos, pero son pocos.
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
1. Escribir la tercera persona del singular de los siguientes verbos:
Read ___________
Repair ___________
Watch ___________
Listen ___________
Love ___________
Push ___________
Do ___________
Kiss ___________
Buy ___________
Go ___________
2. Convertir las frases afirmativas en negativas y viceversa:
I understand _______________________________
He doesnt smoke _______________________________
They know _______________________________
She loves him _______________________________
They speak French _______________________________
I dont want this house _______________________________
She doesnt want her car _______________________________
He lives in Murcia _______________________________
Ingls bsico 125
a las siguientes
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
She works very hard _____________________________
They dont do the same thing every day
3. Pasar las siguientes oraciones a interrogativas.
You work hard _____________________________________
You play tennis _____________________________________
You know the answer _____________________________________
You like hot weather _____________________________________
You speak English _____________________________________
You want to be famous _____________________________________
You smoke _____________________________________
You live in a big city _____________________________________
You play a musical instrument _____________________________________
You go to work by bus _____________________________________
4. Formular las preguntas en presente simple:
___________after cats? (dogs/to run)
___________photos when you are on holiday? (you/to take)
___________a cup of tea? (the ladies/to have)
___________text messages during the lessons? (Ann/to send)
___________mini-skirts? (Melissa and Ruth/to wear)
___________hello to people in the street? (your brother/to say)
___________the windows in your classroom? (the students/to open)
___________football? (the girls in your class/to play)
Ingls bsico 126
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
___________dinner every evening? (your mother/to make)
___________pop music? (Tom /to listen to)
5. Completar las siguientes oraciones formando el presente continuo y
pasarlas a negativas.
The children ___________ in the house. (to play)
The cat ___________ under the tree. (to hide)
John and Gary ___________ home. (to leave)
I ___________ on the sofa. (to sit)
Chris ___________ etters. (to write)
They ___________ to the radio. (to listen)
My mother ___________ breakfast at the moment. (to have)
We ___________ the grass. (to cut)
The sun___________ (to shine)
We ___________ (to go) to the cinema now
Ingls bsico 127
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
6. Formular preguntas en presente continuo:
______ she ______ books? (to read)
______ Carlos on the computer? (to work)
the friends from school? (to come)
you to music? (to listen)
your brother at the picture? (to look)
-Betty-her friend? (to phone)
the girl the windows? (to open)
-she -judo? (to do)
his father the bike? (to repair)
-your cousin with the cooking? (to help)
7. Completar las frases en presete simple o continuo.
Richard sometimes (to read) a comic.
I (to phone) my friend at the moment.
Listen! Mum (to sing) in the bathroom.
My sister usually -(to help) in the kitchen.
Look! The boys -(to come) home.
My mother (to have) breakfast now.
We never (to watch) TV in the morning.
They often (to clean) the bathroom.
My grandfather (to go) for a walk every day.
Cats (to eat) mice.
Ingls bsico 128
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 129
I dont understand
He smokes
They dont know
She doesnt love him
They dont speak French
I want this house
She wants her car
He doesnt live in Murcia
She doesnt work very hard
They do the same thing every day
Do you work hard?
Do you play tennis?
Do you know the answer?
Do you like hot weather?
Do you speak English?
Do you want to be famous?
Do you smoke?
Do you live in a big city?
Do you play a musical instrument?
Do you go to work by bus ?
Do dogs run after cats?
Do you take photos when you are on
Do the ladies have a cup of tea?
Does Ann send text messages during
the lessons?
Do Melissa and Ruth wear mini-skirts?
Does your brother say hello to people
in the street?
Do the students open the windows in
your classroom?
Do the girls in your class play football?
9. Does your mother make dinner
every evening?
10. Does Tom listen to pop music?
The children are playing in the house.
The children arent playing in the house
The cat is hiding under the tree. The
cat isnt hiding under the tree.
John and Gary are leaving home. John
and Gary arent leaving home.
I am sitting on the sofa. I am not sitting
on the sofa.
Chris is writing letters. Chris isnt wri-
ting letters
They are listening to the radio. They
arent listening to the radio
My mother is having breakfast at the
moment. My mother isnt having bre-
akfast at the moment
We are cutting the grass. We arent
cutting the grass
The sun is shining. The sun isnt shi-
El verbo: Tiempos presentes
Ingls bsico 130
We are going to the cinema now. We
arent going to the cinema now
Is she reading books?
Is Carlos working on the computer?
Are the friends coming from school?
Are you listening to music?
Is your brother looking at the picture?
Is Betty phoning her friend?
Is the girl opening the windows?
Is she doing judo?
Is his father repairing the bike?
Is your cousin helping with the coo-
Richard sometimes reads a comic.
I am phoning my friend at the moment.
Listen! Mum is singing in the bathroom.
My sister usually helps in the kitchen.
Look! The boys are coming home.
My mother is having breakfast now.
We never watch TV in the morning.
They often clean the bathroom.
My grandfather goes for a walk every
Cats eat mice.
Tema 9
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
El verbo:
Tiempos pasados
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
En este tema veremos dos tiempos en pasado: el pasado simple y el pasado
continuo o progresivo. El pasado simple tiene dos traducciones posibles al
espaol, el pretrito indefinido y el pretrito imperfecto. La frase he worked se
traducir por l trabaj o l trabajaba , depender del contexto.
El pasado continuo corresponde a la perfrasis del indefinido o imperfecto del
verbo estar + gerundio del verbo que se conjuga.
1.1 Formacin
Debemos distinguir entre la forma afirmativa , por un lado, y la interrogativa y
negativa por otro. La afirmativa se forma de dos maneras diferentes segn sea
el verbo regular o irregular. Mientras que la interrogativa y negativa se forman
igual , ya sean verbos regulares o irregulares.
Vamos a empezar por la forma afirmativa.
Los verbos regulares forman el pasado simple cogiendo el verbo como lo
encontramos en el diccionario y quitando el to. Luego necesitamos aadir -
ed al verbo:
Mark worked in a bank Mark trabaj en un banco
Algunos verbos tienen cambios en su ortografa cuando aadimos -ed:
- Si el verbo termina en -e, slo aadimos -d para formar el pasado simple:
They live in an old house Viven en una casa antigua
They lived in an old house Vivieron en una casa antigua
- Si el verbo est formado por slo una slaba y las tres ltimas letras son: con-
sonante ms vocal ms consonante, doblaremos la ltima consonante y luego
aadimos -ed:
Stop / stopped (parar)
Plan / planned (planear)
We planned a trip to Cazorla
Ingls bsico 133
1. El pasado simple
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 134
Planeamos una excursin a Cazorla
- Los acabados en y precedida de consonante, cambian y en i:
Marry / married (casarse)
Try / tried (intentar)
Muchos verbos forman el pasado simple de una forma irregular, no tienen
regla fija y hay que estudiar su pasado en cada caso (vase lista de verbos
irregulares en el anexo). Los verbos irregulares forman un grupo relativamen-
te reducido pero muy importante ya que encontramos verbos como come
(venir), eat (comer), do (hacer) y see (ver):
Mr. Smith came into the room
El seor Smith entr en la habitacin
We did our homework yesterday
Hicimos nuestros deberes ayer
Para la forma negativa usamos el sujeto + el verbo auxiliar do en pasado, que
es did + la negacin not (contrado didnt) + el verbo que se conjuga en infini-
tivo sin to, es decir, no hay poner el verbo en pasado puesto que el auxiliar ya
cumple con esa funcin:
Yesterday we did not(didnt) study Spanish
Ayer no estudiamos espaol
I didnt watch televisin yesterday
No vi la television ayer
Para formar la interrogativa usamos el verbo auxiliar did en primer lugar segui-
do del sujeto + verbo que se conjuga en infinitivo sin to :
Did you see Peter yesterday? No, I didnt
Viste ayer a Peter? No.
Did it rain on Sunday? Yes, it did
Llovi el domingo? S
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 135
Damos a continuacin la conjugacin del pasado simple.
1.2 Usos
- Usamos el pasado simple para hablar de una accin o evento pasado que
tuvo lugar en un punto especfico del pasado. Podemos decir exactamente
cundo ocurri, o no, si as lo preferimos:
I saw him yesterday Lo vi ayer
They lived in Germany Ellos vivan en Alemania
- El pasado simple se refiere a una accin pasada (terminada) en un tiempo
pasado. Esto quiere decir que no slo la accin est terminada sino que tam-
bin el tiempo cuando ocurri est terminado y pasado:
Last week I wrote a letter La semana pasada escrib una carta
Para negar y preguntar en pasado se utiliza el verbo auxiliar Didnt y Did, para
todas las personas. El verbo que le sigue no va en pasado: Did you play tennis? (no
Did you played tennis?).
El verbo Did es un verbo auxiliar (no significa hacer) y, por tanto, NUNCA debe uti-
lizarse conjuntamente con el verbo to be: (no Didnt are.), sino You werent..
Afirmativa Negativa
I played
You played
He played
We played
You played
They played
Yo jugu
T jugaste
l jug
Nosotros jugamos
Vosotros jugasteis
Ellos jugaron
I did not play
You did not play
He did not play
We did not play
You did not play
They did not play
Yo no jugu
T no jugaste
l no jug
Nosotros no jugamos
Vosotros no jugasteis
Ellos no jugaron
Interrogativa Interrogativa negativa
Did I play?
Did you play?
Did he play?
Did we play?
Did you play?
Did they play?
Didn't I play?
Didn't you play?
Didn't he play?
Didn't we play?
Didn't you play?
Didn't they play?
No jugu?
No jugaste?
No jug?
No jugamos?
No jugasteis?
No jugaron?
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 136
Last year I travelled around Europe
El ao pasado viaj por Europa
- Tambin usamos el pasado simple para expresar una accin habitual en el
He never smoked l nunca fumaba
We went every Saturday to the same pub
Todos los sbados bamos al mismo bar
- Con el pasado simple es frecuente encontrar en la frase adverbios de tiem-
po especficos al pasado como: yesterday (ayer), the day before yesterday
(anteayer), last week (la semana pasada), last year (el ao pasado), two years
ago (hace dos aos):
We went to the cinema last week
Fuimos al cine la semana pasada
2.1 Formacin
Para formar el pasado continuo necesitamos el pasado simple del verbo to
be (ser, estar) y otro verbo terminado en -ing:
She was playing tennis Ella estaba jugando al tennis
Algunos verbos sufren ciertos cambios en su ortografa cuando aadimos -
- Si el verbo termina en -e quitaremos la e y luego aadiremos -ing:
I dance at the parties Bailo en las discotecas
I was dancing at the party Estaba bailando en la discoteca
- Si el verbo est formado por una sola slaba y las tres ltimas letras son: con-
sonante ms vocal ms consonante, doblaremos la ltima consonante y luego
aadimos -ing:
2. El pasado continuo
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 137
I run on Sundays Corro los domingos
I was running when it started to rain
Estaba corriendo cuando empez a llover.
- Para la forma negativa usamos not detrs del pasado del verbo to be (ser,
They were not (werent) eating their dinner
No estaban cenando
She was not (wasnt) washing her car
No estaba lavando su coche
- Para la forma interrogativa colocamos el verbo to be (ser, estar) delante del
sujeto + el verbo que se conjuga en ing:
Were you studying English?
Estabas estudiando ingls?
What were you doing at 3 oclock?
Qu estabas haciendo a las 3?
Vamos a ver la conjugacin del pasado continuo:
El pasado continuo se forma igual que el presente continuo pero cambiando
am/is/are por was/were y sirve para hablar del pasado poniendo nfasis en la pro-
longacin en el tiempo de la accin . Equivale en espaol a la estructura: Yo..estu-
ve... + verbo principal acabado en ando/endo. Por ejemplo: Yo estuve durmiendo
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
2.2 Usos
- Utilizamos el pasado continuo para expresar acciones que eran temporales
en el pasado. Podran haber tenido lugar durante un periodo de tiempo corto
o largo. La accin comenz antes y, probablemente, continu despus de
dicho momento:
They began playing They were playing They stopped playing
They were playing football
Ellos estuvieron jugando al ftbol
- Otro uso del pasado continuo es para expresar la interrupcin de una accin
en progreso en el pasado. Normalmente esta interrupcin es expresada con el
verbo en su forma de pasado simple:
Ingls bsico 138
Afirmativa Negativa
I was playing (yo estaba jugando)
You were playing
He/she/it was playing
We were playing
You were playing
They were playing
I wasn't playing (yo no estaba jugando)
You weren't playing
He/she/it wasn't playing
We weren't playing
You weren't playing
They weren't playing
Interrogativa Respuesta breve
Was I playing? (Estaba yo jugando?)
Were you playing?
Was he/she/it playing?
Were we playing?
Were you playing?
Were they playing?
Yes, I was / No, I wasn't
Yes, you were / No, you weren't
Yes, he/she/it was / No, he/she/it wasn't
Yes, we were / No, we weren't
Yes, you were / No, you weren't
Yes, they were / No, they weren't
17:00 18:00 19:00
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
I was having a shower the phone rang
I was having a shower when the phone rang
Estaba duchndome cuando el telfono son
- El pasado continuo tambin se usa para expresar acciones en progreso, con-
tinuas y simultneas en el pasado:
While I was reading the newspaper, my wife was cooking lunch
Mientras you estaba leyendo el peridico, mi mujer estaba preparan-
do el almuerzo.
- Se usa el pasado continuo para expresar la idea de repeticin molesta de un
hecho. Para que se entienda de esta manera tiene que ir acompaado de
adverbios como always (siempre), constantly (constantemente), invariably
He was always looking at me
Siempre me estaba mirando
Ingls bsico 139

El verbo: Tiempos pasados

1. Escribir la forma correcta de los verbos regulares entre parntesis en
pasado simple:
I (walk) to work last week _________________________________________
He (study) Law for five years ______________________________________
They (arrive) late at school ________________________________________
We (marry) in an old church _______________________________________
The film (end) at 3 pm _________________________________________
Betty (wait) for an hour ________________________________________
You (like) the concert _________________________________________
Tom ( need) that book yesterday ___________________________________
They (use) my new rubber ________________________________________
The teacher (help) the students ____________________________________
2. Formar frases negativas como en el ejemplo: I spoke to Carmen but I
didnt speak to Fernando.
They swam on Friday but they ___________on Monday.
I went to work on Monday but I __________to work on Wednesday.
He bought a new car. He ____________a second-hand car.
She learnt German in high school. She _________German in primary school.
We got up late this morning. We ____________late yesterday.
They did Maths at school but they __________Maths at University.
He slept on the sofa last night but he ____________on the sofa the night
Ingls bsico 141
a las siguientes
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
I ate meat for lunch but I ____________anything for dinner.
You saw my boyfriend but I ___________your boyfriend.
They lived in Seville. They ____________in Berlin.
3.Cambiar las frases a interrogativas como en el ejemplo: He went to the
shop yesterday. Did he go to the shop yesterday?
They saw the movie last week.
Alice wrote him a letter.
George and Lisa had dinner at the MacDonalds.
They got up at 7 oclock .
He bought a new car last year.
I arrived late for class.
It rained all night?
We sat near the door.
He drived to work yesterday.
She told him an incredible story.
Ingls bsico 142
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
4. Usar las siguientes palabras para formar el pasado continuo como en
el ejemplo: Jane /have/dinner = Jane was having dinner
Michael / play / tennis with his friends
Megan / study / English
Jill / cook / eggs
She / eat / dinner
John / have / a bath
We / walk / home
They/ watch / TV
You / clean / the house
Sue / drink / coffee
Bill / do / the washing
Ingls bsico 143
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
5. Formar oraciones negativas de las siguientes frases en pasado conti-
Henry (watch) TV at last night. He was reading.
Alice (wear) her coat at work yesterday.
They (cook) dinner when I arrived.
We (carry) an umbrella when it started to rain.
She (listen) to her mother when he asked a question.
It (rain) while we were playing chess this evening.
George (study) when we went to see him.
You (play) cards when we came in.
They (have) a good time at the party when they decided to go home.
Ben (eat) dinner when we left.
6. Formar preguntas con las siguientes palabras como en el ejemplo: he
/ shop / alone = Was he shopping alone?
he / drive / a sports car
Ingls bsico 144
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ben and George / smoke
they / speak / English
we / go / to the theatre
they / read / a book
Sue / write / a letter to his mother
the old lady / walk / with a stick
you / wait / at the bus-stop
he / take / the dog for a walk
he / carry / a bag
7. Poner los verbos entre parntesis en pasado continuo y pasado sim-
ple como en el ejemplo: I (swim) when I (see) a ship. I was swimming
when I saw a ship.
I (have) a nightmare when you (wake) me.
We (watch) television when they (arrive).
Ingls bsico 145
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
When we (get ) off the plane it (rain).
I (play) in the street when it (start) to snow.
While she (learn) English she (meet) her best friend.
As we (leave) the phone (ring)
They (walk) along the street when the bomb (explode)
When he first (see) her, she (sit) at a caf.
When I (open) the door, they (make) a terrible noise.
They (kill) him when he (wait) at the bus stop.
Ingls bsico 146
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 147
I walked to work last week
He studied Law for five years
They arrived late at school
We married in an old church
The film ended at 3 pm
Betty waited for an hour
You liked the concert
Tom needed that book yesterday
They used my new rubber
The teacher helped the students
They swam on Friday but they didnt
swim on Monday.
I went to work on Monday but I didnt
work to work on Wednesday.
He bought a new car. He didnt buy a
second-hand car.
She learnt German in high school. She
didnt learn German in primary school.
We got up late this morning. We didnt
get up late yesterday.
They did Maths at school but they
didnt do Maths at University.
He slept on the sofa last night but he
didnt sleep on the sofa the night
I ate meat for lunch but I didnt eat
anything for dinner.
You saw my boyfriend but I didnt see
your boyfriend.
They lived in Seville. They didnt live
in Berlin.
Did they see the movie last week?
Did Alice write him a letter?
Did George and Lisa have dinner at the
Did they get up at 7 oclock ?
Did he buy a new car last year?
Did I arrive late for class?
Did It rained all night?
Did we sit near the door?
Did he drive to work yesterday?
Did she tell him an incredible story?
Michael was playing tennis with his
Megan was studying English
Jill was cooking eggs
She was eating dinner
John was having a bath
We were walking home
They were watching TV
You were cleaning the house
Sue was drinking coffee
Bill was doing the washing
Henry wasnt watching TV at last
night. He was reading .
Alice wasnt wearing her coat at work
They werent cooking dinner when I
We werent carrying an umbrella
when it started to rain.
She wasnt listening to her mother
when he asked a question.
El verbo: Tiempos pasados
Ingls bsico 148
It wasnt raining while we were play-
ing chess this evening.
George wasnt studying when we
went to see him.
You werent playing cards when we
came in.
They werent having a good time at
the party when they decided to go
Ben wasnt eating dinner when we
Was he driving a sports car?
Were Ben and George smoking?
Were they speaking English?
Were we going to the theatre?
Were they reading a book?
Was Sue writing a letter to his moth-
Was the old lady walking with a stick?
Were you waiting at the bus-stop?
Was she taking the dog for a walk?
Was he carrying a bag?
I was having a nightmare when you
woke me.
We were watching television when
they arrived.
When we got off the plane it was rain-
I was playing in the street when it
started to snow.
While she was learning English she
met her best friend.
As we were leaving the phone rang.
They were walking along the street
when the bomb exploded.
When he first saw her, she was sitting
at a caf.
When I opened the door, they were
making noise.
They killed him when he was waiting
at the bus stop.
Tema 10
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
El verbo:
Tiempos futuros
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
En este tema veremos dos tiempos verbales relacionados con el futuro: el
futuro simple y la estructura con going to.
1.1 Formacin
Para formar el futuro simple necesitamos colocar will (no se traduce al
espaol, slo traduciremos el otro verbo en futuro) delante del infinitivo sin to
del verbo que queremos conjugar. A veces ,aunque cada vez menos, pode-
mos encontrar la forma shall en vez de will para las personas I (yo) y we
I will be at home Estar en casa
We will win Ganaremos
- Es frecuente utilizar en el lenguaje hablado la forma contrada del auxiliar
will, que se representa por ll :
Well probably go out this evening
Probablemente saldremos esta noche
- La forma negativa se construye situando la partcula de negacin not entre
el auxiliar y el verbo principal. Se suele utilizar la forma contrada de will not
que se representa por wont (la contraccin de shall not es shant):
We will not (wont ) be in Paris
No estaremos en Pars
- La forma interrogativa se construye comenzando la oracin con el auxiliar
will, seguido del sujeto y del verbo principal:
Will you be at home this evening?
Estars en casa esta noche?
Will Diana pass the exam?
Aprobar Diana el exmen?
Ingls bsico 151
1. El futuro simple
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 152
Veamos un ejemplo de conjugacin del futuro simple:
1. 2 Usos
- Usamos el futuro simple para hablar de acciones futuras:
I will phone you tomorrow Te llamar maana
- A veces usamos el futuro simple cuando hablamos de un tiempo futuro que
no est muy cerca al momento de hablar. Podemos usar el futuro simple para
predicciones basadas en lo que pensamos o creemos que va a pasar, ofreci-
mientos y promesas :
Youll marry a rich man Te casars con un hombre rico
Tomorrow it will be a sunny day
Maana ser un da soleado
I will always love you Siempre te querr
I will solve the problems of this village
Solucionar los problemas de este pueblo.
- Tambin usamos el futuro simple para expresar decisiones hechas en el
mismo momento de hablar:
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
Subject + will
+ infinitive
I will work (yo trabajar)
You will wor
He will work
She will work
It will work
We will work
You will work
They will work
Subject + won't
+ infinitive
I won't work (yo no tra-
You won't work
He won't work
She won't work
It won't work
We won't work
You won't work
They won't work
will + Subject
+ infinitive
Will I work?(trabajar
Will you work?
Will he work?
Will she work?
Will it work?
Will we work?
Will you work?
Will they work?
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 153
Ill take these Yo tomar stos.
Ill have a salad Tomar una ensalada.
Its too dark. Ill switch on the light
Est demasiado oscuro. Encender la luz.
Ill answer it Contestar.
2.1 Formacin
Para formar el futuro con going to necesitamos usar el presente de to be +
going to + el verbo que se conjuga. En espaol se traduce por la perfrasis ir
a + infinitivo:
Im going to tell him the truth Voy a contarle la verdad
- Para la forma negativa usamos not (no) detrs del verbo to be (ser, estar):
Im not going to wash my car No voy a lavar mi coche
Sarah isnt going to sell her house Sarah no va a vender su casa
- Para la forma interrogativa colocamos el verbo to be (ser, estar) delante del
sujeto + going to + el verbo que se conjuga:
Are you going to invite Peter to your party?
Vas a invitar a Peter a tu fiesta?
Is Jack going to play tennis with you?
Va Jack a jugar al tenis contigo?
2. Goin to
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 154
2.2 Usos
- Usamos el futuro con going to para expresar planes de futuro. Normalmente
nos referimos con el futuro con going to a un futuro cercano o inmediato:
I am going to have a shower Voy a ducharme
I am going to throw this rubbish Voy a tirar esta basura
- El futuro con going to se usa para expresar intenciones (normalmente deci-
siones ya tomadas) :
Im going to visit the USA next year
Voy a visitar los Estados Unidos el ao que viene
Im going to buy some books tomorrow
Voy a comprar algunos libros maana
Decid comprar los libros Los voy a comprar (Im going to buy them)
Pasado Presente Futuro
- Be going to se utiliza tambin para hacer predicciones cuando hay algo en el
presente que nos permite inferir el futuro( a menudo prximo), es decir, basa-
das en lo que se ve venir en ese momento:
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa
(Voy a trabajar)
I am going to work
You are going to work
He is going to works
She is going to work
It is going to work
We are going to work
You are going to work
They are going to work
(No voy a trabajar)
I am not going to work
You aren't going to work
He isn't going to work
She isn't going to work
It isn't going to work
We aren't going to work
You aren't going to work
They aren't going to work
(Voy a trabajar?)
Am I going to work?
Are you going to work?
Is he going to work?
Is she going to work?
Is it going to work?
Are we going to work?
Are you going to work?
Are they going to work?
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 155
Look at those clouds! Its going to rain
Mira esas nubes!Va a llover
Oh , its nine oclock. Im going to be late
Ay, son las nueve. Voy a llegar tarde
Look, Fernando Alonso. He is going to win the race
Mira, Fernando Alonso. Va a ganar la carrera
Para hablar de algo que has planificado y vas a hacer en un futuro inmediato, debes
utilizar la expresin going to. Es decir , el verbo go en Present Continuous.
Cuando quieras hablar de un futuro no planificado e incierto, debes utilizar will o
wont (negativo).
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 157
1. Poner los verbos que estn entre parntesis en futuro simple:
I (go) to London _______________________
They (tidy) their room ____________________________________
Henry (study) German ____________________________________
She (play) the match ____________________________________
They (live) in Norway ____________________________________
My aunt (phone) me ____________________________________
We (speak) English ___________________________________
You (cut) yourself ______________________________
The exam (be) very difficult ____________________________________
The birds (eat) the bread in the garden _____________________________
2. Formar el futuro simple con los siguientes verbos y completar las ora-
ciones (be, buy, do, get, get up, give, go, have, travel ,win)
Diana ________ a new car.
Sam __________ rich.
Carol __________ to Monaco next summer
I __________my homework in the evening
Sue___________ to university
She ____________ at 9 oclock.
Our team ___________ the competition.
Jack ____________ you a ring.
a las siguientes
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Victoria and Sam ___________ married .
Claire ____________ a baby in the future.
3. Formar las siguientes frases en futuro simple segn las instrucciones:
I/ go / out / this / week / (negative)
When / you / come/ back/ (question)
I / think / that / your / daughter / pass / the / exam/ (negative)
Where / you / stay / in / Valencia / (question)
I / promise/ I / drive / too / fast / (negative)
We / miss / the / train/ (affirmative)
Tomorrow / it / rain / a lot / (affirmative)
He / believe / you/ (negative)
I / be / there / next month/ (affirmative)
you / come / to / my / birthday party / (question)
Ingls bsico 158
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
4. Convertir las siguientes frases de going to en negativas:
Im going to help you.
Your friends are going to study Maths.
My neighbour is going to play the flute.
Its going to rain.
Theyre going to tidy their room.
Im going to wear a fashionable dress.
Tom is going to phone you tonight.
She is going to wash her hair.
He is going to study engineering.
We are going to buy her a present.
5. Elegir entre going to y will (futuro simple)
I dont think Valencia _______ win the league next year
My brother ________ work in a pub in summer
Ingls bsico 159
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Be careful with the ball! you ________ break a window
Look at those boys on the bike! They _______ fall down
Next weekend, we _______ have a party
I _______ visit you if I finish the exercises
Susan _______ buy a new dress for her sisters wedding
I ______ help you with your homework
Tomorrow it ________ be rainy and cold.
Sarah ______ take part in a concert next month
6. Usar los verbos entre parntesis para formar going to (intenciones)
We (not drink) much alcohol
He ( learn) French and German
They (not eat) fast food
We ( find) a job
I (leave) home and get my own flat
I (study) hard
She (give up) smoking
They (stop) arguing so much
Ingls bsico 160
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
I (not buy) any clothes
He (not spend) money in pubs
7. Ordenar las siguientes frases, luego pasarlas a negativa e interrogati-
get married he soon will __________________________________________
are fly to going to Miami we ________________________________________
will she come the party to _________________________________________
they going to car buy a new are _____________________________________
this year have a holiday I going to am ________________________________
You a friend bring will ____________________________________________
Ingls bsico 161
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 162
I will go to London
They will tidy their room
Henry will study German
She will play the match
They will live in Norway
My aunt will phone me
We will speak English
You will cut yourself
The exam will be very difficult
The birds will eat the bread in the gar-
Diana will buy a new car.
Sam will be rich.
Carol will travel to Monaco next sum-
I will do my homework in the evening
Sue will go to university
She will get up at 9 oclock.
Our team will win the competition.
Jack will give you a ring.
Victoria and Sam will get married .
Claire will have a baby in the future.
I wont go out this week
When will you come back?
I think that your daughter wont pass
the exam
Where will you stay in Valencia ?
I promise I wont drive too fast
We will miss the train
Tomorrow it will rain a lot
He wont believe you
I will be there next month
Will you come to my birthday party?
Im not going to help you.
Your friends arent going to study
My neighbour isnt going to play the
It isnt going to rain.
They arent going to tidy their room.
Im not going to wear a fashionable
Tom isnt going to phone you tonight
She isnt going to wash her hair.
He isnt going to study engineering.
We arent going to buy her a present.
I dont think Valencia will win the lea-
gue next year
My brother is going to work in a pub
in summer
Be careful with the ball! you are going
to break a window
Look at those boys on the bike! They
are going to fall down
Next weekend, we are going to have
a party
I will visit you if I finish the exercises
Susan is going to buy a new dress
for her sisters wedding
I will help you with your homework
Tomorrow it will be rainy and cold.
Sarah is going to take part in a con-
cert next month
El verbo: Tiempos futuros
Ingls bsico 163
We arent going to drink much alco-
He is going to learn French and
They arent going to eat fast food
We are going to find a job
I am going to leave home and get my
own flat
I am going to study hard
She is going to give up smoking
They are going to stop arguing so
I am not going to buy any clothes
He is not going to spend money in
He will get married soon . He wont
get married soon. Will he get married
We are going to fly to Miami. We
arent going to fly to Miami. Are we
going to fly to Miami?
She will come to the party. She wont
come to the party. Will she come to
the party?
They are going to buy a new car. They
arent going to buy a new car. Are they
going to buy a new car?
I am going to have a holiday this year.
I am not going to have a holiday this
year. Am I going to have a holiday this
You will bring a friend. You wont bring
a friend. Will you bring a friend?
Tema 11
El imperativo
El imperativo
El imperativo
El imperativo
El imperativo
Los verbos en ingls tienen tres modos: indicativo, subjuntivo e imperativo. El
modo indicativo expresa la accin como un hecho real. El modo subjuntivo
expresa la accin como algo que depende de la voluntad , deseo o estado de
nimo del que habla. Y, por ltimo, el modo imperativo expresa fundamental-
mente una orden o ruego.
Lo primero que nos llama la atencin de la formacin del imperativo es la
ausencia del pronombre personal, cuando sabemos de la importancia de los
pronombres en la lengua inglesa.
El imperativo slo tiene dos personas: la segunda , tanto del singular como del
plural, y la primera del plural.
- La segunda persona afirmativa se forma con la base del verbo (infinitivo sin
to) seguido de los complementos pero sin sujeto. Si aparece el sujeto, nor-
malmente figura al final de la frase:
Sit down Sintate / Sentaos
Look at my car Mira mi coche /Mirad mi coche
Come here, Mary. Ven aqu, Mary
- La negacin se forma con el auxiliar do + la partcula negativa not (puede ir
en la forma contrada) + la base del verbo y sus complementos:
Do not go = Dont go No te vayas / no os vayis
Do not move = Dont move No te muevas / no os movis
- La primera persona del plural afirmativa se forma con el verbo let (permitir,
dejar) seguido del pronombre personal complemento en primera persona del
plural (us) y el verbo que se conjuga en infinitivo sin to ( Let us) tiene tambin
su forma contrada (Lets). Para la negacin se aade la partcula negativa tras
el pronombre y delante del verbo a conjugar. Tambin podramos usar la
estructura Why dont we (por qu no...?) para sugerencias:
Ingls bsico 167
1. Formacin
El imperativo
Ingls bsico 168
Let us go to the theatre Vamos al teatro
Why dont we go to the theatre?
Por qu no vamos al teatro?
Lets eat something tonight
Vamos a comer algo esta noche
Lets not go No vayamos
- Podemos utilizar do precediendo al imperativo. Es una forma enftica de
expresin (la construccin de imperativo con do le da una mayor firmeza):
Do come Ven (con insistencia)
Do sit down Sintate
- Normalmente, la segunda persona de imperativo se acompaa de please
para hacer la expresin menos drstica y ms corts:
Dont leave , please No te vayas, por favor
Open the window, please Abre la ventana, por favor
Bsicamente en el uso de los imperativos (rdenes, sugerencias, invitaciones,
etc.) suelen presentarse tres alternativas:
- Cuando le pedimos u ordenamos a alguien que haga algo, se utiliza la forma
bsica del verbo sin el to infinitivo. Otra forma para expesar rdenes o peti-
ciones sera I want you to do something (quiero que hagas una cosa):
Dont smoke in the library No fumes en la biblioteca
Be quiet Cllate
Close the door Cierra la puerta
I want you to close the door Quiero que cierres la puerta
2. Usos
El imperativo
Ingls bsico 169
- A modo de invitacin o sugerencia. Tambin puedes utilizar Lets... cuando
deseas que alguien haga algo contigo:
Have a drink Tmate una copa
Feel free to take what you like Toma cunto quieras
Have some coffee Tmate un caf
- A veces se utiliza el imperativo para avisar, aconsejar o para expresar dese-
Dont worry, be happy. No te preocupes, s feliz
Just be patient Slo s paciente
Go to bed and sleep Vete a la cama y duerme
Get some exercise every day
Haz algo de ejercicio todos los das
Have a nice journey Ten un buen viaje
- El imperativo sirve para informar a alguien de cmo hacer algo (para dar ins-
trucciones, para indicar el camino, etc.):
Go straight on and turn right
Sigue recto y gira a la derecha
Add salt to potatoes
Aade sal a las patatas
El imperativo
Ingls bsico 171
1. Ordenar las palabras para formar frases correctas:
Homework / your / do
Open / dont / notebook / your
The / blackboard / at / look
Teacheryour / to / listen
Walk / on / grass / dont / the
Up / your / rubber / pick
Up / please / stand
Weekend / have / nice / a
Car / take / the
Work / go / dont / to
a las siguientes
El imperativo
2. Escribir la forma negativa de estas rdenes:
Close your books _____________________________
Listen carefully _____________________________
Open your notebooks _____________________________
Be quiet _____________________________
Raise your hand _____________________________
Write your name _____________________________
Take out your book _____________________________
Sit down _____________________________
Take out a piece of paper _____________________________
Open your pencilcase _____________________________
3. Construir estas frases usando la expresin Lets como en el ejemplo
Why dont we wait here? = Lets wait here
Why dont we have a party?
Why dont we have a picnic?
Why dont we put a tree in the garden?
Why dont we make a cake?
Why dont we eat chocolate?
Why dont we send cards?
Ingls bsico 172
El imperativo
Why dont we visit the family?
Why dont we go out?
Why dont we drink wine?
Why dont we visit Paris?
4. Escribir la forma negativa de las siguientes oraciones:
Lets go for a swim _______________________________________
Lets play cards _______________________________________
Lets go for a walk _______________________________________
Lets lock the door _______________________________________
Lets get out of town _______________________________________
Lets drive fast _______________________________________
Lets have some fruit _______________________________________
Lets speak English _______________________________________
Lets wait for him _______________________________________
Lets go to sleep _______________________________________
5. Escribir las rdenes para estas frases como en el ejemplo: I want you
to go away = Go away
I want you to say that again
Ingls bsico 173
El imperativo
I want you to give me some popcorn
I want you to help me
I want you to look at me
I want you to get out of my way
I want you to call the police
I want you to pour me a whisky
I want you to do the housework
I want you to turn on the television
I want you to have fun
Ingls bsico 174
El imperativo
6. Unir para formar oraciones correctas:
Come a seat
Take off in
Have yourself at home
Make the television if you like
Turn on to a beer in the fridge
Help yourself your coat
Dont hesitate to ask if you need anything
Dont sit there. Thats the dogs chair
Ingls bsico 175
El imperativo
Ingls bsico 176
Do your homework
Dont open your notebook
Look at the blackboard
Listen to your teacher
Dont walk on the grass
Pick up your rubber
Stand up please
Have a nice weekend
Take the car
Dont go to work
Dont close your books
Dont listen carefully
Dont open your notebooks
Dont be quiet
Dont raise your hand
Dont write your name
Dont take out your book
Dont sit down
Dont take out a piece of paper
Dont open your pencilcase
Lets have a party
Lets have a picnic
Lets put a tree in the garden
Lets make a cake
Lets eat chocolate
Lets send cards
Lets visit the family
Lets go out
Lets drink wine
Lets visit Paris
Lets not go for a swim
Lets not play cards
Lets not go for a walk
Lets not lock the door
Lets not get out of town
Lets not drive fast
Lets not have some fruit
Lets not speak English
Lets not wait for him
Lets not go to sleep
Say that again
Give me some popcorn
Help me
Look at me
Get out of my way
Call the police
Pour me a whisky
Do the housework
Turn on the television
I want you to have fun
Come in
Take off your coat
Have a seat
Make yourself at home
Turn on the television if you like
Help yourself to a beer in the fridge
Dont hesitate to ask if you need anyt-
Dont sit there. Thats the dogs chair
Tema 12
El adverbio
El adverbio
El adverbio
El adverbio
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 179
El adverbio desempea dentro de la oracin las funciones de modificar al
verbo principal de la oracin, modificar a un adjetivo, a otro adverbio o a toda
una frase:
He ran quickly to the park Corri rpidamente hacia el parque
He is a very good teacher l es un professor muy bueno
She got up pretty soon Ella se levant muy pronto
Unfortunately, he came late Desgraciadamente lleg tarde
Simplemente aadiendo -ly a un adjetivo formamos muchos adverbios en
ingls. Son los equivalentes a los adverbios espaoles terminados en -
Slow - slowly Lento lentamente
Si el adjetivo termina en y, se cambia por ily. Si termina en ic, se agrega
Happy happily Feliz - felizmente
Basic - basically Bsico - bsicamente
Algunos adjetivos no se modifican cuando se convierten en adverbios, tienen
la misma forma, pero se distinguen fcilmente por su funcin en la oracin (
close, daily, early, far, fast, high, late, long, wrong)
This is a fast car Este es un coche rpido
He drives fast Conduce rpido
Hay seis tipos principales de adverbios que necesitamos aprender:
- Adverbios de modo: happily (felizmente), sadly (tristemente), slowly (lenta-
- Adverbios de tiempo: now (ahora), then (entonces), already (ya)
- Adverbios de lugar: there (all), here (aqu), nearby (cercano)
- Adverbios de grado o intensidad: rather (bastante), enough (suficiente), quite
- Adverbios de frecuencia: always (siempre), sometimes (a veces), never
- Adverbios interrogativos: when.? (cundo), where.? (dnde), why.? (por qu)
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 180
Vamos a explicar ahora cada uno de los tipos de adverbios.
Los adverbios de modo nos van a decir el modo en que la accin del verbo ha
sido llevada a cabo, as que preguntando how (cmo) conseguiremos el
adverbio de modo dentro de una frase. Se sitan detrs del verbo, o detrs del
complemento si lo hubiera. La inmensa mayora terminan en ly. La mayor
parte se forman a partir de adjetivos.
Slow + ly = She drives slowly Ella conduce lentamente
Quick + ly = They speak quickly Ellos hablan rpidamente
La diferencia entre el adjetivo y el adverbio es que el adjetivo nos dice algo de
un nombre, mientras que un adverbio nos dice algo de un verbo, adjetivo o de
otro adverbio. Adems el adjetivo va delante del nombre y el adverbio de
modo detrs del verbo:
Hes a bad teacher l es un mal profesor
He teaches badly l ensea mal
Los adverbios de tiempo nos dicen cundo ocurri la accin. Para identificar-
los podemos hacer una pregunta empezando por when (cundo). Se sitan
al principio o al final de la oracin. Algunos de los adverbios de tiempo ms
frecuentes son:
After despus
Again otra vez, de nuevo
Ago hace
1. Adverbios de modo
2. Adverbios de tiempo
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 181
Already ya (frases afirmativas)
Before antes
Early temprano
Late tarde
Next despus, .que viene
Now ahora
Since desde entonces
Soon pronto
Still todava (frases afirmativas)
Today hoy
Tomorrow maana
Yesterday ayer
Then entonces
Yet todava, ya (frases negativas
e interrogativas)
They are still waiting for Bill
Todava estn esperando a Bill
He hasnt come yet Todava no ha venido
They have already finished Ya han terminado
She phoned me three days ago
Me llam por telfono hace tres das
Yesterday we went to the beach
Ayer nos fuimos a la playa
Bob will soon be here Bob estar pronto aqu
Bob will be here tomorrow Bob estar aqu maana
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 182
Los adverbios de lugar nos dicen dnde se llev a cabo la accin. Para iden-
tificarlos podemos hacer una pregunta comenzando por where (dnde). Se
sitan detrs del verbo, o detrs del complemento si lo hubiera. He aqu algu-
nos de los ms frecuentes:
Above arriba
Abroad en el extranjero
Anywhere en cualquier / alguna /
ninguna parte
Away fuera, lejos
Back de regreso
Downstairs abajo
Everywhere en todas partes
Far lejos
Here aqu
Nowhere en ninguna parte
Outside fuera
Somewhere en alguna parte
There all
Up /uptairs arriba
We went there on Sunday morning
Fuimos all el sbado por la maana
Come and sit here Ven y sintate aqu
The children are playing upstairs
Los nios estn jugando en el piso de arriba
3. Adverbios de lugar
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 183
Los adverbios de grado van a modificar otros adverbios o adjetivos. Para iden-
tificarlos podemos hacer una pregunta empezando por how much? (cunto).
Estos adverbios de grado pueden intensificar o disminuir el significado del
adverbio o adjetivo que estn modificando.
Almost casi
Completely completamente
Enough bastante (se coloca detrs
del adj. o adv.)
Nearly casi
Much con mucho
Only solamente
Quite completamente, bastante
Rather bastante
So tan
Too demasiado (se coloca
delante del adj. o adv)
Very muy
Very much muchsimo
The music is very loud La msica est muy alta
The shelf is too high La repisa est demasiado alta
Im not tall enough No soy lo bastante alta
I completely forgot about it Lo olvid completamente
4. Adverbios de grado
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 184
Los adverbios de frecuencia nos dicen con qu asiduidad se lleva a cabo la
accin del verbo. Para identificarlos podemos hacer una pregunta comenzan-
do por how often? (con qu frecuencia). Se sitan delante del verbo, o entre
el auxiliar y el verbo principal en las formas compuestas. Con el verbo to be
se sitan detrs del mismo. Algunos adverbios de frecuencia pueden aparecer
al final de frase.
Otros adverbios de frecuencia son:
Once a week Una vez a la semana
Twice a month Dos veces al mes
Three times a year Tres veces al ao
Every day Cada da
You are always playing football
Siempre ests jugando al ftbol
Frecuencia Adv. ingls Adb. espaol
100 %
80 %
60 %
50 %
20 %
5 %
0 %
Hardly ever
A menudo
A veces
En ocasiones
Pocas veces
5. Adverbios de frecuencia
El adverbio
I never carry an umbrella Nunca llevo un paragas
I usually have lunch at school
Normalmente almuerzo en la escuela
He is never happy Nunca es feliz
We go camping once a year Vamos de acampada una vez al ao
Los adverbios interrogativos se usan al principio de las preguntas para ayu-
darnos a determinar el significado de nuestra cuestin y la respuesta que
esperamos. Son:
How? cmo?
How far? a qu distancia?
How long? cunto tiempo?
How often? con qu frecuencia?
When? cundo?
Where? dnde?
Why? por qu?
How was the party ? Cmo estuvo la fiesta
How far is it to the shops? Aqu distancia est de las tiendas?
How often do you go on holiday?
Con qu frecuencia te vas de vacaciones?
Ingls bsico 185
6. Adverbios interrogativos
El adverbio never va siempre con el verbo en forma afirmativa. I never get up at 7.
(Nunca me levanto a las 7) (no I dont never get up at 7).
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 187
1. Insertar el adverbio entre parntesis en la posicin adecuada:
Im late (never) ____________________________
They go out at the weekend (seldom) ________________________________
We dont see her (often) ________________________________
I have a bath (always) ______________________________
Susan arrives on time (usually) ________________________________
Our house isnt dirty (always) _________________________________
They go to the cinema on Fridays (always) ____________________________
You feel sad (sometimes) ________________________________
Our teacher smiles (hardly ever) __________________________________
My parents shout at me (never) __________________________________
2. Formar los adverbios con la terminacin ly:
Quick _____________________
Bad _____________________
Sudden _____________________
Heavy _____________________
Happy _____________________
Lucky _____________________
Angry _____________________
a las siguientes
El adverbio
Quiet _____________________
dangerous _____________________
3. Completar las frases con too + los siguientes adjetivos (hot, loud, fast,
crowded, sharp, high, expensive, dangerous, late, big)
The radio is _____________
The net is _____________
Today it is ______________
Shes driving ____________
The restaurant is _________________
This T-shirt is ______________
This knife is ______________
The ball is __________________
Dont phone Ann now. Its ___________________
Nobody goes out at night. Its _____________
4. Escribir el adverbio de frecuencia que hace referencia el porcentaje:
Nancy and I (20%) go out for coffee _____________________
Desi (80%) has an ice-cream _____________________
I (5%) drive my car on holidays _____________________
It (0%) rains here in winter _____________________
We (50%) take the dog for a walk _____________________
My sister (60%) wear make-up _____________________
John (100%) gets up early _____________________
He (5%) buys clothes _____________________
Ingls bsico 188
El adverbio
They (0%) understand my Spanish _____________________
Megan is (80%) tired on Monday morning _____________________
5. Elegir la partcula interrogativa adecuada:
_________ is she? At home
_________ does Tom get up? At half past eight
_________ do you study English? In the afternoon
_________ do you go to the cinema? Three times a month
_________ does he study every day? For two hours
_________ does Tom wear jeans? Because they are comfortable
_________ do you go to school? I go to school by car
_________ do you live? In Granada
_________ are you? Im 33 years old
_________ is the weather like in January? Its cold
6. Elegir la forma del adjetivo o del adverbio:
He drives very careful / carefully _______________________
They speak French quick / quickly _______________________
Isabel is working hard / hardly _______________________
Peter left sudden / suddenly _______________________
This is a library. Please be quiet / quietly _______________________
He shut the door quiet / quietly _______________________
The teacher speaks clear /clearly _______________________
The sky is clear /clearly _______________________
Ingls bsico 189
El adverbio
The teacher explained the lesson bad / badly _______________________
Brad is a careful / carefully driver _______________________
7. Elegir entre el adjetivo good o el adverbio well :
He is a ________ dentist
He works ________
I like watching ________ programmes
She speaks Spanish _________
Its a very _________ place to live
That was a really _________ book
He always drives _________
Im a bit dizzy. I dont feel __________
Youre a very _________ writer
You write __________
Ingls bsico 190
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 191
Im never late
They seldom go out at the weekend
We dont often see her
I always have a bath
Susan usually arrives on time
Our house isnt always dirty
They always go to the cinema on
You sometimes feel sad
Our teacher hardly ever smiles
My parents never shout at me
The radio is too loud
The net is too high
Today it is too hot
Shes driving too fast
The restaurant is too crowded
This T-shirt is too expensive
This knife is too sharp
The ball is too big
Dont phone Ann now. Its too late
Nobody goes out at night. Its too dan-
Nancy and I occasionally go out for
Desi usually has an ice-cream
I hardly ever drive my car on holidays
It never rains here in winter
We sometimes take the dog for a walk
My sister often wear make-up
John always gets up early
He seldom buys clothes
They never understand my Spanish
Megan is usually tired on Monday
Where is she? At home
What time does Tom get up? At half
past eight
When do you study English? In the
How often do you go to the cinema?
Three times a month
How long does he study every day?
For two hours
Why does Tom wear jeans? Because
they are comfortable
How do you go to school? I go to scho-
ol by car
Where do you live? In Granada
How old are you? Im 33 years old
What is the weather like in January?
Its cold
He drives very carefully
They speak French quickly
Isabel is working hard
El adverbio
Ingls bsico 192
Peter left suddenly
This is a library. Please be quiet
He shut the door quietly
The teacher speaks clearly
The sky is clear
The teacher explained the lesson
Brad is a careful driver
He is a good dentist
He works well
I like watching good programmes
She speaks Spanish well
Its a very good place to live
That was a really good book
He always drives well
Im a bit dizzy. I dont feel well
Youre a very good writer
You write well
Tema 13
El preposicin
El preposicin
El preposicin
La preposicin
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 195
Las preposiciones son palabras pequeas que nos ayudan a establecer rela-
ciones entre diferentes elementos de una frase. Pueden mostrar una relacin
de movimiento, tiempo y posicin entre dos o ms objetos dentro de la frase.
En ingls tenemos preposiciones simples, es decir, una sola palabra y, prepo-
siciones compuestas que estn formadas por ms de una palabra. Las prepo-
siciones normalmente van delante de los nombres o pronombres en la frase:
Sally goes with you. Sally va contigo
En preguntas es frecuente encontrar la preposicin al final de la frase, espe-
cialmente cuando empiezan por una palabra interrogativa:
Who does Sally go with? Con quin va Sally?
Cuando usamos un pronombre relativo, tambin es frecuente encontrar la pre-
posicin al final de la frase:
Sally is who we go with. Sally es con quien vamos nosotros
En este tema vamos a clasificar las preposiciones en preposiciones de lugar,
de movimiento, de medios de transporte y de tiempo. A continuacin vamos a
indicar sus principales usos.
Algunas preposiciones describen dnde est algo o alguien. Siempre van des-
pus de verbos estticos. Las preposiciones de lugar ms importantes son:
Dentro de (espacio cerrado, objeto, lugar abierto (con lmites) pases,
ciudades y pueblos. Expresiones como: in bed, a street, the world, the
newspaper, hospital, school, a book, the middle of.
Sobre (una superficie con contacto fsico, en expresiones: on the left
/ on the right/ on the second floor).
En (lugar determinado, una posicin, con expresiones : at home, at
school, at the bus stop, at the airport) con acontecimientos, con edifi-
cios cuando estamos pensando en la actividad que se desarrolla all.
En expresiones como: at the end, the bottom, the top of, the dentists
a concert, conference, a party, a football match, etc.
1. Preposiciones de lugar
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 196
We were listening to music in the bedroom
Escuchamos msica en el dormitorio
The pictures are on the wall
Los cuadros estn en la pared
I always study at home
Siempre estudio en casa
Veamos la diferencia entre in, at, on:
I was waiting in the car
Estaba esperando en el coche ( dentro )
I was waiting on the car
Estaba esperando encima del coche
I was waiting at the car
Estaba esperando en el coche (justo al lado)
Otras preposiciones de lugar son:
Above Por encima de
Against Contra
Among Entre (ms de 2 personas u objetos)
Behind Detrs de
Below Debajo de (no hay contacto fsico)
Beside Junto a, al lado de
Between Entre (2 personas u objetos)
In front of Delante de
Inside Dentro de
Next to Al lado de, junto a
Opposite Enfrente de
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 197
Over Por encima de , sobre (sin contacto fsico)
Under Debajo de ( puede haber contacto)
The book shop is between the bakery and the sweet shop
La librera est entre la panadera y la tienda de golosinas
The flats are above the shops
Los pisos estn por encima de las tiendas
He was hiding venid the door
Estaba escondido detrs de la puerta
Algunas preposiciones describen el movimiento o la accin que ocurre.
Acompaan siempre a verbos de movimiento:
From De, desde (indica el origen de un movimiento)
To A, hacia, hasta (indica el destino, el punto final de
un movimiento)
Into En (cuando el movimiento finaliza dentro de un lugar)
Out of Fuera de (salir de un lugar )
On Sobre (cuando el movimiento finaliza sobre una superficie)
Across A travs de (de un lado a otro)
Along A lo largo de
Down Abajo
Over Sobre, por encima de
Past Por delante de, pasado, ms all de
Round Alrededor de
2. Preposiciones de movimiento
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 198
Through A travs de
Towards Hacia
Up Arriba
I am from Granada Soy de Granada
Tony flied to Barcelona Tony vol a Barcelona
He went to the cinema Fue al cine
He went out of the pub Sali de la taberna
The book falls on the floor El libro cay al suelo
- Cuando queremos sealar el viaje en un medio de transporte usamos las
siguientes preposiciones:
By Si se hace referencia nicamente al medio
de transporte utilizado y no el vehculo
Con el verbo to arrive (llegar a ) no se utiliza la preposicin to sino:
in (si el destino es una ciudad o un pas)o at (si el destino es un pueblo u otros
destinos). I arrived in Spain (no I arrived to Spain)
Con el sustantivo home no se utiliza preposicin: I go home. (no I go to home)
3. Preposiciones de medios
de transporte
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 199
I go to school by car / by bus / by bicycle
Voy al colegio en coche, autobs, bicicleta
- Tambin:
We came by road / by sea/ by air
Vinimos por carretera, mar, aire
- Salvo en las expresiones:
I go to school on foot / on horse
Voy al colegio a pie, a caballo
- Cuando se hace referencia a un vehculo concreto usamos las siguientes
In En (coche, taxi)
On En (autobs, tren, barco, bicicleta, metro, avin)
On a bus / train / plane
In a car / taxi
- Cuando queremos hacer referencia al hecho de subir o bajar de un medio de
transporte usamos las siguientes preposiciones pero siempre depende del tipo
de vehculo:
Con car, taxi se utilizan las expresiones:
Get in (into) subir
Get out of bajar
Con train, bus, horse, bicycle, motorbike, etc.:
Get on (onto) subir
Get off bajar
Con un barco se utiliza la expresin:
To go on board
La preposicin
Usamos las preposiciones de tiempo para indicar cuando ocurre algo. Se usa:
In Con distintas partes del da (pero no con night, at night)
Con los meses del ao
Con las estaciones
Con los aos
Con los siglos
Para indicar cunto falta para que ocurra algo in five minutes
(dentro de cinco minutos. En expresiones como in time (a
Im going on holiday in July Me voy de vacaciones en julio
I dont work in the afternoon No trabajo por la tarde
I got married in 2000 Me cas en el 2000
At Con la hora
Con las fiestas o festividades
Con night (excepcin las dems con in)
Con expresiones como the beginning/end / moment
Con the weekend (fin de semana)
Are you going away at the weekend?
Te vas fuera el fin de semana?
Ingls bsico 200
4. Preposiciones de tiempo
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 201
At Christmas children get presents
Los nios reciben regalos en navidad
I start work at 8 oclock
Empiezo a trabajar a las 8
On Con los das de la semana
Con fechas completas
Con el nombre de un da seguido de morning, afternoon,etc.
Are you busy on Friday evening?
Ests ocupado el viernes por la noche?
See you on Monday. Te ver el lunes
The concert is on 2
April El concierto es el 2 de abril
Veamos otras preposiciones temporales:
Until / till Hasta ( un determinado momento)
By Antes de, no ms tarde de
During Dentro de, durante un perodo de tiempo,
contesta a la pregunta When?
For Durante, perodos de tiempo, contesta a la pregunta
How long?
After Despus de, tras
Before Antes de
La preposicin
We didnt speak during the meal
No hablamos durante la comida
I went to sleep after the film
Me fui a dormir despus de la pelcula
Theyve been married for ten years
Llevan casados durante diez aos
Ingls bsico 202
No usamos at / on / in delante de this, every, last y next. Theyre going to the moun-
tain next Monday / this week. (no Theyre going to the mountain the next Monday /
the this week)
La preposicin
1. Elegir entre las preposiciones de lugar in o at:
Fred is _____ hospital because of the accident
Susan is _____ the garden
The boys are waiting _______ the bus stop
Mum is ______ the top of the photo
The girls are playing ________ the street
Did you see my photo _______ the newspaper?
She had a toothache so shes ______ the dentists
I am _______ home
Were meeting ______ the traffic light
There are many different cultures ______ the world
2. Elegir entre las preposiciones de lugar in, on o at
My flat is _______ the fifth floor
I live _____ San Francisco
Its the third door ______ the left
The label is ______ the tin
Philip is waiting _______ the bottom of the stairs
Hes sitting ______ a chair
He has beautiful pictures _______ the wall
Paris is _________ the river Seine
Ingls bsico 203
a las siguientes
La preposicin
Can you see who is _____ the door?
He arrived _______ London
3. Completar las frases con las preposiciones temporales in on o at:
_____ the afternoon I have a snack
I arrived just ______ time
We want to go away _______ Easter
I met my husband _____ 1990
I read an interesting book _____ night
I start working _____ nine oclock
Im going out _____ my birthday
What are you doing _____ the weekend
Im playing tennis _____ Saturday morning
Im going to New York _____ April
4. Unir las preposiciones de la izquierda con los opuestos de la derecha
Behind on
Into out of
Under in front of
Up down
Next to opposite
5. Escribir in, into , by o to en los huecos:
My friend jumped ______ the swimming-pool
Come ______the house and sit down
Ingls bsico 204
La preposicin
My wife poured the coffee ________ the cup
The bird flew ______ the tree
There are a lot of museums ______ Madrid
I go ____ the supermarket twice a week
After holidays, George returned ______ his work
My friend is ______ the park at this moment
We are walking ______ the street
Betty goes to work _______ bus
6. Completar las frases usando until, by, during o for:
I slept ______ twelve oclock this morning
_______ the night, I had a lot of nightmares
Susan was waiting at the bus stop ______ one hour
_______ the holidays we travelled to Germany
I waited _______ three oclock, then I left the school
What did your husband do ______ the holidays
He should be here ________ midnight
I always work _______ the bell rings
I am waiting for her call ________ hours
I must be at home ______ nine, not a minute later
Ingls bsico 205
La preposicin
7. Completar las frases con on, next to, between, above, below usando la
Hay nueve personas que viven en un bloque de pisos
Mike lives ________Jill and Diane
Charlie lives _________ the ground floor
Ken lives ___________ Alice and Susan
Diane lives _________ the first floor ______ Mike
Jill lives ________ George
Mike lives ________ Tina and _________ Ken
Ingls bsico 206
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 207
Fred is in hospital because of the acci-
Susan is in the garden
The boys are waiting at the bus stop
Mum is on the top of the photo
The girls are playing in the street
Did you see my photo in the newspa-
She had a toothache so shes at the
I am at home
Were meeting at the traffic light
There are many different cultures in
the world
My flat is on the fifth floor
I live in San Francisco
Its the third door on the left
The label is on the tin
Philip is waiting at the bottom of the
Hes sitting on a chair
He has beautiful pictures on the wall
Paris is on the river Seine
Can you see who is at the door?
He arrived in London
In the afternoon I have a snack
I arrived just in time
We want to go away at Easter
I met my husband in 1990
I read an interesting book at night
I start working at nine oclock
Im going out on my birthday
What are you doing at the weekend
Im playing tennis on Saturday morning
Im going to New York in April
Behind in front of
Into out of
Under- on
Up down
Next to opposite
My friend jumped into the swimming-
Come into the house and sit down
My wife poured the coffee into the cup
The bird flew to the tree
There are a lot of museums in Madrid
I go to the supermarket twice a week
After holidays, George returned to his
My friend is in the park at this moment
We are walking along the street
Betty goes to work by bus
I slept until twelve oclock this morning
During the night, I had a lot of night-
Susan was waiting at the bus stop for
one hour
During the holidays we travelled to
I waited until three oclock, then I left
the school
What did your husband do during the
La preposicin
Ingls bsico 208
He should be here by midnight
I always work until the bell rings
I am waiting for her call for hours
I must be at home by nine, not a
minute later
Mike lives between Jill and Diane
Charlie lives on the ground floor
Ken lives between Alice and Susan
Diane lives on the first floor next to
Jill lives above George
Mike lives above Tina and below Ken
Tema 14
Los verbos modales
Los verbos modales
Los verbos modales
Los verbos modales
Los verbos modales
Hay un grupo especial de verbos llamados modales. Los verbos modales for-
man la negacin aadiendo not, igual que los verbos auxiliares. Forman la
interrogacin inviertiendo el orden sujeto-verbo. Admiten contracciones, care-
cen de participios y de infinitivo, no aaden s en la tercera persona del sin-
gular y van seguidos de infinitivo sin to.
La lengua inglesa necesita los verbos modales para expresar una variada
gama de ideas y matices que no quedaran claros si utilizaran solamente los
tiempos verbales. De ah la gran importancia de estos verbos. En este tema
veremos los siguientes verbos modales: can, must, may, will y shall.
El verbo can es un verbo modal que significa saber o poder. Este verbo se
utiliza siempre acompaado de un verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En los
verbos modales la tercera persona del singular no aade la s que incorporan
los dems verbos en ingls.
They can play the guitar Saben tocar la guitarra
He cannot type No sabe escribir a mquina
Can you draw? Sabes dibujar?
- La forma negativa de can en presente es cannot (o su forma contrada
cant). Cannot se escribe en una sola palabra. Cuando escribimos en ingls
formal usamos cannot, pero cant es ms usual.
I cannot go to the party No puedo ir a la fiesta
They cant swim No saben nadar
- En las frases interrogativas can se coloca al comienzo de la interrogacin,
con una estructura similar a la que vimos para los verbos to be y to have.La
respuesta breve sera: Yes, I (el sujeto) can o No, I (sujeto) cant.
What can you see? Qu puede ver?
Can you speak German? Sabe hablar alemn?
Veamos cmo quedara la conjugacin del verbo can:
Ingls bsico 211
1. Can
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 212
- Can significa saber con el sentido de tener habilidad para hacer algo o poder
tener la posibilidad de hacer algo:
She can cook Ella sabe cocinar
My sister can dance Mi hermana sabe bailar
I can change twenty euros Puedo cambiar veinte euros
- Tambin utilizamos can cuando queremos preguntar si podemos hacer algo
(pedir permiso). Cuando usamos la forma negativa entonces significa prohibi-
Can I go to the toilet, please? Puedo ir al lavabo, por favor?
No, you cant No, no puedes
You cant come to the party No puedes ir a la fiesta
- Cuando queremos pedirle a alguien que haga algo usamos can:
Can you do me a favour? Me puedes hacer un favor?
Can you help me? Me puedes ayudar?
Afirmativa Negativa
I can I cannot I can't Can I ?
You can You cannot You can't Can you ?
He can He cannot He can't Can he ?
She can She cannot She can't Can she ?
It can It cannot It can't Can it ?
We can We cannot We can't Can we ?
You can You cannot You can't Can you ?
They can They cannot They can't Can they ?
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 213
El verbo modal must significa deber. Tiene una nica forma para presente y
futuro, para el pasado se usa had to + infinitivo.
I must go to school now
Tengo que ir al colegio ahora
I must go to school tomorrow
Tengo que ir al colegio maana
I had to go to school yesterday
Tuve que ir al colegio ayer
- La formacin del verbo must es similar a la de los dems verbos modales.
En la forma afirmativa se pone must seguido de el verbo en infinitivo sin to. La
forma negativa sera must not y la contrada mustnt. La forma interrogativa
quedara verbo modal + sujeto + verbo infinitivo sin to:
You must stand up Debes levantarte
They mustnt eat in class No deben comer en clase
Must they work every day? Deben trabajar todos los das?
2. Must
Afirmativa Negativa F. contrada Interrogativa
I must study I must not talk I mustn't talk Must I study?
You must study You must not talk You mustn't talk Must you study?
He must study He must not talk He mustn't talk Must he study?
She must study She must not talk She mustn't talk Must she study?
We must study We must not talk We mustn't talk Must we study?
You must study You must not talk You mustn't talk Must you study?
They must study They must not talk They mustn't talk Must they study?
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 214
- Este verbo modal tiene varias acepciones . Se utiliza para indicar deber u
obligacin, incluso puede ser una orden. Tambin se utiliza cuando estamos
seguros de que algo es cierto (una deduccin o suposicin). Must se utiliza
para indicar que es necesario hacer algo, expresando una opinin del que
habla o un consejo.
I must wash my hair Debo lavarme el pelo
You must be tired after running
Debes estar cansado despus de corer
We must hurry Debemos darnos prisa
- La negacin es must not (o su forma abreviada musnt), indica prohibicin:
He mustnt sell the house No debe vender la casa
You mustnt do that No debes hacer eso
I mustnt be late No debo llegar tarde
El verbo modal may se puede traducir por el verbo espaol poder. May se usa
para el presente en la forma afirmativa seguido del verbo infinitivo sin to. La
forma negativa sera may not (maynt) y la forma interrogativa quedara may +
sujeto + verbo infinitivo sin to:
I may go to Paris Puede que vaya a Pars
I may not go to Paris Puede que no vaya a Pars
May I open the window? Puedo abrir la ventan?
- El verbo modal may se utiliza para indicar que algo puede ser posible (posi-
It may rain this evening Puede que llueva esta noche
3. May
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 215
I may play tennis tomorrow
Puede que juegue al tenis maana
- May tambin se utiliza para pedir permiso de una manera educada (peticio-
nes corteses):
May I make a call? Puedo hacer una llamada ?
May I open the door? Puedo abrir la puerta ?
Ya estudiamos el verbo will como auxiliar de futuro. En este tema will toma la
acepcin de querer, ya que en realidad will tiene el significado primario de
- Se formara de la siguiente manera , para la afirmativa will + verbo infinitivo
sin to, la negativa wont + verbo infinitivo sin to y la interrogativa will + sujeto
+ verbo:
You will start work at 8 Empezars a trabajar a las 8
I wont go to the beach No quiero ir a la playa
Will you give me the book? Quiere darme el libro?
- Es muy frecuente el uso de will en forma interrogativa para peticiones corte-
ses e invitaciones, traducindose por querer en presente:
Will you close the door? Quiere cerrar la puerta?
Will you sit down? Quiere sentarse?
Will you have a cup of coffee?
Quiere tomar una taza de caf?
- El uso de will en primera persona expresa la idea de voluntad por parte del
que habla (promesas):
I will phone you Te llamar
4. Will
Los verbos modales
I will take you to the cinema Te llevar al cine
I will always love you Siempre te amar
El verbo modal shall originariamente significaba deber. Como veremos a con-
tinuacin tiene un variado nmero de usos y matices y por eso en ocasiones
la traduccin adecuada ser un futuro o presente:
I shall be thirty next week
Cumplir treinta aos la prxima semana
You shall have your dog Tendrs tu perro
Shall I call the police? Llamo a la polica?
- La forma afirmativa es shall, la negativa es shall not , contrada quedara
shant y la forma interrogativa se formara por inversin del sujeto y el verbo
You shant go to the party No iris a la fiesta
They shall not pass No pasarn
- Se usa siempre shall para preguntas en primera y tercera persona, cuando
se quiere expresar la idea de hacer una sugerencia, pedir instrucciones a la
persona a la que se dirige o para ofrecimientos:
Shall we go to the theatre? Vamos al teatro?
Shall I carry your bags? Te llevo tus bolsas?
- El uso de shall aade a la idea de futuro el matiz de promesa, orden o ame-
naza, segn los casos:
You shall get what you want Tendrs lo que quieres
You shall have your money Tendrs tu dinero
Ingls bsico 216
5. Shall
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 217
1. Ordenar las siguientes frases:
cant / uncle / swim / my
piano / he / can / the / play
dance / they / can / well / very
Spanish / speak/ and / can / I / Japanese
cant / elephants / write
friend / can / my / run / 30 / kilometres
we / pizza / cook / can
any / musical / cant / she / play / instrument
can / fire / make / he / a
cant / I / my / homework / do
a las siguientes
Los verbos modales
2. Escribir can o cant en las siguientes oraciones:
I ________go out tonight. Im busy.
__________ you come to the cinema tonight?
You _________ park here. Its no parking.
___________you tell me the time, please?
She _______ speak English well.
I _________play football, but not basketball.
_______I park my car here?
Where? I __________see him.
_________you help me with my homework?
You __________smoke there, but not here.
Sorry. I __________remember the answer.
I __________speak Spanish and Italian.
3. Completar las frases con must o mustnt y uno de estos verbos: meet,
help, learn, speak, hurry, be, tell, wash, buy, take:
You _____________ to drive
You _____________ patient
You _____________ to her about the children
You _____________ anyone what happened
You look tired. You ______________ a nap
You _____________ this book. It is really entertaining.
You _____________ . We are late
You_____________ my blouse. It is a delicate garment
You ____________ my brother. He is very nice.
Its a very difficult exercise. You _____________ me
Ingls bsico 218
Los verbos modales
4. Encontrar y corregir el error de cada frase:
I know she can does it
All students must studying
She cans speak English well
I cant to see it
She must to drive slowly
She may go not to the cinema
He must to study all day
May I to smoke?
He can helps you with your homework
You may going to Spain
5. Escribir frases con Shall we? (sugerencias)
Lets go out tonight __________________________________________
Lets have a holiday __________________________________________
Ingls bsico 219
Los verbos modales
Lets spend some money ________________________________________
Lets have a party __________________________________________
Lets go for a walk __________________________________________
Lets wear funny hats __________________________________________
Lets see a film __________________________________________
Lets watch TV __________________________________________
Lets buy a new carpet __________________________________________
Lets phone Jack __________________________________________
6. Completar las oraciones con must be o cant be
Hes taking photos, he ________ a tourist
He is still in bed, he __________ tired
Hes running, he ____________ late
Shes a terrible football player, she ________ good at it
All the doors are open, it __________ cold
Hes pale, he ___________ ill
They dont want to eat, so they ________ hungry
They spend a lot of money. They ___________ rich
They are kissing each other. They ___________ friends
Ingls bsico 220
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 221
My uncle cant swim
He can play the piano
They can dance very well
I can speak Spanish and Japanese
Elephants cant write
My friend can run 30 kilometres
We can cook pizza
She cant play any musical instrument
He can make a fire
I cant do my homework
I cant go out tonight. Im busy.
Can you come to the cinema tonight?
You cant park here. Its no parking.
Can you tell me the time, please?
She can speak English well.
I can play football, but not basketball.
Can I park my car here?
Where? I cant see him.
Can you help me with my homework?
You can smoke there, but not here.
Sorry. I cant remember the answer.
I can speak Spanish and Italian.
You must learn to drive
You must be patient
You must speak to her about the chil-
You mustnt tell anyone what happe-
You look tired. You must take a nap
You must buy this book. It is really
You must hurry . We are late
You mustnt wash my blouse. It is a
delicate garment
You must meet my brother. He is very
Its a very difficult exercise. You must
help me
I know she can do it
All students must study
She can speak English well
I cant see it
She must drive slowly
She may not go to the cinema
He must study all day
May I smoke?
He can help you with your homework
You may go to Spain
Shall we go out tonight?
Shall we have a holiday?
Shall we spend some money?
Shall we have a party?
Shall we go for a walk?
Shall we wear funny hats?
Shall we see a film?
Shall we watch TV?
Shall we buy a new carpet?
Shall we phone Jack?
Hes taking photos, he must be a tou-
He is still in bed, he must be tired
Hes running, he must be late
Los verbos modales
Ingls bsico 222
Shes a terrible football player, she
cant be good at it
All the doors are open, it cant be cold
Hes pale, he must be ill
They dont want to eat, so they cant
be hungry
They spend a lot of money. They must
be rich
They are kissing each other. They
cant be friends
Tema 15
Formas no personales del verbo
Formas no personales del verbo
Formas no personales del verbo
Formas no
personales del verbo
Formas no personales del verbo
Las formas no personales del verbo son el infinitivo, la forma en -ing y el par-
ticipio. Se distinguen de las formas personales en que no pueden expresar por
s solas las relaciones de modo, tiempo, nmero y persona. En este tema
veremos el infinitivo y la forma en -ing.
El infinitivo es la forma bsica del verbo. Es invariable y suele llevar la prepo-
sicin to delante (to write, to speak) escribir, hablar. La negacin se forma
anteponiendo not (not to write, not to speak). En ingles, el infinitivo va normal-
mente precedidio de la preposicin to. Sin embargo, hay algunos casos en los
que el infinitivo sin to parece adecuada.
1.1 El infinitivo sin To
- Se usa el infinitivo sin to despus de los verbos auxiliares y modales (do, can,
will, shall, must, may, etc)
Do you play football? Juegas al ftbol?
I can swim S nadar
- El infinitivo sin to se emplea con los verbos de percepcin to hear (or) , to
see ( ver), to watch (contemplar, ver), to feel (sentir). Algunos verbos rigen infi-
nitivo sin to, por ejemplo, to make (hacer) y to let (dejar, permitir):
I heard a man sing O a un hombre cantar
He made her cry La hizo llorar
Let it be Djalo estar
1.1 El infinitivo con To
- El infinitivo puede utilizarse detrs de determinados verbos como por ejem-
plo: agree, begin, choose, decide, expect, fail, forget, hope, intend., learn,
manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise, remember, refuse, seen, start,
try, want o wish:
Ingls bsico 225
1. El infinitivo
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 226
She forgot to turn on the light Olvid encender la luz
We decided to stay Decidimos quedarnos
He learnt to drive Aprendi a conducir
- Siempre debe usarse el infinitivo con to con los verbos modales have (got)
to (tener que ), ought to (deber ), used to (soler, acostumbrar) y con el futuro
be going to. Tambin en expresiones como would like, would love, would hate,
would prefer ( me gustara, me encantara,...) :
Im going to do it Voy a hacerlo
Youll have to wait Tendrs que esperar
He would like to meet you Le gustara conocerte
- Usamos el infinitivo con to despus de las partculas interrogativas how,
where, what, which, when y who:
We dont know how to say goodbye
No sabemos cmo despedirnos
She explained what to do Explic qu hacer
- Tambin se utiliza para expresar la finalidad o propsito de una accin. En
espaol, la finalidad se expresa con la preposicin para:
I came here to dance and sing Vine aqu para bailar y cantar
I went there to learn English Fui all para aprender ingls
- Usamos el infinitivo con to o un pronombre (o nombre) + infinitivo con to, des-
pus de ciertos verbos (ask, choose, expect, mean, need, promise, want, wish,
You asked me to buy some clothes
Me pedisteis que comprara algo de ropa
He promised her to be her husband
Le prometi ser su marido
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 227
- Siempre debemos usar un pronombre o un nombre y el infinitivo con to des-
pus de determinados verbos (allow, force, invite, order, persuade, teach, tell,
Ill invite her to come La invitar a que venga
He told me to be happy Me pidi que fuera feliz
- El infinitivo es muy frecuente detrs de algunos adjetivos, como pleased,
upset, surprised, easy, difficult, etc. :
I am very pleased to see you
Estoy encantada de verte
This theme is easy to understand
Este tema es fcil de comprender
2.1 Funciones de la forma en -ing
El verbo + ing puede ser un gerundio o un participio presente. El gerundio fun-
ciona como un sustantivo. El participio presente funciona generalmente como
un verbo(formando los tiempos continuos), pero en ocasiones hace las veces
de un adjetivo:
I was reading Yo estaba leyendo
The book is interesting El libro es interesante
Travelling is my favourite hobby Viajar es mi aficcin favorita
Se forma aadiendo la terminacin -ing al infinitivo ( to write writing), ( to
sing singing).
- Si el infinitivo termina en -e, se suprime la -e:
make > making.
2. La forma en -ing
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 228
- Si el infinitivo termina en -y, sigue la regla general:
try > trying.
- Si el infinitivo acaba en consonante precedida de una sola slaba tnica, se
duplica la consonante:
run > running.
- Si el infinitivo acaba en -ie, se cambia por -y:
die > dying
- Como ya hemos dicho la forma en ing tiene el doble carcter de nombre y
verbo. En su calidad de nombre puede tener la funcin de complemento de
una preposicin. Normalmente detrs de una preposicin va la forman en
ing, aunque hay algunas excepciones que lleva el infinitivo con to:
I am very interested in collecting stamps
Estoy muy interesado en coleccionar sellos
2.2 Verbos + forma en -ing
- Es muy frecuente utilizar ing detrs del verbo to go y come cuando habla-
mos de determinadas actividades. Y tambin detrs de preposiciones:
We went shopping
Fuimos de compras
They go swimming once a week
Ellos van a nadar una vez a la semana
Las funciones la forma en ing son:
a) Gerundio: Se utiliza en los tiempos continuos (Im reading)
y cuando el verbo va precedido de preposicin (a machine for cutting grass).
b) Participio presente: equivale a una oracin de relativo (The boy talking to her mot-
her...).El chico hablando con su madre
c) Se utiliza para formar un nombre a partir de un verbo: meeting, ..
d) Para formar un adjetivo a partir de un verbo: loving letter, stinking room...
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 229
I dreamt about winning an Oscar
So que ganaba un Oscar
- Se puede utilizar la forma en ing o el infinitivo con to despus de los verbos
siguientes: begin, enjoy, hate, like, love, mind, prefer, start, suggest. La forma
en ing es ms comn que el infinitivo:
I enjoy travelling around the world
Disfruto viajando por todo el mundo
I hate studying Maths Odio estudiar matemticas
I like swimming in the sea Me gusta nadar en el mar
- Tambin se puede usar la forma ing o el infinitivo con los verbos start, begin,
continue y prefer. Algunos cambian su sentido como stop o remember:
He stopped smoking l dej de fumar (cese de actividad)
He stopped to smoke l par para fumar (propsito)
Remember to visit your mother
Acurdate de visitar a tu madre (acordarse de hacer algo)
I remember visiting my mother
Me acuerdo de haber visitado a mi madre (recordar haber hecho algo)
- Usamos la forma en ing tras las expresiones cant stand, cant help, its no
use, its no good, its (not worth):
I cant stand listening to pop music
No puedo soportar escuchar msica pop
I cant help loving him No puedo evitar quererle
En espaol traducimos la forma en ing por un infinitivo, pero no se puede sustituir
la forma en ing utilizando un infinitivo. I go fishing (no I go to fish) me voy de pesca.
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 231
1. Completar las siguientes frases usando call Mary o to call Mary (I cant
_____= I cant call Mary)
Ill ___________
Im going __________
Can you ____________
Shall I ______________
I would like ____________
I have___________
You ought ___________
I want ___________
You must _________
She forgot _____________
2. Formular preguntas comenzando con Do you like como en el ejemplo
( I often get up early = Do you like getting up early?)
I often write letters
I often travel by underground
I often visit my uncle
a las siguientes
Formas no personales del verbo
I often eat in restaurants
I often dance
I often go to the cinema
I often watch TV
I often listen to the teacher
I often wash my hair
I often drink coffee
3. Escribir frases con I went to the to Elegir entre estas expre-
siones (get some medicine, meet a friend, catch a train, buy some fruit,
ask for a loan, get an envelope, watch TV, learn German, dance, get some
(the bakery) I went to the bakery to buy some bread
(the station)________________________________
(the bank) _________________________________
(the disco) _________________________________
(the petrol station) ___________________________
(the supermarket) ____________________________
(the post office) _____________________________
(Germany) _________________________________
Ingls bsico 232
Formas no personales del verbo
(the living room)_____________________________
(the chemist) _______________________________
(the caf) ___________________________________
4. Poner el verbo entre parntesis en la forma ing o infinitivo:
Carmen and Pablo must (stay) at home
I like (draw) very much
He is interested in (read) detective stories
She wants (study) Law at university
She pretended (be) angry
She cant (swim)
She refused (buy) this expensive picture
They decided (buy) a huge house
I usually go (fish) in the river
I hate (play) cards
Ingls bsico 233
Formas no personales del verbo
She hoped (pass) her exams
Peter forgot (bring) the tickets
5. Completar las frases afirmativas e interrogativas con el verbo to be +
adjetivo + infinitivo con to:
I / pleased / see you again
It possible / leave late?
It / impossible / learn this by heart
Japanese /easy / understand?
It / lovely / see the girls playing
This recipe / not difficult /do
I / surprised / hear this gossip
English / hard / speak
Ingls bsico 234
Formas no personales del verbo
6. Poner el verbo entre parntesis en la forma correcta:
I would like (come) to the party
Jane decided (give) her mother a present
Lets (go) to Los Angeles for our holiday
We would love (meet) your children
He promised (love) her forever
Can you (help) me with the cooking?
I dont want (go) out tonight
It was easy (decide) what (do)
He hates (sunbathe)
The policeman tried (help) us
Ingls bsico 235
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 236
Ill call Mary
Im going to call Mary
Can you call Mary?
Shall I call Mary?
I would like to call Mary
I have to call Mary
You ought to call Mary
I want to call Mary
You must call Mary
She forgot to call Mary
Do you like writing letters?
Do you like travelling by underground?
Do you like visiting my uncle?
Do you like eating in restaurants?
Do you like dancing ?
Do you like going to the cinema?
Do you like watching TV?
Do you like listening to the teacher?
Do you like washing my hair?
Do you like drinking coffee?
I went to the bakery to buy some bread
I went to the station to catch a train
I went to the bank to ask for a loan
I went to the disco to dance
I went to the petrol station to get some
I went to the supermarket to buy some
I went to the post office to get an enve-
I went to Germany to learn German
I went to the living room to watch TV
I went to the chemist to get some medi-
I went to the caf to meet a friend
Carmen and Pablo must stay at home
I like drawing very much
He is interested in reading detective
She wants to study Law at university
She pretended to be angry
She cant swim
She refused to buy this expensive pic-
They decided to buy a huge house
I usually go fishing in the river
I hate playing cards
She hoped to pass her exams
Peter forgot to bring the tickets
I am pleased to see you again
Is it possible to leave late?
It is impossible to learn this by heart
Is Japanese easy to understand?
It is lovely to see the girls playing
This recipe is not difficult to do
I am surprised to hear this gossip
English is hard to speak
Formas no personales del verbo
Ingls bsico 237
I would like to come to the party
Jane decided to give her mother a pre-
Lets go to Los Angeles for our holiday
We would love to meet your children
He promised to love her forever
Can you help me with the cooking?
I dont want to go out tonight
It was easy to decide what to do
He hates sunbathing
The policeman tried to help us
Tema 16
Ingls bsico 241
1. La pronunciacin en ingls
Ingls bsico 242
Ingls bsico 243
Ingls bsico 244
2. El abecedario (pronunciacin figurada)
A (i) B (bi) C (si)
D (di) E (i) F (ef)
G (gi) H (eich) I (ai)
J (jei) K (kei) L (el)
M (em) N (en) O (ou)
P (pi) Q (kiu) R (ar)
S (es) T (ti) U (yu)
V (vi) W (dobliu) X (ecs)
Y (ui) Z (sed)
Ingls bsico 245
3. Los das de la semana
4. Los meses del ao
Sunday - domingo
Monday - lunes
Tuesday - martes
Wednesday - mircoles
Thursday - jueves
Friday - viernes
Saturday - sbado
January - enero
February - febrero
March - marzo
April - abril
May - mayo
June - junio
July - julio
August - agosto
September - septiembre
October - octubre
November - noviembre
December - diciembre
5. Las estaciones del ao
Spring - primavera
Summer - verano
Autumn (UK) fall (USA) - otoo
Winter - invierno
Ingls bsico 246
8. Das festivos
Easter - Pascua
Halloween - Vspera de Todos los
Santos - Noche de Brujas
Thanksgiving - Da de Accin de
Christmas - Navidad
Independence day - Da de la
New year's day - Da de ao nuevo
New year's eve - Vspera de ao
6. La hora
7. La fecha
1:00 It's one o'clock
1:05 It's five
1:10 It's ten past one
1:15 It's a quarter past one
1:30 It's half past one
1:35 It's twenty-five to two
1:45 It's a quarter to two
1:50 It's ten to two
Las fechas en ingls se forman con
los nmeros ordinales. Hay que dis-
tinguir entre cmo se escriben y
cmo se dicen.
Se escriben:
14th June 2005
June 14th 2005
Se dicen:
The fortieth of June, two thousand
and five
o bien: June the fortieth , two thou-
sand and five
Ingls bsico 247
9. Lista de verbos irregulares
Verbos que tienen las tres formas iguales
Verbos que tienen la misma forma en el infinitivo y en el
Verbos que tienen la misma forma en pasado simple y en el
Verbos que tienen las tres formas diferentes
Ingls bsico 248
Tema 17
afternoon: tarde
animal: animal
answer: respuesta
apple: manzana
armchair: silln
arrow: flecha
aunt: ta
bag: bolso
bakery: panadera
ball: pelota
bank: banco
bathroom: cuarto de bao
beer: cerveza
believe: creer
bell: campana
belong: pertenecer
bike: bicicleta
bird: pjaro
birthday: cumpleos
biscuit: galleta
blackboard: pizarra
book: libro
boss: jefe
box: caja
boy: nio
boyfriend: novio
brave: valiente
bread: pan
breakfast: desayuno
brother: hermano
bus: autobs
bus-stop: parada de autobs
busy: ocupado
buy: comprar
caf: cafetera
cake: pastel
call: llamar
carefully: cuidadosamente
carpet: alfombra
cat: gato
cheap: barato
cheese: queso
chemist's: farmacia
chess: ajedrez
child: nio/a
church: iglesia
city: ciudad
class: clase
clean: limpiar
clothes: ropa
coat: abrigo
coffee: caf
Ingls bsico 251
cold: fro
computer: ordenador
cook: cocinar
crowded: atestado, lleno
curtain: cortina
dance: bailar
dangerous: peligroso
date: cita
daughter: hija
difficult: difcil
dinner: cena
dirty: sucio
dish: plato
dizzy: mareado
do: hacer
door: puerta
draw: dibujar
dress: vestido
eagle: guila
early: temprano
earrings: pendientes
egg: huevo
electrician: electricista
endangered: en peligro de extincin
engineer: ingeniero
engineering: ingeniera
entertaining: entretenido
expensive: caro
eye: ojo
fashionable: de moda
fast: rpido
film: pelcula
fire: fuego
fish: pescado
flat: piso
flower: flor
flute: flauta
food: comida
foot: pie
forever: para siempre
friendly: simptico, amable
fruit: fruta
fun: diversin
funny: divertido
garment: prenda de vestir
girlfriend: novia
glass: vaso
glove: guante
go: ir
good: bueno
gossip: cotilleo
grass: hierba
Ingls bsico 252
hair: pelo
ham: jamn
hand: mano
happen: suceder, ocurrir
hard: duro, difcil
hat: sombrero
healthy: saludable
heavy: pesado
help: ayudar
hesitate: dudar
hide: esconder
high: alto
high school: instituto
holiday: vacaciones
home: casa, hogar
horse: caballo
hour: hora
housewife: ama de casa
housework: tareas domsticas
hungry: hambriento
ice-cream: helado
ill: enfermo
important: importante
island: isla
jacket: chaqueta
jeans: pantalones vaqueros
joke: chiste
juice: zumo
key: llave
kill: matar
kiss: besar
kitchen: cocina
knife: cuchillo
lady: seora, dama
lamp: lmpara
large: grande
law: derecho, ley
left: izquierda
letter: carta
listen: escuchar
living room: saln
locked: cerrado con llave
long: largo
look: mirar
loud: fuerte, alto
love: amar
lovely: encantador
magazine: revista
make-up: maquillaje
man: hombre
married: casado
match: partido
Ingls bsico 253
message: mensaje
midnight: medianoche
mini-skirts: minifalda
mirror: espejo
miss: perder, echar de menos
money: dinero
mouse: ratn
movie: pelcula (ingls americano)
neighbour: vecino
net: red
newspaper: peridico
nightmare: pesadilla
noise: ruido
noisy: ruidoso
notebook: libreta
oil: aceite
old: viejo
open: abierto
orange: naranja
pale: plido
paper: papel
pen: bolgrafo
pencil: lpiz
people: gente
person: persona
pet: animal domstico, mascota
petrol: gasolina
petrol station: gasolinera
picture: cuadro
pink: rosa
plane: avin
plate: plato
pleased: encantado
popcorn: palomitas de maz
post office: oficina de correos
postcard: postal
potato: patata
pour: verter
present: regalo
pretty: bonito
primary school: escuela de primaria
pupil: alumno
push: empujar
question: pregunta
quick: rpido
quiet: tranquilo
rabbit: conejo
rain: lluvia, llover
raise: levantar
read: leer
ready: preparado
remember: recordar
Ingls bsico 254
repair: reparar
right: derecha
ring: llamar, sonar
river: ro
room: habitacin
rubber: goma
ruler: regla
run: correr
sad: triste
safe: seguro
scuba diving: buceo
sea: mar
second-hand: de segunda mano
send: enviar
sharp: afilado
sheep: oveja
shop: tienda
shout: gritar
singer: cantante
skirt: falda
sky: cielo
slow: lento
small: pequeo
smile: sonrer
smoke: fumar
snack: tentempi
song: cancin
sport: deporte
sport centre: centro deportivo
station: estacin de tren
stick: bastn
story: historia, relato
street: calle
strong: fuerte
student: estudiante
suddenly: de repente
sugar: azcar
suitcase: maleta
sun: sol
sunbathe: tomar el sol
sweater: suter
sweets: caramelos
swimming-pool: piscina
talk: hablar
tall: alto
teacher: profesor
textbook: libro de texto
theatre: teatro
thin: delgado
tidy: ordenar
tired: cansado
tomato: tomate
Ingls bsico 255
tooth: diente
toothache: dolor de muelas
tortoise: tortuga
town: ciudad
traffic lights: semforo
travel: viajar
travel agent: agente de viajes
tree: rbol
T-shirt: camiseta
ugly: feo
umbrella: paraguas
uncle: to
underground: metro
vacation: vacaciones
vegetable: verdura
village: pueblo
wait: esperar
walk: pasear, paseo
wall: pared
want: querer
warm: clido
wash: lavar
watch: mirar, ver
water: agua
weather: tiempo
wedding: boda
weekend: fin de semana
wife: esposa, mujer
window: ventana
woman: mujer
work: trabajar
world: mundo
year: ao
young: joven
Ingls bsico 256

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