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Gua bsica sobre los Modal

Verbs en ingls

Un modal verb, tambin llamado modal auxiliary verb o modal auxiliary, se usa para
expresar el modo de una frase: posibilidad
/probabilidad (likelihood), capacidad/aptitud(ability), permiso (permission) y
obligacin (obligation). En espaol, por ejemplo, no necesitamos estos verbos modales o
auxiliares porque tenemos tiempos verbales o modos especficos para expresar estas misma
ideas (el condicional, el subjuntivo, el imperativo).
Hay 10 modal verbs en ingls. Estos verbos funcionan de manera distinta a los verbos
normales y son usados delante de otros verbos, en coletillas interrogativas (tags)
yrespuestas cortas.
Los modal verbs son verbos auxiliares y son los rebeldes sin causa. se saltan algunas
1. no cogen la -S en la tercera persona del singular del presente simple;
2. normalmente usan NOT para la forma negativa;
3. muchos de ellos no existen en el pasado o en el futuro.
Los 10 modal verbs son:
Ought to*
* Ought to es un verbo muy formal. Normalmente se prefiere el uso de Shall o Should en su

Veamos las reglas gramaticales aplicadas a los modals y as entender porqu son tan
Los modal verbs no siguen las normas de los verbos normales. No tienen pasado ni futuro y no
toman la -s de la tercera persona del singular en le presente simple.
She can sing She cans sing.

Cuando hablamos del pasado o del futuro, se usa otro verbo con un significado similar al del
modal. Por ejemplo, She must leave se dira she had to leave en el pasado y she will
have to leave en el futuro.
Tambin es posible usar have despus del modal para cambiar el tiempo vierbal. As
pues,I should eat some lunch se dira I should have eaten some lunch. Fjate que en
este caso, el verbo principal se usa en el past participle.
Can y could actan como pareja, y una frase que use can en el presente, usar could en el
I cant find my wallet > I couldnt find my wallet.
Para hacer la forma negativa, siempre hay que aadir NOT al modal.
I shouldnt eat chocolate I dont should eat chocolate.
Tambin, todos los modales van seguidos del infinitivo del verbo principal sin to. (a
excepcin del modal ought, que requiere to).
I could dance I could to dance.

Como ya he dicho ms arriba, los modales tambin se pueden usar para formular coletillas
interrogativas (el tpico , no? al final de una frase) conocidas como question tags en
ingls. Tambin se usan para dar respuestas cortas a las coletillas interrogativas. En este
caso, usamos el mismo modal.
Echa un vistazo a estos ejemplos:
Examples: You cant pass me the salt, can you? Yes I can.
You wouldnt let me down, would you? No I wouldnt.

Cada modal tiene una funcin diferente en una frase. En esta tabla puedes ver la funcin que
cada modal puede desempear:
Modal Example Function
May May I go to the conference? Asking for permission.
I may be able to help you with your project
Future possibility.
Might We might be interrupting their lunch. Present possibility.
They might make us an offer. Future possibility.
Can They can fix the problem. Ability.
They cant fix the problem. Inability.
Can I have a cup of coffee? Request
Can I smoke in here? Asking for permission.
Could Could you help me? Request.
Could I take tomorrow off? Asking for permission.
We could try unplugging it? Suggestion.
I could come to LA next month. Future possibility.
I left London, so I could get a job here. Ability in the past.
Will Ill give you a call on Monday. Promise.
Ill take these figures with me. Instant decision.
Well book your tickets if you like. Offer.
We will see an increase in salaries next
Certain prediction.
Would Would you mind if I opened a window? Asking for permission.
Would you make me a coffee? Request.
Would you be available at 6pm tonight? Making arrangements.
Would you like to go out some time? Invitation.
Would you prefer the window seat or the
Shall Shall I get the phone? Or will you? Asking what to do.
Shall I call a cab? Offer.
Shall we say 10pm at Roxys then? Suggestion.
Should You should see a doctor, you dont look
We should get a specialist. Recommending action.
Salaries should go up next year. Uncertain prediction.
Ought to You ought to go to the dentist before you
Must I must leave now to catch my train. Obligation/ Necessity
You mustnt ask too many questions. Prohibition.

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