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Subjefatura de Pr!e"t# A"ad$%&"#
Periodo: 2004-2008
Pr&%er Grad B'(u$ )
I*+'$# I

Bloqu 4. Daily Life/Vida diaria
El trabajo de vocalizacin, grabacin, traduccin y edicin del libro apuntes de la
asignatura de ingls, primer grado, bloqu 4; se culmin el 29 de enero de 2008, en la
Subjefatura de Proyectos Acadmicos del Departamento de Escuelas Telesecundarias,
en la calle Matamoros 603, Centro Histrico, de la ciudad de Oaxaca.
Coordinacin General del Proyecto:
Inocencio Michel Lpez
Jefe del Departaento de !ele"ec#ndaria
$%ctor Man#el Mart%nez &o'n
(#)*efe de Proyecto" +cad,ico"
$oz y trad#ccin:
-erenice +le*andra Ci"nero" $illal)a
&an.el /ern'ndez 0ern'ndez
1la)oracin y re2i"in del proyecto:
Lorena Ch'2ez $altierra
Gra)acin y 1dicin: &an (olrzano Carra"co
Mario 1nri3#e 4ropeza &oero
&eprod#ccin de aterial: Clari"a +ntonio Lpez
Capt#ra: -lanca 1"tela &#%z L#%"
1l"a Mart%nez +ltairano
(antia.o Ca)allero Mendoza
I.nacio -#cardo +.#ilar
Subjefatura de Pr!e"t# A"ad$%&"#

Pr&%er Grad B'(u$ -
I*+'$# I
Bloqu 5. Places and buildings/Lugares y edificios
El trabajo de vocalizacin, grabacin, traduccin y edicin del libro apuntes de la
asignatura de ingls, primer grado, bloqu 5; se culmin el 06 de febrero de 2008, en la
Subjefatura de Proyectos Acadmicos del Departamento de Escuelas Telesecundarias, en
la calle Matamoros 603, Centro Histrico, de la ciudad de Oaxaca.
Coordinacin General del Proyecto:
Inocencio Michel Lpez
Jefe del Departaento de !ele"ec#ndaria
$%ctor Man#el Mart%nez &o'n
(#)*efe de Proyecto" +cad,ico"
$oz y trad#ccin:
-erenice +le*andra Ci"nero" $illal)a
&an.el /ern'ndez 0ern'ndez
1la)oracin y re2i"in del proyecto:
Lorena Ch'2ez $altierra
Gra)acin y 1dicin: &an
&eprod#ccin de aterial: Clari"a +ntonio Lpez
Capt#ra: -lanca 1"tela &#%z L#%"
1l"a Mart%nez +ltairano
(antia.o Ca)allero Mendoza
I.nacio -#cardo +.#ilar
Table of contents/
U*&t )
Da&'! L&fe/Vida diaria
Pre#e*tat&* / Presentacin
Le##* . L*+ d&#ta*"e "a'' /Llamada de larga distancia........... .................... 3
Le##* / It0# (uarter ,a#t e&+1t /Son las ocho y cuarto ........... 5
Le##* 2 31at t&%e &# &t4 /Qu hora es? .................................... 8
Le##* ) 31at t&%e de# t1e *e5t bu# 'ea6e4 / A qu hora sale el proximo el autobs? 12
Le##* - I #tart at 7 8"'"9 &* t1e %r*&*+ /Empiezo a las ocho de la maana 15
Le##* : I ;a9e u, at ..<2= a>%> * Saturda!# /Me lavanto a las 11:30 am los sbados.. 18
Le##* ? M&*&"1e"9 / Revisin....................... ...................... 20
Le##* 7 @e##&"a +et# u, at : 0"'"9 / Jessica se levanta a las 6 en punto...................... 24
Le##* A @e##&"a '6e# ba#9etba'' / Jessica adora el basketball ..... 27
Le##* .= Be #tud&e# &* Cu$e*# U*&6er#&t!/ l estudia en la universidad de Quens .. 32
Le##* .. De# 1e ;a9e u, at 1a'f ,a#t f&6e4 / se levanta l a las cinco y media? .... 36
Le##* ./ R%&*a de#*0t 1a6e a #&#ter / Romina no tiene una hermana...................... 40
Le##* .2 I 6&#&t t1e de*t&#t t;&"e a !ear / Voy al dentista dos veces al ao ........... 42
Le##* .) M&*&"1e"9 /Revisin .................... 45
Le##* .- B; fte* d !u 1a6e E*+'&#1 "'a##4 / Qu tan seguido tienes clases de ngls?... 49
Le##* .: Tda! &# %! b&rt1da! / Hoy es mi cumpleaos............................. 54
Le##* .? De# #1e u#ua''! 1a6e brea9fa#t at 7 0"'"94 /Desayuna ella usualmente a las 8? 57
Le##* .7 Are !u 1ea't1!4 /Ests saludable? ................................ 61
Le##* .A Se*d&*+ a* eD%a&' /Mndame un correo electrnico.......................... 64
Le##* /= Cr"d&'e# are e*da*+ered #,e"&e# /Los cocodrilos son especies en peligro de
extincin.............. 68
Le##* /. E'e,1a*t# '&6e &* Afr&"a /Los elefantes viven en Amrica..... 71
Le##* // D Be*+a' t&+er# '&6e &* t1e fre#t4 /Viven los tigres de bengala en la selva?............ 74
Le##* /2 31ere d +re! ;1a'e# tra6e' &* t1e ;&*ter4/A dnde viajan las ballenas grises en
el verano? 77
Le##* /) M&*&"1e"9 / Revisin ................... 80
Le##* /- Prje"t< C%e a*d 6&#&t ur #"1' E> Part *e /:Ven y visita el zoolgico de la
escuela parte uno 83
Le##* /: Prje"t< C%e a*d 6&#&t ur #"1' E> Part t; /Ven y visita el zoolgico de la
escuela. Parte dos 84
Le##* /? Prje"t< C%e a*d 6&#&t ur #"1' E> Part t1ree /Ven y visita el zoolgico de la
escuela. Parte tres 86
Le##* /7 Prje"t< C%e a*d 6&#&t ur #"1' E> Part fur /Ven y visita el zoolgico de la
esuela. Parte cuatro 88
Le##* /A Re6&e;> Part *e /Revisin parte uno 90
Le##* 2= Re6&e;> Part t; / Revisin parte dos............ 95
A*#;er Fe!/Respuestas ........................................................ 98
Mater&a'e# de a,! .......................................................... 105
B&b'&+rafGa .................................................................................................... 105
2= #e##&*#H .= ;ee9#/ 30 sesiones, 10 semanas
Unit 5
Places and buildings/Lugares y edificios
Le##* . 3e'"%e t Pueb'a / Bienvenido a Puebla......... 107
Le##* / I0% '9&*+ fr a +ree*+r"er /Estoy buscando a un tendero. 110
Le##* 2 A br"1ure ;&t1 &*tere#t&*+ ,'a"e#/ Un folleto con lugares interesantes 114
Le##* ) I# t1ere a ba*9 *ear 1ere4 / Hay un banco cerca de aqui? . 116
Le##* - 31ere &# t1e ba*94 /En dnde est el banco? ...... 119
Le##* : T1&# &# a %a, f %! t;* / ste es un mapa de mi pueblo... 122
Le##* ? M&*&"1e"9 / Revisin.................. 125
Le##* 7 T1e ,ar9 &# * A''e*de Street /El parqu est en la calle de Allende 128
Le##* A L9 at t1e %a, / Mira el mapa ............. 131
Le##*.= G #tra&+1tH tur* 'eftH tur* r&+1t / Ve derecho, da vuelta a la izquierda, a la derecha 134
Le##*.. 3e'"%e t %! #"1' / Bienvenido a mi escuela ..... 137
Le##*./ B; "a* I +et t t1e +a# #tat&*4 / Cmo puedo llegar a la estacin? 140
Le##*.2 B; "a* I +et t T1e Pa'a"e f I&*e Art#4 Cmo puedo llegar al palacio de bellas artes? 143
Le##*.) M&*&"1e"9 / Revisin .................. 146
Le##*.- B; "a* I +et t !ur 1u#e4 /Cmo puedo llegar a tu casa? 149
Le##*.: Prje"t< A tra6e' br"1ure> Part *e /Proyecto: trptico de un viaje. Parte uno.......
.. 152
Le##*.? Prje"t< A tra6e' br"1ure> Part t; / Proyecto: trptico de un viaje. Parte
dos........ 153
Le##*.7 Prje"t< A tra6e' br"1ure> Part t1ree /Proyecto: triptico de un viaje. Parte
tres....... 154
Le##*.A Prje"t< A tra6e' br"1ure> Part fur / Proyecto: triptico de un viaje. Parte cuatro
...... 155
Le##* /= Prje"t< A tra6e' br"1ure> Part f&6e / Proyecto: trptico de un viaje. Parte
cinco........... 155
Le##* /. Re6&e; / Revisin ..................... 156
A*#;er 9e! /Respuestas .................. 160
Mater&a'e# de a,! ................... 166
B&b'&+rafGa....................... 166
/. #e##&*#H ? ;ee9#/ 21 sesiones, 7 semanas

Le##* .
L*+ d&#ta*"e "a''/ Llamada de larga distancia.
Read / Leer
.> A*#;er t1e (u$#t&* abut t1e d&a'+ue>
Responde la pregunta sobre el dilogo.
31at &# t1&# te5t4 Qu es ste texto?
aJ a 'etter bJ a* art&"'e "J d&a'+ue
una carta un artculo un dilogo
/> L9 at t1e ,&"ture# a*d read t1e d&a'+ue>
Observa las imgenes y lee el dilogo.
R&*+H R&*+H R&*+
@e##&"a< Be''> T1&# &# @e##&"a I're# #,ea9&*+ fr% Me5&">
Hola. Habla Jessica Flores de Mxico.
N&99&< Be''> T1&# &# N&99&. /Hola soy Nikki.
@e##&"a< N&99&H B; are !u4 I0% a'%#t +&*+ t bed 1ere &t0# te* 0"'"9 ,>%>
Nikki. Hola Cmo ests? Ya casi me voy a dormir aqu son las 10.
N&99&< I0% f&*e> I0% +ett&*+ read! t + t #"1' 1ere &* E*+'a*d &t8# e&+1t 0"'"9 &* t1e
%r*&*+> / Estoy bien. Me estoy alistando para ir a la escuela aqui en nglaterra son las ocho de
la maana.
@e##&"a< It0# +reat t 1ear !uK At ;1at t&%e d !u e*ter t #"1'4
Es fabuloso escucharte! A qu hora entras a la escuela?
N&99&< At e&+1t f&ftee* a>%> I0% 'ate "a'' !u ba"9 'ater. A las ocho y cuarto. Se me hace
tarde te llamo despus.
@e##&"a< O>F> Ba6e a *&"e da!K Gdb!e> Bueno. Qu tengas un buen dia. Adis.
N&99&< B!e> / adis.
2> C&r"'e T &f t1e #e*te*"e &# True r I &f &t &# Ia'#e>
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
N&99& &# &* Me5&". / Nikki est en Mxico. T F
@e##&"a &# &* Me5&">LJessica est en Mxico. T F
@e##&"a &# +&*+ t bed>LJessica se va a la cama. T F
N&99& &# +&*+ t #"1'> /Nikki se va a la escuela. T F
N&99& e*ter# t #"1' at te* f&ftee*> T F
Nikki entra a la escuela a las 10:15
T1&*9 /Pensar
)> G ba"9 t t1e d&a'+ue> A*#;er t1e (u$#t&* a*d "%,'ete t1e
Regresa al dilogo. Responde la pregunta y completa la tabla.
3e u#e MMMMMMMMM t te'' t1e t&%e> /usamos ____ para decir la hora.
aJ &t0#
bJ &t#
Time /hora Time Translation
ten o'clock 10:00
3r&te/ Escribir
-> Mat"1 t1e "'u%*#>
Relaciona las columnas.
te* f&ftee* / diez y cuarto 3:20
f&6e 0"'"9 / cinco en punto. 11:13
t1ree t;e*t! /tres veinte 2:00
#e6e* frt! t; /siete cuarenta y dos. 9:54
e'e6e* t1&rtee* / once trece 5:00
t; 0"'"9 / dos en punto 5:20
f&6e t;e*t! /cinco veinte 10:15
*&*e f&ft! fur / nueve cincuenta y cuatro 7:42

:> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*# a*d dra; t1e 1a*d# f t1e ;at"1e#>
Responde las preguntas y dibuja las manecillas de los relojes.
E5a%,'e< 31at t&%e &# &* Ira*"e4
It0# te* #&5tee*>
Qu hora es en Francia?
Son las diez diez y seis.
31at t&%e &# &t *;4 / Qu hora es ahora?
It0# / son__________________________.
31at t&%e &# !ur E*+'&#1 "'a##4
A qu hora es tu clase de ngls?
31at t&%e &# &t &* Ne; Yr94
Qu hora es en Nueva York?
Lesson 2
It0# (uarter ,a#t e&+1tL son las ocho y cuarto
Read / Leer
.> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*>
Responde la pregunta.
31ere &# @e##&"a4 / En dnde est Jessica?
aJ at 1%e / en casa bJ at #"1l /en la escuela
/> Read t1e dGa'+ue>
Lee el dilogo.
M%< @e##&"aH &t0# +ett&*+ 'ateK Jessica se hace tarde!
@e##&"a< 31at t&%e &# &t4 Qu hora es?
M%< It0# a (uarter t #e6e*> /Son cuarto para las siete
@e##&"a< I0% a'%#t d*eK /Ya casi estoy lista.
M%< Yu are +&*+ t %&## t1e bu#K / Perders el autobs.
@e##&"a< M%H I0% &* trub'eK Mam, estoy en problemas
T1e bu# 1ad 'eft %e &t0# (uarter ,a#t #e6e*
El autobs me dej, son las siete y cuarto.
M%< Yu are r&+1tK Yu are &* trub'e !u*+ +&r'K
tienes razn! Estas en problemas jovencita!
2> C&r"'e T &f t1e #e*te*"e &# True r I &f &t &# Ia'#e>
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
@e##&"a &# +ett&*+ read! t + t #"1'. T F
A Jessica se le hace tarde para ir a la escuela
@e##&"a &# ;a! t #"1'. T F
Jessica va hacia la escuela
@e##&"a %&##ed t1e bu#. T F
Jessica perdi el autobs
@e##&"a0# %% &# 1a,,! be"au#e @e##&"a %&##ed t1e bu#. T F
La mam de Jessica est feliz porque perdi el autobs
@e##&"a &# &* trub'e./ Jessica est en problemas T F
T1&*9 / Pensar
)> C1#e t1e a*#;er t1at
Elige la respuesta que corresponda.
3e #a! MMMMMMMMM ;1e* t1ere are re%a&*&*+ %&*ute# t t1e 1ur>
Nosotros decimos _______________ cuando faltan algunos minutos para la hora.
aJ (uarter t /cuarto para
bJ (uarter ,a#t /y cuarto
3e #a! MMMMMMMMM ;1e* t1ere are %&*ute# ,'u#>
Decimos ____________ cuando hay unos minutos ms.
aJ (uarter t / cuarto para
bJ (uarter ,a#t /y cuarto
-> C%,'ete t1e "1art>
Completa la tabla.
12:50 te* /diez t /para *e /uno
2:25 t;e*t! f&6e / veinticinco ,a#t /despus de t; /dos
1:15 Cuarter / y cuarto
11:30 Ba'f / y medio
1:05 I&6e / cinco
3r&te / Escribir
:> Mat"1 t1e "'u%*#>
Relaciona las columnas.
f&ftee* ,a#t te* / diez y cuarto 2:40
f&6e t e&+1t / cinco para las ocho 11:30
t;e*t! ,a#t f&6e / cinco veinticinco 4:15
a (uarter t #&5 / cuarto para las seis 9:05
1a'f ,a#t e'e6e* /once y meda 7:55
(uarter ,a#t fur / cuatro y cuarto 5:20
t;e*t! t t1ree / veinte para las tres. 10:15
I&6e ,a#t *&*e / Nueve cinco. 5:45
?> C%,'ete t1e &*fr%at&*>
Completa la informacin.
Example: It0# t; f&ftee*> / Son las dos y cuarto
It0# f&ftee* ,a#t t;> /Son 15 pasado de las dos
Lesson 3
31at t&%e &# &t4 / Qu hora es?
Read / Leer
.> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*>
Responde la pregunta.
31at &# t1&#4 Qu es esto?
aJ a "1at #"ree* bJ a* eD%a&' "J a* art&"'e
la pantalla del chat un correo electrnico un artculo
/> L9 at t1e "1att&*+ #"ree*> Read t1e dGa'+ue>
Observa la pantalla de chat. Lee el dilogo.

Find friends and chat with people all over the world in
Encuentra amigos y chatea con personas de todo el mundo en
Jessica says: /Jessica dice:
Good morning! / Buenos das
Rachid says: / Ricardo dice:
Good afternoon! Buenas tardes
Jessica says:
Afternoon? hat time is it there? /!"ardes? !#u$ hora es ah?
Rachid says:
%ere in &orocco it's (uarter past two p.m. hat's the time in &e)ico now?
A(u en &arruecos son las dos y cuarto p.m. !#u$ hora es en &$)ico?
Jessica says:
*t's (uarter past nine a.m. / son las nueve y cuarto.
Rachid says:
+o, &orocco is - hours ahead &e)ico. / Entonces en &arruecos hay cinco horas de diferencia.
Jessica says:
.es, we aren't living at the same time! / si, no tenemos el mismo tiempo.
/achid, * have to go, see you later. / /achid, me tengo (ue ir, te veo luego.
2> C&r"'e T &f t1e #e*te*"e &# True r I &f t1e &t &# Ia'#e>
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado verdadero o la F si es falso.
Jessica is chatting with a friend in Monaco T F
Jessica est chateando con un amigo en Monaco
t's 9:45 a.m. in Mexico. T F
Son las 9:45 en Mxico
Rachid is in Morocco. T F
Rachid est en Marruecos
Morocco is five hours ahead Mexico.. T F
Marruecos est a cinco horas de diferencia de Mxico
t's 2:15 p.m. in Morocco. T F
Son las 2:15 en Marruecos
T1&*9 /pensar
)> G ba"9 t t1e dGa'+ue> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*#>
Regresa al dilogo. Responde las preguntas.
D&ffere*t ;a!# &* E*+'&#1 t a#9 t1e t&%e</ Diferentes formas en ingls para pedir la hora:
a) ______________________________________ ?
b) ______________________________________ ?
3r&te / Escribir
-> L9 at t1e %a,> Order t1e ;rd# t fr% a (u$#t&* a*d a*#;er &t>
Observa el mapa. Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta y
C1&'eL 31atL t1eL 0#L t&%eL &*L 4
31at0# t1e t&%e &* C1&'e4 / Qu hora es en Chile?
It0# t;e*t! ,a#t fur ,>%>L It0# fur t;e*t! ,>%.
Son veinte minutos despus de las cuatro, son las cuatro veinte.
.J t&%eL &#L &*L 31atL &tL Ru##&a4
It0# ___________________________________________
/J &*L C1&*aL 31atL t1eL 0#L t&%eL 4
It0# ___________________________________________
2J &#L &*L t&%eL E*+'a*dL 31atL &tL 4
It0# ___________________________________________
)J S!d*e!L 31atL t1eL 0#L t&%eL &*L 4
It0# ___________________________________________
-J t&%eL &#L &*L 31atL &tL Da9ar4
It0# ___________________________________________
:J A'a#9aL 31atL t1eL 0#L t&%eL &*L 4
It0# ___________________________________________
S,ea9 / hablar
:> 3r9 &* ,a&r#> C1#e d&ffere*t ,'a"e# fr% t1e %a, ab6e> A#9
!ur ,art*er abut t1e t&%e &* d&ffere*t "u*tr&e#>
Trabaja en parejas. Elige diferentes lugares del mapa anterior. Pregunta a tu compaero
acerca del tiempo en diferentes ciudades.
Lesson 4
31at t&%e de# t1e *e5t bu# 'ea6e4 / A qu hora sale el prximo autobs?
Read / Leer
.> A*#;er t1e (u$#t&* abut t1e te5t>
Responde la pregunta acerca del texto.
31ere are @e##&"a a*d 1er %t1er +&*+4 /A dnde van Jessica y su mam?
a) to Africa b) to Puebla c) to Quretaro
/> Read t1e dGa'+ue>
Lee el dilogo.
Jessica: Mom, what time do you want to go to the bus station?
Mam a qu hora quieres ir a la estacin?
Mom: would like to go at 6 o'clock in the morning
Me gustara irme a las 6 de la maana.
Mom: Jessica, it's five thirty get ready to go.
Jessica son las 5:30 alistate para irnos
Jessica: What time does the bus leaves?
A qu hora sale el autobs?
Mom: don't have the tickets yet. 'm going
No tengo los boletos todavia.
to buy them when we get there.
Voy a comprarlos cuando llegue ahi.
Jessica: O.K., we have to hurry. /Bueno nos tenemos que apurar.
Mom: want two tickets to Puebla, please. / Quiero dos boletos por favor.
What time does the next bus leave? / A qu hora sale el autobs?
Assistant: The next one is at 7:30 a.m./ El siguiente sale a las 7:30.
Mom: And what time does it arrives? /y A qu hora llega?
Assistant: At 10 30 a.m. it takes three hours to get there.
A las 10:30. Tarda 3 horas en llegar ahi.
Mom: How much do they cost? /Cunto cuestan?
Assistant: They cost about $150.00. / Aproximadamente $150.00
Mom: Give me two, please. /Deme 2 boletos por favor.
Assistant: These are your tickets; your bus leaves at 7:30 a.m. in gate two.
Aqui estan sus boletos, su autobs sale a las 7:30 por la puerta dos.
3. Circle T if the sentence is true or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Jessica and her mother are going to go to the bus. T F
Station at 6 o'clock in the morning
Jessica y su mam van a ir a la estacin a las 6 de la maana
Jessica wakes up at five thirty. . T F
Jessica se levanta a las cinco treinta
Jessica's mother has already bought the tickets.. T F
La mam de Jessica ya compr los boletos
The bus leaves at 7:30 and arrives at 11:30.. T F
El autobs sale a las 7:30 y llega a las 11:30
Each ticket costs are $150.00. / Cada boleto cuesta $ 150.00 T F
T1&*9 /Pensar
)> I&*d * t1e te5t t1e e5,re##&*# &* E*+'&#1 t a#9 abut t&%e ;1e*
a"t&6&t&e# 1a,,e*<
Encuentra en el texto las expresiones en ingls para preguntar acerca del tiempo cuando
ocurren las actividades.
3r&te / Escribir.
-> Mat"1 t1e "'u%*#
Relaciona las columnas.
What time do you have breakfast?
A qu hora desayunas?
What time does she do exercise?
A qu hora se ejercita ella?
What time do you start school?
A qu hora empiezas la escuela?
What time do you do homework?
A qu hora haces la atera?
What time does he go to church?
A qu hora va l a la iglesia?
She does exercise in the morning.
Ella se ejercita en la maana
He goes to church in the Afternoon.
l va a la iglesia en la tarde
do homework in the afternoon.
Hago mi tarea en la tarde
start at school at 7:30 a.m.
Empiezo la escuela a las 7:30 a.m
have breakfast at 9 o'clock. /
Desayuno a las 9:00 de la maana.
S,ea9 /hablar 3r&te /escribir
:> 3r9 &* ,a&r#> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*# ;&t1 !ur &*fr%at&*> A#9 t1e
#a%e (ue#t&*# t !ur ,art*er a*d ;r&te t1e a*#;er#>
Trabaja en parejas. Responde las preguntas con tu informacin.
Pregunta a tu compaero las mismas preguntas y escribe las respuestas.
Qustion 1 / Pregunta 1
.ou / "0
1artner / 2ompa3ero
Qustion 2 /Pregunta 2
Qustion 3 /Pregunta 3
Qustion 4 /Pregunta 4
Qustion 5 / Pregunta 5
Lesson 5
I #tart at 7 0"'"9 &* t1e %r*&*+ / Comienzo a las ocho en punto de la maana.
Read / Leer
.> 3r&te * t1e '&*e t1e 1ur t1at "rre#,*d#>
Escribe sobre la lnea la hora qu corresponde.
/> Read t1e &*ter6&e; ;&t1 a r"9 #tar>
Lee la entrevista a una estrella de rock.
nterviewer: Hi! 'm reporting to Star Magazine.
Hola, estoy haciendo un reporte para una revista.
What time do you start playing?
A qu hora empiezas a tocar?
Jack Jackson: start at 8 o'clock in the morning
Empiezo a las ocho de la maana.
nterviewer: What time do you stop playing?
A qu hora dejan de tocar?
Jack Jackson: stop playing at 6 o'clock in the afternoon.
At that time go home and have dinner.
Dejo de tocar a las 6 de la tarde. Luego voy a casa y ceno.
nterviewer: What do you do at night?/Qu haces en la noche?
Jack Jackson: use to write my lyrics and be with my family.
Suelo escribir canciones y estar con mi familia.
nterviewer: Are !u having a concert soon? / Tendrs un concierto pronto?
Jack Jackson: Yes, 'll be playing in September in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Si, tocar en Septiembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2> A*#;er t1e (ue#t&*#>
Responde las preguntas.
31at0# t1e *a%e f t1e %a+aE&*e4
Cul es el nombre de la revista?
De# @a"9 @a"9#* #tart ,'a!&*+ &* t1e %r*&*+4
Empieza Jack Jackson a jugar en la maana?
31at t&%e de# 1e + 1%e4
A qu hora va l a casa?
31at de# 1e d at *&+1t4
Qu hace l en la noche?
31e* &# 1e 1a6&*+ a "*"ert4
Cundo tendr l un concierto?
T1&*9 / Pensar
)> G ba"9 t t1e &*ter6&e;> L9 at t1e ;rd# &* b'd> C%,'ete
t1e &*fr%at&*>
Regresa a la entrevista. Observa las palabras en negritas. Completa la informacin.
8 o'clock
At / A las
that time / esa hora
Midnight/ medanoche
the afternoon/ la tarde
n /en
September /Septiembre
the summer/ el verano
&* t1e %r*&*+ &* t1e after** &* t1e e6e*&*+L at *&+1t
En la maana En la tarde en la noche
Write / Escribir
5. Complete the gapped text. Use in/at.
Complete los espacios del texto. Usa in /at.
Berta every day 44444 the morning ta5es a shower then she gets ready to go to
school. +he enters school 444444 seven thirty 44444 the morning. +he go 6ac5
to her house 44444 half past one. 44444 the afternoon she do homewor5.
!odo" lo" d%a" -erta ;;;;; en la a<ana "e )a<a= l#e.o "e ali"ta para ir a la e"c#ela> 1ntra a la e"c#ela
;;;;; 7::0;;;; la a<ana> &"a a "# ca"a ;;;;; 9::0> ;;;;en la tarde hace "# tarea>
Speak/Hablar Write/Escribir
6. Work in small groups. Complete the chart with your partner's information.
Trabaja en grupos pequeos. Completa la tabla con la informacin de tu compaero.
Name n the At (hour) n the At (hour) At night
Nombre Morning a las (hora) afternoon a las (hora) en la noche
En la maana en la tarde
7eticia get up 89:: a.m. do ;9:: p.m. go to
%omewor5 sleep
%acer la tarea dormir
Lesson 6
wake up at 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays / Me levanto a las 11:30 los sbados.
Read /Leer
1. Answer the qustion.
Responde la pregunta.
What is this text? / Qu es este texto?
a) an article b) an interview c) an e-mail
un artculo una entrevista un correo electrnico
2. Read th e text.
Lee el texto.

Subject: Hello, Nikki!
Dear Nikki, / Querido Nikki
Hello, 'm Jessica. Today is Saturday. On Saturdays wake up at half
past eleven because don't go to school on Saturdays. On Sundays go
downtown with my parents we get back home approximately at three and
have a meal. go to bed early at night.
On weekdays go to school, enter at seven thirty a.m. go swimming
after school on Mondays and Wednesdays
Write me soon /. Escribe pronto.
. Regards, Saludos
Hola, soy Jessica. Hoy es sbado. Los sbados me levanto a las 11:30 por qu no voy a la
escuela los sbados. Los domingos voy al centro con mis paps regresamos a la casa
aproximadamente a las 3:00 y comemos, me duermo temprano. Entre semana voy a la
escuela. Entro a las 7:30 am voy a nadar despus de la escuela los lunes y los mircoles.
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Jessica is writing an e-mail to Nikki. T F
Jessica le est escribiendo un correo electrnico a Nikki
Jessica doesn't go to school on Saturdays. T F
Jessica no va a la escuela los sbados
Jessica and her family go to church on Sundays T F
Jessica y su familia van a la iglesia los domingos
On Sundays, Jessica go to bed late. T F
Los domingos Jessica se duerme tarde
Jessica goes swimming on Mondays and Wednesdays T F
Jessica va a nadar los lunes y mircoles.
4. Go back to the text. Look at the words in bold. Complete the information.
Regresa al texto. Observa las palabras en negritas. Completa la informacin.
at / a las
Saturdays/ sbados
On / los
Write /Escribir
5. Complete the gapped text. Use on/at./ Completa los espacios del texto. Usa on/at.

Subject: Hello, Nikki!
Dear Nikki,
Hello, George. Today is Friday. ______ weekdays go to school from Monday to
Friday. _____ Fridays use to visit my grandmother and ______ night watch
scary movies. ______ Saturdays like to go biking wake up early in the morning
______ 8 o'clock. go back home to have breakfast ______ ten thirty a.m.
like when my parents take me to visit museums _______ Sundays.
Please send me an e-mail and keep in touch. Regards,
?#,rido @iAAi=
/ola= Geor.e> /oy e" 2ierne">;;; entre "eana 2oy a la e"c#ela de l#ne" a 2ierne"> ;; 2ierne" "#elo
2i"itar a i a)#ela y ;; noche 2eo pel%c#la" de terror>;;; "')ado" e .#"ta andar en )icicleta= e
le2anto teprano en la a<ana> &"o a ca"a a de"ay#nar ;; 90::0 a>> e .#"ta c#ando i"
pap'" e lle2an al #"eo ;;; doin.o"> Por fa2or andae #n correo y antente en contacto>
(al#do" Je""ica>
Speak /Hablar Write /Escribir
6. Work in small groups. Complete the chart with your partners information.
Trabaja en grupos pequeos. Completa la tabla con la informacin de tus compaeros.
Name On At On your At /a las On
nombre Weekdays birthday Christmas/ en navidad
los fines de semana en tu cumpleaos
+amuel Go to <9=: a.m. %ave a >ight %ave a special
+chool party dinner
ir a la escuela "ener una fiesta noche "ener una cena especial
Lesson 7
Minicheck / Revisin
Read /Leer
1. Write the hour on the line.
Escribe la hora sobre la lnea.
Quarter past ten ___________________/ diez y cuarto
Half past two / dos y meda
Four fifty six / cuatro cincuenta y seis.
2. Read the dalogue.
Lee el dilogo.
Jessica: 'm very happy to hear you again! / Estoy muy contenta de escucharte
Nikki: Yes, my dear. 'm happy too./ Si querida yo tambin.
Jessica: What time do you start school?/ A qu hora inicias la escuela?
Nikki: start school at 8 o'clock in the morning.
Empiezo la escuela a las 8:00 de la maana.
Jessica: What time do you have lunch? A qu hora comes?
Nikki: have lunch at three or three thirty./ Como a las 3:00 o 3:30
Jessica: What time do you do homework?
A qu hora haces tu tarea?
Nikki: n the afternoon. After that go and play basketball./
En la tarde juego basketbol
Jessica: What time is it now? / Qu hora es?
Nikki: Here it's half past eight p.m./ Aqu son las 8:30 de la noche.
Jessica: Where do you go on Saturdays? / A dnde vas los sbados?
Nikki: On Saturdays we go to visit my grandparents.
Los sbados visitamos a mis abuelos.
Jessica: Me too, on weekends go to visit my grandparents.
Yo tambin, los fines de semana visito a mis abuelos.
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Jessica is happy about speaking with Nikki. T F
Jessica est feliz por hablar con Niki
Nikki starts school at nine 8 o'clock in the afternoon T F
Nikki empieza la escuela a las 8:00 de la noche
Nikki does homework at night T F
Nikki hace su tarea en la noche
On Saturdays, Nikki goes to visit her grandparents. T F
Los sbados Nikki visita a sus abuelos
On Saturdays, Jessica goes to visit her grandparents. T F
Los sbados Jessica visita a sus alumnos
T1&*9 / pensar
)> G ba"9 t t1e dGa'+ue> C%,'ete t1e "1art>
Regresa al dilogo. Completa la tabla.
At ./ a las. On ./ los. n ./ en .
? o'cloc5
-> I&*d * t1e dGa'+ue a ,1ra#e fr a#9&*+ t&%e> 3r&te &t * t1e '&*e>
Encuentra en el dilogo la frase para preguntar acerca del tiempo. Escribela sobre la lnea.
3r&te / Escribir
:> L9 at t1e "'"9# a*d u*der'&*e t1e a*#;er t1at "rre#,*d#>
C%,'ete t1e &*fr%at&*>
Observa los relojes y subraya la respuesta qu corresponde. Completa la informacin.
31at t&%e &# &t4 / Qu hora es?
t's five past two./ son las dos cinco
At midnight t's five to two. En la
meda noche, son cinco para las dos.
31at t&%e &# &t4 / Qu hora es?
It0# f&6e ,a#t #e6e*> / Son las siete cinco.
It0# f&6e t #e6e*> / Son cinco para las siete.
31at0# t1e t&%e4 / Qu hora es?
t's twenty past four. ________ / son las cuatro veinte.
t's twenty to four. / Son veinte para las cuatro.
What time is it? / Qu hora es?
t's half past eight. ______ / son las ocho y meda
it's half to eight. / son treinta para las ocho.
What's the time?
t's thirty five past ten. _____________/ son las 10:35.
t's thirty five to ten. / son 35 para las 10.
What time is it? / Qu hora es?
t's quarter past nine. ______________. / son las 9:45
t's quarter to ten. / son 45 para las 10.
Speak/ Hablar Write/ Escribir
7. Work in pairs. Write a dalogue similar to exercise two. Practice saying it.
Trabaja en parejas. Escribe un dilogo similar al del ejercicio dos. Practica dicindolo.
Lesson 8
Jessica gets up at 6 o'clock / Jessica se levanta a las 6:00.
Read /Leer.
1. Complete the information.
Completa la informacin.
_____ Wednesday / mircoles _____ night / noche
_____ the afternoon / la tarde _____ ten o'clock / diez en punto.
_____ the evening / la tarde _____ the weekend / los fines de semana
2. Read the text. / Lee el texto.
&y name is @essica. * get up at 89:: in the morning and ma5e my 6ed. "hen *
ta5e a shower and get ready to go to school, after that * help my mother to
ma5e 6rea5fast and then * have 6rea5fast. "hen * go to school and when *
come 6ac5 home, * have lunch and then * do e)ercise and after that * do my
&i nom6re es @essica. &e levanto a las 8 de la ma3ana y arreglo mi cama. Aespu$s me 6a3o y me
alisto para ir a la escuela, despu$s, ayudo a mi mamB a prepara el desayuno y desayuno. 7uego voy
a la escuela y cuando regreso a casa como y hago eCercicio y despu$s hago mi tarea.

3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Jessica gets up at 6:30 in the afternoon./ Jessica se levanta a las 6:30 de la tarde. T F
She makes her bed before taking a shower./ Ella arregla su cama antes de baarse. T F
Jessica takes a shower at night./ Jessica se baa en la noche. T F
She has breakfast before going to school./ Ella desayuna antes de irse a la escuela. T F
Jessica does exercise in the afternoon./ Jessica hace ejercicio en la tarde. T F
Think /Pensar
4. Go back to the text. Look at the underlined and bold words. Complete the
Regresa al texto. Observa las palabras subrayadas y negritas. Completa la informacin.
Do/ hacer make/ hacer have/tener take/tomar go/ ir
5. Write on the lines the activities in the box that corresponds to the image.
Escribe sobre las lneas las actividades del cuadro qu correspondan a la imagen.
Take a shower/ baarse have lunch/ desayunar make coffee/ hacer cafe
Do homework/ hacer la tarea go to parties/ ir a fiestas
do the shopping/ hacer compras watch TV / ver la televisin
watch TV / ver la televisin
Speak/ Hablar Write/ Escribir
6. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences with your information. Share and
compare with your partner.
Trabaja en parejas. Completa las oraciones con tu informacin. Comparte y compara con tu
get up/ me levanto at 7:30 a.m./ a las 7:30
have breakfast/ desayuno
have lunch / como
do homework. / hago la tarea
watch TV / veo la tele
have dinner / ceno
Lesson 9
Jessica loves basketball/ Jessica adora el bsquetbol
Read / Leer
1. Remember about your geography classes. Answer the questions.
Recuerda tus clases de geografa. Responde las preguntas.
Where is located Guanajuato? / Dnde se localiza Guanajuato?
What are the states in their border? / Cules son los estados en su frontera?
2. Read the text.
Lee el text.
@essica Flores is a secondary student. +he lives in GuanaCuato. +he is a
very smart girl. +he loves to go to school. +he wal5s to the 6us stop
early in the morning and ta5es the 6us to school.
+he li5es to play 6as5et6all. +he plays in the 6as5et6all team of the
school. +he thin5s sports are very interesting. +he enCoys watching
professional 6as5et6all with her father.
@essica Flores es una estudante de secundaria. Ella vive en GuanaCuato. Ella es una chica
inteligente. 7e fascina ir a la escuela. 7e gusta Cugar 6Bs(uet6ol. Ella Cuega 6Bs(uet6ol en el
e(uipo de la escuela. Ella piensa (ue los deportes son muy interesantes. Aisfruta de ver el
6Bs(uet6ol profesional con su papB.
3. Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.
Where does Jessica live? /Dnde vive Jessica?
How does she go to school? / Cmo se va a la escuela?
What does Jessica like to do? / Qu le gusta hacer a Jessica?
What does Jessica think about sports? / Qu piensa Jessica de los deportes?
Do you like sports? / Te gustan los deportes?
Which sport do you practice? Qu deportes practicas?
Think /Pensar
4. Look at the words in bold in the text. Complete the chart.
Observa las palabras en negritas en el texto. Completa la tabla.
/ we/ you/ they/ yo, nosotros, ustedes, ellos. he/ she/ it/ l , ella, eso
Live/ vivir
Love/ amar
Takes/ tomar
Likes/ gustar
play/ jugar
enjoys/ disfrutar
work/ trabajar
thinks / pensar
5. Choose the answers that correspond.
Elige las respuestas qu correspondan.
To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we add ________ to verbs
ending with -e vowel (examples: like, love, raise, etc). / para formar el presente
simple en la tercera persona del singular, aadimos___ a los verbos terminando con la vocal
-e (ejemplo: gustar, amar, levantar,etc)
a) -es
b) -s
To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we add ________ to verbs
ending in a consonant (examples: wear, walk, sing, etc.)./ Para formar el presente
simple en la tercera persona del singular, aadimos___ los verbos que terminen con
consonante (ejemplo: vestr, caminar, cantar, etc)
a) -ies
b) -s
To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we add ________ to verbs
ending in vowel + y (examples: play, say, pay, etc). / Para formar el presente
simple de la tercera persona del singular __ aadimos a los vebos la terminan en y (ejemplo:
jugar, decir, pagar, etc.)
a) -s
b) -es
Write / Escribir
6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Write it in the right form.
Completa los enunciados con las palabras del cuadro. Escribelo en la forma que corresponde.
Sing/ cantar speak/ hablar drink/ tomar read/ Leer
Listen/escuchar buy/ comprar hate/ odar
Example: Laura speaks four languages.
Laura habla cuatro idiomas
George ______________ vegetables.
Jorge________________ verduras.
He always eats junk food.
l siempre come comida chatarra.
My father _____________ five cups of
coffee a day.
Mi pap_________ cinco tazas de caf al da.
Lupita _____________ when she is
taking a shower.
Lupita________________ cuando se baa.
Alfred ______________ classical music.
Alfredo _________________ msica clsica.
Mark ________________ poems.
Marcos ___________ poemas.
Cathy ________________ fruits in the market.
Cathy __________________ fruta en el mercado.
Speak/ Hablar Write/ escribir
6. Write a text about a famous singer you like. Share it with your classmates.
Escribe un texto acerca de un cantante famoso que te guste. Comprtelo
con tus compaeros.
_______________ is a famous ___________________. He/ She is _______
years old. _____________________________________________________
_________________es un famoso______________. l / Ella es __________ de edad. __________
Lesson 10
He studies in Quens University/ l estuda en la universidad de Quens.
Read /Leer.
1. According to the text, choose the answer that corresponds.
De acuerdo al texto, elige la respuesta que corresponda.
What's his occupation? / Cul es su ocupacin?
a) a biologist / un biologo b) a doctor/ un doctor c) a chef / un chef
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.
Carol Pavlov is from Poland. He is 26 years old.He
lives in Canada. He works part time at the Chateau
Meilleur Hotel in the restaurant Antiqus. He is a
professional chef. He loves cooking.
On a typical day he gets up at 6 o'clock,
takes a shower and has breakfast. Then he
goes to school. He studies at Quens
University. He tries all the time to get
very good notes that's why he does his
homework after he goes to work.
n the afternoon he goes to work. First he
washes his hands before he starts cooking. Then he
prepares vegetables, meat, sandwiches, etc.
He gets home at about eight o'clock in the
evening and he watches TV, studies or
sometimes reads a book. He brushes his
teeth before going to bed.

Carol Pa2lo2 e" de Polonia y
tiene 26 a<o"> Bl 2i2e en
Canada> !ra)a*a edio tiepo
en el hotel Chatea# Meille#r
en el re"ta#rant +ntic#e"> 1" #n
chef profe"ional> Le fa"cian
1n #n d%a t%pico= ,l "e le2anta a
la" 6 de la a<ana= "e )a<a y
de"ay#na> De"p#," 2a a la
e"c#ela> Bl e"t#dia en la
#ni2er"idad de ?#,en"> (iepre
trata de o)tener )#ena"
calificacione"= e" por e"o 3#e hace
"# tarea de"p#," de tra)a*ar>
Lle.a a ca"a aproCiadaente a
la" 8:00 y 2e la tele= e"t#dia o
al.#na" 2ece" lee #n li)ro> (e
la2a lo" diente" ante" de ir a
1n la tarde 2a a tra)a*ar> Priero "e
la2a la" ano"= de"p#," epieza a
cocinar> L#e.o prepara 2erd#ra"=
coida= "andDiche"= etc>
3. Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.
Where is Carol Pavlov from? _____________________________________
De dnde es Carol Pavlov?
Where does he work? ___________________________________________
Dnde trabaja?
Where does he study? __________________________________________
Dnde estuda?
What kind of food he prepares? ___________________________________
Qu tipo de comida prepara?
What does he do when he go home? _______________________________
Qu hace cuando va a casa?
Think / pensar
4. Look at the words in bold. Complete the chart and choose the answer that
Observa las palabras en negritas. Completa la tabla y elige la respuesta qu corresponda.
To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we add ________ to verbs
ending in consonant + -y (examples: study, try, cry, etc). / Para formar el presente
simple de la tercera persona del singular agregamos___ a los verbos que terminan en
consonante mas y (ejemplos : estudar, tratar, llorar, etc)

a) eliminate -y and add -ies / eliminamos la y y aadinos -ies
b) eliminate -y and add -s / eliminamos la y y agregamos -s
/ we/ you/ they/ yo, nosotros, ustedes, tu, ellos he/ she/ it / l, ella, eso
Study/ estudar
Try/ tratar
Cries/ llorar
Fly/ volar
marry / casarse
To form simple present in 3rd person singular, we ________ to verbs that
end in -ch,-s,-sh, -z, -x, or -o (examples: wash, watch, pass, etc.). Para formar
el presente simple en la tercera persona del singular, __ agregamos a los verbos qu
terminan en -ch,-s,-sh, -z, -x, -o (ejemplos: lavar , ver, pasar).
a) -es
b) -ies
/ we/ you/ they he/ she/ it
Wash/ lavar
Finish/ terminar
Brushes/ cepillar
Watches/ ver
catch/ atrapar
pass/ pasar
goes/ ir
fix/ arreglar
Be/ is and have/ has are two ____________ verb forms. / ser/ es / tener/ tener son dos.
a) regular
b) irregular
Write/ escribir
5. Write on the line the words in the box in the right form. Look at the images.
Escribe sobre la lnea las palabras del cuadro en la forma qu corresponde. Observa las
Teach/ ensear have/ tener kiss/ besar go/ ir
Fly/ volar catch/ atrapar cry/ llorar
Sue is a teacher. Ella es una maestra.
She teaches math at secondary school.
Ella ensea matemticas en una secundaria.
He is a very good receiver. / l es un buen recibidor.
He __________ all the passes.
l _________ todos los pases.
An insect ____________ six legs.
Un insecto ____ seis patas.
Alan likes art./ a Alan le gusta el arte.
He ____________ to the museum frequently.
l ____________ al museo frecuentemente.
Lisa __________ her boyfriend because she
loves him./ Lisa _________ su novio por que l la ama.
A condor is a kind of bird./ un condor es un tipo de ave.
t __________ very high. / _________ muy alto.
That baby _________ because he is hungry.
se beb ______ por que tiene hambre.
Speak/ Hablar Write/ Escribir
6. Write a paragraph text a person you know. Share it with your classmates.
Escribe un texto acerca de una persona que conozcas. Comprtelo con tus compaeros.
Lesson 11
Does he wake up at half past five? / Se levanta l a las cinco y meda?
Read / Leer
1. Order the letter to form a word. Then answer the question about the
Ordena las letras para formar una palabra. Posteriormente responde la pregunta acerca
del dilogo.
c/o/d/r/o/t t/s/i/t/e/c/n/i c/t/e/h/a/r/e
What's the occupation of Jessica's father? _______________
Cul es la ocupacin del pap de Jessica?
2. Read the dalogue.
Lee el dilogo.
Jessica: This is my father. His name is Sandro he's a primary teacher. He is
45 years old. / Este es mi pap. Su nombre es Sandro, l es un maestro de
primaria. Tiene 45 aos.
Romina: What does he do? /A qu se dedica?
Jessica: He teaches Spanish lessons./ l da clases de Espaol.
Romina: Does he work in the city? /Trabaja en la ciudad?
Jessica: No, he doesn't. He teaches in a rural community in a municipality of
Huixquilucan. He gets up very early to get there. He wakes up at half
past five/ No. l da clases en una comunidad rural en el municipio de
Huixtlahuaca. Se levanta muy temprano para llegar ahi a las 5:30
Romina: Does he get up at five thirty? /Se levanta a las 5:30?
Jessica: Yes, he does. t's because it takes one hour and a half to get to the
school where he teaches. Si. Es porque le toma una hora y meda para llegar
a la escuela donde da clases
Romina: Do you feel you proud of him? / Te sientes orgullosa de l?
Jessica: Yes, am. love him. / Si. Lo adoro.
3. Answer the questions about the dalogue.
Responde las preguntas acerca del dilogo.
Does Sandro teach Spanish lessons? ______________________________
Da Sandro clases de Espaol?
Does he teach in an urban community? _____________________________
Da l clases en una escuela urbana?
Does it take a long time to get to his work? ___________________________
Le toma mucho tiempo llegar a su trabajo?
is Jessica proud of his father? ________________________________
Est Jessica orgullosa de su pap?
Do you feel proud of someone in your family? Why?
Te sientes orgullosa de alguien en tu familia? Por qu?
Think/ Pensar
4. Go back to the dalogue. Find on the expressions used to ask about habit or
Regresa al dilogo. Encuentra las expresiones usadas para preguntar acerca de hbitos
o rutinas.
Example: Do you like English classes? Te gustan las clases de ngls?
5. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta que correspondan.
We use do with these pronouns _______ ./ Usamos d con los siguientes pronombre ___
a) you, we, they / t, ustedes, ellos.
b) he, she, it / l, ella, eso.
We use does with these pronouns _______ . / Usamos de# con los siguientes pronombres.
a) you, we, they
b) he, she, it
Discover the rule: When we use does the verb in present simple _____.
Descubre la regla. Cuando usamos de# el verbo en presente simple
a) doesn't change / no cambia
b) changes / Cambia
Write / Escribir
6. Order the words to form a qustion and answer it according to the images.
Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta y respndela de acuerdo con las imgenes.
Example: he/ basketball/ Does/ play/?
Does he play basketball? / Juega l bsquetbol?
No, he doesn't. / No.
1) parties/ like/ she/ Does/?
2) school/ to/ Saturday/ he/ go/ Does/ on/?
3) exercise/ she/ Does/ do/?
4) music/ listen/ she/ Does/ to/?
5) bake/ a/ cake/ she/ Does/?
Lesson 12
Romina doesn't have a sister / Romina no tiene una hermana.
Read/ Leer
1. Complete the information.
Completa la informacin.
He is the son of your grand parents l es el hijo de tus abuelos.
She is the daughter of you uncle. / Ella es la hija de tu tio.
He is the brother of your mother./ l es el hermano de tu mam.
2. Read the dalogue.
Lee el dilogo.
Jessica: Tell me now about your family. / Cuntame de tu familia.
Romina: My mother is a nurse and my father is a
mechanic./ Mi mam es enfermera y mi pap es
Jessica: Dou you have any brothers or sisters?
Tienes hermanos o hermanas?
Romina: don't have sisters, but have two brothers
No tengo hermanas pero tengo dos hermanos.
Jessica: How old are they? / Cuntos aos tienen?
Romina: Jeff is five years old and Brandon is eight.
And you?
Jeff tiene 5 y Brandon tiene 8 Y tu?
Jessica: don't have either brothers or sisters. / Yo no tengo ni hermanos ni hermanas.
Romina: Well, we can be as close as sisters! / Bueno, nosotras podemos ser como hermanas.
Jessica: That sounds great! / Eso suena genial.
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Romina's mother is a nurse./ La mam de Romina es enfermera. T F
Rominas's father is a carpenter. / El pap de Romina es carpintero. T F
Romina has two sisters. / Romina tiene dos hermanos. T F
Brandon is eight years old. / Brandon tiene 8 aos. T F
Jessica has two brothers. / Jessica tiene dos hermanos. T F
Think /Pensar
4. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta qu corresponde.
We use _______ for activities that do not occur. / Usamos ___ para las actividades que no ocurren.
a) shouldn't / no debera.
b) don't/ doesn't / No
5. Complete the chart.
Completa la tabla.
Pronombres auxiliar negativo verbo predicado
Pronouns Don't/ doesn't Verb Predicate
/ you/ they/ we Play/ Jugar soccer/ ftbol
He/ she/ it Have/ tener sisters / hermanas
Write / Escribir
6. Write on the line don't/ doesn't.
Escribe sobre la lnea don't/ doesn't.
Laura ________ eat eggs for breakfast. She prefers to eat cereal and fruit.
She ________ drink orange juice. She drinks grape juice. Mauricio is very
clean but he _________ clean his room every day. He never cleans his room.
_______ go to parties on Mondays. go to school on Mondays. ________
read magazines. read the newspaper.
Laura__ desayuna huevos. Prefiere comer cereal y fruta. Ella ___ jugo de naranja. Ella ____ jugo de
uva. Mauricio es muy limpio pero l ___ limpiar su cuarto todos los das. l nunca limpia su cuarto.yo
___ a fiestas los lunes. Los lunes voy a la escuela. Yo ____ leo revistas. Yo leo el peridico.
7. Write the negative statements.
Escribe la forma negativa.
Example: play soccer with my friends. / Yo juego ftbol con mis amigos.
don't play soccer with my friends. / Yo no juego ftbol con mis amigos.
1) take a shower in the afternoon./ Me bao en la tarde.
2) She takes the bus to go to school. / Ella toma el autobs apara ir a la escuela.
3) We have lunch at 5:30 p.m. / Comemos a las 5:30.
4) They watch TV in the evening. / Ellos ven la tele en la noche.
5) brush my teeth after breakfast/ Me lavo los dientes despus de desayunar.
6) You wash your hands before eating meals. / Te lavas las manos despus de comer.
Lesson 13
visit the dentist twice a year / Visito al dentista dos veces al ao.
Read / Leer.
1. Answer the qustion.
Responde la pregunta.
What is the text about? / De qu se trata el texto?
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.
visit the dentist twice a year. Every six months go to
visit the dentist. He checks my teeth. don't have cavities
because brush my teeth three times a day and
whenever eat something. try not to eat candies or
bubble gum. use dental floss also to take care of my
teeth. My dentist says that it's very important to visit him
regularly to prevent cavities and to keep your mouth
healthy. He recommends visiting the dentist minimum
once a year.
3. Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.
How often does he visit the dentist? / Qu tan segido visita l al dentista?
Does he see the dentist once a month? / Visita l al dentista dos veces al mes?
How often does he brush his teeth? / Qu tan seguido se lava los dientes?
Does he have cavities? / Tiene caries?
What's the recommendation of the dentist? / Cul es la recomendacin del dentista?
$i"ito al denti"ta do" 2ece" al a<o>Cada "ei" e"e" 2oy al denti"ta> Bl re2i"a
i" diente"> @o ten.o carie" por 3#e e la2o lo" diente" tre" 2ece" al d%a y
c#ando coo al.o> !rato de no coer d#lce" o .oa de a"car> E"o el hilo
dental y ta)i,n e c#ido lo" diente"> Mi denti"ta dice 3#e e" #y
iportante 2i"itarlo para pre2enir la carie" y antener n#e"tra )oca
"al#da)le> Bl recoienda 2i"itar al denti"ta %nio do" 2ece" al a<o>
Think /Pensar
4. Go back to the text. Look at the words in bold. Complete the charts.
Regresa al texto. Observa las palabras en negritas. Completa las tablas.
once x 1/ una vez week/ semana
twice x 2/ dos veces
times x 3 / tres veces
A / a la
four times x 4 / cuatro veces school year/ ao escolar
many times / muchas veces
Week/ semana
Weekend/ fin de semana
Every/ cada
3 years/tres aos
year / ao
Write/ Escribir
5. Match the columns.
Relaciona las columnas.
1. once a day/ una vez al da. once a week/ una vez a la semana.
2. once a week/ Una vez a la semana once every six months/ una vez cada seis meses.
3. twice a week/ dos veces a la semana. four times a month/ cuatro veces al mes.
4. twice a year/ dos veces al ao. eight times a month/ ocho veces al mes.
5. four times a month/ cuatro veces al mes. seven times a week/ siete veces a la semana.
6. twelve times a year/ doce veces al ao.once a month/ una vez al mes.
6. Write sentences about you. Use the expressions from the box.
Escribe enunciados acerca de ti. Usa las expresiones del cuadro.
Everyday/ todos los das twice a week/dos veces a la semana once a year/una vez al ao
every year/ cada ao four times a month/cuatro veces al mes
three times a week/tres veces a la semana every three months/cada tres meses
1. _______________________________________________________ .
2. _______________________________________________________ .
3. _______________________________________________________ .
4. _______________________________________________________ .
5. _______________________________________________________ .
6. _______________________________________________________ .
7. _______________________________________________________ .
Speak/ Hablar
7. Share your sentences with your classmates.
Comparte tus enunciados con tus compaeros.
Lesson 14
Minicheck/ Revisin
Read /Leer
1. Answer the questions.
Responde las preguntas.
a) Who's the writer?/ Quin es el escritor?
Charly / Linda Perry
b) Who's the recipient?/ Quin es el destinatario?
Charly / Linda Perry
2. Read the letter.
Lee la carta.
Aear 2harly,
* 5now that you don't have a computer. * really enCoy
writing letters. "han5s for your letter. >ow let me tell
you a6out my daily life. * wa5e up at 89D: a.m. and ta5e
a shower, then * have 6rea5fast. * don't have Cuice nor
eggs for 6rea5fast * have some mil5 and sweet 6read,
and then * go to school.
&y father ta5es me to school in his car 6ecause he
teaches math at school every morning and then he goes
to wor5.
* get home at a6out D p.m. and have lunch with my
mother. *n the afternoons * go to swim twice a wee5
and three times a wee5 * play6as5et6all.
Ao you practice sports? Ao you have 6rothers or
7inda 1erry
3. Answer the questions about the letter.
Responde las preguntas acerca de la carta.
What's the letter about?/ De qu se trata la carta?
What time she gets up?/ A qu hora se levanta?
What does she have for lunch? / Qu come?
Who does she have lunch with? / Con quin come?
How often he goes swimming? / Qu tan seguido va a nadar?
How often does she play basketball? /Qu tan seguido juega bsquetbol?
?#erido Carlo"=
Fa "e 3#e no tiene" #na cop#tadora> &ealente di"fr#to e"cri)%r carta"> Gracia" por t# carta> +hora
de*ae contarte de i 2ida diaria> Me le2anto a la" 6:20 a>> y e )a<o= de"p#," de"ay#no> @o de"ay#no
*#.o ni h#e2o"> Coo pan d#lce y too leche= de"p#," e 2oy a la e"c#ela>Mi pap' e lle2a a la
e"c#ela= ,l e en"e<a ate'tica" en la e"c#ela toda" la" a<ana" de"p#," "e 2a a tra)a*ar> Lle.o a la
ca"a alrededor de la" 2p>> y coo con i a'= en la tarde 2oy a nadar do" 2ece" a la "eana y tre"
2ece" a la "eana *#e.o )'"3#et)ol> GPractica" al.Hn deporteI G!iene" herano" o herana"I
Think /Pensar
4. Go back to the letter. Complete the chart.
Regresa a la carta. Completa la tabla.
Activities/ actividades Verbs in simple Questions /preguntas Negative
present 3
person statements
verbos en presente oraciones negativas
simple 3a persona
5. Write on the line the word in the box that corresponds.
Escribe sobre la lnea la palabra del cuadro qu corresponda.
Watch/ver have/tener go/r cook/cocinar
Take/tomar play/jugar listen/escuchar
do /hacer
1) He __________ breakfast
l _____ desayuna.
2) She __________ the piano
Ella _______ el piano
5) He __________ his homework
l __________ su tarea
7) She ____________ the bus
Ella____ el autobs
2) He __________ to school
l _________ a la escuela
4) He _____________ TV
l ___________tele
6) She __________ to music
Ella ______ msica
8) She ___________ a cake
Ella __ un pastel
Speak/Hablar Write/Escribir
6. Work in groups of three. Ask your partners the questions. Write on the
chart the answers.
Trabajen en grupos de tres. Pregunta a tus compaeros. Escribe en la tabla las
Person 1 Person 2 Person 3
Do you go to school
Every day? Vas a la
escuela todos los das?
Do you have sport
class twice a week?
Tienes clases de deportes dos veces a la semana?
Do you clean your
bedroom on Saturdays?
Limpias tu recmara los sbados?
Do you go to swim in
winter? Vas a nadar en
el invierno
Do you brush your teeth
Three times a day?
Te lavas los dientes tres veces a la semana?
Do you take a shower
once a week? Te
baas una vez a la semana?
Lesson 15
How often do you have English class? / Qu tan seguido tienes clases de ngls?
Read /Leer
1. Order the letter to form a word.
Ordena las letras para formar una palabra.
2. Look at Ben's schedule.
Observa el horario de Ben.
Lunes Martes Mircoles Jueves Viernes
&onday "uesday ednesday "hursday Friday
7:30 Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish Spanish
8:20 Technologies Math Social Studies Social Studies History
9:10 History History Technologies Math Math
10:00 Social Studies Geography Math Technologies Geography
10:50 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess
11:10 English Physics English Physics English
12:00 Math
Physics Geography
Education Education
12:50 Technological Arts Technological Arts Technological
13:400 Education Education Education
3. Answer the questions with the information of Ben's schedule.
Responde las preguntas con la informacin del horario de Ben.
How often does Ben have English lessons?/ Qu tan seguido tiene Ben clases de ingls?
How often he has Spanish classes?/ Qu tan seguido tiene clases de espaol?
How often does Ben have Math?/ Qu tan seguido tiene clases de matemticas?
How often does Ben have Physical Education?/ Qu tan seguido tiene clases de educacin fsica?
How often does Ben have Arts?/ Qu tan seguido tiene arte?
(pani"h J 1"pa<ol
!" J !ecnolo.%a"
/i"tory J/i"toria
(ocial "t#die" J 1"t#dio" "ociale"
Math J Mate'tica"
Geo.raphyJ Geo.raf%a
&ece"" J &ecreo"h J In.l,"
!echnolo.ical ed#cation J 1d#cacin tecnol.ica>
Phy"ic" J 0%"ica
+rt" J +rte
4. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta qu corresponda.
We use ______ to ask the number of times an activity occurs in a period of time
Usamos_____ para preguntar el nmero de veces una actividad ocurre en un lapso de tiempo.
a) How often do you? b) What time is it?
Qu tan seguido t? Qu hora es?
We use _____ to ask in 3
person the number of times an activity occurs in a
period of time./ Usamos _______ para preguntar en la tercera persona el nmero de veces
una actividad ocurre en un lapso de tiempo.
a) How often do you? b) How often does he/she?
Qu tan seguido t? Qu tan seguido ella/l?
Write /Escribir
5. Look at the chart. Answer the questions.
Observa la tabla. Responde las preguntas.
nvestigation Report /Reporte de investigacin
Play a Go to Read a Watch Listen Go to/ ir a fiestas
sport the book TV to parties
jugar un deporte movies /ir al cine leer un libro ver la tele music
Never 1 2 1 2 escuchar msica 3
Once a week
1 7 4 1 7
Una vez a la semana
Twice a week
4 1
Dos veces a la semana
Three times a
1 1
week tres veces a la semana
Four times a
week cuatro veces a la semana
Five times a
2 2 1
week cinco veces a la semana
Every day /todos los das
2 3 7 7
Total of interviewed students: 10 / total de alumnos entrevistados.
How often do the students play a sport?/Qu tan seguido los alumnos juegan un deporte?
Ene of the students never play a sportF one of the students play a sport
once a wee5F Four of the students play a sport twice a wee5F two of the
students play a sport five times a wee5 and two of them play a sport
everyday. / Gno de los alumnos nunca Cuega un deporteF uno de los alumnos Cuega un
deporte una veH a la semana, cuatro de los alumnos Cuegan un deporte dos veces a la
semanaF uno de los alumnos Cuega cinco veces a la semana, dos de ellos Cuegan un
deporte todos los das.
How often do the students _____________________________ ?
Qu tan seguido los alumnos_____________________________________?
How often do the students _____________________________ ?
How often do the students _____________________________?
How often do the students _____________________________?
How often do the students _____________________________?
Speak/ Hablar Write/Escribir
6. Make your own investigation report about free time activities. nterview
your classmates. Answer the qustionnaire with your classmate's
information. Mark on the table your results.
Elabora tu propio reporte de investigacin acerca del tiempo libre. Entrevista a tus
compaeros. Responde el cuestionario con sus respuestas. Marca en la tabla las repuestas.
nvestigation Report /reporte de investigacin
Jugar un deporte ir al cine leer un libro ver la tele escuchar msica ir a fiestas
Play a Go to Read a Watch Listen Go to
sport the book TV to parties
movies music
Never / nunca
Once a week
una vez a la semana
Twice a week
dos veces a la semana
Three times a
week / tres veces a la semana
Four times a
week / cuatro veces a la semana
Five times a
week / cinco veces a la semana
Every day
todos los das
Questions: /Preguntas
How often do you play a sport?/ Qu tan seguido juegas un deporte?
How often do go to the movies?/ Qu tan seguido vas a las pelculas?
How often do you read a book? / Qu tan seguido lees un libro?
How often do you watch TV? / Qu tan seguido ven la tv?
How often do you listen to music? / Qu tan seguido escuchas msica?
How often do you go to parties? / Qu tan seguido vas a fiestas?
Lesson 16
Today is my birthday / Hoy es mi cumpleaos.
1. Complete the information.
Completa la informacin
a) What is this text?
Qu es este texto texto
an e-mail / an article
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.

b) Who is the e-mail for?
Para quin es el correo?
Nikki / Jessica
c) Who is the recipient?/ Quin es el remitente?
Nikki / Jessica

Subject: Hello, Jess!
Dear Jessica,
Hello, Jess. Today is my birthday always celebrate it with my friends. We usually go to
the cinema and then we come to my house. My mother often cooks me a chocolate cake
every year and She often makes pizzas for dinner. Sometimes my mother invites my
grandparents to celebrate my birthday. They never forget this important day for me. am
sometimes sad because miss you.
Write me soon. Regards,
?#,rida Je""ica
/ola Je""ica= hoy e" i c#plea<o" "iepre lo cele)ro con i" ai.o"> E"#alente 2ao"
al cine y l#e.o"ao" a i ca"a> Mi a' "iepre prepara pa"tel de chocolate cada
a<o y "iepre hace pizza" para cenar> +l.#na" 2ece" in2ita a i" a)#elo" a cele)rar i
c#plea<o"> 1llo" n#nca ol2idan e"ta fecha iportante para %> +l.#na" 2ece" e pon.o
tri"te por 3#e te eCtra<o>
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Today is Nikki's birthday./ Hoy es cumpleaos de Nikki. T F
Nikki always celebrates with her friends.. T F
Nikki siempre celebra con sus amigos
They usually go to the theatre. T F
Ellos usualmente van al teatro
Nikki's mother always cooks lemon cake. T F
La mam de Nikki siempre cocina pastel de limn
Her family always forgets her birthday. T F
Su familia siempre olvida su cumpleaos.
Think/ pensar
4. Complete the chart.
Completa la tabla.
Always / Siempre 100%
Usually/ Usualmente 90%
Occasionally / ocacionalmente 20%
Seldom / rara vez 10%
Never / Nunca 0%
5. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta que corresponda.
We use frequncy adverbs ___________. / usamos los adverbios de frecuencia ___
a) before the verb / Antes del verbo.
b) after the verb / Despus del verbo.
With verb to be (am, is, are, etc) frequncy adverbs go ___________.
Con el verbo (soy, es, estan) los adverbios de frecuencia van______
a) before the verb / Antes del verbo
b) after the verb / Despus del verbo
Write/ Escribir
6. Order the words to form a sentence.
Ordena las palabras para formar una oracin.
Example: / Ejemplo
Saturdays/ to/ go/ / church/ never/ on
never go to church on Saturdays. / Nunca voy a la iglesia los sbados.
eat/ / vegetables/ always/.
/ never/ am/ class/ for/ late/.
cinema/ We/ go/ often/ the/ to/.
programs/ You/ watch/ usually/ TV/.
get/ / sick/ occasionally/.
She/ does/ exercise/ sometimes.
Speak / Hablar Write Escribir
7. Work in pairs. Complete the chart with your information. Mark your
answers with a check ().
Trabaja en parejas. Completa la tabla con tu informacin. Marca tus respuestas con
una palomita ().
Always Usually
Do / hacer la tarea
Go to/ ir a la escuela
Get up
Early/ levantarse temprano
Play soccer
Jugar ftbol
Eat hamburgers
comer hamburguesas
Clean your
Bedroom / limpiar tu cuarto
Lesson 17
Often Sometimes Never
Does she usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock? / Desayuna ella usualmente a las 8:00?
Read / Leer
1. Find and circle the days of the week.
Encuentra y circula los das de la semana.
2. Look at Elena's the time table.
Observa la agenda de Elena.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
8:00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
9:00 Breakfast French Biology Frech Biology French Breakfast
a.m. Desayuno Frances Biologa
10:00 Social English Social English Social
a.m. Studies Studies Studies
Estudios socials ngls
11:00 Break Break Break Break Break
a.m. R E C E S O
11:30 Math Math Math Math Math
a.m. Matemticas
12:30 Physics Laboratory Physics Laboratory Physics
p.m. Fsica Laboratorio
1:00 Dance Theatre Dance Theatre
p.m. Bailar Teatro

2:00 Family Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
p.m. lunch
4:00 comer con Guitar clases de Guitar Lunch
p.m. la familia lessons guitarra lessons
6:00 Homework Homework Homework Homework ir al cine Go to
p.m. tarea movies
3. Answer the questions with the table's information.
Responde las preguntas con la informacin de la tabla.
Does Elena usually have breakfast at 8 o'clock?
Desayuna Elena usualmente a las 8:00?
Does she usually have breakfast after school?
Desayuna usualmente en la escuela?
Does she usually go to the movies on Saturdays? /
Va usualmente al cine los Sbados?
Does she always have French lessons at 9 o'clock?
Tiene siempre clases a las 9:00?
Does she always have lunch at 2 o'clock?
Come siempre a las 2:00?
Think / Pensar
4. Choose the answers that correspond.
Elige las respuestas qu correspondan.
For questions beginning with do you.? we answer _________ .
Para las preguntas que empiezan con do you.' _______ contestamos
a) Yes, do or Yes/ No, don't or No
b) Yes, she/he does or Yes/ No, she doesn't or No
For questions beginning with does he/she.? we answer _________ .
Para las preguntas que empiezan con does he.' ___ contestamos
a) Yes, do or Yes/ No, don't or No
b) Yes, she/he does or Yes/ No, she doesn't or No
Write / Escribir
5. Order the words to form a qustion. Answer the qustion with your
Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta. Responde la pregunta con tu informacin.
Example: / Ejemplo
Never go to church / Nunca voy a la iglesia.
Do you never go to church? Yes, do./ Nunca vas a la iglesia?
Always eat vegetables / Siempre como verduras.
Never get late for class / Nunca llegues tarde a clases.
Often go to the cinema / Seguido voy al cine.
Usually watch TV programs / Usualmente veo programas en la television.
Occasionally get sick / Ocasionalmente me enfermo.
Sometimes do exercise / Algunas veces hago ejercicio.
Speak / Hablar Write / Escribir
6. Ask your partner the next questions and complete the chart. Mark with an
the answers.
Haz a tu compaero las siguientes preguntas y completa la tabla. Marca con una las
Questions: / Preguntas
Do you usually watch TV in the afternoons? / Ves la televisin usualmente en las tardes?
Do you usually listen to classical music? /Escuchas msica clsica usualmente?
Do you usually chat on the nternet? / Chateas en el internet usualmente?
Do you usually eat eggs for breakfast? / Desayunas huevos usualmente?
Do you usually go to bed late? / Te duermes tarde usualmente?
Do you usually play soccer?/ Juegas ftbol usualmente?
Actividad Nunca
Activity Never
Watch TV / ver la tele
Listen classical
music /
escuchar msica clsica
Chat on the nternet
chatear en internet
Eat eggs for Breakfast
Desayunar huevos.
Go to bed late
Dormirse tarde
Play soccer
Jugar ftbol
Algunas veces Usualmente Siempre
Sometimos Usually Always
Lesson 18
Are you healthy? / Ests saludable?
Read / Leer
1. Write on the line the verbs in simple present.
Escribe sobre la lnea los verbos en presente simple.
eat / comer
sleep / dormir
do / hacer
drink / tomar
walk / caminar
2. Read the dalogue / Lee el dilogo.
Ben: You often look tired, John. / Siempre te ves cansado John.
Do you usually sleep 8 hours a day?
Usualmente duermes 8 horas al da?
John: No, don't. rarely go to bed before 12 o'clock p.m.
and get up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
En realidad no. Raramente me duermo a las 12:00 y me levanto
a las 5:00 a.m.
Ben: Why, John? / Por qu John?
John: always stay up studying.
Siempre me levanto temprano en la maana,
'm always worried about my grades
Siempre estoy preocupado por mis calificaciones.
Ben: Do you eat well? / Comes bien?
John: Mmm, usually have hamburgers for dinner!
Bueno, por lo general ceno hamburguesas.
Ben: believe you have to change your routine and
eating habits. /Creo que tienes que cambiar tus hbitos alimenticios.
3. Answer the questions about the dalogue.
Responde las preguntas acerca del dilogo.
Does Ben often look tired? _______________________________________
Ben siempre se ve cansado? _________
Does John sleep 8 hours a day? __________________________________
Jonh usualmente va a casa a las 12:00? _________________
Does John usually go home before 12 o'clock? _______________________
G John "iepre d#ere 8 hora" al d%aI ;;;;;;;
Does John stay up late because he studies? _________________________
G(e antiene de"pierto por 3#e ,l e"t#d%aI
Think / Pensar
4. Find on the dalogue all the expressions to ask about habits and routines.
Encuentra en el dilogo todas las expresiones para preguntar acerca de
hbitos y rutinas.
Read/ Leer Write / Escribir
5. Read the text and answer the test. / Lee el texto y contesta la prueba.
Are you healthy? / !EstBs saluda6le?

K Answer the (u$stionnaire9 aI always 6I usually cI never
2ontesta el cuestionario aI+iempre 6I usualmente cI nunca
%ow often do you eat vegeta6les? a 6 c
!#u$ tan seguido comes verduras?
%ow often do you eat fruits? a 6 c
!#u$ tan seguido comes fruta?
%ow often do you eat fish? a 6 c
!#u$ tan seguido comes pescado?
%ow often do you eat meat? a 6 c
!#u$ tan seguido comes carme?
Ao you drin5 more than D litters of water a day? a 6 c
!"omas mBs de D litros de agua al da?
Ao you sleep ? hours a day? a 6 c
!Auermes ? horas al da?
Ao you e)ercise for more than an hour? a 6 c
!%aces eCercicio por mBs de una hora?
Ao you eat fast food? /!2omes comida rBpida? a 6 c
Ao you watch "J for more than D hours? a 6 c
!Jes la tele por mBs de D horas?
Ao you use the stairs instead of the elevator? a 6 c
!Gsas las escaleras en lugar del elevador?
Ao you go on a diet?/!EstBs a dieta? a 6 c
Are you healthy?
K Get your score9
&ostly a's9 .ou are always ta5ing care of your health 6ut do not e)aggerate.
"a5e a 6reath and rela). "a5e care with the diet you follow, remem6er that
you are growing up.
&ostly 6's9 .ou are a healthy person. .ou 5now there's a time for everything
and you also control your nutrition. Keep going that way and 6e healthy now and
in the future.
&ostly c's9 .ou are not very healthy. .ou enCoy doing nothing
and eating Cun5 food. .ou never worry a6out your health. "ry to do more
physical activities and control your eating ha6its. .ou realy need to do
!EstBs saluda6le?
E6ten tu calificaciLn.
&ayoria de A9 +iempre estBs cuidando de tu salud pero no e)ageres. /espira y relaCate. 2uida la dieta
(ue llevas, recuerda (ue estas creciendo.
&ayoria de B9 Eres una persona saluda6le. +a6es (ue hay tiempo para todo y controlas tu nutriciLn.
+igue asi y se saluda6le ahora y en el futuro.
&ayoria de 29 >o eres saluda6le. >o estas haciendo nada. "rata de hacer mBs actividades fisicas y
controla tus hB6itos alimenticios, realmente necesitas hacer algo.
Speak/Hablar Write/Escribir
6. Work in small groups. Compare your score with your classmates and give
Trabaja en pequos grupos. Compara tu puntuacin con tus compaeros y dense consejos.
usually eat fruits and vegetables. /Usualmente como frutas y verduras
He always eats fruits and vegetables./l siempre come frutas y verduras.
Lesson 19
Sending an e-mail/ Mandando un correo electrnico.
Read / Leer
1. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta que corresponda.
Who is the writer? / Quin es el escritor?
a) Noel b) Elizabeth
Who is the recipient? / Quin es el destinatario?
a) Noel b) Elizabeth
2. Read the e-mail.
Lee el correo electrnico.

Subject: Hello!
Dear Elizabeth,
Thanks for your last e-mail. Let me tell you more about my lifestyle here in Mexico.
wake up at 6:30 a.m. and take a shower, then get dressed and have breakfast. After
that take the bus at 7:20 a.m. to get to school at about quarter to eight.
have classes from eight to ten thirty. Next have a break. After that go back to
classes until 2 o'clock.

When get back home have lunch with my mother and then do my homework. After
that watch TV and later get ready to go to bed at about 9 o'clock.
Write me soon. Regards,
?#erida 1liza)eth=
Gracia" por t# Hltio correo electrnico> D,*ae contarte '" acerca de i e"tilo de 2ida en M,Cico> Me
le2anto a la" 6::0 de la a<anay e )a<o> Me 2i"to y de"ay#no> !oo el a#to)H" a la" 7:20 para a la
e"c#ela al c#arto para la" ocho> !en.o cla"e" de 8:00 a 90::0> L#e.o ten.o recreo> De"p#,""o a cla"e"
ha"ta la" 2:00>c#ando"o a ca"a coo con i herana= 2eo la tele y e ali"to para ir a dor%r coo al a"
(al#do"= @oel>
3. Answer the questions about the e-mail.
Responde las preguntas acerca del correo electrnico.
What's the e-mail about? / De qu se trata el correo electrnico?
What time Noel gets up? _______________________________________
A qu hora se levanta Noe?
Does he take a shower after breakfast? ____________________________
Se baa despus d desayunar?
Does Noel watch TV after doing his homework? _____________________
Ve Noel la tele despus de hacer su tarea?
What time Noel go to bed? ______________________________________
A qu hora se duerme Noel?

Think / Pensar
4. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Elige la respuesta qu corresponda.
We use later, then, after that and next to make: / usamos: ms tarde, despus y siguiente para hacer:
a) time references / referencia del tiempo.
b) habits and routines / hbitos de rutina.
5. Look at the underlined words. Answer the questions.
Observa las palabras subrayadas. Responde las preguntas.
What do they mean? / A qu se refieren? ________________-
Are they the same? / Son los mismos?
Write / Escribir
6. Order the sentences. Write on the line the number that corresponds.
Ordena los enunciados. Escribe sobre la lnea el nmero que corresponde.
Visit my grandparents (4:00 p.m.)
Visitar a mis abuelos.
Wake up (8:30 a.m.) 1__
Have lunch (2:30 - 3:00 p.m.)
Have breakfast (9:30 - 10 00 a.m.)
Get up (9:00 a.m.)
Take a shower (11:30 - 11:50 a.m.)
Watch TV (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
Ver la tele
Play soccer (10:30 - 11:30 a.m.)
Jugar ftbol
Go to bed (10:00 p.m.)
7. Answer the e-mail to Noel. Use the sentences in exercise six and the
sequncers (then, next, after that and later).
Responde el correo electrnico a Noel. Usa los enunciados del ejercicio seis y usa (then,
next, after that y later).

Dear Noel,
Lesson 20
Crocodiles are endangered species / Los cocodrilos son especies en peligro de extincin.
1. Complete the letters to form a word.
Completa las letras para formar una palabra
G ___ ___ ___ ___ f e
E ___ ___ p ___ ___ ___ t
K ___ ___ g ___ r ___ ___
H ___ m ___ ___ ___ g b ___ ___ ___
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.
Crocodiles are reptiles /los cocodrilos son reptiles
Crocodiles are reptiles. They are considered an
endangered species, in all parts of its North,
Central, and South American range. nvestigation
reports say that in the United States, is almost
nonexistent. llegal hunting and habitat depletion
has reduced populations of this reptile to critical
levels. Most of them are found in southern Mexico, Central America,
the Caribbean, and northern South
America. Their habitat is the fresh or salty water of rivers and lagoons.
Crocodile is a prehistoric-looking creature, it is distinguished by its
longer, thinner nose, its light color, and it has two long teeth on the
lower jaw that are visible when it closes his mouth. ts size is about 4 to
6 meters of length. Their diet consists of small mammals, birds, fish,
crabs, insects, snails, frogs, and occasionally carrion.
3. Complete the table with the information about the crocodiles.
Completa la tabla con la informacin acerca de los cocodrilos.
Type / tipo
Physical characteristics
caracteristicas fisicas
Diet / dieta
Size / tamao
4. Circle in the text the words are similar in Spanish (cognates). Write them on
the lines.
Encierra en el texto las palabras que son similares en espaol (cognados). Escrbelas sobre
las lneas.
Crocodiles/ Cocodrilos.
Write/ Escribir
5. Complete the information about different animals.
Completa la informacin acerca de diferentes animales.
Animal tipo dieta habitat origen
Animal Type Diet Habitat Origin
Lion Mammal Animals
Len mamfero animales
Panda China
Butterfly / Tropical rain
mariposa forest / bosqu de lluvia tropical
Snake Reptile nsects, animals
Culebra reptil insectos
Speak/ Hablar Write/ Escribir
6. Work in pairs. Share your answers with your partner.
Trabaja en parejas. Comparte tus respuestas con tus compaeros.
Lesson 21
Elephants live in Africa /Los elefantes viven en Africa.
Read / Leer
1. Show what you now about animals. Write True or False.
Muestra lo qu sabes de animales. Escribe verdadero o falso.
Lions are hunters. __________ /Los leones son cazadores.
Whales live in the ocean. __________ / Las ballenas viven en el ocano.
Parrots can swim. __________ / Los pericos pueden nadar.
Cows eat grass. __________ / Las vacas comen pasto.
Mice love cats. __________ / Los ratones adoran a los gatos.
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.
Elephant, a heavy animal! / El elefante, un animal pesado.
Elephant is considered a mammal. t is an endangered
specie. t is found in African Savannah. Elephant is coloured
gray and is a very big animal. t has long trunks. t uses its
trunk to take showers, to carry things and to eat. t is an
extension of his lips and nose. t is used to drink water, dry
their bodies, lift and hold things. The most important function
of its trunk is to gather food and bring it to his mouth. t is a
very heavy animal. t weights 12, 000 kilograms. t lives 60
years approximately. t drinks between 30 and 50 gallons of
water a day. Elephant eats grass, leaves, fruits and seeds.
1l elefante e" con"iderado coo a%fero 3#e e"t' en de eCtincin>"e enc#entra en la "a2ana
africana> 1l elefante e" de color .ri" y e" #y pe"ado>tiene #na tropa lar.a 3#e #tiliza para )a<ar"e=
para co"a" y para coer> 1" #na eCtencin de "#" la)io" y nariz> 1" #"ada para toar a.#a= y
o*ar "#" c#erpo" "eco"= le2antar y "o"tener co"a"> La f#ncin '" iportante de "#" tropa" e"
colocar coida en "# )oca> 1" #n anial #y pe"ado> Pe"a 92>000 Ailo.rao"> $i2e 60 a<o"
aproCiadaente> !oa alrededor de :0 a 50 .alone" de a.#a al dia> Lo" elefante" coen pa"to=
ho*a"= fr#ta" y "eilla">
3. Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.
31ere de# t1e e'e,1a*t '&6e4L Dnde vive un elefante?
;1at0# &t# ,r&*"&,a' "1ara"ter&#t&"4L Cul es su caracterstica principal?
31at De# &t eat %eat4 L Qu come?
I# &# 1ea6!4L Es pesado?
31at d !u f&*d %#t &*tere#t&*+ abut e'e,1a*t#4 /Qu es lo ms
interesante acerca de los elefantes?

Think / Pensar
4. Look at the words in bold. Answer the questions.
Observa las palabras en negritas. Responde las preguntas.
n line 1 the word it refers to: / En La lnea uno &t se refiere a:
a) Africa
b) elephant
c) the text
n line 3 the word it refers to: / En la lnea tres &t se refiere a:
a) elephant
b) Africa
c) The text
n line 5 the word it refers to: / En la lnea cinco &t se refiere a:
a) trunk
b) elephant
c) Africa
We use ______ to refer to animals and objects. / Usamos ___ para referirnos a animales u objetos.
a) he
b) she
c) it
Write / Escribir
5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Words can be used
more than once.
Completa los enunciados con las palabras del cuadro. Las palabras pueden ser
usadas ms de una vez.
he she it they
Chimpanzee is an ape. _____ lives in central Africa.
El chimpac es un mono___ vive en Africa Central.
Mauricio loves spiders. _____ isn't afraid of them.
Mauricio ama a las araas. ____ no tiene miedo.
Seahorse lives in the ocean. ______ is a type of fish.
El caballito de mar vive en el ocano___ es un tipo de pez.
Octopus has 8 tentacles. ______ eat small animals.
El pulpo tiene 8 tentculos__ come animales pequeos.
Chami is a panda. _____ lives in China and eats bamboo; _____ is its principal food.
Chami es un panda. ___ vive en China y come bamboo; __ es su principal comida.
The forest is the house of bears. ______ is full of vegetation.
El bosque es la casa de los osos. ____ esta lleno de vegetacin.
Rose has a cat. _____ takes care of him.
Rosa tiene un gato. ___ lo cuida.
Lesson 22
Do Bengal tigers live in the forest?/ Viven los tigres de bengala en el bosque?
Read/ Leer
1. Remember your geography classes. Answer the question.
Recuerda tus clases de geografa. Responde la pregunta.
Where is located nda?/ En dnde est localizada la nda?
2. Read the dalogue.
Lee el dilogo.
Tim: Do you know Bengal tigers? /Conoces a los tigres de Bengala?
Jorge: Yes, do, but not too much. / si, pero no mucho.
have just seen them in pictures. /solo los he visto en fotos.
Does Bengal tiger love meat?/Le gusta al tigre de bengala comer carne?
Tim: Yes, it does. They are carnivores. / Si, son carnvoros.
Jorge: Does it live in the desert? /Vive en el desierto?
Tim: No. t doesn't live in the desert, they live in the forest. /No. viven en el bosque.
Jorge: Please let me know more about them. /Por favor dime ms de ellos.
Tim: Let's read this article about Bengal tigers together
Leamos el artculo acerca de los tigres de Bengala juntos.
nda, the house of the Bengal tiger / la nda, la casa del tigre de Bengala.
t lives in the topical forest of nda. t is orange-brown with black stripes.
Bengal tigers are usually solitary, they occasionally travel in groups. They
live around 10 to 12 yeas. Bengal tiger in captivity can live up to 30 years.
They are pure carnivores and hunters. Bengal Tigers prefer to hunt mostly
by night, but are awake in the daytime. Their color gives the tiger excellent
camouflage. Tigers kill prey by a suffocation bite of the neck and then they
usually drag its kill to a safe place to eat. Bengal Tigers can climb trees
effectively. Bengal Tigers are also strong and frequent swimmers, often
attack drinking or swimming prey. The Bengal Tiger can consume up to
about 30.00 kg of meat at a time and then go without eating for days.
These tigers normally hunt deer or anything above 45 kilograms, but when
they are very hungry they eat frogs, crocodiles, and sometimes humans.
Vive en el bosque tropical de la inda. Es de color naraja-caf con rayas negras. Los tigres de bengalas estn usualmente solos,
pocas veces andan en grupos. Viven entre 10 y 12 aos. Los tigres de bengalapueden llegar ha vivir hasta 30 aos.
Son carnivoros y cazadores. Ellos prefieren cazar por las noches pero estn despiertos durante el da. Su color les d un
excelente comouflage. Los tigres matan a sus presas con una mordida sofocadora en el cuello y usualmente arrastran a sus
presas a un lugar seguro para comerselos. Ellos pueden trepar arbole. Son muy fuertes y buenos frecuentan nadar, a menudo
atacan a las presas nadando. Ellos pueden consumr hasta 30kg de carne de un jaln y dejan de comer por el resto del da. stos
tigres normalmente cazan venados o cualquier otro animal de 45kg, cuando ellos tienen mucha hambre, comen ranas, cocodrilos y
algunas veces humanos.
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Tim is talking with Ben./ Tim est hablando con Ben.
They are talking about Bengal tigers./Ellos estan hablando de los tigres de Bengala.
Bengal tiger lives in nda./Los tigres de bengala viven en la nda.
Bengal tiger can live more than 30 years./Ellos pueden vivir por ms de 30 aos.
They can camouflage because of its size./ Ellos pueden camuflagear debido a su tamao
They can climb trees. Pueden trepar arboles.
Bengal tiger eats 30 kg of meat. Comen 30 kilogramos de carne.
Think /Pensar
4. Look back to the dalogue. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Regresa al dilogo. Elige la respuesta que corresponda.
When we use does to make questions, we:/ Cuando usamos Nde#O para hacer preguntas.
a) the verb ending doesn't change / La terminancin del verbo no cambia.
b) the verb ending changes / La terminacin del verbo cambia.
When we give short answers or make negative statements with does, we: Cuando damos respuestas cortas or
oraciones negativascon Nde#O
a) the verb ending doesn't change / La terminacin del verbo no cambia.
b) the verb ending changes / La terminacin del verbo cambia.
Write / Escribir
5. Write on the line do or does.
Escribe sobre la lnea d o de#>
________ you play tenis? Yes, do. / juegas tennis? Si.
________ Moncho mouse like chees? No, he doesn't. Le gusta el queso al ratn Moncho? no
________ you like hot weather? No, don't. / Te gusta el clima caluroso? no
________ she like insects? Yes, she does.Le gustan a ella los insectos? Si.
________ your sister live in USA? No, she doesn't./Vive tu hermana en los Estados Unidos?
6. Work in pairs. Write five different questions using does about Bengal
tigers. Ask your partner your questions and write the answers
Escribe cinco diferentes preguntas usando does acerca de los tigres de Bengala. Hazle a tu
compaero las preguntas y escribe las respuestas.
Questions /preguntas Answers/respuestas
Lesson 23
Where do grey whales travel in the winter? / A dnde van las ballenas en el invierno?
Read /Leer
1. Choose the option that is wrong.
Elige la respuesta incorrecta.
The vampire bat don't live in Central America. t is blind an lives in humid and dark caves.
El vampiro no vive en Amrica Central. Es ciego y vive en cuevas humedas y obscuras.
a) b) c) d)
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.
Grey whales migrate from the cold waters of the Artic to the
warm bays of Baja California. They migrate in the winter. They
start their trip in October. t takes between 5 and 8 weeks to get
to Magdalena Bay and San gnacio Lagoons. They use this
space to procreate and take care of their babies. The females
suckle the babies until they are ready to leave. They remain
there from December to April. Because of the hunt chase Grey
whales became an endangered species in 1946 and Mexican
authorities prohibited the hunting in the lagoons. Now a days
Grey whale is not considered in danger.
G&+@ $I+J1
La" )allena" .ri"e" ei.ran a el Lrtico a la" )ah%a" c'lida" de -a*a California> 1lla" ei.ran en el
in2ierno> 1piezan "# 2ia*e en 4ct#)re> Le" toa dentro de 5 a 8 "eana" en a la )ah%a de
Ma.dalena= y la" la.#na" de (an I.nacio> Etilizan e"te e"pacio para procrear"e y c#idar de "#"
)e)e">la" he)ra" c#idan a "#" cria" ha"ta 3#e e"t,n li"to" para partir> (e 3#edan ah% de Dicie)re a
+)ril> De)ido a la caza la" )allena" "e han con2ertido en aniale" en de eCtincin en
9846 y la" a#toridade" eCicana" prohi)ieron la cacer%a en la" la.#na"> /oy en d%a la" )allena" .ri"e"
no "on con"iderada" en>
3. Circle T if the sentence is True or F if it is False.
Encierra en un crculo la letra T si el enunciado es verdadero o la F si es falso.
Gray whales live in the Tropic. / Las ballenas grises viven el el trpico. T F
They travel in the winter./ Ellas viajan en el invierno. T F
They start their trip in September./Empiezan su viaje en septiembre. T F
They stay in Baja California Bays. /Ellas permanecen en las bahas de Baja C. T F
Now a day they are an endangered species./Hoy en da son especies en peligro de extincin. T F
4. Go back to the text. Choose the answer that corresponds.
Regresa al texto. Elige la respuesta que corresponde.
n line 2 the word they refers to: En la lnea 2 la palabra ellos se refiere a :
a) the Artic /el rtico
b) grey whales/ ballenas grises
c) lagoons /lagunas
n line 4 the word they refers to: En la linea 4 la palabra ellas se refiere a :
a) grey whales /ballenas grises
b) ocean /oceno
c) lagoons /lagunas
n line 6 the word they refers to: En la linea 6 la palabra ellas se refiere a :
a) ocean /oceno
b) grey whales/ ballenas grises
c) lagoons/ lagunas
We use ______ to refer to plurals for women, men, animals and objects.
Usamos___ para referirnos a plural para mujeres, hombres, animale.
a) it /eso
b) they /ellos, ellas
c) she /ella
We use wh- questions to ask about: / Usamos preguntas Wh para preguntar.
a) lifestyle /estilos de vida
b) colors /colores
c) verbs/ verbos
Write/ Escribir
5. Work in pairs. Read each sentence about an animal. Form a question for
each statement. Guess what animal is.
Trabaja en parejas. Lee cada enunciado y formula preguntas acerca de un animal. Adivina
que animal es.
here do they live?
!ALnde viven?
Qu comen, dnde viven?
hat do they eat?
here do they live?
They live in the ocean.
They are a type of fish.
They are the only specie
that the male gets
They are found in tropical and
temperate waters.
They eat plankton,
shrimps and crustaceans. They are
because of its equine
Answers/ respuestas
They are marsupials. / son marsupiales
They are fat and hairy, most of
them are gray. Son gordos , peludos y
la mayora de ellos son grises.
They are found in
Australia. / Se encuentran en Australia.
They do not drink much water
no toman mucha agua
They sleep 18 hours per
day. /duermen 18 horas al da.
They eat and live in eucalyptus trees
viven y comen en arboles de eucalipto.
What am ?/Qu soy?
What am ?
Speak/Hablar Write/Escribir
6. Share with other classmates your questions and your conclusions about
the animal you think it is.
Comparte con otros compaeros tus preguntas y conclusiones acerca del animal que
ustedes piensan que es.
Lesson 24
1. Write on the line the missing words.
Escribe en la lnea las palabras que faltan.
0 % 50 % 75 % 85 % 100%
never always
nunca siempre
sometimes usually often
algunas veces usualmente seguido
2. Read the text.
Lee el texto.

always wake up at 5:00 o'clock. take a shower, then take
breakfast and after that get ready to go to work. Then go to the restaurant at 7:00 o'clock. often go to the
market and buyvegetables, fruits, meat and everything need to cook. When come back to the restaurant
set the day menu and give instructions to the cooks. change the menu every day. After that we start
cooking. At 2:00 o'clock people usually arrives for lunch. When we finish serving approximately at 5:00
o'clock the cooks start cleaning the area and get ready to leave. Then when get home usually take a
walk with Penny, that's my dog. t is a French poodle. He is always waiting for me. Later get ready to go to
3. Answer the questions about the text.
Responde las preguntas acerca del texto.
How often he wakes up at 5:00 o'clock? / Qu tan seguido se levanta l a las 5:00?
Does he usually take a shower before breakfast? Se baa usualmente antes de desayunar?
What time does he get to the restaurant? A qu hora va al restaurant?
Does he usually go to the market? Va usualmente al parque?
What does he do at the restaurant? Qu hace en el restaurante?
How often he takes a walk with Penny? Qu tan seguido camina con Penny?
Does Penny have a dog? Tiene Penny un perro?
(iepre e le2anto a la" 5:00= e )a<o y de"ay#no>de"p#e" e ali"to para ir a tra)a*ar> De"p#," 2oy al
re"ta#rante a la" 7:00> + en#do 2oy al ercado a coprar 2e.etale"= fr#ta= carne y todo lo 3#e nece"ito para
cocinar> C#ando"o al reta#rante e"ta)le"co i enH y le doy in"tr#ccione" a lo" cocinero"> Ca)io i
enH todo" lo" dia">de"p#," coenzao" a cocinar a la" 2:00 la .ente lle.a a coer>terinao" de "er2%r
coo a la" 5>00 Lo" cocinero" lipian el 'rea y "e ali"tan para ir"e> De"p#," lle.o a ca"a= #"#alente caino
con Penny= i perro> ?#e e" #n french poodle> (iepre e e"pera> L#e.o"o a ca"a y e preparo para
Think /Pensar
4. Look at the text. Complete the table.
Observa el texto. Completa la tabla.
Frequency Pronouns Verbs in Sequencers
Adverbs present simple
Adverbios de frecuencia pronombres verbos en presente simple secuencias
Write /Escribir
5. Order the words to form a question. Answer them with true information.
Ordena las palabras para formar una pregunta. Respndelas con informacin verdadera.
1. eat/ What/ your/ pet/does/?
2. often/ to/ you/ parties/ go/ How/ do/ ?
3. you/ usually/ Do/ celebrate/ birthday/ yo ur/ ?
4. your/ Where/ do/ grandparents/ live/ ?
5. vegetables/ eat/ you/ Do/ regularly/ ?
6. Write the true sentences about yourself. Use frequency adverbs.
Escribe enunciados verdaderos acerca de ti. Usa adverbios de frecuencia.
______________ get up late to go to school. /Me levanto temprano para ir a la escuela.
______________ get up early every weekend. / Me levanto temprano los fines de semana.
______________ take a shower at night. / Me bao en la noche.
______________ read the newspaper. / Leo el peridico.
______________ watch romantic movies. / Veo pelculas romnticas.
______________ listen to rock music. / Escucho msica rock.
______________ swim in the winter. /Nado en el verano.
______________ play with my friends. / Juego con mis amigos.
Lesson 25
Project: Come and visit our school zoo. Part one
Ven y visita nuestro zoolgico. Parte uno.
Read /Leer
1. A project work is to help students to build up their English vocabulary. t
has to collect all the words they can find outside the classroom.
Un proyecto de trabajo sirve para que los estudantes construyan su vocabulario en
ingls. ste debe ayudar a recopilar palabras que se usan fuera del saln de clases.
2. A project work is used to describe activities done in the classroom which
asks the students to use their general knowledge and information to do
something and to find out information and to present it to the class.
Un proyecto es utilizado para describir actividades hechas dentro del saln de clases
en el cual se invita al estudante a usar sus conocimientos e informacin para hacer algo y
presentarlo frente a la clase.
3. Discuss with your classmates about what animals would you like to
present in your zoo.
Discute con tus compaeros acerca de qu animales les gustara presentar en su
4. Work in pairs. Choose an animal you like.
Trabaja en parejas. Elige un animal que te guste.
5. Look at the table.
Observa la tabla.
K Brochures/Trpticos
K nformation about the animals
nformacin acerca de los animales
K nvitation/nvitacin
K Presentation/Presentacin
The animal that live in your zoo./ El animal que vive en el zoolgico.
Lay out with the relevant information about an animal.Haz
un dagrama con informacin relevante.
Why don't you come to our zoo school?
Por que no vienes al zoolgico?
Exhibition of the zoo./Exibicin del zoolgico
6. Gather information about the animal you choose.
Recopila informacin acerca del animal que elegiste.
Lesson 26
Project: Come and visit our school zoo. Part two.
Proyecto: Ven y visita nuestro zoolgico. Parte dos.
Read /Leer
Make a brochure or advertisement.
Produce un folleto o anuncio
1. Prewriting.
Antes de escribir.
K Choose a topic./ Escoge el tema.
K Gather specific details./ Busca detalles especficos.
2. Writing.
K Get a sheet of paper./Obtn una hoja de papel.
K Divide the sheet in three parts of the same size.Divide la hoja de papel en tres partes.
K Fold the sheet. /Dobla la hoja.
K Write specific details (example: gorilla- is an animal similar to human, it is
a mammal, etc.). /Escribe detalles especificos (ejemplo: Gorila- es un animal similar a los
humanos, es mamfero).
K Mark with bold, underlined, etc. the important words./ Marca, subraya, etc. las palabras importantes.
K llustrate your brochure. / lustra tu trptico.
K Read your draft to your partner. / Lee el borrador a tu compaero
K Let your partner read the draft./ Deja que tu compaero lea el tuyo.
o To verify the information you include is important./ para verificar que la informacin es importante
K Correct and edit. / corregir y editar.
o Did capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns? / Puse en maysculas las letras de los nombres
o Did begin titles and initials with capital letters?empec los titulos e iniciales con maysculas?
o Did misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.
Escrib bien las palabras? Busca la forma correcta en un diccionario.
4. Publishing.
K Work in the playground. / Trabaja en el patio
K Get chalks or pencils different colors and construction paper. / Consigue gises o lpices de colores y cartulina.
K Make a picture of the animal you choose. / Haz la foto del animal que te guste.
K The picture of the animal must be big size. / La foto debe ser de tamao grande.
K Be creative when you make your picture. / Se creativo cuando hagas tu dibujo.
K Use different materials for example recyclable. / Usa diferentes materiales como los reciclados.
K Write the information of the animal. /Escribe la informacin del animal.

Lesson 27
Project: Come and visit our school zoo. Part three
Proyecto: Ven y visita nuestro zoolgico. Parte tres.
Read /Leer
Make a layout.
Elabora un formato.
1. Prewriting.
Antes de escribir.
K Gather specific details about the animal you have chosen.
Escribe detalles especficos acerca del animal que escogiste.
2. Writing.
K Get a sheet of paper or construction paper. /obtn una hoja de papel o cartulina.
K Draw a layout. /Dibuja tu diseo.
Type/ Tipo
Origin / Origen
Habitat/ Habitad
Physical / Caractersticas fsicas.
Diet /Dieta
Size /Tamao
specie / Especie en peligro de extincin
K Complete the layout with the information you gathered. / Completa el diseo de la informacin que tienes.
K Write the most information try to be short and specific. /Escribe la informacin tratando de ser claro y especfico.
K Think about an illustration and make a layout of it. / Piensa en tu ilustracin y haz un dagrama.
3. Revising.
K Read your draft to your partner. / Lee el borrador a tu compaero
K Let your partner read the draft./ Deja que tu compaero lea el tuyo.
o To verify the information you include is important./ para verificar que la informacin es importante
K Correct and edit. / Corregir y editar.
o Did capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns?
Puse en maysculas las letras de los nombres propios?
o Did begin titles and initials with capital letters?empec los ttulos e iniciales con maysculas?
o Did misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary.
Escrib bien las palabras? Busca la forma correcta en un diccionario.
4. Publishing.
K Work in the playground. / Trabaja en el patio
K Get chalks or pencils different colors and construction paper. / Consigue gises o lpices de colores y cartulina.
K Make a picture of the animal you choose. / Haz la foto del animal que tu seleccionaste.
K The picture of the animal must be big size. / La foto debe ser de tamao grande.
K Be creative when you make your picture. / Se creativo cuando hagas tu dibujo.
K Use different materials for example recyclable. / Usa diferentes materiales como los reciclados.
K Write the information of the animal. /Escribe la informacin del animal.
/e li2e" in the ocean>
/e eat" "all
Bl 2i2e en el oc,ano>
Coe pe3#e<o"
Lesson 28
Project: Come and visit our school zoo. Part four/
Proyecto: Ven y visita nuestro zoolgico. Parte cuatro.
Read / Leer
Design an invitation to go to the zoo.
Disea una invitacin para ir al zoolgico.
1. Prewriting.
Antes de escribir.
K Gather specific details. Obtn informacin detallada
2. Writing.
K Write a draft./Escribe un borrador.
K Write the most information try to be short and specific. /Al escribir la informacin trata de ser claro y especfico.
K Think about an illustration and make a layout of it. /Piensa acerca de la ilustracin y haz tu bosquejo.
Come to visit our ZOO / ven a visitar nuestro zoolgico.
Just for TODAY /solo por hoy.
Know the animals you'd never imagine! /
conoce a los animales que nunca imaginaste.
Come and / ven y
learn/ aprende
everything /todo
about animals!
Acerca de los animales.
3. Revising.
K Read your draft to your partner./ lee el texto a tu compaero.
K Let your partner read the draft. /deja que tu compaero te lea su borradoe.
o To verify the information you include is important./verificar que la informacin que incluye es
K Correct and edit. / corrige y edita.
o Did capitalize the first letter of the proper nouns? /Puse en mayscula la primera letra de cada
nombre propio?
o Did begin titles and initials with capital letters? nici el texto con ttulos y maysculas?
o Did misspell some words? Look for the correct spelling in a dictionary./
Escrib bien las palabras? Busca la forma correcta en el diccionario.
4. Publishing.
K Make enough copies so that everyone can have one.
K Publish your invitation.
K Make enough copies to the people that are coming to the zoo.
K Organize the visit to the zoo.
K Receive people in your zoo.
- Haz suficientes copias para que cada uno tenga la suya.
- Publica tu invitacin.
- Haz suficientes copias para que cada vaya al zoolgico.
- Organiza la visita al zoolgico.
- Recibe a la gente en el zoolgico.
Lesson 29
Review. Part one /Revisin parte uno.
Write /Escribirr
1. Choose the letter that corresponds to each clock.
Elige la letra que corresponda a cada reloj.
What time is it? / Qu hora es?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
a) t's a quarter to eight./ son cuarto para las ocho b) t's three o'clock. son las tres en punto
t's seven forty five./ son las siete cuarenta y cinco.
c) t's six past six./ son las seis seis. d) t's half past eight./son las ocho y meda.
t's six six. ./ son las seis seis. t's eight thirty. ./son las ocho y meda
e) t's half past five./ son las cinco y meda. f) t's nine past twelve./son las nueve doce.
t's five thirty. son las cinco y meda t's twelve nine./son las doce nueve.
g) t's five to eleven./ son cinco para las once. h) t's a quarter past six./son las seis y cuarto.
t's ten fifty five./ son las diez cincuenta y cinco. t's six fifteen./ son las seis quince.
2. Circle the option that corresponds to the image.
Encierra en un crculo la opcin que corresponde a la imagen.
1) What does she do? Qu hace ella?
a) washes her hands. b) She cooks.
a) se lava las manos. b) cocina
2) What does he do? Qu hace l?
a) He takes a shower. b) He goes to work.
a)l se baa b)Va a trabajar
3) What does he do? Qu hace l?
a) He reads newspaper. b) He eats breakfast.
a) lee el peridico. b) desayuna.
4) What does she do? Qu hace ella?
a) She comes back home b) She reads a book.
a) regresa a casa b) lee un libro
5) What does he do? Qu hace l?
a) He watches T.V. b) He goes to bed.
a) ve la tele b) se va a dormir.
3. Complete the chart. Use the words in the box.
Completa la tabla. Usa las palabras del cuadro.
Have/ tener get /obtener take/ tomar do/ Hacer come/ Comer
Go/r play/Jugar have/ Tener help/Ayudar have
go cook/ Cocinar watch/ ver
Hello 'm Juan. _____________a Then, _________ ______ to school
___ up at six shower at six breakfast at seven at half past seven.
o'clock in the fifteen. o'clock.
morning from
Monday to Friday.
__________ back _____________ a ___________my
soccer in the home at half past meal at three homework at
recess. two. o'clock. twenty past four.
_________ T.V at __________ my My family and ____________ to
half past six. mother to __________ dinner bed at nine thirty.
__________ dinner at eight o'clock.
at half past seven
/ola "oy J#an> Me
;;; le2anto a la"
6:00 de la a<ana
de L#ne" a $ierne">
Fo ;; e )a<o a la"
De"p#,"= de"ay#no a
la" 7: 00>
Fo ;; a la e"c#ela a
la" 7::0>
J#e.o fHt)ol en el recreo> &"o a ca"a a la" 2::0>
Coo a la" ::00
/a.o i tarea a la" 4:20
$eo la tele a la" 6::0
Mi a' y yo
cocinao" la cena a
la" 7::0>
Mi failia y yo cenao"
a la" 8:00
Me d#ero a la" 8::0
4. Look at the chart and complete the information.
Observa la tabla y completa la informacin.
love to hate you Max the mouse
France, 2007 USA, 2007
Drama Cartoon/ caricatura
Classification: B Classification: A
6:15 p.m., 8:00 p.m. 4:40 p.m., 6:10 p.m.
Funny little frog You're the one for me
France, 2006 England, 2005/nglaterra
Comedy Romance
Classification: A Classification: B
5:30 p.m., 6:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m., 8:55 p.m.
Take it or leave it Zapata, the true story
USA, 2007 Mexico, 2007
Action Documentary/ Documental
Classification: B Classification: A
5:40 p.m., 7:25 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
Nombre Gnero Clasificacin Ciudad Hora
Name Genre Classification Country Time
love to hate
you / odio amarte
7:30 p.m., 8:55
5. Write on the line the missing words.
Escribe sobre la lnea las palabras faltantes.
___ the _____________ ____ the afternoon _____ the ____________/
___ tarde _ noche ____ night
6. Complete the chart. Use the words on the box.
Completa la tabla. Usa las palabras del cuadro.
my teeth/ mis dientes a shower/ un bao to school/ a la escuela
breakfast/ desayuno dressed up/ vestirse dinner/ cenar to the park / al parque
to bed / a la cama to the church/ a la iglesia my mother's car / el carro de mi mam
Go / ir
Get / obtener
Have / tener
Walk / caminar
Wash / Lavar
Take / tomar
English lessons / clases de ingls.
Lesson 30
Review. Part two / Revisin parte dos.
Write / Escribir
1. Complete the text with the verbs in the box. Write the verbs in the form that
Completa el texto con los verbos del cuadro. Escribe los verbos en la forma que
Take/ tomar get up / leve do/ hacer start/ empezar eat/comer
Have/ tener get/obtener go/ ir take/ tomar have/ tener
@ennifer GomeH has a very 6usy day. +he 4444444444444 at <9=: a.m.
then she 4444444444 a shower. After that she 444444444444dressed
then she 4444444444 6rea5fast. At ?9=: a.m. she 4444444444444to
wor5. +he 444444444444 a secretary. +he 444444444444 calling her
6oss to remind him a6out an appointment at M9=: a.m. with a
transnational company. +he 444444444444 lunch at D9:: o'cloc5. 7ater she goes 6ac5
home. At <9:: p.m. she 4444444444444 aero6ics. "hen she 444444444444 a 6ath and
then goes to 6ed.
2. Look at the chart. Complete the information.
Observa la tabla. Completa la informacin.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Susan Get up Get up Get up Get up Get up Clean Go to visit her
early early early early early her room grandparents
leventarse tempano limpiar su cuarto visitar a sus abuelos
Peter Watch TV Read a Listen to Go to the Visit Watch Clean the
book music movies friends TV house
ver la tele leer un libro escuchar ir al cine visitar amigos ver la tele limpiar la casa
Susan _________________________from Monday to Friday../ de lunes a viernes.
Peter _________________________ on Monday. / los lunes
Susan________________________ on Saturdays. /los sbados
Peter ________________________ on Tuesdays. / los martes
Susan _______________________ on Sundays. / los sbados
Peter ________________________ on Wednesday. / los mircoles
Susan doesn't _________________ on Saturdays. / los sbados
Peter _______________________ on Thursdays. / los jueves
Peter doesn't _______ _________ on Saturday. / los sbados
Peter and Susan don't _________ on Tuesday. / los martes
3. Complete the sentences with do or does.
Completa los enunciados con do o does.
__________ you like classic music? Yes ___________ . Luis
_____________ not like vegetables. / ___ te gusta la msica clsica?
Mary ____________ not speak French. / Mary no habla Francs.
_____________ not go to parties. / no voy a fiestas.
___________ not like dancing. / No me gusta bailar.
____________ you do exercise? Yes, ____________ . / Haces ejercicio? Si.
______________ Laura love English lessons? Yes, she _________ . Le fascinan a Laura sus clases de ngls?
4. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in, on or at.
Completa los enunciados con las preposiciones in, on o at.
often do exercise _____ the morning. / seguido hago ejercicio ___ en la maana.
usually have an apple for breakfast ____ 7:00 o'clock. / usualmente
desayuno una manzana ___ 7:00.
never go to parties ____ Tuesday. / Nunca voy a fiestas ___ Martes.
like to watch TV ____ night. / me gusta ver la tele ___ noches.
She goes to school ____ Saturdays. / Ella va a la escuela ___ Sbados.
5. Complete the sentences with your information.
Completa los enunciados con tu informacin.
always ____________________________________________________.
usually ____________________________________________________.
often ______________________________________________________.
sometimes _________________________________________________.
never _____________________________________________________.
Yo siempre
Yo usualmente
Yo seguido
Yo algunas veces
Yo nunca
6. Write the questions to the following answers.
Escribe las preguntas para las siguientes respuestas.
__________________________________________________ ?
always brush my teeth. / Siempre me lavo los dientes.
__________________________________________________ ?
They live in the ocean./ Ellos viven en el ocano.
__________________________________________________ ?
usually eat eggs for breakfast. / Usualmente desayuna huevos.
__________________________________________________ ?
No, don't. 'm afraid of water. / No. Me da miedo el agua.
__________________________________________________ ?
Lucy likes to eat vegetables and fruits. / A Luci le gustan las verduras y las
__________________________________________________ ?
Mario never eats fish. / Mario nunca come pescado.
__________________________________________________ ?
The Bengal tiger lives in nda. / El tigre de Bengala vive en la nda.
7. Write a paragraph about someone you know.
Escribe un prrafo acerca de una persona que conozcas.
Answer key/
Lesson 7:
Page/ pgina 18
Quarter past ten 10:15
Half past two 2:30
Four fifty six 4:56
Page/pgina 19
Jessica is happy about speaking with Nikki. T
Nikki starts school at nine 8 o'clock in the afternoon. F
Nikki does homework at night. F
On Saturdays, Nikki goes to visit her grandparents. T
On Saturdays, Jessica goes to visit her grandparents. T
At . On . n .
? o'cloc5 +aturdays "he morning
Three or three trirty weekends The afternoon
Half past eight
Page/pgina 20
What time is it now?
What time do you ..?
t's five past seven.
t's five to seven. n the morning.
t's twenty past four. n the afternoon
t's twenty to four.
t's half past eight. n the evening
t's half to eight.
t's thirty five past ten. n the morning
t's thirty five to ten.
t's quarter past nine.
t's quarter to ten. n the morning
Lesson 14
Page/pgina 43
a) Who's the writer? Linda Perry
b) Who's the recipient? Charly
Page/ pgina 45
Activities Verbs in simple Questions Negative
present 3rd statements
wake up Takes do you practice you don't have a
sports? computer
take a shower Teaches do you have don't have juice
brothers or or eggs
have breakfast
go to school
go to swim
play basketball
Page/pgina 46
1) He has breakfast 2) He goes to school
3) She plays the piano 4) He watches TV
5) He does his homework 6) She listens to music
7) She takes the bus 8) She cooks a cake
Lesson 24
Page/pgina 78
0 % 50 % 75 % 85 % 100%
never sometimes often usually always
Page/pgina 80
Frequncy Pronouns Verbs in Sequncers
adverbs present simple
Always wake up Then
usually t take a shower After that
Often He get ready Later
go to
take a walk
Page/pgina 80
1. eat/ What/ your/ pet/does/?
What does your pet eat?
2. often/ to/ you/ parties/ go/ How/ do/ ?
How often do you go to parties?
3. you/ usually/ Do/ celebrate/ birthday/ your/ ?
Do you usually celebrate your birthday?
4. your/ Where/ do/ grandparents/ live/ ?
Where do your grandparents live?
5. vegetables/ eat/ you/ Do/ regularly/ ?
Do you eat vegetables regularly?
Lesson 29
Page/pgina 88
What time is it?
( b ) ( a ) ( h ) ( f )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( d ) ( c ) ( g ) ( e )
Page/pgina 89
1) What does she do?
a) washes her hands.
2) What does he do?
a) He takes a shower.
3) What does he do?
b) He eats breakfast.
4) What does she do?
b) She reads a book.
5) What does he do?
a) He watches T.V.
Page/pgina 90
Hello 'm Juan. take a shower at
get up at six six fifteen.
o'clock in the
morning from
Monday to Friday.
play soccer in the come back home
re cess. a t half past two.
watch T.V at half help my mother to
p ast six. cook dinner at half
past seven
Then, have go to school at
breakfast at seven half past seven.
have a meal at do my homework
th ree o'clock. at twenty past four.
My family and go to bed at nine
have dinner at thirty.
eight o'clock.
Page/pgina 91
Name Genre Classification Country Time
love to hate Drama B France 6:15 p.m.,
you 8:00 p.m.
Funny little Comedy A France 5:30 p.m.,
frog 6:45 p.m.
Take it or Action B USA 5:40 p.m. 7:25
leave it p.m.
Max the Cartoon A USA 4:40 p.m.,
mouse 6:10 p.m.
You're the one Romance B England 7:30 p.m.,
for me 8:55 p.m.
Zapata, the Documentary A Mexico 6:30 p.m.
true story
Page/pgina 92
in the morning in the afternoon in the evening/ at night
Go to church, to bed, to school
Get dressed, up
Have breakfast, dinner
Walk to school, to the park
Wash my teeth, my mother's car
Take a shower, English lessons
Lesson 30
Page/pgina 93
Jennifer Gomez has a very busy day. She gets up at 7:30 a.m. then she
takes a shower. After that she gets dressed then she has breakfast. At 8:30
a.m. she goes to work. She is a secretary. She starts calling her boss to
remind him about an appointment at 9:30 a.m. with a transnational company.
She eats lunch at 2:00 o'clock. Later she goes back home. At 7:00 p.m. she
does aerobics. Then she takes a bath and then goes to bed.
Page/pgina 94
Susan gets up early from Monday to Friday.
Peter watches TV on Monday.
Susan cleans her room on Saturdays.
Peter reads a book on Tuesdays.
Susan goes to visit her grandparents on Sundays.
Peter listens to music on Wednesday.
Susan doesn't get up early, go to visit her grandparents on Saturdays.
Peter goes to the movies on Thursdays.
Peter doesn't visit friends, read a book, etc. on Saturday.
Peter and Susan don't watch TV, clean the house, etc. on Tuesday.
Do you like classic music? Yes do.
Luis does not like vegetables.
Mary does not speak French.
do not go to parties. do not like dancing.
Do you do exercise? Yes, do.
Does Laura love English lessons? Yes, she does.
often do exercise in the morning.
usually have an apple for breakfast at 7:00 o'clock.
never go to parties on Tuesday.
like to watch TV at night.
She goes to school on Saturdays.
Page/pgina 95
How often do you brush your teeth?
Where do they live?
What do you eat for breakfast?
Do you like to swim?
What does Lucy like to eat?
How often does Mario eat fish?
Where does the Bengal tiger live?
Materiales de apoyo
Puedes consultar estas pginas
a lo largo de toda la unidad 4.
Material sugerido
K www.
K Programa Enciclomeda para
Amieva, M., et. al., English 1, Mxico, Santillana, 2006.
Celorio, G., Smash! 1, Teachers Resource Book,
Mxico, Richmond
Publishing, 1997.
Domnguez, E., et al., Connections one. Students Book,
Mxico, Nuevo
Mxico, 2006.
Emilsson, E., et al., Dalogues. English 1, Mxico, Fondo
de Cultura
Econmica, 2002.
Luna, M., et. al., Explore 1, Teacher's guide,
Mxico, Macmillan Heinemann,
Philip, H., et al., A Crossroads, Mxico, Oxford, 2006.
Programas de Estudio. Educacin bsica.
Secundaria. Lengua extranjera
ngls, Mxico, SEP, 2006.

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