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Zero conditional IF/WHEN + PRESENTE SIMPLE + PRESENTE SIMPLE Se usa para hablar de cosas que generalmente son verdad. If I eat too much chocolate, I feel sick (si como mucho chocolate, me siento demaciado enfermo) If boys exercise with heavy weights, they risk injury (si los chicos ejercitan con pesas, ellos corren el riesgo de lesionarse) First condicional IF + PRESENTE SIMPLE + WILL/CAN/COULD/MAY/MIGHT Se usa para hablar de posibles acciones en un futuro If I see her, Ill tell her your news (si yo la veo a ella, le contar tus noticias) If you look like me, your like will be perfect (si vos te ves como yo, tu vida va a ser perfecta) Cuando el IF va al principio, ponemos la coma para separar el otro tiempo, cuando va al final, no colocamos nada. If i see her, Ill tell her. Ill tell her if I see her El UNLESS significa lo mismo que el IF NOT Ill go for a walk unless it rains/if it dont rains. Unless Tina arrives soon, well be too late for the cinema/If Tina doesnt arrives soon PRIVIDED/PROVIDING (THAT)(siempre que) o AS LONG AS significa lo mismo que IF o ON CONDITION THAT Ill lend you my bike on condition that/as long as you bring it back tonight (te presto mi bici con la condicion de que/siempre y cuando la traigas de vuelta a al noche)

Usamos IN CASE cuando estamos hablando acerca de algo que podra ocurrir. Im going to buy a sandwich in case I get hungry later. (Voy a irme a comprar un sandwich en el caso que me agarre hambre)


2 Se usa para hablar de situaciones imaginarias o imposibles en el presente. If I were a pop star, I would buy a big house in the country. (si fuera una estrella pop, me compraria una casa enorme en un country) Para una improbable situacin en un futuro If i won the lottery, id buy a racing car (si ganara la lotera, me comprara un coche de carreras) Para dar consejos o sugerencias. If i were you, I would buy those trainers Usamos COULD/MIGHT para reemplazar WOULD If I had lessons, I could play the guitar better Usamos SUPPOSE/SUPPOSING para reemplazar el IF, siempre en ? Suppose you won a free holiday, where would you go? Suppose your teacher gave you a day off school, would you be pleased?

Third condicional IF + PAST PERFECT + WOULD/COULD/MIGHT HAVE + VERB 3 C Se usa para hablar de un posible evento en el pasado que no pas. If we had saved up, we could have bought tickets for the mach (Si hubieses ahorrado, podriamos haber comprador las entradas para el juego) If I had known about the pain, I would never have done it (si hubiera sabido hacerca del dolor, nunca lo hubiera hecho) Usamos el continuo en la parte del If o en la parte del would. If he hadnt been driving fast, he wouldnt have crashed (si no hubiera estado manejando rrapido, el no hubiera chocado) If Paul hadnt proposed, Jessica wouldnt have been feeling so happy (si paul no le hubiera propuesto, Jessica no se sentiria tan feliz)

Mixed conditionals Se usan para mostrar un evento pasado que tiene sus efectos en el presente. El If se refiere al pasado (usamos el thirt conditional) y el main clause hace referencia al presente o futuro (second conditional) If I hadnt broken my leg, I would be able to play football now If I hadnt damaged my tongue last week, I would be able to eat steak(carne) now!


The passive
VERB TO BE + PAST PARTICIPLE (3 C) Somebody stole the painting = The painting was stolen Se usa para enfocarnos en la accion, no en la persona o la cosa responsible de la accion. The computer had been repaired. Great! No nos interesa o importa quien hizo la accin. The museum was opened in 2005 Queremos destacar o hacer noticia informacion que es importante Tickets are being sold over the internet Cuando queremos hacer hincapi en la persona que realizo la accin usamos el BY Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare El pasivo es ms comn encontrarlo escrito formalmente. Tours will be conducted every hour En documentos, noticias o diarios el verbo to be desaparece. New machine taken from lab in Oxford LET(dejar) se convierte en BE ALLOWED TO We were allowed to see behind the scenes. MAKE(hacer) se convierte en BE MADE TO She was made to put on gloves before touching the machine (la obligaron a ponerse los guantes antes de tocar la maquina) Usamos el GET SOMETHING DONE para hablar de algo que hicimos por nuestra cuenta. Hace referencia a algo difcil de hacer pero que al final lo logramos. I got all my homework finished yesterday Usamos el by para la persona, y el with para lo material o objeto We were shown the exhibit by the guide The photographs were taken with a digital camera Present simple: hundreds of mobile phones are sold every week Present cont: The research is being done in the laboratory Past simple: The first film was shown in Paris Past cont: The robots were being programmed to play football

4 Future: One day, human footballers will be beaten by robots Present perfect simple: The game has been tested Present perfect cont: The window had been broken

Have/get something done

PERSONA + HAVE/GET + OBJETO + 3 C Usamos la formula de arriba para hablar cuando no hacemos algo por nuestra cuenta y esperamos que alguien lo haga por nosotros. You can get your wedpage built by someone else (vos podes tener tu propia pgina construida por alguien mas) Have your profile set up by someone else (Ten tu propio perfil creado por otra persona) PERSONA + HAVE + OBJETO + 3 C Se usa cuando algo desagradable nos pasa a nosotros I had my wallet stolen on my way home from school (me robaron la cartera camino a casa desde la escuela) PERSONA + GET + OBJETO + 3 C Para hablar de algo difcil de logar pero podemos terminarlo. I managed to get my webpage set up all myself! (me las arregle para tener mi propia pgina creada por mi mismo!) UNIDAD 8

ING FORMS Despues de: Avoid, begin, continue, enjoy, hate, imagine, keep, like, love, prefer, practise, recommend, remember, start, stop, suggest, interested in, good at, bad at, bored with, fed up with, fond of, tired of, looking forward to, mind, cant stand, its no good/use, its not worth, theres no point, its a waste of time, spend time. Despues de verbos de los sentidos donde lo que sigue esta en continuo: see, hear I saw him swimming in the pool Como sustantivo, cuando el verbo esta al comienzo de la oracin. Learning to be a DJ is hard work

5 INFINITIVES Despues de: Advise, agree, allow, appear, ask, begin, choose, continue, decide, expect, force, forget, hate, help, hope, learn, like, manage, offer, order, plan, prefer, prepare, promise, refuse, seem, start, stop, want, would like, would love, difficult, easy, exciting, expensive, fun, hard, impossible, interesting, afford, arrange, attempt, fail, hesitate, intend, pretend, threaten, wish. Despues de adjetivos que describen emosiones: happy, posible, sorry, pleased. Algunos verbos van sin el to, como ser: let and make, Id rather, youd better Algunas veces usar ing o to nos cambia la oracin completamente I remember doing it (lo hizo y recuerda haberlo hecho) He stopped drinking (el estaba manejando y paro para tomar) Ill never forget meeting him (lo conoce y no lo va a olvidar) Try leaving home earlier if you are always late for school (salir temprano y ver si ayuda) Being a professional sportsman means training every day (implica entrenarte asi) I regret telling him the secret (lamenta haberlo hecho) I must remember to do it (Debe no olvidarse no hacerlo, osea que todava no paso, el MUST indica que no lo hizo) He stopped to drink a cup of coffee (el paro lo que estaba haciendo para tomar caf) I forgot to meet him (se le fue de la mente y por eso no lo conocio) Ill try to leave home earlier tomorrow because Ive got an important exam (va a hacer el esfuerzo de salir temprano) I didnt mean to kick you! (no fue su intencion) I regret to tell you that James has had an accident (lo lamenta pero tenia que decirselo)


Reported speech
Se utilize para decil algo que una persona dijo antes. Present simple Present continuous Past simple Past continuous Present perfect simple Past simple Past continuous Past perfect simple Past perfect cont Past perfect simple

6 Present perfect conti Past perfect s y c Am-is-are going to Will Can-could May Must-have to Should-could-mightought to-would Past perfect cont No cambia Was-were going to Would Could Might Had to No cambia

Las oraciones que uno dice y se encuentran en presente, no cambia! Tambien en el reported speech cambian palabras o oraciones como: Now Today, tonight tomorrow yesterday tonight Next week-month-year Last week-month-year A month, week ago here This-that these Then That day, that night The following day, the day after, the next day The day before, the previous day That night The following week-month-year The previous week-month-year The previous month, week There the those

Reporting verbs
Usualmente cuando usamos el reported speech utilizamos el said and told. Existen otras palabras que significan lo mismo y reemplazan las palabras anteriores. Verb + to-infinitive agree, decide, offer, promise, propose, refuse, threaten Verb + person + to-infinitive Advise, beg, encourage, invite, order, permit, persuade, remind, tell, warn Verb + ing Admit, deny, recommend, suggest Verb + (person) + preposition + ing Accuse smb of, advise smb against, agree with smb on/about, apologise for, blame smb for, boast about, complain (to smb) about, congratulate smb on, insist on, warn (smb) against/about Verb + that Admit, announce, agree, believe, complain, decide, demand, deny, explain, inform, insist, promise, state, suggest, threaten Verb+ person + that Inform, persuade, promise, remind, warn

En las preguntas tambin hay palabras que son reemplazadas y significan lo mismo, cuando las usamos, no colamos el signo de preguntas Cuando decimos que si o no en una pregunta, usamos el if-whether despus del verbo. Can i buy this jacket? She asked if-whether she could buy the jacket Cuand tenemos wh, usamos la misma forma Where are you going? Katy asked. Katy wanted to know where I was going to.

El orden de las preguntas es: Si es wh: Wh + persona + verb Si es Can-does-did: El if-wheter persona y el tiempo verbal

8 Usamos el verb + to + inf cuando preguntamos a alguien para hacer algo Usamos ask-want para decir algo que queremos Can you help me, please? I asked Simon to help Usamos tell-order to para decir ordenes Dont shout! She told him not to shout UNIDAD 10

Wishes and regrets

Wish/if only + past simple or past continuous Expresar una insastifaccion en una situacion en el presente. Usualmente usamos: I wish + could, or I wish + were-was. Esta expresada en PASADO. I wish I could drive but I cant. He wishes he had a dog. I wish I was lying on a beach! Wish/if only + would + infinitive sin el to Para expresar insastifaccion y molestia hacerca de algo. Queremos que sea diferente pero eso probablemente nunca pase. Tambien se usa para algo que nunca va a hacerse realidad (las personas son todas menos WE) I wish they would leave me alone (desagrado) I wish they would give me a job (deseo) Usamos el would para mostrar enojo o molestia acerca de algo que paso en el presente I wish you would listen to me! I wish you wouldnt shout! Wish/if only + past perfect Para hablar sobre algo en el pasado que queremos que sea diferente. Se usa mas el if only que wish (en los anteriores mas el wish que if only) I wish i had worked harder for my exam Usamos regret + ing para hablar sobre algo de que nos arrepentimos que paso en el pasado. I regret pulling her hair. Usamos el should have/shouldnt have + 3 C para expresar un arrepentimiento en el pasado que no puede ser cambiado. I shouldnt have shouted at my dad yesterday

Linking words and structures

RAZON, EL MOTIVO, LA CAUSA: As, because, since para decir que algo pasa because of, on account of(a causa de), due to (debido a) para dar la razon de la causa

PROPOSITO: In order to, so as to: formal, cuando la persona es la misma en ambas partes de la oracion in order that, so that, muy formal cuando la persona es diferente en la oracion in case + present simple: para evitar un problema en el futuro in case + past simple: para hablar de precauciones que se tomaron en el pasado RESULTADO: Consequently, as a result, so, therefore: mismo significado que so

CONTRASTE, DIFERENCIA: mismo sig que but However, nevertheless (por lo tanto, sin embargo, siempre se usa al comienzo), while, whereas Although, though, even though despite, in spite of (pesar de) AL COMIENZO O FINAL DE LA ORACION in addition, moreover and furthermore to (EN ARGUMENTOS O INFORMACION)

CAUSA, OCASION: Such (a/an) + adjetivo o adverbio + sust+ that, so + adjetivo o adverbio + that His adventures became so well known that they have now been made into a film

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