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Name: ____________________________

Date: ____________________

Kinetic and Potential Energy

Kinetic Energy
(Energa cintica)
Potential Energy
(Energa potencial)

What kind of energy? (Que tipo de energa?)


What kind of energy? (Que tipo de energa?)


1) The ability to make things move is called ___________________ energy.

(La capacidad de hacer mover las cosas se llama
__________________________________________________ energa)

2) Stored energy is called ____________________________ energy.

(Energa almacenada se llama
__________________________________________________ energa)

3) Energy of motion is called __________________________ energy.

(Energa de movimiento se llama
_________________________________________________ energa)

4) Potential energy can change to __________________________ energy.

(Energa potencial puede transformarse en
___________________________________________________ energa.

Can an object have both potential and kinetic energy? (Yes/No)

o (Puede un objeto tiene tanto la energa potencial y cintica?)

Draw a picture to show this.

o (Mostrar esto con una imagen.)

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