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Ing. Agr. Marco A. Gonzlez


Las bombas utilizan las fuerzas bsicas de la naturaleza para mover lquidos. Mientras la parte movil (impulsor, diafragma, pistn, etc) empieza a moverse, el aire es empujado fuera, el movimiento del aire crea un vaco parcial que en este caso es llenado con agua.


A nivel del mar, la naturaleza ejerce una presin de 14.7 PSI alrededor de nosotros. Si pusiramos un tubo con un extremo en el agua y ejerciramos un vaco al otro extremo la presin atmosfrica elevara una columna de 33.9 pies de alto


En la naturaleza, el movimiento es de mas denso a menos denso, en los sistemas climticos las presiones altas se mueven hacia las presiones bajas, en las bateras las partculas positivas se mueven hacia las negativas. Un lquido bajo alta presin se mover a un rea de menos presin si se le provee un conducto.

TIPOS DE BOMBAS 1. Equipo de bombeo Motor: A explosin o elctrico Bomba: De superficie o sumergible Elementos de seguridad: Guarda motor, interruptores de nivel y presin, electrodos


Al trabajar la bomba centrfuga el impulsor gira, lo que fuerza el agua alrededor hacia la salida de descarga de la bomba. El vaco parcial creado, permite a la presin de aire de la Tierra forzar el agua hacia el tubo de succin para reemplazar el agua desplazada. Cuando el agua entra al impulsor rotando, la energa del impulsor es transferida al agua, forzando el agua hacia fuera tangencialmente. Mientras el agua se desplaza mas agua entra a ocupar el lugar vaco.

SEALED SYSTEM If a water pump is to create a partial vacuum in the pump housing, three things must happen: The pump must be primed. The water in the housing is essential to lubricate the mechanical seal so that it won't wear and leak. The suction hose, hose seals and all O-rings must be in good condition so air can't be drawn in, losing the vacuum. The impeller-to-volute clearance must be within specification to achieve the proper vacuum.

HONDA PUMP TYPE DIFFERENCES The size of the impeller and its vanes dictate what pressures, discharge capacities and types of material that can pass through the pump. The impeller material,and the size of the volute discharge opening, determine what size material can pass through the pump without damaging it.

STANDARD (WP, WD) Deeper vanes will produce a larger discharge capacity. MULTI-PURPOSE (WMP20X) Specially designed pump to to allow transfer of certain industrial and agricultural chemicals. HIGH-PRESSURE (WH15X, WH20X) A larger diameter impeller with more, shallower vanes will

PUMP PERFORMANCE The performance curves reflect standard testing. Pump manufacturers typically calculate performance curves using a pressure gauge and a flow meter connected to the discharge port. For any anticipated total head, the discharge capacity can be determined. Pump performance curves can be found on each model page.

PUMP PERFORMANCE CONSIDERATIONS The performance curves are useful in selecting a particular water pump. When a question regarding the performance of a specific pump must be answered, refer to the pump specifications for the particular model. Determine how high the pump will sit above the water source (static suction head). Determine how high the discharge end will be elevated above the pump (static discharge head). Determine what the discharge capacity (gpm) of the pump must be .

Given the total head (suction + discharge), the discharge capacity can be estimated by referring to the performance curve.
Keep in mind, the actual discharge

SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The total static head is often only considered when selecting a pump. However, because of frictional losses, this method can often lead to large error, and in many cases, the pump performance will not meet expectations. The selection process becomes even more complicated when a nozzle or sprinklers are used. In order to accurately predict the performance of a centrifugal pump in a specific application, the total head losses must be considered. These losses include, but are not limited to: total static head, losses due to pipe size, length, and material, and losses due to sprinklers or a nozzle.

DISCHARGE MATERIAL vs PERFORMANCE (FRICTION LOSSES) Another fact of nature, is that a liquid moving through a hose creates heat due to the friction of the two surfaces (water against hose). Steel pipe will produce more friction than will smooth PVC or vinyl pipe. Friction INCREASES with INCREASED length of pipe, or hose, or smaller diameter hose, and will DECREASE the discharge capacity (GPM). The roughness of the hose/pipe is considered in Pump

SUCTION HEAD vs PERFORMANCE Mother nature plays an important role by exerting only 14.7 psi on any body of water at sea level. This limits the suction head of centrifugal pumps to 33.9 feet. However, this would only be obtained if we could achieve a perfect vacuum in the pump. In reality, the suction head of centrifugal pumps is limited to about 26 feet. Pump performance (capacity or pressure) is highest when the pump is operated close to the water's surface. Increasing the suction head will DECREASE the discharge head and consequently the discharge capacity of the pump. Most importantly, suction head should be kept to the smallest value possible to reduce the likelihood of cavitation. Cavitation can also occur if the suction hose is restricted. Never use a suction hose with a smaller diameter than the suction port. Cavitation can quickly damage a pump.

DISCHARGE HEAD vs PERFORMANCE Mother nature plays an important role in how high we can push water. Water is heavy; about 8.3 lbs per gallon. The old saying, "what goes up, must come down" tends to want to bring the water back down to its source. The mechanical energy of the impeller transmits its force against the water coming in contact with it. This force can be measured in psi at the pump discharge. As the pump discharge head increases in height, the pump capacity (gpm) decreases and the available pressure at the end of the discharge hose (if the flow is stopped or a sprinkler/nozzle is used) will also decrease. At maximum head, the capacity (gpm) will drop to zero and there will be no pressure available at the end of the hose to run a sprinkler or nozzle. If we measured the pressure at the bottom of the discharge hose, we would read maximum head pressure which would be the result of the pump supporting the water weight. The performance curves show the relationship between discharge capacity and total head.

DISCHARGE LENGTH vs PERFORMANCE As the length of the discharge hose increases, the water comes into contact with more hose surface. As discussed in hose material, the inner wall of the discharge hose (in contact with the rushing water) will cause friction to build up. The increase in friction will slow the water, decreasing the discharge capacity. Hose/pipe length is considered in Pump Select calculations.

RESTRICTION vs PERFORMANCE Restrictions are like dams to the flow of water. When the water hits the restriction, only a partial amount of the flowing water will be allowed to pass through. A rule of thumb is to keep the discharge hose as straight as possible and avoid reducing the size of the hose whenever possible. Restrictions will INCREASE the friction and DECREASE the discharge capacity at the end of the pipe.

COUPLERS AND VALVES As valves and couplers are added to lengths of pipe, the smooth flow of the water is broken up. The turbulence created around these joints causes an increase in friction which will DECREASE the discharge capacity.

ALTITUDE vs PERFORMANCE (ATMOSPHERIC LOSSES) Engine performance DECREASES with altitude. The higher the altitude, the less air there is available to support combustion. Maximum engine power DECREASES about 3.5% per 1000 feet of altitude. Less air also means there is less air pressure to push on the body of water we are trying to draw into the pump. Because there is less air pressure forcing the water into the pump, the maximum available suction head is DECREASED. The reduction in engine power may also result in a reduced discharge capacity.

Figura 23. Esquema de una bomba volumtrica de cilindro

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