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Da el siguiente paso y obtn la certificacin CPIM de APICS!

Qu es una Certificacin? Es un proceso de validacin formal del conocimiento, el knowhow y/o las competencias adquiridas por un individuo, por medio de un proceso de evaluacin formal. El programa internacional de certificacin CPIM de APICS es reconocido en todo el mundo, como el estndar de competencia profesional por excelencia dirigido a profesionales involucrados en la Administracin de Operaciones, Compras, Materiales, Planeacin, Cadena de Suministros, Produccin y Logstica. Da el siguiente paso y obtn este reconocimiento internacional.

Apertura de Examen Asegurada

Inscribete antes del 21 de Enero

12 Marzo 2011
Production & Inventory Management


Exmenes: 1. Basics of Supply Chain Management (BSCM) 2. Master Planning of Resources (MPR) 3. Detailed Scheduling and Planning (DSP) 4. Execution and Control of Operations (ECO) 5. Strategic Management of Resources (SMR) Fecha lmite de inscripcin: 21 Enero 2011 Fecha aplicacin de examen: 12 de Marzo 2011 Lugar sede: Guadalajara (lpiz-papel) Para ms detalles contactar a: Mariana Colin Tel (33) 362747-34 APICS Guadalajara Chapter

The APICS CPIM program is known around the world as the standard for Excellence in Operations and Supply Chain Management!

Y t
ya estas certificado? Tel (33) 3627-4735


APICS Certified in Production and Inventory Management

Production & Inventory Management

Operations and supply chain management professionals play a critical role in todays organizations. APICS education ensures that you are equipped to


improve productivity maximize resources increase profitability

The APICS CPIM program is known around the world as the standard for Excellence in Operations and Supply Chain Management!
A CPIM education is essential for professionals involved in: Production and inventory management ement of Operations anag Res cM ou i rc Supply chain management eg at e r Procurement Materials management Detailed Scheduling Purchasing Master and Planning
Basics of Supply Chain Management

Planning of Resources

Even though I have been a supply chain analyst for 13 years, many of the best practices and reasons why were really never explained. The APICS Basics of Supply Chain Management module and course explanations have really helped me to understand the concepts and gave me ideas on how to further improve our supply chain. Supply Chain Analyst DuPont

Execution and Control of Operations

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