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Intermediate 2

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Matriz Afirmativa
Esta herramienta te ayudara a repasar los 8 tiempos gramaticales básicos, los
cuales te ayudaran a sostener pequeñas conversaciones. Para esto es muy
importante que no dejes de Memorizar tus verbos y vocabulario que aprendes semana a semana mientras
más vocabulario conozcas será mucho mejor. Estos tiempos se dividen en 2 grupos (Simples y Progresivos)


El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de hábitos, El presente Progresivo se utiliza para hablar de acciones
rutinas, costumbres, hechos reales y acciones que se están haciendo en este momento NOW.
repetitivas. (estoy/ V-ando/endo)
I eat I am eating
He eats 1 She is eating 2
We eat They are eating
El Pasado Simple nos ayuda a hablar de actividades del El Pasado Progresivo nos ayuda a hablar de actividades
pasado que terminaron. del pasado, pero continuaban. (estaba/ V-ando/endo)
I ate I was eating
It ate 3 He was eating 4
You ate We were eating
El Futuro Simple nos ayuda a hablar de planes futuros El Futuro Idiomático nos ayuda a hablar de planes
con posibilidad de 50% que se realicen. (re,ran,remos) futuros con posibilidad de 100% que se realicen. (voy a)
I will eat I am going to eat
She will eat 5 It is going to eat 6
They will eat You are going to eat
El Presente Perfecto nos ayuda a hablar de actividades El Presente Perfecto Progresivo nos ayuda a hablar de
del pasado donde no es importante el tiempo. Como las actividades que iniciaron en el pasado y siguen hasta el
experiencias. (he / (ado, ido, to, so, cho) presente. (he/ estado/ V-ando/endo)
I have eaten I have been eating
He has eaten 7 She has been eating 8
We have eaten They have been eating

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Write the number of the tense.

Then write in English the examples.

TENSE TENSE # 7 Simple Present Perfect

Yo compró. Yo he comprado I have bought
El compra. Ella ha comprado
Ellos compran. Nosotros hemos comprado
Yo estaba comprando Yo comprare
Él estaba comprando Ella comprara
Ustedes estaban comprando Ellas compraran
Yo he estado comprando Yo estoy comprando
Ella ha estado comprando Él está comprando
Tú has estado comprando Ellos están comprando
Yo voy a comprar Yo compre
Ella va a comprar El compró
Nosotros vamos a comprar Ustedes compraron

Listen to the Dictation and write. Then write the tense number.
Sentences Tense #

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Matriz Negativa
Ahora es hora de aprender y practicar en forma negativa. Para la mayoría es
agregar la palabra NOT pero déjame explicarte.


I don’t eat 1 I am not eating
He doesn’t eat She is not eating
We don’t eat They are not eating

I didn’t eat 3 I was not eating
It didn’t eat He was not eating
You didn’t eat We were not eating

I won’t eat 5 I am not going to eat
She won’t eat It is not going to eat
They won’t eat You are not going to eat

I have not eaten 7 I have not been eating
He has not eaten She has not been eating
We have not eaten They have not been eating

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Write the number of the tense.

Then write in English the examples.

TENSE # 5 Simple Future TENSE

Yo no caminaré. Yo no camine
El no caminará. Ella no camino
Ellos no caminaran. Nosotros no caminamos
Yo no estoy caminando Yo no he estado caminando
Él no está caminando Ella no ha estado caminando
Ustedes no están caminando Ellas no han estado caminando
Yo no camino Yo no he caminado
Ella no camina Él no ha caminado
Tú no caminas Ellos no han caminado
Yo no estaba caminando Yo no voy a caminar
Ella no estaba caminando Él no va a caminar
Nosotros no estábamos caminando Ustedes no van a caminar

Read the sentences and write in Spanish. Then write the tense number.
I haven’t danced polka. Tense #
Susana won’t play soccer.
He wasn’t running in the park.
We aren’t going to make our beds.
You weren’t cooking today.
Paco hasn’t been watching TV.
I didn’t do my homework.
She doesn’t like mathematics.
They aren’t eating pizza.
I don’t know the answer.
She isn’t playing the guitar.
We didn’t study yesterday.
My parents haven’t been working this week.
She hasn’t gone to the movies.

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Matriz Question (Yes/No) Answer

En este tipo de oraciones respondemos con respuesta corta pero No nos
limita a dar más información. Hay que poner atención al tipo de
oración que usamos o escuchamos para saber con qué auxiliar vamos a contestar.


Do I eat ? Yes, I do. 1 Am I eating ?
Does he eat ? No, he doesn’t. Is she eating ?
Do we eat ? Yes, we do. Are they eating ?

Did I eat ? 3 Was I eating ?
Did it eat ? Was he eating ?
Did you eat ? Were we eating ?

Will I eat ? 5 Am I going to eat ?
Will she eat ? Is it going to eat ?
Will they eat ? Are you going to eat ?

Have I eaten ? 7 Have I been eating ?
Has he eaten ? Has she been eating ?
Have we eaten ? Have they been eating ?

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Write the number of the tense.

Then write in English the examples.

TENSE # 8 Present Perfect Progressive TENSE

He yo estado corriendo? Voy a correr?
Ha ella estado corriendo? Va ella a correr?
Han ellos estado corriendo? Vamos a correr?
Corrí? Corro?
Corrió ella? Corre él?
Corrieron ustedes? Corren ellas?
Estaba yo corriendo? He corrido?
Estaba ella corriendo? Ha el corrido?
Estabas tú corriendo? Han ellos corrido?
Correré? Estoy corriendo?
Correrá ella? Esta el corriendo?
Correremos? Están ustedes corriendo?

Read the following questions and write short answer with your own information.
1. Do you practice your verbs every day? ____________________
2. Are you listening to music now? _____________________
3. Did you do your homework yesterday? ____________________
4. Were you eating before class? ______________________
5. Will you go to the cinema after class? ____________________
6. Are you going to go to the park after class? ___________________
7. Have you gone to Acapulco? ____________________
8. Have you been washing your hands a lot during the pandemic? ___________________
9. Does your mom work every day? ____________________
10.Is your teacher teaching you a new topic today? _____________________
11.Has your father been riding a bike lately? ___________________
12.Did you read a book last month? ____________________

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Matriz WH-Question (Long) Answer

Con este tipo de preguntas podemos usar una oración afirmativa o
negativa. Depende de la información que vayas a dar. Este tipo de
preguntas lo que quiere es que des más información.


What do I eat ? 1 What am I eating ?
Why does he eat ? Why Is she eating ?
Where do we eat ? Where are they eating ?

What did I eat ? 3 What was I eating ?
Why did it eat ? Why was he eating ?
Where did you eat ? Where were we eating ?

What will I eat ? 5 What am I going to eat ?
Why will she eat ? Why is it going to eat ?
Where will they eat ? Where are you going to eat ?

What have I eaten ? 7 What have I been eating ?
Why has he eaten ? Why has she been eating ?
Where have we eaten ? Where have they been eating ?

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Write the number of the tense.

Then write in English the examples.

TENSE # 6 Idiomatic Future TENSE

Qué voy a hacer? Que he hecho?
Que va a hacer ella? Que ha hecho ella?
Qué van a hacer ellos? Qué han hecho ellos?
Qué hago? Qué estoy haciendo?
Qué hace el? Qué está haciendo él?
Qué hacemos? Qué estamos haciendo?
Qué he estado haciendo? Qué hice?
Qué ha ella estado haciendo? Qué hizo ella?
Qué han ustedes estado haciendo? Qué hicieron ustedes?
Qué estaba haciendo? Qué hare?
Qué estaba el haciendo? Qué hará el?
Qué estaban ellos haciendo? Qué harán ellos?

Read the following questions and write short answer with your own information.

1. Where do you study? _________________________________________

2. What are you doing now? ________________________________________
3. When did you do your Spanish homework? ___________________________________
4. Why were you practicing the verbs? ______________________________________
5. When will you eat cake? _________________________________________
6. Where are you going to travel on next vacations? ______________________________
7. What courses have you studied? ___________________________________
8. What have you been watching on TV lately? __________________________________
9. What is the teacher doing? ______________________________________
10.What do you eat on weekends? ______________________________________

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Get es uno de los 4 verbos que tienen 2 funciones :

Verbo = Conseguir y Auxiliar

En esta ocasión lo vamos a usar como verbo de transicion. Cuando se une

Get + (un adjetivo) = Verbo

Get + dirty = Get + dark =

Get + fat = Get + thin =

Get + crazy= Get + happy =

Get + married = Get + angry =

Get + stressed = Get + upset =

Ejemplo con el tiempo verbal (Simple present)

I GET TIRED Yo me canso
YOU GET TIRED Tu te cansas
HE GETS TIRED El se cansa
SHE GETS TIRED Ella se cansa
WE GET TIRED Nosotros nos cansamos
YOU GET TIRED Ustedes se cansan
THEY GET TIRED ellos se cansan

Present Progressive / Continuous

Me estoy estresando Ella se esta estresando Nosotros nos estamos estresando
+ I am getting stressed + She is getting stressed + We are getting stressed
-I am not getting stressed -She isn’t getting stressed -We aren’t getting stressed

Past Progressive / Continuous

Me estaba enojando El se estaba enojando Ellos se estaban enojando
+ I was getting angry

Simple Future
Me casaré Ella se casará Nosotros nos casaremos
+ I will get married

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Idiomatic Future
Me voy a envejecer El se va a envejecer Ellas se van a envejecer
+ I am going to get old

Simple Present
Me adelgazo Ella se adelgaza Nosotros nos adelgazamos
+ I get thin

Simple past
Me ensucie Ella se ensució Nosotros nos ensuciamos
+ I get dirty

Simple Present Perfect

Me he mojado Ella se ha mojado Nosotros nos hemos mojado
+ I have gotten wet

Present Perfect Progressive / Continuous

Me he estado enloqueciendo El se ha estado enloqueciendo Tu te has estado enloqueciendo
+ I have been getting crazy

Hay adjetivos que necesitamos una segunda referencia para poder hacer bien la conjugación en nuestro
español. Son con 5 verbos algunos se puede con dos, tres, o hasta con los cinco.

(poner, hacer, volver, quedar, dar) Example:

Ejemplo con el tiempo verbal (Simple present)
I GET HAPPY Yo me pongo Feliz
YOU GET HAPPY Tu te pones Feliz
HE GETS HAPPY El se pone Feliz
SHE GETS HAPPY Ella se pone Feliz
WE GET HAPPY Nosotros nos ponemos Felices
YOU GET HAPPY Ustedes se ponen Felices
THEY GET HAPPY ellos se ponen felices

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Read and Complete the following Charts.

TENSE SPANISH use: (it/dark/affirmative) ENGLISH

Present Progressive Se está oscureciendo
Past Progressive Se estaba oscureciendo
Simple Future Se oscurecerá
Idiomatic Future Se va a oscurecer
Simple Present Se oscurece
Simple Past Se oscureció
Simple Present Perfect Se ha oscurecido
Present Perfect Progressive Se ha estado oscureciendo

TENSE SPANISH use: (they/hungry/negative) ENGLISH

Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Simple Future
Idiomatic Future
Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Present Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive

TENSE SPANISH use: (I/sad/question) ENGLISH

Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Simple Future
Idiomatic Future
Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Present Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive

TENSE SPANISH use: (he/sick/Wh-Question) ENGLISH

Present Progressive
Past Progressive
Simple Future
Idiomatic Future
Simple Present
Simple Past
Simple Present Perfect
Present Perfect Progressive

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1. Get= Obtener/conseguir

¿Dónde conseguiste ese vestido tan bonito?

Where _______ you _________that so pretty dress?
I __________ it in Sears.

2. Get= comprar

compré mis zapatos en Walmart.

I ______ my shoes in Walmart.
I will _______ a new house next year.

3. Get= cuando hablamos por teléfono.

Se ha equivocado de número
You _______ the wrong number.
I need to ________ his telephono number.

4. Get= Recibir (regalo,una carta, una recompensa, una reprimenda...)

Me regalaron una computadora para mi cumpleaños.

I ______ a computer for my birthday.
I got yelled.
Don’t yell at me.
I _______ a letter from Carlos last week.

5. Get= Pagar

Me pagaron 200 dólares por el piano.

I _____ two hundred dollars for the piano
She will ______ 45,000 dollars for the house.
They are going to _______ 1000 pesos a week for their job.

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6. Get= Ir a buscar algo y traerlo

Por favor, anda o vete por mi abrigo.

Please! Go _____ my jacket
First I need to _______ my check and then go to the bank.
Go _______ the doctor. My mom doesn’t feel good.

7. Get= Tomar/ + medio de transporte

La mejor forma de llegar allí es tomando el metro

The best way to ______ there is _____________ the subway.
Let’s _______ a taxi. It’s getting late.

8. Get= Arrive (llegar a algún sitio)

Cuando llegues llámame

When you _____ there call me.
I _______ there 30 minutes later.
Let me know when she _______ there.

9. Get= Agarrar, contagiarse, tener una enfermedad

Susie se contagió de varicela de su hermano.

Susie _____ the chicken pox from her brother.
I ______ the flu last year.
Oh my God. Did you _______ COVID last year?

10. Get = Contestar/atender (teléfono, puerta)

Está sonando el teléfono. ¿Puedes contestarlo por favor?

The telephone is ringing. Can you _____ it please?
Somebody is knocking the door. Can you _______ it please?
Did she _______ the door?

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Let’s practice “GET”

Write the next sentences in English using GET
1. Me da hambre ________________________________________________________________
2. Me dio hambre _______________________________________________________________

3. Me estaba dando hambre ____________________________________________________

4. Me pondré nervioso __________________________________________________________

5. Me había puesto nervioso _____________________________________________________

6. Me estoy volviendo loco ______________________________________________________

7. Me volví loco _________________________________________________________________

8. He estado adelgazando ______________________________________________________

9. Ella se está poniendo bonita ___________________________________________________

10. El dólar ha estado encareciéndose ___________________________________________

Write the meaning of GET for each sentence as in the example:

1. She is getting a taxi _______________________________________________
2. I´ve got a problem ________________________________________________

3. Did you get the apples? ___________________________________________

4. I don´t get this verb ________________________________________________

5. They want to get to the park ________________________________________

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Mi papá está envejeciendo _____________________________________________
2. Ellos se mojaron la semana pasada ______________________________________

3. Patricia ganó un premio hace un año ____________________________________

4. Mis amigos se mojarán en el concierto ____________________________________

5. El día se está oscureciendo ______________________________________________

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Translate the next Phrasal Verbs:

get up get by
get across get down (to)
get along get in
get away get off
get by get on
get through get out of
get together get into
get back get after
get ahead get around

Write examples using the “ get “ Phrasal Verbs.


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LOS VERBOS. Hay 4 grupos. Es muy importante que los estudies
y memorices sus funciones. Los aprenderemos y practicaremos uno por uno.


CAN Puedo de habilidad física o mental
COULD Pude en pasado, Podría en futuro (posibilidad normal)
MIGHT Pude en pasado, Podría en futuro (posibilidad pequeña)
MAY Puedo de permiso / posibilidad
(BE) ABLE TO Puedo es igual que CAN más formal
WILL planes futuros 50% de posibilidad, (re,ras,ra,ra,ra,remos,ran,ran)
SHALL Es igual que WILL es una forma Antigua (en negativo y pregunta solo
con I y We)
(BE) GOING TO Planes futuros 100% de posibilidad (conjugaciones VA A)
MUST Debo de (seguir reglamentos/en negativo son prohibiciones)
SHOULD Deberia (consejos, sugerencias, recomendaciones)
OUGHT TO Deberia (acciones que tienen que ver con la moral)
HAVE/HAS TO Tengo que (responsabilidades)
HAVE/HAS GOT TO Tengo que (necesidad inmediata)
WOULD Sufijo (RIA) trabajar = trabajaria
USED TO Solia, Acostumbraba, sufijo (aba) trabajar = trabajaba
HAD BETTER Mi mejor opcion ( I’d better = Yo mejor…..)
BE SUPPOSED TO Supuestamente tengo que / Supuestamente debo de

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Modal “can”
Use: Puedo de habilidad
física o mental.
Personal Modal Verb in Complement
Pronouns can Simple Form

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

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Write the next sentences in English.

1. Mi papá puede reparar su carro. _____________________________________________

2. Ellos pueden romper la piñata. _______________________________________________

3. Paty puede ganar la competencia. ___________________________________________

4. Mis amigos pueden venir conmigo. __________________________________________

5. El doctor puede irse de vacaciones. __________________________________________

Look at the pictures and write. What can they do????

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Modal “can’t” negative form.

Personal Modal Verb in Complement

Pronouns can’t Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Mi hermano no puede pagarme hoy. _____________________________________________
2. los niños no pueden hacer la maqueta. _______________________________________________

3. Alondra no puede bañar a su mascota. ___________________________________________

4. El perro no puede beber agua por una hora. __________________________________________

5. Nosotras las personas no podemos volar. __________________________________________

Write 5 sentences about the things that you can’t do.


Write 5 sentences about the things that a baby can’t do.


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Modal “can” Question form.

Yes, No – Short answer.
Yes, I can / Yes, he can / Yes, they can
No, I can’t / No, he can’t / No, they can’t

Personal Verb in Complement

Can Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Puedes correr rápido? ____________________________________________________________
2. Puede ella llegar temprano? ______________________________________________________

3. Puede tu primo conducir hoy? _____________________________________________________

4. Puedes comer carne? ____________________________________________________________

5. Podemos ir contigo? ______________________________________________________________

Look at the pictures and write questions.

Can you ski? Yes, I can.

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Modal “can” Question form.

Long answer. These questions need more information.

Wh-Question Personal Verb in Complement

can Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Qué puedes comer? __________________________________________________________________
2. Por qué no puedes volar? ______________________________________________________________

3. Donde puedes comprar jamón? ________________________________________________________

4. Cuando puede ella venir? _____________________________________________________________

5. A qué hora pueden ellos llamar? ________________________________________________________

Read the question and answer.

1. When you are sick where can you go?
2. When your pet is sick where can you go?
3. What can you do when you are tired?
4. What can you do when you are hungry?
5. When you are in a diet what can you eat?
6. When you are bored what can you do?
7. When you are sad who can you talk to?
8. When you have a stomachache what can you do?

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Modal “could”
Use: Pude en pasado
Podría en futuro posibilidad normal.
Personal Modal Verb in Complement
Pronouns could Simple Form

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

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Write the next sentences in English. Using could with

the meaning podría.

1. Mi papá podría ir contigo al laboratorio. _____________________________________________

2. Yo podría ayudarte más tarde. _______________________________________________

3. Mis primos podrían comprar el pastel. ___________________________________________

4. Las niñas podrían ir al doctor mañana. __________________________________________

5. El policía podría darte más información. __________________________________________

Write the next sentences in English. Using could with the meaning pude
en pasado.
1. Mi hermano pudo caminar cuando tenía 10 meses. _______________________________________
2. Yo pude montar mi bicicleta cuando tenía 9 años. ____________________________________

3. Mis tíos pudieron comprar su casa hace 2 años. _________________________________________

4. Las niñas pudieron ir a la escuela desde 2010. __________________________________________

5. El policía pudo obtener la información ayer. __________________________________________

Write the next sentences in Spanish.

1. When I was young, I could play the guitar. _______________________________________
2. My grandmother could speak both English and Spanish. __________________________________

3. Yesterday, Pedro could do that exercise alone. _________________________________________

4. We could open the door with that key. __________________________________________

5. Last Sunday, we could take photos in the museum. ________________________________________

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Modal “couldn’t” negative form.

Personal Modal Verb in Complement

Pronouns couldn’t Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Mi hermana no podría hacer su tarea. _________________________________________________
2. Ellos no podrían vender en la calle. ___________________________________________________

3. Katy no podría usar su teléfono. _______________________________________________________

4. La maestra no podría calificar hoy. ___________________________________________________

5. Las enfermeras no podrían viajar. _____________________________________________________

Look at the pictures and write about them. What could they do????

cook swim drive Fix things

My mother could cook.
My mother could swim.
My mother couldn’t drive.
My mother My mother couldn’t fix things

My father



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Modal “could” Question form.

Yes, No – Short answer.
Yes, I could / Yes, he could / Yes, they could
No, I couldn’t / No, he couldn’t / No, they couldn’t

Personal Verb in Complement
Could Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Podrías llamarme mañana? ____________________________________________________________
2. Podría ella llegar más tarde? ____________________________________________________________

3. Podría el usar tu computadora? __________________________________________________________

4. Podrías hacer la comida hoy? ___________________________________________________________

5. Podríamos ir al cine este fin de semana? __________________________________________________

Could you? English Conversation Practice. Choose the correct answer.

Could you tell me how much it costs? Could I use your phone?
I’m sorry. I’ll try to speak louder. I’m sorry. I don’t have money.
That model is $100 pesos. I’m sorry. That car isn’t mine.
I’m sorry. I’ll try not to speak so fast. Of course. Go ahead.
Excuse me, could I have some information? Could you send me the documents?
Yes, how can I help you. What can I do for you? Sorry, I can go with you.
It’s 55-45-45-67-89 The document is from Mr. Jones.
That house is my sister’s Of course. I will send them right away.
Could I have a glass of water? Could you call me tomorrow?
Of course, be my guest. At 8 pm is ok.
Do you want water or juice? I send you a message tomorrow.
Do you want cookies or a piece of bread? I can’t use his telephone.

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Modal “could” Question form.

Long answer. These questions need more information.

Wh-Question Personal Verb in Complement

could Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Donde podrías comprar este medicamento? ___________________________________________
2. Donde podrías vender estas bolsas? ___________________________________________________

3. Cuando podrías ir con tu abogado? ____________________________________________________

4. Con quien podría hablar de estos papeles? _____________________________________________

5. A qué hora podrías ir al banco? ________________________________________________________

Write about the things that you could do today after class.

Write about the things that you could do next weekend.


Listen to the teacher and write.


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Modal “might”
Use: Pude en pasado
Podría en futuro posibilidad pequeña.
Personal Modal Verb in Complement
Pronouns might Simple Form

1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________

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Write the next sentences in English.

1. Mi amigo podría ganar la pelea. ___________________________________________________

2. Yo podría tomar una siesta. ________________________________________________________

3. Esas personas podrían pedirte ayuda. ______________________________________________

4. Las enfermeras podrían enfermarse. _______________________________________________

5. El cocinero podría comprar todo. ___________________________________________________

Read and complete the sentences. Check the example.

1. It’s possible that I will come tomorrow. I might come tomorrow.
2. Perhaps she knows the truth. She ________________________the truth.
3. Maybe we will have to cancel the wedding. We ____________________ the
4. Perhaps they will call you for an interview. They ______________________ you
for an interview.
5. Perhaps they say something. They ________________________ something.
6. Perhaps I will see Karen again. I ________________________ Karen again.
7. It’s possible that I will go to Italy next month. I _____________________ to Italy
next month.
8. Perhaps she is at the office. She _____________________ at the office.
9. Maybe they will like this solution. They ______________________ this solution.
10. It’s possible that my sister will lend me the money. My sister
______________________ the money.

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Modal “mightn’t” negative form.

Personal Modal Verb in Complement

Pronouns mightn’t Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Yo no podría entregar esta orden hoy. ___________________________________________________
2. Ellas no podrían dos pagos este mes. ___________________________________________________

3. Carolina no podría memorizar esta información. _________________________________________

4. El arquitecto no podría entregar los planos. _____________________________________________

5. Gustavo no podría viajar este ano. ______________________________________________________

Complete the sentences. Then re-write them in negative form.

1. She said she _________________ shopping tomorrow. (go)
2. He ________________ his math exam. (pass)
3. He said he _________________ his work. (do)
4. I ___________________ you wore the same dress. (guess)
5. I think you __________________ me. (remember)
6. Maybe he __________________ his homework before the class finishes. (do)
7. Perhaps we ___________________ on vacations next summer. (go)
8. Perhaps they ___________________ the bus to school. (take)
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Modal “might” Question form.

Yes, No – Short answer.
Yes, I might / Yes, he might / Yes, they might
No, I mightn’t / No, he mightn’t / No, they mightn’t

Lo usamos de una forma muy amable para

solicitar permiso.
Personal Verb in Complement
Might Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Podríamos preguntarte unas preguntas? ________________________________________________
2. Podría interrumpirte por un momento? __________________________________________________

3. Podría el usar tu baño? _________________________________________________________________

4. Podría ver la casa en renta? ___________________________________________________________

5. Podríamos ocupar estas sillas? __________________________________________________________

Complete the questions with your own ideas.

1. Might I _____________________________________________________ (use)

2. Might he ___________________________________________________ (wear)
3. Might we ___________________________________________________ (help)
4. Might you ___________________________________________________(hold)
5. Might they __________________________________________________ (take)

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Modal “might” Question form.

Long answer. These questions need more information.

Wh-Question Personal Verb in Complement

Might Pronouns Simple Form

Write the next sentences in English.

1. Donde podrías comprar este medicamento? ___________________________________________
2. Donde podrías vender estas bolsas? ___________________________________________________

3. Cuando podrías ir con tu abogado? ____________________________________________________

4. Con quien podría hablar de estos papeles? _____________________________________________

5. A qué hora podrías ir al banco? ________________________________________________________

Write about the things that you and your family might do next weekend.

Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.

Modal “may”
Use: Puedo de dar o solicitar permiso
también es muy común su uso para expresar posibilidad.
Personal Modal Verb in Complement
Pronouns may Simple Form

May (possibility)
Javier may be upset. I don’t know if he is annoyed or tired.

Javier may not be upset. Maybe he is tired.

May (give permission)

You may leave the table now that you’re finished with your dinner.

You may not leave the table. You are not finished with your dinner yet.

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May (request permission)

May I borrow your eraser?

May I make a phone call?

Give Request
Listen to the teacher and write. Then Possibility permission permission


Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.

Modal “(be) able to”

Use: (Puedo) Es igual que can pero es
una forma muy formal. Este modal lo puedes usar en pasado
o futuro.
Personal Modal Verb in Complement
Pronouns (be) able to Simple Form

Check the examples and practice.

Yo puedo ir a tu fiesta.
I am able to go to your party.
Yo no puedo ir a tu fiesta.
I am not able to go to your party.
Yo pude ir a tu fiesta ayer.
I was able to go to your party yesterday.
Yo no pude ir a tu fiesta ayer.
I wasn’t able to go to your party yesterday.
Yo podre ir a tu fiesta mañana.
I will be able to go to your party tomorrow.
Yo no podré ir a tu fiesta mañana.
I won’t be able to go to your party tomorrow.

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Write in English.
1. Yo podré verte mañana después de clases.
2. Ella pudo escapar del fuego.
3. ¿Puedes ayudarme con estas cajas?
4. El no podrá trabajar el próximo fin de semana.
5. Ellos no pudieron traer la mercancía.
6. ¿Puedes estudiar conmigo esta tarde?

Read and choose the correct answer.

When I was Young, I _________ run fast We _____________ to play computer games 25 years
a) be able to ago.
b) able to a) were able to
c) was able to b) weren’t able to
d) were able to c) wasn’t able to
d) weren’t able
Sally has a great voice. She ________ sing very well. _____ you _______ ride a bike when you were a child?
a) is able to a) are/able to
b) was able to b) were/able to
c) isn’t able to c) were/able
d) is able d) be/able
_____ you_______ dance when you were younger? When I was young, I __________ ride a horse.
a) are/able to a) was able to
b) be/able to b) am able to
c) were/able to c) will be able to
d) will/able to d) can
I hope you _______ play the piano better years later. My sister __________ read and write when she was 5
a) can a) is able to
b) could b) can
c) will be able to c) will be able to
d) was able to d) was able to

Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.
Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.
Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.
Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.
Este material es de uso y propiedad de Centro de Inglés Personalizado ®. Queda prohibido su uso, distribución y venta sin previa autorización.

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