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Valentine' s
Valentine’s Day Handouts Instructions
2nd Grade – Junior High School

Objetivo: EnglisHouse promueve el biculturalismo por medio de actividades fáciles

de desarrollar en clase haciendo uso de las siguientes worksheets.

Teachers: Los siguientes handouts se han creado con el propósito de promover el

idioma inglés, así como vocabulario, estructuras gramaticales, actividades, entre
otros dentro de su clase.
Es importante considerar tener evidencias en cuadernos o en un medio de
exposición de ser necesario.

Actividad 1
Objetivo: Promover en los alumnos la comprensión lectora y ampliar su vocabulario.

Actividad 2
Objetivo: Reforzar en los alumnos la comprensión lectora e identificar en las
imágenes los elementos que las oraciones se refieren.
En ambas actividades, el profesor con anticipación, deberá localizar el vocabulario
que sus alumnos posiblemente desconozcan y presentarlo al inicio de la clase para
facilitar la lectura. Posteriormente se lee de manera grupal, y en parejas o equipos
discuten por el posible título de cada uno o identificar los elementos (dependiendo
de la actividad). Así mismo, completan las los siguientes ejercicios.
Se hace revisión grupal.
EX 1.- Read the text about Valentine’s Day and match the paragraphs
with the suitable title.
1.- Who was Valentine? 4.- What is Valentine’s Day?

2.- What is the tradition of Valentine? 5.- Where does Valentine’s Day
come from?
3.- What was the story of the date? 6.- What are Valentine’s Day

1.- Valentine’s Day is a romantic day observed on February 14th. People send
greetings cards called valentines to friends or their loved ones. Many valentines
have humorous pictures and sayings. The most common saying is “Be my Valentine”.

2.- Valentine’s decorations and cards can go on store shelves as early as the day
after Christmas. Schools decorate their classrooms with paper hearts and streamers
just for this occasion. The most common gifts to give on Valentine’s Day are candy
and flowers.

3.- The holiday of Valentine’s Day probably comes from the ancient Roman fest
called “Lupercalia.” In the early days of Rome, dangerous wolves leave in the forest
nearby. The Romans called upon one of their gods, Lupercus was celebrated
February 15th. The festival was celebrated as a spring festival. Their calendar was
different at that time, with February falling in early springtime.

4.- One of the customs of Lupercalia for young people was called “name-drawing.”
On the eve of the festival of Lupercalia, the name of the Roman girls were written
on slips of pepper and put in a jar. Each young man drew a piece of pepper with a
name on it. The girl whose name was chose will be his sweetheart for the year.

5.-Legend says that the holiday became Valentine’s Day after a priest named
Valentine. Valentine was priest in Rome at the time when Christianity was a new
religion. The emperor at that time was Claudius II. He ordered the Roman soldiers
not to marry or become engaged. Claudius believed that as a married man, his
soldiers will want to stay home with their families rather than fight his wars. Valentine
disobeyed the emperor’s order and secretly married the young couples. He was
eventually arrested, imprisoned, and executed.
6.- Valentines was beheaded on February 14th, the eve of Roman holidays
Lupercalia. After his death, Valentine was named a saint, as Rome became more
Christian the priest moved the spring holiday from the 15th of February to the 14th.
Now the holiday honored Saint Valentine instead of Lupercus.

Ex. 2.- Read the text about Valentine’s Day. Choose the best answers.
1. Valentine’s Day is on: 5. Lupercus was a:
a.- 14th of February a. priest
b.- 14th of January b. man
c.- 15th of February c. God
2. On this day people send: 6. Valentine was a:
a. e-mails a. bishop
b. cards b. teacher
c. SMS c. priest
3. People usually give gifts such as: 7. Valentine:
a. perfumes a. run-away abroad
b. flowers b. was killed
c. books c. died because of some disease
4. Claudius ordered the soldiers: 8. Valentine after his death became:
a. to have wives a. beloved
b. not to marry b. saint
c. to marry c. bishop

Ex. 3.- Write the words in bold from the text near the right pictures.
Look at the pictures and read the statements. Say weather they describe picture 1,
2 or both and write the answer in the line.

1. The lady is wearing a white dress

2. Some people are sitting under a
3. The man is wearing a uniform
4. All ladies are wearing hats
5. They are in a garden
6. The top of the hat is black
7. Flowers bloom on the terrace
8. There is a nice weather
9. The man is holding the woman’s
hand _________________________.
10. The dress has long sleeves
11. The couple are talking
12. Next to the man is a potted
plant _________________________.
13. The lady has blonde hair
14. There is something to drink

What do you think the gentlemen say to the ladies?

Write a short dialogue for each picture in your notebook


1. Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day in your country? How do you celebrate?
2. Do you like this festival? Why? Why not?
3. Are you doing something special? What are you doing?
4. Are you expecting a present from a friend?

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