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Mtro. Víctor Mario Gamiño Casillas


Mtro. Martín Antonio Yépiz Robles


Lilian Beatriz Martínez López
Viridiana Vidal Trasviña

Revisión disciplinar:
Ariana Cota Juarez

Corrección de estilo:
Viridiana Vidal Trasviña

Coordinación general:
Alfredo Rodríguez León

Supervisión académica:
Héctor Manuel Acosta García

Coordinación técnica:
Rubisela Morales Gispert

Desarrollo editorial:
Grupo de Servicios Gráficos del Centro, S.A. de C.V.

Coordinación editorial:
Daniela Carolina López Solis
Elizabeth Hidalgo Marroquín
Luis Ricardo Sánchez Landín

Diseño: Yolanda Yajaira Carrasco Mendoza

Diseño de portada: Daniela Carolina López Solis

Banco de Imágenes:
Shutterstock ©

Módulo de Aprendizaje
Copyright ©, 2020 por el Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora.
Todos los derechos reservados.
Primera Edición 2020. Impreso en México.


Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola, Sector Sur.
Hermosillo, Sonora. México. C.P. 83280.

Contenido: Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

ISBN: 978-607-730-058-8

Primera edición: 2020

Se terminó la impresión de esta obra en julio del 2020.

En los talleres de Grupo de Servicios Gráficos del Centro, S.A. de C.V.
Lambda No. 216 • Fraccionamiento Industrial Delta • C.P. 37545
León, Guanajuato, México.

Miembro de la Cámara Nacional de la Industria Editorial Mexicana

Registro No. 3681

Diseñado en Dirección Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora

Blvd. Agustín de Vildósola; Sector Sur. Hermosillo, Sonora, México
La edición consta de 10,920 ejemplares.
Impreso en México/Printed in Mexico


48 HRS. 3 6


Grupo y turno:

El Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Sonora, a través de sus docentes, reestructura la forma de
sus contenidos curriculares y lo plasma en sus módulos de aprendizaje, para facilitar el desarrollo
de competencias. En el caso del componente de Formación para el Trabajo, además de las
competencias genéricas, fortalece el sentido de apreciación hacia procesos productivos, porque
aunque el bachillerato que te encuentras cursando es general y te prepara para ir a la universidad,
es importante el que aprendas un oficio y poseas una actitud positiva para desempeñarlo.

De tal forma que, este módulo de aprendizaje, es una herramienta valiosa porque con su contenido
y estructura propiciará tu desarrollo como persona visionaria, competente e innovadora,
características que se establecen en los objetivos de la Reforma Integral de Educación Media

El módulo de aprendizaje es uno de los apoyos didácticos que el COBACH te ofrece con la finalidad
de garantizar la adecuada transmisión de saberes actualizados, acorde a las nuevas políticas
educativas, además de lo que demandan los escenarios local, nacional e internacional. En cuanto
a su estructura, el módulo se encuentra organizado en bloques de aprendizaje y secuencias
didácticas. Una secuencia didáctica es un conjunto de actividades, organizadas en tres momentos:
4 inicio, desarrollo y cierre.

En el inicio desarrollarás actividades que te permitirán identificar y recuperar las experiencias, los
saberes, las preconcepciones y los conocimientos que ya has adquirido a través de tu formación,
mismos que te ayudarán a abordar con facilidad el tema que se presenta en el desarrollo,
donde realizarás actividades que introducen nuevos conocimientos dándote la oportunidad de
contextualizarlos en situaciones de la vida cotidiana, con la finalidad de que tu aprendizaje sea
significativo. Posteriormente se encuentra el momento de cierre de la secuencia didáctica, donde
integrarás todos los saberes que realizaste en las actividades de inicio y desarrollo.

En todas las actividades de los tres momentos se consideran los saberes conceptuales,
procedimentales y actitudinales. De acuerdo a las características y del propósito de las actividades,
éstas se desarrollan de forma individual, grupal o equipos.

Para el desarrollo de tus actividades deberás utilizar diversos recursos, desde material
bibliográfico, videos, investigación de campo, etcétera; así como realizar actividades prácticas de
forma individual o en equipo.

La retroalimentación de tus conocimientos es de suma importancia, de ahí que se te invita a

participar de forma activa cuando el docente lo indique, de esta forma aclararás dudas o bien
fortalecerás lo aprendido; además en este momento, el docente podrá tener una visión general
del logro de los aprendizajes del grupo.
Recuerda que la evaluación en el enfoque en competencias es un proceso continuo, que
permite recabar evidencias a través de tu trabajo, donde se tomarán en cuenta los tres saberes:
conceptual, procedimental y actitudinal, con el propósito de que apoyado por tu maestro mejores
el aprendizaje. Es necesario que realices la autoevaluación, este ejercicio permite que valores
tu actuación y reconozcas tus posibilidades, limitaciones y cambios necesarios para mejorar tu

Así también, es recomendable la coevaluación, proceso donde de manera conjunta valoran su

actuación, con la finalidad de fomentar la participación, reflexión y crítica ante situaciones de sus
aprendizajes, promoviendo las actitudes de responsabilidad e integración del grupo.

Finalmente, se destaca que, en este modelo, tu principal contribución es que adoptes un rol
activo y participativo para la construcción de tu propio conocimiento y el desarrollo de tus
competencias, a través de lo que podrás dar la respuesta y la contextualización adecuadas para
resolver los problemas del entorno a los que te enfrentes, ya sean personales o profesionales.


Se trata de la evaluación que se realizará

al inicio de cada secuencia didáctica
y que te permitirá estar consciente de
tus conocimientos acerca del tema que


Con estos gráficos identificarás la

Actividad dentro del texto, incluyendo
la indicación y especificando si deben
Equipo realizarse de manera individual, en
equipo o grupal.


Con este gráfico identificarás la actividad que

Listening cuenta con apoyo de material en audio para

Las lecciones ConstruyeT son actividades

didácticas diseñadas por la Secretaría
de Educación Pública y el Programa de
las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
especialmente para la Educación Media
Superior, con el objetivo de desarrollar las
habilidades socioemocionales de las y los

Te permitirá integrar y hacer activos los

conocimientos, habilidades, destrezas,
actitudes y valores desarrollados en diferentes
áreas, así como de la experiencia recopilada,
te ayudará a vincular el conocimiento del aula
con la vida cotidiana, con lo cual fortalecerás tu
En este espacio realizarás una evaluación de tu propio
trabajo, misma que deberá ser honesta para que puedas
identificar los conocimientos que has adquirido y las
habilidades que has desarrollado, así como las áreas que
necesitas reforzar.

Este tipo de evaluación se hace con uno

o varios de tus compañeros, en ella tú los
evalúas y ellos a ti. Les permite, además
de valorar sus aprendizajes, colaborar y
aprender unos de otros.

Son los criterios a considerarse

como guía para saber que 7
debe contener un trabajo y lo

que determinará la evaluación
de los mismos.

Durante el semestre, tu profesor te irá

indicando qué evidencias (actividades)
debes ir resguardando para integrarlos en
un portafolio, mismos que le entregarás
cuando te lo indique, a través del cual te

Son las fuentes bibliográficas que utilizaron los docentes que

elaboraron el módulo de aprendizaje, las páginas de internet de las
cuales se tomó información, los vídeos y otras fuentes que nutrieron
los contenidos. Te permite también ampliar la información que te
proporcione tu profesor o la del módulo mismo.

UBICACIÓN CURRICULAR ....................................................................................................................... 3

PRESENTACIÓN ...................................................................................................................................... 4
ICONOGRAFÍA ........................................................................................................................................ 6
COMPETENCIAS GENÉRICAS .................................................................................................................. 10
COMPETENCIAS DISCIPLINARES BÁSICAS ............................................................................................... 12
APRENDIZAJE CLAVE .............................................................................................................................. 13


Life memories ................................................................. 14

Didactic Sequence 1 . My Childhood........................................................................................................ 16



Story tellers .................................................................... 40

Didactic Sequence 1 . Talking about Past Events and Actions ................................................................. 42

Didactic Sequence 2 . What were they doing? ....................................................................................... 63


Diversity ....................................................................... 72

Didactic Sequence 1 . How do I look like?............................................................................................... 74

Didactic Sequence 2 . Talking about descriptions. .................................................................................. 83


Pick it up ........................................................................ 98

Didactic Sequence 1 . Let's start up! ..................................................................................................... 100

Didactic Sequence 2 . I need to tell YOU something............................................................................ 116

References ............................................................................................................................................. 144


1er 2do 3er

Clave Competencia Genérica
Parcial Parcial Parcial
Se auto determina y cuida de sí
1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta
CG1.1 los objetivos que persigue.
1.1 Enfrenta las dificultades que se le presentan y es consciente de sus valores,
fortalezas y debilidades.
1.2 Identifica sus emociones, las maneja de manera constructiva y reconoce la
CG1.2 necesidad de solicitar apoyo ante una situación que lo rebase.
1.3 Elige alternativas y cursos de acción con base en criterios sustentados y en
CG1.3 el marco de un proyecto de vida.
CG1.4 1.4 Analiza críticamente los factores que influyen en su toma de decisiones.
CG1.5 1.5 Asume las consecuencias de sus comportamientos y decisiones.
1.6 Administra los recursos disponibles teniendo en cuenta las restricciones
CG1.6 para el logro de sus metas.
2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus
expresiones en distintos géneros.
CG2.1 2.1 Valora el arte como manifestación de la belleza y expresión de ideas,
sensaciones y emociones.
2.2 Experimenta el arte como un hecho histórico compartido que permite la
CG2.2 comunicación entre individuos y culturas en el tiempo y el espacio, a la vez
que desarrolla un sentido de identidad.
10 CG2.3 2.3 Participa en prácticas relacionadas con el arte.
3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.
CG3.1 3.1 Reconoce la actividad física como un medio para su desarrollo físico,

mental y social.
3.2 Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias de distintos

CG3.2 hábitos de consumo y conductas de riesgo.

3.3 Cultiva relaciones interpersonales que contribuyen a su desarrollo humano
CG3.3 y el de quienes lo rodean.
Se expresa y se comunica
4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos
CG4.1 mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas,
matemáticas o gráficas.
4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus
CG4.2 interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.
4.3 Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones
CG4.3 a partir de ellas.
CG4.4 4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. X X X
4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener
CG4.5 información y expresar ideas. X
Piensa crítica y reflexivamente
5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de
CG5.1 métodos establecidos.
5.1 Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo
como cada uno de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo.
CG5.2 5.2 Ordena información de acuerdo a categorías, jerarquías y relaciones.
5.3 Identifica los sistemas y reglas o principios medulares que subyacen a una
CG5.3 serie de fenómenos.
CG5.4 5.4 Construye hipótesis y diseña y aplica modelos para probar su validez.
5.5 Sintetiza evidencias obtenidas mediante la experimentación para producir
CG5.5 conclusiones y formular nuevas preguntas.
5.6 Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para procesar e
CG5.6 interpretar información.
1er 2do 3er
Clave Competencia Genérica
Parcial Parcial Parcial
6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general,
considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.
CG6.1 6.1 Elige las fuentes de información más relevantes para un propósito
específico y discrimina entre ellas de acuerdo a su relevancia y confiabilidad.
CG6.2 6.2 Evalúa argumentos y opiniones e identifica prejuicios y falacias.
6.3 Reconoce los propios prejuicios, modifica sus puntos de vista al conocer
CG6.3 nuevas evidencias, e integra nuevos conocimientos y perspectivas al acervo
con el que cuenta.
CG6.4 6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética.
Aprende de forma autónoma
CG7.1 7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.
7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento.
7.2 Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor interés y dificultad,
CG7.2 reconociendo y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstáculos.
7.3 Articula saberes de diversos campos y establece relaciones entre ellos y
CG7.3 su vida cotidiana.
Trabaja en forma colaborativa
8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.
CG8.1 8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en
equipo, definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos.
8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de
CG8.2 manera reflexiva. X
8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y
CG8.3 habilidades con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo. X X

Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad
9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región,

CG9.1 México y el mundo.

9.1 Privilegia el diálogo como mecanismo para la solución de conflictos.
9.2 Toma decisiones a fin de contribuir a la equidad, bienestar y desarrollo
CG9.2 democrático de la sociedad.
9.3 Conoce sus derechos y obligaciones como mexicano y miembro de
CG9.3 distintas comunidades e instituciones, y reconoce el valor de la participación
como herramienta para ejercerlos.
9.4 Contribuye a alcanzar un equilibrio entre el interés y bienestar individual y
CG9.4 el interés general de la sociedad.
9.5 Actúa de manera propositiva frente a fenómenos de la sociedad y se
CG9.5 mantiene informado.
9.6 Advierte que los fenómenos que se desarrollan en los ámbitos local, nacional
CG9.6 e internacional ocurren dentro de un contexto global interdependiente.
10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de
creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.1 10.1 Reconoce que la diversidad tiene lugar en un espacio democrático de
igualdad de dignidad y derechos de todas las personas, y rechaza toda forma
de discriminación.
10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones
CG10.2 culturales mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto X X
más amplio.
CG10.3 10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y
convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.
11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones
CG11.1 11.1 Asume una actitud que favorece la solución de problemas ambientales
en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional.
11.2 Reconoce y comprende las implicaciones biológicas, económicas, políticas
CG11.2 y sociales del daño ambiental en un contexto global interdependiente.
11.3 Contribuye al alcance de un equilibrio entre los intereses de corto y largo
CG11.3 plazo con relación al ambiente.


1er 2do 3er

Clave Competencia Disciplinares Básicas
Parcial Parcial Parcial

1.Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos

CDBC 1 explícitos e implícitos en un texto, considerando el contexto
en el que se generó y en el que se recibe
2. Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido
CDBC 2 con el de otros, en función de sus conocimientos previos y
3.Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y
CDBC 3 culturales de su entorno con base en la consulta de diversas
4. Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua,
considerando la intención y situación comunicativa.
5.Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes
12 CDBC 5 y creativas, con introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones

6. Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera

precisa, coherente y creativa.
7. Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los
medios de comunicación en la recreación o la transformación
de una cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propósitos
comunicativos de distintos géneros.
8. Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo
en su vida cotidiana y académica.
9. Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los
sistemas y medios de comunicación.
10. Identificar e interpretar la idea general y posible
desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda
lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no
verbales y contexto.
11. Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un
CDBC 11 discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación X X X
12. Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación
CDBC 12 para investigar, resolver problemas, producir materiales y X X X
trasmitir información.


La comunicación y las relaciones
Comunicarse, relacionarse interpersonales.
y colaborar con los demás
La integración de la comunidad de El trabajo colaborativo en
(eje transversal para I
aprendizaje el aula como base para la
todas las asignaturas II
La contextualización de la comunidad integración de la comunidad
del campo disciplinar III
de aprendizaje a partir de los intereses de aprendizaje.
de Comunicación y de IV
Ciencias Sociales). y experiencias académicas de los
La lectura, la escritura y la oralidad como
La importancia de la lengua y
prácticas habilitadoras y generadoras del
el papel de la gramática.
La importancia de la lectura para la I
Leer, escribir, hablar y escritura: la producción de textos El texto argumentativo. II
escuchar argumentativos III
El texto como fuente de IV
La importancia de la lectura para
información y de expresión
la escritura: la argumentación
de ideas nuevas.
Generación de una El sustento de la opinión del estudiante
La escritura argumentativa. 13
opinión razonada y con un argumento.
razonable a partir de la La construcción de una perspectiva La escritura original

elaboración de textos. propia y original argumentada. argumentada.
El impacto de la tecnología
Tecnología y desarrollo humano.
en el desarrollo humano.
La generación, uso y
El manejo responsable de la
aprovechamiento responsable de
Tecnología, información, la información para el aprendizaje.
comunicación y El aprendizaje en red El aprendizaje e innovación.
aprendizaje. La creación de contenidos para el
En y desde la red.
El uso de la tecnología como
práctica habilitadora de Programar para aprender.
aprendizajes en red.

Interdisciplinariedad Ejes Transversales

Eje transversal social.
Literatura I. Eje transversal ambiental.
Historia de México I . Eje transversal de salud.
Eje transversal de habilidades lectoras.

Dosificación por parcial

Parcial I Parcial II Parcial III
Bloque I. Bloque II. Bloque III y Bloque IV.

Life Memories
Allotted Time: 8 hours


The student communicates in a foreign language through logical, oral and written discourse using
“used to” and past time expressions effectively.

● Different uses of “Used to” and its positive, negative and interrogative form.
● Past time expressions “ago”, “last” and “yesterday”.

Communicates effectively orally and in written way in English as a foreign language using “used to” and
past time expressions.

● Locates specific information in a text, communicates effectively using “used to” in the negative,
interrogative and positive form as well as past time expressions.
● The student creates sentences using the grammar seen in different contexts.

● Relates to other people in a collaborative way.
● Listens to groups of people he or she interacts with.
● Communicates assertively and emphatically.


● CG4.4 ● CDBC4 ● CDBC11
● CG8.3 ● CDBC10 ● CDBC12

Didactic Sequence 1
My Childhood.
Start up Activity

Complete the sentences with what people used to do long time ago.

1. Before the invention of the light bulb, people 2. Before the invention of paper, people used to
He used the fire.
used to ________________________ They painted on rocks.


3. Before the invention of the TV, people used 4. Before the invention of the emails, people
Listening to the radio
to________________________ Sending letters
used to ________________________

5. Before the invention of the mobile phone,

6. Before the invention of the car, people used
They used public telephones.
people used to_____________________ They rode horses
to ________________________

7. Before the invention of the remote control, 8. Before the invention of the digital camera,
people used to Get
They used the camera obscur.
up to move him to the TVpeople used to _____________________
Development Activity

Listen the following conversation between Ana Fernanda and Santiago.

Write (T) for true or (F) for false.

1. _______Ana Fernanda needed to interview a child.
2. _______Santiago used to play hide and seek.
3. _______Santiago used to play hide and seek with his friends.
4. _______Santiago's favorite sport used to be baseball.
F Santiago was in ITSON´s baseball team.
5. ______

Complete the word map. Add two more words of your own to each category.

BLOCK I Life Memories

Play the guitar The Avengers Cereal Smashed vegetables
Overalls Play the nintendo Baby apron The incredibles

Cartoons/TV shows Hobbies

______________________ Play the guitar
The avengers
______________________ Play the nintendo
The increibles
______________________ Play fotball
Bob sponja
______________________ Play wuith car

Food Clothes
______________________ T-shirt
Smashed vegetables
______________________ Baby apron
______________________ Trousers
Large sandwich
______________________ Sweatshirt

Choose some words from the word map and use them to describe your childhood memories. Share your
childhood memories with your partner.


A: I loved to watch the Avengers when I was little. It was my favorite cartoon.
B: Really? My favorite was Sponge Bob. I liked to eat sweet popcorns while watching it.

USED TO: Meaning and Form.

Meaning 1: Habits in the past and generalizations.

Used to expresses the idea that something was an old habit that stopped in the past or it is not usually
done now.


18 Affirmative form: Jerry used to eat meat, but now he is vegetarian.

Negative form: Lucia didn´t use to like cheese, but now she loves it.

Yes/No question: Did Jerry use to eat asparagus ? Yes, he did. OR Yes, he used to.
No, he didn´t. OR No, he didn´t use to.
Wh-question: What did you use to eat so much? I used to eat a lot of fast food, but not anymore.

Meaning 2: Accustomed to

Be used to means to be accustomed to something. If you are used to something, you have often done or
experienced it; it is not strange, new or difficult for you.


be used to + gerund
When I first moved to Korea, I didn’t like the food but now I’m used to eating it.
be used to + object
I am used to the noise now. But when I first came here, it really bothered me.
Be careful! With be used to, don´t change used in negative statements or questions.
He wasn´t used to the hot weather. NOT He wasn´t use to the hot weather.
Are you used to the life here? NOT Are you use to the life here?
Draw a checkmark next to the sentences in which used to means accustomed to something.

1. ____ When the school term ended, I was finally used to the new teacher.

2. ____ In our other class, the teacher used to be very strict.

3. ____ They used to like seafood, but now they don´t.

4. ____ Because we lived in the mountains, we weren´t used to fresh seafood.

5. ____ I´m used to the noisy and crowded streets.

6. ____ These shoes used to be comfortable, but now they´re too loose.

7. ____ I´m used to this brand juice taste. It is acid but delicious.


BLOCK I Life Memories

Join the sentences from column A to column B. Write the numbers in the blanks.

1. Luis played football when he was a child. 5 I am not used to speaking to strangers.
2. She was a nurse. Now she is retired. 4 I am used to swimming long distances.
3. They usually wore formal clothes. Now it is not 6 She used to train on Saturdays.
1 He used to play football.
4. It is easy for me to swim long distances.
5. It is not easy for me to speak to strangers. 3 They used to wear formal clothes.

6. She trained on Saturdays but now she doesn't 2 She used to be a nurse.
have enough time.
7 I am not used to this tea flavor.
7. I can’t stand the flavor of this tea.
Draw a checkmark if the sentence is correct. Draw an X if it is incorrect and make corrections.

1. ____ I am not usedto the traffic here.

2. ____ We didn´t use to take vacations very often but now we do.

3. ____ Is he usedto his new roommate yet?

4. ____ Are you usedto life in the city?

5. ____ What did you used to do on weekdays when you were little?

Use the context to help you complete each sentence with used to or didn´t use to. Then write two
sentences about yourself.

Used to
1. Gary _____________________ go out to eat a lot, but now he eats at home more often.

Didn’t use to
2. Nina ______________________________________ eat a lot of pasta, but now she does.

Used to
3. Carolina __________________________________________ drink a lot of diet coke, but now
he´s a diet coke addict.

Used to
4. Alex ______________________ eat a lot of fruits, but now he doesn´t.

Used to hate seafood, but now she´s crazy about fish.

5. Kathy _______________

Used to
6. Edgar ___________________ eat a lot of fatty foods, but now he realized they are bad for health.

Didn’t use to
7. Mario ___________________________________________ like salads, but now she has salads
several times a week.

Don’t use to
8. Andrew __________________________________________ drink a lot of water, but now he has
several glasses a day.

I am used to eat pizza for the morning

9. (used to)_________________________________________________________________

I am didn’t play play station for the afternoon

10. (didn´t use to)_____________________________________________________________
Read about Sophie´s food passions. Then complete each sentence with used to or didn´t use to + base
form of the verb.

When I was a child, I loved candies and chocolates. I think I ate about 2 chocolate bars a day! When I
was a teenager, I started eating a lot of meat. I had steaks and fries almost every day. I didn´t care for
vegetables or fruit. Then on my 20th birthday, I decided I needed a change, so I became vegetarian.
These days I eat meat again, but I avoid fatty foods and sugar. I´ve lost a lot of weight and feel much

Used to eat
1. Sophie __________________________ (eat) a lot of sweets, but now she avoids sugar.

Used to have
2. When she was a teenager, she ___________________________ (have) fatty foods.

Didn’t use to like

3. Before she turned 20, she ____________________________ (like) vegetables.

Used to be
4. She _____________________________ (be) vegetarian, but now she eats meat.

Didn’t use to take

5. Sophie ____________________________ (take) care of herself, but now she eats well.


BLOCK I Life Memories

Part A. Write sentences using used to + base form.

Example: She worked for that company in the past.

She used to work for that company.

1. He lived in Florida for a long time. Now he doesn't.

Used to Live
He ______________________ in Florida.

2. Leonard was really heavy until he lost a hundred pounds.

Used to be
Leonard ________________________ really heavy.

3. Maria played piano for ten years before she stopped.

Used to play
Maria _________________________ the piano.
4. She smoked for ten years before she decided to quit.

Used to smake for ten years

She __________________________________.

5. I ate a lot of candy when I was a kid.

used to eat ablot of candy

I _______________________________ a lot of candy.

Part B. Write the negative form in the following sentences.

1. You speak English all the time now, but you didn't speak English very much in the past.

Didn’t use to speke

You ____________________________ English in the past.

2. She goes to work eight hours a day five days a week, but last year he didn’t´ work.

Didn’t use towor last years

She ______________________________ last year.

3. Saul takes a lot of medicine and not when he was young.

Didn’t used to take

When he was younger, he ______________________________ medicine.

4. I need glasses to see things that are far away.

Didn’t used to need

I ______________________________ glasses when I was a child.

5. Up until now, Ted wasn't overweight.

Didn’t used to be overweight overweight

Ted ________________________________
Complete the sentences using BE (am, is, are, was, or were) + (not) USED TO + gerund.

am not used to speakng englich

1. I feel so nervous and I _______________________________________ (speak) English in public.

Used to eating
2. They _______________________________________ (eat) fast food every Saturday in that

is used to getting up
3. Don´t worry about him, he _______________________________________(get) up early all the
time. He will be on time.

is used to singing
4. My mom _______________________________________ (sing) every time she takes a bath. My
dad always laughs at her.

am used to doing
5. When I started to work here I needed a lot of help, but now I ____________________________
___________ (do) all the work on my own.

Was used to doing

6. Mr. Smith was shocked when he joined our company because he ________________________
_______________ (do) much work everyday.
isn’t used to dealing
7. He _______________________________________ (deal) with animals, so he is a bit scared of

BLOCK I Life Memories

the dogs.

is used to driving
8. Luisa _______________________________________(drive) in heavy traffic. She has no
problem with it.

am wasn’t used to getting

9. It was very hard to get up at five when I first started this job, because I _____________________
__________________ (get) up so early. op

is used to doing
10. He _______________________________________ ( do) a lot of exercise, so a ten-mile walk is
easy for him.
Complete the sentences using BE (am, is, are, was, or were) + (not) USED TO + object. Choose the
object that best fit in the sentence.

spicy food this smell scary movies the cold weather that type of music

am not used to the cold weather

1. I've lived here in Canada for three years but I ___________________________________

Is Used to this smell

2. Joseph ____________________________________because he works in a seafood restaurant.

Is used to that type of music

3. He didn´t complain about the neighbors´ loud party. He ___________________________

Is used to scary movie

4. Laura didn´t get scared. She _________________________________________________

am not used to spicy food

5. I am not happy eating boneless. I _____________________________________________

24 Self-Evaluation

Complete the following self-evaluation. Draw a checkmark in the correct column.

Yes No
I learned to distinguish the different uses of “used to”.
I learned to write correctly sentences in the affirmative, negative and interrogative
form using “used to” as a past habit.
I learned that Be used to means to be accustomed to something.
I learned to use effectively the structure:
be (not) used to + gerund
be (not) used to + object
Conduct a survey to find out what your classmates’ lives were like when they were a child. Write a “Did
you use to…?” question for each category. Look at the example. Then, go around the class and ask your
classmates the questions. Draw a checkmark (√ ) in the correct column.

Did you use to…? Yes No

1. Games
Did you use to play nintendo?

2. Food

3. School subjects

4. Toys

5. Family

BLOCK I Life Memories

6. Sports

7. Transportation

8. Hobbies

9. Housework

10. Friends
Read about what Molly used to do when she was young.

The way we were

I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our parents. We
used to do things our mothers never did. We cut our hair, we wore short skirts, we smoked, and went
dancing. We danced to the music of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. We also got the chance to see the
Beatles live at a concert once. It was amazing. My father went fishing once a week. He always wished that
I would accompany him, but fishing was not my cup of tea. Instead my friends and I went for picnics in the
surrounding area quite often. My boyfriend had a car, a 1960 Ford Falcon, so he always picked us up and
we often drove to Brighton. We went to the pictures twice a week and I loved to watch films with Marlon
Brando and Elizabeth Taylor , especially the ‘Reflections in a Golden Eye’ starring both of them. I still love
to watch this film. It’s my favorite. I can remember it all so clearly.

Answer “TRUE” or “FALSE” for the following statements.


26 1. Used to do a lot of things which shocked her parents. ______


2. Used to cut her hair. ______

3. Used to wear long skirts. ______

4. Used to sing Elvis Presley songs. ______

5. Went to a Beatles concert once. ______

6. Used to go fishing with her father. ______

7. Used to go for picnics in the surrounding area quite often.______

8. Used to drive to Brighton with her friends and boyfriend. ______

9. Used to go to the pictures twice a week. ______

10. Used to watch films with Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor. ____
Read the following text and answer the questions below. Answer with complete sentences and be
careful with capitalization and punctuation marks.

School in Ancient Times

What was school like in ancient times? In Greece 2,500 years ago, students used to get up at dawn to go
to school. Classes began very early and ended when it was dark. Students didn´t rest on the weekends.
They had classes seven days a week, so they didn´t have much time for anything else. In Athens, only the
sons of rich people went to school, and they started school around the age of seven. After they learned
to read and write, they used to study Greek poetry and historical works. Music was very important, and
physical training was also important. Teachers used to hit students who didn´t pay attention or were lazy.
Girls stayed at home with their mothers and learned how to do work in the home.

In ancient Rome, boys and girls from wealthy families received a bilingual education. They had to study
Greek and Latin. Students usually had classes outside, if the weather was good, or in the teacher´s house.
Young students sat on the floor. Older students used to sit on benches, higher up. That´s how “high school”
gots its name.

Education was very important to the ancient Aztecs of Mexico. Boys and girls used to attend school,
but they were kept separate from one another. They learned Aztec history, myths, and rituals, but they
memorized everything because they weren´t any textbooks. The boys received intensive military training.

BLOCK I Life Memories

and the girls learned how to manage the home and the family. There were two kinds of schools: one for
children of nobility and another for children of ordinary families.

Dos Santos, Manuel (2007) Welcome to my World. Mc Graw Hill

1. What time did students use to get up in ancient Greece?

2. How many days a week did they use to have classes?

3. What did teachers use to do with lazy students?

4. Where did young students use to sit in the Roman classroom?

5. Why did Aztec students use to memorize everything?

6. How many kinds of schools did the Aztecs use to have?

Past Time Expressions

Use ago, last and yesterday to talk about past events.

We use time reference + ago to show how far back in the past something happened.
Time reference + ago
The movie ended five minutes ago.
28 The plane landed two hours ago.
I came to this city a long time ago.

We use last + time reference when referring to the most recent or nearest to the present day time.
last + time reference
Last year, Jake and Kim got married.
I saw a game on TV last night.
Last Christmas I got a lot of presents.

We use yesterday or yesterday + morning/afternoon/evening to talk about the day before today.
Joel called me yesterday.
We got up early yesterday morning.
She left the hospital yesterday afternoon.
Tell when you did the following things. Use the time expression ago, last, yesterday or yesterday +
morning/afternoon/evening. Change the verbs to the past tense.

1. Wash your hands I washed my hands an hour ago.

2. Go to a movie______________________________________________________________

3. Eat in a restaurant __________________________________________________________

4. Go to a party ______________________________________________________________

5. Give someone a present _____________________________________________________

6. Buy clothes _______________________________________________________________

7. Write a letter ______________________________________________________________


BLOCK I Life Memories

Look at the pictures and create questions as in the example. Then, ask them to your partner and take
notes. Remember to practice past time expressions.

Example: When was the last time you went on a date?

The last time Fernanda went on a date was last year. She went to a fancy restaurant with Luis.

Went on a date Cleaned your room Went shopping

Lost money Went swimming Got a present


Complete the following evaluation about your partner´s participation in the previous activity. Draw a
checkmark in the correct column.

My classmate….. Yes No
used the past time expressions correctly.
listened carefully and understood the questions.
talked only in English in this activity.
had a good pronunciation.

Construye -T Activity

30 1.- Mi perspectiva se nutre de mi experiencia.

Página: 36
You are going to interview an elderly person about his/her life. Then, write a paragraph using the
grammar seen in this block.
Add some photographs.

Practice this grammar:

ͳ Used to (habits in the past)
ͳ Used to (accustomed to)
ͳ Past time expressions (ago, last, and yesterday)

The following questions can guide you:

What did you use to play with when you were a child?
What did you use to enjoy?
How did you use to go to school?
Where did you use to live?
Are you used to current technologies? Which ones? When did you learn to use them?

BLOCK I Life Memories


Needs to improve Good Excellent

Activity 17 Evaluation Checklist.
____ points _____ points _____ points
“Used to” is written grammatically correct.
The student included Past Time Expressions
The student included punctuation marks
and capitalization.
The student included some photographs.
This project is neat, typed or legibly written.

Closing Activity

Underline the correct answer.

Closure Items.

1. I ________________ cartoons when I was younger but not anymore.

A. was used to watch.
B. used to watch.
C. used watching.

2. In the 19th century, people________________ more than 8 hours. It was not a problem at all.
A. were used to work.
B. use to work.
C. were used to working. 33

BLOCK I Life Memories

3. She ________________ early. She didn’t mind it.
A. used to getting up.
B. was used to getting up.
C. use to get up.

4. Now, people ________________ harder. We are accustomed to work many hours.

A. used to work.
B. used to working.
C. are used to working.

5. We _________________ late. This is not strange at all.

A. are used to sleeping.
B. use to sleeping.
C. used to sleeping.
6. Dan ________________ a lot of alcohol but now he realized it is unhealthy. He doesn´t do it
A. is used to drink.
B. is used to drinking.
C. used to drink.

7. I drank a coffee
A. two hours morning.
B. two hours ago.
C. two hours afternoon.

8. I got married _______ year.

A. ago.
B. yesterday.
C. last.

9. I took that photo many years __________ .

34 A. ago.
B. yesterday.

C. monday.

10. _____ Christmas I got a lot of presents.

A. Ago.
B. Last.
C. Yesterday.

Your score: _______ /10.

Crosscutting Project

Social Skills Oriented Approach

In the subject Mexican History 1 block 1, you looked into history and its characteristics. In a brief
paragraph, write something that you used to enjoy in your childhood that became part of your life
history. Include some pictures and share it with your classmates.

BLOCK I Life Memories


1 Mi perspectiva se nutre de mi


a. Elige una de las imágenes e imagina que la persona que recibe el mal trato es alguien
cercano a ti, puede ser un amigo, un familiar o tú mismo.
b. Desde tu perspectiva escribe, aquí o en tu cuaderno, dos enunciados breves en los que
expreses tu punto de vista sobre el conicto que vive el personaje que elegiste, la situación
emocional que enfrenta, la forma en que su vida diaria resulta afectada y cómo puede

1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________

c. Comparte tus conclusiones con un compañero.

Escribe un texto de breve, aquí o en tu cuaderno, en donde expliques cómo crees que influye
tu experiencia personal y el contexto en el que vives en tu punto de vista respecto a distintos
conflictos que experimentan en la escuela los personajes que elegiste en la actividad anterior.

a. Sigue la indicación de tu profesor y, si lo deseas, comparte tu texto con tu grupo.


Actividad Construye T

Story Tellers
Allotted Time: 14 hours


The student uses the simple past tense, past progressive and its connectors in real life situations
improving communicative, writing, and reading skills.

● Vocabulary: Social, historical and personal events, irregular and regular verbs in the simple past
● Grammar: Simple past and past progressive tense in its affirmative, negative and interrogative
● Connectors used in the past progressive: “when”, “first”, “then”, “after”, “later”, “after a while”,
“after that”, “finally”, and “at the end”.

● The student uses the simple past tense and past progressive tense correctly to talk and write about
past events in its affirmative, interrogative and negative form.

● The student describes past experiences being aware of fluency, pronunciation, coherence and
intonation. Identifies the simple past tense and past progressive in texts and uses his/her writing
skills in these two tenses taking into account the syntaxes, punctuation marks, capitalization, spelling
and coherence.

● The student interacts with its peers collaboratively showing willingness to methodical and organized
● Improves creativity, respects others opinions, and demonstrates social awareness in situations of
their environment


● CG4.4 ● CDBC4 ● CDBC11
● CG8.3 ● CDBC10 ● CDBC12

Didactic Sequence 1
Talking about Past Events and Actions.

Start up Activity

Complete the story. Use the verbs in the parenthesis. Then, add an ending to the story in the lines below.

Last year I went (go) on holiday . I _____________ (drive) to the sea with my friend. On the first day we
_____________(look) at the beautiful buildings and ______________ (eat) in lots of restaurants. The next
day ___________(be) very hot so we ______________ (drive) to the sea. We ___________ (leave) our
clothes in the car and sunbathed and ___________ (swim) all day. At six o’clock we ___________(walk)
to our car, but the car ___________(be/neg) there.
40 _____________________________________________________________________________________

Development Activity

Look at the pictures and discuss with your classmates the following question:
Who were they?

Princess of Wales Rock band


BLOCK II Story Tellers

Writer Painter

Singer Inventor

Actor Military leader

Read and practice the following conversation with a partner.

Jake: Dad! I have homework about Elvis Presley. Who was he?

Ben: He was a famous singer and actor in the 20th century.

Jake: He was born in Arizona, right?

Ben: No, he wasn’t. He was born in Mississippi. He was the “King

of Rock and Roll” and his first single was "Heartbreak Hotel".

Jake: And which was one of his most famous films?

Ben: In1956, Presley made his film debut in “Love Me Tender”,

which is also the name of one of his songs used in this film. He
was commercially successful in many genres, including pop,
country, R&B, adult contemporary, and gospel.

Jake: Did you like it dad?

Ben: Oh yeah! One of my favorite singers.

Simple Past Tense Verb: be

Affirmative (+) Negative (-)

He He
was wasn’t (was + not)
She She at school.
at school.
It It
We We
You were You weren’t (were + not)
They They

Yes/No question (?) Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

he he he
Was was. wasn’t.
she at school? she she
it Yes, it No, it
we we we
Were you you were. you weren’t. 43
they they they

BLOCK II Story Tellers

Wh- question (?)

he he
was was absent
she she
absent because the
Why it it
yesterday? bus didn´t
we we arrive.
were you you were
they they

In pairs, try to guess and complete the following sentences. Use was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.

1. Jimi Hendrix ___________ a famous guitarist.

2. Leonardo da Vinci _____________ Spanish.

3. Rembrandt and Velasquez _________ great musicians.

4. Cleopatra _______ the queen of Egypt.

5. Gandhi and Martin Luther King __________ leaders.

6. The Beatles ________ from the city of Liverpool.

7. Einstein ________ born in the United States.

8. Elvis Presley _______ the “King of Rock and Roll”.



Complete the following questions and answers.

1. ________________ Simon Bolivar? He was a general.

2. ________________Bob Marley born? __________________________ in Jamaica.

3. ____________________ Walt Disney born? ________________________ in 1901.

4. _____________________ Laurel and Hardy? They______________________ actors.

5. ______________________ Louis Pasteur a painter? No, _______________________. He

__________________ a scientist.

6. __________________ Frida Kahlo born? _____________________ in Mexico.


Use the following chart and practice with a partner making questions and answering them.
Who was Wes Craven?
He was a film director but also a writer, producer and actor. He was known for his popular horror movies
like “Scream” in 1996.

Who Job Country of birth Date of birth

Wes Craven Film director United states 1939
Pablo Picasso Painter Spain 1881
Marie Curie Scientist Poland 1867
Maria Felix Actress Mexico 1914
Kobe Bryant Basketball player United States 1978
Michael Jackson Singer United States 1958


BLOCK II Story Tellers


Complete the following evaluation about your partner´s participation in the previous activity. Draw a
checkmark in the correct column.

He/she did this very He/she did this He/she needs to study
My classmate…
well. quite well. or practice more.
used the verb “be” in the
negative and positive form in the
past tense .
talked about famous historical
asked and answered questions
using “was” and “were”.
was fluent when speaking.
PART A. Complete the text with WAS or WERE. Practice it with a partner.

Interviewer: What____________ it like during the First World War, Bill?

Bill : It _____________ a terrible time. I ___________ a young man, so I__________ in the

army. We_____________ in Italy.

Interviewer: Where _____________ your wife and children?

Bill : They ____________ in London. That ___________ dangerous too. There_________

bombs and there ____________ not a lot of food. The children_____________ very

young. Maria was six and Fernanda was eight years old and they ___________ very


PART B. According to the conversation you have just read, are these statements TRUE or FALSE?
Correct the FALSE statements using WASN’T or WEREN’T:
Example: Bill was an old man during the First World War.
FALSE- Bill wasn’t an old man during the First World War.
TRUE - Bill was in the army.

1. Bill was in Poland. ……………………………………………………………......….

2. Bill’s wife and children were in Italy. ………………………………………….

3. It was dangerous in London. ……………………………………………………

4. There was a lot of food in London. ……………………………………………

5. The children were quite old. ………………………………………………………

6. The children were frightened. …………………………………………………….

PART C. Now, make questions using the words given. Add was or were as in the example below.
Example: How old / Bill / during the First World War?

BLOCK II Story Tellers

How old was Bill during the First World War?

1. / Bill / in the army? ………………………………………………………..........……

2. Where / Bill? …………………………………………………………………..........…..

3. Where / Bill’s wife and children? ………………………………………………..

4. / It dangerous in London? …………………………………………………...……..

5. / there bombs? ………………………………………………………………........……

6. / there a lot of food? ………………………………………………………......……..

7. How old / the children? ………………………………………………….....……….

8. / the children frightened? …………………………………………………...……..

Read the following text and then answer the statements True or False.

Multiple Intelligences
According to psychologist Howard Gardener, people have some different types of intelligences. Some
people are good at some things; other people are good at others. Not all people are good on everything.
A person with logical-mathematical intelligence can solve math problems easily, and someone with good
musical intelligence can play an instrument well. For example, Mozart´s musical intelligence was amazing.
His first work was at the age of five, and his first opera at the age of fourteen. Albert Einstein was a brilliant
mathematician, but his interpersonal intelligence wasn´t very good. Einstein wasn´t very sociable.

Let´s look at a variety of intelligences of some famous people in history. Napoleon was a great general
and strategist. Sigmund Freud had good linguistic intelligence, and he was good with people. Winston
Churchill wasn´t a very good student at school, but he was a political genius. He was one of Britain´s
greatest prime ministers. Churchill was also a newspaper reporter, and a very good painter. Thomas Edison
wasn´t a scientist, but he was a great inventor with lots or practical ideas. Some of his inventions were the
phonograph, the electric bulb, and the movie camera. Leonardo da Vinci is a good example of different
types of intelligences. Leonardo was a painter, a sculptor, a designer, an architect, a scientist, an engineer,
an inventor, all in one.
48 Dos Santos, Manuel (2007) Welcome to my World II, Mc Graw Hill.

1. _________ According to Gardener, people are intelligent in different ways.

2. ________ Mozart was a composer at a very young age.
3. ________ Einstein was very sociable and good with people.
4. ________ Churchill wasn´t very good at arts.
5. ________ Edison was the inventor of the electric bulb.
6. _______ Leonardo da Vinci was good at many things.
Simple Past Tense

Regular and Irregular Verbs

Use the simple past tense to talk about an event that happened in the past.

Regular verbs in the simple past tense end in –ed

1. If the base form ends in –e, add only –d arrive- arrived
2. If the base form ends in –y after a consonant, change -y to -i and add-ed. Study- studied
3. If one-syllable verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, double the last consonant and add
However, do not double the last consonant if it is a w, x, or y.
Row- rowed
mix- mixed

Affirmative (+) Negative (-)

I cleaned the house. I clean the house.
You washed the clothes. You wash the clothes.
He lived in Japan. He live in Japan.
She studied French. She didn’t study French. 49
It ate its food. It (did + not) eat its food.

BLOCK II Story Tellers

We had a good time. We have a good time.
You went to the mall. You go to the mall.
They saw a good movie. They see a good movie.

Yes/No question (?) Short Answer (+) Short Answer (-)

I clean the house? I I

you wash the clothes? you you
he live in Japan? he he
she study French she she
Did Yes, did. No, didn’t.
it eat its food? it it
we have a good time? we we
you go to the mall? you you
they see a good movie? they they

“Wh-question (?)
she leave the keys?
Where did it
Base Forms and Past Tense Forms of Common Irregular Verbs

Base Form Past-tense Form Base Form Past-tense Form Base Form Past-tense Form

Be Was, were Give Gave Say Said

Begin Began Go Went See Saw

Break Broke Grow Grew Sing Sang

Bring Brought Have Had Sit Sat

Build Built Hear Heard Sleep Slept

Buy Bought Hit Hit Speak Spoke

Come Came Know Knew Spend Spent

Do Did Leave Left Stand Stood

Drink Drank Lose Lost Swim Swam

Drive Drove Make Made Take Took


Eat Ate Mean Meant Tell Told

Fall Fell Meet Met Think Thought

Find Found Put Put Understand Understood

Fly Flew Read Read Wake Woke

Forget Forgot Ride Rode Win Won

Get Got Run Ran Write Wrote

The regular simple past verb ending has three sounds: /t/, /d/, and /Id/..
Listen and repeat. Observe the pronunciation of the regular verbs in the past tense.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Dress dressed rain rained decide decided

Watch watched study studied celebrate celebrated

Fix fixed prepare prepared demand demanded

Help helped enjoy enjoyed visit visited

Laugh laughed page paged land landed

Work worked warn warned want wanted

Read the sentences. Underline the verb in the past tense. Then, with the help of your teacher draw a
checkmark in the correct sound of the –ed.

BLOCK II Story Tellers

Sentence /t/ /d/ /Id/

1. He graduated from college last year.

2. They started a business.

3. They worked long hours.

4. They hired many people.

5. They learned a lot.

6. A company wanted to buy their business.

7. They agreed.
Identify and correct the 30 grammar mistakes below.

Last month is very special. I fly by myself for the first time! I am a little nervous but it is exciting.

First, I take a taxi to the international airport terminal. Then, I check-in at the reception desk

and walk to the departure lounge at Gate B64. I am early, so I don’t have to wait a long time

to go through immigration and security. Then, I wait in the departure lounge for about 25

minutes before I get on the plane. After I board the plane, I walk along the aisle and find my

seat. Then, I sit down and fasten my seatbelt. I am lucky because my seat is a window seat,

so I can look outside as the plane takes off. After a few hours, the flight attendants serve us

dinner and then I talk to the passenger next to me. His name is Eduardo and I am surprised to

find out that he is also travelling to Vancouver to study English for the summer. Finally, I watch

an action movie and then our plane lands soon after that. I have a wonderful time in Canada.
It is really fun and I make lots of new friends from all over the world. Next week, I will fly back

to Mexico but I will never forget my time here.

Complete the following conversations in the simple past tense.

1. A: Where _____________ you go on Saturday?

B: I stayed at home and ____________ TV. How about you?
A: I _____________ to the beach with my friends.

2. A: What ____________ you eat for dinner last night?

B: We _________ chicken and a salad.
A: _________ you ________ dessert?
B: No, we didn´t. We ________ full.

3. A: Where ________ Jenny born?

B: She was _________ in China. 53
A: When did she _________ to the U.S?

BLOCK II Story Tellers

B: She came in 2004.

4. A: What _______ you do yesterday?

B: I _________ to the game.
A: What was it like?
B: It ________ great.
Complete the conversations. Write yes/no questions with the words in the box.

Verbs: call get up go have leave rain

Subjects: I it Jeremy you your parents you and Amanda

Look at the following example:

1. A: Did you have breakfast this morning, Jeremy?

B: Yes, I had cereal, eggs, toast, and tea.

2. A: Josh, ____________________________________________ early this morning?

B: No, we didn´t. We slept until 10:00 am. It´s Saturday, remember?

3. A: __________________________________ yesterday in Seattle, Mary?

B: Yes, it did. It rained all day.

4. A: ____________________________________ to the movies with you?

B: Yes, he did. Ben went too. We all really enjoyed it.

5. A: I´m sorry, Mark. ________________________________ too late?

B: No, you didn´t. It´s only 9:45. What´s up?

6. A: ______________________________________ for vacation, Jessica?

B: Yes, they did. They left at 6:30 this morning to Jamaica.

Complete the following conversation between Mary and Jessica. Write questions about the underlined
word in the simple past tense.

1. Mary: _____________________________________?

Jessica: We went to the country.

2. Mary: Really?_________________________________?

Jessica: We left at ten in the morning. The drive took five hours.

3. Mary: ________________________________________?

Jessica: It took five hours because we had a flat tire on the way.

4. Mary: _________________________________________?

Jessica: Jeremy changed the tire.

5. Mary: ________________________________________? 55

BLOCK II Story Tellers

Jessica: We got home at midnight.
Read the following biography and answer part A and B.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Albert Einstein, one of the world’s most renowned scientists, was
born in Germany in 1879. It is said that he didn’t talk until he was
four years old, and that his parents and others believed that he was
of average intelligence, or less. When he was in elementary school,
his teachers didn’t think he was a successful student. By the time
he was eight years old, they had already decided that he could
not learn as fast as his classmates could. Furthermore, he didn’t
have much interest in his classes, and didn´t give time to study the
required Latin and Greek.

The only subject that interested him was mathematics. However,

even this interest caused trouble with his teachers; Einstein solved
mathematical problems in his own way which was different from
the way of the prescribed curriculum. His teachers didn’t believe
56 that his future would be very bright.

When Einstein was sixteen, he left school. His parents moved to Italy earlier, so he decided to follow
them there. After he was in Italy for only a few months, he decided to enter another school, the
Zurich Polytechnic, in Switzerland. There he encountered other problems: the teachers forced him
to study the same subjects that the other students were studying at the same time. Of course, he
already mastered the basic subjects that were taught in the school, and so he quickly became bored
and disillusioned. He had been studying physics and other natural sciences by himself before that
time, and he hoped to continue in his own way. After many frustrations, he finally graduated from the
Polytechnic just after he turned twenty-one years old. At that time, he began publishing his important
scientific theories. At first, his theories weren’t accepted, but after a while, other scientists realized
how brilliant they were, and Einstein received the recognition he deserved.

Einstein settled in the United States before World War II. He taught at Princeton University in New
Jersey, and continued making important contributions to science. In the town of Princeton, he used
to walk around town like any ordinary citizen, and was usually not recognized as the great man that
he was.

Einstein’s theories changed the ways that scientists thought about time, space, and matter. His ideas,
such as the theory of relativity, continue to be valid today. There was no other scientist of such
importance in the twentieth century, and indeed, he is among the few great scientists of all time.

Adapted from Spack,R &Keith S (2000) Focus on Grammar Workbook Vol. A. Second Ed. Longman
Part A. According to the previous text, answer the following questions. Write complete sentences.

1. Where was Albert Einstein born?

2. What was his favorite subject?

3. When did he leave school?

4. What were some of the problems he encountered at school?

5. What did he do once he settled in the United States?

Part B. According to Einstein´s biography, change these false statements.

When he was in elementary school, teachers considered him a successful student.


From a young age, he showed a lot of interest in all his classes.


BLOCK II Story Tellers

Einstein's math classes bored and disillusioned him.

When he began publishing his important scientific theories, they were accepted.

In the twentieth, he was not an important scientist.

Listen to this song, and complete the following lyric.

Someone Like You


I ________ that you're settled down I had hoped you'd see my face.
That you ________ a girl and you're ________ now And that you'd be ________ that for me, it isn't
I heard that your dreams ________ true over.
Guess she ________ you things, I ________ give to Never mind, I'll find someone like you
58 you I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Old friend, why are you so shy? "Don't forget me, " I begged

Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light I remember you ________
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts
But I ________ stay away, I couldn´t fight it instead".
I had hoped you'd see my face Nothing compares, no worries or cares.
And that you'd be ________ that for me, it isn't over Regrets and mistakes, they're memories ________
Never mind, I'll find someone like you Who would have known how bittersweet this would
I wish nothing but the best for you, too
Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
"Don't forget me, " I beg
I wish nothing but the best for you.
I remember you ________
"Don't forget me, " I beg.
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts
instead" I remember you ________
"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts
instead" instead"
You know how the time flies. Never mind, I'll find someone like you.
Only yesterday ________ the time of our lives. I wish nothing but the best for you, too.
We ________ born and ________ in a summer "Don't forget me, " I begged.
haze. I remember you ________.
Bound by the surprise of our glory days. "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts
I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited instead".
But I ________ stay away, I ________ fight it. "Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts
2.- Ver para entender.
Página: 78

Closing Activity

Write about a famous person that lived long time ago. Use the simple past tense. Be careful with
capitalization and punctuation marks.


BLOCK II Story Tellers


Complete the following self-evaluation. Draw a checkmark in the correct column.

I can do this very I can do this quite I need to study or

well. well. practice more.
Use the verb “be” in the simple
Use regular verbs in the simple
Use irregular verbs in the simple
Say what people did and didn´t
Describe a person´s life story.

Didactic Sequence 2
What were they doing?

Start up Activity

Write the correct option in the parenthesis.

1. (____) My brother and sister _____ playing tennis yesterday at 11 am.

A) was B) were C) are

2.(_____) _____ you still working at 7 pm last night?

A) Were B) Are C) Was


BLOCK II Story Tellers

3. (____) Mariana _____ driving home when you called her.

A) was B) am C) were

4. (____) We _____ sleeping when the police came. We were watching a terror movie.

A) was B) weren't C) won't

5. ¿Why _____ he having lunch at 4 pm? It was very late.

A) was B) does C) were

Development Activity

Read the following conversation and practice it with your partner.

Danny: Sorry I’m late, Dad.

Father: Oh Danny where were you?
Danny: I was at the concert. Don´t you remember?
Father: What were you doing there until 3:00 A.M? Your mom and I were worried about you.
Danny: I was dancing. My favorite band was playing.
Father: Why didn’t you call?
Danny: My cell phone battery was dead, and…
Father: Wasn’t there any pay phone?
Danny: I didn’t have any change.
62 Father: Any more creative excuses? You’re grounded for one month.

Danny: But, Dad.

Father: No buts.

Complete the sentences about the conversation.

1. Danny ____________________ until very late.

2. His favorite band_______________.
3. His cell pone ___________ working.
4. Danny couldn’t use the pay phone because ___________________.
The past progressive tense indicates a continuing action at some point in the past.

Affirmative (+) and Negative (-) Yes/No question (?)

She She
Was/wasn´t working. Was working?
He He
It It
You You
We Were/weren´t working. Were We working?
They They

Short Answer (+) (-)

Yes, she
No, he was/wasn´t.
you 63
we were/weren´t.

BLOCK II Story Tellers


Wh- question (?)

she She
working at the
Where was he working? He was
it It

you You
working at the
Where were we working? We were
they They
Fill in the postcard with the past progressive tense. Use the verbs from the box.

get shine watch enjoy learn have sit get

Dear Joe,

Hello from Hawaii. Let me tell you what we were doing yesterday evening. Yesterday
we were having a great time.

The sun __________________ and we ______________________

every minute of our vacation. Jack ____________________

on the beach. He ____________________ the

children. The water was warm, but I’m lazy. So

I __________________ on the sand writing

64 this postcard to you. We ___________________

very tan. Oh, and Jack _____________ to

surf. Are you surprised? I am.

Wish you were here.

Jane, Jack, Billy and Sue.
Write sentences using the verbs at the right. Look at the example.

Where was everybody?

Do homework
1. Harry and Jennifer were outside.
They were playing baseball. Make dinner
Talk to a friend
2. The dog was outside too.
_______________________________________ Set the table

3. Larry was in the dining room. Take a shower

______________________________________ Run after the ball

4. Sally was in the bathroom. Play baseball


5. Dad was in the kitchen.


6. Mom was on the phone.

______________________________________ 65

BLOCK II Story Tellers

7. I was at my desk.
Write Yes/no questions in the past progressive tense with the words given. Give a short answer
depending on the picture.

1. policeman/talk on the phone

Was the policeman talking on the phone? Yes, he was.

2. old man/sleep


3. girls/read magazines

4. women/listen music


5. child/eat ice cream


6. baby/ cry

Write Wh-questions as in the example below.

1. They were having dinner in the dining room. (Where)

Where were they having dinner?

2. They were eating turkey, mashed potatoes and vegetables. (What)


3. He was sitting next to Clare. (Where)


4. Diego was eating desperate. (Why)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ 67

BLOCK II Story Tellers

5. They were listening to electronic music. (What)


6. They were celebrating Thanksgiving. (What)

Practice with a partner making yes/no questions and Wh-questions. Take turns. Remember to use the
past progressive tense. Look at the example.

A: What was Jenny doing? Or A: Was Jenny playing the piano?

B: She was reading a book. B: No, she wasn´t. She was reading a book.

Mary Lucia George


The boys The boys Mr. Silva


Activity 6
Complete the following self-evaluation. Draw a checkmark in the correct column.
I can… I can do this very I can do this quite I need to study or
well. well. practice more.
identify the action verbs in each
use the past progressive tense in
use the past progressive tense in
affirmative sentences.
answer questions in the past
progressive tense.
Read the following story. Then answer questions below.

Hannah met Jamie in the summer of 2004. It was Hannah’s 21st birthday and she and her friends went to a
club. They wanted to dance, but they didn’t like the music so Hannah went to speak to the DJ. ‘This music
is awful,’ she said. ‘Could you play something else?’ The DJ looked at her and said ‘Don’t worry; I have the
perfect song for you.’

Two minutes later he said: ‘The next song is by Coldplay. It’s called Yellow and it’s for a beautiful girl who
is dancing over there.’ Hannah knew that the song was for her because she was wearing a yellow dress.
When Hannah and her friends left the club the DJ was waiting at the door. ‘Hi, I’m Jamie,’ he said to
Hannah. ‘Can I see you again?’ So Hannah gave him her phone number.

Next day Jamie phoned Hannah and invited her to dinner. He took her to a very romantic French restaurant
and they talked all evening. After that Jamie and Hannah saw each other every day. Every evening when
Hannah finished work they met at 5:30 pm in a coffee bar in the High Street. They were madly in love.

One evening in October 31st, Hannah was at work. As usual she was going to meet Jamie at 5:30 pm. It was
dark and it was raining. She looked at her watch. It was 5:20! She was going to be late! She ran to her car
and got in. At 5:25 pm she was driving along the High Street. She was going very fast because she was in
a hurry. 69

BLOCK II Story Tellers

When Hannah was on her way she hit the sidewalk. She called an ambulance and they took her to the
hospital, nothing serious happened to her.

When Jamie arrived to the coffee bar, Hannah wasn’t there. He phoned her, but her mobile was turned
off, so he waited for ten minutes and then went home.

1. What was Hannah wearing in her birthday?

2. What was Jamie doing when he met Hannah?
3. Were they going to a French restaurant in their first date?
4. What was Hannah doing on October 31st at 5:25 pm?
Read the next story and complete the spaces with the correct connector. These words called connectors,
as the word says by itself, help you connect your ideas and give sequence to the story.

At the end then after a while finally

after that after first

Last week was my best friend’s birthday, but I forgot it because I was playing videogames all day, since
quarantine was starting. So, I decided to make her a pizza for dinner. _________, I went to the grocery
store to buy all the ingredients I needed, but I saw there were two men fighting in the grocery’s door, so I
got scared and went to another shop. ___________, I arrived home, but when I was preparing the pizza,
I saw a rat in the kitchen so I started to scream all over the house. ____________, I opened the door for
the rat to come out, but ___________, it went out my home. I finished the pizza and I said: “I’m going
to give it to her ___________ I take a shower.” While I was taking the shower, my phone was ringing but I
couldn’t answer it. __________, I took my phone and I saw who called me, it was my best friend and she
was telling me that she was arriving to her house in that moment. ___________, I went to her house with
70 the delicious pizza but she said she didn’t like the pepperoni. Anyway, I still made her eat it all.
Underline the correct connector for each sentence.

1. Yesterday morning I was preparing a delicious cake. ____ I preheated the

oven to 180° F.

A) Finally

B) When

C) First

2. At 9:05 am I was mixing all the ingredients. ___, I added boiling water to the

A) Then

B) When

C) At the end

BLOCK II Story Tellers

3. _______ having the mixture ready, I checked that the oven was in the correct
temperature. At 9:10 am I was putting the cake in the oven.

A) After

B) Then

C) After while

4. I was preparing the frosting and thinking about the decoration ___ suddenly
the oven turned off. The cake was ready! I waited a few minutes to start with the

A) later

B) after that

C) when
5. At 5:00 pm everything was ready and one hour later my mom was lighting
the candles' cake. It was my sister´s birthday and all my family were there
celebrating with us. _____, my sister blew out the candles and shared the
delicious cake I prepared.

A) First

B) After that

C) At the end

6. We were eating cake and ___ my sister started to open her presents .

A) when

B) first

C) later

7. My cousins were laughing and having fun. ___ everyone flattered me for
the delicious dessert I made.

A) Finally

B) When
72 C) First

8. ____ everyone was leaving very satisfied with the banquet.

A) After that

B) First

C) At the end

Construye -T Activity

3.- El contexto cuenta.

Página: 80
Closing Activity

Look at the following picture taken yesterday at Miss Kathy´s class. What were all her students doing?
Create a short story. Write negative and affirmative sentences.


BLOCK II Story Tellers

Crosscutting Project
Reading Comprehension Approach.
In the subject Mexican History block 2, you looked into the Ancient Civilizations in Mexico which are
also known as Pre-hispanic cultures. The Mesoamerican region accommodates the most advanced and
complex civilizations of the American continent which developed over many centuries before the arrival
of the invading Spanish “conquistadors”. The main Mesoamerican Pre-hispanic cultures of Mexico are:
the Olmec, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Zapotec, Maya, Aztec, Mixtec, and the Chichimec peoples, among others.
In teams of 3, investigate about one of the pre-hispanic cultures already mentioned. Create a time line
showing all of its development since it first started until it disappeared. Include images and sentences in
the simple past tense and past progressive. Make sure your time line is big enough for your classmates to
see. Then, present it in front of the class.

You will be graded according to the following rubric.

Time line Rubric.

Needs to improve ___
Excellent ___ points Good ___ points
Includes the Includes the majority The majority of the
most important of the most important most important
Content information. All information. Some information is omitted.
74 relevant details are relevant details are Lacks of important
included. included. details.

The majority of the The majority of the

Images and dates
Dates and images images and dates are images and dates are
are complete.
included. not included.
The sentences There´s one or two
There are 3 or more
are well written mistakes in: grammar
mistakes in: grammar
in the simple (simple past tense and
(simple past tense and
past tense and past progressive) or
past progressive) or
past progressive. spelling.
Grammar There´s no
Some punctuation
spelling mistakes. There´s no
marks are missing.
It includes correct punctuation marks.
punctuation Capitalization is
marks and There is no
missing in some
capitalization. capitalization.
The team members The team members The team members
spoke clearly during spoke clearly during the had a lot of difficulties
the presentation presentation half of the in expressing their
Communicative most of the time time. ideas. They had a
skills (100-95%). lot of pronunciation
Pronunciation is good. problems.
Pronunciation is
Team members
shared their ideas
and they helped
each other in their The team members The team members
problems. had few difficulties weren´t able to work
in working in teams. in teams. They looked
Collaborative work They worked disorganized when
together as a team They seemed a little
prepared when presenting.
and prepared a
good presentation presenting.
which was
presented complete
and on time.

Closure Items
PART A. Match the questions with the answer. Then, complete the sentences with was or were.

1. _____ Where were you this afternoon? a. The large sizes________ .

2. _____How was the party? b. She________ sick in bed.

3. _____ Who was that handsome boy with you? c. It ________at nine o’clock.

BLOCK II Story Tellers

4. ____What was the weather like on your trip? d. We ________at soccer practice.

5. _____ When were the twins born? e. It ________ my boyfriend.

6. _____Which sweaters were on sale? f. It ________ really fun.

7. _____What time was the show? g. They ________born in 1990.

8. _____Why wasn’t Maria at school today? h. It ________cold and miserable.

1. Complete the conversations. Circle the correct option.

1. AMANDA: Where were you last night?

KATHY: ___________________________
A) Yes, I was. C) Were you alone?
B) I was in the park. D) For two hours.

2. MARK: Was she at gym?

STEVE: _____________________________________
A) No, she was. C) Who was at the gym?
B) Yes, she was. D) No, they weren’t.

3. KATE: ________________________________
ANA: Where were you?
A) Sorry, I wasn’t home last night. C) Are you at the gym?
B) Were you at home? D) Mark and I are at soccer game.

4. LOUIS: How long were you there?

CLARK: __________________________________
A) Fine, thanks. C) Yesterday.
76 B) By car. D) I was there for four days.

5. JOSEPH: ________________________________
MARCOS: It was cold.
A) How was the weather? C) How long was it?
B) How are you? D) Where were you?

6. DAVID: ________________________________
GEORGE: Yes, I was. We were on a tour.
A) Were you having fun with your friends? C) Where were you?
B) Who was there? D) What movie was it?

7. MARIANNE: ________________________________
LAUREN: It was scary.
A) How long was the movie? C) How was the movie?
B) How is the movie? D) Who was in the movie?

8. ALEX: Sorry I’m late. ____________________

TIM: That’s okay.
A) I miss the train. C) I missed the train.
B) Do I miss the train? D) I do miss the train.
9. ANGELA: ____________________________
JOSH: Yes, I got up after nine.

A) Do you get up late? C) When did you get up?

B) Did you get up late? D) Who got up late?

10. TIM: ___________________________________

STEVE: They stayed at my house.
A) Why did your friends stay there? C) Where did your friends stay?
B) Did your friends stay at your house? D) Did your friends stay at a hotel?

11. MARIE: ___________________________________

STEVEN: They were taking the bus at about nine.
A) Why did they leave? C) Where do they leave?
B) Who left last night? D) What time were they leaving?

12. MAX: What were you doing yesterday morning?

PATTY: Yesterday morning I was having a relaxed moment. _____, at 7:00 I was already taking a hot bath.
______, I decided to drink a hot tea ____ having breakfast. ____ at about 8:15 I was preparing delicious
hot cakes decorated with a lot of strawberries. Later, I sat on the sofa and read a romantic novel. I really
loved this day.
A) First/Before/finally/After a while C) When/After that/later/Finally

BLOCK II Story Tellers

B) First/ Then/before/After a while D) First/After that/later/before
Ver para entender


b. Comenten el caso y “poniéndose en los zapatos” de Luis y Mariano, deduzcan tres

necesidades, pensamientos y emociones que consideran que tiene cada uno. Anótenlas
en el siguiente cuadro:
a. De acuerdo con el ejercicio anterior, en su mismo equipo comenten sobre los siguientes
• La forma en que las necesidades, pensamientos y emociones de Luis y Mariano, junto
con la situación que están viviendo en sus familias influyen en la actitud que asumen
ante el acoso.
• Lo que pasaría si cada uno considerara la perspectiva del otro.
b. En equipo realicen una conclusión. Pueden compartirla con el resto del grupo.


Actividad Construye T
El contexto cuenta

Actividad Construye T

Didactic Sequence 1
How do I look like?

Start up Activity

Get together in pairs and describe each other using as many DESCRIPTIVE ADJECTIVES as possible. Write
down your description of the other person and the one they made of you.

How did they describe you? Do you agree with their perception?

My classmate’s description.

My classmate’s name: _____________________________________________________________

Description: _____________________________________________________________________


My description.

My name: _______________________________________________________________________

How my classmate described me: ____________________________________________________


Do you agree with the description? ________ Why? _____________________________________

Development Activity

Place the following adjectives under the correct category.

Interesting ancient crowded short plastic modern light

spacious young blue calm gold mysterious bright
hot stormy comfortable huge terrible leather 14-year-old
urban wonderful important wooden stone old cotton tropical
enormous black large delicious tall tiny fluorescent

Opinion Size Age

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________ 85

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

BLOQUE III Diversity

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Color Material Places

__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
there is / there are

There is a laptop
in my suitcase.
two shirts
There are
some sweaters


Look at the grammar box. Then look at the sentences and choose the correct option.

1. We use there is / there are with singular nouns.

2. We use there is / there are with plural nouns.

PRONUNCIATION - Reduction of there is.

Listen to your teacher and practice. Notice how there is and there are are reduced in a conversation,
except for short answers.

Is there a parking lot near here?

Yes, there is. There’s one across from the shopping center.

Are there any grocery stores around here?

Yes, there are. There are some on Pine Street.
Pair Work

Work in pairs. Choose a place you travel to a lot. What do you take with you? Write a list. Tell your
partner where you go and what you usually have in your suitcase. Use there is and there are.

For example: I usually travel to Bahía de Kino.

In my suitcase, there are usually four T-shirts
and two swimsuits. Also, there is a …...


BLOQUE III Diversity



There isn’t a train.

There aren’t any cheap hotels.

Yes, there is.

Is there a train?
No, there isn’t.

Yes, there are.

Are there any cheap hotels?
No, there aren’t.

Let’s practice! Decide whether there is or there are is the best choice.

1. Look, __________ a new movie out today.

2. Andrew, be careful, __________ too many rocks on the road.

3. We noticed __________ several broken pieces on the floor.

4. __________ more clouds today than usual.

5. __________ a different way to do that. Let me show you.

6. Carlos said __________ a very good movie at the cinema.


7. I will feel very nervous if __________ too many people at the conference.

8. __________ two new buildings next to the school.

Write the questions for the following sentences.

● There is a banana in the bowl. Is there a banana in the bowl?

● There are two books on the desk. _______________________________________

● There are six sandwiches in the basket. _______________________________________

● There is an elephant in the zoo. _______________________________________

● There are five kites in the sky. _______________________________________

● There is a rabbit behind the tree. _______________________________________

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of “Is there…?” or “Are there…?

● ___________________ five chairs in the class?

● ___________________ an ice cream in the fridge?

● ___________________ twenty tomatoes on the table? 89

BLOQUE III Diversity

● ___________________ eight eggs in the plate?

● ___________________ a banana in the fridge?

Bring to class 3 color photographs taken from a magazine or from Internet. The photographs must
include a variety of PEOPLE, PLACES or OBJECTS. Write about everything you see in them. Remember
to use descriptive adjectives from the diagnostic evaluation with “there is” or “there are”.





Construye -T Activity

4.- Si te caes, te levanto.

Página: 96
Closing Activity

The World in One Neighborhood

Scan the article. Then, check () the countries that are not mentioned.

 Brazil  China  India Japan  Pakistan Romania Thailand

1. The sidewalks are crowded with Indian women in colorful traditional dresses. A woman on the corner
is selling Chinese cakes. A new song from a Romanian band is playing in a restaurant. Is it China? India?
Romania? No, it’s Astoria, a neighborhood in Queens, New York City. Astoria was once a mostly Greek
neighborhood, but the area is changing fast. New residents from India, Pakistan, Thailand, China, and
all over the United States are moving in.


BLOQUE III Diversity

2. The new residents bring many traditions. These traditions blend together to make Astoria truly
multicultural. “When people are surrounded by different cultures, they adopt the things that they
like”, says one resident. “Here in Astoria, it isn’t surprising that an Indian woman buys Mexican tortillas
from a Korean grocery store. It’s one of the things that makes the neighborhood special.”
3. It isn’t surprising that Astoria is becoming a very popular place to live. The rents are reasonable, the
neighborhood is safe, and it has a very good public transportation. There are inexpensive stores, many
nice restaurants, and good fresh fruit and vegetable markets. And Astoria is a comfortable place to
live. Apartments are usually big and roomy. As one long-time resident says, “Why live anywhere else?
Astoria has it all.”

A. Read the article. Then, write the number of each paragraph next to its main idea.

_____ The new residents make Astoria a multicultural neighborhood.

_____ People from all over the world are moving to Astoria.
_____ The neighborhood has many good characteristics.

B. Check () the things you can find in Astoria.

_____ Inexpensive stores _____ Beautiful seas _____ Many different cultures
_____ Big apartments _____ Great markets _____ Interesting old buildings
_____ Good schools _____ Nice restaurants _____ Good public transportation
Didactic Sequence 2
Talking about descriptions.

Start up Activity

Circle the correct option on each of the following sentences.

1. Rob bought a house which / whose windows are broken.

2. This is the restaurant where / which I had a delicious pasta.

3. The book which / who I prefer is called Jane Eyre.

4. The man, who / where looks very familiar, is called John.

5. This is the hospital who / where I was born.

BLOQUE III Diversity

6. The film is about a woman who / which becomes invisible.

7. This is the train who / which goes to Madrid.

8. A doctor is a person who / where makes people feel better.

9. These are the shoes who / which I bought last week.

10. That is the teacher where / who taught me English last year.
Development Activity

Read the following text and then, answer the exercise below.

Panic at Seville


It was the Holy Week of 2000. Processions commemorating Christ’s Passion were held in the central
streets of most of Spain’s cities and towns. These processions are planned to start late, start even
later than planned, and now have little spiritual significance, having become largely tourist attractions.
Seville’s processions are probably the most famous. In 1999, a Spanish film was released, “Nobody knows
Anybody”, which portrayed a group of young people causing some violent incidents during the Holy Week
processions there. That idea became reality around 5 o’clock on Good Friday morning when eight separate
incidents occurred during the processions, causing panic which led to quite a few people being injured.

Nobody seems able to describe exactly what happened; tales of frightening noises, gun shots and warnings
of people wielding knives were rather contradictory but they caused panic during which several people
were trampled on and others had attacks of hysteria: nearly sixty people required medical attention, three
being kept in hospital. The police chief must have seen “Casablanca” yet again and copied the order given
by Inspector Cloud Raines to “Round up the usual suspects” as a young delinquent was quickly arrested,
only to be released on Monday when it became obvious that that figure was hardly a Superman capable
of causing eight separate simultaneous incidents.

Adapted from:

Part A. Decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

1. According to the text, processions keep their spiritual meaning. ________

2. They had made a film before the events of the Holy Week of 2000 in Seville __________

3. In spite of the incident nobody was harmed _________

4. Panic appeared in the crowd because of the contradictory information they had. _________

5. People said that there were people with knives and guns. __________

6. There were not many people injured. ___________

Part B. Complete the following clauses with information from the text.

1. Processions at Holy Week in Seville are those events which___________________________________



BLOQUE III Diversity

2. A group of young people are the people who ______________________________________________


3. Spain’s cities and towns are the places where ______________________________________________


Relative Pronouns take the place of nouns or pronouns. They are called relative pronouns because they
always relate back to something or someone else. They are used to join two sentences about the same
person or thing.
Pronouns Usage Examples
who replaces the subject pronouns I, she, he, This is the man. He broke the window.
we and they. This is the man who broke the window.

which / that replaces the pronouns it or they to talk The dog is brown. The dog belongs to me.
about objects or things. The dog, which / that belongs to me, is
*that can also be used for replacing who. brown.
This is the man that broke the window.
where refers to places. This is the house. My son was born there.
This is the house where my son was born.

Read the following text and describe to whom the relative pronouns are referring to.

The City Park


It’s a Sunday Evening in the city. Many people have come to stroll in the
park, which is by downtown. There are two girls who are sitting where the
fountain is. There are some doves which are eating. We can see a girl who
has a balloon in her hand. There are the parents who are with her. We can
also see some people who are where the trees are.

Near the park, there’s a restaurant where people like to go for breakfast,
lunch or dinner. We see a couple who eat some food which is on the table.

Line 2, which refers to: the park Line 5, who refers to:

Line 2, who refers to: Line 5, where refers to:

Line 3, which refers to: Line 6, where refers to:

Line 3, who refers to: Line 7, who refers to:

Line 4, who refers to: Line 7, which refers to:


Fill in the gaps using who, which, that, or where to complete the sentences.

1. The school bus, _______ is crowded with pupils, needs more fresh air.
2. A park is a place _________ we can have a picnic.
3. I think that he wants the book _______ is on sale.
4. They plan to get married in a beach _______ everybody falls in love.
5. Can you stop saying the word _______ I hate?
6. The hotel ________ we spent the night was very elegant.
7. I don’t know the man _________ is sitting in that corner.
8. The film _______ I watched on television was very funny.
9. The river _________ I used to swim is in my village.
10. They caught the man _______ spied for China.


BLOQUE III Diversity

Get in groups of four. Each of you will choose one of the cards given
(A, B, C or D) and create a shuffle of cards in pieces of paper to place
face down in a pile. Each student takes one on its turn and describe
the person, place, or thing on the card using a relative pronoun. (For
example: It is a place where….) The other students in the group try
to guess the word. When the word has been guessed, the students
who have the word on their bingo card cross it off. The next student
then, picks up a word card and so on. The first student to cross off
all the words on its card shouts ‘bingo’ and wins the game!

Student A Student B
mirror microphone passport wife
disco journalist museum suitcase
exit truck customer bicycle
volunteer nurse teacher truck
museum garden volunteer nurse

Student C Student D
suitcase park bicycle folder
desk exit garden microphone
journalist club teacher park
folders trainers passport wife
mirror customer desk trainers








Carefully, read the beginning of each sentence and write down the number of the most appropriate
relative clause to complete it.

1. The police officer interrogated the ( ) ….which was shown on TV last night.
witness…. 99
( ) ….who can speak seven languages.
2. Imade a cake with the recipe…

BLOQUE III Diversity

( ) ….that live in groups.
3. We arrived at a nice beach….
( ) ….who gave him useful information on the suspect.
4. Yesterday I met John and Mary ….
( ) ….where John was kept.
5. Ants are small insects…
( ) ….that was used in the crime.
6. They finally found the murderer…
( ) ….who are my brother’s friends.
7. What’s the name of the prison…
( ) ….that your mother gave me.
( ) ….where we could swim and lie on the sun.
( ) ….who was hiding in a small village.

Adapted from:

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