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Planning & Scheduling (PSP) Código Revisión: RA

Workshop # 1 Fecha 10-Sep-22

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Critical Path Methods

El método de la ruta crítica es una técnica que te permite identificar las tareas necesarias para finalizar un
proyecto y determinar cierta flexibilidad en el cronograma. Una ruta crítica en la gestión de proyectos es la
secuencia más larga de actividades que deben finalizarse a tiempo para completar todo el proyecto. Cualquier
retraso en las tareas críticas provocará el retraso del resto del proyecto.
El método de la ruta crítica tiene como fin identificar las tareas más importantes del cronograma del proyecto,
detectar las dependencias de las tareas y calcular la duración de las tareas.
El método de la ruta crítica puede brindar información valiosa para planificar proyectos, asignar recursos y
programar tareas.
Razones para usar este método:
1. Mejora las planificaciones futuras: El método de la ruta crítica se puede utilizar para comparar las
expectativas con el progreso real. La información utilizada en los proyectos actuales puede servir para
los planes de proyectos futuros.
2. Permite que la gestión de los recursos sea más efectiva: El método de la ruta crítica ayuda a que los
gerentes de proyectos prioricen las tareas, lo cual brinda una mejor idea de cómo y dónde utilizar los
3. Evita los obstáculos: Los obstáculos en los proyectos pueden causar pérdida de tiempo valioso.
Planificar las dependencias del proyecto con un diagrama de red te dará una mejor idea de qué
actividades pueden o no ejecutarse en paralelo y planificar en consecuencia.
Cómo encontrar la ruta crítica
1. Enumera las tareas y lo detalles del proyecto
2. Identifica las dependencias de tareas para el proyecto
3. Crea un diagrama de red de tareas
4. Estima la duración de cada tarea
5. Encuentra la ruta crítica en función de la secuencia más larga
6. Calculas las holguras

Compresión del cronograma

Aunque no es lo ideal, hay veces en que las fechas límites de un proyecto pueden extenderse. En estas
situaciones, hay dos técnicas de compresión del cronograma que puedes utilizar: ejecución rápida e
Ejecución rápida (fast tracking): Observa la ruta crítica para determinar actividades que se pueden ejecutar
en simultáneo. Realizar procesos en paralelo acelerará la duración total.
Intensificación (crashing): Este proceso involucra designar más recursos para acelerar las actividades. Antes
de obtener más recursos, asegúrate de que siga estando dentro del alcance del proyecto y comunica cualquier
cambio a los participantes.
Tener planificada la ruta crítica puede ayudarte a escoger la estrategia apropiada para cumplir con los plazos

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Planning & Scheduling (PSP) Código Revisión: RA
Workshop # 1 Fecha 10-Sep-22
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Método de la ruta crítica vs. método PERT

El método de la ruta crítica y el método PERT fueron desarrollados en la década de 1950. La técnica PERT se
utiliza para estimar la incertidumbre en torno a las actividades de un proyecto mediante el cálculo de un
promedio ponderado de las estimaciones optimistas y pesimistas. Evalúa el tiempo necesario para realizar una
El método PERT utiliza tres estimaciones para determinar el rango de duración de una actividad:
▪ Estimación más probable (M)
▪ Estimación optimista (O)
▪ Estimación pesimista (P)
El cálculo para el diagrama de PERT es: Tiempo estimado = (O + 4M + P) / 6
La principal diferencia entre el método PERT y la ruta crítica es el nivel de certeza en torno a la duración de las
actividades. La técnica PERT se utiliza para calcular el tiempo necesario para realizar las actividades, mientras
que la ruta crítica se utiliza cuando la duración de la actividad ya ha sido calculada.
Veamos una comparación entre ambas técnicas:
▪ La técnica PERT gestiona las actividades inciertas del proyecto, mientras que la ruta crítica gestiona
las actividades predecibles del proyecto.
▪ La técnica PERT se enfoca en alcanzar o minimizar la duración de un proyecto, mientras la ruta crítica
se enfoca en compensaciones de tiempo-costo.
▪ La técnica PERT es un modelo probabilístico, la ruta crítica es un modelo determinista.
▪ La técnica PERT tiene tres estimaciones para cada actividad, la ruta crítica solo una.
Si dejamos de lado las diferencias, tanto el método PERT como la ruta crítica analizan los siguientes
▪ Lista de tareas necesarias
▪ Duración estimada de cada tarea
▪ Dependencias de las tareas
Las dos técnicas pueden utilizarse conjuntamente para aumentar su eficacia. Puedes usar el método PERT
para obtener estimaciones más realistas de las duraciones de las tareas antes de proceder a calcular la ruta
crítica y las holguras.

Método de la ruta crítica vs. diagrama de Gantt

Los diagramas de Gantt son diagramas de barras horizontales que determinan las actividades de un proyecto,
las cuales son monitoreadas en función de un cronograma establecido. Tanto el método de la ruta crítica y los
diagramas de Gantt muestran las dependencias entre las tareas.
Veamos algunas diferencias entre ambas herramientas:
Método de la ruta crítica
▪ Visualiza rutas críticas y no críticas y calcula la duración del proyecto
▪ Se muestra como un diagrama de red con cajas conectadas entre sí
▪ No muestra los recursos necesarios
▪ Planifica las actividades en un diagrama de red sin una escala de tiempo

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Planning & Scheduling (PSP) Código Revisión: RA
Workshop # 1 Fecha 10-Sep-22
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Diagrama de Gantt
▪ Visualiza cómo están progresando las actividades de un proyecto
▪ Se muestra como un diagrama de barras horizontales
▪ Muestra los recursos necesarios para cada actividad
▪ Planifica actividades en una escala de tiempo
Los diagramas de Gantt se pueden combinar con la ruta crítica para hacer un seguimiento de las rutas críticas a
lo largo del tiempo y así mantener los proyectos encaminados.

Activities on Arrows

1. Based on the figure besides, answer the following questions.

a. What is the total duration of the project?

b. What is the longest Path of the Project?
c. How is the total float for activity E?
d. How is the total float for activity H?
e. If the duration of activity H is increased by 3 days, what will be effect on Project completion date?
f. As per the recent update, the activity J is in the critical path, based on this analysis, how much days is
activity J delayed to become critical?
g. Pick the activity which is having more total float?
h. How is the float for activity I?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Planning & Scheduling (PSP) Código Revisión: RA
Workshop # 1 Fecha 10-Sep-22
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Activities on nodes

2. Based on the figure besides, answer the following questions.

a. What is the longest Path of the Project?

b. What is the duration of the Project?
c. What is the total float for activity E?
d. If the duration of activity E is increased by 5 days, what will be effect on Project completion date?
e. As per the recent update, the activity G is in the critical path, based on this analysis, how much days is
activity G delayed to become critical?
f. If the duration of activity A is increased by 1 day and duration of activity J is reduced by 6 days, what will
be the project duration?
g. Pick the activity which is having more total float?

3. Based on the information below, answer the following questions.

A project has seven activities A, B, C, D, E, F & G. Activities A, B, D can start anytime. Activity A takes 3
weeks, Activity B takes 5 weeks and Activity D takes 11 weeks. Activities A & B must be completed before
Activity C can start. Activity C requires 6 weeks to complete. Activities B, C & D must be completed before
activity E can start. Activity E requires 2 weeks. Activity F takes 4 weeks and can start as soon as Activity C
is completed. Activity E must be completed before Activity G starts. Activity G requires 3 weeks. Activity F and
Activity G must be completed for the project to be completed.

a. What is the critical path of the project?

b. How much is the float for Activity B?
c. If Activity F requires Activity E to complete, how much week’s project completion date will be affected?
d. If activity B is delayed for 10 days, what will be effect on project completion date?
e. If you remove activity C from the network, what will be impact on the project completion date?
f. If you are going to compress the duration of the activities by 2 weeks. Which activity, you will choose to

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Bar Chart Analysis

4. Based on the figure besides, answer the following questions.

a. What is the completion date of the project, based on the present data date, if you remove, lag between,
activity F & G.?
b. If you use retained logic, instead of Progress override, based on the present data date, considering
holidays, suspension etc, what will be completion date activity C.
c. What is the necking representing for activity C?
d. What activity is incorrect on the chart?
e. What is the actual duration of activity B?
f. What activity type is activity D.?
g. An activity is with negative float then, what is true…
h. Which of the following equations should be used to calculate the actual duration of an activity that is in

Forward and Backward Pass Using Relationship

5. Use the following information, answer the following questions.

Activity A has Twenty-Five days duration and connected to Activity B with duration ten days the relation Finish to
Finish with 5 days Lag. Activity C has twenty days duration and with predecessor as Activity B connected as Start
to Start with Lag of 5 days, activity D is connected to activity C, with FF relationship, which has duration of 9 days.
a. What is completion date of this scenario?
b. If duration of Activity A is reduced to 5 days, what will be the project completion date.
c. If the duration of Activity B is taken as 5 days, what will be revised project completion date of the project?
d. If you change, the relationship from FF 5 to SS 5 of Activity B to Activity A, what will be project completion
e. If you reduce the duration of activity D from 9 days to 7 days, what will be the effect on project completion
f. If you change, the relationship from SS 5 to FF 5 of Activity C to Activity B, what will be project completion

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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6. Based on the figure besides, answer the following questions.

a. What is the duration of the critical path in this network?

b. What is the float for Activity G?
c. If a project planner imposes a finish time of 14 on the project with no change in the start date or activity
durations, what is the total float of Activity E?
d. If the imposed finish time in question 6.c above is removed and reset to 16 and the duration of Activity H
is changed to 3, what is the late finish for Activity G?

7. Based on the figure besides, answer the following questions.

a. What is the duration of the critical path in this network?

b. What kind of Activity is the Activity I?
c. What is the Total Float of Activity F?
d. What is the Free Float of the Activity H?
e. Will be a good idea to link Activity I with Activity J?
f. Can you see any Redundant Logic or Loop in this network?
g. If activities A and C have an SS and FF relationship is not better Join the Activities?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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PERT Analysis
8. A partially solved PERT problem is detailed in the table below. Times are given in weeks.
Optimistic Probable Pessimistic Expected
Activity Preceding Variance
Time Time Time Time
A -- 7 10 19
B A 2 2 8
C A 8 12 16
D A 3 5 10
E B 4 6 8
F B 6 8 10
G C, F 2 3 4
H D 2 2 8
I H 6 8 16
J G, I 4 6 14
K E, J 2 5 8
a. Calculate the expected time and variance for each activity. Enter these values in the appropriate columns
in the table above.
b. Which activities form the critical path?
c. What is the estimated time of the critical path?
d. What are the project variance and the project standard deviation?
e. What is the probability of completion of the project before week 42?
f. If the Project Manager request a range for complete the project with 95% of confidence; what will be?
g. True or False: In PERT analysis, the identification of the critical path can be incorrect if a noncritical activity
takes substantially more than its expected time?
h. True or False: Variation in activities that are not on the critical path cannot affect the overall project
completion time? Why?
i. True or False: The standard deviation of project duration is the average of the standard deviation of all
activities on the critical path? Why?
j. True or False: We can use a Gaussian distribution in PERT analysis to calculate expected activity times
and variances. after all, the theorem of limit central is used here? Why?

Crashing Network Diagram

9. Given the critical path below, calculate the following:

a. The crash cost per unit time savings for each activity.
b. The maximum total crash time savings and cost.
c. The maximum total time-savings with a $3000 budget.

Activity Normal Time Normal Cost Crash Duration Crash Cost

A 8 days $8,000 7 days $12,000
B 5 days $2,000 3 days $10,000
C 10 days $9,000 9 days $12,000

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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10. A small project consists of 6 activities which are listed below. All the activities have a finish to start

a. What is the minimum time required to complete entire project?

b. You are considering to reduce the duration of the project and while crashing the schedule which activity
would be the first choice?
c. You are considering to reduce the duration of the project by crashing the schedule. What is the minimum
duration in which the project can be completed after crashing?
d. If the project was scheduled using the normal duration what is the total cost of the project?
e. There is constraint that the project must finish on 20 months what is the total cost of the project?

11. Pirmin's Bike Shop is behind on a custom bike and needs to crash 8 hours of time from the 8-step
Normal Crash
Normal Crash Immediate
Activity Duration Duration
Cost ($) Cost (S) Predecessors
(hours) (hours)
A 2 10 2 0 None
B 3 15 2 23 A
C 5 25 4 30 B
D 3 20 1 24 C
E 6 30 4 45 C
F 1 5 1 0 C,E
G 7 35 6 50 F
H 10 50 7 62 D,G

a. Given the project table below calculate the crash cost for 8 hours of time-savings.
b. Suppose Pirmin calls the customer and asks for a project extension, reducing the amount of time he
needs to crash. Pirmin has a $20 crash budget. Is the budget sufficient to crash 4 hours of time?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Linear Scheduling
1. A project consists of replacing the track on an existing railroad line, involving 3,000 feet of track. The
old track can be removed at a rate of 70 feet per hour. The old railroad ties can be removed at a rate
of 200 feet (measured along the track) per hour. The new ties can be installed at a rate of 25 feet per
hour and the replacement track can be installed at a rate of 40 feet per hour. Show this operation on
a linear schedule. Assume that the minimum float for an activity at any location is one day. (14.1)
2. A 1,500-foot subdivision street is to be constructed. The layout will be completed in three days; the
fill will be brought in over the course of eight days; the compaction/grading will be completed in five
days; the asphalt topping will be done in three days; and the striping will take one day to complete.
Using a minimum float guideline of one day, develop a linear schedule for this project. What is the
project duration if no activities are to be interrupted? Suggest ways that the duration can be
shortened. (14.2)
Determining Activity Durations
1. Scaffolding is to be constructed on all faces of a six-story building in order for major masonry
rehabilitation work to be performed. The exposed surface area of the exterior walls of the building
has been estimated to be 432,000 sq. it Historical records of the company show that for this simple
type of structure, the production rate for erecting scaffolding is 0.002 hours per square foot of building
surface area. If 10 workers (working 8-hour days) are assigned to do the entire scaffolding erection,
what duration (in working days) should be used for this activity? Round up your answer to the nearest
whole integer day. (4.1)
2. Tiles (6” by 6”) can be installed at a rate of 50 per worker hour. The floor of a large lobby area (80’ by
40’) is to be covered with these tiles. If three workers are assigned to this task, what duration (to the
nearest whole day) should be assigned to this activity? (4.2)
3. Historic records show that the mean duration of all activity is expected to be 8 days with a standard
deviation of 2.4 days. What duration should be used if there is to be a 95% confidence that the
duration will not be exceeded? What is the probability that the duration will actually exceed 10 days?
4. The task of framing a building has been estimated to take a average of 25 days with a standard
deviation of 4 days. What duration should be used if there is to be a 90% confidence that the duration
will not be exceeded? What is the probability that the duration will actually exceed 3 days? (4.4)
5. A masonry facade consisting of 3,800 square feet is to be constructed for a building. The total cost
per worker hour is estimated to be $31.50 and the total estimated cost of the labor for this task is
$10,500. Assuming 8-hour work days and a crew of 6 workers, how many days should be allowed to
complete this task? What is the production rate that the crew must attain to keep the project on
schedule and within the budget? (4.5)

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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6. An offshore drilling operation requires a large number of welders to build a platform. The contractor
is paying welders $25 per hour on a 40-hour (8 hr./day) work week. The contractor has never had the
same welders return to the platform after they have been on the job for one week. He is now
considering a 7-day workweek (56 hours) so that he can take advantage of the “experience” gained
in the previous 5 days of work. Of course, he would have to pay double time for anything beyond 40
hours. He figures that all other expenses would equalize (5 trips for 35 work days with 7-day work
weeks or 7 trips for 35 work days with 5-day workweeks. He incurs an outfitting cost of$2,000 per
welder. What type of learning rate must take place for the “scheme” to work. State any assumptions
that are made. (11.11)
7. A project was expected to be completed in 10 weeks by a crew of 5 workers. The work was to be
completed without overtime, namely with 40-hour workweeks. Workers were to be paid $20 per hour,
which included all fringes. Before construction began, the owner decided that the project schedule
was to be accelerated by having the workers work 8 hours on Saturdays. Assume wages are paid at
time and a half on Saturdays. (11.13)
i. What is the revised expected duration of the project?
ii. What is the added cost due to the acceleration?
8. A four-worker crew was assigned to install plumbing in a house. To accelerate the work, it was
suggested that two additional crews (consisting of four workers each) be assigned to do the work.
a. If the initial estimate was that the four-worker crew could complete the work in 12 days, what
is the best estimate of the completion time with the additional crews?
b. b. What is the estimated labor cost of the change in worker assignments if all workers are
paid $20 per hour?
9. The finishing work on a building project was to be completed by an ideally-size crew of five workers
in 45 days (40-hour workweeks). To accelerate the work, it was decided that the crew size would be
increased to eight workers, that a second eightworker crew would be added to the project. In addition,
all the workers were scheduled to work 60-hour workweeks (10 hours per day from Monday through
Saturday). Assume workers are paid $18 per hour.
a. What is the expected duration of the project with the suggested changes?
b. What is the cost of the acceleration in terms of labor cost alone?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Mini Scenario Questions

1. Analyzing the Schedule
A critical path method scheduling system 's being used to control a manufacturing application. The area of
greatest interest is contained in the schedule fragment shown below that depicts the key activities in the
manufacture of 200 identical electronic assemblies.
Activity Description Duration
A Design assemblies 80 12
B Assemble 32 12
C Wire 32 12
D Install assemblies in frames 40 12
E Checkout 30 12
F Ship 2 12

Activity A is complete and was completed on schedule.

Answer the following questions:
1. Activity B was completed in 40 days. What is the revised total float for actives C through F?
2. On the next schedule update, activity C is 50% complete and has required 9,000 hours to date by
using 50 people working 8 hours per day. Itis determined that any benefits from the learning Curve
have already bon realized
a. What is the forecast total hours for this activity?
b. If staffing for activity C were maintained at 50, what is the forecast duration?
c. What will this do to the total float?
d. The baseline schedule for activity C was based on an estimate of 64-man hours per unit, but
the experience from the first 50% has indicated 90 hours per units required to complete wiring.
The supervisor in charge of wiring has indicated that similar performance can be expected for
the remaining duration of the activity. Should the schedule be statused using the baseline
estimate of the actual experience to date? Why?
e. How much would staling need to be on activity C to complete it within its allowed 32 days,
assuming additional staff would not affect productivity rates?
f. What other alternatives could be employed rather than increasing stan for wiring?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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2. Resolving Negative Float

In the schedule activity path in the figure below, the total float (that is shared among the activities) has
dropped to -4 work days during the current update cycle. The full logic of ho network is not shown, only part
of it. Activity D ties into activity E (not shown) and the path continues to the end of the project Activity path
A-B-C-D ls the only path for which you are responsible hat is currently negative. You are the lead scheduler
and you must come up with recommendations as to how this negative condition can be solved.
Answer the following questions:
1. What does the negative total float for this path indicate?
2. What options do you have to return this path to zero float? Explain how your recommendations will
solve the negative float condition.

8 4 5 2
Activity X Activity A Activity B Activity C Activity D E
-4 -4 -4 -4

Total Float All duration are in work days

3. A More Complex Network

1. Arrange these activities in logical sequence using PDM.
▪ Activity A initiates the project
▪ Activity B can star 1 day after activity A finishes.
▪ Activity A precedes activity C.
▪ Activity D can star after B finishes, but cannot finish until days after C finishes.
▪ Activity E can star 1 day after activity C starts.
▪ Activity F is preceded by activities D and E.
▪ Activity X runs the life of the project

Activity Durations
▪ A=5
▪ B=2
▪ C=3
▪ D=4
▪ E=3
▪ F=2

2. Perform the forward and backward path calculations to determine the critical path.

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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4. The importance of Earned Value1

You have just been assigned as Project Manager to a project that is already in progress. Your predecessor
has apparently managed this project successfully and is being rewarded with a larger project assignment.
She tells you that the project is underrunning, and provides a status report, that provides the following
▪ Planned expenditures to date: $28,500,000
▪ Actual expenditures to date: $22,749,000
▪ Approved Budget: $57,000,000
She states that the project is about half done and many of the problems from the early stages of the project
are now resolved. You are a little uneasy because this particular project manager has had a string of
successful projects that later end in disaster, after she has moved on to other work. She freely admits that
she is far better in the early stages of a project than in the later stages. “All those details at the completion
of a project bore me”, she states. You ask how she has determined that the project is half done and she
responds, “When you’ve managed as many projects as I have, you have a feel for these things”. This raises
your level of concern rather than easing it. You ask for mor information on the details of the project’s budget
and scope, and you are provided with the information in Figure 1.
There is a status meeting planned for two weeks from now, and the former Project Manager will be out of
the country for an important meeting on her new assignment. You must be prepared to address the status
of the project as you assume control of the managerial responsibilities. Be prepared to address the following
1. Base on the information in Figure 1, address the following questions:
a. What is the real percent complete?
b. What is the percent spent?
c. According to the plan, what should the percent complete be now?
2. At the upcoming meeting, what should your general assessment of the project’s status be?
3. Based on your findings, what recommendations might you make?
Hint: Determine the budgeted value of work that was scheduled to be performed and the budgeted value of
work actually accomplished.

1The 7 Principles of Earned Value Management

The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) issued the “7 Principles of Earned Value
Management Tier 2 System Implementation Intent Guide,” 21 December 2011.
1. Plan all work scope to completion.
2. Break down the program work scope into finite pieces that can be assigned to a responsible person or
organization for control of technical, schedule and cost objectives.
3. Integrate program work scope, schedule, and cost objectives into a performance measurement baseline plan
against which accomplishments can be measured. Control changes to the baseline.
4. Use actual costs incurred and recorded in accomplishing the work performed.
5. Objectively assess accomplishments at the work performance level.
6. Analyze significant variances from the plan, forecast impacts, and prepare an estimate at completion based
on performance to date and work to be performed.
7. Use earned value information in the company’s management processes.

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Figure 1
Project Budget Information & Status

The $57 million budget is subdivided as follows:

System Design: $5,000,000
Product Manufacturing: $16,000,000
Product Assembly & Test: $12,000,000
Administrative Support: $6,000,000
Material Costs: $18,000,000
Total: $57,000,000

System Design: Complete
Product Manufacturing: 200 units out of 1,000 units complete.
Each unit requires $16,000 to manufacture
Product Assembly & 150 units out of 1,000 completed.
Test: Each unit requires $12,000 to assemble and test.
Administrative Support: A total of $2,400,000 has been spent to date, which is according to plan.
Material Costs: Material cost are not charged to the project account until that material is
used. To date, $3,500,000 has been charged to the project. While this is less
than was planned, the status report states: “While the project is behind on
material expenditures, the material is available and so there is no problem. It
is normal on this type of project for material usage to be a little behind and
the difference is traditionally recovered towards project completion”.
Planned accomplishment as of the report date:
System Design: Complete
Product Manufacturing: 500 units were to be completed.
Product Assembly & 300 units were to be completed.
Administrative Support: $2.4 million scheduled to be spent.
Material Costs: $9.5 million of material should have been used.

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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5. Interpreting the Earned Value Management Metrics

Note. The planned baseline (Figure 1) will be used for all compound questions. Calculate anything with a
dollar value to the nearest cent (for example, $456.32) and anything else to three digits (for example,
1.024). Recommendation: Use a basic calculator or your calculations could have rounding variance.
Product Release 1.0 row is a summary activity reflecting the contents below it.
Part 1. You are managing a project to build a product. The project has seven activities, each with a finish-
to-start relationship. Below is project baseline information indicating the planned schedule and budgeted
cost of each activity.
% Baseline Baseline Baseline Baseline
Activity Name
Complete Duration Start Finish Cost
Product Release 1.0 0% 240 days 1/6/2018 12/5/2018 $295,000
Requirements 0% 30 days 1/6/2018 2/14/18 $30,000
Desing 0% 60 days 2/17/18 5/9/2018 $70,000
Proof of Concept 0% 30 days 5/12/2018 6/20/18 $45,000
Build Product 0% 45 days 6/23/18 8/22/18 $60,000
Test Product 0% 45 days 8/25/18 10/24/18 $60,000
Deploy Product 0% 30 days 10/27/18 12/5/2018 $30,000
Product Release Complete 0% 0 days 12/5/2018 12/5/2018 $0
Figure 1 Planned (Baseline)
The project is currently in the middle of the execution phase and the date is June 20th. The performance in
the chart below provides the schedule and cost information to date.
% Actual Actual Actual Actual
Activity Name
Complete Duration Start Finish Cost
Product Release 1.0 47.63% 122 days 1/6/2018 NA $147,000
Requirements 100% 35 days 1/6/2018 2/21/18 $32,000
Desing 100% 60 days 2/24/18 5/16/18 $70,000
Proof of Concept 90% 27 days 5/19/18 NA $45,000
Build Product 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Test Product 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Deploy Product 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Product Release Complete 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Figure 2 Actual al (June 20th)
Using the calculations from the date, provide a status report on the project by answering the following
questions. Calculate to the nearest cent for dollars and three significant digits for everything else.

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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1. What measurement is used to determine whether the project is ahead of schedule, behind
schedule, or on time, and how much is the amount?
2. What measurement is used to determine the rate of the project´s progress according to plan and
what is its value?
3. Based on these schedule measurements, is the project on schedule, behind schedule, or on time?
4. At what percentage rate is the project progressing compared to its planned baseline rate of
5. What measurement is used to determine whether the project is over budget, under budget, or if it is
breaking even, and how much is the difference?
6. What measurement is used to determine the spending efficiency of the project, and what is its
7. Based on these measurements, is the project over budget, under budget, or breaking even?
8. Currently, the project is making how many cents for every dollar spent?
9. Based on the current status and performance of the project, how much do you estimate the project
will cost at completion? On what measurement do you base this estimate?
10. How much money must be spent from this point forward to complete the project? What calculations
have you made to support this figure?
11. Will the project be over budget, under budget, or right on target at completion? What information do
you have to support this estimate?
Part 2. Because the project is both over budget and behind schedule, you must find a way to return the
project results to baseline estimates. After reviewing all the options and their related risks, you determine
that the best alternative is to fast track the project by allowing testing to begin early during the activity to
build the product. This action imposes additional risk to the project but may also allow the project to
complete as schedule.
It is August 22nd. The product is being built and early testing has begun. Following is the current project
schedule data and cost information. Using this information and the project baseline information above,
determine the performance measurement values listed in the remainder of the exercise.
% Actual Actual Actual Actual
Activity Name
Complete Duration Start Finish Cost
Product Release 1.0 70.00% 164.72 days 1/6/2018 NA $217,000
Requirements 100% 35 days 1/6/2018 2/21/18 $32,000
Desing 100% 60 days 2/24/18 5/16/18 $70,000
Proof of Concept 100% 30 days 5/19/18 6/27/18 $50,000
Build Product 80% 36 days 6/30/18 NA $52,000
Test Product 22% 10 days 8/4/2018 NA $13,000
Deploy Product 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Product Release Complete 0% 0 days NA NA $0
Figure 3 Actual al (August 22nd)

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Using the calculations from previous data, provide a status report on the project by answering the following
1. Based on the measurements, is the project on schedule, behind schedule, or ahead of schedule?
Indicate which measurement and its amount you are using to determine this status.
2. At what percentage rate is the project progressing compared to its planned baseline rate of
3. Is the project over budget, under budget, or breaking even? How do you know?
4. Currently, the project is making how many cents for every dollar spent?
5. Based on the current status and performance of the project, how much do you estimate the project
will cost at completion?
6. How much money must be spent from this point forward to complete the project?
7. Do you estimate the project will be over budget, under budget, or right on target at completion?
8. What is the variance between what the original budget was and the current budget estimate at

Part 3. It is December 1st and the project is complete. Below is the actual project information at the time of
the project completion. Based on the information reported below, determine the values of the performance
measurements listed table that follows.
% Actual Actual Actual Actual
Activity Name
Complete Duration Start Finish Cost
Product Release 1.0 100.00% 236 days 1/6/2018 12/1/2018 $320,000
Requirements 100% 35 days 1/6/2018 02/21/18 $32,000
Desing 100% 60 days 2/24/18 5/16/18 $70,000
Proof of Concept 100% 30 days 5/19/18 6/27/18 $50,000
Build Product 100% 55 days 6/30/18 9/12/2018 $70,000
Test Product 100% 56 days 8/4/2018 10/20/18 $68,000
Deploy Product 100% 30 days 10/21/18 12/1/2018 $30,000
Product Release Complete 100% 0 days 12/1/2018 12/1/2018 $0

Figure 4 Actual al (December 1st)

Using the calculations from above, provide the last status on the project by answering the following
1. Did the project complete early, late, or on time? Indicate the measurement and its value that you
used to determine this status.
2. Did the project end up over budget, under budget, or breaking even?
3. By how much was the project over or under budget?

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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Communication Competency
Your name is Sam Mounir. You are the lead scheduler for Madras, a construction contractor on a project
building a Nuclear power plant located in Doha Qatar. The work is being done on two-shifts, 7 days per week,
with a contract duration of 60 days.
The contractor’s operating procedure for the Plant project calls for the schedule to be updated every two days,
seven days a week throughout the construction effort. While updating the schedule model on Thursday, you
discover that progress on a group of seven activities, subcontracted to AL Mahmoud’s Fabrications, has been
over-reported. (The activities have been shown to be more complete than they actually are).
Samir was not responsible for the reporting error. The error has resulted in a forecasted project completion
date of four days earlier than is supported by the current information. Since the previous forecast indicated
that the work is completed just in time to meet the contractor’s contractual obligations, the revised forecast
now indicates that the project will be late by four days. As the liquidated damages are $15,000 per day, the
financial impact on the contractor will be great. The contractor earns a bonus of US$40,000 per day for early
You have formulated two corrective courses of action to address the problem:
1. Samir has proposed to increase the manning of its work and provide additional equipment at an
estimated cost of $145,000. You have analyzed the proposal and determined that it will result in a
project completion 2 days earlier than the contract date. Sami has indicated that he is 90 percent
confident that the cost will not exceed $145,000.
2. The second possible corrective course of action is to crash two key self-performed civil construction
activities that would result in project completion five days prior to the contract date. You have
discussed the matter with the Civil department. The civil manager, Joseph Smaha, stated that the
cost would be approximately US$180,000 Joseph was unable to give a quantitative level of
confidence but felt that the likelihood of success of the crash effort would be high.
Draft a memorandum to Peter Davies, the Madra´s project manager, explaining in our own words:
▪ Introduce the problem;
▪ Discuss potential solutions;
▪ Perform an analysis;
▪ Make a recommendation based upon the analysis; and,
▪ Close the memo.
From the above situation, write a letter to your program manager David Sheppard, who is addressing the
problem, possible corrective action and your recommendations to the problem as per AACEI format. Hint
writes a structured outline and rough draft prior to writing the final Memo. You have 1½ hrs.

Para ganar hay que poner toda la fuerza en movimiento. Carl Von Clausewitz
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