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Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

The body
1. Ankle: tobillo
2. Buttock: nalga
3. Calf: pantorrilla
4. Femur: fémur
5. foot, feet: pie, pies
6. heel: talón
7. heelbone: calcáneo
8. instep: empeine
9. knee: rodilla
10.kneecap: rótula
11.metatarsus: metatarso
12.patella: rótula
13.phalanges: falanges
14.shin: canilla
15.shinbone: tibia
16.splint bone: peroné
17.tarsus: tarso
18.thigh: muslo
19.thighbone: fémur
20.toe: dedo del pie

1. Elbow codo
2. finger dedo
3. fingertip yema del dedo
4. fist puño
5. forearm antebrazo
6. hand mano
7. humerus húmero
8. index finger índice
9. knuckle nudillo
10.little finger meñique
11.middle finger dedo medio
12.nail uña
13.palm palma de la mano
14.phalanx falange
15.ring finger anular
16.radius radio
17.second phalanx falangina
18.shoulder hombro
19.third phalanx falangeta
20.thumb pulgar
21.ulna cúbito
22.upper arm brazo
23.wrist muñeca

Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

1. Bags under the eyes ojeras
2. beard barba
3. brain cerebro
4. canine tooth colmillo
5. cheek mejilla
6. chin mentón
7. crinkles pequeñas arrugas
8. crow's feet patas de gallo
9. dimple hoyuelo
10. ear oreja
11. eye ojo
12. eyebrow ceja
13. eyelash pestaña
14. eyelid párpado
15. forehead frente
16. freckle peca
17. gum encía
18. hair cabello
19. hard palate paladar duro
20. incisors incisivos
21. lips labios
22. lower jaw mandíbula inferior
23. lower lip labio inferior
24. molars molares
25. moustache bigote
26. mouth boca
27. neck cuello
28. nose nariz
29. nostrils agujeros de la nariz
30. palate paladar
31. premolars premolares
32. pupil pupila
33. sideboards (UK) patillas
34. sideburns (US) patillas
35. tongue lengua
36. tonsil amígdala
37. tooth, teeth diente, dientes
38. throat garganta
39. upper jaw mandíbula superior
40. upper lip labio superior
41. uvula campanilla
42. wisdom tooth muela de juicio
43. wrinkles arrugas

1. abdomen abdomen
2. armpit axila
3. back espalda
4. belly vientre
5. bladder vejiga
6. breasts pechos
7. chest pecho
8. groin ingle
9. heart corazón
10.hip cadera
11.kidney riñón
12.liver hígado
13.lung pulmón
14.loins zona lumbar
15.navel ombligo
16.nipple pezón
17.spleen bazo
18.stomach estómago
19.thorax tórax
20.waist cintura

Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

1. backbone columna vertebral
2. breastbone esternón
3. carpal carpo
4. clavicle, collarbone clavícula
5. eye socket cuenca del ojo
6. femur fémur
7. hipbone ilion
8. humerus húmero
9. kneecap rótula
10.mandible mandíbula
11.pelvis pelvis
12.phalanx falange
13.radius radio
14.rib costilla
15.scapula omóplato
16.shinbone tibia
17.shoulder blade omóplato
18.skull cráneo
19.spine columna vertebral
20.sternum esternón

Laura slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.

Laura se resbaló en la escalera y se dobló el tobillo.

Mary has a bandage round her knee.

Mary tiene un vendaje en su rodilla.

The thigh is between the hip and the knee.

El muslo está entre la cadera y la rodilla.

The elbow is a joint between the upper arm and the forearm.

El codo es una articulación entre el brazo y el antebrazo.

The smallest finger on your hand is called little finger.

El dedo más pequeño de la mano se llama meñique.

The baby was sucking its thumb.

Sheila had a gold watch on her wrist.

The girl stretched up to kiss his cheek.

Charles rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

There were tears in her eyes as she listened to the story.

Mark arrived with a smile on his lips.

Full Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Grade: _________ Date: ___________

He's shaved off his moustache.

John ran his tongue over his dry lips.

Sarah was lying on her belly.

Regular exercise is good for the heart.

My stomach was already full of food when they brought the dessert.

Tom was taken to hospital with a broken rib.

The spine gives support to the human body.


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