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PAGE 120

1. B. Which sounds a little bizarre. I mean, it’s kind of strange, huh?

2. A. Here we turn people upside down and bang them on their head, which is crazy. I mean,
it’s not really a good idea, is it?
B. No. It seems a little dangerous to me. I mean, you could get hurt.
3. A. On friends’ birthdays, we used to pull their hair, which was sort of weird, I guess.
B. Yeah. It sounds slightly irritating. Well, a bit annoying, anyway.
4. B. Me, too. It sounds a bit mean to me. It’s somewhat odd, anyway.
5. B. I’m not quite sure, but I guess it’s kind of a fun thing to do!

PAGE 123


Are we in danger of losing our culture as a result of globalization? (Conclusion)

In conclusion, cultural globalization means that people around the world are beginning to
adopt similar habits. This is due to the publication of more information and trade today.
On the one hand, globalization has created new identities due to the opening of borders,
and on the other hand, the need of certain groups that do not want to give up their
culture for them. This is how new cultural identities are born that enriches societies and
nations that value individual diversity, for others, that move to accommodate a different
culture. A global world, this also means the loss of cultural identity.
However, I do not believe that we lose our culture simply because of the globalization that
we live today, obviously things change over time, but we always maintain all those
cultures that represent us as a country.
PAGE 125
PAGE 104

2. During summer vacations, I'd have my friends over for play dates. There were always
kids playing at our house. If we made a big mess, my mom always put up with it. She
cleaned it up afterward, tool.
3. I always found homework difficult. I'd put off doing it. Or I'd just give up. My dad would
always go over it with me. He helped me with any problems that came up. I used to listen
to him, thinking he was the smartest guy!
4. My grandma was always coming up with fun things to do. She never ran out of ideas! I
remember playing with her for hours!
5. My sister was always taking my things. She never gave them back, either! And she'd
wake me up early. Having to get up early was the worst.
PAGE 105
A. Young people are expected to achieve so much………
B. …Or they think they won’t be seen as successful. A lot of research has been done on the
pressure this causes…
A. Yeah. One of my friends was rejected by over 20 companies…..
B. Yeah. Something should be done about unemployment. I mean, adult children are going
to be supported by their parents a lot me….

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