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INSTITUTO/S: Biotecnología, Salud Comunitaria, Tecnología e Ingeniería y Educación.

CARRERA/S: Tecnicatura en Laboratorio; Licenciatura en Biotecnología; Tecnicatura en Gestión Ambiental,

Licenciatura en Gestión Ambiental; Tecnicatura en Tecnología de los Alimentos; Licenciatura en Gestión de
Alimentos; Profesorado Universitario de Biología; Profesorado Universitario de Letras; Profesorado
Universitario de Matemática; Profesorado Universitario en Educación Física; Licenciatura en Educación;
Tecnicatura Universitaria en Diseño Industrial; Licenciatura en Diseño Industrial; Tecnicatura Universitaria en
Metalurgia; Ingeniería Metalúrgica; Tecnicatura Universitaria en Electricidad; Ingeniería Eléctrica;
Tecnicatura Universitaria en Informática; Enfermería Universitaria; Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría;
Licenciatura en Obstetricia; Tecnicatura Universitaria en Viverismo; Tecnicatura Universitaria en Producción
Agroecológica Periurbana; Tecnicatura Universitaria en Mantenimiento Hospitalario; Tecnicatura
Universitaria en Mantenimiento Industrial.


Prof. Andrea Scagnetti
Prof. Graciela Heit

NOTA IMPORTANTE: Los textos utilizados en este cuadernillo tienen fines pedagógico-didácticos y
serán retirados del mismo si existiera algún reclamo de propiedad intelectual.




University of South Wales

What do electrical engineers

Electrical engineering provides you with endless opportunities

An electrical engineer is someone who designs and develops new electrical systems, solves problems and
tests equipment. They study and apply the physics and mathematics of electricity, electromagnetism and
electronics to both large and small scale systems to process information and transmit energy. They work
with all kinds of electronic devices, from the smallest pocket devices to large supercomputers.

UNSW's Electrical Engineering students learn through a combination of design and lab work. This mix
of theory and practical application allows students to visualize concepts and then apply their ideas in a
variety of real life situations. Students learn to analyse and diagnose problems and develop innovative



● Industries electrical engineers work in

Electrical engineers are usually concerned with large-scale electrical systems such as motor control and
power transmission, as well as utilizing electricity to transmit energy. Electrical engineers may work on a
diverse range of technologies, from the design of household appliances, lighting and wiring of buildings,
telecommunication systems, electrical power stations and satellite communications. Another emerging
field for electrical engineers is microelectronics - the design and development of electrical systems and
circuits in computers and mobile devices.

However, graduates are not just limited to the above industries. UNSW's Electrical Engineering degree
teaches you excellent problem solving skills and logical thinking. The courses are structured in ways
that encourage analytical thinking, help master time management and ensure students are technically
proficient. Because of this, electrical engineers from UNSW are in high demand even in areas such as:

● Renewable energy
● Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies
● Mobile networking
● Banking
● Finance
● Arts
● Management
● Consulting

Electrical engineering design

A few examples of the applications and reach of electrical engineering are:

● The computer, tablet or smartphone you purchased recently is a masterpiece of electrical

engineering design.
● Robots are comprised of sensors, actuators, microprocessors and sophisticated feedback control
systems, designed by electrical engineers!
● Space projects - deep space communications, robust control systems, extra terrestrial GPS for
navigation and positioning, power generation and storage networks, imaging systems - made
possible by electrical engineers.
● Sophisticated medical technology that you encounter in a modern hospital including CT, MRI
and PET imaging machines, ECG and blood pressure monitors, all based on electrical…...

Find out more about the different types of Electrical Engineering at UNSW and read our
graduates' experiences at EET UNSW and the career paths they have followed.



Lea los títulos, observe las indicaciones tipográficas y resuelva en español.

1. Determine:

a) Tópico: …………………………………………………………………………………
b) Fuente: …………………………………………………………………………………
c) Género: ………………………………………………………………………………...
d) ¿Está completo el texto? Justifique………………….……………………

2. ¿Qué ilustra la foto?


3. ¿Cuáles son los temas que aborda el texto?


4. ¿Qué indican los paréntesis y las viñetas?


5. ¿Qué significa la sigla UNSW?



Lea todo el texto y luego resuelva en español. Complete o conteste según corresponda.
6- ¿Con que tipo de aparatos trabajan los ingenieros eléctricos?

7- Mencione dos ejemplos del alcance de esta carrera.

8- Complete:

…………………………….., los graduados no se encuentran limitados a las industrias mencionadas. El

título de

However, graduates are not just limited to the above industries. UNSW's Electrical Engineering
degree teaches you excellent problem solving skills and logical thinking.


9- Encuentre una definición y trasladela al español.



8. Vaccines – One of the Most Important Inventions for Medicine

The history of actually dates back farther than you might think. The practice of variolation
— smearing a small cut in the skin with to give immunity to smallpox was practiced in 17th
century China.

In the West, Edward Jenner is considered the founder of vaccinology, after noticing that "milkmaids"
often suffered from cowpox but rarely from smallpox and hypothesized that the less
cowpox could confer some immunity to smallpox. In 1796, he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with
cowpox, then exposed him to smallpox — demonstrating an early form of

In 1798, the first smallpox vaccine was developed. Louis Pasteur’s experiments later led to the
development of live attenuated cholera and inactivated anthrax vaccine in (1897
and 1904, respectively).

In 1923, Alexander Glenny perfected a method to inactivate tetanus toxin using formaldehyde,
creating a tetanus vaccine. The same method was used to develop a vaccine against diphtheria
Viral tissue culture methods developed from 1950-1985, and led to the advent of the Salk
(inactivated) polio vaccine and the Sabin (live attenuated oral) polio vaccine.

GLOSSARY: dates back: presente del verbo date back: datar, se remonta a…..

founder: fundador mikmaids: madres lactantes


UNApill 1: Frases Nominales.

La frase nominal es una construcción que requiere al menos de la presencia de un sustantivo/

pronombre o palabra sustantivada que actúe como núcleo que suele aparecer acompañado de
elementos que se ubican antes del núcleo después del mismo. El núcleo o idea central en la Frase
Nominal es el sustantivo. Este expresa el concepto principal de la misma y se ubica generalmente a
la derecha como la última palabra que la conforma. Si bien dicha frase puede estar integrada sólo
por un sustantivo, en muchos casos está acompañada de otras palabras: artículos, adjetivos,
adverbios, otros sustantivos.

Por fines prácticos, llamaremos “premodificadores” a los que se encuentran antes del núcleo y
“postmodificadores” a los que aparecen detrás. La estructura interna más frecuente del sintagma
nominal, que puede verse a continuación, presenta un núcleo de carácter obligatorio y otros
componentes opcionales

Determinante + pre modificador + NÚCLEO + post

Para interpretar dicha frase al español, se comienza por el sustantivo núcleo y se construye el
significado hacia la izquierda.

REPASEMOS: si la frase nominal tiene una preposición, ésta interrumpe la idea

y a partir de la preposición, forma otra frase nominal que subyace a la primera.

Si observan la definición de FRASE NOMINAL, verán que el sustantivo es el núcleo, o parte central
de la frase, y está precedido por un DETERMINANTE. Sin embargo, hay también
PREMODIFICADORES que se ubican entre el sustantivo y el determinador.




Por ejemplo, observen en esta oración:

“Three decades” of “the great inventor”


Verán que muchas veces, detrás del sustantivo aparece una frase que acompaña, y que sigue
hablando del sustantivo central. Esta frase, si está precedida por una PREPOSICION, se la
el formato de la frase

A continuación verán una lista de las preposiciones más comunes en Inglés para que sepan

PRACTICAMOS FRASES NOMINALES: Vuelve al texto 2 y analiza las frases recuadradas.

Préstale especial atención a aquellas frases nominales donde hay más de una PREPOSICION.


This section will help you when preparing your manuscript for initial submission and resubmission to
Nature Biotechnology. Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with our editorial policies as outlined
in this section before submitting your work. For information on our aims & scope, as well as our
content types, please refer to the About the journal section.


Once you have prepared your manuscript, the How to submit section will provide you with information
on the submission system, while our editorial criteria and processes are described in the Peer review
and publication section.

On this page: Editorial and publishing policies | Initial submission | Formatting | Resubmission | Costs

Editorial and publishing policies

As part of Nature Research, Nature Biotechnology follows common policies as detailed on our
editorial policies pages that our authors and prospective authors must follow. In particular, when
you submit a manuscript to Nature Biotechnology its content must not significantly overlap with any
other papers from you or your co-authors’ groups that are under consideration or in press at other
journals, with the exception of conference abstracts. We do, however, support the posting of

If you submit a related manuscript to any other journals while the submission to Nature
Biotechnology is under consideration, you must send us a copy of the related manuscript and
details of its progress towards publication. We reserve the right to decline publication of a paper
even after it has been accepted if it becomes apparent that there are serious problems with the
scientific content or violations of our publishing policies. Some of our policies you need to familiarize
yourself with are listed below:

● Author responsibilities

● Duplicate publication

● Confidentiality and pre-publicity

● Plagiarism and fabrication

● Competing interests

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● Embargo policy and press releases

● Availability of materials and data

● Digital image integrity and standards

● Refutations, complaints and corrections

● Compliance with open access mandates

● Security concerns

● Use of experimental animals and human subjects







UNApill 2: La cohesión textual.

La cohesión textual es lo que conocemos como el grado de vinculación que existe entre los elementos de
un texto y es una propiedad del texto que facilita su comprensión. A medida en que su secuencia
estructurada de palabras fluye, permitiendo que una palabra conduzca a la siguiente sin tropiezos y de
manera orgánica, podemos decir que es un texto cohesionado.

REPASEMOS: Para dar coherencia a un texto, utilizamos distintos recursos tales

como pronombres ( he, she, they, etc), artículos (a, an, the), conjunciones o conectores ( as well as,
and, but), los cuales contribuyen a que el lector encuentre un texto claro y sin repeticiones
innecesarias. Recordemos que los principales mecanismos de cohesión son:

● El uso de conectores discursivos, que son palabras que sirven de puente entre una
oración y otra, o entre un párrafo y otro, estableciendo una relación específica entre las
partes conectadas. Términos y frases como “sin embargo”, “por el contrario”, “además”, etc.,
sirven como conectores discursivos para dejar en claro el hilo conductor entre un párrafo (o
una oración) y lo siguiente. Los conectores son elementos esenciales en el texto porque
establecen nexos entre ideas, evitando la repetición innecesaria de palabras y brindando
unidad a dicho texto, uniendo palabras, frases, oraciones e incluso párrafos. Además de
unir fragmentos textuales, los conectores también aportan algo de significado. Así, los
podemos clasificar a partir de las siguientes categorías:



The human health effects of poor air quality affect the body's respiratory system and the
cardiovascular system. Los efectos sobre la salud humana de la mala calidad del aire
afectan el sistema respiratorio y el sistema cardiovascular.

Information technologies are reducing substantially the cost of publishing and distributing
information as well as reducing the time required to circulate the latest news and research
results. Las tecnologías de la información están reduciendo sustancialmente el costo de
publicar y distribuir la información además de reducir el tiempo requerido para hacer circular
las últimas noticias y los resultados de la investigación.


The human health effects of poor air quality are far reaching, but principally affect the body's
respiratory system Los efectos sobre la salud humana de la mala calidad del aire son de
largo alcance pero principalmente afectan el sistema respiratorio.


If you need more specific information, you should refer to your computer owner's manual.
Si usted necesita información más específica, debería referirse a su manual del usuario.

Alternativa u opción

You can walk here or take the bus. Podés venir caminando o tomar el colectivo.

Causa o razón

She is angry with him because he opened the letter. Está enojada con él porque él abrió la

Efecto o resultado

California is a coastal state; therefore, it has many beaches.

California es un estado que está sobre la costa; por lo tanto, tiene muchas playas.

Tiempo y/o secuencia

When you get to the corner, turn right. Cuando llegues a la esquina, doblá a la derecha.

● El uso de sinónimos e hiperónimos, que permiten escaparle a la repetición de las

palabras o de frases. Los sinónimos son palabras que tienen un significado muy cercano y
por lo tanto pueden ser sustituibles una por otra.

● El uso de la referencia, que evita repetir un elemento ya mencionado, sustituyéndolo por

un pronombre, ya sea personal, demostrativo o comparativo.


● El uso de la elipsis , que permiten omitir partes de la oración para no tener que repetirlas,
o que son innecesarias para la comprensión. Los hiperónimos son palabras cuyo significado
es una categoría en la que se engloban otras palabras más específicas.

Un texto coherente es AQuel cuyos signIFICAdos se

sostienen A lo LARGo de su lectURA
TRABAJAMOS CON CONECTORES: Observa los conectores resaltados con negrita dentro del
texto 3. Clasifica e indica que función tiene cada uno en el fragmento. Analiza que dos
proposiciones unen.


Internet addiction disorder refers to the problematic use of the Internet, including the
various aspects of its technology, such as electronic mail (e-mail) and the World Wide Web.
The reader should note that Internet addiction disorder is not listed in the mental health
professional's handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
fourth edition, text revision (2000), which is also called the DSM. Internet addiction has,
however, been formally recognized as a disorder by the American Psychological

In some respects, addictive use of the Internet resembles other so-called "process"
addictions, in which a person is addicted to an activity or behavior (including gambling,
shopping, or certain sexual behaviors) rather than a substance (mood-altering drugs,
tobacco, food, etc.). People who develop problems with their Internet use may start off
using the Internet on a casual basis and then progress to using the technology in
dysfunctional ways. Many people believe that spending large amounts of time on the
Internet is a core feature of the disorder. The amount of time by itself, however, is not as
important a factor as


the ways in which the person's Internet use is interfering with their daily functioning. Use of
the Internet may interfere with the person's social life, school work, or job-related tasks at
work. In addition, cases have been reported of persons entering Internet chat rooms for
people with serious illnesses or disorders, and pretending to be a patient with that disorder
in order to get attention or sympathy. Treatment options often mirror those for other
addictions. Although only a limited amount of research has been done on this disorder, the
treatments that have been used appear to be effective.

Causes and symptoms

No one knows what causes a person to be addicted to the Internet, but there are several
factors that have been proposed as contributing to Internet addiction. One theory concerns
the mood-altering potential of behaviors related to process addictions. Just as a person
addicted to shopping may feel a "rush" or pleasurable change in mood from the series of
actions related to a spending spree— checking one's credit cards, driving to the mall, going
into one's favorite store, etc. — the person with an Internet addiction may feel a similar
"rush" from booting up their computer and going to their favorite web sites. In other words,
some researchers think that there are chemical changes that occur in the body when
someone is engaging in an addictive behavior. Furthermore, from a biological standpoint,
there may be a combination of genes that make a person more susceptible to addictive
behaviors, just as researchers have located genes that affect a person's susceptibility to
In addition to having features of a process addiction, Internet use might be reinforced by
pleasurable thoughts and feelings that occur while the person is using the Internet.
Although researchers in the field of addiction studies question the concept of an "addictive
personality" as such, it is possible that someone who has one addiction may be prone to
become addicted to other substances or activities, including Internet use. People with such
other mental disorders or symptoms as depression, feelings of isolation, stress, or anxiety,
may "self- medicate" by using the Internet in the same way that some people use alcohol or
drugs of abuse to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental disorder.


From a social or interpersonal standpoint, there may be familial factors prompting use of the
Internet. For example, a person might "surf the Web" to escape family conflict. Another
possibility is that social or peer dynamics might prompt excessive Internet use. Some
affected persons may lack the social skills that would enable them to meet people in person
rather than online. Peer behavior might also encourage Internet use if one's friends are
using it.

People who develop problems with their Internet use may start off using the Internet on a casual basis and
then progress to using the technology in dysfunctional ways. Use of the Internet may interfere with the
person's social life, school work, or job-related tasks at work. Many of the treatments that have been used
for Internet addiction have been modeled after other addiction treatment programs and support groups.
(Oleg Nikishin/Getty Images. Reproduced by permission.

Modelling may play a role—users can witness and experience how others engage in
Internet use and then replicate that behavior. The interactive aspects of the Internet, such
as chat rooms, e-mail, and interactive games like Multi-User Dungeons and Dragons
(MUDS), seem to be more likely to lead to Internet addiction than purely solitary web

One question that has not yet been answered concerning Internet addiction is whether it is
a distinctive type of addiction or simply an instance of a new technology being used to
support other addictions. For example, there are gambling casinos on the Internet that
could reinforce a person's pre-existing gambling addiction. Similarly, someone addicted to
shopping could transfer their addiction from the local mall to online stores. Persons
addicted to certain forms of sexual behavior can visit pornography sites on the Internet or
use chat rooms as a way to meet others who might be willing to participate in those forms
of behavior. Researchers may need to determine whether there is such a disorder as "pure"
Internet addiction.

One symptom of Internet addiction is excessive time devoted to Internet use. A person
might have difficulty cutting down on his or her online time even when they are threatened
with poor grades or loss of a job. There have been cases reported of college students
failing courses because they would not take time off from Internet use to attend classes.

Other symptoms of addiction may include lack of sleep, fatigue, declining grades or poor
job performance, apathy, and racing thoughts. There may also be a decreased investment
in social relationships and activities. A person may lie about how much time was spent
online or deny that they have a problem. They may be irritable when offline, or angry
toward anyone who questions their time on the Internet.

In the past, people reported to have an Internet addiction disorder were stereotyped as
young, introverted, socially awkward, computer-oriented males. While this stereotype may
have been true in the past, the availability of computers and the increased ease of access
to the Internet are quickly challenging this notion. As a result, problematic Internet use can
be found in any age group, social class, racial or ethnic group, level of education and
income, and gender.

As previously noted, Internet addiction disorder has not yet been added as an
official diagnosis to the DSM. The following, however, is a set of criteria for Internet
addiction that has been proposed by addiction researchers. The criteria are based on the
diagnostic standards for pathological gambling.
The patient must meet all of the following criteria:

 He or she is preoccupied with the Internet (thinks about previous online activity or is
anticipating the next online session).
 He or she needs to spend longer and longer periods of time online in order to feel
 He or she has made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use.
 He or she is restless, moody, depressed, or irritable when attempting to cut down or
stop Internet use.
 He or she repeatedly stays online longer than he or she originally intended.

The person must meet at least one of the following criteria:

 He or she has jeopardized or risked the loss of a significant relationship, job,

educational or career opportunity because of Internet use.
 He or she has lied to family members, a therapist, or others to conceal the extent of
involvement with the Internet.
 He or she uses the Internet as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving an
unpleasant mood (such as feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, or depression).


Since Internet addiction disorder is a relatively new phenomenon, there is little research on
the effectiveness of treatment procedures. Some professionals advocate abstinence from
the Internet. Others argue that it may be unrealistic to have a person completely end all
Internet use. As society becomes more and more dependent on computers for business
transactions, educational programs, entertainment, and access to information as well as
interpersonal communication, it will be difficult for a computer-literate person to avoid using
the Internet. Learning how to use the Internet in moderation is often the main objective in
therapy, in a way analogous to the way that people with eating disorders need to come to
terms with food.

Many of the procedures that have been used to treat Internet addiction have been modelled
after other addiction treatment programs and support groups.
If a person's Internet addiction disorder has a biological dimension, then such medication as
an antidepressant or anti-anxiety drug may help them with these aspects of the addiction.
Psychological interventions may include such approaches as changing the environment to
alter associations that have been made with Internet use, or decrease
the reinforcement received from excessive Internet use. Psychological interventions may
also help the person identify thoughts and feelings that trigger their use of the Internet.
Interpersonal interventions may include such approaches as social skills training or
coaching in communication skills. Family and couple therapy may be indicated if the user is
turning to the Internet to escape from problems in these areas of life.
Relapsing into an addictive behavior is common for anyone dealing with addiction
disorders. Recognizing and preparing for relapse is often a part of the treatment process.
Identifying situations that would trigger excessive Internet use and generating ways to deal
with these situations can greatly reduce the possibility of total relapse.

Read more:

Young, K. S. Caught in the Net.New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1998.

Beard, K., and E. Wolf. "Modification in the Proposed Diagnostic Criteria for
InternetAddiction." Cyberpsychology & Behavior4 (2001): 377-383.
Beard, K. "Internet Addiction: Current Status and Implication for Employees."
Journalof Employment Counseling39 (2002): 2-11.



1. Determine:
a) Tópico: …………………………………………………………………………………
b) Fuente: …………………………………………………………………………………
c) Género: ………………………………………………………………………………...

2. ¿Qué ilustran las fotos?

3. ¿Cuáles son los temas que aborda el texto?
4. ¿Qué indican las viñetas en este texto?

5. ¿Qué significa la sigla IAD?



Lea todo el texto y luego resuelva en español. Complete o conteste según corresponda.

1. ¿Cuál es la definición de (IAD) que aparece en el texto? Escríbala en español.


2. ¿Con qué cosas o actividades puede interferir el uso de Internet?


3. De acuerdo al artículo, ¿Quiénes se “auto medican” usando Internet?


4. Mencione tres síntomas de (IAD)

5. Con respecto a los tratamientos, el principal objetivo de la terapia es ……………………..

…………..……………………………………………………….. Las personas cuya adicción tiene dimensiones biológicas se

pueden medicar con...................................y para quienes recurren a Internet para escapar de conflictos

familiares, se sugiere………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



1. Indique en cada caso a qué o a quién/es se refieren las palabras destacadas en el texto.

a) Its………………………………………………………………… b) Which ………………………………………………….

UNApill 3: Referencia.

La referencia sirve para llevar adelante la situación comunicativa en la que se produce el discurso
(referencia situacional) y para señalar algún elemento mencionado en el texto (referencia textual).
Estos procedimientos de referencia son considerados gramaticales porque los signos que se utilizan
para señalar o apuntar no tienen significado léxico pleno.

 La referencia situacional se realiza a través del uso de elementos lingüísticos que muestran
(this/that) o que indican una persona (I/you) o un lugar (there)
 La referencia textual puede ser anafórica o catafórica. La anáfora es un signo gramatical que
se interpreta en función de un elemento léxico aparecido anteriormente. En cambio, en el
caso de la catáfora, la interpretación se realiza en función de un elemento léxico que
aparece después.

Existen diferentes tipos de referencia:



me you him her it us my your his her its

I you he she it we you you them our your their

DEMOSTRATIVA: Refieren a los pronombres:

This: ésto/a That: aquel/la These: éstos/as Those: aquellos/as Such: tal como… THE: el, la, los, las



longer: más largo easier: más fácil more modern: más moderno more expensive: más caro
more important: más importante


Better: mejor Worse: peor Further: más lejos

THA significa QUE, y se usa para realizar el nexo entre lo que comparamos


a) Lea el texto 5
b) Indique a qué refiere cada una de las palabras que están subrayadas.
c) Señale qué tipo de conector es cada uno de los términos resaltados en negrita.
d) Exprese cuáles son las ideas que, en el texto, están unidas por los siguientes conectores
Because of if However as


The Top 7 Mental Benefits of Sports

 Improve mood
 Concentration
 Reduce stress
 Sleep
 Healthy weight
 Confidence
 Leadership
 Benefits for kids
 Keep in mind
 Bottom line


 Overview

You already know that sports are beneficial for your physical health. But there’s more good news.
In recent years, research has also found that sport participation can positively affect your mental
health. Here’s how.

 Improve mood

1. Sports improve your mood

Want a burst of happiness and relaxation? Get involved in a physical activity. Whether you are
playing sports, working out at a gym, or taking a brisk walk, physical activity triggers brain chemicals
that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team sports in particular provide a chance to unwind
and engage in a satisfying challenge that improves your fitness. They also provide social benefits by
allowing you to connect with teammates and friends in a recreational setting.

 Concentration

2. Sports improve your concentration

Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as you age. This includes critical
thinking, learning, and using good judgment. Research has shown that doing a mix of aerobic and
muscle-strengthening activities is especially helpful. Participating in this kind of activity three to five
times a week for at least 30 minutes can provide these mental health benefits.


 Reduce stress

3. Sports reduce stress and depression

When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors. This can help you avoid
getting bogged down by negative thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your
body. At the same time, it stimulates production of endorphins. These are natural mood lifters that
can keep stress and depression at bay. Endorphins may even leave you feeling more relaxed and
optimistic after a hard workout. Experts agree that more quality research is needed to determine the
relationship between sports and depression.

 Sleep

4. Sports improve sleep habits

Sports and other forms of physical activity improve the quality of sleep. They do this by helping you
fall asleep faster and deepening your sleep. Sleeping better can improve your mental outlook the
next day, as well as improve your mood. Just be careful not to engage in sports too late in the day.
Evening practices within a few hours of bedtime may leave you too energized to sleep.

 Healthy weight

5. Sports help you maintain a healthy weight

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend sports participation as a healthy
way to maintain weight. Individual sports, such as running, cycling, and weightlifting, are all
particularly effective ways to burn calories and/or build muscle. Staying within a recommended
weight range reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension.

 Confidence

6. Sports boost your self-confidence

Sports provide you with a sense of mastery and control, which often leads to a feeling of pride and
self-confidence. The regular exercise that comes with playing sports can boost your confidence and
improve your self-esteem. As your strength, skills, and stamina increase through playing sports,
your self-image will improve as well. With the renewed vigor and energy that comes from physical
activity, you may be more likely to succeed in tasks off the playing field as well as on it.

 Leadership

7. Sports have been linked to leadership traits

Team sports such as soccer, baseball, and basketball are breeding grounds for leadership traits.
Studies done in high schools reveal a correlation between sports participation and leadership
qualities. Because of the opportunity to train, try, win, or lose together, people involved in sports are


naturally more inclined to adopt a “team mindset” in the workplace and in social situations. The team
mindset leads to strong leadership qualities over time.

 Benefits for kids

Benefits for children

Sports can benefit children in many of the same ways that they benefit adults. The biggest
difference is that when children start participating in sports at a young age, they are far more likely
to stay active as they grow older. The same source suggests that participating in a team sport
improves academic performance and results in more after-school participation.

 Keep in mind

What to keep in mind

Some popular team sports, including American football and ice hockey, commonly result in injuries.
Frequently reported sports injuries include sprains, contusions, and broken limbs. Most sports
injuries will result in a complete recovery if there is proper medical attention. However, some
injuries, such as brain trauma and concussion, can cause permanent, lifelong damage to the

Concussions have gotten more attention from the sports community in recent years as their
occurrence has increased. The CDC has specific guidelines about how to avoid and recover from
contusions related to sports. Repeated head trauma can completely reverse the benefits of sports
participation, leading to depression, reduced cognitive function, and suicidal tendencies.

Exercise-induced asthma is another condition reported by many athletes. If you are practicing a
sport several times a week and begin to develop asthma symptoms, it’s important to pay attention.
Ask your doctor or a training specialist about breathing exercises and practice them. They may help
you avoid developing chronic asthma. Your doctor may suggest taking medications prior to exercise
to help reduce asthma symptoms as well.





"Girls' education, gender equality, and climate change are not separate issues. Girl's
education and gender equality can be used as solutions against climate change," Malala
told an online event by British think-tank Chatham House.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, some 130 million girls worldwide were already out of
school, according to the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO, which said more than
11 million may not return to classes after the pandemic.

"When we educate girls ... they can become farmers, conservationists, solar
technicians, they can fill other green jobs as well. Problem-solving skills can allow
them to help their communities to adapt to climate change."

From sexual violence in displacement camps to extra farm work, women and girls
shoulder a bigger burden from worsening extreme weather a other climate pressures
pushing people to move for survival, global aid group CARE International says.

Scientists expect forced displacement to be one of the most common and damaging
effects on vulnerable people if global warming is not limited to an internationally
agreed aim of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Climate disasters have also been linked with early marriage, school drop-outs, and teen
pregnancies, says UN children's agency UNICEF.

Malala also called on world leaders to pay attention to youth climate activists, citing
movements like "Mock COP" in November when young people launched a two-week
event designed to mirror the format of the delayed UN climate talks.

"Listen to young people who are leading the climate movement. Young people are
reminding our leaders that climate education and climate justice should be their
priority.” Earlier this week, Malala expanded her partnership with Apple Inc. to produce
dramas, children's series, animation, and documentaries that will air on the tech giant's
streaming service.

Apple produced a documentary about Malala in 2015 and teamed up with her Malala
Fund in 2018 to promote secondary education to girls across the globe.


Malala Yousafzai Says Girls' Education Is Key to Fighting Climate Change (


1. Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer para determinar el tópico y la fuente.
2. Lea el título y luego complete:
Malala Yousafzai dice que……………………………………………………………………………….
3. Explique el uso de las cursivas en el cuerpo principal del texto.
4. ¿Está completo el texto? Justifique su respuesta.
5. Especifique qué información le suministran los siguientes índices
tipográficos: a. Marzo 15, 2021:
b. 11 millones:
c. 1.5 degree Celsius:
d. 2012


1- ¿Cuáles son las dos cuestiones que Malala considera claves para lograr el cambio climático?

2- ¿Qué describe Malala con respecto a la situación de las niñas previo a la pandemia?

3- Justifique la falsedad del siguiente enunciado:

Malala demandó a Apple Inc. por haber producido obras de teatro virtuales sin la consulta previa a la organi


4- ¿Cuál es, según la entrevistada, la relevancia de escuchar a los jóvenes?

5- ¿Qué sucedió en 2009 y en 2012 y como están estos hechos conectados?


1- Vuelva al texto para determinar las REFERENCIAS subrayadas.

2- Localice una instrucción en la conclusión del artículo.
3- Analice los conectores recuadrados y menciona que información conectan.


La secuencia textual hace referencia a la estructura interna del texto. Esta organización está
relacionada con el tipo de texto y el tema que aborda y posibilita el despliegue temático del mismo.
Existen varios tipos de secuencias y cada una de ellas tiene marcas lingüísticas predominantes.

 Descriptiva
 Narrativa
 Expositiva
 Instructiva
 Argumentativa
 Conversacional.

La secuencia o trama descriptiva se caracteriza por ser una narración en donde predomina el uso
de adjetivos, verbos imperfectivos, adverbios de modo y de lugar, y verbos de estado. Los textos
descriptivos describen objetos, lugares, personajes, animales y recrean espacios y situaciones.

La secuencia narrativa comunica hechos o acontecimientos organizados en una secuencia

cronológica. Los géneros prototípicos de la narración son las novelas, los cuentos, las leyendas, los
mitos, etc. y las marcas lingüísticas predominantes son los verbos perfectivos, los adverbios y los
conectores temporales.

La secuencia expositiva tiene como objetivo desarrollar de forma ordenada y precisa de un

contenido; sirve para explicar y difundir conocimiento. Los textos expositivos son claros y objetivos
y en general, predominan los géneros de divulgación científica, las entradas de enciclopedia, etc.
Las marcas lingüísticas predominantes son los verbos en presente, los conectores de causa y
consecuencia y los adverbios.

La secuencia argumentativa es un tipo de discurso que tiene un doble propósito: el de tomar

posición acerca de un tema y a la vez influir sobre el interlocutor en relación a ese tema. La
organización textual presenta una serie de argumentos y al finalizar, la conclusión.

La secuencia conversacional reproduce de manera literal los dichos o palabras de los personajes
de la historia. Encontramos esta trama en las obras de teatro, las entrevistas periodísticas y los
fragmentos de diálogos dentro de cuentos o novelas. En relación a las marcas lingüísticas
predominantes, abundan las modalidades interrogativas, aseveraciones y exhortaciones.


Por último, la secuencia instructiva hace referencia a cómo llevar a cabo una acción determinada.
Está compuesta por pasos que tienen que cumplirse para obtener el resultado esperado. El
lenguaje es claro y directo y predominan los verbos en imperativo y los conectores de orden.

 Recorra los textos 7 al 12 que se encuentran a continuación para determinar la fuente, el género y el
tópico. Luego identifique la secuencia textual predominante y enumere algunos de los marcadores
lingüísticos característicos de cada una de ellas.

Who wants to live forever? Three arguments against
extending the human lifespan
Martien A M Pijnenburg and Carlo Leget
Author information ► Article notes ► Copyright and License information ►

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.

The wish to extend the human lifespan has a long tradition in many cultures.
Optimistic views of the possibility of achieving this goal through the latest
developments in medicine feature increasingly in serious scientific and
philosophical discussion.1,2,3,4,5 Focusing on interventions in biological ageing,
one can distinguishbetween research that is first and foremost aimed at
prolonging life by slowing or even arresting ageing processes and research that
is directed at combating the diseases that seem to be intrinsically connected with
biological ageing.6 We are not opposed to the latter interventions but focus on the
former, increasing human life expectancy beyond the average as a primary goal,
merely because there exists, as Glannon puts it, “the deeper conviction that there
is intrinsic value in living much longer than we presentlydo, given that being
alive is intrinsically valuable”.3
Although we agree that being alive is intrinsically valuable, we think that there is
a fundamental difference between the desirability of being alive within the limits
of the average life expectancy and the desirability of being alive beyond those
limits. In the first case, we deal with the possession and continuation of
something we have a right to maintain. In the second case, we are dealing with a
kind of enhancement7 to which the concept of a “right to” is ill‐suited, and that
raises a series of philosophical and ethical questions. Reflecting on the
desirability of research that is explicitly aimed at life extension, we shall present
three serious objections, relating to justice, to the community and to the meaning
of life. They differ as regards their nature and cogency. We begin with the most
compelling argument—justice.


El género abstract tiene como función sintetizar las ideas centrales de un

artículo y proveer al lector de un primer contacto con la investigación que se está llevando a cabo.
La importancia de que su escritura esté adecuadamente elaborada es que a partir de su lectura, el
lector decide continuar con la lectura del artículo o no. El propósito de la investigación debe estar
expresada en el abstract, lo mismo que el objetivo, el para qué, cómo se realizó el estudio, y lo que
éste reveló.

"A well-pREPARED ABsTRAct CAN be the most importANT single

pARAGrAPh in AN ARticle"
The rhetorical organization of research article abstracts in education


Nurse practitioner (NP)

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse with a graduate degree in advanced
practice nursing. This type of provider may also be referred to as an ARNP
(Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) or APRN(Advanced Practice
Registered Nurse).

The NP is allowed to provide a broad range of health care services, which may include:

Taking the person's history, performing a physical exam, and ordering laboratory tests and

Diagnosing, treating, and managing diseases

Writing prescriptions and coordinating referrals

Providing education on disease prevention and healthy lifestyles

Performing certain procedures, such as a bone marrow biopsy or lumbar puncture


Nurse practitioners work in a variety of specialties, including:

 Cardiology

• Nephrology

• Oncology

• Pediatrics

• Primary care

• Psychiatry

• School health

 Emergency

 Family practice

 Geriatrics

 Neonatology

 Women's health

Their range of health care services (scope of practice) and privileges (authority
granted to a provider) depends on laws in the state that they work. Some nurse
practitioners may work independently in clinics or hospitals without doctor
supervision. Others work together with doctors as a joint health care team. Like many
other professions, nurse practitioners are regulated at two different levels. They are
licensed through a process that takes place at the state level under state laws. They
are also certified through national organizations, with consistent professional practice
standards across all states.


The laws on NP licensure vary greatly from state to state. Today, more states are
requiring NPs have a master's or doctorate degree and national certification. In some
states, NP practice is completely independent. Other states require that NPs work with
an MD for prescriptive practice privileges or to get licensed.


National certification is offered through various nursing organizations (such as the

American Nurses' Credentialing Center, Pediatric Nursing Certification Board, and
others). Most of these organizations require that NPs complete an approved master's or
doctorate-level NP program before taking the certification exam. The exams are offered
in specialty areas, such as:


 Acute care
 Adult health
 Family health
 Geriatric health
 Neonatal health
 Pediatric/child health
 Psychiatric/mental health
 Women's health
To be recertified, NPs need to show proof of continuing education. Only certified
nurse practitioners may use a "C" either in front of or behind their other credentials
(for example, certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, FNP-C, and Certified Family
Nurse Practitioner). Some nurse practitioners may use the credential ARNP, which
means advanced registered nurse practitioner. They may also use the credential
APRN, which means advanced practice nurse practitioner. This is a broader category
that includes clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse midwives, and nurse

TEXTO 9 › argentina


At least seven people were injured and 15 more missing on Wednesday as forest fires ripped
through Patagonia, official sources said. Some 200 people had to be evacuated and around 100
homes were damaged by fire in an area of forests and lakes popular with tourists close to the
Andes mountain range. Locations affected by the flames include Lago Puelo, El Bolsón, El
Maitén, Epuyén, Futaleufú and El Hoyo.

"I'm going to file a criminal complaint because it was an intentional fire," said Environment
Minister Juan Cabandié at a press conference. President Alberto Fernández wrote on Twitter
that the national government had "sent two helicopters, three fire hydrant planes, 12 fire
engines, support vehicles and 62" firefighters to tackle the blaze.

Seven people were injured, one seriously, and 200 evacuated from Lago Puelo in Chubut
Province, the local municipality said. "There are 15 people missing due to the fire that affected
more than 100 homes," said Cabandié.

In nearby El Hoyo "the rains were so intense that they put out the fire," village spokesman
Alejandro Otero told AFP, although he warned that the embers were being monitored. "It's a
fire that began within the forest where there are the extreme conditions for it to expand," said
Augusto Sánchez, the mayor of Lago Puelo. Last year tens of thousands of hectares of forest
were destroyed in fires in Argentina. In 95 percent of those cases, the fires were started by
people and in some cases caused huge damage to farmland and buildings, the government

TEXTO 10 You are here: Home » Activities and Groups » Information Society » Publications »

How To Spot FakeNews


How to Spot Fake News

Critical thinking is a key skill in media and information literacy, and
themission of libraries is to educate and advocate its importance.

Discussions about fake news has led to a new focus on media literacy more broadly,
and the role of libraries and other education institutions in providing this.
When Oxford Dictionaries announce post-truth is Word of the Year 2016, we as
librarians realise actionis needed to educate and advocate for critical thinking – a
crucial skill when navigating the information society.
IFLA has made this infographic with eight simple steps (based on’s
2016 article How to Spot Fake News) to discover the verifiability of a given news-piece
in front of you. Download, print, translate, and share – at home, at your library, in your
local community, and on social media networks. The more we crowdsource our
wisdom, the wiser the world becomes.



The atmosphere allows most of the visible light from the Sun to pass through and reach
Earth’s surface. As Earth’s surface is heated by sunlight, it radiates part of this energy
back toward space as infrared radiation. This radiation, unlike visible light, tends to be
absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, raising its temperature. The heated
atmosphere in turn radiates infrared radiation back toward Earth’s surface. (Despite its
name, the greenhouse effect is different from the warming in a greenhouse, where panes of
glass transmit visible sunlight but hold heat inside the building by trapping warmed air.)



Harry Potter and The Sorcerer Stone.


La idea principal de un párrafo es la que expresa la información esencial para el despliegue
del tema. Por su parte, la idea secundaria expresa los detalles o los aspectos derivados del
tema principal.
A nivel sintáctico podemos identificar la idea principal a través de la repetición de palabras
clave, el uso de la referencia y de sinónimos. A nivel semántico, la identificación depende
de la información que aporta y si es sustento del párrafo o no. Para realizar un resumen
del texto, siga los siguientes pasos:

 Lea el texto una vez paradeterminar el tópico del mismo.

 Vuelva a leerlo y subraye las ideas principales de cada párrafo, generalmente
expresadas por la oración tópica.


 Identifique y subraye en color palabras conceptuales clave que tengan sentido y



January 2007.

By David Nowak

It's 3 a.m. A girl -- pretty, drunk, wearing a bit less than might be prudent -- stumbles out of a
club. She hails a cab and voila, three Ladas line up to give her a ride. Within no time, the driver
has agreed on a price, and off they go. What happens next, said police spokesman Vladimir
Korobkov, is not unheard of: In tatters, cold, bleeding, the girl wakes up in a park a couple
hours later, having been drugged and raped. She's lucky to be alive.

Admittedly, Korobkov said, these cases are rare. But not that rare, even among established cab
companies. Now women who are tired of predatory taxi drivers -- whose behaviour ranges
from flirtatious to violent -- have a new way home.

Pink Taxi is a Moscow service run by women for women. Not only does the company
guarantee a safe ride, Pink Taxi drivers also offer advice, share gossip and make a concerted


effort to lift their passengers' spirits. Passengers say they're never going back to male cab
drivers. "I don't know where to start," said Olga Kuznetsova, 34, a mother of three who travels
with her kids in Pink Taxis at least twice a week. "The male drivers smoke, spit, play loud music,
and generally don't give a damn about the comfort of the passenger."

Olga Fomina, 34, Pink Taxi's general director, explained their success. "By mobilizing women,
we are solving the safety problem they run into in taxis," she said. Fomina and two girlfriends
launched the cab service in August. All three women had been working in real estate but had
grown tired of their jobs. Business has been growing almost from Day One. In August, Pink Taxi
received just 20 calls. Today, the company averages 140 calls per day. Alas, demand is
outstripping supply: The company can only answer 70 of those.

As business has boomed, Pink Taxi has diversified its services. It now picks up kids from school,
buys and delivers flowers, and even takes care of the weekly run to the grocery store. Still, the
company has yet to outgrow its original corporate headquarters -- a couple of cramped, wood-
panelled offices in an industrial park on the fringes of eastern Moscow. "Before we created the
company, everyone was so sceptical about the idea," Fomina said, adding that male friends
poked fun at it. Fomina was a bored real estate agent in January 2006, when she heard a radio
dispatch on women-only taxi services in London and Tokyo. Pooling their resources, Fomina
and her two friends launched Pink Taxi.

In the beginning, the company's "fleet" of taxis, as Fomina put it, comprised two Daewoo Nexia
cars; they had two female drivers. Six months later, they have 20 Daewoos and 27 drivers.
Soon, the company will replace its cars with Volvo S40s. Barely containing a smile, Fomina said:
"We're going strong." She stressed that the passengers weren't the only ones in need of a
helping hand. Pink Taxi's drivers -- all female -- have been to university and are aged 27 to 55.
Fomina noted that for many in their mid-thirties it's tough to find work. "After having kids,
what is there for a woman to do?"

Pink Taxi's success appears to have prompted competition. In November, Ladies Red Taxi,
based in Khimki, opened. The company is getting 50 calls daily, and most of that call load
comes from foreign women, said Oksana Bolshakova, the company's deputy director. With a
fleet of 10 Chevrolets, 20 female drivers aged 27 to 45 and similar, slightly above-market
prices, Ladies Red Taxi has had to differentiate itself from Pink Taxi by marketing to both
women and men.

Despite the women cab companies' recent success, shuttling Muscovites around town is still
very much a man's business. There are fewer than 100 professional female cab drivers in
Moscow out of a total of 3,500. New Yellow Taxi, Moscow's biggest cab company, with a fleet
of 1,500 cars, has just 15 female drivers, said the company's marketing director, Edvard
Mkhitaryan. Besides the professional cabbies are the 40,000-plus gypsy cab drivers, noted Yury
Sveshnikov, director of the Moscow Transportation Union. Gypsy cab culture tends to be
tougher and scrappier and is dominated by men from the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Indeed, gypsy cab driver Vyacheslav Sokolnikov is against women driving at all. "They slow
down traffic," he said, "and they don't have the necessary coordination to drive a car." Women


companies' executives laugh off the charge that women shouldn't be driving taxis, but their
arrival on Moscow roads are raising questions about discrimination and women's rights. "What
if a guy urgently needs to get somewhere, and there are no other options available?" asked
Korobkov, the city police spokesman. New Taxi's Mkhitaryan said: "Yes, I think Pink Taxi is a
good idea. But then, communism was a good idea, too."

Prominent feminist Maria Arbatova shrugged off the criticism. "The labeling of a taxi service
for women as sexist is paramount to calling a female restroom sexist," Arbatova added. "The
absence of such services was a manifestation of sexism." Pink Taxis is still growing strong years
later. I think it is a testament to their marketing strategy and their focus on building a niche
market that works really well.
Click here to learn more about innovative marketing strategies


Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer. Observe el paratexto y luego determine:

el tópico

la fuente

el autor

la fecha de publicación

qué información le suministran la figura


1. Subraye las oraciones tópico de cada párrafo.

2. Identifique los subtemas subtópicos de cada uno de ellos utilizando frases/palabras
3. Resuma el contenido del texto.
4. Realice resúmenes de algunos de los textos trabajados hasta ahora.



‘Impact of Distance Education on

Adult Learning’ project
Distance education is becoming an increasingly widespread phenomenon. As many adults are
unable to participate in on-campus education, distance education offers flexible learning paths
that greatly enhance accessibility to higher education. Exploring ways of using distance
education to increase the participation of adult learners in higher education is an important
objective of European education policies. Against this background, the UNESCO Institute for
Lifelong Learning (UIL), together with the International Council for Open and Distance
Education (ICDE) and Study Portals (SP), set out to examine the potential of the distance
education programs provided by higher education institutions in Europe. The research project,
which was entitled ‘Impact of Distance Education on Adult Learning’ (IDEAL), was funded by
the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Program. The task force for the project
consisted of experts on adult and distance education from the European Association of
Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU), the European Association for the Education of Adults
(EAEA), the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN), the European Foundation for
Quality in E-Learning (EFQUEL) and the European Society for Research on the Education of
Adults (ESREA). The findings of the
research, whi was conducted between October 2013 and November 2015, are gathered in
three online publications and a final research report. The final research report, entitled Closing
the Gap: Opportunities for Distance Education to Benefit Adult Learners in Higher Education, is
now available.


Three online publications on the distance education offer of European higher education
institutions and the social profiles of adult learners enrolled in distance education.

Final report


Closing the Gap: Opportunities for Distance Education to Benefit Adult Learners in


Higher Education

Report 1
Distance education offer of European higher education institutions

Report 2
Social profile of adults enrolled in distance education

Report 3
Social profile of potential distance education students

 Finland case study

 Germany case study
 Greece case study
 Hungary case study
 United Kingdom case study

Motivating and inhibiting factors affecting the participation of adult learners in distance
education. Approximately 3 million students are currently enrolled in distance higher
education. To increase the participation of adult learners in higher education, it is important to
identify the factors that encourage adult learners to avail themselves of distance education.
The most important factors motivating students to participate in distance education are as


education is easi to combine with a job (30%); i allows students to study at their own pace
(21%); and it allows to study from home (19%). The main factors preventing students from
participating in distance education are the need for funding (54%), a shortage of time (18%),
and a lack of recognition of prior qualifications (15%).


Enhance accessibility: FAVORECER LA ACCESIBILIDAD enrolled: INSCRIPTOS


ANTES DE LEER 1- Recorra el texto y determine:

a) Género……………………. Tópico:…………………………. ………Fuente: ……………………

2. Especifique qué información suministran los siguientes índices tipográficos

a) (ICDE) ……………………………………………………………………

b) (IDEAL) ……………………………………………………………………

c) (ESREA) ……………………………………………………………………

d) 30% ……………………………………………………………………

e) 18% ……………………………………………………………………

3. Indique con qué propósito se usan las imágenes y la negrita.

4. Si hay algún ejemplo de viñetas, indique que señalan.

MIENTRAS LEE 1- Señale cuál es la secuencia textual predominante del texto.

 Identifique tres ejemplos de marcadores lingüísticos de la misma, a fin de justificar su

 Subraye o coloree las ideas principales de cada párrafo.
 Utilizando otro color, subraye las palabras conceptuales clave que aparecen a lo largo
del texto.
 Realice un resumen del texto (50/ 60 palabras).

2- Conteste las siguientes preguntas:

a- De acuerdo al artículo, ¿que ofrece la educación a distancia a los adultos?

b- ¿Por qué la educación a distancia es un fenómeno en crecimiento?

c- ¿Cuál es el trabajo final de los hallazgos de la investigación?



1- Complete el texto con las frases nominales que correspondan.

Explorar los para aumentar la

es de
. ,
se deciden a examinar impartido
por .

Exploring ways of using distance education to increase the participation of adult learners in
higher education is an important objective of European education policies. Against this
background, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL), together with the International
Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) and Study Portals (SP), set out to examine the
potential of the distance education programs provided by higher education institutions in

2- REFERENCIAS – Enumere a que se refieren las palabras recuadradas en el texto.

3- CONECTORES – Identifique que ideas se conectan a través de los conectores en negrita

Binge eating disorder is a severe, life-threatening and treatable eating disorder characterized
by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of
discomfort); a feeling of a loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt
afterwards. It is the most common eating disorder in the United States.

BED is one of the newest eating disorders formally recognized in the DSM5.

Causes of Binge Eating Disorder.

While the exact cause of binge eating disorder is unknown, there are a variety of factors that
are thought to influence the development of this disorder. These factors are:

 Biological: Biological abnormalities, such as hormonal irregularities or genetic

mutations, may be associated with compulsive eating and food addiction.


 Psychological: A strong correlation has been established between depression and

binge eating. Body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and difficulty coping with feelings
can also contribute to this.
 Social and Cultural: Traumatic situations, such as a history of sexual abuse, can
increase the risk of binge eating. Social pressures to be thin, which are typically
influenced through media, can trigger emotional eating. Persons subject to critical
comments about their bodies or weight may be especially vulnerable to binge eating

The formal diagnostic criteria are:

 An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:

o Eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hour period), an amount
of food that is definitely larger than what most people would eat in a similar
period of time under similar circumstances.

o A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that
one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).

 The binge eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the following:

o Eating much more rapidly than normal.

o Eating until feeling uncomfortably full.

o Eating large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry.

o Eating alone BECAUSE OF feeling embarrassed by how much one is eating.

o Feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty afterward.

 The binge eating occurs, on average, at least once a week for 3 months.

 The binge eating is not associated with the recurrent use of inappropriate
compensatory behaviors (e.g., purging) AS in bulimia nervosa and does not occur
exclusively during the course of bulimia OR anorexia nervosa.

 What BED is Not:

BED is not a choice.

BED is not lack of willpower.

BED does not indicate failure.

BED is not overeating at a holiday meal or special occasion.


REFERENCES: DSM–5, the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the


 Hudson JI, Hiripi E, Pope HG Jr, and Kessler RC. (2007). The prevalence and correlates of eating disorders
in the National Comorbidity Survey Replication. Biological Psychiatry, 61(3):348-58.

 Stice E & Bohon C. (2012). Eating Disorders. In Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 2nd Edition,
Theodore Beauchaine & Stephen Linshaw, eds. New York: Wiley.


Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer. Lea el título y los subtítulos. Resuelva.

1. Determine el tópico y el género del texto. Justifique la secuencia lingüística a la que


2. Indique los distintos temas que el texto aborda.

3. Determine qué información le proveen los siguientes índices tipográficos.



2- hour -period


1- ¿Qué es BED? (defina)

2- ¿De qué origen son los factores que causan este trastorno? Mencione tres ejemplos de
cada uno.

3- ¿Cuáles son las emociones normalmente asociadas a un paciente con BED?

4- ¿Qué no debe entenderse por BED?


 Indique cual es el referente de las palabras del texto subrayadas:


 Localice en el texto los conectores que están subrayados y en mayúscula. Primero

determine qué tipo de conectores son y luego explique qué ideas conectan utilizando
en lo posible sus propias palabras.


 Analice las frases nominales subrayadas.

There are a variety of factors that are thought to influence the development of this disorder.
Biological abnormalities, such as hormonal irregularities or genetic mutations, may be
associated with compulsive eating and food addiction.




Una narración es el relato de hechos reales o imaginarios que les suceden a unos
personajes en un lugar y en un tiempo. Los mismos están dispuestos en una
secuencia cronológica y mantienen una jerarquía causal, es decir, algunos
acontecimientos ocurren antes que otros.
Existen dos tipos de estructuras en la narración: la externa y la interna. La estructura
externa hace referencia a la forma en que se presenta la obra: capítulos, libros o
episodios. La estructura interna se refiere al orden y distribución de los hechos que se
narran y consta de las siguientes partes:
A) Situación inicial o introducción: Se presenta a los principales personajes y se
narra el acontecimiento inicial, el que origina el conflicto desarrollado en el nudo.
B) Nudo o conflicto: Son los hechos que viven y realizan los personajes. Constituyen
el eje de la trama.
C) Desenlace o final: Es la solución al conflicto propuesto en la situación inicial y
desarrollada en el nudo.
El marco de la narración está conformado por los personajes, el tiempo, el espacio y la
acción. Los personajes realizan las acciones, en un espacio y en un tiempo. El cuerpo
principal de la historia está conformado por los acontecimientos. Los géneros más
comunes en donde predomina la secuencia narrativa son:
• Biografía
• Relato histórico
• Noticia
• Crónica
• Memorias
• Cuento
• Microrelato.

Dentro de la narración, podemos encontrar un texto descriptivo, el

cual intenta que el lector obtenga una imagen exacta de la realidad de un objeto,
persona, paisaje, animal, emoción o todo lo que pueda ser puesto en palabras. Una
característica esencial es que al tratarse de textos atemporales, estos no se mueven
en el tiempo sino


que lo detenemos un instantes para hablar de él como un todo estático. En la

descripción de hechos, se utilizan las comparaciones y las enumeraciones. Las
descripciones pueden ser de dos tipos:
 Técnicas: donde se describe mediante la objetividad y con el uso de un
lenguaje técnico.
 Literaria: donde se describe subjetivamente desde la realidad del escritor,
generando a través de su vocabulario una estética agradable al lector.


La biografía es un género textual dedicado a la vida y la actividad de una persona que

ha tenido influencia en algún momento histórico, o que fue protagonista de algún
hecho importante.
En la biografía predominan las secuencias narrativas y expositivas. Se redacta en
tercera persona (con excepción de las autobiografías) y si bien en algunos casos
puede incluir apreciaciones subjetivas, está compuesta por datos precisos como
fechas, nombres y lugares. La estructura incluye la introducción, el desarrollo y la



“O house is on fire, I am here to say our house is on fire. According to the

IPCC we are less than 12 years away from not being able to undo our
mistakes.” (16 April 2019)
Early life and activism
Great Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003. Her mother is a Swedish opera singer and
her father an actor. Thunberg became aware of the threat of global warming from the
age of eight, and couldn’t understand why so little was being done about
From a feeling of helplessness Thunberg became depressed and often stopped talking
– a condition known as ‘selective mutism’. She was also diagnosed with Asperger
syndrome. Children with Asperger’s lack social communication and can end up
with repetitive patterns of speech and behaviour. It is often considered a mild form of
autism and overlaps with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Thunberg says she doesn’t
enjoy chit chat and for many years at school was very quiet and shy. But, her
personality has been, in many ways a blessing for her role as social activist speaking
unpalatable truths.
Thunberg says that she sees things in black and white – and in particular the clarity of
real danger facing the planet. She said that the only thing that helped her to overcome
her inner turmoil and depression was to protest and speak about climate change and
environmental issues. Thunberg has said that she can’t let things go like other
people, but she feels the inner drive to keep speaking about climate change, no
matter how awkward or difficult it proves to be. Initially, the target of her activism was
her parents. Her father remembered how she was very persistent with innumerable
arguments, data and graphs. He remembers it got to a point where he said:
“Over the years, I ran out of arguments,” Her parents also were happy to see
that her activism was a way out of her depression. Greta remembers that having
the power to persuade her parents gave her confidence she could do something with
her life.

“That’s when I kind of realised I could make a difference. And how I

got out of that depression was that I thought: it is just a waste of time
feeling this way because I can do so much good with my life. I am trying to
do that still now.”
In May 2018, when she was 15, she won an essay writing competition on the
environment held by a Swedish newspaper. This led to her attending meetings with an
environmental group Fossil Free Dalsland, who were committed to taking action
against climate change. Thunberg decided her contribution could be to lead a school
strike to raise awareness. She later said that she got the idea for a school strike from
the example of US students who refused to return to school after another fatal
shooting at Parkland, Florida earlier in the year.


By: Anders Hellberg CC-BY-SA-4.0

Initially, none of her school friends wished to join her, so she decided to go ahead with
the strike on her own on the 20 August. That summer, Sweden had experienced heat
waves and wildfires so the issue was fairly prominent, but had been largely ignored by
the main political parties in the national election. Thunberg stated she would not
return to school until after the Swedish General Election on 9 September. She
demanded the Swedish government commit to reducing carbon emission to the levels
agreed by the Paris Agreement of 2016.
Initially, she cut a lone figure on the cobblestones with a hand-painted banner. Her
parents tried to dissuade her and passers-by expressed bemusement.
After the elections, she went on strike every Friday travelling to the Swedish
Parliament to protest a lack of action against climate change. Despite taking one day
off a week for protests, she caught up her homework on other days. According to her
father, she remained in the top 5 of her class. Her schoolwork combined with activism,
such as writing speeches means she often works 12-15 hour days. Her protest soon
spread on social media to other school children of her age. It also received substantial
media coverage. Quite quickly the school strikes spread across the world and made
front page headlines.


“Many people say that Sweden is just a small country and it doesn’t
matter what we do. But I’ve learned that you are never too small to
make a difference and if a few children can get headlines all over the
world just by not going to school then imagine what we could all do
together if we really wanted to. ” (25 Jan 2019)
Thunberg has spoken at high profile events across Europe. This included speaking at
Davos – the World Economic Forum on 23 January 2019. She arrived by train, whereas
many delegates arrived by private jet. She was characteristically blunt and to the point,
arguing that many delegates had been prioritising increasing personal wealth rather
than considering the welfare of the planet and future generations.

“Some people, some companies, some decision makers in particular

have known exactly what priceless values they have been sacrificing to
continue making unimaginable amounts of money. I think many of you
here today belong to that group of people.” (Davos 23 January 2019)
She has also spoken at the European Parliament and Austrian World Summit. In June
2019, she announced she would travel to the United Nations climate summits at the
United Nations in New York. However, she would not fly, but travel in a high-speed
racing yacht, equipped with solar panels and underwater turbines which generate zero
carbon emissions. She then plans to take the train with her father to another UN
climate conference in Chile. She is taking a sabbatical from school to spend a year
campaigning against environmental destruction.

In July 2019, she made her musical debut with the English rock group The 1975. She
recorded a long voice over on their track “Time to Rebel’ from th new album saying
the time for civil disobedience was here. Proceeds from the track will go to the protest
movement “Extinction Rebellion”


Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer y luego determine:

El tópico

La fuente

Que ilustran las imágenes



Lea el texto con detenimiento y luego complete el siguiente cuadro:

Fecha y lugar de nacimiento

Enfermedad/es diagnosticadas que padece

El objetivo de su activismo es…

Mayo 2018

20 de agosto

La han ignorado ampliamente

Sus demandas exigían:

En el lugar 5

12-15 horas


The 1975


1- Interprete las frases nominales faltantes en los espacios


Thunberg decidió que …………………………………………………… podría llevar a ……………………..

que despertara conciencias. Ella más tarde dijo que saco la idea de……………………………..
…………………………………… quienes se negaron a volver a....................................después
de ………………………………………………….

. Thunberg decided her contribution could be to lead a school strike to raise

awareness. She later said that she got the idea for a school strike from the example of
US students who refused to return to school after another fatal shooting at Parkland,
Florida earlier in the year.

2- Determine a que se refieren las palabras que se encuentran

3- Explique los conectores subrayados en el texto y que ideas


UNApill 4: Los tiempos verbales.

El tiempo verbal en inglés (tense) refiere al momento en donde el verbo de una frase
ubica la acción de un acontecimiento. En ingles existen dos tiempos verbales: el
presente y el pasado. El futuro es una MODALIDAD. 1

EL PRESENTE SIMPLE se utiliza para expresar acciones del presente que se producen
una vez o repetidamente, o que tienen una validez general.

“Many say that Sweden just a small country and it what we do.
people i doesn’t
EL PASADO SIMPLE se usa para describir acciones que ocurrieron una o varias veces
seguidas, consecutivamente o interrumpiendo una acción que ya estaba teniendo
lugar. En español el pasado simple se puede interpretar usando el pretérito perfecto
simple (acciones puntuales = fui) o por el pretérito imperfecto (acciones repetidas o
continuadas del pasado = iba).

After the elections, she we on strike every Friday travelling to the Swedish Parliament
to protest a lack of action against climate change. Despite taking one day off a week for
protests, she caught her homework on other days. According to her father, she
remain in the top 5 of her class.
El aspecto refiere la duración de un acontecimiento dentro de un tiempo gramatical.
Existen cuatro aspectos gramaticales en inglés: simple, progresivo, perfecto y perfecto

El aspecto progresivo describe acciones que se desarrollan sobre un

periodo de tiempo, el cual puede ser corto o extenso, y puede llevarse a cabo en el
presente, en el pasado o en el futuro.

MODALIDAD: veremos más en profundidad este tema en UNA PILL 6 dentro del TEXTO 26.


She is taking a sabbatical from school to spend a year campaigning against

environmental destruction.

El aspecto perfecto se utiliza para indicar que una acción está terminada.

She has also spoken at the European Parliament and Austrian World Summit.

Famous Young people who changed the world
A list of inspirational children and young people who have made a positive difference in
the world. These young people, from a diversity of different backgrounds, have helped
to change the world in a positive way. They stand as examples of courage and


Recorra los resÚmenes de biografías propuestos en el Texto 15. Seleccione uno
de su interés y encuentre dentro de la página propuesta más información
relacionada con su elección. Luego, con el texto que seleccionó leído, complete:

En este momento de la lectura, concéntrense en el texto completo para

1- determinar:

La fuente textual
El género
El tópico. Justifique su elección con 5
palabras que considera clave en este


Los temas que abordará el texto

2. explicar (se debe realizar el análisis de al menos 3 de estos ítems):

el uso de tipografía especial

(negritas, bastardilla, etc)
la información que suministran
algunos índices tipográficos
el uso de viñetas, paréntesis,
comillas, etc.
lo que ilustra/n la/s figura/s (si las


Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la

comprensión general del texto. Para esta actividad se pueden concentrar en alguna
sección del texto si el mismo es muy extenso.






1- ¿A qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren las siguientes

palabras recuadradas en el texto?
2- Conectores
Busque 2 conectores en el texto. Determine qué tipo de conector es (contraste,
adición, consecuencia, etc) y luego explicite qué ideas une.


La noticia responde las 5W que provienen de las palabras interrogativas en ingles

WHAT que: es el acontecimiento, el hecho, la noticia.

WHO quién: es el personaje, o los protagonistas del hecho.
WHERE dónde: el lugar donde la acción se lleva a cabo.
WHEN cuándo: sitúa la noticia en el tiempo.
WHY por qué: explicita las razones o causas del hecho descripto.
HOW cómo: describe la forma y circunstancias en las que tuvo lugar el acontecimiento.

Estas son las partes que conforman la noticia.





It’s a child rights crisis
- Thunberg
“Like the climate crisis, the coronavirus pandemic is a child-rights crisis”, said Ms.
Thunberg. “It will affect all children, now and in the long-term, but vulnerable groups will
be impacted the most”.
Inaugurated with an initial donation of $200,000 on behalf of Human Act and the Greta
Thunberg Foundation, campaign proceeds will go directly towards UNICEF’s
emergency programmes to fight COVID-19, including to provide soap, masks,
protective equipment and other support to healthcare systems.
“I’m asking everyone to step up and join me in support of UNICEF’s vital work to save
children's lives, to protect health and continue education”, asserted the young climate
activist who rose to global prominence through her “school strike” campaign against
global warming.
Ms. Thunberg recently received an award from Human Act, who granted her foundation
the prize money of $100,000. This will now go to UNICEF along with a matching
$100,000 from Human Act.
"UNICEF is very pleased that Greta and her supporters have not only chosen to take a
stand against this pandemic, but to do in partnership with UNICEF”, said Ms. Fore.

La trama que predomina en este género textual es la narrativa aunque puede contener
segmentos descriptivos, explicativos, argumentativos, etc. La secuencia narrativa de la
noticia tiene la siguiente estructura:
 Planteamiento.
 Nudo
 Desenlace




One of Emma Watson’s former co-stars confirmed a big rumour about the Harry Potter star this week. Now, he’s done a remarkable U-turn.

Emma Watson’s name is entrenched in blockbuster folklore, as one

third of the legendary Harry Potter trio.
The films made household names of Daniel Radcliffe (as Harry Potter), Rupert Grint
(Ron Weasley) and Watson, who played the highly intelligent and unapologetic
Hermione Granger.
But in recent years Watson has turned her back on Hollywood, retiring from acting and
even letting her social media channels lay “dormant.” The message is clear: Fans
shouldn’t expect to hear from Emma Watson.
Despite this seclusion, Watson is still regular tabloid fodder, making headlines this
week after actor Seth Rogen revealed she left the set of their 2013 comedy film, This is
the End.
While speaking to British GQ, Rogen was asked about the rumoured incident in which
Watson refused to shoot a particularly edgy scene for the racy comedy.
“I mean, I don‘t look back on that and think, ‘How dare she do that?’ You know?”
Rogen said of the moment. “I think sometimes when you read something, when it
comes to life it doesn’t seem to be what you thought it was.”
Rogen backtracked on his comments the next day, saying the GQ interview was a
misrepresentation of what really happened.

1. Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer para determinar:



a- 2013
b- British GQ
c- This is the End.
2- ¿Está complete el texto? Justifique su respuesta.

Recorra el texto y determine si se cumplen las 5W que conforman una noticia.

Seleccione una noticia de un diario escrito en inglés. Busque en páginas que considere de
fuentes confiables y seguras. Seleccione el texto y complete:


En este momento de la lectura, concéntrense en el texto completo para

2- determinar:

La fuente textual
El género
El tópico

Justifique su elección con 5 palabras que

considera clave en este texto.

Los temas que abordará el texto

2. explicar (se debe realizar el análisis de al menos 3 de estos ítems):

el uso de tipografía especial (negritas,

bastardilla, etc)
la información que suministran


algunos índices tipográficos

el uso de viñetas, paréntesis, comillas,
lo que ilustra/n la/s figura/s (si las


Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la

comprensión general del texto. Para esta actividad se pueden concentrar en alguna
sección del texto si el mismo es muy extenso.






1- ¿A qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren las siguientes

palabras recuadradas en el texto?
2- Conectores
Busque 2 conectores en el texto. Determine qué tipo de conector es (contraste,
adición, consecuencia, etc) y luego explicite qué ideas une.


El relato histórico es la narración cronológica de acontecimientos reales del pasado. Al

igual que la biografía, está compuesta por tres secciones: la introducción, el desarrollo
y la conclusión.




On April 18, 1989, after the funeral of communist leader Hu Yaobang, thousands of students
marched in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, to protest the oppressive communist
government. The protests continued as students called for strikes and class boycotts.

A few weeks later, on May 13, students began a hunger strike in Tiananmen Square insisting
the government begin dialogue with them. Within a few days, the number of strikers had
reached over one thousand. On May 19, a rally for political and economic change drew over
1.2 million demonstrators, most of them university students. The Chinese government
imposed martial law on May 20 but to no avail.

Then, on June 4, Chinese police and troops opened fire on and beat the protestors. Chaos
ensued as panicked demonstrators rushed to escape. Early the next morning, tanks arrived on
the scene and plowed through any remaining dissenters. By 5:40 a.m., the protest was over.


No official death toll was ever releasedbut some Western reporters estimated thousands
may have been killed and up to 10,000 arrested. The brutal attack brought attention to the
democratic movement in China and caused the United States to impose sanctions on the
communist state for violating human rights.


The Velvet Revolution. Peter Turnley/Corbis/VCG/Getty Images Soviet Union

Velvet Revolution of 1989

As Mikhail Gorbachev transformed the Soviet Union’s government in the 1980s,
communist Czechoslovakia continued to firmly control its citizens and punish
government dissidents, even after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

On November 17, 1989 a student march marking International Students Day turned into
an anti-communism rally. The peaceful marchers were
attack by riot police and 167
of them


Rather than squelch the student movement, the attack further united the protestors and
much of the country against the government’s tyranny. Students, actors and theatres
went on strike and massive demonstrations took place in Prague and other cities. The
next day, 75 percent of the nation went on a two-hour strike.

On November 28, the Communist Party relinquished power.

In June, free elections were for the first time in the new Czech Republic. The
smooth, peaceful transformation earned the uprising the name, “Velvet Revolution.”


Chris McGrath/Getty Images

Pro-democracy protesters holding umbrellas in front of police during

clashes on a street in Mong Kok on October 19, 2014 in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong’s 2014 Umbrella Protests
Hong Kong’s “Umbrella Revolution” began on September 22, 2014, as thousands of
students—most wearing a yellow ribbon—boycotted classes in support of full
democratic elections and descended on the campus of the Chinese University of Hong
Kong. As the protests gained momentum, hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong
citizens joined in.


Over the next several weeks, streets, banks and other businesses were forced to
During the demonstrations, police often used pepper spray and tear gas to control and
disperse crowds. The protestors stood firm, however, and opened their umbrellas to
protect them from the dangerous mists, turning the umbrella into a powerful symbol of
their struggle.

The often-violent protests lasted almost three months and eventually fizzled out without
the protestors’ demand for universal suffrage being met. Still, the movement inspired
an unprecedented interest in democracy and political activism within Hong Kong.


Bongani Mnguni/City Press/Gallo Images/Getty Images

High-school students in Soweto, South Africa, protesting for better

education, 1976.

Soweto Uprising
On June 16, 1976, thousands of high school students in Soweto, South Africa,
protested peacefully against apartheid and the Bantu Education Act, which severely
limited educational opportunities to black students and decreased education quality. As
the students headed towards a soccer stadium, police tried to disperse them with tear


and warning gunshots. When that didn’t work, fire was opened by the forces in charge,
killing two students and injuring hundreds.

The shootings triggered a massive uprising in Soweto. Security forces brought in

armoured tanks under orders to restore law and order. As the revolt spread across
South Africa, it exposed the brutality of South Africa’s regime to the world and
emboldened the anti-apartheid movement.


Holocaust Resistance: The White Rose: A Lesson in Dissent. Jewish Virtual Library.
Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement: A Timeline of Key Events One Year On. Australian
Broadcasting Corporation.
Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’ Opens Wide. USA Today.
Kent State Shootings. Ohio History Central.
Soweto Student Uprising. Michigan State University: Overcoming Apartheid.
The White Rose. Holocaust Research Project.
Tiananmen Square Fast Facts. CNN.
Tiananmen Square Protests of 1969. New World Encyclopedia.
The June 16 Soweto Youth Uprising. SAHO.
The Velvet Revolution: A Peaceful End to Communism in Czechoslovakia. Tavaana.

Citation Information
Article Title: History of Student Protests

Author Editors

Website Name: HISTORY
Access Date: 25 de marzo de 2021
Publisher: A&E Television Networks
Last Update : May 31, 2019
Original Published Date: March 1, 2018


1- tópico y fuente.
2- Que relato histórico describe y cuáles de las 5W se ven reflejadas.



Were killed

1- ¿Quién/es realizaron la acción expresada en el recuadro?

a- Los mismos manifestantes que eran opositores.
b- Las fuerzas policiales/ gubernamentales.
c- La extrema derecha.

UNApill 5: La Voz Pasiva.

La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando uno pone el foco en la persona u cosa que es el objeto
de una acción, en lugar de la persona o cosa que realiza dicha acción. Por ejemplo:

As the students headed towards a soccer stadium, police tried to disperse them with
tear gas and warning gunshots.
When that didn’t work, fire was opened by the forces in charge, killing two students
and injuring hundreds.

The forces in charge opened fire.


En ingles, la voz pasiva está compuesta por la forma apropiada del verbo TO BE + EL
PASADO PARTICIPIO. Cuando la oración en voz pasiva no incluye el agente –quien
realiza la acción- la interpretación se realiza con “se”.

No official death toll was ever released but some Western reporters estimated thousands may
have been killed and up to 10,000 arrested.

Ninguna estimación oficial de muertes se anunció pero algunos reporteros del oeste estimaron
que miles pueden haber sido asesinados y más de diez mil arrestados.

La voz pasiva con infinitivos: el infinitivo TO en la voz pasiva se

utiliza luego de los verbos modales y de los verbos que usualmente van seguidos de infinitivo.

Over the next several weeks, streets, banks and other businesses were forced to

mos muy presente en noticias periodísticas. Revise los textos que hemos visto en la unidad de repaso y encontrara casos d
Luego, seleccione algún otro texto leído anteriormente para detectar su uso.



The understanding that the spine is somehow involved in

health and wellness, as well as the practice of using
manual manipulation as a source of healing, dates back to
the time of the ancient Greek philosophers. In fact,
Hippocrates once
said, "Get knowledge of the spine, for thi is the requisite
for many diseases."

The First Chiropractic Adjustment

Modern chiropractic, however, marks beginnings in the late 1800s, when a Canadian
living in the US, Daniel David Palmer, a self-educated teacher and healer, performed
the first spinal manipulation on a patient.

That patient was Harvey Lillard, a janitor wh worked in Palmer's building. Lillard was
nearly totally deaf and mentioned to Palmer that he lost his hearing many years before
when he was bending over and felt a "pop" in his upper back.

Palmer, who was a practitioner of magnet therapy (a common therapy of the time) was
quite knowledgeable in anatomy and very interested in how the spine interacts with the
rest of the body's systems. He felt strongly that the two events—the "popping" in
Lillard's back and his deafness—must somehow be related.

He examined Lillard's spine and found a problem

with one of h vertebra. Palmer manipulated
Lillard's vertebra and an amazing event occurred—
Lillard's hearing was restored. Today, this
is known as a chiropractic adjustment.

Palmer soon discovered that adjustments could

relieve patients' pain and other symptoms. These
problems with vertebrae have been called
chiropractic subluxations.

He began to use these "hand treatments" to treat a variety of ailments, including

sciatica, migraine headaches, stomach complaints, epilepsy, and heart trouble. In
1898, he opened the Palmer School & Infirmary of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, and
began teaching his chiropractic techniques to others.


Initial Resistance in the Medical Community

The medical community did not immediately embrace Palmer's chiropractic theories
and techniques. The called him a "quack" and refused to acknowledge his
accomplishments. At one point, Palmer was even indicted for practicing medicine
without a license and spent time in jail for his offense.

Research has shown that Palmer was not the ignorant fish monger that some in the
medical profession claim. An investigation of this library, which he quoted liberally in his
letters, showed that he was up to date in his knowledge at the turn of the 20th century.
Of course, his theories, in the light of 21st century knowledge, look uneducated.

Chiropractic Today
Today, chiropractors are licensed in all the US states,
Canadian provinces, most European countries, Australia
and New Zealand. There are more than 50,000 practicing
chiropractors in the US alone. Despite its North American
roots, there are now more chiropractic educational
programs outside of North America. Chiropractic continues
to gain wide acceptance by the medical, legal, and patient
communities through its record of beneficial results and
ongoing research

1. Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer para determinar el tópico y el género.
2. La foto que figura dentro de la sección The first chiropractic adjustment pertenece a….
3. Explique algunos de los índices tipográficos que encuentre en el texto.

. Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la
comprensión general del texto.

1- Indique a que se refieren las siguientes palabras recuadradas en el texto.
This its who his (vertebra) this procedure
2- Analice los conectores subrayados en el texto, indique que función tienen y que
hechos conectan.
3- Subraye las frases verbales en la siguiente oración y determine si están en voz activa o

Palmer manipulated Lillard's vertebra and an amazing event occurred—Lillard's hearing was

4- Finalmente, recorra el texto y encuentre donde se describe la metodología que utilizó

Palmer para resolver el problema de su paciente.


La descripción tiene como propósito la caracterización de un objeto, una

actividad, un método, una persona, un lugar, un proceso, etc. La estructura de esta secuencia
se organiza básicamente sobre la dimensión espacial en donde se detallan las diferentes partes
de un todo y se dan sus características. Hay predominio de verbos en presente (tiene) y en
pretérito imperfecto (tenia) ya que estos describen estados que permanecen o acciones que se
repiten. Para realizar las descripciones, se utilizan adjetivos y se recurren a los sentidos.
Esta secuencia presenta la única dificultad de que no existe ningún criterio básico que ayude a
su comprensión o producción comparada con la secuencia narrativa que ya hemos visto. El
propósito del texto es lo que define la selección y el orden de la exposición de las
características del objeto a describir, y la descripción se basa en la coordinación y
yuxtaposición de las partes que la componen.


I am a firm believer in the theory that you can do or be anything that you wish in
this world, within reason, if you are prepared to make the sacrifices, think and
work hard enough and long enough.
– Frederick Banting

The Greeks first used the term ‘diabetes’, with the meaning ‘to pass through’, to denote
the large amount of water consumed and urine produced in diabetics. The Romans
added the term ‘mellitus’, meaning ‘sweet as honey’, when they noticed that the urine
of diabetics was sweet. In the not-too-remote past, the prognosis for children with this
affliction was very poor – most survived no more than a year past their diagnosis. In
adults, less than 20 per cent of diabetic patients lived past ten years. Sir Frederick
Banting, a physician and scientist, was the co-discoverer of insulin, a hormone of
critical importance in regulating blood sugar levels. When insulin action is deficient, one


develops diabetes mellitus. Due to Banting’s discovery of insulin, millions of people

worldwide were able to extend their lives by decades. In 1923, Banting became the first
Canadian and the youngest person, at age 32, to receive the Nobel Prize in


Banting was born on a farm in Ontario, Canada, on 14 November 1891. Two childhood
experiences led him to choose a career in medicine. The first was the collapse of a roof
that two men were working on. Banting quickly ran to get the town doctor, whose
presence calmed the chaotic scene. The second involved one of his closest friends,
Jane. She was bright and energetic until 14 years of age, when she started to lose
weight and complained of an unquenchable thirst. Jane passed away a few months
later from diabetes mellitus, and Banting was one of her pallbearers. Feeling the pain
of such a pointless death, he wondered how no doctor had found a cure for such a
terrible disease.

Although Banting’s desire to become a doctor initially conflicted with his family’s
wishes, he was eventually able to transfer from his theology college to the University of
Toronto Medical School in Toronto, Canada. World War I briefly interrupted his
education, as he enlisted in the Canadian army, serving with an ambulance corps in
France. When the war was over, Banting returned to complete his training as an
orthopaedic surgeon at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, then opened an
office in London, Ontario, Canada. As business was slow, he worked part-time at the
University of Western Ontario as a professor. One of his lectures was on the pancreas
and, as part of his preparation, Banting meticulously reviewed all known information
about the gland. It was well known that the pancreas produced various juices that
flowed through tubes into the intestine to help break down food. Yet, experiments by Dr
Joseph Freiherr von Mering and Dr Oscar Minkowski in 1890 showed that
pancreatectomised dogs also exhibited many of the features of human diabetics. In
1900, Dr Eugene Lindsay Opie commented that the pancreas of diabetics would
appear normal except for shrivelled clusters of cells named islets of Langerhans. A
report by Dr Moses Barron described an autopsy done on a patient whose pancreatic
duct had been obstructed by pancreatic stones. The acinar cells in the gland had been
destroyed, but the islet cells were preserved. This was similar to experiments done in
1901 by Dr Leonid Ssobolew, in which the islet cells of dogs remained viable even after
the pancreatic ducts had been ligated. On the night before his lecture, Banting was
mulling over this information just before going to sleep. He scribbled in his notebook:
“Diabetus [sic]. Ligate pancreatic ducts of dog. Keep dogs alive till acini degenerate
leaving islets. Try to isolate the internal secretion of these to relieve glycosurea [sic].”


In previous experiments, the extract from a healthy pancreas had been given to
diabetics with no improvement. Banting proposed that the next step was to develop a
purified extract from only the islet cells. He approached Professor John James Rickard
Macleod, an expert in carbohydrate metabolism who headed a large laboratory at the
University of Toronto. Professor Macleod was initially unimpressed with Banting’s
theory, but eventually allowed him the use of the laboratory. In May 1921, Banting
started the experiment with the help of Dr Charles Herbert Best, a 21-year-old medical
student. They first tied off the pancreatic ducts of dogs; after several weeks, they
removed the atrophied pancreas and created an extract, which they injected into the
vein of a sickly dog named Marjorie, whose pancreas had been removed several days
earlier. After an hour, there

was a noted change in the dog’s demeanour. It was able to raise its head, stand and
even wag its tail. There was a dramatic decrease in the dog’s blood sugar levels. Since
the extract of islet cells was the cause of this reversal, Banting named it ‘isletin’.
However, this success was short-lived, as the drop in blood sugar was temporary.
Banting realised that he needed a larger source of pancreas extract, and soon became
aware of a new report describing how the pancreas of fetal and newborn animals had a
higher proportion of islet cells than an adult pancreas. Familiar with farm activities from
his childhood days, Banting knew that farmers impregnated cows to increase their
weight for the market. At the time of slaughter, they would discard the embryos, which
he was able to procure. To his delight, cow isletin worked just as well as the extract
made from dogs. When Professor Macleod returned from Scotland, he questioned the
data and demanded additional experiments. Banting took these criticisms as a
personal rebuke and threatened to leave for the United States to finish his work.
Faculty members at the university were able to persuade Banting to stay, although the
relationship between the two would remain forever strained.
As the experiments continued, Professor Macleod realised the importance of their
discovery and soon devoted his entire lab to the project. He also decided to change the
name of the material to ‘insulin’, Latin for ‘island’. With the help of a biochemist, Dr
James Collip, the team was eventually able to purify insulin for human use.


The exact details of how much Professor Macleod contributed to the research has
become an area of contentious debate. According to Banting’s recollection, Professor
Macleod had no part in the initial experiments and did not become involved until after
he returned from Scotland. Professor Macleod countered this claim, stating that he
guided Banting and Dr Best from the very beginning. However, it was widely known
that there was great hostility between the two men, as Banting felt that Professor
Macleod was taking more of the credit than he deserved. This bitterness came to a
head in 1923, when they were both awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of
insulin. Banting was irate that Professor Macleod was to be awarded the prize while Dr
Best was not mentioned, and initially refused the honour. Although he was eventually
persuaded to change his mind, Banting also decided to publically credit Dr Best and
share half of his prize money with him. Not to be outdone, Professor Macleod
acknowledged Dr Collip’s contribution to the project and shared his prize money with

Banting loved painting, which helped him to escape from the constant pressure that the
world of medicine placed on him. He used the alias ‘Frederick Grant’ in his works of art.
In 1927, he met AY Jackson, a landscape painter belonging to the Group of Seven, a
group of Canadian artists. The two quickly became friends, and Banting frequently
travelled with these artists to remote areas of the world for inspiration. When
questioned by Jackson about possibly painting full-time, Banting responded: “When I
am fifty, that’s what I intend to do.”
When World War II broke out, Banting again served in the Canadian military, this time
as coordinating chairman of medical research, focusing on aviation medicine as well as
biological warfare. On 20 February 1941, he took a transatlantic flight to England to
consult with his British counterparts about his new research. Shortly after the plane
took off from Newfoundland in Canada, one of its engines failed. While returning to
base, the other engine failed as well. The pilot brought the plane down in the darkness
and came within a few feet from a safe landing on a frozen lake, but a wing clipped a
large tree at the last moment. Banting sustained severe head wounds and a broken left
arm. By the

time search planes spotted the crash site four days later, he had succumbed to his
injuries. Banting died at the age of 49.

•. Banting FG, Best CH. The internal secretion of the pancreas. J Lab Clin Med.
1922;7:251–66. [Google Scholar]
•. Berger M. Famous Men of Modern Biology. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Co; 1968.
[Google Scholar]
•. Canadian Diabetes Association. Frederick Grant, Artist [online] [Accessed June 4
2008]. Available at:
artist .
•. Harris S. Banting’s Miracle: The Story of the Discovery of Insulin. Philadelphia: J B
Lippincott Co; 1946. [Google Scholar]
•. MacLeod JB, Frederick G. Banting: giving prospects for life from the past to the new
millennium. Arch Surg. 2006;141:705–7. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]
•. Frederick G. Banting – Biographical [online] [Accessed June 4 2008].
Available at:
bio.html .
•. Rosenfeld L. Insulin: discovery and controversy. Clin Chem. 2002;48:2270–88.
[PubMed] [Google Scholar]

1- Recorra el texto para determinar: tópico, fuente, género y los temas que aborda el
2- Especifique que información le suministran los siguientes indicies tipográficos que se
encuentran en el texto:
Less tha 20%
El uso de las viñetas y las negritas.

1- ¿Cuáles eran las expectativas de vida en los enfermos de diabetes antes del
descubrimiento de Frederick Banting?
2- ¿Cuáles dos experiencias traumáticas empujan a Banting a estudiar medicina?
3- Ordene estos eventos de la vida de Banting cronológicamente.
a- Trabajo de medio-tiempo como profesor de la Universidad de Western Ontario
b- Después de la guerra, regreso a la universidad para terminar el curso de traumatólogo.
c- Conflictos con su familia por su decisión de estudiar para ser doctor 1

d- Alistamiento en el ejército canadiense para trabajar en el cuerpo de enfermería en

e- Apertura de su consultorio en Londres
Trabajo desarrollado por el Prof. Jorge Bonini.


4- ¿Quiénes realizaron las siguientes investigaciones previas al descubrimiento de


a- Las células acinares en el páncreas se habían destruido pero las células los islotes
estaban intactas en un paciente cuyo conducto pancreático había sido obstruido por

b- Muchas de las características de la diabetes humana también se evidenciaban en

perros a los que se les había extirpado el páncreas.

c- Las células de islotes de los perros seguían viables aun cuando se les habían ligado los
conductos pancreáticos.

d- Con la excepción de unos grupos de células arrugadas llamadas “islotes de

Langerhans”, el páncreas de los diabéticos tenía una apariencia normal.

5- ¿Cómo pudieron Banting y su ayudante Herbert Best revertir la condición de la perra


6- Brevemente explique el origen del nombre “insulina”.

7- ¿Cuál fue la razón del deterioro en la relación entre Banting y Macleaod?

8- ¿Por qué el texto presenta la muerte de Banting como “temprana”?


1- Indique a qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren los siguientes pronombres

subrayados en los siguientes extractos.

a- “Due to Banting’s discovery of insulin, millions of people worldwide were able to extend
their lives by decades. In 1923, Banting became the first Canadian and the youngest person, at
age 32, to receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine.”
b- “Jane passed away a few months later from diabetes mellitus, and Banting was one
of her pallbearers. Feeling the pain of such a pointless death, he wondered how no doctor had
found a cure for such a terrible disease.”
c- “It was well known that the pancreas produced various juices that flowed through
tubes into the intestine to help break down food. Yet, experiments by Dr Joseph Freiherr von
Mering and Dr Oscar Minkowski in 1890 showed that pancreatectomised dogs also exhibited
many of the features of human diabetics.”
d- “A report by Dr Moses Barron described an autopsy done on a patient whose
pancreatic duct had been obstructed by pancreatic stones. The acinar cells in the gland had
been destroyed, but the islet cells were preserved.”


 Indique con un TICK qué relación semántica establece el conector recuadrado en los
extractos de abajo.

a- “When the war was over, Banting returned to complete his training as an orthopaedic
surgeon at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, then opened an office in London, Ontario,
As Canada. business was slow, he worked part-time at the University of Western Ontario as a
A- Contraste B- Simultaneidad C- Causa y efecto

b- “Banting took these criticisms as a personal rebuke and threatened to leave for the
United States to finish his work. Faculty members at the university were able to persuade
Banting to
stay, althoug the relationship between the two would remain forever strained.”

A- Contraste B- Simultaneidad C- Causa y efecto

c- “As the experiments continued, Professor Macleod realised the importance of their discovery
and soon devoted his entire lab to the project. He also decided to change the name of the
material to ‘insulin’, Latin for ‘island’. With the help of a biochemist, Dr James Collip, the
team was eventually able to purify insulin for human use.”

A- Contraste B- Adición C- Causa y efecto

3- Lea los siguientes extractos con atención y responda.

a- “On 20 February 1941, he took a transatlantic flight to England to consult with his
British counterparts about his new research. Shortly after the plane took off from
Newfoundland in Canada, one of its engines failed. While the plane was returning to base,
the other engine failed as well.”

¿Qué se entiende de esta acción subrayada en la oración de arriba?

→ Que el otro motor del avión…
A- falló al mismo tiempo que regresaba a la base.
B- falló después de haber regresado a la base.
C- falló al mismo tiempo que falló el primer motor.

b- “The pilot brought the plane down in the darkness and came within a few feet from a
safe landing on a frozen lake, but a wing clipped a large tree at the last moment. Banting
sustained severe head wounds and a broken left arm. By the time search planes spotted the
crash site four days later, he had succumbed to his injuries. Banting died at the age of 49.”

¿Qué se entiende de esta acción subrayada en la oración de arriba?

→ que el equipo de rescate localizó el sitio del accidente…

A- pero Banting murió cuatro días más tarde.

B- pero Banting había muerto previamente a la llegada del equipo.
C- pero Banting murió al momento de la llegada del equipo.

4- Lea los siguientes extractos con detenimiento y luego responda.


a- “However, it was widely known that there was great hostility between the two men,
as Banting felt that Professor Macleod was taking more of the credit than he deserved. This
bitterness came to a head in 1923, when both of them were awarded the Nobel Prize for the
discovery of insulin.”

¿Quién realiza la acción expresada por “were

awarded”? A- no se menciona en el extracto

B- el premio Nobel
C- el Profesor Macleod y Banting

b- “In 1900, Dr Eugene Lindsay Opie commented that the pancreas of diabetics would
appear normal except for shrivelled clusters of cells named islets of Langerhans. A report by
Dr Moses Barron described an autopsy done on a patient whose pancreatic duct had been
obstructed by pancreatic stones.”

¿Quién realiza la acción expresada por “were

awarded”? A- un paciente
B- cálculos pancreáticos
C- la autopsia
D- El doctor Eugene Lindsay Opie

First successful use
On 11 January 1922, Leonard Thompson, a 14-year-old boy with diabetes, who lay
dying at the Toronto General Hospital, was given the first injection of insulin.


However, the extract was so impure that Thompson suffered a severe allergic reaction,
and further injections were cancelled.
Over the next 12 days, James Collip worked day and night to improve the ox- pancreas
extract, and a second dose was injected on the 23 January. This was completely
successful, not only in having no obvious side-effects, but in completely eliminating the
glycosuria sign of diabetes.

A dramatic moment
Children dying from diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) were kept in large wards, often
with 50 or more patients in a ward, mostly comatose. Grieving family members
were often in attendance, awaiting the (until then, inevitable) death.
In one of medicine's more dramatic moments Banting, Best, and Collip went from bed
to bed, injecting an entire ward with the new purified extract. Before they had reached
the last dying child, the first few were awakening from their coma, to the joyous
exclamations of their families.

1. Concéntrese para determinar

La fuente textual
El género
El tópico.Justifique su elección con 5
palabras que considera clave.
Los temas que abordará el texto

2. explicar (se debe realizar el análisis de al menos 3 de estos ítems):

el uso de tipografía especial (negritas,

bastardilla, etc)
la información que suministran algunos
índices tipográficos
el uso de viñetas, paréntesis, comillas,

Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la
Comprensión general del texto.



1- ¿A qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren las siguientes palabras recuadradas en el


2- Voz Pasiva
Seleccione dos oraciones que esté en voz pasiva. Subraye solamente la frase verbal y
determine quién lleva a cabo la acción expresada por el verbo. Luego traslade las oraciones al

3- Conectores
Busque 2 conectores en el texto. Determine qué tipo de conector es (contraste, adición,
consecuencia, etc) y luego explicite qué ideas une.

4-Realice un RESUMEN del texto.



1- ¿Qué tipo de texto es?

2- Interprete que ideas expresa y de qué modo amplía la información anterior.
3- Palabras transparentes….
4- Oraciones tópicas.


Science Clarified » Ma-Mu » Mass Production

Mass production is the manufacture of goods in large quantities using standardized

designs so the goods are all the same. Assembly-line techniques are usually used. An
assembly line is a system in which a product is manufactured in a step-by-step process
as it moves continuously past an arrangement of workers and machines. This system is
one of the most powerful productivity concepts in history. It was largely responsible for
the emergence and expansion of the industrialized, consumer-based system we have

While various mass production techniques were practiced in ancient times, the English
were probably the first to use water-powered and steam-powered machinery in
industrial production during the Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-1700s. But it
is generally agreed that modern mass production techniques came into widespread
use through the inventiveness of Americans. As a matter of fact, modern mass
production has been called the "American System."

The early successes of the American System are often attributed to Eli Whitney. He
adapted mass production techniques and the interchangeability of parts to the
manufacture of muskets (a type of gun) for the U.S. government in the 1790s.

Some people say that Whitney's musket parts were not truly interchangeable and that
credit for the American System should go to John Hall, the New England gunsmith who
built flintlock pistols for the government. Hall built many of the machine tools needed for
precision manufacturing. He achieved a higher level of interchangeability and precision
than did Whitney.


Oliver Evans's many inventions in the flour milling process led to an automated mill that
could be run by a single miller. Samuel Colt and Elijah King Root were very successful
innovators in the development of parts for the assembly-line production of firearms. Eli
Terry adapted mass production methods to clock-making in the early 1800s. George
Eastman made innovations in assembly-line techniques in the manufacture and
developing of photographic film later in the century.

 Assembly line: A sequence of workers, machines, and parts down which an
incomplete product passes, each worker performing a procedure, until the
product is assembled.
 Interchangeability: Parts that are so similar that they can be switched between
different machines or products and the machines or products will still work.

Credit for the development of large-scale, assembly-line, mass production techniques
is usually given to Henry Ford and his innovative Model T car production methods,
which began in 1908. Cars were a relatively new invention and were still too expensive
for the average person. Many were too heavy or low powered to be practical. Ford set
out to produce a light, strong car for a reasonable price.
Groups of workers at Ford initially moved down a line of parts and subassemblies,
each worker carrying out a specific task. But some workers and groups were faster or
slower than others, and they often got in each other's way. So Ford and his technicians
decided to move the work instead of the workers.
Beginning in 1913, Ford's workers stood in one place while parts came by on conveyor
belts. The Model T car moved past the workers on another conveyor belt. Car bodies
were built on one line and the chassis (floor) and drive train (engine and wheels) were
built on another. When both were essentially complete, the body was lowered onto the
chassis for final assembly.
It has been said that Ford took the inspiration for his assembly line from the meat-
processing and canning factories that moved carcasses along lines of overhead rails
as early as the 1840s. Although he was not the first to use the assembly-line technique,
Ford can certainly be viewed as the most successful of the early innovators due to one
simple fact: Ford envisioned and fostered mass consumption as a natural consequence
of mass production. His techniques lessened the time needed to build a Model T from
about 12 hours to 1 hour. The price was reduced as well: from about $850 for the first
Model T in 1908 to only $290 in 1927.
Assembly-line techniques required changing the skills necessary to build a product.
Previously, each worker was responsible for the complete manufacture and assembly
of all the parts needed to build any single product. This work was done by hand and
relied on the individual worker's skills.
Mass production and parts interchangeability demanded that all parts be identical.
Machines rather than individuality came to dictate the production process. Each part
was duplicated by a machine process. The craft tradition, so important in human


for centuries, was abandoned. Assembly of these machine-made parts was now
divided into a series of small repetitive steps that required much less skill than
traditional craftsmanship.
Modern mass production techniques changed the relationship of people to their work.
Mass production has replaced craftsmanship, and the repetitive assembly line is now
the world's standard for all manufacturing processes.

Read more:

1. Recorra el texto para determinar:
Tópico: …………………………………………………………………………..
Fuente: ………………………………………………………………………….
Género: ………………………………………………………………………..
Temas que aborda el texto: …………………………………………..

2.Especifique qué información le suministran los siguientes índices tipográficos que se

encuentran en la Introducción.
. el uso de las negritas
. mid-1700s
. “American System”
. 1908
. 12 hours to 1 hour
. $290


 Mass production begins at Ford

 The methods of Henry Ford.
 Words to Know
 Technique puts an end to craftsmanship
 Famous American contributors to mass production

Lea el texto con detenimiento y luego conteste las siguientes preguntas.

1. Explique por qué en el texto se afirma que el sistema de la línea de montaje es uno de los
conceptos de productividad más importantes de la historia.
2. ¿Por qué se le atribuye a John Hall el crédito por el éxito del “Sistema Americano” y
no a Eli Whitney?
3. Mencione brevemente cuáles fueron las contribuciones realizadas a la producción en serie
de Oliver Evans, Samuel Colt, Elijah King Root, Eli Terry y George Eastman.
4. ¿Qué características tenían los autos antes de la producción en masa? ¿Qué tipo de auto
produjo Ford?
5. Explique el método utilizado en la producción del Modelo T.
6. ¿Por qué se lo consideraba a Ford el innovador más exitoso?


7. Explique por qué, según el texto “las técnicas de la producción en serie moderna
cambiaron las relaciónes entre la gente y el trabajo”.

1. Determine a qué se refieren o qué sustituyen las siguientes palabras que se encuentran
recuadradas en el texto.
It many 42 both this work
2. Localice en el texto los dos conectores que se encuentran recuadrados. Primero determine
qué tipo de conectores son (de contraste, de adición, etc) y luego explique qué ideas conectan
utilizando, en lo posible, sus propias palabras.

3. Subraye los verbos modales presentes en esta oración. Indique la modalidad que expresan y
luego interprete solamente la frase verbal que los contiene.

Parts that are so similar that they can be switched between different machines or products and
the machines or products will still work.

4. Marque el núcleo en las siguientes frases nominales y luego interprételas.

4.1. While various mass production techniques were practiced in ancient times, the English
were probably the first to use water-powered and steam-powered machinery in industrial
production during the Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-1700s.
4.2. Credit for the development of large-scale, assembly-line, mass production techniques is
usually given to Henry Ford and his innovative Model T car production methods, which began in

5. Interprete la siguiente oración.

The early successes of the American System are often attributed to Eli Whitney.

UNApill 6: Los verbos modales.

Los verbos modales se utilizan para indicar distintas variables de modalidad: posibilidad,
habilidad, obligación, permiso, consejo y le permite al hablante señalar su actitud hacia lo que
se dice o el efecto de lo que dice sobre el interlocutor. No pueden ser usados sin el verbo
principal. No llevan –s/-es en la tercera persona del singular en los tiempos presentes, ni llevan
la terminación –ed, ni –ing. El negativo se forma poniendo la palabra NOT detrás del modal y
las oraciones interrogativas se forman anteponiendo el verbo modal al sujeto de la oración.

Los verbos modales vistos en ingles 1: can, may y will.

Los que sumaremos en este nivel 2 son: would, must, have to, should, could.

 WOULD indica que el verbo está en condicional (entendido en español como la


terminación “ría”). Se utiliza para expresar hábitos y características pasadas,

hábitos corteses, futuro en el pasado y para hipotetizar.
 MUST se traduce como deber y expresa la obligación y la necesidad impuesta por el
mismo hablante. La negación de deber se expresa como prohibición: mustn´t = no debe
 HAVE TO también se traduce como deber y, a diferencia del anterior, no se especifica
quien impone la obligación. La ausencia de esta obligación se expresa a través de
don’t/ doesn’t have to= no es necesario que
Ambos MUST y HAVE TO expresan también indistintamente deducción lógica y certeza.
 SHOULD expresa el sentido de recomendación y consejo, traducción: debería.
 COULD expresa posibilidad, permiso y habilidad en el pasado.

Determine la MODALIDAD de los verbos subrayados en el texto 26 e interprete.





“When you get back to England, say hello to the Queen for me. I used to work for her father.”
This was William Frank Kenwood’s standard salutation in his later years whenever he would
encounter anyone from the British Isles. It was one of the few references he would make about
his time as an R.A.F. airman or to the two and half years he spent as a German prisoner of war”.


Born in August 1922 in Westmount, Quebec, Frank Kenwood established himself early
as a formidable athlete. While he excelled at football, boxing and diving, it was for his
expertise on the rings that he would be best known. Kenwood demonstrated his
abilities at public exhibitions all around the Montreal area.

In August 1940, on his 18th birthday, Kenwood joined the air force and was soon flying
a Spitfire on sorties from England into enemy territory in Europe. He would usually
at night, guided back by a radio operator at the base. That in the darkness soon
became the light of Kenwood’s life. He married the operator, Winifred Woods, in
England on 3 January 1942. The newlyweds were separated after only six months
when Kenwood was transferred to the North African theatre of operations. Shortly after
his transfer, Kenwood’s plane was shot down and he was captured and incarcerated by
the Germans. Shipped to Naval POW camp Stalag VIIIB, near the Baltic coast,
Kenwood would spend the next thirty-two months, until the end of the war, taking up
the saxophone in the prison band, studying mechanics in a prison class and trying his
best to fill the passing time. The British army finally liberated Kenwood and the rest of
Stalag 8b in 1945. After a brief reunion with his wife in England, the two returned to
Kenwood’s home in Westmount, Quebec to finally begin their lives together.

Kenwood would rarely speak in detail about his experiences as a POW. His family
would witness a few extremely rare episodes when the mental scars of that time would
reveal themselves, but otherwise that chapter of his history was all but forgotten.
However, not long after his death at the age of eighty-two, his children discovered a
locked away cache of hundreds of well-preserved items relating to this pivotal part of
their father’s life. That collection of photos, clippings, drawings, notebooks, documents,
letters and Nazi souvenirs was donated to the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum in
Hamilton where it continues to tell, in great detail, the tale of one man’s wartime

1- Recorra el texto que está a punto de leer para completar el siguiente cuadro.
Determine: el tópico
el género
La información que le suministran los siguientes índices tipográficos:
 Winifred Woods
 thirty-two months
 el uso de las comillas que figuran al comienzo del texto.

2- Resuma brevemente su contenido qué ilustra la imagen

3- Complete con información acerca de la vida de William F. Kenwood.
 1922
 1940
 1942
 6 meses después
 1945


Realice una lectura detallada del texto para contestar las siguientes preguntas.
1. ¿Cómo conoció Kenwood a la mujer que luego sería su esposa?
2. ¿Qué sucede luego de que es transferido al teatro de operaciones del Norte de África?
3. ¿Qué actividades realizaba durante el tiempo que estuvo en prisión?
4. Describa qué encontraron los hijos de Kenwood luego de la muerte de su padre. ¿Qué
destino le dieron a lo que encontraron?

1. Indique cuál es el referente de las siguientes palabras destacadas en el texto.
That voice
This pivotal part of their father´s life
2. Indique si las frases verbales subrayadas están en voz pasiva o activa y luego interprételas.
En el caso que contenga un modal, indique la modalidad.
a. The newlyweds were separated after only six months when Kenwood was transferred to the
North African theatre of operations.

b. His family would witness a few extremely rare episodes when the mental scars of that time
would reveal themselves, but otherwise that chapter of his history was all but forgotten.



In August 2014, Argentina came to a standstill as a dignified, white-haired woman in her 80s
gave a press conference announcing that a DNA test had identified her grandson. Social media
exploded; the president herself sent her congratulations. But to understand why the reunion


between a grandmother and grandchild had such significance for the country, we need to go
further back.

Estela Barnes de Carlotto was born in Buenos Aires in 1930. She became a primary school
teacher, got married and had four children, but she wasn’t politically active. Then, in March
1976, the Argentine military staged a coup, and the military junta set about persecuting its
opponents with an efficient brutality. Activists, intellectuals, students, journalists, or simply
those who were in the wrong place at the wrong time were abducted and, in most cases, never
heard from again – they became, as was the known term, the “disappeared”.

Carlotto’s daughter Laura was one of the disappeared. She was in the early stages of
pregnancy at the time. Pregnant disappeared women were typically kept alive until they gave
birth, but after this, many of them were murdered and their children given to military families
or others connected to the regime.

In August 1978, Carlotto joined other women in similar situations in the fledgling
Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo group (Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo). In the same month,
the police informed her that her daughter was dead, but said nothing about the child. Carlotto
and the other Grandmothers began doggedly, slowly, and in fear of losing their lives, to piece
together scraps of news from released prisoners and other sources in their search for their

After I buried my daughter, a new level of struggle started. People sometimes think that
because one recovers the body one will say, “All right, enough, this is the end of the
Quite the contrary. My work was just beginning. I started to search for the murderers of my
daughter and to search for my grandson. I found out that my daughter in the camp said to her
friends, “As long as my mother lives she is never going to forgive the military.” And
she was right. She knew me better than I did. If somebody had told me then that I would
dedicate my life to searching for the truth and struggling against historical amnesia, I would
not have believed it.

Over a decade, the Grandmothers became one of the leading human rights groups of
Argentina and were involved in the development of a national blood bank to identify the
children born in captivity. Carlotto, who became president of the group in 1989, was a well-
known figure and travelled the world, publicising their cause. And during this time, there were
considerable successes; a first group of children were identified. But as the years passed, there
remained no


sign of the boy that survivors reported Laura Carlotto had given birth to in the detention
centre and named Guido.

When I turned 80, I begged God not to let me die before I found my grandson.

Then, in 2014, a 36-year-old musician called Ignacio Hurban volunteered himself for DNA
testing. The results confirmed he was the son of Laura and her partner Walmir Montoya, and
the grandson of the president of the Grandmothers. Although the Grandmothers initially tried
to retain details of his identity, he was quickly at the centre of a media storm. He has since
been able to meet both his grandmothers as well as many more members of his extended
family. He’s also taken the name of his parents and is now Ignacio Montoya Carlotto.

The only thought I had was: Laura can rest in peace now. I felt Laura said to me: “Mother,
mission accomplished.” But there’s so much still to do. I’m going to keep looking for the
other missing ones.

At the time of writing, the Grandmothers have just announced the identification of the
121st grandchild. These women never wanted to be famous; they came to activism out of great
personal loss. But their contribution is such an important one, and as such Estela Carlotto is
instantly recognisable from numerous press conferences and public events. For 40 years, she
has been one of the leaders of the struggle for justice in Argentina, and there’s no sign
of her stopping just yet.


En este momento de la lectura, concéntrense en el texto completo para

1. determinar:

La fuente textual
El género
El tópico. Justifique su elección con 5
palabras que considera clave en este
Los temas que abordará el texto

2. explicar (se debe realizar el análisis de al menos 3 de estos ítems):

el uso de tipografía especial (negritas,

bastardilla, etc)
la información que suministran algunos


índices tipográficos
el uso de viñetas, paréntesis, comillas,
lo que ilustra/n la/s figura/s


Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la

comprensión general del texto. Para esta actividad se pueden concentrar en alguna sección
del texto si el mismo es muy extenso.

DESPUES DE LEER (se deben realizar al menos 3 de estas 4 consignas)

1- ¿A qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren las siguientes palabras recuadradas en el


2- Verbo modales
Localizar dos verbos modales en el texto, subrayar la frase verbal que lo contiene e indicar la

3- Voz Pasiva
Seleccione dos oraciones que esté en voz pasiva. Subraye solamente la frase verbal y determine
quién lleva a cabo la acción expresada por el verbo. Luego traslade las oraciones al español.

4- Conectores
Busque 2 conectores en el texto. Determine qué tipo de conector es (contraste, adición,
consecuencia, etc) y luego explicite qué ideas une.


Lea el siguiente extracto de una página de internet.

¿De qué manera complementa este texto al texto leído anteriormente?

 Conectores: encuentra conectores dentro de este extracto y analice que
información conectan.
 Voz pasiva: Encuentre casos de Voz Pasiva y explique la acción realizada, y
por quien.

 Referentes: Localice diferentes casos de referencia e interprete





ANALICE EL SIGUIENTE ABSTRACT con todas las herramientas que tiene para
predecir su: tema y su objetivo.


By Eric Nagourney July 12, 2019

Dr. Rene G. Favaloro, a pioneer in heart-bypass surgery

and a revered figure in Argentina, was found dead on
Saturday at his home in Buenos Aires. He was 77.
The police said his death appeared to have been a suicide.


Dr. Favaloro, who left a successful career in the United States to create a top-level
teaching clinic in his home country, was distraught over his hospital’s financial
problems. The son of a carpenter and a dressmaker from a small town in Argentina, Dr.
Favaloro achieved renown on Nov. 30, 1967, when he performed an operation at the
Cleveland Clinic on a patient with a potentially deadly coronary artery blockage.
After stopping the heart, Dr. Favaloro took a section of vein from the patient’s leg and
sewed one end to his aorta. Then, much the way a driver might use a side road to go
around a traffic jam, Dr. Favaloro attached the other end to the blocked artery, beyond
the blockage.

That was not, as it turned out, the first time for the procedure. After Dr. Favaloro, a
little- known surgeon, had announced his results, two prominent surgeons said they
had already performed the procedure. One, Dr. David C. Sabiston Jr. of Duke
University, performed the first, in 1962. Two years later, Dr. H. Edward Garrett, an
associate of Dr. Michael DeBakey, performed another.

Those operations had been done in response to deteriorating conditions on the

operating table. Dr. Favaloro’s procedure was planned. It was also the first to be
reported in a medical journal. He went on to refine the method. In one year, the clinic
had performed 171 bypasses.
“He’s really the person who should get credit for introducing coronary bypass into the
clinical arena,” said Dr. Robert H. Jones, a professor of surgery at Duke who was a
friend of Dr. Favaloro.


Before Dr. Favaloro’s operation, doctors had few reliable tools to treat heart disease.
Some surgeons tried to attach muscle to the heart, in the hope that the veins would
graft and improve blood flow. Other physicians opened the artery and tried to scrape
out the blocking material.

Dr. Favaloro received numerous honors. But he took pains not to overstate his
accomplishment, telling anyone who asked that he had simply built on the work of
others before him and that in any case he had not acted alone. “I do not talk in the form
‘I,’ “ Dr. Favaloro said in an interview in 1992. “At the Cleveland Clinic, we were a
team.” Dr. Favaloro did not remain to cash in on his fame. Four years after the
operation, he returned to Argentina
Rene Geronimo Favaloro was born on July 14, 1923, the son of Juan B. Favaloro and
Ida Y. Raffaelli. The lone member of the family to have a university education,
according to The Times of London, was an uncle who was a doctor, and Rene was
inspired to follow his path. After graduating from medical school, he agreed to fill in for
several months for an ailing country surgeon in Jacinto Arauz, an impoverished village
300 miles west of the capital. Twelve years passed before he made his way to the
Cleveland Clinic where, despite lacking some credentials, he was taken on as,
essentially, an apprentice, according to Dr. Delos M. Cosgrove, co-chairman of the
heart center at the clinic.
The lessons of his rural practice were never lost on him. He once told The San Diego
Union Tribune that he thought that all doctors in Latin America should be required to
work among the poor.

“They would be able to see the combination of dirt and fumes,” he said. “The people
have only one room where they cook, they live, they make love, where they have their
children, where they eat.”
When Dr. Favaloro returned to Argentina, he set to work raising money for a $55
million heart clinic. After it was completed in the early ’90s, he treated thousands of
patients, often for no charge, and trained hundreds of surgeons.
He received numerous entreaties to run for president and was a member of a
commission formed in 1983 to investigate the disappearance of more than 6,000
Argentines under the military dictatorship.

In recent years, fortunes began to sour. Dr. Favaloro’s wife, the former Maria A.
Delgado, died several years ago. The couple had no children.

The finances of the Favaloro Foundation, as the hospital was known, became grim.
About a year ago, Dr. Cosgrove recalled, his friend told him that he could not make it to
Toronto for an important medical conference, because of financial problems.

Late last month, according to Reuters, Dr. Favaloro told Health Minister Hector
Lombardo that his clinic was having serious financial problems. In a recent letter to the
editor of La Nacion, the newspaper, he said other hospitals and state-owned medical
centers owed the foundation $18 million.
“I am going through the saddest period of my life,” he wrote. “In the most recent times, I
have been turned into a beggar.”
Dr. Favaloro’s secretary found his body in the bathroom of his apartment. There was a
wound to his chest. A gun was nearby.



En este momento de la lectura, concéntrense en el texto completo para

1. determinar:

La fuente textual

El género
El tópico

Justifique su elección con 5 palabras que

considera clave en este texto.
Los temas que abordará el texto

2. explicar (se debe realizar el análisis de al menos 3 de estos ítems):


el uso de tipografía especial (negritas,

bastardilla, etc)
la información que suministran algunos
índices tipográficos
el uso de viñetas, paréntesis, comillas,
lo que ilustra/n la/s figura/s (si las

Realizar 4 preguntas abiertas/verdadero -falso/ opción múltiple que den cuenta de la

comprensión general del texto. Para esta actividad se pueden concentrar en alguna sección
del texto si el mismo es muy extenso.

DESPUES DE LEER (se deben realizar al menos 3 de estas 4 consignas)

1- ¿A qué sustantivos o frases nominales se refieren las siguientes palabras recuadradas en el


2- Verbo modales
Localizar dos verbos modales en el texto, subrayar la frase verbal que lo contiene e indicar la

3- Voz Pasiva
Seleccione dos oraciones que esté en voz pasiva. Subraye solamente la frase verbal y determine
quién lleva a cabo la acción expresada por el verbo. Luego traslade las oraciones al español.

4- Conectores
Busque 2 conectores en el texto. Determine qué tipo de conector es (contraste, adición,
consecuencia, etc.) y luego explicite qué ideas une.

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