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Descubre es una serie de 4 clases diseñada
para ayudarte a descubrir tu historia con Dios
y cumplir todo su llamado en tu vida. Se trata
de encontrar libertad, sanidad, propósito y
oportunidades para crecer aquí en Camino de

Whether you’ve been at Gateway for a while

or you’re just beginning to call it home, we
invite you to join us for Growth Path.

Descubre 1
Sesion Uno

Bienvenido a la Familia
¡Esta sesión es el primer paso para comenzar su viaje de
crecimiento aquí en Camino de Fe! En la primera de las
cuatro clases, aprenderá más sobre la iglesia, tendrá
oportunidades de encontrar una comunidad y construir
relaciones, verá la importancia de creer en Jesús y tendrá
la oportunidad de convertirse en miembro.

Session Dos

Becoming a Follower
En esta segunda sesión, analizamos la importancia de
escuchar, creer y obedecer la voz de Dios y descubrir
formas prácticas en las que puede aplicar estos
principios a su propia vida. También se le dará la
oportunidad de aprender más sobre el papel del Espíritu
Santo en su vida.

Session Tres

Construyendo el Reino de Dios
¡Comprender nuestro papel como creyentes y compartir
los dones y habilidades únicos que nos ha dado es
esencial para construir el reino de Dios! Durante esta
tercera sesión, exploraremos la importancia de los
dones y talentos únicos que Dios nos ha confiado y cómo
comenzar a servir a los demás con nuestros dones, tanto
dentro de la iglesia como fuera de la comunidad local.

Session Cuatro

Todo se trata de personas
¡Porque Dios se ocupa de personas, nosotros nos
ocupamos de las personas! En esta cuarta y última
sesión de Growth Path, hablaremos sobre la importancia
de las personas a los ojos de Dios y le presentaremos
una amplia variedad de líderes ministeriales y
oportunidades de servicio aquí en Camino de Fe. ¡Se le
dará tiempo para explorar cada área y tendrá la
oportunidad de unirse a un Equipo Ideal!

Session Uno

1 e

a la

Tú creaste las delicadas partes internas de mi cuerpo

y me entretejiste en el vientre de mi madre.

¡Gracias por hacerme tan maravillosamente

complejo! Tu fino trabajo es maravilloso, lo sé muy

bien. Tú me observabas mientras iba cobrando

forma en secreto, mientras se entretejían mis partes

en la oscuridad de la matriz. Me viste antes de que

naciera. Cada día de mi vida estaba registrado en tu

libro. Cada momento fue diseñado antes de que un

solo día pasara. Salmos 139:13–16

En esta sesion, veremos:

Perteneciendo a la Familia de Dios
¿Por qué unirme a una iglesia? | Valores de Camino de Fe |

Creyendo en Jesus
Salvación | Bautismo en Agua

All Scripture (with page numbers) is from the Fresh Start Bible (NLT)
unless otherwise noted. 6
El propósito de Camino de Fe es ayudar a cada
persona a desarrollar una relación íntima con Dios.
¿Qué me está diciendo Dios a través
de este mensaje?

“But when the Father sends the Advocate as my representative—that is, the
Holy Spirit—he will teach you everything and will remind you of
everything I have told you.” John 14:26 (p. 936)

Where are we now?

We’re all about people because God is all about people.

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved
you.” John 15:12 (p. 937)

But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars
of Lebanon. For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. They
flourish in the courts of our God. Even in old age they will still produce
fruit; they will remain vital and green. Psalm 92:12–14 (p. 494)

There’s a place for you here.

The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole
body. So it is with the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12 (p. 1017)

If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored,
all the parts are glad. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of
you is a part of it. Here are some of the parts God has appointed for the
church. 1 Corinthians 12:26–27 (p. 1017)

You are a church member.

Being planted in a church allows you to grow.

What excites you most about being planted
at Gateway Church?

A healthy foundation is made up of:

• Generosity

• Health

• Outreach

• Community

1. Generosity & Stewardship: The Blessed Life

Put God first in every area of our lives.

2. Health: Church Government & Structure

Gateway Church is:

• Elder-governed.

• Senior pastor–led.

• Staff and volunteer run.

• Apostolic elder–accountable.

3. Outreach: To the Jew First

We believe in making God’s priorities our priorities.

4. Community
Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.
They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the
livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that
scurry along the ground.” So God created human beings in his own
image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he
created them.
Genesis 1:26–27 (p. 2)

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 (p. 545)

We are all in community.

How do you get into community at Gateway?

1. Encuentra un Grupo Conexión: Adults, Men, Women, Students, Young Adults

• Visit

• Text Groups to 71010, or reference the QR code in the

back of this book.

2. Join an Equip class.

• Visit

• Text Equip to 71010, or reference the QR code in the

back of this book.

Being in community is vital to your health, and it is who

God created you to be.

What type of group or Equip class sounds fun to you?

Believing in Jesus
1. Salvation

• Have you dedicated your life to Christ?

2. Water Baptism: The first step after salvation

• It is a public declaration of our commitment to Christ.

For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ
was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also
may live new lives. Romans 6:4 (p. 994)

• We offer water baptisms several times a year.

• Text Water Baptism to 71010 or visit to register.

To Become a Member
1. Text Member to 71010, or reference the QR code in the back of
this book, and complete the form.

2. Please check your email and authenticate your email address.

3. You can locate our Statement of Faith on page

41 of this booklet.

Our Covenant of Fellowship

I acknowledge I am choosing to join Gateway Church by completing this
membership form today. I agree with the Statement of Faith and recog-
nize the leadership and authority of the eldership, the senior pastor, and
the pastoral staff. I desire to become an active, participating, and tithing
member of the church. I actively choose to believe in Jesus, belong to
family, become a follower of Jesus, and take an active role in building God’s
kingdom. Today, I become part of the Gateway family.

What did God say to you today?


Article 1: The Trinity

It is the testimony of both the Old and New Testaments and of the
Christian Church that God is both One and Triune. The biblical
revelation testifies that there is only one God and that He is eternally
existent in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

1. God the Father

God the Father is the creator and sustainer of all things, and He
created the universe in love. He created man in His own image for
fellowship and called man back to Himself through Christ after the
rebellion and fall of man.

2. The Son
Jesus Christ is eternally God. He was together with the Father and
the Holy Spirit from the beginning, and through Him all things were
made. For man’s redemption, He left heaven and became
incarnate by the Holy Spirit through the virgin Mary; henceforth, He
is forever one Christ with two natures—God and man—in one

3. The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God, the Lord and giver of life, who was active in
the Old Testament and given to the Church in fullness at
Pentecost. He empowers the saints for service and witness,
cleanses man from the old nature and conforms us to the image of
Christ. The baptism in the Holy Spirit, subsequent to conversion,
releases the fullness of the Spirit and is evidenced by the fruits and
gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Article 2: The Scripture

We affirm that the Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, is
alone the only infallible, inspired Word of God, and that its authority
is ultimate, final, and eternal. It cannot be added to, subtracted from,
or superseded in any regard. The Bible is the source of all doctrine,
instruction, correction, and reproof. It contains all that is needed for
guidance in godliness and practical Christian conduct.

Article 3: The Atonement

Christ’s vicarious death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of
the whole world, but its benefits are only applicable to those who
receive Jesus as their personal Savior. Healing—body, soul, and
spirit—and all of God’s provisions for His saints, are provided for in
the atonement, but these must be appropriated.

Article 4: Salvation
The Word of God declares clearly that salvation is a free gift of God,
based on the merits of the death of His Son, and is appropriated by
faith. Salvation is affected by personal repentance, belief in the Lord
Jesus (justification), and personal acceptance of Him into one’s life
as Lord and Savior (regeneration). The new life in Christ includes
the privileges of adoption and inheritance in the kingdom of God’s
beloved Son. Salvation is an act of free will in response to God’s
per- sonal love for mankind. It is predestined only in the sense that
God, through His omniscience, foreknew those who would choose
Him. It is secure in the eternal, unchanging commitment of God who
does not lie and is forever the same. Salvation should produce an
active lifestyle of loving obedience and service to Jesus Christ our

Article 5: The Christian Life

We believe that the Scriptures portray the life of the saint in this
world to be one of balance between what is imputed to us as Chris-
tians and what is imparted to us according to our faith and maturity.
Hence, God’s provision for His children is total, and the promises
are final and forever. The shortcomings of the individual and of the
Church are because of the still progressing sanctification of the
saints. The Christian life is filled with trials, tests, and warfare against
a spiritual enemy. For those abiding in Christ until their deaths or His
return, the promises of eternal blessing in the presence of God are
assured. To remain faithful through all circumstances of life requires
dependence upon the Holy Spirit and a willingness to die to per-
sonal desires and passions.

Article 6: The Church

The goal of the Church is to make disciples of all nations and to
present the saints complete in Christ. The five-fold ministry of
Ephe- sians 4 governs the Church, the offices of elder and deacon,
as well as other offices mentioned in Scripture. Church policy is a
balance between congregation and eldership authority,
emphasizing the final authority of the Church leadership. It is
essential to the life of the Church that scriptural patterns of
discipline are practiced and
that oversight for Church discipline, individual and corporate, is
exercised by the leadership of the Church.

Article 7: Baptism & the Lord’s Supper

The Word of God enjoins on the Church two perpetual ordinances
of the Lord Jesus Christ. The first, baptism, is the outward sign of
what God has already done in the individual’s life and is a testimony
to all that the person now belongs to Jesus. It is identification with
Jesus and is affected in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of the death of
the Lord and is done in remembrance of Him until He comes again;
it is a sign of our participation in Him. Both institutions are restricted
to those who are believers.

Article 8: Eschatology
We affirm the bodily, personal, second coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ, the resurrection of the saints, the millennium, and the final
judgment. The final judgment will determine the eternal status of
both the saints and the unbelievers, determined by their relationship
to Jesus Christ. We affirm with the Bible the final state of the new
heavens and the new earth.

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Tap the message: Open “”
Complete the form.

Or you can text “Member,” “Gifts,” or “Build” to 71010.

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Spiritual Gifts

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