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The Number System

Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions.
NC.6.NS.1 Use visual models and common denominators to:
• Interpret and compute quotients of fractions.
• Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving division of fractions.
Clarification Checking for Understanding
In 5th grade, students divided a whole number by a unit fraction or a unit fraction A worker is using a polyurethane spray can to seal and protect several new
by a whole number. Students accomplished this division through the use of dinner tables. It takes of a can to seal and protect each table. The worker
th 5
physical and visual models. In 6 grade, students will continue to use models to
has 3 full cans of spray. How many tables can the worker seal and protect?
divide fractions.
It is the expectation of this standard that as students use models to solve
division problems involving two fractions, students understand that in order to
find the answer, it is necessary to find a common unit. Through repetition and
reasoning with the models, students develop an algorithm of using common
denominators when dividing fractions. Multiplying by the reciprocal is not the
expectation of this standard and is not supported with understanding at this Evaluate the following expressions using models and common denominators.
5 1 1 3
grade level. a) ÷ b) ÷
6 4 2 5
1 1 3 2 2
For example: You are stuck in a big traffic jam on the freeway 1 miles c) 15 ÷ d) 4 ÷ 1
2 2 4 7 3
away from your exit. You are timing your progress and find that you travel
of a mile in one hour. If you keep moving at this slow rate, how long will it
be until you get to your exit?
Solution using a physical model (number cubes): Find
2 1
how many are in 1 .
3 2 2 1
2 1 Susan has of an hour left to make cards. It takes her about of an hour to
Using blocks, we can represent and 1 . 3 6
3 2
: Using 3 orange blocks to represent 1 mile, 2 blocks make each card. About how many can she make?
represent mile.
1 : Using 2 yellow blocks to represent 1 mile, 3 blocks
would represent 1 miles.
Notice that each color block represents a different value. Each orange block 2 1
1 1 A rectangular parking lot has an area of of a square kilometer. The width is
represents and each yellow block represents . In order to see how to find how 3 2
3 2
2 1 2 1
many are in 1 , we must find a common unit or a common way to represent these of a kilometer. What is the quotient of and and what does it tell us?
3 2 3 2
numbers so that we can count.
A common unit of 2 and 3 is 6. This means that we can rework the blocks so that 1
mile is represented by 6
This means that 1 miles are
represented with 9 blocks and
the mile covered in 1 hour
can be represented with 4
NC Department of Public Instruction 9 6th Grade Unpacking Document Rev. June 2018

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