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Teacher’s Book Volume 1

High School
English 1 Catalina Fuentes P.




Edición especial para el

Ministerio de Educación.
Prohibida su comercialización.
Teacher’s Book
High School English
Volume 1
Catalina Fuentes Peña
Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas
Universidad de Chile
Profesora de Educación Media en Inglés
Universidad de Chile
Teacher’s Book High School English 1
ha sido adaptado de la serie Achievers by Richmond Publishing Department of Education,
bajo la dirección de

Grupo Editorial:

Sub-director: Cristian Gúmera Valenzuela Referencias textos originales:

Achievers A2 Student’s Book.
Coordinador Editorial: Marcela Briceño Villalobos
Authors: Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle.
Jefatura de área: Ly-Sen Lam Díaz Printed in Oxford 2015.
Manoli Camacho Ángeles Achievers B1 Student’s Book.
Editor: Manoli Camacho Ángeles Authors: Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle.
Printed in Oxford 2015.
Asistente Editorial: Javiera Muñoz Araya
Estilo: D
 epartamento de Estilo Santillana
Nicholas Scarlota
Autor: Catalina Fuentes Peña
Licenciatura en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas
Universidad de Chile
Profesora de Educación Media en Inglés
Universidad de Chile
Documentación: Cristian Bustos Chavarría
Directora de arte: Mª Verónica Roman Soto
Diseñadores: Luis Medina Ortiz
José Luis Grez Ceballos
Ilustraciones: Antonio Ahumada Mora
Portada: Sergio Pérez Jara

NOTA: En este libro se utilizarán de manera inclusiva los términos como “los niños”,
“los padres”, “los hijos”, “los apoderados”, “profesores” y otros que refieren a hombres y mujeres.

Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del Copyright y bajo las sanciones establecidas en la Ley de Propiedad
Intelectual N.º 17336, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la reprografía y el tratamiento
informático; y la distribución en ejemplares de ella mediante alquiler o préstamo público.
©2021 por Richmond Publishing, de Santillana del Pacífico S. A. de Ediciones. Av. Andrés Bello 2299, Providencia, Santiago (Chile).
Impreso en Chile por A Impresores S.A. ISBN OBRA COMPLETA: 978-956-15-3833-7 / ISBN TOMO 1: 978-956-15-3834-4 Inscripción Nº 2020-A-10488
Se terminó de imprimir esta 2a edición de 3.808 ejemplares, en el mes de agosto del año 2021.

Primer año de uso facultativo

Esta serie ha sido adaptada de acuerdo con las necesidades educacionales de
adquisición de la lengua inglesa expuestas en el currículum nacional, y considerando
los requerimientos técnicos definidos por el Ministerio de Educación.
Este proyecto de 1° medio tiene como propósito concretar el aprendizaje del idioma
inglés a través de instancias significativas y contextualizadas. Los estudiantes estarán
expuestos a situaciones cotidianas tales como diálogos, discusiones, presentaciones,
etc., haciendo del aprendizaje un proceso agradable y dinámico. Si bien el docente es
quien, en mayor medida, apoya y guía a los estudiantes, monitoreando el progreso y
proporcionando ayuda extra cuando es necesario, el apoyo de pares ha demostrado
ser un factor vital en el aprendizaje. Debido a esto, se alienta a los estudiantes a
apoyarse los unos a los otros en cada actividad, tanto entre pares como de manera
grupal, destacando así la naturaleza comunicativa del aprendizaje de una nueva
lengua. Los maestros de estudiantes jóvenes tienen dos trabajos esenciales: brindar
atención e instrucción, para proporcionar la mejor instrucción posible, a fin de
cumplir las etapas de desarrollo individual del niño. Por todo lo anterior, el modelo
pedagógico propuesto, en términos de la secuencia de contenidos, de las actividades,
recursos y otros, se enfoca fundamentalmente en ser un apoyo para el aprendizaje
de los estudiantes, de la mano de la mediación del docente. En ese sentido, junto
con presentar un nivel que va complejizándose de manera progresiva a lo largo de
los años, acorde a la edad, a los contenidos y a los requerimientos de los estudiantes,
la presente propuesta busca favorecer el desarrollo de diversas habilidades, las que
irán en relación no solo con su desarrollo cognitivo y sus correspondientes ritmos
de aprendizaje, sino también con las habilidades disciplinares que la asignatura
promueve y que son propias del siglo XXI. La propuesta, además, busca desarrollar el
pensamiento crítico, creativo y metacognitivo por medio de preguntas que fomentan
el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, las denominadas «buenas preguntas». Esta Guía
Didáctica del Docente está enfocada en orientar su labor pedagógica para conseguir
que sus estudiantes logren las metas establecidas en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés,
herramienta vital para su desarrollo en el siglo XXI.

Índice Guía Didáctica del Docente Tomo I

Uso del Texto del Estudiante................................................ 6

Uso de la Guía Didáctica del Docente ................................ 8
Planificación anual...............................................................10
Planificación primer semestre ..........................................12

1 Days Gone By .........................................................................14

Presentación Unidad 1 Days Gone By................................. 14

1 Days Gone By
Look and discuss
Name the items on these pages.

Planificación Unidad 1 Days Gone By.................................15

What ideas come to your mind when
looking at these items?
What action words would you use to
describe these items?

Valle de la Luna,

Orientaciones Metodológicas............................................16

Unit 1 Extra Material 1..........................................................52

Extra Materials

Conguillío National Park , Chile.

Unit 1 Extra Material 2..........................................................54

Unit goals
Describe actions that happened in
the past.
Work with large numbers.
Practise the final /-tion/ sound.
Describe objects in detail.

Unit 1 Extra Material 3..........................................................56

Design your own poster to raise security
awareness while going on holidays.
Show interest in independent learning
as part of a personal and shared project.

Unit 1 Extra Material 4..........................................................58

Unit 1 Diagnostic Test............................................................60

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L1..........................................62
Unit 1 Formative Assessment L2..........................................64
Unit 1 Final Assessment L1...................................................66
Unit 1 Final Assessment L2...................................................68
Rúbrica Final Assessment L1.................................................70
Rúbrica Final Assessment L2.................................................71

Unit 1 Final Assessment 1.....................................................72

Unit 1 Final Assessment 2..................................................... 74
Unit 1 Final Assessment 3.....................................................76
Unit 1 Final Assessment 4.....................................................78
Unit 1 Speaking Assessment .................................................80
Unit 1 Writing Assessment ...................................................82
Unit 1 Reading Assessment ..................................................84
Unit 1 Listening Assessment ................................................86

Transcripts Unit 1.................................................................88

Unit 1 Writing Template......................................................92
Unit 1 Speaking Template...................................................93

4 Índice

2 The People Around Us ........................................................ 94

Presentación Unidad 2 The People Around Us..................94

2 The People
Around Us
Look and discuss
What does friendship

Planificación Unidad 2 The People Around Us..................95

mean to you?
Do you think it is
interesting to see the
passing of time through
pictures? Why?/Why not?
Do you think friendships
change over the years?

Orientaciones Metodológicas............................................96
How so?

Unit goals 1981 1992

Describe actions in the past that
continue in the present.
Request and give information
about the duration of an activity.
Use the connectors although and

Unit 2 Extra Material 1........................................................136

Extra Materials

Practise the initial /tr/ and /dr/

sounds and sentence stress.
Write a biography and an
informal letter.
Create a disability awareness
Use information technologies

Unit 2 Extra Material 2........................................................138


Unit 2 Extra Material 3........................................................140 32

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic20
20_7145.indd 32
Retrieved from fiveyearphotos project. 33

21:19 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic202
0_7145.indd 33

Unit 2 Extra Material 4........................................................142

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Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1........................................144

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L2........................................146
Unit 2 Final Assessment L1.................................................148
Unit 2 Final Assessment L2.................................................150
Rúbrica Final Assessment L1...............................................152
Rúbrica Final Assessment L2...............................................153

Unit 2 Final Assessment 1...................................................154

Unit 2 Final Assessment 2...................................................156
Unit 2 Final Assessment 3...................................................158
Unit 2 Final Assessment 4...................................................160
Unit 2 Speaking Assessment................................................162
Unit 2 Writing Assessment..................................................164
Unit 2 Reading Assessment.................................................166
Unit 2 Listening Assessment.………….………………………… 168

Transcripts Unit 2...............................................................170

Unit 2 Writing Template.................................................... 176
Unit 2 Speaking Template.................................................177
Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 1...............................................178
Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 2...............................................179

Sitios web..............................................................................181
Extra Reading Unit 1..........................................................182
Extra Reading Unit 2..........................................................186
Irregular Verbs List........................................................... 190
Glosario TE...........................................................................191
Referencia de imágenes.....................................................192
Índice 55
Uso del Texto del Estudiante


3 The Beauty Unit goals

That Surrounds Us
Identify and describe places.

Presentación de la unidad
Identify relevant information in spoken and written texts.
Express needs and probabilities.
Make predictions and promises.
Describe processes and actions with an unknown or
unimportant agent.
Develop intercultural awareness and comprehension, showing
respect, interest and tolerance towards your own culture and others.

Cada unidad comienza con dos

páginas que fomentan la discusión
en la clase. Estas páginas introducen Look and discuss
How does humanity benefit
from science and technology?
How do you believe virtual

los temas de la unidad. También

reality deceives our brain?
How do you receive information
about what happens in other
parts of the world?

muestran los objetivos de la unidad.

58 59

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Science Stuff
Reading Listening
1 Discuss the questions below.


Estructura Pedagógica Why aren’t birds Why are stars only Why doesn’t a
on power lines visible at night? huge metal
electrocuted? ship sink? 1 Look at the picture and answer: What do you Mia
1 Look at the pictures and discuss.
think Charlie and Mia are doing? Writing An Article
2 53 Listen to Mia and Charlie's conversation and
D E a. Do you throw away plastic
F carrier bags or do b. Do you recycle your paper, plastic, and 1 Discuss.
check your previous answers.
you reuse them? other rubbish? Charlie
How does How does the soft How is gas put a. Read the title of the article. What do you think the text is about?
3 54 Now, listen to Mia talking to her dad and
sunscreen work? centre get into 2 into
50 Listen to the first part of a talk on recycling. Then, decide if the sentences are true or false.
fizzy drinks? answer the questions in your notebook. b. Does the person mentioned in the first paragraph sound familiar? Why do you think he is famous?
chocolates? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.
a. How does Mia describe the first object that d. 2Where
Readhas Mia
the seen aand
article reel-to-reel
check yourtapepredictions.
People in the UK throw away 2

Existen diferentes momentos

People around the world use 50 billion plastic
they find? bags every year. player before?
kilos of rubbish every week.
b. What’s it called? e. What does Charlie find in a box?
The title should
2 Read the article and check your previous answers: How many did youAget correct? 80% of plastic bottles are recycled.
recycled plastic bottle saves c. What’s it used for? f. Why beis Mia’s dad happy
interesting to she has found the
3 Match questions A-F in Activity 1 with paragraphs 1-6 from the article, in enough energy to run a 6W
your notebook.
light bulb for 60 hours.
the reader’s A Lasting Legacy
We can recycle 50% of the things we throw away. attention.

en donde el docente podrá

4 54 Write the words below in your notebook. Then, listen again and mark the words you hear used to
Alfred Nobel was born in Sweden on October 21, 1833.
describe objects 1 and 2, in your notebook.
3 51 Before your listen to the second part of the talk, put the actions in order in your notebook. The introduction He was a gifted student, who then became an industrialist,
Everyday Mysteries: Then, listen and check your answers.
1. the place
describes the engineer and inventor. His most famous invention,
2. the reel-to-reel tape player dynamite, was invented in 1867.
The Science of Our Daily Lives! a. The metal is removed by two magnets. d. The rubbish is put onto conveyor belts. most general

medir las cuatro habilidades:

wood metal plastic big small heavy huge aspect
heavy of the
lighttext.plastic corkNobelmetal
died a very wealthy man in 1896. His will stated
b. The remaining plastics are separated. e. The cardboard is removed.
light round square rectangular curved round that most of his money was to be used to establish a fund
1 Electricity wants to reach the ground. If there is a wire, the electrical charge will go down it. Birds
c. The glass is broken up and removed. f. The rubbish is taken to the recycling plant. so that important people could be recognised in the
aren’t touching the ground when they sit on power lines, so they are safe. But be careful, if you are
up a metal or wet wooden ladder, you can get a shock from power lines. The electricity is conducted following areas: Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine,
through your body and travels down the ladder so that it reaches the ground.
Prepare a talk to give to the class about a process. Your Turn to Speak The following Literature and Work for Peace.

Reading, Listening, Speaking y

paragraphs focus
a. Choose one of the following ideas or your own idea and make notes. 5 Describe an object and guess. On December 10, 1901, the first Nobel Prizes were
2 The sugary centre is hard at the beginning. First, it’s covered in chocolate by a machine. Then on a detailed
awarded. Since then, every year on that same date, Nobel
it’s heated, and an enzyme called intervase is activated. This makes the sugar Howbecome
The are delivered How chocolate is madea. Choose an object from the pictures below. Think about how youaspect of the it using the adjectives in
can describe Prize winners are given a medal, a diploma and about
temperature isn’t high enough to melt the chocolate coating, so it stays hard. Delicious! this lesson or the adjectives from Unit 1. topic.
€1 million for contributing to their respective field. The
How paper is made How a video game is created b. Write a short description of the object in your notebook. ceremony is held in Nobel’s birth city, Stockholm, whereas

Writing. También hay secciones

3 It’s fun to sunbathe, but the sun also damages the skin. Sunscreen contains chemicals so that you are
protected against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays and radiation is reflected away from your body c. Share your description with a classmate and see if they can guess it. Then, swap roles. the peace prize is always awarded in the Norwegian
b. Practise your presentation. capital, Oslo.
by inorganic ingredients such as titanium oxide. Radiation that doesn't get reflected is absorbed by Visit
organic ingredients such as oxybezone, so it never reaches your skin. c. Give your talk to the class and ask for feedback on WWW
for your research.
your presentation.
It's made of plastic and it has a metal tip. The concluding Is it a thermometer?Each Nobel Prize is awarded to up to three individuals and
It's used to measure temperatures. paragraph there are some well-known names on the list of winners
4 The fizz in your drink is caused by carbon dioxide. Water is cooled to below 8°C and then carbon dioxide

como el CLIL, que permite la

is forced into the bottle by a machine. Then the bottles are closed quickly so the carbon dioxide can’t narrows down – Marie Curie (Physics and Chemistry), Albert Einstein
escape. When you open the bottle, the carbon dioxide rises to the Reflect
top in the form of bubbles. the topic even (Physics), and Alexander Fleming (Physiology or Medicine).
Yes, it is! It's your turn now.
more. The prize can also be given to an organisation such as the
5 Discuss. Red Cross (Peace).
Editorial Creation

70 Unit 3. The Beauty That Surrounds Us a. Do you think the government should create more laws to encourage recycling? Why? / Why not?
Use expressions of purpose to Use a colon (:)
b. How can we be more eco-friendly in our daily lives? Provide two examples.
explain things in your article. to introduce a list.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U3_L2_LIC2020_7309.indd 70 17-06-21 21:24
p. 45 Lesson 2. Science Stuff 73
Your Turn to Write
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U3_L2_LIC2020_7309.indd 73 17-06-21 21:24 3 Plan your article in your notebook.
p. 46 Lesson
a. Choose an important 2. Science
event, Stuff
such as 75
the Nobel Prize.
b. Make notes on what you want to include, going from the general aspects to the more specific.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U3_L2_LIC2020_7309.indd 75 4 Now, go to your Exercise Book to write your

78 Unit 3. The Beauty That Surrounds Us p. 49

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Secciones Checkpoint / Reflect 5

Check the vocabulary words and sentences from Activity 4 as a class.

a. Is there anyone else to blame besides the robbers for these crimes? Who?
b. What conclusions can you draw from the four cases in the news article?
c. How can these situations be prevented?

En cada unidad, los estudiantes tendrán la Listening

One minute before the robbery...

oportunidad de medir su conocimiento por A B

medio de habilidades como el análisis, la C

evaluación y la creación. Estos Checkpoint 1 Read the news article and make notes in your notebook.
• Name and location of store
High Street Robb

le permitirán al docente evaluar con una

D • Time of robbery on, robbers took
Yesterday afterno ’s
• Information about suspects
valuable jewelle
ry from Jasmine
. The robber y
2 Look at the picture above and answer. Jewels in 5th Avenue
o’clock in the
happened at four
a. What are the people doing? people were
afternoon while

mini-actividad si se han logrado los objetivos

two masked robbers
b. Who do you think is the best witness for the shopping. The
car and drove away.
High Street Robbery? Why? jumped into a
Checkpoint Editorial Creation
3 11 Listen to the police interview and identify the
75 Guess the object. people a-d in the picture above with a classmate.

de una clase en particular. También se dan a. Find pictures of different objects in magazines or e.g. Maggie is in front of the shop.
newspapers. a. Ethan c. James
b. Make a collage of these pictures in groups. b. Natalie d. Billy
c. Choose an object and write a short description

diversas oportunidades donde los estudiantes

4 12 Listen to the rest of the interviews. For each interview write down, in your notebook, the important
of it in your notebook.
information that the people give.
d. Finally, read your description to a classmate so
they can guess the object you chose! 5 Check your answers as a class.

6 Discuss.

utilizan el pensamiento crítico como las

a. Was the prediction you made in Activity 2b correct?
p. 11 Lesson 2. Crime Watch 19
b. Who was the most useful witness? Why?

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 19 Reflect

17-06-21 21:04

actividades con Discuss y la sección Reflect.

7 Discuss.
a. Do you usually pay attention to your surroundings when you walk on the street? Why? / Why not?
b. Would you consider yourself a good witness? Explain.

p. 13 Lesson 2. Crime Watch 21

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 21 17-06-21 21:04

6 Uso del texto del estudiante

v ie c. Create cards for the presenter to use. Include one question and its four alternatives on each card
Re (do not forget to create the wildcards too).

Secciones Think Back / 3Ws

1 Discuss.
a. Do you think there are cases when it is acceptable to break the law? Which ones? Why? Which question is correct?
b. Is sending a person to prison an effective punishment? Why? / Why not?
2 Read the following cases. Identify the cause of imprisonment in each case, in your notebook. A Did you used to cry a lot as a child? C Did you use to cry a lot as a child?

Wrongly Convicted?
Anthony Jerome Jackson was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for stealing a wallet
B Do you used to cry a lot as a child? D Do you use to cry a lot as a child?

from a hotel room. Two previous sentences plus the stolen wallet case were enough to put him in jail
forever because of the “three-strike law" (that puts criminals in prison for life without parole if one of the
three offenses was serious). Jackson says he didn’t understand the charges against him. “You would think

Además del Review, al final de cada lección y unidad,

I kill[ed] someone with that kind of sentence,” he commented. d. Have a practise round with your group to ensure there are no mistakes on the cards you created. Also, give
the presenter feedback about voice volume and pronunciation.

Gail Atwater was driving home with her two children when they realised a toy was missing. e. Then, the presenter asks your questions to another group (and the rest of the team receives a presenter
They turned around, retracing their route to see if they could find it on the road. Gail was driving from a different group to answer their questions).

se invita a los estudiantes a reflexionar sobre su

slowly and, although it is required by law to wear a seatbelt, she told her children they could f. The group that gets the most points wins!
unbuckle. Then, she saw a police car and knew she could be fined. When the officer approached
her, he began yelling at her. She asked him to lower his voice because he was scaring her
children. Then, he said she was going to be arrested. The officer took her, and she was booked
into jail. She was released later that day. She sued the city for damages but lost the trial.

proceso de aprendizaje por medio de preguntas con
Adapted from How Misdemeanors Turn Innocent People into Criminals and Man Gets Life Sentence for Burglary

3 Discuss. Answer the following

questions in your notebook. What?
a. Were these people wrongfully convicted? Explain your answer.

respecto a los temas de la lección y la unidad, las

b. Do you think the sentences they received were too severe? Provide at least two arguments. Describe what
you learnt in
4 In groups, choose one of the cases above and have a trial.
this unit.
a. Divide into two teams: For and Against.
b. Write at least four arguments for your stance, in your notebook.
e.g. Anthony’s sentence is fair because he committed repeated crimes.
Gail put her children in danger. That is why the officer arrested her.
c. Present your arguments in front of the class: the “for” group presents first followed by the group “against.”
d. As a class, decide which group presented better arguments and decide whether to keep the sentence or
Now what?
Reflect on the
next steps in your
learning process.
So what?
Explain why what
you learnt was
estrategias que ocuparon para lograr sus metas, y
change it.

Think Back
Think about the lesson and answer. E B
qué esperan de sus aprendizajes futuros.
a. Did you like the lesson? Why? / Why not? p. 18 Final Review 29

b. What would you change from the lesson?

c. Explain what you learnt to a classmate. CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 29 17-06-21 21:05

Lesson 2. Crime Watch 27

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 27 17-06-21 21:05

Create a Disability Awareness Campaign Proyecto
1 Discuss.
a. What kinds of discrimination do people with disabilities face?
b. What problems do people with disabilities face in Chile?

Cada unidad finaliza con un

2 Read the following article. stating that 92% of companies complied with the
requirement. However, only 12,000 people with
Disability in Chile: A Painful Struggle disabilities were hired, which is still below the dream
People with disabilities face challenges every day. We are far from a society that is fully integrated for figure of 27,500 the government expected.
At the school level, there have been many cases of everyone and the conclusion is always the same: Moreover, based on the information provided by the

proyecto enfocado a la realización

discrimination. The most well-known case was that people with disabilities are seen as less able and must Labour Office in 2019, the Descúbreme Foundation
of Catalina in 2019, a girl with minor cerebral palsy, be segregated. revealed that people hired through this law earn 18%
who failed a dictation test because she couldn’t less than the average income.
write with her hand due to her condition. There was
In Chile, laws are great in terms of integration for It is important to remember that laws are not
also the case of Julián, a boy with Down Syndrome
people with disabilities. In 2018, the new Labour enough to talk about integration in different social

de una actividad que tenga un

whose family reported that his school wouldn’t let
Inclusion Law was implemented to encourage job spheres. It is necessary to transform the social and
him advance to first grade because they did not
integration, where companies with over 100 workers cultural practises in our daily lives and the way we
admit children with special needs. Both are cases of
must have at least 1% of their workforce composed interact with people with disabilities.
discrimination. However, what has been worse
of people with disabilities. The Ministry of Labour Adapted from La dolorosa lucha por la inclusión escolar and Ad Portas al
are the comments on social media supporting
gave the law a positive evaluation in its first year, Segundo Año de la Ley de Inclusión Laboral
these types of discrimination, saying that parents

impacto a nivel escolar. La idea

should place their children in schools for students
with special needs, which is really painful. c. Create a poster with the information of the organisation.

Your Turn
Add pictures and a nice design if possible.
d. Present your poster to the class and explain the
importance of the organisation/foundation.
LUZ founded in 1924.

es que puedan compartir una

3 Create a disability awareness campaign.
e. Give feedback about the posters.
a. Research different organisations and foundations which Visit SENADIS for more information about
disabilities in Chile f. Finally, paste your posters around the corridors of
support disabilities in Chile. Here are some examples:
your school.
• Fundación Descúbreme • CIDEVI
g. Create a 5-question survey to assess the impact of your
• Fundación Teletón • Down21 Chile

experiencia significativa como clase

campaign after a week.
b. Create an information sheet for the organisation you chose, in your notebook. Include: e.g. Have you seen the poster about…? / Has it changed Mission: To educate and train the blind
• the name of organisation/foundation your perception about…? and visually impaired community, taking
Fundación Luz was founded in 1924. Their mission can
advantage of their potential so that they
• how long they have existed is to educate and train the blind and visually impaired h. Ask your questions to students from other classes: become active members of society.
• who benefits from their work community, taking full advantage of their potential so that Was your campaign successful? FUNDACIÓN

y que puedan lograr algo que tenga

they can become active members of society.
• the mission 4 Go to your Exercise Book to assess your project.

56 Unit 2. The People Around Us p. 35 Project 57

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un objetivo fijo.

1 Days Gone By
Student’s Book
pp. 8-9

n 1 Going Places

Mock Test
1 1 Skim the article. Then, complete the sentences with the correct word from the text.
a. A is a person in the army. c. A is a running machine.
b. A is a bag that you carry on d. A is an organisation that
your back. helps people.

1 Read the first part of a student’s story, and discuss the questions.

Jack and his parents walked into the jeweller’s shop

and asked to see some gold necklaces. They were
looking man came into the shop. He seemed
very nervous. Suddenly, he pushed Jack hard and
It’s no surprise that Mike Buss is called ‘the Running Man’. On 24th September 2010, the
ex-soldier completed a marathon (42 km) in 4 hours and 49 minutes. In doing so,
Mike set a new world record. It was his 100th marathon in 100 consecutive days.
Did he wear lightweight running gear for this last marathon? No, he didn’t.
He wore a pair of boots and he carried a 18 kg rucksack.
Cuaderno de Actividades
looking for a present for Jack’s sister, who had her grabbed the gold necklaces. He ran out of the shop
This wasn’t Mike’s first world record. In the same year, he broke the world
eighteenth birthday that weekend. They used to and disappeared down the street. Everyone was very
record for running the longest distance on a treadmill in seven days; 832 km.
be poor, so this was something important to them. frightened. The shop assistant pressed a red button
During that time, he slept two hours per day and took short breaks to eat
While they were looking at the necklaces, a strange- to call the police.
and drink. How much weight did he lose? Only 3 kg!
Editorial Creation

Los temas del Texto del Estudiante se ven

a. Why did Jack and his parents want to look at c. What happened? So why does he do it? Many people run marathons to raise money for
gold necklaces? charity and Mike is no different. He decided to start running when he left
d. What did the people in the story do?
the army and every year he raises tens of thousands of pounds for charities
b. Who else was in the jeweller’s shop?
e. How did they feel? that help British soldiers and their families.
Editorial Creation
2 Now read two possible endings for this story. Justify which one is better and explain why.

2 and
1 ‘Can you wait here until the police arrive?’ asked the shop assistant. Jack and his parents sat down Read the article again and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.
waited. When the police arrived, they described the man. Then they went to a different shop to buy a gold
necklace for Jack’s sister.
a. When Mike ran 100 marathons, he didn’t run at weekends.
complementados y profundizados en el
Cuaderno de Actividades, con diferentes
b. In his last marathon, Mike’s rucksack was heavy.
2 Without thinking, Jack ran after the man. The man was fast but Jack was faster. He threw himself at the
man’s legs and they both fell to the pavement. A moment later, Jack’s dad arrived with the police. ‘Well done!’ Correction:
said the policeman. ‘You are a real hero!’
c. Mike has more than one world record.
Editorial Creation

actividades. Al final de dicho cuaderno,

You Turn
d. Mike stopped every two hours when he was on a treadmill.
3 Read the task and write a story in about 100 words.
e. Mike runs marathons to help other people.
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story.

los estudiantes encontrarán Mock Tests,

• Your story must begin with this sentence:
It was the middle of the night when my sister came running into my room screaming. 3 Discuss.
a. Would you participate in an event to help others? Why? / Why not?
b. Do you think organisations such as firefighters should receive an income instead of relying on fundraising

un Grammar Reference por unidad y

campaigns? Why? / Why not?

4 Unit 1. Days Gone By

68 Mock Test 1
CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 4 17-11-20 17:29

templates variados.
CL0000000001366 FINALES_WB_INGLES_LIC2020_7438.indd 68 17-11-20 17:33

E  B
p. 50
Este ícono muestra que Este ícono muestra las páginas Este ícono indica el número
la actividad a realizar del Cuaderno de Actividades de audio correspondiente
debe hacerse en parejas en donde se pueden a una actividad de
o de manera grupal. profundizar los temas. comprensión auditiva.

Recuerde mencionarles a los estudiantes que en el Texto del Estudiante no se debe escribir.

Uso del texto del estudiante 77

Uso de la Guía Didáctica del Docente

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1


Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Speaking de la Lección 1. Explique a
1 Read the following text about friendship. Then write a brief text (using no more than 100 words), describing the los estudiantes que esta es una prueba formativa, no será calificada, pero mide sus
characteristics of a true friend. conocimientos respecto a los contenidos vistos en la lección y sus habilidades en el
idioma. T: This is a formative test, which will not have a mark, but it will help us know
how much you’ve learned so far. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante.
The Anatomy of a True Friend Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente
Eyes – A friend will always see you for your true self. They will always see the best in you. perfecto, como también sus habilidades de expresión escrita y comprensión lectora.
T: The main objective of this test is to check the use of present perfect, together with
Ears – A friend will always have them open to listen to you. They will really hear what you are saying.
your writing and reading skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser
Mouth – A friend will always tell you the truth. They will help you talk through things when life is complicated. trabajada de forma individual y que tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must
Shoulder – A friend will always be your strength when you can’t carry yourself. do this test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it. Permita a los estudiantes,

La guía contiene material de

si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas.
Arms – A friend will always offer hugs and will always make you feel comfortable.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
Heart – A friend will love you for who you are. leer el texto, para luego escribir sobre su concepto de amistad. T: In exercise 1, you
Adapted from: will read the text, and then write about your own concept of friendship. Inicie
el ejercicio 2. Pida que escriban oraciones completas para dar su respuesta. T: In

evaluación que contempla el decreto

exercise 2, you will answer the questions using the present perfect tense. Try to
For me, true friendship is … use full sentences in your answer. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba,
vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada
estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Entregue retroalimentación durante el
trabajo de los estudiantes.

67 con distintas evaluaciones que

Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita que se ofrezcan voluntariamente a
responder. Anote las respuestas que vayan dando en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes
que corrijan sus respuestas de ser necesario. T: We will check your answers on the
board, please check them in your test whether they are correct or not.

cubren los mismos contenidos y

1. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling.
2 Answer the following questions using the Present Perfect tense. Use never when appropriately. 2. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy in terms of present perfect use.
a. Have you ever painted your room?

quedan a elección del estudiante. Esto

Tabla de Logro
Pregunta Iniciado En proceso Logrado
b. Have you ever learned a martial art?
Utiliza oraciones completas
para responder preguntas.

sumado a pruebas semejantes a una

c. Have you ever gone to a music festival?

Material fotocopiable
Logra escribir un texto de
d. Have you seen a shooting star? extensión breve.

prueba internacional (Mock Test) que e. Have you ever travelled abroad? Usa correctamente el presente
perfecto en contexto.

podrá encontrar al final del Cuaderno

144 Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1 145

de Actividades.

Planificación anual

Propuesta semanal de la distribución de clases durante el año.

Planificaciones Unidad Sección

Distribución por semana*

2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12
Junio Julio Agosto
Distribución por semana*
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Octubre Noviembre Diciembre

Presentación • •
1 Lección 1 • • • •
Gone By Lección 2 • • • • •

Las diversas planificaciones Final de unidad

• •

presentes en la GDD 2
The People
Around Us
Lección 1

Lección 2
• • • •
• • • •

permiten al docente Final de unidad

• • •

organizar sus clases

The Beauty Lección 1 • • • •
Surrounds Lección 2 • • • •

cronológicamente y a partir Final de unidad

• •

de los distintos OA que 4

Lección 1

Lección 2
• • • •
• • •
Planificación primer semestre

se encuentran en el texto. • •
Final de unidad

• Se consideran 3 horas pedagógicas por semana.

Unidad Lección Tiempo Páginas TE/CA Objetivo de Aprendizaje Actitudes Recursos

Estas planificaciones son

10 11

Lección 1:
TE págs. 6 - 17
Going Places 4 semanas • Texto del Estudiante.

anuales, semestrales y
CA págs. 4 - 10
• Cuaderno de Actividades.
Actitud A
• Material Extra GDD.
Actitud B • Evaluaciones GDD.
Unidad 1: OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16 Actitud C • Transcripts.

por unidad.
Days Gone By Actitud D • Solucionarios GDD.
Actitud E • CDs de Audio.
• Lámina de la Unidad.
Lección 2: • Rúbricas.
TE págs. 18 - 31
Crime Watch 6 semanas • Templates GDD.
CA págs. 11 - 19

Unidad Lección Tiempo Páginas TE/CA Objetivo de Aprendizaje Actitudes Recursos

Lección 1:
TE págs. 32 - 43
We Go Together 5 semanas • Texto del Estudiante.
CA págs. 20 - 26
• Cuaderno de Actividades.
Actitud A • Material Extra GDD.
Actitud B • Evaluaciones GDD.
Unidad 2:
• Transcripts.
The People Around Us OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16 Actitud C
• Solucionarios GDD.
Actitud D • CDs de Audio.
Actitud E • Lámina de la Unidad.
Lección 2: • Rúbricas.
TE págs. 44 - 57
Nice Work 5 semanas • Templates GDD.
CA págs. 27 - 35

12 13

8 Uso de la Guía Didáctica del Docente

Transcripts Unit 2

Track 19 page 36. Activity 5.

a. Have you ever ridden a horse?
b. Has she ever played the piano?
R: We met at art college in London.
I wanted to be in Europe. It’s such an
exciting place, you know, and we were
M: And what’s been the best moment?
J: I think it was the first time we played
together. When we were still at college.
J: Your music teacher, I suppose.
Ma: Believe it or not, it was our
Maths teacher!
Le: Hi, Lily!
Li: Leon! I’ve been here for
Track 26 page 47. Activity 2.
N = Nick, S = Sophie, M = Maria,
B = Ben
Audios  5
c. They’ve never flown in a plane. both studying art. R: Yeah, we played some songs at J: Really? Why? twenty minutes! N: Hello, I’m Nick Gold and welcome
M: And when was that? Josh’s house in his dad’s garage. Ma: Melissa and I were singing in a Le: Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus. to another game of What’s The Job?
Track 20 page 21. Exercise Book. R: That was... what? In 2007? J: Believe it or not, we still practise there! classroom one day when this teacher Li: Why didn’t you text me? And tonight my question panel are
Activity 4. J: That’s right. In 2007. M: Really? heard us. She came in and said, Le: I couldn’t find my mobile. Sorry. Maria Jackson and Sophie Frost. In
a. I’ve never been to Paris. M: So, what instruments do you play? J: Yeah! ‘That’s the most beautiful song I’ve What’s The Job?, Maria and Sophie

Los audios son clave para la exposición

Li: It’s all right. Don’t worry.
b. Have you ever seen a play? J: I play the guitar and Ricky ever heard!’ The next day she sent have to discover the job of my Mystery
M: OK. You write songs together, you B
c. I’ve visited three countries. plays drums. our application to Are You a Star? She Guests. The rules are simple but listen
play together, but are you good friends? D: Hey, Leon, have you got my
d. We’ve bought a new dog. thinks we can win the competition! carefully. You can ask a maximum
M: And who writes the songs? R: Sure! dictionary?
J: How long have you sung together? of eight questions. These must be
e. Joe’s run a marathon. J: We both do. I write the rock songs... M: Have you ever argued? Le: Er, yeah. It’s in my bag... Er no. I’m questions that only have a ‘yes’ or a

del idioma de hablantes nativos a los

f. They’ve never seen Star Wars. R: And I write the love songs! Me: About 8 months, but we’ve known
R: Argued? No. sorry. I left it at home. ‘no’ for an answer. You mustn’t ask
g. Grace has been on the radio. each other for three years.
J: The love songs are great. J: We’ve disagreed sometimes. But D: Oh, not again! You always do that! for information! You can guess the
h. I’ve never eaten squid. J: Where did you meet?
R: The rock songs are cool, too. we’ve never argued. Le: I’m really sorry, David. I was late person’s job during the game, but
Me: At secondary school. It was our
M: Well, thank you guys. Let’s hear this morning and I forgot to check remember. Every time you make a
Track 21 page 37. Activity 2. Track 22 page 37. Activities 3 and 4. first day and we were getting off the

estudiantes. El pendrive contiene todos los

one of your new songs. This is the Sun my bag. guess, that counts as a question! And
M = Maria, J = Josh, R = Ricky M = Maria, J = Josh, R = Ricky bus. I dropped all my books. It was a
Twins and Friday Girl. D: It’s OK. after you’ve asked your questions, you
M: And today we have two very M: How long have you played together? nightmare! But Mario helped me.
Le: I can run home and get it now. have to guess the job. Is that clear?
special guests with us. We have the J: We’ve played together for about four Track 23 page 22. Exercise Book. J: And then you became friends.
D: Can you? That’s great. Because I S: I think so, Nick.
Sun Twins in the studio! I’ve seen years now. Activities 3 and 4. Ma: That’s right, but we didn’t sing
need it for tonight’s homework. M: Yes, Nick.

archivos de audio en formato WAV.

them twice in concert this year... and M: Have you done any gigs in the US? J = Judge, Ma = Mario, Me = Melissa together immediately. We weren’t into
C N: Great! So let’s meet tonight’s first
they are cool! So hey guys, it’s great to J: Hello. Welcome to Are You a Star? the same music. Melissa was crazy
J: Yeah, we’ve played maybe... 15? Le: Oh no. Mystery Guest.
have you here today. Tell us who you are. about rock music and I loved musicals
R: 16. M: What was that noise? Leon? B: My name’s Ben Grant. I’m from
J: It’s nice to be here. Ma: I’m Mario and this is Melissa. and opera!
M: And how was that? Le: I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I’ve broken Dublin in Ireland and I’m 32 years old.
R: Yeah, it’s cool. We’re Bel Canto. J: So, what happened?
R: Oh, we have a lot of fans in the your vase. I’ve had my job for 14 years. It’s not an
M: So, to begin, let’s get some basic J: Tell us a bit about yourselves. Ma: We went to a musical in London
US, especially in California. We love M: How did you do that? easy job, but I enjoy it very much.
information about you. Josh, you’re Me: We’re from Bristol and we’re last year and Melissa adored it. Now
playing there. Le: I was going to my room to get N: Thanks, Ben, that’s enough
British, that’s right? both 14. she sings my type of music!
M: Have you played at any festivals? David’s dictionary and I think my bag information for now!
J: That’s right. I’m from Manchester. Ma: Actually, I’m 15. J: Have you ever had singing lessons?
R: Yes, we have. We’ve even played at hit it. I can buy you a new one.
M: And you’re 25, Josh? Me: Oh, yeah, I forgot! Me: Mario has, but I haven’t. Track 27 page 47. Activity 3.
the Glastonbury Festival. M: Don’t worry, Leon. It’s not a
J: I’m 24 actually. J: Are you nervous, Melissa? Ma: But she’s brilliant at singing. N = Nick, S = Sophie, M = Maria,
M: How many albums have you made? problem. It was only a vase. I’ll get a
M: That’s the same age as me! Me: A bit! I’ve never performed in J: Well, I think it’s time to hear you. B = Ben
J: We’ve only made one album. But we broom and clear it up.
And Ricky. public before. What’s your song tonight? N: OK, Maria and Sophie. Are you ready?
have a lot of songs on our website. You Le: What a day!
R: Uh huh. J: It’s OK. All the judges are friendly and Ma: It’s a love song from the musical M: I think so.
can buy them there!
M: Where are you from? the audition isn’t long. Mario, why did The Phantom of the Opera.
M: Have you had any bad moments in Track 25 page 23. Exercise Book. N: I hope so. You have eight questions,

R: I’m from San Francisco in the sunny you decide to enter the talent show? J: Fantastic. Here we are... Bel Canto. Activity 2. and you can start asking them... now!
your career so far?
state of California. Oh, and I’m 25. J: Yes, we have. It was at the Ma: We didn’t decide. a. Sorry I’m late. M: Do you work indoors or outdoors?
Track 24 page 39. Activity 2.
M: OK! So, you’re American, Ricky, Glastonbury Festival. It was the J: What? b. I’m afraid I’ve broken your ruler. N: Now remember, you must ask yes /
Le = Leon, Li = Lily, D = David, M =
and Josh is British. So where did summer but it rained the whole time. Ma: A teacher at our school entered c. I’m sorry but I’ve forgotten your no questions.
Mrs Clark
you meet? It was a nightmare! our names. 5 euros. M: OK, do you work ... outdoors?

170 Unidad 2 The People Around Us Transcripts Unit 2 171

La GDD también contiene, en cada

Unit 2 Extra Material 1
Unit 2 Extra Material 1
unidad, la transcripción de todos los
audios utilizados en las actividades.

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 1 de la página 136. Pida a los
1 Describe one of your friendships using the template below. Include: estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones del material para hacer una publicación de
a. a picture of you. Instagram, describiendo alguna de sus amistades. T: Follow the steps from Extra
Material 1 to make an Instagram post describing one of your friendships.
b. the first time you met your friend.
Para llevarlo a cabo, deberán elegir una foto de ambos y que refleje su amistad. Por
c. your first thoughts about him/her. ejemplo, si ambos disfrutan de la música, que elijan una foto en un concierto.
d. a special moment in your friendship. T: To make the post, you have to choose a picture that reflects the essence of your
friendship. For example, if you both like music, post a picture of both of you in a
e. how you see you and your friend in the future. music concert.
Indíqueles que esta tarea debe ser llevada individualmente, ya que se enfoca en
sus experiencias personales. Pídales también que en su publicación incluyan
Username: toda la información mencionada en las instrucciones. T: You have to do this task

individually, since it focuses on your personal experiences and feelings. Be very
Picture: descriptive and include all the information mentioned in the steps from this
Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este. Una
vez que terminen su publicación, pídales que la compartan con la clase, quienes
pueden preguntar más detalles de la amistad descrita por el estudiante. T: Show
your Instagram post to the class, they will ask you questions about the friendship
Puede mostrarles también el siguiente video tutorial de cómo hacer una historia en
instagram por si desean subirla a esta (u otra) red social:

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.
Cada lección es complementada con

material fotocopiable que el docente

encontrará en esta GDD, así como
Material fotocopiable

también por templates de Speaking y

136 Unit 2 Extra Material 1 137
de Writing.


1 Days Gone By
Past Simple Past Continuous versus Past simple

Andrea bought flowers and groceries last week. Pedro was studying when his sister arrived from roller skating classes.

Last week

El docente contará con láminas

Used to
Hey, I heard you
Well, last year,
I was walking home when a
scooter passed me by, and
como material complementario, las
cuales presentan un tema a discutir
used to play the flute.
my bag fell! My flute broke in
Why don’t you play
half. I’m saving money to buy
another one, though.

relacionado con cada unidad a través de

Oh, that’s cool.
I would love to hear
you play sometime!

imágenes y datos.
I used to play the guitar when I was younger.



Extra Reading Unit 4

O Captain! My Captain! O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;

Rise up - for you the flag waves - for you the trumpet trills;
Poem by Wal Whitman
For you bouquets and wreaths - for you the shores are crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; Here Captain! dear father!
The ship has resisted every torment, the prize we chased is won; This arm beneath your head;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all celebrating, It is some dream that on the deck,
While eyes follow the steady keel, the vessel somber and daring: You’ve fallen cold and dead.

But O heart! heart! heart! My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
O the bleeding drops of red, My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
Where on the deck my Captain lies, The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
Fallen cold and dead From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with its objective won;
Cheer, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful step,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Finalmente, el docente tendrá a su

Adapted from

disposición lecturas extras con sus

correspondientes actividades.
362 Extra Reading Unit 4 Extra Reading Unit 4 363

Uso de la Guía Didáctica del Docente 99

Planificación anual

Propuesta semanal de la distribución de clases durante el año.

Distribución por semana*

Unidad Sección Semana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Presentación • •
1 Lección 1 • • • •
Gone By Lección 2 • • • • •
Final de unidad • •
Presentación •
2 Lección 1 • •
The People
Around Us Lección 2

Final de unidad


Lección 1
The Beauty
Surrounds Lección 2
Final de unidad


4 Lección 1
Moments Lección 2

Final de unidad

• Se consideran 3 horas pedagógicas por semana.

10 Planificación anual
Distribución por semana*
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

• •
• • • •
• • •

• • • •
• • • •
• •

• • • •
• • •
• •

Planificación anual 11
Planificación primer semestre

Unidad Lección Tiempo Páginas TE/CA

Lección 1:
TE págs. 6 - 17
Going Places 4 semanas
CA págs. 4 - 10

Unidad 1:
Days Gone By

Lección 2:
TE págs. 18 - 31
Crime Watch 6 semanas
CA págs. 11 - 19

Unidad Lección Tiempo Páginas TE/CA

Lección 1:
TE págs. 32 - 43
We Go Together 5 semanas
CA págs. 20 - 26

Unidad 2:
The People Around Us

Lección 2:
TE págs. 44 - 57
Nice Work 5 semanas
CA págs. 27 - 35

12 Planificación primer semestre

Objetivo de Aprendizaje Actitudes Recursos

• Texto del Estudiante.

• Cuaderno de Actividades.
Actitud A
• Material Extra GDD.
Actitud B • Evaluaciones GDD.
OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Actitud C • Transcripts.
Actitud D • Solucionarios GDD.
Actitud E • Pendrive con Audio Tracks.
• Lámina de la Unidad.
• Rúbricas.
• Templates GDD.

Objetivo de Aprendizaje Actitudes Recursos

• Texto del Estudiante.

• Cuaderno de Actividades.
Actitud A • Material Extra GDD.
Actitud B • Evaluaciones GDD.
• Transcripts.
OA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13, 14, 15, 16 Actitud C
• Solucionarios GDD.
Actitud D • Pendrive con Audio Tracks.
Actitud E • Lámina de la Unidad.
• Rúbricas.
• Templates GDD.

Planificación primer semestre 13

Presentación Unidad 1 Days Gone By

La unidad Days Gone By invita a los estudiantes a reflexionar acerca del
tiempo pasado por medio de dos lecciones. La primera lección, Going
Places, se enfoca en el tema de los viajes y revisa vocabulario relacionado
a éste, como descripción de lugares y uso de números, junto a un repaso
del pasado simple. En la segunda lección, Crime Watch, los estudiantes
podrán revisar vocabulario relacionado a objetos, por medio del contexto de
crímenes. También ven un repaso de la diferencia entre el pasado continuo
y el pasado simple (que les ayuda para contar historias propias) y el uso de
used to para hábitos pasados. Tanto el TE como el CA incluyen actividades
para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas individuales y con otros. Así, se
refuerza el trabajo colaborativo, el pensamiento crítico y la metacognición,
por medio de feedback propio y grupal.

La unidad cuenta con dos secciones CLIL. La primera corresponde al OA 08

de Biología I medio, donde se espera que los estudiantes puedan “explicar
y evaluar los efectos de acciones humanas y de fenómenos naturales en
relación con el equilibrio de los ecosistemas”. En esta sección, los estudiantes
leen acerca de turismo sustentable para aprender manera de aminorar el
impacto que tiene esta actividad en el medio ambiente. El segundo CLIL
corresponde al OA 21 de Lenguaje y Comunicación, en donde se espera
que puedan “demostrar comprensión de lo dicho por el interlocutor,
distinguiendo afirmaciones basadas en evidencias de aquellas que no lo
están” para así poder descubrir en una actividad, si sus compañeros están
diciendo la verdad o no.

Unit Profesor, tiene a su disposición

1 Days Gone By Past Continuous versus Past simple
material fotocopiable extra
Past Simple
en las páginas 52 y 59 cuyo
uso se le indicará en la clase
Andrea bought
flowers and correspondiente. También tiene
groceries last week.
Pedro was studying when his sister
arrived from roller skating classes.
a su disposición evaluaciones
por habilidad entre las páginas
Last week PRESENT 80-87, templates de Writing y
Used to Hey,
Well, last year,
I was walking home when a
Speaking en las páginas 92 y 93
I heard you used
to play the flute.
scooter passed me by, and
my bag fell! My flute broke
y lecturas extras tanto en el TE
Why don’t you play in half. I’m saving money to
anymore? buy another one, (GDD páginas 42-43) como en
la GDD (páginas 182-185) que
puede ocupar cuando estime
I used to play the guitar when I was younger.

Ocupe la lámina de unidad
Laminas Ingles 1ºm_TOMO1_2021.indd 1 13-09-21 22:50 cuando estime conveniente.

14 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Planificación Unidad 1 Days Gone By

Tiempo estimado: 10 semanas

Objetivo de
Eje Indicador de Evaluación Recurso de Apoyo
Elaboran preguntas o aportan información a partir de lo escuchado en
exposiciones o al interactuar en conversaciones.
OA 1
Identifican diferencias entre los distintos tipos de textos escuchados,
relacionados con el tema de la unidad.
Comunicación Identifican expresiones de uso frecuente relacionadas con el tema de la unidad y TE págs. 11, 13, 21,
OA 2
Oral su significado en el texto escuchado. 23
Comprensión Identifican tipo y propósito del texto escuchado y lo relacionan con el tema de CA págs. 6, 7, 13,
Auditiva la unidad. 25, 16
OA 3
Identifican a los y las hablantes y los relacionan con sus acciones y las situaciones
en las que participan.
Definen un propósito al escuchar; por ejemplo: identificar ideas relevantes.
OA 4
Relacionan imágenes con el tema del texto escuchado.
Presentan información organizada y coherente con frecuencia.
OA 5 Crean proyectos multimodales individuales o en grupo, en los cuales presentan
información precisa como fruto de una investigación, con detalles relevantes.
TE págs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Practican una presentación con anticipación y aclaran dudas. 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19,
OA 6
Comunicación Usan diagramas con ideas clave, haciendo conexiones entre ellas. 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26,
Oral 27, 28, 30, 31
Participan en conversaciones breves en forma espontánea, expresando opinión,
Expresión Oral sentimientos y emociones, y los justifican, en contextos formales e informales
OA 7 CA págs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9,
Comparten experiencias e información sobre acontecimientos significativos con 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19
sus pares.
Describen hábitos pasados
OA 8
Unen ideas
Leen textos literarios y no literarios apropiados a su nivel en forma
OA 9 independiente, en silencio o en voz alta, con alguna fluidez.
Resumen información de los textos leídos con apoyo de esquemas o preguntas.
Identifican la idea principal del texto con apoyo de la o el docente; por ejemplo:
TE págs.8, 9, 14, 15,
respondiendo preguntas.
OA 10 18, 20, 22, 24, 26,
Comprensión Identifican detalles e información específica que apoya la idea principal, con
27, 28
Lectora apoyo de preguntas.
CA págs. 4, 7, 8, 9,
Identifican el tema como una idea central en cuentos breves y simples o en
OA 11 11, 15
novelas adaptadas breves; por ejemplo: la lealtad, la responsabilidad.
Hacen predicciones lógicas acerca del contenido del texto, basados en su
OA 12 conocimiento del tema.
Definen propósitos personales antes de leer, con apoyo de preguntas.
Crean proyectos multimodales individuales o en grupos
OA 13
Escriben opinión sobre textos leídos.
Escriben un borrador con apoyo de un modelo, el o la docente o sus pares.
OA 14 TE págs. 9, 10, 16, 17,
Revisan de acuerdo al criterio de evaluación con ayuda de sus pares.
Expresión 25, 26, 29, 30, 31
escrita Escriben con variados propósitos (expresar opiniones, narrar, hacer
CA págs. 5, 6, 7, 9, 10,
conexiones, reaccionar).
OA 15 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19
Usan variedad de estructuras, tiempos verbales y vocabulario aprendidos en
forma correcta.
OA 16 Describen hábitos pasados

Planificación 15

1 Days Gone By
U1 Days Gone By (págs. 6 y 7)

Objetivos de Aprendizaje Look and discuss

Name the items on these pages.
What ideas come to your mind when looking at these items?
OA 1 al OA 16 What action words would you use to describe these items?


Habilidades del siglo XXI

• Pensamiento crítico
• Colaboración
• Creatividad


Objetivos de la clase
• Identificar objetos para introducir la
temática de la unidad
• Activar conocimientos previos

TE págs. 6 y 7
Diagnostic Test pág. 60

Inicio 10 minutos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 6 17-06-21 21:01
Mencione a los estudiantes el título de la
unidad y las imágenes que se muestran.
Desarrollo 20 minutos
Pregunte de qué creen se tratará la unidad.
T: Look at the unit’s name and the pictures. Luego pida que vean el recuadro Look and discuss y que, en parejas,
What do you think this unit will be about? respondan las preguntas allí descritas. T: Ok everyone, in pairs, discuss
Pida voluntarios para que den ideas the questions from the Look and discuss box. Vaya repasando las
con respecto al tema de la unidad y que respuestas pregunta por pregunta. Primero, pídales que mencionen
argumenten su respuesta. T: Now, raise los objetos que ven en ambas páginas. T: So, what items can you see in
your hands if you would like to share your these pages? Name them. Luego, invítelos a que compartan sus ideas
thoughts with the rest of the class. Say what con respecto a los objetos de ambas páginas. T: What are your ideas
you think and justify your answer. in relation to these objects? La idea es que puedan identificar por el
título que se tratará de temática del pasado y que se verán viajes. Por el
cuaderno podrían identificar que el tema de una de las lecciones será
relacionado con crimen. Para la última pregunta, pídales que mencionen
una acción relacionada a los objetos y que digan una oración completa

16 Unit 1 Days Gone By


Look and discuss

Se espera que los estudiantes identifiquen el
mapa de fondo, las huellas digitales, la lupa,
el compass, el cuaderno, el lápiz y el celular
Valle de la Luna, Ch
ile. mostrando lugares de Chile.

Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
encontrar el significado de la palabra
awareness en el glosario de su TE
(págs. 110-113).

Recursos Online
Park , Chile. Muestre How the compass unlocked the world
Conguillío National
No olvide profundizar los contenidos del the_world#t-226 para complementar la
Unit goals
texto en el cuaderno del estudiante. discusión de estas páginas. Active los
Describe actions that happened in the past.
T: For further practice go to the Activity subtítulos en inglés si estima necesario.
Work with large numbers.
Practise the final /-tion/ page 4.
Describe objects in detail.
Design your own poster to raise security awareness while going on holidays.
Show interest in independent learning as part of a personal and shared project.

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 7 17-11-20 16:30

con la acción y el objeto. T: Now, everyone, please share the action

Diagnostic Test
words you think are used to describe each item. Use them in a sentence,
for example: I use a notebook to write down my notes. Aplique la evaluación diagnóstica de la pág.
60 para medir los conocimientos previos que
Cierre 15 minutos sus estudiantes brindarán a la nueva unidad.
Pida a los estudiantes que, en grupos, lean los objetivos de la unidad y T: Now you are going to take a diagnostic
completen una tabla en la que establezcan cuál consideran más fácil, test to assess your prior knowledge before
más difícil y qué estrategias usarán para lograr los objetivos propuestos. beginning the unit.
Indique que deben justificar sus respuestas. T: In groups, read the unit’s
objectives on page 7. Then complete a chart in which you indicate
which objective is easier for you and why, which objective is harder for
you and why, and finally say what strategies you would use to achieve
these objectives.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 17

Going Places
L1 Going Places (págs. 8 y 9) Reading
CLASE 2 A Voyage Into the Past
4 000 years ago, the Ancient Egyptians built incredible pyramids. These pyramids are similar to ancient
pyramids in Mexico. So, did the Ancient Egyptians build pyramids in Mexico, too? Most people said this
Tiempo estimado was impossible – how could they sail thousands of kilometres across the ocean in light reed boats? The
Norwegian explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, wanted to prove it was possible! Did he succeed?
90 minutos
1 First, Thor studied 2 Thor chose seven men 3 It was a dangerous journey.
paintings of boats found from seven countries, They didn’t have satellite
Objetivos de la clase in Egyptian pyramids. Then, including an Egyptian, a navigation in those days. During the
African boat builders built a Mexican, and an American, journey, the boat filled with water,
• Desarrollar comprensión lectora de un 15-metre-long reed boat in and sailed under a United and there were terrible storms. But
Egypt and drove it on a lorry they travelled 4 284 kilometres in
artículo histórico. to the port of Safi, Morocco.
Nations (UN) flag. They
54 days. Unfortunately, only a week
started their journey across
• Identificar ideas principales en un texto. He named the boat Ra, after the Atlantic Ocean on 25th from Barbados, Ra broke in half, and
the Egyptian Sun God. May, 1969. the crew couldn’t complete the
• Desarrollar expresión oral mediante análisis journey.
de imágenes.
• Crear un cómic sobre un artículo histórico.

Recursos A

TE págs. 8 y 9
CA pág. 4
Materiales para crear un cómic (block)

Gestión de la clase
Inicio 15 minutos 1 Look at the title of the article and pictures A-C. Then, discuss.
a. What do you think the article is about?
Indique a los estudiantes el título del artículo
b. What does each picture show?
que van a leer y pida que miren las imágenes.
2 Read the article. Match the headings a-f with paragraphs 1-6 in your notebook.
Junto con ello, reúnalos en parejas y pida que
a. Did Ra cross the Atlantic Ocean? d. Ecological problems
discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. b. Building the boat e. What did the journey of Ra II prove?
T: Look at the title of the article and then c. Choosing the crew f. The second journey
look at pictures A, B, and C. In pairs, discuss
the questions from Activity 1. Monitoree la 8 Unit 1. Days Gone By

conversación de los estudiantes. Luego, pida

las ideas de algunos de ellos sobre la discusión CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 8 30-08-21 13:44

que tuvieron. T: Share your answers with

the class. Lo importante es que puedan Desarrollo 60 minutos
identificar las pirámides y el bote. Pida que lean el artículo, identifiquen las ideas principales y con ellas
realicen las actividades 2 y 3 en sus cuadernos. T: Read the article and
identify the main ideas. Then, work on Activities 2 and 3. Remember to
write your answers in your notebook and not in your books. Monitoree
el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo las dudas que surjan. Revise
las respuestas de los estudiantes de la actividad 2. T: Now, everyone,
please raise your hands and tell me the answers for Activity 2. Anote las
respuestas en la pizarra y resuelva dudas. Luego, pida voluntarios para la
actividad 3, Los estudiantes deben mencionar por qué creen que la oración
presentada es verdadera o falsa y que justifiquen su respuesta. T: I need
volunteers to solve the sentences from Activity 3. Tell me why the sentence
is True or False and why. Luego, pida que discutan las preguntas de la
actividad 4, en parejas. T: In pairs, discuss the questions from Activity 4.
Pida las ideas de algunos estudiantes basado en la discusión que tuvieron.

18 Unit 1 Days Gone By



pág. 8
1. Students’ own answers.
4 The first expedition 5 During the journey, they 6 Finally, in July 1970, Ra II 2. a. 3
taught them a lot, and discovered a modern reached Barbados after a 57-
Thor didn’t want to give up. problem – oil pollution, as day journey of 5 260 kilometres. b. 1
So he asked Bolivian boat well as plastic containers and This proved that people could
builders to build a new boat. bags. They took samples of sail across the Atlantic Ocean in a c. 2
One year later, in May 1970, the oil and, after the trip, they simple boat. It also showed that
he started a second journey presented a report to the UN. people from different countries d. 5
in Ra II, a 12-metre-long boat. could work together too.
Editorial Creation
e. 6
f. 4

pág. 9
3 Decide if the sentences are true or false. Correct
the false sentences in your notebook. 7. a. False. He had a crew of people from
e.g. The first boat was 12 metres long. seven countries.
False: It was 15 metres long. 5 5 In groups, create a comic strip
representing Thor’s voyage. b. True.
a. Thor had a crew of people from Mexico, Egypt,
and the United States. a. Create a frame for each paragraph (1-6) c. False. It lasted 57
of the article.
b. The first journey lasted for 54 days.
b. Choose what to draw in each frame. d. False. Only Ra II reached Barbados.
c. The second journey lasted for 197 days.
d. Both boats, Ra and Ra II, reached Barbados.
c. Write a small caption in each frame e. True.
explaining the events.
e. There was pollution in the Atlantic Ocean
d. With another group, find the differences and 4. Students’ own answers.
in 1970.
similarities between your comics.
5. Students’ own answers.
4 Discuss. Ra broke in half before
arriving in Barbados.
a. What is the main source of ocean pollution?
How can it be prevented? Glosario
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
working with people from different countries?
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
Why? encontrar el significado de las palabras
E B lorry, reed, sail y voyage en el glosario de su
p. 4 Lesson 1. Going Places 9
TE (págs. 110-113).
4 CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 9 30-08-21 13:45

Cierre 15 minutos
No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
Agrupe a los estudiantes en parejas o tríos. Explique que deben crear
texto en el cuaderno de actividades).
un comic relacionado con el artículo leído, siguiendo las instrucciones
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
de la sección Checkpoint, actividad 5. T: You will create a comic
Book page 4.
strip based on what you read. Represent Thor’s voyage. Follow the
instructions in Activity 5. Entregue una hoja de block por grupo y
monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes resolviendo dudas que surjan.
Luego pida que se reúnan con otro grupo y comparen sus cómics.
Diga que anoten en sus cuadernos las diferencias entre ambos trabajos.
T: Get together with another group and compare your comics. What
differences can you see? Pida a algunos estudiantes mencionar las
diferencias encontradas al resto de la clase.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 19
Language in Use Past Simple Review

L1 Going Places (págs. 10 y 11) • We use the past simple to talk about finished actions and situations in the past.
e.g. The Ancient Egyptians built incredible pyramids.

We use didn’t (did not) with the base form to make the negative form of the past simple.
e.g. They didn’t have satellite navigation in those days.
• We use did with the base form to ask questions.
e.g. Did the Ancient Egyptians build in Mexico, too?
Tiempo estimado Grammar Reference Exercise Book p. 76
90 minutos
1 Write 5 questions in the past to ask your classmate, in your notebook. Use the words below or your
own ideas to create your questions.
Objetivos de la clase e.g. Did you play football in the park last week?

• Describir hábitos o acciones pasadas. Verbs

• Participar en una entrevista sobre acciones buy - do - eat - go - have - listen to - meet - play - read - see - send - visit - watch

pasadas. Time Expressions

• Desarrollar comprensión auditiva de ideas in July - in 2017 - last night - last summer
generales y expresiones clave last week - last weekend - last year - on Saturday night -
this morning - yesterday morning

Recursos 2 Ask and answer your questions from Activity 1. If your classmate says ‘yes’, keep the conversation
TE págs. 10 y 11 going with follow-up questions.

CA págs. 5, 6 y 76 Did you go to a party on

Saturday night?
Audio Tracks 3, 4, 5 y 6 No, I didn’t. Did you watch TV
yesterday morning?

Yes, I did.
What did you watch?
Gestión de la clase
Inicio 15 minutos 3 Play Storytellers.
a. Create an imaginative story using past time expressions.
Pida a los estudiantes exponer sus
b. Each member must create three different events or actions of the story.
conocimientos previos sobre Past Simple. e.g Once upon a time, there was a dragon named Pristina. She was a beautiful dragon, but she couldn’t fly...
Luego, lean en conjunto el uso y las formas c. Finally, read the story to the class.
negativas y afirmativas del tiempo verbal.
T: What do you use the Past Simple for? Let’s
remember together. Check the Language E B
in Use box. Luego, indique que vayan al 10 Unit 1. Days Gone By p. 5

Grammar Reference de la página 76 del

Exercise Book. T: Now, go to your Exercise CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 10 17-06-21 21:01

Book page 76 to read the Past Simple rules.

Cuando esté seguro de que se han entendido
Desarrollo 60 minutos
las reglas, pida que vuelvan al texto, página Pida que se junten en parejas y utilicen las preguntas creadas en
10 para comenzar la actividad 1. Pida que la actividad 1, a modo de conversación. Deben tomar nota de las
escriban preguntas en su cuaderno, usando el respuestas de sus compañeros. T: Work with a classmate. Ask and
tiempo gramatical. Indique que deben utilizar answer the questions in Activity 1. Take notes about your classmate’s
los verbos y expresiones de la actividad 1. answers. Monitoree la actividad. Luego, como actividad adicional,
T: Ok, go back to your Student’s Books on pida que escriban una oración por cada respuesta de su compañero
page 10. Write ten questions for a classmate. en su cuaderno. T: Write down one sentence per answer from
Use the verbs and expressions in Activity 1. your classmate. Monitoree el trabajo, resolviendo dudas que vayan
surgiendo. Después, pida que creen una historia en grupos de tres
personas. T: In groups, you will create an imaginative story. Write
it in your notebooks using the verbs in Past Simple. Ahora, pida que
vayan a la sección Listening de la pág. 11 y que observen las fotos y
discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1 en pág. 11. T: Go to page 11.

20 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Lis ningg


pág. 10
A B 1 - 3 Students’ own answers.

1 Look at the pictures and discuss.

pág. 11
a. What is happening in the pictures?
b. How are the pictures connected? 1. Students’ own answers.
2 3 Listen to the first part of Sofía’s story. 2. a. Tunis
a. Sofía’s destination
b. May.
b. the month she was there c. A friend told her.
c. when she had to fly back home C 3. Picture D because it shows the ashes
d. the way she found out about the volcano
released by a volcano.
3 Look at the pictures again and answer:
Which picture represents the situation Sofía 4. a. It was chaos because there were too
mentions in her story? Why? many people.
4 4 Listen to the rest of Sofía’s story and answer
the questions in your notebook.
b. Because they slept on chairs.
a. What was the situation at the airport? Why? c. Sofia an her brother had t travel on the
b. Why was the boat journey awful? corridor.
c. What was the problem on the journey to Paris?
d. It takes 3 hours, but it took them 60.
d. How long does a flight between Tunis and
London take? 5 y 6 Students’ own answers.
5 4 Listen again and check your answers.

6 Discuss.
a. Do you prefer active or relaxing holidays? Why?
b. Do you have a nightmare journey story? What happened?

p. 6 Lesson 1. Going Places 11

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 11 30-08-21 13:47

Look at pictures A, B, C and D and discuss the questions from Activity

1. Diga que escucharán la primera parte de un audio, y que realizarán No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
la actividad 2. Luego escucharán la segunda parte y desarrollarán la texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
actividad 3. T: You will listen to an audio. Work on Activity 2 first, and T: For further practice go to your Exercise
then on Activity 3. Book pages 5 and 6.

Cierre 15 minutos
Reproduzca nuevamente el audio, y pida que revisen sus respuestas.
Asigne voluntarios para participación y vaya anotando las respuestas
en la pizarra. T: We will listen to the audio again. Please, check your
answers. Indique que se junten en parejas y discutan las preguntas de
la actividad 6. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the questions in
Activity 6. Monitoree la conversación de los estudiantes. Luego, pida
ideas de voluntarios basadas en la discusión que tuvieron.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 21
CL Science
L1 Going Places (págs. 12 y 13) 1 Discuss.
a. What is the impact of humans on the environment? Give
CLASE 4 examples.
b. How can we prevent pollution in our cities/country?
2 Read the article and answer:
Tiempo estimado Which of these tips could help prevent what is shown in pictures
A and B? How?
90 minutos
10 Rules to Keep in Mind in Order
Objetivos de la clase to Practise Sustainable Tourism
• Escribir instrucciones para turismo 1. Choose services that guarantee
sustentable. quality and respect for the
environment. B
• Identificar y producir el sonido final /-tion/. 2. Conserve natural resources.
• Participar en interacciones dialógicas 3. Try to minimise generated waste.
mediante juego de roles. 4. When you dispose of waste, do it as 8. Do not disturb the flora and fauna; especially in the case
cleanly as possible. Always recycle. of protected species.

Recursos 5. When you visit a natural space,

do not leave any rubbish behind.
9. Respect the traditions, culture, gastronomy, and
attractions of local people.
TE págs. 12 y 13 6. Discover how to make the least 10. Contribute to the development of responsible and
possible impact on sensitive places sustainable tourism during your trip.
CA pág. 7 such as reefs or jungles. Adapted from 10 Rules to Keep in Mind in Order to Practice Sustainable Tourism.

Audio Tracks 6, 7, 8, 9 y 10 7. Help the local economy by buying

gifts or souvenirs in small shops.
Formative Assessment L1 pág. 62

Gestión de la clase Checkpoint

3 Work as a class and follow these steps.
Inicio 10 minutos a. Choose a tourist site in Chile. WWW
Check out some places at
Mencione a los estudiantes que esta es una b. Identify four possible problematic touristic
actions. Write four convincing rules to prevent each
página especial donde discutirán temas problematic action. d. Discuss and comment on the rules. As a
relacionados a las Ciencias Naturales. T: This c. Then, present your rules to the class (it can be a class, vote for the most convincing or
powerpoint presentation, etc.). Make sure to add realistic proposal.
is the CLIL section, where we will discuss a pictures and a slogan.
Science-related topic. Reúna a los estudiantes
en parejas y pida que discutan las preguntas
12 Unit 1. Days Gone By
de la actividad 1. T: Get together in pairs
and discuss the questions from Activity 1.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 12 17-06-21 21:01
Fomente el pensamiento crítico al pedirle a
los estudiantes que justifiquen sus respuestas. incluyendo buscar información en el sitio web recomendado de Chile
Tome apuntes de las respuestas en la pizarra. Travel. Mencione que realizarán una presentación. T: Form groups of
T: Now, let’s share your ideas with the class. 3 or 4. Work in all the steps from Activity 3. You will have to present
your results. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo
Desarrollo 20 minutos dudas y dando retroalimentación. Luego, ordene a los estudiantes
Pida que vean las imágenes A y B y que y pídales que tomen notas de la presentación de sus compañeros. T:
identifiquen qué ven en cada una. Luego, OK everyone, let’s start the presentations. Remember to take notes
pídales que lean el artículo y que respondan of your classmates’ presentations. Realice la votación y felicite a
las preguntas. T: Read the text and answer la mejor presentación. T: Let’s have a show of hands to choose the
the questions in Activity 2. Revise las best presentation. Let’s give them a round of applause! Junte a los
respuestas, eligiendo estudiantes voluntarios. estudiantes en parejas para discutir las preguntas de la actividad 1
T: Let’s check your answers. Raise your hand en la pág. 13. Diga que miren la fotografía y comenten la pregunta
to participate. Vea la posibilidad de hacer la relacionada. T: In pairs, discuss the questions in Activity 1 on page 13.
sección Checkpoint, actividad 3, en la sala de Then, look at the picture and discuss the question. Lea la instrucción
computación. Lea todos los pasos indicados, y preguntas de la actividad 2. Luego, dígales que escucharán un audio

22 Unit 1 Days Gone By

1 Look at the picture and answer.
a. Where is David?
b. What do you think he and the man are talking about?
2 6 Listen to David’s conversation and answer the questions in your notebook. Solucionario
a. Where does David want to go?
b. What bus does he need to take? David pág. 12
c. Who does he plan to meet?
1 - 3 Students’ own answers
3 7 Now, listen to the conversation David’s conversation on the bus and answer the questions
in your notebook.
pág. 13
a. What type of ticket does David buy?
b. How much is it? 1. Students’ own answers
c. Where is Leon? 2. a. London
4 Check your answers as a class.
b. 52.
Pronunciation /-tion/ c. His friends.
5 8 Listen and repeat the words below. 3. a. a single ticket
a. station d. pollution
b. 1,40.
b. vacation e. attraction
c. destination f. solution
c. Walking to the station.
6 Now, create your own sentences using the words above. Then, say them out loud. 4 - 7 Students’ own answers
e.g. There was a lot of pollution on the way to our destination.

Your Turn to Speak
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
7 Role play the dialogue below with a classmate. Then, swap roles.
encontrar el significado de las palabras reef
Passenger Bus driver
y sustainable en el glosario de su TE
Ask if the bus goes to
your destination. Answer. (págs. 110-113).

Ask if the traveller wants

Ask for a ticket.
a single or return.
Say the price. Hacer énfasis con los estudiantes en la
pronunciación de las palabras terminadas
Pay and take your ticket.
en /-tion/ (information, inflation, creation,
p. 7 Lesson 1. Going Places 13
nation, etc.) mencione que tengan cuidado
con su pronunciación. La teminación -tion
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 13 17-06-21 21:01
suena como “shn” y no “chn”.

y que deberán escribir sus respuestas en sus cuadernos. T: We will

listen to a conversation. Write the answers to the questions in your Formative Assessment L1
notebooks. Reproduzca el audio 6. Repita lo mismo para la actividad 3, Aplique la evaluación formativa de la
reproduciendo el audio 7. Revise las respuestas como clase. Anótelas en pág. 62 para medir los conocimientos que
la pizarra. Fomente la pronunciación con la actividad 5 reproduciendo sus estudiantes tienen hasta ahora sobre
el audio 8. Luego, pídales que creen sus propias oraciones utilizando las la nueva lección. T: Now, you are going to
palabras terminadas en -tion. T: Now, listen and repeat the words from answer a test for Lesson 1 to see how much
activity 5. Then, do activity 6 with a classmate. you know so far.

Cierre 15 minutos
Reúnalos en parejas para desarrollar el juego de roles de la actividad 7. No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
Luego, pida que intercambien roles. T: Create the dialogue in Activity texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
7 and role play. Then, switch roles. Monitoree el trabajo de los T: For further practice go to your Exercise
estudiantes, dando retroalimentación. Book page 7.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 23

L1 Going Places (págs. 14 y 15) 1 Look at the pictures and discuss.

a. What natural features can you identify?
b. Where do you think they are located?
CLASE 5 c. Would you like to visit them? Why? / Why not? Some of the most
2 Read the article and check your previous answers. touristic places in
the world include
Tiempo estimado Breathtaking World
breathtaking natural
90 minutos Let’s check
them out!

Objetivos de la clase
• Desarrollar comprensión lectora de
descripciones de paisajes.
• Describir un paisaje con datos numéricos.
• Identificar información general y específica.

Recursos Mountains The highest places on Earth are mountains. Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the highest at
8 482 metres above sea level. Experienced climbers reach the top in weeks. Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in
TE págs. 14 y 15 Europe, is a baby compared to Mount Everest at 4 807 metres above sea level. But not all mountains are on land.
The Mid-Ocean Ridge system is the longest mountain range in the world at 56 000 km long, but it’s underwater!
CA págs. 8 y 9
Extra Material 1 pág. 52

Gestión de la clase
Inicio 15 minutos
Reúna a sus estudiantes en parejas para
discutir las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: In
pairs, discuss the questions in Activity 1.
Inste a sus estudiantes a entregar respuestas Deserts Did you know that a desert is any place where it hardly ever rains? So the world’s largest desert
completas a las preguntas descritas. is actually Antarctica! It covers 14 million km2 – that’s more than ten times the size of Chile! It’s also the world’s
coldest continent! The largest hot desert in the world is the Sahara in North Africa. It’s over 9 million km2.
The hottest temperature on Earth was recorded there at 58°C. However, it’s not the driest place in the world –
that’s the Atacama Desert, in Chile.

14 Unit 1. Days Gone By

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Desarrollo 60 minutos
Pida que lean juntos el artículo, revisen las respuestas de la actividad
anterior, y vayan escribiendo en sus cuadernos, las ideas principales.
T: Read the article in pairs and check your answers from Activity 1.
Write in your notebook the main ideas you find in the text. Pida que
retomen el texto y encuentren la información que se les pide en la
actividad 3, y la escriban en sus cuadernos. T: Go back to the text and
find the facts asked in Activity 3. Write them down in your notebook.
Luego, pida que lean las reglas que están en el cuadro, y escriban los
números de la actividad 3 en sus cuadernos. T: Read the rules from the
box and write down the numbers from Activity 3. Júntelos en parejas
para comparar sus respuestas. T: Get together with a classmate and
compare your answers. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, dando
retroalimentación de ser necesario.

24 Unit 1 Days Gone By


pág. 14
1 y 2 Students’ own answers

pág. 15
3. a. Dead Sea depth.
b. Mount Everest’s height.
Water Look at the Earth from space, and you will see more sea than land. The largest ocean is the c. Mariana Trench’s depth.
Pacific – it covers nearly a third of the globe and holds about half of its water. It is also home to the
Mariana Trench, which is the deepest place on Earth. It’s 10 918 metres deep – the height of 36 Costanera d. The Mid-Ocean Ridge system’s length.
Centre Buildings! Some places on land are lower than sea level too. The lowest point is the Dead Sea, at
400 metres below sea level. It’s so salty that you can float on your back and check your mobile phone at the e. Sahara’s area.
same time!
Editorial Creation
f. Antarctica’s area.
3 Find the facts in the article related to these distances and areas. Then, write them in your notebook.
4 y 5 Students’ own answers
e.g. 4,807 m – Mont Blanc is 4,807 metres high.
a. 400 m c. 10 918 e. 9 million km2
b. 8 482 m d. 56 000 km f. 14 million km2
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
4 Read the rules below. Then, write the numbers from Activity 3 in your notebook. Compare your
answers with a classmate. encontrar el significado de las palabras
breathtaking, features, record, ridge y trench en
• When saying a large number, always • We use and to join hundreds and tens,
begin with the largest number first and not millions and thousands: el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
use singular number labels: e.g. Forty-one thousand, five hundred and
e.g. Four million, six hundred thousand, twelve (41 512)
four hundred and seventy-nine
(4 600 479)
Manejo de grupo
Antes de iniciar el trabajo grupal asigne
roles a los estudiantes para mejorar su
5 In groups, make an infographic
Find information at aprendizaje. Se sugiere un vocero, un
following the steps from Extra Material 1.
secretario y un moderador (como mínimo).
E B El vocero se encargará de llevar dudas
pp. 8-9 Lesson 1. Going Places 15
al profesor, el secretario se encarga de la
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 15 30-08-21 13:49
parte escrita y el moderador se encarga de
controlar el debate que se genere entre los
Cierre 15 minutos estudiantes a la hora de dar ideas. Cada
Para desarrollar la actividad 5, reúna a sus estudiantes en grupos y rol tendrá una misión en el grupo. De esta
entréguele a cada grupo una copia del Extra Material 1 de la página forma, el trabajo se verá dividido y todos
52 de esta GDD. Indíqueles que deben seguir los pasos descritos en aportarán al producto final.
dicha página para crear una infografía. T: In groups, follow the steps T: We will assign roles to your group
from Extra Material 1 to create an infographic. Puede seguir las before we start. With these roles,
orientaciones de la página 53 para esta actividad. Recuerde utilizar el everyone will have a different task to
vínculo presentado como fuente confiable de información. contribute to the final product.
Luego, organice la presentación de los grupos y pida al grupo curso que
vayan tomando apuntes de las ideas de sus compañeros. T: You will
present your outcomes now. Please, take notes of your classmates’ ideas. No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Book pages 8 and 9.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 25
Writing A Holiday Blog

L1 Going Places (págs. 16 y 17) 1 Look at the picture and discuss.

a. What’s happening in the picture?
b. Do you like this type of activity?
CLASE 6 Why? / Why not?
2 Scan Anna’s blog. What is the
purpose of the words in bold?

Tiempo estimado We use by to

introduce the author Camping Trip
90 minutos of a piece of writing. by Anna Milton

Day 1 We arrived at our campsite at 10:00 am after a 14-hour coach trip.

First, we checked in at the campsite reception. Then, we put up our tents.
Objetivos de la clase We use sequencing
words and After that, we were all very tired and hungry. We had lunch and then we
went to sleep for two hours. In the afternoon, we explored the campsite.
• Escribir un diario personal de viaje. expressions so the
The facilities on the campsite were good. There was a shop, a kitchen and
reader knows the
• Escribir para narrar usando conectores order of events. a dining hall. There was also a great swimming pool, and the views of the
They are usually mountains were amazing!
variados. followed by a Day 3 Our last day! We got up early because we had a lot to do. First, we
• Crear un itinerario de viaje. comma. had breakfast. Then we started packing. It took me a long time to find all my
things! After that, we took the tents down. Our tent was really dirty on the
• Participar en interacciones sobre viajes bottom, so we needed to wash it before we put it away.
We use Finally for Finally, we put everything into the back of the minibus and drove away.
Recursos the last action. The journey home was O.K., but it took 20 hours instead of 14!
Editorial Creation

TE págs. 16 y 17
CA pág. 10 3 Read the blog again. Complete Day 2 with the four sequencing words from the text in your notebook.

Extra Material 2 pág. 54 Day 2 This morning we got up early. We had breakfast and we started making plans for the day.
Five of us decided to go for a bike ride. a. …, we looked at the map and decided where to go.
Final Assessment L1 pág. 66 b. … we made our packed lunches and got our rucksacks ready. c. …, we went to the campsite
shop and hired our bikes and helmets. d. …, we were ready to leave.
Rúbrica Final Assessment L1 pág. 70

Gestión de la clase Your Turn to Write

Inicio 15 minutos 4 Now, plan a two-day trip to a place you would like to visit. Make notes about the itinerary and the details.
For example:
Reúna a los estudiantes en parejas e indique • morning – take bus to local town for sightseeing / visit National Park / go shopping
que miren la fotografía y discutan las • afternoon – swim in pool / go for long walk in forest
preguntas de la actividad 1. T: In pairs, look • evening – make a fire / cook dinner / party

at the picture and discuss the questions 5 Go to your Exercise Book to write your holiday blog.

in Activity 1. Pida que miren el texto E B

16 Unit 1. Days Gone By p. 10
rápidamente para descubrir la función de
las palabras en negrita. T: Take a quick look
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 16 17-06-21 21:01

at the text and discover the purpose of

the words in bold. Luego, pida que usen las la atención de los estudiantes en la actividad 4. Indíqueles que deben
mismas palabras para completar el texto del crear su propio itinerario de viaje. Pida seguir las instrucciones y usar
día 2, en sus cuadernos. T: Use the words in el CA para escribir una entrada de blog. T: Check the itinerary from
bold to complete day 2 in your notebook. Activity 4. Follow the instructions and use your Exercise Book to write
a blog entry about it. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes dando
Desarrollo 20 minutos retroalimentación y resolviendo dudas. Luego, reúnalos en parejas para
Pida a los estudiantes que lean la entrada desarrollar la actividad 1 de la pág. 17. Entregue una copia del Extra
del blog y los tips para escribir el mismo. Material 2 de la página 54 de esta GDD. Indique que sigan todos los
Luego, pídales que ocupen las mismas pasos de la actividad. T: In pairs, work on Activity 1 on page 17. Follow
palabras de la actividad 1 para completar el all the steps that are mentioned there. Pida que piensen en preguntas
texto del día 2, en sus cuadernos. T: Read relacionadas al viaje, para realizar a otra pareja. T: Think about some
the blog entry and the tips. Are they useful? questions you want to ask to another pair. Luego, indique que se
When you finish, use the words in bold to reúnan entre parejas, y realicen una mini entrevista. T: Get together
complete day 2 in your notebook. Enfoque with another pair and interview each other. Indique que se organicen

26 Unit 1 Days Gone By

v iew
1 Imagine that you went on a four-day trip around a Chilean city or town. In pairs:
a. Discuss the points from the table below. For each day, you must choose different experiences.
Be imaginative!
b. Then, complete the chart in Extra Material 2 with your answers. Solucionario
c. Using the chart, practise
describing each day. pág. 16
e.g. First, we arrived at Balmaceda DAY 1 2 3 4
airport. Then, we travelled Starting point 1 y 2 Students’ own answers
by taxi to Coyhaique. The
day was rainy and, when the
Finishing point
3. a. First.
sun came out, we could see a
rainbow! Finally, we arrived at Things that you saw b. Then.
the hotel to rest. Things that you did
Extra notes
c. After that.
d. finally.
2 You are going to interview another pair about their trip. Write the questions you want to ask them
4 y 5 Students’ own answers
in your notebook.
e.g. Where did you start your journey? pág. 17
3 Work in groups. Divide into Pair A and Pair B. 1 - 6 Student’s own answers
Pair B
Pair A
• Answer the questions.
a. Interview Pair B about their journey. Glosario
b. Make notes of their answers.
c. Find out as much as you can about their journey. Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
d. Show interest and ask follow-up questions. encontrar el significado de las palabras
coach, rucksack e improve en el glosario de su
4 Swap roles and repeat the activity.
TE (págs. 110-113).
5 Check your work with your teacher.

Ritmos diferentes
Think Back
46 Think about the lesson and answer.
Para la actividad de escritura de la pág. 16,
a. What did you learn in this lesson? How did you learn it?
asegúrese de haber revisado la actividad
b. What was the easiest or most difficult for you to learn in this lesson? 3 y que haya quedado claro el uso de los
c. What can you do to improve your learning? conectores de secuencia. Puede anotarlos en
la pizarra con un ejemplo adicional. Cuando
vayan al CA, monitoree la actividad y pida a un
Lesson 1. Going Places 17
voluntario que lea su primer párrafo. Así puede
entregar retroalimentación a toda la clase.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6957.indd 17 17-06-21 21:01

entre pares A y B, para realizar un pequeño juego de roles. Mencione

que deben intercambiar roles durante la actividad. T: Role play your Final Assessment L1
interview. Decide who wants to be pair A and pair B. Then, switch
roles. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes dando retroalimentación, Aplique la evaluación sumativa de la
y resolviendo dudas. pág. 66 (rúbrica pág. 70) para medir los
conocimientos de sus estudiantes sobre la
Cierre 10 minutos lección 1. T: Now, you are going to answer a
test for Lesson 1 to see how much you learnt.
Pida que trabajen de forma individual en la actividad 5 para reflexionar
sobre lo aprendido respondiendo las preguntas. T: Work individually
and answer the questions from Activity 5. Reflect on what you have
learned. Share your answers with the class. El ejercicio de Writing debe hacerse en el
cuaderno de actividades.
T: Remember to do the Writing activity in
your Exercise Book, page 10.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 27

Crime Watch
L2 Crime Watch (págs. 18 y 19)
CLASE 7 1 Look at pictures A-D on page 19 and answer.
a. What objects do you see? Where can you find them?

Tiempo estimado b. Describe one of the objects in your notebook. Compare your description with a classmate.
2 Scan the news article. Look for the words used to describe the stolen objects (use a dictionary to find
90 minutos the meaning of words you do not know).

3 Read the news article and match cases 1-4 to objects A-D, on page 19, in your notebook.

Objetivos de la clase 4 Using a dictionary, find the opposite word for the adjectives used in the news article and write them in
your notebook. Then, write sentences using the adjectives.
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas e.g. light – heavy -> I carried a light rucksack yesterday. / I lifted a heavy box in the morning.
principales en una noticia.
• Describir objetos de forma oral.

Recursos Neighbours Come Together to Talk About

TE págs. 18 y 19 Recent Crime Wave in the City
A sudden increase in criminal activity in the city has
CA pág. 11 neighbours worried about their safety. These are some
cases which occurred over the weekend:
Revistas y diarios para recortar imágenes.
1 While a family was watching the football finale, a
robber broke into the house and took an expensive,
Gestión de la clase small, bright item. Then, she opened a window
and escaped without being noticed. The police are
monitoring e-commerce websites in search of the item.
Inicio 15 minutos A couple broke into the house of a famous artist
on Saturday night while the artist was having a party break into
Pida a los estudiantes que miren las imágenes with her friends. The robbers broke into the artist’s private studio and stole a new, long, metal item.
de la página 19. Júntelos en parejas y diga The artist has offered a reward for anyone who has a tip.
que discutan las preguntas de la actividad 3 A man seized the opportunity to take an unusual, wide, modern item from a removal van when
the removers were busy watching a video on their phones. The couple noticed the item was
1. T: Look at the pictures on page 19. Get missing when they moved into their new house. Unfortunately, the robber left no evidence.
together in pairs and discuss the questions 4 On Friday evening, an organised criminal band broke into a billionaire’s mansion. To do this, they
created a distraction outside the mansion. When the guards went to see what was happening,
from activity 1. Pida estudiantes voluntarios the band entered the building from a back door. They quickly went into the billionaire’s storage
que compartan las ideas discutidas con la room to retrieve a beautiful, light, broken item. They escaped without problems.
Editorial Creation
clase. Anote las ideas importantes en la
pizarra. T: Now, let’s share some of your
answers. Luego, indique a los estudiantes 18 Unit 1. Days Gone By

que escaneen brevemente el texto que leerán,

y que busquen en él, palabras para describir CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 18 17-06-21 21:04

objetos. T: Scan the news article and find

words to describe objects. Desarrollo 60 minutos
Pida a los estudiantes que lean el artículo y realicen las actividades 3, 4 y
5. Indique que pueden trabajar de forma individual o en parejas.
T: Read the article. Do Activities 3, 4 and 5. You can work individually
or with a classmate. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo
las dudas que surjan. Revise las respuestas de las actividades. La
actividad 5 tendrá mayor énfasis. Anote las respuestas en la pizarra y
pida que las corroboren en sus cuadernos. T: Let’s check your answers on
the board. Please, check them in your notebook. Junte a los estudiantes
en parejas y pida que discutan las preguntas de la actividad 6. T: Get
together in pairs and discuss the questions in Activity 6. Revise las ideas
de la discusión de los estudiantes, en conjunto con la clase.

28 Unit 1 Days Gone By

5 Check the vocabulary words and sentences from Activity 4 as a class.

6 Discuss.
a. Is there anyone else to blame besides the robbers for these crimes? Who?
b. What conclusions can you draw from the four cases in the news article?
c. How can these situations be prevented? Solucionario

pág. 18
1. Students’ own answers
2. expensive, small, bright, new, long, metal,
A B unusual, wide, modern, beautiful, light,
3. a. A.
b. C
c. B.
C d. D.
4. small - large
bright - dark
expensive - cheap
new - old
long - short
unusual - common
wide - narrow
modern - traditional
beautiful - ugly
75 Guess the object.
a. Find pictures of different objects in magazines or
pág. 19
b. Make a collage of these pictures in groups.
c. Choose an object and write a short description 5 - 7 Students’ own answers
of it in your notebook.
d. Finally, read your description to a classmate so
they can guess the object you chose! Glosario
E B Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
Lesson 2. Crime Watch 19
p. 11
encontrar el significado de la palabra seize
en el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 19 17-06-21 21:04

Cierre 15 minutos
Entregue revistas y pida a estudiantes que busquen imágenes de No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
diferentes objetos y los recorten. T: Get together in groups of 3. Look texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
for pictures of different objects and cut them. Indique que deben crear T: For further practice go to your Exercise
un collage con dichas fotos en sus grupos. T: Create a collage with the Book page 11.
pictures. Luego, pida que escriban la descripción de uno de los objetos
en sus cuadernos. T: Choose an object and write a brief description of it.
Luego, indique que se junten con otro grupo, les lean la descripción del
objeto, y pidan al otro grupo que adivinen cual de los objetos del collage
fue descrito. T: Get together with another group. Read your object’s
description to them and make them guess which one it is. Monitoree el
trabajo de los estudiantes dando retroalimentación de ser necesario.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 29
Language in Use Past Continuous and Past Simple Review

L2 Crime Watch (págs. 20 y 21) • We use the past continuous to talk about an action that was in progress in the past. We use the
past simple to talk about an action that finished in the past.
e.g. The burglar was climbing through the window when the police officer saw him.
CLASE 8 • We often use the past continuous and the past simple together. We connect the actions with
when and while.
e.g. The thief took my bag while I was reading a magazine.

Tiempo estimado Grammar Reference Exercise Book p. 76

90 minutos
1 Read the news article on page 18 again. Identify examples that include the past continuous and past
simple and write them down in your notebook.
Objetivos de la clase
2 Look at pictures A-H below. Choose two and write a scenario for each picture using both the past
• Demostrar comprensión del uso de continuous and past simple, in your notebook.

expresiones en pasado simple y pasado e.g. The couple was visiting the park when the boy bent down on one knee and proposed!

• Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales A B C D

e información explicita en textos orales


TE págs. 20 y 21
CA págs. 12, 13 y 76
Audio Tracks 11, 12 y 13 E F G H

Gestión de la clase
Inicio 15 minutos
Lea el cuadro de Language in Use. T: Let’s read
the Language in Use box. Do you remember
the use of the Past Simple? Dígales que abran
su Exercise Book en la página 76 para repasar
3 Compare your scenarios with your class.
las estructuras gramaticales en la sección
Grammar Reference. T: Open your Exercise E B
Books on page 76. Let’s check the differences 20 Unit 1. Days Gone By p. 12

between the past tenses. Luego, pida a los

estudiantes que vayan a la página 18 de su CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 20 17-06-21 21:04

Texto del Estudiante y que busquen ejemplos Continuous and Past Simple. Pida que compartan sus oraciones con
de pasado simple y pasado continuo. Indique otro compañero. En la página 21, pida que lean el pequeño artículo y
que deben escribirlos en sus cuadernos. T: Go que tomen nota de lo que se les pide en la actividad en sus cuadernos
to page 18 in your Student’s Book and look 1. T: Go to page 21. Read the news article and take notes in your
for examples of the Past Simple and Past notebook using the facts from Activity 1. Luego, pida que vean la
Continuous. Pida voluntarios para compartir imagen al inicio de la página y respondan la actividad 2. T: Look at
los ejemplos encontrados. Anótelos en la the picture and answer the questions from Activity 2. Revise las
pizarra y pida a los estudiantes que encuentren ideas de los estudiantes de forma oral. Mencione a los estudiantes que
coincidencias en sus cuadernos. T: Let’s share tendrán que identificar a las personas de la imagen superior en base
your examples. Check if you have the same. a su descripción de los hechos del audio 11. T: Look at the picture
above. Now, listen to the police interview and identify the characters
Desarrollo 60 minutos based on their testimony. Reproduzca el audio dos veces. Revise las
Pida a los estudiantes que hagan la actividad respuestas como clase. Ahora, lea la instrucción de la actividad 4 y
2. T: Choose two pictures from Activity pídales que, mientras escuchen el audio 12, escriban la información
2 and write a scenario using the Past importante en sus cuadernos. T: Now, listen to the rest of the

30 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Lis ningg
One minute before the robbery...


pág. 18
1. “While a family was watching the football
finale, a robber broke into the house
and took an expensive, small, bright
item”, “A couple broke into the house of
1 Read the news article and make notes in your notebook.
bbery a famous artist on Saturday night while
• Name and location of store
High Street Ro
• Time of robbery oon, robbers too
k the artist was having a party with her
Yesterday aftern ne ’s
• Information about suspects
valuable jewell
ery from Jasmi
friends”, “A man seized the opportunity
enue. The robbe
2 Look at the picture above and answer. Jewels in 5th Av to take an unusual, wide, modern item
ed at fou r o’c lock in the
a. What are the people doing? people were from a removal van when the removers
afternoon while rs
tw o masked robbe
b. Who do you think is the best witness for the shopping. The dro ve aw ay. were watching a video on their phones”,
car an d
High Street Robbery? Why? jumped into a
3 11 Listen to the police interview and identify the
Editorial Creatio
“The couple noticed the item was missing
people a-d in the picture above with a classmate. when they moved into their new house”,
e.g. Maggie is in front of the shop. When the guards went to see what was
a. Ethan c. James happening, the band entered the building
b. Natalie d. Billy
from a back door”.
4 12 Listen to the rest of the interviews. For each interview write down, in your notebook, the important
information that the people give. 2. Students’ own answers
5 Check your answers as a class. 3. a. Ethan is talking on his cellphone.
6 Discuss. b. Natalie is jogging on the sidewalk
a. Was the prediction you made in Activity 2b correct? towards the park.
b. Who was the most useful witness? Why? c. James is looking at a map.
Reflect d. Billy is eating a cheeseburger and fries.
7 Discuss. 6. b. Ethan, because he took a photo of the
a. Do you usually pay attention to your surroundings when you walk on the street? Why? / Why not? license plate from the robber’s car.
b. Would you consider yourself a good witness? Explain.

p. 13 Lesson 2. Crime Watch 21
pág. 21
1 - 7. Students’ own answers
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 21 17-06-21 21:04

interviews. Identify the important information in your notebooks.

Revise las respuestas como clase. Para discutir las preguntas de la
actividad 6, pídales que se junten en parejas. T: In pairs, discuss the Profundización
questions in Activity 6. Monitoree la conversación de los estudiantes Refuerce con los estudiantes el uso del verbo
dando retroalimentación, de ser necesario. to be en pasado, para que puedan construir
oraciones usando pasado continuo.
Cierre 15 minutos
Pida a los estudiantes que se junten en grupos para discutir las
preguntas de la actividad 7. Monitoree la conversación e inste a los No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
estudiantes a ser creativos. T: Please, make groups of 3 or 4 and discuss texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
the questions from Activity 7. Be creative! T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Book pages 12 and 13.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 31
CL Language & Communication
L2 Crime Watch (págs. 22 y 23) 1 Read the story below and answer.
a. When did the crime happen?

CLASE 9 b. What did the thief steal?

c. What were Karen and Colin doing when the crime happened?

An Expensive Cup of Coffee

Tiempo estimado On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 pm, my husband Colin and I went to the
bank. We took out some money for our holidays and I put the money in
90 minutos my bag. We were going back home when we saw a coffee shop we
used to visit, so we decided to go in. Huge mistake! A thief was following
us! While we were waiting in line to buy coffee, the pickpocket took the
Objetivos de la clase money out of my bag. Luckily, the police have arrested a suspect. Editorial Creation

• Participar en interacciones orales mediante 2 Think about possible questions the police asked the suspect. Write them in your notebook.
entrevistas. e.g. What were you doing on Tuesday around 2:30 pm? / What were you wearing?
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales 3 Play Alibi. Follow the rules below.
e información específica en textos orales
adaptados. Alibi Rules
• Preparar argumentos para relatar un caso. Stage 2
• The police officers interview the suspect
Stage 1 and friend separately.
Recursos • Play in groups of four: two police officers, one • When you finish, go back to your original
TE págs. 22 y 23 suspect and his/her friend. pairs (police officers together, suspect and
friend together).
• Prepare the game in pairs: police officers
CA pág. 14 together, suspect and friend together. Use the • Police officers: Find differences between
role cards in Extra Material 3. the stories. If you find more than four, the
Audio Track 14 suspect is guilty!

Extra Material 3 pág. 56 • Suspect and friend: Compare the questions

the police officers asked you, and your
Formative Assessment L2 pág. 64 4 Report back to the class. answers. Do you think they will find you
Ana and Javier were very good!
We think Ana is innocent.
Gestión de la clase
Meli and Pato gave 8 different
answers. Pato is definitely guilty!
Inicio 10 minutos
Mencione a los estudiantes que esta es la Checkpoint
sección CLIL. T: This is the CLIL section where 5 Make a diagram of the steps you took to prepare for the interview. Then, compare
we will practise a communication skill. Pida a it with your classmate.

los estudiantes que lean el texto y resuelvan la

22 Unit 1. Days Gone By
actividad 1 y que identifiquen la información
importante. T: Read the text and answer
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 22 17-06-21 21:04

the questions in Activity 1 and identify the

important information from it. a la clase. Organice la presentación de los grupos. T: Report what you
have researched to the class. Luego, pida a los grupos que creen un
Desarrollo 20 minutos diagrama de como organizaron sus entrevistas, y que lo comparen con
Junte a los estudiantes en pares y pida que sus compañeros. T: Create a diagram of the steps you took to organize
creen un set de preguntas respondiendo a your interview. Then, compare it with your other classmates. Pida
la actividad 2. T: Get together in pairs and que vayan a la página 23, miren la fotografía de la derecha y discutan
create some questions for suspects of a crime. las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: Turn to page 23, look at the picture
Luego, pida a los estudiantes que realicen el on the right and discuss the questions in Activity 1. Mencione a los
juego de la actividad 3, siguiendo todos los estudiantes que escucharán un audio para revisar las respuestas de
pasos indicados. Monitoree el trabajo de los las preguntas que discutieron. T: Listen to the audio and check your
estudiantes, resolviendo las dudas que surjan. answers. Reproduzca el audio 14. Vuelva a reproducir el audio, y pida
T: Let’s play Alibi. Get together in groups a los estudiantes que resuelvan las actividades 3 y 4. T: Listen to the
and follow the steps in Activity 3. Pida a los audio again, and complete activities 3 and 4.
estudiantes que presenten un breve reporte

32 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Speaking David
1 Look at the picture on the right and discuss.
a. What are they doing?
b. How do Lily and David feel?
c. How does Leon feel? Solucionario
2 14 Listen to their conversation and check your answers.

3 14 Listen to their conversation again and answer pág. 22

in your notebook.
Leon 1. a. On Tuesday at 2:30 pm.
a. What was David doing when Leon texted him?
b. What animals did David see? b. Money
c. What did Lily do on Saturday afternoon? c. They were waiting in line to buy coffee.
d. Did she have a good time?
2 - 5 Students’ own answers
e. What happened to Leon on Saturday?
f. What did Leon do on Sunday?
4 14 Look at pictures A-H below. Then, listen to the conversation again and identify the activities that pág. 23
are mentioned. Write the letters in your notebook.
1 y 2 Students’ own answers
3. a. He was at a wildlife park
b. He saw lions, tigers and giraffes.
c. She went shopping
E F G H d. Yes.
e. He lost his wallet.
f. He went to the shop and his bike was
Your Turn to Speak 4. H-F-G-C-D
5 Think about an interesting weekend or holiday. Make some notes, in your notebook, about different 5 - 6: Students’ own answers
things you did.
e.g. We stayed at a nice cabin near the beach. / I went swimming every day.

6 Imagine that it’s the first day of school after the weekend or holiday. Talk about the things you did
with a classmate.
Hey, how was your weekend?
Formative Assessment L2
Awesome, I went to the
skate park. How about you?
Aplique la evaluación formativa de la
pág. 64 para medir los conocimientos que
p. 14 Lesson 2. Crime Watch 23 sus estudiantes tienen hasta ahora sobre
la nueva lección. T: Now, you are going
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 23 17-06-21 21:04
to answer a test for Lesson 2 to see how
much you know so far.
Cierre 15 minutos
Revise las respuestas de las actividades anteriores, en conjunto. Luego,
pida que realicen la actividad 5, y tomen nota en sus cuadernos sobre lo
que se les pide. T: Work on Activity 5. Take notes in your notebook of
what you are being asked about. Luego, indique a los estudiantes que No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
se junten en parejas y hablen sobre lo que hicieron en sus vacaciones, texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
usando las notas que ya realizaron. T: Get together in pairs. Imagine T: For further practice go to your Exercise
that it’s the first day of school. Talk about what you did. Check your Book page 14.
notes. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, dando retroalimentación
de ser necesario.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 33

L2 Crime Watch (págs. 24 y 25) 1 Skim the text below. Look for words you do not know in a dictionary.

2 Read the following short story. Then, create a diagram of the relationship between the characters
in your notebook.

A Retrieved Reformation
Jimmy Valentine used to work at the shoe-shop and nieces went to the
Tiempo estimado in prison. He always denied the charges against bank together. Jimmy
him: breaking safes open. He only served 10 months brought along his bag,
90 minutos of his 4-year sentence because of his criminal since he was meeting his
connections. When he got out, he went to his house friend later that day.
to retrieve the bag that had his beloved custom- The Elmore bank had a
Objetivos de la clase made tools for opening safes. A few weeks after, new safe. It was as large as a small room. Everyone
several safes had been broken into. Ben Price, an wanted to see it. The door was only controlled by a
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas important detective, began to work on this case. clock; otherwise, the safe could not be opened.
He concluded that Valentine was the culprit.
principales en un relato policiaco. While they were busy, Ben Price entered the bank.
A few months later, Jimmy arrived in a small town Suddenly, there was a cry. One of the girls had
• Discutir sobre hábitos pasados de la niñez y named Elmore. A young lady walked across the street locked herself inside the safe. The banker tried
pre adolescencia. and entered a bank. He looked into her eyes and fell in to open the door but could not. Annabel looked
love immediately. She blushed, and looked away. at Ralph, begging for help. Even though she did
He asked a boy about her. Her name was Annabel not know about his past, she expected him to do
Recursos Adams and she was the bank owner’s daughter. something. He looked at her with a strange soft
Jimmy then decided to open a shoe-shop in Elmore. smile and asked her for the flower she was wearing.
TE págs. 24 y 25 It was a pleasant town to live in and the people were Confused, she put the flower in his hand. He put the
friendly. He changed his name to Ralph D. Spencer. flower in a safe place, removed his coat and, with
CA págs. 15, 16 y 76 Mr. Ralph Spencer made many friends. He was also
this act, Ralph D. Spencer “disappeared” and Jimmy
Valentine took his place. He placed his bag on the
romantically successful: he met Annabel Adams.
Audio Tracks 15 y 16 At the end of a year everyone in Elmore liked him.
table. In ten minutes –faster than he had ever done
it before– he had the door open. Jimmy put on his
Celular o cámara His shoe-shop was doing very well. He and Annabel
coat, picked up the flower and walked toward the
were going to be married. Mr. Adams, the town
door. There, a big man stood in his way. “Hello, Ben!”
Extra Material 4 pág. 58 banker, liked Spencer.
said Jimmy. “You’re here at last, aren’t you? Let’s go. I
One day, Jimmy wrote a letter to a friend telling him don’t care, now.”
he would give him his tools. He no longer wanted
Gestión de la clase the life he used to lead as he was happy with his new
“I guess you’re wrong about this, Mr. Spencer,” he
said. “I don’t believe I know you, do I?” Then, Ben Price
one. He had not opened a safe in a year. On this same
turned away and walked slowly down the street.
night, Ben Price arrived quietly in Elmore. The next
Inicio 15 minutos morning, Mr. Adams, Jimmy, Annabel, and her sister Adapted from A Retrieved Reformation (1903)

Pida que revisen rápidamente la lectura por

palabras que no conozcan y que las busquen 3 Read the short story again and discuss: What makes the protagonist change his ways?
en un diccionario (como por ejemplo, las que 4 Discuss.
están en negrita). T: Skim the text and look for a. Do you agree with what Ben Price did? Why?/Why not?

words you do not know in a dictionary. Share b. Do you think a good action can "erase" a person's bad actions? Justify your answer.

your findings with a classmate. E B

24 Unit 1. Days Gone By p. 15

Desarrollo 60 minutos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 24 17-06-21 21:04

Pida que lean la historia y que hagan un

diagrama. T: Now, read the story. Create a the moment you think the protagonist changed his ways. Motive a que los
diagram relating the characters. Para esto, estudiantes respondan libremente. Fomente la discusión con las preguntas
ponga el nombre del protagonista en la pizarra. de la actividad 4. Puede generar un pequeño debate entre los que apoyan lo
Luego, dibuje una línea y escriba el nombre de que hizo el detective y quienes no. Es importante que, independiente de su
Annabel y que es la esposa de Jimmy. Siguiendo postura, los estudiantes puedan justificar sus respuestas. Luego, pida que
este modelo, deben completar el diagrama. T: vayan a la página 25, y lean en conjunto el contenido del recuadro. T: Turn
Everyone, pay attention please. This is the to page 25. Let’s read the content of the Language in Use box. Indique que
protagonist of the story (Jimmy Valentine/ vayan al Grammar Reference de la página 76 del Exercise Book. T: Now, go to
Ralph Spencer). Create a diagram following your Exercise Book page 76 to read the Used to structure rules. Cuando
this example for all of the characters of the esté seguro de que se han entendido las reglas, indique que retomen el
story. Then, compare your diagram with a texto A Retrieved Reformation y busquen ejemplos usando used to. T: Go
classmate. Para la actividad 3, pida que relean back to page 24 and find examples of used to. Junte a los estudiantes
la historia y que indiquen cuándo creen ellos en grupos para que desarrollen el juego de la actividad 2. Entregue los
el protagonista decidió dejar su vida pasada. T: tableros antes de explicarlo. T: Get together in groups. Let’s play the
Now, read the story again. Identify in the text Growing Up game! Follow all the instructions. Write down your answers.

34 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Language in Use used to
• We use used to to talk about past habits and old routines. We use it when…
– The state or action lasted for some time or happened repeatedly.
– The state or action doesn’t happen now.
– It happened a long time ago. Solucionario
e.g. I used to walk to school, but now I cycle.
He used to go to that restaurant a lot.
pág. 24
Did you use to swim every day?
I didn’t use to like cheese, but now I love it.
Grammar Reference Exercise Book p. 76
1 y 2 Students’ own answers
3. a Baldwin
1 Look at the short story A Retrieved Reformation again and find examples of used to. Write them down in
your notebook.
b. He killed a man who punched him.
2 Play the Growing Up game. c. He was insane
a. Look at the board game in Extra Material 4. d. He was rich.
b. Each space contains an action from the past.
e. He was declared innocent.
c. The first player moves to space 1, reads the action, and creates
a question with used to. Then, a classmate answers the question. 4. Students’ own answers

What did you use to hate doing

in middle school? pág. 25
1. He used to do many terrible things”,
Oh, I used to hate dancing in
Physical Education! 2. The Baldwin family used to be very rich”.
2 y 3 Students’ own answers
d. Write your answers in your notebook.
e. Finally, alternate turns asking and
answering questions.
Errores frecuentes
Refuerce con los estudiantes el uso de used
to en cuanto a la ortografía usada para
3 Follow these steps.
escribir en sus oraciones.
a. Put your answers from Activity 2 in chronological order. Use a timeline to organise them.
b. Practise your Growing Up story.
Ejemplo: Horseback riding was frightening
c. Record a video of the story. Use a narrator. to me at first, but now I am use to it.
d. Present your video to the class. (Incorrecto)
Horseback riding was frightening to me at
p. 16 Lesson 2. Crime Watch 25 first, but now I am used to it.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 25 17-06-21 21:04

Cierre 15 minutos
Indique a los estudiantes que ordenen las respuestas de forma No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
cronológica. Sugiera el uso de una línea de tiempo para hacerlo. T: Order texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
your answers from the game chronologically. You can use a timeline T: For further practice go to your Exercise
for this. Luego, pídales que practiquen su historia para grabarla o para Book pages 15 and 16.
que la presenten al resto de la clase. Considere un tiempo de la clase
para la grabación o práctica de la actividad. T: Practice your story.
Record it or practise it to present it to the rest of the class. Organice
las presentaciones. Pida a los estudiantes que presten atención a
la presentación de sus compañeros y que entreguen feedback a sus
compañeros. T: Let’s watch your classmates’ videos/presentations
together. Then, comment and provide feedback.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 35
Writing A Story

L2 Crime Watch (págs. 26 y 27) 1 Look at pictures A-F. Describe what is happening in each scene.



Tiempo estimado D E F

90 minutos

Objetivos de la clase
2 Read the story Kidnap!
• Escribir textos breves para narrar historias. Kidnap!
The first paragraph
• Demostrar habilidades orales mediante sets the scene for Last Saturday, Ravi was the only one at home. Smiling happily, he made himself
the story. some toast and jam. Five minutes later, he sat down on the sofa to eat it.
presentación de argumentos.
Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the street outside, so he opened
The second and the blinds. He couldn’t believe his eyes! A man was grabbing a girl and pulling
Recursos third paragraph her into a car. She was kicking and screaming, but no one was helping her.
describe Ravi quickly phoned the police. Then he ran downstairs. When he got there, he
TE págs. 26 y 27 subsequent events. noticed something strange. All his neighbours were in the street, but they didn’t
look worried or frightened. They were laughing and looked happy.
CA pág. 17
Ravi pushed his way to the front of the crowd, and in the end, he understood
The final paragraph
Final Assessment L2 pág. 68 describes how the
what was happening. There were no kidnappers in his street. They were actors
making a film. Just then he heard the police car arrive. Feeling very embarrassed,
Rúbrica Final Assessment L2 pág. 71 story ends. he went over to explain his mistake.
Editorial Creation

Gestión de la clase 3 Discuss.

a. Did you like the story? Why? / Why not?
Inicio 10 minutos b. Did the pictures help you understand the story better? If so, how?

Pida que se reúnan en pares, miren las Your Turn to Write

fotografías A-F y describan lo que está 4 Write your own crime story. Read the questions below and make notes, in your notebook, about:
sucediendo en las imágenes. T: Get together in a. The events – What happened? / What was happening when…? / What used to happen?
pairs, take a look at pictures A-F and describe b. The people – Who were they? What were they doing?
what is happening there. 4
c. The places – Where were they?
d. The ending – What happened in the end? / How did the people feel?

Desarrollo 20 minutos 5 Now, go to your Exercise Book to write your crime story.

Indique que lean la historia y discutan las E B

26 Unit 1. Days Gone By p. 17
preguntas de la actividad 3. T: Read the story
and then discuss the questions in Activity CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 26 17-06-21 21:05

3. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes,

resolviendo las dudas que surjan y dando pares y discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: Get together in pairs
retroalimentación, de ser necesario. Pida que and go to page 27. Discuss the questions in Activity 1. Luego, mencione
presten atención a la actividad 4. Indique que que lean los casos de la actividad 2 y que identifiquen el por qué del
deberán escribir su propia historia criminal. encarcelamiento en cada caso. T: Read together the cases in Activity 2.
Mencione que sigan los pasos que entrega la Identify the cause of imprisonment. Junte a los estudiantes en parejas
actividad. Luego, pida que vayan a su CA a la y pida que discutan las preguntas de la actividad 3. T: Get together
página 17 y escriban ahí la historia. T: Pay in pairs and discuss the questions in Activity 3. Tras la discusión,
attention to Activity 4. You will write your mencione a los estudiantes que realicen la actividad 4. Pida que se
own crime story. Follow all the steps in that junten en grupos y que organicen un juicio para uno de los casos antes
activity. You must write it in your Exercise leídos. T: Get together in groups and organize a trial. Choose one of the
Book on page 17. Monitoree el trabajo de los cases that you have previously read. El mismo grupo será dividido en
estudiantes, resolviendo las dudas que surjan. dos: a favor y en contra. Mencione que los juicios serán presentados a la
Cuando terminen de escribir, indique que clase y que el resto de la clase decidirá la sentencia. T: Each group will be
vayan a la página 27. Pida que se junten en divided in two. One for and one against. You will present your trials to
the class and they will decide the final sentence.

36 Unit 1 Days Gone By

v iew
1 Discuss.
a. Do you think there are cases when it is acceptable to break the law? Which ones? Why?
b. Is sending a person to prison an effective punishment? Why? / Why not?
2 Read the following cases. Identify the cause of imprisonment in each case, in your notebook.

Wrongly Convicted? pág. 26

Anthony Jerome Jackson was sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for stealing a wallet 1 - 4 Students’ own answers
from a hotel room. Two previous sentences plus the stolen wallet case were enough to put him in jail
forever because of the “three-strike law" (that puts criminals in prison for life without parole if one of the
three offenses was serious). Jackson says he didn’t understand the charges against him. “You would think
I kill[ed] someone with that kind of sentence,” he commented.
pág. 27
1. Students’ own answers
Gail Atwater was driving home with her two children when they realised a toy was missing.
They turned around, retracing their route to see if they could find it on the road. Gail was driving
2. Anthony was imprisoned for stealing
slowly and, although it is required by law to wear a seatbelt, she told her children they could wallet three times. Gail was imprisoned
unbuckle. Then, she saw a police car and knew she could be fined. When the officer approached
her, he began yelling at her. She asked him to lower his voice because he was scaring her for putting her children in danger.
children. Then, he said she was going to be arrested. The officer took her, and she was booked
into jail. She was released later that day. She sued the city for damages but lost the trial.
3 - 5 Students’ own answers
Adapted from How Misdemeanors Turn Innocent People into Criminals and Man Gets Life Sentence for Burglary

3 Discuss.
a. Were these people wrongfully convicted? Explain your answer. Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
b. Do you think the sentences they received were too severe? Provide at least two arguments.
encontrar el significado de la palabra parole
4 In groups, choose one of the cases above and have a trial.
en el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
a. Divide into two teams: For and Against.
b. Write at least four arguments for your stance, in your notebook.
e.g. Anthony’s sentence is fair because he committed repeated crimes.
Gail put her children in danger. That is why the officer arrested her. Ritmos diferentes
c. Present your arguments in front of the class: the “for” group presents first followed by the group “against.” Para el debate, divida la clase en grupos donde
d. As a class, decide which group presented better arguments and decide whether to keep the sentence or
change it. exista diversidad de estudiantes para que se
apoyen entre ellos al preparar la actividad.
Think Back
Permítales a todos que puedan participar,
45 Think about the lesson and answer.
aunque sea un discurso preparado con
a. Did you like the lesson? Why? / Why not?
b. What would you change from the lesson?
anterioridad. Entregue retroalimentación
c. Explain what you learnt to a classmate. general al finalizar cada argumento.
Lesson 2. Crime Watch 27

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 27 17-06-21 21:05 Final Assessment L2

Cierre 15 minutos Aplique la evaluación sumativa de la
Para finalizar, pida que reflexionen sobre las preguntas de la actividad 5. pág. 68 (rúbrica pág. 71) para medir los
T: Now, think and discuss the questions in Activity 5. conocimientosde sus estudiantes sobre la
lección 2. T: Now, you are going to
answer a test for Lesson 2 to see how
much you learnt.

El ejercicio de Writing debe hacerse en el

cuaderno de actividades.
T: Remember to do the Writing activity
in your Exercise Book, page 17.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 37
FINAL Review
U1 Final Review (págs. 28 y 29)
1 Discuss.

CLASE 12 a. Is there a specific profile for participants on TV game shows? Provide examples.
b. Name some TV contests or games where people win money.
2 Read the text. Make notes of the instructions of the game in your notebook.

Tiempo estimado
90 minutos Who Wants to Be Bilingual?
This is a contest game based on the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
TV programme.
Objetivos de la clase In Who Wants to Be Bilingual? you have the chance to participate individually or
• Hacer preguntas por información ocupando with a group of classmates.
First, you will need one person to be the presenter of the game. Their job is
estructuras de interrogación típicas. to read out the questions of the contest, accept wildcards, and announce the
• Demostrar comprensión de información participants’ performance. The presenter should always ask “Is that your final
answer?” to verify each answer. This phrase should be asked each time an
específica en un texto escrito adaptado. answer is given.
As a participant, you have three wildcards to help you in the game. You can only
Recursos use these wildcards once.
• 50/50: This wildcard discards two alternatives.
TE págs. 28 y 29
• Switch: This wildcard allows you to change questions. Be careful! Your new
CA pág. 18 question may be more difficult.
• 30 seconds: This wildcard gives you an additional 30 seconds to think about
Final Assessment 1, 2, 3 y 4 págs. 72, 74, 76 an answer.
y 78 You need to answer 20 questions to win the game! Each question has four
alternatives with only one correct answer. Have fun!
Editorial Creation

Gestión de la clase
3 Play the Who Wants to Be Bilingual? game.
Inicio 10 minutos
a. Create 20 questions which include elements from Lessons 1 and 2, such as structures and vocabulary.
Junte a los estudiantes en pares. Pida que e.g. Which question is correct?
discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: Get b. Create four alternatives for each question.
together in pairs and discuss the questions in e.g. Which question is correct?
A: Did you used to cry a lot as a child? C: Did you use to cry a lot as a child?
Activity 1. Luego, indique que lean el texto y
B: Do you used to cry a lot as a child? D: Do you use to cry a lot as a child?
tomen notas de las instrucciones del juego en
sus cuadernos. T: Read the text. Take notes in
your notebook about the game. 28 Unit 1. Days Gone By

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 28 17-06-21 21:05

Desarrollo 20 minutos
Lea las instrucciones de la actividad 3 en conjunto con la clase. T: Let’s
read the instructions in Activity 3 together. Junte a los estudiantes
en grupos para que desarrollen el juego “Who wants to be bilingual?”.
Pida que sigan todas las instrucciones indicadas en la actividad 3. T: Get
together in groups. Follow all the instructions in Activity 3. Mencione
que tendrán tiempo para desarrollar los materiales del juego y a la vez
practicarlo. T: You will have time to create the game materials and to
practice the game in your groups. Luego, indique que el presentador
de cada grupo, irá rotando por los grupos de otros compañeros e irá
aplicando el juego. Gana el grupo que obtiene más puntos. T: The
presenter from each team will go around each team created in the
class. The group that gets more points wins

38 Unit 1 Days Gone By

c. Create cards for the presenter to use. Include one question and its four alternatives on each card
(do not forget to create the wildcards too).
Which question is correct? pág. 28
1 - 3 Students’ own answers
A Did you used to cry a lot as a child? C Did you use to cry a lot as a child?

B Do you used to cry a lot as a child? D Do you use to cry a lot as a child? Glosario
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
encontrar el significado de la palabra wildcard
d. Have a practise round with your group to ensure there are no mistakes on the cards you created. Also, give en el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
the presenter feedback about voice volume and pronunciation.
e. Then, the presenter asks your questions to another group (and the rest of the team receives a presenter
from a different group to answer their questions).
f. The group that gets the most points wins!
Manejo de grupo
Antes de realizar el juego grupal, indique
a los estudiantes sobre la importancia de
mantener el orden en la sala. Explique que
Answer the following es sólo un juego para practicar el contenido
questions in your notebook. What? aprendido. La importancia del juego es
Describe what que ellos participen y practiquen el uso
you learnt in
this unit.
del idioma.
T: Remember that this only a game. You
So what?
must be prepared to participate and
Now what?
Reflect on the Explain why what
practice but always keep the order in
next steps in your you learnt was this situation.
learning process. important/useful.

Final Assessment 1, 2, 3 y 4.
p. 18 Final Review 29
Utilice las evaluaciones en las páginas 72,
74, 76 y 78 para medir los conocimientos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 29 17-06-21 21:05

de sus estudiantes. Encontrará 4 tipos

Cierre 15 minutos de evaluaciones que miden los mismos
Pida que hagan la sección 3Ws de manera individual. Esta sección de contenidos para que sea el estudiante
metacognición les permitirá evaluar cómo han aprendido los contenidos quien elija la evaluación que le acomoda
de esta unidad y qué deben hacer para mejorar su aprendizaje. Indique más. (Decreto 67). T: Now you are going
que copien el diagrama en sus cuadernos y lo completen con su reflexión to take a final test to see how much you
sobre la unidad. T: Copy the diagram in your notebook and complete learnt in this unit. You can choose, from
it with the answers for the questions. Monitoree el trabajo de los these four tests, which one to take.
estudiantes dando retroalimentación de ser necesario.

Invite a sus estudiantes a evaluar los

conocimientos adquiridos en esta unidad
en el cuaderno de actividades.
T: Go to page 18 in your Exercise Book to
do the Test Yourself section.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 39
U1 Project (págs. 30 y 31) Project
Create a Security Campaign
When going on holidays,
Tiempo estimado 1 Read the following poster about
the last thing you want is to
home security tips. Then, choose
90 minutos the two most important tips. come home to find that
someone broke in and
2 Discuss your choices and stole your belongings.
Objetivos de la clase explain your reasoning.
Read the following
e.g. I think locking all the doors is methods and steps to
• Demostrar comprensión de información important because it prevents
prevent break-ins.
people from going inside
específica en un texto informativo. the house.
• Crear un afiche para presentar Methods of House Break-Ins
información escrita.
• Demostrar habilidades orales mediante 1 Entering through the
roof, false ceiling or
ventilation openings.
presentación de consejos. Your Turn

3 Create a poster to help people
protect their homes while they are
on holidays. Make sure it is attractive.
2 Forcing entry through
doors, windows or other
TE págs. 30 y 31 Include the following:

CA pág. 19 a. a catchy title

b. one method of house break-ins
3 Entering the premises
on the pretext of being
a police officer or someone
Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 1 pág. 176 c. two security tips important, using the phone
d. two objects that help to keep for an emergency, etc. This
houses safe is especially true when

Gestión de la clase e. three comments by specialists

someone else is left taking
care of your home.
about your home protection tips
Inicio 15 minutos
Pida a los estudiantes que lean el poster
4 Waiting for the victim
to enter or exit the
premises (they might
actually know you are going
presente en ambas páginas. Mencione que on holidays soon).
deben elegir los dos consejos más importantes.
T: Read the poster. Then, choose the two 5 Cutting or
forcing locks.
most important tips. Luego, pídales que se
unan en tríos y planifiquen la creación de su 30 Unit 1. Days Gone By
propio poster para proteger sus casas. Haga
que creen un borrador en sus cuadernos. T: CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 30 17-06-21 21:05

Now, plan your own poster. Create a draft

in your notebook. Monitoree el trabajo de los Desarrollo 45 minutos
estudiantes, resolviendo dudas que Pida a los estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 3 de
vayan surgiendo. la página 30, para complementar el borrador de su poster. T: Follow
the instructions from Activity 3 on page 30 to complete your posters.
Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo dudas que vayan
surgiendo. Indique a los estudiantes que tras la creación de su poster
deben planificar su presentación. Pida que usen los pasos entregados en
la actividad 4 de la página 31 y el diagrama que se muestra. T: Organize
your poster’s presentation. Use the steps given in Activity 4. Permita a
los estudiantes que practiquen su presentación. Monitoree, y entregue
retroalimentación, de ser necesario

40 Unit 1 Days Gone By


pág. 30
Preventive Steps 4 Prepare your presentation. Follow
these steps to make a great presentation. 1 - 3 Students’ own answers
a. Define who will present each piece of
Always lock all If someone takes information. Divide the work evenly.
care of your home,
doors, windows,
and gates ask them to identify b. Use engaging language so the audience is pág. 31
not bored.
when leaving anyone who claims 4 - 6 Students’ own answers
your home to be a police officer c. Organise key information in a diagram.
unattended. or public servant. Look at the example.
Call the organisation
to verify the Glosario
Do not hide information.
keys under
the doormat,
Main ideas
Poster Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
of specialist’s
flowerpot or any Keep large sums comments encontrar el significado de la palabra
spot outside your of money in banks
home. and expensive concierge en el glosario de su TE
jewellery in safe (págs. 110-113).
deposit boxes.
Inform your Security tips for
neighbours or your holidays
concierge that Keep your mobile
you will be away phone within reach Ritmos diferentes
from home for a and be available just
few days. in case. Pida voluntarios para leer la información
How the
poster helps Poster design del póster en conjunto. Practique
If possible, install a security alarm system pronunciación y vaya cerciorándose de que
or enlist to have a neighbourhood
alarm program. Let them know
cada punto se entienda, para así asegurar
5 Present your poster and ideas in
you will be away from home.
front of your classmates. As a class, vote
la preparación del proyecto. Divida la clase
for the most helpful poster. con estudiantes de diversas habilidades,
Cancel all deliveries such as newspapers,
packages, etc., when you are away from 6 Go to your Exercise Book to assess para que puedan complementarse mejor
home for long periods of time. your project.
para realizar el póster y la presentación.
Adapted from Home invasions and
measures to prevent them

p. 19 Project 31
Invite a sus estudiantes a evaluar su
proyecto en el cuaderno del estudiante.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U1_L2_2020_7086.indd 31 17-06-21 21:05
T: Go to page 19 in your Exercise Book to
Cierre 30 minutos assess your project.
Organice la presentación de los estudiantes. Pida que pongan atención
a la presentación de sus compañeros, ya que deberán votar por el poster
más útil. T: Let’s present your posters to the class. You must pay
attention to your classmates’ presentations because you will vote for
the most useful poster. Luego, pida a los estudiantes que utilicen su
Cuaderno de Actividades en la página 19, para evaluar sus proyectos.
T: Use your Exercise Book on page 19 to evaluate your project. Evalúe el
desempeño de sus estudiantes utilizando la rúbrica de la pág. 176.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 41
Extra Reading 1
Lectura Unidad 1 (págs. 114 y 115)
CLASE 14 No Limits Seeing
Tiempo estimado
90 minutos
With Sound
Daniel Kish – ‘the real life batman’ – has changed
the way we think about blindness. He became blind
when he was a baby, but when he moves it’s as if he
Objetivos de la clase can see. He uses echolocation like bats and dolphins.
He makes clicking noises with his tongue to find
• Demonstrar comprensión de información out where obstacles are. The echo tells him the size,
distance from him and position of the object. So,
específica de un artículo. Daniel can identify buildings, cars and even trees, just
like a person with normal eyesight.

Recursos With echolocation, blind people can go mountain

biking, tree climbing, skateboarding, and can even
TE págs. 114 y 115 play basketball! Scientists studied Daniel’s brain
with a brain scan and they discovered that when
he echolocates, the visual part of his brain lights up.
No Limits Seeing With Sound Hearing becomes like seeing.

Actividades Daniel calls his method Flash Sonar, and he is

president of World Access for the Blind. This
association has already helped over 2 500
Para introducir la lectura, dígales a los blind people in 18 countries, teaching them
estudiantes que al hombre de las fotos le the techniques of echolocation and other
mobility skills.
dicen “el batman de la vida real”. Discutan
en conjunto por qué creen que le dicen de
esa forma, de esta manera podrán predecir
el contenido del texto. T: People call the man
in the picture “the real life batman”. Why do
you think people call him like that?

Luego, pregúnteles si conocen el término

“ecolocalización”. Pídales que den ideas
al respeto y que las relacionen al apodo
del protagonista del texto. Si no saben lo 114 Extra Reading
que es, descomponga la palabra en “eco”
y “localización” para que los estudiantes CL0000000001365 FINALES_SB_ingles_1M_Lic2020_7444.indd 114 30-08-21 14:07

puedan inferir su significado. T: Do you know

what echolocation is? “echo” means sound
and “location” place. So, why is the man’s
nickname “the real life batman?”

Pídales que lean el texto y que chequeen si

sus predicciones fueron correctas. T: Read
the text. Once you’ve finished, check if your
predictions were correct.

42 Unit 1 Days Gone By

One of Daniel’s students is Sebastian Mancipe. He
was born blind and when he was younger, he never
liked leaving the house. He just used to sit in his room Para chequear la comprensión del texto,
all day long. Then he learnt how to use echolocation escriba las siguientes oraciones en la pizarra
and now he feels free. He can ride a skateboard, a
scooter, and he plays soccer too. y pida los estudiantes que, en grupos,
decidan si son verdaderas o falsas. Pídales
Juli Schweizer is from Berlin and was
born blind. She learnt how to use que corrijan las falsas.
echolocation from the age of two.
At first, Juli used to forget to click 1. Daniel Kish is blind and deaf.
and would hit obstacles. But she
quickly learnt from her mistakes 2. He acted in a Batman film.
and now she can ride her bike
outside safely. 3. He created a way for blind people to ‘see’
using echolocation.
A Flash Sonar mobility
teacher, Juan Ruiz from the 4. He has been blind all his life.
USA is completely blind. He
used to be happy with his 5. He can move around like a seeing person.
own methods, before he
met Daniel. But he quickly 6. When he echolocates only the hearing
realised that echolocation
was better. Now he can
part of his brain lights up.
do risky things, like riding a T: In groups, decide if the sentences are true
mountain bike on mountain
or false. Correct the false statements.
trails. And he holds a
Guinness World Record for ‘If you guys can see with
the fastest blind bike slalom -
you can see it on the internet.
your eyes, we can see with
Posteriormente, pídales que discutan las
Editorial Creation our ears.’ Juan Ruiz
siguientes preguntas en grupo. T: In groups,
discuss the following questions. Do you
know anyone who is blind? What things are
difficult if you can’t see? Could you cycle or
play football with your eyes closed? Why /
Why not?

Finalmente, pídales a los estudiantes que

escriban una carta a Daniel Kish, expresando
las sensaciones que les causó su historia.
Extra Reading 115
T: Write a letter to Daniel Kish telling him
CL0000000001365 FINALES_SB_ingles_1M_Lic2020_7444.indd 115 17-11-20 16:37
how you felt when you read his story.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 43
Unit Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 8-9 p. 10
1 Days Gone By
Language in Use Past Simple Review
L ess
on 1 Going Places
1 Rewrite the sentences by making them negative. Do not change the tense.
Reading e.g. Abigail went to the park last weekend. Abigail didn’t go to the park last weekend.

a. Seba travelled to La Serena by car.

1 Skim the article. Then, complete the sentences with the correct word from the text.
Seba didn’t travel to La Serena by car.
a. A soldier is a person in the army. c. A treadmill is a running machine.
b. Laura rode a bike to school.
b. A rucksack is. a bag that you carry on d. A charity is an organisation that
your back. helps people. Laura didn’t ride a bike to school.
c. I saw Francisco Saavedra on TV yesterday.
It’s no surprise that Mike Buss is called ‘the Running Man’. On 24th September 2010, the
ex-soldier completed a marathon (42 km) in 4 hours and 49 minutes. In doing so, I didn’t see Francisco Saavedra on TV yesterday.
Mike set a new world record. It was his 100th marathon in 100 consecutive days. d. Alexa’s journey took 18 months.
Did he wear lightweight running gear for this last marathon? No, he didn’t.
He wore a pair of boots and he carried a 18 kg rucksack.
Alexa’s journey didn’t take 18 months.
e. Nicole posted on Instagram from the South Pole.
This wasn’t Mike’s first world record. In the same year, he broke the world
record for running the longest distance on a treadmill in seven days; 832 km. Nicole didn’t post on Instagram from the South Pole.
During that time, he slept two hours per day and took short breaks to eat
and drink. How much weight did he lose? Only 3 kg! 2 Play the Find Who game.
So why does he do it? Many people run marathons to raise money for
charity and Mike is no different. He decided to start running when he left Find someone who
the army and every year he raises tens of thousands of pounds for charities e.g. … got up late today.
that help British soldiers and their families.
Question: Daniela, did you get up late today?
Editorial Creation
Yes, I did! / No, I didn’t.

Find someone who: Name:
2 Read the article again and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.
a. … had juice for breakfast. Students’ own answers.
a. When Mike ran 100 marathons, he didn’t run at weekends.
F b. … travelled to another country last year.
Correction: He ran 100 marathons in 100 consecutive days.
b. In his last marathon, Mike’s rucksack was heavy. c. … didn’t have a shower this morning.
Correction: d. … spent more than an hour playing video games yesterday.
c. T Mike has more than one world record. e. … was sick this month.
Correction: f. … listened to the radio yesterday.
d. Mike stopped every two hours when he was on a treadmill.
F g. … posted something on social media.
Correction: He stopped for 2 hours a day.
h. … broke a bone last year.
e. T Mike runs marathons to help other people.
Correction: i. … went to the beach in February.

j. …
3 Discuss. Student’s own answers.
a. Would you participate in an event to help others? Why? / Why not?
3 Now, share your answers with a classmate.
b. Do you think organisations such as firefighters should receive an income instead of relying on fundraising
campaigns? Why? / Why not? e.g. Daniela got up late today. / Sergio wasn’t sick this month. / Javiera didn’t break a bone last year.

4 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 1. Going Places 5

CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 4 17-11-20 17:29 CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 5 17-11-20 17:29

Indique que vean la imagen y discutan sobre el contenido del texto y la foto. Pida transformar las oraciones de la actividad 1. T: Look at the sentences in
T: What do you think the text is about? What did the man do? Indique leer Activity 1 and transform them into negative one. Don’t change anything
el texto y completar la actividad 1. T: Skim the text. Complete the sentences else. Indique que desarrollarán un juego y que tendrán que encontrar personas
from Activity 1. Pida que lean el texto de nuevo y respondan la actividad 2. formulando las preguntas de la actividad 2. Después modele la actividad.
T: Read the text again. Answer True or False in Activity 2. Pida que discutan T: Let’s play a game. Use the questions in Activity 2 to find someone who did
las preguntas de la actividad 3. T: In pairs, discuss Activity 3. that. Luego, pida que compartan sus descubrimientos con otro compañero.

T: In pairs, share your findings. Follow the example in Activity 3.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 11 p. 13
Listening Speaking
1 Discuss. Student’s own answers. Travelling Around
a. How do you get to school?
b. How important do you think it is to use public On the bus At the station
transportation? Why? Does this bus go to...? Have you got a student card? Is there a student discount?
2 5 Listen to the Josh’s conversation. A single / return, please. Are you under 16? What time is the next bus?
Write down the different ways of transport How long does it take? Can I have a return to …, please? Which stop does it leave from?
mentioned in your notebook. train, ferry, underground, plane, taxi. 5. Can you tell me when
we get there?
3 5 Listen again and circle the correct answers. Valparaíso Metro

a. Josh’s mum tells her story because Josh… 1 Read the dialogue and complete the summary of the conversation.
Clerk: Can I help you? Clerk: That’s great. That’s 3 000 pesos then.
A. loves hearing it. B. wants to go to Salamanca. C. needs help with his homework.
Camila: Yes, a ticket to Melipilla, please. Camila: It’s 10:05 now. What time is the next train?
b. She explains that she studied … Clerk: Single or return? Clerk: There’s one at 10:20 from platform 5.
A. Spanish in Wales. B. English in Spain. C. French in England. Camila: Return, please.
Camila: Thanks. How long does the journey take?
Clerk: That’s 3 800 pesos.
c. They planned to get to Salamanca via… Clerk: It’s about an hour, I think. Let’s see. Yes, the
Camila: Is there a student discount? 10:20 arrives in Melipilla at 11:17.
A. Paris. B. Manchester. C. Madrid. Clerk: Yes, there is. Have you got your Camila: Thanks. Bye.
student card?
d. His mum missed the train to Waterloo because of …
Camila: Yes, I have. Here it is.
A. a train crash. B. a signal failure. C. a problem with her phone.
Camila buys a a. return ticket to b. Melipilla . The ticket normally costs c. 3 800 pesos,
e. The next day, she caught …
but Camila pays d. 3 000 pesos because she’s a e. student and she’s got a f. discount .
A. a flight to Madrid. B. a train to Paris. C. a coach to Salamanca.
Camila’s train leaves from g. platform 5 in h. 57 minutes.
f. Josh’s mum …

A. never arrived to Salamanca. B. arrived in Salamanca C. met her friends when she arrived 2 9 Listen to four people asking questions. Use the expressions in the box above and write an
before her friends. in Salamanca. appropriate response in each case.
a. Students’ own answers.
4 Now, write a short description about the worst journey of your life. Then, read it to a classmate.
Students’ own answers.

Pronunciation /-tion/
3 10 Listen and repeat the poem.

5 Discuss. Students’ own answers. Sometimes you need to get attention through communication.
Sometimes you need an invitation for accommodation.
a. Would you travel alone to another country? Why? / Why not? And sometimes you need competition in moderation!
b. What are the differences in the travel habits between younger and older tourists? Why?
4 In groups, use the sentences you created in Activity 6 on page 13 of your Student’s Book to make
your own poem.

6 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 1. Going Places 7

CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 6 17-11-20 17:29 CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 7 30-08-21 12:47

En parejas, los estudiantes miran la imagen y discuten las preguntas de la actividad Pida que lean el diálogo de la actividad 1 en parejas y completen el resumen del cuadro.
1. T: In pairs, look at the picture. Then, discuss the questions in Activity 1. Indique T: In pairs, read the dialogue and complete the summary of the box. Indique que
que desarrollarán las actividades 2 y 3. Reproduzca el audio 5 dos veces. T: Listen to escucharán el audio 9 y trabajarán en la actividad 2. T: Listen to the audio. Write an
the audio and work on Activities 2 and 3. Luego, pida que trabajen en la actividad answer to each person using the expressions from the beginning. Pida que escuchen y
4. T: Write about the worst journey you’ve ever had. Júntelos en parejas realizar la repitan el poema. T: Listen to the poem and repeat it. Explique que crearán un poema con
actividad 5. T: Get together in pairs. Discuss the questions in Activity 5. las oraciones del TE. T: Create a poem with the sentences you created before.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 14-15 pp. 14-15
4 Match the words in green from the brochures with features 1-9. Then, answer the questions.
1 Look at the green words in the texts below. Look up the meaning of the words you do not know
in a dictionary.
2 Look at the pictures and answer: Do you know these countries? If so, describe what you know
about them. 3
3 Read the brochure information of two European countries. Then, complete the chart. 4

Information Poland Italy

a. Number of lakes 9 300 1 500 5
b. Names of famous places 6
e.g. Gdansk; Warsaw e.g. Milan; Verona
c. Agricultural production Potatoes Vegetables, olives, and fruit
d. Around 25% of the land is… 7
Forest Plains

Poland shares a border with seven countries and has 9

a coastline on the Baltic Sea. The longest river is the
Vistula, and thousands of small streams flow into 1. Mountain range
it. Poland has got about 9 300 lakes, almost a world 2. Volcano 6. Forest
record! In the south, there are 70 mountains over Lake River
2 000 metres high, and lots of hills. 29% of its surface 3. 7.
is covered in forest – some are the oldest forests 4. Mountain 8. Beach
in Europe. 60% of the land is farmland, and it’s the Desert Islands
5. 9.
largest producer of potatoes in Europe.
It’s also got a desert – one of only five deserts a. What physical features can you identify in your Student’s Book on pages 14 and 15?
in Europe. Mountains, desert, beach.
b. Which of these features can you find in Chile? Give examples.
Students’ own answers.
5 Read and write the numbers in the boxes.

c. Thirty-eight thousand and seventy-nine 3 8 0 7 9

Italy has 7 600 km of coastline, surrounded by sea
on three sides, and two big islands. Its beaches d. Five hundred and fourteen 5 1 4
are popular because of its sunny summers. It’s very
e. Five thousand, three hundred and thirty-five 5 3 3 5
mountainous with two active volcanoes, one on
a small island, and one near a large city. Its main f. Seven thousand, seven hundred and eighteen 7 7 1 8
mountain ranges are the Alps in the north and
the Apennines, which run down the middle of the g. Fifty-seven thousand, seven hundred and fourteen 5 7 7 1 4
country. Its highest mountain is on the border with Thirty-nine thousand, a hundred and thirty-eight
h. 3 9 1 3 8
France. A quarter of the country consists of plains.
The Po Valley has a huge plain where vegetables, i. Five hundred thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one 5 0 0 7 9 1
olives and fruits are grown. It’s got 1,500 lakes
altogether, with five large lakes in the north. 6 Discuss. Student’s own answers.
Editorial Creation
a. The news often shows the harm some tourists cause when travelling. Why is it important for countries to
create laws to protect nature?
b. What are the possible consequences of not protecting nature?

8 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 1. Going Places 9

CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 8 30-08-21 12:58 CL0000000001366 WB_Ing_1M_U1_L1_Lic2020_6987.indd 9 17-11-20 17:29

Indique a los estudiantes que discutan lo que saben de los países en las imágenes, Retome las palabras de la actividad 1 para que completen la actividad 4. T: Read the
Polonia e Italia. T: In pair, discuss what you know about Poland and Italy. Luego, brochure again and label the geographical features in the picture in activity 4. Then,
indíqueles que miren las palabras en verde del texto y completen la actividad 1. answer the questions. Luego, pida que escriban los números de la actividad 5. T: Write
T: Look at the words in green in the text and complete Activity 1. Pida que lean the numbers in the boxes from Activity 5. Indique discutan las preguntas de la actividad
el tríptico y completen el cuadro de la actividad 3. T: Read the brochures and 6 en parejas. T: In pairs, discuss the questions in Activity 6. Fomente una discusión libre

complete the chart with the information requested in Activity 3. que le permita a los estudiantes expresar su opinión con fundamentos.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 16 pp. 18-19
Writing A Holiday Blog Le sson
2 Crime Watch
1 Write a blog entry of a two-day trip to a place you would like to visit.
a. Check the model on page 16 in your Student’s Book.
b. Use the details and notes you wrote.
c. Remember to include sequencing words and expressions (First, Then, After that, Finally). 1 Read the piece of news and answer the questions.
a. Where did the burglary happen? c. How did the criminal band enter the building?
Day 1
Students’ own answers. At the Museum of Natural History. Through the emergency exit door.
b. When was the band discovered? d. Why did the criminal band escape?

When they were stealing the last item. Because the alarm went off.

2 Read the piece of news again. Number each sentence in the order the events happened.

_ A robbery was reported early this morning at the Museum of National History. _ The security cameras
showed that, when the guards were changing shifts, a criminal band broke into the museum through the
emergency exit door. _ No one noticed them for at least 10 minutes. _ While they were stealing the last
Day 2 item, the alarm went off, so they ran away from the scene.
Editorial Creation
Students’ own answers.

3 Read the descriptions of the stolen items a-d and match them to the correct picture 1-4.
a. An ugly, narrow, long item 3 c. An unusual, old, short item 2
b. A small, bright, light item 1 d. A large, common, heavy item 4

1 2 3 4

2 Check and correct your blog entry. Students’ own answers.

a. Check you have included the important information for each day (what you did, when you did it, etc.).
b. In pairs, swap your blog entries and check each other’s work considering the plan above.
c. Write what you think about your classmate’s work below. 4 Create an ending for the piece of news. Write about the consequences of the robbery and whether the
burglars were caught or not. Students’ own answers.
Peer evaluation

10 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 2. Crime Watch 11

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Explique que escribirán una entrada de blog. T: Write a blog entry using the Indique a los estudiantes que lean el texto, y respondan la actividad 1. T: Read the text.
model from your Student’s book page 16 and your previous notes. Luego, pida Answer the questions from Activity 1. Pida que enumeren los eventos de la actividad
que revisen su texto, para ver si se incluyó todo lo indicado. T: Check if you have 2. T: Read the text again. Put the events in order. Explique la actividad 3. T: Read the
included all the information in your text. Finalmente, corrigen en parejas el texto description of the stolen objects and match them with the correct picture. Luego, indique
del compañero. Indique que escriban sus comentarios en el cuadro de la actividad que creen un final para la noticia que leyeron. Pída que sean creativos al escribir. T: Create
2. T: In pairs, check each other’s texts. Write your comments in Activity 2. an ending for the piece of news you’ve read. Be creative!

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 20 p. 21
Language in Use
Past Continuous and Past Simple Review
1 Correct the mistakes. There is one mistake in each sentence. 1 Match verbs 1-5 with definitions A-E. Use a dictionary if necessary.
a. While I reading, my dog bit my leg.
1 stroll A run as fast as you can
While I was reading, my dog bit my leg.
b. Valentina was dancing when break time end. 2 point at B to walk slowly for pleasure

Valentina was dancing when break time ended. 3 chase C to take someone’s attention away from something
c. Maxi finished his homework earlier because his mum cooking dinner and needed help.
4 sprint D to show where something is with your finger
Maxi finished his homework because his mum was cooking dinner on her own.
2 Create sentences using the past continuous and past simple. Be sure to include when and while. 5 distract E to run after someone in order to catch them

e.g. I / swim in the sea / I / see a shark

2 13 Listen to a conversation about Sophie’s trip to Barcelona. Circle the correct answers.
I was swimming in the sea when I saw a shark. / I saw a shark while I was swimming in the sea.
a. Sophie sat down in the park to…
a. Claire / work in her office / she / hear the accident
A. have lunch. B. chat with some people. C. have a rest.
Claire was working in her office when she heard the accident. /Claire heard the
accident while she was working in her office b. A friendly man…
A. gave them a map. B. showed them places to visit. C. talked about the
b. my granddad / sleep / the film / end Gothic Quarter.
The film ended while my granddad was sleeping / My granddad was
sleeping when the film ended. c. While Sophie wasn’t looking, a man…
A. stole her map. B. stole her bag. C. stole money out
of her bag.
3 Write your answers: What were you doing when…
e.g. the holidays ended? -> I was coming back from the beach when the holidays ended. d. They chased the man…
A. but lost him in the B. and went to his house C. and caught him in a
a. the teacher came into the classroom?
Gothic Quarter. in the Gothic Quarter. narrow street near the park.
Students’ own answers.
b. the new year started? e. The friendly man in the park…
A. was working with B. was trying to steal Sophie’s C. chased the thief as well.
the thief. bag himself.
c. you went to bed last night?
Students’ own answers. 3 13 Listen to the conversation again and complete the chart.
d. Write one original sentence. Then, illustrate it on a timeline. Focus on the difference between the
past continuous and past simple forms. Two places in Barcelona Two types of weather Two strangers Two stolen objects
e.g. Two friends were saying hello when a girl interrupted them. 1. Las Ramblas 1. Hot 1. 1. A bag
A friendly man
Present time 2. The Gothic Quarter 2. 2. 2.
Sunny A thief A mobile phone

4 Discuss. Students’ own answers.

a. Why do you think crimes like the one described in the audio are so common?
b. What do you think about people who steal? Why do you think they steal? Explain.

12 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 2. Crime Watch 13

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Pida que corrijan las oraciones de la actividad 1. T: Read the sentences in Indique que trabajen en la actividad 1. Permita que usen diccionario, si es
Activity 1 and correct them. Explique la actividad 2. T: Create sentences using necesario. T: Work on Activity 1. Connect the words with their definitions. You
Past Simple and Past Continuous. Mencione que respondan las preguntas de can use a dictionary if needed. Mencione que realizarán las actividades 2 y 3.
la actividad 3 en sus propias palabras. T: Answer the questions from Activity Reproduzca el audio 13 dos veces y revise las respuestas en conjunto. T: Listen
3, using your own words. Pida que escriban una oración y la grafiquen en una to a conversation. Work on Activities 2 and 3. Pida que discutan las preguntas
línea de tiempo. T: Write one sentence. Then, use a timeline to explain it. de la actividad 4 en parejas. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the questions

Follow the example. in Activity 4. Fomente la discusión libre e incentive el pensamiento crítico.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 23 p. 24
Speaking Reading
Talking about your weekend or holiday 1 Skim the text. What type of story is it? A detective story
2 Read the text and answer in pairs.
Asking questions Talking about what you did Responding
How was your weekend? I went swimming. That sounds fun! a. What was Monica doing when the woman c. What did Monica find when she entered
What did you do? I had a great time. What was it like? came in? She was thinking about her lunch. the house? Notes asking for money
for the missing dogs.
How about you? It was quite boring. Great!/How awful! b. What did the woman want? To ask Monica for d. How do you think the story ends?
help about her dog. Student’s own answers.
Monica and the House of Dogs
1 Complete the dialogue.
e.g. Monica Li was feeling bored. She used to have lots nervous as she used to when she was a rookie, but
of cases to solve, but now nothing. She was thinking went in anyway. There was a table with a pile of
You: (Ask about Josefa’s holiday.) How was your holiday, Josefa? about her lunch when an old woman entered her notes. Each one said:
Josefa: I had a great time in El Quisco. We relaxed on the beach and went swimming. office in a raincoat, carrying a broken umbrella.
You: (React positively and ask about other things she did.) ‘Are you that detective girl?’ she asked. ‘Do you want your dog?

That sounds fun! What else did you do? ‘Yes, I am. How can I help you?’ Meet me at . And don’t forget the money!’
Josefa: We visited the forest near the station and played hide and seek. Guess what? While I was playing ‘My name’s Abigail Clarke. I’m very upset! They’re
keeping dogs in the house next door. She was welcomed by Jake in the next room. There
there, my skin got all itchy… I realised I’m allergic to eucalyptus!
were many other dogs in there too!
You: (Be sympathetic.) I used to be able to sleep, but they are so noisy that
I can’t anymore! Help me, please.’ She saw a big wardrobe in the corner and found a
b. How awful! suitcase full of money in it. This was serious!
Monica sighed. This was no job for a Number 1
Josefa: Anyway, how about you? How was your holiday? Monica was reaching for her phone when she
detective, but it was better than nothing. ‘Where
You: (Respond negatively) do you live, Abigail?’ heard voices. She was frightened, so she got into
the wardrobe and closed the door. All the dogs
c. It was quite boring. Monica left the office with her lunch, phone, and started barking when two men entered the room.
jacket. An hour later, she was standing outside an
ugly house on the edge of town. ‘These stupid dogs are always hungry,’ said one of
2 Look at the pictures. Describe a trip using the pictures and expressions above. the men.
It was dark and rainy. A white shape jumped at the
window and barked. ‘Let them stay hungry, Sammy! Their owners can
Students’ own answers. feed them – after they pay us!’
‘That’s my friend Lucy’s dog, Jake,’ thought Monica.
‘What’s he doing here?’ ‘Why’s that white dog staring at the wardrobe?’

She knocked at the door. No one replied. She tried ‘I don’t know, Sammy. Look inside!’
the handle – and the door opened. She felt as Editorial Creation

to be continued...

Students’ own answers. 3 15 Listen to the end of the story and discuss with a classmate. Students’ own answers.
a. Was your prediction correct?
b. Did you like the end of the story? Explain your answer.
4 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
a. Why did the criminals use the dogs to get money? What type of crime are they committing?
3 Discuss: Do you think it is necessary to spend a lot of money to have a good holiday? Why? / Why not?
b. Is detective work important in investigations? Justify your answer.

14 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 2. Crime Watch 15

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Pida que completen el diálogo de la actividad 1. T: Complete the dialogue from Pida a los estudiantes que analicen el título. T: Read the text’s title. What do you think the
Activity 1. Lea las expresiones en el cuadro superior. Explique la actividad 2. T: text is about? Indique que respondan las preguntas de la actividad 2. T: Get together in pairs,
Let’s read together the expressions from the box at the top. Now, take a look at read the text in Activity 2, and answer the questions. Reproduzca el audio 15. Explique que
the pictures in Activity 2. Describe an imaginary holiday, using the pictures and discutan las preguntas de la actividad 4. T: Listen to the audio to know the story’s ending.
the expressions above. Pida que se junten en parejas, y discutan la pregunta de la Then, discuss with your partner the questions in Activity 4.
actividad 3. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the question in Activity 3.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 25 p. 26
Language in Use used to
Writing A Story
1 Write your own crime story.
1 Discuss.
a. Use Kidnap! from page 26 in your Student’s Book as a model.
a. Do you know of any famous YouTubers? Mention one.
b. Use your notes and the plan below.
b. What did they use to do before becoming a YouTuber?
First paragraph – Set the scene for your story.
2 16 Listen to the biographies of two famous YouTubers. Complete the sentences with the
missing information. Next paragraphs – Describe subsequent events.

a. Markiplier used to play the trumpet. . Final paragraph – Describe how the story ends.

b. He used to study biomedical engineering. at university. c. Remember to use the past continuous for background descriptions and used to for past habits.

c. Jenna Marbles used to study psychology. at university.

Students’ own answers.
d. She used to work at a tanning. salon. .
3 Look at pictures A-C. Write what the children used to do with their families.


a. The boy used to read with his granddad.

b. The boy used to play ball with his mum/older sister.
c. The girl used to play in the park with her father.

4 Put the sentences in the correct order.

a. used / to / in / My / bank / a / grandma / work
My grandma used to work in a bank. 2 Check and correct your story. Students’ own answers.
b. criminals / didn’t / Chilean / be / famous / to / use / so a. Check that the past time expressions and information in the paragraphs are correct.
Chilean criminals didn’t use to be so famous. b. In pairs, swap your stories and check each other’s work considering the plan above.
c. ? / use / class / in / Did / participate / you / to c. Write what you think about your classmate’s work below.
Did you use to work in class?
Peer evaluation
5 Write two things you used to do as a child. Students’ own answers.
6 Share your answers for Activity 5 with the class. Students’ own answers.

16 Unit 1. Days Gone By Lesson 2. Crime Watch 17

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Indique que discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: In pairs, discuss the Explique la actividad 1. Mencione que seguirán la estructura de dicha actividad. T: On
questions in Activity 1. Reproduzca el audio 16 para realizar la actividad 2. this page, you will write the crime story that you planned in your Student’s book. Follow
T: Listen and work on Activity 2. Pida que trabajen en la actividad 3. T: Look the instructions in Activity 1. Luego, pida que se junten en parejas para que intercambien
at the pictures in Activity 3 and write sentences with used to. Indique que sus historias y realicen una co-evaluación. T: Get together with a partner, switch stories
pongan en orden las oraciones de la actividad 4. T: Put the sentences from and assess your classmate’s story. Write your comment on the box below.

Activity 4 in order. Explique la actividad 5. T: Now, write two sentences about
things you used to do when you were a child.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 28-29 pp. 30-31
TEST Yourself je cjtect
Pr Pr o
1 Complete the assessment of your project. Students’ own answers.
1 Write the following numbers in words.
Three thousand, seven hundred and twenty-one. Group evaluation
a. 3 721
Project name:
b. 89 307 Eighty-nine thousand, three hundred and seven.
Group members:
c. 123 321 One hundred and twenty-three thousand, three hundred and twenty-one.
Are there any aspects of the Is there anything that could have Is there anything that worked
d. 2 872 902 Two million, eight hundred and seventy-two thousand, nine hundred and two. project that did not work or that been done in a different way? well that you particularly liked?
could be improved?
2 Complete the sentences using the adjectives you learned in Lesson 1.
e.g. Some aspects of it were not e.g. With more organisation, we e.g. We had a lot of fun planning
a. The thief escaped through a narrow street. as creative as others. could have had more time to the activity.
do it.
b. I’m so happy! The flight tickets were so discounted ! I only spent 50% of what I expected to pay.
And even though I hate flying it is a short flight so everything is fine.
c. The man attacked the robber with a heavy rock that broke his head.
d. The sun is Bright enough to leave you blind if you look at it for too long.
e. My mum getting home early is unusual , but not impossible.
f. We used to visit a museum that had a large sculpture that was nearly 3 metres tall!

3 Circle the correct form of the verb.

a. The telephone was ringing / rang when I was taking / took a bath.
I learned that… I had difficulties with… I will overcome these difficulties by…
b. While I was walking / walked down the street, I was seeing / saw an old man.
e.g. Team communication is e.g. Trying to agree on a e.g. Learning to accept and value the
c. When a robber was coming / came into the house, we were sleeping / slept. very important. design we all liked. opinion of others.

d. The cat was eating / ate when the rat was escaping / escaped.

e. When the lights were going / went off, my sisters and I were watching / watched a film.

4 Complete the sentences. Use used to or didn’t use to and the words in the box.

eat meat have a computer like sport live in Concepción

speak Spanish travel by bus

a. Pablo didn’t use to like sports but now he swims every week.
b. I used to eat meat but now I’m a vegetarian.
c. You didn’t use to speak Spanish but you know a lot of words now.
used to travel by bus 2 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
d. My grandma but now she drives everywhere.
e. They used to live in Concepción but they moved to New York last year. a. How can your project benefit people outside your school?

f. We used to have a computer but we’ve got a laptop now. b. Do you think it’s possible to implement your project in your city? How would you do it?

18 Unit 1. Days Gone By Project 19

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Indique a los estudiantes que esta página es una autoevaluación de lo que Es importante que esta sección sea un proceso metacognitivo, en donde los estudiantes puedan
aprendieron en la unidad. T: This is an individual test that will help you evaluar de manera consciente el proyecto desarrollado. Indique que ocupen la tabla para
assess what you have learnt throughout the unit. Pida a los estudiantes que evaluar su proyecto. T: Complete the information in Activity 1 to evaluate your project. Pida
resuelvan los ejercicios de la página, cuyas respuestas serán revisadas entre que compartan la evaluación grupal e individual con otro miembro del grupo, y comparen sus
todos en la pizarra. T: Do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 individually. Then, we will respuestas. T: Compare your answers with another team member, did you agree? Luego, pida
check them all together on the board. que trabajen en la actividad 2. T: Get together in groups and discuss the questions in Activity 2.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Unit 1 Extra Material 1


1 Make an infographic in groups.

a. Brainstorm some places/landscapes/phenomena you like.
e.g. Forests, beaches, islands, northern lights, volcanoes, etc.
b. Choose one, investigate about it in an online encyclopedia, and write a 50-word description. Use the descriptions on
pages 14-15 to guide you.
e.g. The longest beach in the world is in Brazil, which is 241,402 metres long.
c. Design your infographic. Make sure to include all the important information and illustrations you need.
d. Prepare a short presentation to report your findings to the class.

Material fotocopiable

52 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Extra Material 1

Reparta a cada grupo una copia del Extra Material 1 de la página 52. Pida a los
estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones descritas en dicho material para realizar una
infografía. T: Follow the steps from Extra Material 1 to make an infographic.
Indíqueles que antes de llevarlo a cabo deberán investigar sobre el lugar, paisaje o
fenómeno del cuál se tratará su infografía, deberán buscar información al respecto y
luego organizar lo que encuentren. Pueden utilizar el link indicado en la página 15.
T: Before making your infographic, you have to investigate about the topic of your
choice. Enter the link on page 15 to find information about it and then organise
what you will include in your infographic.
Para que el trabajo sea equitativo, pídales que asignen roles a cada integrante del
equipo, pero que todos deben cooperar al momento de escribir. T: Assign roles to
each member of the group to make the workload equal to all of you.
Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este.
Una vez que terminen de escribir y dibujar, indíqueles que pueden empezar a grabar
su escena. Luego indíqueles que deben presentar su trabajo a la clase. T: Once
you have finished writing and drawing your scene, you can begin to prepare your
recording/presentation. Show and present your infographic to the class.


Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 1 Extra Material 1 53

Unit 1 Extra Material 2


Day 1 2 3 4
Starting point

Finishing point


Things that
we saw

Things that we did

Material fotocopiable
Extra notes

54 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Extra Material 2

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 2 de la página 54. Pida a los estudiantes
que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 1 para organizar un viaje. T: Follow the
steps in activity 1 to plan a trip.
Indíqueles que organizarán su viaje en la tabla entregada y que adicional a eso,
deberán describir las actividades realizada cada día T: Use the chart to organise
the trip. Indíqueles que pueden practicar con su pareja la descripción de los días y
que pueden retroalimentar su desempeño. T: Practise the descriptions with your
partner and correct each other in terms of accuracy and pronunciation.
Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este.
Una vez que terminen con las tareas anteriores, indíqueles que, junto a otra pareja,
se entrevistarán mutuamente sobre sus respectivos viajes y que una vez que
terminen con las actividades 2, 3 y 4 deberán evaluar y retroalimentar el trabajo
de sus compañeros. T: Now you’ll have to interview another group about their
trips. Follow instructions 2, 3 and 4. Once you’ve finished, asses and correct your
groupmate’s performance.


Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 1 Extra Material 2 55

Unit 1 Extra Material 3


Situation 1: A group of thieves Situation 2: A group of thieves

was robbing a thousand million was robbing a shopping centre.
pesos from a bank. There are There were plenty of people and
people inside the bank children in the shopping centre.

Situation 3: A family is
travelling in their car. Another
car was getting suspiciously
close. A group of robbers stole
the family’s car. .

Role card: Police officer Role card: Suspect

You are going to interview the Make your alibi. Create a convincing story about
suspects and their friends. Ask each what you were doing between 1.30 pm and 3.30
suspect questions individually so you pm yesterday. Decide on as many details
can find differences in their alibis. as possible.
Prepare 10 questions to ask.
You must include:
What were you doing between 1.30
eating a meal, going to the cinema / a museum
and 3.30 pm yesterday?
/ a football match /meeting an old friend / using
Material fotocopiable
What did you eat? public transport Think about these things: The
How much was the meal? weather / your clothes / facts about the film or
museum / the meal / what it cost / what you talked
about / who you met / what transport you used /
who paid.

Editorial Creation

56 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Extra Material 3

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 3 de la página 56. Pida a los estudiantes
que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 3 para jugar Alibi. T: Follow the steps in
activity 3 to play Alibi.
Antes de comenzar a jugar, pida a los estudiantes que piensen preguntas que
relacionen lugares, horas, personas y actividades. Indíqueles que las anoten en su
cuaderno y que luego las compartan con la clase, Tome nota de sus intervenciones
en la pizarra.T: Before the game, think about questions that relate to time and
date, location, people, activities. For example: What were you doing at 2:30pm on
Tuesday? Do you have a bank account? Write your questions on your notebook and
then share them with the class.
Asegúrese de que los estudiantes comprenden la palabra Alibi. T: An alibi is something
that proves someone was in a different place from where a crime was committed.
Pida a los estudiantes que formen grupos y que asignen los roles indicados en la
actividad. T: In groups, assign each member a role: two police officers, one suspect
and his/her friend.
Luego, pídales que en parejas ambos policías vayan a otro lugar de la sala y preparen
sus personajes con el material entregado. Lo mismo los otros dos miembros del
grupo. Indique que tienen entre 10 y 15 minutos para desarrollar esta parte del
juego. T: The police officers in each group have to go to a different side of the class
to the suspect and friend to carry out the preparation with the material given. You
have 10 to 15 minutes for this first stage of the game.
Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, retroalimentando su desempeño.
Explíqueles que los policías deben entrevistar al sospechoso y su amigo/a en
distintos lugares de la sala, para que no escuchen sus testimonios. T: The police
officers will interview the suspect and his/her friend in different sides of the
classroom, so they don’t listen to each other’s testimonies.
Indique que los policías deben tomar notas de sus entrevistas y que una vez
que terminen, deben juntarse a discutir la información recabada. Los otros dos
miembros deben hacer lo mismo. T: Police officers have to make notes as they ask
the questions. Then, police officers have officers to sit together and the suspect
and friend to sit together to discuss about the interviews.
Monitoree el trabajo, hacienda preguntas sobre la actividad realizada. T: Which
answers were the same? Which questions did you answer differently?
Una vez que terminen el juego, pídales que evalúen el trabajo de sus compañeros.
T: Once you’ve finished, asses and correct your groupmate’s performance.

Unit 1 Extra Material 3 57

Unit 1 Extra Material 4


Material fotocopiable

58 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Extra Material 4

1. Who used to be your childhood best friend?
2. Did you use to play at parks as a child?
3. Did you use to like someone in middle school (5th – 8th)?
4. What used to be your biggest problem as a child?
5. Did you use to have trouble preparing for tests in middle school?
6. What used to be a food you liked and now you don’t?
7. Who used to be your childhood hero or idol?
8. What used to be your favourite toy?
9. Did you use to meet with a lot of friends when growing up?
10. Did you use to go to bed early in middle school?
11. What did you use to sing as a child?
12. Who did you use to fight a lot with?
13. Did you use to be a noisy or a quiet child?
14. Where did use to go often as a child?
15. Did you use to have an exotic pet?
16. What did you use to love doing in your free time?
17. What games did you use to play as a child?
18. Who did you use to see every day and now you don’t?
19. What used to be your biggest dream? What about now?
20. What did you use to hate doing in middle school

Reparta por grupo el Extra Material 4 de la página 58 y las preguntas de esta página.
Pida a los estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 2 para jugar
Growing Up. T: Follow the steps in activity 1 to play Growing Up. Indíqueles que
es un juego de tablero en el que necesitarán una ficha la cual mover a lo largo del
tablero, por lo tanto, deben escoger un elemento de su estuche que pueda servir para
este propósito. T: This is a board game, so you’ll need a token. Look into your pencil
case to find on object that you can use as a token.
Indíqueles que para jugar deben avanzar por turnos una casilla cada uno. Luego
deben crear una pregunta usando la estructura used to para que su compañero la
responda. Ahí finaliza el turno. T: Take turns to play and move one space each
time. Ask a question to your partner using used to. He/she will answer and that’s
the end of the turn.
Deles retroalimentación de manera constante. Finalmente, indíqueles que pueden
evaluar y retroalimentar el trabajo de sus compañeros. T:. Once you’ve finished,
asses and correct your groupmate’s performance.

Unit 1 Extra Material 4 59

Unit 1 Diagnostic Test

Name: Score: /9

1 Look at the map. What do you think is the best way to travel from Rome to Corfu? /2

Editorial Creation

2 2 Listen to a conversation between Josh and his older brother Sam, who is inter-railing around Europe. /2
Then, answer the questions.
a. How did Sam travel from Rome to Corfu?

b. How long did the journey take?

3 2 Listen again and answer the questions below. /5

a. Why didn’t Sam ring or text last week?

b. Where was he before he got to Brindisi?

c. When did Sam hire a moped?

Material fotocopiable

d. Did he find it easy to ride the moped?

e. What does Sam think of Corfu?

60 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Diagnostic Test

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al inicio de la unidad 1. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba diagnóstica, no será calificada, pero servirá para medir sus
conocimientos respecto al tema y la unidad, como también sus habilidades en el
idioma. T: This is a diagnostic test, which will not have a mark, but it will help us
know how much you know about a certain topic. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada
para cada estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar
el uso de expresiones en pasado, como también sus habilidades de comprensión
lectora. T: The main objective of this test is to check your knowledge about the past
tense, as well as your listening comprehension skills. Mencione a los estudiantes
que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para
completarla. T: You must do this evaluation on your own. You have 45 minutes to
answer it. Permita a los estudiantes, si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para
resolver sus dudas.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
ver el mapa y describir la ruta desde los puntos indicados (mencione que Corfu es
la isla a la derecha del nombre). T: In exercise 1, you will write the route from the
mentioned places. Corfu is the island to the right of the name. Inicie el ejercicio
2 y continúe con el 3. Pida que escuchen el audio 2 para responder las preguntas
de ambos ejercicios. T: In exercises 2 and 3, you will listen to a conversation.
Answer the questions according to the information you listen to. Mencione a
los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You will listen to the track
for exercises 2 and 3, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los estudiantes
trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan
surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Entregue
retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los estudiantes.
Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita que se ofrezcan voluntariamente
a responder. Anote las respuestas que vayan dando en la pizarra y pida a los
estudiantes que corrijan sus respuestas de ser necesario. T: We will check your
answers on the board, please check them in your test whether they are correct
or not. Esta prueba tiene 9 puntos.


1. Se espera que los estudiantes puedan utilizar vocabulario de medios de

transporte que ya conozcan y el uso del pasado simple para describir el viaje.
2. a. He took a train to Brindisi and then he took a ferry to Corfu.
b. It took 10 hours.
3. a. Because he couldn’t get a signal on his phone and then he didn’t have credit.
b. He was in Rome.
c. He hired it the evening to do a tour.
d. Yes. He learned pretty quickly, although he was a bit scared at first.
e. He thinks it’s a great place and wants to go for a holiday with his family
one day.

Unit 1 Diagnostic Test 61

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L1

Name: Score: /10

1 Read the following text and answer the questions below. /6

Adventure travel
Is it time for an adventure? Check out our exciting range Get to know the local’s way of life by exploring markets,
of holidays and decide which type of adventure you like. trying exotic food and meeting local people. If you are
We offer a wide range of activity holidays, from a variety looking to connect with nature, we have trekking holidays
of water or snow holidays to holidays in the desert. We’ll to famous places such as Machu Picchu or the Everest
take you scuba diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and Base Camp Trek, as well as some nearer to home in the
white-water rafting in Canada. If you prefer the snow, Highlands of Scotland. You just need to be fairly fit. Some
you can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps. For those of the holidays include camping, but don’t worry, we’ll
who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding or transport the tents for you! Finally, are our wildlife holidays
camel safaris. Then there are our polar expeditions! Take a which consists of small-group tours to get closer to nature
cruise to Antarctica or the northern Arctic; explore a land in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on a safari in Africa
of natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. Our experts will and observe lions and giraffes in their natural habitat.
explain everything about the two poles as you observe Get up close to the famous turtles of the Galapagos
the penguins in Antarctica or go polar bear and whale Islands. Look for tigers in India or take an elephant safari
watching in the Arctic. We also have cultural journeys in Sri Lanka. We use local guides and stay in a range of
where you can discover ancient civilisations in: India, accommodations, from tents to tree houses.
Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces
Adapted from
and ancient ruins – don’t forget to bring your camera! reading/intermediate-b1-reading/adventure-travel

On which holiday (s)…

a. can you see animals? d. can you go camping?

b. do you need to be reasonably fit? e. might you go up a mountain?

c. can you meet local people? f. might stay on tree house?

2 Rewrite the following sentences using the negative form of the verb. Do not change the tense. /4
a. I travelled to many places last year.

b. Elizabeth wanted to visit Europe.

Material fotocopiable

c. Our last holidays were awesome.

d. Last summer we went backpacking to the mountains.

62 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección de Speaking de texto. Luego, pídales que respondan las preguntas de datos
la lección 1. Explique a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba específicos. T: In exercise 1, you will read the text. Please,
formativa, no será calificada, pero mide sus conocimientos highlight the main ideas. Also, answer the questions with the
respecto a los contenidos vistos en la lección y sus habilidades necessary specific information. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que
en el idioma. T: This is a formative test, which will not have transformen las oraciones a su forma negativa. T: In exercise
a mark, but it will help us know how much you’ve learnt so 2, you will find some sentences that need to be rewritten in
far. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. their negative form. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su
Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan
el uso de pasado simple, como también sus habilidades de surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia
comprensión lectora. T: The main objective of this test is the prueba. Entregue retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los
use of past simple, together with your reading comprehension estudiantes. Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita
skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser que se ofrezcan voluntariamente a responder. T: We will check
trabajada de forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para your answers on the board, please check them in your test
completarla. T: You must anwer this test on your own. You whether they are correct or not. Esta prueba tiene 10 puntos.
have 45 minutes to answer it. Permita a los estudiantes, si es Recuerde que esta no es una evaluación formal, por lo
necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas. que puede decidir, dependiendo del rendimiento de cada
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiante, dónde se ubica en la rúbrica.
estudiantes que deberán destacar las ideas principales de dicho


1. a. activity holidays, polar expeditions and wildlife 2. a. I didn’t travel

holidays. b. Elizabeth didn’t want
b. trekking tours. c. Holidays weren’t
c. cultural journeys. d. We didn’t go
d. trekking tours and wildlife holidays.
e. activity holidays and trekking tours.
f. activity holidays, polar expeditions
and trekking tours.

Tabla de logro
Pregunta Iniciado En proceso Logrado

Identifica ideas principales del


Utiliza correctamente el pasado

simple y comprende su función.

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L1 63

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L2

Name: Score: /17

1 Complete the following table with the different verb forms. /12

Bare Infinitive Past Simple Past Continuous

a. live lived
b. was/were
c. had
d. go was/were going
e. clean cleaned
f. watch was/were watching
g. study
h. was/were looking

2 Read the following story. Decide if the sentences are True or False. Correct the False sentences. /5

Jewellery Thief Leaves her Name

A woman was shopping in a jewellery shop in Germany
when she grabbed some jewellery. The shop assistant
called the police and gave them the woman’s name and
address. How did she have these details? Well, the woman
gave them to the shop assistant while she was shopping
because she wanted her watch fixed. The police soon
arrested the woman at her home.
Editorial Creation

a. The thief gave a fake name at the jewellery shop.

b. The thief was working in the jewellery shop.
c. The jewellery thief gave her name and address to the shop assistant. Material fotocopiable

d. The police arrested the jewellery thief in the shop.
e. The thief wanted to adjust her ring.

64 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección de Speaking de T: In exercise 1, you will complete with the correct verb
la lección 2. Explique a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba form, following the clue given in the table. Inicie el ejercicio
formativa, no será calificada, pero mide sus conocimientos 2. Pida que lean el breve texto y que decidan si las oraciones
respecto a los contenidos vistos en la lección y sus habilidades son verdaders o falsas, justificando las respuestas falsas.
en el idioma. T: This is a formative test, which will not have T: In exercise 2, you will read a brief text. Then, decide if
a mark, but it will help us know how much you’ve learned so the sentences are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
far. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor
Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique
el uso de pasado simple y pasado continuo, como también sus que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Entregue
habilidades expresión escrita. T: The main objective of this retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los estudiantes.
test is to check the use of past simple and past continuous, Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita que se
together with your writing skills. Mencione a los estudiantes ofrezcan voluntariamente a responder. Anote las respuestas
que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que que vayan dando en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes que
tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this corrijan sus respuestas de ser necesario. T: We will check your
test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it. Permita answers on the board, please check them in your test whether
a los estudiantes, si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para they are correct or not. Esta prueba tiene 17 puntos. Recuerde
resolver sus dudas, a la hora de realizar la evaluación. que esta no es una evaluación formal, por lo que puede decidir,
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los dependiendo del rendimiento de cada estudiante, dónde se
estudiantes que deberán completar las formas verbales de ubica en la rúbrica.
forma correcta, de acuerdo a la pista dada en el cuadro.


1. a. was living – b. be / was being – c. have / was having –

d. went – e. was cleaning – f. watched –
g. studied / was studying – g. look / looked

2. a. False. The thief gave her real name and address.

b. False. She was shopping in a jewellery shop.
c. True.
d. False. They arrested the thief at her home.
e. False. She wanted to fix her watch.
Tabla de Logro
Pregunta Iniciado En proceso Logrado

Utiliza verbos conjugándolos de

tres maneras distintas.

Comprende ideas principales

del texto.
Distingue entre oraciones
verdaderas y falsas con

Unit 1 Formative Assessment L2 65

Unit 1 Final Assessment L1

Name: Score: /26

1 Match the numbers from the box with their written version below a-f. /6
a. Six thousand, six hundred and ninety 4,568
b. One thousand, nine hundred and eighty-seven 8,065

c. Ninety-three thousand, eight hundred and thirty-seven 1,987

d. Four thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight 256,458

e. Two hundred, fifty-six thousand four hundred and fifty-eight 6,690

f. Eight thousand and sixty-five 93,837

2 Complete the sentences with the past tense form of the verb in brackets. /4
a. Eddie (study) a lot for his exam.
b. It (rain) a lot last night.
c. We (not have) breakfast this morning.
d. Mum (not play) tennis last year.

3 Read the following quotes: Do you agree with them?

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine
“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
Now, describe your best and your worst trip. Where did you go? Who was with you? etc. Consider your opinion of
the quotes as you write your answer. /16

Material fotocopiable

66 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment L1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Review de la Lección 1.
Explique a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que
será calificada de acuerdo al puntaje por item. T: This is a formal test,
which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the lesson. Reparta
una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso de números escritos y el uso de
pasado simple, como también sus habilidades de expresión escrita. T: The
main objective of this test is to check your knowledge from this lesson.
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma
individual y que tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer
this test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que
unan los números con su versión escrita. T: In exercise 1, you will match
the numbers with their written version. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que
completen las oraciones con la forma pasada de los verbos en paréntesis.
T: In exercise 2, you will complete the sentences with the past form of
the verbs in brackets. Inicie el ejercicio 3. Indique que deberán leer las
citas y responder si están de acuerdo con ellas. T: In exercise 3, you will
read the quotes, then write if you agree with them or not, justifying
your answer. Inicie el ejercicio 4. Pida que describan en 100 palabras su
mejor y su peor viaje, incluyendo la información solicitada. T: In exercise
4, you will describe in 100 words your best, and your worst trip. Include
all the information you are required to.
Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala
y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante
trabaje en su propia prueba. Esta prueba tiene 26 puntos.


1. a. 6690
b. 1987
c. 93837
d. 4568
e. 256458
f. 8065
2. a. studied
b. rained
c. didn’t (did not) have
d. didn’t (did not) play
3. Students’ own answers. Utilice la rúbrica de la página 70
para corregir.

Unit 1 Final Assessment L1 67

Unit 1 Final Assessment L2

Name: Score: /28

1 Think about a funny, interesting, or incredible story that happened to you recently. Answer the following /12
questions to help you in the space below.
• What happened?
• Where did it happen?
• When did it happen?
• Who were you with?
• What did you hear?
• How did you feel?

Material fotocopiable

2 After planning your story, tell it to your teacher. Consider using a beginning, development, and an ending. /16

68 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment L2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Review de la lección
2. Explique a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo
que será calificada, de acuerdo al puntaje por ítem. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the lesson.
Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mencione que el
objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del pasado simple y
continuo, como también sus habilidades de expresión oral.
T: The main objective of this test is to check your knowledge from this
lesson, together with your speaking skills. Mencione a los estudiantes
que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que tienen
45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this test on your
own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Mencione a los estudiantes que piensen en una anécdota/historia
que les haya ocurrido recientemente. Pida que planifiquen su historia
basándose en las preguntas destinadas para ello y utilizando el espacio
dado en la hoja entregada. Lo que escriban en esta parte también
tendrá ponderación en la prueba. T: Think about a funny story that
has happened to you. Plan your story using the questions given and
write the information in the space provided. It will be important
for the development of your test. Para la segunda parte, indique a
los estudiantes que practiquen su discurso en pares. T: Practise your
speech with a classmate. Mencione a los estudiantes que pueden dar
retroalimentación a su compañero, en caso de que sea pertinente.
T: Give your classmate feedback if needed. Mientras los estudiantes
trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que
vayan surgiendo.
Organice la presentación de los estudiantes. Evalúe la parte oral de
acuerdo a la rúbrica de la página 71. Esta prueba tiene 28 puntos.

1. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling in the text.
2. Students’ own answers. Utilice la rúbrica de la página 71
para evaluar.

Unit 1 Final Assessment L2 69

Rúbrica Final Assessment L1

Name: Date:

Excelente Muy bueno Adecuado Mejorable

Ítem Ponderación
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Existen errores 3-5 palabras 6-7 palabras No existen
gramaticales en 6 están están errores
o más palabras. correctamente correctamente gramaticales.
escritas. escritas
No expresa ideas Redacta Redacta Redacta el texto
ni argumentos. solamente sus superficialmente relacionándolo
ideas y presenta sus ideas en el con sus propias
argumentos texto. Apoya ideas. Apoya sus
débiles. sus argumentos argumentos con
superficialmente. razones.
Uno o ningún La importancia La importancia La importancia
aspecto es de 2 aspectos de 3 aspectos es de todos los
explicado o es explicada. explicada con aspectos es
Coherencia las razones Las razones razones. Existe explicada con
planteadas no planteadas son coherencia en la razones. Existe
tienen coherencia parcialmente escritura. coherencia en la
coherentes. escritura.

70 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Rúbrica Final Assessment L2

Name: Date:

Excelente Muy bueno Adecuado Mejorable

Ítem Ponderación
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Demuestra un buen Demuestra Demuestra Demuestra bajo
dominio del uso del un dominio dominio del dominio del uso
Gramática pasado simple. suficiente del uso uso del pasado del pasado simple.
del pasado simple. simple en algunas
Demuestra un Demuestra un Demuestra un Demuestra muy
amplio manejo de manejo adecuado manejo limitado pocas o casi
vocabulario para de vocabulario de vocabulario ninguna palabra
contar historias en para contar para contar para contar
el pasado. historias en el historias en el historias en el
pasado. pasado. pasado simple.
Se expresa de Se expresa de En varias Pocas veces
forma entendible la forma entendible, instancias se utiliza aspectos
mayoría del tiempo, con suficiente expresa de forma fonológicos de
Pronunciación haciendo uso uso correcto entendible y con forma correcta
correcto de aspectos de aspectos uso correcto y se expresa
fonológicos. fonológicos. de aspectos de forma no
fonológicos. entendible.
Presenta su Muestra un poco Se le dificulta Demuestra poca
historia de forma de dificultad en repetidas capacidad para
simple. No necesita para contar la ocasiones la contar la historia.
intervención del historia. Necesita comunicación Necesita de
profesor. ayuda en algunas de sus ideas. incentivos
Interacción instancias. Necesita ayuda adicionales
en varios del profesor
momentos de la para lograr
conversación. comunicarse.

Rúbrica Final Assessment L1 y L2 71

Unit 1 Final Assessment 1

Name: Score: /12

1 Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. /6
a. Finn and Tommy (play) a game when their mum called them for lunch.
b. Freya bought three new books while she (shop) in town.
c. When I (visit) my grandma, she was in the garden.
d. Sam was finishing his homework when his friend (get) home.
e. Sue and Sally’s dad called them for dinner while they (play) a game.
f. Zara (give) me my birthday present while I was watching a film.

2 17 Listen to two people talking about their lives and answer the following questions. /6
a. Where was Jessica in her earliest memory?

b. What was she doing?

c. What did she hear?

d. What was she wearing?

e. What did Harry use to like doing?

f. What piece of advice did Harry’s parents give him?

Material fotocopiable

72 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment 1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso de pasado simple y continuo, como
también sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test
is to check your use of past simple, past continuous, together with your listening
comprehension skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de
forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this
test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar las oraciones usando la forma correcta de los verbos mencionados.
T: In exercise 1. you will complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs
in parentheses. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 17 para responder
las preguntas. T: In exercise 2, you will listen to a conversation. Answer the
questions according to the information you listen to. Mencione a los estudiantes
que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 2,
twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya
alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada
estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Esta prueba tiene 12 puntos.

1. a. were playing
b. was shopping
c. visited
d. got
e. were playing
f. gave
2. a. She was with her brother, playing with their toys.
b. She could hear the birds singing.
c. On a stage at school.
d. He was dressed up in a costume.
e. He used to love acting.
f. To stand up for what he believes in and always do his best.

Unit 1 Final Assessment 1 73

Unit 1 Final Assessment 2

Name: Score: /12

1 Complete Charlie’s dream with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the box. /6

be – bite – feel – have lunch – not hurt – look

I at a restaurant with my friends and we .

I into a slice of pizza when I
something weird in my mouth. But luckily, I in the mirror and I saw that
some of my teeth were falling out of my mouth. It at all. All of a sudden I woke
up, it had just been a dream. It was quite a shock!

2 17 Listen to two people talking about their lives and answer the following questions. /6
a. Where was Jessica in her earliest memory?

b. What was she doing?

c. What did she hear?

d. What was she wearing?

e. What did Harry use to like doing?

f. What piece of advice did Harry’s parents give him?

Material fotocopiable

74 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment 2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso de pasado simple y continuo, como
también sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test
is to check your use of past simple, past continuous, together with your listening
comprehension skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de
forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this
test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar las oraciones usando la forma correcta de los verbos mencionados. T: In
exercise 1, you will complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the
box. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 17 para responder las preguntas.
T: In exercise 2, you will listen to a conversation. Answer the questions according
to the information you listen to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el
audio dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay
attention. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala
y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su
propia prueba. Esta prueba tiene 12 puntos.

1. a. was
b. were having lunch
c. was biting
d. felt
e. looked
f. didn’t hurt
2. a. She was with her brother, playing with their toys.
b. She could hear the birds singing.
c. On a stage at school.
d. He was dressed up in a costume.
e. He used to love acting.
f. To stand up for what he believes in and always do his best.

Unit 1 Final Assessment 2 75

Unit 1 Final Assessment 3

Name: Score: /10

1 Choose the correct alternative, past simple or past continuous, to complete the sentences. /4
a. Carrie was going home when she saw / was seeing Max.
b. Were you having / did you have dinner when I called?
c. Dad was working / worked in the office when he read my email.
d. Mum and Dad were going out / went out while I was watching TV.

2 17 Listen to two people talking about their lives and answer the following questions. /6
a. Where was Jessica in her earliest memory?

b. What was she doing?

c. What did she hear?

d. What was she wearing?

e. What did Harry use to like doing?

f. What piece of advice did Harry’s parents give him?

Material fotocopiable

76 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment 3

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso de pasado simple y continuo, como
también sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test
is to check your use of past simple, past continuous, together with your listening
comprehension skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de
forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this
test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar las oraciones seleccionando el verbo que corresponda. T: In exercise
1, you will complete the sentences choosing the correct verb. Inicie el ejercicio 2.
Pida que escuchen el audio 17 para responder las preguntas. T: In exercise 2, you
will listen to a conversation. Answer the questions according to the information
you listen to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You
will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los
estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que
vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
Esta prueba tiene 10 puntos.

1. a. saw
b. were you having
c. was working
d. went
2. a. She was with her brother, playing with their toys.
b. She could hear the birds singing.
c. On a stage at school.
d. He was dressed up in a costume.
e. He used to love acting.
f. To stand up for what he believes in and always do his best.

Unit 1 Final Assessment 3 77

Unit 1 Final Assessment 4

Name: Score: /11

1 Use the prompts to write questions in the past simple or past continuous. /5
a. When / you / buy / that tablet / ?

b. How much / your new computer / cost / ?

c. What / you / do / after school yesterday / ?

d. Why / you / not / call me last night / ?

e. Where / Dad / save / the photos / on the computer / ?

2 17 Listen to two people talking about their lives and answer the following questions. /6
a. Where was Jessica in her earliest memory?

b. What was she doing?

c. What did she hear?

d. What was she wearing?

e. What did Harry use to like doing?

f. What piece of advice did Harry’s parents give him?

Material fotocopiable

78 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Final Assessment 4

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso de pasado simple y continuo, como
también sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test
is to check your use of past simple, past continuous, together with your listening
comprehension skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de
forma individual y que tienen 45 minutos para completarla. T: You must anwer this
test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
poner las palabras en orden para crear preguntas. T: In exercise 1, you will put the
words in the correct order to ask questions in past simple or past continuous. Inicie
el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 17 para responder las preguntas.
T: In exercise 2 you will listen to a conversation. Answer the questions according to
the information you listen to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio
dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention.
Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las
dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
Esta prueba tiene 11 puntos.

1. a. When did you buy that tablet?
b. How much did your computer cost?
c. What were you doing after school yesterday?
d. Why didn’t you call me last night?
e. Where did Dad save the photos on the computer?
2. a. She was with her brother, playing with their toys.
b. She could hear the birds singing.
c. On a stage at school.
d. He was dressed up in a costume.
e. He used to love acting.
f. To stand up for what he believes in and always do his best.

Unit 1 Final Assessment 4 79

Unit 1 Speaking Assessment

Name: Score: /16

Student A
You are a journalist writing an article about what life was like as a child for a person in your town who has just turned 100
years old. Write down some interview questions and role play the conversation with Student B.
Look at the example below.
Student A: Where did you use to live?
Student B: I used to live in a small house.
Use the words and expressions from the box below.

when, while – what were your…? – who/what did you…? – what/

when/how/where did you use to… ? – did you use to have/go/use/like… ?

Student B
You have just turned 100 years old. You are going to tell a journalist about what your life was like as a child. Write down some
possible answers and role play the conversation with Student A.
Look at the example below.
Student A: Where did you use to live?
Student B: I used to live in a small house.
Use the words and expressions from the box below.

mad about/amazingly/luckily – when/while – was/wasn’t – were/

weren’t / was… ing / I/We/They used to / didn’t use to

Material fotocopiable

80 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Speaking Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de Mencione a los estudiantes que deberán preparar lo
evaluación no será calificado, pero mide sus habilidades de que se les indica en las instrucciones, según su rol en la
expresión oral. T: The following project has no formal mark. conversación. T: You will follow the instructions given
Although, it will work for you to develop and practise your according to your role in the conversation. Indique a los
speaking skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiantes que practiquen su discurso en pares. T: Practice
estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba your speech with a classmate. Mencione a los estudiantes
es verificar sus habilidades de expresión oral. T: The main que pueden dar retroalimentación a su compañero, en caso
objective of this project is to check your speaking skills. de que sea pertinente. T: Give your classmate feedback if
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada needed. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya
en parejas. T: You must complete this dialogue in pairs. One alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo.
of you will be Student A and the other Student B. Permita a Organice la presentación de los estudiantes. Evalúe de
los estudiantes, si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para acuerdo a la rúbrica asignada. Esta tarea tiene 16 puntos.
resolver sus dudas.

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Excelente Muy bueno Adecuado Mejorable

Ítem Ponderación
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Domina las Domina Domina a veces Domina poco
estructuras suficientemente las estructuras o nulamente
Gramática aprendidas en clase las estructuras aprendidas en las estructuras
aprendidas en clase. aprendidas en
clase. clase.
Demuestra amplio Demuestra Demuestra Demuestra
conocimiento suficiente conocimiento poco o nulo
del vocabulario conocimiento de algunas de conocimiento
aprendido. del vocabulario las palabras del vocabulario
aprendido. del vocabulario aprendido.
Hace uso correcto Hace suficiente En varias Pocas veces hace
de aspectos uso correcto instancias hace uso correcto
Pronunciación fonológicos. de aspectos uso correcto de aspectos
fonológicos. de aspectos fonológicos
Interactúa de Muestra poca Se le dificulta Demuestra poca
forma simple sin dificultad al varias veces la interacción y
intervención del interactuar y interacción y necesita constante
profesor. necesita ayuda necesita ayuda ayuda.
en algunas eventualmente

Unit 1 Speaking Assessment 81

Unit 1 Writing Assessment

Name: Score: /16

1 In this writing exercise you need to write as much as you can about two of the topics. Watch your spelling
and grammar.
› What is the longest journey you have ever been on? Describe your experience.
› What is your favourite type of transport? Why do you like it?
› Do you think people travel too much? Why?

Material fotocopiable

82 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Writing Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de Mencione a los estudiantes que deberán construir un texto
evaluación no será calificado, pero mide sus habilidades de argumentativo basado en dos temas de los tres propuestos.
expresión escrita. T: The following project has no formal Puede que elijan todos los temas propuestos.T: You will
mark. Although, it will work for you to develop and practise develop an argumentative text using two of the three
your writing skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para topics given. You can choose the three topics, if you want
cada estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta to. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya
prueba es verificar sus habilidades de expresión escrita. T: alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo.
The main objective of this project is to check your writing Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser Entregue retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los
trabajada de forma individual. T: You must develop this estudiantes. Luego, califique a cada estudiante según
writing on your own. Permita a los estudiantes, si es la rúbrica. Esta tarea tiene 16 puntos.
necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas.

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling in th text.

Excelente Muy bueno Adecuado Mejorable

Ítem Ponderación
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Domina las Domina Domina a veces Domina poco
estructuras suficientemente las estructuras o nulamente
Gramática aprendidas en clase las estructuras aprendidas en las estructuras
aprendidas en clase. aprendidas en
clase. clase.
Demuestra amplio Demuestra Demuestra Demuestra
conocimiento suficiente conocimiento poco o nulo
del vocabulario conocimiento de algunas de conocimiento
aprendido. del vocabulario las palabras del vocabulario
aprendido. del vocabulario aprendido.
Hace uso correcto Hace suficiente En varias Pocas veces hace
de aspectos uso correcto instancias hace uso correcto
Ortografía ortográficos. de aspectos uso correcto de aspectos
ortográficos. de aspectos ortográficos.
Organiza Organiza Mezcla No organiza
correctamente el correctamente estructuras de el texto
(cohesión texto cohesiva y el texto y es lo organización con correctamente y
-coherencia) coherentemente. suficientemente poca cohesión y demuestra poca
(introducción, cohesivo y coherencia. coherencia y
coherente. cohesión.

Unit 1 Wrinting Assessment 83

Unit 1 Reading Assessment

Name: Score: /8

1 Read the following text. Decide if the sentences are True or False. Justify false sentences. /3
a. Many people are afraid to travel alone but it can be a rewarding experience.

b. People do not learn things about themselves when they travel alone.

c. The author thinks it is better to stay home than to travel by yourself.

Go alone and find yourself

After two days in Florence, Italy, I had already met some Accommodation typically costs more because
fascinating people. When you are with a companion you are not splitting the bill and you may be more
it’s easy to focus on that person and forget about vulnerable to theft, but the biggest struggle is
meeting Europeans and other travellers. Without the loneliness. If you don’t feel comfortable travelling
comfortable crutch of a friend, you are more likely to alone, consider joining a tour. With a tour, all of your
know the joys of self-discovery and the pleasures found hotel rooms are reserved, a guide plans most of
in the kindness of strangers. You will be exploring your activities and other tour members keep you
yourself as well as a new country and culture. Solo company. I have talked to too many people who put
travel gives you complete freedom and independence. off their travel dreams because they don’t want to do
it alone: don’t delay – just go!
You can decide where to go, how far to travel, how
much to spend and when to call it a day. Adapted from
Of course, there are downsides to travelling alone.

2 Circle the correct option to answer the questions. /5

a. What did the author do c. What are the best decisions you d. What is something negative
in Florence? can make when you travel solo? about travelling solo?
A. He ate lots of gelato. A. where to go, how much to A. more expensive food
spend, when to rest
B. He met fascinating people. B. more expensive hotel rooms
B. where to go, how much to
Material fotocopiable
C. He rode in a taxi. C. more expensive airfare
sleep, when to rest
b. According to the author, which e. What does the author say is
C. where to go, how much to
of the following can you enjoy advantageous of joining a tour?:
spend, when to eat
when you travel solo: A. not being alone
A. self-discovery
B. not being hungry
B. self-confidence
C. not being tired
C. self-reliance

84 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Reading Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación no será calificado,
pero mide sus habilidades de comprensión lectora. T: The following project has no
formal mark. Although, it will work for you to develop and practise your reading
skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mencione que el
objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus habilidades de comprensión lectora.
T: The main objective of this project is to check your reading skills. Mencione a los
estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual. T: You must do
this assessment on your own.
Indique a los estudiantes que leerán un texto, con el cual desarrollarán los ejercicios.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
leer el texto e identificar si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas. T: In activity 1, you
will read the text and decide if the statements below are true or false, according
to the text. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida elijan la alternativa correcta a partir de lo leído
En el segundo, eligen la respuesta correcta a partir de un set de alternativas. T: In
activity 2, you will choose the best choice to answer the questions, according to
the text. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala
y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su
propia prueba. Entregue retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los estudiantes.
Se sugiere que corrijan entre pares. T: Check your answers with a classmate.
Esta tarea tiene 8 puntos.
El texto utilizado fue extraído de
0511-steves-20100511-story.html Extracto de historia por Rick Steves.

1. a. True
b. False
c. False
2. a. B
b. A
c. A
d. B
e. A

Unit 1 Reading Assessment 85

Unit 1 Listening Assessment

Name: Score: /15

1 18 Listen to three students talking about their childhood memories. Decide if the sentences are True (T) or False
(F). Correct the false sentences. /5
a. Elena remembers the sound of people laughing.

b. Elena used to play the guitar.

c. Ricky didn’t tell his mum about his problem for a week.

d. Nick still finds his best memory funny now.

e. Nick couldn’t remember what he looked like.

2 18 Listen again and complete the sentences. /10

a. Elena and her sister used to pick strawberries from .
b. She thought the strawberries tasted very .
c. Elena, her aunt and her sister used to play while listening to music.
d. Ricky’s best memory happened when he was in .
e. Ricky’s memory happened when he was bored in his class.
f. Someone had a bead stuck in his .
g. n the end, Ricky’s mum took him to .
h. Nick’s memory is of when he was about .
i. He and his friend decided to .
j. Nick’s walked into the room and saw what they were doing.

Material fotocopiable

86 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Listening Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación no será calificado.
T: The following listening has no formal mark. Although, it will work for you to
develop and practise your listening skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para
cada estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar
sus habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this project is
to check your listening skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser
trabajada de forma individual. T: You must do this on your own.
Indique a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio 18, con el cual desarrollarán los
ejercicios. Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que
deberán decidir si la oraciones son verdaderas o falsas. T: In exercise 1, you will decide
if the sentences are true or false, according to the audio. Mencione a los estudiantes
que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 1, twice.
Please, pay attention. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio para completar
las oraciones. T: In exercise 2, you will complete the sentences, based on what you
listened to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You
will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los
estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que
vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
Se sugiere que corrijan entre pares. T: Check your answers with a classmate.
Esta tarea tiene 15 puntos.

1. a. True
b. False. Her cousin used to play the guitar.
c. True
d. True
e. False. Nick looked in the mirrors to see what he looked like.
2. a. the bushes
b. fresh
c. board games
d. primary school
e. Art
f. ear
g. hospital
h. ten (years old)
i. cut each other’s hair
j. sister

Unit 1 Listening Assessment 87

Transcripts Unit 1

Track 1. Classroom Language. Teacher’s Book. best friend Alisha in London. She said there was a huge volcano in Iceland.
There were clouds of ash in the air and there were lots of flights cancelled
Welcoming students all over Europe, because it was dangerous for planes. I told my parents, but
Good morning children! they didn’t believe me. They thought it was a joke. But then my brother
Good afternoon kids. got a message, too. His friend said exactly the same thing.
How are you today? Track 4 page 11. Activities 4 and 5.
Taking attendance
S = Sofía, A = Andy
OK everyone, your attention please.
A: So what did you do?
I’m going to call the roll.
S: Well, we stayed in a hotel in Tunis that night. But we got up really early
Checking for understanding the next morning and took a taxi to the airport.
Do you need help? A: And were there any flights?
Can I help you with this? S: No! It was chaos. There were so many people! So my parents decided to
Is that clear? get a boat to Italy. We went by bus to the port in Tunis – and my parents
Encouragement bought tickets for Livorno. The ship sailed at night. We couldn’t get a
Super! Excellent! cabin so we slept on really uncomfortable chairs in the cafe. It was awful.
We arrived in Italy the next day. And guess what? We couldn’t get on a
Well done! Brilliant! train because they were all full! But after about five hours we got on a
train to Paris. We only had two seats. So my brother and I stood in the
Track 2. Unit 1 Days Gone By. Teacher’s Book. corridor. And then from Paris we got another train to London. And finally
Diagnostic Test. Activities 2 and 3. we went home by taxi. You know, the flight from London to Tunis takes
S = Sam, J = Josh about three hours. But our journey took over 60 hours!
S: Hi Josh. It’s Sam. A: You poor thing!
J: Sam! Where are you? You didn’t ring or text last weekend. Track 5 page 6. Exercise Book. Activities 2 and 3.
S: I’m in Greece. Were you worried?
J = Josh, M = Mum
J: I wasn’t, but Mum was really worried.
J: I don’t know what to write about for my English homework.
S: Tell her I’m sorry. I was actually in about three different places last
week. I couldn’t get a signal on my phone and then I didn’t have any credit! M: What’s it about?
J: Oh well. So, what’s inter-railing like? J: It’s a story called A nightmare journey, but I haven’t got any good ideas.
S: Awesome! Yesterday I travelled by ferry, bus and moped all in one day! M: Well, you could write about my nightmare journey if you like.
J: No way! How did you do that? J: Was I with you? How old was I?
S: Well, we caught the midnight train from Rome to Brindisi in the south M: No, Josh, you weren’t born then. I was 19 and I was at university in
of Italy. That took about eight hours. Then we took a ferry across to Corfu, Wales. Do you remember I told you that I studied Spanish?
and we got on a bus and went to our hostel. We were there in time for late J: Si.
breakfast at ten o’clock. And the hostel was right next to the beach! M: Well, my Spanish wasn’t very good, so the university decided to send
J: Cool! What about the moped? me and ten other students to a Spanish summer school at the University
S: Well, we went straight to the beach but in the evening, we hired some of Salamanca for a month.
mopeds and did a little tour of the island. It was a bit scary at first because J: Really? That was good!
I didn’t really know how to ride a moped. It’s nothing like riding a bike! I M: I know! We were all really excited. The plan was to meet on Platform
learned pretty quickly though! It’s a great place. We should all come here 12 at Waterloo Station in London and then travel together by train to
for a holiday one year. Salamanca.
J: Yeah, sounds good. I’ll tell Mum. Actually, I’ll go and get her now … J: Was there a direct train to Salamanca?
MUM! See you when you get home!
M: No, there wasn’t! There was a train from London to the port on the
Track 3 page 11. Activity 2. south coast, then a ferry to France, and then another train to Paris.
In Paris, you changed trains again, but that train went all the way to
S = Sofía, A = Andy Valladolid, an hour away from Salamanca by coach.
S: A few years ago, I was on holiday in the Atlas Mountains in Tunisia, you J: Wow! That’s a long journey.
know, in North Africa. M: I know. It was over 36 hours, but guess what? I wasn’t on the train with
A: Wow, was it hot? my friends.
S: Yeah, it was only May, but it was incredibly hot! J: Why not?
A: Who were you with? M: Well, I was on the train from Manchester to London when there was
S: My parents and Leo, my brother. We were there for ten days. It was a signal failure and the train stopped. We weren’t at a railway station,
great. But we had a terrible journey home. so I couldn’t get off. The train stayed there for two hours. It was terrible
A: Really? Why was it so bad? because there weren’t any mobile phones then, so I couldn’t phone anyone
to tell them about the problem. Finally, when I got to Waterloo Station, my
S: Well, we were on a coach in the mountains. We were on our way to friends weren’t there. They were on the way to Spain and I was on my own
Tunis. It was Saturday, and our flight was the next day. The journey was in London.
very hot and a bit boring, but then I got a text message. It was from my

88 Unit 1 Days Gone By

J: You poor thing! Was it awful? c. What time is the next bus?
M: Yes, it was! Anyway, I stayed in a small hotel in London that night. d. How long does it take to get there?
Then, the next day, I went by underground to Heathrow Airport and
bought a plane ticket to Madrid. Four hours later, I was in Madrid. I went Track 10 page 7. Exercise Book. Activity 3.
by taxi to the station and then caught a train to Salamanca. That took Sometimes you need to get attention through communication.
about two and a half hours.
Sometimes you need an invitation for accommodation.
J: Were your friends in Salamanca when you arrived?
And sometimes you need competition in moderation!
M: Yes, they were. They got there a few hours before me. They were very
surprised to see me! Track 11 page 21. Activity 3.
J: That’s a great story. Thanks, Mum!
P = Police Officer, M = Maggie, B = Billy, N = Natalie, J = James, E = Ethan
Track 6 page 13. Activity 2. 1. P: Can you tell me your full name, please?
D = David, M = man M: Yes, of course officer. It’s Maggie. Maggie Anderson.
D: Excuse me, is this right bus stop for the station? P: OK, Maggie. What were you doing at 4pm yesterday afternoon?
M: Yes, it is. M: Well, I was out shopping. It was a lovely day. And I was looking... I
wanted to buy a new pair of summer shoes. I like to get new shoes every
D: What bus goes to the station? season.
M: The number 52, I think. P: Right. But um... what were you doing exactly at that time?
D: What time is the next bus? M: I was... I was looking in a shop window.
M: I’m not sure. One went past about five minutes ago. 2. P: Can you give me your full name, sir?
D: OK. B: Yeah. It’s Billy Lomax.
M: Are you going anywhere nice today? P: Thank you, Billy. Now, what were you doing yesterday when the
D: I’m going to London with my friends. robbery happened.
M: Lovely. Oh, hang on, there’s a bus coming along now. B: I was just... I was eating a cheeseburger and fries.
D: It’s a 52. Thank you. P: At 4 pm?
M: That’s all right. B: Er, yeah. I didn’t have any lunch.
Track 7 page 13. Activity 3. 3. P: What’s your full name, miss?
N: It’s Natalie. Natalie Bijon.
D = David, B = bus driver
P: So what were you doing at 4pm yesterday?
D: Does this bus go to the station?
N: I was doing some exercise. And I was jogging on the sidewalk towards
B: Yeah, it does. the park.
D: Can I have a single to the station, please? P: Right.
B: That’s £1.40, please. 4. P: Can you tell me your full name, please?
D: OK. Can you tell me when we get there? J: Yes, of course. It’s James Cox.
B: No worries. Here’s your ticket. P: Are you British, sir?
D: Thanks. J: Yes, I am.
D: Hi Leon. P: What are you doing in Cedar Rapids?
L: How’s it going? J: Well, I’m... I’m on holiday.
D: I’m on the bus. Where are you? P: Really? So what were you doing when the robbery happened?
L: I’m walking to the station. I’m about five minutes away. J: I was on my way to the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art. And I was looking
D: Great. See you there. at a map.
L: OK. 5. P: Can you tell me your full name, please?
E: Yeah. My name’s Ethan.
Track 8 page 13. Activity 5.
P: And what were you doing at four o’clock yesterday?
a. station E: Nothing, really.
b. vacation P: Nothing?
c. destination E: Well, I was just talking on my cell phone. To my kid sister.
d. pollution
e. attraction Track 12 page 21. Activity 4.
f. solution P = police officer, M = Maggie, B = Billy, N = Natalie, J = James, E = Ethan
1. P: OK, Maggie. Tell me what you remember about the robbery. What
Track 9 page 7. Exercise Book. Activity 2. did you see?
a. Are you under 16? M: Well, I heard people running. There were two of them. A man and a
b. Have you got a student card? woman.

Transcripts Unit 1 89
Transcripts Unit 1

P: You’re sure? S: It was about one o’clock and lots of people were having lunch in the
park. Anyway, suddenly, a man started talking to us. He wanted to help
M: Absolutely sure. But... it was all very quick. us. At first, I was nervous, but he seemed friendly so I relaxed. He was
P: What were they wearing? pointing at places on the map when I heard a noise behind me.
M: I’m sorry. I don’t remember. O: What was it?
2. P: So, Billy, what did you see? S: Another man and he was stealing my bag. I couldn’t believe it.
B: Well, there was a man and a woman. They ran out of the jeweller’s and O: What did you do?
along the sidewalk to a car. S: We shouted, ‘Stop! Thief!’ and chased him.
P: Did you see the car? What type was it? O: I’m impressed!
B: I’m not sure. A Ford maybe. But it was blue. Dark blue. S: Thanks, but don’t be! He was sprinting, and he was faster than us. He
P: That’s very interesting. disappeared down a dark narrow street in the Gothic Quarter.
3. P: So, what do you remember of the robbery, Natalie? O: What about the man you were talking to? Did he help you?
N: Well, I was jogging on the sidewalk when two people came out of a S: No way! He was working with the thief.
shop. O: What do you mean?
P: What were they wearing? S: It was his job to distract us. Then, when I wasn’t looking at my bag, his
N: Well, just normal clothes, you know. Jeans and T-shirts, I think. But friend stole it.
they were wearing masks, too. And I thought that was weird. O: Poor you! How did you feel?
4. P: So what did you see, James? S: Really annoyed. I was upset too. I had 200 euros in my bag and my
J: Well, I didn’t see very much. I was walking along the road when I heard mobile phone.
footsteps behind me. Then a woman pushed me in the back and I fell over. O: Poor you!
I couldn’t believe it.
P: How did you know it was a woman? Track 14 page 23. Activities 2, 3 and 4.
J: Because she shouted at me – she told me to get out of the way. I think Le = Leon, D = David, Li = Lily
she had a Russian accent. Le: Did you have a nice weekend, David?
P: Russian? Are you sure? D: Yes, thanks. It was fantastic.
J: Not 100%. But it sounded like that. Le: I texted you on Saturday but you didn’t reply.
5. P: What do you remember about the robbery, Ethan? D: I’m sorry, I didn’t see it.
E: Not a lot. Like I said, I was talking to my sister. But when I saw the two Le: Hmm. What were you doing?
people drive away in their car, I took a photo on my cell phone.
D: Well on Saturday I was at a wildlife park. There were lions, tigers,
P: You took a photo? giraffes – and they were all walking around in the countryside! It was so
E: Yeah. Of the licence plate on the car. cool.
P: I’m impressed. Well done, Ethan. Le: What about Sunday?
Track 13 page 13. Exercise Book. Activities 2 and 3. D: I went ice skating.
Li: That sounds fun.
O = Oscar, S = Sophie
D: Yeah, I had a great time. And I only fell over three times!
O: Did you have a good weekend in Barcelona, Sophie?
Le: How was your weekend, Lily?
S: Yes, thanks, Oscar. It was hot and sunny and we saw some amazing
things. Li: I had a really nice time, thanks. On Saturday I went swimming in the
morning and then shopping in the afternoon. I always love shopping.
O: What did you like best?
Le: I called you on Sunday morning.
S: I’m not sure. That famous church...
Li: Did you? I’m sorry, I missed it. We went to Thorpe Park.
O: The Sagrada Familia?
Le: What’s that?
S: That’s right. It’s Gaudi’s most famous building. It’s awesome.
Li: It’s a theme park, you know, with roller coasters. It was really exciting!
O: Did you travel around on the underground? Look at my photos!
S: No, we didn’t. We went by bus or we walked. We were walking when D: Great!
something bad happened to me.
Li: What about you, Leon? How was your weekend?
O: What? Did you fall over?
Le: My weekend? Well, on Saturday I lost my wallet. It had nearly 30
S: No! A thief stole my bag. pounds inside.
O: Oh, no. That’s terrible. Were you walking along Las Ramblas? D: Oh no, what a shame!
S: No, we weren’t. We were strolling around a small park. I can’t remember Le: And then on Sunday, someone stole my bike.
its name, but it was near an old part of the city called the Gothic Quarter.
I was feeling really tired and my feet were hurting, so we sat down on a Li: Really?
bench for a rest. We were looking at our map and trying to decide where Le: Yes, really. I left it outside a shop and when I came back it wasn’t there.
to go. Li: Oh Leon, you poor thing!
O: What time was it?

90 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Track 15 page 15. Exercise Book. Activity 3. J: Let’s see… erm… I think I was about three or four. I was in the garden
with my brother and we were playing with our toys. It was a sunny day
N = narrator, S = Sammy, Ma = Marco, P = police officer, Mo = Monica and I could hear the birds singing. And then I can remember it clearly;
N: The man was getting closer to the wardrobe. Monica took out her I heard a loud noise and the ground began to shake. There was an
mobile phone. Did she have time to send a text message? Jake barked at earthquake. My parents ran outside and picked us up. It didn’t last long
the man. and luckily no one was hurt.
S: Hey, get out of my way! A: And you Harry? What was your first memory?
N: Said Sammy. H: Erm… I think… yeah… I was about five or six and it was Christmas
Ma: Kick him, time. I was at school and I was standing on a stage. We were putting on a
N: Said the other man. play for the parents and I was dressed up in a costume. I used to love
S: Oww! acting and I felt excited.
N: Said Sammy. A: OK, next question. What are your dreams for the future?
S: He’s biting my leg! J: I’m going to pass my exams and then I’m going to study biology at
university. I’d like to be a conservationist or work with animals. I’m
N: Monica sent a text message to the police. But she was very worried. The
police station was five minutes away. Then she had an idea. She took her volunteering at a sea life centre this summer, so I’ll get lots of great
lunch box out of her bag. experience there.
Ma: You’re pathetic, Sammy. Let me look inside the wardrobe. A: What ambitions do you have for the future, Harry?
N: Monica waited a moment, and then pushed hard on the wardrobe door. H: I’m going to be a journalist. I’ve started a blog and I like reporting
There was a loud bang. on local events and news from my community. So I’d like to work for a
Ma: Ow! My head!
A: Final question. What’s the best piece of advice someone has ever given
N: the man cried out. Then Monica threw her sausages and ham you? Who gave it to you and what did they say?
sandwiches at the men. The dogs went crazy! They jumped at the men
and knocked them to the ground. They J: My dad told me that I could do whatever I wanted in life. He said that I
must work hard and never give up.
wanted that food! The men were terrified. They got up and ran into the
wardrobe, closing the door after them. When the police arrived, the dogs A: And the same question to you, Harry.
were barking angrily outside the wardrobe. The men were hiding inside it! H: My parents told me to stand up for what I believe in and always do my
P: Congratulations, Monica best.
N: said a police officer. A: Thanks. You’ve both been really helpful!
Mo: No problem, Track 18. Teacher’s Book. Unit 1 Listening Assessment. Activities 1
N: said Monica Li, Number 1 detective. and 2.
Mo: It’s just my job. MC = Mrs. Carlson, E = Elena, R = Ricky, N = Nick
Track 16 page 16. Exercise Book. Activity 2. MC: Hi everyone. In today’s lesson we’re talking about our best childhood
memories. So, Elena, can you tell us your best childhood memory?
These two people never imagined how much their lives would change. If E: Let’s see… erm… When I was younger I used to spend my summers
you want to know what they were like before being famous, read on to at my aunt’s house in the countryside. I remember her back garden was
find out! really big and my sister and I used to pick strawberries from the bushes.
Markiplier, born Mark Fischbach, used to be a member of his school’s They tasted so fresh. My aunt taught me how to cook. I can remember the
marching band. He used to play the trumpet. His family used to live in smells of my aunt baking and the fresh grass from the garden. I remember
Hawaii, but they moved to the state of Ohio after he was born. He used to hearing everyone laughing and having a good time. We used to sit in the
go to university, but he left his biomedical engineer studies to become a back garden after the sun went down. It was still hot but there was a cool
YouTuber. wind. My aunt, sister and I used to play board games for hours while we
Jenna Marbles, or Jenna Mourey, used to live in New York, but she listened to my cousin playing the guitar. I felt so happy.
moved to Boston after finishing high school in 2005. There, she studied MC: What’s your best memory, Ricky?
psychology. Before becoming a YouTuber, she used to work at a tanning R: Erm… one of my funniest memories was when I was in primary school.
salon. Once a YouTuber, she managed to become one of the web’s biggest We were having an art lesson. I was bored so I started playing with the
stars. art supplies, but somehow I got a small bead stuck in my ear. I couldn’t
hear for days. Then a week later I asked my mum if she could get it out.
Track 17 Teacher’s Book. Unit 1 Final Assessment. Activity 2. She shouted at me for ages, I remember hearing that! Then she tried to get
A = Andrew, J = Jessica, H = Harry it out, but couldn’t see anything. In the end we had to go to the hospital.
A: Hi guys! After that I never put anything near my ears again!
J: Oh hi, Andrew. What are you up to? MC: Nick, what can you remember?
A: I’m doing a project about my classmates, for school. Can I ask you two N: Well, I don’t know if this is one of my best memories but I remember it
some questions? really well. It still makes me laugh even now. When I was around 10 years
old, my best friend and I were playing at my house. For some reason, I
J: Er… sure. Go ahead. don’t remember why, we decided to cut each other’s hair. I went first. My
A: Jessica, what was your earliest memory? friend was cutting my hair when my sister walked in the room and saw
what we were doing. She was so surprised. I looked in the mirror and saw
my hair was all a different length. It was the funniest thing ever!

Transcripts Unit 1 91
Unit11 Writing Template


Use the template below to write a personal description. Pay attention to the aspects that are mentioned.

My Blog
Hi everyone!
My name’s Hanna and I’m from Denmark. I’m
13 years old and I live in Copenhagen with my
I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.
My school is near my house so I usually walk
there with my friends. My favourite subjects are
Drama and Art. I also like English, but I don’t like
Maths or Science.
My favourite hobby is dancing. I have classes
twice a week and I practise every day. I
sometimes enter competitions and occasionally
I win!
In my free time, I like shopping and going out
with my friends. I spend a lot of time on the
computer but I don’t watch TV very often. I
don’t play an instrument, or sing, but I love
listening to music.
I would love to chat to people from all over the
world, so please send me a message soon!

Material fotocopiable

92 Unit 1 Days Gone By

Unit 1 Speaking Template


Use the template below to prepare an oral presentation. Pay attention to how the speech is structured

• Good morning/afternoon classmates and teacher. Today I’ll talk to you about
Greeting pollution in Chile.

• Pollution is caused by harmful substances that damage the environment and affect
Introduction all species in a specific area.

• There are different kinds of pollution, but in Chile the most common is smog, which
is a mixture of different toxic gasses, fumes and chemicals that affect the air.
Body It may cause people to have respiratory problems.

• Smog is a huge issue in our country, but we can all contribute to the reduction in its
impact if we stop using and producing harmful substances for the environment. It
will help the planet and, therefore, us as a society.
Material fotocopiable

Writing Template / Speaking Template 93

Presentación Unidad 2 The People Around Us

La unidad The People Around Us se centra en las personas. La primera
lección, We Go Together, se enfoca en distintos conceptos de la amistad
y revisa vocabulario relacionado con descripción de personas, uso de
conectores y presente perfecto usando ever y never. La segunda lección, Nice
Work, revisa vocabulario relacionado con el trabajo y el uso del presente
perfecto usando how long, for and since. Tanto el TE como el CA incluyen
actividades para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas individuales y con
otros. Así, se refuerza el trabajo colaborativo, el pensamiento crítico y la
metacognición, por medio de feedback propio y grupal.

La unidad cuenta con dos secciones CLIL. En la primera lección, la sección

se enfoca en el OA 3 de la asignatura de Orientación de 1° medio, donde se
espera que los estudiantes puedan «evaluar, en sí mismos y en su entorno,
situaciones problemáticas y/o de riesgos». En esta actividad en particular,
los estudiantes leen poemas de autoestima y se cuestionan si el amor propio
es una necesidad básica o algo egoísta del ser humano. En tanto, la segunda
sección se centra en el OA 16 de 8° básico Matemáticas, donde se espera que
los estudiantes puedan «evaluar la forma en que los datos están presentados:
detectando manipulaciones de gráficos para representar datos». En esta
actividad, los estudiantes deben escuchar una noticia, registrar los datos
de esta y notar el error en el gráfico presentado (en este caso, diferencia de
ingresos entre hombres y mujeres), fomentando la comprensión auditiva y
su conocimiento previo de los gráficos, para luego crear su propia versión del
noticiero en base al ingreso mensual de una familia en Chile.

Ever and Never
Profesor, tiene a su disposición
2 The People Around Us material fotocopiable extra
Present Perfect No, actually, en las páginas 136 y 137, cuyo
Have you I have never been
ever seen the to a beach uso se le indicará en la clase
ocean this before.
close? correspondiente. También
cuenta con evaluaciones por
I have played the drums all day.
habilidad entre las páginas
(time?) PRESENT
162-169, templates de Writing
For and Since
Hey, have
Yes, I have y Speaking en las páginas 174 y
actually. I have
you ever been
How long
to another
been to Ecuador. 175 y lecturas extras tanto en
has Mr.
Chang been a el TE (GDD páginas 122-125)
como en la GDD (páginas 186-
Mr. Chang has been a teacher since 2013. 188) que puede utilizar cuando
Mr. Chang has been a teacher for 8 years. Oh, that’s cool! My best friend lives estime conveniente. Asimismo,
2013 2021 How long were there. We have been
you there? best friends puede usar la lámina de la
for 8 years.
up to now PRESENT Example unidad cuando lo necesite.
Laminas Ingles 1ºm_TOMO1_2021.indd 2 13-09-21 22:50

94 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Planificación Unidad 2 The People Around Us

Tiempo estimado: 10 semanas

Objetivo de
Eje Indicador de Evaluación Recurso de Apoyo
Identifican información general en los Identifican información específica
OA 1 textos escuchados. relacionada con el tema de la unidad.
Identifican palabras y frases clave Identifican expresiones de uso frecuente
OA 2 relacionadas con el tema de la unidad. relacionadas con el tema de la unidad y
Comunicación su significado en el texto escuchado. TE págs.34, 36, 37,
Oral 39, 43, 45, 47, 48,
Identifican tipo y propósito del texto 49, 56
escuchado y lo relacionan con el tema de
Comprensión OA 3 la unidad.Identifican a los hablantes y los
Auditiva relacionan con sus acciones y las situaciones CA págs. 22, 30, 32
en las que participan.
Hacen inferencias acerca de la información Comentan acerca de sus conocimientos
OA 4 específica al escuchar de acuerdo a imágenes sobre el tema del texto.
o el tema.
Usan varios recursos multimodales en forma Usan sonidos iniciales /tr/ y /dr/ en
OA 5 apropiada para mantener el interés. forma apropiada.
Usan conectores aprendidos con frecuencia; Identifican problemas en su TE págs.34, 35, 36,
Comunicación OA 6 por ejemplo: so that?, con apoyo. presentación y plantean metas para su 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
Oral próxima exposición. 43, 46, 47, 48, 49,
Participan en conversaciones breves en Formulan preguntas, generalmente 50, 51, 53, 54, 55
Expresión forma espontánea, expresando opinión, con ayuda.
OA 7 sentimientos y emociones, y los justifican, en
contextos formales e informales. CA págs. 23, 28, 32
Describen acciones pasadas. Usan palabras, expresiones de uso común,
OA 8 sinónimos y palabras compuestas.
Crean respuestas en forma escrita a textos Leen textos literarios y no literarios
leídos; por ejemplo: ampliar información apropiados a su nivel en forma
OA 9 acerca de una descripción. independiente, en silencio o en voz alta,
con alguna fluidez.
TE págs.34, 38, 39,
Reconocen características del texto de acuerdo Identifican la idea principal del texto 40, 41, 42, 43, 44,
OA 10 a su propósito. con apoyo de la o el docente; por 45, 46, 50, 52, 53
Comprensión ejemplo: completando esquemas.
Identifican el tema como una idea central Resumen la trama de una narración
OA 11 en cuentos breves y simples o en novelas o novela. CA págs.20, 24, 25,
adaptadas breves. 27, 29, 31, 32
Definen propósitos personales antes de leer, Hacen predicciones lógicas acerca del
OA 12 con apoyo de preguntas. contenido del texto, basados en su
conocimiento del tema.
Crean proyectos multimodales individuales o Escriben sobre desafíos y plantean
OA 13 en grupos. soluciones a aspectos del trabajo,
ahorro y cualidades personales.
Escriben un borrador con apoyo de un Revisan de acuerdo a un criterio de
OA 14 modelo, el docente o sus pares. evaluación con ayuda de sus pares. TE págs. 35, 38, 39,
41, 42, 44, 45, 46,
Expresión Escriben con variados propósitos (expresar
47, 49, 52, 54
Escrita opiniones, narrar, hacer conexiones,
OA 15 reaccionar).Usan prefijo -er, -ist, -ess en CA págs. 20, 21, 23,
palabras como teacher, dentist, waitress. 26, 28, 29, 30, 33
Describen acciones pasadas que continúan en Solicitan y dan información sobre la
el presente; por ejemplo: I have saved money duración de una actividad; por ejemplo:
OA 16 to buy a car. how long have you been friends? For
two years/since 2010.

Planificación 95

Orientaciones 2 The People

Around Us
U2 The People Around Us (págs. 32 y 33)
Objetivos de Aprendizaje Look and discuss
What does friendship
OA 1 al OA 16 mean to you?
Do you think it is
interesting to see the
passing of time through
Actitudes pictures? Why?/Why not?
Do you think friendships
OAA A – OAA B – OAA C – OAA D change over the years?
– OAA E How so?

Habilidades del siglo XXI 1981

Unit goals
• Pensamiento crítico
Describe actions in the past that
• Colaboración continue in the present.
• Creatividad Request and give information
about the duration of an activity.
• Literacidad Digital Use the connectors although and
Practise the initial /tr/ and /dr/
CLASE 15 sounds and sentence stress.
Write a biography and an
informal letter.
Create a disability awareness
Tiempo estimado campaign.
Use information technologies
90 minutos responsibly. 2021

Introducir la temática de la unidad por medio
de discusión grupal.

Recursos: 32

TE págs. 32 y 33
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 32 17-06-21 21:19

Gestión de la clase T: Do you think that a solid friendship can occur between people from
a different gender? Pídales que cuenten sus experiencias respecto de
Inicio 10 minutos la amistad. T: Do you have male and female friends? Who is your best
friend? Luego, indíqueles que en grupos discutan las preguntas de la
Pida a los estudiantes que miren las imágenes
página 32. Solicite a una persona del grupo que tome notas sobre la
y vean qué tienen en común. Deben notar
discusión. T: In groups, discuss the questions on page 32. One member
que en cada foto hay personas del mismo
of the group has to take notes. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes,
género. Para intencionar esta reflexión, haga
entregándoles retroalimentación. Una vez terminada la actividad,
preguntas que apunten a eso. T: What do the pídales que expongan sus conclusiones y respuestas a las preguntas.
pictures have in common? Are there men and Anote en la pizarra las ideas que se repitan. T: Share with the class the
women in all the pictures? conclusions you have reached after the discussion.
Indique que con las palabras anotadas en la pizarra deberán crear un mapa
Desarrollo 20 minutos conceptual sobre la amistad. Pídales que lo decoren y peguen en el muro.
Una vez que den con la idea, pregunte sobre la T: Using the words on the board, create a mind map about friendship. Be
amistad entre personas de distinto género. creative and decorate it. Then, put it on the wall for your classmates to see.

96 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Look and discuss
Se espera que los estudiantes reflexionen en
torno a la idea de amistad en general, y sobre
amistad y género. Luego, que elaboren un
mapa conceptual con sus ideas respecto de
la amistad.

Recurso Online
Muestre el cortometraje The Present
1992 en
watch?v=WjqiU5FgsYc para profundizar la
discusión de estas páginas. La idea es que
discutan sobre otros tipos de amistades y
cómo se pueden formar, como se muestra
en el video.


Retrieved from fiveyearphotos project.

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 33 17-06-21 21:19

Cierre 15 minutos
Pida a los estudiantes que, en grupos, lean los objetivos de la unidad
y escriban en su cuaderno qué consideran más fácil, más difícil y qué
estrategias usarán para lograr los objetivos propuestos. Señale que
al final de la unidad deberán volver a leer sus notas para chequear si
lograron sus objetivos y si sus estrategias fueron útiles. T: Read the unit
objectives on page 33. Write about which objectives are easier for you
and why, which objective is harder for you and why, and finally say
what strategies you would use to achieve these objectives. At the end of
the unit, check your development by reading your notes.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 97

We Go Together
L1 We Go Together (págs. 34 y 35)
CLASE 16 1 Scan the text and answer: Who are Lana and Noah?

2 Read the text and write, in your notebook:

a. when Lana and Noah met.
Tiempo estimado b. how old they are.

45 min clase + 45 min evaluación c. two reasons why they are such good friends.
d. what each other thinks about their relationship.
3 Read the text again and answer: What is the function of the connectors in bold?
Objetivos de la clase
4 Read the rules in the box below. Then, write a sentence using each connector, in your notebook.
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas
We use both ... and when two people/objects share something in common.
principales en un texto adaptado. e.g. I don’t have one best friend! Both Tamara and Ramiro are my best friends.
• Utilizar conectores en escritos breves. We use although to contrast surprising or unexpected information in a sentence.
• Escribir textos breves para describir e.g. Although it was raining, we went to the beach.
5 Share your sentences from Activity 4 with a classmate. Then, give them feedback.

TE págs. 34 y 35
CA pág. 20
Extra Material 1 pág. 136
To all the friends I’ve loved before
Lana Condor and Noah Centineo are inseparable. They make us think
Gestión de la clase they have known each other forever but, in fact, they only met just before
auditioning for the trendy 2018 film To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before!
They became friends behind the scenes. After they started working Noah
Inicio 15 minutos together, they both realised how caring the other one was. Besides this, Centineo
they share many other things in common.
Pregúnteles a los estudiantes si conocen a las Although they have only known each other for a short time, their
Lana Condor

personas de la foto central. T: Everyone, look connection is really strong.

at the picture. Do you know these people? Noah has mentioned many times that their friendship is so strong because
their perspectives on life are alike. Both Lana and Noah have previously
Who are they? What do they do? Luego, admitted to being romantics. They have also been able to maintain their
pídales que escaneen el texto para encontrar friendship because they believe in communication.

la información de la actividad 1. T: Scan

the text quickly and answer: Who are Lana
and Noah? Luego, indique que lean el texto 34 Unit 2. The People Around Us

y encuentren la información que se les pide

en la actividad 2. T: Read the text and find CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 34 17-06-21 21:19

the information from activity 2. Monitoree

el trabajo de los estudiantes. Pregunte las Desarrollo 45 minutos
respuestas de algunos y anótelas en la pizarra. Pida a los estudiantes que vuelvan al texto y descubran la función de los
Diga a los estudiantes que revisen sus propias conectores en negrita. T: Read the text again and guess the function of
respuestas. T: Let’s check some of your the connectors in bold. Luego, indique que lean las reglas en la actividad
answers. Then, check your own. 4 y que escriban en sus cuadernos una oración con cada conector.
T: Read the rules from activity 4 and write sentences using each
connector. Al finalizar, pídales que comparen sus respuestas. T: Share
your answers with a classmate. Monitoree el trabajo y, si es necesario,
entregue retroalimentación. Luego, pídales que discutan las preguntas
de la actividad 6. T: Discuss the questions from activity 6. Monitoree la
conversación de los estudiantes.

98 Unit 2 The People Around Us

6 Discuss.
a. Is it possible to develop a strong bond with someone in a short amount of time? Why? Give two reasons.
b. Have you ever had this type of bond with a friend? How did it form?

Checkpoint Solucionario
7 5 Follow the instructions from Extra Material 1 to create your own Instagram post describing one of
your friendships. Use the example below as a model. pág. 34
8 Correct it in groups and, if you want, post it online!
1. They are actors.
This is Valentina and me when we were 7! I never 2. a. They met on 2018.
thought I would have such a good friend.
We met in second grade. Although at first I b. They are in their twenties.
thought she was very serious, we started talking
and it turns out she was really funny. Both Vale c. They are caring and romantic.
and I love basketball. Actually, our team won the
championship last year! I hope she and I can be d. They think they are siblings
friends forever.
3. To link ideas.
4 y 5 Students’ own answers.
6 y 7 Students’ own answers.

Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
encontrar el significado de la palabra sibling
en el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
These sweet twenty-somethings have never spoken badly of one another. Lana has been
extremely supportive of Noah’s work. She believes her co-star will become a huge star someday
because people love him. Similarly, the young actor has worshipped Lana’s dramatic as well as
comedic talent for a long time.
Their chemistry is powerful because they treasure having the other one around. Although they
Errores frecuentes
share a special and unique bond, they are both dating other people. They make each other feel
younger and stronger when they are together. Both Lana and Noah believe they are siblings. El presente perfecto no es muy utilizado
en español y puede causar confusión. Se
Adapted from Why Lana Condor and Noah Centineo Swore Not To Date Each Other
sugiere utilizar la información del siguiente
link para aclarar:

p. 20 Lesson 1. We Go Together 35
No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 35 17-06-21 21:19
texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Cierre 30 minutos Book page 20.
Entregue la plantilla de post de Instagram del Extra Material 1 de
la pág. 136 a los estudiantes. T: You will receive an Instagram post
template. Pida que sigan las instrucciones del material para describir
una de sus amistades más importantes. T: You will describe one of
your friendships. Follow all the instructions from Extra Material
1. Al finalizar, solicite a los estudiantes que se junten en grupos e
intercambien su descripción entre ellos, para corregirla. T: Get together
in groups and exchange your descriptions. Correct them and give some
feedback. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y
dando retroalimentación.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 99
Language in Use Present Perfect: ever & never

L1 We Go Together (págs. 36 y 37) • We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our lives. The exact time or date is not important.
We form the present perfect with have/has + the past participle of the verb.
e.g. I have visited Villarrica Lake.

CLASE 17 My family has been extremely supportive of my work.

• We often use ever and never with the present perfect.
e.g. Have you ever slept over a friend’s house?
Tiempo estimado I have never seen Cloak & Dagger.
Grammar Reference Exercise Book p. 77
90 minutos
1 Look back at the text To All the Friends I’ve Loved Before. Find three sentences in the present perfect and
write them in your notebook.
Objetivos de la clase
2 Look at the actions below. Re-write them using the present perfect according to your own experiences,
• Identificar oraciones que utilizan el in your notebook.
presente perfecto. e.g. visit Spain – I have never visited Spain.

• Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales go mountain biking meet my friend’s family lie to a friend
e información explícita en textos orales eat fish stay over a friend’s house understand maths
adaptados. climb a tree write a story cheat on a test
• Expresar acciones utilizando el presente
perfecto. 3 Use the actions above to ask and answer questions. Ask follow-up questions.

Recursos Have you ever bought a gift

for a friend? Yes, I have. I bought one last weekend.
How about you?
TE págs. 36 y 37
No, I haven’t.
CA págs. 21 , 22 y 77
Audio Tracks 19, 20, 21, 22 y 23
4 Work with a different classmate. Tell him/her what your first classmate has and hasn’t done.
e.g. Cristina has bought a present. She bought one last weekend.
Gestión de la clase
Inicio 20 minutos
Pronunciation Sentence Stress
Lean en conjunto el cuadro para comprender
5 19 Listen and repeat the sentences.
el uso del presente perfecto. T: Let’s read
a. Have you ever ridden a b. Has she ever played c. They’ve never flown in a
together the Language in Use box. Dígales horse? the piano? plane.
que abran su Cuaderno de Actividades en
la página 77 para repasar las estructuras E B
36 Unit 2. The People Around Us p. 21
gramaticales en la sección Grammar reference.
T: Everyone, open your Exercise Books on CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 36 17-06-21 21:19

page 77. Let’s check the use of ever & never.

con la actividad de manera independiente. T: Now, read the following
sentence: buy a gift for a friend. In my case, my answer is “I have
Desarrollo 50 minutos bought a gift for a friend. Now, look at the other example “visit
Pídales que lean el texto de las págs 34 y 35 Spain.” In my case, I’d say that “I have never visited Spain.” Continue
de nuevo y desarrollen la actividad 1 de la the activity on your own. Luego, en parejas, pídales que realicen las
pág. 36. T: Take a look at the text from pages actividades 3 y 4. T: Now, do activity 3. Remember your answers from
34 and 35 again. Then, do activity 1 from activity 2 to do the dialogue. Then, switch to antoher classmate and
page 36. Antes de continuar, pregunte si tell them the answers from your previous partner. Follow the example
tienen claro el uso del presente perfecto. En from the Student’s Book. Monitoree su trabajo. Luego, reproduzca el
caso de que no sea así, explique nuevamente. audio 19 para revisar acentuación. T: Listen to the track and repeat
T: Do you have questions regarding the use the sentences using the correct stress. Ahora, indíqueles que discutan
of Present Perfect? Indíqueles que continúen sobre las imágenes de la actividad 1 de la página 37. T: Look at the
con las actividad 2. Escriba en la pizarra la pictures A-C, and in pairs, answer the questions from activity 1.
frase “buy a gift for a friend” y responda Indique a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio 21. Para esto, tienen
para su caso. Luego, pídales que continuen

100 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Lis ningg

A Twenty One Pilots B Paramore Solucionario

pág. 36
1 Look at the pictures A-C and answer.
a. Do you know these artists? C Francisca Valenzuela 1. - They have only known each other for a
b. What instruments can you identify in the pictures? short time.
2 21 Copy the following table in your notebook. Then, listen - Noah has mentioned many times that
to the first part of a band interview and complete the table.
their friendship is so strong because their
perspectives on life are alike.
The Sun Twins Biodata - Both Lana and Noah have previously
Names Josh Ricky admitted to being romantics.
Age … …
Nationality … …
2 - 5 Students’ own answers.
Instrument … …
The songs they write … …
Where they met … pág. 37
When they met …
1. Students’ own answers.
3 22 Listen to the second part of the interview. Complete the sentences in your notebook. 2. Josh: 24, British, guitar, rock songs, at
a. The Sun Twins have played…gigs in the USA. d. Their happiest time was when they... college in London, 2007.
b. The Sun Twins have recorded…albums. e. Josh says that they practise at ... Ricky: 25, American, drums, love songs,
c. The Glastonbury Festival was a disaster f. They said they’ve never … but they have … a
because… few times.
at college in London, 2007.
4 22 Listen again and check your answers as a class. 3. a. 16
5 Ask and answer questions about your favourite bands or singers. b. 1
Who’s your favourite singer?
It’s Dua Lipa. Have you c. it rained
ever heard of her?
d. they first played together
e. his dad’s garage
6 Discuss.
a. How can you nurture a friendship to make it b. Is it possible to mix friendship with business? f. argued - disagreed
strong and meaningful? Justify your answer.
4 - 6 Students’ own answers.
p. 22 Lesson 1. We Go Together 37

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 37 17-06-21 21:19
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
que copiar la tabla de la actividad 2 en sus cuadernos. T: Now, we’ll encontrar el significado de la palabra record
listen to a band interview. Copy the table from activity 2 in your en el glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
notebook and complete it while you listen. Reproduzca el audio para
revisar las respuestas. Pídales que lean la actividad 3 y reproduzca el
audio 22 para que complete las oraciones en sus cuadernos. T: Read No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
Activity 3. You’ll have to complete the sentences in your notebooks texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
while you listen to the second part of the interview. Pay attention. T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Vuelva a reproducir el audio 22 para revisar las respuestas. Para Book page pages 21 and 22.
la actividad 5, monitoree los diálogos de los estudiantes y provea
retroalimentación cuando sea necesario.

Cierre 20 minutos
Para la actividad 6, fomente la discusión entre los estudiantes,
resolviendo dudas y dando retroalimentación.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 101

CL Personal Development
L1 We Go Together (págs. 38 y 39) 1 Discuss.
a. Have you ever written a poem? If so, what was it about?

CLASE 18 b. Is self-love a basic need or something selfish? Why?

2 Read the following characteristics of haiku poems and answer: Have you ever read one before?

Tiempo estimado A Haiku is a type of poem that contains three lines and 17 syllables.
Each line has a different number of syllables:
45 min clase + 45 min evaluación Line 1 – 5 syllables
Line 2 – 7 syllables
Line 3 – 5 syllables
Objetivos de la clase
• Participar en interacciones para expresarse 3 Read the following haiku poems and answer: What do you think the message is in each poem?
con claridad y fluidez.
• Escribir textos creativos breves. Self-love Haiku Haiku for self-esteem Self-love Haiku
I went seeking love Absolutely not, This is who I am

Recursos kept looking outside myself because I deserve better. I will not apologize
found it here inside Not now. Not ever. because I’m perfect
TE págs. 38 y 39 Retrieved from Hello Poetry, Poem Hunter, and Power Poetry

CA págs. 23 y 24
Audio Tracks 24 y 25 4 Read the haiku poems again and answer: What do you think the authors experienced in the past?
Write your ideas in your notebook. Then, compare with a classmate.
Extra Material 2 pág. 138
5 Discuss.
Formative Assessment L1 pág. 144
a. In what ways are the poems different?
b. Is it positive to always put others first? Why? / Why not?
Gestión de la clase c. What makes you feel complete? Is your answer different from your classmates’? How so?

Inicio 5 minutos
Lea las preguntas de la actividad 1 a sus 6 Write a haiku about one of the following topics. Use Extra Material 2 as guidance.
estudiantes. Fomente la discusión. T: Let’s Then, share with the class.

discuss the questions from Activity 1. Share a. Relationships c. Perseverance e. Letting go of the past

your ideas. b. Self-esteem d. Hopes for the future f. Growing up

Desarrollo 30 minutos
38 Unit 2. The People Around Us
Dígales a sus estudiantes que esta es una
sección especial donde verán contenidos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 38 17-06-21 21:19
relacionados al ramo de Orientación. T: This
is a special section where we’ll review a topic answers. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes. Monitoree la discusión
related to Personal Development. Guíe la de la actividad 5 e incentívelos a profundizar con más preguntas.
discusión de las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: How did you feel while reading the haikus? Do you agree with their
T: Discuss the questions from activity 1. Lean message? Luego, pídales que creen su propio haiku usando uno de los
en conjunto las reglas de un haiku. Luego, temas dados en la actividad 6. Para esto, entregue el modelo de haiku del
escriba en la pizarra el haiku de Self-love la Extra Material 2 de la pág. 138 para que los estudiantes se guíen.
actividad 3 y muéstreles a los estudiantes T: Create your own haiku poem. Use this model. Revise como clase.
como se aplica la regla a dicho haiku. T: These Ahora, indique a los estudiantes que vayan a la página 39, miren las
are the rules to make a haiku. Now, let’s fotografías A-C y discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: Go to page
analyse this haiku and see the rules applied 39 and look at pictures A-C. Then discuss the questions from activity
here. Luego, indíqueles que las actividades 1. Para la actividad 2, reproduzca el audio 24 dos veces. T: You will
3 y 4 las harán individualmente y que luego listen to Leon’s bad day. Write one excuse he gives in each situation in
compararán sus respuestas. T: Do activities your notebook. Then, compare your answer with a classmate. Indique
3 and 4 individually. Then compare your que lean las situaciones de la actividad 4 y creen una excusa para cada

102 Unit 2 The People Around Us

1 Look at pictures A-C and discuss.
a. What do you think Leon did wrong in each situation?
b. Have you ever had a bad day? If so, mention two events from that day.

A B C Solucionario
pág. 38
1 - 6 Students’ own answers.
Leon Lily David

pág. 39
2 24 Listen to Leon’s bad day. Write one excuse he gives for each situation, in your notebook.
1. Students’ own answers.
e.g. A: Leon forgot his mobile phone so he couldn’t text Lily.

3 Compare your answers for Activity 2 with a classmate.

2. A: Leo couldn’t find his mobile so he
4 Read the following situations. Write an excuse for each situation in your notebook.
couldn’t call Lily.
e.g. I’m sorry. I’m afraid I’ve lost your notebook. B: Leo was late during the morning, so
he forgot to check his bag. C: Leon’s was
you didn’t go to your friend’s party you borrowed your friend’s notebook, and you going to get the dictionary, so his bag hit
can’t find it anywhere
the vase and broke it.
you arrived late at school you forgot your friend’s birthday
3 – 7 Students’ own answers.
you said something mean about a friend you ruined your friend’s pencil case

Your Turn to Speak Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
5 Discuss some common mistakes you’ve made at school. Write the most frequent ones in encontrar el significado de las palabras
your notebook.
deserve y seek en el glosario de su TE
6 Work with a classmate. Imagine they made one of the mistakes you wrote down for Activity 5 and
let them apologise. Then, accept their apology. After you finish, switch roles.
(págs. 110-113).
Hey Mica, you are really
late to class. I’m so sorry. I had to help
my grandma today.
Oh, it’s all right!
Puede extender la reflexión de los estudiantes
7 Present the dialogue from Activity 6 to your class. Identify your areas of improvement,
en cuanto a los haikus, utilizando más
in your notebook. ejemplos de dichos poemas. Se sugiere utilizar
E B la información del siguiente link: https://
p. 23 Lesson 1. We Go Together 39
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 39 17-06-21 21:19

una de ellas. T: Now, read the situations from activity 4, and create
an excuse for each one of them. Indique a los estudiantes que escriban Formative Assessment L1
sobre sus errores más frecuentes dentro de la escuela. Aplique la evaluación formativa de la pág.
T: Write about your most common mistakes at school. 144 para medir los conocimientos que
sus estudiantes tienen hasta ahora sobre
Cierre 10 minutos la nueva lección. T: Now, you are going to
answer a test for Lesson 2 to see how much
Luego, pídales que creen una miniconversación utilizando
you know so far.
las instrucciones de la actividad 6. T: In pairs, create a brief
conversation following the instructions from activity 6. La
idea es que presenten el diálogo frente a la clase y que reciban No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
retroalimentación de la clase. T: Prepare your dialogue to present texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
it in front of your classmates. Identify where you can improve and T: For further practice go to your Exercise
receive feedback from your classmates. Book page page 23.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 103


L1 We Go Together (págs. 40 y 41) 1 Discuss.

a. How are friends different from family?

CLASE 19 b. What is the best thing someone can do for a friend?

2 Scan the text below. Identify the characters of the legend and write them in your notebook.

3 Read the first part of the legend Damon and Pythias. Then, answer the questions in your notebook.

Tiempo estimado a. What is the legend about?

b. Who were Damon and Pythias?
90 minutos
c. What did Dionysius think Pythias would do?
d. What does Damon offer to do?
Objetivos de la clase
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas
principales en una leyenda simple.
Damon and Pythias
• Presentar información en forma oral.
The city of Syracuse was once ruled
• Crear textos en base a información leída. by a clever but very cruel man called
Dionysius. It is said that he was harsh
and cruel because he could not
Recursos trust his people, and because the
Syracusans hated him. One day, he
TE págs. 40 y 41 suspected a certain Greek called
Pythias would betray him and his
CA págs. 24 y 25 anger was so terrible that he arrested
Pythias and sentenced him to death.

Gestión de la clase Pythias begged to be allowed to

go say farewell to his family and to
leave his affairs in order, with the condition that had a friend, named Damon, who would stay
Inicio 15 minutos he would return on time for his sentence to as guarantee that he would return on time.
be enforced. Dionysius laughed at his request, Damon came forward and swore that he would
saying that once he was safely out of Syracuse,
Discutan en plenario las preguntas de la he would never return. Pythias replied that he
suffer death himself if Pythias did not return as
promised. Dionysius consented to let Pythias go.
actividad 1. Puede incentivar la discusión
con nuevas preguntas. T: Let’s discuss the
questions in activity 1: Do you consider 4 Check your answers for Activity 3 as a class.
yourself a good friend? Why? 5 Discuss.
a. What do you think about Pythias?
Desarrollo 60 minutos b. Do you believe what Damon did was right? Justify your answer.
c. Would you do the same for a friend?
Indique que realicen las actividades 2
y 3 individualmente en sus cuadernos.
40 Unit 2. The People Around Us
T: Do activities 2 and 3 on you own in
your notebooks. Discutan las respuestas CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 40 17-06-21 21:19

en conjunto para la actividad 3. T: Now,

share your answers for activities 2 and 3. Recuérdeles que deben escribir el resumen en su cuaderno utilizando las
Monitoree el trabajo resolviendo dudas que palabras descritas en la actividad. T: Remember to write your summary
surjan y tome nota de sus respuestas en la in your notebooks using the words in activity 7. Monitoree la actividad
pizarra. Pídales que discutan las preguntas y chequee que el resumen dado sea el correcto.
de la actividad 5. T: Discuss the questions
from activity 5 in pairs. Fomente una
conversación sensata, en especial para la
pregunta c. Indique que realice la actividad
6 individualmente. T: Do activity 6 on your
own in your notebooks. Revise en conjunto
las respuestas de los estudiantes. Anótelas
en la pizarra. T: Let’s check your answers.
Lea las instrucciones de la actividad 7.

104 Unit 2 The People Around Us

6 Read the second part of the legend. Then, decide if the sentences are true or false.
Correct the false sentences in your notebook.
a. Damon was worried that Pythias would leave him to die.
b. Pythias returned just before the deadline.
c. When Pythias returned, the first thing he did was hug Dionysius.
d. Dionysius pardoned them and let them go.

pág. 40
Time went on. The day established for Pythias’ return drew nearer and nearer, but he still had
not returned. The Syracusans told Damon that he would have to die for his faithless friend.
1. Students’ own answers.
However, Damon showed no anxiety. At last, the day and hour upon which Pythias was
condemned to die came. But a few minutes before the fatal time, Pythias rushed in and hugged
2. Dionysius, Pythias, Damon.
his friend. He then came forward to take Damon’s place. Dionysius was so struck by the behaviour
of the two men that he pardoned Pythias. He also begged the men to be a third in their
3. a. It’s about a mean emperor and
friendship. friendship.
Adapted from Golden Deeds: Stories from History
b. They were two friends.
c. That he would betray him.
7 Read the legend again. Then, close your book and summarise the story in your notebook using the d. He offered to die in Pythias’ place
words below. Read your summary to a classmate.
4 y 5 Students’ own answers.
friend tyrant trust death
pág. 41
journey forgive pardon time 6. a. False. He was calmed.
b. True.
8 Discuss.
c. True.
a. What is the main theme of the legend?
d. True.
b. What title would you give this legend? Why?
c. What do you think Dionysius thought about Damon and Pythias’ friendship? 7 - 9 Students’ own answers.
d. Do you think the author left the ending open on purpose? Justify your answer.

Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
9 Create an ending for the legend and role-play it.
a. Imagine the answer Damon and Pythias gave to Dionysius when he asked to be their friend.
encontrar el significado de las palabras
b. Brainstorm ideas on whether they said yes or no and justify each idea. betray y harsh en el glosario de su TE
c. Write down the final scene of the legend and assign roles. (págs. 110-113).
d. Practise the scene and then role-play it for the class.
e. Evaluate each ending based on what you have read, characterisation, main theme of the legend, etc.
Then, choose the best one as a class!
Manejo de grupo
pp. 24-25 Lesson 1. We Go Together 41 Asigne roles a los estudiantes para
mejorar su aprendizaje en trabajos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 41 17-06-21 21:19 grupales. Se sugiere un vocero, un
secretario y un moderador. El vocero
Cierre 15 minutos resolverá dudas con el profesor, el
secretario tomará apuntes y el moderador
Luego, pida que se junten en grupos y creen un final alternativo a la
dirigirá la discusión. De esta forma, el
leyenda, siguiendo las instrucciones de la actividad 9. Indique que
trabajo se verá dividido y todos aportarán
deberán asignar roles y presentarlo a la clase. T: Get together in groups.
al producto final. T: I will assign roles to
Create an alternative ending for the legend. Assign roles and then
your group before we start. With these
role-play your ending to the class. Organice la presentación de los
roles, everyone will have a different task
estudiantes. Pídales que pongan atención a las presentaciones de sus
to contribute to the final product.
compañeros, ya que deberán elegir el mejor final. T: Now, pay attention
to your classmates’ presentations. Choose the best ending as a class.

No olvide profundizar los contenidos del

texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Book pages 24 and 25.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 105

Writing A Biography

L1 We Go Together (págs. 42 y 43) 1 Answer the questions in your notebook.

a. Have you ever read a biography? Who was it about?
b. What information is important to include in a biography?

CLASE 20 2 Read the biography below, identify the key information from each paragraph, and write it in your notebook.

The title is the name Alex Armijo

Tiempo estimado of the person. by Camilo Rodríguez G.

Alex was born on 20 November in the Los Lagos Region. He lived with his
45 min clase + 45 min evaluación grandma and his younger sister, Ana. Alex is very active, so he has tried various
The first and sports in his life. His dream was to become a professional football player, so he
second paragraphs has worked hard to make it come true.
Objetivos de la clase include the person’s
In 5th grade, Alex met his all-time best friend, Camilo. They joined a football
team together at school. Later, Alex enrolled in the Colo-Colo football academy
• Escribir una biografía en base a un modelo. information.
because he was an exceptional player. He has lived in Santiago ever since. In 8th
• Discutir acerca de problemáticas en el grade, his dog Toby died, so he invented a special gesture to commemorate
Toby. Whenever he scores a goal, he remembers his dog during the match and
colegio y de cómo resolverlas. The third paragraph
dedicates the goal to him.
includes information
about the person’s In addition to his football career, Alex is an environmetally friendly person.
Recursos current activities and
In 9th grade, his team started a project to clean the beaches in the fifth region
once a month. He says he has learnt a lot about eco-friendliness.
TE págs. 42 y 43 Alex is in 10th grade now. I love and admire him because he is preparing to
The final paragraph continue with his football career, and his love for our planet is enormous.
CA pág. 26 serves as a way I’m proud to be his friend.
of giving a brief Editorial Creation
Video de BTS para pág. 43 opinion about the
person. Use adjectives to describe the person’s traits.
Remember to use the Present Perfect for
mo5vA7tw activities that continue in the present time.

Final Assessment L1 pág 148

Rúbrica Final Assessment L1 pág. 152

Gestión de la clase Your Turn to Write

Inicio 10 minutos 3 Write a friend’s biography. Answer the questions in your notebook to help you write the biography.
a. When was he/she born? d. What did he/she like as a child?

Pida a los estudiantes que respondan las b. Where was he/she born? e. What are his/her dreams for the future?

preguntas de la actividad 1 en sus cuadernos. y c. Who are the people close to him/her? f. What does he/she do in his/her free time?

que revisen en parejas. T: Answer the questions 4 Now, go to your Exercise Book to write your friend’s biography.

from activity 1 in your notebooks. Then, share E B

and compare your answers with a classmate. 42 Unit 2. The People Around Us p. 26

Desarrollo 30 minutos CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 42 17-06-21 21:19

Indique a los estudiantes que lean la biografía Al finalizar el texto, pida a los estudiantes que, en grupos, vayan a la
de la actividad 2 e identifiquen la información página 43. Para este Review, tendrán que analizar una campaña de
principal en cada párrafo. Pida que escriban las Naciones Unidas relacionada con la amistad. Es importante que la
dicha información en sus cuadernos. discusión se enfoque en diferentes dimensiones. T: In groups go to page
T: Read the biography. Identify the main 43. Discuss the questions from activity 1. Remember to support your
information from each paragraph in your answers with examples. Previo a la lectura, pida que busquen palabras
notebooks Indíqueles que se junten en parejas que no conozcan para poder guiar la lectura. Luego, indique que lean el
para hacer la actividad 3 y que respondan las texto y que respondan las preguntas en sus cuadernos. T: Now, look for
preguntas en sus cuadernos. T: For activity words you do not know from the text and let’s find out their meaning
3, work in pairs. Answer the questions in together. Then, read the UN campaign for friendship. Answer the
your notebooks. Luego, pídales que vayan a questions in your notebooks. Revise la comprensión del texto revisando
la página 26 de su Cuaderno de Actividades las preguntas de la actividad 2 como clase. Para la actividad 3, verán
para escribir la biografía. T: Now, go to your un video de BTS para la campaña del día de la amistad. Es un video
page 26 in your Exercise Books, follow the con contenido potente, por lo que debe monitorear las reacciones de
instructions and complete your biography. los estudiantes. Pídales que tomen nota de lo pedido en sus cuadernos

106 Unit 2 The People Around Us

ev ie
1 Discuss.
a. Do you know of any campaigns at schools? Name two.
b. Is it important to have friends at school? Give two reasons for your answer.
2 Read the UN campaign for friendship from 2019. Then, answer the questions in your notebook.
a. What problem is the campaign trying to address? pág. 42
b. Why is friendship used for this campaign?
1 - 4 Students’ own answers.
International Day of Friendship 30 July
pág. 43
Our world faces many challenges, crises and us all, and generate passion for a better world
forces of division that undermine peace, security, where all are united for the greater good. 1. Students’ own answers.
development and social harmony among the
world’s peoples. To confront these crises and
Worldwide, some 150 million students, half of 2. a.  It adresses the ending of violence in
all students 13 to 15 years of age, have reported
challenges, their causes must be addressed by
experiencing peer-to-peer violence in and around schools.
promoting and defending a shared spirit
of human solidarity that takes
schools. For the observance of International b. Because through friendship you
Day of Friendship, UNICEF has released an
many forms — the simplest of
exclusive BTS video that calls on young create a safety net.
which is friendship.
people to brighten someone’s day with
kindness (either in real life or on the
3. a.  Physical violence, cyber-bullying,
Through friendship we
can contribute to the internet, and sharing it for others to isolation.
fundamental shifts that are see), as part of UNICEF’s campaign to
urgently needed to achieve #ENDviolence in and around schools. b. Sadness, loneliness, happiness.
lasting stability, create a Adapted from International Day of Friendship
30 July UN website
c. Send a kind message to someone who
safety net that will protect
may be a victim of violence.
3 Watch the BTS “Love myself, share love” video for this campaign. 4 - 5 Students’ own answers.
Make notes in your notebook of:
a. examples of violence shown in the video. Watch the BTS video at
b. the emotions shown in the video. Glosario
c. the message the video is trying to convey.
4 Compare your answers as a class and discuss: Are campaigns like this important? Give your opinion.
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
encontrar el significado de las palabras enroll,
Think Back achieve, convey, peer, trait y undermine en el
glosario de su TE (págs. 110-113).
45 Think about the lesson and answer.
a. What did you learn in this lesson? / How did you learn it?
b. What was the easiest or most difficult for you to learn in this lesson?
c. What can you do to improve your learning? Ritmos diferentes
Para la sección Review, divida a la clase en
Lesson 1. We Go Together 43 grupos para que trabajen las actividades 2,
3 y 4. De esta manera, los estudiantes con
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7145.indd 43 17-06-21 21:19 mejor comprensión lectora pueden apoyar a
los que presenten dificultades.
mientras ven el video. Modere la discusión con respecto a las campañas.
Pregunte también si les gustó la campaña o no y si tuvo algún impacto
en ellos. T: We’ll watch a video by BTS. Write the information
Final Assessment L1
requested in activity 3 in your notebooks. Then, compare your answer
as a class. Now, let’s discuss: Did you like the campaign? Do you believe Aplique la evaluación sumativa de la pág.
it has the impact it is supposed to have? Do you believe campaigns like 148 para medir los conocimientos de sus
this work? Why/Why not? estudiantes sobre la lección 1 (rúbrica pág.
152). T: Now, you are going to answer a test
Cierre 5 minutos for Lesson 1 to see how much you learnt.
Pida a los estudiantes que hagan la actividad 5 en parejas y que
luego compartan sus respuestas con el resto de la clase. Fomente la
El ejercicio de Writing debe hacerse en el
metacognición y la justificación de las respuestas para cada pregunta.
cuaderno de actividades.
T: Get together in pairs and answer the questions in the Think Back
T: Remember to do the Writing activity in
section. Share and justify your answers with the class.
your Exercise Book, page 26.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 107


Nice Work
L2 Nice Work (págs. 44 y 45) Reading
CLASE 21 1 Read the job advert and discuss.
a. What do you think a caretaker is? b. Would you live on an island? Why? / Why not?

Tiempo estimado NOW HIRING FO


90 minutos THE BEST JOLBD!

Objetivos de la clase Have you got a
spirit of adventure?
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas Would you like your job to be like a dream holiday? We
need an Island Caretaker for Hamilton Island, Australia,
in the world-famous Great Barrier Reef. It’s a unique
principales en un texto adaptado. opportunity!
BestJobsEver: “Recruiting the best people since 2009.”
• Utilizar vocabulario relacionado con el Editorial Creation

trabajo para describir personas. 2 Read the information about the job posting and make notes, in your notebook, about:
• Expresar ideas utilizando palabras • Length of employment • Salary
compuestas. • Experience • Accommodation

• Escribir textos breves para describir Being a caretaker is not an exciting job. You are over 2 years (any experience will do, even videos
normally responsible for a building, maybe a uploaded to social media). The pay? Well, it is about
situaciones. school, or an apartment block. But in Australia, 95 million Chilean pesos for 6 months!
there is an opportunity to become the caretaker The caretaker will live in a comfortable three-
Recursos of a beautiful tropical island for six months. What
are the requirements? The applicant must have
bedroom house with a swimming pool. Don’t wait
too long to apply. The last time this job became
written weekly blogs for at least a year and have vacant, there were about 35,000 job applicants
TE págs. 44 y 45 experience taking photos and filming videos for from all over the world.
Editorial Creation
CA pág. 27
3 Read the job posting and information again. Then, discuss.

Gestión de la clase a. Is this the best job in the world? Why? / Why not?
b. Would you apply for this job? Give two reasons for your answer.
Inicio 15 minutos 4 Read the description below. Then, write other compound nouns in your notebook.

Antes de hacer la actividad 1, pídales a los Compound nouns consist of two words put together. Some can be written as one word, while others are
estudiantes que discutan sobre la imagen. two separate words.
e.g. care + taker = caretaker / wheel + chair = wheelchair
T: What do you think about the landscape?
bus + driver = bus driver / theme + park = theme park
What would you like to do there? Discuss the
questions in activity 1.
44 Unit 2. The People Around Us
Indique que lean el texto individualmente
y respondan a la actividad 2. T: Read the CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 44 17-06-21 21:19

text individually and take notes about the

information asked. Incentive la discusión de Desarrollo 60 minutos
la actividad 3 agregando preguntas: Are there
similar jobs you know? Monitoree el trabajo Indique que lean el texto individualmente y respondan a la actividad
de los estudiantes. 2. T: Read the text individually and take notes about the information
asked. Incentive la discusión de la actividad 3 agregando preguntas: Are
there similar jobs you know? Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes.
Lea en conjunto la descripción sobre sustantivos compuestos. Agregue
ejemplos a los indicados para extraer sus conocimientos previos.
T: Other examples are haircut, bedroom, boyfriend, etc. Now write
other compound nouns you know in your notebooks. Indique que
las actividades 5, 6 y 7 las desarrollen en parejas. T: In pairs, do
activities 5, 6 and 7. Monitoree la conversación de los estudiantes,
incentive la discusión y entregue retroalimentación. Pida que escriban
una descripción de tres líneas de uno de los trabajos del listado que
escribieron. Indique que no mencionen el nombre del trabajo en dicha

108 Unit 2 The People Around Us

5 Look at the words in the box from Activity 7 below and answer the questions.
a. Do you know any of these jobs? Describe two.
b. Which jobs are compound nouns? How did you know?
6 Make a list of the jobs in your notebook. Look up the jobs you do not know in a dictionary.

7 Match the jobs from the box with their definitions A-F, in your notebook. Solucionario
e.g. A: Firefighter
pág. 44
accountant actor/actress businessperson cook dentist doctor farmer firefighter
journalist lifeguard nurse photographer pilot salesperson scientist teacher technician
1 – 4 Students’ own answers.
tour guide translator veterinarian waiter/waitress

A B C pág. 45
My job can be dangerous. I look after sick people and do I keep records of money
I stop fires and rescue people surgeries. I work in a hospital and finance. I’m good 5 y 6 Students’ own answers.
and drive a large vehicle. and wear special clothes. at maths.
7. a. firefighter.
My job is to help people I work maintaining the I work flying airplanes and b. doctor.
visit unfamiliar areas during safety of swimmers at taking people to different
special trips. beaches or pools. destinations. c. accountant.
8 Now, choose a job that was not defined in Activity 7 and write a three-line description for it in
d. tour guide.
your notebook. Then, read your description to a classmate so they can guess the job. e. lifeguard.
Checkpoint f. pilot.
9 5 Play the Memory Train game in teams. 8 y 9 Students’ own answers.
a. Define the order of the players in the game (e.g. Player 1, Player 2, etc.)
b. Look at the jobs in Activity 7 again. You have 5 minutes to try to memorise them.
c. Close your book when the teacher tells you.
d. Starting with Player 1, name one of the jobs. Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
e. Then, Player 2 repeats the job Player 1 said and says a different job.
encontrar el significado de las palabras reef,
f. If a player makes a mistake, you have to start again. You have 3 minutes to try to say them all.
accountant, businessperson, farmer, firefighter,
g. The team that says the most number of jobs in a single streak wins!
journalist, lifeguard, nurse, salesperson,
Player 1: teacher technician, tour guide, translator y waiter/
Player 2: teacher, nurse waitress en el glosario de su TE
Player 3: teacher, nurse, farmer…
(págs. 110-113).

p. 27 Lesson 2. Nice Work 45 No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 45 17-06-21 21:19
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Book page 27.
descripción. T: Write a three-line description of one of the jobs from
your list. Do not mention which job it is. Luego, pídales que se reúnan
en parejas y lean la descripción a su compañero, para que este adivine
qué trabajo fue descrito. T: Get together in pairs and read to each other
your description. Your classmate must guess which job is it.

Cierre 15 minutos
Para finalizar, indique a los estudiantes que deben jugar Memory
train en grupos de cuatro personas. Mencione que sigan las
instrucciones del juego que están en la actividad 9. T: You will
play Memory Train. Get together in groups of 4 and follow the
instructions from activity 9. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes,
resolviendo dudas y dando retroalimentación.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 109

Language in Use Present Perfect: How long, for & since

L2 Nice Work (págs. 46 y 47) • We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about activities or situations that started in the past
and continue in the present.
e.g. We’ve worked at this company for 8 years.

CLASE 22 •
Pablo hasn’t played football since September.
We use How long to ask questions.
e.g. How long have you played the drums?
Grammar Reference Exercise Book p. 77
Tiempo estimado
90 minutos 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below, in your notebook. Use for and since.

be live not do not drink own use

Objetivos de la clase
• Demostrar comprensión del uso de
expresiones en presente perfecto.
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas generales
d. Bern and Theo
e información explícita en textos orales e.g. Emily and a. Jake … in Los b. Brian … any c. Lauren … her
… any water
Kate have Angeles … exercise … ten car … 2016.
adaptados. been friends three months. years. … two days.
since 1970.

2 Use the prompts to write questions with How long, in your notebook.
TE págs. 46 y 47 e.g. How long have you lived in your current home?
CA págs. 28, 29 y 77
be awake today study English have your school bag know your best friend
Audio Tracks 26, 27, 28, 29 y 30 be in this class have your mobile phone live in your current home

Gestión de la clase 3 Ask and answer the questions from Activity 3. Use for and since when answering the questions.

Inicio 15 minutos How long have you had your school bag?

I’ve had it for about six months. What about you?

Lean el cuadro de Language in use. Mencione
el uso del presente perfecto. T: Let’s read I’ve had my bag since Christmas.
together the use of Present Perfect in the
Language in Use box. 4 Now, create your own questions. Ask and answer the questions with your classmate.
Dígales que abran su Cuaderno de Actividades
en la página 77 para repasar las estructuras
gramaticales en la sección Grammar reference. 46 Unit 2. The People Around Us p. 28
T: Everyone, open your Exercise Books on
page 77. Let’s check the use of how long, CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 46 17-06-21 21:19

for and since. Puede ir al recuadro de

Profundización para esto y mostrar y ejercitar las dudas que surjan. Repita lo mismo para las actividades 2 y 3,
con los videos descritos en dicha cápsula monitoreando el diálogo para el ver el correcto uso de las estructuras
para asegurarse que hayan entendido bien la de esta sección. Luego, pida que en parejas realicen una conversación
diferencia en el uso de for and since. creando sus propias preguntas. T: In pairs, create a conversation
using your own questions. Ahora, pídales que pasen a la página 47 y
Desarrollo 60 minutos que hagan el ejercicio 1 en parejas. T: Look at the picture on page 47
and guess the jobs. Dígales que escucharán la intro a un programa de
Indíqueles que continúen con la actividad 1.
televisión en el audio 26 y que deben anotar las reglas el juego en sus
T: Read the instructions for activity 1. Then,
cuadernos (actividad 2). Luego, revise las respuestas con la clase.
read the box and the verbs. Do you have
T: We’ll listen to the intro of a TV programme. Make note of the rules
any questions related to these verbs? If not,
in your notebook. Then, we’ll check the answers as a class. Lea la
complete the sentences using the Present
instrucción de la actividad 3 y pídales que respondan en sus cuadernos.
Perfect and for/since in your notebooks.
Luego reproduzca el audio 27. T: Now, listen to the second part of
We’ll check the answers as a class. Monitoree
the programme and do activity 3. Con la información que ya tienen,
el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo
pregúnteles si ya saben qué trabajo tiene el mystery guest. Revise la

110 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Lis ningg
tenin What’s the Job?

pág. 46
1. a. Jake has lived in Los Angeles for three
1 Look at the pictures above and answer: Can you guess the jobs? How did you know? b. B
 rian hasn’t done any exercise for ten
e.g. I think the first one is a firefighter because he’s holding a hose . years.
2 26 Listen to the introduction of the TV programme What’s the Job? Make notes of the rules in
c. Lauren has owned her car since 2016.
your notebook.
d. Bern and Theo haven’t drunk any
3 27 Listen to the second part of the programme and decide if the sentences are true or false.
Correct the false sentences in your notebook. water for two days.
a. Ben works indoors. e. He doesn’t have to wear special clothes. 2 - 4 Students’ own answers.
b. He doesn’t work in an office. f. He has to work with other people.
c. He uses special equipment in his job. g. His job is stressful.
d. He has to use a computer. h. It’s a dangerous job. pág. 47
4 Based on the answers in Activity 3, guess the job of the mystery guest. 1 y 2 Students’ own answers.
5 28 Listen to the last part of the programme and check your answer. 3. a. True.
6 Now, imagine you are the interviewer on What’s the Job?. Write six more questions in your notebook. b. False. He does, but he doesn’t have to.
e.g. Do you need any qualifications? / Do you work with children?
c. False. He has to wear special clothes.
7 Play What’s the Job?.
d. True. True
a. One student chooses a job and the others ask questions.
b. Ask for repetition or clarification of the questions if necessary. f. False. It’s not but he works with hot things.
e.g. Do you work with food? -> I’m sorry, could you repeat the question please? 4. Ben’s a chef.
c. Remember to follow the rules!
5 - 7 Students’ own answers.
Do you wear a uniform to work?
No, I don’t.
Do you have to drive fast cars?

Yes, I do.
Profundice la explicación del uso de for / since:
se usa for para indicar un período en el tiempo y
p. 29 Lesson 2. Nice Work 47
since para indicar un punto en el tiempo. Muestre
los siguientes videos como apoyo:
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 47 17-06-21 21:19
y watch?v=Gy2cth4Iz0E
respuesta reproduciendo el audio 28. T: Everyone, raise your hand to
tell me what job you think the mystery guest has. Listen and check if
you were right. No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
Cierre 15 minutos T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Pida que escriban seis preguntas más para preguntar What’s the job? Book pages 28 and 29.
Indique que las escriban en su cuaderno. T: Write 6 questions in your
notebook to ask What’s the job? Luego, pida que, agrupados en parejas,
desarrollen el juego de la actividad 7. Indique que deben seguir todas las
instrucciones entregadas. T: Get together in pairs to play the game in
activity 7. Follow all the instructions given in the activity. Monitoree el
trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y dando retroalimentación.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 111

CL Maths
L2 Nice Work (págs. 48 y 49) 1 Search for the words below in a dictionary. Write their definitions in your notebook.
a. workforce b. survey c. income d. workplace e. average

CLASE 23 2 30 Listen to a news report and answer the questions in your notebook.

a. What is the news report about?

b. When was the study carried out?
Tiempo estimado c. What does the study state about men and women?
45 min clase + 45 min evaluación 3 30 Listen to the news report again and make notes of the figures mentioned, in your notebook.

4 Look at the graph below. Based on your notes from Activity 3, is the graph correct? If not, correct
Objetivos de la clase the information in your notebook. Then, check as a class.

• Participar en interacciones para expresarse

Men and Women’s Salaries in 2018
con claridad y fluidez. 700,000

• Escribir textos creativos breves (noticias).



Recursos 400,000

Chilean Pesos
300,000 Women

TE págs. 48 y 49 200,000 Average

CA pág. 30 100,000

800.000 0

Audio Tracks 30, 31, 32, 33 y 34 Monthly Income

Retrieved from Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingresos (INE, 2018)

Extra Material 3 pág. 140 5 Discuss.

a. Why do you think women earn less money than men?
Videocámara o celular para grabar
b. Do you think men and women have the same opportunities to choose a study programme/career? Why?
Formative Assesment L2 pág 146
Gestión de la clase
6 Create and record your own news report.
Monthly Income in Chile in 2018
Inicio 5 minutos a. Plan your news report using the information
from the graph. 16% 13%
$300,000 or less
Antes de realizar las actividades, incentive a b. Use Extra Material 3 as a model for the $300,000 - $600,000
structures and expressions you need.
32% $600,000 - $1,000,000
los estudiantes a discutir sobre la utilidad de c. Record your news report and show it to
$1,000,000 or more

los gráficos. T: Do you know what a graph is? the class.

What are they used for? Do you know how to Retrieved from Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingresos (INE, 2018)

interpret them?
48 Unit 2. The People Around Us
Desarrollo 35 minutos
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 48 17-06-21 21:19
Lea las instrucciones de la actividad 2 y
pídales que respondan las preguntas en sus los estudiantes que, en parejas, discutan las preguntas de la actividad
cuadernos mientras escuchan el audio 30. 5. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the questions from activity 5.
Luego, reproduzca el audio de nuevo, pero Monitoree la conversación de los estudiantes. Para la actividad 6, solicite
esta vez deben enfocarse en las cifras entregas que se reúnan en grupos y que sigan los pasos indicados. Entregue el
y escribirlas en sus cuadernos. T: We’ll listen material extra y considere 20 minutos para esta tarea. T: Use the given
to a news report. Answer the questions from material to create your own news report in groups. Pida que compartan
activity 2 in your notebooks. Then, we’ll su trabajo con la clase y, a sus compañeros, que pongan atención a
listen again, but this time, write down the la presentación. T: Now, we’ll watch your news reports. Please, pay
figures that are mentioned in the report. Con attention to your classmates’ presentations. Pídales a los estudiantes
la información recopilada, los estudiantes que vayan a la página 49, miren la fotografía y discutan sobre ella. T: Go
deben analizar el gráfico de la actividad 4 to page 49, look at the picture and discuss about it. Para las actividades
y notar que la información está invertida. 2, 3 y 4, reproduzca dos veces los audios 31, 32 y 33 respectivamente
T: Check the graph from activity 4. Is it e indíqueles que desarrollen las actividades individualmente. T: We’ll
correct? Check it with your notes. Pídales a listen to each audio from the story of the picture twice. Do activities

112 Unit 2 The People Around Us

1 Look at the picture and answer: How do Leon
they feel? What do you think Leon is saying?

2 31 Listen to the conversation between

Leon, David, and Lily and answer the Solucionario
questions in your notebook. Lily
a. What is David’s problem?
pág. 48
b. What advice do Lily and Leon give him?
c. Why do you think David cannot sleep? David 1. Students’ own answers.
3 32 Listen to the next part of the conversation 2. a. About the workforce and gender.
and identify the speaker (David, Lily, or Leon)
in each case in your notebook. Who …
b. 2018.
a. says he/she is hungry at night? c. Women earn less than men.
b. says British people have dinner early? 3. Students’ own answers.
c. tells David to talk to his host family?
4. It’s not correct. Men earn 652,307 chilean
d. tells David to take extra food to his room?
pesos average and women earn 474,991
4 33 Listen to David and Lily’s conversation (the next day) and answer in your notebook:
Why does David feel better? chilean pesos average.
5 Read the problems below and write a piece of advice for each one in your notebook. 5 y 6 Students’ own answers.
e.g. your best friend is angry with you -> I think you should go for a coffee with your friend.
pág. 49
you haven’t studied for a test you borrowed a friend’s videogame and now you can’t find it
1. Students’ own answers.
your cat is missing you can’t wake up in the morning 2. a. He can’t sleep.
b. He should go to bed earlier.
you’ve had an argument with your parents you want to get fit
c. Students’ own answers.
3. a. David
Your Turn to Speak b. Lily
6 Choose one of the problems from Activity 5. Then, take turns offering advice. Give your classmate c. Lily
feedback on their response.
d. Leon
Hey Claudia. Are you OK?
No, I’m not. My cat is missing. 4. He had supper at night.
Why don’t we put up some
5 y 6 Students’ own answers.
posters on the street?

p. 30 Lesson 2. Nice Work 49 Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
encontrar el significado de las palabras
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 49 17-06-21 21:19
average, income y workforce en el glosario de
su TE (págs. 110-113).
2, 3 and 4 individually in your notebooks. Para la actividad 5, señáleles
que deben tener en cuenta la forma de dar consejos que escucharon en
los audios. T: To do activity 5, have in mind the way Lily and Leon gave
Formative Assessment L2
advice to David.
Aplique la evaluación formativa de la pág.
Cierre 5 minutos 146 para medir los conocimientos que sus
estudiantes tienen hasta ahora sobre la nueva
Indíqueles que en parejas realicen la actividad 6. T: In pairs, do activity lección. T: Now, you are going to answer a test
6. Choose one problem and take turns giving advice. Provide feedback. for Lesson 2 to see how much you know so far.

No olvide profundizar los contenidos del

texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
Book page 30.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 113


L2 Nice Work (págs. 50 y 51) 1 Look at the pictures and discuss: What types of jobs do you think are related to the pictures? Why?

2 Read the text below and check your previous answer.

CLASE 24 3 Read the article again and answer in your notebook. In which job…
a. do you travel the world? d. do you visit theme parks?
b. do you see actors and actresses? e. is a sense of smell important?

Tiempo estimado c. is hygiene very important? f. can you dress up in costumes?

4 Discuss.
90 minutos
a. Why do you think these jobs are the coolest? What makes them better than other jobs?
b. Do you know anyone who has a cool job? Describe their job.
Objetivos de la clase c. Have you ever wanted a cool job? What would your job be like?
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas
principales en un texto adaptado.
• Presentar información en forma oral.
The Coolest Jobs Ever
• Distinguir diferencias entre sonido /tr/ y /dr/.
1 Would you like to be an extra in a film? Extras
are the people in the background. They are the
Recursos shoppers in the street or the diners in a restaurant.
Think you can do it? You don’t need acting skills,
TE págs. 50 y 51 you just need to have the traits asked for: getting
up early and arriving on time. Sometimes you
CA págs. 31 y 32 get to wear great costumes or even dress as a
monster. The downside is that you mustn’t talk to
Audio Track 35 the actors and actresses, take their photos or ask
for autographs.

Gestión de la clase The best part? Seeing how the film is made!

Inicio 15 minutos 2 Tasting chocolate sounds like a dream job, and

it is, not to mention it’s well-paid too. You don’t
need qualifications either, only a very good sense
Antes de las actividades 1 y 2, pídales que of taste or smell. For this job, you must have good
hygiene, especially when you visit a chocolate
nombren trabajos poco convencionales que factory. Jane Cameron has been a chocolate taster
conozcan. T: What unconventional jobs do for three years and she’d never change jobs. She
says, ‘You have to watch the calories and you need
you know? Tome nota de sus respuestas en la very strong teeth!’
pizarra. Indíqueles que, en parejas, discutan la The best part? Trying lots of chocolate!
actividad 1. T: in pairs, discuss the question
in activity 1. Luego indíqueles que lean el
texto y desarrollen las actividades 2, 3 y 4.
50 Unit 2. The People Around Us
T: Read the text again and do activities 2,
3 and 4. Monitoree su trabajo en especial CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 50 17-06-21 21:19

la discusión de la actividad 4. Promueva la

discusión añadiendo preguntas , por ejemplo Desarrollo 60 minutos
T: What would your life be like if you had a Para las actividades 5, 6 y 7 de pronunciación, pídales que al repetir las
cool job? palabras indicadas exageren la pronunciación para notar las diferencias
en los sonidos iniciales. T: For activities 5, 6 and 7, exaggerate the
pronunciation of the words, so you can notice the differences in the
initial sounds. En este punto, puede mostrarles los videos de la cápsula
web, donde podrán practicar cada cluster de sonido y que vean cómo
debería sonar cada conjunto de sonidos. Ahora, indique que escucharán
un trabalenguas en el audio 35 para luego repetirlo en voz alta.
Mencione que competirán en grupos. Puede ser que compitan de forma
individual. T: We’ll listen to a tongue twister. Then, you have to repeat
it out loud. We’ll see who says the fastest!

114 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Pronunciation /tr/ and /dr/ initial sounds

5 Look at the article again. Say the words in bold out loud: Is there a difference
between their initial sounds?
6 In pairs, make a list of six /tr/ and /dr/ words. Then, give it to another pair. Say the words out loud:
What do the initial sounds sound like?
7 35 Listen to the tongue-twisters and repeat them out loud. Compete to see who can say the
tongue-twisters the fastest.
a. Try transporting trimmed triangular tree trunks. pág. 50
b. I dreamed of a droid dressed as a druid.
1 y 2 Students’ own answers.
Watch the following videos to practise your pronunciation:
3. a. Waterslide tester
b. Extra
c. Chocolate tester
8 Play I have lied. d. Waterslide tester
a. Write one false sentence and two true sentences about yourself in your notebook. e. Chocolate tester
e.g. 1. I have ridden a bicycle. / 2. I have eaten sushi. / 3. I have flown a kite.
f. Extra
b. Tell your sentences to a classmate and listen to theirs. Ask and answer questions related to the sentences
to discover which one is false. 4. Students’ own answers.
When was the last time you rode a bike?
Last week?
pág. 51
Where were you going?
5 - 8 Students’ own answers.
c. Find another classmate once you have discover your classmate’s false sentence!
Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
3 This has to be the most enjoyable job in the world!
You slide down waterslides, check the height and encontrar el significado de las palabras
speed of the water, and make sure that they’re
safe. You never stay dry! Waterslide testers travel downside, queue y trait en el glosario de su
around the world to visit different theme parks. TE (págs. 110-113).
James Powell, a waterslide tester, has travelled
43,000 km since 2010 and has tested waterslides in
Egypt, Mexico, Greece, and Jamaica.
The best part? You don’t have to queue for
the slides! Errores frecuentes
Editorial Creation Haga la distinción del uso de presente
perfecto y pretérito simple, ya que los
pp. 31-32 Lesson 2. Nice Work 51 estudiantes tienden a confundir ambos
tiempos. Indique que el primero se utiliza
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 51 17-06-21 21:19 para hablar de acciones que aún no han
sido finiquitadas, y que en el segundo la
Cierre 15 minutos acción ya fue finalizada.
Junte a los estudiantes en parejas y solicite que desarrollen el juego de la
actividad 8. Pídales que sigan todas las instrucciones entregadas. Mencione
que tendrán que intercambiar roles durante el transcurso del juego.
No olvide profundizar los contenidos del
T: Get together in pairs and play the game in activity 8. Follow all the
texto en el cuaderno de actividades.
instructions given. Bear in mind that you will exchange roles during the
T: For further practice go to your Exercise
game. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y dando
Book pages 31 and 32.
retroalimentación de ser necesario.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 115

Writing An Informal Letter

L2 Nice Work
1 Answer the questions in your notebook.
(págs. 52 y 53) a. Have you ever written a note or letter? What was it about?
b. Do you think people will eventually stop writing letters? Why? / Why not?

CLASE 25 2 Read the letter below and identify the key information.

Write your address in the

572 Bilbao street
top right-corner and the
Tiempo estimado date to the left. April 17
45 min clase + 45 min evaluación Hi Alicia,
Begin the letter Hi or Dear, Wow, how long has it been since we last saw each other? I think
followed by a greeting maybe it’s been 2 years. It’s so cool that you got the chance to move
Objetivos de la clase paragraph. to the school you wanted to! Let me tell you what’s up with me.
I changed school recently, and my new school’s called Seabrooke
• Escribir textos breves para describir Academy. Since we’re high school students, the school provides us
situación y narrar historias. with loads of opportunities to get in touch with universities all over
The next paragraphs the country.
• Demostrar comprensión de ideas include updated What else? Oh, next week, we’ll attend a university fair. I’ve never
principales en textos adaptados. information about you. been to one before! The fair will have different stands from each
university, where you can talk to students about the programmes
they offer. I’m not sure yet which one I want to take, but I’d like to be
Recursos The final paragraph a scientist, maybe even a doctor! You know I’ve been interested in
includes questions for the biology since I was very young.
TE págs. 52 y 53 other person to answer in What about you? What have you been up to? Has your school hosted
a future letter.
CA pág. 33 any university fairs? What would you like to study at uni?
Let me know!
Extra Material 4 pág. 142 Finish the letter with a Best wishes,
friendly closing, followed
Final Assessment L2 pág. 150 by a comma and your
Editorial Creation
Rúbrica Final Assessment L2 pág. 153
Use contractions in informal writing. Remember
to use the apostrophe in the correct position.

Gestión de la clase Use informal expressions.

Your Turn to Write

Inicio 15 minutos 3 Write a letter to a friend.
a. Imagine a situation where a good friend of yours has moved away to live in another country (it could also
Pida a los estudiantes que respondan las be one of your classmates).
preguntas de la actividad 1 en sus cuadernos. b. Make notes of important information about yourself you would like to tell him/her.
T: Answer the questions from activity 1 in c. Remember to use the vocabulary and structures seen in this lesson.
your notebooks. Luego, indique que lean 4 Now, go to your Exercise Book to write your letter.
la carta de la actividad 2 e identifiquen
la información principal en cada párrafo. 52 Unit 2. The People Around Us p. 33

Pida que escriban dicha información en sus

cuadernos. T: Read the letter from activity 2 CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 52 17-06-21 21:19

and identify the main information. Write it

in your notebook. Desarrollo 20 minutos
Pida a los estudiantes que escriban una carta a uno de sus amigos
siguiendo las instrucciones de la actividad 3, las cuales irán guiando
su escritura. Indíqueles que, para escribir dicha carta, usarán la
página 33 de su CA. T: You’ll write a letter to a friend. Follow all
the instructions given in activity 3, which will guide your writing.
You’ll write the letter in your Exercise Book on page 33. Monitoree el
trabajo de los estudiantes, resolviendo las dudas que surjan y dando
retroalimentación, de ser necesario. Antes de las actividades de la
página 53, pregunte a los estudiantes sobre sus conocimientos de los
CV. T: What do you know about CVs? Indíqueles que desarrollarán las

116 Unit 2 The People Around Us

ev ie
1 Look at the CV in Extra Material 4 and answer in your notebook.
a. What sections can you identify? b. What information does each section include?
2 Read the CV. Based on the jobs from page 45, identify the jobs Martina could apply for.
Martina Carrasco
Address: Main Street #24, Edinburgh. pág. 52
Telephone: +4479876543XX
Email: 1 - 4 Students’ own answers.
Date o f birth: 24 March 2000

I am interested in tourism and travelling. I am 2021 - Present English Social Media Tutor pág. 53
a very organised and self-motivated person. I have given students guidance and solved
I am good at writing and I have excellent
communication skills.
their doubts in relation to Social Media. I have
also held extra mentoring sessions.
1. a. General information, profile,
education, professional experience,
2019 - Present University of Edinburgh. Travelling. Languages. Writing about current interests and additional skills.
Degree in English Literature and Linguistics. events on social media.
2005 - 2018 Santa Fe School.
Additional skills
b. G
 eneral information: name, contact
Professional experience English - Certified Upper Intermediate level information and birth. Profile: in which
2020 - Present Academic Writing tutor Computer skills - User level
I have worked mentoring new students for a area you want to work. Education:
year. I have assisted the professor in lectures
and I have checked students’ tests and school and studies. Professional
written assignments.
experience: where have you worked and
doing what. Interests: things you like.
3 Read the CV again. Choose one of the jobs you identified from Activity 2. Write the reasons why you Additional skills: other things you’re
think that it is the best job for her in your notebook.
good at.
4 Compare your information with a classmate’s. Did you choose the same job?
2 - 6 Students’ own answers.
5 Discuss.
a. What is the main function of a CV?
b. Why do you think it is important to give a short personal description in a CV?
c. Do you think it is necessary to include a picture in a CV? Why? / Why not? Final Assessment L2
Think Back Aplique la evaluación sumativa de la pág.
Think about the lesson and answer. 150 para medir los conocimientos de sus
a. Did you like the lesson? Why? / Why not? estudiantes sobre la lección 2 (rúbrica pág.
b. What would you change from the lesson? 153). T: Now, you are going to answer a test
c. Explain what you learnt to a classmate.
for Lesson 2 to see how much you learnt.
Lesson 2. Nice Work 53

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 53 17-06-21 21:19

El ejercicio de Writing debe hacerse en el
actividades 1, 2, 3 y 4 con el material extra que les será entregado. cuaderno de actividades.
T: Do activities 1, 2, 3 and 4 using the extra material given. Pida que T: Remember to do the Writing activity in
se reúnan en parejas y que comparen sus respuestas. T: Get together your Exercise Book, page 33.
in pairs and compare your answers. Luego, indique que discutan
las preguntas de la actividad 5. T: Now, discuss the questions from
activity 5.

Cierre 10 minutos
Finalmente, pídales que reflexionen sobre las preguntas de la actividad
6. T: Reflect about the questions from activity 6. Monitoree el trabajo
de los estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y dando retroalimentación.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 117

FINAL Review
U2 Final Review (págs. 54 y 55)
1 Look at pictures A-F and discuss.
a. Have you ever done any of these activities? Which ones?
CLASE 26 b. From the ones you haven’t done, which one would you like to do? Why?

Tiempo estimado A B

45 min clase + 45 min evaluación

Objetivos de la clase
• Participar en interacciones para expresarse
con claridad y fluidez.
• Demostrar comprensión del uso de presente C D


TE págs. 54 y 55
CA pág. 34
2 Now, look at the questionnaire below and answer the questions in your notebook.
Final Assessment 1, 2, 3 y 4 págs. 154, 156,
a. Have you ever been to another country in e. Have you ever drunk vegetable juice?
158 y 160 South America?
f. Have you ever flown a kite?
b. Have you ever eaten Mexican food?
g. Have you ever ridden a bike?
Gestión de la clase c. Have you ever seen a double rainbow?
h. Have you ever watched a film in English?
d. Have you ever read a Harry Potter book?
i. Have you ever made a cake?
Inicio 10 minutos
3 Compare your answers with the rest of the class and answer: Who has done the most?

Pida a los estudiantes que se reúnan en 4 Play Find Someone Who Has.

parejas, miren las fotografías A-F y discutan a. Write 5 ideas to make your own questionnaire. Look back at Activity 2 to help you.
e.g. Met a famous person or celebrity
las preguntas de la actividad 1. T: Take a look
b. Copy the template below in your notebook and add the statements you created to your questionnaire.
at pictures A-F and discuss the questions
from activity 1. Luego, pida que vayan al FIND SOMEONE WHO HAS … Name
met a famous person or celebrity Suzy
cuestionario de la actividad 2 y respondan
las preguntas en sus cuadernos. T: Go to
54 Unit 2. The People Around Us
activity 2 and answer the questions in
your notebook. Monitoree el trabajo de los CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 54 17-06-21 21:19

estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y entregando

retroalimentación. Desarrollo 20 minutos
Indique que entreguen sus respuestas a la clase y que comparen quién
ha hecho más cosas de la lista. T: Give your answers to the class. Who
has done the most? Luego, pida que vayan a la página 55 y desarrollen
el juego de la actividad 4 en parejas. Indique que sigan las instrucciones
dadas en dicha actividad. La idea es que copien la tabla en sus cuadernos
y que la vayan llenando con más filas, completando con la información
de la actividad 4. T: Get together in pairs and play the game in activity
4. Copy the table in your notebook and add more rows using you’re the
information you wrote in 4a. Then, follow the rest of the instructions.

118 Unit 2 The People Around Us



págs. 54 y 55
c. Go around the class and ask questions to fill in your questionnaire. When someone says ‘yes,’ write their 1 - 4 Students’ own answers.
name in your table.
Juan, have you ever met a famous person? No, I haven’t. Manejo de grupo
Suzy, have you ever met a famous person? Yes, I have. Indique a los estudiantes sobre la
importancia de mantener el orden en la
d. When you have written a name for all your questions, sit down. sala en actividades grupales. Explique
e. Choose one student from your questionnaire and write 3 additional questions, in your notebook, to find que es solo un juego para practicar el
out more information about their experience.
contenido aprendido. La importancia del
e.g. Have you ever met a famous person? -> Suzy
juego es que ellos participen y practiquen
1 Who did you meet?
2 Where did you meet him/her?
Suzy, who did you meet? el uso del idioma. T: Remember that this
3 What did you do when you met him/her? I met Paloma Mami last year. only a game. You must be prepared to
f. Now, find the student and ask them your participate and practice but always keep
additional questions! the order in this situation.

What? Final Assessment 1, 2, 3 y 4
Answer the questions in your Describe what
notebook. you learnt in Utilice las evaluaciones en las páginas
this unit. 154, 156, 158 y 160 para medir los
conocimientos de sus estudiantes.
Now what? So what? Encontrará 4 tipos de evaluaciones que
Reflect on the Explain why what miden los mismos contenidos para que sea
next steps in your you learnt was
learning process. important/useful. el estudiante quien elija la evaluación que le
acomoda más. (Decreto 67). T: Now, you are
going to take a final test to see how much
p. 34 Final Review 55 you learnt in this unit. You can choose,
from these four tests, which one to do.
CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 55 17-06-21 21:19

Cierre 15 minutos
Invite a sus estudiantes a evaluar los
Pida que respondan las últimas tres preguntas de la página 55 en sus conocimientos adquiridos en esta unidad
cuadernos. Llame a reflexionar sobre los conocimientos adquiridos en en el cuaderno de actividades.
la unidad. T: Answer the last three questions from page 55 in your T: Go to page 34 in your Exercise Book to
notebook. Reflect on what you have learnt in the unit. do the Test Yourself section.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 119

U2 Project (págs. 56 y 57)
Create a Disability Awareness Campaign
1 Discuss.
Tiempo estimado a. What kinds of discrimination do people with disabilities face?
135 minutos b. What problems do people with disabilities face in Chile?
2 Read the following article.

Objetivos de la clase Disability in Chile: A Painful Struggle

• Participar en interacciones para expresarse People with disabilities face challenges every day. We are far from a society that is fully integrated for
At the school level, there have been many cases of everyone and the conclusion is always the same:
con claridad y fluidez. discrimination. The most well-known case was that people with disabilities are seen as less able and must
• Demostrar comprensión del uso de presente of Catalina in 2019, a girl with minor cerebral palsy, be segregated.
who failed a dictation test because she couldn’t
perfecto. write with her hand due to her condition. There was
also the case of Julián, a boy with Down Syndrome
whose family reported that his school wouldn’t let
Recursos him advance to first grade because they did not
admit children with special needs. Both are cases of
TE págs. 56 y 57 discrimination. However, what has been worse
are the comments on social media supporting
CA pág. 35 these types of discrimination, saying that parents
should place their children in schools for students
Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 2 pág. 177 with special needs, which is really painful.

Your Turn
Gestión de la clase
3 Create a disability awareness campaign.
Inicio 20 minutos a. Research different organisations and foundations which WWW
Visit SENADIS for more information about
support disabilities in Chile. Here are some examples: disabilities in Chile

Pida a los estudiantes que se reúnan en • Fundación Descúbreme • CIDEVI

parejas y discutan las preguntas de la • Fundación Teletón • Down21 Chile

b. Create an information sheet for the organisation you chose, in your notebook. Include:
actividad 1. T: Get together in pairs and
• the name of organisation/foundation
Fundación Luz was founded in 1924. Their mission
discuss the questions from activity 1. Luego, • how long they have existed is to educate and train the blind and visually impaired
pídales que lean el artículo de la actividad • who benefits from their work community, taking full advantage of their potential so that
they can become active members of society.
2. Indique que escriban las ideas principales • the mission

en sus cuadernos. T: Read the article from

activity 2 and write the main ideas in your
56 Unit 2. The People Around Us
notebook. Monitoree el trabajo de
los estudiantes. CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 56 17-06-21 21:19

Desarrollo 70 minutos
Solicite a los estudiantes que se reúnan en parejas y vayan a la actividad
3. Mencione que deben crear una campaña para generar consciencia
ante la discapacidad. Pida que sigan todas las instrucciones entregadas
en la actividad 3. T: Get together in pairs and go to activity 3. You will
create a disability awareness campaign. Follow all the instructions
given in the activity. Indique que deberán crear un póster y a la vez
presentarlo a la clase. T: You’ll create a poster and then you’ll present it
to the class. Puede mostrarles el template de la página 174 como ejemplo
para el poster.

120 Unit 2 The People Around Us


pág. 56
1 - 3 Students’ own answers.

pág. 57
stating that 92% of companies complied with the
requirement. However, only 12,000 people with
4. Students’ own answers.
disabilities were hired, which is still below the dream
figure of 27,500 the government expected.
Moreover, based on the information provided by the Glosario
Labour Office in 2019, the Descúbreme Foundation
revealed that people hired through this law earn 18% Mencione a sus estudiantes que pueden
less than the average income. encontrar el significado de las palabras
In Chile, laws are great in terms of integration for It is important to remember that laws are not
people with disabilities. In 2018, the new Labour enough to talk about integration in different social
income, struggle y workforce en el glosario de
Inclusion Law was implemented to encourage job spheres. It is necessary to transform the social and su TE (págs. 110-113).
integration, where companies with over 100 workers cultural practises in our daily lives and the way we
must have at least 1% of their workforce composed interact with people with disabilities.
of people with disabilities. The Ministry of Labour Adapted from La dolorosa lucha por la inclusión escolar and Ad Portas al
gave the law a positive evaluation in its first year, Segundo Año de la Ley de Inclusión Laboral

Ritmos diferentes
c. Create a poster with the information of the organisation.
Add pictures and a nice design if possible.
FUNDACIÓN Lea como clase la lectura con respecto a la
d. Present your poster to the class and explain the
importance of the organisation/foundation.
LUZ founded in 1924. discapacidad en Chile. Haga preguntas de
post-lectura. T: Do you know anyone who
e. Give feedback about the posters.
f. Finally, paste your posters around the corridors of
has a disability? What everyday problems
your school. do they face? La idea de hacerlo como clase
g. Create a 5-question survey to assess the impact of your es que todos tengan la oportunidad de
campaign after a week.
entender lo planteado y de dar su opinión al
e.g. Have you seen the poster about…? / Has it changed Mission: To educate and train the blind
your perception about…? and visually impaired community, taking
full respecto para que sea significativo.
advantage of their potential so that they
h. Ask your questions to students from other classes: become active members of society.
Was your campaign successful? FUNDACIÓN
4 Go to your Exercise Book to assess your project.

p. 35 Project 57

CL0000000001365 SB_INGLES_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7247.indd 57 17-06-21 21:19

Cierre 45 minutos
Invite a sus estudiantes a evaluar su
Pida a los estudiantes que peguen sus pósters en el colegio, para luego proyecto en el cuaderno de actividades.
hacer un cuestionario de cinco preguntas para medir el impacto de su T: Go to page 35 in your Exercise Book to
campaña. T: Paste your posters around the school so that everyone can assess your project.
see them! Then, create a small 5-question survey that will allow you to
measure your campaign’s impact. Pida que, durante la semana, le hagan
estas preguntas a estudiantes de otras clases. T: Ask these questions to
other students this week. Cuando tengan respuestas en su encuesta,
pídales que vayan a la página 35 de su CA. para evaluar su proyecto,
siguiendo las instrucciones que ahí se entregan. T: Go to your Exercise
Book on page 35. Evaluate your project following the instructions.
Evalúe el proyecto de sus estudiantes utilizando la rúbrica de la pág. 177.

Orientaciones Metodológicas 121

Extra Reading 2
Lectura Unidad 2 (págs. 116 y 117)

Tiempo estimado
The Spitting
90 minutos Image of Me
Objetivos de la clase
• Demonstrar comprensión de información
específica de un artículo.

TE págs. 116 y 117

The Spitting Image of Me

Para introducir la lectura, pregunte a los
estudiantes qué creen que significa la expresión
«spitting image of…». Pídales que se concentren Katy and Joanna were born on the same day
in 1994 and grew up like sisters. They played
en la imagen para adivinar su significado. together a lot, went to the same primary
Indíqueles que discutan en grupo y que, si no school and sat next to each other in class. They
were inseparable. They also looked like each
logran dar con el significado, averigüen en other. In fact, Katy said when she looked at
internet. T: In groups, discuss what does “the Joanna, it was like looking at herself in a mirror!

spitting image of…” mean? Look at the image to When Joanna was eight, her dad, who is a
pilot, got a job in South Africa, so she and her
guess its meaning. If you can’t guess it, look on family went to live in Cape Town. The girls
were very upset and promised to keep in
the internet to find its meaning.
Luego, pregúnteles si tienen un amigo o
amiga de infancia con quien hayan perdido
el contacto. Pídales que compartan sus 116 Extra Reading
experiencias en grupos, hablando de las
cosas que hacían juntos y por qué perdieron CL0000000001365 FINALES_SB_ingles_1M_Lic2020_7444.indd 116 17-11-20 16:37

el contacto. T: Do you have a childhood

friend who you lost touch with? Share your Para chequear la comprensión del texto, escriba las siguientes
experiences with your group and tell them preguntas en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes que las respondan en
the things you used to do together and why sus cuadernos. Luego, revisen en conjunto. T: Answer the following
you lost touch. questions in your notebook. Then, we’ll check them together. How
Pídales que lean el texto y que descubran la long have they been friends? Have they ever lost touch? Why?/Why
relación entre el contenido de este y el título. not? How long have they been vegetarians? What’s Joanna’s dad’s
T: Read the text and think why it is titled job? Posteriormente, indíqueles que discutan las siguientes preguntas
“The Spitting Image of Me”. en grupo. T: In groups, discuss the following questions: Do you

122 Unit 2 The People Around Us


They were friends for about 9 years, before losing

touch. In total, they’ve been friends for over 20 years.
They did a year after Joana moved to South
Africa because she started a new life and made
new friends.
They’ve been vegetarians for several years.
He’s a pilot.
Students’ own answers.

touch. At first, they wrote to each other every week. The girls have met since then and discovered a lot
Then, as Joanna settled into her new life and made of coincidences. They’ve both been vegetarians
new friends, she stopped writing as often. After a year, for several years. They’ve both dyed their hair red.
the girls completely lost touch with each other and They’re both into English Literature and they are
continued on with their lives. both teachers! And most importantly, they have
never stopped thinking about each other. The girls
Ten years later, Katy was tidying her room when she
really enjoyed themselves when they met. They’ve
found an old photo of the two of them when they
promised to stay in touch forever.
were young. Suddenly, she really wanted to see Joanna
Editorial Creation
again. She went online and found a website that
reunites people. Three days later, she got a message
from Joanna. She was living in London again.

Extra Reading 117

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have a similar story about you or someone you know? Tell it to your
classmates. Why did Joanna stop writing to Katy? Do you agree with
her? How do you think Katy felt when she stopped receiving Joanna’s
letters? Pídales a los estudiantes que escriban un email a un amigo o
amiga con quien hayan perdido el contacto. Anímelos a enviarlo para
retomar viejas amistades, T: Write an email to a friend you’ve lost touch
with. You can even send it if you want to meet again!

Orientaciones Metodológicas 123

Extra Reading 3
Lectura Unidad 2 (págs. 118 y 119)

Tiempo estimado
90 minutos

Objetivos de la clase
• Demonstrar comprensión de información

2021 Declared
específica de un artículo.

TE págs. 118 y 119
International The UN General Assembly has urged the
international community to increase efforts to end
2021 declared International Year for
the Elimination of Child Labour
Year for the forced labour and child labour and declared 2021
as the Year for the Elimination of Child Labour.

Elimination of The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)
has adopted a resolution declaring 2021 as
the International Year for the Elimination of

Child Labour
Child Labour , and has asked the International
Para introducir la lectura, pida a los estudiantes Labour Organisation to take the lead in its
que vean las imágenes y se pregunten por qué The resolution highlights the countries’
los niños en ellas están trabajando. Luego, commitments “to take immediate and effective
measures to end forced labour, modern slavery
pídales que lean el título del texto y discutan and human trafficking and secure the prohibition
de qué creen que se trata. T: In groups, discuss and elimination of the worst forms of child labour,
like recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by
why you think the children in the pictures are 2025 end child labour in all its forms.”
working. Then, read the title and guess what Argentina took a lead role in supporting this global
commitment, to continue with the work done
the text’s about. during the IV Global Conference on the Sustained
Pídales que lean el texto y que confirmen si Eradication of Child Labour , which took place in
Buenos Aires in November 2017.
sus predicciones eran correctas. T: Read the
text and check if the predictions you made
118 Extra Reading
about the text were correct.
Para chequear la comprensión del texto, escriba CL0000000001365 FINALES_SB_ingles_1M_Lic2020_7444.indd 118 17-11-20 16:37

las siguientes preguntas en la pizarra y pida

a los estudiantes que las respondan en sus
cuadernos. Luego revisen en conjunto: Answer
the following questions in your notebook.
Then, we’ll check them all together.
Who declared 2021 as International Year for
the Elimination of Child Labour?
What’s the aim of this resolution?
How many children are still in child labour?

124 Unit 2 The People Around Us

How long has The International Labour
Organization been working for the abolition
of child labour?
Luego, pida a los estudiantes que resuman
la noticia en un párrafo corto, incluyendo
la información más relevante. T: Write
a summary about the piece of news. It
shouldn’t be longer than a short paragraph.
Include the most relevant information.
Posteriormente, pídales que discutan las
siguientes preguntas en grupo.
“We hope that this will be one more step to increase and 2016 alone, there was a 38 per cent decrease in T: Why is child labour still an issue in 2020?
our efforts and our progress to advance, day by child labour globally. Is it a struggle in Chile? Why/why not? What
day, towards a world in which no child is exploited
“The concern about the struggle against child labour can countries do to end child labour?
and a world where decent work for everyone will
has grown since 2000,” said Beate Andrees, Chief of
be a reality,” said Martin Garcia Moritán, Argentina's
representative to the UN.
the ILO’s Fundamentals Principles and Rights at Work Pídales a los estudiantes que, en grupos,
Branch. “Yet, 152 million children across the world are
The International Labour Organisation has been still in child labour. We obviously need to increase our creen un plan de medidas que puede adoptar
working on the abolition of child labour for a century, efforts, and the decision by the General Assembly to
and one of the first Conventions it adopted was on declare 2021 the International Year for the Elimination
un país para terminar y prohibir el trabajo
Minimum Age in Industry. of Child Labour will be a great help for the millions of infantil. Pídales que luego presenten su plan
girls and boys still working in the fields, in the mines
Great progress has been achieved the last few years,
and in factories.”
al resto de la clase y en conjunto elijan las
thanks to intense support and national mobilisation
backed by laws and practical action. Between 2000 Adapted from International Labour Organisation website. mejores medidas. T: In groups, create an
action plan a country could have to end and
ban child labour. Then, share it with the rest
of the class. Finally, we’ll choose the best
actions to be taken.

Extra Reading 119

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Orientaciones Metodológicas 125

Unit Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 34-35 p. 36
2 The People Around Us Language in Use Present Perfect: ever & never
L ess
on 1 We Go Together
1 Complete the bios with the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

Giorgio, 13
1 Scan the article and underline the sentences that use the connectors although and both ... and. Giorgio a. has studied (study) English at his school before.
2 Read the article and identify the main idea in each paragraph. He b. has lived (live) in two different houses.
He c. has been (be) to four countries.
Giorgio d. has read (read) many young adult books.
Surprising Facts About To All the Boys I’ve Loved Bef

1 Although Hollywood has tried to make films that are respectful of characters’ origins and race, the Valentina, 14
executives did not want Lara Jean Song-Covey to be portrayed by an Asian-American actress. However,
Vale a. has practiced (practise) sports like taekwondo and basketball.
the author of the book, Jenny Han, fought to keep the integrity of Lara’s character.
She b. has visited (visit) many museums. She c. has been (have)
2 Lara’s lock screen in the film shows a picture of her and Peter napping on a sofa. This photo is from real five pets in her life. Valentina d. has met (meet) Shawn Mendes before.
life, as both Lana and Noah enjoyed being around each other. They usually napped in the green room on
set during breaks.
Adapted from 47 Things You Didn’t Know About To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before
2 Write questions with the present perfect and ever using the prompts. Then, write answers that are true
for you. Students’ own answers.
3 Connect the following sentences using although.
e.g. you / abroad / been / ?
e.g. She lives in a small house. / She is rich. -> Although she is rich, she lives in a small house. Have you ever been abroad? -> Yes, I went to Argentina last year.
a. My grandmother is very old. She goes swimming every day. a. you and your best friend / have / an argument / ?
Although my grandmother is very old, she goes swimming every day.
b. We lost the championship. Our team played well. b. your parents / study / another language / ?
Although our team played well, we lost the championship.
4 Answer the questions using both ... and. c. it / snow / in your country in summer / ?
e.g. Your sister plays volleyball. Do you play as well? - > Yes, both my sister and I play volleyball.
a. You’ve met his father. Have you met his mother?
Yes, I’ve met both his father and his mother. Pronunciation Sentence Stress
b. The city suffers from air pollution. Does it suffer from water pollution?
In sentences we usually stress the words that carry the most important information. Pronouns,
Yes, the city suffers from both air and water pollution. articles, prepositions and auxiliary verbs are often unstressed.
5 Now, create four sentences using although and both ... and in your notebook. Then, swap your
3 Read the box above. Then read the sentences out loud. Underline the words you think will be stressed.
sentences with a classmate. Check your classmate’s work. Students’ own answers.
a. I’ve never been to Paris. e. Joe’s run a marathon.
6 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
b. Have you ever seen a play? f. They’ve never seen Star Wars.
a. Look at Lana and Noah’s picture above. Is it possible to have a lot of chemistry with someone without
developing romantic feelings for that person? Share your ideas. c. I’ve visited three countries. g. Grace has been on the radio.

b. Is it important that series/films cast actors who come from the same cultural background as their d. We’ve bought a new dog. h. I’ve never eaten squid.
character? Why? / Why not? 4 20 Listen and check.

20 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 1. We Go Together 21

Pida que subrayen los conectores del texto. Luego, pídales que lean el artículo
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Pida que completen los textos de la actividad 1 usando el presente perfecto. Luego,
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y que identifiquen las ideas principales en sus cuadernos. Luego, debe realizar dígales que tienen que escribir preguntas usando este tiempo verbal. Finalmente,
las actividades 3, 4 y 5 usando los conectores ya vistos. Deben realizar la pídales que lean las reglas de pronunciación y que subrayen las palabras que creen
actividad 6 en parejas. T: Scan and underline the connectors although and estarán estresadas. Reproduzca el audio 20 para corregir las respuestas. T: For
both…and in the article. Then, read the article and identify the main ideas activity 1, complete the texts using the present perfect. Write questions using the
with a classmate. Do activities 3, 4, and 5 on your own. Discuss the questions prompts in activity 2. Read the box about sentence stress and underline the words

from activity 6 in pairs. you think we’ll be stressed in activity 3. Listen and check in activity 4.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 37 p. 39
Listening Speaking
Apologising and Accepting Apologies

Apologising Responding Accepting apologies

– I’m (really / so) sorry. – Oh no! – It’s all right. / It’s OK.
– I’m sorry but I’ve forgotten… – Oh dear! – Don’t worry.
– Sorry I’m late. – What’s happened? – Don’t feel bad about it.
– I’m afraid I’ve broken… – How did that happen? – It’s not a problem.

1 Look at pictures A-C and discuss. Students’ own answers.

a. Do you have any hidden talents? Explain.
1 Complete the dialogue using the expressions from the box above.
b. Have you ever auditioned for anything? If not, would you like to enter a talent show? What talent would
Elisa: I can’t run the half marathon next month.
you show?
You: (Respond.)
c. Would you compete against a friend in a talent show? Why? / Why not? Students’ own answers.
2 Check your answers for Activity 1 as a class. a. What’s happened?
Elisa: I’ve broken my foot.
3 23 Listen to an audition at a talent show and complete the chart.
You: (Find out what happened.)

Name of act Bel Canto b. How did that happen?

Number of people Two
Elisa: I was walking and checking my phone at the same time. I didn’t see the hole and tripped. Do you
Type of song Love song think your parents could give me a lift to Tobias’ birthday party tonight?
You: (Apologise and say that your parents do not own a car.)
4 23 Listen to the audition again and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). Correct the
false sentences. c. I’m sorry, but my parents don’t own a car.
a. F Mario is younger than Melissa. Elisa: OK. Students’ own answers.
Correction: Melissa is younger than Mario. You: (Make a stronger apology and offer an alternative solution.) An example is given:

b. T It’s the first time Melissa has performed in front of an audience. d. I’m really sorry! Maybe we can take the bus together.
Correction: Elisa: That’d be great, thank you!
c. Mario and Melissa didn’t plan to go on a talent show.
Correction: 2 25 Listen to three people apologising for something that happened. Write the most appropriate
response for each situation. Students may use any answer from the “Accepting apologies” box.
d. F They met on the first day of primary school.
e.g. I’m sorry but I’ve forgotten your pencil.
Correction: They met on the first day of secondary school. Don’t worry!
e. T At first, they didn’t enjoy listening to the same music. a.
Correction: b.
f. F Mario has never had signing lessons. c.
Correction: Melissa has never had singing lessons.
3 Check your answers as a class. Students’ own answers.
5 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
4 Role-play the situations presented in Activity 2. Provide feedback to your classmate in relation to
a. What makes someone a good friend? the answer given and the intonation used. Students’ own answers.
b. Has a friend ever let you down? What happened? If not, have you ever let a friend down?

22 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 1. We Go Together 23

Pida que miren las fotos y discutan las preguntas de la actividad 1. Revisen
CL0000000001366 WB_ING_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7146.indd 22 17-11-20 17:32
Lea las expresiones que están en el cuadro. T: Let’s read the expressions
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las respuestas. Use el audio 23 para que rellenen la tabla de la actividad 3. from the box. Luego, pida que completen el diálogo de la actividad 1 usando
Reproduzca el audio de nuevo para que realicen la actividad 4. Finalmente, las expresiones. T: Now, complete the dialogue from activity 1 using the
discutan las preguntas de la actividad 5 como clase. T: Look at pictures and expressions from the box. Indique que escucharán el audio 25 con el que
answer the questions in activity 1. Check you answers as a class. Listen to deben realizar la actividad 2. T: Listen to the audio and do activity 2. Revise
the audition and complete the chart. Listen again and answer True or False, las respuestas como clase. Planee el juego de roles de la actividad 4. Entregue
justifying false answers. Finally, discuss the questions in activity 5. feedback. T: In pairs, role-play the dialogue in activity 2.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 40-41 pp. 40-41
1 Discuss. Students’ own answers. So she went to the ram and told him the
case. The ram replied: “Another time, my dear
a. Do you know what a moral is? If so, explain. friend. I do not like to interfere in this case,
b. Do you know any stories that have a moral or give advice? Which ones? as hounds have been known to eat sheep as
well as hares.”
2 Scan the fable and identify:
a. the animals in the text: Hare, hounds, horse, bull, goat, ram, calf. .
As a last hope, the Hare then turned to the calf.
b. what the hare needs: Help to escape from the hounds. . The calf said, “I’m sorry, but I cannot help you.
c. who helps her: No one. . The elders have declined this task, and I do not
The hare escaped on her own. wish to take the responsibility upon myself.”
d. what happens in the end:

The Hare With Many Friends By this time the hounds were quite near, and the Hare took to
her heels and luckily escaped.

A Hare was very popular with the other beasts. He that has many friends, has no friends.
They all claimed to be her friend. But one
day she heard the hounds approaching and Adapted from The Hare with Many Friends (Joseph Jacobs)
hoped to escape them with the help of her
many friends. 3 Read the fable and answer the questions. Students’ own answers.
a. Do you believe the Hare had many true friends? Why? / Why not?

So, she went to the horse, and asked him to carry

her away from the hounds on his back. But he
declined and said: “I have got important work to
do for my master. I’m sure that all of your other
friends will come to your assistance.” b. What do the hounds represent in the story?

She then approached the bull, and hoped that

he would repel the hounds with his horns.
The bull replied: “I am very sorry, but I have an c. What is the meaning of the moral of this story?
appointment with a lady; but I feel sure that our
friend the goat will do what you want.”

4 Read the fable again. Then, check your answers as a class. Students’ own answers.
The goat, however, feared that his back might
do her some harm. “The ram will help you for 5 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
sure,” he said.
a. What is real friendship to you?
b. Why do you think some people believe they have no friends?
c. Why is it important to have friends?

24 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 1. We Go Together 25

Pida a los estudiantes que se junten en pares y discutan las preguntas de la actividad
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Pida que lean la fábula una vez más para revisar las respuestas en conjunto
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1. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the questions from activity 1. Luego indique de las actividades 2 y 3. T: Read the fable one more time. Now, let’s check
que escaneen brevemente la fábula de la actividad 2 y busquen la información que se the answers for activities 2 and 3. Pida que se junten en pares y discutan las
les pide. T: Scan the text briefly and find the information asked. Indique que lean la preguntas de la actividad 5. T: Get together in pairs and discuss the questions
fábula completa y que respondan las preguntas de la actividad 3 de acuerdo al texto from activity 5.

leído. T: Now, read the fable and answer the questions.
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 42 pp. 44-45
Writing L ess
on 2 Nice Work
A Biography
1 Write your friend’s biography. Students’ own answers.
a. Use the biography on page 42 in your Student’s Book as a model.
b. Use the answers from Activity 3 on page 42 and the plan below.
1 Look at the pictures and answer: What jobs are they showing?
• Include the person’s background information in paragraphs 1 and 2.
Store clerk, ice-cream salesperson.
• Include the person’s current activities and interests in paragraph 3. 2 Read the article below. Underline the compound nouns.
• Give a brief opinion about the person in the final paragraph.
c. Remember to write a title and use the present perfect for his/her experiences. The Work in the UK
Did you know that a quarter of British and American 14-19 year olds do all sorts of part-
time jobs? Their jobs range from selling things in shops like bookstores, serving customers
in cafés or restaurants to working at riding stables, farms, and even taking dogs for a walk.
In the UK, there are a lot of laws about teenage work, 13-15 years olds aren’t allowed
to work in a factory, and they can only work from 7 am to 7 pm. During term time,
they can only work for 2 hours a day, and 12 hours a week in total (so that they can
do their schoolwork properly). On Saturdays, they’re allowed to work for 5 hours, but
they can’t work more than 2 hours on Sundays. During the holidays, they can work
25 hours a week. What do you think? Should teenagers work? Editorial Creation

3 Read the article again and answer the questions.

Read about the law in Chile at
Then, discuss. Students’ own answers.
a. What do the laws in Chile state about teenage work?

b. How are they different from the laws stated in the article above?

2 Check and correct your biography. Students’ own answers.

4 Match words from A with words from B to make compound nouns. Write them in the space provided.
a. Check that you used the correct tenses and wrote the information in the correct order.
b. In pairs, swap your biographies and check each other’s work considering the plan above. bed bus guide white board game ticket robber
c. Write what you think about your classmate’s work below. bank computer room book

Peer evaluation a. Bedroom d. White board

b. Bus ticket e. Bank robber
c. Guidebook f. Computer game

5 Discuss. Students’ own answers.

a. Should teenagers work? Give two reasons for your answer.
b. What solution could authorities present to encourage teenagers to focus exclusively on their studies?

26 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 2. Nice Work 27

En esta página escribirán la biografía que planearon en el TE. Diga que usen
CL0000000001366 WB_ING_1M_U2_L1_Lic2020_7146.indd 26 17-11-20 17:32
Pida a sus estudiantes que vean las imágenes y que digan qué trabajos están
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el espacio dado en el CA para cumplir con su tarea. T: On this page, you’ll mostrando. T: In pairs, look at the pictures and say the jobs they show. Pida que
write the biography that you planned in your Student’s Book. Use the space lean el artículo y que luego subrayen los sustantivos compuestos. T: Read the article
provided. Luego, indique que revisen su texto para después intercambiarlo con once. Then, underline the compound nouns. Luego, pida que hagan la actividad 3 y
un compañero para que lo revisen. T: Now, check your text. Then exchange it 4. T: Read the article again and do activities 3 and 4. Incentive la discusión de las
with a classmate. Provide feedback. preguntas de la actividad 5. T: Discuss the questions from activity 5.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 46 p. 47
Language in Use Present Perfect - How long, for & since
1 Read the advert and write the words in bold next to their definitions a-f.
1 Write for or since.
a. since September e. since 1998 i. since 7 o’clock this CLIMB TO THE SUMMIT OF THE SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE…
morning ... and experience panoramic views of Australia’s largest city. Climbs take
b. for two minutes f. for ten months place with an expert guide throughout the day from dawn to sunset.
j. for 5 years All safety equipment is provided and climbers
c. for a decade g. for a long time
receive a photo as a souvenir of their trip.
d. since Monday h. since Christmas
2 Use the prompts to make questions with How long. Then, answer the questions.
Editorial Creation
a. you / be / at this school
Q: How long have you been at this school? ? a. dawn : Early in the morning when light first appears.
A: Students’ own answers. . b. summit : The top of something, e.g. a mountain.
b. you / live / in this city c. souvenir : An object to remind you of a holiday or a special experience.
Q: How long have you been at this school? ? d. safety equipment : Things you use to keep you safe.
A: Students’ own answers. . e. sunset : In the evening when the sun disappears from the sky.
c. you / have / the shoes that you’re wearing f. guide : A person who shows you what to do / where to go.
Q: How long have you been at this school? ? 2 29 Listen to an interview with Joel. What is his job? Joel is a tour guide.
A: Students’ own answers. .
3 29 Listen again and answer the questions.
d. you and the person next to you / know / each other
a. Where is Joel from?
Q: How long have you been at this school? ? Joel is from the UK.
A: Students’ own answers. .
b. How long has he been in Australia?
3 Play a game. Students’ own answers. Joel has been in Australia for seven years.
a. Create six questions to find out about your classmates’ life experiences. Use the verbs in the box
to help you. c. Why is this Joel’s dream job?
This is Joel’s dream job because he gets to work outdoors.
eat climb hold play ride run see smell taste touch visit walk
d. How high is the bridge?
The bridge is 134 metres high.
Questions Yes/No More information
e.g. Have you ever climbed Cerro San Cristobal? Yes I climbed it two years ago. e. Why doesn’t Jan want to climb the bridge?
1 Jan doesn’t want to climb the bridge because she’s scared of heights.
3 4 Write about a family member’s job. What are his/her duties? Students’ own answers.

b. Now interview a classmate and record their answers. When the answer is ‘yes’, write down more 5 Discuss. Students’ own answers.
information about their experience. a. What would your dream job be? Describe it.
b. What do you consider an extreme job? Provide examples.

28 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 2. Nice Work 29

Pida a los estudiantes que realicen las actividades 1 y 2 por su cuenta.

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Indique que hagan la actividad 1. T: Read the advert in activity 1 and write the words
CL0000000001366 WB_ING_1M_U2_L2_Lic2020_7248.indd 29 30-08-21 13:09

T: Everyone, read and complete activities 1 and 2 on your own. Pida que hagan la in bold next to the correct definition. Mencione que escucharán el audio 29 tres veces
actividad 3 en parejas siguiendo las instrucciones. T: Get together in pairs and do para las actividades 2 y 3. T: Listen to the interview and do activities 2 and 3. You’ll
activity 3. Follow all the instructions given. Monitoree el trabajo de los estudiantes listen to the audio three times. Luego, pida que escriban sobre el trabajo de algún
y resuelva las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Pueden revisar las respuestas en plenario, familiar en la actividad 4. T: Write a short description about a family member’s job.
anotando las respuestas correctas en la pizarra para que todos corrijan. Discutan la actividad 5. T: In pairs, discuss the questions in activity 5.

Student’s Book Student’s Book
p. 49 pp. 50-51
Speaking Reading
1 Skim through the website posts and circle the correct answer. Who is the website for?
Understanding Problems and Giving Advice A. young children B. teenagers C. adults

Asking how Offering advice Expressing doubt Accepting advice 2 Read the website posts. Match questions 1-3 with answers A-C.
someone is – You should … / – I’m not sure that’s a – Thanks. That’s a good
– Are you OK? – You could… good idea. idea. UK For You - Questions
– What’s up? – You shouldn’t… – The trouble is, … – Thank you. I’ll try that.
– What’s wrong? – Why don’t you…? – Great idea!
I’ve got a part-time job in a café with a friend of mine, but she earns more
1 Read and complete the dialogue using the expressions above. money than I do because she is 11 months older. It isn’t fair. We do the same
Chris: Hi, Jorge. Are you OK? ? things: clearing tables, washing and drying the dishes, sweeping the floor, etc. In
fact, I think I’m a harder worker than she is. What should I do? - Olivia
Jorge: Not really. I’ve lost my mobile.
Answer: A
Chris: Oh, no. Where do you think it is?
Jorge: I’ve been shopping so I think it’s in one of the shops.
Chris: You should go back and look for it. 2
Jorge: The trouble is , I’ve been in loads of shops. I can’t remember all of them. I’m a member of a swimming club and I train five times a week. Two sessions are
before school, from 5:30-7:00! I’m always really tired on those days and I keep falling
Chris: Why don’t you phone your number?
asleep in class. My marks are getting worse. I just don’t know what to do. - Sadie
Jorge: Thanks. That’s a good idea. .
Answer: C
Chris: Yes, it is. If someone answers it, you could ask which shop they’re in.
Then you could go and get it. 3
Jorge: Great idea ! But ... I haven’t got a phone. I’m 15 and I love going out at the weekend, but places like the cinema or the ice
Chris: You can use mine. Your number’s in my contacts list. rink are expensive. I get pocket money, but it isn’t enough. You have to be 16 to
work in a shop and I can’t work with animals because I’m allergic to them. Have
Jorge: Thank you , Chris. That’s great.
you got any tips? - Alex
2 Look at the picture and create a short dialogue. Use the expressions from the box above. Students’ own answers. Answer: B

A The truth is, there isn’t much you can do. Your employer is allowed to decide their rates of pay and until
you’re 18, they can vary depending on age. You could look for a better-paid job.

B People your age are allowed to babysit or do gardening jobs. Make a leaflet about yourself and what you
want to do. Then, deliver it to the people in your neighbourhood. Don’t forget to include your contact
details and rates of pay.

3 34 Listen to three people and respond appropriately. Use the expression box above to help you.
C To get a job or go to university, you need to study hard and pass your exams. Your free-time activities
a. Not really. / Yes, I’m great. / I’m OK. shouldn’t affect your education or drain all your energy. You should talk to your trainer. You shouldn’t
stop completely but, are you allowed to take a break?
b. Thanks. That’s a good idea. Editorial Creation
c. Thank you. I’ll try that.

30 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 2. Nice Work 31

Lea el cuadro de expresiones. Luego, pida que hagan la actividad 1. T:

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Pida que lean rápidamente el texto y respondan la actividad 1. T: Skim the
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Let’s read the expression box. Then read and complete activity 1. Use the and answer activity 1. Luego, pida que lo lean nuevamente y que unan las
expressions from the box. Indique que miren la foto de la actividad 2. Deben preguntas con las respuestas. T: Read the text again and match the questions
crear un diálogo para ésta. T: Look at the picture from activity 2 and create a 1-3 to the answers A-C. Indique que vuelvan al texto y desarrollen la actividad
dialogue for it. Indique que escucharán el audio 34 y que tendrán que deberán 3 de la página 32. T: Read the text once again and answer the questions from
reaccionar a lo escuchado. Pueden usar el cuadro de expresiones. T: Listen to activity 3 in page 32. Pida que realicen la actividad 4 en parejas. T: Complete
three people. Answer appropriately. Remember to use the expressions box. activity 4 and compare your answers with a classmate.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 50-51 p. 52
3 Read the question section from page 31 again and answer the questions. Write Jason (J), Sadie (S) Writing An Informal Letter
or Olivia (O).
1 Write your letter. Students' own answers.
a. Use the letter on page 52 in your Student’s Book as a model.
a. gets up early? S e. is unhappy with his/her rate of pay? O
b. Use the information from Activity 3 and the plan below to write your letter.
b. keeps a place clean? O f. does a tiring activity? S
• Include your address and date on the upper part of your letter.
c. isn’t old enough to be a shop assistant? A g. works harder than his/her friend? O
• Begin your letter with Dear and include a greeting in the first paragraph.
d. has a problem with pets? A h. should stop doing something for a while? S
• Include updated information about yourself in the next paragraphs.
4 Answer the questions. Then, compare your answers with a classmate. Students' own answers. • Ask questions to your reader in the final paragraph and include a friendly closing.
a. Do you agree with the advice given by the website? Why? / Why not? c. Remember to use the structures and vocabulary seen in this lesson as well as informal expressions.

b. The cases on this website come from teens in the UK. Do you believe the situations would be different
for teens in Chile? How so?

c. Do you know of a similar example to one of the cases on the website? How is it similar?

Pronunciation /tr/ and /dr/ initial sounds

5 Underline the words in the website from page 31 that begin with /tr/ or /dr/. Say them out loud to
your classmate. drying, train, truth, drain, trainer.
2 Check and correct your letter. Students' own answers.
6 Use the words in the box below to create sentences. Then say them out loud to the class as fast as
you can. Students' own answers. a. Check that you have used the correct expressions and structures.
e.g. The dragon dreams of trumpets and drums. b. In pairs, swap your letters and check each other’s work considering the plan above.
c. Write what you think about your classmate’s work below.
trunk trumpet trap tricky
tremor track trait trainer Peer evaluation

dry dream drum drama

drink draw dragon drone

32 Unit 2. The People Around Us Lesson 2. Nice Work 33

Indique que subrayen las palabras que comiencen con /tr/ y /dr/ en la página 31 y
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En esta página escribirán la carta que planearon en el TE. Diga que usen el
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que las digan en voz alta. T: Underline the words with initial sound /tr/ and /dr/ espacio dado en el CA para cumplir con su tarea. T: On this page, you’ll write
and say them out loud with a classmate. Exaggerate the pronunciation so you can the letter that you planned in your Student’s Book. Use the space provided.
tell the difference between the initial sounds. Puede volver a reproducir el audio Luego, indique que revisen su texto para después intercambiarlo con un
35 del TE para que evalúen su pronunciación. Pida que hagan la actividad 6. T: Use compañero para que lo revisen. T: Now, check your text. Then exchange it with
the words from activity 6 and create sentences. Say them as fast as you can. a classmate. Provide feedback.

Student’s Book Student’s Book
pp. 54-55 t pp. 56-57
je c
TEST Yourself P ro
1 Write the job based on the description. You have the first letter to help you. 1 Complete the assessment of your project. Students' own answers.
a. This person looks after animals. v eterinarian. Group evaluation
b. This person assists you in fires and car accidents. f irefighter. Project name:
c. This person gathers information and makes hypotheses. s cientist. Group members:
d. This person rewrites documents from one language to another. t ranslator. Are there any aspects of the Is there anything that could have Is there anything that worked
project that did not work or that been done in a different way? well that you particularly liked?
2 Use the prompts to make present perfect questions with ever. Then, ask a classmate the questions
could be improved?
and write down their answers. Provide full answers and use never when necessary.
e.g. It was difficult to create the e.g. The campaign was too e.g. It was great to learn about
a. you / travel to another country?
information sheet at first. short. I would make it longer. the everyday issues people with
Q: Have you ever travelled to another country? ? disabilities face.
A: Students' own answers. ?
b. you and your friends / meet a famous person?
Q: Have you and your friends ever met a famous person? ?
A: Students' own answers. ?
c. your family / have a holiday in the mountains?
Q: Has your family ever had a holiday in the mountains? ?
A: Students' own answers. ?
d. you / sleep in a tent?
I learned that… I had difficulties with… I will overcome these difficulties by…
Q: Have you ever slept in a tent? ?
Students' own answers. e.g. Team communication is e.g. Communicating my e.g. Working on ways to improve my
A: ?
very important. thoughts correctly. commucation skills.
3 Complete the sentences with for, since or how long.
a. I’ve lived in this town since 2012.
b. How long has Sophie played tennis? Since she was three years old.
c. How long have you known Sheila? I’ve known her for six months.
d. They’ve been away for two weeks.
4 Use the compound words below to create sentences using although and both…and. Students' own answers.

makeup airport earthquake football salesperson schoolwork firework hamburger ice cream
light house midnight newsletter rainbow sunglasses teammate solar system 2 Discuss. Students' own answers.

e.g. Although she is not a salesperson, she has worked both in coffee shops and selling beauty products. a. Why is it important to include people with disabilities?

a. b. Do you believe it is necessary to have a national awareness campaign? Why? / Why not?


34 Unit 2. The People Around Us Project 35

Indique que las actividades de esta página les servirán para revisar su aprendizaje
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Pida a los estudiantes que completen el cuadro para evaluar su proyecto.
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de la unidad. T: This is the Test Yourself section. The idea of these activities is to T: Complete the box in activity 1 to evaluate your project. Luego, indique que
check what you have learned in this unit. De cierta cantidad de tiempo para que se junten en pares y discutan las preguntas de la actividad 2. T: Get together
desarrollen las actividades y luego revisen las respuestas en conjunto. Anote las in pairs and discuss the questions from activity 2. Monitoree el trabajo de los
respuestas correctas en la pizarra para que los estudiantes puedan corregir. estudiantes, resolviendo dudas y dando retroalimentación de ser necesario.
T: You’ll have 20 minutes to do the activities. Then, we’ll check them together.

Orientaciones Metodológicas
1 Mock Test Listening
1 Read the Task below and answer the following questions. Students' own answers.
a. How many people will you hear speaking?
b. Put these topics in the order you will hear about them in your notebook: music in the film, what the film
1 Read the first part of a student’s story, and discuss the questions. Students' own answers. is like, what Molly looks like in the film, animals in the film, Molly’s future, the main character.
TASK You will hear part of an interview an actress who has recently finished making a film.
Jack and his parents walked into the jeweller’s shop looking man came into the shop. He seemed
and asked to see some gold necklaces. They were very nervous. Suddenly, he pushed Jack hard and 1. Molly says that her new film 4. What does Molly say about her singing
looking for a present for Jack’s sister, who had her grabbed the gold necklaces. He ran out of the shop in the film?
A. may frighten young children.
eighteenth birthday that weekend. They used to and disappeared down the street. Everyone was very A. She was terrible at it.
B. should make people laugh.
be poor, so this was something important to them. frightened. The shop assistant pressed a red button
C. has a complicated story. B. She hasn’t listened to it yet.
While they were looking at the necklaces, a strange- to call the police.
C. She was pleased with the results.
Editorial Creation 2. Molly wanted to play Isobel because
a. Why did Jack and his parents want to look at c. What happened? A. Isobel’s personality is similar to her own. 5. Molly’s least favourite animals in the film were
gold necklaces? B. Isobel’s personality changes during the film. A. rats.
d. What did the people in the story do?
b. Who else was in the jeweller’s shop? C. Isobel isn’t like the characters Molly B. snakes.
e. How did they feel?
usually plays. C. cats and dogs.
Students' own answers.
2 Now read two possible endings for this story. Justify which one is better and explain why. 3. How did Molly feel about her appearance in 6. What does Molly plan to do in the next
the film? few weeks?
1 ‘Can you wait here until the police arrive?’ asked the shop assistant. Jack and his parents sat down and A. She didn’t mind it at all. A. Spend time with family and friends.
waited. When the police arrived, they described the man. Then they went to a different shop to buy a gold B. She wasn’t keen on the hairstyle. B. Begin studying at university.
necklace for Jack’s sister. C. She loved Isobel’s clothes. C. Start working on a new film.

2 Without thinking, Jack ran after the man. The man was fast but Jack was faster. He threw himself at the
2 36 Listen once and answer as many questions as you can. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
man’s legs and they both fell to the pavement. A moment later, Jack’s dad arrived with the police. ‘Well done!’
said the policeman. ‘You are a real hero!’ 3 36 Listen a second time. Answer any remaining questions, or check your answers.
Editorial Creation

You Turn You Turn

3 Read the task and write a story in about 100 words. 4 37 You will hear someone talking about their three children. For each question, choose the correct
answer A, B, or C.
• Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. 1. Ruben was born in 3. The speaker believes that 5. Ruben
• Your story must begin with this sentence: A. 1980. A. children are all the same. A. is tall and thin.
It was the middle of the night when my sister came running into my room screaming. B. 1982. B. all children are unique B. has got black hair and
C. 1990. individuals. a beard.
Students should write their story following the Preparation section. C. her children have similar C. is strong and well-built.
2. Mollie
abilities and interests.
A. is at university. 6. Mollie
4. Ewan A. plays the trumpet and
B. is a baby.
A. is a quiet person who the piano.
A. has completed her
loves reading. B. has got curly red hair.
university education.
B. is very cheerful. C. has read a lot of novels.
C. is keen on all sports.

68 Mock Test 1 Mock Test 1 69

Ocupe este Mock Test para evaluar dos de las habilidades del inglés en estilo
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T: Ok everyone, today we’ll do a Mock Test to assess two of the English skills as
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Cambridge Exams. Diga a sus estudiantes que primero realicen la sección Preparation a Cambridge International Exam. First, open your Exercise Books on page 68
para que puedan entender cómo se debe realizar este Mock Test. Para el caso de la and do the Preparation for the Speaking skill. We’ll check this part together.
habilidad Speaking, realizarán la parte Your Turn en grupos. Mientras los grupos Now, do the exam part in the Your Turn section in groups. For the Reading
estén realizando esta parte, monitoree cada grupo y entregue feedback cuando estime skill, do the Preparation section first and then do the Your Turn section on
necesario. Haga un feedback general luego de haber terminado esta sección. Para la your own.

habilidad Reading, deben realizar la sección Your Turn por de manera individual.
Template Unit 1 Template Unit 2
A Description of a Region An Essay

The Lake District In the first A person I admire

Use such as to paragraph, Use a subject
In the first
introduce examples introduce the pronoun to refer
paragraph, The Lake District is in Northwest England. It is the A person I admire a lot is my cousin James. He’s a few
of what you are person and their to the person you
describe the largest National Park in the country. It has England’s years older than me but we get on really well. I’ve
talking about, e.g. relationship to mentioned in the
location of the highest mountains and deepest lakes. It also has known him since I was six years old. That’s when he
beautiful villages. you. You can write previous sentence
place and what it some of the most beautiful villages in Britain, such as moved back home to Britain, from Australia. I’ve never
about the person’s (e.g. he)
is like. Grasmere and Coniston. About 8 million people visit been there, but I hope to go when I’m older.
appearance and
the Lake District every year. James is really into music. He plays the guitar, and has
Use for example personality here. Use an object
Windermere is 17 km long and is England’s largest lake. just joined a band. They’re called Strangers and have pronoun to refer
In subsequent to introduce an
There are two busy towns near the lake: Ambleside to played a couple of gigs. He listens to music all the time, to the person you
paragraphs, example of what you
the north and Bowness to the east. These have many In the second and especially Fleet Foxes and Mumford & Sons. Those are mentioned before,
describe the are talking about, e.g.
cafés, restaurants and shops. Windermere is a popular third paragraphs, definitely his favourite bands at the moment. rather than repeat
things you can mountains.
see and do there. place for activities such as sailing, walking, and fishing. write about the James did a lot of sport when he was in Australia and their name (e.g. him/
person’s interests, he still loves it now. He plays cricket for his school team it).
At 978 m, Scafell Pike is England’s highest mountain.
Use including hobbies and and is a member of a tennis club. He likes football as
You do not need special equipment to climb it, but
to introduce achievements. well, and supports Arsenal. We’ve been to see them
you do need to be fit and strong. Other mountains, for
play at the Emirates stadium a couple of times and we Use there to refer
example Skiddaw, are easier to climb. examples of what
always watch them on TV. to a place you
you are talking
There is a variety of accommodation in the Lake mentioned before,
about, e.g. types of In the final These are just a few of the reasons I admire James.
District, including hotels, guesthouses, campsites and rather than repeat
accommodation. paragraph, He’s a cheerful and generous person and it’s fun to be
youth hostels. It rains a lot in the Lake District, so youth the name.
hostels are a better choice than campsites. They are summarise why around him.
not as expensive as hotels and guesthouses, but are you admire the
Editorial Creation
often in very beautiful places. person. Use a demonstrative
pronoun to refer to
Editorial Creation
you mentioned
before. (e.g. those)
• We write the following points of the compass with a hyphen, north-east, north-west, south-
east, south-west. Tips
• We usually use lower case letters for compass points, • In informal writing, we sometimes omit the second subject pronoun in a sentence if it is the same
e.g. Manchester is in the north-west of England. / I live on the south-east coast. as the first.
• The abbreviation for metres is m, e.g. At 978 m, NOT At 978 ms, … e.g. Subject: My school
• Numbers: We use a comma in a four-digit number or larger, e.g. At 1,098 m, … • We have to include the second subject pronoun if it is different from the first.
• Use numerals for statistics, e.g. About 8 million people visit the Lake District every year. e.g. I’m friends with James and he supports Arsenal.
NOT I’m friends with James and supports Arsenal
• You can’t start a sentence with a numeral. Write the number as a word.
e.g. Eight million people ...
NOT 8 million people ...

72 Template Unit 1 Template Unit 2 73

Profesor, ocupe este template cuando estime conveniente.

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Profesor, ocupe este template cuando estime conveniente.
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Orientaciones Metodológicas
Unit 2 Extra Material 1


1 Describe one of your friendships using the template below. Include:

a. a picture of you.
b. the first time you met your friend.
c. your first thoughts about him/her.
d. a special moment in your friendship.
e. how you see you and your friend in the future.




Material fotocopiable

136 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Extra Material 1

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 1 de la página 136. Pida a los
estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones del material para hacer una publicación de
Instagram, describiendo alguna de sus amistades. T: Follow the steps from Extra
Material 1 to make an Instagram post describing one of your friendships.
Para llevarlo a cabo, deberán elegir una foto de ambos y que refleje su amistad. Por
ejemplo, si ambos disfrutan de la música, que elijan una foto en un concierto.
T: To make the post, you have to choose a picture that reflects the essence of your
friendship. For example, if you both like music, post a picture of both of you in a
music concert.
Indíqueles que esta tarea debe ser llevada individualmente, ya que se enfoca en sus
experiencias personales. Pídales también que en su publicación incluyan toda la
información mencionada en las instrucciones. T: You have to do this task individually,
since it focuses on your personal experiences and feelings. Be very descriptive and
include all the information mentioned in the steps from this material.
Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este.
Una vez que terminen su publicación, pídales que la compartan con la clase,
quienes pueden preguntar más detalles de la amistad descrita por el estudiante.
T: Show your Instagram post to the class, they will ask you questions about the
friendship described.
Puede mostrarles también el siguiente video tutorial de cómo hacer una historia en
instagram por si desean subirla a esta (u otra) red social:

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 2 Extra Material 1 137

Unit 2 Extra Material 2



Title: Self-love Haiku

Author: Poem Hunter

5 syllables

I went seeking love

7 syllables

kept looking outside myself

5 syllables

Found it here inside

Your Turn

5 syllables

7 syllables
Material fotocopiable

5 syllables

138 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Extra Material 2

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 2 de la página 138. Pida a los
estudiantes que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 6 para escribir un haiku.
T: Follow the steps in activity 6 to write a haiku.
Como modelo complementario al entregado en el Texto del Estudiante y este
material extra, puede mostrar el siguiente video:
Indíqueles que escribirán su haiku en el material entregado a modo de borrador
y que posteriormente deberán escribirlo en formato poster, decorándolo
creativamente. T: Use the material given to write a draft of your haiku, then you’ll
have to write the final version in a poster and decorate it creatively, according
to the topic of your haiku. Indíqueles que cuando tengan el borrador listo, pueden
intercambiarlo con otro estudiante para retroalimentar sus trabajos. T: Once you’ve
finished the draft, exchange it with a partner to give him or her feedback.
Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este. Una
vez que terminen con las tareas anteriores, indíqueles que presenten su haiku al
resto de la clase, explicando por qué eligieron dicho tema.
Finalmente, pueden pegar sus haikus en la sala de clases y votar por el que más les
gusto. T: Show your haiku to the class and explain what you chose that topic. Then,
put your haikus on the wall and we’ll vote for our favorites.

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 2 Extra Material 2 139

Unit 2 Extra Material 3


Good night! I’m Lisa Parks and welcome to Current News.

In our most important news, the National Statistics Institute, INE, has published
the results of the study related to workforce and gender in Chile in 2018. The study
collected information from the over eight million people that have formal jobs in
the country. It analysed the number of men and women working, their monthly
average income, and the percentual differences between both genders.

Men occupy 56% of the country’s workforce, while women correspond to 44 % of

the total. In relation to income, men earn an average of $652,397 monthly, whereas
women earn, on average, $474,991 every month. Even though the gap between
men and women has decreased, the results showed that the differences between
men and women in the workplace are still present. This is an issue that should be
solved with urgency.

* Use the present perfect to describe something that happened in the past, but the
exact time it happened is not important.
e.g. The INE has published the results of the study related to workforce and gender.
* State figures and important data in the present simple.
e.g. Men occupy 56% of the country’s workforce.
* Use expressions to contrast information such as the ones in bold.

Material fotocopiable

140 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Extra Material 3

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 3 de la página 140. Pida a los estudiantes
que sigan las instrucciones de la actividad 6 para crear y grabar un informe de
noticias. T: Follow the steps in activity 6 to create and record a news report.
Para complementar la actividad, puede mostrar el siguiente video de cómo hacer un
reporte de noticias:
Indique que utilizarán el material entregado como ejemplo de lo que deberán
hacer. Pida que lo lean y que subrayen las expresiones que creen les serán útiles
al momento de grabar su informe. T: Use the material as a model for your news
report. Underline the expressions you think will be useful for your report. Luego,
pida que escriban su informe de noticias antes de grabarlo. Una vez que terminen,
pida que intercambien textos con otro estudiante para que retroalimenten sus
trabajos mutuamente. T: Write your news report before recording it. Once you
finish writing, exchange the text with a classmate, so you can correct each other’s
work before recording the news report.
Indique que incluyan las correcciones de su compañero o compañera y que
practiquen el noticiero antes de grabarlo. Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase
y deles retroalimentación sobre éste. T: Include your classmate’s corrections and
practice what you’ll say before recording.
Una vez que terminen con las tareas anteriores, indique que pueden grabar su
informe. Cuando finalicen, pida que muestren su trabajo a la clase. T: When you
finish practicing, record your news report. Show it to the class when it’s ready.

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 2 Extra Material 3 141

Unit 2 Extra Material 4


Martina Carrasco
Address: Main Street #24, Edinburgh.
Telephone: +4479876543XX
Date o f birth: 24 March 2000

I am interested in tourism and travelling. I am a 2021 - Present English Social Media Tutor
very organised and self-motivated person. I have given students guidance and solved
I am good at writing and I have excellent their doubts in relation to Social Media. I have
communication skills. also held extra mentoring sessions.

Education Interest
2019 - Present University of Edinburgh. Travelling. Languages. Writing about current
Degree in English Literature and Linguistics. events on social media.
2005 - 2018 Santa Fe School.
Additional skills
Professional experience English - Certified Upper Intermediate level
2020 - Present Academic Writing tutor Computer skills - User level
I have worked mentoring new students for a
year. I have assisted the professor in lectures
and I have checked students’ tests and written

Material fotocopiable

142 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Extra Material 4

Reparta a cada estudiante el Extra Material 4 de la página 142. Pregunte a los
estudiantes si saben lo que es un CV. Tome nota de sus respuestas en la pizarra.
Luego, indique que un CV es un resumen de los estudios y trabajos de una persona
y que se utiliza para postular a trabajos. T: Do you know what a CV is? A CV is a
summary of your school and working life and it is used to apply for jobs.
Dibuje en la pizarra una plantilla a partir del Extra Material 4. Pida a los
estudiantes que miren el material entregado atentamente e identifiquen las
secciones del CV. Escriba junto a cada sección del dibujo en la pizarra las
respuestas de los estudiantes. T: Look closely at the CV. Identify its different
sections and name them.
Luego, pídales que pasen a la pizarra a escribir qué información pueden encontrar
en cada sección del CV. T: Come to the board and write what kind of information is
included in each section.
Para complementar esta actividad, muestre el siguiente video para ayudar en la
evaluación del CV descrito en el Texto del Estudiante:
Finalmente, pida que realicen la actividad descrita en el texto del estudiante, dónde
tendrán que evaluar, en base al CV, el mejor trabajo para la persona descrita en éste.

Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 2 Extra Material 4 143

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1

Name: Score: /14

1 Read the following text about friendship. Then write a brief text (using no more than 100 words), describing the
characteristics of a true friend. /9

The Anatomy of a True Friend

Eyes – A friend will always see you for your true self. They will always see the best in you.
Ears – A friend will always have them open to listen to you. They will really hear what you are saying.
Mouth – A friend will always tell you the truth. They will help you talk through things when life is complicated.
Shoulder – A friend will always be your strength when you can’t carry yourself.
Arms – A friend will always offer hugs and will always make you feel comfortable.
Heart – A friend will love you for who you are.
Adapted from:

For me, true friendship is …

2 Answer the following questions using the Present Perfect tense. Use never when appropriately. /5
a. Have you ever painted your room?

b. Have you ever learned a martial art?

c. Have you ever gone to a music festival? Material fotocopiable

d. Have you seen a shooting star?

e. Have you ever travelled abroad?

144 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Speaking de la Lección 1. Explique a
los estudiantes que esta es una prueba formativa, no será calificada, pero mide sus
conocimientos respecto a los contenidos vistos en la lección y sus habilidades en el
idioma. T: This is a formative test, which will not have a mark, but it will help us know
how much you’ve learned so far. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante.
Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente
perfecto, como también sus habilidades de expresión escrita y comprensión lectora.
T: The main objective of this test is to check the use of present perfect, together with
your writing and reading skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser
trabajada de forma individual y que tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must
do this test on your own. You have 45 minutes to answer it. Permita a los estudiantes,
si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
leer el texto, para luego escribir sobre su concepto de amistad. T: In exercise 1, you
will read the text, and then write about your own concept of friendship. Inicie
el ejercicio 2. Pida que escriban oraciones completas para dar su respuesta. T: In
exercise 2, you will answer the questions using the present perfect tense. Try to
use full sentences in your answer. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba,
vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada
estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Entregue retroalimentación durante el
trabajo de los estudiantes.
Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita que se ofrezcan voluntariamente a
responder. Anote las respuestas que vayan dando en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes
que corrijan sus respuestas de ser necesario. T: We will check your answers on the
board, please check them in your test whether they are correct or not. Esta prueba
tiene 14 puntos. Recuerde que esta es una evaluación formal, por lo que puede
decidir, dependiendo del rendimiento de cada estudiante, dónde se ubica en
la rúbrica.

1. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling.
2. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy in terms of present perfect use.

Tabla de Logro
Pregunta Iniciado En proceso Logrado

Utiliza oraciones completas para responder preguntas.

Logra escribir un texto de extensión breve.

Usa correctamente el presente perfecto en contexto.

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L1 145

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L2

Name: Score: /15

1 Read Daniela’s summary of her life. Imagine it’s December 2021 and write sentences about her life using the
Present Perfect. /6

Daniela’s life summary (December 2021)

Met my best friend 2016

Started to collect old coins 2017

Joined a band 2018

Moved to Santiago 2019

Bought my first laptop 2020

Stopped having junk food 2021

a. know / best friend / since

b. collect / coins / for

c. be / a band / since

d. learn / Italian / for

e. have / a laptop / for

f. not eat / junk food / since

2 Describe your dream job in 100 words. Use these questions to help you write your description: What will you do in
that job? What is it about? Why are you interested in that job? /9
Material fotocopiable

146 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Speaking estudiantes que deberán leer los datos de la tabla para luego
de la Lección 2. Explique a los estudiantes que esta es construir oraciones usando el presente perfecto. T: In exercise 1,
una prueba formativa, no será calificada, pero mide sus you will read the facts on the table. Then create sentences using
conocimientos respecto a los contenidos vistos en la lección the Present Perfect. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que describan su
y sus habilidades en el idioma. T: This is a formative test, trabajo soñado. T: In exercise 2, you will describe your dream job.
which will not have a mark, but it will help us know how Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor
much you’ve learned so far. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique
para cada estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Entregue
de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente perfecto con retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los estudiantes.
for and since, como también sus habilidades de expresión
Revise las respuestas de los estudiantes. Permita que se
escrita. T: The main objective of this test is to check the use
ofrezcan voluntariamente a responder. Anote las respuestas
of present perfect with for and since, together with your
que vayan dando en la pizarra y pida a los estudiantes que
writing skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe
corrijan sus respuestas de ser necesario. T: We will check
ser trabajada de forma individual y que tendrán 45 minutos
your answers on the board, please check them in your
para responderla. T: You must do this test on your own. You
test whether they are correct or not. Esta prueba tiene 15
have 45 minutes to answer it. Permita a los estudiantes, si es
puntos. Recuerde que esta es una evaluación formal, por lo
necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas.
que puede decidir, dependiendo del rendimiento de cada
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiante, dónde se ubica en la rúbrica.

1. a. Mia has known her best friend since 2016.
b. Mia has collected coins for 3 years.
c. She has been in a band since 2018.
d. Mia has started to learn Italian for one year.
e. She has had a laptop for one year.
f. Mia hasn’t eaten junk food since 2019.
2. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling.
Tabla de Logro

Pregunta Iniciado En proceso Logrado

Utiliza oraciones completas
para responder preguntas.

Logra escribir un texto de

extensión breve.

Usa correctamente el presente

perfecto en contexto.

Unit 2 Formative Assessment L2 147

Unit 2 Final Assessment L1

Name: Score: /17

1 Complete the conversation with ever or never and the present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. /5
a. Ana: (you/start) an online blog?
Felipe: Yes, I have. Lots of people read it.
b. Tomás: My brother (cry) during a sad film.
Elena: Oh, really? I always cry during sad films.
c. Diego: My aunt (wear) earrings.
Javi: Oh, really? That’s unusual.
d. Gaby: I (meet) a famous person.
Nico: Oh, I have, last year on holiday.
e. Dani: (Martin/donate) blood?
Juan: No, he hasn’t.

2 Read the following texts of people talking about their friends. Then, think of your best friend or a close friend and
write a short text about him/ her (100 words). /12

I’ve always been a very extroverted person and I’ve My best friend’s name is Alice and she’s also my
never had problems making new friends. Getting to cousin. We’re the same age and we’ve grown up
know new people is a great experience. I’m not one of together. She always gives me the best advice,
those people that have a BFF and spend all the time especially when it comes to girls! She also shares a
with them. I guess I could say I have lots of BFFs! lot of my interests and we always enjoy each other’s
Ana, 13
Cris, 14

Material fotocopiable

148 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment L1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Review de la Lección 1. Explique
a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada de
acuerdo al puntaje por item. T: This is a formal test, which will have a mark, and
it will help to wrap up the lesson. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada
estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del
presente perfecto, como también sus habilidades de comprensión lectora y expresión
escrita. T: The main objective of this test is to check your knowledge from this
lesson, together with your reading and writing skills. Mencione a los estudiantes
que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que tendrán 45 minutos para
responderla. T: You must do this assessment on your own. You have 45 minutes to
answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar la conversación con los verbos entre paréntesis, usando la forma del
presente perfecto. T: In exercise 1, you will fill in the blanks of the conversation
with the correct verb tense of the ones in brackets. Use the Present Perfect tense.
Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que lean los dos breves textos, para luego escribir sobre
un amigo cercano usando la estructura mostrada anteriormente. T: In exercise 2,
you will read 2 short texts about friendship. Then, you must write your own text
about friendship.
Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las
dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
Esta prueba tiene 17 puntos.

1. a. Have you ever started
b. Has never cried
c. Has never worn
d. Have never met
e. Has Martin ever donated
2. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling.

Unit 2 Final Assessment L1 149

Unit 2 Final Assessment L2

Name: Score: /21

1 You will role-play a phone conversation giving a friend some exciting news about a new job you have just got.
To prepare the conversation, answer the following questions. /5
a. How did you get the job?

b. What is the job about? What is your position?

c. Where are you going to work? How many hours a week do you work?

d. Are you excited about your new job?

e. What are your goals in this new job?

2 Now, begin the role-play. /16

a. Tell as many details as you want.
b. Then, switch roles.
c. Provide feedback to each other.

Material fotocopiable

150 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment L2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada luego de la sección Review de la Lección 2. Explique
a los estudiantes que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada de
acuerdo al puntaje por ítem. T: This is a formal test, which will have a mark, and
it will help to wrap up the lesson. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada
estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus
habilidades de expresión oral. T: The main objective of this test is to check your
knowledge from this lesson, together with your speaking skills. Mencione a los
estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada en parejas y que tendrán 45 minutos
para responderla. T: You must do this assessment in pairs. You have 45 minutes to
answer it.
Mencione a los estudiantes que piensen en un trabajo que quieran tener y
que se pongan en la posición que ya lo obtuvieron. Pida que planifiquen su
historia basándose en las preguntas destinadas para ello y utilizando el espacio
dado en la hoja entregada. T: You will talk about a job that you have just got.
Plan your story using the questions given and write the information in the
space provided, which will be important for you to do the test. Indique a los
estudiantes que practiquen su discurso en pares.T: Practice your speech with
a classmate. Mencione a los estudiantes que pueden dar retroalimentación a
su compañero, en caso de que sea pertinente. T: Give your classmate feedback
if needed. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la
sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo.
Organice la presentación de los estudiantes. Evalúe de acuerdo a la rúbrica asignada.
Esta prueba tiene 21 puntos.

1. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling in the text.
2. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and pronunciation.

Unit 2 Final Assessment L2 151

Rúbrica Final Assessment L1

Ítem Execlente Muy Bueno Adecuado Mejorable Ponderación

(4) (3) (2) (1)
No existen errores 6-7 palabras están 3-5 palabras están Existen errores
gramaticales. correctamente correctamente gramaticales en 6
Gramática escritas. escritas. o más palabras.

Redacta el texto Redacta Redacta No expresa ideas

relacionándolo superficialmente solamente sus ni argumentos.
con sus propias sus ideas en el ideas y presenta
ideas. Apoya sus texto. Apoya argumentos
argumentos con sus argumentos débiles.
razones. superficialmente.
La importancia de La importancia La importancia Uno o ningún
todos los aspectos de 3 aspectos es de 2 aspectos es aspecto es
es explicada con explicada con explicada. Las explicado o las
razones. Existe razones. Existe razones planteadas razones planteadas
coherencia en la coherencia en la son parcialmente no tienen
escritura. escritura. coherentes. coherencia.

152 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Rúbrica Final Assessment L2

Ítem Excelente Muy bueno Adecuado Mejorable Ponderación

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Demuestra Demuestra un Demuestra Demuestra bajo
buen dominio dominio suficiente dominio del uso dominio del uso
de estructuras de estructuras de estructuras de estructuras
gramaticales gramaticales gramaticales gramaticales
correctas. correctas. correctas en correctas.
algunas instancias.
Demuestra amplio Demuestra Demuestra Demuestra
conocimiento suficiente conocimiento conocimiento de
de las palabras conocimiento de algunas de pocas o ninguna
relacionadas al de las palabras las palabras de las palabras
mundo del trabajo. relacionadas al relacionadas al relacionadas al
mundo del trabajo. mundo del trabajo. mundo del trabajo.
Se expresa de Se expresa de En varias Pocas veces
forma entendible forma entendible, instancias se utiliza aspectos
la mayoría del con suficiente expresa de forma fonológicos de
Pronunciación tiempo, haciendo uso correcto entendible y con forma correcta y se
uso correcto de aspectos uso correcto expresa de forma
de aspectos fonológicos. de aspectos no entendible.
fonológicos. fonológicos.
Interactúa de Muestra un poco Se le dificulta Demuestra poca
forma simple. de dificultad en repetidas interacción en la
No necesita para interactuar. ocasiones la conversación.
intervención del Necesita ayuda comunicación de Necesita de
Interacción profesor. en algunas sus ideas. Necesita incentivos
instancias. ayuda en varios adicionales
momentos de la del profesor
conversación. para lograr

Rúbrica Final Assessment L1 y L2 153

Unit 2 Final Assessment 1

Name: Score: /16

1 Look at Tobia’s list of things he’s already done during the summer holidays and the things he hasn’t done yet.
Then decide if the sentences a-f are True or False. Correct the False sentences. /6

a. Go surfing. (Yes) d. Buy a new T-Shirt. (Yes)

b. Visit grandparents. (Yes) e. See the new Batman film. (No)
c. Have a sleepover with friends. (No) f. Wash Dad’s car. (No)

a. He hasn’t gone surfing yet.

b. He’s already visited his grandparents.

c. He’s already had a sleepover with friends.

d. He hasn’t bought a new T-Shirt yet.

e. He’s already seen the new Batman film.

f. He hasn’t washed his dad’s car yet.

2 38 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about his job as a firefighter. Then complete the report. /10

The Job of a Firefighter by Elliot Dunn

We met Graham Metcalf this week, a firefighter from Liverpool. He has worked in his job for 1
His everyday duties include driving a fire engine, stopping fires and 2
people. A firefighter
needs to have many different qualities and skills. You must be good at 3 and have good 4
skills because you have to deal with many different people at the same time in order to solve
Material fotocopiable
problems in a calm and 5 way. He says you should also be fit and 6
and that, because the job is dangerous, you need to wear a special uniform, including a 7 ..
Graham says there is a lot of 8
in his job and that, as well as being dangerous, it’s also very 9
. It’s 10 , too.

154 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment 1

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente perfecto, como también sus
habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test is to check
the use of present perfect, together with your listening comprehension skills.
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que
tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must do this assessment on your own.
You have 45 minutes to answer it. Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique
a los estudiantes que deberán decidir si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas, de
acuerdo a la información presentada en la caja. T: In exercise 1, you will decide if
the sentences are true or false, according to the information in the box. Inicie el
ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 38 para completar el reporte. T: In exercise
2, you will listen to an interview. Complete the school report according to the
information you listen to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos
veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention.
Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare
las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia
prueba. Esta prueba tiene 16 puntos.

1. a. Incorrect. He has gone surfing.
b. OK
c. Incorrect. He hasn’t had a sleepover yet.
d. Incorrect. He has bought a new T-Shirt.
e. Incorrect. He hasn’t seen the film yet.
f. Ok
2. 1. ten years
2. rescuing people
3. teamwork
4. communication
5. logical
6. reliable
7. helmet
8. stress
9. tiring
  10. exciting

Unit 2 Final Assessment 1 155

Unit 2 Final Assessment 2

Name: Score: /11

1 Match a-f with A-F to make sentences. Complete the blanks with for or since. /6
a. Joseph has A. meat four years. She’s a vegetarian.
b. My internet connection B. has been really cold two weeks.
c. The weather C. been a scout six months.
d. I’ve had D. any water this morning.
e. Ella hasn’t drunk E. has been down Monday afternoon.
f. My sister hasn’t eaten F. this bracelet I was a child. It was my grandmother’s.

2 38 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about his job as a firefighter. Decide if the sentences are True (T)
or False (F). Rewrite the false sentences. /5
e.g. _T_ A fire engine is a big vehicle that a firefighter drives.
a. Graham has to be good with people to do his job.
b. Training is short but intense.
c. He wears a special uniform so people know he is a firefighter.
d. Graham loves his job because he has a variety of duties to do each day.
e. He doesn’t have to work in an office.

Material fotocopiable

156 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment 2

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente perfecto, como también sus
habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test is to check
the use of present perfect, together with your listening comprehension skills.
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que
tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must do this assessment on your own.
You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar las oraciones utilizando for y since, para luego unirlas con las frases de
la columna de la izquierda. T: In exercise 1, you will complete the sentences on
the right using for and since. Then you will match them to the phrases on the
left column. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 38 para decidir si las
oraciones son verdaderas o falsas. T: In exercise 2, you will listen to an interview.
Decide if the sentences are true or false, according to the information you listen
to. Rewrite the false sentences. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el
audio dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay
attention. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la
sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje
en su propia prueba. Esta prueba tiene 11 puntos.

1. a. C / for
b. E / since
c. B / for
d. F / since
e. D / since
f. A / for
2. a. True.
b. False. Training takes many years.
c. False. He wears a special uniform, so the fire doesn’t burn him.
d. True.
e. True

Unit 2 Final Assessment 2 157

Unit 2 Final Assessment 3

Name: Score: /17

1 Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect tense (use ever and never when possible). /7
a. My friends (not/see) my new cell phone yet.
b. We (finish) building that new table.
c. (Tom/start) doing his homework?
d. Louise (arrive) from England.
e. Karl and Emma (leave) for the supermarket.
f. (you/be) to the South of Chile?
g. I (see) horror films. I don’t like them.

2 38 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about his job as a firefighter. Then complete the report. /10

The Job of a Firefighter by Elliot Dunn

We met Graham Metcalf this week, a firefighter from Liverpool. He has worked in his job for 1 .

His everyday duties include driving a fire engine, stopping fires and 2 people. A firefighter

needs to have many different qualities and skills. You must be good at 3 and have good

skills because you have to deal with many different people at the same time in order to

solve problems in a calm and 5 way. He says you should also be fit and

and that, because the job is dangerous, you need to wear a special uniform, including a

. Graham says there is a lot of 8 in his job and that, as well as being

dangerous, it’s also very 9 . It’s 10 , too.

Material fotocopiable

158 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment 3

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente perfecto, como también sus
habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test is to check
the use of present perfect, together with your listening comprehension skills.
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que
tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must do this assessment on your own.
You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
completar las oraciones utilizando el presente perfecto. T: In exercise 1, you will
complete the sentences using the present perfect. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que
escuchen el audio 38 para completar el reporte. T: In exercise 2, you will listen to
an interview. Complete the school report according to the information you listen
to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You will listen
to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los estudiantes
trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan
surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Esta prueba
tiene 17 puntos.

1. a. Haven’t seen
b. Have finished
c. Has Tom started
d. Has arrived
e. Have left
f. Have you ever been
g. I’ve never seen
2. 1. ten years
2. rescuing people
3. teamwork
4. communication
5. logical
6. reliable
7. helmet
8. stress
9. tiring
  10. exciting

Unit 2 Final Assessment 3 159

Unit 2 Final Assessment 4

Name: Score: /17

1 Write the questions for the next answers below using How long. Then, complete the answers with for or since. /12
a. A:
B: I have studied English I was at primary school.
b. A:
B: My parents have lived in France ten years.
c. A:
B: I’ve had my red hoodie ages.
d. A:
B: My sister has been at university 2010.
e. A:
B: I’ve had a TV in my bedroom I was 12.
f. A:
B: Max has played football for his school a couple of months.

2 38 Listen to Graham Metcalf answer questions about his job as a firefighter. Decide if the sentences are True (T)
or False (F). Correct the false sentences. /5
e.g. _T_ A fire engine is a big vehicle that a firefighter drives.
a. Graham has to be good with people to do his job.

b. Training is short but intense.


c. He wears a special uniform so people know he is a firefighter.


Material fotocopiable
Graham loves his job because he has a variety of duties to do each day.

e. He doesn’t have to work in an office.


160 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Final Assessment 4

Esta prueba debe ser aplicada al finalizar la unidad. Explique a los estudiantes
que esta es una prueba sumativa, por lo que será calificada. T: This is a formal
test, which will have a mark, and it will help to wrap up the unit. Indique a los
estudiantes que existen 4 formas distintas de esta prueba. Indique que deben
seleccionar una para desarrollar. T: There are four different forms for this test.
Choose the one you feel most confident completing. Mencione que el objetivo
principal de esta prueba es verificar el uso del presente perfecto, como también sus
habilidades de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this test is to check
the use of present perfect, together with your listening comprehension skills.
Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual y que
tendrán 45 minutos para responderla. T: You must do this assessment on your own.
You have 45 minutes to answer it.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
crear preguntas a partir de las respuestas dadas, usando how long y completanto las
respuestas con for y since. T: In exercise 1, you will create answers to the questions
above, using how long. Then you will complete the answers using for or since.
Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que escuchen el audio 38 para decidir si las oraciones son
verdaderas o falsas. T: In exercise 2, you will listen to an interview. Decide if the
sentences are true or false, according to the information you listen to. Rewrite the
false sentences. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T:
You will listen to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras los
estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que
vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba. Esta
prueba tiene 17 puntos.

1. a. since / How long have you studied…?
b. for / How long have your parents lived…?
c. for / How long have you had…?
d. since / How long has your sister been…?
e. since / How long have you had…?
f. for / How long has Max played…?
2. a. True.
b. False. Training takes many years.
c. False. He wears a special uniform, so the fire doesn’t burn him.
d. True.
e. True

Unit 2 Final Assessment 4 161

Unit 2 Speaking Assessment

Name: Score: /16

Student A
You have a problem in one of your classes and you are telling your friend, Student B, about it.
a. Describe the problem in detail.
b. Ask Student B if he/she can help you or give you some advice.
c. Respond to his/her advice.
d. Then swap roles. Student B has a problem and is going to tell you about it.
• Ask him/her what the problem is.
• Offer some help or advice.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Student B
Student A has a problem and is going to tell you about it.
a. Ask him/her what the problem is.
b. Offer some help or advice.
c. Then swap roles. You have a problem with one of your friends and you’re telling your friend, Student B, about it.
• Describe the problem in detail.
• Ask Student A if he/she can help you or give you some advice.
• Respond to his/her advice.

Material fotocopiable

162 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Speaking Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación no será
calificado, pero mide sus habilidades de expresión oral. T: The following project
has no formal mark. Although, it will work for you to develop and practise
your speaking skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante.
Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus habilidades de
expresión oral. T: The main objective of this project is to check your speaking
skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada en parejas.
T: You must do this project in pairs. One of you will be Student A and the other
Student B. Permita a los estudiantes, si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario
para resolver sus dudas. Mencione a los estudiantes que deberán preparar lo
que se les indica en las instrucciones, según su rol en la conversación. T: You
will follow the instructions given according to your role in the conversation.
Indique a los estudiantes que practiquen su discurso en pares. T: Practice
your speech with a classmate. Mencione a los estudiantes que pueden dar
retroalimentación a su compañero, en caso de que sea pertinente. T: Give your
classmate feedback if needed. Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba,
vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Organice la
presentación de los estudiantes. Evalúe de acuerdo a la rúbrica asignada.
Esta tarea tiene 16 puntos.


Ítem Excelente (4) Muy bueno (3) Adecuado (2) Mejorable (1) Ponderación
Domina las Domina Domina a veces Domina poco
estructuras suficientemente las las estructuras o nulamente
Gramática aprendidas en estructuras aprendidas aprendidas en las estructuras
clase. en clase. clase. aprendidas en clase.
Demuestra Demuestra suficiente Demuestra Demuestra poco o
amplio conocimiento conocimiento nulo conocimiento
conocimiento del vocabulario de algunas de del vocabulario
del vocabulario aprendido.. las palabras aprendido.
aprendido. del vocabulario
Hace uso Hace suficiente uso En varias Pocas veces hace
correcto de correcto de aspectos instancias hace uso correcto
Pronunciación aspectos fonológicos. uso correcto de aspectos
fonológicos. de aspectos fonológicos.
Interactúa Muestra poca Se le dificulta Demuestra poca
de forma dificultad al varias veces la interacción y
Interacción simple sin interactuar y necesita interacción y necesita constante
intervención ayuda en algunas necesita ayuda ayuda.
del profesor. instancias. eventualmente.

Unit 2 Speaking Assessment 163

Unit 2 Writing Assessment

Name: Score: /16

1 Write a 125-150 words formal e-mail to apply for a new job. Include the following:
• Why are you sending the e-mail.
• Your qualities, strengths and skills, and why you would be good at the job.
• Appropriate formal expressions.

Material fotocopiable
Material fotocopiable

164 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Writing Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación no será
calificado, pero mide sus habilidades de expresión escrita. T: The following
project has no formal mark. Although, it will work for you to develop and
practise your writing skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada
estudiante. Mencione que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus
habilidades de expresión escrita. T: The main objective of this project is to
check your writing skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la prueba debe ser
trabajada de forma individual. T: You must do this task on your own. Permita a
los estudiantes, si es necesario, que utilicen diccionario para resolver sus dudas.
Mencione a los estudiantes deberán construir un texto en el que van a postular
a algún trabajo que les interese. T: You will write an e-mail to apply to a job,
including all the information you are required to.
Mientras los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y
aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje
en su propia prueba. Entregue retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los
estudiantes. Luego, califique a cada estudiante según la rúbrica. Esta tarea
tiene 16 puntos.


Ítem Excelente (4) Muy bueno (3) Adecuado (2) Mejorable (1) Ponderación
Domina las Domina Domina a veces Domina poco
estructuras suficientemente las las estructuras o nulamente
Gramática aprendidas en estructuras aprendidas aprendidas en las estructuras
clase. en clase. clase. aprendidas en clase.
Demuestra Demuestra suficiente Demuestra Demuestra poco o
amplio conocimiento conocimiento nulo conocimiento
conocimiento del vocabulario de algunas de del vocabulario
del vocabulario aprendido.. las palabras aprendido.
aprendido. del vocabulario
Hace uso Hace suficiente uso En varias Pocas veces hace
correcto de correcto de aspectos instancias hace uso correcto
Pronunciación aspectos fonológicos. uso correcto de aspectos
fonológicos. de aspectos fonológicos.
Organiza Organiza Mezcla estructuras No organiza el texto
correctamente correctamente el texto de organización correctamente y
el texto de y es lo suficientemente con poca cohesión demuestra poca
manera cohesivo y coherente. y coherencia. coherencia y
cohesiva y cohesión.

Unit 2 Wrinting Assessment 165

Unit 2 Reading Assessment

Name: Score: /16

1 Complete the table. Match the duties a-l to the correct jobs in the table. /12

Babysitter Shop assistant Paper boy Waiter/Waitress Janitor Cashier

a. Displays items on a shelf. g. Gives customers their change.

b. Sells shop items. h. Serves food and drinks.
c. Delivers newspapers. i. Reads stories and play with young children.
d. Looks after children. j. Tidies up a restaurant.
e. Helps customers find items to buy. k. Wakes up very early.
f. Cleans the floor. l. Takes customers’ orders.
2 Read the adverts. Decide if the sentences a-d are True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. /4

A. Babysitter Needed B. Newspaper round before school

We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5 We need young people to deliver newspapers in the
and 7 after school from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Mon – Fri. £40 mornings. The paper round takes 30 minutes in the
a week. village. Papers must be delivered before 8 a.m. and
you must have your own bike.

C. Holiday Job D. Munchies Café – Part-Time Work

Do you want to earn some extra money this summer? Do We are looking for breakfast and lunchtime staff to
you speak another language? We need French, Spanish or work in our café on Saturdays. Come in (8 a.m. – 4
German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop p.m.) or call Bella on 612398745 (after 4 p.m.).
Tuesday to Saturday.

a. Advert A offers a job where you can earn more than c. The paper round from the job in
£40 a week. advert B, takes more than half an hour.

b. The job in advert D says you don’t need to work in d. Advert C promotes a job where you work five days
the evenings. a week. Material fotocopiable

166 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Reading Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación no será calificado,
pero mide sus habilidades de comprensión lectora. T: The following project has no
formal mark. Although, it will work for you to develop and practise your reading
skills. Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mencione que el
objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus habilidades de comprensión lectora.
T: The main objective of this project is to check your reading skills. Mencione a los
estudiantes que la prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual. T: You must do
this project on your own.
Indique a los estudiantes que leerán un texto, con el cual desarrollarán los ejercicios.
Inicie la evaluación con el primer ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán
unir las labores con el trabajo que corresponde. T: In exercise 1, you will match the
duties to the correct job. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que lean los avisos de trabajo e
identifiquen si las oraciones son verdaderas o falsas. T: In exercise 2, you will read
some job advert. Then you will identify if the sentences are true or false. Mientras
los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y aclare las dudas
que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante trabaje en su propia prueba.
Entregue retroalimentación durante el trabajo de los estudiantes.
Se sugiere que corrijan entre pares. T: Check your answers with a classmate.
Esta tarea tiene 16 puntos.

1. Babysitter: d – i
Shop Assistant: a – b – e
Paper Boy: c – k
Waiter/Waitress: h – l
Janitor: f – j
Cashier: g
2. a. False
b. True
c. False
d. True

Unit 2 Reading Assessment 167

Unit 2 Listening Assessment

Name: Score: /15

1 39 Listen to an interview with a football player and complete the fact file. /8

e.g. Name of player - Tom Adam
a. Team:
b. Lives 50 km from:
c. Nationality:
d. Age:
e. Age he joined current team:
f. Played for his country in:
g. Any injuries:
h. Two things he likes:

2 39 Listen again and answer the questions a-e. /7

e.g. Which area of England is Tom from? -> Hertfordshire
a. How long has Tom played football?

b. How long has he been a professional?

c. What did doctors tell him because of his injury?

d. What type of computer games does Tom like the most?

e. Name two countries that Tom has visited.

Material fotocopiable

f. What has Tom found difficult this year?

g. What has been the happiest moment in Tom’s career?

168 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Listening Assessment

Explique a los estudiantes que este instrumento de evaluación
no será calificado. , pero mide sus habilidades de comprensión
auditivaT: The following project has no formal mark. Although,
it will work for you to develop and practise your listening skills.
Reparta una prueba fotocopiada para cada estudiante. Mencione
que el objetivo principal de esta prueba es verificar sus habilidades
de comprensión auditiva. T: The main objective of this project is
to check your listening skills. Mencione a los estudiantes que la
prueba debe ser trabajada de forma individual. T: You must do this
project on your own.
Indique a los estudiantes que escucharán el track 39, con el cual
desarrollarán los ejercicios. Inicie la evaluación con el primer
ejercicio. Indique a los estudiantes que deberán escuchar el audio
y completar la ficha. la información que se les pide. T: In exercise
1, you will complete the fact file based on the information you
listened to. Mencione a los estudiantes que escucharán el audio
dos veces. T: You will listen to the track for exercise 1, twice.
Please, pay attention. Inicie el ejercicio 2. Pida que respondan
las preguntas a partir de lo escuchado. T: In exercise 2, you will
answer the questions based on what you listened to. Mencione a
los estudiantes que escucharán el audio dos veces. T: You will listen
to the track for exercise 2, twice. Please, pay attention. Mientras
los estudiantes trabajan en su prueba, vaya alrededor de la sala y
aclare las dudas que vayan surgiendo. Verifique que cada estudiante
trabaje en su propia prueba.Esta tarea tiene 15 puntos.

1. a. Arsenal FC 2. a. Since he was four.
b. London b. Since 2009.
c. British c. He couldn’t play.
d. 20 d. Football games.
e. Nine years old e. (Any two of) Japan, China, Spain,
f. 2010 Holland and Germany.
g. He hurt his foot last year. f. Sitting and watching his team.
h. He likes travelling and meeting g. Scoring his first Premier League
new people. goal in 2009.

Unit 2 Listening Assessment 169

Transcripts Unit 2

Track 19 page 36. Activity 5. R: We met at art college in London. M: And what’s been the best moment?
a. Have you ever ridden a horse? I wanted to be in Europe. It’s such an J: I think it was the first time we played
b. Has she ever played the piano? exciting place, you know, and we were together. When we were still at college.
c. They’ve never flown in a plane. both studying art. R: Yeah, we played some songs at
M: And when was that? Josh’s house in his dad’s garage.
Track 20 page 21. Exercise Book. R: That was... what? In 2007? J: Believe it or not, we still practise there!
Activity 4. J: That’s right. In 2007. M: Really?
a. I’ve never been to Paris. M: So, what instruments do you play? J: Yeah!
b. Have you ever seen a play? J: I play the guitar and Ricky M: OK. You write songs together, you
c. I’ve visited three countries. plays drums. play together, but are you good friends?
d. We’ve bought a new dog. M: And who writes the songs? R: Sure!
e. Joe’s run a marathon. J: We both do. I write the rock songs... M: Have you ever argued?
f. They’ve never seen Star Wars. R: And I write the love songs! R: Argued? No.
g. Grace has been on the radio. J: The love songs are great. J: We’ve disagreed sometimes. But
h. I’ve never eaten squid. R: The rock songs are cool, too. we’ve never argued.
M: Well, thank you guys. Let’s hear
Track 21 page 37. Activity 2. Track 22 page 37. Activities 3 and 4. one of your new songs. This is the Sun
M = Maria, J = Josh, R = Ricky M = Maria, J = Josh, R = Ricky Twins and Friday Girl.
M: And today we have two very M: How long have you played together?
special guests with us. We have the J: We’ve played together for about four Track 23 page 22. Exercise Book.
Sun Twins in the studio! I’ve seen years now. Activities 3 and 4.
them twice in concert this year... and M: Have you done any gigs in the US? J = Judge, Ma = Mario, Me = Melissa
they are cool! So hey guys, it’s great to J: Yeah, we’ve played maybe... 15? J: Hello. Welcome to Are You a Star?
have you here today. Tell us who you are.
R: 16.
J: It’s nice to be here. Ma: I’m Mario and this is Melissa.
M: And how was that?
R: Yeah, it’s cool. We’re Bel Canto.
R: Oh, we have a lot of fans in the
M: So, to begin, let’s get some basic US, especially in California. We love J: Tell us a bit about yourselves.
information about you. Josh, you’re playing there. Me: We’re from Bristol and we’re
British, that’s right? both 14.
M: Have you played at any festivals?
J: That’s right. I’m from Manchester. Ma: Actually, I’m 15.
R: Yes, we have. We’ve even played at
M: And you’re 25, Josh? the Glastonbury Festival. Me: Oh, yeah, I forgot!
J: I’m 24 actually. M: How many albums have you made? J: Are you nervous, Melissa?
M: That’s the same age as me! J: We’ve only made one album. But we Me: A bit! I’ve never performed in
And Ricky. have a lot of songs on our website. You public before.
R: Uh huh. can buy them there! J: It’s OK. All the judges are friendly and
M: Where are you from? M: Have you had any bad moments in the audition isn’t long. Mario, why did
R: I’m from San Francisco in the sunny your career so far? you decide to enter the talent show?
state of California. Oh, and I’m 25. J: Yes, we have. It was at the Ma: We didn’t decide.
M: OK! So, you’re American, Ricky, Glastonbury Festival. It was the J: What?
and Josh is British. So where did summer but it rained the whole time. Ma: A teacher at our school entered
you meet? It was a nightmare! our names.

170 Unit 2 The People Around Us

J: Your music teacher, I suppose. A Track 26 page 47. Activity 2.
Ma: Believe it or not, it was our Le: Hi, Lily! N = Nick, S = Sophie, M = Maria,
Maths teacher! Li: Leon! I’ve been here for B = Ben
J: Really? Why? twenty minutes! N: Hello, I’m Nick Gold and welcome
Ma: Melissa and I were singing in a Le: Sorry I’m late. I missed the bus. to another game of What’s The Job?
classroom one day when this teacher Li: Why didn’t you text me? And tonight my question panel are
heard us. She came in and said, Le: I couldn’t find my mobile. Sorry. Maria Jackson and Sophie Frost. In
‘That’s the most beautiful song I’ve What’s The Job?, Maria and Sophie
Li: It’s all right. Don’t worry.
ever heard!’ The next day she sent have to discover the job of my Mystery
our application to Are You a Star? She Guests. The rules are simple but listen
D: Hey, Leon, have you got my
thinks we can win the competition! carefully. You can ask a maximum
J: How long have you sung together? of eight questions. These must be
Le: Er, yeah. It’s in my bag... Er no. I’m questions that only have a ‘yes’ or a
Me: About 8 months, but we’ve known
sorry. I left it at home. ‘no’ for an answer. You mustn’t ask
each other for three years.
D: Oh, not again! You always do that! for information! You can guess the
J: Where did you meet?
Le: I’m really sorry, David. I was late person’s job during the game, but
Me: At secondary school. It was our
this morning and I forgot to check remember. Every time you make a
first day and we were getting off the
my bag. guess, that counts as a question! And
bus. I dropped all my books. It was a
D: It’s OK. after you’ve asked your questions, you
nightmare! But Mario helped me.
Le: I can run home and get it now. have to guess the job. Is that clear?
J: And then you became friends.
D: Can you? That’s great. Because I S: I think so, Nick.
Ma: That’s right, but we didn’t sing
need it for tonight’s homework. M: Yes, Nick.
together immediately. We weren’t into
C N: Great! So let’s meet tonight’s first
the same music. Melissa was crazy
Le: Oh no. Mystery Guest.
about rock music and I loved musicals
and opera! M: What was that noise? Leon? B: My name’s Ben Grant. I’m from
Le: I’m so sorry. I’m afraid I’ve broken Dublin in Ireland and I’m 32 years old.
J: So, what happened?
your vase. I’ve had my job for 14 years. It’s not an
Ma: We went to a musical in London
M: How did you do that? easy job, but I enjoy it very much.
last year and Melissa adored it. Now
Le: I was going to my room to get N: Thanks, Ben, that’s enough
she sings my type of music!
David’s dictionary and I think my bag information for now!
J: Have you ever had singing lessons?
Me: Mario has, but I haven’t. hit it. I can buy you a new one.
Track 27 page 47. Activity 3.
Ma: But she’s brilliant at singing. M: Don’t worry, Leon. It’s not a
N = Nick, S = Sophie, M = Maria,
problem. It was only a vase. I’ll get a
J: Well, I think it’s time to hear you. B = Ben
broom and clear it up.
What’s your song tonight? N: OK, Maria and Sophie. Are you ready?
Le: What a day!
Ma: It’s a love song from the musical M: I think so.
The Phantom of the Opera.
Track 25 page 23. Exercise Book. N: I hope so. You have eight questions,
J: Fantastic. Here we are... Bel Canto. Activity 2. and you can start asking them... now!
a. Sorry I’m late. M: Do you work indoors or outdoors?
Track 24 page 39. Activity 2.
b. I’m afraid I’ve broken your ruler. N: Now remember, you must ask yes /
Le = Leon, Li = Lily, D = David, M =
c. I’m sorry but I’ve forgotten your no questions.
Mrs Clark
5 euros. M: OK, do you work ... outdoors?

Transcripts Unit 2 171

Transcripts Unit 2

B: No, I don’t. M: Really? Sydney Harbour Bridge with tourists

M: Do you work in an office? S: Well, it’s an only idea... to show them a different view of the
B: No, I don’t. N: Let’s hear it, Sophie. city! You see, I have already climbed
S: Do you use special equipment? S: OK, Ben. You work indoors, you it 5 times today!
B: Yes, I do. work with other people, you wear Ja: Really?
M: Do you use a computer? special clothes... and it’s a stressful job! Jo: Yeah! Do you know how high the
B: That’s right. bridge is?
B: Well, I do, but um ... I don’t have to.
S: So .... are you a chef in a restaurant? Ja: I haven’t got a clue!
M: Good. What do you think, Sophie?
B: Yes, I am. Jo: At the summit, it’s 134 metres high.
S: I haven’t got a clue!
N: Well done, Sophie! Ben is in fact a Ja: Wow!
M: Neither have I!
chef in a top London restaurant! Jo: Another thing I love about my job
S: Do you have to wear special clothes?
N: Well, that’s it for this week’s is the people. I meet new people
B: Yes, I do.
episode of What’s the Job? We’ll see every day.
S: And what about people? Do you
you all next week! Goodbye! Ja: Are they Australian?
have to work with people?
Jo: Some of them are, but there are
B: Yes, I do. That’s a big part of
Track 29 page 29. Exercise Book. lots of tourists from around the
my job.
Activities 2 and 3. world. I like taking their photo at the
N: You mustn’t give extra
Ja = Jan, Jo = Joel summit, that’s the tourists’ souvenir.
information, Ben.
Ja: Hello. I’m Jan Gold and welcome Ja: Why do you take the photos?
B: Oh right. Sorry, Nick.
to another programme in our series Jo: Because the climbers mustn’t take
M: Is there a lot of stress in your job? Interesting jobs. Today we’re in their cameras with them. It’s dangerous.
B: Yes, there is. Sydney, Australia, and we’re chatting I’m the only person with a camera.
N: You have one more question. with Joel. Morning, Joel. Ja: I see.
S: Um ... I don’t know what to ask. Jo: Good day, Jan. Jo: How about climbing the bridge
N: Come on. I have to hurry you. Ja: Joel, you’re living in Australia now, Jan?
M: Is it dangerous? right now, but you aren’t Australian. Ja: Er, I’m not sure. I have always been
B: No, not really. But, you know, you How long have you been here? scared of heights.
have to be careful. I’m working with Jo: That’s right. I’m from the UK, but I Jo: Come on, it’s an amazing
very hot things. have lived in Australia for seven years experience! We’ve got all the safety
N: Stop there, Ben! That was the last and I have worked here in Sydney equipment...
question! So, Maria and Sophie. It’s since 2016 as a tour guide.
now time for me to ask you... What’s Ja: And it’s an interesting job, isn’t it? Track 30 page 48. Activities 2 and 3.
the Job?! Jo: Well, I think so. Actually, it’s my Good night! I’m Lisa Parks and
dream job. welcome to Current News.
Track 28 page 47. Activity 5 Ja: Why’s that? In our most important news, the
N = Nick, S = Sophie, M = Maria, Jo: Because I work outdoors. Imagine National Statistics Institute, INE,
B = Ben working in an office…What a nightmare! has published the results of the study
N: OK, Sophie and Maria, it’s time to Ja: I see. And what else do you like related to workforce and gender in
make your final guess. What do you about your job? Chile in 2018. The study collected
think Ben does? Do you have information from the over eight
Jo: It’s active and exciting, because
any idea? million people that have formal
I have to climb up and down the
S: I think so, Nick. jobs in the country. It analysed the

172 Unit 2 The People Around Us

number of men and women working, Li: That’s right, Leon. Lots of British D: Yeah! It was great!
their monthly average income, and people have their dinner early.
the percentual differences between D: Back home in Spain, I normally eat Track 34 page 30. Exercise Book.
both genders. at about nine o’clock. So when I’m in Activity 3.
Men occupy 56% of the country’s bed I start feeling hungry again. a. Are you OK?
workforce, while women correspond to Le: Why don’t you take some extra b. Why don’t you sit down and have
44 % of the total. In relation to income, food to your room? You know, biscuits a rest?
men earn an average of $652,397 and chocolate muffins... You could eat c. You should get up earlier.
monthly, whereas women earn, on them there.
average, $474,991 every month. Even D: I’m not sure that’s a good idea. What Track 35 page 51. Activity 7.
though the gap between men and if they come in and find me eating in a. Try transporting trimmed
women has decreased, the results my room? That’s so embarrassing! triangular tree trunks.
showed that the differences between Li: You should talk to your host family. b. I dreamed of a droid dressed as
men and women in the workplace a druid.
D: Do you think so?
are still present. This is an issue that
Li: Yes, definitely. Just be honest and
should be solved with urgency. Track 36 page 69. Exercise Book.
explain your situation. Maybe they
Activities 2 and 3.
can eat a bit later.
Track 31 page 49. Activity 2. I = Interviewer, M = Molly
D: Thanks, that’s a good idea.
Le = Leon, D = David, Li = Lily I: Hello everyone! Today on the show
Le: Hey, David. Wake up! we have the actor Molly Brown –
Track 33 page 49. Activity 4.
D: What? Oh hi, guys. Molly, welcome to the show!
Li = Lily, D = David
Li: Are you OK? M: Thanks! It’s great to be here.
Li: Hey, David.
D: No, not really. I feel really tired. I: So Molly, tell us a bit about your
D: Oh hi Lily.
I can’t sleep at night. latest film.
Li: You look a bit happier this morning.
Li: You should go to bed earlier. M: Well, it’s called City of Adventure.
D: Yeah, I feel much better, thanks.
Le: Yeah, and you shouldn’t play so It’s about a girl who finds a special
And I slept for nine hours last night!
many video games! door in her grandmother’s house that
Li: Wow, what happened? Did you
D: I go to bed at a normal time. And I takes her into another world. She
explain your problem to your
don’t play video games in the evening. meets lots of interesting people but
host family?
Li: So why can’t you sleep? she also has lots of problems to deal
D: Yes, I did. I felt a bit nervous... with. It’s exciting and fast-moving,
but it was all right. They understood but it’s funny as well. It’s the sort of
Track 32 page 49. Activity 3.
everything. film that people of all ages can enjoy
D = David, Li = Lily, Le = Leon
Li: And so did you eat your dinner together.
D: I can’t sleep because I feel so
later in the evening? I: You play the main character Isobel,
hungry at night.
D: Not really... but they showed me don’t you? What’s she like?
Li: Why do you feel hungry?
another British tradition. M: Well, Isobel is very clever and very
Le: Don’t you have dinner with your
Li: What’s that? brave. She’s not a bit like me! I run
D: They call it ‘supper’. At about nine away from danger, but she loves it.
D: We have dinner together – but they
o’clock, I had toast and cheese and As soon as I read the script I knew I
eat so early! They eat at about five
some ham. wanted to play her. I’ve played a lot of
Li: So you had another meal? And quiet, shy girls during my career and
Le: Five o’ clock? Really?
that’s supper? to be honest, I was ready for a change.

Transcripts Unit 2 173

Transcripts Unit 2

I: She doesn’t look like you at all, everything – and thanks very much skills and interests. Ewan is quiet,
does she? for talking to us. and he has always loved reading and
M: No, she’s got dark eyes and long, M: You’re welcome. the arts, for example. His brother
dark curly hair. I’ve got blue eyes and Ruben, on the other hand, hasn’t read
short blond hair. And I had to wear Track 37 page 69. Exercise Book. a novel since he was about eight, and
glasses. Isobel doesn’t care about Activity 4. he can’t stand going to art galleries
clothes at all, so I just wore old jeans Examiner: You will hear someone and museums. Instead, he’s really
and a jumper for the whole film. I talking about their three children. For into sport of all kinds – from rugby
didn’t look like myself at all, but it was each question, choose the correct answer to kayaking; anything to give him an
fine. It’s all part of the job! A, B or C. adrenaline rush! I think that’s what
I: I haven’t seen the film yet, but I’ve Parent: Honestly, you would not keeps him cheerful!
read that you sing in it. Is that true? believe how different brothers Ewan and Ruben’s physical appearance
M: Yes, I’m afraid so! I’m not a trained and sisters can be! We have been is as different as their pastimes.
singer and I’ve never sung in any of fortunate enough to have three The older of the two is tall and thin,
my films so I was really worried about children – they’re all adults now. with long, wavy black hair that he
it. But everyone was really kind and We’ve got two boys and a girl – or often wears in a ponytail. Ruben
helped me a lot and actually I sound should I say two men and a woman! is short and well-built – he’s really
quite good. I couldn’t believe it when I The eldest, Ewan, is 35. He was strong, actually. His hair is short
heard it! born in 1980. Ruben is two years and brown, and he’s got a beard at
I: Was that the hardest thing about younger than Ewan and the boys’ the moment. And our daughter?
making this film? sister, Mollie, is the baby of the Well, she’s different again! Mollie is
family – she’s 21, and she’s just medium height and slim, and she’s got
M: No, it wasn’t. The hardest thing
finished university. I used to think curly red hair. She has never looked
was working with the animals. I’ve
that the differences between men anything like her brothers! She’s a
never been very keen on animals
and women were a result of how they musician, and she plays the piano and
– we never had pets like cats and
were brought up. I thought that if the saxophone beautifully. She’s really
dogs when I was growing up, and in
you treated boys and girls the same outgoing and she’s got lots of friends.
this film I had to get close to lots of
when they were young, there would She’s like a dynamo – she never stops!
different kinds of animals, including
rats and snakes! The rats were OK in be no more gender stereotypes! So,
we always did lots of creative things Track 38. Teacher’s Book. Unit 2
fact, but I really couldn’t stand the
with the boys as well as with Mollie – Final Assessment. Activity 2.
snakes. I hope I never have to work
and if they wanted to play with dolls, T = Teacher, As = Alessia,
with them again.
they could! Equally, Mollie could play G = Graham, B = Ben, Ab = Alba,
I: And what about the future? Have
football and cricket with the boys, E = Elliot, M = Maryam
you started working on a new film?
and she always had access to toy cars T: Right class, as you know, we’re
M: No, not yet. I haven’t spent much
and aeroplanes. This way, I believed, talking to Graham Metcalf today,
time with my friends and family
the children would have similar a firefighter from Liverpool. He’s
recently, so I’d really like to do that for
interests and abilities when they were worked as a firefighter for ten years
a while. Then, in a few weeks, I’ll start
adults. However… it soon became and is here to answer your questions
thinking about the future. I may do
clear that my theory was completely about his job. So, you all need to
another film or I may go to university.
wrong! Not only are boys and girls listen carefully. Who would like to
I’m not sure yet.
very different – but every child is start? Alessia?
I: Well, the best of luck with
a complete individual, with unique As: Yes, OK. Mr Metcalf …

174 Unit 2 The People Around Us

G: Please, call me Graham. Track 39. Teacher’s Book. Unit 2 Listening meeting new people. I’m really
As: OK. Graham, what kind of things Assessment. Activities 1 and 2. keen on playing computer games –
do you have to do as a firefighter? I = Interviewer, T = Tom especially the football games!
G: I have to drive a big vehicle – I: I’m really excited to have a special I: Which countries have you visited?
a fire engine. And I stop fires, and I guest in the studio with us today. We T: Well, I’ve been to many different
rescue people. have Tom Adam! Tom’s a professional countries with my football team–
B: What qualities and skills do you footballer for Arsenal F.C. I’ve watched Japan, China, Spain, Holland
need to have? him play twice this year! So hey Tom, and Germany.
G: There are lots of different qualities it’s great to have you here today. I: Have you had any bad moments in
and skills you need to have. Firstly, T: Thanks, it’s nice to be here. your career so far?
you must be good at teamwork. You I: Tell us a little bit about yourself T: Yes, I have. This year has been a
have to work with lots of people at the Tom. You’re from London, right? nightmare. I haven’t played much
same time. So, being able to deal with T: Well, I’m actually from a town called football. It’s difficult to just sit and
different people while sorting out a Hatfield. It’s in an area in England watch my team.
problem is important. This means called Hertfordshire, 50 km away from I: And what’s the best moment?
that you must also have very good London. But yes, I’m British. T: I think it was when I scored my first
communication skills. Secondly, you I: And you’re 20, Tom? Premier League goal, in 2009.
must enjoy solving problems in a calm T: That’s right. I: A great goal, I remember it. Well,
and logical way. All firefighters should I: OK! So, Tom, how long have you thank you Tom!
be fit, and they need to be reliable, played football?
too. It takes many years to train as a
T: Well, believe it or not, I’ve played
firefighter, and you need to have a lot
football since I was about four years
of experience to do the job well.
old. But I joined the Arsenal junior
T: Alba? team when I was nine and I have been
Ab: Do you have to wear any a professional player since 2009.
special clothes? I: Wow! You were so young!
G: Yes, I do. I must wear a special T: Yeah, I’ve always loved sport.
uniform, so the fire doesn’t burn me. I
I: You’ve played for your country as
also need to wear a hard hat. Yes?
well. When was that?
E: Graham, what do you like about
T: That was … what? 2010 … yeah, 2010.
your job?
I: You haven’t played this year –
G: Well, I don’t have to do the same
why’s that?
thing every day, and I don’t have to
T: Well, I hurt my foot last year and
work in an office.
I haven’t been running much. The
T: Ok, last question … Maryam?
doctors said I couldn’t play this year.
M: Is there a lot of stress in your job?
I: That’s a shame! I hope you feel
G: Yes, there is. My job is dangerous, better soon!
and you have to be careful. It’s also
T: Thanks!
very tiring. But it’s exciting, too.
I: So, Tom, tell us what you like doing
T: Well, that’s all we have time for.
in your spare time.
Thanks, Graham, for talking with
T: Um … well, I love travelling and
us today.

Transcripts Unit 2 175

Unit12 Writing Template


A Campaign Ad

Fundación Tacal

Training and promotion of work skills for people with disabilities.

Fundación Tacal’s mission is to promote the insertion
of people with disabilities into the workforce through
education and training with an overall objective of
producing a cultural change.

Fundación Tacal started its journey in 1985, providing
opportunities and offering safe and decent work to
people with disabilities.
Our first program was a workshop for 5 young people
with disabilities. We investigated what companies needed
from their employees and then, we developed a method
to give them the qualifications to work.
More than 2,700 disabled people have jobs today thanks
Material fotocopiable

to our non-profit organization, and we strive to keep

doing it for a long time.
With 34 years’ experience, we are the largest job training
centre helping disabled people in Latin America.

Adapted from Fundación Tacal website

176 Unit 2 The People Around Us

Unit 2 Speaking Template


1 Use the template below to create a news report, in which you inform about a piece of news.

Robbers tried to steal an ATM at the entrance of the metropolitan zoo

during yesterday’s morning.

A group of robbers approached the entrance of the metropolitan zoo at 6:30 of

Background thursday’s morning to steal an ATM. A big explosion was heard in many places of
information the city since the robbers tried to dentonate the ATM to rob it.

“An investigation is being carried out, however we do know that a group

Interview of robbers apparently took the ATM’s money drawers through a gas
saturation method,” Said the police chief .

More After a persecution, the police confirmed the arrest of

information two adult males.

The rest of the band

scaped and the police
is still figuring out their
Conclusion whereabouts.
Material fotocopiable

Writing Template / Speaking Template 177

Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 1

Logrado En desarrollo Comenzando

Los miembros del grupo El dominio del tema es Los miembros del grupo muestran
muestran igual dominio de levemente balanceado dominio dispar del tema. Las
Organización tema. Hay balance entre entre ellos. Hay un leve intervenciones son desequilibradas
sus intervenciones. desequilibrio entre las en el grupo.
Atraen la atención de sus Atraen la atención de los No logran mantener la atención
compañeros. El tono de compañeros la mayoría del grupo. El tono de voz y ritmo
voz y ritmo es adecuado del tiempo. El tono de voz no es el apropiado para una
para una presentación. y ritmo no es consistente. presentación. No poseen dominio
Explican coherente y Explican con dificultad su de lo que han puesto en su póster.
claramente su póster. póster.
Incluye toda la El póster contiene la mayoría El póster solo contiene la mitad de
información solicitada en de la información solicitada. la información solicitada.
la actividad 3.

Utilizan correctamente Hay errores en tiempos Los tiempos verbales no

tiempos verbales y verbales a lo largo de la son apropiados o coherentes
Gramática estructuras gramaticales a presentación y en el póster, dificultando la comprensión del
lo largo de la presentación pero no dificultan la mensaje tanto en la presentación
y en el póster. comprensión de ésta. como en el póster.
Utilizan vocabulario El rango de vocabulario No hay evidencia de vocabulario
variado, coherente y relacionado a los temas de relacionado a los temas de la
aprendido en la unidad, la unidad no es variado. Se unidad.
Vocabulario como lo son vacaciones y mantiene coherente.

178 Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 1

Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 2

Logrado En desarrollo Comenzando

Los miembros del grupo El dominio del tema es Los miembros del grupo
muestran igual dominio de levemente balanceado muestran dominio dispar del
Organización tema. Hay balance entre sus entre ellos. Hay un leve tema. Las intervenciones son
intervenciones. desequilibrio entre las desequilibradas en el grupo.
Atraen la atención de los Atraen la atención de los No logran mantener la atención
compañeros. El tono de compañeros la mayoría del grupo. El tono de voz y ritmo
voz y presentan con un del tiempo. El tono de voz no es el apropiado para una
Presentación ritmo apropiado. Explican y ritmo no es consistente. presentación.
coherente y claramente Explican con dificultad
la importancia de la la importancia de la
organización elegida. organización elegida.
Muestran dominio del tema La transmisión de ideas no es No se evidencia dominio
escogido a través de una del todo fluida evidenciando del tema, dificultando la
Comunicación transmisión de ideas claras un dominio inconsistente del transmisión de ideas. No logran
y fluidas. Logran responder tema. Responden preguntas responder las preguntas de la
las preguntas de la audiencia de la audiencia con dificultad. audiencia.
Incluyen toda la Incluyen la mayoría de la Incluyen algunos elementos
información solicitada. Los información solicitada y los de la información solicitada
elementos visuales hacen elementos visuales son acorde y los elementos visuales no
Elementos visuales alusión a la organización al tema, pero no se utilizan hacen alusión a la institución
elegida y son utilizados como complemento a la elegida, por lo que no pueden ser
como complemento a la presentación. usados como complemento a la
presentación. presentación.
Utilizan correctamente Hay errores en tiempos Los tiempos verbales no
tiempos verbales y verbales a lo largo de la son apropiados o coherentes
Gramática estructuras gramaticales en presentación, pero no dificultando la comprensión del
la presentación. dificultan la comprensión de mensaje.
Utilizan vocabulario El rango de vocabulario No hay evidencia de vocabulario
variado, coherente y relacionado a vida laboral y relacionado a vida laboral y
Vocabulario aprendido en la unidad, comunidad no es variado. Se comunidad.
relacionado al tema de vida mantiene coherente.
laboral y comunidad.

Rúbrica Proyecto Unidad 2 179


•• Care, E., Helyn, K. y Vista, A. (2017). Assessment of 21st Century Skills. [Serie blog].
Recuperados de:
•• Cambridge Assessment International Education. (2017). Metacognition. Recuperado de https://www.
•• Consejo de Europa. (2002). Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación.
(Trad. de Instituto Cervantes). Madrid: Anaya
•• Díaz, F. y Hernández, G. (1998). Estrategias de enseñanza para la promoción de aprendizajes significativos. En:
Estrategias docentes para un aprendizaje significativo. Una interpretación constructivista. México D. F.: McGraw-Hill.
•• Marzano, R. y Pickering, D. (2005). Dimensiones del aprendizaje. Manual para el maestro. México: Iteso.
•• Mineduc. (2012). Bases Curriculares 1º Medio. Santiago: Mineduc
•• Perkins, D. y Swartz, R. (1992). The Nine Basics of Teaching Thinking. En Costa, A., Bellanca, J. y Fogarty, R. (Eds.). If Minds
Matter: A Foreword to the Future (Vol II). Recuperado de
•• Rigo, D. (2014). Aprender y enseñar a través de imágenes. ASRI: Arte y sociedad. Revista de investigación. Recuperado
•• Smith, M. y Tuner, J. (2016) The common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and The Lexile
Framework for Reading. Recuperado de
•• Swartz, R., Costa, A., Beyer, B., Reagan, R. y Kallick, B. (2013). El aprendizaje basado en el pensamiento. Cómo desarrollar
en los alumnos las competencias del siglo XXI. Madrid: Universidad de Harvard (s./f.). Visible Thinking del Proyecto
Zero. Recuperado de

Como complemento a los recursos presentes en la GDD, puede utilizar los recursos existentes en su biblioteca
escolar (CRA y digital). Para esto, se sugiere pedir asesoría al encargado CRA de su colegio.

180 Bibliografía
Sitios web




Estrategias y material complementario

Sitios web 181

Extra Reading Unit 1

The Mystery of the Black Box

Simon looked out of the train window and sighed. He was
on his way to stay with his Uncle Jack, for two weeks, as
he used to do when he was younger. The house was 600
kilometres from home, so he wasn’t happy to leave all his
friends behind. He understood that the summer holidays
were long and that both his parents worked, but staying
with Uncle Jack was no fun. He lived alone in a tiny village
in the countryside and never went out or had any visitors.
He always kept his curtains half closed and the doors and
windows locked. Why this was necessary in a quiet village,
Simon couldn’t understand.
To cheer himself up, he decided to go buy something to
eat. He put his money and his phone into his pocket, but
left his old, heavy brown backpack on the seat. At the buffet
car, he bought a chocolate bar and started walking back to
his carriage. He was almost at his seat when a man came
running from the opposite direction and bumped into him. ‘Simon! How are you?’ he asked. But before Simon could
They both fell onto the floor. Simon got up first and went to reply, he said, ‘Let’s get out of here. We’ve got a three-hour
help the man. drive ahead of us.’
‘Are you OK?’ he asked. For the next few days, Simon and Uncle Jack stayed at home.
They read books, watched TV and played cards, as they used
‘I’m fine, I’m fine!’ the man said, and hurried away.
to do when Simon was younger. It was fun; however, Simon
Simon found his seat and sat down. He immediately noticed didn’t get a signal at Uncle Jack’s home nor was there an
that his bag was open. internet connection.
‘I’m pretty sure I closed this before I went to the buffet car,’ ‘You can’t get it in this village because we’re in a valley,‘ Uncle
he thought. He didn’t have time to worry about it though Jack explained. ‘But we’ve got a post office. Why don’t you
because a few minutes later the train arrived at the station. send them a postcard? I’ve got lots here – look. Mountains,
Uncle Jack was waiting for him on the platform. Simon forests, lakes – you can tell them how beautiful the scenery is.‘
thought about how his uncle was in the past. Uncle Jack
‘Mmm,’ thought Simon. ‘So why do we stay inside all the
used to wear colourful outfits and he used to be a cheerful
time?’ But a trip to the post office would give him something
person. But he had been acting in a mysterious way. He was
to do. He wrote a few cards and then went to get his wallet
wearing a large, black hat pulled down over his face, as if he
from his bag. He couldn’t find it, so he took everything out
were hiding.
and shook the bag over his bed.

182 Extra Reading Unit 1

Back at the house Simon went to his bedroom and began
to ask himself questions. Why did his Uncle Jack live here,
so far away from anywhere? Why did he hate leaving the
house so much? Why did he lie about the internet? And
what about the man on the train, and the little black box in
his backpack?
Simon picked up the black box and then, went downstairs
to find Uncle Jack. He wasn’t in the living room so after that,
Simon went to check the kitchen. It was also empty, but
Simon noticed that between two old, dusty cupboards,
there was a small door. It was open.
On the other side of the door were some stairs. Simon
climbed down what felt like 2,000 metres below sea level.
At the bottom was another door. Simon pushed it and it
opened. Inside was Uncle Jack. He was wearing headphones
and talking into a microphone. And in front of him was a
The wallet and something else fell out. It was a small, square, very large computer screen. Simon felt really angry now.
black plastic box. Simon picked it up and looked at it. He
had no idea what it was. He ran downstairs but couldn’t find ‘Uncle Jack, what is going on?’ Uncle Jack jumped up.
Uncle Jack anywhere. ‘I’ll ask him later,’ he thought and ran ‘Simon! What are you doing down here? This is private.’ Then
out of the house. he saw the black box in Simon’s hand. ‘Give me that.’ He said.
‘Where did you get this?’ ‘It was in my bag. I don’t know how
The post office was in the village shop, and Simon was the it got there, but there was a man on the train. And I just saw
only customer. The lady behind the counter looked at him him again in the village.’
and said, ‘You know, people used to send letters 50 years
ago. You could send your friends an email next time. There’s Finally, Uncle Jack sat down and closed his eyes for a moment.
a computer there, at the back of the shop. It’s a pound ‘OK Simon. Listen carefully. I need to tell you something.’
for twenty minutes.’ ‘Really?’ said Simon. ‘That’s strange.
Editorial Creation
My Uncle Jack said…’ At that point the door of the shop
opened, and a man walked in. Simon froze. It was the man
from the train. Simon stared at him. What was he doing here,
in this tiny village? Could it be a coincidence? Somehow, that
just didn’t seem possible.

Extra Reading Unit 1 183

Extra Reading Unit 1


1 Read the text’s title and look at the pictures. What’s the text about? Write your predictions below.

2 Read the text and check if your predictions were correct.

3 Answer the following questions.

a. What did Uncle Jack tell Simon about the internet?

b. What did Simon find in his bag?

c. What did Simon find out in the shop?

d. Who did Simon see in the shop?

4 Write an ending to the story.

Material fotocopiable

184 Extra Reading Unit 1

Extra Reading Unit 1

Reparta a cada estudiante la lectura complementaria de las páginas 182-183. Para
introducir la lectura, pida a los estudiantes que describan la imagen y lean el título
del texto. Pregúnteles de qué creen que se trata el texto que leerán. T: Look at the
image. What can you see? Read the title. What do you think the text is going to
be about?
Luego, a partir de lo que predigan del texto, pídales que levanten la mano para dar
palabras claves que creen estarán en la lectura. Tome nota de ellas en la pizarra
para luego confirmar las predicciones de los estudiantes. T: According to your
predictions, raise your hand to name different words that you think will appear
during the reading.
Pídales que lean el texto y que chequeen si las palabras que dijeron se presentaban
en el texto. T: Read the text. Once you’ve finished, check if the words you predicted
appeared on the text. Luego, pídales que individualmente respondan las preguntas
de la actividad 2 y revisen sus respuestas en conjunto. Anote las respuestas
correctas en la pizarra. T: Now, answer the questions in activity 2. We’ll check all
together. Posteriormente, pídales que discutan las siguientes preguntas en grupo.
T: In groups, discuss the following questions. Where do you used to spend summer
holidays when you were younger? Do you have a relative similar to Uncle Jack?
What would you do, if you were Simon?
Explíqueles a los estudiantes que la historia tiene un final abierto, ya que el
conflicto principal no se resuelve y queda a manos del lector definir cómo concluye.
Pídales que en grupo escriban un final a la historia y que lo compartan con el resto
de la clase. T: This story has an open ending, which means that the main conflict is
not solved and it’s the readers job to guess how it ends. In groups, write a ending
to this story and share it with the class.

1. Students’ own answers.
2. Students’ own answers.
3. a. He told him that there was no internet connection because the village was in
a valley.
He found a little black box.
He found out that there was internet connection in the village.
He saw the man that he had seen in the train before.
4. Students’ own answers. Check accuracy and spelling in the text.

Extra Reading Unit 1 185

Extra Reading Unit 2

A Poison Tree
By William Blake

I was angry with my friend;

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I waterd it in fears,

Night & morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

Material fotocopiable

186 Extra Reading Unit 2

And it grew both day and night.
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.

And into my garden stole,

When the night had veild the pole;
In the morning glad I see;
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

Extra Reading Unit 2 187

Extra Reading Unit 2


1 Read the first stanza of the text. Write synonyms for the following words.
a. Angry:
b. Wrath:
c. Foe:
2 Read the statements and mark them as true or false. Correct the false statements.
a. Anger goes away when you don’t express it.

b. The tree is the result of anger.

c. The tree grows thanks to a positive feeling.

d. The apple was poisonous because of anger.

3 Discuss with what the poem wants to express. Do you agree with the speaker? Why/why not? Take notes of your

4 Choose a feeling and write a three stanza poem about it, following the example of William Blake’s poem.

Material fotocopiable

188 Extra Reading Unit 2

Extra Reading Unit 2

Reparta a cada estudiante la lectura complementaria de las páginas 186-187. Antes
de realizar la lectura, genere una discusión sobre sentimientos. Haga preguntas que
incentiven la reflexión y tome nota de sus respuestas en la pizarra. T: What feelings
can you name? What feelings you don’t like feeling? What feelings do you like
feeling What consequences can have acting only from your feelings?

Pida a los estudiantes que lean la primera estrofa del poema. Luego indíqueles
que en la actividad 1 deberán escribir sinónimos de ciertas palabras de la primera
estrofa. Pueden usar diccionario si es necesario. T: Read the first stanza. Go to
activity 1 and synonyms for the words indicated. You can use a dictionary if you
need help.

Luego pídales que lean el texto con atención, las veces que sea necesario para que
puedan captar el significado del poema. T: Read the poem closely as many times as
you need to fully understand its meaning and what it wants to express.
En caso de que ellos no logren captar el significado, explíqueles que el hablante
lírico habla sobre la ira y el enojo y lo que sucede cuando no dices lo que sientes
y lo guardas. T: The speaker talks about anger and what happens when you
say how you feel instead of keeping the feeling to yourself. Luego pídales que
individualmente respondan las preguntas de la actividad 2.
T: Answer the questions in activity 2 individually.

Finalmente, asegúrese de que entendieron la intención del poema a través de

preguntas: T: What’s the intention of this poem? What does it want to express.
Una vez todos hayan comprendido, pídales que en parejas lleven a cabo la actividad
3 y 4. T: In pairs, do activities 3 and 4. Discuss about the poem’s content and
intention and then, write a new poem about a feeling.

Monitoree su trabajo a lo largo de la clase y deles retroalimentación sobre este. Una

vez que terminen de escribir, pídales que compartan sus estrofas con el resto de la
clase. T: Share your stanzas with the rest of the class.

1. a. Annoyed
b. Anger
c. Enemy
2. a. False. Anger goes away when you express it.
b. True.
c. False. The tree grows thanks to a negative feeling.
d. True.
3. Students’ own answers.
4. Student’s own answers. Check accuracy and spelling in the text.

Extra Reading Unit 2 189

Irregular Verbs List

Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
be was /were been lay laid laid
beat beat beaten learn learnt / learned learnt / learned
become became become leave left left
begin began begun let let let
bite bit bitten lose lost lost
break broke broken make made made
bring brought brought mean meant meant
build build built meet met met
buy bought bought pay paid paid
catch caught caught put put put
can could ---- read read read
choose chose chosen ride rode ridden
come came come ring rang rung
cost cost cost run ran run
cut cut cut say said said
do did done see saw seen
draw drew drawn sell sold sold
dream dreamed /dreamt dreamed /dreamt send sent sent
drink drank drunk set set set
drive drove driven shoot shot shot
eat ate eaten show showed shown
fall fell fallen shut shut shut
feed fed fed sing sang sung
feel felt felt sink sank sunk
fight fought fought sit sat sat
find found found sleep slept slept
fly flew flown smell smelt / smelled smelt / smelled
forget forgot forgotten speak spoke spoken
freeze froze frozen spend spent spent
get got got stand stood stood
give gave given steal stole stolen
go went gone swim swam swum
grow grew grown take took taken
have had had teach taught taught
hear heard heard tell told told
hide hid hidden think thought thought
hit hit hit understand understood understood
hold held held wake woke woken
hurt hurt hurt wear wore worn
keep kept kept win won won
know knew known write wrote written

190 Irregular Verbs list

Glosario TE

Accountant (n) Journalist (n) Sustainable (n)

Achieve (v) Lifeguard (n) Target (n)
Allegory (n) Lonesome (adj) Technician (n)
Allowance (n) Lorry (n) Tidy (adj)
Arrow (n) Manage (v) Tour guide (n)
Assemble (v) Nod (v) Trainer (n)
Atop (pp) Nun (n) Trait (n)
Average (n) Nurse (n) Translator (n)
Awareness (n) Parole (n) Trench (n)
Bend (v) Peer (n) Undermine (v)
Betray (v) Pivotal (adj) Unharmed (adj)
Blockbuster (n) Plot (n) Uptake (n)
Breathtaking (adj) Pound (n) Voyage (n)
Businessperson (n) Profit (n) Waiter/waitress (n)
Cast (v) Prop (n) Wealthy (adj)
Charge (n) Queue (n) Weapon (n)
Coach (n) Quiver (n) Whisper (v)
Colonialism (n) Raise (v) Wild card (n)
Commute (n) Record (v) Wire (n)
Comply (v) Reed (n) Workforce (n)
Concierge (n) Reef (n)
Convey (v) Rehearse (v)
Cope (v) Relive (v)
Defeat (n) Ridge (n)
Deserve (v) Rollercoaster (n)
Detour (n) Rucksack (n)
Downside (n) Sail (v)
Embrace (v) Salesperson (n)
Enrol (v) Savings (n)
Entrepreneur (n) Seek (v)
Fade (v) Seize (v)
Farmer (n) Shelter (n)
Feat (n) Sibling (n)
Features Signal (n)
Firefighter (n) Skewer (n)
Fizz (v) Slam (v)
Gorgeous (adj) Sling (v)
Harsh (adj) Smooth (adj)
Hilarious (adj) Striking (adj)
Improve (v) Struggle (v)
Inch (n) Supply (n)
Income (n) Surgery (n)
Itch (v) Survey (n)

Glosario TE 191
Referencias de imágenes

Texto del Estudiante

Unidad 1
Págs. 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 y 25: Shutterstock
Págs. 8, 9, 10, 13, 21, 23 y 26: Hobbs, M., & Keddle, J. S. (2015). Achievers A2 Student’s Book. Oxford: Richmond.
Págs. 30 y 31: Getty Images

Unidad 2
Págs. 32, 35, 37, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56 y 57: Shutterstock
Págs. 34, 37: Getty Images
Págs. 39, 46 y 49: Hobbs, M., & Keddle, J. S. (2015). Achievers A2 Student’s Book. Oxford: Richmond.
Págs. 40, 48: Archivo Santillana

Cuaderno de Actividades
Unidad 1
Págs. 9: Hobbs, M., & Keddle, J. S. (2015). Achievers A2 Student’s Book. Oxford: Richmond.
Pág. 4: Halliwell, H. (2015). Achievers A2 Workbook. Oxford: Richmond.
Págs. 6, 8, 11 y 16: Shutterstock
Págs. 12 y 14: Getty Images

Unidad 2
Págs. 21, 22, 27, 30, 31 y 32: Shutterstock
Págs. 24 y 25: Archivo Santillana
Pág. 29: Halliwell, H. (2015). Achievers A2 Workbook. Oxford: Richmond.

Guía Didáctica del Docente

Unidad 1
Págs. 58, 64 y 82: Shutterstock
Pág. 60: Hobbs, M., & Keddle, J. S. (2015). Achievers A2 Student’s Book. Oxford: Richmond.

Unidad 2
Pág. 176: Shutterstock

192 Referencias de imágenes




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