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Programa de Ingles primer semestre

2013 para Formacion integral
Facultad de ciencias y áreas de la salud

Inglés Básico

Profesora Tamara Aranda Martínez


 Licenciado en Lengua y Literatura Inglesas o Profesor titulado en Pedagogía

en Inglés Media con al menos dos años de experiencia laboral en Educación
 Certificación de proficiencia en Inglés mínimo ALTE 3 (IELTS, FCE, CAE o
 En el caso de ser hablante nativo haber cursado un curso TEFL, CELTA o

Unidad 1: The Hospital Team

Módulo 1

Objetivos: Adquirir vocabulario relacionado con las profesiones en el área de la salud.


 Classroom language handout.

 PPT profesiones de la salud.
 Handout 1.1
 Handout 1.2
 Handout 1.3
Comprensión de lectura. ‘The nursing profession’


Placement test

Introducción a la Unidad

El hilo conductor de esta unidad son las profesiones en el hospital, su jerarquía e interacción.

Nota al profesor:

1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.

2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada clase
es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (15 minutos)

Considerando que se trata de la primera clase y el primer encuentro con los estudiantes, los primeros 15
minutos el profesor deberá presentarse y presentar el programa a los estudiantes, revisando los
contenidos y las evaluaciones que tendrán durante el curso. Además deberá entregar a cada
estudiantesuna copia del Handout ‘Classroom language’ con el fin de incentivar el uso del Inglés en
todo momento, ya sea cuando se comuniquen entre ellos o cuando se dirijan al profesor.

Evaluación Diagnóstica (15 minutos)

Se les entrega a los estudiantes una copia de la evaluación diagnóstica que se encuentra en el “Anexo de
evaluaciones”. Esta evaluación tiene como objetivo dar cuenta de los conocimientos previos que tienen
los estudiantes en el idioma inglés, por ende, no tiene evaluación.

Warm Up ( 15 minutos):

Para introducir la unidad, preguntar a los estudiantes si saben palabras en Inglés para profesiones
(teacher, driver, doctor, pilot). No importa que no estén relacionadas con el área de la salud. A medida que
los estudiantes compartan sus ideas, escribir en la pizarra. Posterior a esto, pedir a los estudiantes que
separen de la lista de profesiones, aquellas que son particulares al área de la salud y escribirlas en una
columna aparte en la pizarra.

Vocabulary (20-25 minutos):

Después del warm-up proceder con la actividad de Vocabulario la cual consiste en una presentación de
Power point con nombres de profesiones de la salud y sus respectivas imágenes ilustradoras.

Al finalizar la presentación, distribuir el handout 1.1 “which job?”, una copia por estudiante y
desarrollar en parejas. Dar cinco a ocho minutos para el desarrollo y corregir con todo el curso.

Communicative (speaking) (15 minutos):

Para que los estudiantes practiquen el vocabulario aprendido, continuar con la actividad 2 del handout
1.1 “which job?”, la cual se enfoca en discutir la opinión de los estudiantes con respecto a las
profesiones recién aprendidas a través de preguntas. Al ser primera clase, sólo se espera que los
estudiantes usen el vocabulario aprendido de manera espontánea, sin argumentación a menos que les
sea posible expresar alguna idea.

Reading (15-20 minutos)

Entregar una copia del texto “The nursing profession” junto con las actividades de comprensión de
lectura. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el vocabulario nuevo o
desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de
comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas junto a todo el curso.

How do you say these expressions in your language?

Things you might say to your teacher

 I’m sorry, I don’t understand._________________________________

 What does “chair” mean? ___________________________________
 How do you say “X” in English? ______________________________
 How do you spell that?______________________________________
 Is this correct?_____________________________________________
 What is the past of “go” ?____________________________________
 How do you pronounce this word?_____________________________
 What exactly do we have to do?________________________________
 Thank you that was a very interesting lesson. _____________________

Things your teacher might say to you.

 Open your book at page 25 ___________________________________
 Answer the questions________________________________________
 Write the answers___________________________________________
 Work alone / in pairs / in groups _______________________________
 Ask your partner these questions ... ______________________________
 Answer your partner’s questions ... _______________________________
 Listen and repeat … again …____________________________________
 Make the question ____________________________________________
 Listen to the tape to answer these questions ________________________
 Copy this into your notebooks___________________________________
 The homework is ...exercise 5, page 11 _____________________________
 Well done! __________________________________________________

Handout 1.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Which job?

I. Work with a partner and match each quote with a job.

a. Lab technician d. radiologist f. receptionist h. dentist j. midwife

b. physiotherapist e. porter g. optician. i. surgeon k. cleaner
c. paramedic

Can you read the Clamp…suction…for I’m examining a

bottom line of ceps….needle………… culture of organisms
extracted from a
letters?................... ……..

We are going to Today I delivered Bend your knee ten

move you on this two sets of times and then
stretcher…………… twins!.................. rest……………

This machine will I go around

give us a picture of delivering mail
your lungs…………… every

I’m arranging an Move your feet

appointment please, I need to
now…………………. disinfect the

Handout 1.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Which job?

I. Work in pairs. Think about each question, and write down the name of a
job. Then compare your answers with your partner. If you can, try to give
reasons for each of your answers.

Which hospital job…………………

is the most highly respected?............................................................................

is physically the most difficult?........................................................................
is the most rewarding?........................................................................................
would you least like to do?................................................................................
is mentally the most difficult?...........................................................................
is the most interesting?.......................................................................................
should be better paid?.........................................................................................
is the most dangerous?........................................................................................
would you like to do one day?..........................................................................

Word bank

Anaesthetist Lab technician Midwife Paramedic

cardiologist Consultant paediatrician pharmacist
porter Radiologist surgeon
Physiotherapist recepcionist Scrub nurse

Handout 1.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

The nursing profession

One hundred and fifty years ago, nurses were unpaid, untrained, ad unpopular, but then
Florence Nightingale made nursing into a profession. The methods she introduced in the
1850s were copied all over the world, and now nursing is a career with a three- or four- year
training, qualifications, grades, unions, and pensions.
In Britain, every nurse is on a grade. The grade depends on experience and skills, and each
grade has different responsibilities and pay. On the bottom grades are unqualified auxiliary
nurses who do the routine work on hospital wards. On the top grades are nursing officers,
who are usually administrators.
Auxiliary nurses are on the bottom grades, but student nurses get the lowest pay. However,
students don’t stay at the bottom of the pay scale forever. When they qualify, they start
working on a middle grade. As they get experience, they can get promotion and move up the
ranks to become staff nurse, then sister (charge nurse if a man), and perhaps eventually nursing
Many nurses work shifts, and often they work overtime to earn more money. After basic
training, many nurses choose to do further study and become specialists. Nurses can specialize
in many different fields- there are triage nurses who treat the mentally ill. There are health
visitors who visit patients in their own homes, practice nurses working in GP’s surgeries, and
midwives who deliver babies.
Many of them say they do not get enough pay and respect for the work they do. They say that
the work is physically and mentally hard, that they work long hours and get very tired. But
they also say that there are many great rewards which have nothing to do with money.

I. Read the article and decide if these sentences are true (t) or false (f).

1. The more responsibility you have, the higher your grade…………..

2. Nursing officers are the same as auxiliary nurses…………….
3. Students are paid less than auxiliary nurses……………..
4. A charge nurse is a man……………….
5. There are not many opportunities for British nurses to specialize……..
6. Many nurses say that the job is rewarding, but the pay is low…………….

II. Number these jobs from the highest grade (1) to the lowest (4). Two of
them are equal.
a. charge nurse……….
b. nursing officer……....
c. auxiliary nurse….......
d. sister……………………
e. staff nurse…….........


Handout 1.1
Exercise I

1. Can you read the bottom line of letters OPTICIAN

2. Clamp…suction…forceps….needle SURGEON
3. I’m examining a culture of organisms extracted from a patient LAB TECHNICIAN
4. We are going to move you on this stretcher PARAMEDIC
5. Today I delivered two sets of twins MIDWIFE
6. Bend your knee ten times and then rest PHYSIOTHERAPIST
7. This machine will give us a picture of your lungs RADIOLOGIST
8. I go around delivering mail every morning PORTER
9. Open wide DENTIST
10. I’m arranging an appointment now RECEPCIONIST
11. Move your feet please, I need to disinfect the floor CLEANER

Handout 1.2
Exercise I

Students’ answers (discussion)

Handout 1.3
Exercise I
Reading Comprehension

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F
6. T

Exercise II

a. charge nurse…2……
b. nursing officer……1....
c. auxiliary nurse…4.......
d. sister……2……
e. staff nurse…3…

Unidad 1: The hospital team

Módulo 2

Adquirir conocimiento básico gramatical del verbo ‘to be’ y poder diferenciar los pronombres
sujeto de los pronombres objeto. Además se espera reforzar el vocabulario adquirido en la
clase anterior con respecto a las profesiones en el área de la salud.

 PPT ‘subject and object pronouns’
 PPT verb TO BE
 Handout 1.4
 Handout 1.5
 Handout 1.6
 Handout 1.7
Reading comprehension ‘ Profile of a student nurse’

Introducción a la Unidad
Estructura básica gramatical.

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (5 minutos)
Con el fin de conectar la clase anterior a esta el profesor le pide a los estudiantes que saquen
una hoja en blanco y cierren sus cuadernos. Luego les pide que anoten todas las profesiones
que recuerden en 1.30. Luego monitorea cual es el alumno que tuvo la mayor cantidad de
palabras y le pide a ese estudiante que las lea para que el resto de la clase revise sus respuestas,
en caso de no contener todas las profesiones, el profesor debe repasar todas las profesiones
estudiadas en la clase anterior y las anota en la pizarra.

Warm Up ( 5 minutos):
El profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si recuerdan las siguientes palabras (se espera que los
estudiantes manejen esta información básica del idioma) ‘I, HE, YOU, THEY’ y las escribe en
la pizarra dejando un espacio para los pronombres faltantes. Luego les pregunta si recuerdan
los faltantes y los anota en la pizarra. Luego les indica que les mostrara una PPT con el fin de
recordar los pronombres sujeto en caso que no todos los recordaran.
Grammar ( minutes 20-30 ):
El profesor les presenta a los estudiantes la PPT ‘subject and object pronouns’.
Cuando en la PPT se inicie la parte de pronombre objecto el profesor debe explicarla a los
alumnos señalando el nuevo contenido y el contraste con respecto al visto anteriormente. La
diferencia queda clara señalando los dibujos y las oraciones que acompañan la ilustración del
contenido gramatical señalado.

Al finalizar la presentación el profesor les entrega a los alumnos el Handout 1.4 y les señala que
trabajen individualmente por 5 minutos y que después comparen sus respuestas con un
compañero. Después el profesor guía la revisión con todo el curso.

Grammar II (20 minutes)

Luego de finalizada esta actividad se procede a mostrar la segunda PPT ‘verb TO BE’
En la diapositiva número 3 se presenta la conocida frase de Shakespeare ‘to be or not to be? that is
the question’ , se les pregunta a los alumnos si están familiarizados con esta frase. Luego se
procede a mostrarles el resto de la PPT con el contenido de las frases ilustrativas del verbo ser
o estar.
Luego se le entrega a los alumnos el Handout 1.5 y 1.6 para que desarrollen en forma
individual. Nuevamente luego de 10 minutos se les pide a los estudiantes que comparen sus
respuestas con un compañero para luego revisarlas a nivel de curso dirigidos por el profesor.

Reading (10 minutos)

Para finalizar la clase se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 1.7 con el texto ‘Profile of a
student nurse’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el vocabulario
nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su totalidad.
Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas junto a todo el

Handout 1.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Subject and object pronouns

I. Substitute the underlined words with subject pronouns. Work

individually and then compare your answers with a partner

1. Peter and Paul ( ………) studied medicine in Germany.

2. The microscope (…………) is broken.
3. Do Mandy and you (…………) work together?
4. Does your sister (…………) like her job?
5. Dr Swam (…………) visits his patients in the morning.
6. Do the students (…………) do the homework?
7. You and I (…………) live in Chile.
8. Do Sam and Paula (…………) meet after work?
9. My mum (…………) is an excellent nurse.
10. The hospital (………) is very old..
11. The medicine books (…………) are on that shelf
12. When do you and Sally (…………) have night shift this week?

II. Substitute the underlined words with object pronouns Work individually and then
compare your answers with a partner.

1. David has lunch in the hospital cafeteria with Paul and I (……………).
2. Do you play with your children (……………) after dinner?
3. Jess takes her dog (…………) for walks at night after work.
4. Does Carla study biology with her brother (…………)?
5. Mr Smith delivers our letters (…………).
6. I usually meet Pam (…………) on Friday afternoon.
7. Tom works very hard in the laboratory with his colleagues (………).
8. Does mum feed the baby (…………)?
9. Can you pass the magazine (…………) to I (…………), please?
10. Do you eat fruits and vegetables (…………), Mr Thomas?
11. Gloria sent e-mails (……………) to her father (…………).
12. Jonathan is with his mother (…………).

Handout 1.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Verb ‘to be’

I. Complete the sentences with is, am or are

1. My name’s Charles. I …… from Chile.

2. You …………. a paediatrician.
3. This is Paul. He…… a nurse.
4. My name’s Sandra. I ………..a midwife. I ………….26 years old.
5. This is Susan. She …………. a lab technician.
6. This is Peter and his son Richard. They ………….. both doctors.
7. My friend ……….. very intelligent. He ……….a very good student at university.
8. We …………..receptionists. We work together.
9. You ……… the best university.
10. Thomas and Mark …….. paramedics. They……….colleagues and friends.

II. Complete the sentences with the verb ‘to be’ (positive or negative) according
to the pictures.

2. I………a cardiologist 3. The paediatrician…….angry

1. He………an

6. The surgeons……in the

4. She ……….a psychologist 5. The paramedics ……busy operating theatre now.

8. She……..a midwife. 9. I………a dentist.

7. We ……….pharmacists.

Handout 1.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Look at the pictures and some information given and write either the question or the short
answer and the correct information in table. The first one has been done for you.
Profession Subject Yes/no questions +/- Short answer

We Are we surgeons? (-) No, you aren’t.______

You are pharmacists__

I __________________ (+) Yes, you are.

He Is he a paediatrician? (+) _______________

She Is she a cardiologist? (-) _______________


You ___________________ (+) Yes, I am.

He Is he a midwife? (-) ___________________


They Are they doctors? (-) __________________


You __________________ (+) Yes, we are.

Handout 1.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013


Mary Smith is nineteen years old. She’s studying for a diploma in nursing at Vazov
Nursing College. She has exams next month, so at the moment she`s studying hard.
She wants to be a nurse because she likes working with people and she’s interested in
science, but she really doesn’t like doing paperwork.
She would like to be a paediatric nurse because she really enjoys working with children.
She has worked on a children’s ward for three months as a work placement. One day,
she hopes to work in a children’s hospital in India, which she saw on television.
She’s good at talking to people and making them feel comfortable, and she’s very
organized. In her free time she plays the guitar, and goes out dancing most weekends.

I. Read the text presented above and decide if these sentences are true (t) or false

1. Mary thinks science is boring ___________

2. She dislikes the paperwork ___________
3. She has never worked in a ward. ___________
4. She would like to work in India. ___________
5. She doesn’t like music. ___________
6. She goes out dancing every weekend ___________


Handout 1.4
Exercise I Exercise II

1. They 1. Us
2. It 2. Them
3. You 3. It
4. She 4. Him
5. He 5. Them
6. They 6. Her
7. We 7. Them
8. They 8. Him/Her
9. She 9. It - me
10. It 10. Them
11. They 11. Them - him
12. You 12. Her

Handout 1.5
Exercise I Exercise II

1. Am 1. Is
2. Are 2. ‘m not
3. Is 3. Isn’t
4. Am /am 4. Isn’t
5. Is 5. Are
6. Are 6. Are
7. Is / is 7. Are
8. Are 8. Isn’t
9. Are 9. Am
10. Are / are

Handout 1.6
Exercise I

1-Are we surgeons? No, you aren’t.______ 5- Are you a receptionist? Yes, I am.
You are pharmacists__

2- Am I a dentist Yes, you are. 6- Is he a midwife? No, he isn’t.

He is a radiologist
No, they aren’t
3- Is he a paediatrician? Yes, he is 7- Are they doctors? They are nurses.
No, she isn’t
4- Is she a cardiologist? She is a psychologist 8- Are you paramedics? Yes, we are.


1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F

Unidad 2 : In and around the hospital

Módulo 1

Adquirir el vocabulario para referirse a los departamentos que se encuentran en un hospital y
relacionar el equipamiento médico utilizado en las distintas áreas.

 PPT ‘Hospital departments’
 PPT ‘ Medical equipment’
 Handout 2.1
 Handout 2.2
 Handout 2.3
Reading comprehension ‘It’s my job – William O’Neill’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (5 minutos)
El profesor debe proceder a preguntarles a los alumnos cuales son los nombres de los
departamentos hospitalarios que ellos recuerden en su lengua materna para chequear cuanto
saben con respecto a este tema. El profesor puede escribirlos en la pizarra.

Warm Up ( 10 minutos):
De los nombres escritos en la pizarra el profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si pueden
adivinar cómo se dicen algunos de los departamentos en Inglés anticipando que los nombres
en Inglés son muy parecidos al Español. En este instante el profesor puede escribir estos
nombres sugeridos por los alumnos en el pizarra sin corregirlos para así poder compararlos a
los que se les presentarán en la PPT.

Vocabulary I (20 minutos):

Luego se les presenta a los estudiantes la PPT ‘ Hospital departments’ y revisan el vocabulario
juntos como curso comparando a su vez algunos de los nombres que los alumnos dieron.
Después de haber revisado el vocabulario se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 2.1 el
cual pueden desarrollar en parejas y después con el profesor a nivel de curso. Se les puede dar
5 a 7 minutos para desarrollar esta actividad.

Vocabulary II ( 35 minutos)
Ahora después de terminada la primera actividad el profesor chequea nuevamente si tiene
conocimiento previo del equipamiento utilizado en los departamentos hospitalarios que acaban
de revisar en la PPT. Los alumnos nuevamente proceden a dar nombres en su lengua materna
pero esta vez no es necesario que el profesor las escriba en la pizarra, ya que los nombres no
son similares al Español. Después se procede a mostrarles la segunda PPT ‘ Medical
equipment’ y se revisa el vocabulario. Luego en la diapositiva 20 empieza otra actividad
llamada ‘Guess the medical equipment’ en la cual se presenta la función del equipamiento y los
estudiantes deben dar el nombre del objeto en cuestión. Esta actividad se desarrolla a nivel de
curso. Habiendo terminado esto, se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 2.2 para que
desarrollen individualmente (10 minutos) y luego se revisa a nivel de curso escogiendo una
pareja que dirija la corrección.

Reading (10 minutos)

En esta última actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 2.3 con el texto
‘It’s my job – William O’ Neill’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su
totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas
junto a todo el curso.

Handout 2.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Hospital departments

1. Work with a partner and match each clue with a department shown in the table

a. Pathology c. Physiotherapy e. Pharmacy g. Neurology i. Dermatology k.Obstetrics

b. Cardiology d. Renal unit f. Orthopaedics h. Paediatrics j. Haematology l.Surgery

1. It dispenses medicines: ________________________________

2. It treats kidney diseases: _______________________________
3. It specializes in pregnancy and birth: _____________________
4. It studies illnesses and analyses samples: ___________________
5. It treats diseases of the skin: ____________________________
6. It performs operations on patients: _______________________
7. It designs special exercises for patients: ____________________
8. It studies blood disorders: ______________________________
9. It treats bones: ______________________________________
10. It specializes in the heart: _______________________________
11. It deals with sick children: ______________________________
12. It treats disorders of the nervous system: ___________________

Handout 2.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Match the pictures of the pieces of medical equipment to the following names:

Medical equipment letter Medical equipment letter

A dialysis machine A bone plate
Scales A centrifuge
An x-ray machine Paediatric spoon
Neurological pinwheel A scalpel
An exercise machine An ECG
A microscope A dermabrader

II. Match each medical department to one

of the pieces of equipment

Equipment letter department

1) A dialysis machine a) Pathology
2) An x-ray machine b) Cardiology
3) Neurological c) Physiotherapy
4) An exercise machine d) Renal Unit.
5) A microscope e) Orthopaedics
6) A centrifuge f) Neurology
7) Paediatric spoon g) Paediatrics
8) A scalpel h) Dermatology
9) An ECG i) Haematology
10) A dermabrader j) Surgery

Now compare your answers with a partner

Handout 2.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

It’s my job – William O’Neill

I’m the Head Porter in this hospital. What do I do? Well, I run the place.
Porters do more than just push food trolleys around the hospital. We transport
patients by wheelchair or stretcher form the wards to Radiology or Physiotherapy and
back again. We remove dead bodies to the mortuary, we lift and carry heavy
equipment and furniture, and we dispose of all the waste. Each hospital bed produces
4.5 kilos of waste every day. We collect it each day and take it away for recycling.
We deliver the post all over the hospital and bring letters for patients – that’s a very
important thing. As we move around the place, we take files, samples, and specimens
from here to there and back again. Last year I walked 1,800 kilometres!
To do all these things a porter must be fit, be able to think clearly in an emergency, and
be polite and friendly.
Next time you are waiting for a porter to answer your call, please be patient. He will be
with you as soon as he can.

III. Read the article and decide if these sentences are true (t) or false (f).

1. Porters only push food trolleys around ___

2. They move patients around the hospital__
3. Porters take deaf patients from the wards__
4. The porters destroy all the waste______
5. Porters gibe the patients their mail _____

IV. Match these words taken from the text to their definitions

1. wheelchair .... Also called: morgue a building where dead bodies are kept before
cremation or burial.
2. stretcher …. a division, floor, or room of a hospital for a particular class or group of
3. wards …. anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose.
4. mortuary ….. a chair mounted on wheels for use by persons who cannot walk.

5. equipment …. (in medicine, microbiology, etc.) a sample of a substance or material for

examination or study.
6. emergency …. a kind of litter, often of canvas stretched on a frame, for carrying the sick,
wounded, or dead.
7. specimens …. a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring
immediate action.


Handout 2.1
Exercise I
1) It dispenses medicines: PHARMACY
2) It treats kidney diseases: RENAL UNIT
3) It specializes in pregnancy and birth: OBSTETRICS
4) It studies illnesses and analyses samples: PATHOLOGY
5) It treats diseases of the skin: DERMATOLOGY
6) It performs operations on patients: SURGERY
7) It designs special exercises for patients: PHYSIOTHERAPY
8) It studies blood disorders: HAEMATOLOGY
9) It treats bones: ORTHOPAEDICS
10) It specializes in the heart: CARDIOLOGY
11) It deals with sick children: PAEDIATRICS
12) It treats disorders of the nervous system: NEUROLOGY

Handout 2.2
Exercise I

Medical equipment letter Medical letter

A dialysis machine H A bone plate F
Scales D A centrifuge C
An x-ray machine L Paediatric spoon J
Neurological pinwheel I A scalpel K
An exercise machine E An ECG A
A microscope B A dermabrader G

Exercise II

Equipment letter department

1) A dialysis machine D a. Pathology
2) An x-ray machine E b. Cardiology
3) Neurological F c. Physiotherapy
4) An exercise machine C d. Renal Unit.
5) A microscope A e. Orthopaedics
6) A centrifuge I f. Neurology
7) Paediatric spoon G g. Paediatrics
8) A scalpel J h. Dermatology
9) An ECG B i. Haematology
10) A dermabrader H j. Surgery

Handout 2.3
Exercise I

1) F
2) T
3) T
4) F
5) T

Exercise II

1. wheelchair 4 Also called: morgue a building where dead bodies are kept before cremation or
2. stretcher 3 a division, floor, or room of a hospital for a particular class or group of patients.
3. wards 5 anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific purpose.
4. mortuary 1 a chair mounted on wheels for use by persons who cannot walk.

5. equipment 7 (in medicine, microbiology, etc.) a sample of a substance or material for

examination or study.
6. emergency 2 a kind of litter, often of canvas stretched on a frame, for carrying the sick,
wounded, or dead.
7. specimens 6 a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate

Unidad 2 : In and around the hospital

Módulo 2

Referirse a objetos y su localización en el espacio utilizando preposiciones de lugar y
diferenciar existencia (singular y plural) de objetos. Además indicar posesión de los mismos
utilizando ‘genitive case’ (‘s)

 PPT ‘prepositions of place’
 PPT ‘genitive case’
 Handout 2.4
 Handout 2.5
 Handout 2.6
 Handout 2.7
 Handout 2.8

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (15 minutos)

El profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si tienen buena memoria con respecto a donde dejan
sus cosas ya sea si son ordenados o desordenados. Ahora se les pide a los estudiantes que
visualicen su pieza por un minuto. Luego se les pide que dibujen su pieza en 2 minutos con la
mayor cantidad de cosas que recuerden. Cuando terminen, se les pregunta a los alumnos si
pueden describir donde están sus cosas en su pieza en Inglés. Se espera que algunos
estudiantes tengan conocimiento previo de las preposiciones de lugar. Si algunos alumnos
dicen algunas oraciones, se recomienda que el profesor las escriba en la pizarra para ilustrar el
contenido de la PPT que se mostrará a continuación.

Vocabulary (30-35 minutos):

El profesor presenta la PPT ‘prepositions of place’, donde las preposiciones están ilustradas.
Luego en la diapositiva 13 se presenta un juego de memoria donde se les pide a los alumnos
que memoricen una fotografía de una oficina, luego se les da tiempo de completar unas
oraciones presentes en la PPT y luego se revisan las respuestas a nivel de curso.

Luego de esta actividad el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 2.4 el cual se
desarrolla individualmente y luego comparan sus respuestas en pareja (5-7 minutos). Después
se les entrega el Handout 2.5 y se anticipa que es una actividad similar a la de ‘Ojo de lince’
donde tienen que encontrar ciertos elementos en una fotografía y escribir oraciones
proporcionando la localización de cada elemento. Para incentivar esta actividad se puede hacer
a modo de concurso en el cual el primero que termine y presente las respuestas correctas al
profesor puede tener un premio (sugerimos un punto extra para alguna evaluación). Esta
actividad puede durar 10 minutos.

Vocabulary II ( 10 minutos)

Luego se les muestra a los alumnos la segunda PPT ‘genitive case’ donde se ilustra el uso de ‘s
para indicar posesión. Luego de esto se les proporciona a los estudiantes el Handout 2.6 que
deben desarrollar individualmente y luego chequear a nivel de curso.

Communicative activity (10-15 minutos)

Al finalizar la actividad escrita el profesor saca una bolsa oscura (la idea es que los alumnos no
puedan ver el contenido) y les pide a los estudiantes que saquen una pertenencia
representativa de ellos que tengan en su mochila y la echen en la bolsa. Después de haber
recolectado varias (no necesariamente de todos los alumnos ya que algunas clases pueden ser
más numerosas que otras) el profesor va sacando una por una de la bolsa preguntando ‘Whose
is it?’ y los estudiantes tienen que adivinar a quien pertenece el objeto. Sólo se considerarán
correctas las respuestas donde apliquen correctamente ‘s.

 El profesor esta vez les proporciona el Handout 2.6 y 2.7 de tarea con el fin de
practicar las preposiciones de lugar.

Handout 2.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013
In and around the hospital
I. Complete these sentences with the appropriate preposition of place and with IS or
ARE according to the pictures.


1- There ….. a basket ………. the reception

2- There …….a plant…………… the basket.
3- There ……some pencils…………. the
4- There ……an admission form………..the
calendar and the book.
5- There ….....a poster of food………….the
6- There …. a photocopier…………………
the reception desk.
7- There …….a room ……………the
reception desk.

1. There ………. a poster of the human body …………

the wall
2. There……a stethoscope ………….. the white coat.
3. There……a chair …………. the computer.
4. There …….. a man …………. the window.
5. There……some books ………… the shelf.

Now compare your answers with a partner

Handout 2.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013
In and around the hospital

I. Look at the following picture and say where the things mentioned in the box are.

1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________________
7. ______________________________________________________________
8. ______________________________________________________________
9. ______________________________________________________________
10. ______________________________________________________________
11. ______________________________________________________________
12. ______________________________________________________________

Handout 2.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

In and around the hospital

Whose is it?
I. Look at the pictures and indicate the possession of the following elements.

This is Carla. She is a pediatrician

This is Mark. He is a physiotherapist

This is John. He is a lab technician

This is Ana. She is a medical receptionist

2 1. It’s Carla’s coat___________________.

2. ______________________________

3. ______________________________

3 4 4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

5 6 6. ______________________________
7 8
7. ______________________________

8. ______________________________

Now compare your answers with a partner

Handout 2.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

In and around the hospital

I. Look at the pictures and write the missing prepositions in the following
sentences. Use each preposition once only.

1.The mobile phone is…….the bag.

2.The post office is …………..the

bank and the computer shop.

3.The cat is ……….the bed

4.The dog is lying …………..the fire.

5.He is standing …………a tree.

6.There is a bridge…….the river.

7.The headphones are ……..the table.

8.The cinemas is ………… the


9.They are walking home

………….the park.

Handout 2.8
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

In and around the hospital

I. Match the following pictures to the correct prepositions of place.

….. …… 1. BEHIND 7. IN FRONT


…… ……


i) 3. INSIDE 9. ON
…… ……



…… ……

d) j)
…… ……

e) k)
l) 6. NEAR 12. BETWEEN
…… ……



Handout 2.4
Exercise I

Picture 1
1. There IS a basket ON the reception desk.
2. There IS a plant BEHIND the basket.
3. There ARE some pencils IN FRONT OF the calendar.
4. There IS an admission form BETWEEN the calendar and the book.
5. There IS a poster of food ON the wall.
6. There IS a photocopier IN FRONT OF the reception desk.
7. There IS a room OPPOSITE the reception desk.
Picture 2

1. There IS a poster of the human body ON the wall

2. There IS a stethoscope ON the white coat.
3. There IS a chair OPPOSITE the computer.
4. There IS a man IN FRONT OF the window.
5. There ARE some books ON the shelf.

Handout 2.5
Exercise I
1. The watch is on the picture next to the diploma
2. The CD is between the plant and the pile of books on the bookcase
3. The Oxygen tank is behind the chair in front of the window.
4. The ring is on the t-shirt
5. The reflex hammer is between the shades of the window.
6. The stapler is on the folder on the chair.
7. The calculator is in the poster on the wall opposite the window.
8. The pen is in the bookcase
9. The key is in the corner of the room on the floor.
10. The glass is in front of the folding screen, between the shoes.
11. The vase is behind the chair
12. The cane is in the frame of the bookcase

Handout 2.6
Exercise I

1. It’s Carla’s coat.

2. It’s John’s centrifuge
3. It’s John’s microscope
4. It’s Mark’s exercise machine
5. It’s Ana’s computer
6. It’s Carla’s stethoscope.
7. It’s Mark’s fit ball
8. It’s Ana’s telephone

Handout 2.7
Exercise I

1.The mobile phone is IN the bag.

2.The post office is BETWEEN the bank and the computer shop.
3.The cat is ON the bed
4.The dog is lying IN FRONT OF the fire.
5.He is standing BEHIND a tree.
6.There is a bridge OVER the river.
7.The headphones are UNDER the table.
8.The cinemas is NEXT TO the restaurant.
9.They are walking home THROUGH the park.

Handout 2.8
Exercise I

a) 5
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12
e) 8
f) 9
g) 1
h) 7
i) 2
j) 3
k) 6
l) 4

Unidad 3 : Hospital admissions

Módulo 1

Adquirir vocabulario para poder comunicar su rutina diaria, como estudiante y profesional.

 PPT ‘present simple’
 Handout 3.1
 Handout 3.2
 Handout 3.3
Reading comprehension ‘ It’s my job – Carmen Dornam’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.

Introducción (5 minutos)
Al empezar la clase el profesor deberá revisar la tarea proporcionada la clase anterior.

Vocabulary I (10 minutos):

El profesor presenta a la clase la PPT ‘present simple’. En la diapositiva 17 se muestran
oraciones en las cuales se presenta la diferencia que presenta en el presente simple la tercera
persona singular. El profesor debe sólo leerlas y presentárselas a los estudiantes para que ellos
puedan deducir la regla. Luego que los estudiantes haya deducido la regla, el profesor las
presenta en forma inductiva en las siguientes dos diapositivas que muestran la regla y las reglas
de ortografía que acompañan la misma.

Vocabulary II (10 minutos):

En las siguientes diapositivas se muestran ‘bad and good habits’. Mientras el profesor las
muestra les pregunta a los estudiantes si hacen las actividades de las diapositivas para generar

Vocabulary III (10 minutos):

En la tercera parte de la PPT se muestran ‘free time activities’. Nuevamente se les pregunta a
los estudiantes si hacen las actividades de las diapositivas para generar conversación.

Vocabulary IV (15 minutos):

En la última parte de la PPT se muestra ‘How often do you…?’. Donde el profesor les
presenta a los estudiantes adverbios y expresiones de frecuencia.
Luego en la diapositiva 45 hay un ejercicio que los estudiantes desarrollan en pareja en sus
cuadernos. Luego de 5-8 minutos se le pide a un estudiante que salga a la pizarra a escribir las
respuestas. En caso que no las tuviera todas, el estudiante puede pedir ayuda a sus
compañeros, que le pueden dictar las faltantes. Al finalizar la revisión, el profesor les muestra
la última diapositiva con el solucionario del ejercicio recién hecho.

Communicative activity(writing) ( 20 minutos ):

Luego el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 3.1 el cual debe ser desarrollado
individualmente para luego ser revisado a nivel de curso (5 minutos)
Al finalizar esta actividad el profesor les entrega el Handout 3.2 el cual debe ser desarrollado
individualmente y después los estudiantes revisan sus respuestas en pareja. Se les comunica a
los estudiantes que a la hora de revisar el texto de la rutina de su compañero, que no sólo
comparen sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto a los textos propios sino que además
pueden corregir errores gramaticales y de ortografía de sus compañeros.(15-20 minutos)

Reading (10 minutos):

En esta última actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 3.3 con el texto
‘It’s my job – Carmen Dornam’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su
totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas
junto a todo el curso.

Handout 3.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

What do you do every day?

I. Look at the following pictures and write activity shown.

1 He wakes up 6

2 7

3 8

4 9

Handout 3.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Carlos works in a hospital as a nurse . Read what he says. All the words in
the boxes are wrong. Change them.

I 1 _ finish work at 8.00, so I always 2 go to bed at 6.30. I 3 have dinner

and 4 eat coffee, and then I go to work. We 5 sleep until 12.00, then we

6 have breakfast from 12.00 to 1.00. There’s a cafeteria in the hospital, so

I always 7 work there. I usually just 8 drink a burger or a sandwich.

We 9 start work at 4.00 in the afternoon, and then I 10 get up .

1………………………. 6………………………
2………………………. 7………………………
3………………………. 8………………………
4………………………. 9………………………
5………………………. 10………………………

II. Imagine you have finished university and you are working in a hospital as a
___________________ (your profession). Write your routine and
compare it to your partner’s routine. Are they too different?

Handout 3.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

It’s my job – Carmen Dornam

I’m a hospital receptionist. If you need to find somebody or if you need to know anything
about the hospital – ask me. If you want new paper towels, or you need to speak to a surgeon
– ask me.
I often meet people when they are frightened, angry, or drunk, so it’s important to be
diplomatic and strong. I often need to reassure people, so it’s important to be calm.
My normal work is to greet and assist patients when they arrive, make appointments for
patients, record patients’ information, and organize and file patient records. I also keep the
accounts. You need to be very organized to do this job.
Of course, I have to operate a computer, a fax machine, and other office equipment, but I also
have to know first aid, and understand medical terminology and abbreviations. My biggest
problems are with the handwriting of medical staff. It wastes a lot of time when I don’t
understand reports and forms because of handwriting or abbreviations.
I believe that without me and the other receptionists the whole hospital would come to a stop.

I. Read about Carmen and answer the questions.

1. What qualities does Carmen need in her job?

2. How do medical staff cause Carmen problems?
3. What does she know about medicine?
4. What does she do at work?

II. Read the text again and find the words for the following definitions:

1. to restore to assurance or confidence

2. a style or manner of writing by hand
3. afraid; fearful
4. skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people.

Handout 3.1
Exercise I
1. He wakes up
2. He gets up
3. He takes a shower
4. He brushes his teeth
5. He gets dressed
6. He has breakfast
7. He leaves home / he goes to work
8. He has a cup of tea / coffee
9. He watches TV
10. He goes to bed.

Handout 3.2
Exercise I

1. start
2. get up
3. have breakfast
4. drink
5. work
6. have lunch
7. eat
8. have/eat
9. finish
10. come/go home
Exercise II
Students’ texts

Handout 3.3
Exercise I

1. She needs to be diplomatic, strong, calm and organized.

2. They often have bad handwriting and use too many abbreviations.
3. She knows first aids, and understands medical terminology and abbreviations
4. She reassures people, greets and assists patients when they arrive, makes
appointments, records, files and organizes patients’ information and also keeps
the accounts.
Exercise II
1. Reassure
2. Handwriting
3. Frightened
4. diplomatic

Unidad 3 : Hospital Admissions
Módulo 2

Realizar preguntas de la rutina de otras personas para tener más información de las mismas, ya
sea a nivel personal o profesional (e.g. paciente – doctor).

PPT ‘present simple questions and negative’
Handout 3.4
Handout 3.5
Handout 3.6
Handout 3.7

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (10 minutos)

El profesor elige al azar dos o tres estudiantes y les pregunta por su rutina diaria, luego les
pregunta a dos más para que cuenten que hacen en su tiempo libre y por último a dos más para
que hablen de sus buenos y malos hábitos. La idea de esto es que se puedan aplicar
verbalmente los que aprendieron la clase pasada.

Grammar (20-25 minutos):

Luego, el profesor muestra la PPT ‘ present simple questions and negatives’ a los estudiantes
para que puedan aprender cómo se realizan las preguntas y las oraciones negativas en presente
simple. Al principio de la PPT se presentan las oraciones negativas ilustrando la reglas hasta la
diapositiva 9. La idea es que el estudiante pueda deducirla. Para esto el profesor les pregunta
a los estudiantes cuáles son los auxiliares que se utilizan en el presente simple y cuando o con
que sujetos o pronombres sujeto se ocupa cada uno. Luego se les muestra a los estudiantes lo
que ellos infirieron en una tabla presentada en la diapositiva 10. Después el profesor puede
continuar con las otras oraciones que ilustran preguntas hasta la diapositiva 13 y nuevamente
se les pregunta a los estudiantes que digan el orden de los elementos en una pregunta. Después
el profesor les muestra los tipos de pregunta (yes/no questions and Wh-questions) y sus
componentes y significados de las Wh-words.

Actividad escrita I (15 minutos):
El profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 3.4. Los estudiantes deben realizar la
actividad I en forma individual y luego comparar con un compañero (5-7 minutos) y luego
desarrollar en pareja la actividad II donde tienen que formular las preguntas para las respuestas
dadas. (10 minutos).

Actividad II ( 15-20 minutos):

Una vez finalizada la actividad anterior el profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes cuáles
preguntas podrían realizar en un hospital a un paciente. El profesor puede escribir algunas
notas de este brainstorming en la pizarra. Luego les pregunta si están familiarizados con los
formularios de ingreso al hospital o ficha médica hospitalaria.
Inmediatamente después se les entrega el Handout 3.5 a los estudiantes para que desarrollen la
primera actividad en forma individual (5 minutos). Luego se les indica que van a escuchar a una
enfermera obteniendo información personal de un paciente y que tienen que llenar la forma en
el ejercicio II. Pueden escuchar la grabación 2 veces y luego comparar sus respuestas con las de
un compañero. Luego el profesor las revisa a nivel de curso.
Al terminar esta actividad el profesor les pregunta si recuerdan las preguntas que la enfermera
le hizo al paciente. El profesor les entrega el Handout 3.6 para que ellos completen la actividad
III sin escuchar nuevamente la grabación para ver cuánto recuerdan. Luego pueden escuchar
nuevamente la grabación para revisar sus respuestas en forma individual.
Ahora tienen otra grabación en la cual un doctor le hace unas preguntas a un paciente y los
estudiantes tienen que escribir las repuestas. Pueden escuchar dos veces la grabación.

Communicative (speaking) (15-20 minutos):

Para que los estudiantes apliquen lo aprendido se les entrega el Handout 3.7 y se les indica que
deben trabajar en parejas y se les entregan las instrucciones de la actividad en las que tienen
que jugar el role de un paciente y el de un/a enfermero/a. Luego cambian roles y llenan las
respectivas formas y notas especificadas en el Handout proporcionado.

Handout 3.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

A day in the life of…

I. Read the article and complete it by putting phrases a–f in the

correct spaces.

A. I always walk to work D. I often go out for a drink

B. I’m usually quite tired E. the students often arrive late
C. I never feel hungry F. I don’t usually go out in the evening

I always wake up when my alarm rings at 7.00, The great thing about my job is that I finish work
and I lie in bed for ten minutes before I get up. at 3.15, so I have most of the afternoon free to
After a quick shower I have breakfast. do normal things like shopping or
1 …………………….in the morning but I know cleaning my flat. Because I live far away from the
I need to eat something so I have toast and a city centre,4 ………………... I usually cook
banana, and one or two cups of tea. something for dinner, or if I feel lazy I
2 …………………..– it takes me about 40 have a pizza or something quick and easy like
minutes. I can’t drive and the buses are really that. Then I watch a DVD or read a book. On
expensive. My f irst lesson starts at 9.15, but I Fridays 5 …………………….with friends after
usually arrive at school at 8.30, so I have 45 work. I love going to the cinema as well, but
minutes to prepare everything. I always try to 6…………………………… in the evenings, so
start the lesson on time but 3 I often fall asleep in the middle of the film. I love
………………………,particularly when the sleeping – it’s like a hobby for me!
weather is bad. I love my job because every
day is different. I meet a lot of people, and they
come from all over the world, so I learn a lot
about different cultures.

II. A journalist wrote the article presented above. She interviewed Pete Phillips about
his life. Work in pairs and write the journalist’s questions.

1 What time do you usually……………............................. ? “7.00, and I get up 10 minutes later.”

2 Do you always ………………………………………. ?“Yes, always. Toast and a banana, and tea.”
3 How ..........................................................................................?“I walk.”
4 What time .............................................................................. ?“About 8.30.”
5…………………………………………………..…….. ?“Yes, I love it. It’s different every day.”
6 …………………………………………………..…….?“3.15, so most of my afternoon is free.”
7……………………………………………………..…. ?“Normal things like shopping and cleaning.”
8………………………………..………………………. ?“Not usually, because I live quite far from
the city centre.”
9………………………………………………….……. ?“Yes, to have a drink with friends.”

Handout 3.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Find words and abbreviations in the patient record with these


1. job…………………………….
2. bad reactions, for example to certain
3. Family doctor…………………..
4. Closest relative…………………..
5. The amount of something you eat,
drink, etc. regularly…………………
6. Date of birth……………………….
7. Male/female………………………
8. Past illnesses and
9. Married/single/divorced/widowed
10. Not applicable (not a question for
11. In each (day, week,
12. Number……………………………

II. Listen to the nurse get personal details from a patient. As you listen complete the

Handout 3.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

III. Listen again and complete these questions that the nurse asks.

1. What ___________you?
2. ________________date of birth?
3. _________________you born?
4. _________________married?
5. _________________smoke?
6. _________________do you smoke
a _________________?
7. ________________ allergic to
8. Do any of your___________________family _______________from any of the

IV. Listen to Mr. Taylor at the doctor’s and answer the questions.

1. How much does he weigh?

2. How often does he do exercise?
3. How often does he eat red meat?
4. When did he stop smoking?
5. How often does he drink alcohol?
6. What advice does the doctor give him?

Handout 3.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Work in pairs. First student A is going to play the role of a patient admitted to
hospital. Invent the following details.
Full name:___________________________
Occupation: __________________________
Next of kin: ___________________________
Family history: _________________________
Date and place of birth:___________________
Smoking and alcohol intake:_______________
Marital status: __________________________
Reason for admission:____________________
Medical history:_________________________

Student B you are a nurse. Ask student A (the patient) questions to complete the patient
record below

Now change roles

Handout 3.4
Exercise I
1. C
2. A
3. E
4. F
5. D
6. B
Exercise II
1. What time do you usually wake up?
2. Do you always have breakfast?
3. How do you go to work?
4. What time do you arrive at school?
5. Do you like /love your job?
6. What time do you finish work?
7. What do you usually do in the afternoon?
8. Do you go out in the evening?
9. Do you go out on Fridays?

Handout 3.5
Exercise I
1. Occupation
2. Allergies
3. GP
4. Next of kin
5. Intake
6. DOB
7. Gender
8. Medical history
9. Marital status
10. n/a
11. per
12. no.

Exercise II

1. Hussein
2. Mustapha
3. M
4. 1/9/82
5. Karachi, Pakistan
6. Painter
7. Single
8. Brother, Yusuf
9. 07709401229
10. 20 per day
11. n/a
12. fell off a ladder and hit his head
13. diabetes (maternal grandparents)

Handout 3.6
Exercise III
1. What happened to you?
2. What’s your date of birth?
3. Where were you born?
4. Are you married?
5. Do you smoke?
6. How many do you smoke a day?
7. Are you allergic to anything?
8. Do any of your close family suffer from any of the following…?
Exercise IV

1. 93 kilos
2. He goes swimming once a month
3. 4 times a week
4. 2 years ago
5. Every day
6. He shouldn’t eat so much red meat ( have chicken or fish instead ), and do more exercise
(three times a week)

Handout 3.7

Students’ answers

Unidad 4 : Accidents and emergencies
Módulo 1

Adquirir vocabulario de las partes del cuerpo humano y los órganos más elementales y luego
adquirir vocabulario relacionado con los accidentes y heridas que pueden sufrir las distintas
partes del cuerpo.

 PPT ‘Body parts and organs 1’
 PPT ‘accidents and injuries’
 Handout 4.1
 Handout 4.2
 Handout 4.3
 Handout 4.4
Reading comprehension ‘ Human body – introduction’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (2 minutos)
El profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes cuanto saben de anatomía en Inglés y les anticipa que
verán en esta clase vocabulario básico del cuerpo humano y sus órganos.

Vocabulary I (15 - 20 minutos):

El profesor les presenta a los estudiantes la PPT ‘Body parts and organs 1’ presentando
primero la fotografía de la parte del cuerpo para que los alumnos puedan dar el nombre en
Inglés si es que lo saben (hasta la diapositiva 22). De la diapositiva 23 en adelante se presentan
órganos y se sigue el mismo procedimiento para ver que conocimiento previo manejan.

Activity I (10-minutos):
El profesor luego de presentar el vocabulario se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 4.1 y
4.2 para que ellos la realicen individualmente para luego comparar sus respuestas en pareja y
después con el profesor a nivel de curso.

Vocabulary II (10-15 minutos):
El profesor les presenta la segunda PPT accidents and injuries’. En este caso van revisando las
diapositivas junto con el vocabulario simultáneamente ya que no se espera que tengan
conocimiento previo.

Activity II (10 minutos):

Luego de haber revisado el vocabulario el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 4.3
para que lo desarrollen individualmente y después comparen sus respuestas con un compañero.

Communicative activity (speaking) (10 minutos):

El profesor les pide a los alumnos para que trabajen en parejas y conversen si han sufrido
alguno de los accidentes o heridas que se les mostró en el PPT. El profesor puede escribir en
el pizarrón un par de frases que les ayude a los estudiantes a guiar su conversación como por
ejemplo ‘the most embarrasing accident’ ‘the most painful injury’, etc. El profesor debe
incentivar el uso del idioma aunque los estudiantes sientan que no tienen la suficiente
estructura para poder comunicar lo que desean. El profesor debe dejar que comuniquen sus
ideas sin corregirlos mientras los monitorea pero si puede ayudarlos si necesitan saber alguna
palabra especifica, etc.

Reading (10 minutos):

En esta última actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 4.4 con el texto
‘Human body – Introduction’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su
totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas
junto a todo el curso.

Handout 4.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Human body

I. Look at the following picture and name the parts of the human body.

1. ___________________
2. ___________________
3. ___________________
4. ___________________
5. ___________________
6. ___________________
7. ___________________
8. ___________________
9. ___________________
10. ___________________
11. ___________________
12. ___________________
13. ___________________
14. ___________________
15. ___________________
16. ___________________
17. ___________________
18. ___________________
19. ___________________
20. ___________________

Now compare your answers with your partner.

Handout 4.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Look at the following picture and name the human organs shown. The
first letter of each name has been given to you to help you.

Handout 4.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013


I. Match the sentence beginnings and endings.

1. Every winter, people slip a. in case anyone chokes.

2. This morning, I banged b. on the ice and hurt themselves.
3. Unfortunately, she broke c. that cushion!
4. It is so embarrassing when you trip d. when I make my bed!
and fall e. her ankle the first time she went
5. Ouch! I’ve just cut skiing.
6. Careful you don’t trip over f. over in the street.
7. Those shoes look dangerous g. you may sprain your foot.
8. You should know the Heimlich h. my elbow on the wall. It really hurt!
manoeuvre i. my finger on a piece of glass.
9. I always stub my toe

II. Write the missing word in the following sentences

1. Every summer I always have a ___________. It hurts so much!

2. I hate these shoes! Now I have a terrible ________________.

3. Whenever I play paintball I get some ______________ on my legs

and arms.

4. I always have a ______________ when it is hot.

5. She banged her head on that cupboard and now she has a
_____________ on her head.

Handout 4.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Human Body – Introduction

The human body is amazing. Like a machine, the human body is made of smaller parts that all
work together. The human body is always working. Think about this: while you read this, your
heart is pumping blood to your muscles and brain. You are breathing air into your lungs to
give your body oxygen. Your eyes are blinking to clean them and make sure that they don’t
dry out. The last meal you ate is being turned into energy as it travels through your digestive
system. Your hair, toenails and fingernails are all growing.

It is interesting and important to know how the different systems and parts of the human body
work, for example to know:

 How blood and nutrients travel through your body (the Circulatory System)
 How oxygen gets delivered to your lungs (the Respiratory System)
 What your bones are and why they’re important (The Skeletal System).
 How signals go to and from the brain (the Nervous System).
 How food is turned into energy (the Digestive System).
 How the body moves (the Muscular System )
 What the largest organ of the human body does for you (Skin).

I. Read the text and answer the following questions according to the text.
1- Why does the author say that the human body is like a
2- What does your heart do?
3- What do your lungs do?
4- What does the body turns into energy?
5- What travels through your body?
6- What gets delivered to your lungs?


Handout 4.1
Exercise I

1. Hand
2. Shoulder
3. Head
4. Neck
5. Fingers
6. Thumb
7. Wrist
8. Elbow
9. Chest
10. Stomach
11. Thigh
12. Knee
13. Leg
14. Toes
15. Calf
16. Ankle
17. Foot
18. Hip
19. Waist
20. Arm

Handout 4.2
Exercise I

Handout 4.3
Exercise I

1. B
2. H
3. E
4. F
5. I
6. C
7. G
8. A
9. D
Exercise II

1. Sunburn
2. Blister
3. Bruises
4. Nosebleed
5. Bump

Handout 4.4
Exercise I

1. Because it is made of smaller parts that all work together

2. It pumps blood to your muscles and brain
3. They give your body oxygen
4. Blood and nutrients
5. Oxygen

Unidad 4 : Accidents and emergencies
Módulo 2

Adquirir vocabulario relacionado con elementos de primeros auxilios. Además que el
estudiante aprenda cómo dar instrucciones de primeros auxilios.

 PPT ‘Medical equipment first aids’
 PPT ‘ Imperatives’
 Handout 4.5
 Handout 4.6
 Handout 4.7
 Handout 4.8
Reading comprehension ‘ A surprise passenger’
 Handout 4.9
Reading comprehension ‘ Top tips for a healthy heart’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Warm Up ( 5 minutos):
El profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si recuerdan el vocabulario relacionado con ‘los
accidentes y heridas’ que aprendieron la clase anterior. El profesor puede realizar unas
mímicas de los accidentes y heridas para que los alumnos puedan mencionar lo que recuerdan.
(5 o 7 aprox.).Según la dinámica participativa que tenga el curso, en caso que los alumnos sean
más activos, el profesor les puede pedir a algunos alumnos que hagan las mímicas. Luego el
profesor les pregunta si saben qué hacer en caso que alguien sufra alguno de los accidentes
recién revisados y anuncia que van a aprender nombres de algunos elementos que se utilizan en
primeros auxilios y otros en el tratamiento de algunos accidentes.

Vocabulary I (10 minutos):

El profesor presenta la PPT ‘Medical equipment first aids’ hasta la diapositiva 34. Luego les
dice a los estudiantes que ahora verán solamente las fotografías y que ellos deben proporcionar
los nombres para así ver cuán buena es su memoria.

Activity I (10 minutos):
Luego el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 4.5 y les da la instrucción de
desarrollarla en pareja, además de informarles que dentro del banco de dibujos se han agregado
el agua caliente y fría y hielo además de los implementos estudiados. Luego el profesor revisa la
actividad a nivel de curso.

Vocabulary II (10 minutos ):

Ahora el profesor les dice a los estudiantes que ya que ahora manejan el vocabulario
relacionado con los accidentes y heridas y además con los implementos utilizados para tratar
las mismas, están listos para aprender a dar instrucciones de primeros auxilios. El profesor les
presenta la PPT ‘ Imperatives’, en la cual se les muestra imperativos positivos y negativos, la
expression ‘make sure’ para enfatizar una instrucción y preguntas para solicitar instrucciones.

Activity II (30 minutos):

Se les proporciona a los estudiantes el Handout 4.6 y 4.7. La primera actividad del Handout
4.6 se desarrolla en forma individual y la segunda actividad es en pareja. Así mismo con el
Handout 4.7 en la cual la primera parte es desarrollada en forma individual y en la segunda
actividad primero se trabaja en pareja y después esa pareja interactúa con otra con el fin de
adivinar la emergencia médica por medio de las instrucciones que la otra pareja les
proporcionó. El profesor debe ayudar a los estudiantes con el vocabulario que les sea

Communicative (listening) (15 minutos):

Ahora el profesor les da a los estudiantes el Handout 4.8 y les dicen si les son familiares la
secuencia de dibujos que ven en la primera actividad. Se espera que los alumnos estén
familiarizados con ellas ya que muestran a una persona practicando CPR en otra. Luego les
pide que hagan la primera actividad rápidamente la cual consiste en poner en orden la
secuencia. Después les dice que va a escuchar a un paramédico dándole instrucciones a una
estudiante de enfermería y que deben chequear si su orden estaba correcto o no. En caso de
cualquier duda el profesor deberá proporcionar las respuestas correctas. Luego se les dice que
escucharan otra vez pero que esta vez deben realizar las actividades II y III en forma
simultánea. Si no pueden realizarlo el profesor puede poner la grabación nuevamente para
desarrollar la segunda actividad. Luego el profesor revisa las respuestas a nivel de curso.

El profesor les entrega el Handout 4.9 ‘ A surprise passenger’ y el Handout 4.10 ‘ Top tips for
a healthy heart’ para que los estudiantes los desarrollen como tarea que será revisada la
próxima clase a nivel de curso.

Handout 4.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Accidents and emergencies

I. Read the following sentences and write one or two things you would use to treat
these injuries. You can use the picture bank below.


1. She cut her finger when he was cooking.
2. He sprained his ankle
3. She’s got a bruise on her leg.
4. He broke his arm when he fell over.
5. She burnt her hand with boiling water.
6. She banged her head on the cupboard
and got a bump on her forehead.
7. She tripped over and fell and got a scrape
on her knee.
8. She’s got a scratch on her arm.
9. He got bit by a dog.
10. She sunbathed too much and now she’s
got a sunburn

Handout 4.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Accidents and emergencies

I. Complete each sentece with a wordd from the box.

Apply Check for Immerse

Immobilize Keep Make sure
Sterilize Puncture Remove
Squeeze Swab Treat

1. ______________________ a clean, sharp needle with alcohol.

2. ______________________ there is no glass or other foreign body in the wound.
3. Use the needle to ___________________ the blister.
4. Don’t ____________________ burnt clothing.
5. ______________________ a main artery if necessary.
6. ______________________ the injured person lying down.
7. ______________________ the injured body part once the bleeding has stopped.
8. ______________________ the person for shock.
9. Don’t ____________________ severe large burns in cold water.
10. ________________________signs of circulation.
11. ________________________ with Iodine or rubbing alcohol.
12. ________________________antibiotic ointment and cover with a bandage.

II. Compare your answers with a partner. Working together, decide which of the
above instructions belong with each of these conditions.

a) Blisters ___________________________________
b) Third degree burns __________________________
c) Bleeding __________________________________

Handout 4.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Accidents and emergencies

I. Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

1. Check that a) I count up to between breaths.

2. Make sure you b) I give her?
3. What do c) have to apply the pads?
4. Don’t let d) the patient is breathing.
5. Should I e) the patient try to stand up.
6. Shall I bandage f) put the burnt area under running
7. Don’t g) the patient’s pulse again.
8. What dosage shall h) tie the bandage too tight!
9. Take i) the wound now?
10. Where do I j) use a sterile needle.

II. Work in pair. Think of three emergencies a member of the public might have
to deal with. For each one, write three instructions to help them. Tell your
instructions to another pair. They must guess the emergency.

1. Don’t move the person.
2. Make sure they are still breathing.
3. Keep the person warm until medical help arrives.

Emergency 1 Instruction one Instruction two Instruction three

………………………….. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
Emergency 2 Instruction one Instruction two Instruction three
………………………….. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
Emergency 3 Instruction one Instruction two Instruction three
………………………….. …………………………. …………………………. ………………………….
…………………………. …………………………. ………………………….

Handout 4.8
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Work with a partner to put these pictures in a logical order.

1____ 2____ 3____ 4_____ 5_____

Listen to a student nurse receiving instructions from a paramedic and check your order.
II. Listen again and underline the correct option.

1. The patient has had a stroke / a cardiac arrest.

2. The nurse gives two/ three breaths into the patient’s mouth.
3. The paramedic counts up to three / four after each push down on the chest.
4. The nurse pushes down on the chest fifteen / sixteen times.
5. They set the charge on the defibrillator at 100 / 200.
6. The nurse applies the pads on each side of / above and below the heart.
7. The patient starts to respond after the first / second charge from the defibrillator.
8. The patient is given Lidocaine / Atropine.
9. The dosage is 200 ml over one minute / 100 ml over two minutes

III. Complete each sentence with a verb from the list.

1. ___________________him CPR.
2. __________________ him mouth to mouth first.
3. _________________ his head.
4. Right, _______________ his nose closed, then…
5. ________________ your hand on his chest.
6. ________________ clear of his body.
7. …then _______________ the buttons and hold for two seconds.
8. ______________________ his pulse again.
9. OK - _________________ the procedure.
10. Well done. Now ________________ an IV and give…



Handout 4.9
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

A surprise passenger
British taxi driver, Clive Lawrence, became a midwife for an hour when a passenger gave birth to a
baby in the back of his taxi.
Asha Gemechu’s baby was due in a month, but when her contractions started she called for a taxi to
take her to hospital. Mr Lawrence answered the call.
The expectant mum was in the taxi for ten minutes when she realized that things were happening too
fast. The baby was not going to wait. Its head appeared, and Mr Lawrence stopped the taxi to help
with the birth.
Mr Lawrence said ‘ I was there when my kids were born, so this was not completely new for me. I
spoke to a nurse on the taxi radio and she gave me instructions- I only did what she told me. There’s
nothing special about that. One minute I had one passenger, then I had two, but there’s no extra
A midwife at the hospital said, ‘giving birth on the way to hospital doesn’t happen often, gut if you are
there when it does, just support the baby’s head and guide it out – don’t pull. Then clean the baby’s
nose and mouth, but don’t cut the umbilical cord- just lay the baby on the mother’s chest, cord and all.
Dry the baby with a clean towel or cloth, gently rub its back, then cover mum and baby with a dry
blanket to keep them both warm, and wait for medical help to arrive’.
‘Clive was wonderful,’ the mother said later, ‘he did everything right.’ Asha is naming the baby
Mohammed Clive. Mother and baby are both doing well.

I. Read the text and answer the questions

1. Was this Clive’s first experience of a birth?

2. Who gave instructions to Clive?
3. Who is Mohammed Clive?
4. How is the baby now?

II. Work in pairs. Cover the article. Can you remember the midwife’s instructions?.
Look at the words below to help you remember.



Handout 4.10
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Top tips for a healthy heart!

Heart disease kills more people in Britain than any other disease, including cancer. One adult dies
every three minutes from heart disease and it’s more common in men than in women. Age is also
important. 80% of people who die of heart attacks are 65 or older. And it’s an amazing fact that
five times more men die of heart disease in the UK than in Japan. But there are many things you
can do to help your heart stay healthy. Here are our top tips for a healthy heart!

 Stop smoking. Everyone knows that cigarettes give you cancer, but they are also very bad
for your heart. If you only do one thing to help your heart, do this!
 Do more exercise. Regular exercise (four times a week for 30 minutes) is very good for
your heart.
 Don’t eat a lot of fried food and only eat red meat once a week. This type of food is bad
for your heart because it’s high in fat.
 Eat fish twice or three times a week. It’s good for your heart because it’s low in fat and
high in Omega – 3 oils.
 Don’t eat a lot of salt. We only need about 1g of salt a day. Most people eat about 6 g.
 Eat more fruit and vegetables (at least five portions a day)
 Lose some weight. Overweight people have more heart attacks!
 Don’t drink a lot of alcohol (especially if you are a student of San Sebastian University) –
but a glass of red wine every day can be good for your heart.

I. Read the article and answer the following questions

1. Which disease kills more people in Britain?

2. How many adults die of heart disease in Britain every hour?
3. Do women have more heart attacks than men?
4. Where do people have more heart attacks according to the text?
5. How many grams of salt is it good to eat every day?
6. How many portions of fruit and vegetables is it good to eat every day?
7. Is alcohol always bad for your heart?


Handout 4.5
Exercise I
Suggested answers


1. She cut her finger when he was cooking. Band aid/ physiological saline
solution/absorbent cotton
2. He sprained his ankle Cold water/ bandage
3. She’s got a bruise on her leg. Ointment
4. He broke his arm when he fell over. Sling/ bandage
5. She burnt her hand with boiling water. Cold water / ointment
6. She banged her head on the cupboard and Ice
got a bump on her forehead.
7. She tripped over and fell and got a scrape on Rubbing alcohol/ physiological saline solution/
her knee. absorbent cotton, band aid
8. She’s got a scratch on her arm. Rubbing alcohol/ physiological saline solution/
absorbent cotton, band aid
9. He got bit by a dog. physiological saline solution/syringe, shot
10. She sunbathed too much and now she’s got Cold water/ointment
a sunburn

Handout 4.6
Exercise I

1. Sterilize
2. Make sure
3. Puncture
4. Remove
5. Squeeze
6. Keep
7. Immobilize
8. Treat
9. Immerse
10. Check for
11. Swab
12. Apply

Exercise II
Students’ answers

Handout 4.7
Exercise I

1. D
2. J
3. A
4. E
5. F
6. I
7. H
8. B
9. G
10. C

Exercise II
Students’ answers

Handout 4.8
Exercise I

1. D
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. C
Exercise II
1. A cardiac arrest
2. Two
3. Four
4. Fifteen
5. 200
6. Above and below
7. Lidocaine
8. 100 ml over 2 minutes

Exercise III
1. Give
2. Give
3. Support
4. Hold
5. Put
6. Stand
7. Press
8. Check
9. Repeat
10. Set up

Handout 4.9
Exercise I

1. No, it wasn’t
2. A nurse
3. The baby
4. The baby is well now

Exercise II
Students’ answers

Handout 4.10
Exercise I

1. Heart disease
2. 20 people
3. Yes, they do
4. In the UK
5. 1 g of salt a day
6. 5 portions a day
7. No, it isn’t

Unidad 5 : Pain
Módulo 1

Ampliar el vocabulario de los alumnos referente a las partes del cuerpo y los órganos. Además
los alumnos aprenderán a poder referirse al dolor a las distintas palabras para describir la
intensidad de éste.

 PPT ‘Body parts and organs 2’
 PPT ‘Describing pain’
 Handout 5.1
 Handout 5.2
 Handout 5.3
 Handout 5.4
 Handout 5.5
Reading comprehension ‘Pain’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (5 minutos):
El profesor deberá revisar la tarea dada la clase pasada de comprensión de lectura de los
handouts 4.9 y 4.10 a nivel de curso.

Warm Up ( 10 minutos):
El profesor les pregunta a los alumnos cuanto recuerdan de las partes del cuerpo vistas con
anterioridad. El profesor puede realizar un juego en el cual los estudiantes deben ponerse de
pie rápidamente tocar la parte del cuerpo que el profesor indica, sin embargo el profesor para
distraerlos debe decir un nombre y tocar en su propio cuerpo una parte distinta, por ejemplo el
profesor dice ‘chin’ y se toca la frente, la idea es que los estudiantes estén atentos al
vocabulario y no a lo que el profesor esté haciendo.

Vocabulary I (10 minutos):

El profesor les presenta a los estudiantes la PPT ‘Body parts and organs 2’ presentando
primero la fotografía de la parte del cuerpo para que los estudiantes puedan dar el nombre en

Inglés si es que lo saben (hasta la diapositiva 28). Luego el profesor les presenta las
diapositivas con los órganos en las cuales los nombres están incorporados.

Activity I (10-15 minutos):

El profesor les entrega a los alumnos el Handout 5.1. La primera actividad los estudiantes
deben realizarla en parejas y describir las partes de la cara en la cual Michael Jackson tuvo algún
procedimiento estético. La segunda activad la realizan en forma individual y luego comparan
sus dibujos y respuestas con un compañero.
Luego el profesor les entrega el Handout 5.2 en el cual los alumnos deben identificar los
órganos que muestra el dibujo. Luego deben comparar sus respuestas con un compañero y
después el profesor revisa la actividad a nivel de curso. Se recomienda que el profesor
proyecte la fotografía con los nombres, la cual se adjunta al final en el key proporcionado al

Vocabulary II (30 minutos)

El profesor ahora les pregunta a los estudiantes cuán buena es su tolerancia al dolor. Además
les pregunta cuál ha sido el dolor más grande que han sufrido y bajo qué circunstancias y que
número le asignarían a ese dolor si tuvieran una escala del 1 al 10 donde el 10 es el máximo.
Ahora el profesor les presenta a los estudiantes la PPT ‘Describing pain’ donde el profesor les
presenta básicamente información con respecto a cómo se describen los distintos niveles de
dolor y los cuestionarios utilizados por los médicos para obtener esta información de los
pacientes. En este PPT hay dos cuestionarios los cuales solamente serán presentados en forma
superficial ya que luego en las diapositivas 9-12 se desglosan los adjetivos mostrados en el
cuestionario corto de Dolor de McGill. El profesor debe dar aprox. 5 minutos por diapositiva
para que los alumnos la desarrollen en pareja en su lengua materna. El profesor luego les
muestra las respuestas que corresponden a la adaptación del cuestionario en español.
(diapositivas 13 y 14). Luego el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 5.3 y les
señala que debe ser realizado como tarea para la próxima clase y les anticipa que ahora
escucharán a cuatro pacientes describiendo su dolor.

Communicative (listening) (15 minutos):

El profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 5.4 en el cual tienen un chart describiendo
el dolor de cuatro pacientes en la cual deben seleccionar ciertas casillas y marcar la parte del
cuerpo que las personas en la grabación están describiendo. El profesor puede poner la
grabación dos veces. Si estima que una tercera vez es necesaria, puede hacerlo. Luego les pide
a los estudiantes que revisen sus respuestas en parejas y luego el profesor las revisa a nivel de

El profesor les entrega al finalizar la clase el Handout 5.5 ‘Pain’ y les indica que es de tarea y
que será revisada la próxima clase.

Handout 5.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Look at the following pictures of Michael Jackson and name the parts of his face
where he had cosmetic surgery.


II. Fill in the following table with either the name or the drawing of the following
parts of the body.

1 ____________ ______________
2 _____________
3 8
Heel_________ Cheeks________

Fingertips___ _______________
_____________ Sole of foot__

Handout 5.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Look at the following pictures and name the organs.

Handout 5.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

How sensitive are you?
I. Discuss these questions with a partner.

1. Are you good at dealing with pain?

2. Do you have any special techniques to help you deal with pain?
3. What is your experience of looking after people in severe pain?

II. Match these words for types of pain with their descriptions
1) A throbbing pain a) feels like it is eating you
2) A sharp pain b) travels fast along part of your body
3) A burning pain c) is steady and not too painful
4) A stabbing pain d) feels like a muscle is geing squeezed
5) A shooting pain e) feels like something sharp is stuck
into you
6) A dull ache f) comes and goes rhythmically
7) A gnawing pain g) feels like fire
8) A cramping pain h) is strong and sudden
III. Questions to assess pain. Here are some basic questions to ask a patient when
assessing pain. Match the beginning of each sentence to the end.
1) Where does a) worse?
2) Does it b) it hurt?
3) When did it start c) does it hurt?
4) Does the pain d) describe the pain?
5) How much e) hurting?
6) Can you f) hurt all the time?
7) Does anything make g) stay in one place or move around?
8) What makes it h) the pain feel better?

Handout 5.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Listen to four patients describing their pain. Tick the boxes that describe
the pain, and mark the position on the body.

I. Work with a partner. Try to complete these phrases, then listen again and

1. Are you still _______________________________pain?

2. Well, ______________________pain around my stomach.
3. I ______________________ a slight pain, just here ____________________ my
right side.
4. I’ve ________________________________ this throbbing pain ____________
my head.
5. I________________________ getting this terrible pain _________________ my
left arm.

Handout 5.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Pain is a vital part of our body’s defences, and without it we could not survive. Pain warns us what
things are dangerours, and so helps us avoid damage to our body. If the body is already damaged, pain
helps with healing because it makes us protect our injuries. Some babies are born with a rare condition
that makes them unable to feel pain. They do not learn the lessons that pain teaches, and as a result
suffer many fractures and infections.

Pain happens when nerve endings in our skin and our internal organs send messages through the
central nervous system to our brain itself cannot feel pain. There are two types of pain – acute pain,
which lasts a short time and is removed when the cause is cured, and chronic pain, which can last a
lifetime and cannot usually be treated. Chronic pain must be managed using drugs or other methods.
Drugs relieve pain in two ways. Some block the nerves messages and prevent them getting to the brain.
Others change the way the brain receives the messages, reducing their effect. Many methods of
controlling cchronic pain without drugs have been developed. These include hypnosis, acupuncture,
massage and electronic stimulation of nervves.

Pain sometimes works in strange ways. It is possible, for example, to suffer a serious injury but not feel
any pain – soldiers in battle may not feel pain from wounds until after the battle. The opposite can
happen too – patients who lose a limb can continue to feel pain in the limb long afterwards, even
though it is missing. This ‘phantom limb’ pain is an example of neuropathic pain, caused by damage to
the remaining nerves.

I. Read the article, and decide if these statements are true (t) of false (f)-
1. People who are born unable to feel pain are unlucky. __________
2. Pain starts in the brain. ________
3. Chronic pain lasts longer than acute pain. __________
4. All drugs which stop pain work directly on the brain. ________
5. ‘Phantom limb’ pain is felt by people who have lost an arm or leg. __________

II. Complete the gaps using verbs from the article.

1. She wearsh a mask to p___________ the area of burnt skin.
2. The pain in your legs should go when we t______________ your back problem.
3. She used breathing exercises and gas and air to m_______________ the pain of
4. A local anaesthetic will p_____________________ you feeling any pain during the
5. Breathing exercises help c________________ the pain to some extend.
6. When you s_________________ a seriour injury, you mayn not feel pain immediately.


Handout 5.1
Exercise I
Students’ answers

Exercise II
1. Ear
2. Palm of hand
3. Drawing
4. Drawing
5. Eyelid
6. Forehead
7. Drawing
8. Drawing
9. Nape of the neck
10. Drawing

Handout 5.2
Exercise I

Handout 5.3
Exercise I
Students’ answers

Exercise II

1. F
2. H
3. G
4. E
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. D

Exercise III

1. B
2. F
3. E
4. G
5. C
6. D
7. H
8. A

Handout 5.4
Exercise I

Exercise II

1. In
2. There’s
3. Have/ in
4. Got/in
5. Keep / down

Handout 5.5
Exercise I
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
Exercise II
1. Protect
2. Treat
3. Manage
4. Prevent
5. Contro
6. Suffer

compañero. Luego el profesor les pide a tres estudiantes que salgan a la pizarra y escriban cada
uno dos oraciones de su Handout. Después los otros estudiantes deben decidir si las respuestas
están correctas o no. El profesor las corrige al final si los alumnos no pueden.

Activity II (10-15 minutos):

El profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 5.8 que deben realizar en forma individual
para luego comparar sus respuestas con un compañero y luego el profesor debe revisarlas a
nivel de curso.

Reading (15-20 minutos):

En esta última actividad a realizar el profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si saben el
significado de ‘ Palliative care’ y recopila ideas de los alumnos y toma nota en la pizarra de las
palabras que los alumnos asocian a este concepto. Luego se les entrega a los estudiantes el
Handout 3.3 con el texto ‘What is palliative care’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los
estudiantes con el vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender
el texto en su totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después
revisarlas junto a todo el curso.

Handout 5.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Let’s see how much you remember. Look at the following picture and write the
names of the parts of the body.

1. __________________
2. __________________
3. __________________
4. __________________
5. __________________
6. __________________
7. __________________
8. __________________
9. __________________
10. __________________
11. __________________
12. __________________
13. __________________
14. __________________
15. __________________
16. __________________
17. __________________
18. __________________
19. __________________
20. __________________

Handout 5.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Look at the following pictures and write a sentence saying what they are doing. Use
the words in the box.







Cavities Receptionist Check Stethoscope phone

talk Lab technicians Patient Teach Laboratory
Use Dentist Speech therapist Work Doctor
Examine Baby Midwife Boy

Handout 5.8
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Fill in the gaps in this mail with the verbs

provided in the box in present progressive.
Hi Ivana:
I ____________________ to say thank you for the birthday card, and to tell you how I
________________. The course is hard work, but I ________________________ it so
far. We usually have classes every morning, but this week I _____________________in
Geriatrics all day. It’s interesting, although of course I want to work as a scrub nurse.
Today, on the geriatric ward I _________________ beds and ____________________
patients’ blood pressure and temperature. I ____________________ a lot, and the
experience is very useful.
I _____________________to a party tonight, but I usually stay in and study on other
days. I like it here, I _____________________ a lot of friends, but I wish you were here
too. Write to me!
Make Go Get on Check Learn
Love Enjoy make Write Work
II. Choose a picture, find the
room and write a

2. ___________________________

3. ___________________________

4. ___________________________

5. ___________________________

6. ___________________________

7. ____________________________

8. ___________________________

9. __________________________

10. __________________________

Handout 5.9
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

What Is Palliative Care?

Say "palliative care" and most people imagine cancer patients being made comfortable in an end-of-life
hospice setting.
But palliative care is actually a new medical specialty that has recently emerged -- and no, it's not the
same as hospice. It doesn't serve only the dying. Instead, it focuses more broadly on improving life and
providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses.
These diseases may include cancer, congestive heart failure, kidney failure, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, AIDS, and Alzheimer's, among others. "It's the whole spectrum, really," says Joseph
Chan, MD, a palliative care physician in Fort Smith, Ark.
"The vast majority of America's medical schools have palliative care programs and are teaching medical
students and residents about palliative care. That didn't occur 10 years ago. There was literally no
education occurring on the topic," says Diane Meier, MD, director of the Center to Advance Palliative
Care at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.
Currently, there are more than 1,400 hospital palliative care programs in the U.S., according to Meier.
About 80% of large U.S. hospitals with more than 300 beds have a palliative care program, she says.
Among smaller hospitals with more than 50 beds, about 55% have programs.
Typically, a palliative care team includes a physician, nurse, and social worker, Meier says. But it often
involves a chaplain, psychologist or psychiatrist, physical or occupational therapist, dietitian, and others,
depending on the patient's needs.
I. Match these words taken from the article and match them to their definitions.

1. palliative ____ endangering life

2. hospice _____ a broad range of varied but related ideas or objects
3. life- ______an ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a royal court, college, etc..
4. spectrum _____a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety
5. chaplain _____ relieving without curing.
6. dietitian _____ continuing a long time or recurring frequently
7. chronic _____health
care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for
the patient and family
8. comfort _____ a person who is an expert in nutrition


Handout 5.6
Exercise I

Handout 5.7
Exercise I

1. The midwife is examining the baby

2. The doctor is using the stethoscope
3. The speech therapist is teaching the boy
4. The dentist is checking the patient’s cavities
5. The lab-technicians are working in the lab
6. The receptionist is talking on the phone

Handout 5.8
Exercise I

1. am writing
2. am getting on
3. am enjoying
4. am working
5. am making
6. checking
7. am learning
8. am going
9. am making

Exercise II

1. She is taking a shower in the bathroom

2. We are eating a sandwich in the kitchen
3. She is writing a letter in the living room
4. We are making tea in the kitchen
5. He is reading a book in the living room
6. They are brushing their teeth in the bathroom
7. I’m listening to music in the living room
8. They are getting dressed in the bedroom
9. We are playing table tennis in the bedroom
10. He is washing the dishes in the kitchen

Handout 5.9
Exercise I

1. palliative 3 endangering life

2. hospice 4 a broad range of varied but related ideas or objects
3. life- 5 an ecclesiastic attached to the chapel of a royal court, college, etc..
4. spectrum 8 a state of ease and satisfaction of bodily wants, with freedom from pain and anxiety
5. chaplain 1 relieving without curing.
6. dietitian 7 continuing a long time or recurring frequently
7. chronic 2 health
care facility for the terminally ill that emphasizes pain control and emotional support for
the patient and family
8. comfort 6 a person who is an expert in nutrition

Unidad 6 : Symptoms
Módulo 1

Adquirir vocabulario que les permita referirse a síntomas asociados a enfermedades comunes

 PPT ‘Symptoms’
 Handout 6.1
 Handout 6.2
 Handout 6.3
 Handout 6.4
Reading comprehension ‘Mystery syndromes’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Warm Up ( 10 minutos):
El profesor les pregunta a los estudiantes si están capacitados para diagnosticar una
enfermedad común al conocer los síntomas de la misma. El profesor hace algunas mímicas de
los síntomas asociados a un resfrío como temperatura, dolor de cuerpo, tos, estornudos, etc. Y
les pide que adivinen la enfermedad. Si los alumnos la dicen en español, el profesor les
pregunta si saben la palabra en inglés para resfrío. Lo sepan o no el profesor escribe en la
pizarra ‘a cold’.

Vocabulary (10 minutos):

El profesor les presenta a los alumnos la PPT ‘Symptoms’. Los alumnos deben identificar los
síntomas y signos que se muestran en las diapositivas.

Activity I (15 minutos):

Después de presentarles el vocabulario a los estudiantes el profesor les entrega el Handout 6.1
y les indica que deben asociar los nombres informales y formales de algunas enfermedades
comunes. Si los alumnos necesitan ayuda el profesor puede proporcionar los nombres
informales en español.

Chickenpox Varicela
Cold Resfrío
Flu Gripe
German measles Rubeola
Hay fever Alergia al polen
Measles Sarampión
Mumps Paperas
Whooping cough Tos ferina

Los estudiantes pueden realizar las actividades I y II en parejas y luego el profesor puede
revisarlas a nivel de curso.

Activity II (10 minutos)

Luego el profesor les dice a los estudiantes que guarden la el Handout 6.1 y les entrega el
Handout 6.2 que deben realizar en forma individual para luego comparar sus respuestas con un
compañero y luego con el profesor a nivel de curso.

Communicative (listening) (15 minutos):

El profesor les explica a los estudiantes que ahora escucharán a tres pacientes describiendo sus
síntomas y les entrega el Handout 6.3 para que lo desarrollen. En este Handout además se
presentan dos categorías gramaticales (sustantivos y adjetivos), asociadas al vocabulario
recientemente estudiado por lo tanto se les enfatiza a los estudiantes la importancia de
incorporar ambas categorías gramaticales. El profesor puede poner la grabación dos a tres
veces según la necesidad del curso. Luego los estudiantes comparan sus respuestas con un
compañero y después con el profesor a nivel de curso.

Reading (15-20 minutos)

En esta última actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 6.4 con el texto
‘Mystery syndromes’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su
totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas
junto a todo el curso.

Handout 6.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013


I. Many illnesses also have informal names. Match the informal and formal names
listed below.

1. Chickenpox is the same as Allergic rhinitis
2. A cold is the same as Infectious parotitis
3. The flu is the same as Coryza
4. German measles is the same as Influenza
5. Hay fever is the same as Rubella
6. Measles is the same as Rubeola
7. Mumps is the same as Pertussis
8. Whooping cough is the same as Varicella

II. Complete these six conversations between doctors and patients by writing in the
name of the illness. Use the informal terms from the exercises above.

1. -What seems to be the trouble? 4. - How are you today?

-My eyes and my nose are running all - Oh, not very well. I’ve got a cough
the time. I feel terrible. and a terrible cold.
-When did this begin? - Do you have a fever?
-At the beginning of July. - Umm, yes I do.
-It’s probably just ……………… - It’s probably a touch of

2. -What’s the problem? 5. - What’s the problem?

-It’s my son. He’s got a rash and - It’s my daughter. She’s got a fever
swelling in his armpits. and this swelling.
-Does he have a fever? - Where’s the swelling?
-Yes. - In her throat.
-Hmm. He may have - It could be …………………….

3. -How are you feeling? 6. - So, what can I do for you?

-I’ve got this terrible cough. - It’s the twins. They’re covered in
-Mm – hmm these dreadful red spots.
-And after I cough I make a noise - Are they experiencing any itching?
when I try to breathe. - Yes, they are.
-Sounds like ………………………… - It may be ………………………….

Handout 6.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Read the descriptions below and match them to the names of the illnesses in the
box at the bottom

1. An infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract with fever and muscular aches,
which is transmitted by a virus and can occur in epidemics.

2. A common infectious viral disease of children, with mild fever, swollen lymph nodes
and a rash. It can cause stillbirth or malformation of an unborn baby if the mother
catches the disease while pregnant.

3. An illness, with inflammation of the nasal passages, in which someone sneezes and
coughs and has a blocked and running nose.

4. An infectious disease of children, caused by a herpes virus, and characterized by fever

and red spots which turn to itchy blisters.

5. An infectious disease of children where the body is covered with a red rash. It can
weaken the body’s resistance to other disease, especially bronchitis and ear infections.
If caught by an adult it can be very serious.

6. An infectious disease of children, with fever and swellings in the salivary glands, caused
by paramyxovirus.

7. An infectious disease affecting the bronchial tubes, common in children and

sometimes very serious. The patient coughs very badly and makes a characteristic
‘whoop’ when inhaling after a coughing fit.

8. Inflammation in the nose and eyes caused by an allergic reaction to plant pollen, mould
spores, dust mites or animal hair.

Allergic rhinitis Coryza Infectious parotitis Influenza Pertussis Rubella Rubeola varicella

Handout 6.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. Listen to these patients describe their symptoms, and match each one with their

1 _______ 2_______ 3________

II. Listen again and tick the words you hear from this list.


Deformity Deformed
A lump Lumpy
Bruising Bruised
Swelling Swollen
Pain Painful
Numbness Numb
Fever Feverish
Redness Red
Tiredness Tired
Ache Achy
Dizziness Dizzy
Sickness Sick
Constipation Constipated

Handout 6.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Mystery syndromes
When you are ill, you expect your doctor to tell you what you have, and then to treat you. But
sometimes people have symptoms whose cause is not understood, and for these people it can be
difficult or impossible to get treatment.
The main symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. The
tiredness is so disabling that it is impossible for the sufferer to continue normal physical and mental
activities. Other symptoms include muscle aches and pains, poor sleep, loss of appetite, a recurrent
sore throat, and swollen glands in the neck. Sufferers often undergo many tests for known diseases,
which prove negative, and many feel that doctors see them as hypochondriacs.
After the Gulf War of 1991, tens of thousands of ex-soldiers suffered chronic illnesses which doctors
still cannot explain. Symptoms include dizziness, numbness in the arms, rashes, severe headaches,
mood swings, and persistent, extreme tiredness. The cause remains a mystery, but the symptoms have
been given the name of Gulf War Syndrome. Some soldiers believe they may have been exposed to
chemical weapons without knowing, and others blame the vaccinations they were given before they
went to war. Military officials say that Gulf War Syndrome is not a real illness. There is no doubt the
ex- soldiers are ill, they say, but their symptoms are simply the result of stress.
Maybe one day the cause of these syndromes will be known and will be treatable. But for people like
ex-soldier Dave Harries, the first step is for their condition to be recognized by the medical profession.
Then people will believe that their symptoms are not imaginary.

I. Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (t) or false (f).

1. CFS is caused by a virus ___________

2. CFS sufferers cannot lead a normal life __________
3. Some doctors believe they are not really ill ________
4. Gulf War Syndrome sufferers were attacked with chemicals ___________
5. They were vaccinated against the syndrome. __________
6. The army officially says that stress caused their illness. ________

II. Work with a partner. Try to match the words without looking back at the text,
then look back and check.

1. a recurrent a. sleep
2. an overwhelming b. glands
3. chronic c. swings
4. loss of d. aches and pains
5. mood e. appetite
6. muscle f. sore throat
7. poor g. feeling of tiredness
8. swollen h. illnesses


Handout 6.1
Exercise I

1. Chickenpox is the same as Allergic rhinitis
2. A cold is the same as Infectious parotitis
3. The flu is the same as Coryza
4. German measles is the same as Influenza
5. Hay fever is the same as Rubella
6. Measles is the same as Rubeola
7. Mumps is the same as Pertussis
8. Whooping cough is the same as Varicella

Exercise II

1. Hay fever
2. German measles
3. Whooping cough
4. Flu
5. Mumps
6. Chickenpox

Handout 6.2
Exercise I

1. Influenza
2. Rubella
3. Coryza
4. Varicella
5. Rubeola
6. Infectious parotitis
7. Pertussis
8. Allergic rinitis

Handout 6.3
Exercise I

1. C
2. A
3. B

Exercise II


Deformity Deformed
A lump Lumpy
Bruising Bruised
Swelling Swollen
Pain Painful
Numbness Numb
Fever Feverish
Redness Red
Tiredness Tired
Ache Achy
Dizziness Dizzy
Sickness Sick
Constipation Constipated

Handout 6.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013


I. All the verbs in the box relate to medical matters. Use the past tense forms to
complete the sentences. The first one has been done for you as an example.

adapt aggravate develop examine faint fracture prolong react receive

recover require strain suffer tremble weigh

1. He received a new kidney from his brother.

2. He __________________ his back lifting the table.
3. She _________________ from her concussion in a few days.
4. It was so hot standing in the sun that he ___________________.
5. The doctors decided that her condition ________________ surgery.
6. She ___________________ from poor circulation, which made her feel the cold.
7. She ________________ well to her new diet.
8. The embryo ______________ quiet normally in spite of the mother’s illness.
9. His tibia ________________ in two places.
10. The patient ___________________ badly to the penicillin.
11. The nurse _________________ the baby on the scales.
12. The treatment _________________ her life by three years.
13. Playing football only ___________________ his knee injury.
14. The doctor ___________________ the boy’s throat.
15. His hands ___________________ with the cold.

II. Read the following sentences. All the verbs are wrong. Find them in the other
sentences and change them

1. She was mixed against smallpox as a child. ______________________

2. The doctor prescribed him as having hepatitis B . ____________________
3. Her condition prevented , so we reduced the dose. ____________________
4. He replaced a specialist, who recommended surgery. ___________________
5. The patient operated and sneezed all through the consultation. ______________
6. The surgeons diagnosed her hip with a metal one. _____________________
7. The doctor coughed some antibiotics. _______________________________
8. The doctor’s speedy action vaccinated further complications. _____________
9. The pharmacist consulted the chemicals in this bottle. __________________
10. The surgeons improved immediately on the child. _____________________

Handout 6.7
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

I. In each sentence a verb is missing complete the crossword with the past simple of
the correct verb.


5. My sister ______________ me at the airport

6. We ____________ him a computer game for his birthday.
8. Alex ______________ me a beautiful postcard from India.
9. Mark ________________ a delicious coffee cake yesterday.
12. I _________________ breakfast in bed this morning.
14. We got in the car and _____________ to the nearest beach.
16. She _______________ to the station because she was late.
17. We___________________ the party early because we were tired.
18. who ______________ all the washing up?
19. It ________________ me an hour to clean the oven last time.

1. Martha___________lots of new clothes last week.
2. We went by train and _____________
home by bus.
3. They ________________ married last
4. He _________________ a long letter
to his favourite cousin.
7. She ________________ quite a lot of
Japanese when she went to Tokyo last
8. He ________________ something
really funny and we all laughed.
10. It was cold so I ________________
all the windows.
11. I _______________ off my chair
because I was laughing so much.
13. I _______________ lots of coffee last
night and then I couldn’t sleep.
15. I________________ something really
interesting in a magazine last week.

Handout 6.8
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Improving patient care

A. In July 1999, Jason and Charlotte Maude’s three-year-old daughter, Isabel, developed chickenpox. The
illness followed the normal patterns at first, but then her symptoms got worse. Doctors told her parents
it was all normal, but Isabel had to be rushed to the Accident & Emergency department of their local
hospital. Here her condition continued to deteriorate. She went into multiple organ failure as a result of
a secondary infection.
B. Isabel was taken to another hospital, where she spent 2 months suffering from toxic shock syndrome
and necrotizing fasciitis (also known as ‘the flesh-eating bug). Fortunately, Isabel eventually made a full
recovery. But her parents were devastated by the experience- their family doctor and her local A&E
department had not diagnosed her symptoms correctly, and their daughter had almost died.
C. During the time that their daughter was in hospital, the Maudes and paediatrician Dr Joseph Britto, who
helped to treat Isabel, came up with the idea of a diagnosis tool to try to stop the kind of misdiagnosis
that had caused them and their daughter so much suffering. The Maudes left their jobs to set up a
medical charity to pursue their idea.
D. The company’s mission statement is ‘Our mission is to help reduce diagnosis and decision error, and
provide clinicians with relevant knowledge in their workflow to help them improve the quality of care’.
E. The product the Maudes developed, called Isabel, uses software to search medical texts. It allows
medical staff to key in symptoms, signs, results of tests and investigations, etc. The database then
delivers a list of possible diagnoses. The user can click on each diagnosis to access information and
images. The software is accessible via the Web, or integrated into an electronic medical records system.
F. Initially, the system was designed for paediatric patients, but it now includes adults as well. Ti covers all
the major specialties, including internal medicine, surgery, gynaecology and obstetrics, geriatrics, ad
G. Isabel is being used in the UK, USA, Ireland, and India. At one hospital in the USA, a paediatrician
listed the main clinical characteristics of every medical admission to the paediatric intensive care unit for
one month, and Isabel included the correct diagnosis in every case. Other hospitals who have used it say
it is especially useful for cases which are difficult to diagnose. For experienced physicians, it can serve as
a reminder. For less experienced physicians, it can help to build their diagnostic skills.

I. Read the text. In which paragraph will you find information about the following.

1. How the diagnostic tool works _____________

2. What happened to Isabel Maude at the local hospital. ________
3. How the diagnostic tool can be used. ____________
4. Who developed the idea for the diagnostic tool. __________
5. Who the system is for __________


Handout 6.5
Exercise I

1. Wheeze
2. Occurs
3. Has
4. Make
5. Get
6. Breathe
7. Sounds
8. Are
9. Accompanied
10. Coughing up

Exercise II

1. Cough
2. Dizziness
3. Itching
4. Fever
5. Nausea
6. Runny nose
7. Spots
8. Swollen

Handout 6.6
Exercise I

1. Received
2. Strained
3. Recovered
4. Fainted
5. Required
6. Suffered
7. Adapted
8. Developed
9. Fractured
10. Reacted
11. Weighed
12. Prolonged
13. Aggravated
14. Examined
15. Trembled

Exercise II

1. Vaccinated
2. Diagnosed
3. Improved
4. Consulted
5. Coughed
6. Replaced
7. Prescribed
8. Prevented
9. Mixed
10. Operated

Handout 6.7
Exercise I

Handout 6.8
Exercise I

1. E
2. A
3. G
4. C
5. D

Unidad 7 : Caring for the elderly
Módulo 1

Reflexionar acerca de las necesidades que tienen el adulto mayor.

 Handout 7.1
 Handout 7.2
 Handout 7.3
Reading comprehension ‘ Old age and the brain’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Introducción (15 minutos):

El profesor les entrega el Handout 7.1 inmediatamente con el fin de chequear si recuerdan la
materia tratada la clase pasada (Review of past simple tense), en este caso tienen que practicar
las oraciones negativas y las preguntas en pasado simple (algo que no habían realizado la clase
anterior). Los estudiantes deben realizar ambas actividades en forma individual y luego
comparar sus respuestas con un compañero. Después el profesor revisa las actividades a nivel
de curso.

Communicative (writing) (20 minutos):

El profesor les pide a los estudiantes que saquen una hoja de sus cuadernos y la lista de verbos
entregada la clase pasada y les informa que deben escribir un texto de 80 a 100 palabras
narrando una historia utilizando los verbos en pasado simple. La historia queda de tema libre,
siempre y cuando utilicen lo aprendido y apliquen el tiempo verbal solicitado. Se les enfatiza
además que la letra debe ser clara ya que el texto será revisado por otro compañero (peer
correction) y que la corrección debe ser entregada la próxima clase al profesor para que el
pueda corregir los textos.

Warm Up (speaking) ( 20 minutos):

El profesor les entrega ahora el handout 7.2 a los estudiantes y les informa que ahora van a
conversar en parejas acerca de los adultos mayores y como la edad les afecta. Deben guiar su
conversación por las preguntas presentadas en la primera actividad.

Luego el profesor detiene la actividad les pregunta a nivel de curso acerca de las conclusiones
generales a las que llegaron en su conversación(10 minutos). Despúes les pide que sigan
trabajando en parejas realizando la actividad II en la cual toman notas de sus ideas con
respecto a las ventajas y desventajas de vivir en una casa de retiro de ancianos. Nuevamente el
profesor detiene la actividad y les pregunta a nivel de curso acerca de las conclusiones
generales a las que llegaron en su conversación (si existen más ventajas que desventajas) (10

Communicative (listening) (10 minutos):

Ahora el profesor les indica que van a a escuchar a dos ancianos que viven en una casa de
reposo y que deben realizar las actividades III y IV. El profesor puede poner la grabación dos
veces. Luego los estudiantes deben comparar sus respuestas con un compañero y después el
profesor las revisa a nivel de curso.

Reading (15 minutos)

En esta última actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 7.3 con el texto
‘Old age and the brain’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el
vocabulario nuevo o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su
totalidad. Luego darles tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas
junto a todo el curso.

Handout 7.1
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Review of past simple tense

I. Complete the story with the past simple of the verbs in


Lali went into the Café Paris and _______________ (have) a coffee. The waiter’s name
__________(be) Nestor.. He ____________ (be) tall and handsome. Lali fell in love with
him the first time she ________(see) him.
The next day Lali ____________ (go) into the same café. ‘Do you want to go out for lunch?’
she asked Nestor. He ______________ (not/can). He finished work at six. ‘But I can meet
you after work’, he said.
Lali ________________(go) back to the café and _________________ (meet) Nestor at 6.00.
They _________________ (drive) to be beach in Nestor’s car. At the beach they
_____________ (have) a drink and danced at a disco. They ____________________(get)
home after midnight.
Every day, Lali _______________ (go) to the café at 6.00 in the evening and they
______________(drive) to the beach. They ________________ (be) very happy.
On Nestor’s birthday, Lali wanted to surprise him. She ________________ (go) to the café
in the morning. She ______________ (see) Nestor, but Nestor
___________________(not/see) Lali. He was with another girl. Lali
________________(leave). She ____________________(not/see) Nestor again.

II. Complete the questions about the text.

1. Where __________________________? They met at the Café Paris.

2. What ___________________________? She had a coffee.
3. What time _______________________? She met Nestor at 6.00.
4. Where __________________________? They drove to the beach.
5. What ______________________at the beach? They had a drink, had dinner and
danced at a disco.
6. What time _______________________? They got home after midnight.
7. Where ___________________on Nestor’s birthday? She went to the café.
8. _____________________________ her? No, he didn’t.
9. What ___________________________? She left.
10. ____________________________again? No, she didn’t.

Handout 7.2
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013
Caring for the elderly

I. Think of an elderly person you know well and how ageing has affected them. Talk
to your partner about the answers to these questions.
1. What daily tasks does he/she need help with?
2. How does he/ she keep mentally fit?
3. How does he/ she keep physically fit?
4. What worries him / her?
5. How happy is he / she?
6. How healthy is he/ she?

II. Now, discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. Would you like to live in a care home when you are old? Why/ Why not?
2. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of care homes.


You always have company You don’t live with your family

III. Listen to two elderly people in a care home talking. Do they mention any of
the points in your list?
IV. Listen again and tick the things that Edith (the first speaker) mentions.

Edith doesn’t like…. Edith wants…

The staff Her old life Respect To go to the
Barbara The food Friends Independence
Her own name Washing up Privacy More food
Bingo Her own home To play bingo To go home
Coach trips More stimulation Less stimulation

Handout 7.3
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Caring for the elderly

Old age and the brain

If you hold a pen in your ‘wrong’ hand, writing becomes uncomfortable and difficult. But keep
doing it and you will get better at it- you learn. This is because connections between neurons in
your brain get stronger, and your brain grows.
In our early years our brains grow very fast as we learn language, writing, numbers, music, and how
to coordinate movement. By the time we are teenagers, each neuron in our brain has connected to
tens of thousands of other neurons, and every time we have a new thought or memory, our brains
make new connections. Just as muscles get stronger by using them, the brain develops when it is
stimulated. Without stimulation, it gradually dies.
A healthy brain does not lose huge numbers of brain cells as it ages. It continues to rewire itself
and grow new neurons. However, degenerative brain diseases are very common in old age, and so
we associate ageing with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Even though these diseases are very common in the elderly, it is a mistake to think that old age
automatically equals mental decline. When elderly people who do not have Alzheimer’s disease
suffer age-related losses of memory and motor skills, it is often not because of ageing, but because
of inactivity and lack of mental stimulation.

I. Read the article and decide if these sentences are true (t) or false (f).

1. You can learn to write with the wrong hand. _________

2. Learning makes new nerve cells grow. _________
3. As we get older, large numbers of brain cells die. _________
4. If our brain is healthy, it continues to develop
when we are old. _________
5. Mental stimulation keeps your memory good. _________

II. Find words in the text with these meanings.

1. To make things happen at the same time c_______________________
2. To change the electrical connections r________________________
3. Conditions that kill brain cells d______ _______ __________
4. Loss of the ability to use your brain well m____________ d__________
5. Connected to getting old a_____________-r__________
6. The ability to control your body’s movement m____________ s___________


Handout 7.1
Exercise I

1. Had
2. Was
3. Was
4. Saw
5. Went
6. Couldn’t
7. Went
8. Met
9. Drove
10. Had
11. Got
12. Went
13. Drove
14. Were
15. Went
16. Saw
17. Didn’t see
18. Left
19. Didn’t see

Exercise II

1. Where did they meet?

2. What did she have?
3. What time did she meet him /Nestor?
4. Where did they drive to?
5. What did they do at the beach?
6. What time did they get home?
7. Where did she go on Nestor’s birthday?
8. Did he see her?
9. What did she do when she saw him?
10. Did she see him again?

Handout 7.2
Exercise I
Students’ answers

Exercise II
Students’ answers

Exercise III
Students’ answers

Exercise IV

Edith doesn’t like…. Edith wants…

The staff Her old life Respect To go to the
Barbara The food Friends Independence
Her own name Washing up Privacy More food
Bingo Her own home To play bingo To go home
Coach trips More stimulation Less stimulation

Handout 7.3
Exercise I

1. T
2. F
3. F
4. T
5. T

Exercise II

1. Coordinate
2. Rewire
3. Degenerative brain diseases
4. Mental decline
5. Age -related
6. Motor skills

Unidad 7 : Caring for the elderly
Módulo 2

Referirse a las habilidades físicas y mentales que se tiene en el presente y las que se tenían el
Adquirir vocabulario referente a los efectos de la edad y las cosas que el adulto mayor utiliza
para poder desarrollar algunas actividades.

 PPT ‘Items of the elderly’
 PPT ‘Can and could ability’
 Handout 7.4
 Handout 7.5
 Handout 7.6
Reading comprehension ‘Secrets of a long life’

Nota al profesor:
1. El profesor deberá realizar las clases enteramente en Inglés.
2. Los tiempos de cada actividad son sugeridos ya que la dinámica de cada
clase es única.
3. El profesor puede dar algunas de las actividades como tarea en vez de ser
realizadas en clase si así lo considera.
4. El profesor puede consultar el glosario adjunto al final del manual.


Warm Up ( 5-10 minutos):

El profesor les pregunta a los alumnos si recuerdan la conversación de la clase anterior con
respecto al adulto mayor y si se visualizan ellos mismos a la edad de 70-80 años. (conversación
a nivel de curso

Grammar (15 minutos):

Luego el profesor les explica que hay habilidades que se pierden con el tiempo y que existen
cosas que se pueden hacer a una edad joven y otras que no. Ahora el profesor les presenta la
PPT ‘can and could ability’. Las diapositivas 3-6 ilustran el uso de los verbos modales CAN
and COULD relacionados a las habilidades. El estudiante debe ser capaz de distinguir cual se
ocupa en el pasado y cual en el presente. Luego en la diapositiva 7 el profesor presenta la
estructura gramatical. Luego en la última diapositiva se les pide a los estudiantes que hablen en
parejas con respectos a las cosas que podían hacer cuando eran menores y no pueden ahora y
viceversa. (5-10).

Vocabulary I (5 minutos):
Ahora el profesor les dice a los estudiantes que considerando el hecho que al envejecer no se
pueden realizar ciertas actividades, los adultos mayores necesitan de otras cosas para poder
llevar a cabo sus rutinas diarias. Luego el profesor les muestra la PPT ‘Items for the elderly’
señalando el vocabulario que deben adquir.

Activity I ( 10-15 minutos)

Ahora el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 7.4. Los estudiantes deben
desarrollar las actividades I y II en forma individual y luego comparar sus respuestas para luego
ser revisadas por el profesor a nivel de curso. Si los estudiantes presentan problemas
desarrollando la primera actividad, el profesor puede ayudarlos con el vocabulario que ahí se
presenta (adjetivos relacionados a sus habilidades). Luego los alumnos desarrollan la actividad
III en pareja y se les permite tomar apuntes de sus ideas.

Activity II (10 minutos):

Ahora el profesor les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 7.5 relacionado con los efectos del
envejecimiento. Esta actividad debe ser realizada en pareja y luego el profesor la revisa a nivel
de curso. Al finalizar esta actividad escrita el profesor les pregunta a nivel de curso cual efecto
del envejecimiento les disgusta más y por qué.

Reading (15 minutos):

En esta actividad a realizar se les entrega a los estudiantes el Handout 7.6 con el texto ‘Secrets
of a long life’. El profesor debe monitorear y ayudar a los estudiantes con el vocabulario nuevo
o desconocido para ellos con el fin de poder comprender el texto en su totalidad. Luego darles
tiempo de comparar sus respuestas en parejas y después revisarlas junto a todo el curso.

Communicative (speaking) (5-10 minutos):

Para finalizar la clase el profesor les pide que comparen la vejez en Chile y en otros países que
ellos conozcan (como por ejemplo los países orientales, conocidos por su respeto a los adultos
mayores). Esta conversación es a nivel de curso donde todos intercambian sus ideas.

Handout 7.4
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Caring for the elderly

Problems and aids

I. Work in pairs. Match the adjectives with the cases.

An elderly person who…

1. cannot leave her bed a. frail

2. often wets himself b. immobile
3. breaks a bone easily c. bedridden
4. can’t hear very well d. confused
5. cannot move around freely e. independent
6. often can’t remember things f. forgetful
7. wears his pyjamas in the street g. incontinent
8. can’t see very well h. shortsighted
9. likes to be free i. deaf

II. Match each vocabulary item with a picture.

1. hearing aid ___________

2. Walking stick _________
3. Glasses ___________
4. Pressure pad _________
5. Incontinence pad _______
6. Bath lift __________
7. Power chair _________
8. Helping hand _________
9. False teeth _________
10. Artificial hip _________
11. Walking frame ________
12. Commode __________

III. Work in pairs and take

turns to explain what these items
are used for.
e.g. a hearing aid is used when you cannot
hear very well

Handout 7.5
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013
Caring for the elderly
The effects of ageing.

I. Complete the labels using the words below

Wrinkled Focus Constipation Growth rate Impairment Sensitivity
Fragile Discoloured Leakage Restrict grey

a) Hair loses pigmentation and turns

_____________. It becomes thinner and its
_______________ slows down.
b) The lenses of the eyes become stiffer and thicker.
It becomes harder to ______________ on near
c) Deterioration of the inner ear causes hearing
d) Teeth become ______________ and fragile, and
fall out.
e) Skin loses elasticity and becomes dry and
_______________. It also becomes thinner,
causing increased _______________ to the cold.
f) Digestion slows down, causing
g) Fatty deposits _________________ the blood
flow and cause high blood pressure.
h) The bladder can’t hold as much urine, and there
is some ____________________
i) Bones become ______________________.

Handout 7.6
Formación Integral
Programa Inglés/2013

Secrets of a long life

a) A hundred years ago, not many people lived into their seventies. Today, it is fairly common to do so in
developed countries. But on the Japanese island of Okinawa, people live longer than anywhere else in
the world, with an average life expectancy of 81.2 years. Many people on Okinawa live to be over 100
years old – the highest ratio of centenarians per head of population in the world. And they don’t just
live longer, they live better.
b) So what’s the Okinawan secret? So far all the findings indicate that lifestyle, not genetic factors, is
largely responsible.
c) Okinawans eat a traditional diet of soya, fruit, and vegetables. They consume a lot of fish such as tuna,
mackerel, and salmon, which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, and help reduce the risk of heart disease
and breast cancer. They don’t eat a lot of red meat, and their diet is low in fats. Many elderly
Okinawans also live by the motto ‘Eat until you are 80% full’, and this helps them to control portion
d) Elderly Okinawans enjoy walking, gardening, and Tai Chi, and often work long after the usual age of
retirement in Western countries. Interviews with elderly Okinawans reveal that they are optimistic,
adaptable, and easy - going. They have strong religious beliefs, which give them comfort and support.
They have a valued role in society and the family and they are respected for their wisdom and experience
of life.
e) Most of them belong to moai, groups of old classmates, colleagues, friends, or neighbours that meet
several times a week to drink tea and chat. These networks provide emotional and financial support
throughout their lives.
f) Unfortunately, younger Okinawans have abandoned these good habits. They have followed a more
Western diet and lifestyle, and the results have been devaswtating.
g) For Okinawans who move away from the island, the picture is similar. Around 100,000 Okinawans
moved to Brazil and adopted the eating habits of their new home, including eating a lot of red meat.

I. Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (t) or false (f).

1. Genetic factors explain the long life of Okinawans. __________

2. Elderly people in Okinawa usually eat large meals. __________
3. Elderly Okinawans are physically active. __________
4. Elderly Okinawans are usually cheerful and relaxed. ________
5. On Okinawa, elderly people are often involved in group activities. ________
6. Young Okinawans follow the same lifestyle as their grandparents. _______

II. Add these sentences to the end of the paragraphs (A-G) where they fit best.

1. All of these factors give Okinawans ikigai, or ‘a reason for living’, which makes their
lives happier and more fulfilled. ____________
2. The life expectancy of Brazilian Okinawans is 17 years lower than that on Okinawa
itself. ____________
3. Rates of osteoporosis, heart disease, strokes, cancer, and dementia are all low on
Okinawa. __________
4. Okinawans under the age of 50 have Japan’s highest rates of obesity, heart disease, and
premature death. ____________

Handout 7.4
Exercise I

1. C
2. G
3. A
4. I
5. B
6. F
7. D
8. H
9. E

Exercise II
1. J
2. G
3. F
4. E
5. D
6. K
7. I
8. B
9. C
10. L
11. A
12. H

Handout 7.5
Exercise I

a. Grey / growth rate

b. Focus
c. Impairment
d. Discoloured
e. Wrinkled / sensitivity
f. Constipation
g. Restrict
h. Leakage
i. fragile

Handout 7.6
Exercise I Exercise II
1. F
2. F 1. D
3. T 2. G
4. T 3. A
5. T 4. F
6. F


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