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302 of 777 THE CHURCH wretch!

Apocalypse III

Revelation or Gilyahna or Guiliarna , chapter 3

Educate !
To understand the meaning of Seven Churches and Angels, it is essential
to paste from degrees 300, 301, in order to understand Revelation 1 and 2.
Because, not only is the bible holistic, but as everything is. There's no way you
can understand anything without the whole. It is a compendium, a compilation.
Isolating something is so foolish, because you would be spreading confusion, you
would be confusing yourself, and you would be spreading confusion to other
people. Anyone who has not cheated since the 300th degree, even better, since
the 146th degree, to see the whole bible, will not understand the Apocalypse.
Remember that the angel is responsible for the Charter. You can write this.
Welcome Diana. Can you write that one more time, to that degree, to get it fixed?
Write there!
The angel is not responsible for the church. The angel is responsible for
the Charter.
The angel is not responsible for the church. The angel is responsible for
the Charter.
That's the big mistake. Angel is messenger. Angel is mail. Angel is the
herald. Angel is not the leader. The Seven Churches are seven congregations,
literal gatherings of Asia, but which symbolize the history of the church. And it
starts with Ephesus, because Ephesus was the capital. They symbolize the
history of the church and the way the Creator sees and will judge our character.
It represents how He sees it and how it will happen... look how important it is...
the process of the Great Day, which we call the Kingdom. While those who rest,
reign, reign and rule, because the dead will be called before the Great Throne, in
the center of Jerusalem, person by person for judgment. We will see this
throughout the entire Apocalypse. I have taught you since the 146th degree, if
you do not cheat since the 146th degree, you will not understand and, "what is
not understood, does not follow".
Theologians say that Sardis represents the Protestant Reformation, but
this is a mistake, as we have already refuted.
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
So, bewildered, that the Fifth Church, which is Sardis, and according to
theologians, is the Protestant Reformation, then you will see that it has no
coherence. I even talked about Pergamum, you saw. I even talked about
Christianity which is the extension of Constantine's Judaism, but all within its
So, Iesus Christus continues revealing Yohannan...
Beginning here the Fifth Letter to the Fifth Candlestick;
– To the messenger of light, responsible for delivering the message of
Truth to those in the city of Sardis, write; “This is the message of him who has
the Seven Spirits, who are...
That is, all your Spirits, 72, the fullness. That's how ubiquitous it is, isn't it?
The Seven Stars and the Seven Angels, the 72 as we have seen them in all
I wanted you to write there to start with revelare, the book of revelators;
write like this;
The omnipresence of the Creator is through his spirits, the God Elohim.
How is God omnipresent?

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Did you know that theologians such as Deik have even said that God is
actually omnipresent because angels give information to Him via WI-FI? You see,
the digital is the spiritual, isn't it? They immediately pass this data at high speed
to Him. And, as there is an angel in each region, as there is an angel in each
region, this angel passes information like a camera installed in several rooms of
a house, transmits information in real time, and the Creator knows everything.
That's why He is omnipresent. Who understood? But, in fact, it is not so. Deik ,
and other theologians, were starting to get to the root of the matter, but you who
are EX have a huge opportunity, and I don't know if you value Professor Akel and
EX Philosophy. Only wise to value a diamond, isn't it? "Don't you throw pearls
at...?" These theologians say so.
It turns out that, in fact, they came close, because God is 1 (one), in the
sense of the only one. It is the only Creator. It is the existence of all things. But
He manifests... He is, He acts, He exists through seven Spirits. And seven means
what? Who knows? Did you understand then? Did you understand that the
Creator is in everything, because everything is Him? Does everything come from
Him ? Where is the Garden of Eden? Is it not in the brain? Whoever arrives here
for the first time without knowing Akel, judges, releases his poison, hangs up with
hate, but in a while
you're going to be sick inside, and in a few months, a few years, you'll say;
“It's not that he's right, but what a thing! I didn't like him, but he's right, what
he says has consistency.
So, the sefirot, aions, emanations and so many other terms we use to say
the same thing, right?
See that Iesus Christus has the seven spirits of the Creator, that is, all the
spirits, all the control, He is the Creator. That's what we saw in Colossians chapter
1 (one) and Colossians chapter 2 (two)! Who remembers Paul talking about
divine fullness? What Deik and the other theologians didn't know is that angels
don't have wings, or even that they believe that angels are manifestations,
different, special beings, but they don't have a life of their own. These beings are
not beings that were made and created to have a life of their own! See that
theology has a subject called angelology that they teach... I've already told you
this in degrees... even today, they teach that angels were created and that they
don't have free will.
Write there!
According to theologians in angelology; Angels don't have free will!
Then you ask; OK! How is Lucifer's lie then? Of the angels who chose to
betray God, right in heaven, in the middle of breakfast with Jehovah? In that cafe,
they were cheating, cheating, and gossip in the sky, and suddenly, the third part
fell? Then they say;
– No, it's just that those there had free will, but most angels don't have free
Who is understanding? That's why I really wanted EX coffee! That's why I
ask for donations to make the coffee! Because I wanted to see your little faces
right now. I wanted to see the reaction to see if people understood! The things I
say are difficult!
So, according to them, angels, angels don't have free will. Look at that
hole! What a hole in theology! They're not understanding that they're going, going
, going, going and they can't get anywhere! Yea! Because, in fact, angels are

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manifestations, epiphanies or angelophany of the Creator himself! understand?

Then comes another wing of theologians;
– Oh! God is omnipresent through angels who pass on information!
No, my dears! The truth is, they are the Spirits of God!
Explain to me, you critic, what are the seven Spirits of God? understand?
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
So it's all in Jesus' hands, isn't it? The seven Spirits of the Creator. How is
it that this son, who is a lesser God, with a lesser throne, has all the Spirits and
all control in his hands? Think carefully! Is it a minor throne?
- I know your character!
In your bible is works.
- You are reputed to be alive, but you are dead...
Dearest, Alexander; the children of God are the angels themselves, the
emanations themselves, they are only names of the same thing.
I need a lot of silence from you! That you just write... Apocalypse is like
that... the least speculation possible. Silence! Only write what edifies.
Who remembers? Look how beautiful; Smyrna said;
- I'm poor...
And the Creator said:
– To me, you are rich!
Now the duality with Laodicea will happen. Fame... when she says fame
here, it's because she thought she was a living church.
write there
Laodicea and Sardis are alive, rich... Sardis, here, was a living church; "we
are rich!" God is always against the adversary, that is, against the ego. What does
the ego say... God's verdict is dual, it's the other way around! Look at this here;
– You are famous! You say you're rich, but you're dead to me!
Do you know any movement out there that says it's enlivened, that it's
alive? Woe to those who say they are alive!
– Open your eyes, and take care of the little that is still really alive among
you! His works are imperfect in the eyes of the Creator! Don't forget what you
learned! Obey and repent, metanoia! Just for the distracted...
It's in your bible...
– …my return will be like a thief!
Here Jesus confirms the teaching we give in the original, that hardly
anyone understands “Jesus knows neither the day nor the hour!” If Jesus didn't
know, Jesus wouldn't be omniscient, he wouldn't be God! Go see the original
there for you to see what it means, what the text means then!
Who is the person who will have him as a thief? Only the distracted.
Write there!
Only those who are distracted. Which are those three classes of the days
of Noah; mockers, distracted and hardworking! Only the distracted, only to them
that the Creator comes like a thief!
– If you remain distracted, you will not know what time I will come to judge
you! There are still, in the Sardis gathering, some, few, who did not soil their
clothes, that is, they did not contaminate their material body, they did not use
matter for evil! These ones walked with me dressed in white, because they
deserve it!

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It's what wins, it has no fatalistic predestination. “Once saved, always

saved!” Yea! As long as you're a winner. Timelessly the Creator, by his
foreknowledge, knows who the winners are.
This means;
– You will have a new perfect immaterial body.
It's important to make that clear here, in the Original Codex Bible, because
many out there will think that new robes will be literal. And so, like everything
we've seen here, it's metaphorical language, child's language, for you to
understand. Like when someone uses metaphors to talk to children who have no
malice! Who understood?
So what are these white robes? You're just talking about the immaterial
body. Because the immaterial body is white. It's not the color white. It means it's
perfect. There is no more duality. It is no longer a body subject to duality. For
example, consciousness is no longer diconomized. Here, brain, there is no more
the Tree of Death and Life! Who understood? Because it is a body that will unify
and end, end with duality, because it is such a body, the Creator is telling us that
it is like white robes. Did you understand this?
– All winners will be dressed in white. Everyone will have a new, immaterial
and perfect body...
Illuminate !
This expression is in two ancient books of the Jews. Who is the focus of
Revelation for? In the book, Ascension of Isaiah 9.9 and in the book Second
Baruch 51.5. The Jews know, proving once again that the language is for the
Jews. The focus is on Jews. Although, indirectly, we are included because we
are an extension of the Jews, or Judaism. See the difference, being an extension
of the Jews we are all, we are children of Abraham; but, from Judaism... the suffix
“ism” is the same “it” of inflammation... only Christianity and the Religious System
are. So you see, what's the difference, the Catholic Church, the Evangelical
Church are extensions of Judaism. Extension of the Jews we all are.
The book, here quoted by Iesus Christus; the Ascension of Isaiah, which
no bible has, proves the “seven heavens”! Who remembers my video degree... if
someone can paste there "Septum Layers of the Mirror", "Septum Layers of the
Mirror". Who remembers the “Three Temples in Seven Thousand Years”? These
videos, all important to me, before the 146th degree. “Seven Immaterial Layers”,
as we reveal in the degrees that speaks of the “Fourth Dimension”, which speaks
of the “String Theory”, all this corroborated in videos that, we speak, and that are
in that book The Ascension of Isaiah, and that Iesus Christus who is quoting
excerpts from that book to John. Because? Because it is a literature that the Jews
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan;
– Their names will never be erased from the Book of Life. Never. They will
all be...
It is giving error here in the program. The Datashow program. One
moment. Just so you can see what's happening, see it live, after recording and
editing this part, I'm going to cut it from the part you're seeing here. Here and
here. Let's see if you go now?
– Their names will never be erased from the Book of Life. They will all be
facing existence.
Write there!
The Father is a great light. The creator is existence.

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Write there!
– They will all be in front of existence, of a great light, and they will see
only me.
Because? Because He Himself has just said it in the previous chapters,
John even wrote this in his epistles; “that no one can see the Creator”. That's why
"no one goes", through... won't, if it's not through Jesus. In the Trinitarian
conception "go", but the bible says, "come". Because the Father is in Jesus. The
Creator is in Jesus. Jesus Emmanuel is the Creator man, made Son. So pay
– And they will all be facing existence, a great light, great glory, and they
will see only me!
Want to see the Creator? He is spirit, there is no way to see him, only
through incarnation. How did God incarnate? God incarnated in a man, Iesus
Christus, the manifestation of the visible Creator;
– And before all the divine emanations, I will confirm their names as
conquerors of the world. All who can hear, hear what the Spirit says, through the
messenger, to all the gatherings!
Illuminate !
This book, as well as the Morning Star, the Sword, the Manna and almost
everything around here, are metaphors to represent our eternal life! Please!
There is no physical book, as Armenianism says, or any other material, spiritual
type, where they write the name of those who go to church, and erase when they
deviate from the church, and if they reconcile, write again. It has no crown. And
every soul you win gets a pebble in the crown. Who is understanding? There is
not. Just as it does not have a greater throne of the Father and, beside it, a lesser
throne of the Son. You will already see, at the very end of Revelation 3. There is
no physical book or any other material type. We've revealed, in degrees of
quantum, that every quantum, every hologram, every information system,
informatics... I have several videos about it. All source code, all digital world, are
the same cosmos, spiritual world, that is, all digital is a prefigure of the immaterial
cosmos. Now, in the next ten years...
Write there!
From 2020 to 2030, as was said in Davos, we will have the Fourth
Industrial Revolution, from 100 years in 10, in a decade. Where, in recent years,
you will understand through technology, through the advancement of science,
very well what we mean when we teach and predict about the immaterial cosmos.
What is this. What is it.
Very attention! Why does the Scripture say; “Look at rivers of crystal...” We
will see here, in the Apocalypse... streets of gold”, why? Same issue as
everything here; “Morning Star” “Manna” “Sword” all metaphorical, “Book”, “Tree
of Life”, metaphorical, all right? But wait there! Who is trained in information
systems there? Who knows how to mess with codes, Java, Html5? Is anyone
there? Flash? Is there someone who knows how to develop websites? Code
Languages What is a new language with characters? Now, I say... delta,
everything is done... everything is done; time, space and matter. Time, past,
present and future. Matter, electron, self and neutron. The space, length, width
and height. And within each one, we have there; the electron, the s three quarks.
But what is an electron? Electron, it's just the man-given name. And what are
quarks? Quarks, it's just the man-given name. It's not quarks that. It's just
metaphor. Even the name itself is a metaphor. Who is understanding? The name

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only has one meaning, just for you to remember that, to refer to that, that thing,
well, it's not a thing either. What a thing, it's also a man-given name. The truth is
that we cannot live without language, without metaphor. Where do I want to go?
I want to arrive at the fact that... can you please be silent... I want to arrive that...
look at this revelation... you know what the Kingdom will be like in an immaterial
world with a new matter, in a new world? It is a world where everything is possible.
Who knows those drawings, those Hollywood movies? From Disney? Where, as
if he were a software engineer, he goes there and changes a code and puts there,
“#000 enter ” and it appears black. “# ffff enter ” and white appears! We will be in
the new world where everything will be possible. Things will no longer be fixed.
The colors will exist as we wish. The formats will be whatever we want, like when
someone has a bracelet of a hologram, of a projection and creates it. Like an
engineer who uses a software autoCAD, and creates as he wants. This is the
spiritual digital world where everything is possible, and as gods, Elohim, we will
be very intelligent and capable beings; ONI, ONI, ONI, delta ONI, capable of
choosing the colors of what we want to see, the shapes. Everything will be
possible, that's why, being there says, Paulo, in the sky delta, it's impossible to
describe! Who understood? You have never heard this!
In the immaterial cosmos it's like seeing something that doesn't exist.
Visions, holograms, everything will be possible, as almost everything is possible
in the quantum and digital field. It won't have a fixed format! Who understood? It
won't have a fixed format! “Look, there are 11 in the green grass. Then come
trees, then come a stream!” This metaphor in the book is just to prove how
confirmed and certain this promise is, that if we win, we will never die again. We
will no longer be limited to matter, do you understand?
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
The Sixth Letter, to the Sixth Candelabrum...
– To the messenger of light responsible for delivering the message of Truth
to those in the city of Philadelphia, to the sixth Candelabrum, write; “This is the
message of him who is perfection and Truth...
He always gives more characteristics, more attributes to the prologue...
– … he who has the Key of David…
And here Jesus is referring to the passage in Isaiah 22:22.
– .... the house of David represents my Kingdom.
Iesus Christus is referring to Psalm 122:5;
– What I open, no one can close, and what I close, no one can open.
Look at the duality.
This Key of David is the same meaning as his Name, as we reveal in the
degrees DVD, Dálet, Vav , Dálet; the symbol, the 666, the 777, the password, the
seal, the ring, the Mage David, the key of David and Solomon, the delta or dalet,
whatever, whether Greek or Hebrew, upward, or delta, or dalet down, see duality,
open and close, close and open. And before Iesus Christus continues, can you
put a hexagram there, in your notebook? Close, close down, close, close. Up,
open, efatah . Who remembers efatah ? Open/close, hexagram.
I don't know if you know, but the hexagram comes from the name of David;
Dálet, Vav , Dálet, DVD, we teach this in so many videos, open and close, close
and open. Does Jesus only open doors? Or does Jesus close doors? Write to me
there! Does God only open doors? Or can God close, erase, destroy and kill,
annihilate? It's more than clear, He has the Key of David, understand?

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Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...

– I know your character. With the Key of David, I opened a door for you...
Who remembers that He is the door? John 10, dalet. What does the letter
dalet mean? Look at the coincidence. The Key of David is not made with 2 (two)
dalets! The Key of David is made with 2 (two) deltas! Well, He is the door. And
the pictogram dalet means exactly door! He is the dalet, the exit door. Look how
– ...which no one can close! I know you have little power and money... look
at the original... but still you remained in the Truth, and you never denied my
Only Smyrna and Philadelphia did not receive criticism and condemnation.
And, you see, the only two schools that didn't get criticism and condemnation,
Smyrna and Philadelphia, they were dematerialized. Do you know what Smyrna
and Philadelphia have in common? It's just that they were dematerialized. And is
being dematerialized the same as being? Spiritual. They were devoid of ego and
matter. They were small and fragile in the face of the mighty System. And of all
the Seven Churches, they are the only two anti-system gatherings, against the
grain, in the narrow way, in the contraposition, in the metanoia, as we have
already revealed in the 331st degrees. Philadelphia forks with Laodicea.
Philadelphia is the duality of Laodicea. A duality in the last gatherings.
In the last church age we have a rich and powerful Religious System,
dominated by Jews and false Christians, and in opposition to that System are the
true, poor, and powerless Christians and Jews. Persecuted and despised by the
lords of this world.
We just had a mud leak in Minas Gerais. Hundreds of people dead, yes or
no? Another. I ask you, who owns Vale do Rio Doce? According to Eneias, based
on an international magazine, News, the owner of Vale do Rio Doce is a Jew
named George Soros. Jews own everything. Who saw that I posted on EX's
Instagram, a plane that arrived with Jews, in this government partnership with
Bolsonaro? With the greatest technology on earth. All tech they are better. Where
does so much intelligence, so much mastery come from?
The gathering that is in power reveals that it is Laodicea. And the gathering
that is pursued by the power, reveals that it is Philadelphia. The one persecuting
is Laodicea. Who is persecuted is Philadelphia.
You can write there!
Everything you find in the bible, false teacher, false pastor, everything you
find in the bible, apostasy, false teachings, false doctrines, whatever, is the Akel!
Have you seen? I heard, in the meetings that I went to now, that a pastor of St.
Catherine's Foursquare church said;
– Don't watch him, because he's the Devil.
There in Brasilia, the pastors are saying;
– Do not watch him, because he is a Satanist.
Here, in Rio Grande do Sul, the pastors are saying;
– Don't watch him, because he's evil.
They don't know how to vaccinate the people. They are prepared to
vaccinate the people against Jehovah's Witnesses, against Mormons, against
Oneness, but against Akel, against EX philosophy...
– But what is it? We have to know this to know how to vaccinate against it.
How are we going to vaccinate cattle?

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What I teach, dear ones, is capable of destroying the System! And now, in
the middle of this video, which I'm in no hurry to finish, because the important
thing is to make the Apocalypse well done, I'm going to subdivide, from here, for
a big reveal! Who's ready? Look what I'm going to say that you didn't know! I
posted these days on our Instagram that Professor Adauto... I don't know he is a
Freemason, or if he learned in Freemasonry, in esotericism, where did he learn,
because few people know what EX teaches. .. Professor Adauto was on the
program “Vejam Só”, that program by theologian Weber Kocareli , from Rede TV,
from Igreja da Graça, from RR Soares; that he was going to call me one day for
a debate on the unchurched. They got in touch with me, everything was fine, and
at the last minute they called Rubens, and I'm glad they called Rubens, because,
it's about unchurched, I'm not unchurched. We get together, we have schools
across Brazil and around the world. I had no way of representing them. This
program took Professor Adauto and I published it there. And Professor Adauto
said so;
– Everything is done in delta; time, space and matter.
And it was explaining. There, the theologian, Weber Kocareli , said so;
– What teacher! I've never seen this in my entire life! So many years of
theology. You are scarring me. I'm scared teacher! What are you talking about
teacher? What a beautiful thing! Everything is made in deltas, pyramids,
pyramids, pyramids, what a beautiful thing!
Then I wrote there in the description for you; prove for you to see once
again that theology knows nothing! Do you want to ignore God? Do theology.
Who is understanding? Proof that they don't know anything. Because the
theologian doesn't even know what delta, dalet is. You don't even know about
trigonometry. He doesn't even know about pyramids, electrons, protons and
neutrons, 666, 777, dalet, Váv , dalet, he doesn't know! So when Akel says delta,
dalet, that Akel uses this ring here, what is Akel? Beelzebub, Satanist, Devil,
Heretic. Heretic. Who is understanding? But, as the other side, the System said,
there it is true! Listen! The pastor, in quotation marks, “Silas Malafaia”, took this
video of Professor Adauto, went there, and put it on his official channel, and said
– What great wisdom of this man! What priceless, ineffable wisdom!
Pastor Silas Malafaia, one of the largest and most respected here in Brazil,
who is a defendant in the process of diverting millions in the 2012 March for
Jesus, from gospelão , he put it there, as great wisdom; because everything is
done in delta, dalet, pyramid, in his channel, which is everything that Akel teaches
and that theology does not teach, neither sabbatical schools, nor Sunday school,
nor basic theology, nor high school, nor advanced, nor college, seminary,
worship, or anywhere, nobody teaches, only Akel teaches. Oh, he put it on his
channel! So I ask the millions who like Pastor Malafaia, don't like Akel, that Akel
is a Satanist, a heretic, ask if it's heresy? Huh!
Now let's have a vote, scrutiny;
Letter A. Did they really not know? Do you now know about delta, dalet,
everything that Akel teaches, do you know now? Were they ignorant?
And letter B. Did they already know, and didn't want to talk?
Vote here!
Laodicea and Philadelphia. Philadelphia has the exit door, the EXit , the
dalet... remember the door from the movie “The Truman Show”? It's EX. It's EX.
That means EX, exit, out. Same thing as church, the dalet. She's open to be our

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way out, Jesus is our way out, remember? “Jesus is the way out...” our song. And
the System will never be able to close. The Judeo-Christian System, the gates of
this hell called the Judeo-Christian System, the gates of this hell will never prevail
against true Christians, never, ever.
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
– You will see what I will do with those who are biologically Jewish, but for
me, they are a synagogue of evil.
Write there!
Evil Synagogue!
– I will make these evil Judeo-Christian groups prostrate themselves at
your feet...
Look what a promise!
– The Religious and Political System of the Jews will recognize that I love
Who is paying attention to what the Creator is saying, that the Judeo-
Christian Religious System will not be able to destroy us? They may dominate
people like lab rats, but there is one people, Philadelphia, in this last generation
of earth that will not be manipulated, alienated, destroyed by them. Because
they're like Smyrna and Philadelphia, anti-system;
See, the focus on the Jews. When the Creator calls the gathering a
“synagogue” the second time in the Letters, it is like when he called Israel Jacob,
usurper, deceiver, when he was angry. It is the same as calling churches, called
Christian, “synagogues”, that is, they should be Christian, but they are
“synagogues”. What is Jesus doing? Jesus is making a pun on purpose. Why do
you think that Jesus, instead of calling it church, instead of calling it Ecclesia, a
gathering, a congregation... congregation, which is the oldest word for church...
church came only later. In Jesus' day there was no word church, you know? We
have already revealed this. There was no word church. Congregation. Why didn't
he use the word congregation? Why did he purposely call it a “synagogue”? He
called it a “synagogue” because he is implying that they had not come out of the
lie, the deception of Jacob. They did not come out of Judaism which he came to
destroy in the flesh;
– In three days, I will destroy the temple!
He destroyed Judaism when he called it a synagogue. He did this on
purpose for people to see how they were still in Judaism. Do you understand?
They are not Christian churches. They are not adjustments of Grace, but of
Write there!
Duality; Grace and Misfortune. You don't know what " des " is? What about
involuted people? Here, at the beginning, they looked at the title;
– Do not speak wretch! Wretch is a very heavy word!
Heavy for you. Like horn, for example! Who remembers the video “Deus é
Corno”? Cheated husband. It's in the bible! It's in the bible! Prostitute! Israel is a
whore! I'm not the one talking! I only speak the Truth. You don't know what
disgrace is, do you? Don't you know etymology? Don't know a dictionary? “Des”
prefix of duality! Just like, “ anti ”! Calling the antichrist un-Christ would be the
same thing. Desystematizing, de-ologizing, demystifying, who remembers? So it
is! Dis, dis, dis, dis, disgrace!
– Oh! But it's very strong!

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It is Jesus who is speaking, not me!

– And the cuckold episode?
 It was Jesus who was betrayed twice, by Israel and by the Church!
You do not know? Have you never read the book of Hosea? Have you never
read the Jeremiah chapters? Jeremiah calling Israel a harlot! Please! They are
not Christian churches! They are not adjustments of Grace, but of unfortunate!
They are adjustments to the Law;
Write there!
They are gatherings of the Law! Gatherings with Rituals! Houses of
Rituals, Clergy, Ego, Legalism and Materialism. These gatherings are
synagogues of evil for the Creator, for he came to destroy Judaism, as we have
seen since the 146th degree, here, in the Original Codex Bible. Here, as we have
already revealed, the Ashkenazi are not in focus. It's not a matter of Serfadim,
Edomites , but everyone who calls themselves Jews out of ego. The issue here
is ego. But they did not recognize Christus as the Messiah. and they recognized
each other, they never understood Grace. They live in a little corner, in the
extension of Judaism, the synagogue, and they live like devils, dominating the
Holy Temple, the Holy Bible and the Holy City, as we saw in Matthew 4 and Luke
4, in the Temptation of Jesus. And because of that, Jesus was also arrested in
Gethsemane !
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
It is the second time that we have this quote, this reference by Jesus to
the Synagogue of Satan, and, see that never Synagogue of God, Synagogue is
never good, it is always Satan. Satan means enemy, adversary, opposer, unlike
God. So it means it's bad! Synagogue is always evil! More than 400 synagogues
in Jesus' day. It was they who, with their respective rabbis, and a large crowd...
alienated the crowd to shout; “Release Barabbas!”
– As you, from Philadelphia, remained in the Truth, not giving in to the
System, I will also remain with you;
Write there!
Stay. Pay attention! "Stay!"
– I will remain with you in the last days of the Great Tribulation that will
come on the whole world, to sift...
Why will there be a Great Tribulation? What's the point? Why would God
do this? It's here, look! To riddle! riddled! Great riddle for all men on earth! To
duality! To see who's who!
Denominations, legalists, that's real synagogues, got to say they're the
Philadelphia church; you will get there CCB, God is Love, Tabernacle of Faith
and many others;
– We are the Revelation 3 Bible Church, Philadelphia!
My dear, you who are watching me, you need to evolve, and hope for you!
I've seen a lot of people leaving the System. Just yesterday, a couple from
Criciúma left “Deus é Amor”. People who left the “Jehovah's Witness” in Biguaçu!
There's still hope for you all!
All pre-tribulation denominations make the big mistake of using this
isolated verse to prove the rapture. It turns out that the term; “I will keep”
throughout the bible, which is there in your bible, has another meaning. In order

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for you to understand this here, pedagogically, I need you all to write now; "I will
keep" or "remain".
In almost all the bibles it is; “I will keep”, and this is what corroborates for
those who isolate texts, the Pentecostal mystics, in the doctrine of the secret
rapture, of the secret rapture, of the privilege of keeping from the Great
Tribulation! Since he just said that he's going to keep it in, and he can't, it's there,
it's going through the difficulty like everyone else went through. Never in history
has God spared, or delivered, any people from the Great Tribulation. It turns out
that the term “I will keep” throughout the Bible has another meaning. See, for
example, the problem is not even in the word “I will keep”, because look, the bible
says so; “you shall keep my commandments” When speaking; “you shall keep
my commandments”, is not talking about abduction, nor protection, nor privilege,
“I will keep my commandments” is not talking about taking away, not about
extraction! What is the point of keeping the commandments? So, you have to be
very careful. But to fulfill, obey, follow, be faithful, be constant until the end! So it
is to remain, and I will not keep! Who understood? What a thing not!
Therefore, the correct original term, placed here, in the Origin Bible Codex,
is “abide”, for as we will remain constant in the Truth until the end with the Creator.
The Creator, as we have predicted, will once again interfere in the Great
Tribulation... how many times have I said that... and will protect us...
– Oh! I'm going to a little town! Oh! I'm going to the middle of the woods!
I'm going to buy a place, a farm! I go to the mountains!
Stop conspiracy!
– I will create a banker! I will build...
Stop this! There's no way to escape! The Creator will interfere again! What
kind of faith do you have? The Creator will interfere again, and will protect us in
the Great Destruction! It's here, Revelation 3; Philadelphia... which will fall on
Israel, will not fall on the world, it's on Israel. But it will, consequently, spill over
into the world, onto everyone. Because? Because of the final 1,260 days! See
that in just the last three and a half years it has reached the whole world! We will
see shortly, in fact we have already seen in previous degrees, when Paul and
Christus talked about what, world and earth, in the original, refers to Israel. The
focus is always Israel, but it is also evident that the Final Destruction, with a Great
World War, will affect the entire world, not to mention World Control and other
things that will be happening at the same time!
– What is the biggest proof that the Creator will interfere again in the Great
Tribulation? This verse here Akel from Philadelphia?
No! But the essence of the text! Look at the essence! Ali says thus; the
Great Sieve, the Great Tribulation will take place in the world, in order to... in
order to sift all the inhabitants of the earth! What is...why will the Creator allow
the Great Tribulation? To sift all the inhabitants of the earth, isn't that it? If it is the
Creator who is sending the Great Sieve in order to know who is who, isn't each
conscience the same one that will give protection? When the Creator invented,
created in history, the idea of bringing the people of Israel to Canaan, he said;
"I'm going to interfere, and I'm going to take it... because that's the story I want!"
When he invented this, he had the idea, the keter , the crown... who remembers
the keter ? When he had this idea, and he started to materialize that idea, and he
started to interfere with humanity, did he or did he not deliver Israel? Some died.
You died for rebellion, for murmuring... many of you will die in the Great
Tribulation for rebellion and murmuring! You who do not fight for Ehad ! You who

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do not fight for unity! The Korás, the Abirãns , the Dathans , people who are going
to be a problem! People who;
– Oh! I do not submit!
They will die! Then you will understand the very important work of being
together, as a school, united. Only those who are loving their neighbor, that is,
relating to each other, which we talked about at the beginning, before starting this
degree, only those who are together, loving each other, guarding each other,
protecting each other, helping each other in the Hebrew camp, what do you
understand? Only those who are together will be protected. You who isolate
yourself, you who don't want a relationship, who don't want school;
– I don't have to meet with any Christian! I go my way alone!
You will die! Look at the days of Moses, and see what will happen again,
just look there, in the days of Moses, who died in those days? Who arrived in
Canaan? Who understood? Then, the Creator will interfere again, of course, he
created the sieve, he creates everything perfect, he already gives the escape, the
solution, the exit. If he creates the prison, he also creates the exit door.
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
– I will return soon after the Great Tribulation!
Look at that glorious promise. Here you have to be very careful because
someone will say yes;
- I'll be back soon!
Is not;
- I'll be back...
This one, "brief", is related to what he just said. Look at the problem of
separating verses and chapters! It's what he just said, what he just said;
– … right after the Great Tribulation!
“Brief”, that “brief”, is not from when it was written! This “soon” is not for
our days either, “soon”, not tomorrow. It is "brief" in relation to the days of the
Great Tribulation. It's right after the Great Affliction, the Great Sieve, "I'll be back
soon"! Who understood?
When the Great Tribulation begins... isn't that 1260 days, three and a half
years, time, half a time, 42 months? They are not? Then? Don't you think it's
“brief”, three and a half years?
Write for me! Tell me, and tell you! Is it or is it not “brief”? So, a lot of people
sing around; Adventists, Assemblies and all; “Short turn! Soon will come!” and
never comes! And never comes! Will return! And it's coming back! Will be back
soon, will be back! It never comes back, and then they are trivializing, devaluing,
because they don't know how to teach, they don't know how to teach, they don't
know the Truth! When it says “soon will return”, it is just after the 1,260 days. It is
not “soon will come” from the text! I magina, John writing; “soon will come, 2000
years from now!” Imagine, Akel speaking, today here, January 2019; “Soon will
come” and it happens in 2030, 2033, 2029! Everything has consistency! When
he says “soon will come” he means “soon will come”, “soon I will come”, because
he is speaking right after those days!
Then write there!
He will come soon, right after those days, 1260 days of the Great
Tribulation! That's why it's coming soon! Since starting the first day with Moses
and Elijah, that it doesn't rain on Israel anymore, it's not in the world that it won't
rain, it's in Israel! When it no longer rains in Israel! When it doesn't rain anymore,
Moses and Elijah will be there. The Messiah of the Jews will be revealed, the

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peace covenant will be undone, then "soon will come", that is, "soon will come",
1260 days later! understand?
– I will return soon after the Great Tribulation, therefore, continue in Truth
and in love, so that no one takes your reward, payment, reward, crown!
In your bible it says it's a crown, because a crown represents that.
Represents trophy, represents medal, represents final line. We are in a marathon,
in a race, when we reach the end, as athletes, we have to get our reward in this
championship. The world is a championship. The world is a tournament. The
world is a Cup. The world is a competition. The world is a sieve, and in the end it
has a crown. You got it? That's all we teach when we say the word sieve, sieve,
sieve, sieve, sieve, sieve;
– All who win will be immaterial columns in the immaterial Temple of the
Creator! You will be there forever!
Sadly, Christians and Jews go so far as to quote this isolated text to defend
the temple! Do you believe it?
– You will be pillars of the Temple of my God!
They don't understand metaphorical language! Amazing, there are people
who think they understand eschatology, there in the Adventist, there in the
unchurched and churched here and there, saying so;
– Look, there will be another temple in the Kingdom! In the Millennium
there will be a temple in Jerusalem!
There is no temple, this is metaphorical! The temple here is metaphorical,
it is immaterial, it is meant to represent, just like the Manna, the Morning Star, the
Sword, the Tree of Life, the Throne and all other symbols. The metaphor only
proves stability! What is being talked about here is stability, the firmness, security,
like a strong, firm pillar, that we can have in relation to the promise of eternal life.
Stability is firmness!
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
– Just as there were engravings on the columns of ancient temples... look
at this... with the names of the deities worshiped, I will write...
Only Jews understand! And you are understanding now!
– ... in each of you, the name of the Creator, and the name of the New City
of the Creator, the New Jerusalem!
And, amazingly, there will be denominations, like the Assembly of God,
which will say so; that the Prayer Circle or the Women's Union, as it is called in
other denominations, is the pillar of the church. There are even groups named
Column of the Church. They think the church is the temple;
– This sister here, she is a Prayer Column!
How sad! How sad! They live a fantasy! Get them out of the fantasy!
– I will also write my New Name! You will know the new meaning of the
Because, name is mean!
Write there!
Name is meaning, it is ethnology, it is morphology!
– …and the new world for you!
Here comes all the unchurched followers of Yahusha , Yahushua Yehshua
, Yohshua ;
– You have to say the right name, the name cannot be transliterated!

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But don't be silly! Whence what name is not transliterated? Listening!

Name is meaning, it's etymology, it's morphology! What about people falling into
dogmas created by the Jews to confuse you. That you may be arrested by them.
They love to arrest people. Jews always creating their prey, their traps!
– I will also write my new name.
Name is meaning;
– You will know the new meaning of the Creator.
What is title. Title is also the meaning of a name;
– And from the new world to you! The new Jerusalem...
says Jesus;
– ... will descend from immateriality to the Kingdom, in the center of the
earth. And it will be the seat of the world government of Iesus Christus, the capital
of the new immaterial world! The new Jerusalem.
The new Jerusalem will descend from heaven! It's already prepared...
there won't be... there's no city, anywhere, prepared, physical. Then the angels
went there... the Creator made the blueprint, and then he made the building. And
there goes the Nigerian pastor, died three days, Daniel 16 Ekechukwu , he saw
the buildings. Then the pastor Ionara dies , and goes to hell 15 times, she already
has the... there is... the Green Card , she already has the Hell Card , the loyalty
card from hell, every time she is there, 15 times she has been to hell, and goes
to heaven, then she saw the buildings that are all prepared, the houses, the
mansions, then nobody knows but if they are rooms, if they are mansions, if they
are buildings, because the original, the term, is sometimes a room, sometimes it
is a mansion, and sometimes it is a building, they do not understand that it is a
metaphor. No city is up there coming down, the Holy Spirit didn't come down
either, why is he omnipresent, how is he going to come down? There's no space
there. There is no space in matter! When you disincarnate, there's no reason to
travel anymore! It's just like I talked to an Adventist yesterday, buying her an ice
cream, just so we could tell her the truth, but she wouldn't listen! Heard very little,
a Haitian! I didn't want to hear the truth;
– I'm an Adventist and that's it!
Maybe she's not watching me, she got a card! I said;
– Honey, why did God make the world in seven days, if God is timeless?
There is a lot for people to know and get out of the illusion!
– The New Jerusalem will descend...
It's all metaphor;
– ... from immateriality to the Kingdom!
That is, it will come down... because it has no rapture... at the end of the
Great Tribulation! This text proves that he has no rapture, never had;
In rabbinic literature it speaks of a mysterious new name that the heavenly
Jerusalem will receive. This proves, once again, that the whole language of
revelation is for the Jews to understand Jesus as Messiah. So when Jesus is
talking like that; “there will be a new name of the city, a new name of the Creator”,
why is he doing this? And then, he still says, a new name for him? It's for the Jew.
Because the Jew had the idea of the Creator, who would send a Messiah. They
did not know that this messiah would be the Creator incarnate. The Jew did not
understand that this Creator, the Father, whom they understand as Yahweh , Yah
, Yehovah , Jehovah, would come in the flesh, this was inconceivable to them!
For them, for the Jew, it is the Creator, who is Spirit, who would send a man, a

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Messiah, as a prophet! understand? That's why you say new name. It is a

language for the Jew to understand. Why in rabbinic literature was there this idea,
that there would be a new name! Everything here proves that language is for
whom? The Jews!
See that the Trinitarians will use this text to prove that Jesus has a God,
the God of Jesus Christ! Why, if Jesus has a God, he is lesser, he is not God!
No, never, it is metaphorical language. Even the trinity is metaphorical language,
it is a delta of manifestations, of theophanies, as well, from the first chapter of the
book. Name is meaning, that is, a new meaning...
You can write this, this is very important!
Write there!
Name is meaning. Name is a new sense, write it down; name is a new
meaning, everything new, and not literally! It will have a new meaning for you. It
won't have any literal name, it's a new meaning for you. It's like we saw in chapter
2, it will have a name, a meaning, a special meaning for each winner. He will
reveal himself like this, especially for each winner of this sieve! See that before
the tetragrammaton YHWH, pronounced YAH, Creator and Father, became Son,
YAH-SHUA, the Creator who came to save! And so will the Son be, until the
Kingdom ends. After the Kingdom we will no longer have the person of Christus,
which is what Ivrim is saying , to the Hebrews 1 (one), for he has already revealed
himself to us, and he will be our sun, our eternal light, as we will see in the last 2
( two) chapters of Revelation! So there is no Jesus, the God of Jesus! Please! It
is only to reveal to the Jews who are the last to understand, the most difficult to
understand. The Jew doesn't understand, it's difficult, the ego won't let him. So,
as the Jew will one day understand who Jesus is, one day the Jew, all Jews, all
Jews will understand who Jesus is, and when they all understand, it will no longer
make sense for Jesus to continue with that flesh (body), with that image. Then he
returns to being Spirit! Who understood? That's why in the last 2 (two) chapters
of Revelation it says that he will only be our light!
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
– All who can hear, hear what the Spirit says, through the messenger, to
all the gatherings!
The seventh and last Letter, to the Seventh Candlestick Menorah ;
– To the messenger of light, responsible for delivering the message of
Truth to those in the city of Laodicea, write; “This is the message of Truth, the
legitimacy, the authenticity, the signature, the faithful witness, the sovereign of all
creation, write there, amen!
Can someone paste for us here; “The True Meaning of Amen,” that
important degree! What is "Amen" in your bible? It's legitimacy, it's signature, it's
authenticity, it's the one that gives legitimacy for you to believe, it's the seal!
To understand what "Amen" is translated like this in your bible, see the
100th degree (one hundred).
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
- I know your character!
What is this what it means; “I know your works”!
- I know you are neither cold nor hot, it would be better if you were cold or

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Like this? Is it better to be cold than to be more or less? Look what an

interesting thing this is. Most people, they think if it's there, it's good! I remember
expressions that evangelicals use something like this;
“The important thing is that young people are here, because it is better to
be here than to be in the bar, in drugs, in prostitution! So, let them err, but be in
the church!”
As if that were church! Who understood? That's not what we're talking
about here! I'm just using this example for you to understand that, in general,
people believe that, a little bit, done right, is good! Hitting half is good! Look, being
mediocre... I don't know if you know, the word mediocre is the same thing as
average. Being more or less is good!
– I help Akel more or less! I work at Philosophy EX more or less! I am an
average Christian!
But, it's more serious than that!
– But as they are lukewarm, I'm about to vomit them out of my mouth!
The Wretched Church, isn't that the title of the degree? It could be the
church vomited! You, the vomit of Jesus Christ!
The lukewarmness here is not the lack of position, nor balance, a
progressive vision! What about people who don't understand the bible! There are
people who will say that lukewarmness, it's like, Marina Silva, who's on the fence.
She has no positioning, isn't that how many understand it? Even Malafaia said
that about her! Others will say;
– Akel talks so much about balance, but isn't that lukewarmness?
There's another one that says;
- No. Lukewarmness are those who do not follow the doctrine, the dogma,
of my church, who do not obey the dogmas of the church.
Those more legalistic churches.
And there are others who will say;
- No. Lukewarmness are those who are not warm, who do not speak in
tongues, who do not prophesy anymore, who do not cry anymore, no...
Did you understand? Those who will find it hot here, it's Pentecostalism.
Others will think it's dogmatizing and legalism, prohibitions in the name of pseudo-
great and deceptive holiness. Holiness of character. Others will think it's a lack of
position. Neither alternative is true. None. Do you know what you're talking about
here , my dear Silveira? That I shouldn't ask questions now, but you can't control
your little fingers.
Write there!
Iesus Christus is dictating to John to write. It is Jesus who is speaking to
Write there!
We have to know the author, his textual literary style, both of John and
Jesus, to understand the text! Who remembers that, the same Jesus Christ that
is dictating here, our Saviour, is the same that said so;
– You cannot serve two masters, because either you will love one and
annoy the other, who will be jealous.
You cannot serve two masters. You're talking about Satan. Who
remembers that John, but 3 (three) epistles of him, said that; “the world is Satan
himself”, don't you understand? Do you think that Jesus is weaker than Satan,

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that Satan can take Jesus like that, and take him up to the spire of the temple,
and then take him to the high mountain? He said;
- Look here, all the kingdoms of the world...
I ask you, from which hill in the world can you see all the kingdoms of the
world? By any chance, is there a mountain in the world that you can see all the
kingdoms of the world? Can't you see it's a metaphor? Stop imagining the Satan
of the Middle Ages taking Jesus and making him go over a mountain, showing all
the kingdoms of the world! When John says, "Satan is the world", it's because all
matter, 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrals, the "Truman Show", everything is a
grand illusion for you, it's the sieve, it's the dome, it's the “ Under the Dome”,
understand? Satan is mammon !
Write there!
Piece of cake! Satan is money. Satan is money, the god here in Gramado.
So, lukewarm is he who wants to be a Christian and at the same time love
the world. Because Jesus spoke this in a day when he saw that many priests
were leaving the synagogues, and the disciples said;
– Did the Lord know that many of the priests and rabbis are leaving the
synagogues of the temple and are serving the Truth, are they following the Truth?
But they're still there, like pastors, like priests, like singers, they're still there.
So, I don't know if you remember this original degree, I don't know if you
remember! Then Jesus said like this, in a teaching sermon to the whole crowd,
including they were there, he said like this;
– If you don’t make up your mind, if you don’t leave these synagogues,
you will not be worthy of me!
They wanted to follow Jesus, but at the same time they didn't want to leave
the synagogue so they wouldn't be frowned upon, and they wouldn't lose power!
That's lukewarm, and that's what the Christian is today! Christian and Capitalist!
Christian and consumerist! Christian and materialist! That's being
counterproductive, that's being illogical, that's being lukewarm!
Write there!
Warm is to be inconsistent! Warm is to be counterproductive! Warm is a
farce, it's something that is nothing, neither one nor the other! Because either you
are a Christian or you are a materialist! What Jesus is saying is this;
- I hope...
And don't think that Oxalá is a thing of spiritism, Oxalá means white light;
– I wish you were… I wish you were materialists…
That's what cold means; attached even to money;
– ... that they only loved money, but that they never said that they followed
me !
What do you like?
– My god is money!
But follow Jesus?
- No. I don't want to know about Jesus!
It would be better to be like that than to say that you are a Christian and a
materialist! Christian and lover of the illusions of the world! He wants to live in the
church, in Christianity, in the bible, in the faith and everything else, and at the
same time he wants to live in the illusion of the world, in the power that the world
gives; “All this I will give you...!” Who understood? To understand lukewarmness
you must know all of Scripture. Remember the days of Iesus Christus, where
many Jewish priests believed in him, but were afraid to leave the synagogues, to

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leave the System and lose support, power, status, job, money, divide the family,
be frowned upon and despised! These, when Jesus Christus was in the flesh,
called them lukewarm!
Laodicea represents all the errors of all the Letters, and of all the churches,
gatherings at all times. Amazing, ladies and gentlemen, but except Smyrna, poor,
and Philadelphia, poor, it represents them all. Laodicea is the sum of all the gross
deliberate errors of the five condemned churches, except Smyrna and
Philadelphia. To be spiritual is to be dematerialized! What is it to be lukewarm,
for God's sake? That's what Jesus said! They wanted to follow Jesus, but they
wanted to do well in life and in the world! Has no way! Because being a Christian
– Renounce yourself, your ego, leave everything, take up your cross, carry
it, come and follow me!
That's being Iesus Christus, that's being Jesus, that's being a Christian,
that's having the Spirit of Jesus Christus incarnate, that's being what he was!
There's no way to be a Christian and at the same time love the world! Remember
that the author of Revelation is the same who wrote it; “Whoever loves the world,
the love of the Creator is not in him!” That's what it means to be warm! Christianity
today is the very capitalism of Luther and Calvin! Calvino... I don't know if you
know... is the father of capitalism, he is the father of capitalism.
Laodicea is the Judeo-Christian apostasy itself involved in politics, it is a
Church-State, like Balaam and Ballack, which he quoted in the previous Letters.
A powerful, rich and selfish church that serves the Creator and money at the
same time is therefore lukewarm; Universal, Assembly of God Victory in Christ,
Malafaia, RR Soares, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Agenor Duque,
Quadrangular, and all, all, Benin Hinn , Mike Murdock , Myles Munroe , deceased,
Morris Cerullo , Billy Graham, deceased, and his Graham family, they all just talk
about money, it's the Laodicean church, God and money, God and money, God
and money, God and money, God and money! So where is the lukewarmness
answer there? Answer where is Laodicea today?
Very good! My dearest Silvia Espíndola, sorry, who's in the chat! Who
knows, maybe he's related to my brother , Herlon Espíndola!
– I am a social scientist, and in fact, the Calvinist Protestant ethic underlies
capitalist reality!
The lady, or lady, as a social scientist, who is participating here, knows
and is witnessing here!
So let's evolve dear ones!
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
– You, full of ego, say; “We are rich, we have become so rich that we don't
need anyone.
That's exactly what happens today, exactly!
"But to me, you are miserable...
The verdict is always dual;
– You are to be pitied! To me, you are delta; poor, blind and naked!
Write there!
Poor, blind and naked! Delta.
- I advise you, while there is time...
Then you, pastor, who is watching me now, gospel singer, priest, rabbi,
theologian, theologian, fanatic, fundamentalist, faithful, the lady who was always
faithful there; look at your clothes, look at your clothes, your hair, your life was

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always dedicated to all this, but I say to you, what was worth until today, it was
your good intention, what was worth until today, was the good intention, but look;
- I advise you, while there is time, buy immaterial gold...
- ... that only I have to give through suffering...
Gold comes only through suffering, as the pearl comes through the
oyster's suffering!
– …and then you will really be rich! Buy immaterial eye drops, which only
I have to pour into your eyes, so that you can see again! Buy immaterial white
clothes, which only I have, to wear, so that you can cover your shameful
Notice that in 2nd (2nd) Corinthians 3, chapter 4, we also saw that the
Jewish Religious System blinds! blind! What is the Religious System that blinds,
according to Paul? It is the Jewish Religious System that makes men naked, and
mediocre! See the meaning of the delta! Seeing means waking up, evolving,
overcoming the ego! Enriching means evolving in character, in the virtues of
good! That's what it's like to get rich, with virtues, with attributes, and getting
dressed means evolving in morals, not having to be ashamed of!
Iesus Christus continues to reveal to Yohannan...
It is useless for the Pope to be, the Pope of the poor, Francis I; if he sits
and lies on top of the gold! Who understood?
Jesus Christus continues...
– I exhort and punish everyone I love!
Why Disgraceful Church? Because it is the church that does not have
Grace, which is in the Law, in Christian Judaism! In many bibles, both in
Revelation 17 and 18, with Revelation 3, in Jesus' passage, Jesus calls this
church disgraced! In the book of Jeremiah, you will see that God calls this church
disgraced, the people of Israel disgraced! When you say “church”, people,
gathering, it doesn't matter if you're a Jew, a gentleman! The Israelite
congregation is called wretched, without the grace of God, without his favor;
– So look at the original, heat it up, boil it, stop being lukewarm, repent!
Hey ! Warm up again, or warm up, like they never warmed up! That is,
dematerialize, stop the illusion, stop the material world, stop being, having and
And now has a big reveal; Matthew 4 and Luke 4, Jesus was tempted by
his conscience to set an example for us; that no one was there to register; he
said, he dictated; that even he is not here dictating to John, that he might write,
that we might have it for teaching; then he had having, being, and power; the holy
mountain, the holy temple, and the holy bible, who remembers? To be; holy bible!
To have; holy temple! And the last temptation of Jesus; Power, in the material
world, to have power, dominion, control in the material world. Be well seen! I ask,
who here can be frowned upon? Have you ever seen people take a selfie? They
like and dislike things in this world that works exactly like human psychology! Why
did they create the like and dislike ? Because that's how human psychology
works! The human being who feels good to appear, to be well seen, because of
our ego, hell “sestra” (left side)!
So write there!
To be, to have and to be able is the same thing as; blind, poor and naked!
To be, to have and to be able; poor, blind and naked!

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- I have, I'm rich!

- You do not have! Have, have. You are poor and miserable!
– Oh, she is powerful! She's in control, and she doesn't need anyone! It
rules the world, the Jewish-Christian System.
Jews rule the world's businesses, the world's money, the world's economy.
Why do you think the London Stock Exchange goes up? Why is Bolsonaro
handsome? Why is Bolsonaro what you want? Not. Because they control the
points of all Exchanges! They control everything. They are on the moon of the
movie “The Truman Show”! God placed them, through a trap! Jews are on the
moon! Who understood?
There God says;
– You have no power! You are miserable! To me, you are blind! To me,
you don't even have clothes!
To be, to have and to be able! Poor, blind and naked!
– Oh! We have money!
- Money? You don't have any clothes! You are poor!
– So warm up! Boil! Stop being lukewarm, dematerialize...
Because to be a Christian is to be spiritual, to be detached from here!
Every time you withhold something, you are taking it from someone else! God
made everything perfect; universal laws, natural resources for all the inhabitants
of the earth, it doesn't matter if there are 8 billion inhabitants, but every time
someone withholds it, the number of millionaires has grown in the world, see the
Dinner Forum, with Bolsonaro in Davos , every time someone withholds money,
they're taking it off someone's table! Who understood? I taught you several times
that sharing is winning in the Kingdom of God! Do you want to enter the Kingdom
of God? share. For he who keeps treasures for himself is dead. All the metaphors
of Jesus... if you take it from the 146th degree to the 199th degree, you will see
that all the metaphors of Jesus speak of matter and immatter, dematerialization!
– Behold, I am at the door of conscience knocking on the sestras (left side),
on the ego! Beating the ego! Those who hear my voice...
The same author of John 10:4, the same who wrote John 10:4... who
remembers John 10:4?
- Whoever hears my voice...
Right there that the word EQ, EX, taken out appears. There, in John 10:4,
the same author that's writing Revelation, the same author recording words of
Jesus saying; “knocking on the door”, what door is that? The door of the heart,
the door of consciousness, of the sestra (left side), of the ego;
– Those who hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in and eat with
them. The victors will have the right to sit with me on my throne, just as when I
conquered the world I could sit on the Creator's throne!
To set an example, the God who became man, and as man, conquered
the world and had the right to be honored, rewarded; trophy, medal, crown,
whatever, metaphor. Now pay attention! What about people who still believe in a
huge White Throne of the Father that you can't see him, or a lot of light, an old
man, and on the side a smaller Throne for Jesus and the Holy Spirit doesn't have
a throne, because it's a dove that flies, it's not a dove, it's like a dove, it was never
a dove. If Throne is literal, then how is this text here, my dear little boy , little boy
– The victors will have the right to sit with me on my Throne.

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How do you put millions of world winners on a throne seated? What is the
Throne talking about? Of power.
— But didn't he just say that the church is powerful, and that he thought it
miserable? How is it that now a God who preaches against power, ego status, is
promising and elevating people's ego, saying; “will you have a throne”? How does
a God who is against the Political System now say; "will you rule"?
Do you know why? It is because here, in this world, which is called Satan,
is not our place, it is not our government! Here we cannot be political agents!
Here we cannot be kings and lords! Here we can't command the matter, or
people! This is not our Kingdom! Our Kingdom is not here, nor Iesus Christus
who is the King, when he was here, he dared to reign and govern! And, look, the
people acclaimed him as president of Israel. And it was right on that day, in the
synagogue at Capernaum, that he said to that people; “my kingdom is not here!”
So, my dears, when you promise a Throne, when you promise government and
power, it's because we're going to reign! Yes, we will be powerful yes! We will
have money! Understand money! Understand money metaphor! We are going to
be very rich, very rich, but not here! Who reigns here... Evangelical bench,
Vatican... Who reigns here... Jews... Who reigns here... Attention, you, dear ones,
whom I love, Freemasons... but listen to Freemasons, who I love both of you... I
prefer the Rosicrucians, but listen, whoever reigns here will not reign there! He
will only rule and reign there, whoever does not reign here! I ask you, do you want
to have it here or have it there? Do you want power here or power there? Look at
the duality! Who is here, there will not be! Who chooses not to be here, will be
So the Throne represents that power, that government.
– The winners will have the right to sit with me!
Do you understand what a Throne is? Do you have a physical throne? Not.
These quotes of thrones and crowns are well known to the Jews, taken
from texts such as; 1st Enoch 45.3; 51.3; 55.4; 108:12, and several excerpts from
the book Ascension of Isaiah! Always remembering that Enoch is a book admired
by the Jews , it is not to be admired by you. Because it's a mystical book. Just for
that language, it's just for you to understand that Jesus is using the language of
the Jews, for the Jew to understand, because the focus is on them, it's for them.
The addressee is them, and again the excerpt from the book the Ascension of
Isaiah. See, that here, dismantles all literalness about physical supper too,
physical banquet, thrones and trinity. It is not possible for millions of believers, of
overcoming Christians to sit on one throne! Throne represents kingdom,
government and power. Christus, as a man, overcame the world, and his
conquering immaterial body may have power, setting an example, may have
power, setting an example for us, who, as a precursor pioneer, we too, the
overcomers, will reign with him in the same government, it is just a promise!
Therefore, well-understood metaphors dismantle the mystical and foolish
Trinitarian literality!
It's time for children to understand about sex... who remembers these
videos of mine here in the Original Codex Bible, about EX? EX is sex, it's malice.
Remember Adam and Eve? It's opening consciousness, moving from innocence
to consciousness, and stopping metaphors! Don't you know that the story of "Little
Red Riding Hood" was created to protect children from kidnappers, violent men,
and pedophiles? A child... movie "Captain Fantastic"... a child who doesn't know

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about it, and is old enough to know, is not protected from pedophilia, for example!
You are protected by Captain Fantastic, the movie, which is a metaphor for EX.
From innocence to conscience, and they no longer need metaphors to
understand reality!
Iesus Christus continues to reveal Yohannan...
– All who can hear, hear what the Spirit says through the messenger, to
all the gatherings!
Laodicea is apostasy, the complete departure from the Truth, after Hata ,
Pesha and Avon comes apostasy by blind people! Blinded by money and power!
For the capitalism of John Calvin, father of evangelicals. Deceived by the world,
Christians are ready to be deceived! It is the blind Judeo-Christian System, but
that the Creator loves and knocks on the door of the sestra (left side). It is
knocking at the door now, through the voice of Akel, this man who is here, and
who only lives, and who only have meaning in his life, if he were to come here,
seven years ago, to pass on this vision to you! The vision of Truth! We are right
here knocking on the door of your conscience! It's hitting your ego there! There
is still time to renounce yourself! But know, that everything in the physical, points
to the metaphysical! When someone goes to visit another, they knock on the
door, press the bell, clap their hands, call, but always give up calling, give up
knocking. Nobody keeps knocking forever, if whoever is inside doesn't open,
whoever is outside will stop knocking"
Write there!
If whoever is inside doesn't open, whoever is outside will stop knocking!
So it is in the physical, whoever hits will stop hitting! It hurts, because it's
a beat, so open it! There's still time!
And here ends Gilyahna, or Guilarna , chapter 3! Open the door of your
heart! Tomorrow, the originals of Revelation 4!
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