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DANE 120011-000016 - NIT 892300110-6
Resolución de aprobación 009408 del 15 de Diciembre de 2017
Por la Secretaría de Educación del Departamento del Cesar

Andres Mauricio Mora Wilches

Correo electrónico:
Celular y WhatsApp: 3205166294
Fecha de entrega del trabajo: desde el 13 de septiembre hasta el 25 de septiembre de 2020
Se debe enviar a través de WhatsApp o correo electrónico (preferiblemente enviarlo al correo

Name: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Grade: ________

Future Perfect Simple

Permite expresar la estimación de que una acción habrá finalizado en un momento determinado
del futuro.


a. Para mostrar que un proceso habrá terminado en cierto momento del futuro.
Ejemplo: The plain will have arrived before you can expect it.

b. Para expresar que algo va a suceder antes de un momento específico en el futuro.

Ejemplo: We will have bought enough food for our camping trip tomorrow. 


Oración afirmativa:

Tim will have finished his thesis by next semester.

Sujeto + WILL + HAVE + Verbo principal + Complemento.
(en participio pasado)
Tim habrá terminado su tesis para el próximo semestre.

Oración negativa:

Tim will not have finished his thesis by next semester.

Sujeto + WILL + NOT + HAVE + Verbo principal + Complemento.
(en participio pasado)
Tim no habrá terminado su tesis para el próximo semestre.

La forma corta en negación es: won’t.
La forma larga en negación es: will not.

Oración interrogativa:

Will Tim have finished his thesis by next semester ?

WILL + Sujeto + HAVE + Verbo principal + Complemento + Signo de pregunta.
(en participio pasado)
¿Habrá Tim terminado su tesis para el próximo semestre?

Puede complementar la explicación a través del siguiente video en YouTube:
Se recomienda verlo para profundizar la explicación escrita.
Practice time
1. Escriba la letra o vocal correcta sobre la línea para completar las oraciones.

a. We will have rehearsed the play I will have given up smoking.

b. I will have found enough mushrooms before I leave the office.
c. By Friday they will have dug up 50 games in this team.
d. If he finishes his last film by 7 o'clock.
e. In two weeks' time he will have shooted 30 films.
f. By the end of this season he will have played before you start cooking.
g. She will have eaten her dinner the roads in King Street and George Street.
h. I'll have sent him an e-mail by September.

2. Utilice el futuro perfecto simple y la forma correcta de los verbos en paréntesis para completar el

A:  How long have you been preparing your campaign, Derek? B:

By the end of this month I will have been working on it for a year. A:
For a year? And do you think you _____________________ (launch) it by the end of June?
B:  I hope so. I suppose we _____________________ (make) all the posters and TV shots by then.
A:  Why has it taken you so long? B:
We needed a lot of data to support our arguments. Before we start it in July, several teams of experts
will have been collecting data for six months. And we'll have to sort them out. But we
___________________ (finish) it by the end of June.
A: I wish you all good luck, Derek. And I hope that before your campaign ends, the public transport in
our city ______________________ (change) for the better.

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