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Universidad de Concepción Departamento de Ingenierı́a Civil Metalúrgica

Profesor: Asieh Hekmat

Ayudantes: Matı́as Pereira
Susana Valenzuela

Práctica N*3:Bulldozer
1.Un Bulldozer trabaja 6 horas y tiene 2 horas de inactividad en un mismo turno. Defina la eficiencia de trabajo
del bulldozer.

2.En una mina a cielo abierto se ha decidido utilizar un bulldozer para limpiar el botadero de la mina. En total, se
requiere mover 1920 metros cúbicos de estéril por turno. Defina la capacidad del bulldozer considerando blade fill
factor: 0.8, swell: 25 %; tiempo de trabajo por hora: 50 min, horas por turno: 8, habilidad del operador: 90 % y un
tiempo de ciclo 1.5 min.

3. Determine el número de dozers necesario para mover en un solo dı́a, una pila de 5000 LCM; bajo las siguientes

a) Dimensiones de blade: L = 4 m ; H = 1.5 m ; W = 1.5 x H

b) Distancia horizontal = 100 m
c) Velocidad media de empuje = 4 km/h

d) Velocidad media de retroceso = 10 km/h

e) Tiempo de ciclo fijo = 0.05 min
f) 2 turnos de 6 horas cada uno
g) Factores de corrección:

Operador = 0.75
Loose stockpile = 1.2
Eficiencia = 0.833
*Nota: si desea, considere cualquier otro factor de correccion = 1. *Recordar que Blade load = 0.375 x H x W x L

4.Estimate the production rate of a Caterpillar D10N wheel type dozer with SU blade in the following condition:

Dry sand gravel with a density of 2900 lb/BCY

500 ft downhill with a grade of 20 %
Excellent operator
40 min/hr efficiency

The material is estimated to swell 20 %

5.A bulldozer can push 60 LCM of material per hours. In a mine with 600000 [ton] production per year, how many
bulldozer is required if:

Swell: 20 %

Ore density: 2.45 t/BCM

Working days per year: 300
Maintenance days: 30

There is 2 working shifts per day, each shift is 8 hours

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6. Determine the average hourly production (BCM) of a straight blade D7 bulldozer considering the following in-

A hard digging tractor with a blade length of 3660 mm and height of 1625 mm.
Dozer excavation speed: 2km/h
Max. reverse speed: 8 km/h
Push distance: 50 m

Job efficiency: 50 min/h

Swell: 20 %
Fixed time: 0.15 min.

7.Estimate the production rate of Caterpillar D8N dozer, SU blade, dry sand gravel and ore density 2900 lb/yd3 .

150 ft downhill 10 % grade

Average operator

50 min/hour efficiency

Práctica N*3 :OEE

8.The annual production of a mine is 12000000 tonnes per year with the bank density of 2.45 gr/cm3 . The density
of material will decrease to 1.96 gr/cm3 after the poorly blasting. Determine the number of cable shovels we need
to load material in this mine considering the following information.

Bench height= 15m

Percent of optimum depth= 100

Working days per year= 355 day

Maintenance days=28
Shifts per day= 2

Hours per shift= 8 hr

Delays per shift= 1.5 hr
Average cycle time= 35s
Swing angle= 75o

Job efficiency=0.9

You can use the following empirical equation to define the bucket capacity based on bench height
(H) BC=1.754H-11.544

9.The annual production of a mine is 40000000 tonnes per year with the bank density of 2.65 gr/cm3. The density
of material will decrease to 1.86 gr/cm3 after the poorly blasting. Considering the following information.

Bench height= 12m

Nonschedule time = 10 days

Schedule Maintenance days =20days

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Unschedule Maintenance days=5days

Truck wainting time=0.3 hours/shift
Rain days=3 days
Frog days=4 days

Shifts per day= 2

Hours per shift= 8 hr
Delays per shift= 1.5 hr

Average cycle time= 35s

Swing angle= 75o
Job efficiency=0.9

a) O.E.E factor

b) Shovel Production
c) the number of shovel we need to load material in this mine
d) the possibility of having and available shovel
You can use the following empirical equation to define the bucket capacity based on bench height
(H) BC=1.754H-11.544

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