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Sandra Herrera Zapata

Diciembre 2020

Servicio Nacional De Aprendizaje - Sena.

Centro De Formación Cenigraf

Tecnología En Negociación Internacional

Ficha 2104838
Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”

Conocer en qué consiste la selección de los canales de distribución y manejar este tema en
el idioma inglés le permite ampliar el campo de acción hacia otros países de cualquier
empresa que desee exportar un producto o servicio y con ello aumentar sus ingresos; en
caso de contar con clientes o socios de habla inglesa.

Por lo anterior y para desarrollar esta evidencia, consulte el material de formación

denominado Distribution channels y los siguientes materiales complementarios:

 Vocabulary.

 English prepositions.

Luego de estas consultas, resuelva el siguiente taller en inglés:

1. Lea cuidadosamente la siguiente conversación:

Susan: Good morning Mr. White.

Mr. White: Good morning, Ms. Susan. Can we start the meeting?
Susan: Of course, Mr. White. I have the options on the board.

Mr. White: That’s good. Remember, we need to choose the most suitable distribution
strategy for our products.

Susan: We have three strategies: Intensive, exclusive and selective. Intensive strategy
pretends to reach the largest possible number of POS (Point of Sale), but unfortunately
it’s difficult to control. That’s because we would have to deal with many intermediaries.
Mr. White: What about the exclusive strategy?

Susan: It’s different from the first one. Only it’s necessary one POS by each geographic
area, no matter if it’s retailer or wholesaler.

Mr. White: Sounds god to me. And the last one?

Susan: Well, it’s the selective strategy. It’s the intermediate strategy between the other

Mr. White: I don’t know. I like the first one, but I don’t know how profitable it is.
Hhhhmmm, well. What do you think?

Susan: Well, I consider that the selective strategy is the best.

Mr. White: You’re right. Well done.

Susan: Thanks, Mr. White.

2. Responda T si es verdadero o F si es falso.

a. The Company product is a cake.

T ( ) F (x )

b. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price.

T ( ) F (x )

c. Susan proposes three distribution strategies.

T (x ) F ( )
d. The selective strategy pretend to reach many POS.
T ( ) F (x )

e. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control.

T ( ) F (x )

f. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy.

T ( ) F (x )

3. Lea el siguiente texto y responda las preguntas planteadas posteriormente:

Economic aspects – understanding of cannel emergence

Economic reasons are the foremost determinant of channel structure. The

emergence of the wide variety of intermediaries can be explained in terms of
four logically related steps in an economic process:

 Intermediaries can increase the efficiency of the process of exchange,

 They align the quantities and assortments produced with the quantities
and assortments consumed,
 They make transactions routine, and
 They facilitate the searching process.

Dependence and cooperation

Each member of a distribution channel is dependent upon the behaviour of

other channel members. Four different approaches have been used to assess
dependence levels in channel relationships:
 The ‘sales and profit’ approach, which postulates that the larger the
percentage of sales and profit contributed by the source firm, the greater
the target’s dependence on the source.

 The ‘role performance’ approach, which assesses the firm’s role

performance in carrying out its role in relation to another company down
or up the channel.

 The ‘specific assets –offsetting investment’ approach, which maintains

that offsetting investments help to safeguard the target company against
opportunism by the source.

 The ‘trust’ approach, in which a long-term relationship is built on the

extent to which companies trust one another.1


1. The raise of such many intermediaries, are explained in ___ steps.

a. Three.
b. Two.
c. Five.
d. Four.

2. Intermediaries make:

a. Process of exchange.
b. Transactions routine.
c. New members.
d. Assortments.

3. A member of a distribution channel depends on:

a. Other channel members.

b. The retailers.
c. The wholesalers.
d. Intermediaries.

4. The ‘trust’ approach is based on:

a. The role of another company.

b. The percentage of sales.
c. How much companies trust each other.
e. Channel members.

5. The ‘role performance’ approach assesses:

a. The firm’s role performance.

b. The other channel members’ behavior.
c. Retailers.
d. Wholesalers.

4. Describa en inglés un producto de su preferencia, asígnele una marca y presente, tanto

las características como los costos de dicho producto, luego seleccione un canal y tipo de
estrategia de distribución según la clase de producto.


In Colombia the textile sector is in constant growth and especially the swimwear sector,
since consumers give great importance not only to wearing a beautiful swimwear, but also a
comfortable garment with exclusive designs. Costumes evolve and involute through time,
creating stereotypes, fashion periods, and stigmatizations. The big companies are in charge
of designing and categorizing society, of deepening beauty and highlighting the qualities of
women, of creating standards of sizes and body proportions, however, nowadays the
standards of these sizes are irrelevant since many brands are innovating with xl sizes, which
makes them go out of their comfort zone, where fashion must adapt to the external changes
of society.

The great variety of prices in this market creates a great challenge and at the same time a
great opportunity, it is necessary to enter with a differentiated proposal that allows to attract
the consumers for an additional reason at the moment of acquiring the product, taking into
account the great competition of the market in prices.

The swimwear in recent years have managed to position themselves worldwide, where
large companies have their brands leading the consumer market, these markets where the
United States leads as one of the countries with greater demand, you can enter to compete
in quality, design and product costs.


Fixed costs and expenses for the first year amount to approximately $88,143,850
Colombian pesos, the company's contribution margin is 59.86% which indicates that for
every peso the company sells gets 60 cents to cover costs and fixed costs of the company
and generate profit; The product with the highest margin of contribution is the 2 piece
swimsuit and on second level is theTriquini bath.

Initially it will be done by direct sales (Voice to Voice) in this way the brand will gradually
become known and be able to establish a point of sale of their own.

For the clients who want the personalized fabric, they will do it by means of a mail where
they specify to the person in charge of the design, how they want the fabric, the design of
the swim dress and the size.

Additionally, it will have an interactive web page where clients will be able to

your purchases on the Internet.


 Reduction of sales costs.

 Reduced distribution efforts.
 Greater control of distribution

There is a closer relationship with the client that allows to identify their tastes and specific



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