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Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Institución Educativa: Sol de Oriente

Área / Asignatura:

Profesora: Patricia Achicanoy Área: Inglés Grado: 11°

Duración: 5 semanas Período: 1

Competencias a desarrollar
Comunicativa Lectora, Lingüística, Pragmática, Socio - Lingüística
Situación de Aprendizaje – Pregunta Problematizadora
Resolución de preguntas de inglés que tienen que ver con situaciones cotidianas y descripción de experiencias y
Aprendizajes Esperados:

Comprende y utiliza expresiones cotidianas de uso frecuente.

Reconoce el lenguaje adecuado para pedir y dar información básica.

Identifica términos sobre aspectos del pasado y de su entorno.

Comprende textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas familiares.

Identifica la descripción de experiencias y acontecimientos en pasado y presente, deseos, aspiraciones y

planes para el futuro.

Ámbito conceptual:
Los contenidos que se está abordando de acuerdo con la estructura del plan de aula están relacionados con
actividades de lectura, gramática y léxico, como:

Identificación de avisos, relacionamiento de palabras con descripciones, completar conversaciones, identificar

estructuras gramaticales y significados, responder preguntas de comprensión lectora de nivel literal e

La guía se desarrollará virtualmente a través de encuentros sincrónicos y asincrónicos por WhatsApp. Contiene
siete partes. Que serán desarrolladas en cinco semanas.

Los contenidos temáticos de la guía están relacionados con: avisos, vocabulario, conversaciones cortas,
comprensión de lectura y textos con espacios en blanco.

Las explicaciones se darán en inglés y español cuando sea necesario, bajo criterios de flexibilidad y teniendo en
cuenta las condiciones y características de los estudiantes.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Actividades a desarrollar

Fuentes de consulta:


Es un diccionario en línea de traducción para los pares de lenguas inglés-español, español-

inglés y otros idiomas, además ofrece gran variedad de recursos lingüísticos. Se desarrolla
en una interfaz muy clara que da la posibilidad de encontrar lo que buscas muy fácilmente.

2. Diccionario inglés-español / español-inglés

Las palabras aparecen ordenadas por orden alfabético en ambos idiomas y el significado de
las palabras es la palabra en el otro idioma. Por ejemplo, si buscas «carro» te dice «car», y si
buscas al revés, «car» te dice que significa «carro».

Los contenidos se desarrollarán en encuentros sincrónicos principalmente, a través de

Whatsapp y en momentos asincrónicos, mediante videos tutoriales cortos.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 1:

Where can you look at these signs? ¿Dónde puedes ver estos avisos?

Mark A, B, or C. Marca A, B o C. Follow the example. Sigue el ejemplo.

A. In a horror house
KNOCK BEFORE YOU ENTER B. In a computer Respuesta: C
C. On a door

En esta parte, la estrategia consiste en identificar palabras clave en cada pregunta y

relacionarlas con una palabra de las respuestas.

1. A. In a station.
C. in a zoo.

2. POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS! A. At a police station.

B. At an accident.
C. At a police academy.

A. At a beach.
3. WARNING WET FLOOR B. On a roof.
C. In a corridor.

A. In a circus.
4. SHOWING ON NEXT SUMMER B. In a cinema screen.
C. In a botanic garden.

5. A. In a train station.
BABY ON BOARD! B. In a paediatrics room.
C. In a car window.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 2

Read the descriptions in the left column. Which word in the right column matches each

Lea las descripciones en la columna izquierda. ¿Qué palabra en la columna derecha coincide
con cada descripción? Puede marcar las respuestas trazando líneas que unan el número
con la letra.

Look at the example. Mira el ejemplo.

0. Respuesta: E
0. An area of water built for people to swim in

6. Glasses that you wear to keep your eyes safe A. Equipment

7. A hard hat that you wear to stop your head being hurt. B. Net

8. A special shoe with wheels. C. Helmet

9. An open space where games are played. D. Paddle

10. Things that are used for a particular activity. E. Swimming pool

F. Field

G. Goggles

H. Skate
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 3

Complete the dialogues. Select A, B or C. Completa las conversaciones. Selecciona A, B o C.

A. Yeah, I have.

Have you heard

about Billie Eilish? B. Yes, he heard.

C. No, I’m not.

Respuesta: A

11. Did Dave and his girlfriend break up? A. I agree.

B. It’s great.
C. No, they didn’t.

12. Why is Alice upset? A. She missed her plane.

B. She is studying.
C. Yes, she is.

13. How much is this shirt? A. A lot.

B. $ 20.000
C. Small.

14. Who knows how a heart works? A. No I haven’t.

B. Because I like it.
C. I do.

15. What time is it? A. It’s a quarter past ten.

B. Yes, it does.
C. I didn’t know.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 4

Read the text and select the correct word for each space.

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.


Real heroes are only human. They live and (0) ________ like the rest of (16) ________. But
fictional heroes are different. They (17) ________ life many years ago and they will live on,
in fiction in the future. Here are some favourite twentieth century fictional heroes.

The spy 007 has been (18) ________ for the British Secret Service (19) ________ 1953 when
Ian Fleming first wrote about him in Casino Royale. Fleming is now dead, but the spy still
lives on. The first film was Dr No in 1962 and since then (20) ________ appeared in over
twenty films.

Batman first saved Gotham City from evil with the (21) ________ of Robin, in a comic book
in 1939 and has been fighting crime from over seventy years. The team (22) ________ made
three TV series, as well as films and novels. The most popular TV series was in the 1960s,
and so our hero has recently appeared (23) ________ films.


0. A. dead B. die C. death 0. Respuesta: B

16. A. we B. them C. us

17. A. began B. begin C. begun

18. A. work B. worked C. working

19. A. from B. since C. by

20. A. he’s B. he’ll C. he’d

21. A. help B. helps C. helped

22. A. have B. has C. had

23. A. by B. on C. in
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 5

Read the article and answer the questions. Mark A, B or C.

Lea el artículo y responda las preguntas. Marca A, B o C.

Chocolate – like falling in love

Chocolate first came from Central America. The word
chocolate comes from the Aztec language and is the only
Aztec word we use regularly in English. The Aztecs made
a greasy, bitter drink called Xocoatl, from cocoa beans
mixed with cold water, spices and cornmeal. The Aztecs
used the cocoa bean as a form of money. According to
H.H. Bancroft, who was a historian, “four beans bought
some vegetables, ten beans bought a woman and a slave
cost 100”.

The explorer Cortes was the first person to bring chocolate to Europe. He presented
it to the Spanish Royal court in Madrid and served it with herbs and pepper. Soon
it became very fashionable to drink it mixed with sugar and vanilla and drunk warm.
Daniel Peter who was a confectioner in Switzerland, invented milk chocolate in the
1870s. Henri Nestle developed the process.

Chocolate contains small amounts of the chemical phenylethylamine, which is also

naturally present in the brain, and in which gives us the same feeling as when we
fall in love.

The world’s largest chocolate made was a 10m by 5m representation of the Olympic
Centre in Barcelona.

In 1980, the Swiss police arrested a young couple because they were trying to sell
chocolate secrets to foreign powers. They offered the recipes for 40 different
chocolates to the Soviet and Chinese embassies.


0. Chocolate came from A. Central America.

B. South America. 0. Respuesta: A
C. North America.

24. The word chocolate exists thanks to A. Spanish people.

B. English people.
C. Aztec people.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

25. In the Aztec empire, the cocoa beans A. trade with Spanish.
Were used to B. exchange goods.
C. buy wife.

26. Cortes went to Europe and A. Carried chocolate.

B. Discovered chocolate.
C. Invented chocolate.

27. It became very fashionable in Europe: A. the Spanish Royal Court.

B. to drink chocolate.
C. the explorer Cortes.

28. If you eat chocolate, A. Swiss people will thank you.

B. mix it with milk and sugar.
C. you will feel like falling in love.

29. The Olympic Centre in Barcelona A. Has the largest chocolate factory.
B. got the largest chocolate record.
C. was represented of chocolate

30. A couple were arrested by the Swiss A. chocolate recipes burglars.

Police because they were B. chocolate recipes falsifiers.
C. chocolate recipes spies.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 6

Read the text and answer the questions. Mark A, B, C or D

Lee el texto y responder las preguntas. Marca A, B, C o D.

Catching fish is one of the oldest ways of getting food. Today many people make their
living by fishing or by preparing fish for market. Most of the best fishing grounds are
in northern waters. Salmon and cod are caught along North American shores.
Norwegians fish for herring and the little silver fish called sardines. And each year
Dutch fisherman sail out in June to fish for herring. Japanese fishermen sail in many
waters. Modern fishing fleets make big catches in the more important fishing grounds.
And all over the world, people in tiny villages still get their fish in nets close to the
Great Food Regions of the world.

31. What is the writer’s purpose in this text?

A. Tell us about the best fishing grounds.
B. Explain why catching fish is important in the world.
C. State what are the best kinds of fish in Europe.
D. Write about fishing around the world.

32. What can the reader find out from the article?
A. Modern fishing is dangerous.
B. Many people prefer to prepare fish.
C. Fishing is an important human activity.
D. Japanese fish in northern seas.

33. Why do Dutch fisher men sail out in June for fishing?
A. Because it’s spring, special time for herring.
B. Because they want to catch salmon and cod.
C. Because they live close the shores.
D. Because it’s the herring’s season.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

34. Why is catching fish the best way of getting food for so many people?
A. There are many places to do it.
B. It’s easy and free.
C. They don’t know other activities.
D. It’s a very lucrative job.

35. Which of them is asking for fish?


I’d like it with salad some

rice and slices of fried

Bring it to me with French
fries, green beans and
tomato sauce.


Bring I prefer a beefsteak

with it, some lettuce and
boiled potatoes.


I’d like only buttered toasts

with it.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 7

Read the text and select the correct word for each space. Mark A, B, C or D
Lee el texto y selecciona la palabra correcta para cada espacio. Marca A, B, C o D


Centuries (0) ______, people (36) ______ have much free time, because everybody was working
too hard. In Britain in the nineteenth century, people (37) ______ more spare time, but because
the Victorians hated relaxing and doing nothing, they invented football, rugby and cricket.
People took up more gentle activities too, (38) ______ gardening bird – watching and train
spotting, and it (39) ______ even possible simply to watch a sport and give the impression that
you were actually doing something. But now, there (40) ______ a new type of person who
thinks that lying on the sofa watching television (41) _______ Sunday afternoon or reading the
newspaper (42) ______ cover to cover is the (43) ______ activity they can manage. This is the
twenty-first century couch potato. For them, every activity is too (44) ______ trouble, and
laziness is an art form! So how (45) ______ you spend your free time?


0. A. ago B. since C. then D. by 0. Respuesta: A

36. A. don’t B. won’t C. had to D. didn’t

37. A. have B. has C. had D. get
38. A. for B. like C. from D. by
39. A. was B. is C. will be D. were
40. A. is B. was C. are D. were
41. A. for B. on C. in D. at
42. A. since B. for C. from D. by
43. A. excites B. more exiting C. as exciting as D. most exciting
44. . A. many B. long C. much D. more
45. A. are B. did C. is D. do
Guía de aprendizaje en casa


Esta rúbrica es la autoevaluación. Puedes marcar aquí, resaltando cada nivel de logro Superior
= 4, Alto = 3, Básico = 2, Bajo = 1, según tus propios criterios.

Niveles de logro
Puedo hacerlo Puedo hacerlo Necesito trabajar
Indicadores mucha ayuda
Superior con ayuda más en esto
para hacerlo
(4) Alto (3) Básico (2)
Bajo (1)

Comprendo y utilizo expresiones

cotidianas de uso frecuente.
Reconozco el lenguaje adecuado para
pedir y dar información .

Identifico términos sobre aspectos del

pasado y de mi entorno.

Comprendo textos sencillos y

coherentes sobre temas familiares.
Identifico descripciones de experiencias
y acontecimientos en pasado y
presente, deseos, aspiraciones y planes
para el futuro.
Entrego cumplidamente las actividades
de la guía.
Asisto y participo activamente en los
Asumo con responsabilidad la gestión
de mi propio aprendizaje desde casa.
Resultado de la autoevaluación
Guía de aprendizaje en casa


Los recursos utilizados para el desarrollo de la guía son:

☺ Cuadernillos de preguntas Saber 11°.
☺ Diccionario físico y virtual.
☺ Conexión a internet para los encuentros sincrónicos y asincrónicos, y para las
respectivas consultas.
☺ Plataformas virtuales como: Meet; redes sociales como: Whatsapp; programa para
grabación de clases: bandicam
☺ Página web: Sitio en donde se encuentran las
actividades propuestas en las asignaturas de la media técnica de Sol de Oriente.
☺ Canales de comunicación:
☺ Whatsapp: 3165752154
☺ Correo electrónico:


Ministerio Nacional de Educación de Colombia (MEN). Cuadernillo de preguntas Saber 11°.

Bogotá, 2018.
Guía de aprendizaje en casa



Nombres: ________________________________________________________________________

Grado: __________ Fecha de entrega: __________________________________________

Marque con una X, con un círculo o rellene el espacio de la respuesta correcta.


1 A B C
2 A B C
3 A B C
4 A B C
5 A B C

Parte 2

6 A B C D E F G H
7 A B C D E F G H
8 A B C D E F G H
9 A B C D E F G H
10 A B C D E F G H

Parte 3 Parte 4
11 A B C 16 A B C
12 A B C 17 A B C
13 A B C 18 A B C
14 A B C 19 A B C
15 A B C 20 A B C
21 A B C
22 A B C
23 A B C
Guía de aprendizaje en casa

Parte 5

24 A B C
25 A B C
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29 A B C
30 A B C

Parte 6

31 A B C D
32 A B C D
33 A B C D
34 A B C D
35 A B C D

Parte 7

36 A B C D
37 A B C D
38 A B C D
39 A B C D
40 A B C D
41 A B C D
42 A B C D
43 A B C D
44 A B C D
45 A B C D

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