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Convenio 1456467 de 2020

Componente 3
English Language Teaching- ELT Influencers


Estimado estudiante,

A continuación, encontrará una prueba diagnóstica de entrada que busca evaluar su

nivel de conocimiento del idioma inglés siguiendo los parámetros y estándares de la prueba
Saber 11 del ICFES y el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia (MCER). Podrá tomarla con la
supervisión de su docente e identificar fortalezas y oportunidades de mejora en su proceso de
aprendizaje del inglés. La prueba está organizada de la siguiente forma:

Tiempo total para responder la prueba: 60 minutos

Número de preguntas: 55 preguntas
Parte Porcentaje Mecánica Habilidad evaluada
1 11% Conectar una palabra con su Conocimiento lexical del inglés
2 11% Identificar y relacionar situaciones Conocimiento pragmático
comunicativas a partir de anuncios
3 11% Relacionar la respuesta correcta en Conocimiento comunicativo
conversaciones cortas
4 18% Seleccionar la palabra correcta que Conocimiento gramatical
complete correctamente un texto
5 16% Identificar de información en un Comprensión de lectura literal
texto de manera explícita
6 11% Identificar la intención y mensajes de Comprensión de lectura
un texto a través de inferencias inferencial
7 22% Seleccionar la palabra correcta que Conocimiento gramatical y
complete correctamente un texto lexical

Tenga en cuenta las siguientes indicaciones a la hora de tomar la prueba:

• Lea y siga de manera cuidadosa las instrucciones al inicio de cada parte.

• Tiene (1) una hora para completar todas las preguntas.
• Debe marcar sus respuestas solamente en la hoja de respuestas o a través del medio
solicitado por su docente. Mantenga el cuadernillo sin rayones.
• Solo puede marcar (1) una respuesta por cada pregunta. Lea y siga las indicaciones en
el cuadernillo y en la hoja de respuestas.

Luego de terminar este diagnóstico siga las instrucciones que su docente le proporcione.
PARTE 1: Conocimiento lexical del inglés

Lea las descripciones de la columna de la izquierda (1 - 6). ¿Cuál palabra de la columna de la

derecha (A - I) concuerda con cada descripción?

Una opción (A - I) se usa para el ejemplo. Sobran dos opciones más.

En las preguntas 1 - 6, marque la letra correcta A - I en su hoja de respuestas.

Places in the City


0. If you don’t feel well, you can go to this place to see a doctor.

Respuesta 0 A

1. This place shows items of historical interest or for A. stadium

B. station

2. You can buy a pill and medicines for the cold here.
C. pharmacy
3. Fans go here to watch their favourite live events.
D. grocery store
4. They can lend you books or old newspapers here.

E. cafeteria
5. A shop where they can deliver your fruits and vegetables to

your home. F. library

6. A place for people to send and receive cash.

G. bank

H. museum

I. hospital
PARTE 2: Conocimiento pragmático

¿Dónde puede ver estos avisos?

En las preguntas 7-12, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.


7. A. in an office
Out for lunchtime. Back soon B. in a restaurant
C. in a garden

Sign up below for tomorrow’s group
A. in a gym
B. in a mall
C. in a restaurant

9. ONLY CASH HERE. A. at the station

B. in the living room
C. at the beach


10. A. at the airport
B. in the gym
C. in the bank
Keep your luggage with you at all
11. A. in a school
B. on a train
C. at a market
Dress Up! End of the Term Dance Next

A. in a store
B. in the cinema
C. on the notice board
PARTE 3: Conocimiento comunicativo

Complete las seis conversaciones.

En las preguntas 13 A 18, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.


13. Could you pass the salt, please? A. Sure, only one?
B. Sorry, I'm too hungry.
C. Of course, here you are.

14. What did you think of your classmates after today? A. It's amazing!
B. I loved them.
C. He's great!

15. Be quiet, please. I’m trying to concentrate. A. I'm sorry, I'll try to.
B. Sure, I’ll turn the volume up.
C. Sorry, I can hear.

16. What did you do on the last Christmas holidays? A. I go to the movies.
B. Nothing interesting.
C. I'll walk around the mall.

17. It's going to be a sunny morning. A. Sorry, I left it in the classroom.

B. I'd better take my sunglasses.
C. Leave your sunscreen at home.

18. Have you ever ridden a skateboard? A. No, I did not.

B. Yes, you have.
C. No, I haven't.
PARTE 4: Conocimiento gramatical

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 19 - 28, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

Machu Picchu

Did you know that Machu Picchu (0)……… not a city but
the residence of the Inca emperor Pachacuti? This fact
doesn’t change how surprised tourists (19)………. about
this ancient and majestic place. The Incas (20)………. it
hundreds of years ago and then left it abandoned
(21)………. the time of the American conquest. As a result,
(22)………. of the Spanish who first came to Peru knew about the existence of this place, even
when it was popular locally. (23)………. 1911, a historian, Hiram Bingham, explored the city after
many others had forgotten about it (24)………. published articles and photographic evidence
for the world to know. As a result, Machu Picchu became one of the main tourist attractions in
the world and every year thousands of visitors walk along some of the (25)………. streets they
have ever seen in (26)………. lives.

Teams of archaeologists helped in the reconstruction of the three main structures and the
surrounding buildings to give tourists a close idea of (27)………. they looked like at the time.
After all, it has stood since the XV Century and it continues to be one of the Seven Modern
Wonders of the world. Machu Picchu is a symbol of an advanced civilization which knew about
complex architecture and engineering. Nowadays, proud (28)………. say that they know what it
means for the history of humankind.

Image taken from:



0. A. was B. were C. are

19. A. feels B. feel C. feeling

20. A. build B. built C. building

21. A. by B. for C. through

22. A. Few B. Many C. Little

23. A. At B. In C. On

24. A. but B. or C. and

25. A. small B. smaller C. smallest

26. A. they’re B. their C. theirs

27. A. which B. how C. where

28. A. Peru’s B. Peruvians C. Peru

PARTE 5: Comprensión de lectura literal


Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.

En las preguntas 29 - 37, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas.

Nemati’s Journey

Zahra Nemati is one of the most important athletes in the history of Iran.
She was born in April 1985 in the city of Kerman. She developed a passion
for sports which eventually led her to hold a black belt in taekwondo and to
dream of competing in the Olympics.

However, in 2003 she was in a serious car accident and was left paralyzed.
She couldn’t stand, she couldn’t jump, and she couldn’t practice taekwondo
anymore. This made her feel both sad and disappointed because she
couldn’t continue to practice the sport she loved. But, like many athletes,
Zahra had plenty of motivation and decided that her career was not over.

She decided to try a sport she could do in a wheelchair – she began to practice archery. Her
performance was high enough to soon be competing against athletes who were not in the
Paralympic category. Now, determined more than ever to compete at the Olympics, Zahra
trained every day and was selected to represent Iran at the 2012 London Paralympics. There
she became the first Iranian woman to win a Paralympic gold medal. In 2016, Zahra carried
her country’s flag at the Brazilian Olympics in recognition of her incredible achievements. As
she led the Iranian team into the Paralympic stadium everyone could see the excitement and
happiness in her face. Being able to represent her country as a Paralympian meant a lot to
her. She says that it sent the powerful message that it’s not impossible to compete at the
highest levels even when life gives you a big test of strength.

Her success resulted in significant media coverage back home and inspired other women to
take up sports, particularly archery. “When I came back, I only saw friendly faces” Nemati said.
“tears came down my eyes when I entered Kerman city with people welcoming and applauding
me for returning home.”

Taken and adapted from: Ministerio de Educación Nacional Way to go! 7th Grade. Bogotá D.C.
- Colombia Impresión: Panamericana Formas e Impresos S.A. Available online in:
By Tasnim News Agency, CC BY 4.0,

0. Zahra Nemati is A. an athlete

B. an actress
C. a historian

29. Where does Zahra come from? A. She’s from a small village.
B. She’s Iranian.
C. She was born in April.

30. As a taekwondo athlete, … A. she competed in the Olympics.

B. she became a high-level expert.
C. she won a national championship.

31. When did life give Zahra a difficult time? A. In 2012

B. In 2016
C. In 2003

32. Zahra’s body A. was responsible for the accident.

B. stayed strong for taekwondo practice.
C. stopped moving as she wanted to.

33. After the accident, she… A. stopped loving taekwondo.

B. kept practicing the same discipline.
C. was inspired to follow her dream.

34. Zahra started to practice archery A. she didn't need to stand to practice it.
because… B. she knew how to do it since she was a girl.
C. she has always liked the Paralympic games.

35. How long did it take Zahra to get to a A. A long time

high level? B. A short time
C. Not mentioned

A. convince the committee to give her the flag.

36. Her role in the Paralympics led to… B. become the first Iranian woman to win a
C. demonstrate that there is always hope.

37. How did people in Zahra’s hometown A. They knew about it from the TV and the
find out about her success? radio.
B. They also lived in the city of Kerman.
C. They were friends before the Olympics.
PARTE 6: Comprensión de lectura inferencial

Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.

En las preguntas 38 - 43, marque A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas.

Many old people are very lonely because they do not

have families, or their families do not keep in touch with
them. Living abroad, demanding careers or even internal
family conflicts are often cited as some of the most common
reasons to keep relatives apart from their elders. This can
cause them to get depressed. Nowadays, some elderly
people live together in special places known as retirement homes or old people’s homes. For
this reason, a new practice to help elderly people in these places is becoming very popular. For
example, sometimes small kids from kindergartens come to play with them for a few hours a
day. This increases substantially the levels of satisfaction towards life from the elderly and, at
the same time, the little children are excited to be the centre of attention – apparently their
parents neglect them too of the quality time they need to have.

There is another option for students who need a place to live. As they are students, they
cannot pay high rent, so instead, they volunteer to help elderly people: they cook for them, get
them things from the supermarket, or simply keep them company in exchange for a place to
live. In the end, research has consistently shown that one of the biggest regrets people have in
the final years of their lives is not to have spent more time closer to those they love the most
rather than big job promotions or buying real state. (Question 43)

Taken and adapted from: Ministerio de Educación Nacional Way to go! 8th Grade. Bogotá D.C. -
Colombia Impresión: Panamericana Formas e Impresos S.A. Available online in:
Image taken from:

38. What is the best title for the text?

A. Broken Families: a chronicle.

B. How we are helping the elderly.
C. Trapped in the prison of families.
D. Young people can save lives.

39. Sometimes parents and their children don’t see each other because
A. the money they earn is not enough.
B. the old people cannot work anymore.
C. their sons or daughters live far away.
D. retirement houses will not allow it.

40. Small children visit the elderly

A. since they do not have anywhere else to live.

B. because their school requires homework.
C. in the interest of families of the elderly.
D. as part of a practice to help the elderly.

41. What does the author believe about families these days?

A. Both young and old members of families don’t receive enough attention.
B. They can’t afford dormitories for students in college campuses.
C. Teenagers and adults suffer the most in the situation.
D. They should stop sending the elderly to retirement homes.

42. What can a reader infer about the text?

A. People are not usually motivated by promotions at their work.

B. Children struggle to be the focus of attention with the elderly.
C. Elder people are usually more open to talk about their lives.
D. Scientists have investigated what makes people feel dissatisfied.

43. Which of the following sentences completes correctly the space in Paragraph 2?

A. After all, what these experiences show us is that we value company above anything else.
B. In the end, results of research can be contradictory to what people believe as they get old.
C. Finally, families will be eventually able to spend more time together doing what they like.
D. As a result of all this, retirement homes have become a major industry around the world.
PARTE 7: Conocimiento gramatical y lexical

Lea el texto y seleccione la palabra correcta para cada espacio.

En las preguntas 44 - 55, marque A, B, C o D en su hoja de respuestas.

The Emberá People In Colombia

Colombia is (0) ……….… rich country in terms of cultural diversity. The Emberá
are an (44)……….… group from Colombia and Panama. (45)……….… , the
Colombian group lives in north western areas of the country. Most Emberá now live
in towns and cities, but some still live in (46)……….… or small communities next
to a river. Emberá people often build villages near rivers and they eat a lot of fish,
maize, plantain and fruits. Traditional activities (47)……….… farming, hunting,
fishing, canoe making, basket-weaving and pottery are important for their economy.
This means that Emberá people (48)……….… a lot of the clothes, accessories and
tools they use for everyday work.

Many Emberá people continue (49)…………… traditional rituals and use Jagua fruit to draw black
patterns on their bodies for celebrations. Traditional houses made (50)…………… wood and leaves are built
on stilts. People need education, medicine and energy to connect with the modern world. Many Emberá
villages do not have (51)…………… money to pay for these things. People in these settlements
(52)………….. materials from mother nature in order to produce food and crafts as an early form of
economy. (53)………….., they sell them to local people and tourists to (54)………….. money. As the years
go by, the Emberá prove to have become a civilization capable of adapting to modern times (55)…………..
losing their heritage.

Taken and adapted from: Ministerio de Educación Nacional Way to go! 8th Grade. Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
Impresión: Panamericana Formas e Impresos S.A. Available online in:
Image taken from:


0. A. a B. the C. most D. once

44. A. local B. native C. Indian D. indigenous

45. Therefore B. Even though C. Specifically D. However

46. A. villages B. localities C. cities D. districts

47. A. that B. since C. such as D. how

48. A. make B. do C. play D. build

49. A. followed B. at following C. to follow D. follow

50. A. for B. in C. about D. of

51. A. few B. some C. enough D. too much

52. A. were taken B. has been C. takes D. have taken

53. A. Then B. When C. Before D. Already

54. A. win B. lend C. borrow D. earn

55. A. by B. for C. after D. without


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