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鱒 ロigital
、 〔1
ISSN: 2602 8085
Vol. 3,坪2: P. 78-97, enerO - marZO: 2019

Determinaci6n del potencial energetico del pigiie

(Pi霊〕tOCOma Di§CO賞or) en la amazonia ecuatoriana.

Dete潮間a高OI7 qrrhe p脚e (P動OCO周a Discolo7)鋤e培eric poteil融高説)e

Ec請a〔わγia?l A II!aZOIま.

Juan Elias Gonzalez∴campo Morillo Robles+ Jarmeth Garc扉, Janeth CdrdenasJ, & Den).


晴S患                                ‡

ABST鼠ACT DO霊:油王〉・、小1甲ご用章一付出朝出申開融点吊、1黙
Three me血od$ u,ere u9ed to k11Ou. the real ¥.alue of caloric po¥¥.er, COnSidemg thc

ma堪読§ Of鑓r°章S tha( arc c○調調硝ed寄書庇mo調enl of calculat読罫書章,ぐ亜e「 by血e

method ofbromatoIogICal狐al).SIS, Or PrOXimaL For the bromatoIo81C如analySis, and

as a s旭ndard the calorimetric pump言l・ith res亜s of 19.66% erfOr言"th a reliab油時

margm of 80 34%. It "’aS therefore import紬=O aPPly the Ihree methods紬d correct

Ihc errors u§l重1g malhemat重Cal model§. The anal).Sis ofthe fiber ¥¥.aS tcken into acco腿t

to rea句u§l thc c種lorlmctrlC forInula紬d the co卿s劃t lO Obtam rellable ¥"alues of98,7%

and ¥1証h a m紺gm Of error of l.3%. According to the theory ofreal errors言掴elatio組

to the data obtai鵬d fron書the calorimcter was 19.07 (MJ / kg) as energetic potenlial of

lhe P頑le, thc other method ¥¥.as thc proximal analySIS, Obtaining a m種rgin of鍵でOr

Supe章iof Of 5,19 9も劃d ≠・血a rel重種b重l重く〉′ of 94.819iる. B〕・耽飽鵬Of a ma血馳Ia書ic櫨重

InOdeling for fixed and `.Olatile carbon. the constan was a匂usted and a句usted

Ihrough the integral formula, ¥¥.e Obtained 99.9% rellable results for the calorific ¥,alue
in WOOd bioma§S for energe高c purposes for the Pigtle (PoI融融a d龍co/oγ) in the

A肌批On rき畠ion of Ecひ患dor.

Ke)WOrds: Caloric, biomass, Pig鵬and energ)..

Se utilizaron tres mctodos para conocer el `.alor real del poder ca16rico吉O鵬iderando

Ios m紅genes de errores que se cometen al momento de calcularlo, !・a sea med ante d

m6todo de andli§is broma(O16gieo, O PrOXimal. Para eI an航sis broma1016gico, y COmO

patrdn la bomba calorim宛ica, COn reSultados dd 19,669o de error. con un margen de

!じ加l・鑓沸d8d E細くal Ama討議C亀C紺でe絶4e A昌でo書血u諦lお, Pas‡湘.とc腿d糾jg〇億zalcz@uea-edu・∝

高高音ef5!dad王sta融A皿a寄料筒. C紺撮d` i g章o狐do軸心. P鵜枇a, Ecひad〇㌔ C掛o重鵬@蝿.edu.eぐ

うu榔・㈱td3d E細雨A船紙料珊ぐる, C紳輔a dc A挫°狐d同鵬P純t捌南的d飾j室料鴫ueる.ed朕書
膏肌.erSidad Estatal A皿aZ6mca. Carrera de Agroindustrlas_ Pas飴槌3 Ecund針言狐edur2009 ㊧gmai!.co孤

S Unl‘.e縛tdad Tec職o絶堅Ca de la Habam CUJAE.しa Haba的. Cuba・ deny@ceter.c甲

CONOC書Ml〔N丁O GしoBAし P締na宣de 19


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