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español yo comer yo como yo comi yo comere

ingles i eat i eat i ate i will eat

español tu correr tu corres tu corriste tu correras

ingles you run you run you ran you will run

español el caminar el camina el estuvo caminando el caminara

ingles he walk he walks he was walked he will walk

español ella decir ella dice ella dijo ella dira

ingles she say she says she said she will say

español eso tomar eso toma eso tomo eso tomare

ingles it take it take it took it will take

español nosotros llevar nosotros llevamos nosotros hemos llevado nosotros llevaremos
ingles we carry we carry we have carried we will carry

español ellos ver ellos ven ellos vieron ellos veran

ingles they see they see they saw they will see

español yo mirar yo miro yo mire yo mirare

ingles I look I look I looked I will look

español tu hablar tu hablas tu hablaste tu hablaste

ingles you speak you speak you spoke you will speak

español el llamar el llama el llamo el llamara

ingles he to call he calls he called he will call

español ella dormir ella duerme ella durmio ella dormira

ingles she sleep she sleeps she slept she will sleep
español eso pintar eso pinta eso pinto eso pintara
ingles it paint it paints it painted it will paint

español nosotros escribir nosotros escribimos nosotros escribimos nosotros escriberemos

ingles we to write we write we wrote we will write

español ellos leer ellos leen ellos leyeron ellos leeran

ingles they read they read they read they will read

español yo abrir yo abro yo abri yo abrire

ingles i open i open i opened i will open

español tu estudiar tu estudias tu estudiabas tu estudiaras

ingles you study you study you study you will study

español el cerrar el cierra el cerro el cerrara

ingles he close he closes he closed he will closes

español ella jugar ella juega ella jugo ella jugara

ingles she play she play she played she will play

español eso orar eso ora eso oraba eso orara

ingles it pray it pray it prayed it will pray

español nosotros bendecir nosotros bendecimos nosotros bendijimos nosotros bendiciremos

ingles we to bless we bless we blessed we will bless

español ellos guardar ellos guardan ellos guardaban ellos guardaran

ingles they savin they savin they savined they will savin

español yo compartir yo comparto yo comparti yo compartire

ingles i share i share i shared i will share

español tu escuchar tu escuchas tu escuchabas tu escucharas

ingles you listen you listen you listened you will listen

español el tocar el toca el tacaba el tocara

ingles he touch he touches he touched he will touch

español ella besar ella besa ella beso ella besara

ingles she kiss she kisses she kissed she will kiss

español eso beber eso bebe eso bebio eso bebera

ingles it to drink it drink it drank it will drink
yo estoy comiendo yo he comido yo comeria comida
i am eatting i have eaten i would eat foot

tu estas corriendo tu has corrido tu correrias carrera de autos

you are running you have run you would run car races

el esta caminando el ha caminado el caminaria pies

he is walking he has walked he would walk feet

ella esta diciendo ella ha dicho ella diria palabras

she is saying she has said she would say words

eso estoy tomando eso habre tomado eso tomaria objetos

it is taking it has taken it would take objects

nosotros estamos llevando nosotros hemos llevado nosotros llevariamos mercancia

we are carrying we have corried we would corry commodity

ellos estan viendo ellos han visto ellos verian tv

they are seeing they have seen they would see tv

yo estare mirando yo he mirado yo miraria personas

I am looking i have looked I would look persons

tu estas hablando tu has hablado tu hablarias palabras

you are speaking you have spoken you would speak words

el esta llamando el ha llamado el llamaria telefono

he is calling he has called he would call telephone

ella esta durmiendo ella ha dormido ella dormiria cama

she is sleeping she has slept she would sleep bed
eso esta pintando eso ha pintado eso pintaria cuadros
it is painting it has painted it would paint picture

nosotros estamos escribiendo nosotros hemos escrito nosotros escribiriamos cuentos

we are writing we have written we would write stories

ellos estan leyendo ellos han leido ellos leerian libros

they are reading they have read they would read books

yo estoy abriendo yo he abrido yo abriria puertas

i am opening i have opened i would open doors

tu estas estudiando tu has estudiado tu estudiarias español

you are studying you have studied you would study spanish

el esta cerrando el ha cerrado el cerraria puerta

he is closing he has closed he would close door

ella esta jugando ella ha jugado ella jugaria juegos

she is playing she has played she would play games

eso esta orando eso ha orado eso oraria DIOS

it is praying it has prayed it would pray GOD

nosotros estamos bendiciendo nosotros hemos bendecido nosotros bendejiria casa

we are blessing we have blessed we would bless house

ellos estan guardando ellos han guardado ellos guardaria secreto

they are saving they have savined they would keep secreto

yo estoy guardando yo he compartido yo compartiria alimentos

i am sharing i have shared i would share foods

tu estas escuchando tu has escuchado tu escucarias ruidos

you are listening you have listened you would listen noises

el esta tocando el ha tocado el tocaria objetos

he is touching he has touched he would touch object

ella esta besando ella ha beado ella besaria labios

she is kissing she has kissed she would kiss lips

eso esta bebiendo eso ha bebido eso beberia agua

it is drinking it has drunk it would drink water

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